Agriculture iMm !!'iii.h'-t".ii1.1" ' i- 1 ." ' ' IIints von tkb Skason, Tbowork of iha spring mny bo larghly nnticipntcil in w lutcr. While tlio storm is raging around and tho oold forbids out-door wo -k on the farm or gerden, tbc plans and tools and soeds may bo prparcd sons greatly to fa cilitate operations when, spring-time ap pear. Tbc horses and oxen, on whoso efficiency to much depends, should bo kept in a condition of improvement well fed and watered well sheltered when necessary, nud every way comfortable and the moro comfortable they aro made, the better will thoy be able to do their work, or to sail at ir ratos when you want to dispose of them. .Never was moro wrejtched misman agement then those farmers aro guilty of, who leave their oattle shivering in cold and rain, with the wind racking them painfully and redering largefc supplies of food needful to keep them from perishing. Well sheltered animals, kindly treated, will do better on less food through the winter, and work more efficiently when the spring timo requires them to exert their energies. The horses should be freed from tho cruelty to which they are too generally sabjected, iu uncomfortable poorly light cd, badly ventilated, and foul smelling. Good exercise it is for the boys to give tho noble animals frequent brushing ; aud it is profitable work, too, for the horso is not (like his master sometimes) forgetful of kindness shown bin in bis time of need. Tho poultry of all kinds which Bhould bo around a country homestead deserve and will well repay the caro now bc towod on them. With the earth frozen or covered with snow, they may seriously suffer for want of the water, lime, gravel, or other matters they usually pick up around Thoy should have a good supply of sueh matters, under shelter, where they will be freed fiom ice or snow Fat chick ens, turkeys, geese or ducks, and plenty of eggs, will repay largely all tho trouble fif unti pnns!rlir it a rrnnVil in mif. rlirup . ' 1 I matters in COOd order. O ' I And then as for seed, do not let another 1 . , , day be IOt before Securing a supply of tile I best of each kind that maybe wanted in j spring. Uetufrom those who preserve it in purity and otherwise in good order, ' (if you have none yourself,) even though it may tost you a little more timo and ex pense than it would to get along with a poorer artiolo. Without good you cannot have good crops, no matter what labor or expance you may bestow on farm and garden. Now this day, and not to-morrow U the time to thsse things. Sufficient to each day is the business thereof ; aud there is enough chalked out for your for everv tlav that can be devoted to business I - 1 roeorviug, of course, all proper time, and plenty of it, for recreation, as well as for the duties Of good lieighdorhood and the' officers of religion. H'ttkly Wvrll, n . .. All 1 IT 1 . .T wAKiuau. iwi camo suouia DO uscu to the card- They all enjoy it much when used to it, and nothing is better for the akin of any animal than frequent rubbing. A card is better than a post in the yard, ' for tho card reaches all parts of tho anim als, while a post touches only tho projecting "boces. Another important difference between a card and a post is, that in cardinc, the , 1 ' auimal is mado tame and gent'.o, and may bo yoked with ease or caught for tho pur. pose of leading about from placo to place It is quite important that heifers and steers are treated in the kindest manner when oung, for tho labor of breaking and hand ling is much diminished in after years, Cattle should bo fed often, giving out but a small quantity each time. They then watt loss, and cat with better appeti C3, then when largo piles aro but before them to breath upon and render foul. Advantage or a Lit ilk Knowl edge. The mysteries of maguetiam should be unfolded to tho sailors, above all men, ineo ho is one of all others whose safoty depends upon iis phenomena. He should be told that on clectromaguotio principles ha would materially influence tho march of the ntedlo by wiping the glass that screens itespecially with silk. It i3 somo years tinco a fact was communicated to us, which may be adduced in illustration : it was that of a ship which arrived atLivor pool, after having been for several weeks llio tportof winds and waves j tho mariner's compass having been washed overboard in a Uorm, their voyapo was dreary and procrastinated much caution beini; ueces- Miry, and despito of which their fato, but tor a tortuitous circumstauco, might have beui inevitably ended. Now, had the einip.c fact of tlie estremo ease with which a iuuriuer'8 n.-edle might bo inador been known to any on board-, tho peril might have bocu avoided. A sewing needle, or the blado of a pen knife, being held in an upright posture, and struck by a hammer, uu i subsequently floated bv cork on water or -uspouded by a thread without toison' v. wild become a magnetic needle, and point njrth and fouthj or the end of a poker h Id vertically and passed over itSRurf'ac '( n r io t xtrcmo to h Mi.r would ini--la, and which, if tha needle i vt ti wouiii do o: a permauent L i ,ct r- Look to your Interests ! FRESH ARRIVAL PALL AND WINTER GOODS, AT MILLER & BYER'S. qillfi subs'rlbers linvo Just returned from the City JL, With another large nnd select attortmet of Fall nml Win lei- Montis, purchased at Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, and which they arc determined to sell on as moderate terms as ran be procured elsewhere In lllooiiiiburg. Thslr stork comprises uivies- intKss aoons, of choir, st styles nnd latest fashion, onr nouns, axi oiiocekies, it intm'inii ivr.rXn'Aiic, ct'.D.m ir.inr., hollow ware irox. xails, floors snoi-.s iijits cirs, Ac , yc, In short everything usually kept In rnuntry Stores i 10 wnirn incy mine me puimc generally. me nigncst price pain lor country produce, .MlkLLK tc ci Kit. inoomsourg. May li, IMil PltOTEOTION FROM LIGHTNING. 'I'HE subscriber would Inform lits friends, that ha It 1 now prepared to put up, on short notice, and In a acienunc manner mo oeti PLATIX.1 POIXTKD LICIHTXt.W RODS, lit 131 cents per foot. All work warranted. i:. II. RIDLUMAN. Dloomthurg, May 21, lfiCO. NEW JEV,'ELTiy STOHE. nUII! undersigned, respectfully Informs tlio citizen of 1 Uloomtburg, ami the public generally, that he has e-s-tnbl I oli.I a new floro. on Main Street, liloonuburgi In Mr, l.encock's Rullding, where he niters for sale, on moderate terms, n large assortment of VL OCXS, IV A TCUES .J- JEWEL R Y, Of every "Oft, and slzo nnd description, lilt tock of Jewelry Is complete, including every .UI.IJT UUU.tP IIIU urn,,, II. 1,1 ' I'll III 1U II R , Chains. Lockets. Hrentnln. I'limer-rliies. clcii't to till examination of which ha Invite! the public gener ally. Ez-Ftrlct nttentlon clvnnto rcpalrlhg Clocks, Wntch ee. and Jewelry, and all work warranted. W.M. B. DRAKE. Dlooml)Urg, May 4, 1K1 tf. THE Weekly "Patriot & Union." THE CHEAPEST PAPER PUBLISH ED IN PENNSYLVANIA ! - AND TI1F. ONLY DEMOCRATIC PAPI'.Il rUBMSHCD AT THE SEAT OF COVEKNMKNTI i-OHTY-FOUK COLUJINS OF READ ING MATTER EACH WEEK I AT THE LOW FlUCF. OF ONE DOLLAR I WHEN SVXSClllBKn FOR I.Y Cl.UJiS OF .VOT LESS TH.1X TEX COPIKS TO OXi: .IDVHHSSt The period for which many of our subscribers have paid for their paper being on the eve of expiring, we take liberty oi issuing this notice, reminding ihcmofthr same, in order that tuey may RENEW THEIR CLUBS. We shall also take it as an especial favor if our pres 'nt subscribers will urge upon their neighbors the tact that the I'ATRtor and Union is the only Democratic pa per printed in Hurrisburg, and considering the large amount or reading matter, embracing all the current nens ofllw day, and TE LEG It A PMC DOS PA TCIIES From everywhere up to the moment the naner noes to , press, political, miscellaneous, general and local news, mariict reports, is oeciueuiy uie CIlCAPilST XEWSPAl'KR rUBl.lSHED IX THE Sr.lTEt There i scarcely a vlllege or totviiinihe State In which a club cannot b3 raised if the proper exerlinu bo ...n.Ib .,.,! Iu . e.... - I.. .. more energetic men cannot ho found who ire in favorer the dissemination of sound Democratic doctrines, who would be willing to make the effort to rnisj a club. DEMOCRATS OP TUB INTERIOR ! VIMeMal! ie.sionVof congress and the su Kidhrtue'Vew.'. u"u'Ui" ,":"e't, andcm' ,ua" VJB R31S. DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION. Single copy for one year, In advance 84 00 Single copy during tin session of the Legislature..! 01) WEEKLY PATRIOT Ani) UNION, Published ecery Thursday. Single copy one in advance 83 on Ten copies to one addrcBS 10 OU Subscriptions may commence at any time. Pay al ways inadpance. Any person sending us a club ol fifty subscribers to the Weekly will bj entitled to a copy fur his sen ices. The price is so low that we cannot offer greater iiitiiicouienii man mis. Aiiititlons may be made at any time In a club of subscribers by remitting $1 for each additional name. It is not necessary to rend us lb,! names of thoso constituting a club, ns we cannot undertake tnnildrcss each paper to club subscribers s.'p- nrately Specimen copies of the weekly will be sent to an wnu ucsiru it. O IIAUKETT & CO., Ilarrisburg, Pa. CHEAP MILITARY CAPS ! MILITARY CAPS, of every sort, size and quality, fur sale cheap at the llloomsburg Mat A; Cap Emporium. .i.e.. ...uwiibB, uuut.uiuliai III, ...I il TP, OCC. JOHN K. CHITON. Bloomiburg, Sept. 14, 1601. i'KOSPEtJTUs OF THE Jn.UVil.ll I THE BEST MECHANICAL PAPER IN THE WOULD. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. VOLUME VLNEW SERIES. A new volunn of this widely circulated papercora enccs on the -llh of January. Evei-v ninnk., ' ",eful information, and rmm nVo to ten ongiunl enirrnviugs of new iuventioiiB and dlccove- ries, nil of which ore prepared exprcsidy for its colunn tort-stB of Popular Science, tho Mechanics Aris, Jlanu. ufctures, Inventions and Agriculturo, Commerce and the Industml Pursuits generally, anil is vnlunblo and instructive not only in the Workshop and Manufactory b it also in the Household, the Library and the Ucadine Room. To the Mechanic unci Manufacturer ! No prrsorn engaged in liny of the mechanical pursuits should think of doing without the Scientific AtitnioAN It costs hut four cents per week ; every number CI.' tains rrom six to ten engravings of new machines: and inventions, which conuot be found iu any other publl. cation. It Is an established ruloof the puhlishers to in sen none but original engravings, and those ofthc first class in tho art, drawn and migrnvcd by uperleuccd persons under their o supervision. 'Jo the Ihtcnturl The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is indispensable to every inventor, as it not only contains illustrated do rriptions or nearly all the best inventions as they coma out, but each number contains an Oiticial List of tho Claims of all tlm Patents issued from tho Uuite, states Patent Otllcu ilurinr the week nml fi.... -i...... . correct bistort' of the progress of inventions in This couutrr. We are also receiving, every week, the best scicntllte Journals of Groat Britain, France and Oernia ny ; thus placing in our possession all that is transpir ing in mechanic al sciencu and art Iu theso old conn, tries Wo shall continue- tn transfer to our columns co pious oxtrncw from theso journals of whatever wo mav deem of Interest to our readers ChttMits, Architects, Millwrights and Farmers! The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN will be found a inott useful Juiimal to them. All the now discoveries in the science of chemistry uro given in us colums, and the interests of tho arijiltect aud cirponter are not over looked: all thu new iiiveutinns and ducuvtrlcn uiioer talning to theso pursuits being published from week to weak, Useful und practical inlormation perlaininir to tho interests of millwrights and nillbowiiers will bu found published in tho Scientific, American which infor. maJion they cannot possibly obtain from any tuher source, bubjects in which planters and farmers are m. terestcd will be luund tliscussed in the Scientitk Amur, icau j iiif.tof tlw iniprovemenls in ugricallurul iiuplo meiils being illustrated in its columns. 1 TERMS, To mail subscribers Two Dollars a Year, or One Dollar foi tlx inoutlu. One Dollar pat s for ono coin, pleto volume of 41U pages; two volumes comprise cm a ear. The volumes commence on the first oirjAM.'jitY and Jplv. OLUn RATES. Fivo Copies, for Six Months . Ton Copies, for Six Months . Ten Copies, for Twelve Months: Fifteen Copies, for Twelve Mouths Twenty Copies, fur Twelve Months SI s 415 . S2d For all clubs of Twenty and over.iha 0,1,, . 1.. tiou is only 81.40. Names can bo sent in at different limes and from diirerciit Pust-nlllces, Suecimeii cetiies will be sent gratis to any part of thu country. Westsrn and Canadian money or Posl.ofhces namna taken at par for subscriptions. Canadian subscribers willpljaeto remit M rents extra 011 each year's sub. scriplion let pre-pay pottage. W.U'V? C0" rwhlishor., I Dec. 11.1601. -N-3n-ark-row,NewYo,k. HOME AND SETTLE ' HOSE knowing tliem-elves Indebted tn the under. sb'iied Br Ii r bv notiduil tl) rniiin j n if BAtl ai. accounts without f tihcr notice, lam now In esrnsiii IfiiotattJiiJect to soonth.iir accounts will be placed in proptr hands for cillccllan. iu 111 T T t s . . GlJiL tt l'AUL, lommis.sioii ilkrcliants, ORALFH IIS Hih, rroTltlntit, Flour, liuttrr, Cheene, Olio, Dried Trulls, (train, Heeds, llcnns, Whiskey, Wool, 1 Country Produce nnd Merchandise generally. No, 34 Noim Wdatcs, I'UUDtl.fitu, &y Conilgnments of Provisions. Flour and Country Prnrtiii-n nllrltml. nml return itromnllv in.liln. Inaii hdvnncod when desired. I ORDERS for all kinds of I'iih, Provisions, Flour, Dried Fruits, &c tilled tlliolownt Cash Prices. August 4, lCO-Wm. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. TUB undersigned respectfully Informs Ms old friend) nnd customers, that ho has purchased his brothers interest In the above establishment, nud the concern w lis hereafter lie conducted by lilmscirexclusllcly. lie lias just rcceiveii nml oilers tor sole, the inrg. est and most extenslvo assortment of FANCY ST(1 VI19 ever introduced into this market. Ills stock consists tf n comideto assortment of i the bt rooking and patlor stoves ill the inarkrl. tuzith. . er Ith Stove Fixtures of every description, Oven nud II... Ulni'A. Iln.lln.n.. ill,., n. f-n-. t.,,. tl. Tight stoves, Cannon Stoves, A.C., Jtce. Stovepipe and Tinware cnnstantlv on hand and manufactured tllrcd to Order All kinds of repairing done, as usual, on short notice, ' Tho patronage of old friends and new cutmnars re spectfully solicited. A. .11. IlUPJillT. llloomsburg, November 3d lfCO.-tf. WALL PAPER 1 WALL PAPER 1 JUST received from the tnanumctnrles In Koston, an article of most excellent quality, I phnllcugn enmpc I tltlon as tn tlylt and prtct. The undersigned will keep borders to match nnv of the Stvles on hand, nnd Is thconly Uxp? rlcncod Psrm Hahobr :ii this Section or the County -tllvo my Intensive Stock nil Uxnmlnatlon before Purchasing. (U Call at llupcrts Post Ot7icc. E. J. TIIOnNTON, niooinsburg March W,l lni . TRUNKS 1 TRUNKS 1 1 rpiIE largest, best handsnm I est nnd cheapest assort ment of Sole Leather solid Riveted Traveling Trunks. Ladle' llvnntt Drctt Trunk Children's Coachrs, Propel- ier i. earner nnu carpet nags 1 jtM5V W vt"tl Packing Trunks ice, fee. a '"lfffWW& THOMAS W MATTSON'S. Celebrated London Ttite Medal lmnrovcd sheet spring solii sold Leather Trunk manufactory. No, 402 Mnrko streii, South west corner Fourth and .Market, l'hllad'a. August r lii7-tf. States Union fijoicl 006 & 008 MARK FT STR1JET ABOVE SIXTH, j'liuwr.Lrnr.i. J. W. POWER, Proprietor. Tkums : SI S3 per day. .May 12, lFCO-lJm. R E MOV A L I! tlini M! Ar Co. V V Us mr Mi - vv W Commission Merchants and dealers i?i Fish, Cheese ami Provisions, No. 103 Arch street, 2nd door above Front, Plii'ntlel hia, a? 11, 3-1 ly J. P. BI U 15 IJ K , (Successor to J. S. Sorver.) mtOLVJSJlLi: DEALER IX TOBACCO, MUFF AND CIGARS, No. 8 North Fifth St., above Market. PHILADELPHIA. Also, Manufacturer and Importer of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC SEGAKS. May 12, lrf.0-12in. BgOT AND fiROitiMAKaim THE undersigned, having opened n new BOOT AND SUCH SHOP, on viain street, In llnpkinsville. Ent llloomsburg. respectfully invites the. custom of tho citi zens nud thu public -generally. Ail kinds of Boots, Shoes, &c , will be promptly made to order, cm short notice aid tnodcratn terms. From long experience iu his line of business he Hatters himself that he will bo able to give general satisfaction to nil who may favor him with their custom. ITT" Grain. Provision and rroduce generally taken in exchange for work. II. r. BROOKS. llloomsburg, July n,lMil-3ni. JOLINE & LEE, No. 10, NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. HOPE MA5UKS AND , S HIP CIIA Nl) L E R S , Spun Cotton for Caulking, Ropes, Twines, Tar, Pitch, Oakum, Blocks, and Oars, A.c. August I, 1M0- 12m. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. 'IMIE undersigned would inform thn citizens of fiSg llloocnsbuig and vicinity, that he hasjiif-t re -wis eived unci otfers for sale one of the moslextensivr "f- assortments of ('l)OKIN(i anil FAN- Y 8TOVES over introduced into this market. The hri'topli.-r O umbus, James Itobb and Globe are among the first i l,is cooking Stoves, nil of which nro air-tight and gag burner Ills Parlor -toves are haniUoiiiP luid the ascortment vn rled. ALO-Particular attention Is paid tn Tin-Ware nud House Spouting, upon short notice. All kinds of repairing will bu done with neatness and despatch. K" Country produce taken iu exchange for work. PHILIP S. MOYER. B ootnsburg, Oct, 3, ISCft M EVAKS, 10,000 (lU.NTEJJ , A u' !nrtl per Hour! W Tli PrMtUtwuo.,iljl,i l,,Uc hol . O Prt.i. it e,i,l.i. S A. . rsmhLii, latTITVTS (Jll i: - Klllblllul, . . ' Prlnli. Call lA l'.iill O T TImiuiiiiJ Ca,J, p' p tu , wt ijU la-rnti ir.ti, t.a.1 I Cor.I.lbrnrj.'FOUrtTII HT. bolow Cbsnln it, August IT, liUl. M X ' 'AT M M ; 4 ATTORNEY AT LAW, IlLOOMSBURa, P.I. Office in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charlu It. Buckalevv, Bloomsburg, Dec. 4 1S31I. NATIONAL HOTEL '3 (Lato Whito Swan,) RACE STREET, ABO VK THIRD PIIUjAnEl.l'HIA. JOHN 110YER, Proprietor. T. V. rtllOADS, Sup't. Nov. 1(1, IBM. (Mnrrh 2, 1601-12m.) V U M P M A K T N G . THE undersigned inform the public generally that they have formed a co-partnership, and v ill comm. lie Ihe business of Pump making and repairing, in nil their various departments, iu llloomseurg, where they will promptly attend to nil orders ill their line of busi ncss. whether in town or niiiiiti-v. tvuii nnu t, intern rmups, wiin icnuen ripe, mado in the best style of w orkman ship, on moderate uer.ite terms, and ' on very soon notice. From long experieiiro in the business, snd nn earnest desire tn have their work commend itself to tlio public they feels conildeni thev can make it an object to llioso who innyglvo them their custom and render eene. rul satisfaction. JOHN CRUTCIILHY. JOHN CU1.P. Blonmsburg. April 13, 1601,3m JBEtlUK! BKfiCK!! HMIE undersigned is prepared to supply Brick, of a I gooil quality, at fair price. He will ho found lit tho Britk Yard of I), 1 M'Kinny, near McKelvy Jlc Neul's Furnace. Persons desiring In purtha.a will do well to cull as brick will be made und must tit told. J. II. Fl'RMAN, Ac int. try 100,000 now on hand nnd ready for sale. Blonmsburg Fcb.0, 1001-3m, J. II. T. S. jUOK6A.IV IitOWR')i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BEDDING AND FEATHER "WARE HOUSE, No. 13 North Sscond Street,' Opposite Christ Church, PHILADELPHIA. C7 Constantly nn hand, a largo assortment of Beds, Mattresses, Paillasses, Cushions, Hair, Husk, Cattail, and all articles in the line at the Lowest Prices, X. 11 Particular attention paid- to rtnacatinn Xtte an OU Feathers. .March 2, lbtil-2ni. P. 0. HARRISON, M. D. WOULD rospectfull inform the citizens of Blooms burg, and vicinity, that he continuesthe practice o .VKIHVI.YE AXII SUHUEHi; nd solicits a share of public patronage, Omen. 1111 Main Street, first house below the Court House, illoonmburg, Fcbruury 3, ltsSJ tf. B K H 3? X Si g II. 0. IIOWER, SURGEON DENTIST RESl'ECTFl'LLYoirors his profession al services to the ladie s und gentlemen of Bloomsbtirg and vicinlly. He is prepared In altend to all thu variuua minriitimia i the line of his prolessou, he s provided w ith tlm latest inproved porcelain teeth, which will be ius rted on gold, platlna, silver and rubber base) to look as well as the natural teeth, Mineral plate and block teeth manufactured and all operations on teeth, carefully and properly altssdsd to Irfl'OlUANT NATIONAL WOltlvS. PL'llLlHlli:il HY D. Al'l'LUTO i CO. 'M!i ftii' M5 liroudwu ,) New Jhrk. Thn fi lowing rorksnio sent to Pub crlbflrsliianypar orilucmintry, (upon rtcelpt offitail pric.-,) by mail or e.ipr. ss it pnlil . Till: Nl'AV AMI'.RICAN CYOI.OlMUll A A popular Dictionary of Iti'iicral Kmin ledge, lldilud by UhoRiix ItirLir nii.l i;jrius A. IU. nldeil by u numerous eu lert corps of writers In ull branches nisclcnciesi Art nud Literature. This work Is belli! nnhllslied In buut is I lurgu oitavo volumes, each contnlntiig Toll two coluiti pages, vois. iio.mii inclusive, aro now renuy.ontn containing near S.Siki, original articles. An udilitlonal volume wilt be published once In about three months Price, In Cloth, 83) Bhccp.SI igj Half Jlor., 94 i Half Kussla, $4 50 each The New American Cyclopedia Is popular without sec. Ine mpcrflclal, lenrued but not pedanlc, cnmprchensln but sutlcltnlly detailed, free from personal phpio nnd party prejudice, fresh and )et accurate. It Isu conipluto statement of nil that Is known upon every important top ic with the scone of human liitcllluencu. I'.verv imiiort. nut article In It has been specially written fur its pagos by iiieii whonro niitliorlllc upon the tuple on which ii whcijiro niithorltic-i upon the toplcoii whifli 1 frM, ihe very verg, of nu untimely grin u, perfectly se leak, 'lhey are required, to bring the subject up t" I curing to thorn that uniform enjoyment of health, wllh sent moment tn i state Just how It stands neie. All i (l,lt W,c, Hfj t,0r Is but n partial blcs-lng, So greut mny spenn Ihe itresenl the statistical Information Is from the lalett reportu; llio ! geograplHcnl accounts keen p.acJ with the latest ctp oru I turns I hisiitium ,iiiu,i;r nu iiiiie lilt' iresiirsi just vietvi the biographical notices not only speak oftlie dead, but also oi me living, u is n niirnry oi itscii. or tiik I)kotk orl'imiriKss I Ilelngn political history nf the United States, from the organiza tion of tin: llrst Federal Congress iu 176.1 tn l:'5u, IMIt cd and compiled by Hon, Thomas II. IIlmto.-i from Uiu Of flcial Records ofCongrtss. Tho work will be complied In 15 royal octavo volumes of "AO pages each 11 of which are now ready. An addi tional volume will be published oncn In three months. Cloth. S3; I.nw Sheep, $ I 50; Half .Mor $1; Half unit si .in cntn. A WAY OF FltOUUIUNO TIID CYCI.OPV.DIA, Oil IIKIIATF.S. i orin a ciuo oi tour, nnu renin tnc price oi lour uooks, and 11 vo copl-s III be rent at the remitter's expense fur carriage. or for ten subscribers eleven copies will be scut nt our expenrefor cmrlage. TO AGENTS. No other works will o liberally rcwurd tho ctortloin of Ageots. An Aopst Wantui in this County. Terms made known on application to the Publishers. Nov. SI, IfiiO. LIFE INSURANCE. THE aiR.lim LIFE IXSUR.1.WE, .1XXVITV AXI) TU V.ST COMP.1XV OF PUILADV.L VHIA. I omrr, mi. 4iMciikstm;t stiiiec CAPITAL (paid up,) $:iuu (I00. Charter Perpetual. pOXTINIJEto make INSURANCES ON LIVES on v the most reasonable terms. The capital being paid up and Invested, together t illi n large and constantly liii renslng reserved fund, oilers a perfect security to the Insured, The prcmlumus must be paid yearly half yearly, or quarterly. The Company add a BONUS periodically to the insu rances of life. The FIRST BONUS appropriated in De cember, It'll, the SECOND BONUS iu December, 1C4II, the THIRD BONUS iu December, ie51,and the FOURTH BONUS in December, 1H.VJ. E"These- ndditlons nro luado w ithout requiring any increase in the premiums to be paid to tlio Company. The following nrc a few examples from tho Itngister. Amountof Policy and Sum Bonus or bonus to bo increased Policy Insured addition by future additions. No. HO 52.-1OO 8 "0 $:i,3r7 50 " 134 300C mm cjo 4,0.10 no ' 1!H) 10IKI lllll DO 1,4011 l)( " 333 5000 IST.'i 00 (l.HM 00 " &c. kc, &c. &c. Pninpelets, cnntnlning tables of rates and explanation, forms of application, and further information can be found at the otlicc. THOMAS KIDGEWAY, President. Jso. P. James, Actuary. , , I-F.VI L. TATE, Agent. F. C. Harbison, Eiamininrr Phyiieian. October 10, l57-ly. j III. tinderslgti-d Is also extensively engaged In the , vdertainir Business, and keeps constantly on hand nu for sale nt his Wnrnroonis, a largo luBortinutit of FINISHED gjg) COFFINS, nv wnicn no is enatiieci to nil orders on presentntinri A wo Keeps 11 gni, Horse and Hearse, and will nt al times he ready to attend Funerels. SIMON U. HII1VF,. Bloomslnij-g, January ffj. 1659 535.00 Pays the entire cost for Tuition iu the most popular and successful Commercial School Iu tho country. Upward of Twelve Hundred young 1111:11 from twenty-eight diff erent StntesJuvo been educated Tor biiMiioss hern with in the p,it three vears. some of w limn have been em ployed as Book Keepers nt sa'arie of 82000.00 per Annum, iinmcdlntelyiipon graduating, who knew nothing of ac counts when lhey entered the College. IL" Mini--ters sons half price. Student" enter nt any tlmc.iind review when thoy plcase.vvithoiit extra charge. For Catalogue- ofcMl pages, Specimens of Prof. Cowley's Business ami Ornamental Penmanship, and n large Eu grav mg of the College, inclose twenty-live cents in Post age .Stamps to the Principals. JI1NKINS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jan, S, 18(11 ly. ESTRAYSi "AME into the enclosures of the subscriber, living in ' I.cicun township, Columbia couiity,in the early part ofDecc.ti.b-r, a RED CO W. Supposed to be about seven years old and a YOUNG STEER, Supposed tobo sonic threo years old. The owner is requested to prove property, pay char ges and take them away or they will he disposed of as the law directs. 00 J0"'v CILLIO. Dec, 23, 1S0I -3ttf. Fire Proof Ceiiicnt for Sale n ,u', 'tpri"r t int i noorwEMENT.especially adnp. " tor .i-menuiig 11001s. line gallon will cover 100 reet or ordinary rboflng, ami is insured proof against rniii nnd wet weather. Can be had at manufacturers prices, by the gallon or half barrel, al the office of thu uuiumuia i'eiuocrai. LEVI L TATE. llloomsburg, July 13, leui. 'GIBSON'S DECORATIVH USTrt UMSI.miJN'T, No, 12S, South Eleventh Street near Walnut, PHIFa,1.lKBiiBSBA, Enameled Class, Fresco, Oil and Encaustic Painting Jons OiBio-r, q ji fj,Bllc. January 12, IS01-3m.. t.iesox, TOBACCO &, SEGARS. MARSHALL HUGHES. with 8HS A E N & !S; -a to lT WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Ma 11 niacin ml & hear Tobacco, HAVANA (5 Kit MAN AND DOMESTIC, SEGARS &C., Ni E, Corner of Front and Arch Streets. AHTUL'K IUOCN. j JAMI.S h. novo, ( PHILADELPHIA. March 10, ledO-lim. THE UNION," Arch Street, Abate Third. P n I A D E Is 1' 11 I A . 1MIE situation of this Hotel renders it one of the most . convenient for those who uro visiting Philadelphia on business; while to those in search of pleasure, the constantly passing unci repassing Clly Railway rats, and thoso iu clctse proximity, ulford a cheap and pleas, ant ride to ull places of interest unci amusement in or about thn cily. Tho proprietor gives assurance that ''The Union" shall ho kept with such character us will meet public approbation, and would respectfully solicit, general pat ronuge, L'lTON S NEWCOMER Fcbiunry 25, lPf,0-lJn, Proprietor WANTED AT THIS OFFIOU. llrcf. Pork, Poultry, Honey, f.'raln rroduce, Cldar ruropklne, Potstoss. Corn. Otis, Hsy 4 Ccinrtslki, Blooinibmi, Oct CtV, 16L -Jitiusir ijunnrjii u uiil't slckin si an nt n i . t tnmi. nil iiialmllcs tiatllesh is belt tn. If tin v will null fnliiiw til 1 counsels of natuic, nml tnku thu tiiedlcitis which b.'st nssl-ts h.-r In her operations. That medi cine Is the Vegetable Ufa Medicines of Dr. Morr.tT, known an Moffat's Life Fills and PUCENIX BITTERS. Tlieso Medicines linvo now been before the public for n period of 'M years, and during that time have main tallied n high character Iu almost every-, part of tho globe for tho extraordinary curative properties which they possess, Moilat's Life Pills. Moffat's 1.1 fi) Pills nrc Indebted for their name to their manlfi'st uii.1 -n!ble action In purifying the springs ami inannen oi me, nun rntiniig in nu w uu reueweu tone and Igor 1 nnd to the undoubted fact that nt a very otrlvnattln ttieir history, they had riscucd siiliVrers In. Iced h id their ttl'oiicy Invariably proved, that It was scarcely less than miraculous In llinso vtiin were tiiinc qualnt. d with the bountiful philosophical principles upou which they were- lompouiided, and upon which they consequently act. , MOFFAT'S PIKENIX :J1TTE,'S. Moffat's Plioenlt Bilters uru so called, bicnii - they possuss tlm power of rt storing tin uipiring oiubrrs of ii'nlth tun glowing vigor throii 'Iniut the constitution, I as the Phiienif is s.vid tn bo restored to life from the 1 aihes ol lt- own dissolution. 1 Dis- ases. 'i'licre is probably no one tinkle, given its a meulciiie, the lnJucioii use of vvlilili has caused such wine-spread and terrible imsclil if to the human system us 111 rciiry, Its pi ison sinks deep into the system, penetrating tlm unbalance of the hones, and producing u long train of p.ilnliil diseases. It is well Know 11 that many alieitlnus of the throat, of the hones, of the nose, nud iiiallmiiint sores, which linvo ceen nt- trlbuted to sJphlllSi lire so often caused b) Ihe Injudi cious use of mercury, so that tlio remedy has pioved worsv than the ilise.ise. LIl'l! PILLS AND PIUENIX BITTERS. Thn Life Pills und Phoenix Bitters have itlwntsbccu signally successfcil ill this cluss of illscus'-s, nud will eradicate nil the ell'cUs of mercury from the system, sooner than the most powerful preparations of s.irsa parilla, They aid nature In resting fiom the systetiiull poisonous matter, unci b) thus purifying the vital lluids, they restore the sytem 10 health. Bilious Complaints. A well regulated and propor tionate quautlt of bile upon the stomath is always re '.. . .-, . J. d gestiou, and keeps the intestinal canal tree, from all quisite tur uie proiuiiiioii oi suuuu ueniiii-11 Btiiiiuiati s obstructions. On the interior surface of the Uvtrisu peculiar bladder in which the bile is lirsl preserved, being formed by the liver from the bluod, Thence it passei, into the i-tolilacll and inteslliies, und regulales ' thu digestion, '1 bus we sec when there is n dt ilneucy of bile, the body is constantly costive. On Ihe other hand, an over uonndance of bile causes frequent ii.ius- s on thn stomach, and often promotes very severe nttaens of diseases, which sometimes cud iu death. LIFE MEDIO INKS. The Life Medicines should, if possible, be taken in the early stages of bilious complaint ; and If perse- vereel iu stnitiy according to direction-! will positlv. I) 1 eU'ect 11 cure. Their eMcustvu use Iu thin complaint in I ull parts of onr cunliuout, renders comment uuueccssn. : ry their virtues s-peak for tliuui. Moll'aftf Life Pills. The use of these Pills, fur a very short time, will tilled all entire cure ol all Rheum, 11ml 1 u striking improvement in the ilcnrncs i.f tho ski n. Common Ccdds and Iiillneu.a will nlwaj be cured by one dose, or by two even in the worst cases. Pitts I Pats 1 1 The original proprietor of these .Med- ' Icines was cjiircu 01 rues 01 .1.1 )enrs btauclliig, by Ihe use of thn Life .Medicine alone. I.ivnn CoMPLtiNr. An nllittlon of the Liver ina) bo known byu filling of tension or pain in the right side nbout Ihe region of the liver, often pungent as in pleu -1.. 1 ...: .i..,i . n .1 1 ,i ..i... 1.. .1 - !..'.... risj . nut nn 11 i;,, mil-a uu 1 1 , .1 in in 1 11 1 ij 111 11 rutt ing it long breath i dry cough nnd inclination to vomit. '1'liltf 1I1 HCBsu may bo produced by cold, by violent exercise, by 1 intense summer heats, by long continued bilious fever , or uguci and by various solid coucretiors 111 tile sub stance nl the liver. And to these producing curses, lira deraugemi tit of the dieestive organs, suppressed -teere-lions, nnd mental solicitude, which ar very frequent caus'is of obstructions and disjases of the liver. This disease should heurrested 1 is the commencement , which ca-i bu done by 11 few dos -s cf the I .if Pills, , When once the liver is aroused to th- perf nuance of 1 its proper f.iiictions, little more is requisite than tnron. thine 11 proper use uf the ineillelncsi and u tpeedy re covcry w ill ensue. FfcVKR and Aufi: - For Ibis scourge of the Western country, these medicines will bn found n safa, spceuv aud certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of the disease a cure by these .Med icines is permanent. Hcnori'n.-The most horrible cases of crofiila, in which the face, bones and limb of the victim had been preyed upon by the insatiable dis-ase, are proved, by undeniable authority of ihe sutlcrers themselves, to 1 have bien completely curd byth-.-iie pur 'ly vegetable ! uu'diciuee. alter all others had been fumid mure than ' usclc&s. , Indigestion aud Dyspepla. If we were called upon to specify one disease which more than any other is the bane, (while it i- the oll'spriugof livilizatii'iiVwo should iiuiut! Dvi-pcpi-iu. It it generally nlceudccf, or ralhcr productive, of 11 long train of ill-., such us Hciitbiirii. Flatukiic), 11 gnawing pain at the Mniuai'li when empty a sense of uncomfortable weight wli 11 full, pains iu the throat, side and pil of the stomach, co-tiveiies., chilli- 1 ness, languor, unwillingness to tak'icxcrene, 4-c J .MOFFAJS, LIFF. MI.DICIXF.S. j .Moffat's Life Medicines arc peculiarly adapted to the : cure of this distressing roinplaiiit They net upou the bowels iu a very mild, and, nl Uu same time, vryeu"cc- 1 manlier, nnd have never ye t fnileil to cure this ilia easj when used according to our directions. 1 (ffiicrnl Debility, The mot common of all com plaints is of u general weakness of tlio whole sys- ' li'isi. uiiarc'cuiipaiiieil by -tny pnrticulir disorder, or tie- , filiate symptoms of disease. There is a little vital en- ( t rgy. a loss of appetite, unwillingness, and indeed in.T I hilily to undergo eqirliimt. frequent headaches, judj-gi'i-Iioii. ollc-iitiines sallowncss and nryn 'ss of the skin, tendency to feverishuess, unhtness for society, lit short uti iii.ibi; ,i,iiiini 1,1 iHii;iiiri iii'uieiuuc, nun vteaK- ness that give ev iclenco of n failure in thu vital pow ers, and n low, unhealthy and morbid condition of the now.' if tbc 1 , system, Life I'ills ana Pliot nix Bitters. The Life Pills and Phoenix hitlers are. nerhniis. the best remedy for restoring strength to til l for.thcy ail us a gentle ritttaurtic, and, by their tonic qualities, SlteilL'llli 11 tun tt lliiie vmciii Moll'.it's Lifj Pills. Persons of np'ethoric habit, who aro subject to lits, lia,laih.-, uiilillnesi, diiiiness of sight, or ilrciwslii si, from too great ,1 flow of blood to tee lu-nd, should take tlieio I'ills frequently. AllVICF. TO I'UMALLS. lVtunles who value their health should never be without thu Life .Medicines, ns 1 huy purify the hloo I, ramove obstructions, nnd give the skin a beautiful, clear, healthy and blooming appear anre. To Elderly Persons. -Many henlthy aged Individuals who know the value ol Mc.ltat'H Life. Medicines, make it a rubi to take th jiii two rr three times .1 week, by whiih they remove Hi.- causes that proluce disease, preserve their health, and keip off the infirmities of age. Facts for Mothers and Nurses.-It is a fart, estab lished by the annual bliss of iimilalitt, that oik half of tho chll rcn borne nrc cut ojl' before attaining seven years of ago; and tho f1111f.1l source of this mortality is round to exist in that foul stale of the stomach und bowels which produced tho feneration of worms. As the safe restorer of infantile health 111 this critical state the Lifj .Medicines have long he ld a distinguished repu tation, and for foulness of ihe stomach nnd bowel", nnd emu iilsioiis, ultltoiigh worms may pot exist, it is allowed to be superior to liny other. " Moffat's I'illi and Hitteis. - io inedieini s nt present known linvo done so much good to mankind ns theto, within thu last few years ; and certainly none have been rewarded with more numerous, und authentic tes timonials of their invnriable iindeitensivuetricucy They leqiiiro no dieting nor confinement, are perfectly mild and pleasant in their operation. Inn will power fully restore greatest or earthly blessings to the most exhausted and dilapidated cnnMitutioiu. Prepared by Dr. WM. 11. MOFFAT, 335 llroadway, New Vork. And for Hale by all Druggists aplU 111 ly. T II E G 11 E A T INDIAN WJUi TEA! FOR FEMALES. DR. ENGLISH'S INDIA.N VIIGHTABIJ KHIsUKKAfJOGOIS. This Celebrated Female Medicine possesses virtues unknown of anything elso of the kind, unci proving elf eitiinl oiler all others have failt-cli ills prepared from nn "Indian Herb" p"culiiir lo Northern .tlusico nnd Tex as, and is "sod by the Natives in prolitciui! thu muntii lysicknsss. It i deiiiriieil for both iiiuiirit-d und siiigls ladies, unci is thu very b. stilling known fur tho purposo us it will remove all obstructions after otli. r remedies havu been tried in vain, It is 11 pleasant tea, contain ingiiolhiiiR injurious to health, unci a cure to bu relied upon iu all casi's, Prolapsus Uteri, or f.illini; of the Wombj Kloucs Al bus, or Whiles i Chronic Inhumation, or Ulceration of tlm Womb; Incidental lleinorago of I'loodiug , ami dis ease uf tho H() I lie. HJ" Ladies In the early stage of pregnancy are cau tioned against tho use uf this tea, us it will produce miscarriage. ritePSREn AKO SOLD BY DR. C. W. r.NCiLIHII, No. 21(1 t-OUTII SECOND ST. I'llll.Alll.lif.MA, - ..v.,, in.... tun KiircuunH iur uicj p Bti!U iy hx?rcfH m ii1 li n"y ntld,rylK- ...... ..... w m , Ml, VU,,,IU,U I l-lile I.UII1- Planus, in pc-reon or uy letter, and will furnish the- (lut ta-pereha leuialo Syringe- highly reinmiueiided by thu Faculty to married ladies for special piiipnscs. Also Radical Curu nnd oilier Trusses Improved Ho. taryaiidripine Abdominal Supporters-Shoulder llracoe l.laitlc and Lace- Hlocklngs-Bpinal Apparatus, for Weak and CurvcdBiiino-and Instruments fur all dc fonnities. A large Block of the above articles constant. ly on hand, and will be furnished at lowest rates by "'i; . ,, - .iniisurviiieui uiiu iuh particulars. j M e .i, Liiiiiiiiiiiiii-aiiuns stricuy connecntlali further particulars please Address, PR. (J, W, ENGLISH!, 210 South Hecond Street, below Dork, PHILADELPHIA, PA By I IUVE NO AflCNTS. Nov. 16, 1NI-I2m. Wt'S I EBtiV BIO J'KIi w .id tutte.iv div I BUMJ, NOB. 0, 11. 13 and 16 Oourtlanil Ktrnni iiuo. "i it, o uuu i u uouriiaDII Street, BOARD 81 CO PER DAY D. tl WINCHESTER. - - T08 V, WINCHESTER. NEW YORK, rL Mr and for ran prnnir cot-e or Jlorvoni Prostration, Oonornl Dobillty, Asthma, Dyspapsltx, fjcrofula, llarasmns, ParalysJj, Chronb Drouchltlj, Anemia, Chloroils, and nil DUordcra of tlio Elood Syittm. DO YOU KNOW IT? coxinirrioN m tup. iktt fatal mtotoci; cf WAN'ia.N'll. It lias been truly regsrdsd 31 ax rrcrn iEMunr rew ever surviving Its attack. " CntrtM tirthnuhih Aiimcin rrtfe." sas Dr. Cnciinnti, "an IIORK THAN 11SF. IIAIJ" OF AIL Till" AMT.T TOI I'. l.ATIONof mortclvliiwdcoDimti?.ltl:s 1 1'.IIISII P.Y IHH 1IISEASI." VI al a tad comtatulory oa ILe lifted Alcacy of tholltallrtg Art 1 Tbolirilllait l lscovrry Of Er. Chwrhlll, made to the Imperial Academy of llrdlcltie, of Paris, has proved an iivjtlmaUt ti:c ti tho w rid. By lh v- of this ntr s.Ld iv.rul rct'icficJl agent, known to (licm'.ttry m THE HYPOPHOSPHETiES, "The CUKE it CONSUMPTIOlf, omi In the fleeoml nnd Third Hinges (nt n reeled, therefoK-, xrhcu tboro can bo tie doubt ns ti 'lie ut the Dleee) Is the RULE, rtb'lo DEAllI IS THE nSCEl'TlON." . "I K-XOV,',niy Dr. C, "that they will prove not only ns UlflU A KE2I r.DY In OONSLMI'TIO.-X as Quinine Is In Inter mittent Tcvcr, liul also ns etlcettinl 0 P 11 EG 12. VAXIVi: ns Vneclnnlloit In Smull P." Let no sufferer, who values health sad life, drbvv cm ' ,Jlll Kllll IIIHIVIUrUI. ..VIIIVMIUVl iiw, -- INIV.II.'U , , better than cure." IHtvare of scir-dewrpllcn , or thi hour to try this remedy. I'.cmewbcr that " prcvtl"o toothing aouranco rf friend that " It it only lUtlt coM " I'atulerror to myriads who now (111 p, cmaiurn gravc3 1 dive, I vou, yromft attention to tie) EAaURSV SIOKS OF CQMStiMPTICN. "Ami Titian SKiNd emii. rouow iron." JArrlfc. "TiiOMrliVlfyniptom of tubercular disease li VTrr.iti. ItirtcJ(ieceuia,itud It Is earlier, In pointer timo, than tho incite. It Is Drf t manlfostcd in tho fa-t and Avid. Tin muscular tUlu.s wasto j henm fctn.utT : thero ll c.:s.50f tomctlilog wrong nclimHht.lnn rovnsia arai twmixa. Tlio vinfe of tho livlag machlno li more active than Usrgxitr." Dr. Illok. " It.vitSemtmyeippmnl cui,orusider the Inflticnw or cat pos which Induce vriunxusd and muairi- . j E cemt,ori'f, cttrmib, exeat, prcfiiancir, cii.'illcarinj, nn.fny, )ii;.t'i groui'i, or tccotriy fun tUica-e, u prsoa to lose mg ue.-ii, htrcngiu. color, of appotlto; If hi nufleri from ihortnns of IrcaJa, rvnlcrrseu. unci cxnerlcr.cta .1 central It tllnc c.r 1,7,1- nuor nud ilcvreMien.lHIJU: IS llKAJON 10 1 1P. he it clreaJv fraUfoted to the eamnlaivt. If to lhtr.0 rymptoms bo added covn, however slight, particularly If it his rnmo on slmvly, or during tho fair nun, IHE PROUABIUTV M GRCATEK STILL." Chunhiil. EFFECT OF THE REMEDY. "If, on ibei earliest appenranee of tbeso sbtts of Consumption, the pntlvnt takes dally nhmit ten crnliu or tbc. IIYrOrllOSmiTrfl, he Trill msuoIIs sco them all disappear In r. period varying from n few weeks to n few months 1 nml hj eontlnulne Ibo occasional nso of the lleiaefr, J1E VIXJi SntD ILY FIND HMSILr IN THE rKJOYMEMT Or SUCH HTALTII AS RE, PEI1KAFS, 1IAB NUTJCtt known uis tirr. nrroiii-:." "Winchester's Gonuino Preparation" is -rnu oxi.v keliaule Torm of Fr. Churcilh's remedy. Vade from tho original Tormula. 'Jhj oct.c.a cf tin Ilpoph. s;lilt.K lsiTt-o-roiDBiid ipeclfle : iutjtn'f)ithopil::c,ipleuicii co.MTiUTia kkrtcis r-ptc, they ore iho vr rOWEHKt I. EfCn-CLMIUTIKl J0E1T31V VIS. Tile iff '.I upon tho tubercular audition U IJiJIU.IATlJ, an. ita 6ExsnL STiirrona pisurrE-tEi-a wn a FJtiunYvtn'n 13 REALLY f ARVELrr3. Tlieyiolicis tho CO'gh, c'lmfntlA rxpoctoratlon, i'miitk tho tppittti, criul dlarrl tea; the nijht sucats, cif'tj, nnd foier ccao j tbo btvvebi Uetmi regular, and jub Eirtr cam a.u morofn. A FAIIl TRIAL 13 A CERTAIN CURE I SB- TlFAVAREof Bogus PmtdUt tdTrtl-d Pr. Gcirchllt's.andr.lUthcr SW1NI UXii LUKE.; toioh euff-rers of thslr ineius.U-cnrt'-in time, aud barton a, raTiEitriVLr. Writs tomeforClKCULAKS, and for Dr. Churchill's Treatise ca Oonsomptlon, which contain the o-il tmlluntic ir.fmeiSim hi regard to this NFAV Tr.tATMlKT. Hut n'aJi to all laejolrus. PItIC3i In 7 ivnd IO.01. EotUts, CI cl S3 et:!i. Three Urc. or six tmll for It. My faa-.'nr. is en bath tho Label r.nd Outside Wrsprer. ' iro OTiiEii id oxKuiwa BV Do not confound this Kennedy with Ihe si-ee!14 " Cbomleal F00J ;" aud particularly avoid all prepwa. llcca containing trcn, which Is I'.cc.rsct j,end (mI-Iimi-vii, which hna o ccurnit e i-boiirtv luin nt. 'si0'1' by ,n" mo" rcsp table Druggist tbrercpbsnt hcUnlted States aud British Piovlncts, rd VholvMli pd Retail at tho General Depot In tho United J. WINCHISTEn, 36 John trot, K. 7. Marrh 3. 1801, KVAN8& WAI'SON- VV''iW-!S3n''i'-5'. MOVI1IJ to Ml Cft(nui 4lrt(, fTJWwts.-.'Y.-W ahoce third Philadelphia, have on 1 ftn.l n lurff. n.jniti,i,mi r.F t-I-n Till f pioof Salamander fclafes. Iso, iron doors, for banks and I ' .&,iwAl'ss.f''r.' ,!,,,. ri-ir. ',i , .. .''i' n, ii t'nlted Slate. Firs Safes in one firs. . JIf came sut right; Kith ctn of Philadelphia against the tents in cood eondition. The Salamander Safes world. KVANS & WATSON, Inve had the siiresl demostratlon In the following cer tificate that th"ir luatiufaclurs of Salamander Baft has at length fully warranted the representations which have been made of th"in as rendering an undoubted sscurily against the terrific element. Philadelphia April 12. 1S5. J't.-ssrs I'.rans Il'atsem llentlemen-It nirordg in the highest satisfaction to state to you, that owing to the very protective qualities of two of the Salamander, Fafes which we purchased of you some flvo month since we saved a large portion of jewelry, and all onr books, rc., ejpoed to the caiaiiiinous, fue in Raustead rlace on the morning of tha llth Inst.. When wu relied Hut these safC3 were located in the fourth sory of th i building we occupied and that th-y fell subsequently intoa heap of burning ruins, where the vast cnncmtitttion of the heat caused the brass plates to ni'lt, vv ii cannot but regird tlfpreiervaiion of tfuir val uable contents as mojt convincing proof of the great se- buniv niioii,;i uy J-Ulir SOU'S. hi: rii.intiu; nu pitsiiiit m letomwininj 111cm to .... , uua, ,,-en 11a arum imiitncn l,i;cill.l nrr, nr.OHUU V. SI.M.MOXS & llllO., Jewellers Cr"Thoy have since pnrchascd six lire Safari. Ansust 20. 1S50 HOW LOST, HOW HESTOKED Just Published., in a Seal Envelope: A Lecture on the nature, treatment, and radical cure- of riicruinorriiinn, or emninai vveaKnest, r-exuil llcbillty, .Nervousness and involuntary umisslons. producing im potency, Consumption and .llentnl & l'nysical Debility, lly ItOIlT. J. CULVIIRWIUL, JI. D., Tho important fjet that the awful consequences of self abuse may be effectually removed without Internal medicines or the dangerous applications of caustic, in struments, medicati'd bougies, and other empirical de vises, is hero rlenrly ilr-iuorit tratctl, and tin- entirely now and hichlv successful f rent mnnt. aAntaA h. .1... celebrated author fully explained, bv means of vvhich every ono is rnnbleil to cure hiinn-lf pcrfurtly, and at the least possible cost, theribv avoiding all the' adver- boon to thousands nnd thniisaniltf. ,,,,,,, , .,,,.,,) huh lerturo win prove a ,m u ent under seal, in a pluin envelope, to anv address post paid, on the roc ipj of tho two pottage Mainns. by fddrestiug Dr. CII. J. KLINE, 1ST IJovvery, N Y, . . , PostOirico hux4 5.-n . A""1" lg- f Apri' go, lfiil-gni ST. IfiOLAS mini -LUi onriw.iy, Kcxv York. BOARD KCIUCUI, TO $2 PER DAY. P.iJ,r.e !hf "Pe""!! of vast and commodious Hotel, Iu leal, it has been tho single tndoav or of the proprie tors to mako it the most sumptuous, convenient and cinnforlablo home for tho citizen and itranger on this li ilv iiiitiltlUi Alllt Wli ItHV-er hai Vdnilil.. If kflv In n.ln.ilil.lnr tr. St... roinftmnnuxusfctssthev ,lnv' critieavoruJ, witlioui re- ir 11 r ii tn mat. tn 1.1-nuiilu nn.i ,v .....i.i..,. ..ti . i... . "i iimiviuufii anu uucirji enjoyment Whtch modern an hah iHvrnietl, tiu mn.U-rn tuatn u,ytQvm ; ;nu tlx. pn- Ironngo which it has commanded during the pat six yirars is a gratifying proof that their eOVrls have been tlMMi lllllvlli To meet the exigencies of the times, when all are re quired to practice the most rigid economy, tho unlet aifeenecl Have Reduced the Price, of Board to Two Dollar's Fur Ray, tt the tame time abating none nf tlm f.,r,i,ia. ,i,i, whic Ii their table has hitherto bon sunnlicnl. u ii ice-. THKAHWUlil,, WliiTCOMO tc CO. Bept, 11, ieil.-3m, HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHIL AllEl.rillA ' A lleii'volcnt Institution established by special endow, mcnt, for the relief of the Hick and Distressed, nfllicl 'd with Virulent and Euidenile Disease., unit Asjniiti.U' I for the Cure of Diseases of the Bexiul Organs. Dis- pensary free tu patient, In all parts oftlie UiuledStstes AElUlll.EHEORTSoiir'pormatorrhcea, and oth. erDissasesofllicBeiual Organs, and on the NEW RE.MEDlEa oinploycd, sent to Ihr altllctLii in leihd I for Boslapis will be acceptable). Adlren DB. JStKIL. itlMIliUfillTtlN Acting Bur.Km, Hnwjid Atr-,a l.lici v ll v Cll'liq. . 1IUU tllClltricB. TITDdl 1DI.S lion, jfo. 3 sotjth .vinth tt(t,rhlaitlphii fs, Scroftila, or Kins , if a constitutional diK-aso, n torr ...,t ol Hit Mood, bjr which thU lluld becornw vitiated, Vfiik, nnd poor. Doing In th circitlfitlon, ft Scryadfs tho wliolo body, nnd mny bunt ot 1 dUenso on any pnrt of it. No orprtn is fre from Its nttacXs, nor 1 thsra one rrMch it may not destroy, Tho scrofulous taint in railonsly couid by mercurial Utue, low llvinr;, dii ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, tilth end filthy liablH, th denreving viots, mid, ftbovo fill, by tho venereal Infoetic . WlmL ever bo its oiigin, It is hereditary tlio con stitution, di'seendinR ti from patents to ehlldti-u unto the third and fourth generation ;" indeed, itucemi to bo tho rod of Him who tay, "I will visit tho iniquities of the fathcis upon their children." Its effects eommtneo by deposition from tlio blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, la the lungs, liver, and internal orcaru, is termed tubercles j in the glands, svvelluiLjs; nnd cn tho surface, eruptions or sorts. This foul coi mption, which Renders in tha blood, deprentM tho anergics of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only tulTer from scrofulous corn plaints, but they have for less power to with stand tho attacks of othor diseases; cono quently, vast numbors perish by dtcordoru which, although not scrofulous in their nature, sra still rondcml fatal by this taint in the system. Most of thu consumption which d. cimatos the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination j and many destructive diseases of tlie liver, kidneys, brain, . and, indued, of all tho mgans, arise froat or are aggravated by the tarns causo. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous their persons are invaded by this lurkLiu in fection, and their health is undermined by it, TV, cioanso it fiom tho system wa muitrenovnto tho blood by nn alterative medicine, and in tigoratc it by healthy food and ostrtJs-. Such a mcdictne wo supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsnparilla, tho most effectual remedy which ths medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal maladv. It is row bineel from the most active remectials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, nnd the rescue of tho system from its destructive consequenee. lltnco it should lie employed for the ouro of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Eruptive; and Sxitf Diseases, Sr. Anthony's Fmr, Hose, or IinvsirvxAR, Fmrr.Es, Puhtclm, llioTCitw, Jit. a ins and Boim, Tujiohs, TsrrF.rt and Str.T Riir.iiM, Scald Hhap, RiNawoiot, ltriEUMATiSM, STriiiLmoand Mkuccbiai,Dis. eaiks, DitovsT, Dv.irr.rsiA, Deuiutv, ar.d, indeed, all Complaints aihsiso rnou Vitia ted on Impuks Ulood. The jiopular beliaf in "' impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. Tha particular purpose and virtuo of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is laipctwbl in. contaminated conKitutloni. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, are so composed that disease within the ranga of their action can rarely withstand or evade tflein Their penetrating piopcrtics search, and clcanct, and invigorato nvcry portion of tho human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of tht( propertis, tlio iiivnlicl who ii bowed dawn with pain or physical debility is astonished to find hi heal h or enerny restored by a remedy at one as simple aud inviting. hot only do they cure the cvery-day eomjilsinls of every body, but also ninny formidable and dangerous diicasrc. 'i lie ape nt below named is pleased to furnish giatis my American Almanac, containing certificatcn of their cures and directions ' for their use in the following complaints: Cattire tint, Heat tburn, lleaJaeht aritinyfram diiordircd Stomach, Nausea, IndlgttHon, Vain in and Morbid Inaction of the Ustculs, P'lntuleHry, Lett of Aw.e tile, Jmtitdire, and other kindred oomplaints, urikint! from a low state of the body er oUtruetio.i of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ron fat rapid curb or Coughs, Culdc, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, nnd for the relief of Consumptive) I'nlients in advauced stages of Uia tliscnso. Bo nido li the field of Us usefulness rrrl so mi mcrous are the eases of its cures, that alnest every section nf country abounds in porsorm pub licly known, who havs been restortd from alarming and tven detpcrate diseases of tho lungs by It-s nse. AVhin onc tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to eicsr observation, and where its virtues aro known, tho public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of tui pulmonary organs that aro incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust npon tho community have failed and been discarded, this has gsinect friends by every trial, conferred benefits cm the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced enrcs teo numerous and too rtaulcsUU to be forgotten. PREPARED flY DR. J. C. AYER & CO. I LOWELL, MA8B. r.. P. I .tits. . ll.M'yir.R. M. IIa;cnbnc!i, I'.leemibutf A. Milli'r, Ucrtvick, dml Uv ons timi in every titwn It Penniylvaniu. DH. LA CROIX'S riUVATE MUDICAL TKEATISE ON THE IMijiifiiltigiciti View of Slarringe 050 PAGE- AND 130 ENGIIAVINGB.-I'rics onlr TWLNlriVS t s.trs. Sjiit frco of pustjijc to .11 tartcof tlio liul in On Infirmities ol yo'jlli ani Riaturity, ill., In. 11. 11 ii. ei.i-r. , r..lll. . 1 f h.i.h m..t. nf .11 ki-b. causing utbility, ncrvous.iis, Jipression of spirits pvliui t-'ii ith.-heert suicidal iiiiagiiiiugs, involun- ttry . .nit siou hltshings ilufi ctivo memory, inuigct--turn an I is it i tt irnA confeisiant ef thrtllxog tnfrett cf a istiat'.titg iicAjil Ji.iit, a .ctlege bivdent. avd Vou-ng arr id Lady ec ec. It is u truthtul adviser t tho ii. ,11 lien .in.i Hi, ill cunti-ui luting niurriagc, vv ho en -turtiin sicnt .oi.btstf :h. ir physical conuilinn. ani who ar" conscious ot having hazarded the health hap t privileges to winch every human being is entillm). u VllUNG MEN who ar troubled with weakness, gen' c&u"" h'.a b'"' Mt m youlh erally causeu ny a ban h.ibit in youlh, the elfi cts ol whiih jrc diziiuss nai.H. foriretfaluers some limes n s ringing in the curs. Wtak tivus, weukntss of th buck and lower extr uiilijs, confusion of ideas, loss of a. t ory with inrlancholy.may bjcurrdby the author's N't. W PARIS AND LUNllON TltEAT.Me NT. Wo hnvo, recently devoted much uf our timo In VIS1TINI5 Till. EMtOPLAN IIOSITi'ALr-, uvailln? nurscilves of the kiiovvledgo and researches of th4 most skilled I'liysuiuns nnd Surgeous in Europe and the Cc n tinent. Thoau wiin place ihemn lves unitfr our care will now huvo thu full bem-rit of the tunny NEW AND 1H l-'ICAL lot S RE.MEDIE- which wo are enabled In introduce into our practice, and the public may rest as- suredof the s.iuir-. zeal, i.-csidulty, SEOULCY and atten. non oemg pain 10 tni-ir cases, vv men na so ucceiiui ' IH ,1 ii,,,, . ... . I,... , . ... .,. ... n I'lii'atr Inn In m,. PECULIAR dpartiueiit of professional Practlce.ur the fast licesryjiie ycart Parse ii l'i.MLe Tills. Ladies who wish for Medicine the eilicncy of which has been tasted iu thousands cuT cites, nnd never filled to uttect speedy cures without a ly bad ill use nouu but Ur. DiLaney's Feinalu rer'Odical Pills. The only Precaution necessary to ib rervo is, ladies should not tako them if they have roe son to believe tiny are in certain situations (the partic ulars of which will he fuunJ on tllu wrapper arroiupa nying each box,) though always safe and healthy, to gunlly yet soaclivc are they. Price SI per box. They i an be mailed to tsy part of the United mates or Canada. TO THE LAIIIEd - Who uoed a cirjdmtial insdjjel mtviser Willi regard tn any of those nitererling coin phiiuts to which Ihi-lr delicate organization renders thetu liable, n r" particularly invited tn consult us. Tiiis"ELi.rTRO-(JiLV.vKic PnoTtcTlvs." Knr married ladies whoso health will not admit, or vv bo have node tiro to increase III Ir funulies, mny In obtains J as above It is a perfectly tafs preventive to eono-pliou, and hat heon eitcusivcly used during tho lust 39 yean. Pric reduce-iid Iu $10. The 9rcfpls of Youlh PnuilHl. A TVsaliie en the Cause tf rrematurt I'eceyA lot am learning. Just published a book shoving rA(ijtfi"S progress j.ndprcialnee amour schools, both mlt and female) of this fatel habit, jtiuting out lie fatality ttei invariably attends its victims, and developing th vhtl progress " th- disease, fron Ihe eommtneemeut ' the end, it icill be sent by Mail on reeeiptef Iuo tut Stamps 07 Alt iiHlanc. daily, from M in the morning till v t4 night, and on H imlays fioi 2 till 5 r x. Medicines with full direction, sent to sny ptrt of tht United Btatet or CauaJst, by pstlent- eonimuniettlDg (hair tyiupinins by letter- liuiintst corretpoudenc strictly conrtJeiitial, CTDr. L's Omcois ttrll located as eitsblls'iisd.uoil., tha name nf DII, LA CHOIX, st No. 31 M sides Laos Al' bany, N. V. Nov. 23 lMI,15ra, OIGAOS & TOBACCO. Alsrye aitorlment of choice Pifsrs, Tobteco, rip's" Fruits, Confectionery and Notiins nerlly,tt gtth er with a lull tlock of ii ATP and CATS ceuittatilly ea hnd nd for tale ciieap, it th. Dloomtbnig list ttMp Emporium ' JOHN K on-ior Btenneurr. Mil hl, HH n.itM IWI
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