Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, February 01, 1862, Image 3
T, Jolm 0. Freeze, Local KtHior. SATURDAY MOUNINO, FEBRUARY 1, 1862. ter To-morrow is tlio Fourth Sunday ifter Epiphany, tmtl Featirnl of tho Puri fioattoti. Monto Video taken by tho British 3 Feb ruary 1807. John Rogers burnt 4 February 1550. United States Bank failed February 6. 1841. Alliance with Fronce,February 0, 1778. Burdoll murdered in Now York Febru ary 7, 1867. Mary Queen of Scqtt3 beheaded, Fobru pry G, 1387. :o:- eST Wo shall publish next week r. full and graphic account of thq late viqtory in Kentucky. !0i S" An unusual member of annoying typographical errors crept into our paper last week. We shall Iry very hard to void them in future. . -io:- 8SJ- Tho Tribune Almanac, compiled by J. F. Cleveland, has been for several days on our table : so says tho Senior ; ami i3 certainly a sno-t valuable couiuen diary of statistical information. :o: VST The firm of Croiby, Nichols, Lee, & Co. Booksellers and publisher has been ' changt d to Cro?by & Nichols, 117 Wash iugtou Str et, Hoslon. Any body want lug cheap and ooda book ihuuld send there fur the m. CC? Join B. Hendeison, a DLMiioarat, a member of the State Convention, an un voinproiu3ing Union man, and Brigadier General in the State terrice, ho has been appointed by Lieutenant-Governor flail, of Missouri, to fill Trus ten Polk's seat in the United States Sjnato. Cd? President Lincoln his npminatetl to the Suqato, Noah II. Swain, of Ohio, as Associate Jmtico of tho Supremo Court ofj tho United States, to fill tho vacancy caused by the death of Justice McLean, of . the same State. -:o: CoT Col. J. F. Oauipboll, lato ef the ! Blairivillc fltcortl, Inn purchased an iu-1 terest in thu Westmoreland llipublic t ' We hope the investment njay prove a ple.ti ant and proli title one. Cel. 0. always publishes a good iJeinoei'dtic journal. :o: Cut Hon. Goo. Sainiercou has Leyti re nominated lor Major qj' the ciiy of Lan- cti-iUi-. This is about the fifth or sixth 1 time this accident hi;s happened to him. Of couise he will bo again elected. He publishes a first rate paper, ii s No, 1 Democrat, and ho.-s ot a Mayor. :o: ti3f-Tho examination cf the Students of thu Orangeville AeiJetuy smd Normal lu-.titute for tho qur.itcr just ended, tojk place on Tlmrsday and Friday of lns-t week. Luder the auspiees of Prof Shank, iho Academy has grown up and become one of tho fixed institutions of this county, An address was delivered to tho Students ou Friday evening by Roiiebt F. Clakk, Usq., of this place. The Ivirgo Hall was crowded. I he subject was tlio aneo of the study of History.'1 "Import It was a cnr.ital lecture written in Mr. C LA UK'S begt rtyle. Prof. Shank leaves for the West iu a few days. The nezt term of tho Academy opens ou the 4th of Februa ry under the mr.iiagci.ient of Prof, Walk Eli, of the Colun.biis Ma!o and Female Academy JininOnun. :o: DiPriiERlA. As tho newspapers arc full of remedies for this dangerous affection of the throdt, some of them very good and some of them very Mlly, wo will give wh it we know to be usd by some eminent phy Mciaiis, which we have never known to fail, if applied curl j. Diptluria in its early ttage may bu recognized by any person ol ordinary capacity, by two marked symp toms; the H'lisntion of a bone or hard eubsUuee in tho throat, rendering swallow ing difilcuU and painful and a marked footid, or unpleasant smell of the breath, the result of its putrefactive tendency. On the appearance of these symptoms, if the patient is old enough to do so, give a piece of gum camphor, of tho sue of a marrowfat pea, and let it bo retained iu the ! inouth,swallowing slowly tho saliva charged wi th it uutil it is all gone. In an h' ur or Bo give an other, and, at the cud of another hour a third, a fourth will not unusually bo required, but if the pain and uuploaiaut breath aro not relieved, it may boused two or thrco times more, nt a little longer intervals, say two hcurs. If tho child is joung, powder the camphor, which can easily bo done by addiiig a drop or two of spirits of alcohol to it, and mix it with au equal quantity of powdered loaf sugar or better, powdered rock candy, and blow it through a quill or tube into its throat, do pressing the touguo with tho haft of a spoon. Two pr three application will reliovo. Somo recommend powderod does of pclli- fnrw tvltli tin! n.imnlinr. lull ohsfirv.ilion ami j ...... , , experience have satisfied us U,at camphor is sufficient alone, It rets probably by its virtuo as a diffusibU stimulant, and antis ajitioa qualities. Ilarrhhur Telegraph (Special ATotiui!s. P A 8 H I 9 H A B L B OLOTUINCJ ron FALL. Tho ctrLe itabllihed WHITE HALL CLOTHtNQ BAZAAR, lit the louthwoit corner of fourth And market streets. I now prepared with a full stock or fasiiionadle ready made clothing rou fall and wtxren wear. at prlcci which cballsiigd eonmaililon. Particular nttjntlon given to Cu-tomcr Work, OBcin Unlformi, alio llnnio Guardi' Sulti, Axe. WHITE HALL CLOTHING UAZAAR, Southwell corner of roURTII AMD MARKET STREETS. PETER. 3. LEVtCK, rroptletor. Nor. 1C. led. (My i, iBjl-'Um ) 1 THOMAS W. MATTSON, Received the Prize Medal nt the W orld'i Fnlr In London lcSI, fnrTRUNKA CARPET HAGS, Hoot?, sboca and Gums, ' Great Induce, inonti are now otnrcd to purchasers of the abovo arlL ells. This In much the Ingest itock of trunks, Carpet Bags, nllces,&c., In Philadelphia very cheap for rash No. 401 Market Street, one door above 4th, South eidt Uniformity of rrlcosl-A New Fenturfln lluilncis Every ono bis own Salesinanl JON'ES 4s CO. or the t-reient One Price Clothlng ttoro", No. SJ1. Market stree above Sixth, Phi ado phla. In addition to haying the largest, moit varied and fa.hlonable stuck of Clothing In Philadelphia, made ex. pr July for retail .ales., have constituted every one his own sal .'small, by having marked in figures, mi each ar ticle nt the very lowest price It can bo sold for so they cannot pos-lbiy vary nil must buy alike, The rood are well sponged and prepared, nnd creat pains luken with the making so that all can buy with the toil arsuraneeof gettinB n gnodartlclu at the very low est price. AIo, a lame stock ofpl.'co gnods on lialnl.of the late at style and best qualltlc., which ill be madi to order, In Uo most fashionable nnd best manner, 5 per cent., balow credit prices. Ilenit inber the Crescent, in Markut.abovc Sixth Ftrecl N".04. JONI.B k CO. 5251 EMPLOYMENT! S7SI AGENTS WANPIIDI e will pay from 323 tn $75 pcrmonth, and all ripen sei.tnarttve ienu o-r;!".. aomnila-lon. Perticulari entfr ddri'.s I awio Maciiiie Co.MriNV, H. AMI General ibi nt. .Milan, 0.n, Aug. 14, i)UI.l3in. MtttTinv I'MFOVM. Thcro Is. p'Mnps, no depait ttn-ii. ui iii iiiiu uii-invH i'i win-ii mere ns ilpii n ! mirj iiiiirkjdiinpriivenierit than in the clothing v eol- ui-re. i-,ni ninny yi'nr vi oce oincers and private wrre 'lad In garments which W'r- alm.nt skin-tlcht. Thry wor.) lentil r stock, which wrr.i worthr of the liamo, for th y kept the w.'ar r In tnbulutinn ) wfiilc their pad.lcd hr and tlalit slicv s mailu volition a niatter ofsreat didiculiy. IJiirliiB the pruiit war, such of our vluu t ! rs a proeur! Iliair iinlfuriiis nt the IJrown s-mns Clothing llnllof Kr.ckh;ll c Wilson, ,os. Vi'3 and 1X15 Clnstnut strei-t abnveHlxth .'hllat'.lpliia, obtain rlo. thing that is p-rf'Ct'y i-asy. sub.t.intlal nni! becoming. Tlu finis nam ul havr cn.u largjlv Into tin huklnoj of making Military Clothing, ui.t th ir faclliti.'s enable t'l.'mto Cll tlu large;; crt!;r in tlu shortest possible ilm: S.-pt.Sl. 18J1. TO OOS0MH"HVi.S 'TMIE Advertiser, having b.-en restored tn htlthln I fi'W wj-ks. by a v, ry slmpl rjuirdy, rift.-r liming I s-ilT rid several yoars witii a s-v.-ro luiiir ntrjction, ana , dread dis -utt., Coiii-umption 1- anxious to maku , knnw ii to nis t.ilow-s fl -r ts th means rf corn. To all whu ibi, ire It, h; will cn-l n copy of tna pre scription ujd ifreo w charge), with the i.rcctinr.i lor picpiring and llama th.' oaiin), which they wl(I f,inl a se'nL Cuan fur Covsvmpiion, AsiiiMti IIko.vciiit.s, &c Tlio only object of tlu ndvrrti:r In tending ilip Pre scription is to benefit tlu affllicted, and spread informa tion whirh he conceiv'CH to be iiivntinLle.nud he hope every suir'ror w ill try his remedy, .is it will cul theui nothing nnd may prur' n blessing. PartiCk wishing the prescription will please address. Ktv. EltWAllll A. WILSON'. Wi'liaiusbureh, Kings County, New York Nov. 2, lSfit. 3in. NOTICE I cf a Jit'iicc of the Peatc. If the f.-w su'.scriptlous remaining t,npald o ttn fund I of tin-. " Iron Guards" iim not si-ttleit on or hefora'th" first j day ci'IVhrimry I am instrnrted to romm nco suit an 1 I cosl must tollow in each iudi tdual rn,. J. M riiamli-'rlin. J- P. PUBLIC NOTICE FOR LICENSE. , OTK'E Is li'r"bv gn en that t'l" r-illoK-ing p.rons. I s ii, Ci,liiiibiacouut, hiv HI -d Hi ir in - t'le Court of U'l itt,'r S.'asiolls. of th vlid rojnU. I Tavern Lii-enso in th -ir r'sp -rtive tmvuships. whl.h i .n 1 netitioll. w i'l b ' nrek-nti'l to tin. k..i.l Cinrt. ,. Mond.-i; 'Id 4,h d.iv "f I'eliruarv, A. 11. Ien2, of huh an m-i.'i;, liui-ii-fi-u iviii .iKt- nonce, nnu tue will Iu granted on Wndnejiay the 5th day of l'cbruar) 0,-st. at 2 o'ciotL p. in. .xiipiicaiiis. I;, ic A. P. L'lur.gst. Joint, VI. Fry, Juhn Lungott, tlnouiiburg, Jan. 1: Tow iifIiIiis lavern, Fi-hlncn-i-k. do Greenwood . do ,o JACOD EVF.I1LV, tHI. cvsrt. C It 1 T T E N D U N ' S pun..ini:i.PiUA unmi nmi. C 0 L L E G E, X. E, corner cf!'t ami Cits'iiitl Strcc s PHILADELPHIA. Tun ItTiTUT.OM. wlm h n ctaHked in ntul is now riiht"U 'iitlv in tti i eighteenth ynir .f it p iit fii'V', miiuL.'ri anion; jN gr:i Jiu.ti's, K'nidrMli of tlu JII9l-ltlCC 'Blf.ll AfjrcIiAltti -lUit itllsiiK'iJ Sli.ll of UU. -otwur) . TnK t)njE'-r nfili I'Miitiitinn i sol :y it nlTorl youuj lut-'n f icilitK'i fur tliomuyli pr-'purnliun for tmn'in.fis. The Hit iNciiet t tt'utjTi'rL. Itto'i-htrp nj. as anrlici IjU' Mthu v.irimu liepuitna'iiU nt traila; t'enmansfnp, both phuii tvi I nrn-iitswiit it ; Omfc at late, .la-Ae-HU'tcs .Vut ifiito'i Civil lli'giiieerutgt Drateing, hot ognrph'j, and ,Jt'Urri LingQogcs Tit rival i"i of tsfnttcriQN is peculiar ; no classes or s?t loHijniis aid iitii'lc Uc of but each -tiiloiit is tan i: lit in 1 1 viil u.ill v . bo thiit tju inny coiumeiicuut an tfimj, aiul attt-ii.l at vi iti''fr I.-mrn arc most couvinijni. Catlduuk ar Uifj I amiuj!tinl t tlia 15tli cf Ajtril c!il inn..'.! n.i.D.ij uf t'l ; Mirlc'iit . I'.ir Hi t ycir, nml full liirticitar "f t-rai-i, (tj . at)1! miy bj oUaiujil w any ii, ltd h .i 1 Ir-'insj tli I'mivipal. Is H.Tvue An omouti"h, widespread reputation aui the UniLy upcrieiuo rf iht Vriactpal, this I tie tit u tioa inTsrH f.trititi t-upciior tuany otiur in thu co-m try. forviun? iiumi uidiiti: to pri'paro for busim', nni tJ ulituin at ifi 4a-n timu a. juplom, which uitt prut a recommend iin for lliuut tlum to any .Muichati ,ule llouio. 7-ljHriKDFN'b Srrie of Treatises on HnoK-Krn'' tvu now n.ri w i.L'ly circ' U Hun any other wutU an tko Jbj2t.t, aru tor aU- at ColU-gc y. iiouui;s uuiTrixDCN, Attorney at-Lai?t J'RCIPAt- Jan. 2M6C2 J?m. AMDUOTYPE. rilQTOGKAPH & MELAINOXYrE lilIi'Ew BltOTYPi'-.S, PHOTOGRAPHS, tv OIIU1X1 i . , MelfilnotypPs, te.. tnken in Cloudy ns vvcll a Clear Wcelhar,' Ambroiyp.-ii and Daguerreotypes copied and En arged. Non,ru DAJsrLLE, Dec. Cl, Ifcfil. IA. FRESH A R II I VA 1. -oi -FOR- fall Mi) nmw i HE u'llersignnl, grateful for past patronage, respect t fully informsbiscu.tumeri. and tlu publicgein-rully that he hat jutt received fiom thu Easlernu cities, tli Urgesl and mo.t stleit ttuc.k of i'ALL AND WINTER ' That has yjl been opened )n liloomsburg, tu which he invit 'a thu attention of his Iricuds, nud assures them lhattluy are olf.-n-d for salo u. grea,t bargains, His ftock a Inrgv as.ortment of NTL':.MF.N'rt WEARING APPALEL, Coii'i'tiut: Fasiiiosauie Duess Coats, of every ilea criptiou; Pants, Vests, Shirts, Cravats Storks, Cotton lUiHlkcrclilcfs,, Suspenders, tec. GOLD WATCHES A N n JEWELRY, offVl.yri(,p,t(,n,an0,nd cheap- N- .-Itemember lcenocrg'e Cl Cheat) Emosriura." call nnd ice. No charge for ciuminir Goods, DAVID LOWEVHRRG lUnomfhurg, Petember 2, leOI, (Juo IMi.) W A N T I'l D. A HIND PUARTER DEvF.tythe Pllnlir. (May IHocrssburj Jin I. WA. ittheut j Third Annua! JUciioit OP THE Farmers' MiiIimI Fire Insurance Co., or MIDDLE PENNA. OlBlee In Danville, Montour County, Pennsylvania. i!.litni ai,S52 SS Amount of property Iniured Jan, 8, 1S6I, al.3Rn.45a Amount Inured the past year. 451,140 i,vi,0M 4,K07 Amount surrendered tho paat year., J Total am't Iniured Jen, 0, 1901, i Amount of prciniiiiii notes In lorce Jan. Sth, lul, I Amount of premium taken past year I Amount of notei cancelled pait year, 8I,7S7,'W0 03,537 03 SJ.05J 07 HXiVJ 13 23.,33 Premium notes In force January Cth. '02, 02,31,1 7d 1 Usance In llu I rcaiJry, and nui't loaned 1 January rt!, leOl, 1,5P3 03 To amount of premiums collected tho past - J"'ar - .. . 1,312 41 To amount of intercut collected pat ) car, t3 3 1 To amount ufluloiett ctil.i and unpaid, 111 3u I To umuuut due Irom agents, 101 Ml n iu t A,i lly toss o( HoiTnian &. Co, damage by flrn, ' $7 IHI uy uir.'ciors, executive uommitieu, una Pres ident's compeiuatlou, 67 CO lly amount paid for piloting l!cport,1lIanks,&c. 37 50 lly amount paid for stationery, postage it fuel, 30 lly amount refunded, 7 ml lly nmnunt ofothco rent, 50 UO lly amount paid for adjusting claims, 0 75 Uy amount of .Secretary's compensation, 220 50 Uy Treasurer's commission, jo to lly amount nt Interest, balance in tlio Trea sury, and am't due, 2.5J3 77 $3,005 77 '4 00 To am't of ordtranot preaented for payment, $3,001 50 isstrs op the cohmuy, jtMiAav Cth 1SC2. Amonnt loaned nt Interest, 1,75'J 00 101 to lliSU 03 07 uua irom agents, " Interest due and unpaid, " Ilulanci) in the Treasury, Surplua fund, Amount of premium notes, In force JanClh lei), Amount of iiiTire fiiml lure, including ilie proefsafj, K,5-.'5 77 02 326 78 200 00 5,O.U55 :i.)3 00 Amount ofllubillties, nud unjujted claims, DIULCTOUsj! XortnamlcrtiinJ County Win. I'ollmer, Lsq., Abra ham Shlpmnn, Hilda John, Peter lluughawoat and lsatc liidlosp.ich, .Voiifeur (.'iiiinly Abralism Wncm r. U'llllnm Yorks. John McWilli.iins, Juhn Voucbl.jr. and Jesse llrohh. 'uininMjC'ouutii Einauui'l 1,'nzarue, ,M I, Applemun, llavid W. tUrk, D. A. tliitviu.iii, and Samuel Mnyder. onricmts: President --W.M. rOLLMER. Iln,, Vico Preidtnt-WM. VoltKri, I:,, fiicr turv -1-. JOILVt-OV. Treasurer - SAMUEL YORKJ.Jr. Thi i Ircitnrs of the Fiiriners' .Mutual Fire Insuranco Company of oi,lnc Pt'Uiis)lvuuin. take plejsur.' in pic selitiug their Third Annual statement, to the members of said Company Th' Company' has passed thrnujrh ni-aily throf years uiieraium. iu, priinpb, i.-s inns man au olucrl'OUl' I pan) ill th State, iu proportion to the nmouut of prop a orty insured. vv hilit many stock Companies have, Iron eninn.Mleil to aiUaiic th ir rales for liisuranc. and mutual Com pani -s. hav im town nnd inaiiuf trtitriu" nroncrtv in sured, h ivo m.i Ic luavy nss.'i-sui.'nts to meet th, ir oas es, th I'nrm-Ts' Mutual of Mi Idle I'ennn , lias been in creaslna iu lin iuess ami capital, tind able in 'mea't all lialuliti s vvllhuttt assosiitients, and each year show's a'u iucfcase ot Surplus finds. The Ciiinpauy i. mutual, and ronfindo by Its charac ter to tha ciclueivo insurance of country prop-rty. Tlicnfnro oll'-iiug to the farmer, nud oth -rs owning country prnpirly, a .afa nnd reli.iblo lusuraucj at rates only corresponding to tlu risk. I I'tu llli'i'tlors lee l coiilUeutthat under ordinary cir cumstances, the Farmers' Mutual, will meet tho expec tations of its most sanguine friends. WM. FOLLMEIt, President. P. Joiissox, Serr'ta'y lljMille, Jan. Mb. l;C'.'.-3t, nBiiiFF's Sale. t) virtue ot several writs ot vewfUnm I Jf ixpunat issue.d out of tho Court of Common Pleas ' of Columbia county tn me directed, will be exposed to . public sale, at tlu Court House mi MOMIAY 'I'll I It I) DAV OF I'llllliUAUV, lsi.3, ai 2 o'clock iu tlu after ! noon, the fdlow lug real eatuto ta wit; I All that certain tract of laud, Kituate iu Hugarlouf ' township, Cdiimbi.i couulv, boumk-d and deci-ribed iu follows m wit : On the North by lauds of Jacob Fritz on the East by lands of Jo'au i.uw Is and llnv id Low is, u 1 the" South b lands of l..j,ul 1',-le, oil tlu West Ii) lands ot I'... Kiel Oolu and Andrew Laubath cmuaiiiia; two hundred ami forty-four acres l,u thu Millie ihore or less About one l.uuiiri d n:id forty atrosof which is cleared luu.l. w heraOn uru en-tt-d a two siorv log dwellms hous,' a two htory plank dwelling house a lame trame b.inlv barn, n fi-.iiut- wagon tiled a '.oni. rp'lne Uoii.e, and otln-r out buil.lintrs, iibo one i ther one end u half lnr fruni t div elling lioua a frame barn i and oth r nut l iiil iiuus, ,il-u n larae number of fruit tr.'es vv i tli Hi appurteiuui'te. Hi ied taken in oxecu-1 tinn and to bi cold as the properly of Frederick Lau j bach. - ALSO, at tho same time and p'aco, all that ci'rtaln trai t or puree! ofl.iuil ntsate in pugarkaf twp. Coluuib..! count). I'ouininiiig .-,v.uty Three Acres, about 20 arroa il. ared land, liounded anil de- , scribiid n-fo lows, to wit : Ou tlu Tv'oith by lands of Miles .Sutlil), on the Houth bv lauds of I'hulondr'y Her-1 rmctoii, on the t.i.t by the County lino of Luzerne .ml 1 Col. Counties', and on tho W-tb T. CI. A. St -veils, t vv liereim a,-e , ri:i tt d n one Story Log I)i elling House, I a lo;: barn w Mil th - appiirtciiuuc, s. i'iz -d taken iu e.v. I ccutiou and to be 'aula as thu property of Oren Parks. 1 I ALSO. a. ;lie taut timo ami plaio, all I that certain lot of i-rnunil. situate in Espjtovvu, r!;ott ! I township i.',d iu.ip.a cuuut), i'.i. houudeii on the Xuilh , iy .l.ilA'r'lroi t of s.-ijil town, on th,- east bj lot of II. (J., on the South bV North llrnueli Canal, and on thu I W .-.t b, lotof Joliu ICrejsl.'r.rouiai iiug third of an , vera be tl, fca,uo more, or less, n hereon arc untied a two story fram i dvv IJlng house with a kit h 'n nttachod to it. A fr.iuiM titfil'f, a Ir line carpenter .Imp and other o ithulldiugs with Ihe appuit.'ii.inr 'a. Siuiu taken iu ox c itioiiand tb ba sold ls the proiierty of (leor-'o Van- i sickle. JOrflAll II. I'UltviAN, Illooni.burg. Uu. 1H, IPi',2. PROCLAMATION. I WHEREAS, the IIus. Aaruv K, Piikham, President Judja ol the Coutt ot Oyer mid Terminer nud lien eral Jail Deliver), Court of tluarti-r .Sessions of the Peace and Court of Common Pleas and Orphan's Court, In the 2i;th JuJnial Distin t, composed ol the counties uf Columbia, rsujlivun and Wyoming, nnd the Hon, John .M(-tlcyuuld& Slaphfii tbildy.Assocnitf Judircsof Colum bia count', have issued the Irprecept, bearing date the .Mil day of D c. in tha year of our Lord one thousand eight , hundrud and siMy.oiic and to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and (.eueral Jail delivery, (cucral Ouaiter Si silom, of Jlja IVace, Cominon I'll as and Orphan's Court, in liloomsburg, in the county uf Columbia, on thu lint Monday, (being thu 3d day) of February, uevt, and 'o continue one week. Notice is henby Kit "ii. to the Coroner, tho Justices: of tho Peace and Coiislublee of tho said county of Columbia ) that they be th Ml and there in their proper persons at 10 ii'ilocu ill tho forenoon of sa;dday, with their records, 1 imiuisilious an 1 otlu r reiuembxaucu to do thosu things i w huh to tin ir othc.! upp. (tain to be dene. And limm that are tiouiul ny rccoouauce, to prnsitulu ugalust mo prisoners that are or ma) bu iu llie Jail of said county ot Columbia to be then and th -ru to prosecute them as shall lieJUsl. Jurors aro rcpiesteil to in- punctual in their at tendance, agreeably to their notices. Dais-d ut Dooms burg, tlu 24 diy of ncci'iuber, hi the j ear of our Lord una thousand eight hundred and MUy-oue, ami in tlio eighty sixth year of the Independence, of thu United Slates of America, (tiod savo thu Couimnnweltli.) JOSIAH 11. FUR.MAN, Bheritl's Olllce, ) Sheriff. Illoom.barg, Jan. 1 , If G J LIST oT CAUSKS, FOR l'EIIKUAUY TERM, 1802. 1 Cyrua narlon vs Hiram O. Ponlrr, ct nl J 2 KM lathi I Eckroat vs Eliza Eckrote. 3TownseiidW Kalil. r, vs Daniel Ncvhnrd. 4 A.ndrew Craveliug, vs Andrew Mellick, ct tl. 5 Philip Wiutereteeu, vs Valentine Wiuterelcen, ti Itaiali Sluman.udiur. vs Jacob L. Shiimau. 7 James, rt ul vs Isaiah Hhuiuau. 8 Uicbaru l. .Meiiagh, vs John digger, 0 HiMb Thompson, et ul Augustus II. Pearce, et al, ID Dam 1 F Saybert.v.A. II. P.-arcu, ct ul. 11 ll.nry Wells, vs George Ivinley. 1-2 Wil.ou Aear. vs Ju.eiili atton. 13 Mi. ha. I il. Ilrovvu, el ul vs James J. Dull, et al 1 1 Clinton D. II- mug. el al vs D-iui 1 F. Seyb.-rt. 15 Michael I'oglu. vnt'elertaiiipb ll. IU Thomas C, llolusou. vs William Fausey. 17 'i'l.ojims C. liobisnu, ve WH lam t' Id C. Itoln.ou, vs Win. Fausi y. 10 I'aiiKl Whitaker, vs .largarat "inith. 30 NatliajiTuyler, ct ul v.' Jumi-s Lake. 21 Frudernk Dinly, vs Lnou ird Adams. 2J hrrL's..'omiiuuu, va llie Kit cutori, und heirs of A. U. Wil.uii s adiiir. 2J Henry Tiaugu, vs the West Hunch Insurance Com pany. 24 Jacob llerninger, ndmr. vs John Osiunn. 25 Samuel J. Healer, vs Abraham W. Robbins, et al, 20 Jacob fcyer vs Abraham Klaze. 3' Abraham KlazJ, Vs Jacob Eyer. 2d Je.bu W. Herrill, vs Henry Ale, 2J David W. Clark, ct al v'J Lackawanna aud Clooms burg It R Co. 30 Frederick Nicely, vs l.aclswaniia and lllooinsburK It R ('oinpany. 31 Danitl Kistlcr. Ex. vs Jacob Kl.ller, ct al. 33 John 11. Merrill, vsr-nmuel W. Cnrrison. 3d David Leu, ct al va Samuel I. Ilettlc. 31 Sylvester Purscl, vs Levi L. Tula. DISSOLUTION. NOTICE la hereby given, that tin partnership here toforo existing bctHcon .ho subscribers under the Arm of Critz .V Skvoer, in tho .Milling lliisiucss, in the Locu.t Valley Mills, in Locust township, Columbia county, was dlssnlv-'d, on tin 11th of Oi teber, isbl, by mutual con. int. All persons indebted to the lain tirm are r duest ,1 to inuku settlement with Amos inyder, re siding at tho MhI ,tud by whom sll dtbts of the late firm will be settled Thu Notes, llnuds, llnok accounts, tec. are in the hands of said Snyder, for eaily payiii.ut. NOAH i KITH. AM06 tfNTDBR October 19. 1391i-5ra THAVHRSB JURORS, ron FEimt'AUY term, 1802. Menm Andrew 8 Crosstcy, Martin Rupert, Leonard II llupert, Joseph Weaver, William liowman ' ' Hearer Hrwlne, Mos, Bchllchjr llriarrreek Auauitui II Pcnrce ' L'attaieisea- John Vlnm, Jal'ii Hitter Vtntrt J.iiiii i Warden " 1 (enynyAtM Willl.ini Rnhrback t'rn'kiM -Jeremiah H Fnhrliigrr. William Momch Grtcriiretd Samuel llniart, Jacoli Kvane Jteictotk-'-3nmet llinmltt, Levi Wrights Jackson -Mlilinel Heuirly io'ciiaf Peter Hclwlg William Goodman, (famuli Ad am's Maine t Irhael Grovcr Miffln- John littler, John Maateller Pleasant-Jai ol (lolio, Erie lkeler .Vadison Cnnind Kramer Orange Nine Vociim, Jninci llarman Pine (leorgo Wclllvrr Scott James Lake, Charlci Fowler, Samuel Hagcif Luch araWlliAiu Moitcllcr, Joilali Frit? Jan 4, Mi GRAND JURORS, ron rnmtiMiiY teum, 1802. (fopa-E. Jackson Thnrntnii, Stephen II, Miller Brltterttk -Josluh Thomas, Levi Klnard, Daniel Martz lliavcr John Binglcy Ilciittn Jacob Willlvcr hitkiugrrt Joseph I) Itiinyan (Irttnvood Francis Eves' llatlnas Kline rmert-CliarlesNclhsrl, Aaron Smith, (Jeorjo Dries- bacii yicnsi George Mowry Mfflin Low is Eckroth, Charles Kllngaman Uiins Win Longeiibergcr, Daniel Yctter Minlonr John tlulck J)It 1'leasant John Kuckel. Orange rj.imuel llcidleman Shugzrlof-Mlv lless, Emanuel Laulac'i, Famucl ' Jan 1, 1(01 ADDITIONAL JUIIOIIS. Madison Isaac Wagner, Abratam Uobb. J-'eni'trllenry Cearhart, ' ' ' I .Vijilia-Sleplirn (iearhatt. ' Orrsaifooi-Wllllam Kobbins. lltmhtk Hugh Mcllridc. 1 ifflcrr--luac Davis. j Illooin--Morris C. riloan, j Cattaiciest -P.ter lloillue. , sVroll William Christiuan. I Centre W-ishlegtou r-hailer, John Fcrler St , j HEOISTElt'S NOTICES'. 1 jVOTICE is hereby giving to till legatees, creditors J.1 nud other persons Interested In the estates of the rcspi-etivo drcedeuls and minors, that tin follow ing ad ministration nnd ghardi-iii artounts havo beon tlilail in tl)e utile-.) "f the Kegl-ler of Coliiinliia rouuty, and will be prese'uteilfnr eounrin.ilioii and nllowauci' totlieCrphans Court, to be held at lllotinsl.iirtr.lii tho County nfuressld on Wodnusilay the Itlt day of February n.'Xt, a. 2 o'clock In tbo nlteruoon. ' I 1. Final account of David Allen, Surviving l'.lccutur uf John Allen, late of M idlsou township, ilec'.-ue.l. 2. final account of .Margaret Itrass, aitinlni.tratrix of A. J. Ilr.isj late of Hern Irk deceased. 3. Final account of (leoree Atiolemau Cuinllan of Ef- flu Catharine Patterson, daughter of Aaron Patterson do- I 4. Pinal account of Jaroh liageubuch, rtiiardian of -Amelia C. liowman. late Amelia C. Ilidley, as filed by Joreuiiah liageubuch, lUeculor of Jacob llageniiuch, deceased. ' ' 3. Final nrcnunt of John J, llarklcy, administrator of Iddiues i'i"rkicy, lute of lllooiu low nsbip, deceased ii Pinal aixoant of Evan Adams, the admiuistiator of William Adams, late of liriarcret k tnvvui-hip, ,li ceased. '7. i'irst iienant of John Appl man, administrator of llaltls ppl man. late of llclooek tovvnship, deeea-eil. H. First a' i oint of Cyrus ' Mclleiiry, ' M Ivor Coven- hovaii aiiit w sl y f irt a of John Covcu hov 'ii t.u i.f 'jrii'i township, U, ceiLi.-'l. l'tn,,l account ,.f P, t.-r Hut, one ol the Executors of Mailt iv ,Vr iiw, !l, late of . eult township, deceased. 10. ' T'li,,' itccnihl'uf Th.'o'lore .McDowell, one nf the Ex.cutors of Matthew McDonell, !a:e o,'t,'cut'. township deceased. ' ' ' 1 1. I'in-t and dual nccnunl of Daniel O, Ent, Executor of Elizabeth Ent, late of Scott tovVnshlp, deceased. Daniel liu:, Register's Office j Jitgitter. liloomsburg, Jan. IS, 1SG1. NOTICE. i ALI ptrnonR knowing thcnu,,lve3 in nny i?e intlrbt f il to the gabsmbcr nr hereby not I tie tl that all account. I mtiHl bo cpeeilily closed up, or they will be put in the i uf proper olficerp for tollcctuni. I must hat. my Cwrout5 settled, cjuiu forward , settle up and fa e cuets. ! i:. MKUUNilAIaL. I Jan. 11, IE02-4t. NSW &AHB,E ,SK6L THE undersigned, would respectfully inform the citi ieus of liloomsburg, and the public generally, that ho ha opoued a 1 NE W SHOP, In the frame building lately ocupied Ly Charles II, Noll where ho is pi epart-d to execute siunxo, it.iin-imi:$si.a axd uumpooixo. In the best manner, with despatch, and to general sitls, fattion. OEO. N. ADDISON. Idooiusluirg, Nov. 23, l?l',l.-3m. II- MULLIGAN, IMPORTER OF ALL KINDS OF Twin m 1 B AND MANUFACTURER OF JEWELRY, No. -1 -1-1 Noiili S-(ond itieitl ABOVE WILLOW, PI11LADEI.PIIIJ1. Nov. 10, liai. rivlir, Proprietor of this vvell-knovv n and centrally loca 1 ted Mouse. Ill t Eiii.iiA.suE llolr.l , siluatii uu Mai Street, in llloniu.hur!:. iiiuneiliaielv "mo-iie the Coluiii liia County Court House, respi clfully'urms lii-t triends and the public iu uetieral. that his House is now in 'or der for III r c plum undeniertainment of travelers who ma) f I ,ispo?fl to favor it with the): custom. He has opared iiot'petisc iu preparing the Evi ihm.e, for the enl- rtai'imeiit of Ins guests, ncith -r .hall there bo any thing wanting (ou Lis pi.rti lo m;uistcr to their personal comfort. His house is spacious und enjoys uu eicelli nt L-ust'nesslotiit.on. rj-7- ointiiliusi-s nni at all times between the Evchango Hotel anil the various Rail Road Depots, by which trav elers will bo pleasantly conveyed to nnd from thu re snectivu Stations in rluu tiluu tu meet tho Cars. W.M. II. KOONS. Rloomsburg, July 7, leCO- rJUK GENESEE FAKMER. ESTA1ILISHED IN 1S31. THE FAltMER'S OWN PAPER. The Cheapest Agricultural Paper in the Worldl ONLY FIFTY CENTS A YEAR. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE I Piillished for thirty years in nnu of the best wheat and fruit recions of Ameiica, v ill. correspondents in nearly every State and in Canada, it contains information ot gre.ii interest and import, nice to every fanner, gardener and Iruit grower. o lurnier can allord to be v.ilbout' it. It costs oulv fifty cents a year' and contaids moru agricultural and matter than mostofthe' tlv'o weeklies. ACCURATE MARKET REPORTS, j Of thu Loudon, New York, Philadelphia, Rochester, llutl'alo.Chictgo.t inctunalli and'Porouto markets are giv en in cadi number. All the I'-adin'' foreian and Amer- i lean journals aro received, and special pains aro taken to give the latestaud mo. I reliable information in re gard tu the Hutu of thu crops at home mid abroad. A copy of thu paper sent free to all who wish to cx amino It. Address, JOSEPH HARRIS, I'UBLtsllEli ANII l'ltOl'dS-'IOK. I llochvvler. N. Y. I Aients wanted ccrj'nhcre, to whom the most liberal otiers arc made, I WOOD CUTS FOR SALE. ' WE will el Stereotype of tho Wood Cuts used in the . (lennesse Fanner and Rural Annual Horticultural III- rectory. A book containing improssions of over Seven , Hundred of liit'su cuts will be sent to tlio, u wishing to purchase ou the retuipt of SOconts The bnokcontaiui uu index, show lug vvl.eru di script, oils of thu cuts will i be found, Address, J EP.I IIARRI.-", Rochisier, N. Y. Der.2i, ISUI. N E W MH W1MER GOODS PETER. ENT HAS Just received from Philadelphia, and Ii now opcnin'B al the old stand hte yurcupied by .Martz k lint, u splendid asinrtmenl of merchandize, which will ba sold l heap for CASH OR COUNTRY PRODUCE. His stock consists of Ladies Dross Goods choicest stylus and latest fashions, DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, 11 ARD-WAl-E, Ql'EENS-WARE, CF.1IAR WARE. 1101,1 OW'WARE. KO.V, MILS .1.YI) SPIKKS HOOTS AND SHOES, II ATS AND CAPS, READY MADE CLOTHING, kC. fVU. In short every thing usually kept In a cnuniiy store The patronage of old friends, and the public general ly, is lespectfully so idled, The hlghe.t market prico paid fiA country prodjre, PETEll ENT. Light Street, Dec. 14, lPfil. PROTECTION FRO.M LIGHTNING. I 'HE subscriber would Inf irm his friends, that hi Is unvv prepured tu put up, on short notice, and in a icictilllli; manner, thu best n.iTix.1 poiXTf.i) uaiiTXixa nous, at 13) ccnte per loot. All work warranted, E. V, U1ULE.MA.V Kooraiburj Miyll, lUOEIP S FOH DECEMi ER I'd HIE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT Tho following aro the receipts to tho oflico of tho Columuia Democrat, during tho month ot December, loul E&J lllcks, yi'.l on. Win fnydcr,(llloom) 3 32 2 00 2 00 II 50 John Hum, George I'cttnrman, Gorgo Vnncc, John (I Jacnby, W llliam Krkkbaimt, Jcs.R 1 1 a rt ma ii , Thomas Weaver, l.pli Evans, rr., Hamuli Johnson, George Oman, Alrxr Mcars, 5 00 i l Hieiu, 1 Ul Adrian Van lloutcn, J E Hands, John H, rtcrncr, 3 00 4 ei4 75 1 50 I So I.nrarua, Woods It Co 5 23 William Fritz, 2 37 Capt A N'obln, 1 00 Col J lllchter Jones, 2 00 Col A (iordcnler, 3 00 S Creasy, 1 50 O II llcsi, 3 00 Abraham t,wepcn.lilscr,8 oo I a 25 75 n ou 2 Oil lUU llarklcy, I ti,,ln llnt.ll' 2 00 3 00 l no 1 oo 1 Oil David S llrouii, 2 I'll Esau Girtun, . Jacob 'lVoup, I John A l'liustnn, J it Jamison, Joseph Prclih, llenj Ctlncr, Uev 51 Thompson, John I'.illle, P 8 Levick, Joseph ltnsenbauin, Thos Ost.'rbout. Hnwanl Assoeiatlon, 1 75 1 50 4 40 2 00 1 00 10 00 3 00 1 23 8 00 Luz"rnt. Agr.ymlcty 3 On lleub'ii ll6ss,(llloom) 1 5(t I D W Armstrong, 1 M i Geo L ijho.'mancr, 3 00 Jnoph LlllfV, 1 30 John G Nevius, 5 I): , John Kistlcr. 50 I DrFR Woirfarth 100 ! Alfred Unwell, 3 50 i II Ammermau, 1 5n 1 Huntington Val M 1 Colo 00 cm John otteiikirk, 3 on Mrs M Morgan llruwn, 3 00 oil n 'el-loft. 2 00 Est of II Kitchen. Sr 1 23 Alathias A Cirlon. 1 30 lion ii i, i napin, II M Stctcns, James Mcllenry, lion John Koons, . 1 K Kilcklinum,' 1 Jacob Wolcver, Thomas I'nvls, H 00 lir F 11 Wolfarth, 1 00 5 00 J & (I II lllbsnu, 1 88 3 HI, Hon WJ Woodward, 3 23 1 30 .Ml I' 1 Tlinrntin. It fill 1 30 I Las Dleterlck, 3.73 Isaac Ilairi'Ubuch, 1 73 Andrew Frcas, 1 00 Henry II 1 00 Jesa ' Huirmaii. 1 12 3 2.V 2 Offl Jonn j etne oraiijoviiie i Aradeiny.ia 6i MoiitL-oiiiery Cox, '7 SO list of Caleb O Fox, I ?3 jonn v one, William Idler, George Kressler, On Thus II Ever, 1 .'a i Hi Jeremiah liageubuch, 1 73 3 201 Alegf Hughs, feS QJEIDITiSlD SITM' EUDTISIIjo ' TAMAQUA, P.ENN'A. Passengers dine here oti tha passage of each Train.' JUl. iMElitlJUK, PrvpriUor. Tamaqua, Jan 4, 1803. $2 MAT, S. E. corner 'Ihird and Do:k Mrecls, PI11LADELPA IA. Hats nude to order, of any Style or Quality at Short Notice. January 4, leOJ. Cm. I'il.tik'lpltiii &.Ucading Kail Road. WINTER A It HA NGEMENT are ti' wi ov FAssnvriEp. tiiaini'. iSatAS- " November 4,' 1C0J, trussing iit'uuinpj Dovvtrto Philadelphia, at b,20 and 11 A M, 12 noon, and 4 P M. Up, to Pottsville, at 10,50 A M, and 5,43 P M. WEST, TO Ll.HANON AND 1IAUUIH11URO : Western f xpress from .New York, nt 1,07 A M. Mail I'ruins, nt 10,53 A M, and 5,45 P M. Ou San. lays, tha Down A M Tram iiassinc Head Inc. at 0,20 A M, and Up Train, at 5,57 P M. Boll, 10.30 A 31 and 5.4J P .M, up Trains connect at Port lintou for Tamn'piu, Willluun-port E'mira, Huff rlo, Niuimra and Canada. I Tlu 10 ju A .11, Train only connects at Port Clinton The'Wcjturii Exprcs Traliu ( ounict at llarribitrg 1 vv HI, Etpress Trnms on thu PcnnaMvani.i for ii..,., ... , .-..!.. 1 i ill.1,111., tiiiu uii I'uiiui i, ibi . nun tile iillltl I ruins connect at llarrisburg for Lancaster, Clianibvr.burg. I Siiubury, Williamspurt, Lock Haven, Jj;ui,ra and the Canadns, Tlirough 1-irst-Class Coupon Tickets, and Emigrant Tickets nt reduced I'nrrs, tn all the principal points in tin North and West, nud thu Canada-, COMMUTATION TICKi'.TS. With 20 Coupons, 23 percent discount, between anj points desired. MILE ACE TICKETS, 1 Cooil for 2000 miles, between nil points, at $43 for Faufil;cs aa I tlusiu.-ss Firm, nnil Reason Tickets, good fur ihi JiiM li r only, fur thro.' mniiths, in any .'asHenrjer I iraiu'lo lljila lelpLia. ct tfjeacb.' SvJluol Seasmi Tick ets oiu'-thiru 1 -ss. 1 Paseug rs will take the Expre-a Train West, at the UPPER DEPOT, cud all otiur Traiiu, af the LOW- I ERDIPOP. " I Ml lbs of hag?agv allowec each pasenrrer ILjt" I'asaetigrrs are ru'iucttoil to purchase theirTick- j i;is 11 lino em, ling III 1 Wins, us niftier . lues 111.1.111 11 paid in rars. I'p trains lca''e llhiladclpht.ifor lleailiug llarrisburg and Pottsville ut e A M, 3,15 V W, tind at 4,3d P M, for Rea.linu only. O" Excursion Ticki ts, good for one day, by 0,02 A, M. Accn,uiuuuaiiLU Train to Phila-elphia nnd return at S."0 each. ' ' G, A. NICOLLS, Ornrra Superintendent. January 4, 1W2. (Opposi te liioeenniiuc Hall,) CHESTNUT STREET. II BTWCEN FIFTH 4.BI3TII, flllUlDKU'fll.l. ' W V ATT 'lc IIEHLINGS. 'Proprietors. Novomler50, leiil. March 1.1. IHSrVJ DISSOLUTP'N OF PARTNERSHIP, ;V OTH His Iter -by given, that the cs-parinersh.p OTH'i: is Her -by given j i heretofore exisline between llie undersigned, tra dim.' under the firm of Marl, k Ent, at Light Street, is this day, (Nov. 25, 111 ) dissolved by mutual oouaeiit of the parlies. Tha Looks, accounts fcc, remain iu the h mils of Peter Ent one of themeiubsrs of the late tirm, Ly whom nil daim against the said hrm will be paid : and ..tins i iiidcbt id to buiJ tirm will please call and make pav incut of the same. OEOIIUE MARTZ, 1'ETi.K LNT. Light Street, Nov. 30, 1801. E II E NO II O T E L. THE undersli'nc 1 reapettfully inform! his friends and the public generallythat he has opened .vliou.e for I the I'lili'iluiiimcut ot cii-iomers auu travelers, at bum, MMu Greenwood township, Colnmbia County, (about miles wusl uf.Vliilville,; called thu hsorenp i Hotel. Vhsre l.e is prepared ;o uccoinmodate the public, and all "who may fjvurhim with their custjm.togonerai sat Hfartion His Table and liar, will l,o veil supplied and careful ly conducted. and his Stabling is ample nud well stocked lo" lie wi)i a all times be happy u .nt upon hislriends and custumcrs. ' JOHN LEGGOTT. Sercno, March 23, 1801. FOR SanVBW .AlJlTilBEiS. JONAS RROOK & iiRO!S PiUZE m. s.'UOL roi'io.v. 200 & 5U0 yds. White, Black, & Colored This Thread being made particularly fur Sewing Ma chines, is very Strong, Smooth and Elastic. Its strength is not impaired by washing, nor by friction u the Hcudlu. For Machines, use brooks' Patent Glace, For upper thread, and Ilrooki' Patent Six Cord, Rod Tirket, For Under thread. Sold by respectable dealers throughout tha country. Also, ill casus of ICO each, assorted Nns., by WM. HENRY SMITH, bole Agent, 30 VeseyStreet, New York, j Nov. 0, ltOL Cn. COUGH DROPS! COIJGII DROPS 1 ! EVERY body usee l'llONEI'IEEDS' COUGH DROPS. It uits promptly miuiluiiics arresting Ihe worst cold in 24 hours. In all nfl-ctlonsof tile' Clie.t, Throat, whither auitu or chronic it will be found of Immediate benefit. Try n single boiUe and you cannot fail to np prei Lite its u.cfuluc is. Fur Sale by mo. rail Storekeeper! and Druggists. Prepared by C. TRONl FIELD, No. 317, N. 3d. St., Philadelphia. Nov. 10, 1601-3m. THE PENNSYLVANIA TELEGAPH FOR THE LEG! SLA Tll'E SESSION. Tho publisher ortho Pesssvlvama TrLPon.nt ''."iTlflBT W" V7 81 P TTitr tT71 rt 5C4 mado tlio mo.t ample and euuiplete ariungemeiita, by I a (j B. I a Bj r b, OtZ, Bii 111 K. ?). the engagement of mi experienced corps of report.-rs,'to '-""-"-"- " givo the public ucompltlo synopsis the proceidinga riMIE subs-ribfra have Just returned from the City of tho Le,'islaturi',onibr.icing.(legisl,iti(,ntliatwillbo X With another large and .elect nssomnct of Ul U gUHUfni .iiuitiLi.i.'i unit sum iiviii'J uutiiiii:'a ai t uiny L-avo an clf ct or inllueiuo on the tuiblic interest Ad ded tu these fepnr a, with tin reports, of the Heads of Departments, Ilia drbaK K w ill all be published w hen thuy are of a ihiracfr involving questions iu whirlitho people are Interested. Tlie.u fealufce regularly and carefully conducted and supervised by experienced re lort rs, our reports "f Hi. proccedingi of Congress nt the approaching ses-imi, th ' current events iu the pro. Cress of tlu war. together ivith such do'ine.lic and for eisu ndvvs as .hall dally occur and come within our reach, will mike the l'tNMVt.VANUTEU'u..rl one of lbs mo! valuable and iuteru.tiug newspapers iu the coun try. 1 TERMS. Th' Dailt will ba publish 'd during the session of the Leci.laiur for 8LU0 per copy TitE 8(Mi'WEit.y will also bo published at tha low rut" of Sl.00 for tin lestion, Th0 ' rt r""' " v ry iarj;u siicev A.iue low rato f 5 '0u Y"" Addreii, ' . GEORGE PKHGNER, I llsrrinbnrg I'san'i. Pit. ". ALi;,!Alt JFOK 1802. si V j . if s "p i 4 a J to I 35 El! 1 3, 3 4 3 f I 1 1) JO II 13 13 II IS 10 17 U LI IB62, and JAN. . I 2 a 4 JULY r II 7 B u III II 13 13 14 13 IC 17 IS 10 20 31 22 23 21 23 20 21 2i 23 21 23 2 l 20 27 2d 20 30 31 27 2d 2J 3d 3r FEII. 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 AUO. 1 3 3 4 S 0 7 8 0 0 10 11 13 13 14 13 10 II 12 13 14 15 10 HI 17 Id 10 20 31 23 17 18 10 20 91 2'J 21 23 24 23 20 27 2d 21 23 30 27 H 2J 30 MAR. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 13 31 SEP. 1 2 3 4 3 0 7 8 1" 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 17, IS 10 21 10 17 IS III 20 21 2J S3 2 1 25 20 27 3S 20 11 23 23 24 23 20 27 2S 2J 30 30 31 APR. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 U HI II 13 OCT. 12 3 4 5 0 7 a 0 10 II 12 13 14 15 10 17 Id 10 20 21 21 2.1 21 S3 20 27 Si 2J 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 C 7 H n 10 II 12 13 14 IS 10 17 IS 10 Co 21 22 13 14 IS 10 17 18 10 20 21 22 2J 21 23.20 37 23 23 30 MAY. 1 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IU NOV. II 12 13 14 15 10 17 IS Id 20 21 22 23 21 23 20 27 2d S3 3Q 31 33 24 3 2d 27 2j 2J 30 J'.SE. 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 DEC. 1 2 3 4 5 fi 7 8 0 10 II 12 13 14 15 lfi 17 18 IU 20 II In II 12 13 14 I IS 10 17 IS Id 20 21 I 21 23 21 23 2d 27 Sd ! 2.1 30 21 3 2.1 21 23 20 27 3i 'IS 30 31 rrr F&my rasa mm John ITaroira. 713 AUCII Street, between 7th, and Hh. Mreets. Me f Slfl Matket itrnt Philadelphia ) Impobtek k. M AnorACTi'Ri R or, nnd 1IKAI...R IN tt- KINDS of FANCY FCUH, tor Ladiet .lliiict audChildren'tviar. Having now manufactured and iu Horo my usual larce and beautiful as (ortment of all tho various slvjcs nnd tuallties or 1 "rs adonteil to tho com- inir Fall and Winter rseasons. 1 vv-Diild ' ' reiVcu v '"v,i,;n",";u.nina"0tn "f ''",uck nnd P'1: ' cei fron those In ending to I am enabled to ofrer them very do.lrrblc Inducements. All my I urs have been purchased for evil, and main by i-xperlenc- .1 and cnmpuonthands.and as t"o present ' monetary tr-ubles render it necessary that I should dl-' , posu of my goods nt very small a.lvanio on cost, i 1 1-1 nil 'satisfied that It will be to the Interest, of those how design purchasing, to give inn n call. C7" RpcoIIoi t, the name, numbfr and street: John Fariir.i,(N w Fur More,)7!S Arctt'Strcct, Philadelphia. ' September 7. lH01-3m. - - - i Till: COUWiJf fllliltllElt T'ltlAL TlilAL OE WILLIAM T. C(MW$ r n hie u.-Ruin orntr vvtrs, ?r,oMNEs. corvvim, sair Jotu in pi ess ami tpill be pitblishtd on Monday, November 1 lilt, A full snd complcto report of this most tirllbr.g and important Murder TrUI-the .trances! and inn.t slneu- ' larcaseontherccords of Luzerne County, THE OOMVVIN MUHDKlt TRIAL, l'honnsraplilcally reported by A. II. Winton, Esip About 100 pages, ortuvn. A limited ndmber having been published, persons wishing tn obtain n copy will do well to apply at once. A copy, postage free, sent by mail on tho receipt of S3 cent.. 13" Whotcsale price, Si'O per dozen. All orders accompanied by the clih promptly attended to. ROI1ERT I1AUR. Fublishei, Wilkea-Ilarre Pa- Nov. 53, led. Ira. DISSOLUTION'. j fTMIR firm of Stoner ic Fox, hcrcloforo doing business 7T. ' ' i " J . 1 , K ., VJr"l -onieeuonerv, was J i"?td ?n "l'!' 11,0 h "f fcptcmber, 1-01, by mutual cnus'eni All nerisnus Lavini? uiiutilrH nirminis ,,. , ti , " , , l . r T 1, ,JiVi I ,if ) 1! ,t''"ll,! on H. Htoner and , ..... k.uii.i ,,,,1 LOllllllUU IUC Ill.C ing and Confectionary business at the old stand, nnd solicits a continuance of public patrunagc 11. STONER, J'. FOX. nioontsburg, January I, 1601. ' IMPORT A N T ! TO those whose Subscriptions arc unpaid tnthe fund ef the "IKON GUARDS," that tha Subscription paper will be placed in thu hands of Esquire Ch'inbcrllu on th "f" day of Januury next -mid allpersoiis in arrears v, in u wuueu upon oy twonsiauie itou. Uy order of the Committee. WM, nioorpsburg, Do;. 25, IStil-tf. NEAL, T.-eajurer. NOTICE. Office of the Lackawanna k UlajnisLurcS. R.Co., I Kisusto's, Pa., Dec. 23, IcOI. i I HE annual .Meeting of the Stockholders of this com I pauy w ill be held at tlio "Kingston House" iics.lhe Depot ou onilay ihe 13th day uf January between the hours of 12 o'clotk noon unci 5 o'clock r. !., for the pur posa of electing A pft sident) and twelve Directors, to serve for en.uing year, by order of the Board. P. PE1TECONC. Treas. Dec. 2. 1801. rBMIE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, UAXV1LLK. MO.VTOVlt COUATV, P.I. Entertainment for Man and lleast, in good style and at moderate rates. OEOKGE W. FREEZE, FroPrictor. DacviileMaic'i, leiij. GILL & PAUL, Gcueral Cuuimissioii nivixliants, DEALERS IN Fish, Provisions, riocr, Iluaer, Cheese, Oils, Dried Truits, Grain, Sccdu, Deans, Whiskey, Wcc, ' Country Produce and 3Ierchanaise geuerally. No. 31 North Wuarves, Puil .DEtrniA, r'nn ai.i, , ,lfc of I'r.tvisinnu. l'lnus nnil f-n,,n,s ' Produc solicited, and returns promptly made. Cash advanced when desir-d. ORDERS for all kinds of rish, Provisions, Flour, Dried Fruits. &c filled el Uifi lowest Cash Prices. August 4, IrOU -l'.'m. CHEAP MILITARY CAPS ! MILITARY CAPS, of every sort, size and quality, for ala cheap at tha moomshurl Hat it Cap Emporium. AIso-Groceries, Confectioneries ICijrars, kc. JOHN i:. GIRTON. liloomsburg, Sept. 14, 1601. E W STORE. IVllOLnS-iLR .1X1) r.CTJll Hivir &m (S&!? siroi!E Thu undersliniei :esnrtfullv informn If if rlllr.ctiu of nioomsimrg. nud the public in general, that ho has pur chased tho Xr.lf IMP ST01i:, in the white frame stare house, on .Main Struct, nearly opponto the Exchange jiiilJiims. whero' 1m has Jutt received a splendid an nulment ef CITY HATS AND QAPS, Oirect from the Mnnufictnries, of all kinds, styles, sorts audsiz"s, latest fashions, which he oilers wholesale nud retail, ntvery low priest. '.3" These Goods will be sold at very loivprlcca lor Ready Pay. JOHN K CHITON. Illoonuburg. October 27, 16C0, (Or JERSEYTOWN.) THE subscriber would respcctfiillyapprize bis friendi ar.d the public generally, that he has opened A EW Ml I'nder tho tbovo name, in Jerseytnwn, Columbia coun ty, pa., where ho is fully prepared to entertain the traveling roinn,ut,.(ty totlcnerul satiiifactlon. His TA II 1. 1', and IIAR.arn ..veil supplied anu will bo carefully superintended. And his Sl'UHJ'. is ample and weil stocked, in rhnrcu of careful irooms, will always I c prnperlv alteiided. i " He invites a share of the public custom, and pledges his bcstUfurts, to help, his guests feel at home SAMUEL RI.MHY. Jcrssytovvn, May 11, lcf,l-3m. Look to your Interests ! FRESH ARRIVAL OP " FALL AND WINTER GOODS, AT lat I ami Winter iooils, purcliased nt Philadelphia, at the lowest figure, and whiih they aro determined to sell ou as moderate terms nsenn bu procured elsewhere in ulootuiburif. Their stoik rompri.'s lauii:' out- s noons, of clioie8t si) lei and latest fashion. DRY atltlDS, AXJi HHQCK1UES, ii e nun' i nr. uunrxmiti:, ce.UJiH w.iitK, mu.unr w(e mox, x.M.s, hoots j- siiot.s liaTS et C.1PS. tve , e tee-.. i TV?. In st, irt everything usually kept in reuntry fitnrci ; to vvhb Ii they liivite the iublir genrrallv, Thu Hlghe.t prim paid fur country produce. MILLER t EYER. liloomsburg. -May It, If Cl. HOUSE FOR SALE. A moveable Frame Hocse, will be sold cheap, on ap plication to the undr.ijatd, I RVl L TATE. Ploomsburg July 13, IMI rpUIJ,, AVKEKLY'. J,Q,nRNAL 0F JL tftniMiffiois. V vj oVn sutisontufjis. The annrnarhlnii NivvYiufr is a mod time fort' nowlng tubsrriiili'ilfs'ii'ii I IrrrrialdHttu'CttcVUHon to tho Jnurniil rciiii,iur e. V6nd Jr.tra ourselvestothe old nud, rs if tin papr, with entire confidence in their vvllllugn is to ul us, ami tn extend the Influence ef th intiii. i inns -ivvtlvr p inrlpl .1 nd morals which have hllh ct.rli n an.i wlir hereafter chine t. rlz this paper. Evikt Betnt.B n to tho Jburml of Coiihik rr might l n ft -nt ivico to these principles, rt ii ci sir, nttu -a us In our ability to support and circu lat tin in, by a lit-j tis tha nam) of at lc&itone new subrcrlb r iu his town. I'i'votbd (Irmly u. ne have hien tn our country'! In ter. sts ami Lav ' mg b.-i n call -d "Union Bavcri'' ai a t mi of r proii'li v!' mi I sh II bj the firm uphold, ors cf T'lU I'NI iV AND THE CO.V.-'TtTOTIOM opposing wllhh irt no I p o everv ninl,3outh or North who 1-nn eu mytieither l.ieiy form of ui orgsnlia Hon and revolution win frid n t- uilyifor the combat. -Among the furs o th 1 Am. rlcnu Union American principles, we rank side by side, " . ,i AltOLtTIONIS.M AMI S.-CE-Stp.VISM and we propose with nil ur strmcth to defend the n ttr.n against the nttucks of noth, Wc belong to no political pirty. owe obligations to tin government or party patroiiag -, retain in all rispecli our indepctiilciit rightto uphold the good while no op pose the bad, of whatever ftaiae. We are firm defenders or ciiuisri anitY AND CHRISTIAN MORALITY. In public and private Lf. Without publishing a relig ious newspaper, nr'maklng an'y pr lelices to rellgloui rharnct -r, wu .ball b" f iuii-1 her ultar. what wo-bave heratofurJ baeu, the only ai'y newspaper in New York w hich is conduct "I with conl'teirt r.trgr l tn tho sentt'-1 inenti of Cliristla I people. Wu do no work on tho Sab bath, and wo 'iro abl to is-u. as good u daily paper on Monday morning as any office which vloalalcs the day of rest. For the good Influence of thJ Journal of Commcrro In the nation, vve radr to tlu r cord of tlu pa-t. In timea of trial It is our nlui tocucoura e, in times of doubt to cheer, In times ofi-xcitemcnt, to calm the mind, Tho Journal of Commerce is the Btst o mm i! rein-1 per in Alurrica. The merchant! the farmer, the mechanic, the profcs'i- ta man, in snort every newspap r reader will And it .,,,,a ,.. i,i. .. ...... ,i. ... u -j in i, ti i... r.... -r' IV. ?. tubllshmont.'the growth iu" nearly fdrty years, Inclucling conesnondence in all pads of tf w ofld, 'ts egraphi!' r,,,orli frum ,he .hotL, tff tha Atlantic and the Pwiflt; mirk, t nud moncv fewe full nrruui i. of ihl tr., . rJn. r?oiH aciuatloii ru ' h si, if he cmwuf tit'Ss Ef orlcei fo Slsr?. ntid domcitic a orprlen. roreigi? a"J domestic , a can r, lly Prcparotl altogether enable us toTurnlih a vvockly paper w hich will nbundantly satLfy tha wants of every man, what' ev er ins iiupioymeni. .oiwiinstatiiiing the cnormojs I expenses made necessary by thase arrangenunts, vt lite able to publish . I THE CHEAPEST WEEKLY PAPEP, In New York or America. country's alfalrs, to aid in giving Increased circulation' to tit- priuiipUa of tlu Journal of Commerca. W do n tsupposu vvj have onj 'r.'a ler who could not If ha vv ill, take the opportunity, sehd ua thj natuca of friundg to swell our liat. , i . may be crgar.itcd tn communities with great advantcM 'PI,,. nrfl.nt Iho K.w .....1.... . .j. ...v.i.Tsai - "i'i - isuuli. ,1, me iiruguincririi oi our The terms on vvhb li we can j'ii-ov-.i, ur n.s, .vs. puini- i i iinjir cuiiiiiiviicciueiii furntih the paper are as follow : To companies taking 20 copies or uovvards 13 copies ' - . cl copies .... 4 copies .... 3 copies .... Under 3 conies . . , ONE DOLLAR, each- nrTES.S DOLLARS. TAN " SIX " rive " two each. "llie papers win be addressed to different persons at the same Po-t OlHce, if desired except in the case of dubsof 13 or more copies, which will bo mailed to one' iddrcss. to' Specimens cent gratis. IE" .id dries fditors of the Journal ef Commerce, Xi, 21 ll'oH street. At leil. PRIME, STONE, HALE & IIALLOCK, Editors and Proprietors. Dee. 21, 18BI. I'attauissa flaij lload. VASS RUPERT STATION. SOUTHWARD HOUND TWAINS. rhlladclphia'4; N. Y. Mail 1 10.35 A. M. " Expr'oso 12.33 A. M NORTHWARD HOUND TSAINS' ' Elmira Mali 3.11 P. M Niagra Express 10.13 P. M Lackawanna & Dhiiiiusburg Railroad OX AND AFTI R NOV EM. 23, ISCl.' PACSENOEB TRAINS WILL RUN AS FOLLOWS: MOVING SOUTH. Freight Pctsenrer. raseeneer. Iaiave Sc. anion. Kincstnn 6.30 13.1 J P " Honmsburg " Rupert, " Danville, Arrive at Nort'Jumbetland, 8.32 0.46 9 IS 10.00 MOVING NORTH Leave Northumberland, " Danville, " Rupert, " lt'.ooiiisbtirg Kingston, Arrive ct Summon, 4.30 P. M. 3.10 3.45 5.37- ROOLeave 9.00 P. M, LIS P. HCi 3.40 ' A Passenger Train also leaves Kincston at 8.3 OA. K for Scraiitou. In connect Willi train for New York, Ue tiirnin.'. le ives S 'ronton on arrival of Train from New Yom at 4.15 P. M. Th - l.ark.ivvauna and lllnom'biirg Railroad connects with th Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Railroad at cranto'i, for New York and intermediate points east At Rupert it connect- with tho CattawissaRai road.fot points both en. i and west. At Northumberland It connects with the Philadelphia. Sc. Er,tB.'.JN C P.. R. fur points west and inuthl JOHN P. ILSLEY, Suft 3 C. Wells. f?ca7 Ticket JterJ' Nov. 30, 13 lil. 3LO S Printer, RooUbStiilcr & Claulibook M A N UFACTVRER : - srl 1- Wiiolei.le and Retail Ficaler in PRINTING. WRITING AND WRAPPING PATERS. AOEST TOR THE CATAWIISA PATER MILLS. Main Struct, first dnorb low th - Public Spusre, WILKESBARRE, PA. Nov, 53, lBOi-lW. " ' W. Willi JijbU. NOW occupies the room up stairs in front in Mr. Unangst's brick building, on .Main Street below the American House. A most convenient office ; whero he will be happy at all times to sec his fri.-e.ds and clients, liloomsburg, Nov. I), leiil. 3m. NEW BUSINESS FIRM. THE undersigned respectfully inform their friends and tha public generally, that they have entered in to cn partnership, under the name, style and firm ef .Mil, LEU l.VEK iu the 'Eerc.iiiijiitc ffiiiMJicss, In the "Old Arcade,"in Hloonisburg, Columbia co., vhero they intend carr ying on the business of cini. rai, Mlrcuindiziiio, fit all its diversified bramhea and departments,, audio whitli'they inWlu an extension cf the public patronugc. H. II MILLER, FRED'K C. EVER, Uioom.burg.Mayll, lFOL-tf. KltlSjllJlCTIl e5l I'UCriiPRD. VlioL.'lSA'LE ' ' T .0 B A 0 C O DEALER? JUji.lOS.NOKTIl TIIIRJJ STREET Five doori below Rare. ' PIIILADEI.PIIU ADMINISTIIATOR'S N0Tl,CE. Estate of George Hartrnan, deceased. XJOTICL is hereby Riven that letters of Administration l on the estate of George llnitiuan, late of lleiitou twp, Columbia county, decease, I, havo been granted by theRcg. i.terof .aid County to George M, llajiuian, who retidei iu the same township. Ad persona having claims or de mnndaacunstthe uetjto of tho deicdent are requested to pre jeii'. them for s'ttlciueut, and those indebted tu maku patueut without delay. GEORGE JL IIART.M AN, Oct. 13, ltOl-f t. Adm'r. H,iii.,!i Wholesale .mil Ketail. "Small Prohts Attn Quick S.les.'' 410 Atch St., Utteecn Vh .y li'h south side, PHILADELPHIA. Mantlei, Capes. Half Capes. Victories, Muffs. Cuffs, manufactured of tho best ic ricifest Skins of Mink Sable, Stone Marten, Chinchilla, Siberian Squirrel, Fit, h, Er mine, etc Furs altered Into Itt present fashions. VjT No business transacted 'on Saturdays, The highest prlcei paid for Mink, Fox, Coon, Muik. rata etc. skino. Nov. 10, 1S0L 3m. PUBLIC NOTICE. A large new COOKING STOVE, his been treiipiii. im on th premise! of the undersigned, In Centra township for several years past and a it Is likely lo remain unclaimed, Ihe owner Or owners of said Stray Move, are requeued o pay charges, and lake it away or il will be disposed cf as the Act of Anenbljr pit vidti In all such eases. II. A UWKrEMiiliCH CeEWt t.j, Oct U, 1WI ' 5t