BET" A SUCOESSFUlTlOE HOUSE. A Chester county correspondent to "Tho G nrdnors Monthly" sn vs :-Tcn years .Tn venn jn.1.10 since I 111 t nn ir.n Iionsn. Alter tnnutrv I built an ico house. After Inquiry nnd rotleotion, 1 adopted tho following do tails of construction, which havo proved a ennnnoa t.A c.,n1w rnrolv fnilinr, ' wv..., ...u -t l,,j until ico forms again, I chose as location a north laying bonV1o aFmhMiIh r. lnl!n.. ... n .1 it.- nVAA..n!n'M ui oi.uujr iiiuuuttbiuUf iiiuuv huu UAuav.iviuu i n cubo of thirteen feet, or so that tho earth removed would bank un to that liciclit. nut I in an eighteen inch dry wall, excopt tho THE top foot, which was niortared; inserted on AYci'ldy "Ptttliot & UlliOll.'' each side thrco pieces of three by four inch J'TnE,aiIEA"PESrPAT)EU PUBLlSlI scantliug, to which porpondiculnr 1 inch IN PENNSYLVANIA 1 pino boards wore nailed as lining ; put on 1 - and a light shinclo roof of doublo pitch, left tho fa u,"biu lv"" ! spaces at tho cave between the ratters open for n draft of air to enter, and placed a small Vonitian window near tho top of tho north gable for its escape, Uoforo putting on tho shingles, end after nailing lath on on tho undor.-ido of tho rafters, tho inter- I .; ,,M ftl,ft .i.,l ;,),' VCning Space was tlgiitly packca With , strait straw ; the roof is kept whitewashed. Tho South gable consists of two doors, ouc of which answers for gonoral use, but when filling, tho ground being level on that side, both arc oponcd, a smull plat form placed in front of them, and the ico is shot directly in from the cart. The boilorn was made about ono foot deeper in the middle tLan at tho .sides, and 8 to 10 inch, chestnut logs laid across it close together ; tho ico is thrown on these. I fill only to the squaro with ice, and' the remaining fpaco with wheat straw, which I am caroful always to keep covered over tho ico and packed down tho tides a foot or two, as it melts leaving a space of about ono foot between tho ico and tho li ning. Tho bank was well sodded up to tho wall so as to throw off rain water fall ing on the roof and prevent iU ingress to tho house. Free daily use is tnade of tho ico during all tho warm scasou, for.a f am ily of nine, and thcro is usually about a load or two over. 'The capacity of the bodso is about twenty well filled ox oart loads, with side boards. My prrotico ap pears to accord with tho theory aud prin ciple of IS, J. o.;' PLANTING APPLE TREES. Never bofore;havo, apple trees been so oxtensively, planted in ibis section as du ring tho past autumn, Farmers are bo ginning to. rcalize-tbat raising good fruit is a profitable business. - Tho applo crop the past season was not as largo as in 1800 but tho prices, notwithstanding the high rates of freight, have been good, and it is said that tho fruit growers have realized as much profit from their crop ai iu tho previous more plentiful years- Wo bear of cases where 8400 an acre has been puid for Baldwin apples on the trees the buy er to gather (he fruit. An intelligent farmer a few days since told us that ho was going to plant '1,000 Baldwin applo trees, and remarked that his only regret wa3 that he had not douo so ten years ago. Ho had no duubt that this and other winter varieties will always command a fair price. Eveu if (hoy do not, ho thought, " it would pay to grow them to feed cattle and hcs." Tho varieties planted most extensively aro tho. Baldwin, tho Golden and tho Rox bury Russet, and the Rhode Island Grec- Thero can be no doubt that tho soil and climate of Western New York are very favorablo to tho growth of apples, pears, etc. Tho fruit is exceedingly fair, and will always command good prices. A considerable quantity of winter apples havo been Scut from hero to England We havo no doubt that thofo who havo exercised due earo in assorting out all poor aud bruised fruit, aud in seeing that they havo becmcarofuUy handled, will realize handsome profits fron their investments. Many apples aro also sent from. this place to Canada. 'J he variety which com mands tho highest price in Montreal is the Pomme Grise. It will readily bring 4,50 to 85,00 per barrel, while tho Baldwin sells at S2.50. It is a most excellent ap pie, but of not sufficient size to suit tho popular demand with us. It is a favorite to all who judgo appjos by tho taito lath or rhnn liv rim mm Tl.n 11a...a... :.. 1 . - j . Yj), .uu4uoSii a uisu . i i. r.....i .. ., " j-F"'"' "Jr'f'U " A'iomreai. JJOUl tUC30 varieties bear well in this section and BllOUld bo moro fenerallv nlnnfoil nenooi. Diiuuiu uu iuurU bt.m,raiiy piantCU, CSpCCl- all who expect to send apples to Canada. Gcnisie Fuimcr. Fakmeiis Suould Grow Woois.-Oom. parativeloy few reallZO the fact that tlio P'cto volume of HUpogoai two volumes comprisoono tT , , , .. l"u:ycar. The volumes cunnuenco on tho llrsl of January .Northern btatos aro now wholly doprived uTl11 Jutv' nttlinisi,oel minnlli.0 if (., ....1 .-I CLUI! RATES. v.., v. t,u..u.., U11U i0 make calculations accordingly. A corres-1 pondent at Washington very properly ro- marKS, that as tllO UOniirCSS Of tho Confi-il. ' orate States has formally recommended to 'nnieiidm mxxXT. tho peoplo oftho Southto dovotclois bread-1 "vtlsie audacii KeHr'.0;!!,. ,., ths of land to tho culture of cotton thanJ ,,.a,V.'ea,oin1.hStt usual, and moro to grains and grajsos, so ,' tho necessities of the North, sppjiging from tho want of (cotton wool," suggest tho pretermitting at this timo of tho usual Blauehtor of sllCCD and lambs, to tha end si. a . d'tci'jy uuu iuiijud. vo W10 cnu tu ... .mure mo wooi crop may do largo U9 ll'J.M'Jlt' THE PENNSYLVANIA TELKGAPU roit v nr. LEGISLATIVE SESSION. Tht publisher oftho rE-issTU'Aitt TFi.toturii has made tlio incut amnio nnd complete arrangements, by ' lho,cngagcint)ht of.ati experienced corps nr repot tern,' ti give tlio public a complcto synopsis f tho proceedings . oftho Loglaliiturecmbrnclni .ill legislation llint.wlll.M ' of a general character mill mill private business alm-iy hnvo nn rlTsf t or Intiiinma on tlm mibllftllntrreslaK Ad- iled to tlicac reports, wllli.thtf reports, ofltho Heads of W OIID1.UH for nlHklnda.of Flshjtrrnvlslons, Flour, DopartniemsiYiodrbntcaMvlll nil ho published whch-MDrlcd Kriiltn. Ac niloil at Ilia lowcttCatli rrleo, they nro of a character Involving questions In which tin) pAugiist -I, 1H,U-Uin. H n-rinlfl nrn Interested. Thesfi fcnturnft?rffUtarlV'nmtMii '.. Ike flat SWrVJ " ZSliZ, VA) wi.h'S dSuc''nnd Z tho npprnnthlng session, tho current events In tho pro. rc,., ,,f the war, together with such domestic nnd for- 'H,"? ""?. "rCTr nni' rnmo renchi wilt nmko tlio rtNiiivi.vAru1'ei.t!URAFii onooftha mot valuaUlo nnd interettlng noVfpnpcr In tlio conn, try. THUMB, . Tho-1) lt.v w ill ho puhllMied during the notion ofllic i.citimnturo mr 81,1 nu iter conv. The Skmi-Weiikly will also bo nubllthcd nt the low rnte of iil.00 for the session, very large .hect at the Aiiiiress. auounn, llarrisburg, I'cim'a. Dec. 2d, leCl. tiiu only dijmociiatiu t-Ai-nit t'Utii.istiut) at T,II: aK AT 01, (joVKIlfi.MLNTl l-OItTY-FOUIl COLUMNS OF HEAD ING 3IATTEK EACH WEEKl AT TIIU LOW 1'ltICC 01 ONE DOLLAR 1 WllEM SUDSCIIWED FOIl IX CJ.UJIS OF XOT J.KSS TItAtt TKtt COPIES TO O.Yi: ADOHKt TIie llt,tillj for Whtcii many of our subscribes havo paid Tor their paper being on tlio ovo of expiring, wo inkfj liberty r laaiiingtlila notice, rcuilndiriff liinn of tins same, In order that t.iey may RENEW THEIR CLUBS. , Wo shall also take it as an especial favor If our pres ent subscribers will urge upon tlialr neighbors the lact that tlu I'atriot arb L'sion is tho only lijiiincrntlc pa per printed in llarrisburg, and considering tho largo amount of reading matter, embracing all tho current news of tin day, and- TE I.EG-RA PI210 DOS PA TCIIES From everywhere up to the moment the paper goes In press, political, miscellaneous, general and local news, market reports, Is decidedly the cnvjiri:sTXEvsiirKti rvBusmiD ix run St'M'RI There Is scarcely a vlllugc or ton n in the btatn in which nclub cannot bo raised If tho proper exertion" bo made, and surely there are fjw p'acos in which ono or moro energetic men cannot he found who are in favorof the dissemination of sound Democratic doctrin.'S, who would bo willing to make tho cilort to raise n club, DEMOCRATS OF TUB INTEKlOR'l Let us hoar from you. The dialing war, nnd tho ap proaching sessions of Congr-'ss and tlio State Legisla ture, are invested with unusual interest, and every man should havo tUu news. T E K M S . DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION. Single copy for one year, in advance SI 0 Single copy during tho session oftho Legislature. .1 00 WCLKLY PATRIOT ALII UNION, Published cccry Thursday. Slnglo copy one year In ndvancc S2 00 Ten copies to one address ...i. 10 00 Subscriptions limy commence at any time. Tat) al ways inadcance. Any person sending us a club ot fifty subscribers to the Weekly will bj entitled to a copy for Ills services. The price is so low that wu cannot olfer greater inducements thnn this. Additions may be made at any time to a club of subscribers by remitting S' f"r each additional name. It Is not necessary to send us tho names of thoso constituting n club, as wo ranuot undertake toaihlress each paper to club subscrib'rs sep arately Specimen copies oftho weekly will bo scut to all who desire it. . O DA11RUTT & CO., Harrltburg, Ta. NE'V jTEWELRY STORE. "rtlirj iiiioenigned, respectfully Informs tho citizens of X mnomsuurg, ami me puoim generally, inawie una es tablished a new More, on .Main Street, llloumsbiirg. in Mrs. Lencock's lluilding, where ho offer for sale, on moderate terms, a largo assortment of CLOCKS, IVA TCHES JEWEL R Y, Of every sort, and sizo and description. Ills stock of Jewelry is complete, including every J(fn variety of Ladies and Gentlemen's Mcdnllous. Te- 1 Chains. Lockets. Hrenstiiiiis. Fineer-rings. clcily!- to tho examination of which tin invites the public gener ally. jy Ftrict nttcntion givon to rcpalrihg Clocks, W ntch cs. and Jewelry, and all work warranted. WM. I!. DUAKU. niooinsbiirg, May V, 1801 tf. PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING. I Ill: subscriber would inform his friends, that In is now prepared to put up, oh short notice, and lu u scieniiue manner, ino uesi puiTtx.i poixtkd uaiirxixn HODS, nt 131 cents per foot. All work w urrnnted. U. 11. lllDI.nUAN. lllooinsliurg, May SI, 1SC0. HOUSE FOR SALE. A moveable Frame House, will bo sold cheap, on op, plication to the undrsigued. LKVI L.TAW. llloonislHirg, July in. I?o'l. V 11 O SPEC T U S OF TIIE SCIENTIFIC AMBBICAiV. THE IirST MECHANICAL PAPER IN THE WORLD. SEVENTEENTH YEAR. VOLUME VLNEW SERIES. A now voliim' of this widely circulated paper com mences on the 4th of January. Every number contains sixteen jiages of useful information, nnd from fivo to ten original engravings of new inventions and discove ries, all of which are prepared expressly for its coluins, Tho SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is devoted to the in terests ufl'npultr Science, the Michanics Aria, iManu ufactures, Inventions and Agricultum, Commcrco ami tin Industrial Pursuits generally, and is valuable and instructive not only in the Workshop and Manufactory b-it also iu til 3 Household, the Library and the Reading Room. To the M'.chanic ami Manufuctunr . No persons engaged in any of the mechanical pursuits should think of doing without tho Scientific American. It costs hut four cents per week : cverv number nm. tains Irom six to ten eugruviiigs of new machines ami Inventions, which cannot bo fuund lu any other publi. TUIE undersigned inform tho public generally that cation, it is an established rule of Hie publishers to iu. , J- they havo formed a co-partnership, and will cumin sett none but original oiij,'ravjngs, nnd those oftho first no tho business of Pump making nml repairing, in aP class iu tho art. drawn nnd engraved by experienced their various departments, in lllooir,s,iurg, where th ey persons under their own supervision. , will promptly attend to all orders in their lino of bust 7'n lm I whether iu town or country. ( Tho SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is iudispoiisablo to cverv inventor, us it not onlv contains itln.f mto.l .1,. gcrlptlons of nearly all the best Inventions ustheycome out. hut each number contains nu Official List of the Clonus of all tho Patents issued from the United States Patent Oflico during tho week pretious ; thus giving a correct history of tho pngrcss of inventions in this country. Wo aro also rcceit ing, every week, tho best scieiiuni journals ol ureal uriiain, Franco am! Germa ny ; thus placing ju our possession all that is transpir ing in mechanical sci nce and art in these old conn tries. We shall continue to transfer to our columns co pious extracts irom these Journals of whatever wo may deem of interest to our readers Chemists, Architects, Millwrights and Farmers! I Tho SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN will bo found a most I useful Journal to them. All the uuw discoveries iu the 1 science of chemistry lire given in its coluins, nnd thu .interacts of the architect and carpenter aro iiul over looked: all tho new Inventions nod discoveries upper-1 iiiierasis ui me arciitett auu carpenter aro nut over-, looked: ul the new invculnus mid discoveries i,n,,..r. tolning to these pursujl. being published from week to ,uu.?. '0U",J P"bllntl 111 tlio Susnlillo American which lufor. ,atluu they cannot possibly obtain from any ether Buiiitu nuoji bis hi which nianiers noil inrmerB nm . i i;itiiiu win uq iuiiiiu uiscusscu in tne Scleutlllc Anier lean ; iiicsiof the Improvements iu ngricnlluriil imple piciils being illustrated in its columns. I . TERMS. ' To mail subscribers: Two Dollars a Year, or Ono i Dollar foi sir months, flu,. Ilnllnr i. , r... - fivo Copies, for SUMontlu iorTlJcioU.-.--' . ffi. - . 81 915 iii Fora!clubanfTwcntviindover.ihovMrlvi,l..s,i ,u vilZNN & no.. rublisliers. No. 37 Park-row, Now York, Dec. 11. Ifdl, COME AND SETTLE. THOSE knowing them elves indebted to ihu motor. J signed ore hereby notified locomo and settle their nrrouiila wl hnut further notice, I am now lu earnest iiuu.r cou u 0 l" . .. . U. OAIVUS, Prpl 7. 13CI 31 mmmmtMm usass ywwiMjiMiuiwmimiiuimwwii' u.sus iiiii imwiw GILL & PAUL, General Commission Merchants, DGALRRS ID Fish, Provisions, llour, lluttcr, Chceao, Oils, Dried Fruits, drain, Seeds, ltcana. Whiskey, Wool, Country Ttoiluco nml Merchandise iicircrall v. No. 34 North WiunvEs' l'uiLAtx-.rTitA. I jiL, r W 4S7, ConslgnmentsTnf rraylilonsiFiniir nml Country lpn,liiin .jJllt...! nml ...hiriu i.vmm.llir i.,n.ln lih advanced nheh desired. Safe TINWARE & STOVE. SHOP. T R "!" '..'-. hi- oi.i friend. 'T it, intcrcs, 1,' hetciiflT ho coiuliictPtl Iy hliitclf exclusively. Ifn llna lll( .,,li,rt.l nn.l ,iir,.ra Tup III, tnrrt. IjiS cut anil iiHut exteutlvo aortnicnl of ANUV e 1 u v 11a ever luirouucoii inio inis ninrKci. His stock consols of a coiuplctu un-nrtjuciit or i v ,n,,ak T)l(,r nr0 rciulreiltu bring tho subject up tu cuilugto them that unlforni enjoyment ol health, with tho best Cooking and parlor stoves In the market, togetli- y 'cielil uiom.'it to fti'te just how It stands noa. All out which life Itself Is hut a partial blessing. Bn great er witli Kovo 1 Ixturea of very description. Oven nnd tln stiitlsticul Information If. from tho Cafes! reports! tho Indeed had their elliiacy Invariably proved, that it win ltox Hlovns. Ilmllntors. rvllndnr Stoves. Cast Iron Air J lent stoves, i;annnn ritoves, nc, uc. ftovepipe aim WALL PAPER! P APE It ! 1 U3T received from tho map" .actorles In l.oston, an I article ofiiiot oxrellent quality. 1 challenge compe tltlnu n to rc and price. The undersigned will keep borders to match nnv of the Ptvlcs on hand-nnd is tho only Lxii.-rlciiced I'ai-.r llAMitn In this H 'rtinu of tho County -Give my Lxteiislvc Block an Uxamiiiutloii lieforo rurrhasiug, U Call at llup.'rts Post Orrice. i U. J. TI10UNT0N. I nioomsburg.March giJlffil . TRUNKS I TRUNKS II rpm; largest, best hatidsom i on nun cneiipcsi assort liiriii ui cuij A4-juiiit;i duiiu TVI . 'iTr-i v Riveted Traveling Trunks. i'ffiV-'5w..J?, Mies' llonnel .y Dress Trunk rft-'Jvi'ilSi Children's Coaches, Propel- SROifr'STS'Sof lers Leather nnd Carpet D.igs 'ifjiJ&Vitiii&'&t Packing Trunks &c. &c a ,'SV&Y',, THOMAS W .MATTSON'S. U lebralcd London Prize .Medal Improved slieet sprluf solli sohl Leather Trunk manufactory. No. -I0'J Marko strci i, Sniitli est corner Fourth and .Market, l''a. August B Ir37-tf. States Jtnion Hjotcl GOO & 008 MARKET STREET AllOVE tjtXTII.1 pitirjinr.i.rni.i. J. W. POWEB, Proprittcr Terms; 1 S3 per day. May 12. lFfiO-lJm. Xgm R E M O V A L . V, C. SAUliKK & Co., Commission Merchants and dealers in Fish, Cheese and Provision, No. 103 Arch street, 2nd doornbovo rront. Phi adel hl.i, us 14. 53 ty J. I'. H U IS E 11 , (Successor to J. S. Sorver.) mi0LF.SAl.F. IX TOBACCO, XiXUFFAN) ( IGARS, No. 8 North Fifth St., above Market. PHILADELPHIA. Also, Manufacturer and Importer of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC SEGARS. May 12, lSC0-12m. as out ani nnixKimi. THE undersigned, having opened n new BOOT AND SHOE SHOP, on Main street, in llopkinsvllle. East nioomsburg. respectfully invites H12 custom of tho citi zens and the public generally. All kinds of Hoots, Shoes. &c . will be promptly made to order, on short notice and moderate terms. From long experience in his line of business ho Hatters himself that lie w ill be able to give general satisfaction to all who may favor him witli their custom. fcy- Grain, Provision and Produce generally taken in exchange for work. n. f. mtooKs. nioomsburg, July (1, 16fil-3m. JOLINE & LEE, No. 40, NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. HOPES MAKERS AND SHIP CHANDLERS, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Ropes. Twinss, Tar, Pitch, Oakum, lllocks, aud Oars, ic. August 4, lc'iiO- l-.'ui. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SIIOl HE undersigned would inform thn citizens of liloomshurg and vicinity, that lie liasjiist re 4"t3! cived ami oilers for sale one of tlio most extensive assortments of COOKING and FANi Y STOVES ever introduced into this market, 'fun Christopher Co uiiibus. James Robb and Globe are among the first class cooking Stoves, nil of which nro uir-lightnudgns burner His Parlor -toves are handsome and the assortment ta ried. Al.-'O-lVirticular attention is paid to Tin-Ware un il House Spouting, upon .liort notice. All kinds ol repairing will b3 done w ith neatness nnd despatch. (D Country produce taken in exi linngo for work. PHILIP S. MOVER. n ooiusburg, Oct. 3, lfCtt M. i! VANS, 10,000 I'ICINTHK, a 15 i unriiiiir Hour! , ' Tha er...tll.t W..o.arl..k..l l.v ,! uh.1. I) PM.Xl!lll.l'r...lO.L 1 i ......... . ' V . - r...ltts ImttTtTB S i,..l.liu.. Lsliibllw. . , t .V? .,.. ...... ,..,,. T.fl T.,..n t.rj. rr Ilunr.iit lhrrr 1.! rtjU r'j-Pil.riIr.illy rfilurcd. ror.Llbrnrr.FOUllTIJ ST. below Chestnut August 17, 1601. A T T O R N E Y A T LAW , nLoo.vsnuna, pa. Oflico In Court Ally, formerly occupied by Chariot R. Iliickalew. nionmtbnrg, Dec. 4, 1M!I. (Lato White Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVE THIRD lMiiLAniai.riiiA. JOHN ROVER, Proprietor. T, V. RIIOADS, Bup't Nov. 10, Jrllt. (Jfnrch2, lf-ni-t3m.) P U 31 P M A K I N G ...... ......, . iiiauu ... the best stle of workiuaiiship, on moderato terms, and on very short notice. From their long experlenco iu tho business, slid nn earnest desire to have their work commend itself to thu public they feels confident thev can luako it un object to thoso who may give them their custom and render gene, ral satisfaction. JOHN CRUTCHLEY. I JOHN CUI.P. 1 Illoonisbttrg, April 13, 18C1, 3m B5I6Et)E! RRICK!! "piIIJ undersigned is prepared to supply llrick, of a I good quality, at fair price, lie will be found nt tho llrick Yord oj'D, L, SI'Kluiiy, near McKcIvy & Ncal's Furnace. Persons duslrlngtn purchn-o will do well to call as brick will be made and uM be sold. i. u. r tut man. Aim. VT" 100,000 now on hand and ready for salu. lllooinsburg Feb.O, I0fil-3in, J. II. F. o. iMalfc SB af i IV B8 diHV IVJeJ IT 9faHsi All aSJSSP W r'$i WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BEDDING AND FEATHER WAKE- HOUSE .... ,. H . , ., ', n, , n, , , ,. ..v.... .u..,, ,,vv,, ' w.. w......., FIIJLA DELPHIA. O" Constantly on hand, a large assortment of Reds, i Mattresses, Paillasses, Cushions, Ilair, Husk, Cattail,! and all articles lu tho lino at the Lowest Prices. A', it -.Particular utttnlivii nald to renotatiiiL' Xcu an ' Old Feathers, March 2, loGl-lSm, F, 0. HARRISON, M. D. tTTfllTI.n rH.nnotriillf InTs-r... It.,, rtidnna ilfr.,,,,. burg, and vicinity, that he cnii'iuuostlie ,i ecliceof lid solicits a share of public pntrouago, OriHE. on Muin Street, llr.l hoUso below tho Court House, Rlooiusburg. February 3, ti55-tf. n :u a vxji w a B II. 0. HOWER, S U It E 0 N DENTIST l'.EflPEOTI'ULl.YoiTera his profcasion til .-. vices lu the In ni i and gentlemen of i;iooni li'iigaeii i ciiiiiy. Ho is prepares to lllteiicl lu I'll lll-l vnriuuu ooeriitlona in tlio Hun of his profession, he la provided with tho latest Improted pore, lain lectli . which will bo Insi rlod on g old, platina, filveroiW rubber bu.oj tolook as well as uZ-nt plat' . and block teetli inunufuc lured mid all setli, carefully mid properly attended tu 1 Pa., August J, leejl. opi rations on teetli uiouiusuurg llliwnrt! ci'li-lilllliy un li mn nun iiniiiiiiaiiiiiiii m .,nn;i. .. blOCrnlllllnlt llOtlCCS llOt OIllJ' SIII'IIK ortllO llenu, Dili Upon WHICH lliey woro ruininninuuu, .iiiu ...ui. ......... All kinds or repairing done, as usual, on short notice. . , ufii,0' living, It Is n library ofltself. i they conscpieiitly act. Jheimlroiiagoofold friends. nnd new cos omors rc. Anu,KM1:)lX 1I1K d,dub oil'oMiiass: llcingn ,n Ts pnn'NlX lilTTEUS. spectfully solicited. A. M. KU'LltT. 1 polltlcnl history of the United State,, fromlho organlM- MUl'lUl I O J.UU.ll. nil Jil o. llloouisburg. November 3d !i r .t.n iw.i i:..imre In i:w.l In I'.dlt. ' t,.m.u i'i, lllllers nra so called, because they I M POUT A 1ST N ATI JIN AIj UOIIKS. !'lUI.I3Ui:U 11Y I) AITI 1 I'D fc l!0. M8 rtH "115 Hroartttd New Vork. Tim C.llhulntr wnrkaato tout to Sub crlhcri In unv nnr of tha conntry. (upon receipt of retail price.) by mull or express pre mm. . -v., . . . tf&x Till, NliW AilWllUAiN uyui.oivi;iii.y-m Dictionary of (lencfrjil Knowledge. Edited Riri.iv nml t'iiARis. DanaUIUciI by n in ... ........ .1 tssss-f-i it till it. pis 1 1 1 1 1 A al n At lotiril'k. A it fl tl.Pt' till IHRtOll a RRL ' I,iterntiir. -Thlwork Jfflbjllir tmhll.hed, In nbout IJJ Intgu oitnvo.vo nun )rj'nrii..iiiiioining tou two eoimn il. ii ' ' ; '", ; , ,,r" r ,', ' . . rni". VolJJEmoA'lll liiclil1VP.nB i(.vs',ti; t. rloil ipf :) yonrc nnd dur ng t hat tl me. uy; ' " rnMuluiiiii nlfnffiCstilkitil arllilif. , Ail nfliiil.iiiflr'tnlu.'.l n Itleli thnracter in nlinoit every part of tho vl.i?.i! iif I'lfiSMI. .ifillRI in "l.l tW' liMMinT t Hi- fotn- .xtmordlunry curative,i. which 1'rh. luUu&,J,M-i.S-i')i I f nl 1 Mt.,l pair tMy pA. . . . din 11 popular wtllioiil. -till- i inifiniprrifl7iirfllWllfTt po.lnnie. eouiproli 'imve hut BiuliiKMiiy .I1i.1113.1jj ireo inuii pers"n i I'M'"- nuu nnrtvnrnliidlce, froirSTi.l yet f curat . It ift coinnl. t' Miit. in. nt I thul Is known upon ovtry Important t"- le wllh Hi' -rnpe of hiininn lutellgencfl. l!v. ry Import, ant attlcl.' In It has been peilally written for ts pages In' men whouro niitlinrltln- upon the toplceu wiiltn .....m.ntiii rni nrr iiinis Keen nnrn n l c laiesi otii lions historical matters liicliido (lie frohnctjust lews il and compiled by lion. Thomas II. llrNius from the Of- ficlal Records of Congress. 1 Tho work will bo compiled In 1.1 royal octavo volumes of5D pages each II of which lire now rvady. An nddl- tiouul volume will be published ouco III Hires mouth. Cloth, S3; Law Sh cp, $1 50; Half .Mor$l Half Calf SI SO each. A WAY OF PROCURING TIIE CYCI.OP.EDIA, OR DEIIATES. Form n tints of four, and remit Hi" prim of four books, and fivo copies will bo relit at the remitter's etpeuso for cnrrliigo.or for ten suhsftlb r eleven copies w ill bo sent nt our expen-u for carriage. ' TO AGENTS. ' No other works will so Iiiu rally rewnrd tlio exertions ofAgeots. As Aolst Wants-d in mis Cofviv. Terms made known on application to tho Piib'lshers. I Not. 21, lf'CO. 1 LIFE INSIMtNCE. TllK (lIlMltl) UFi: IXSUII.IXCF., .IXXUiry JlXl) THUST CUMP.1XY OF PIIIIJIhF.l.I'ltl.l. , otsil V. Mi. HIES! Mil' STUI-ST, I CAPITAL ( up.) S:W0 W)0. Charter Perpetual, f ONTINUE to make INSURANCES ON I.IVES on the most rea'onnlilo terms. Tlio capital paid up and Invested, together witii a large ami constantly increasing rescried fund, oilers n pprfect security to tho insured, Tlii' premluimif must bo paid yearly half yenrly, or quarterly. The Company add n 110NUS pvln llcally to tho Insu rances of lite. The FIRST ROM'S appropriated lu Do cenib. r. l.Jll, tho SECOND ROM'S lji December, IK 111, the THIRD IION'Ud lu Dccemb.r, I. 51, aud the FOURTH liONUHIn December, lc.1J. 07'Th.!so mlilitions are made without r."uir'nig any increase in the premiums to Im paid to tho romp. my. The following are n fen exauiplt s from the Register. i Amount ot To cvnmi Sum Insured i',09 aoiic 1000 51100 -c. Houtts or bonus to he iiiireascd Policy No. t!l ' 10!) :i.i:i " Ue. additiiii 8Jr7 All 1050 0,1 1110 00 1875 01) by future uddilions. s:i,:ij7 .o d,o.-,o 00 1,100 III) I!,b75 01) &c, Pampelets, containing tables of rates and explanation, forms of application, and further information can bo found at the ollice. THOMAS RIDOEWAY, President. Jno. F. James, Actuary. LEVI L. TATE, Agent. F. ( IIarrisov, Hiamiainj,' Physician. October 10, le.'.7-ly. J"IIE undersigned is also extensively engaged In th" t (Jnuertahimr llusinrss, and keeps constantly on hand lid Tor sale i.t his Warero a, a l.ireo assortment of FINISHED COFFINS, Ry which ho is enabled to (ill orders on presentalion I ALso-Kccps a good llorso and Hearse, and will at al nines uo rcauy to atlenil r uncrels SIM J.V C. SII1VE. I!oombnrg, January 21. 1?59 5535.00 Pays the entire cost for Tuition in the most popular and sin-res'. fill Commercial School in tha country. Upward of Twi Ito Hundred young ni"if from twenty-right dltl crent States.lmvc been educated for business hero witli in the past three years, some of whom have been em ployed as Hook Keepers nt s.i uriss of S2000.00 per Annum, i mined lately upon graduating, who knew nothing of ac counts w hen they entered the Cullege. 1)7" .Ministers sons half price. Student, enter at any time, nml review w lieu they please, without extra charge. For Catalogue of cli pages, Specimens of Prof. Cowley's business and Ornamental Penmanship, and a large Eu graving oi'Hn College, inclose twenty-five cents in Post ago Stamps to tho Principals. JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jan. 5, ?0I ly. "estrays. " " OAME into tho enclosures of tin snl.srtt... i;..; V.,1'00"?"""''"1'''"' Uolumbia the 'early part J of Decemb r, a 1 j RED CO IF. Supposed to be about seven years old and a Y O UN G S TEE R , Supposed to bo somo three years old. Tho ow ner is requested to prove property, pav char ges mid take them aw ay or they w ill bo disposed of ns the law directs. JOHN lill.I.IG. Dee, 2S, laiJI-Sts. Fi.-c Pi ooi' tJeiitcnt i'i.i' Sale A lot of superior Fire PiioorCEMENr.espcrlally ndan tl'll lOP I ! ,o,i ,. Ilnnlj ........... II, ' ..... - - n, i;.ii.ii ,ji rover IOO feet of ordinary roofing, uinl is insured proof ngaliict rain and wet weather. Can he hud at manufacturers luiuin, ny uie gallon or nan barrel, Columbia Democrat. lit tint ollice nl" the LEVI I. TATE. Illootnsburs, July 13, ISGI. GIBSON'S A N D DECOIIATIVE ESTABLISHMENT, No. 125, South Eleventh Street near Walnut, PfiflEii.ui.;i.p3aBA. Enameled Glass, Fresco, Oil and Encaustic Painli illlllill! John tiinsov. January 12, ldOl 3m.. G. II. Giusov, TOBACCO & SEGARS. M A R S 11 A L L HUG 11 E S with Lnl A . H h O Y n :i WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Manul'actun d & Tobacco, HAVANA OK It M , N AN I) DOMESTIC, '9 N. E. Corner of Front and Arch Streets, AKTIICIl IIAOFN. I James H. iinYO. ' PHILADELPHIA. March 10, IfclsJ-lSm. THE UNION," Arch Street, Aboet Third. V B I A 1) E Is P II I A . rpiir. situation cf this Hotel renders It ono of thu most X convenient for thoso who uro visiting Philadelphia on business ; whilolo those iu search of pleasure, Hie constantly passing ami repassing City Railwuy curs, mm iiioso iu nose protiinuy, nuorii a cueap uuu pleas anuidq tu nil places of Interest uud amusement iu or about tho city. I The proprietor givos assurance that '-Tlio Union" shall bo kept with such chariictar- as will meet public approbatiou, uud would respectfully solicit, general pat ronage. 1'ITON ri NEWfOMEIt. February 2.1, lcfs9 -13n. Proprietor WAITED AT TJlia Ol''lfI0li." lloef. Pork, Poultry, Pumpkins, I'ututoos, Cc Uloomtburgc Oct. 'M, I Honey, Grain Produce. Cider urn, Oats, lluy uud C'criultilks, Those liJilJorint? I imU'i slckm ss can nt since relievo themselves from the thou. ttiul maladies that fiosh n licir to. If they will nnlj follow tho coitnsi Is "f natur.., nml take tlu iwili.ine which best nsslsts her In her operations, '1 lint tufiH rlno l thd Vegetable Life Medicines of Dr. MorrAT, known ns Moffat's Life Rills nml ntTrt,ifTY ltT'l"IH."!I!H ...?.,;;:?... ,.. . i.! r.n i!in n.,l.tiR for iVlUiiiltO JLillVy 1 1 lot M.iifit'n I .If' I'illnnro iiidtbled for their iimnc to their m.-uill ntuii.l Jiiillo action in pi iijn i! nu r pi K ami iliiinncls of iiiu, ami ei mining 1111 in IJ"""1" tone nnd vigor and to tho ill ilou btc 1 fact that nt a very elriyi'aMln their hlltory, they had nkuo.1 -uercrs rr inn very verge mi nun n'-ij sin i f , " scarcely less than miraculous to thoso who wcru unac 'piainted with tho beautiful philosophical principles possess tlio power of restoring tho expiring embers of health ton glowing Vigor throughout the constitution, ns tlu l'lioenlx Is said to bo restored to life from tho n.licg of its own dissolution. AlercHrlal Disens.'S. There is probably no one article RJVt-it in n medlcino, tho Injiitlous use of which has caused such and terrible mist hlef to the hiioian sjstem as mercury. Its poison sinks deep Into thi system, penetrating tlio substance of. Hie bones, and producing n long train of painful diseases. It Is Well known that many iill'eilions of the of tile boms, of the nose, and malignant sores, which o e 'en at- tribute,! to syphilis, aro so often ca I b tu Injudi- clous use of ini'ieury. the remedy In. pu.. J " "l"' f,'uI,I"I"" ' v ,.1tm LIFE PILLS AND IIKLNIa III I ri.llrf. yla l,i fit Pills and l'hnrnlx Hitters have always h.'on signally successful lu this class of dlscna. a, mi i will i.ri.iiiraii' nil the ell'ccts oi uicrcurv from tie systi in, 1 sooner than the mostpoweiful preparallons of sarsn- parilla. Th. y aid nature in casting fiom tlio systcmnll poisonous luntt'T. and by thus piirllyiiig tho vital liulds, III -y restore the sy-teiu in health. unions woiupi.ilius. . nun ri ginaieo uoii 'r"i"r tionate ipiautit) of bile upon the stomach is always ro ipiisito lur tu.' proiuotiou ol souiiii ueallli-H siiuiuiaies digestion, mid keeps the intestinal canal Iree from all obstruitioiis. Oh tin' interior surface of tho liver Is u peculiar bladder in which the bile is first preserved, being lormeil by tlio liver Irom the blood, Th 'uco it passes into the stomach and intestines, and regulates tho digestion. Thus we sec when there Is it deficiency of Idle, the body Is constantly costive. Oil the other hand, nil over a-iiiuilance of bilo fre'iu.'nt nans -a on the stomach, and olten promote very severe attacks of diseases, w hicli sometimes end in death. L I F E M E D I O I N E S . The Life .Medicines should, if possible, lu taken in th" early staves of bilious co.nplalnt J mid i! perse vered in strictly according tu directions will positively rll'eet a cur-'. Their extensive use in this complaint in ' all pirls of our continent, renders comment unnecessa ry Hi' Ir tlrlucs speak fur llu-ui. I's Life I'HK-Thu use of theso Pills, for a very short time, will atl'ect an entire c'Jr.i ol Salt Rheum, nn.l a striking improvement In tlio clearness of the skin. ' Coiumml Colds and Iull ienza will always lu cur id by 1 one dose, or by two even in the w orst cases. I Pu is! ! The original proprietor ol'these Mcd Iclnci was i il icil of Piles of 35 years standing, by the ' usu of th.- Life .Medicine alone. Liver Comi'Him. tn afl'-ction of til s Liver m.i) h i known li) il fueling of tension or pain iu the right side 1 uboiit the region of flu liver, oft n pungent as in pleu- 1 risy, but sometimes dull ; a ditheully iu drawing n loug hreath J dry cough and Inclination to vomit. This di--eesj limy lu prudinod by cold, by violent exercise, by intense summer heats, by long loiitiuiied bilious fever or acne, and by wtrious solid couirctioiis in th sub- I stanie of the liver. Aud to these prodiii ing causes, nr.' derangem nt ot th.i dieesllve organs, suppr s-ed s. cie- tlniis, uml mental solicitude, which are very frv,pieiit causes of ohstrtti Hons and diseases of the flier. Tills disease should be arrested in th i coinmciicmcnt which can Im iloiiu by a few dos s ef tlu Lff- i'ills. I When onco Ihu liver is aroused to th pi'rf.'rmanee of ' its proper functions, little more is re,pilsit.i than torou tlnue ti proper use of the medieiiies, add a speedy re ' covery w ill ensue. i Fs:s.n wu - For this scourge of th j Western- country, those medicines will be found a safe, sp ly , and i ertain remedy. Other i.ieniiiiies lout e the system subject to a ri turn of the disease a cure by these .Med iciu s is permanent. Scnoiui.t.-The most horrible cases of Scrofula, in whi'-h the lac, bones aud limb, of the victim h.i i li.-en preyed upon by th 1 insatiable dls-'ase, are proved, hy' authority of tin sullerers th 'ms-l . s, lii ! have been coiupl.'t -ly cur.'d by these pur ly v-g. t.ihi.' incdiriiic S. all r all ulh.-rs had been touud more than useless. Indigestion an 1 Dyspepsia. If we were calle 1 upon to spec i IV one iit-o:i-i- w hull hior ' than any otliei is the 1 bine,(nhil.' il i- the ollVpriug of iitilization)we sh'iu'd name l)spepsia. It is generally atieuded, or rath r productive, of a long train of ills, such as ilrarlburu, i'laluli iicy, a gnaw ing pain at the stomach when empty a sense of utiromfoitalde weight w h u full, pMus iu Eft throat, side and pit of the sTumath, ciMhcin-ss, iluUi ness, languor, uuw illiiign -ss to 'excrcis ', i-c ' .MOFFATS I. IFF. MF.DIClXi:S.'s Life .Medii lues are pecull.itly ndiiple.l loth" cur - of this distressing complaint They nit upon the bowels in a very mild, and, at tlu saute time, v.ry elf e- ' lual manner, and have never yet failed to e.tre liiU dis cus t when used according 1o our directions. G -nenil Debility, 'Tie- most tmnmon of all com- . planus is niai oi a g uerai weakness oi in - wn, Ie sj s i t"in. unaccompanied by any particular di.or.h r, or de ' filiate symptoms of di i ase. 'I'll to is a little ii.ileii I erey, a loss of appetite, uiiwilliugiuss. mid indeed ina bility to undergo c' rltoiis. fi-e'iieut head. u lies, iitdi I gestion. ott iilim 's s:illowue-.s and ilryn -ss of tlie skin, tendency to f.-vrrishuess, iiulitiiess fi r soii. ty, in short ) .ill Ihosu symptom, of languor, di 'ui tinle, mid weak I ness that give et idenco or a Iniluru in th'eital pmt ers. and a low, uuli.altliy and morbid londitioii of Hie sysiem. Life I'ills ami Phoenix !!,(( trs. Tho Life Pills and Phiienix Hitters lire, perhaps, tho host remedy for restoring strength to the body for, tln-y act a. a gentle i arlaaitie, and, by their toni.; ,ua!ili'js, strenllieii the whole system Mnll'.it's Life Pills. -P. rsons of a plethoric habit, who are subject to lils, headache, giddiness, dimness ,,f sight, or drow siii -ss, from too great a flow of bloud lu tee head, should t.iko tlieso I'ills frequently. I ADVICE TO FEMALES Females who value their health should in ver he without tho Life Moilicim s. us lliey purify th.' blood, remove obstriitlioiis.niid give tho skin a beautiful, ilair, healthy and blooming appear ance. . To Elderly Persons. Many healthy aged Individuals who knuw tlio value of Modal' Life Medicines, make it a rule to lake them two cr three times a week, by which they remove the causes that produce ills nm; preserve their h tilth, and keep oil' the infirmities of ugc. Facts for Mothers and Nurses. Il is a fact, ctab Mailed by the niiiiuul bliss of mortality, that on- .Sail' of Hid iliiliiren bi ruo am cut off before nttiiiiilug seven years of u.-e ; ami tho fuill'.il sourco of this mortality is found to exist in foul .tale of the stomach and bowels which produced the generation of worms. As tho safe restorer of infantile health in this critical st.-iH the Life Medicines have long held a distinguished repu tation, and for foulness of the stomach ami bowels, and emu ulsiniis, although worms may not exist, il is allowed to be superior lu any other. Moffat's I'ills and Kilters.-No medicines at present known hnvo done so much good to mankind as those, within thu last f.iw years; and certainly none havo been rewarded with more numerous and authentic tes timonials of their invariable and extensive efficacy. They require, no dieting nor coiiliiieiueut, are perfectly mild and pleasant iu their operation, but will power fullyrestoro health-that greatest or ourthlj blessings -to ihu most exhausted and cli apidated constitutions, Prepared by . Dr. W.M. II. MOFFAT, . , , . 335 llroudway, New Vork. And for Sale by nil Druggists nplS lil ly. i . T II E G 11 E A T INDIAN liERML TIJA ! ; FOR FEMALES. Dlt ENGLISH S MIIlS VKGCTABLT; I'MMI-vIGOGDIC. Tills Celelirat d Femnh) .Medicine possesses virtues unknown n'aii)lhluB else ortho kind, am! proving cir cuital nl'tcr nil others have failed ; it is prepared from an "Indian Herb" peculiar to Norlln rn Mexico and Tex us, uud is used by the Natives in producing the month ly sickness. It is designed for both luiiuried and single ladies, unci is tho very best thing known forthe purpose i ns It will remove all obstructions ufler otlur reinetlie havo been tried iu vuiu. It is a pleasant tea, contain ing nothing injurious lu health, nnd a euro to be relied I upon in all case,, I Prolapsus Utvii, or falling of ths Womb; Flniies Al bus. or Whiles; Chronic iMluuintion, or I'lgeration of tlie Womb ; Incidental lleiuorage of Flooding, and dis ease oftho Spine. I Ladies in tho early stage of pregnancy ore cau tioned against thu usu of this tea, as it will produce miscarriage. rnEi'.tnrii and aotn nv DR. G. W. ENGLISH, No. "Ill SOUTH SECOND ST. PII1LADELPAIA, PA. Prices 1.0(1 pir package, (with full directions for use) sent by Evpress or .Mail lu any address. Dr. E cnu bo consulted in all obstinate 1'eiualu Coin. plaints, iu person or by letter, uud will furnish thu Gutta-percha Female Syringe- highly recouiiueiided by tho Faculty m married ladies for special purposes. Also Radical Cure and oilier Trusses- Improved Ro tnryunil Spino Abdominal Supporters -Shoulder llracoa Elastic mid Luce Stockings-Spjual Apparatus, fur Weak and Curved Spinii-iind Instruments fur all do loriuilies. A largu Stock of tlio abovo nrtitle constant. I ly on hand, and will bo furnished at lowest rates by sending order Willi measurement nnd full parllculais. If. All communications strictly coulleeiilial. For further particulars please Address, i DR. G. W, ENGLISH. I U1C South Second Slrei I, below Dock, 1 ., PHILADf.Ll'lliA, PA. IKT I IIAVK NO AOEXTi. Nov. 10, ltflil-K'ui. WS:S'SiiI51.'! uo i rl, Nos. 0, II, III aud 15 Oomtland street, BO AU I), SI 50 Plili DAY. I). D WINOIIESTEIt. TII03.D, WlNL'HEtTER. NEW YORK, AND FOR THE SPITDY CIT.r. OF Ilcrvoits prostration, Oonoral Dobility, Asthma, Dyspepsia, Ccrofula, Marasmus, raralysw, Chronlo Tjronculti3, Ar.cmia, Chlorosij, nacl all Disoracrs of tho Bloed F-ystcm. DO YOU KNOW IT? roNPt'MrnoN' is the most fatal f-ror-Ror op MANKIND. H Un been truly '"' 7," ntK MAUPT-few ever aurvlvlegl s atlai k. On J firi ofUs KM human m-r," siys Dr. ( t r.m it. 'nnd MORE THAN ONT. UM.V OF A' ''. Jroi'ii m Tlll I.UIONnfinrwtclvlll.edeominiiiiitlcBM.Rl.'HIn TIIH IiIRlUSF." What ft tad luntacttnry en tho boasted efficacy if IhoII'nllng Art I , ..,, Tho hrllllant Plscovr ry of Tr. ( hurcldll, made lo tho Isiperhl Academy of Jledlclno, of Parl, has proved all incstimatlebfon to tho world. !: thn of this now nad iieiu! remt Hat agent, known to Ihcmlstry as THE HYPOPHOSPHITES, "Tho CUIU1 of CONSUMPTION, oven In tho Pcconil nnd Tlilr.1 Stnrjca(ntn period, tbcrcforc, when there con ho no doubt na to the linttirc of tho DI.ensc) Is tho 11ULE, tthllo HEATH IS Till. EXCEPTION." " I KMi W," snys Dr. t'., "thnt they will prorc not only os 51111' A Jtl'.JI EDYIn CONOtMPTION n Qelnlno Is In Inter mittent rover, but nlo ns cITccliinl n l'ltELl! VAT1VE ns Vncilnntlon In Smnll Pot." Itno sn(rorcr,whovaliK3 health and hf.-, delay an Iviur to try Hits rcm?dy. Remember that " prevention Is hotter than cure." llewaroof Sflf-ilicoptlcn,or tho Eoollftag nssuranco of friends that "71 is mbj a Hult cold I " Fatal error to myriads who now fill pi cm-aura gravel 1 Glvo, I entreat you, prompt nluntlon to tho EWlUtEST SIONS QF CQMSUMPTtQK. "Axp TtiEsn f-'It.NS miAit. roiio.r mrai." X.-rle. i "Tho earliest symptom of tubercular lilteiuso Is wajtiau. Hjir-eilc-il'iccuuj,"i,nad it H earlier, In isdtitof lime, j that tho iiEcttr. H Is tlrst manifested in tho fine nml , hnnU. Tin tUtuss waste j hence pni.uiY : Ihero It n sons-iorBosncthlug wrong ai.h'n7tliAtit;ii MMt, rowtiu auk ruciGi,u. Tlio win of tlio llvlt (,' lnachlno Is moro actlto than Itsiijmir.'' Ur. I'ollntl;. " 1 f, ic-ir "ioijI irti v crpjicirffii enure, or ur.dcrtholnlloeiwo of cai scs which indiieo wkakmos! anil cxuavkti x ; such nt i'H nl, ri'f, OL-crxwrk, wceis, pregnancy, cli!d tearing, fiicrsfn.-, rum''! irt.u-tS, iir leas iicoi-ccy frwi disiuv, n person begins ti Inso his flesh, Flrcngth, cobr, or nppellto-, If h) suffers from tUmlmts of Irmik, or tll'Ic!irt,iiil experiences a general feeling e f hm nuur nude'fii-c-jfen.Tlll.l-.E IS Rl.'AiO.V TO 1 1.AU tl...t Tie fs fllrrnityT-i'tti-fioifcci to the complaint. If to th .o Fymptomi ho aided coiei, however fcllght, particularly if It hat rcrnio on slowly, or during tho fair fj.isou, TUB PROIURILITY 13 llllKATFJt STILU" Churchill. EFFECT OF THE REMEDY. "If, on the earliest nppcnruuco of these sluns of Consumption, the piitti-nt Cnlly nbuiit ten Crnlns or tho lirrOPHOSPHITXS, he will lismitlr peo them nil disappear In a period varylrc from a few wcoka to a few months , nnd by continuing; tho oern.lounl n.e of the Jtcmedr, 1IC WILL Bl'ELD ILT rlHD HIlISLLr IK TUB ElTJOTI'irNT OV SUOJt HEALTH AS HE, 1'EriHAPd, HAD NEVEH KNOWN IN HIS LIVE llLPOlii:." "Winchester's Genuine Preparation" IS THE ONLY ItLI.lAltLi: Form of Dr. Churchill's Remedy. M.n'.o from tho original Formuli. Iho nellotiif ho 11 'pliosphlt.s l3Tivn-rornnnil speclilr. : I'ncruoi'nfho principloYwinu cxmiti'tii M.itioisi rotifK, and they aro iho xiorT rowtiin :iM'n.viisi Anr.tTi kxow.v. The upon tho tubercular condition Is IM.MhldATH, Alt. tiiii fiEXntlt EVMITiK 1 MSIl'l-t'AIUMl Wlllt A IMI Il'lTV Willi It nnE.iiiYMii:vi,i"iv3. Tin y r. Here tho cnegh.c'iWnf.'i expectoration, imjirrre the appetite, crust cllarrl uu; Iho vi'jhl tw.afs. rhi U. nnd f 'tf t ; tl.o luwcls tVicemie regular, and in:: sit t:i' i.u.u ami i A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIN CURE I tfir REWAREcif 7f,fln, Vmei'iV.ndvcrtlieil ra I r. Cliiirihlirp.niidiillnlht'r r V.'IMiI.I.N'li DIAltl toioh E'llfrrcrs of their ineatis, lovpruiV-ii time, nml lin-.ioa a i ata t. Kii-tT. Wi lie to me for CILll'LAI-S, and for Dr. Churchill's Treatise on Consumption, which contain Iho only pulhcntic itfnriHa1irii lu rerard to this NEW 'n'.liATjI.i.'J'. Scut fi.i a lo all h.i,u!u. s. raiCCi In 7 and lCor. Sott'.ca, 51 nnd 2 each. Thrco large, cr oil email for C. My fao-Bfmf'o Is on both tho Label and Outck'.o Wrapper, no OTitrr. la genuine. irjT Do not confound Hill Kemedy with tlio r o-ralled " l liomloal Food ;" nnd particularly ntoid all pre ra Hons containing iifti, vhlchl3 lu-T.rx.oi s, and fill I.'iir u, whlehhnsKoci'n.tTnr.i-i.nn.iiTvwnAii.tni. s ol.l by tho mort resiectabIo Druggists throuphotit th' United States and Jlntish Provinces, and Wholesalu ttdRetallat tho Ccncral Depot In tho United Ftates,by J. VINCHESTEK, 30 John Street, N. Y. Miireh 1). 18(11. EVANS & WA I'SON , lr' SALAMANDER SAFES, III'.- 's!''!'lK'W'''j. MOVED to :itll Chestnut ilrect, tHj.Ui Ji."KJjt..5.til a'lorr third Philadelphia, hav on ifK'is-r-,'-.-!!iil-t'!i'i au l a large assortment of Fire I II i 'f proi f Salamander Saf,s. lso, iron doors, for banks mid ston s. iron shutt -rs iron sash, al! iiiaki s of locks equal to nuy mudo in the ruiti il Plnt-fl. Fnc Stifci in O'tr JirJ, All came out right; irith eon- tcnn li ffpi),l ennilitwi'. Tho Salamander Safes world. of Phil. nil Iphin against the EVANS it WAT; ON, have liad th" surest deiuontratiou in the following cer tificate that their uinuur.irtiir- of Salamander Saf s has at length fully warr.niliil the repres -illations which li.ito bleu innde of th 'in ns rendering an uitdo'-bted s.-ctirity nguinst tlie terrific ilemint. Plilladelphia April 12. Messrs F.ravs r"- llso: Genii -men It affords us the highest satisf.ntinii to state to you, that owing to the very protective qunliti h of two of tho Salamander, Safes which we piirclnis'il of you some five month since we saved n Inrgo portion of jewi Iry, un.l all our h.u ks, &e to the nlniunious, lire pliue cm Ihe morning of III 1 1 1 1, Inst.. Wlieii wo rell -it lint th ' safe were located in the foitrtli s'ory of the biiil'liiig ivo occupied and that they f. ll subsequent!) iutnn h -ap of hiiruing ruins, whr.- Hie tnst concentration of tin- li-at caused the brass plat to melt, we cnniiot but regard Iheiireservation of their val uable content as most convincing proi f of the great se curity alforded by your safes. We shall tuke great pleasure ill recommending them to men of business as a sure reliance against fire. , GEORGE . SI.M.MOXS & Itlta .. .Inrellers. E7"Tliey have since purchased sit largo Safes. August '21). IMO vXiS3sr now lost, now restored. Jt'si Published, in a i'cal Envelope A Lecture on tl,n nature, treiitnu'iit, nnd radical euro of ..I'lTiiiaii'rnio'.i, or ccininai u eai.ncss, Se.tu.-il Dc bilily, Nerioiisiiess anil iiivolunlary emissions, producing im potency, Uoniiimptioii and .Mental h. Physical Debility. Ily ROUT. J. CUI.VERWHI L, M. D., The important fact that the awful consequences of self abuse may ho ell'eituiilly removed without internal medicine, or Ihu dangerous applications of caustics, in struments, medicated bougies, and other oiupiriinl do Uses, is hero ( Icarl) d oiistruted, aud tho entirely new nml highly succcssl'iil treatment, ns ndojteil by thr i elebrated author fully i'iilaiued, by means of which every ono is enabled to euro himself perfectly, nnd at the lenst possible cost, therebv avoiding all Iho nilter Used nostrums of iho day. This lecture will ptotca boon to thousands aud thousands. Sent under seal, ill u plain envi lopo. to any address post paid, on Hie rcci ipi of Iho two postago stnnit's. bv ddressing Dr.Cll.J. KLINE, J JT llowiry.N V, Austin. ioi. f?ft,i."-af1J, ST. NICHOLAS HOTEL JSSiojuhvay, K(ev York. HOARD M.UUCKI, TO S-2 I'EIt DAY. J'aopniing of this vast and co indlous Hotel, il IC.,1, It has been tlio single i iideavor of tho propri". tors to make it tha most suiiiptuoiis, convenliiiii nnd coiulorlitblcihoinuforthacltUeu and stranger on this side tlio Atlantic. And wlntevor has scomod likely to ndminister to tho roiiilort ofits guests Unit Inivu endeavored, without ro. giird to cost, tuprovido. and to comblnu all tlio elemeiits p., ..j.rj n.i-rii. hiiich uioiierii nri : , , . , ; '.....i.i'ii,,,:,,, uuu inu U. tronago which It has couiiiiunded during tho past six y.ars is a gratifying proorthat their ellerta havo been appreciated, Tu meet the pxlgeucies oftho times, wlion nil aro ro quired tu prattico tlio most rigid ecoiiumy, tlio under slgened iAii'c Reduced the Price of Board to Two HOIIa.'s per Way, at Hi" sains timo abating; none oftho luxuries with wlnclilheirlablt) has hitherto been supplied. 8ept.1.,ieci.SAmVl:U" '-M CO- "ineiuoii, nun miiiicru lasio npproved : nnd tho na. "U OWAltD ASSOCIATION PHIL- XI. ADELPIIIA A llcllfvololll Illstitlltion estnlillalind l.v 1 .. I ... ., .... meiit, for Iho relief of tho Hick ami Dlsliessec', all!ict"cl with iruleiit and Eplileiiilo Diseases, oud esiieclnllv for tin) Cure of Diseases o, mo SjaiiuI Orunua Dis. 'TrT.rtm,i.V,V.'i.'rl!f.,i.l! 1,11 l",r" 0f Wsiitesl States VALUAIILIJ ItLI'ORTS on rpeniialorrhiDU, uud olh. er Disenaes of thu Sexual Organs, nnd on tlio NEW REMEDIES employed, ken. tu Hie mulcted i, ,cnild letter envelope s, Ino ofcliargo, Two oi tliroo Htnu ins for postage will bo acceptable-, Addresa IIR. JSKII.. i-'-.Pi1'1'!.''',.,'"1" Sl,r-' rd Assciua lion, No, S Soutli Niniu sired I'hlladilplila pu, March UOI I'.'iu, . Scroftila, or King's -Evil, Id a constitutional tllstrasi;, a corruption of tho blood, by which thi fluid Lccomes vitiated, wenk, nnd poor. Bciim in the circulation, ii ficrvatles tlio wholo body, and may bunt out n disciwo on any part of it. No orcan is fteo from its attacks, nor is thcro ono which it may not destroy. Tlio scrofulous taint is ynrionsly caused by mercurial disease, low living, ills, ordered or unhealthy food, impuro air, filth nnd illthy habits, tlio dcnreSiiiiR vices, and, abovo nil, by tlio venereal infection. What ever bo its origin, it is hereditary In tho con stitution, descending from parents to children unto tho third and fourth generation j" indeed,, it seems to bo tlio rod of Him who says, " 1 will visit tho iniquities of tho futhcrs upom their children." Its effects commenco by deposition from tho' blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in tho lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles j in tho glands, swellings! and on tho surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in tho blood, depresses tho energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only tutTer from scrofulous com plaints, but thoy hnvo fur less power to with stand tho attacks of other diseases ; consc--tiucntl)', vast numbers perish by disorders which, nlthou!ih not scrofulous in their nature, arc still rendered fatal by this taint in tho system. Most of tho consumption which de cimates tho human family lias its origin directly, in this fcrofulous contamination ; and mnnj-r destructivo diseases of tho liver, kidneys, braih; nnd, indeed, of nil the organs, arise from or nro aggravated by the samo cause. Ono quarter of nil our people are scrofulous; their persons aro invnded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To clcanso it from tho system wo must renovate tho blood by an alterativo medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a mcdictno wc supply in AYEH'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, tho most ciTcctual remedy which tho medical skill of our times can deviu for this every where prevailing nnd fatal malady. It is com bined from tho most active rcmcdials that hnvo been discovered for tho expurgation of this foul disorder from .the blood, and tlio rescue of tho Bysteiu from its destructive consequences, llcnce it should ho employed for tho euro of not only (scrofula, but nlso thoso other affec tions which nriso from it, such as Kuvptivh nnd Skin l)Hn.vsr..i, Sr. Anthony's I'iiik, ltosn, or UuviHi'Ui.AS, l', I'cstules, IIi.otciiis, Hi.ains and 15011,1, Tumors, Tetteii and Salt ItnnuM, IIi:.ui, IttNowor.M, Kiir.UMATisM, Syphilitic and MKiicuniALDis iiaiki, 1)iiop9y-, Dvst'Li'stA, Deuility, nnd, indeed, am. Complaints arising ritoM Vitia ted on iMPUitn liioon. Tho popular belief in " impurity of the blood" n founded in truth, for sciofula Is .i degeneration of tho blood. Tho particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pilla, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, are so composed that eliscasc within the rango of their action can rarely withstand or cvaele them Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of tho human organ ism, correcthiK Its diseased action, nnd restoring its healthy vitalities. As a conscruicnco of these properties, the invalid who is lowed down with pain or phjsieal debility is astonished to find his health or cncrRy restored by u lemgily at once so simple and imliiiig. ot only dci they euro the every-day complaints of cvi'iy loily, hut also many formidable nnd dangerous disrates. T lie ngent liclow named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, tontaitiiug cerlitieatcs of their cures and directions for their use in tlie following complaints: Costive mss, lletttthmii, lit attache arising from tlisordtrcd Stomach, Xausut, lndiyntion, 1'ani in amlMoiliid Inaction of the Ilviccls, I'fatulcTity, Loss of Appe tite, Jittt) dice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low ilatc of the body or obstruction of its fuucti'jni. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, roil THE ItAPIl) CURE OF Coughs, Colds, liilliK'ir.u, Hoarseness, Croup, Itronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, nnd for thn relief of Consumptive rntiunts in udviiuced stages of the disense. So wide is the fold of its usefulness and so nu meious nro the cases of its cures, that almoat every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who hate been restored from alarming nnd even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When ouco tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to eicnpo observation, nnd whoro its virtues nro known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for tlie diitri't'sing and dangerous nlTcctions of the pulmonary organs that nro incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon tin community 'have failed and been discnreled, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the nfllictcd they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. PREPARED DY DR. .1. C. AYEIt & CO. LOWELL, MASS. E. P. Lilt.. J. 11. M lyir, G. M. Ilagenbueli, Rlootnf burg A. .Miller, llerw lib, and by one (.tore in every town hi rennsyh utiia, 1)11. LA CROIX'S PRIVATE .MEDICAL TREATISE ON TIIE l'!iybioliigic:.l View of Marriage. '.Vifl PAGF.S AND ITO ENGRAVINGS. Price only i ws.MV-rits: c isis. S nit free of postago to all parts of the I'liiou. Oh the infirmities ofjouth an.-i maturity, disilo-iug tho secret follies of hoih sexes of ullages, causing debility, nervousness, di pres. inn of spirits, p ilpit lion oftho heart, suicidal iiuugiiilngs, intuluii lary emissions, bliesliings defectivu memory, indiges tion anil lassitude, ,cii confess ions of thrilling interest of a Hoarding i.ehool .1'is.t, a Collige Mudcnt, and a Young Married lady, See. Sjc, It is a truthful adviser In the married and those contemplating marriage, w ho en tertain secret doubts of their physical condition, and who nro touseioiis of having hn.arded tlio health hap piness, and prit ileges to wliirh every human bang is ci.tilh'd. t.Vt)L'NG MEN who are troubled w itli weakness, gen.- 1 '"',; caused by n had habit in j outh, the filed! of Willi h .ire dlzziu:ss, pa ns, forgettitlHi-ss. soioetimes il n ringing in the ears, wink t)c, weukiic ss of I lie back nnd lower e.ttremilies, coufiisiiiu of ideas, loss of mi'ia ory Willi un luiichnly.iuay In cured by the author's NEW PARIS'AND LONDON' TREAT.MI'.N'P. Wo hiv.i, reeeiitlv devoted ninth of our timo lit VISITlNe. Till'. Ei'ltOl'EAN HOSPITALS, aviiillng ourselves of thn kuowleilgu and researches of the mutt skilled l'hjsljians aud Surgeons iu Europe and tlio Con tineiit, 'J'hose who place Ih-nuseltes under our cure will now havo lln full benefit of Iho many NEW AND EFFICACIOUS REMEDIED which wo nro ennbled ta introduce into our practice, and the public may rest as suredofthe samo zeal, 'r-slilully, SEGRECV and iitlen. lion lii'ing paid to their cases, which lias so successful ly distinguished us lion tofor' ns n Physician in our PECULIAR department of professional l'lactlcc.or tht jiast twenty-five years Fnrpiiiil'tMALs; I'ii.i.s. Ladies who wish forAIedicinrs tho ellicacy of wliicli hns been tested in thousands tf cases, and never failed in etlert speedy cures wilhoin uny bad results, will useiinniibutDr.HoLnuey's Female Periodical I'ills. Tho only Precaution n it ssary to b- ; servo Is, ladies should not tnku them if they hnvo rsn son to believe they are iu certain situations (the partiss- i ulars of which will he found on ihu wrapper acconi ii) iiii: each box,) though always safe and healthy, sat gently yet souetivo aru lliey. Prlco SI per ho.t, They can bo mailed to any part ef the United States or Canada. TO TIIE LADIES-WIij nocd n csntidcnlial incdlaisl uuviser w iiu ri-ucn in un oi loose interesting com plaints to which their delicate organisation renders them liable, are particularly invited lo consult us. Tiiis"Ei.ict'iio-Gai.vanio 1'KOTs.t.iVK."-For married Indies wliosu health will not admit, or who havo node, slro to increase their families, mav he obtained us uboe-o It is u perfectly safe proveutlvj to einici'plion, and hut been etteiislvely used during tlio last 20 yeiirs. Price 1 1,7 . lo.giu. The Secrcls of Yoiilli UiivpUhI. A Treatise on ths Cause cf Premature Decay A IiV emu icarmng. Just published a hook shou-lug thcisidivs progress uud prevalence among schools, both vmls aid Jt nrnle of this fatul habit, pointing out the fatality that invariably attends its ilellms, and .dueloping (Ariel's progress of tht disease, from ths commeuecintut to the enr. It will be sent by Mail on receipt of tieo U cent Stamps, liv' Attendance daily, from H in the morning till V H night, nml on Sundays rro.n 'J till S r M. .Medicines Willi full directions sent to nuy part of Iho United States or CuuuJas, by patients communicating their symptoms by letter, llusiuoss correspondence strictly confidential, I! Vllr. L'a Onieu la sirll located as hod, nude, thouume of 1)11, LA CHOl.Y, lit Nu. SI Maiden I.uuh ,, hauy, N, Y. Nuv,V,J ). lSm. 0IGAUS it TOBACOOy Aliir'nimornienl of iliolco I'ignra, Tobacco, Pipes' Fiulls, Coulee Doncry nnd Notions geurrully, togeth er with a full slock of HATH nml CAPS, constantly oil hand and fur sale cheap, lit the "Rlnouisburg Hut A. Cup Emporluin," JOHN K. GlItTO.V, llooiiisbiirg .Munh 111, IcCl.