f I i I- &8vknl!ttrc. LOW HEADED FRUIT TREES. In trimming fruit trees, we should rt1 ways be careful to seeuro the trunk ironi IIia 'anHS C it... n ....... . . nnn QiImh 1, A fl iUU 11J Ul IUO OUIMUiCl BUM. UVIMI UUUkj by boiDg long permitted to come in con tact witn tno baric, is saw to scam tno circulating fluids, and thus causo many of the diseases which affect fruit trees in this climate. The foliago only should bo ful-1 ly exposed to the influences of heat, for ! that is capable of bearing it unharmed, J and oven to profit by it, when most in-1 tense. It has been asserted by distin-) guished terraculturists that trees which I arc permitted to branch out low say three or four feet from the ground are rarely nttactcd by "fire blight," "frozen sap j Might,' black spots, or other diseases of tho bark or limbs. There is also another adrantcge attend ing this practice. 'The soil is kept lighter, looacr and more free from weeds, and there is no necessity of mulching. Tho high winds pass, also, almost harmless over the trees, and have not power to twist, rack and break the branches, or to detach the fruit, as they do whore tho branches aspire, and are exposed. A writer on this subject says : ' The trees will be much longer lived, more prolific, beautiful and profitable. They are moro easily rid of destructive' inseots, the fruit is much less damaged by falling, and the facilities for gathering it are greater 5 there is less danger iu climb ing, and less danger of.brcaking the limbs, The trees require less pruning, scraping and washing if tho two latter are thought necessary, and the roots are protected from tho scourge of tho plow, which is too often allowed to tear and mutilate thorn." Tho proper shapo for fruit trcos is that of an umbrolla reversed. 'When this shape is communicated by pruning, the foliago is moro freely exposed to the action of the solar rays, and (0 tho air, which ought al ways to have a free circulation among the foliage and fruit. - By communicating a conioal form to any treo, although it- may be- rather moro graceful and elegant in it's effects upon a landscape, wo certainly in jure it in many ways, if looked upon as an object of profit. Tho fruit of apple treos which grows on tho interior limbs, where the surrounding foliage and branches pre vent the sun's rays from penetrating, and whore the direct influences of heat are never felt, is, to certain extent, insipid ; it docs not maturo thoroughly, and will not keep so' long or so perfectly as that which grows on tho outsido -branches ex posed to the sun and wind.' It also varies 10 much in shape and especially in color, that we have known two plates of apples selected from the" same Baldwin treo, one -of which was pronounced by u skillful fruit-grower to be tbo Baldwin, nuil the E. other plate Farmer. another - variety !-JY. CATTLE GNAWING BONES. Inquiries arc constantly made, and ma ny times nnswerctT, in relation to the causo and cure of this singular habit of cattle more particularly tows. Cows keep on white grass hay in winter, or in white grass pastures in summer, will nlrriost in evitably indulged in this practice. The cause is undoubtedly the loss of carbonate of limo in the. system, from an absence of carbon and lime in their food. When the lands of New England wero new, this phenomena was unknown. It is the natu ral result of an exhausted soil. When cows aro fed upon clover, hay or grass, or other articles of food which contain all tho elements which enter largely into tho secretion and production of milk, tho in stance will bo rare in which they will mcd die with chips nnd bones. Tho great mystery of the causo lies more immediate ly in the want of a knowledges of tho sci- nces which reveal nature's process for, ecbanging earth, uir and water into bread milk, meat and clothing. A sufficient quantity of milk for tho manufacture of a firkin of butter will require all the caustio limo in a crude state, that is contained in the butter in an organized condition, and if not supplied in tho animal's daily food, will draw on the system for such supply, which has been organized there for tho purpose of making bone. Whcro and what these materials nro, nnd how thoy can bo so combined as to produce tho greatest quantity of milk without destroy ing tho vital organism of the system, aro questions which iutcrcst cvcr.y person who , ownos a cow. Early cut clover, tiuiothv i , , . . , .... and red-top arO SWCCt, JUWy and nutritious, and poaci'ss tho powor to produce milk and make bono. So a grain of corn, for in et'anco, possesses in a well organized ar rangement, tho phosphate of limo and magnesia ; also tho salt of-iron, lime and starch, which enter largely into, the com- position of hones, and most of tho glutin ous matter to la found in loan moat, ten don, titsuo, and jelly found iu bones Cows fod upon thoso vegetable materials ean havo no hankering for chips and bones, Tho man who took a bold stand, riioWod to bring it back i THE PENNSYLVANIA TELKGAP1I FOR TUB LEGISLATIVE SESSION, The ptiMlslior fifths fciiKiTLVinu TrLtorurx hat made the most amnio anil complete arrangement, by the engagrmi-nt or an experienced corps of rcportert,'to give the puhllen complete synopsis of tho proceeding! of the Legislature, embraelngalllegiilallon that will be or a general diameter and such private business at may have an effect or Influents on the public Intercut Ad led to these report t, with the reports, of tho Heads or Deportment-,, tho debate! will alt ho publlihed when thny are of a character Involving question! In which the people are Interested. Thcso features regularly anil carefully conducted nnd supervised by experienced re porters, our reports of tho proceedings or Congress nt the approaching session, the current events In the pro gress of tho war, together with uch domestic and for clgn news as shall dally occur and cmne within our reach, will make tho PcsssiLVASUTtLtuiurii one of Ins most valuable and interesting newspapers In the country. TERMS. The Diilv will be published during tbe session of tho Legislature for 91,00 per copy. Tits Scmi-Wekxly will also bo .published at the low rato of SI. 00 for the session. The WituT is printed on a very large sliect at tbe low rate of $1,00 per year. Address, OEOiton ncnoxEtt, llarrisburg, 1'enn'a. Dee. SS, 16CI. THE Weekly "Patriot & Union.'' THE CHEAPEST PAPER PUBLISH ED IN PENNSYLVANIA ! AND THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC TAPER PUnLtSlIED AT THE SEAT OP fJOVEKNMENTI FORTY-FOUK COLUMNS OP HEAD ING MATTE It EACH WEEK I AT THE LOW PRICE Or ONE DOLLAR I WI1EX SUBSCRIBED FOR IX CLUBS OF XOT LESS TIIAX TEX COPIES TO UXE ADDRESSt Tho period for which ninny of our subscribers have paid for their paper being on' the eve of expiring, wo tako liberty ot Issuing this notice, reminding them of the same, in order that tney may RENEW THEIR CLUBS. We shall also tako it as an especial fnvor If onr pres ent subscribers will urge upon their neighbors the tact that the I'atriot avd U.itox Is the only Democratic pa per printed in llarrisburg, and considering the large amount of reading matter, embracing all the current news of the Hay, and TE l.EGRA PHIG DIS PA TGHES From everywhere up to the moment the paper goes to press, political, miscellaneous, general and local news, market reports, is decidedly tho CHEAPEST XE1YSr.iPF.ll PUBLISHED IX THE STATS I Thero Is scarcely a village or towninihe Btata in which adub cannot be raised If the'proper exertion be made, and surely there are few-p'accs in which one or more energetic men cannot be found who are. in favor of the dissemination of sound Democratic doctrines, who would ba willing to make the ctrort to raise a uuu. DEMOCRATS OF TIIIC INTEKIOR I Let us hear fromyou. The existing war, and the np nrnachinz sessions of Conzress and the State Legisla ture, are Invested with unusual interest, and every man should have the news. TEEU1S. DAILY PATRIOT AND UNION. Single copy for one year, in advance SI On Single copy during the session of the Legislature.. 1 00 WEEKLY PATRIOT AED UNION, Published teery Thursday. Single cony one ye.ir in advance 82 00 Ten copies to.onc addrcst .... - 10 00 rjuuscripuons may commence m liny num. ray ut ways in advance. Any person sending us a club ol fifty subscribers to tho Weekly trill be entitled to u copy for his services. The price is so luw that we cannot otter greater inducement than this. Additions maybe made ni nny time to J club of subscribers by remitting $1 for each additional name, It is not necessary to send us the naflics of thoso constituting a club, mwo rnnnnt undertake to address ench paper tn clnh subscribers sep arately Specimen copies of tho weekly will be scut to all who desire it.' O BARRETT &. CO., llarrisburg, Ta. NEW JEWELRY STORE. THE undersigned, respectfully informs tho citizens of Uloomsburir. nnd the public generally, that ho has es tablished anew More, on Main Street, l.lnuuisburg, in Mrs. I.cnenck's lliiilding, whcro ho oilers for sale, on moderate terms, a largo assortment of CLOCKS, WA TCUES ij- JEWEL R Y, Of every sort, nnd size' nnd description. His stock of Jewelrv is complete. Includiui! every variety of Ladles and Gentlemen's Alcdujlons, Chaina. Lockets. Ilrenstnlns, Fiusrcr-rlucs. elc.JJi' tn tho examination of which ho Invites the public gener ally. !D Ftrict attention glvonto repairing Clocks, Watch cs, and Jewelry, and all work warranted. WM. n. DRAKE. Dloomsburg, May 4, 1601-lf. PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING. 'pIIE subscriber would Inform his friends, that ha is i now prepared to put up, on short notice, and in a scientific manner, tho best PLATIXA POIXTED IJOI1TXIXO ItODS, at 13J centBpcrfoot. All work warranted. E. 11. UIDLE.MAN. BloomshurgtMaySl, I8C0. HOUSE FOR SALE A moveable Frame House, will be sold cheap, on np plication to the undrsigned, LEVI L.TATE. llloomsburg, July EK 1801, FROSPE(JlU OF THE IWHI THC UEST MECHANICAL PAPER IN THE WORLD. SEVENTEENTH YEAH. VOLUME VINEW SERIES. A new volume of this widely circulated paper com mences on tlie 4th of January. Every number rnmnin. sixteen pages of usqful Information, and from fivo to ten original engravings of new inventions and dlscove. ries, all of which aro prepared expressly for its culums. iiio Duicn in- iu A.Huitivan is devoted to the in terests of Popular Science, the Mechanics Am, Mann ufnetures, Inventions and 4griculturo, Commerce und the Industrial Pursuits generally, and is vulunbic ,i instructive not only in the Workshop and Manufactory b'jt also in tho Household, tho Library and the ltcadin' uuuui. To the Mechanic and Manufucturtr I No persons engaged in nny of the mechanlcnl pursuits should think of doing without the ScusTiric American It costs but four cents per week ; every number coiw talus from six tu ten cngravlugs of new machines und inventions, which cannot be found in any other publi cation. It is an established rule of the publishers to in. sen nono uui oiiginni engravings, and those of the first class in tlio art, drawn and engraved by experienced persons under their own supervision. To the Inventor Tho SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN it indispetisablo to every inventor, us it not only contains illustrated dc. serlptimis of nearly all the best Inventions astheycomo out, but each number contains an , Olllclal List of tins Claiui! of nil thii Patents issued from the United tiutcs Patent OUlco during tho week previous; thus giving u correct history of the progress of Inventions In this countrr. We aro also receiving, every week, tho best tcientiflo Journals of Croat Urituin, Franco and Uerma. ny; thus placing inuur possession all that, is transpir ing in mechanical science and art In these old coun tries. Wo shall continue tn transfer to our columns co pious extracts from these Journals ofnliateycr we may deem of interest to our VeaJcrs . Chemists, Architects, Millwrights und Farmers ! The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN will be found a most useful Journal to them. All tlm new discoveries in tho scienco of chemistry nro xivcu in its eohmia. n,i i... interests of tbeaichitect and carpenter are not over looked; nil the new inventions nnd discoveries upper talniitg tn these pursuits bjing published from week to wcok. Useful and practical information pertaining to the interests of millwrights and mill. owners will bo found published In the rJciontlflii Aiuericaii.which Infor mation thoy cannot possibly obtain from uny ether source. Subjects in which planters and farmers are in terested will bs found discussed in tha Scientific Airier- tun , wnin ; "o luiiuyyviueiHs in agricultural imple ments being; illustrated in its columns. TERMS, To mail tubserlbcrt: Two Dollars aYcnr. r,, n. Uullur loi u nioutiis. uno Hollar pavs fur one com. jplcte volume of -ttu pages; two volume, comprise one and Jolt. Ol.Ull RATES. Fivs Copies, for Six Montht ......... g Ten Copies, fur Six Months Ja ' Ten Copies, fur Twelve Mouths S13 , Fifteen Copies, for Twelve .Mouths m-i Flir J, cIub, '0(TeMy ani 0Willl lr ,uUr l'affi will be tent gratis to any part of the country. Western und Canadian money or Post-ulhcet stamps taken at par for subscriptions. Canadian subscribers will pliase to remit i5 cents extra on each year's sub. criptloii to pro-pay postage. MUNN k CO., Publishers, No. 37 Park-row, New York, Dec. II, 1801. ' ' 00. ME AND SETTLE. rpllOSK knowing themselves Indebted to the -undtr-X signed are hereby notified to como and setlla their accounts ilhoul further notice, I am now in earnest. iroh'M p""d ,c 7i . , J-E- 'anm, GILL k PAUL, Gcucr.il Commission Merchants, ' DEALER! IX risli, Provisions, flour, llulter, Cheese, Oils, Dried Fruits, Oraln, Heeds, Ileans, Whiskey, Wool, Country Produce ahd Merchandise generally. No. 31 Noun Wmmts, I'iulauklfiua. tS7 Consignment! of Provision!, Flour and Country rrmiucc solicited, and return promptly made. Cash ! nuvanccu wncn ucsircu ORDERS for all kinds of I'lsh, Provisions, Hour, Dried Fruits. &c, filled at ila lowest Cash Prices. August 4, lfGO-lSm. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. rrMlE undersigned respectfully Informs his old frlendl I and customer, that he has puichascd his brothers Interest in tho above establishment, and the concern wilt hereafter be conducted by himself exclusively. lie has just received and offers for sale, tho targ xtTOt est nnd most extensive assortment of FANCY JEanl B T O V 11 H ever introduced Into this market. His stock consists of a complete assortment of the best Cooking and parlor stoves In tin) market, togeth er with Stove Fixtures of every description, Oven nnd Unx Stoves, Radiators, Cyllndnr r-tnves, Cast Iron Air Tight stoves, Cannon Stoves, fcc, fee. Stovepipe nnd Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured tn order, All kinds of repairing done, .as usual, on short nntlro. The patronage of old friends and new customirs re spectfully solicited. A. M. RUPERT. I Cloomsburg, November 3d ieco.-tf. WALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER 1 1 U.T received from the manufactories In fiostnn, an l article of most excellent quality. I challenge compe tition as to tifle und price. Hie undersigned will keep borders to match any of the Styles on hand and Is the only Experienced Papcr HaniiiiR In this Section of the County-Give my Lxtcuslvo Stock an Examination neiorc riircnnsing. Sj Call at Ruperts Post Office. . 13. J. THORNTON. Rloomsburg March 2Jd 1661. TRUNKS I TRUNKS II rpHE largest, beet handsom ,L est and cheapest assort ment of Solo Leather solid Riveted Traveling Trunks. Milt' Bonnet S; l)reu Trunk Children's Coaches. Propel lers Leather and Carpet Dags Packing Trunks &c. &c, a THOMAS W MATTBON'S. Colebrntcd London Prize Medal Improved sheet spring solii sold Leather Trunk manufactory, Ko. 402 Morke strcu, South west comer 1 ourtn nnu .tintKct, muiua. August f Vol tl. States Mnton Hjoicl COG & 008 MARKET STREET AMOVE SIXTH. P1I1L.WF.LP1IL1. I. W. POWER, Proprietor. Tsrms : SI 25 per day. May 12, lMO-lSm. REMOVAL C, . SADItCll & Commission Merchants and Co., dealers in Fish, Cheese and Provisions, " No. 103 Arch street, 2nd door above Front, riii'nilel hln, ngl4.S81y 3. P. II U BUSK, (Successor to J. S. Sorver.) WHOLESALE DEALER IX TOBACCO, SA'UFFAND CIGARS, No. 8 North nfth St., above Market, PHILADELPHIA. Also, Manufacturer nnd Importer of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC SEGARS. May U, 18G0-12m. SMHH'S HOTEL, OPPOSITE THE RUhROAl. DEPOT TAM AQUA, PENNSYLVANIA. Passenger going North and South, DINE AT THE ABOVE HOTEL. W T. SMITH. Proprietor. GEO. A. SMITH, Ass't Pov 10, ISOI. JOLINE it LEE, No. 40, NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. ROPE IflAKfiifiiiS SHIP ciiTnd LERS, Spini Cotton for Caulking, Ropes, Twinvs.Tar, Pitch, Oakum, Mocks, and Oars, &c. August 4, ISiiO-l'.'in. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. HE undersigned would inform thn citizens of llloomsburi: and vicinity, that he has lust re tt'A 9 el veil and otTiirs for sale one of lliu most extensive assortments of COOKING and FANi'Y STOVES ever introduced into this market, Tho Christopher Co unions, James uoou nnu uiooe are iiinoug inc nrsl Uass conking Stoves, all of whiih nro air-tight and gas burner Ills Parlor -tnves nro handsome and the assortment vn ricd. AL-'O-Particulnr attention Is paid to Tiu-Warc and Ilnusu Spouting, upon short notice. All kinds ol repairing will be done with neatness und despatch. (C? Country produce taken in exchange for work. PHILIP S. MOVER. I! oomsburg, Oct. 3, 13CO, ill'UVANS, 10,000 t'KSNTKlt, E C'unli) per Hour! ' ,i ' Tberr..lht,,M,kl brll,flUo tttV1 II riiaid.ipMarmi.uihthu itt A!';.f,l""'","", tot Ij' ,itCV'M TMlTbi,o.rilVTSrllr.lu H O' t rnj lie.! tlC?i Pricti gr.illj rtduct J Cor. Library, VP VttT II ST. below Chestnut, August IT, 1801. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BLQOMSDUIia, PA. Office In Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charln It, lluckalew, llloomsburg, Pec. 4, 1S59. WATiOWAL HOTEL,- (Late White Swan,) RACE STREET, ABOVJi THIRD rillLADRI.IMIIA. JOHN DOVER, Proprietor. T, V, RIIOADS, Sup't. Nov. 10, 1B01. (Jlarch 2. lgni-12m.) PUMP MAKING. 1MIE undersigned inform the public generally Hint they have formed a co-partnership, nnd will contln. ue tho business of Pump making and repairing, in all their various departments, in Illoomsdurg, where they will promptly attend to all orders In their line of busi Hess, whether in town or rnmilrv tveu iiiiu i.niern rumps, Willi leaden Pipe, mndo ill the best tj lu of workmanship, on moderate terms, and on verv short notice. . ,uiii uicir iuiih experienco iii mo ousiiicss, snd an ' earnest desiro to liavo their work commend itself to tho pubUc they fetls confldont thev can make it tin object tu thoso who may givo them their ciistom auil rcnder gene ral satlfJctioii. JOHN CltUTCIILEV. , , ... .... . . Hloomsburg, April 13, 1801, 3m 15 RICK! It RICK!! rpilL undersigned is prepared tu supply Ilrick, of a I . kui'u uainy,ni inir-pricc. iiowuiuu luuml ut tho Hrick Yard of D, L, M'Kinny, near .McKcivy & Neal'i Furnace. Persons desiring to purchase will do well to call as brick will be made und ivs( be sold. J. II. FUR MAN, Aient. 100,000 now on hand and ready for sale, llloomsburg Feb. 'J, 10U1-3U1. J. II, r. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL REDDING AND .FEATHER WAKE HOUSE, No.S5 North Eccoiiilfltreet,0iposlto Christ Church, PHILADELPHIA. C7" Constantly on hand, n largo assortment of Heds, Mattresses, Puillasses, Cushions, Hair, Husk, Cattail, and all articles In the line at the Lowest Prices. A. B Particular attention paid to renocatins Xtto an Old Feathers. March 12, liOl-Hiu, F. 0. HARRISON, M. D.. WOULD respectfully Inform the citizens of lllnouis" burg, and vicinity, that he continues tho praiticou' MEDICIXE AXD SUM) EM', nd solicit! a share uf public patronage. Orme. on Main street, first house bdw tho Court House, Hlnouisburg, February 3, U53-tf. a H e jejt n i; r k ir. o. IJOWER, SURtlEON DENTIST RESPECTFULLY olfurs his ,ir,,.ln ul services to the ladies und gtntlemcii of uiuuiiisuurL' uuu viciiiiiv. lie it tiritimrej to attend to all Iho vnrantla niirntlnH 1.. tho lino or his profession, ho is provided with tha latest Improved porcelain teeth, which will bo inserted on t old, platina, silver and rubber bate: to look at well at tbe natural teeth, Mineral plate and block teeth manufactured and all operations on teeth, carefully and propurly attended to Hloomsburg, r August 5, IPCl. IMPORTANT NATIONAL WORKS. PUnLISIIED 11Y U. APl'LETO & CO. 4-13 uKrMB Uroathvay, New York. The following workinre sonttnfiubrcrlbcriltianyriar of thu country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mail or express prepaid i Till: NEW AMERICAN UYCLOFKDlAl A popular Dictionary of (lenernl Knowledge. Edited hy UtoaoE lltrLET and Ciiarias A. Dana, aided hy u numerous so let I corps of writers In nil branches otBclcncies, Art and Literature. 1 Ms work ti being nnutiancu in auout ia largo octavo volumes, oacli mumming 7j() two eolmn pages. Vols. 1 to Mil Inclusive, nro now rcady,cali containing near S.StW, original articles. An additional Volunio wil' bj published oncu In about three months Price. In Cloth. .13! Sheep. S3 ius llalf.Mor.i Jli Half Russia, 51 aucnen Tin' New American Cyclopaedia Is popular without see ing superficial, learned but not peilanlc, comprehensive but siifflcimtly detailed, free from personal pl'pio and party prejudice, froh and yctnecurnto. It Isa complete stnt. m nt of all that It known upon every Important tup le with tlii) ci pe iifhumnn iuti lllgence. livery import, ant ntllcli' In it has bri n specially written for its paces bv men who nre nuthorlthi. upon tho topic on which they speak. They nro required m bring lliu subject up to the present moment to state Just how It stands now. All the statistical Information is trout tha latest reports! tin geographical ncrotints keep pace w Ith tho latest cxplora- lions I historical matters Include the frehetjust views tho biographical notices not only speak of the dead, but l. nrtii,, llvlnr. It is n lllirnrv of itself. AiaiBocMi.sT or the Dpbatk ort'osoRtss: Being n political history oftho United States, fromtlio orgnniza tlon of tho llrst Federal Congress In 1709 tn 1850. Edit ed and compiled by Hon. Thomas II. Hcniom from tho Of ficial Records of Congress. Tho work will bo complied In IJ royal octavo volumes of 750 pages each II of which aro now ready. An nddl. tlonal volume will bo published once In three months. Cloth. 83S Law Sheep, ?J 50 j Half .Mor 81 i Half Calf 81 50 each, A WAV OF PROCURING THE CYCLOPEDIA, OR DEIIATF.S. Form a club of four, and remit the rrleoof four books, nnd fli-n mules wilt ba sent ut the remitter's expense for cnrriugc.or for ten subscriber! cloven copies will be sent at our expente for carriage. TU AurlliiN TO, No other works wilt so liberally reward tho exertion! ofAcoDts.. An AntNT Wantsii in this County. Terms made known on application to tho Publishers. nov. iciiu. LIFE INSURANCE. the amAitn life ixsuiiaxce, axxuitv axd TRUST COMPAXl' OF PHILADELPHIA. orriiiE, no. 4Ud ciiestmjt street, CAPITAL (paid up,) $300 000. Charter Perpetual. pONTINUEto make INSURANCES ON LIVES on v' the most rcnsonablii terms. Tho capital being paid up and invested, together with a large nnd constantly increasing reserved fund, offers a perfect security to tho insured. The prcmiumns must bo bo paid yearly half yearly, or quarterly. The Company ndd a IIONUS periodically to the insu rances of life. The FIRST HONUS appropriated in De cember, I4 1, tho SECOND IIONUS in December. 1C40, the THIRD IIONUS in December, 154, nnd the FOURTH IIONUS in December, ltfS'J. K7"TIicsp additions tiro made w Ithoiit requiring any incrcnii! iu the iiremiunis to ho nald tn the Coninunv. Tho following nro a few examples from the Hecister. I I Amount of Policy and ' I Sum llonus or bonus to be increased Policy Insured addition hy future additions. No. HU SM0O ScW 5u 3,387 50 " 1.13 snOG 1050 00 4,05(1 Ut) " 111!) 1000 100 00 1,1(10 00 " 33.1 S00O 1875 00 0.H75 00 Acc. &.c &c. dec. Pnmpclcts, cmitnining tables of rates nnd explanation, forms of application, and further information can be iouuu at me unite. THOMAS RIDCEWAV, iVMidcnt. Jko. 1 James, Actuary, LEVI L. TATE, Agent. F. C. lUnitlsox, Ezamininj Phijticiau. October 10, 1857- ly. HE undersigned Is also extensively engaged in the i rUiIcrta'lnif Business, nud keeps coiibtuntlv on hand nd for sale nt his Warerooms, a largo assortment of FINISHED OOFFINS, Hy which he is enabled tn hit orders on presentation Ai.wi-Keops a good Horso and llenrso, and will ut ul nines no reauy to iittjnd runerels. SIM JN C. SII1VE, HlnniiisbMrg. Junuary 21. 1850 535.00 Pays thu entire cost for Tuition in tlio most popular and successful I'o.nmercinl School In tho country. Upward of Twelve Huudr.Ml younir men Trnm twenty-elglit dilT erent Statcs,hao been educated for business hero with in tho past three years, some of v houi Imvu been em ployed as Ugok Keepers nt s,ranes of 52000.00 per Annum, immediately upon graduating, who know notliin of ac counts when they entered tho Collese. E7,.MiuUters sons half price. Studententer nt any tlme.nnd review when they plense.without extra charge. 1 or Catalogue of 80 pages. Specimens of Prof. Cowley's iTusincssand Ornamental Penmanship, and u large En graving of the Cnllogu, inclose twenty-flvo cents In Post ago htamps to thu Principals. JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. Jan. 5, 1601 ly. SAVING FUND U. S, Trust Company. Corner of Third ami Chestnut Sts Phili, LARGE and small sums rereived and paid back on demand without notice, with Five mm cent Inter, est from tho day of deposit to tho day of withdrawal. Orm-E llocHs-From 0 until 5 o'clock every duy, and oil Monday Evdsinu, from 7 until 9 nclock, Prcsident-STEPHEN R. CRAWFORD, Treasurer Plinv Fisk. Teller James It. Hunter. DIUE0TORS. Ktepnen R. Craw ford, Honjamin W. Tingley, Paul 11. Oiiodard, Jl. D, Daniel Heldleman, George Juukln, Alex'cr C. Hart, M, D., William M. Godwin, It. Franklin Jackson, Pliny Fisli, """: rauy, J"1""9 Daverenux, IhomasT. Len. marcti an, je.vj ly, GIBSON'S SV&SiHBill fS. AND I)E( 0RAT1V1: ESTM BMSIHIKXT, No. 125, South Eleventh Street near Walnut, flaniiiiB'X&Bfl!A, Enameled Glass, Fresco, Oil und Encadstlc Painting Joiii Giasov O. I1.Gid.on. January li, IcOl 3m,. TOHAUCO k. SRGARS. MARSHALL HUGHES, WITH WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Maniifnclum, & UnX Tobacco, IIAVANAGKKMAN ANI) DOMESTIC, SEGARS &C., K, E. Corner of Front and Arch Street!. ARTHUR IIAUEN. I , I PHILADELPHIA. March 10, l-ijO-p.'in. Thr union," Arch Street, Above Third, v in hy. i. w i a Ilia liroiirlntor t,lt-. niir,n,. ,1, ... ..Tim tT..lni hall ho tept Willi such charucti-r at will meet public approbation, und would respectfully solicit, general pat rowo. UlTO.Vd NUWCO.MIUt. teliruary 23, IFCO-13-ii, Proprietor T UK PENNSYLVANIA IIOTJ5L, DAXFILLE, MQXTOUH COUMT, PA. I'.nterUlnincnt fur Man and lleast, in good ttylt Hi,,, ut tnuuciaiu !!llB ukui;gg w, J'UBCZE, Prerritlor, uinvnie.Msrtn, isui rrMlfl vttiiniirii, . rmij 11,. 1. 1 ..,.,,i,v 1 ..i- .1 ol b 't 'ade. diul jy hal.1,OTrefu 'Z Bhoiit I lie (hy. ThfKc IiiiJuirii-if? Kinder sickness can nt en.ee r I -o themselves from the thou sand maladies that fl n is heir to if they will mil) follow the counsels of nature, aim take thu motlleine which best nssistt lur In her operations. That medi cine: Is tho Vegetable Life Medicinal of Dr. JlorrxT, known as Moffat's Life Pills and PtiaJNIX BITTEN S. Th"so Medicines havo now been beforo the public for a period of 30 years, end during that tim have main, h nii n blili character In almost every part of tho globo for the extraordinary, curatlvo properties which they possess. Moilat's Life Pills. MniTat's Life Pills nro Indebted for their name to their manifest and sinslblo action In purifying the springs nud channels of life, mid enduing tliam with renewed tone and vigor j nnd to the undoubted fact that at n Very etrlypartln their history, they hod rescued millVrcrs rmiii iho verv vcriro of an untliiiely urnvo, perfortly sc curing to thorn tliat uniform enjoyment or health, with- out which llTu. Ilacir is but n pnrtial biesslng. So grent Indeed had thelrellliacy Invariably proved, that it was scarcely less than miraculous to thoso who wero uiioc- nualnted with tho beautiful philosophical principles upon which they were compounded, mid upon which they consequently net. moffa ts rnamix HITTERS. MofT.it's 1'hoenlj Hitters nro so called, because thoy possess the power of restoring the expiring embers of health ton glowing vigor throughout the constitution, as the Phoenix is said to bo restored to Ufa from lliu ashes of its own dissolution. Mercurial Diseases. Thero is probably no ono nrtlclo given as a medicine, the Injucinus use uf which has caused such wide-spread and terrible ininhlcl to tho human system in mercury. Its poison sinks deep Into the system, penetrating tho substance of the bones, nud producing n long train of painful disensos. It is well Known that many nllestlons of the throat, of tho bones, of tho nose, nnd malignant sores, which limo eecn at tributed to syphilis, aro so often caused hy tha injudi cious uso of mercury, so that tho remedy has proved worse than tho disease. LIFE PILLS ANI) PIKENIX HITTERS. I Tho Llfu Pills nnd Phoenix Hitters have always been signally successful in this class of diseases, and will oradicuto nil the cllects uf mercury from the system, sooner than the most powerful preparations of sursu. parilla. They nld nature in casting from tho system nil poisonous matter, and by thus purifying the vilul fluids, they rcstoro thu syrtem to health. Bilious Complaints. A well regulated and propor tionate quantity of bilo upon thu stomach is always re quisite fur the promotion of sound health it atiuiiilales digestion, and keeps the intestinal canal free from nil obstructions. On tho Interior surface of thu liver is a I peculiar bladder ill which the bilo is first preserved. Dcing lurmuii uy mo u.er iruiu mu union, ineiice ii passes into tile stnmncu ami inicsiiucs, nun regulates tho digestion. Thus wu seo when there Is a delicicncy of bile, the body is constantly costive. On thu other hand, nil over aunndatice of bile causes freuuent luiusi-s on the stomach, and often promotes very severu attacks of diseases, which sometimes end in death. LIFE MEDICINES. Tlio Life Medklues should, If possible, bo taken in thu cnrlv stases of bilious complaints : mid if nerae- vorcd iu ttriclly nccoriliug todircrtinns will positively eiiv-ci a cure, inuir uxicnsivu uso iu mis complaint Hi all parts uf our continent, renders to, mucin iiunecessa rv tin ir virtues sneak for them. Moir.it'8 Life Pills. The Use of these Pills fur a very shnrt time, will ulTect nil entire curnol Salt ltheiiui, and a striking Improvement in the clearness of tho tkiu. Common Cuius and Influenza will ulv uy bo cured by ono tlosu, or by two oven in tho woFst coses. Piles I 1'H.tsl 1 Thu original propri itor of these Med icines was cured or Piles of aj years standing, by the uso of the Life .Medicine alone. Luer CoMei.tar. An ntftclion of fin Liver may bo known bya f.cliug of tens, or pain in tlio right sidu about thu region of the liver, often pn igeut as In pleu risy, but sumetlmes dull ; si dilhculty 1 1 drawing u long breath ; dry cough and inclination t'i vomit. This di sense may be produced by cold, by , Inlent oxcrriso, by intense summer heats, by long ccitinui.-d bilious fever or ague, and by various solid .'oncrctiuiis ill the sub stance of the liver. And to tl cse producing causes, are derange m-!itiif Hie digestive organs, suppressed lecre. tions, und mental solicitudi, which are very frequent causes of obstructions und discuses of the liver. This disuusu shihild bur.rri'nted lu tin: commencement which can ba done bya fjw doses cf the 1.1 fo Pills. When onco the live is aroused to tlio performauco of its proper function, little more is rcipilito than to con. linuo a I'MpiSf use of the medioinus, and a speedy ro envory w ill .-iisik. FtVEii ami Ai.uu For this scourge of tho Western cnuntry. these medicines will bi fnund n safe, speedy nn I certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of the disease a cure by Hicku Med iciu s is permanent. Snion'M.- Tlio must horrible cases of Scrofula, iu which the f.uv, bones mid linib of thu victim had been preyud upon by the insatiable disease, are proved, by imdeiiinblo authority of the siill'crers th -nisi'lves. tu havo b.-en completely cured by Iheso purely vegetable modifies, utter all uthurs had been found more than ' useless. Indigostioii mill Dyspepsia. If wo wero called upon to specify one disease whiih more than tiny other is tho , bane, (while it i- the olfspriug of i i vili.ation) we should name (i)spepsia. It is generally allemled, or rather priiductlve, of a long train of ills, such us llcaituurn, I Flatulency, a gnawing pain at the ctomnc.li w hen ompt) n sense of iinri)iufort.iblu weight wh' u full, pnias in the iiiru.u, hiue anu pu in i nc siumucii, cosiiveness, chilli ness, languor, unwillingness to takucereiij,&c JUOFFATS LIFE '.MEDK'IXES. MulTnt's Life .Meiliiiues are iH.-cnli.irlv ndanled tniloi curu of this distressing cuu.pl.iliit Thcy.ai.1 upon the bowels in n very mild, an I, at tli?Vaiii time, wry elfee tual manner, and have never yet failed to curu this dis vns.1 w hen used ueeordiug to our oirectinns. Geiiernl Debility, The most cuiumoii of nil coin plaint is that of u general weakness of the whole syh-ti-iii. iiuaccompaiiied by any pi,rtieul ir ili-orde'r. or lie filiate symptoms of disease. 'I'll r., is a llttlu titalru crsy, a loss of appetlto, unwiliiiigiiis. aim indeed ina bility tn undergo cq.-rtiou., fre.iuut luadii'iies, iiiili gestiou, ult utinies sallowiius'u and uiyii...s nf tho s!,in, tenileiicy to fuverislini si, iiiilltm ss for krckly, in short .in musu s,-iiiiiom-. ui languor, in 'itic tunc, nnu wouk ness Hint glvo t-vldenrn uf u lailuru in tlrj vital pnw. crs, and a luw, unhealthy ami morbid condition of the sysium. Llfo Tills mtl riiotiiix fi. tiers. Thn Llfu Pills and Phoenix Hitters nro. tmri,a ,i.,. best remedy for restoiiug strength tu tliu built for.thev act a a gentle rartaailic, and, by their tonic qualities strengthen the whole system Mortal's Life Pills. Persons of a ptethorie hnbil.who nro subject to liu, headache, giddiness, dimness of tight, or drowsiness, from too groat n flow of blnod to teo head, should take tlieie Pills frequently. ADVICE TO FEMALES rcinnlea who ti,,,. n,..i health should never be without the Lifu Medicines . i they purify thu blond, romovc ob.tiucliiius.nnd cito II o skin a beautiful, clear, healthy and blooming appear- mice. I To Elderly Persons. Many healthy aged individuals I who know tho value of Mount's Lliu Medicines, make it u rule to tako thorn two or three times a week, by which they remove tho causes tliut produce disease, preserve their health, and keep oil' thu infirmities of uge. I jets tor iiiotners ami Mirses. It is a fact, estab lished by the mutual bliss of mortulitv. tlmt on. .!,- . me ruiimeii uotnu are cut on utiuru iiltainiug seven j,.,,, bji .uu , ,,i,u ,i,u iiiiiiui source ,,t liu.n, Know n Jiave dono ,o much good tu mankind its tliese, within thn lat few yours ; ami certainly nono have buen rewiinli-il with more nimirnms anil uuilwntic tea- iinii'iiiiiiii in uieir iiivariame ami extensiva efficacy. They require no illctini! nor confinement, are perfectly milil ami nleasaiit in their oiirrutlnn. i,t ..in fully ret tare hualth-lliat Kreatett of earthly Miittinzs ln tlio mn,l n,l.ii,,.i,l ...1 ., I. .. ....... b..,UUD,v u,. uiiuiilUtUCU CUIIfallinilllllt. Prepared hy Dr. WM. U. MOFl'AT, . , r a , , 3M "roailway, New York. And for Hale hy arl Drugging. aplS Ul ly. ' T II J'1 G It I1 V T INDIAN IIERBAL TEA ! FOR females, DIt, ENGLISH S INUII.VKGfiTABLI: IC.IMIKVAfJfKJIlH. This Celebrated Female Medicine pcmsussci tilii,,,.- ti.ikiiowu of a..ytl,l,.e el.e oftha kii.u'. .....I priviinj Tlf. cctiiai niter all others have fiiileilj it is prepared from an "Unliiui Ilorh" peculiar to NnrlhcriiMujiiionndTejc- ' n, anil it lined by the Native iu producing lliu hoviii ly kicknbhs. It in ilctigneil fur both uiaarieil and Hiifle ladles, mid is tho very best thing known furlhu purpose 1 us it will remove nil obbtruilluns niter other reiutiliet havo been trieil iu niu, It is u pleasant ten, contain. I ing nothing injurious to health, and 11 euro to l,u relied Upon iu nil casus, rrolansus Uteri, or fallinu of lhn Wonih rimieu i. ' hut. or Wlilles; fhrnnic fitlainatiuii, or Ulceration of thu Womb j Incidental llemoraeu ol Tlnodlnir , and dls. caso of tho Bpine. tinned against the uso of this leu, at it will produce inl.curriasc. ntEPiatD Ann sold by . uji-i.anies intiiu cany ttaso or pregnancy aro ciiu. DU. 0. W. ENOL.18II, Nn. aiO hOUTII SUCONU BT, I'llll.ADia.l'AIA, I'A. Trice ct 31.00 per package, (with full directions lor uso) ,ii inirf tnnrttii,,,. lounil to c.Mfit III that foul nuto of t ie btniuarli ami . . - ' . ;'r " "" iin. miora inu bowels wlilcli iiroaiiee.1 tlio Keiieralioii of ' rm" Zll , ?Z f "m b,T C!""""1 An.t,:" tn 3 1 " tlilt ' r I'il I an (1 I t er,,.- V ,l,v.- ... ! OKOKO'S W- HI.MMOW & IIIIO.. JrKe!lcrs. Dr. C can be consulted in all ob.tinatu I'eiuulo Com. I tronngu which It hat commander! diirinir 'the tinst V i planus, in person or by letter, and w ill furni.h the (Hit- lart is 11 gratifying proof that their elfcrtt havo been tn-pcriha I'einala Syringe- highly recommended by tha apiireciated. ' "a,u ul"' 1'oculty to inarri,:d ladies foi tm-elal purposes. To meet tho exigencies of the timet, when all ure ro. AlMiltud cal Cure and iiihur Trusses Improved llo. 'IJilred to pracllco the most rigid economy, the unJcr taryuiiilriiiiieAbdoiiiiiiulaupporlert.Khimilerllraeesl"if;"!d "' Llusttc. and l.neu Hlofklnes Hnhil An, . o.ntn. r,...i II.... Tl-.l r .7 - W.iak and Curved Hplno and InslVuinenis'for all do- . ,. '" ''reui.ioil, 3168outli Becend Btrcct. below liork. I'HILAOKLVIIIA, I'A. C" t Hvs no otNTt. Nov. in, mai-wiii. Nos. 0, 11, 13 and 15 Oourtlanil street, IiOAIW, 51 rjO PER DAY. D. D.WINOHC8TKR TI10H . D . WINOHCtTEK . NEW YORK, MtCTissMsswsgsgLUM'tsiiiii' LjjisiA'iiLjwisMJawtna and tor ran speedy ccp.e op Ilervons Prostration, Qonoral Debility, Attluaa, Dyspopiia, Cfcrofula, Marasmus, ParalyiU, Chronlo Bronchitis, Anemia, Chlorosb, aad all Disorders of tho Blood Eyrterj. DO YOU KNOW IT? CONSUMPTION IB THE ilOST TATAL ECOUROr. OF UANKIND. It hat been truly regarded at xk tsar", mi uaupt few ever turvivlngltt atlai-k. " Oil liM fifths iMoIs hum rare." fyi Dr. Cuntrmtx, " and M0RK1I1AN ONE DAI V OF AU. THE ADULT TON.' L ATI ON ofmostclvlliced comsnunltlei ITJlKn HY THIS DIFKASE." WLnl a tad conuacular; co llo boasted efflcacy of tho Hsnllng Art I ... Tbe brilliant Discovery of Dr. Churchill, made to the Imperial Academy of Hodlclno, of Paris, has proved an M itsiM bum to the world. By tho uso of this now ndjiciulrcriiritopcnf,kaown to Clicmlstry tut THE rtYPOPHOSPHITEOi "Tho CiltE of CONSUMPTION, vcn la tho Second nnd Third Btjie" (ot a period, threfor. when there con be no diKibt as to tbe naturo of tho IHscnae) 1 tho ItLLH, nbllo DEATH IF) THE ESCEl'TIOX. I KXOV,"says Dr; C, "that thoy wilt proro rot only ns BL'lin A ItEJI. EDV In CONSUMPTION as Quinine Is In Inter, mlttont Fever, but tilso ns ctTccluol a l'lttMU. VATXVE as Vnctlnntlo In Bmutl I'ox." Let no sufferer, Who vthu-6 health and IV'3,dUyaa liour to try thlt remedy. Jlemcmbcr that " prJlloa Is better than curs." Dcwaroof elf-dceptlon,Of tbo cootAg assurance of friends that " It t'i only a KtU cold " Fatal error to myriad! who now fill premature Craves I 0'lvc, I entreat you, prompt atlvntloa to tho . ErVBUEST SI,K3 CF CQK3UKPTIQK. 'And Tnoirj EKINS biuu. rnuow tokm." M.i!i. 'Theetrfioteymptoraof tubtrcubr dlsctuo iswunia. It. precedes tlit cnh,txsi it Is earllor,ln point of tlrns, than too niicnc. 11 is first manifested ia tba Jctec nikl aanli. Tho muscular tlmuts wasto ; hf.neo Bcaurr : thoroliaieossofiometlilngiTrong BaiInatbfnii vir.li, i-owras are naoaixa. Tha caste of tho living machlno Is inora active tbau Usrepttir."lr. l'cXlo,!:. " lf,u'J(Aoiilmi!flf'rtriil cau, or under tho InOuer.so of cai.tca vrlileb laduuj vsxKtiim and riujvmj.i ; such as uanttffri'f, orcnwrV, jivvnaiirt, chiltl-ltaring, nurii'rV;, ro; vl giowth, or imo i tcorny run di'taut, 'a porsou oegios to loso nis.uesu, strcugui, coior, or appilltoj If hs aulfjrs from shortness of Ircath, or tltcpUsineis, and cxperlontet a general feeling cf Imt-ouoi-and iffjOTJiinn.llIia'.E 13 KtAKO.V 10 1L.K Hut he is already pr,-dipotod to the romplalnl. If to theso Bymptoms bo a Ided coiwh, however slight, particularly If It his como on slowly, or durlag tho fair mason, THE PKOUABIUrY 13 GKEATER b'tlLU" CfturcAiU. EFFECT OF THE REMEDY. "If, on the eavllcst nppcaranco of these signs of C'oiisum'pUon, tho patient lakes dally about ten grains or tho H7rOPnOSPniTX3. ho will usuallr see them all disappear lu a period varylnc frogi a few weeks to a row months i und by continuing tba occasional use of tbo Itemsdy, JIU WILL BPED ILY FIND lIIM32Lr Ilf THE XKJOYMCNT OJ" BUCU HEALTH AS ItE, MKITATS, MAD XllVEIt cnoiy.n is ins life linronE.'' "Winchester's Genuino Preparation" IS' THE O.NLY Itr.LIAllLK rorm of Dr. Churchill'd I'.etnedy. VAde from tho original Formula. 'iho action t f Iho Hypcrborphllca Is mo-roio nud tpecICo : inmxwOij; Iho prinolploiruicii coxHirrTKS M:nrota roars, aud they aro iho now i'owKiirci.Btooi) rii!ratn.N jic.thkowk. Tbo cff.ct upon tho tubercular co-idition U IHlirjlIATIl,Aii. nm CE-xrau. ETiir-rora ouirrt.unvn Trim a nmnnv tmitg REtixT jiir.viiLiirj. Tliey nliWctho cough, Ciminish expectoration, 'iivicr tbo nppelllo, enut diarrbrcaj tho nijhl sweats, chills, and jfsrir cctf o ; tbo bowtlu Uwwie regular, and iu niar cim asp paorou.tp. A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIN CURE I ttS- DEVTAKEof Bogus ;.'emJiMi.dvcrllsed aa Pt. Cliurehlll's, and all other E1V1.NIU.1XO DEVICD) torch tunorcra ot tUtir tnm., to'epreeimis time, rni hastcu a r.tTAL niai'LT. Wi lie to mo for ClIiCL'LAUS, nnd for Dr. Churchill'8 Trcatiso oa Oonsumptlon, which contain the onv attthtnlic l'nonaafi'on lu regard V) this NEW TREATMENT, i-ont 1 ku lo all Icqulrero. I'ltlCE: In 7 and ICoz. Ik,tt'.cs, SI and $3 each. Throo large, or six rmsll for SC. Zfy fso-simtls Is oa both tbo Label and OuUido Wrapper, NO OTHER 10 OISHUimi. S.TS' Tto not confound thlt P.cmody with tbo so-ealM " Chsmlml Food ;" and particularly avoid all prepara tions containing iron, which is pAKorcoi s,Br,d led IiW M, whlchhat NocpB-tntErRomrrv Miuiitm. t-'old hy tbe most respectable Druggists Ihrcuihont Ununited Ftatcs and Uritish Provinces, nod Wholcsclo 04 Itctall a t tbo Ctiucral Depot In tho Vnltod Pute3,by 3, 'WINCHESTEB, 36 John Stmt, H. T. March II. 1601. EVANS & WATSON in the United States. Fire Safes In one fr). All came out right; uith con tents in ffood condition. I Tho Salamander Safes of Philadelphia against tho wurld. EVANS & WATSON, hiivo had the surest ilemostration in the following err lillcate Hint their manufacture of rialamniider Fafes has ""cale injiineir maiiuiaeture n Halamniidcr i-afes has 'L'1 ,cnKtlirull- warrante.1 the reprehentations which have " , 1 '"'"-""E an undoubted security against the terrific ilcim-nt. Philadelphia April 12. 1?50. Messrs. F.rnns A Unison: Oentli-mcn-It aiTordi us the highest satisfaction to mute tu you, that owing to tho very protective qualities of two of the Salamander, Safes which we purchased of you some rive month since wo saved a large, portion of Jewelry, and nil cjur books, &c., exposed to the ralaininout, fire in llunstead place on tho morning of tha 11th inst.. When we reflect that tln-sn safes wero located in the fourth sfory nfthi building wu occupied and Hint they Ey-They have since pnrcliail tix lart'e Safe. Aiiettut -n. liJ.t'l MANHOOD. HOW LOST, HOW KEsjTOItEI). Just Published, in a Seal Envelope: A I.ccturo on thu nature, treatment, nnd radical curu nf 6"ierinatiirih(ca, or Seminal Weakness, Seitinl Debility, NervoiiMietH and involuntary emim-inm,, projiicing iui potency, (Joniiuniption and .Mental it Physical Debility. Ily I1011T. J. CULVCKWELL, M. D 7'lm important fact lli.it tlio awful coiucnuenceB of self ahum inny ho ellectually remuvej without internal medicine? or thu uiuicerntm aniilieuilnii. ,,r ,.i,,.n.. i... ! mriuneiilii, medicalcil lioii-ict, ami uiher eiupirical du vIhcii. In hero clearlv iliii,,,,,.i.nt,,il I .1... -...!-. ,.. I new anil hinlily niccemful treiitinent, an adoptod by Hie celebrated nuihor fully explained, hy meant of which 1 every ono M enabled tu cure liiintelf perfectly, an. I at i. 1, iiirtiuv u, iii iiini: an me uilver ' h1",!nN,'r.V.lf.i'!f.r.-...Il,.1.'i lMU' i"vo -,,llt llllllnp -Bill 1,1 nl.li. I 1 .. " ' '. i""1:1 ' "viii,u, 111 any niliirenu, id J '" ,UHn' i? "." ,t.V'WS'u,!S.!!,!!.V. "V'i 0 ..-..........(... very, re. v. Ant-list in, lfill. sua f April gQ.'lPllI gin ST. 30LAS HOTEL noAiti) reuucku ro e-2 per iiav. iB,'Jc.u !h?"l'il,' of tlti-t va.t and comtnodloui Hotel, In IPSl. it has been thu ulneln eiwl,.:,,.,,. nr 11... .1... , l"'" " ,lle, l".'!t !";"Wt'iis, convenient nnd cp ufortublo homo for tho citizen and stranger on this ''! .uo Atlantic. .uiu wimiiiver uas icemen iiKely tn nilniinliter to tho comfort ufitseueslsihivli:iv,i Ti-...,.-.i ...,.1. '.. ' I Card tO Cllst. tlllirm lile. nn.l In ..11 '.1.. ' ' l.l ' 'f individual und social enjoyment which moiloni art -'I"to pattern mc met OJ JJoard to two iioiia.'s per Day, 8ep,.U,,86lJAmV1:LL' WHITCOMIl ec CO. TTOWAltD ASSOCIATION PHIL JUL Anr.i.pii!A A Uunvolent Inilitiitlun eitabllihed by tptclal endow. "''.'"'Jl" h 'e?f''fhe Kick and Dl.trciiedVoailcted wil i Virulent and Epidemic Dlieatet, and ipeelaHy for Ihe Cure of Diseases of the Heiutl Orgu.it f It ALUAUI h HLI'OUIU on Uperuiatorrhcea. and oth. dll Afl-?i-n c-.t-r-t, ,i . I0vr'" :" Chistnut Street, I it, Wi'.Wni) i"I,;';-&V, a,"" c third Philadelphia, hav on , fSv.!i!ij.lll andnhirgi- assortment of I'Ih tr;fK-n Thief proof Salamitndcr fvill-s. i M liai!-i-'5? Iso, iron dours, for hanks nud I r7!V-'JllLVrliZ. "I0"'. Iron shutters Iron sash, all 1 Afe)1li.:Bt?c5? makes of locks equal tu any made i.7t.. Yi. . "' lu "r "'uiefa in tealid ,...v, v. .,,., co oicuargo, -fwo or three 6tamos LINilOUCIIT".. Act ng Bursenn, Uowtrd AismV. t en. No, 3 Goulh Ninth fii,..i $litiZr:r.A''m Mttcb?. lil Scroftila, or King's Evil, i a constitutional iliscoKc, a currtiption of the btootl, hy which this Uuitl becomes vitiatrxl, weak, and poor. llriiiR In tho cirettlation, it pcn-aila the whole hotly, and may burst out in disease on any part ot'.lt. No organ is fteo from its nttackt, nor ii thcro one which It may not destroy. Tho scrofulous taint is variously caused hy mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, thu depressing vices, and,' -above all, ly tho venereal infections "What ever bo its origin, it is hereditary in tho con etitution, descending from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation " indeed, it seems to bo tho rod of Him who sayi, " 1 will visit tho Iniquities of the fathers upon their children." Its oficcts commenco by deposition from tb blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, In tho lungs, liver, and intornal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on' tho surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suiter from scrofulous com plaints, but thoy have far less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases ; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, aro still rendered fatal by this taint intho" system. Host of tho consumption which de--eimatcs tho human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, ariso from or are aggravated by the samo cause. One quarter of all our people arc scrofulous ; their persons aro invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by It. To cleanse it from the system wo mustrenovato tho blood by an altcrativa medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exorcise. Such a medictno wo supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilln, thn most effectual remetlv which tho medical' skill of our times can devise for this every' whcro prevailing and fatal malady. It is cprrr-' blncd from tho must active reraedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, und the rescue of tho system fiom its destructive consequences. Hence it should bo employed for tho euro of not only scrofula, but also those other affeo tions which arise from it, such as Encrirni and Smx Diseases, St. Anthoxt's Kosb, or Kkysipulab, Pimplbs, Pubtulds, Blotciim, IIlai.vs and Boils, Tumors, Tztter and Salt IIiievm, Scald Head, Rinciworm, Rheumatism, SrrhiuTioand MEECuniAL Dis lasi'.s, Dnorsv, Dyspepsia, Deuilitt, and, indeed, all Complaints Aiusisra rrtox Vitia ted on Iuruitr. Blood. The popular belief, in " impurity of the blood is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtuo of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and rcgoncrato this vital fluid, without which sound health is impbssibla in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FO.n ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHY6I0, arc to composed that Jisciso within the rang of their action can rarely withstand or evade taera Their penetrating propcitics search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the humon organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy titalitics, As a consequence of tluso nronerties. the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical ucuiiity is astoni&nca to una tut kealth or encrev rcstorQcl bv n rcmctiv at onea so . v . . f.-i - simple nnu inviting. Not only do they euro tho every-day complaints of every body, but nlso triany formidable snd dangerous distaste. Tlio agent below named U pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and direction for their use in the following complaints: 6'ojfiw tins, Hem fount, Headache arising from disordered Stomach, A'aiuia, Indigestion, tUvn in and iiorbid Inact.on of the Boiccis, Ftatut&ry, Loss of Aript' tile, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, ron the uapii) cunn or Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Ui'oricliitis, Incipient Consump tion, nnd for the relief of Cousamptlvo Patients in advanced stnges of the disease Go wido is tbe Scld of its usefulness tnd to nu merous aro the cases of iu cures, that almeit every section of country abounds in persons put holy known, who have been rettorcd from altrmlng anil even desperate diseases of ths lungt by IU uso. When onco tried, its superiority ever tvery other medicine of its kind is too apparent to eseap observation, anil whcro its virtues nro known, urn public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ tor the distressing and dangerous afFeetiont of tM pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon .th eommunitv havo failed and been ditcardVd, this has yaincd friends by every trial, conferred bracfll on the aillictcd thay ean never forget, snd pro-i duccd cures too numerous and too rcmarkaU to be forgotten. 1 rrtCPARED BY BIS. J. C. AYEES &, CO. LOWELL, MASS. E. 1'. Law. 1. U. Mover. 0, .11. Ilaecnbueh, Rlontrirtiare A. Miller, llerw ick, ami hv onv atorc in evry town la Pcnnnj Ivauia, mi. LA GKOIX S rnivATi: .mcuioal tueatioe on tub Physiological View of illarriago. '.5(1 I'ARHS AND 130 ENGnAVINCS.-I'ricn only rwLNTV-rtVE ciNrs. Sent free of postage tn all parts of the Union, On the infirmities of youth au-i tuatuiity, durloiiiig the secret follies of built texes of all sees, causing debility, nervousness, depression nf spirits, palpitilion nfllie heart, suicidal imaginings, lnvolun tary uiuissiiiu, blashiiigs defective, memory, uidigee lion nnd lasfltucle. irilA confessluns of thrilling inttrot of a Boarding behool Jlltss, a College Student, end i'oung Married Lady, c, .-e. It is a truthful adviser tn the married and those contemplating marriage, whoen. tortnin fecret doubts of their physical condition, and who nrn conscious of having hazarded the health hap. piuess.niid privilegei to wliich every human bting It ci. titled. EiYOUNCJ .MKN who nre troubled with weakness, gen. crally caused by n bad habit iu youth, the stfeett of which are dizziness, pains, furgetfuliiess, sometimes a a ringing in tho ears, weak eyes, weakness of the bacX and lower extremities, confusion of ideas, loss of mem ory Willi inelnucholy.mny be cured by tho author't NKV 1'AltIS AND LONDON TICIlATMr.NT. We have, recently devoted much of our time IB VltJITIril! THU LillOl'IUN IIOdl'ITAI.S, nvalliiir oik f elves of the kunnledgo nnd rcsearchet of the most skilluil l'hysijians audtiurgi'oiis iu Ilurope and the Con Uncut. Hiosc who placo themselves under our care will now havo the full benefit of lliu many NEW ANI) Ul'nc'ACIOUHllEMi:DIK!i wliitliwo are tnaliled to introduce into our practice, and the puhlicinay rest si tiircd nf the same.zeal, atsidulty, rtbCHUCV und atten tion being paid tu llieircases, which has n successful, ty distinguished us heretofore; as a.l'lijiician in our l'EOULlAlt department of provisional I'ractlce.sr the past tirentyfice years r'Hrnciii'sMALii I'ii.i s. Ladles who wish for.Uedicinrt the ellicacy of which lias been tested iu thousands of cuses, nnd never failed to elicit speedy curct without any bad results, will use none but Dr. DeLaney's Female I'eriodical Tills. The only Precaution necessary to ob serve is, ladies should nut take them If they have rca smitu believe thoy lire in certain situations (Iht partic ulars of which will he found on thu wrapper acrompa it) ing each buz,) though ulivnys safe and healthy, to gently yet inactive are they. Trice SI por box, They i an bo mailed lo suy part of thu United Mlates or Cauuda, TO Till! I.ADIIId-Whonocds csnfidenHol medlsat adviser Willi regard to any of thoso interesting coin, plaints to which Iheir dcllcuti organization renders them liable, nro particularly invited to consult lit. TiiKxllLecTRo-ntLvsaio TKOTiMivs."-I'or married ladies whoso h.aitli will not admit, or who have node, sire to increase their families, may be obtained at above It It a perfectly safe preventive to conception, and bat been extensively used during tin lutt 21) yean. I'tico reducetd to git). The Secrels of Ynulli Unveiled. Jl Treatise en the Cause of Premature- I'eciy A if fwn warning. Just published a book shovivg thsinsiiiovs progress and prevalence among schools, Uoth male and female of this fatol habit, pointing out the fatality thol invariably attends its claims, and developing thivMs progress of the disease, from Ihs commencement lethsend. It will Is sent hy Mall en rteeiptcf two III cru! Stamps. ID- Atteiiilnnctidaily,finin8lnth morning till st night, and on Hiiudayt from a till 5 P M, Medicines with full directions tent tu sny ptrt ef lbs Un ted States or Canadai, by patlgnU communicating their symptoms by letter, liuiiuess corrtipondenc etrictlycoiifiilenllal. ID" Dr. L'i 1 OrtUo It strlflocttnl at stUlihed,qntr the name of Dlt, la CROIX, at No. 31 Msidsn Ltne, Al bany, N, V. " Nov. 83 lC31.-18in. , PltlBHBlcril. eb lJHOTHKKrl. WHOLESALE TOBA00O DEALERS N.105,NOUTU TIIin STREET do'pi ibolo- Rtre rujLAPDi.rHrt jb'olocKr'A J! auviiuuiiw up .v