Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 28, 1861, Image 3

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John G. Freeze, Local Utlltor.
Saturday MoniMNo, deoemdeu 28, 1861.
EG?- John Doss, the grandfatlier of tho
Editor of tbii column, now aged about
Eighty-Hvo years, i getting four now
double lectb. Wo venture to say tberc
arofew,if any examples of tho kind on
VST Lieut. Wilson of Col. Angeroth's
heavy artillery, stationed at Camden,
roarchod off a dozen Columbia county
loV3, who had volunteered, on Thursday
morning last. The Lieut, is a wholo soul-
ed fjllow and knows bow to take 'cm.
tST The following i the result of the
election in Illinois for members of tho
Constitutional Convention :
MsT Tho name of tho "Shamokin Rank"
has been altered, by the County Court, to cgy Catt. W. II. Ent. Tho official
that of "Northumberland County Rank," report of the Draiusvillo engagement an
but remains at Shamokin. To avoid mis- nouuees that the Sixth regiment reserves,
takes, peoplo will do well to remember to J wbieh evidently wa- iu tlio hottest of the
not confound this with tho old "Rank of battle, if we may judge from tho list of,
Northumberland," at Northumberland. killed and wounded, was under the com-
:0: mand of Captain Wellington II. Ent. Hu
CcT Wo learn that the Rev. W. Racon ,i3 the Captain of company A,(Irou Guards
Stevens, D. D., Assistant HMiop elect of , of Columbia county,) and the senior cap-'
this diocese, will be consecrated to tho ' tain, who usually takes command or a reg.
Episcopal office on New Vear's day, the imcut in the absence of the field officers,
consent of tlio canonical number of dioceses ! all of whom wo infer, arc on the sick li:t.
thereto, having been obtained, and for- j The Sisth U a "Rully-' regiment a pet
warded to tho Presiding Rishop, (Rrow- of our? and in tho lute action vended our
null, of Connecticut.) i predictions of tluir ojurago and prowes,
:o: ' made at different times during the sum-
IT. T -. - -. . - - I
K lion, jamcs a. .ucJianalian, tor-
mcrly a prominent politician in this State,
and at one time a representative in Con
gress iiom me i-umuerianu, i'erry anil
Franklin diUiict, died in Now York re-
ctntly. Some years ,inco he removed from
Chambersburg to New York city, where he
resided up to the lime of his death. Mr.
Mel.anahan leaves a family, consisting of
a wife and one child
S5?""K. li. Smith, proprielor of the
Jliincy ttagn lino, ii a very
iug fellow, nnd our "duTjT' in tliciibscnce
ot the "matt'iitil" tenders hW icariivsi
thanks for favors conferred. UtiUivaii
County Demon at.
We hope Smith has not been hauling ,
the "Devil'1 around the country for noth-1
iug ; but Smith had better do that perhaps,
than to accept for remuneration his Satanic
iii ijeity's "uttiiui'tt thanks."
04?" Uoitiu, Deo. Oth. Mayor Wight
man waa re-elected to day by 101H) major
ity over Tobey, the Hepubliean candidate.
In Lowell, Mr. llosfoid was elected
Mayor over (!rave., Republican.
1'. M. Neal, was elected Mayor of I' Jin ;
Wm litftoti re elected Mayor of Hex
bury; V. .1. Ston i elected Mayor of
(lliarlcatonn, and-1 K. Aldtich, Mayor
if Worcester. '
Ceo. W. J lekiimn was re-elected Mayor
ol Ncwburjport by an almost unanimoiu
vct0i j
;o. .
Say-Mr. li. b llcighai'd of the enter-
j.rising firm of li. 1". Jleighard A liro. of
Kapy lo-t a v.'iy valuable horse in lilooms-
burg on I lmrsday Ia?(. It seems that
some perioin were drumming on the street,
and tho horse hecame frightened and rest
ive and beoau to kick and finally broke
and having broken tho shaft of the
.sleigh iu some way ran it through the hin- al "iongiuS 'toSl
der part of hi.sbe!lv, fevering somo large prS''lvc school" of Abolition pbiloso
arteries, and in a few minuten bled to phors-a man h ho has been charged with
tjca(, having done as much as almost any other
We have often thought the tlrummiug 1 to foment discord between different States
through our streets when scores of hores f ti'" Union ,-now comes out in a public
unused to such souudi are standing and aoki.owlcdguicnt of past errors, repudia.
lriviug through them, was a very great '"'g tIlc mischievous doctrines disscmina
nuisance; and wc hope that this may bo a tci iu former days, and announces his re.
sufficient warning to prevent a more sad tircinent as a political editor until tuch
occurrence iu the death of a human b'oing. ''""c ll0 t!iaU Iiavo "attained a clearer
;o. and moi o human and Christian view of the
ST Tho Van Wycl; Investigating Com- d"t!os of tlic f'man to tho enslaved."
mitteo has driven Alexander Cummimrs irere is Jl1'- HcdpatU's card, published iu
out of tha I JVM newspaper, and sent him
to Jiurope, iu search of Ins licaUli.
Uy tho way, we Lope those very patri-
otic gentlemen who so liberally voted pub-1
,. , , . ,ivi.,
he funds to carry on and publish in a largo
volume, the "Covodo Investigation," which
proved nothing; will now bo equally pub-
lie tsptritcd, and give tho people a chance '
to see the frauds perpetrated by tho publio ,
, , i i .i . '
plunderers, who under the name of pa-
triotisni, deceived tho peoplo, defrauded '
tho soldiers and cheated tho govcrnmcut. 1
Drag tho Cummingscs, tho McKin,trys,
andFremonts from their dens: and ex.'
and Fremouts from their dens; and ex
pose the frauds uudcr winch the bravo
soldiers have starved and ishivered, iu
hunger and nakedness.
Aud when tho volumo is published, as
wo aro not iu very good odor with tho
man who was onco Speakor of tlio House
ot, nuinsuurg, Euustijucuny uucinpicu inu
Life of Judgo Scott, now carries this Con
gressional District in ono pocket, and
Grow aud tho upper District in tho other,
and under tho load puffs and blows about
Wathiugton j wo trust that our very good (
friend Dr. Johu, should ho suceeed in
getting two copies, will present ono of them
toui. AVo promiso to rcciprocato when
wc get to Congress, if ho can await to
uncertain a coutiugeucy.
I Itjyl.ord Palmcrston lias entered upon
. Lis 78lh year. He was born on tlio SUth
- I day of October, 1784,
j l6r Tj10 tlCtt,ncr Prsia from England,
iuo low inst., brings intelligence of tho
catli of Princo Albert, on tho 15th inst.,
a short illnci of gastrio fever. The
l,cccas01 I'rincc was 45! years of ago, bay
'"8 bccn born 0,1 1,10 20th of August,1810.
n was married to Queen Victoria on the
10th of February, 1840.
' John Q. Freeze, Esq., Attorney
iat '-m"i living accepted tho position of
tLc DPty Register nud Recorder of tho
j founly of Columbia, has removed bis office
itlto tbo room occupied by tho Register
, allcl llecor1ci- in tho Court House, where
I ho can always bo found prepared to attend
i 10 tbo 1,Uiiuof3 f profession, and also
, to tho dullos oflu3 eputylnp
Persons having business with tho
Register and Recorder must come prepared
1 to pay the fees before tho work can be
douo. Xo other courso can bo adopted
: by the Deputy, to whoso care tho entire
I business of the office has bcon transferred.
mcr. . :
Captain Ent lias distingui-hed himself,
and wo look for hU early promotion.
Tlio entire regiment, in fact gave a noble
account of it'elf.inthia.its first engagement,
notwithstanding its field officers, and many
of the staff and lino havo been on the sick
list nearly all summer. All honor to the
bravo bovs of tlm Sixth 1!
rwriot ij- Union.
3r The Atlantic Monthly for January
1-Oii, being the beginning of tho Ninth
Volume is on our table. It has articles by
the very bejt, of in corps of contributors.
We have always dissented from somo of
its doctrines in polities We do not believe
them jound, judicious or con.ti'utioual ;
but as a literary magazine it is in the front
The I'uhlisheis of the Atlantic Monthly
desire to ilirccf public attention especially
to an iiiiiorUiit and interesting feature
which has been added to this magazine
for the coining year. They have succeed
ed in securing a seiies of contributions fiom
l'rofoftor J.ouis Aga.-siz, of Harvard Uni
vcrsity, thu nio'-t eminent natur.ili.-t iu the
world. J'rofcs.-or Agassi.'a ai tides com -nieiice
with the January number and will
be continued in every number throughout
the j ear. They will he upon The Study
of Natural History and kindred topics,
and cannot fail to prove a repository ot
mo. t valuable information, while the well-
known directness and simplicity which
mk l'lo'csor Agas.-izs system of in
struttion will make them not only instrue-
live but deeply nucleating
to the general
tST What's the Mattbii? A Re-
mutation. James Kedpath, formerly the
Jvansas 'rre..poueni oi t.te, am.
r- ... . ...I.... ll" -. .1
tIlQ Pttund J'tlm, a newspaper devoted
lu l"u I"""""""" ' ""J1"" w'uu't" ,
tlon :
, " A l'nr.PAnAT0UY Woun.-Having
become iiucerely convinced that many ot
tIl0 Ilolitical doetrines that I have advo-l
cated in my writings aro dangerous and
abhorrent to the higher iuight ; the mur.
(c''"s pMcijJoi txavqilc, of inciting the ,
tluVn. ifuncction -which I have
urged repeatedly and with terribly mista-1
ZCall wish to anuounco here that I1
bi,ai rulir0 frow any participation iu tho I
political management of this journal, ex-'
ccptiug lor ttie purpo.-e oi icirac ng pasi
crror? until tuch time as I feel that I
havo attained a clearer aim more human
nnd Christian view of tho duties of the
frecmau to tho enslaved.
" I shall confine myself exclusively to
tho editing of tho outside pages of tho pa
per. The name of tho acting editor will
lin ilnlv ftminnnpoil M'l.o nrticieS signed
witll au atCrislc () were mine : of theso I
win retract many; my associates who iu
dicnto their respectivo writings by tho
initial l, and by the marks f, J, and g,
aro alone responsible for their thoughts
thus labelled. I reiwliate my tear doc,
trince, uttedy and forever,
Jamls llEDl'ATlI.
This frank acknowledgement is certain.
1 ly very noblo iu Mr. Red path, and if it is
a presago "of a goucral eonvcrtion from
tho Abolition ranks, there is more liopo
I for the country
The approaching New Year l.nsoou llmo for re
ni.ttliii subscriptions riit Iwrcnsliis; tho circulation u,
me Journal of Commerce. Weaddress nursclicstnthe
u' hi ortiie papcr niihemlra confidence in their
. ... w '""'.ii'". I principle, nnn moral. Which I
Int-o hllhertneliaricti'rlr.eil and Mill hereafter cliarac-
lirlrolliHpnper, El tar SuimFin.n to tho Journal of
Lniiinirrco inlslit ilon ureal sen Ice to these principle.
mm Bin-net ii.n na ii, mi. i.i it. tn .1
lain thom, by acnillne u tho iinmi.' or at Kail i.n.j new
inbtcrllii'r In lii. tonn.
Deiiileil tlrmly in wo havo linen to our cnuntry'a lu anil hato lonj been called "Union 8.inr"n n
yjt,"1lf"r,cl"u"cl( Ma 'hall I)" tho linn uphold.
oppoilng nitli heart and poll cicry or North
' ' ,rcV'1U"'.," ",.fl,"l "' ""''y '"' I'"-' coinbat.
u ""' ;'"f' Union anil American
priuclpli-9, no rank aide by ilib;',
aiioi.itioxisu ami si:cn?mvrsu
and no propnuo n ill. all our Irength todifeml the na.
tloiincaintltho attack of both. mo na.
Wo bi lon j to no political parly, on e nMI-ntlonstono
lii ,or l"".1; l'a"onaei.,l,ut retain In all rcl.e( t
mr Inilrpenilelit r Out., uphold tin; Bnod lihlle tlo o.
po.otheliad.oruhalevernnini;. mm oi'ieniiLra or
n pulille nnd private life. Without puMl.liln.. nnlli!.
l..u lieivp.M,t, (;, makinj any pr tmcc. In relUl.mi.
charncter.iio .ball l,o I'oiind beralVr, uliat ") ,"
In rctofnrn been. Hie nnlv .lallv i,..,...,.. . i Vv..? i'.l
lilch I. con, in ted llli conFl.tent ri eard to tho tl-
b ith, n.,,1 .. ,,,e ablo l l..ue a, jm,l n ,,y ,
ilfrCSt7 ay"l "lilth lionlatii' tha day
,,,r"' !'" P00'1 " ofthe Journal of roinmercc in
th i a Ion, no riler to the rreord ufllu pa.t. In thnea
'1 . r i" ,'i" "r '"' iicourntte, In lime, of ,ubt lu
cheer. In llinrx nfcicilement, ti, min, tho nilnil.
J he Journal nf Comiuene in thu
Best Commercial Paper in America.
The merchant, tin farmer, thu mechanic, the profe...
.11 iniia, In .hurt every newspaper read r nil ll, ,1 It
In tier .ul ed l,,hU nanta than any ll,Pr iu-e.y I.,,, "
.. III. ni.-lri.p.,l. The Immen.e resourcea of tho e,
tabll.lnnoiit, Hi- cro th nf nearly f my y, ur.. luclmllne
ci.rre:..,iidenc.-lnallpart.of ifn. ,i',,, t,.r.,,. J
report, from the .linreK of the All mile anil II... I'.iclflc.
i.urkit nnd m y nen ; fl aenmnt, of the .1r. freo
ir"!.'!',',"!" " "r".'.'r ; c'"'c""y I'f'l'ar lateuient,
of the liu-l niM ofthe ci.unlry, tahlv, ufprlcea, rg
unci iliimtstlc; .'ican.fiillj prepared .11 A II li n T,
nllosdherinnM... u.tnfurnl.h n ueekly paper nhich
illlulinn, Ian ly atl.fy the want, , ety ,',, ,,',:
(lerblimpljmeiit. Ni,livllliii,,3 i,0 em.rmiiu
are nlile In publlili
arrangement, lie
Tin: c'licAi-nsT wixki.y
In New York or Alnerlin.
r.U'nit In nur n.i.erln the pre,ent crl'is of our
to the prlu.iplea i.rihe Journal 1,1 Uoinmircu. We
iln ii,,t,upp,..eiie li.iieouo reader In. could not If he
mil, lake the opportunity, tend us tha iiamo ot rricudi
to aULIl our ll.t.
may Itc nru.'uirictl in cMmtniinilit itli great atlrniitniif .
J .ru.iil i" t he lifnt (mtio-l Ii r tlioir tinuim-nct-niciit.
f 'niH'-"" " ' "wc,in '""n'ifcli tU-j jiajitraru in
Ti rniiijcuiii'ti t.iMii;;
'.'if utnunl .ON'I-: IOMAK, caclj.
-"-l" FIH KL.N UuLI KKt.
Hii'lin us
4 CUJ'IUA p(X m
:i ci.pica - laK ,.
Lntlor A inpics 1Ul, onr,K
Jlio pjpertf will ! mMrunHfd to tlini-rent iit-ruonant
liiotuiiie yol villus, if tli'sirird rxu-t in the tao of
av. .i.u, u nTn.-, which w in i,,. mailed to UIIU
S ripi,rimt'H' H"iit uratf.
,f;?tl,lrc V"f; fftfic Jsamal Covin crcc? Xa,
Vl Unit tlml, .Viff JorA.
i'kimi:, stum:, ham; & iiAi.r.oc-K,
MIMI'.MtY (JAI'S. nfeverj- nrl. lr n.,,1 quality,
Tor ".lie ch.'jp at th lllnnnisliura llatc Cap Ki , rlinii
Alii lirnceries, t'.i'ilecti.murle. tt'lifarn.e.
, . . JUI1. Iv. UIKTO.V.
Illnomiliur:. Sept. H, .',1.
Cn(l;Mi;s,s,i Jiail li tint.'.
PMI'TIIW Mill llnrxil Tit I VH.
I'hll.i.l. lphU& N. V. Mail lil.
' " r.lpri's. 1.',.
r.luilra Vail a
Niai;ra Kxpret-a 111.
A. M.
i A. M
l.i'U'liaW.-lIUlit l HInuIllSUtirg .t lill Oad
OV .1 VII Al l' It NOVUM. , l-lil. I'AS.-inN'lIlIIi
1'll.MXt? Wll.l. KI'X .S l'cll.l.ciVt:
l.i :iv irraiii.-n,
' Kin'.-. I hi
" 11 ininii'iur
" Uuiort,
.rrio at Xiirt'niiiilit'rl.ili I,
M ll V I N i;
Lv.ivti X'iirtliiiinli,'rl.ial,
" IMiulil,-,
" KnK-rl,
' IUii.jiii.litirjf
.1. M. I.r..iij .V i
II 1 i
111 III)
x o i: t ll
i.:m I'. .M.
HllilLi-avo 1.13 p.
IMllI I'. M, :i 111
at Hcruiit'in,
A t'.mi.i'iisi r 'Ir.iln nLnli'ivi-s Miil-kIihi m p.:i u.t. M
fur Si r.inlini l . .IIUI.-4. 1 Willi ir-ilu t'nr .V-w Vnrk, Iti'
tiirmiu. liMt.'. rvinntoii mi arrhnl ol '1'raln from New nt i.u i: m.
Tlio I.iu k.iw .iiin.i nml IMiiDiiifliiiri,' K.ulro.-til rnniipits
u itli tlm lli'l n an'. Lurk aiina ami iriiirii lEajlrn nl
nt m r.iiilon. it:u nrk unit lull rnii'ilinlu minu t'.-it
At Kiipi-n iti-'iiii"il'illilli.-t'altauli.ji:allroar,
iiiiiiIi liulli i'a-i aii'l tvr-.t.
At .Nnrlliiiiiili rlnn.l it innniTls llli tlio riiilaiMliia
tc llrii'K. K.allil N'. t.' !. It. f,ir point. .-t ninl south.
J.HIV 1'. Il.rtl.UV, Siyt
j c. wtiu. fji',.7 riii-i.?,.;.
nv. no. I -I'll.
i-f'oiar HtiirE Air.iv, oi'ioiii 'iiik CtuiudK Horn.
'nMII uiiiler-U'iieil. u.uil I ri'fiierifully inform the citi
I zliih of i;oomsljiirD', and the public generally, that
' he u ojiuied u
an w shop,
Opi'ti.iti- tha Court lluii.o iiii,I nt-xt iloor M tlio oilicc of
tlu- 1'olainlil.i llfin.n int. Ui'iitiiIii- I. pri'p iri'illin'ri"itc
iir.iri.vo, ii.iiii iiiii:iiixo .1x0 s.i.v'Oo;.vi7,
In the li.'hlin.iniii r. uith ilopjt Ii. ,iinl to ei'iii'rnl n itu
Miiion. t;i:o. x. Aiuiioux.
l.lo,.n,biirs, Nur. -', ljlil. :im.
Jl O T.TXT 5? A U,ST
Printer, fiimkblinlcr & IJIaitlibook
.1 A iY U FA C T U R E R ;
WiioivsALt ami Uetui. Dealer is
l'UlNTIVli. WlliriVii AM) WHUTIXO l'APCKS.
AiJtNr ma nib 1 r.uit.u i'iint mii.i.x.
Main fMrut firt donrln low ih I'ublic Hpuare,
Nov. 2.1, Jf?Gl l.'in,
T ti il.iilv nitoiiifhiug hn patn'iiu h titer urn ofiouc
1 M.tniiiti-mis ui;mi;dii:s aiii: fi;j:i:i.v
VJJr.TAttl.n. Uu uill tin In llil clacu thu value- i!na
of rai h month ad stated helovv, nlmu ho rau h runxul
ted tor alt diieaej IK h it heir to. liC'UN'&UiVi'A
tiov rumi.
Jereythore. tlm 12 and 3thnfearh month.
While Motel, J-oek Haven, the J4th uud J3lh of eaMi
!tl.)uiiis!nir?.3fHh and lot. Danville 2J and 3J. N'ortli
umherlaiid lull. Miitun, li, ami 7.
Juno f, Ititil lm.
rplini'roprU'torofthi wll know u nml centrally lnca
X tod HuiinL', tlm i:iiuiiv: llurti., situate on Aim
tftn'et, in llluumhur,,', imniiuliiitfly 'Hioititc thu foluiu
In. i County I'ourt Ilo.ine, re- pt-t tl nl iy ih forms his rriciula
nml thu jiubllc in fji-uunil, that hi lloiici1 in nuw In ur
tlvr fur Hie rt'C'tiou niKlfntcrt.iiuiiiLMit uf travelcrn who
run) titl iliKM'il lo l.ivnrit with their custom, lie linu
tfi.irud uo rt ft iiixt in j-ri-parniLt tho llxi iiasu., Tor thu
MiU'riniiiuii'ut ol hi fuel, neither ulull there be nny
thiiiiT wauimi; ("u In .irt) tu uuuUter tu their mrsount
comfort. Mi huiuu I Kpaclom ami rujo) uu vxcclknt
huciut'ti locution.
i"" Uinuihui't' runntall iIiiioh hctwurti ttt Ilxch mgti
J oli 1 nml thu viriuiid Kail Ituu.l IU-iut, hy uliuh trav
t'lera will li jih'tiii.uitly cuvi')fil t'i nml from tho re
Hht'riivu tftdtions iu due tiuiu 1" inct-t I In1 Curi.
WM. 11. KOUXS.
Jllooniitmrg, July 7. lcCO
NK W S T 0 11 K -imou:&.iLr.
jixii hktaiu
' taivir Mm sa? zvmm
The itiHli-'rilcneit M'tp' rtfiilly infornm tho rltizcnit rf
HloniuihuriJ, nml I he puhlir iu giurrnl. that he lint jm r-rhi-fit
th- JCKiV .JT AHiiK. 1 Iht'tthito Ir.nii'Hlnre
Ilium', uu Mam Htn-ti. iif.irl) ojipotuie the r.srhnngo
Kinliliuua wlvm Iu has jui riuivoj a sjUnIil u
roitinciit of
Direct frenn the Manufacture of nil knuU llf, torti
umlfcizn. Inlin fiihioiu. nhkli he oikr uhole.alt anil
ft tail nurry low irit
-'riireJoud willle old at very low nncci (Or
lilycnubutji October 2) MO i
1) It. JtlllNSTOiV.
rpltnfuunnVrof H,l IMcbratod I". on, olTera tl.s
X italn .peeily, n ml i.ulv rilectnal remedy In
tho whim forclloififar lii'it..Htrirlurc.,Menilnnlncak.
noes, r.iilia In tho Isnlne. Uonslltiilimial Debility. Impo- noil l.lmbs, All. ttlnii. of
. i' ,',,7. '.."ii; ,, ner.
v!"." '"''ability, lllsenso (if tho llcnd, Tlitoni. No.e or I
Skin, anil nil th.i.u serious an I melancholy lll.onlcril
oilslna from tho destructive habits of Youtli, hlch do. '
flritt (Kit I liui V mill 111 1 II lI. Tlltl' aprrpl nml r1ilrw
prnctlccn, nro inorc fatnl tu thrlr It tlm ilinn tlic .iiir of
tlm HriMitoih! nmrlncri UlyBucf?, I.lislitlnz tllr moot
liiipiiisiUc. .,..,
SI AllllI A(J!:. I
Mnrrlijil perions, or Ynnna Men cnntemplnfini mar
riiiirchf iiift nwaru o
of th
jkM wtnkiiPBn, nrgimlc tlenltill
ty iliforiiiiticd, fee, ill on Id iiinnidlatily consult I)r
jimiinKin, mm uc reciurrii in prrirci noniiii.
He wliu places lihiiiclf under tho care of Ur, Jnliniton,
may rclMlontly confldc In hlg lumor as n eviitleinet). and
conliJcnlly rely upmi hi tkll as n physician.
Imiufttinttly enred mul full lur ri-sttirnri,
This ilcscniw is the pnmliy mot frcqurntly paid liy
thoio n)n ha-t hecomu thu victim ufimproper InduUen
flrs. Vtmliff li!rarm nrn tnit nnl tn rnnnnil nrrnaa frnm
not b'-lnir awnro nf the dreadful conrniioncp Hint may '
ciHii). Now, whutlmt understands the tuiijettttll pre i
tt'iid to deny that tho power of procreation is lost tuumcr '
livtlmnu filling into improper hahits llianl.y tlio prudent.
Hesides lii-lii;' deprived ol the plraiirc of healthy off.
sprinBs.tho mot serious nnd destructlvo syuiptonis to ,
li'ith hod nml min il arise. Tlio svMem hecotnrs drmtica i
H ; tho physical and niental powers wenkviieil, nervous
debilily, djst"'piii, p.itpitntion oftho heart. Imlijrrstlon,
Rwnsitu; oi mo inuui-iuouu, jsynipioius oi Lonsump'
tion, ttc.
LIT" twice. No. 7 1ol'tii L nrnp.itK street, seven doors
frmn I' iltiuinri' street, I last side, up tint steps, lie par
Ocular in iili-orviuj; t lie X AM II nnd NUMl!i;it,or ywi
111 mitnku n mure.
A Cure It'arrcntctt, or no Charge Matte, in from One to
j wo liny.
NO MUUCUUY Oil NAlJrq.otl! Dltt'OS USfil).
.Member of the Royal I 'oil tac of Hurceons. at Ijomlon.
(Irinlii.itit frmn one of the hi'Mt eminent Colleges nf thn
United Stilted, nml the greater part of who-elife has
lnf ti Kpi'iit tn tho first Hospitals of London, l'arh, rhil.i
h-tiihi.iniid tlsewiiere, his ettected somo of tho mont as
tnnihinif cures that wercer known; many troubled
with rimiiu!; in lue head ana ears wiien asleep, prent
nervousness, beiun alarmed at sudden sounds, mul bash
fiitni'ss. with fremietit Idusliinir, attended sometimes with
derangement of iniii'l. Here cured liuuieiliately.
.fi:itTVi iusiiahi:.
When themWauM'jil ami Imnrmlciit votnrv of hlcnnro
fluU he tn fmliih'M the seed of this Miuful ilixcae, it
too nflrn an lit limed fi-ihc ofsliann- or
d reft 1 1 of iiei'Very. deters Mm from uuntying to thogu
Mlio rrom niueuTion nnu rep'cininiuy can nioite iKfrirud
iih.i. di-l.iviiiif till the eotititutlonrv svmntoni ofihia
horriil dl-teasii uuke theirapiii-arance, urh as iilteraltd
sore throat, dieanl noe, uocturee, pain tn tlio head
afneM, nndes on thu nkin
e hen . f.iee and extreme
,tiiiatia the pa i. ,t Tf
and limb, iiinuieiot oi t-iaiu, uuai
hone- and ai nu, Idotcliei on the
.1... ....... r.,j.tinr itli prtni.lilf. till til In.t tl,,.
thnimiufhaiid lumett of the ihmu fair In. and the ictlm of
this dedeae iiccmnea a iinrnn oujrci oi eoriiiiito'raHon
till dialli imtAii period tn hi dreadful pii(lVririi.'s, Uy fcii.
(Hue hi in to " hournu from uliiMiee no tr.ivi(ir re.
inriH To Mich, therefore, Dr. Jolinton ptudes hlui
fietf to preserve the inwt en ln.ilde pern ey. and (romhis
ftvtitivi irartic lit tin llrt lloniiiI uf Ihirnpc ami
America, he ran confidently reeummfiid cafe nml peody
cure tu the unfortunate irliiuol'tliU Imrrld dUeafu.
T K1I I' MtTll'UI. u xdtici:.
Dr. J.addruo'es all tljo who have hijuretl themstWcB
lij priain ami iiujirnpiT inuiuseore
'I'll.'. i' nr.. mm" "I lliu k.i-1 nml nu l.incliolv eir,'Cl urn-
iliirnl hy rally ot" oiltli. Mil. Wraknoia nf Hip
I., OlalcuiaiVimpr, inHailm, li ii ll .! I .!
UMi;TAI.T.Y.-Tlnf.'iirfiiletT.-rtupnn the mind arn
much tn hedh'iided. l.o-nof Mnnnr . L'onfufilon of Idcnn
r ,1... JmmU I. .1 IVai I... ill.... .! ..
H'lin'rMUM ' ' 11 "p1 . .in lniIUP, 1 VLTflltll
ol Hoiii-ty. 'riuut. &e.. are soini! nf the l-ViIk produced, I
Thousand of person- of all ases ran iiqw juilje what '
ip lliu r.UH- of their do lininir cn11h. I.onint; their t
viuor, hfruiniiiK weak, pale and emaciated, hating km,. nppi' ahoitt the t')ei?, cuiigh and
Ill'CAVK! U'r.AK'i:Srf.
tu-1 tn frrenlninl iiiinnrtatit reiuedv. wenkncsit of tho t
orLMiiH .ire speedily cured, and full i?nr reMored.
Thnu-aud of the mnt nonniu nml di l.ii.tate.1, hn
h.lii lo-l nil nope, uae nueu iniiufiit.iiriy rcueeu, .mi
inipMluiH-utii tu .Marri.iue. l'Ji citiil and .Mental
fleallim. Venous Irratalnlity, TreinMlusx and Veakiie
tir exli.iit.tlion of the mo-t fearful kind, vpcedily iiiruii
hy Dm lor Johnston.
hn hav injured ihni-'elven hy a rrrtam prartice, I
liidulse-l In wh.'ii ahmij ahalnt frumi'Mitly It-anted from
evil roiup.iiii"ii(, or at nchonl the MR it of which are 1
inahth tt-'lt, ev'ii wh -n asleep, ami if not cured renders J
in irrnt:."' hnpof ittle. unit iltMruj! both mtml and bod , I
h'nilii applj iitnn 'di itt I) .
Wh it tv pilt Ih it juiimr man. the hope of hii fonntrv,
and Hi.' d.irlin? if liH pareiitfi, fthnuld he hiuitihed from
atl nrnn i li find enin menti nf life, bv the coine'iiK n. !
ri'x i.f ile i nl i n IT I'lnm the piilh of nature, nnd indulging
iu a icn.uti cei rci iiiiuii. ouiu persona u ci org con
teiiipi tun;'.
should rifled tint pmitid muni and hody are the mnt
-I liiili'i-il, Mtlionl tlM-iie Hi.1 jiiiirni' tliruii.'li ll
a w.-nrv iU'rliii,i?i. tin- liri).ii'il limulv
-arv requifUl "4 in proinoie comininai n.ippinetm
ine ni'toiiies
d.irkeiH tn
! tin-intn.l In-mmi-i" aliailnni-il mill .iciair
if .moth r h 'Mini'-f MiuhU'd w ith our own.
urnrii mi.; sor ni'r.. itatttmorc,Mj
AM. M'lifill M.Ol'llItATHiVrt l'i;ir'UIMIi:il.
N It. -l,i t no f.iUe mndetv iri'tiit Jim, hut apply
iuiUKiliati'h i UluT t'lTnin.illv nr h Litter.
.-kin nisi! f i;s M'r.iinii.v clki:d.
Th'" mini' thnu-nnd cured at tliM intitiiliin uitliin!
tlu- l.irt l.i v i'n r . aiitl Hie iiiimernitit iinporiant Hurf:ical I
DjtiTiitinii-iiiTl'-irniftl hv r. Juliilftnn, w itnes.'-cd by I
Ih ' reporter oi th t.ier aud in.iny oihr juTfonp, no
hcen of v lurli apiieared a'aiu ami aam le-foru the 1
imlilir. h'iideH hi t.iuliim : a jii'iuli'iiiaii of th.irnct'T
a.iI rt ciiuii-ilnlif A -itli ieiit iru.irauteototlicalllnte J
T KU XOTlt'i:.
V. It. Then nro mi man) isunrant nnd worthleiu 1
' ad i erti-niL' tlfuii'i Ivi'd 'li c ii'iaiii?, ruining (he I
health nl'llie iilread nf lirtt'fl. Dr. Johuntnu d-eiiH
ll lit' lo riij, i'n'rially to tliosy ui:uciuainted
with hi- ri'iui.iiimi. hit iredeiitlaU aud diidem m
ahwun h.itjtr in hi oihee.
fontain a pOhi.iy:c ttamj tor tlm reply, or no uiisucr will
he i
MarihlT. 1mh.
(or Ji:iiHi;vTovv.)
rr1Mn pulfrrilier would respeiifiillyajipriJie his fricndf
X and i lie public generally, that he has npened
Cnder (heahuve tritue, in Jereylown. Coluinhia cmiu
l, I'n., u In re lin U fully prepared to entertain tlx;
imvi line lotnmunity to-ji-ju-ral satisfaction. If is TA
IJIjI. iiiiii HAK.are ell Hiipplied and n ill ho can fully
MllK'riiiti-nde.l. Aud hid SI'.HiLH ii ample and wull
stocki d, iu ihar" of cartful grooms, ill always I u
pr"u'rl aiti'inlt ii.
r' He iuits n Fhare nf the, puldic custom, nnd
i'li.il0rt'i hist bustejfijrii, to li'.-lp hi cuesis frel at Iioiue
Jeri-ejiown, Slay 11, lcill 3m.
H'lii's Wholesale mul Blel.iil.
"Shall l'nonis and Sales.
3 0 S F. H. Ji. O S E. W R ' A, V m
&Ann m mam
110 Aich Si., Lcticccn Ith Hthsoiith side.
M'ltitii'fl, Citpi's, llnlf Cape., Victories. MiifTs, Ciill's,
in iniioiUiiri'iloflhc he.t ilrli.'.t frkius of Mink rial.le,
Slone .Marten, t'liiiiclnlla, Iii-n.-iii H'lmrrit, 1'iti h, Kr
iiiini1, etc Knts nlli-reil inlo the pri'sent f,ii,hions.
1 X. Iiu.iiiliis tiuii.nrleil on Hutnrilays.
Tlii' hii'he.t pri'je. paiil fer .Mink, l'ox, l.'oon, Musk
rat, etc. .kins.
N'o. . Ill, Iftil. Sin.
U. S. AltMY.
Ilca'hjumtcrs and rrincipid Rendcsvous
138 S. Fourth Street, 'hila'dejiltea.
Camp in Roxbjrottg, near
Ridge Avenue.
ANTED Mauksmen for tbo Plank
CoiuiianiCH, which urcconinofledof tMiprieuceil
WoiitUmen, uud will ho armed with ihc but clam of
Ititl-i ; Inlnntry Soldier for the Conipmnci of thu line.
Artnllery for the lottery which i attached.
On npi-licJilinii. Ly Inter uddresge.l tothn Colom-l,
trnuMirlutluii fur n'tuuds ufineu, nml fur iudinlual re
ennu, to tlm Ili'iuliiuarteri in I'hilaUeljihia will be fur
niheU from any part cf the Btalg.
Iti'rruit nr1 miiite red inlo tho U. F. forvico cm their
nrrival at llead)(iiirlfri,aiid rerehe at once, subsist'
cure, uniforms, uiulercluthni?, Scc, ,
Nuv.'J, IcOl.
EUatc of George IIartman deceased, t
NOTH'i: i hereby ci vi n that letter of Ai!miuitruiion
uuthu tttatc'ol (Jeurge llarluun, late of Ik-ntontup.
(uluuibiu rnuuty, deceased, havo been grunted by thcUeg
liter ot M.ud County toiJoorte M. HartHiaii.w ho resides
in the k.iuie towofhij). .i per son s having elating or du
ItMlhU iiRiiiu.t tile eitato of the derudeilt are vettleineut. ami those indebted to
make pa) lueul w ithout ih lay.
Oct 13. iNil ft. AdnCr.
vr.'IVri?.,.'e'1-'i?1?' optnoj a new hoot and
X flll'i: f HOI', nn Mali, strut, in llonK.n. illu. Uast
llloDinthuis, ri'.u'rtfully inuti;. th. rustom of the citi-
jii-iu and llif imlillc li'iiurally All kinds of Uonts,
Hin" s &c will hi pinmiitl) made lo order, oil short
notice and ino.u-r.iti- terms . mm ions experience in
Ins lino of limine, ho ttitters lilinsi If ho will ba
nlile to cl.o funeral siilisfaction to a'l v.ho may favor
him.. nil then custom
(Irani. Tro.istou aud Produce gencra'ly taken in
i-irtiangc for work,
Blootnsbuis JulyC U(l-3in
k. so the
' " 1
TllO follotvinff am tlio rcccinlS to tbf! offim
fl, n " 1 . ,
w. .mv wiu,.iiii,i jwwviwn, "uimui
iliri innntli nf Nn.mmlir.i- Iflfll
1,10 "10M11 01 November, 1BIU .
Maria s Km, 10 00, Foil lei fc Crcvellng, 1 SO
Jnlm Uatli.t ? lu I'llna
1 (HI
ll'ipli H. Mcllrhlo, n, Hdinm l llfinlcy.
Ilon.Jiio.McUyno1Ji,5 00 John Klollcr.
Henry (I. I'lilllni. a tx). V,t)w T-,. Hmith,
Thom9 W(.Mation, 0 ,W, Jacob V, Ptnufir.
I 11 1 1 a l.s lt. n ru 1 I. It I '
J nu
1 0 1
1 IS
I T.t
I 00
1 n
John H, Hwaliy, lUq , 2 no Samuel Johniton,
O. Jones & Co.
H 00
J 00
1 23
5 (IU,
3 00
n .17
John F. Fowler, Ksi . 4 IK)
U'm.PwIshcr.Ly Lore.10 00
I . V. Khoaili,
Nnllniial Hotel,
Charl4 II. Hcp0, Kii-i
Ilim. Jos. Dean.
'iltiinlilft (,'ourity.
Vol. UVIIlvcr,
Amos l'nlirincrr,
l'.vnn WelHvcri
Namncl Oil t.
i,n" .ii, cmuer, i snj
H. II. Kceler, & Son, 13 00
neo. n. aiiuisoii. It .V)
Joseph Hhormakcr, 4 30
1 2.V Hon. IVter lint,
4 UD
I 00
t mi neo. -xiinz
N. H Tlnelv.
S (HI J. II. 1'iiriiK.n, i:.
5 0!)
James Uodeor.
fall uiu,
Jac p. i:van.,nran'gc,)j hi
I vanWelllvcr, on
j in.
i "'"A i.Su
A. Itlcketts, lUn
Winmlfts Seminary,
Iicnj. Iiomhoi
O. K, Hnnii,
Srrc.H.irah Vclh
silo jui''p ?'.r."c"lnM"' 0 !".'
SO I'hlllli Arlienhnch. S li.i
5 11,5
1 00 J. Ill.lpplueott.
3 ;'a
n rs n m-i- r .v,, .TTZ
-J3 tf DLSJaiaMffiaTj
ambrotype, PHOTOGRAPH & MELAlNoryrE
! A M) t
weather: Ainiiroiypca ami tiasucr'rcoij'pe" copied a,!
ncc. si, ism.
1 THn underne.l, prMi fill for pnt patrnnase, repeCt
f,,1y t,1H,nuhicu?tumrri ami the puMicifencrallr
tint he hai. j.i.t received from tho taJcru "lilt" tfi
'rtft and moet etk-a stock of
That hat yttbrrn oppiinl In lllnnin.liiirn, t which In
init.;iin!.itti.i.iiouoi- in, fric , .uni atm, ,i,, t lev nrr- n lVrr-,1 .nln . n i- ....
D",c" ""1"m " 'area a.hurlinom of
j UCXTI.BMnX'li Vi:.VI!l(l AI'I'ARr.I.,
1 "l!"'!J";!"V"n" r ? '' - -
! H.u.trtI.iur,.:,.,Cci,1,e.a'.UCKS- L0"0"
i a v n
Ofeverv-des rlntlou, fina and rhean.
N. II. lleiiiL'iuber " I.Qieeiihir Chrap Emporium.'
call ami sue. Nu chartM for exaiiiimr (itimU.
Lloonifbiirp, Heptinuber 2-, ltdi. (juH J("jy.)
1 nrnn tt tmitc. .t .
Hi It net. promptly mum lliucs nrro.lins lliu worst cnl.l
in.-ji hour., n! .A aiivct,,.,,. or ti,, ch.'.t. ThVna
u iii'tliLr aruto or chronic It will ba fuuml uf linmcilinto
bow-lit. Try a jlnclo buttle ana Kill cannot lull to u.
! Preri ite ittt ui fultiet.
i or t tie uy most mi fctorckc- per anil Druygijti.
1'rtpared by
c. rRovr.nctn,
, , N'n. 317, X. 3d. St., I'hiladeltdiia.
Nov. 1(1, lf?IU 3m.
; i FALL & mm GOOD
HAS just recehed from l'liiladelphia. and in now
opening at the old vtand liti,:y ocuuik'd hy Mariz
.t I'nl. a c Die ml id ajtsorlmi'itt of merchandize'
win uj miiu incap lor
HI. .lock con.l.ti of I.n.lic. Dress Gooilg choicest .tries
nml l,itet r,ililonrt.
Ultv fifiuiia. nnnrnnir.H,
iiAitn iVAKi:. ni'i:i:HAVAnn,
i.i:ii.ii.iVAiii:, iioi.i.ntr-tVARE
RO.Y, .V.1ILS .1.VI) tl'hns
IIAT8 AMI turri.
UEAI1V MADG Cl.til'MINtl, kl &C.
In shoit uvery lliins tl'iinlly kept in ,i ciinntr) store
The patrnn.ize of nM friemls, nml the pulille general
ly, is re. peitfully oiicitt-il.
The highest iniirku price palil for country producp.
l'ilTCIl CNT.
Light Street, Dec. 11, lrfil.
'PIIU undersicned Informs
tha citizen of Wonm,
)ian tiikr.n the lnf ?i rmim
-1 ami m-ii;hhorhood, that he
in me t.iriiitnee mo k, enh inline oer Mourn. I? toner
Ic Kiu's Itakery, nml the UnoKstore where ho han put in
n large Sk) light. It isonl. hy Sklightthat pood pic
tures can het.iken especially groMpa where tnch person
can he taken Jut as well jib separate.
lie lmgonutotnnHiIrrabIe exjteuse tn make hin s
tahlhuieut fl first cl.tsu nil", itliil hr limn fnrn nli-it n
lih'Tal pairunajja to cnahle him, tn constantly Introduce
all lln- modern iiimrof m.Mits of the nrt.
LL Country produce taken in r.trhangft for pictures,
Jlitomshwr?, Noy 2.1, IdU. (Nov. 20, 'jy.J
Look to your Interests !
Till; tiliirnlieri hare Ju.t rPlnrneil from Hie City
With unother larje ami .elett assortinct of
Fall and Winter ootW,
niir.haseil nt I'liiliilelphln, at tli lowest fijnre, and
ulmh they nro tiiterninii-it to stll on a. modern! i terms
asrnn lie procureil clscnhcrc in llloomsburg. Tlieir
.Hm k comprises
1-iuiks' noons.
of choicest M)es ami latest fnihioil.
uur nouns, jxi nHocr.itir.s,
n.iiwir nit: v:f:.VMiviK:,
cr.Mit ikiiik, noi.Loir ivahb
1110.V, .V.1II.S, JIOOTH SIW1.S
U.1TS .V L'.J'O, .tc , S,c. .Jr.,
Ill short o.i'r)tliiiisnsuttll) kept in country Stores i
to whiih lliey unite the inibllc eenerally.
Thy Highest price pai.l for country proilncc,
jill.tXR & nVER.
Dluonisliur;-, May 11, 101.
AlarcencwCOOKIN'U STOVr., lias been tresspass
lne on tho oroiui.e. of Hie iinilersienerl. in t-.niro
township for sevcraljear. past i, likely to
Stovu, nro requested to pay (barges, and take it nutiy
i eniuii. ui.iidin.i:... ...v u i.e. ur ni.iivi. in sain riray
or it mil be disposed
ol us tno Act of Assembly pro-
Vldes in all feuih cases.
ii. a. swnrEMiiscR.
Centre tj. Oct. 13. lefil.-
W A Is If M
No. 4-M Nosth S'cond Strc(t
auovi; WILLOW.
Nov. 10. 1CCI
f.MfrV rvnir' i
713 AUUll felicet. between -Hi, and
i-lll. Mrceu,
soilnu'iit of all ilic vniiDu. st.le. .ml
nualillt.ofrur. ailonli-il lo . ..
anE.' iB I'ati and wint.r f.asoii., i 0Uid
,c,prctfullv Invito an cinminaliou cf my .lock anil mi-
cc, from thoao lntendlne to nurchait, as lam dialled
to olfer Uu in vi ry dcsiralilo indurem.-nts,
All my Furs Iiavo been nnrcliaseil for cA.h. nmt mul.
by experienced and competent hands, and as the present
monetary ir.niie. renderit necessary that i should die
iiom ofmy foods at very small advanco on co.t.
t am satisfied that it will be to the interests of those
I,.... u... i... .u kii. in. a can.
j- Keeoiieri, ine name, number aud afreet John
leua Nett' Fur litore i71fl Aich Elie.i. ln.ii.rf.inh,.
i Fa.eua New Fur Store ,716 AldiSUeet
September 7. KOI rn.
i -rou-
Washington, Deo. 21.
Tho following is a list of the killed and
wounded in the battle fought at Drainsvillc
yctorday :
The Sixth Pennsylvania rocirucnt.
Killed Samuel C. Walter, company A ;
,,.,,(,1 n,.j,. f!nmn.niv fl. Wnundnd
Daniel Darlina, Company C. Wounded-
A. Latlirop, company C, iu tho breast,sup.
pOSCll IllOrtalV i U . 11.
posed mortaly : . 11. Jayne. company
C, in tho hip, severe , James Lucrno,com.
P'Y C,in the hiti, severe : Win. Van
hyie, company D, in tho thigh s-evcro ;
Capt. Daniel liradbury, company F, in
iaL.i w'')f:1T1oro'co'r'Pii;-
ny 1', in tho thigh, Might; hdgar Smith,
company G, in tho shoulder .severe: 'Ihos.
Conway, company H, in the forehead
slight; Charles Vahn, company ILscvcrc;
Ucnjamin Sccly. company If, in the face,
'scvero : John V. Kiown, company K, in
i the Icgjhcverc; George Urown, company
I K. in tho arm. slicbt ; Kdwin DcmanJcr,
in the breast, severe. Tho above regiment I
wa? commanded during tho action, by
Captaiu Knt. , . . t
1 1 he .inth Pennsylvania
mandedby Col. Jackson. Killed-John
W. Stockdalc, company V ; John Scxtoi), !
company Xu. W ouuucu Alex, oiintli,
COlllpaiiV A, in the Deck J John Schmidt,
i t r t
company II, in tho arm j Win, Lamest,
, company U, iu the leg ; Captain Uobert
Galway, company D, in tho leg ; Ocorgo
I Jlortou, company I), iu the thigh and
arm; Jp3hua M'NcaUer, company in
i the thigh j W iu. O. Jlilchcr, company J),
'iu tho luins; John-llaviuoud. comnauv U.
iu the arm j C. K. Patten, company 1), in
... . . ' . J . ' .
tho thigh; Wm. Linscy, company D, in
Itho hip; John I Hum, company D, iu
'the arm
wun.w.i! wi., wutl.uuj
lit. the head.slight; Kaiph Whito.compa.
ny K, in the neck ; Captain S. W. Dick, lnat 'om. aM ?lte,r. tB0 ,Ua 0 'o
company V, in tho thigh; Win. McOill, Psago ofthis act, in lieu of the duties
oompany P. iu the abdomen; John Hatch, 'oretotorc imposed by law on tho articles
company P, in the arm ; William Wilson, 'naftcr mentioned, there shall be levied,
company P. in tho him ; Kdwin Davis collected and paid on the goods, wares
cominny H, in tho leg; Silas 1$. Newell, and ihcrchandtso herein enumerated and
company II, in the hip ; John II. Weber, Provided for, imported from foreign coun
company I, iu tho thigh. Tho .Major of lr V1,e fllS d"1'" and rates of duty ;
this regiment had his horse shot under him. , thaT,.'3 ,to , .
The Hucktail Kifles. Lieutenant Col. 1 0n all teas, twonty (SO) ejsta per
K- .,n u-na in pniiimnml xrna
nne. VillO aS in COni!naUU,waS WOUIIUCU
lit. tho cheek. Killed UcorL'o Couk.
i n n i c . i t iu i
COIUpallV K I Corporal baUlUCl tiolbralth,
company ii; Uco. llaup, company ii.
oundcii 11. b. Wolto, company Jj,
verely ; Joliu Panel, company B, Bevere
y ; Capt. H. K. Nilcs,conipnny li. tovcrc
ly j Joliu Uotle, company F, sevcryly;
John F. Uarncs, Company K, severely;
Jamcs Clcun, company K, severely
sides these several others were blightly
Tho Twelfth Pennsylvania regiment,
under command of (Jol, Naggait. Only
one man was wounded, viz : Wua. It. Fox, iump or pulverized, Cvo cents per pound j
company K, in the leg. on sugars after being refined, when they
Col. Thomas Taylor, commanding tho are tinctured, colored or in any other way
Kentucky llebel llitles, was killed, aud adulierat.'d, and on tugar candy eight
, . , , ,, , n i n . ccats Pcr Pouna; on molasses, six cents per
his saddle brought away by Col. Laston. gal,ou. ptidod ,hat M gynJps of
Taylor, it will he recollected, occasioned or sugar-cano, concentrated molasses, or
much excitement at the commencement of concentrated melado, entered under tho
tho war, by uucxpcctcdly appearing at namo of molasses, or any other name than
Arlington with a ilag of truce, and after- SVot !.u3ar or of 8USar ,caac: eoncn
,LL . ' ..... trated molasses, or concentrated malado,
wards brought to headquarters at ash- shM bo VlMa lo forfoituro to lho Unite(i
iugton blindfolded, and subsequently con- States, and the same shall b forfeited,
veved outaidi! of our linps. tlio nbioor. nf 'TTTTrrrr
his mission au exchango of prisoners J
being unaccomplished. The detachment
from General JlcCall's division, which
took oart in the battle, did not arrive at
. ... . . . .
Draiusvillo uut 1 about noon, aud remain
od there till -i o'clock, when tho enemy
appeared iu force, coining from the direc
tion of Ccutrcvillc. Previous to this,Gcn.
Ord had placed his forces in po;itiou to
repel au anticipated attack.
. 1 - , . , . ,
The fire was first opened by the rebel
battery throwing solid shot, thcll aud Can-
i.tnr TImm was rrnonrlid tn hv Huston's
tstcr. mis was respontitu to oy iasiou s
battery with marked effect. The infantry
on each side soon engaged in the conflict,
and at times they were not more than fix
yards apart, Afttr fillhtinc about ail hour
a shell tiom our sido exploded the ammu
nition of ouc of the rebel caissons, making
fearful havoc thrco of tho rebels bavingj
their heads completely blown off, and oth
ers being horribly mutilated. At this
time tho enemy wavered and showed a
disposition io run, when Gen. Ord gave
the command to charge, wbieh was gal
lantly obeyed, aud at once tho rebels pre
cipitately fled. They wcro pursued for
upward of a mile, when CJcn. -McCall ar
riving on tho grouud ordered a recall to
, be SOUndcd
Uur troops then fell back to
a position iuSt Vacated bv the CU011IV.
r t t
Twenty-ouc of tho wounded rebels received
I surgical treatment from Ur. Lowmau aud
, his assistants, having been taken into a
j neighboring house for that purpose. They
fjould have been brought to Gen. Mcdll's
oauip had the ambulances arrived in prop
i or time. All of our own killed and woun?
ded were, however, brought away.
' A large number of trophies, were se
.cured by our troops, such as swords,pistols
. and guns.
In the pockets ofthe dead rebels were
i found Itichmoud papers of tbo 10th inst..
l,t thev contained nn it,.m. of n.rii..1..
J '-...u.u.
intcrcst- Scvcral lcttir3 wcro h "
tho bodies of tho rebel officers, lowing
lhe ccl,nP wtenso hostility prevailing
tn tVin nnnlli. Tn nn. rr .lin.l n.
w' ""'" ""
trevillc, December 10th. addressed to a
"uuiu.bu w u
friend, and but partiall V finished, it Wat-
. ' """J"v")
nniil llinf. It was iinnn.-iitili. Tnr tlm l-V.)...-
als to remain much longer in theirtproseut
., ... 6 . '
position, that the offect of the DOWS from
r.ngiana anu mo pressure 01 iJOIlcress,
w. o I
ttou'.d necessarily compel Gen, McClollau
. .u. ...lunm , iuc.Yi yujUytlrapT
Mw.iww ..milium! i.jnmi'ij.jiufcyiqii . imww-.
to advance, and that in piicIi an event
victory on tho part of the ConfetlcralcT, ;r
their present position, would bo certain.
During the statnpedo of the rebels eight
of them were taken prisoners and brought
to Washington to-day. They state that
thoy left Ccutrcvillc very early on Friday
morning, in order to obtaiu forage, and
very unexpectedly met with our troop',
who had proceeded to the same point on
similar business. They also f.iid there
was a larger number of killed on the part
of tho rebels than supposed.
Three ofthe prisonars, who had become
bowildcrcd iu tho retreat came up to one of
our regiments, not knowiDg that they woro
Federal troops, and inquired the direction
to CcntrcTillc, but instead of being taken
prisoners they wers shown tho way to
Tho victory on tho part of cur troops is
considered the more brilliant at they had
never before been in action.
Thoy havo been highly complimented,
both by Major General McClcllan and Gen.
Four companies oftho First Pennsylva
nia Cavalry were aUo with tho brigade,
but the condition of the country
was such,
being thickly wooded, that they could not
render service to the extent thoy desired.
Gen. Ord, while passing through tho
, , . ' . ,
as unng the action, lost his sword,
but was utmicdiatcly supplied with anoth-
cr, which had been taken from a dead rob-
'ol officer
! The Tea, Sugar and CorrEE Tax
Bill, A3 i-assed by iroin Housr.s or
iConoress. Washington, Dec. 'J3.-Tho
,,,...,.. m. ,-' . a i . .,
" luu ul" uy uoui
.nouses ot iongrc.-s to-day :
Be it enattid bij the Senate and House of
Jtcpresiit'itivcs of the Unitttl State of
simcrica in congress assemuica ."
. n-tr.- ii , .1u r. J
I Coffee of all kinds 5c per pound.
' oCCOUd. On raw SUfar. coimnonl v rail
",-u""- uii ia -u0ai, MHimiuniy can
cd Muscovado or brown sugar, and on
sugars not advanced above No. l'J, Dutch
ttaudard, by claying, boiling, clarifying or
other process ; and on syrup of sugar, or
sugar cane and concentrated molasses or
concentrated melado, two cents nnd a half
(ij) per pound.
On white and clayed sugars when ad
vanced beyond tho raw stato above No. 1 2
Dutch standard, by clarifying on other
process, aud yet uot reCnod, three cents
ncr DOund: on refined sunars. wliollirir
EU,itc of Geo. W. Harder, deceased.
TIIH auiltlor appointi-il by the Urplians' Court of Co-
1niiil.ii. rnnnt. . ti. .I..I . ,l.,,in ilia ...... I. ik. I..-J. - '
'i v.tter. niim-rofthe i state of i:.orsev iiar.i.r.
ilec'il te ami iinionc tm-persons eutillcrl to recei.eth.
smie, In the manner anif accorilmi; to the rates nail pro
lmrtion. nlloweil livlaw: u 111 meet the n.irll.. r,ip.....
teil, for tho piirpo.eofhisaiipointment. onTIIL'U-inAV,
JAM'AIIV the Kill, hi,-, nt his office In
which lime anil plare all persons are rfquireil to pr.ent
Ih.-ir claims, or be debarred from coming In fur
a share of said assetts,
jonvrc. ruKr.R.
llloomsbUiE. Dec 21. 1'01-U. stufottr
psljllr nr Tj,sa jin,h
TUB awlllor appointed by th, Orphans'-Court of c'..
lumhia county, to ilinrllmtc the .,cts in the hinds of
,,,. ,,nli,,, ,,., ,lf , r,ut0 0f Ramsay iiaj.n
'm!;?'!';.-1),.1 '""i'iiu isui, i-t.a atm.orace m
tlloomsbiiri,', at Mint h tune and place til persons are r.
;"lroll to present their rlaims or Ins forever debarred
iiimii roiiiiim in ior a suarc ot sain assets.
joii.v g. rar.F.zE.
Uloonisliiirg, Pec. SI, lt61
-It. .ludtler,
Estate of Isaac IV. Mu$ov-) deceased.
THE Auditor appointed by the Orphfin' Court f Co
luuibiaL'nunty, to mr.kc ditrihuiion of th aavrit lutht
hands of .niiur Mmgroe and Aaron .Mtgrnrs, ad.
iniiin-irator nf thu Citate uf Isaac .Muerive, dcreai"id.
to and atnonc th'1 peno'in entitled to thf pnine, arrord
niB to lhe rutei and in the proportion! llxrd b law ;
will meet the parties (ntfrecti-d, forth purpoie of bit
appointiu.-nt, on Tuen.lay lli. Hth d.iy of January A. D.,
lri:, nt hUutllre in Itliioitiabiir , when and whera all
p.-rHtni hut inc claiuif , are requej ted to pr.'fnt them. or
he forovrr debarred from coiunig inlur a ihnre cf tb
said an-ti.
Ulooimbiire. Dee 21. lHil-4l
Estate of John Price deceased,
THH Aulitor nppninted by tha Orphan'! Court of Co.
lumhia County, lo report Item agaimt tli heiri of John
i'rice dereiued , nud to make distribution amonitthc
pernona tntitled. of the balance in tho hanttinf John
riuvder. Triuice, by appointment of the court, in lb
order and proportion nied by Uw.will meet the partita
interested, for tho purpone of hia npnoiiitiueiit. on
Monday the tin rtnemh day of January A 1) W.3 at bi
ortieeiiiLSIoonnburg When and where alt pertonitiating
claiuif, nre required to prexfiit them, rr ha frjcr da
lurredfrom toming m fur a share of mid fund.
niooi,i.,8. wti,WMl'v- wtiiT..,.,.
Ea'itc of Jane Gin gits, deccusrd.
Lnn CUS of Auininl.tlatinn nn lho r.slau of Jtva
llliuu. Intenf Mailt, in tonii.liiii.Columbia cnunlr
doccase.1. Ii.ive been sranti'U hv ihj HfL-ister . Pninm.
Ina luunly ti. Ih iimlHisliiiii-il. Tcsiiltnt In valdtown-
suip. Atl pi-rsnns li4Viii;r luiius against th. Kslato cf
the deci-.lnt, nr. r.'i'iealcdtoiirseiit tlitui to tha Ad.
mi in urainr. n niium unay, anuau ricr.nn. tndtbt.d ti
make payment forlhuitb.
:d. iii-rt
pIlBnexl meetinj of the Teacher.1 lustitole for Co.
1 tiimbla Lounty, wlllbw- held at Catta.ns.a, for thi.e
or four day., roiumencint, Tuesday ller.Slth tnit.
I he Ti acner. of tlu Mchoos aare eiui.en.
ted to act aa a local coniunttee (o n-curr boardlnr pla.
ce. forTeacbei., and from the liberality rroffe?ed br
saalf epelis. wilt probably bo
1'rof.F A Allene,ndotU-i cla.s instructor, and lee.'
turer. lia.c promt...! to attend, but complete arr.cie
menl. ie not matured la tlu,c for tills notice.
.i. Vt4,,!7; C"un,'re solicited to
aiiend, toatldy (tttir couns.l tndto .hart is the coo.
mou bnenii.
On b.half of ih. Commtttea cf arr.nremente.
D..l. MM Ml tVRa,:,,
I rlf Kill lot.
inn nV:.ll. V.I
"Hi. .