StgucuUuu, KEEIUNG APPLES.-NEW MKT110D. Mr. M. It. Thompson, of Mifflin co., Fa., in n loiter to tlio American Agiicul- 'Kris', describes his method of keeping choice- apples which appears to he worth noticing. Ho packs thcin in barrels or largo hoses, surrounding each applo with common dry ground gypsum (plastor of Paris.) This is readily dona thus; Put into the bottom of tho barrel, or bps, an inch of plaster and then a layer of Bpplcs, kocping them from contact with each other and an inch from tho side all round. Sift in more plaster to fill up the paces and cover the whole ncaily an inch. Then add another layer of apples and mom plaster, and ao on to the top. Thu platter clu ployd is, we suppose, tho common ground plaster for fertilizing not the oalcined mod for making casts, models, etc. The former is cheap in most parts of ihe coun try, costing from S3 to 810 per tun. Of course the plaster is just us good for ap p'ication to the field after being used du ring Winter for packing apples, The plan is worthj of trial at least, for it would ap. pear reasonable that tin fruit thus sur rounded with a compact mass of dry pow der, should keep almost as well as if her metically sealed. Mr. T. sayj ho keeps pound pippins thus packed, in good order until tho following Juno. Wo judge from a remark in his letter, that he does not store them in a cellar, but in any cool room of the dwelling or out-house. Wc aro not sure whether the dry plaster would he a sufficient non-conductor to keep frost out, if esposed to severe cold especially from tho fruit near the outcide of barrels. A CHEAP CISTERN. A Wisconsin correspondent of tho A tntricatl Agriculturist says : u Two years ago in November, I dug a hole for a cis tern, 0 feet deep 0 feet across at top, nnd 7 feet across two fest below the sur face this left a shoulder or breech into which I placed two timbers for beams, and an i tneso, plans ior a coveuncimineuiaiciy , 1 , , . , r . . a . ..l - 1 r. i Over inc ciuuru. i. maswu iji.oheiuu ii, . . , , , , ,. . ,. ., with Roscndalo hydraulic cement, directly . , ' . ' on tho earth. It has never been dry since . V . . i , , , four weeks after it was finished, nnd ac-l cording to my figures holds nearly 03 bar" f tho spout and man-uole. it lias never leaked out nor in. No surface water can drain in and had I known how cheap, and with how little troublo it could be made, 1 should havo had one long before. The cost was as follows : 1 bbl. Roscndalo ccmont, 1 day plastering and board, li day in digging and board, 103 feet lumber, My time, nails, etc., Total cost of Cistern, 0.78 Tho sand was mixed with tho cement only as fast as used 2 parts of sand to 1 of cement. There are CO feet of my gut ter to my house." BURNING POTATO VINES. According to tho Massachusetts Plough man potato vines should bo thrown into heaps and burned for the most plausiblo theory in regard to the potato rot U, that it is earned by a very niinuto insect, not visible to tho naked oye. By burning tho vines, therefore, wo may catch millions of them and send them whero they camo from, for tho vines arc but very liltlo valuo as manure, and their ashes aro better than their stems buried in tho soil. A very reasonable supp ositoin in regard to the rot is, that it is caused by a poisonous lit tle insect, too minute to bo readily dis cerned; yet numerous enough to cause' destruction to that root which is almost tho aols food of millions of of our race. If, ob we conjecture, a small poisonous insect is the cause, we can out flank and cuhduo him by firo and water. Let tho vines hav tbo fira, and let the tubers, at the time of planting, ha dipped into potash water, to kill the little nits that adhere to them. REMEDY FOR WEEVIL. A reader of tho Am. Agriculturist states that ho ontircly destroyed the wee vils that had badly infested a grain bin for two or three years, by keeping it filled with plaster of Paris a few months. It should be understood that this insect is a small boctlo, and not that which infects wheat in the field, nnd which is souetimcj improperly called tho " weevil." Midge, or nhoat fly is tho correct name of tho lat ter. Wo do not seo what bettor effeot could bo derived from plaster of Paris, than from tho samo quantity of Bos sand or fine soil. Lime should bo belter than any of these, theoretically, at least. KEEP THE PiaS CLEAN. Many farmers, says a contemporary, jnake their pigs livo in dirt, and then charge them with a fondness of filth This is oppression and elander combined. A " hog pen," hat hecoma prorcrLially a repulsive place, but this is the owner's fault. No animal, can tlnivo well unlets kept clean, A hog likca to be curried as nell ..o. rn.:. ..i t i "'"' " buiwji B6 aono, Vint, nf lnn.t lui n i..i c i vu w!,(tuliM!rfool All work MaiT.n.d. etmtr i lUisc & ffitljcrtuisc Dog stealing in the second degree- hooking town mado sausages. , ' The most miichioTOus liars are thoso , . , , .i . ., wno Keep just on mo vcrg oi iruui. Follow the fashion ; you had better dis play other people's follies than your own. It is with lovo as with apparitions ev ery ono talks of it, but few have ever teen it. t t.n Largo men nro Ices quarrelsome than I!n1 mi n !c rtp nil ntia i ItltlO OnOi. 'lilO largest I all OCCanS IS the Pacific. , , Wages. 'What aro tho wages hero?' tsked a laborer of a boy. t What does vour father colon Saturday 1 k b j night V 'Get!' said the boy, 'why, ho gets tight as bricks 1' i'oWDER and JUct ancient or modern history bo produced and they will not find a moro heroic display than the reply of Vaukoy Stoningtori to the British commanders. Tho people where piling the balls that the enemy had wasted, when the foe applied to them : " Wo want balls ; will you sell them V lankey Stonington replied : " Wo want powder; rend us powder, and we'll return your balls." A Madman. A gentleman named Gould, in tho Utica Lunatic Asy lum, talks very sensibly sometimes. Ono day an Englishman visited tho Asylum and got into a conversation with Gould. " Pray, what are you detained here for ?" asked the Englishman. " Merely for a difference of opinion." replied tho lunatic. It was my opinion that everybody was mad on tho contrary every body thought I was mad ; and so they brought me hero ; tho majority must rule, you know 1" An Accidental Shot. Hon. jihua Hoed GiadiM., used to be . . ... , .. , , ,,. .constant competitors at tho bar in old be . . . . .... . . . t . - nighted Ashtabula, their present place of . , T , , ' . ,'. rciidcnce. In the early part of his prac- , , i r . 'lcei W ado was defending a man against .. r , , , - ,r . concluded a very effective speech to the jury, sat awkwardly leaning backward, his feet on the counsel table, and facing Gid dings, who was attempting to bo eloquent in behalf of his slandered client. Old Gid, as he was familiarly called, had a little smattering of Shakespeare, and now determined to bring that great author to his aid. ''Gentlemen of tho jury," said ho with much ardor : "He that itcale my purse r-iealg Iraeh : nut ho that roba ing of my good name Atiem ! At tins point, to Ins great discomfituro, Shakespeare deserted him. lie repeated : "Dm ha that robs mo of my good name" out tho iiaru ot Avon, as it unwilling to aid either him or his client,provcd treach erous. Again ho repeated. "Hut ho that robi mo of my good name" Another pause. ''Takes that I never had,' whiipcrcd Wado,as if prompting hira,and so distinctly as to be heard by all in the room, Amidst tho laughter and his own comuHon, UiuUiDgs brought his speech to sueh a' lamo and impotent conclusion that his client rceovored six and a quarter cents for his lost character. John Faroira. 718 AKCU htrect. between 7lh, and Pth. Streets. (Utt ef SiSMatkct btrtrt ritilatltljMa.) Import fr & M anufactcrfr or, and Ulaler in all kinds of FANCY FUUS, lor t.ailtea Mis$ci' and Children's trcar. Having now inanuiactured aud in ftcre my upual large and beautiful 115. sortmcnt ofnll the various fciylea and qualities of Furs adopted ti tbo com. illE Fall nnd Winter ri tii.rti. I rekncctftillv inillenn t'Xinin.iiinn nf mv -l- i ces from those intending to purchase, us Jam enabltd i" wuki iuuiu i;rjr uctfiraum inam I' me III I, All my Furs have been purchased fur caMi, aud mad by experienced and competent hands, and as t''o present monetary troubles render ft necessary that I should dli. pose of my gwhls at very small advance on con. lam sail tided that it will be to tho interests of thoso how design purchasing, to give mo n call. Ey" Recollect, the name, numher aud street!1 John I'sreira, (New Fu r Htore.) 7H A rch Street, Philadelphia. tieplcmLer 7, UClSui. ' WHULESALK ANO RETAIL BEDDING AND FEATHER WARE HOUSE, N'o.M North StconJ street, Uioitu ciirlrt Church, PHILADELPHIA. K7" Constantly on hand, a large naiortmcnt of Rods, Mattrrsscs, raillahaea. Cua anna, lluir, lluak. Cattail .lid nil article. In the lino at tho I.oiw'it ITi'm. OM K.7.:""'" """"" l'aid " VK March 2, ldOI Urn. I NEW JEWULltV STfiTII! t ipIIEunder.iirncd.rospoctfullylnforr.islliecltUcn.ol' 1 llloomaliurj, auillliopulilicirenrrally.tliathehasc.- tahlishcd a new Store, on Main Hrcct. Illoouuburc, in .Mra. Lescock'n Culldins, whero ho cirra for .ale ill moderate terms, slarso aaaortnirm of CLOCKS, IV A TCHES if- JEWEL R Y Ofcv.rv.ort. and alzo and do.r.lntlo-.1... ' stock of Jewelry Is eoinrilete, Including every CsrVv variety of Ladles and (ientlomen's Medallons, allv. 117" Ptrlci attention ftivon to rcpairlhj Clocks, Watch c. and Jenelry. and all work warranted. nioom,u,f,May,,Pe.,f. WU' URAKE- F. 0. IIARKISON, M. D. OmCH. Ull .Mdlll Strttt. tlrat lima, l.!t.,u il. n . House, llloomabure, filituary 3, leJJ-lf. PltOTEOTION FROM LIGHTNING. , 'PUB subaenber tvoulJ Inform hia frlenda. Ihm h. I. I X now nreoared to nut nnn. .ho. ,;.. ,. " .clenlinc munner. the heat rutTitfA roifrrm ,iui, iuu ubi FLATWA rolNTKD LIOIITMAV HQ11S, L. B.'DtULCMAN CULIi k PAUL, General I'ommisslou merchants, ttltEHi lit Fiih, Trot Mom, Flour, Duller, Cheese, Oili, Dried rruili, drain, Heeds, lleaua, Wtjliktjr. Wool, Country rroilucc untl Mcrcti&adlao Kcuorally. N'0, 31 NoftTM WHAMbl, rmLADLLFIl! 1. .-T ..... -I.........,. .rP.n.l.ln. ;'lrur ami Country rrodtm roiiciicii.nmi returns rro'mri'y "'' Cash ntivanrcu nnen aefireu. cmnr.KS for Ml kinds of ri. rrnvlsloru. Flour. DrlcJ 1'rulta, Ac, filleil at lUo lowest Carti i'rlei. AujUfH, isio-1'.'m. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. Tun undersigned respectfully Informa hit old fricndl and cuntoinert. tliat lio lias purchnard hi hmthnre tnterent in the abo. o rftiiM(lnnent, nnd tho rutin rti w ilt hereafter bo con lime J by himself exilimlvely. lie hat Just rrccivcil and offcra for ante, tho larjr -QjQ Pit and moat cit-'iir-ire noitmcnt of I'ANCY i3TOVL.S uvcr introduced into this market, G?c Hi stock consists or a coiiiptetu nnnortmint nf mo lien untiKiiii ana par or it oven in the market, torn in. cr with Stove l'ixturci tf every dcFcriptitm, Ovui tint) n0x stoves, Kadiatore, stoveAi.'nst iron Air. TlRht tovc, Cannon Stoves, &c. f tuvepipt- an.t Tinware comtnutty on hand am! manufactured Wordcr, . All Kinds t.i repairing done, ns usual, on than not ice. I Tho patronage nf old frlomta uitd new ctiitoni'irs to specuuny aoucuoa. a. 31, nuiLItl. liiooinsuurg, ixovcyioor jj lreu, ir. WALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER 1 JUST received from the loannf.ictorlcfi In ftoitnn, nn nttlllu Ofnin.l uirltntit tltintllv. t .liallnnnn . ,.... t'Uo," a" 10 "'! T''" ""dertigned mil keep border! to match nnv of tho Ii e on h,n,l nn,l I. the only Utperienced Tai-kr IUmii,r In thin Seclioli of uie county ijivoniy Llicnanu CIOCK fill LXUlninbtloIl ueiuro I urcuasiug. Sj- Call utltupertii'oit Omr. n. 3. TIIOUXTOX. Bloonifburg Morrh SJd 1501 . S' E R E N 0 HOTEL. THE unrWaitraed.. reaneitful'v Inform m. f.inn.u nnd the public generally, that he has opened a houflo for me rmcr mi nine jii ui ctrii'mira uiiu WHtlirS, at pKKL- (Ircenwood townihip, CotmnMa County, (afcuut tAomilei ncfl tfMI'hille,) called tho Sercno J Hotel. Wlnre ho l prepared M accommodate the ji'iUle, nnd all who may favor Mm vw Hh their general sat faction III Table and liar, will he well nupplifd and careful ly cnnitiuicd.and hit Stabling is ample and well slocked K7" Hit III at all time bu happy uait upon hit friends and customers. JOHN I.nCGOTT. Sireno, March 53. SGl. TRUNKS I TRUNKS 1 TIIC larprst, LcEt hamleom l eel a and chonnrst assort mail of tfuld leather volld Riveted Traveling Trunk. ImiIUi iSonnct Dress 7Vunt l'roi,;. lor Leather niul Carptt Ilaa racking TruiAg tc Slc. TlIOMArt XV MATTSON'S. C-Ubrntoit Lomlon l'rizu Metlal Itunrovotl aho,'t snrlnp soli, tolil Lonthcr Trunk manufactory, N'n. Markc streu, Bouth wost corner Fourth aud .Market, 1'hil.ltrn. Augutte If37 tr. SiatC0 Hmoit fijoki GOO & 008 MAltKET STREET AUOVE SIXTH, rilllJIDKLPlllA. I. W. POWER, Prcprittir. TuRMa: 81 is per day. May It, ieOO-1'.'in. 11EMOVAL. fcggggt V, 0. SADLER & Co., Commission Merchants and dealers in Fish, Checie and Provisions, No. 103 Arch etroct, Sad doorahove Kront, rhl'ndol lila. eg 1 4, SJ ly JONAS BUOOK k BRO'S PRIZE HI UAL SI'OOL COTTON. 200 & 500 yds, White, Black, k Colored. This Thread hcius in uW rtarticularlv for Stwinir Ma. thinte, is very Strong, Smooth nnd Elastic. tx ftruneth is not imnaircd hv wuililnc. nor bv frirtinti nf tho needle. Fur Machines, use Mrouka' I'atttiit Glace, For upper thread, and Crooks' Patent Six Cord, Red Tirkit, For Under thread. Sold hv rcgnectahle dealers Ihroucht ihe countrv. Al- ro, tn Cases of 100 each, assorted Nos.( by W.H, UKNllY MiUTll. froe JlgcnU 30 Vesey Struet, New Vork. Nov. 9, im. Cm. J. l KI 51 It E it , (uccosaor tn J. B. Foaeii.) miOI.LS.1LK DEJILKH IN TOBACCO, SiXUFFANl) CIGARS, . No. a North rifth St., ohovo Market. I'lllLAIICLPIlIA. Also, Manufacturer and Importer of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC SEGARS. May 13, ISCO-Kmi. SMITH'S HOTEL, OITOSITE THE RAILROAD DEPOT TAMAaUA, I'ENySYLVANIA. Passengers going North and South, DINE AT THE ABOVE HOTEL. W. F. SMITH, TrOf rietor, CnO. A. SMITH, Aas't 0ov JO, icoi. JOLINE & LEE, No. 40, NOIITI! WHARVES. rinladelphia. ItOLI3 JtEAKUllS SHIP CHANDLERS, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Rnpca. Twines, Tar, ritrh. Oakum, Itlocks, aud Oars, &c, AufUit 4, lc?r(J 1 Jin. STOVE AND TIN-WARE SHOP. 'I'HE tmdcrsigneil would inform thu citizens of ltloouuburg nnd vkimly, that he lu jutt rc lived and idlers fur sale one of ihcninstcMt'tttiivn asEorlments of COOKIN(;and FANUV STOVIIH ever Introduced Into this market. The ChriMpii(.r Co umliui?, James ltol.b and lllubo aro among the tlrst clag s cooking Stoves, all of which arc airtight and jas burner His l'arlur rlovrs arc handsome nnd the nssorimftit i.a ried. ALSO Particular attention is p;tid tn Tin-Ware and House Spouting, upon short ntirc. All kinds of repairing will be done with neatness and despatch. and House Spouting, upon short ncticc, iLr uouuiry prouuee m exmange for work, riHMi' a. Movcn. B oomsburg, Oct. 3, 1PC0. MKVANB, 10,000 l'ni.MlB, A " H" P. "?r ! 1 f hUtJcka Vi. UfjaUk ' sf " . - ' IihrWua JW .. . .... , rHMvCuui UmjuU i vit atslfnrmu-rf. . --BriUIUI(7, fa.- W U si Oil IMJlOW i;iiMU)UI.l August 17, HOI. ATTORNEY AT LAW,- RLQOXSBVRO r.t. nm , , , , , , Offic0 ln Coun ff"'fly "ecuplod ly Chailo. n. rioom.burs, Dec. i. WATSOrJAL HOTEL, rfAnr. r.,,.p . ,1JT1 HAUL O 1 ULh I, ADO Vi! TIIIKD r.t-iTi... l'lllta ADHLPUI A. ... .,,. ,. r. v umoads, sup.,,0,,N U0U-R' r'"ticlor- Vl"1- (March S, I6ll-12m.) P U M P MAKING uv uiu uuainuss vi rump inamin; ami ren.iirine, in al; ttitirariousdeimrtiucnts, in llloomstiiirg, hJiltc thev n ill promptly nttvud to all orders In their line or bust nvt, vvljtthcr in tow n or country. Well and CMcm Pumps, with leaden Pipe, made In tbo be it itl.j of Horkmauililp, on moderate terms, and on veiy short notice. i-mm iiior lunz experience in the tuinfs. snd nn .'HimiiirHv juun uui.r. lllooinioiir;, April 13, ISril, 3m ISIUClv! ItKIClKll T' "Vi".''.""? ." .'m.1'"'. .."''" suri; idiri'iic. nuvi ino louni irood Quality. at f.itr price. Hon 111 he found .1 11.0 llrick Yard of 11. L. nl'Kinnv. McK.liv At N'.al'a Furnace, Feraona deairingto purchate will do well to call as brick will be made and muai It told. i. II. FURMAN, .41.1 ,CM.MAN rr7" I0O.OM now on hand tai ready for aa,!t ... !.-fk, -3-.-.r. .,;!-, , 1 IMPOIITANT NAT! jNAL WORKS. rUBLISIIED 11V I), .Ui'Ll.TO CO. 443 amli-15 Uroadwa;, i'nt York. Tho fullowliift TnrkAio sr,tlnFiilcrl(,rlnaii' par (film cuutitry, (upun riteljit of Mail rnce,)ty uuil or vttitr-.n I'npnlil: TIIH NmV AUURIUAtt CYCLOPEDIA I A popular Dictionary uf lleliitnl Knowledge. Kilned ty (Jluriik lort corpa of uritirilti oil l,ranclica oibIjqcicb, Artoud J.liorntura. This work l Mug puMlshnl in about 13 largo octivti voluiiiof, cacli containing 750 two colwn t l-nRi-ii. Vuls. I to Mil Intlurtv , aro now rendy.t.uli ciintalniiig tii-nr s.sirj, crulnul arlick, Au additional Uulume ml t-d put.U-heu mit in about thr..- months rrH'e, inuioiii, g j yiiKip.SJ iy; jiaif .llur., K Halt, Uk1 A'l'W American CvilopieiUa in imnulnru Ittio'jtsce Ing superficial, learned Out not p,'tlntilr, cuiiiiru1irn(,io ' but fUiDiK'itly detailed, free (rum pirnuial nl'iuo and' parly prijui'lie, fretli anil yet of curate. It laa complete ptateiuetit of all that ii known upon ottry Important top, 1 Ic willi tljf tcopc ofhuman Intellieunc'l. Kvirv lri"rt. ant article In II hag beciitiHilally written for ill pwi by ini-n whoaru nutlioritle upon Hie topicou whldi they penk. They nro rciiuircdto brlnii Ihe aubji'tt up to me prepeiu 011,011 nt in time jupi now 11 ninnui nor". All thoitnllillcal infurniatlon li I'roni tho laletl rvporln; tia pingraphlcalarc.mittn keen paco uith the latent t-iplora tions i historical mailers h.lludo thv frchoM just lew. the tiiographiral notlcn not unly rpeak nftho dead, but alio of U. tlriutf. It i n librarv uf ilaulf. AoamomtuT or the DtatiK iFLonReil llcinp n poiHirm invinry vi uiu uiiueu Mitui, irouiiiio nrgnnita' tim vt the Um Federal t'onftress In 17H'J to leJti. Udlt pd aud compllt-d by Uon.TiioMAslI. Dknios from tliv Of nciftl ucroriii iTUousrvfa. riia ttorkvrlllbe comrlied In IS roial ottaio volumea of 730 p.ipoi each II of which arc now ready. An nddi tional volume lllb putillehed uncc In three immthfl. Cloth. 93; Law Ehcvp, J5u; Half Mor 91; Half' Calf $1 So (nth, I A WAY OI' niOCUIUNfJ TII 11 CYCLOMIMA, OH UnilATI.5. I Tornt a clnh of four, and remit the prlrcof four books, 1 and five topics will ho suit ut tho remitter's expense for cnrrlauc'-r for ten bubxerib-rs tleveii copies will be sent j at our c.xiH'nefur carriaito, TO AGENTS. No other works w ill so Hlirralty reward Ihe exertions Of AgetDtS. AN AutKT W'XKTkl) IN llllfl CoiNTt. Terms made known on application to the I'uhtishers. Nov. J, ltfCO. LIKE INSUUANOE. nn: ariutnn ufk j.v&tmjAvr., jxxairy Jt.D rjtuvr caMiwr of viuljwklvma, orncif, no. Ii).ic iiksTnur rntirr, CAl'ITAL (paid up.) UUU. Charter I'tryituat, f-OXTINUHto make INSURANCES ON LIVES on V.' thr most reasonable terms. The capital h.-inn paid up and invested, together ulth n lnrco nnd emistautly incKasing reserved tund, oirers a Perfect security to the insured. The premiumiis uiut ho paid eaily half yearly, or iui'"lj Th-j Cumpany add n HONU? periodically to Ihe iimi. ranees tf life. TIw FIRST HON1JH npprnpriatt-d in Ue ceiub.T. f-U. thi SUL'ONU llONL'H lti Ih rtinljcr. IJ'i ' ihijd hi ti-reniui-r, ami in 3 1 uuivTJl iiu.lhiii Di-ceiiibur, J'J. ILV 1 hecu fiddltiori" are innd Ithniit rfnulAnn n,r - ...v, nis 1. ,, ..uiiiim, II ill" 11,'l'IMCr, I I lAinountof roiiryunil cum jmnuR or Tolicy InsuroJ nltlitl,li No. DO Si-,00 9W ill 13.' :tui 1030 uo nm iihw 100 im " 333 M li?75 ou ' Stc. .tr. h'uiuR to ho Inrrcrucil oy lulurcailititluna. 83,7 il) -1,050 00 1,4110 1,0 0.I-7J UO l'atllUL'lutS. COIltlllllln,' tatlll-. nf mtna nnd i,,ln,,,n,, forni of niillcotion, unJ furtlR'r iurriuallon con he luunu ai 1110 olilce. THOMAS nillOKWAV, rmiJM. Jo. r. JAtil.0, .Ittuary. ., .. I'l'-VI I,. TATD, JIStKt. t, C. UAPRlsot, Examining 1'l.ytitian. October 10, lr57-ly. V1; ""'Icrsignd U also extcnilvMy eneaefd In the 1 .UntT,ai(iLT Hvsincss, and kcrpncnjistanily on hand nd for sale at his Wan-room,,, a larpe aFS'irtment of FINISHED COFFINS. My uhieli he in enabled to nil orders on iireonitatimi Alho - Keeps n con 1 1 1 or ho and lit arse, and will at nl tunes ho ready tu attend Funuruls, HIMON C. SII1VK. Iiloomfhurs, Jinuary fit, lesi) S35.00 T-iys tin' rntirc com for Tuition in the mnt popular and fuctesful Conuiifrcial Fchool in tho country. Upward of Twelve Hundred jnuug men from twinty-cij;hi din" rtnt Slatep,hao been educated fnr busineg horo with in the past three years. Hoiiit of wjium have Letn cm rloyed ni Hook Kupcrs at sa'arics of 82000.00 per Annum, immcdlatclyupnn graduating, Im knew nothing of ac count uhenthey tittered the Colleen. Miniters sons half price, Ptudent enter nt any tl till-, and ruti?w when they please, without extra charpu. rnr U.italoguo ofeJOpaacs, Ppeclimnsof Frnf. Cowley's Hueineijgand Ctruamental IVnmanehip, and n Iarp l!n prating nfihcCidlcpe, inclose twtnly-flve cents in Post age Stamps to thcl'riiicfpals. JI.NKINd & SMITH, riiisbureh.Pa. .Jan. 5, IECI-y. SAVING FUND U. S, Trust Company. Comer of Tnirdand Chestnut Sis., Phili, IAKGGand tmnll turns receive, I nn,! nalil Lack on J ileninml without nntico, null Tivi MR rrT Iiiiiir. 1st from tho ilay i.f tpp,Eii to tho ilay of Urrac HouM-l'rnm 0 until 5 itlnrk cvury day, aid on Mohiiv timso, from 7 until ! oclnrk. I'rcMilcnt-fiTKl'IinV It. CltAUTOHD, Treasurer -1'i.iny Tific. Teller James R. JIunttr, DIUEOTOBS. Ptcphcn II. Crawford, llenintiiin W, 'i'lnaloy, Daniel IVi.U.Mii.m, (Jrnrgo Junkin, Alcji'cr C. Hart. M, I)., William SI. findwin, I'.iul II. Cooihiril, M. II Patrick lirndv. James IVvereaux, ThmnuiT Lea, March ad, lcJ3-Iy. li. r ratikiin ja:kvoi), Pliny FisK. GIBSON'S iSSwi K WsmiiWuk rSr.5B ,ia esrsw DEfOBATIVB ESTABMSUIIJEXT, Ho. 125, South Eleventh Street near Walnut, I'lSBIiAHKBit'ISIA, Eaamelcd Claaa, Trcsco, Oil and Encnuallc rnlntlns Joim OitMM. o, i. Oidhou, January 12, loOI 3in., TOI1ACCO & SEQARS. MARSHALL HUGHES, W ITH wimi.F.s.ii.u niiAi.niia i.v v Maniifactiin d ii Leaf Tolinrm. HAVANAOKItMAN AND DOMESTIC, N. E, Corner of Tront and Arch Slreela. aBTliiR, i JAMra m. novo. I March 10, IcCo-l.'m. niiLAnnLniiA. "'THE UNION," .1rt Sre.i, .iuic THrJ, V II I A D E I. P 11 I A . qilll. ntu.'.tion of ii,,. Hul l renders it one of the moil I. finicniintiirihoo ulioaro iiaillim rinhidilnhia onlmine., n hllo tn thuao in M'airli nf pleasure ' tllu t nunntly m, r. paiHUs City Railway cars, and lunar 111 elm pr,.in,Hy. iilTuril a chi apond lOtaa until I, toull ploci'.iiiiut.'real und anmtement in or Th I rniirii't ir pivt,. n,n... ,.n,i. it ihillbk ,n will) jui'Ii chirurliT as will mcit nubile' aiprolijtii,n, und 011 IJ roai" nfully snlirlt. imeral nat, 1 j.muo.j i-Mi-icii, I'roprMnr rjMIK I'KNNSyMUNJA HOTKl" DAxnw Moxrc vn vou.m r r,i, Kiif irlatnmenl fir Man and lieait, in good Kyla ami mndfialo ratrs. UfXiEUV. v rmip-zp ThOsc Ijnboring; .Under sickness etui at nsa relieve tncmsvlret ftom the thoti snnd m.iriillfs trntfletti ts heir to, if,tti?y will nnlj folluw the counsels of nntttr, and lake the mmtiaitit ivlilrh brut ntlts her in her ouerallons. That modi chic is the Vegetable Mfr Mcdklnes of Di, MorrAT, known as Moffat's Life Pills and PHQ3NIX HITTKUS. TIi sb Ateiticlties have now bot.ii hifare tkc tuitillc fr apernuoi y.'nrs, nnn uunnn inaiiimc nivo mnin- eu a in (in uiuihci im annua iiy n rlflba for tho extraordinary curative propettlrl which ... ....... MolTat'ii I.ifo I'llln aro Indebted for lliclr linmo to thi Ir inanlf"t nnd ciuililo action In purlT) lux tin- prlna and channel of life, and enduing lliwui ultli ren, wed tone and vljor I and to the undoubted fact that nt .1 very oirly part In their hltory, they had rairucd ilirenr f'""' m very voree of an untimely grave, perfectly lurliij to them that uniform enjoyment of health, with-1 m,-- nuntn j',,,,,.,, kii-b.hik. w itrrm Indeed had thilrelhcncy iutnriahly proved, that It wui ecarctly Ion tlnn miraculous tn thoso who werounac - with tho hoautiful phik-iophhal principle upon which thfy woru fompouiidcil, and upon which thty cunsciucntly act, MOFFAT'S I'lHFNIX niTTEIlS. Moiajfa riiocnlx Hitters arc no called, because they nosdt!i Ihl nower of roBturini' tho Linirinn Dtnhera nf I livnllh til a ulmviliP v lnor (li rnn L'hiMil lint rnn atitinf nn . 1 ns thts Thoenlx is said to bo resturuJ to life from tho nhea of It own disjoint ion. .Mercurial Diasfs. There is probably no one nrtlflj Riven as a medicine, tho Injur. mi utc t-f hlch has caucd fuch idespread and terrible niisihiuf to thu Ihiiimii yftem its m;rcury. Its pt lion deep Into the system, penetrating tlis substance of l ho hones, and prodding n long train of painful dlseusus. It In well known that man) nttVrtiuus of the throat, of tho bones, of the ihiko, mid nuiliRnant sores, which have cecii ni trllautud to syphilis, aro so ufieu caused by tliu injudi cious iibij of mercury, so that th3 remedy lias proved vtorsc than tha illaiasc. LIFE PILI.9 AXD rilQlStX IHTTHRS. I The Life Pills nnd Phncnix Hitters have always hern signally successful In tins tlnss or dfaicases, and will cradicatu till tho effect of inpreury from the cyxU-iii, ooucr titan the most powerful preparations cf sarta parilla. They aid nature In caitinv' iroin the syMPii.ull poisunons inntUr, nnd liy thus purifying the vital flu id c, they r J store thi syteni to health. Hilious Uomplaints. A well regulated and propor tionate quantity uf hilo upon the etomach is Hluys re 3uisttufor the promotion of sound health it stirnulati s igCBtiort, and keeps the intestinal canal tree from all obstructions. On thi interior stir face of tho liver is a peculiar bladder in which the Ltlo is lird preserved, Lcliij formed by thu livir from th blood. Thence it passes into the stomach and intestines, nnd rtt-ul.itus tbo tl i Bt ion. Thus wo s:e uhrn flu-re it a ihficieucy of bile, thu holy is constantly coMhc. On the uthcr hind, an over atnudancu of bile causes frequent nausta on thu stomach, nnd often promote, very ruvuu rtttaens cf duases, which sometimes end in death. LIFE MEDICINES. Tho Ufu Medicines should, If poFRiMe, be taken in the early stasea of bitiuus compl.iiiits ; and if perse vered in ftrictl accordiiag todiuaions will pnsitiv ly LiTuct n cure. Tlieir extenttve use in tliiscuinplaiut in all pjrts of our cxntincut, rndtrs comment unjicctsta ry-iu-ir viruies spean lortnem. i Mottat's Lifu PiIIf, Tho uni of th"sc Pilln, fur n very eliort time, will affect an entire cureul Salt Kheiun, and 11'mici.iciii in ttia i leuruehK cf tliu kiti. I Ciimiii'm C(dJ nnd lutl-ieiuit will ulwny bo cured by ouu dose, or by tw u ct eu in the orht cases. PiLtsI 1'it.i til 1 The original proprietor of these Med- ' icinei uas t.urcd of 1'itis of Hi junrfi Btandinp, by thu I use uf tho Life Medicine nlone. I 11. m CatrniNT An uifittion nf lit? I.iwr may In known by u fv l 1 1 1 1 of ten? ion or pain in tho riijht tide abuJt the r giou cf thu liver, ( fun pnntnt aj in pluu riiy. hut Komet tines dull ; u diiliculiy in draw ini; a lonjc breath ; dry cough mid inclinatittii tn vomit. Tins di- I fi'vsv may be produced I.v cold, by loloiit vxeriifo. bv 1 intense suminiT htals, by long cuiniuued bilious ftver or HfjUCi and by various solid louiritioiiB in the sub stance of the liver. And tn thcc pruiluciug caubts, are dcrnng-m-nl of thu diirestivc orjratu, suppressed sccrc tious, and mental solicitude, which are very fre'juent cu'ifeH of obftructioiis ami dipeun" of Ui3 liver. This dipeasu should bearribtod in tliTntumenccnicnt which can b3 done by a few dogs cf the Mfe Pills. When once the liver is uroiieud to the performance of its proper functions, little ninrc is requisite than tornn. tiuue u proper use of the medicines, aud a speedy re rovcry will ensue. ( Fever Ain Aouk - Tor this scourge f.f the Western country, there medicines will hi found a nafe, (pueily and certain rtmedy, Ottiir incdicuies leave the system cublcct to n ruurn nf the ilisease a cure livthcuii .Mcii. iciucs is pcrinnnent. HtaoKLv.-Tne moil nornme racs or Scrofula, in which the face, bones and limbicf the victim had been preyed upon by the jntatl'ihlc disease, are proved, by undeniable authority of (lie sullcrers themselves, to i liave been coinpUtrty cured bythvse vtgLtuble i mcilirinct, after all others hud been found more than UBCllffl. IndiKi'stinn nnd Ilvsnetisiai. -If wo were rn 1 1 oil utinn to sprcify one disease which more than nny otln-r ir the i bane, (while it is the offspring of civiliz.-ition) we should 1 name H epeptia. It is generally, or ratter productive, of a long train of ill, mich n llcnrtbiiro, Fhitulonry, a gnawing p:iin nt the ntmnar.i vvln-ii empty .1 tense of unci mf'rli.blu weight wlc u tull.ptiins in tljj, tl to .ind p t of the etouuch, cotiveneiis, chilli ness, languor, unvvilliiignvss to t.tkee.xertiL', &c Manors ufh mmuciscgis. I MoiTat'ri Life Medicines aru peculiarly adAtitcd tntiin cure of this dutressing complaint The) nu upon the bowuli in a very mil J, and, at tlu iamo tim", wry tin c tual manner, and have never yet fail id to cure this dit Life win ii ujed ncLurduig to our direction. (teittrut Uel.ility, 'i he motl connuoii of all mm plaint ii that of a general w ukuess of flu wh'd.t tyn tciu, unuctompaiiied by any pr.rtitul ir di-c rder. or do fin ale eyniptoiiiK of ditinxe. Tli.Te is n little ml tu orgy, u unit of appetite, uo willingnest. nnd indeed iua bitity to undergo cj Tlionc. fru'iuent head flie?, iudi geetiou, oftentimes sallow imm and drynetm nf the skin, tiinkncy to fuvrrishtiesn, unfitness for tsociety, in short rtllthonu tymptomfc of languor, diuietuile, and w ink- nee inai give cviueuceci a laiiuro in thu vital puw era, and u low, unhealthy and morbid condition of the t)iem. Life Tills ami I'liotnix Rlltrrs. The l.lfu Tilla nnd PlWnl Ilitli-rj iintlium bcEt rwincdy fur rvatorinit stn-nuth to thu bodv . fur. thev net An ;i ircntli: nirtnnriir. nnd. hv lhifr tr.nlr Hire nctliriii thu vhnl nvktcin ' I .lUU.ll il L.I10 i ltlS. -l irHiiUS Ol npit'lilOrjC tUtilt, WllO nre suhjfcrt to fits, headache, (:idd.uet-s, diiiiiKus of fight, or drovvtiiitbs, from ton (Treat a flow uf blood tu tcohead, should take thcio nils frciututly. Ally I Li. TO rf.MAt.CH. Fumalca who Vailtin lhrir health should never be without the Life Mudicim-s, ns thoy purify the blood, reinuvi' obi ructions, and give tho Kin a n.auuiui, cicar, neaiiny ami Mooininc npnenr- .ncc. To r.Mtrly i'crson, Many healthy need individuals who know the value of MufTafs Lifo .Mfdiclni'n. mnki It a rule to take them two or thret: times a vvi-tk. by winch thev rcmovu tho can a en that nroilnro i!i.rii. prestrvu thuir health, und kttp oil' thu infirmities of Facts for Mothers and Nurses. It is a f.ict, eUb Ushcd by tho bliss of inortnlity, that one half of the diili reii biinii are cut off before attajning ifn ye.iu of aiej aud tho courco of this niurtiihty is found to fxut in that foul Hate ofthe stomach tnd bmvtln which produced the puncratiuii of uonun. As the k.tlti rebtortr of Infantile health in this critical ttatu tho Lifo Medicine have Ioiijc luldn ilUtinpui.hed rcpu laliou, and for foulness rf the ttoniarh and bowel, and convulsions, although vvorinti may notcist,lt hallowed iu De superior to any outer. MnlTifi 1'iU i and lhttcr.- So medicines nt present know n havu done to much good tu mankind us these, within thu last ft-vv years; and rerfalnly none have , uern ruwnriien nn inure numerous UUU aumenilc tes timonhli of their invariable nnd extensive efficacy. They require no dieting norconfliifinunt, nre perfectly mild and pleasant In their operation, but will power fullyrcstoru health that p mutest of earthly blettsings to the most exhaubted and dilapidated constitution,. i repureu iy Dr. VM. Ti. MOFFAT, 335 Uroudvvay, New York. And far Bale by all Driifguts np!3 fil ly. llllilililiTEA! FOR FEMALES. DIt. ENGLISH'S ixunx vi:cETmnjijU!:.v(iOGi)i:. This CckbratLJ Fcliialii Mediriou liouaChHt'o virlnra unknown of nnjlhing ( Uo of the kind, and proving til ectual niter all othtr have failed , iiu jinparcd from an ''Indian Ilurh" peculiar to Northern Mciicii aud Tex as, und li used by the Nu lives iu producing the momii i.y siciiiirus. It h designed for both maariud and smt'le ladies. and is tho ury b?st thing known (orths purpose as it w ill remove all ol.atruclioju after other remedies have been tried in vain. It in u pU.iant tua, contain, lug nothing jiijurioiiri to he&th, and a cure to be idled U)SUII 14 (III ttMJI on in ull case., Ulerl. or fallinB of Iho Vomh! Floties Al. a. or White, i Chronic Ulljuution, or Ulceration of v bui thu U'ninb; Incidental Ikmorago cf Hooding, and dis- I'nmt uti Utt R in ma ir i b.i:-. i.. .1.. -,.i ,r ... tioned ajaiiut the use of this tea, as it will proJucc ini-cariiatt. ratriMD akd s!0Ld t on, a. w."I(f oiJT,i second st. IViccs Sl.00 per oacUse. (h full ..irectiou. fo, .,.) sent by Impress or .Mail tu .my address. Ut. E. tan be conaulled in ail ob.tinalo remal, Com. plaints, in j-eraono, by tetter, and will the CM- la-pcrcha I'cuala Brnncc- hiflily recoiiuni nded by Ihe Faculty in married ladies for special purposes. Alao Radical Cure and piher Improved Ito. tarvanddiiino Abdomlna Sunnottcr.-Fihoiililer llrn. UK. (i. IV. EKRMRir. Sid South Second Plrcil, below llnck, I'HIliADELrillA, I'A. I HIV. HO AOBHTa. Nor. 6, leot-lim. WKSTKBt.V HflOI'liJffi, Nos. 0, 11, 13 and 15 Oouttland street, nOAUI), SI GO PEH DAY. II n.WINCIIUSTKB. TIlOS.U.WJ.NCIIEeTEK. nvarandcu Reduced the Price of Board to fortuities. A large Block ofthe above articl, a constant' I ''WO 11011,'1,'S npr llav ly on hand, and will be fuini.hed at lovrat rates by 1 al III- aam. ,1 ,i,ii 1 r.i ' , sendins order tll measurement and fall i.iilicula. hie It ih5 lab hi. , mi?,. ,l"u'i hjr All conimunic.l,ons sl,iclly conliiential To, , ",6l'""''labl. h.j , n further particulars oease Addrc.a. un, i. u, 4 . . " VE I I, WW I COMB Ac CO, AEIV YORK. ANT) TOR TUK STEEDY CCM OF l narvnniTrfttTflHnn fleneral DefclHtT Aithmft flervOMWMtrftU U6?"" til. Dyijrcpiia, Scrofula, Uaroimct, raralyeia, thronlo uroncmus, Anemm, unioroiu, and all Blxirdori of tho Blood Byatom. DO YOU KNOW IT ? ccwsrHmoM u hie hot wtai, scoiT.flR or MANKIND. II has hcea truly rrenrrted M l. net iu bib Maunr Jew ever lurTltlrrlts altaelc. " Onaaiatfa orla Kholt human rac'," aaya Dr. fucRcrmt, " and ilORRlIIAN O.NR 11AU1 OF All, TI1E AlU'LT IW1', I.AT10N of tnoat cItIIIi.iI cotnaraDltloa l'ERISH r.Y TIIH DISEASE," TA'hat ft rod rommciitory on tho boosted efficacy of Iho Ileallni; Art I Tho brilliant Discovery of Dr. Churchill, made lo Iho Imperial AeademyofHcillcloo, of raria,haa prored an inrihmalie boon to the world. Dy the use of this new tindfowrT'itt rents fiat aml, known to Chemlelry aa THE HYPOPHOSPHITESi "The CURE of t'ONBUMI'TIOX, even tn tba Beeond aiatt Third Btncoa(nl n periJ, therefvrf irhra thero can bo no doubt bs to tho aattiro of the lllicase) Is tho RULE, wbllo DEATH IS TltE ESCErTIOX." "I KOW,'sys Pr. C, -that thoy will prove not only BUKL A KEll. EIV tit CONSL'MI'TIOX ot Qulnlno Is la Intr mitt cut Fever but bIm hi t Toe tual l'llESEK. VATIVE VBUtIon In Pmnll 1'oz." IctrjQ eutTerer, who Tildes hfnlih and llfo, dlny aa hour to try this rcmody. He member thai " prevsallon Is bttcr than cure." newnre of ielf-doccption, or tho eooiblrjj assurance of friends lhat,,f it only a UttU told t " Fatal orror to myriads vrho now Oil prematura gravfs 1 Give, I cotroat you, prompt attention to tht eMIUSST SIGHS QP CQKSUttPTtQCt. "Am taia EICN3 miiiL rouorr term," Mark, ,( Th turtxat pymptom of tubercular disease Is wj&tq, 11 ftrtcoJUittitctnich.tntX it Is caillcr,ia point of tlras, tLon tlw iiLcnc, It Is first manifest! In tho fact mvt hin1t. Tdi mascalir liesujfl vvssta ; honco crniurT i thcro ii A cense of aonctblbg wrong tifahnq run VI TAT. TOWERS ARK fiaccixj, Tbo trafte ct tho llvirtf tnachlno la more tctlvo than its rfjuir.' Dr. VoUAk. ' If. va'thout any apparent caiuc, cr nndcr the influPtiM cf cilsus v, bith ind nc 3 w iu it visa and cxiuren'tx ; ruch na want, grirf, oernmrfr, escti, pregnancy, child learing, nurriny, ravl goivtt or tVw teccitry Jrtv dueate, a pc-rsoa hcRh lo loso his flesh, ttrcegth, color, or app"tito; if hs suffora from t'torincti of Irtath, cr slreplawusi, nnd cxncrlencea ft central feeling rf Ion mcr aud aVwmiVw.TllU.i. IS REAEON TO L.VU thai is nlrly frcdiyted to ths complaint. If to Ihcsa Mmptoms ho nJdea coiw. however Blight, particularly Ir tl has come on iVowly, or durirc tho fair icbfch, TlISri'-OUAElUn'MCIikATEIlfcYlLL." CWcAuI. EFFECT OF THE REMEDY. "If, on the cu-UHit npprai-riHoo oflbcso sljrns of Consomptton, the pntlcnt tnk dally about ton Cralns of the HYPOPIIOSP HITES, ho ulll nsually pco Ihcm all dlsappeAr In a period varjlct from a Uw weeks to a fjvr nonthsi end by continuing tbe oceatoaal ua of the Itemed. 3IE WIXX STEED ILT FIND IIIMBELP IN TUE ENJOYMENT OF SUCH ItKALTn A3 JUS, TEHHATB, HAP KEVEU KNOW IN HIS LIFE nKFOJIK." "VVIncheitcr's Genulno Preparation" IS THE OXLV VCLIAIILC form of Dr. fhurthlll'8 r.cmody, Made from Ito original Formula. Iho act ton cr the Hyporhtsphltcs la two roM and specific ; ncrtatng tbe principlo win'ii mtTm.TBH CRToia roBcrr, nnd they aro tho woft iflvrKi.nxntJwn-owiJUTTNaicinfT3KMwr. His effocl upon tho tubercular condition U IMMUUATn.iLL Tra tsCfiaiL STMn-nra M3AirzAiufa mm x RAiiomr Mmai laiiKitXYMnrnors. Viryuliere tho cough, diminiA cspcctoratlcn, imprcve tho ajpctito, arrat diarrheca; tho uijht weats t cJit'j, and tier craaoj tho bowtila Ucene rtyidar, and to Mjaa citu iD rnorocxD. A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIIi CURE I JKir laEWAHEof IJngut Hemfditl ndvertlsfd MB IY. n.urchnrs.andnnothvr SWIN'DIJNO HLVICES to rob E'liTercrs or their means, lose pnii time, nnd hasten a 1 aiil Marir. Write to mo for CIKCVUvRS, and for Dr. Churchill's Xrcatxso on Consumption, which contain tho cnlv authentic rformatum In rcftrd to this XLV TItr.TllI;T. beul u.v: to all loiuirws. raiCEtln 7 and ie.ot rottlea, tl and, S3 eonh. Three largo, or six small for ?S. My fno-sfrnJIo la on boUi the Xiabel and Outelde Wrspper, no OTnrn xa genotne, not confound thiiKcmcdy with tho Ml!fid Uicmlcairood;" and particularly nroid all prepara tions containing non, n hlch li Pixoniots.and Cod liver di, which has o tt fain r raortiry v niTrvcit. V)ld by the mct rcpcctable Drurgists thronchout ununited Ftatcs and Hi itish rrovlncrs, and WhoUsal CUlIlctall at tho UcBcral Dcjt In the United J. WINCHESTES, 30 John Street, If, Y. MtrrliO, lr-T.l. KVANci t WATSON in thf trnitcd Fintrs. ir Safe tn on Jiri, Jill came out right; vttft ton "'" " -ruv ranniTion. The S.ilamaudur rfafoa of I'hiladclphin sainst the KVANS it WATSON, havo bad th tturrnt ilrni(itri..inn in iun r.iUw.n tificnto that thflr mauufjLturc of .ilamandor Hafes 'has at lencih fully warranted the n prt-scnutiona which li.ive necn limit- nt iiini ns rendcrine an undoubted avcuritv against the terrific elnit.iit. i Philadrlphia April 12. S5. ' Mrttrs Tirana S- H'otsen Cmilfiiinn-H ... tho hinhrpt satlffficlion tn atato to vm. tbnt imiiiL' ,tn the v crv nrot'-r livi fiii;ilitii tt if iu nf tho .ii.nnn.i,,. Bafea which c pun has.:d i.f you some five mouth since wo saved n InrRo portion ol jt-wrlry, and nil our book, c- 1I'ns'd t thi cfllaiinni'ni, fire in Kansdead place on thi morninc ofthe 11th int.. U'h-n we roll -it hat th unf wero located in thn fourth sory of the l.-nldiuj; wi dfrupied and that Hut I""" mbs luently lnmn h -ap of hirniup ruins, vvhf ru the st cohci nl ration uf tl.j ,;it cusd ihi brass plati;n to " vv wnimd but reparrt tlH-prsi rvatlon of their vat uablu uintents an imhrI convincing pro' f of thu great se- curity niTrd.(u by your!. n!H n,n crcat plcaiurcin recnnmending them to nic-u oi uiihic'sk hh a nun' rcuniic! asnumt tire, n Jl.olu;i: A. BIMMUNS & ItRO , .levtlltr$t C7They have since pnrtha.od nix large Eafcs. Angut 30, lr5J MAM HOOD. HOW LOST, HOW 11ESTORED. Just Published, in a ieal Envelope: A Lecture cn ibe natnrs, Iri'atiiirnl, an I raillcal curf nf Hntrlil.ltnrrliaia, or Heimnnt Weakness, genial llehihty, i Ntrrouancta an. invidiiiitaiy tmlsaions. iirojucini; im. 1'Ottniy, Cimsiimritioii anil Mental & I'liysical Dvliillly. I By HOUT. J. CUI. VURWEtr., M, D Tho ItnnnrtHiit fart ili.t thn . ... self abuse may lie ureflunlly rcumveil without Internal I medicine, or the lnii;iriiiia niinliiutlons of cauatica. in slruinci.ta, uie.lirnteil bislea, anil oilier ouiiiirical Jo ! I llaen, ia hern churlj d.-mnlitlriitij, anil the entirely new mnl hlphly uicenful treatment, aa adootci by tbi ctlibrated nutliur fully cxilumtil, by means or which every uno is cnablcil tu cure liiinsiff oifcclly, and at Ihe 1,'ast imiatlle cnn, Ihercbv amidine all Ihe nilur-1 l.c.1 no.l.umai.f III,, i!iij. T, iMll. , nrovc a ' boon to thuiisantts aKil Ihniiranita. ' ceni unucr aeai, in a .lain cn elope, to any ailitreaa, Inl ria d,on Hie rui h,i of tho tvru rn.taso tlainiia. by dilresiin3 lr. C1I. J. KLINll, lll7 llowcry, ti. V, I'oat lllficfl luij .ika Aueusl in, ifr,i. f pril 80. lrlll-8m ST, HOTEL Mi'oiiun'ay, rv'cw YorU. tin am. - uOAaU) IU'.DlllKI) TO $2 PER 1)V . F,'?.C.'J !'nPins of Una van and commodious Hotel. in icai. it iii-n ti... . . ..t : -. ,," " wo it llw mm numptuoiu, convenient and i rnmfortable home fur the titizon and btiangcr on this 'J"1 Atlantic. rSSlSffiffiaSl'S:!.! SEpMTJ 'mode":6;;; , has invented, ami modcin laito jpr.roe'l i and th" oi tronaca liich It has rniaiHin r,.te.l SuHiTf? the nait , V" is a gratifying, proof that their "ff.rts have been aipruiati.d. ,nm-.i ma UIn I To meet the eni8cnries of Urn time., when all are r.. 1 THred lo practice the uo.t rieid economy? Ihe unJer aieene, ' ""'""") i mo under- -H0VAUD ASSOCIATION PHIL- A lien.vnluit Inatliuliun ealablished by aneriaUndow. ment. for the rtlief of the Sick and UiatreSsedVaffli tied with Virulent and Fpidemie Diaeasea. and eapecially for Ihe Cure of Pmcase. cf tho Bciual Orcana i) a. I v.ii.L.iui.i, ittrultlri on npermatorrhaa, and oth, cr liiieaa,iofihefieiual Orcana, and on th, Nrtv nnMUUIKH employed. .entNoii,.Vlc!d'in sellid letter envilepe, free orchard. Two oi three Bla'nns frfalajilbe acceptable, Addresa nn j kul "l V" 1'f'UO IT.IN, Acting si ,on. llowaVd A..!'.. I 1 V-1 hri. l.1;i"W- p.-i,rt.ii., ,ri., ki-;. 1 iit I' VlC'i VaM ft fl'JVCIt to Ml Cttitmtt Stmt, i $J jH!SW, ahare third VhttadtliMz, bav. on I fe.KTin''i'"!?'! ' Inrgu aaaiirtnu nt of 1'lrt ffiaij'iS'fh' ftffiV 1 ' rMiaiiiiinurr eat,'.. lliS3p.Sgf ilnora, for hanks ami r....... ...... BUB. ,,,, iuaai.8 or iucks u'lual to anr nta,Ic Scroflila, or King's Evil, ts a ccmtltutton.t tllscaio, a corruption of the blood, by which this fluid become Titlntcd, weak, nnd poor. Betas In tho circulation, It parados tho whole bodr, and rnoy burst out in iliaoaso on any part of it. No organ is free from its attack!, uor i thcro one which it may not destroy. Tho scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial diwasc, low living, dto. ordered or unhealthy food, impure air, filth mid Ulthy habits, the deprcssinf,' vices, and, above nil, by the vaic.eal Infection. What ever bo lti origin, it la hereditary iu tho con Btlttmon, descending "from parents to children unto tho third and fourth generation j" indeed, it seems to bo the rod of Him who lays, I' will visit tho iniquities of tho fathers upon their children." Ifa effects commence by deposition from th blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, whichyia' the lungs, livor, and internal organs, is termed' tubercles; in tho glands, swellings; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in the blood, depresses, the energies of life, eo that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous eon plaints, but they have far less power to with stand the attacks of other discacee; eona-a-rjuently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, aro still rendered fatal by this taint in th system. Most of tho consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ;. their persons nre invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined, by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovat the blood by an alterative modlcine,, and in vigorate it by healthy food and1 ftxerdM, Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S' 1 Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual romedy which the medical (kill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remediala that have been discovered for tho expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affee. tions which arise from it, such as Enumva nnd Sms Diseases, St. Akthont's Fias, Kosn, or ERTSimns, I'lMrtr.s, TusiniM, Blotches, Hlm.ns and II01L8, Traons, Titter and Silt llitxtiM, Scald Head, Rinawonx, Hheumatish, SvrniLiTic nnd Mercurial Dis eases, Dnorsr, Drsrrmi, Debilitt, and, indeed, all Comflaixts arisimq trom Vitia ted or Imturb Blood. The popular belief in " impurity of the blood " is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of tho blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health li imposible In contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, are so composed that disease within the msr of their action can rarely wit Inland or evade thtm Their penetrating properties search, and clanere. ana invigorate ccry portion 01 tne Human organ ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of theso propcttiea, the invalid viho is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find lila health or energy mtored by a romedj at oaec to fctmple and Inviting, Not only do they cure the cvery-day complaints of every body, but also many formidable and dangerous diseases. Tho agent below named is pleased to furnich gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints: Cotiite tue$, Hem tbum, Headache arising from diiordtred Stomach, Nausea, Indication, ram in and Morbid Inaction of th$ IS excel, FiatuUney, Lost of Jppf titt, Jaunditt. and other kindred complaints, arisintr from a low state ofthe body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, tor tub kafid cum or Coughs, Colds, Inducitia, Hoarseness, Croup, nronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, and for the relief of Consumptive Pnticnts in advanced stages of the iliscnso. Bo wide is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous aro the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abound, in poraons pub Licly known, who hare been restored from alarming and cren desperate diaeasts of the lungs by iu use, When onco tritd, its superiority orer every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to Heap, observation, and whore its virtues aro known, th public no longer hesitate nhat antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of th. pulmonary organ, that arc incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thni6t upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has cainea friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the Afflicted they can n.ver forget, and pro duced cure, too numerous and too remarkable to bo forgotten. rKEPAKBI) nv MR. J. C. AYEU & CO. LOWELL, MASS. r; 1 I.uta, J. It. Mnjer.fl. al. llascnbiich.Dloornaljufg A. Mill.r, llenwek, ami by uiiu .tore in every town th Fmnaylvriniii. Dli. LA CROIX'S PRIVATE MEDICAL TREATISE OS THE Physiological View of Marriage, S.W r.Vfir.S AND UO ENCRAVINRB.-rrice only mi'.Nrv rnn len ri. Hcnt free of noitago to a)l pails of thu Union. Ou Hie infirmities rf youth anil maturity, istfclotiiif the Ftcrtt follies of lot!) sees uf all a?ti, am? inu Utbility, ncrvuunue8( Jcprcinion of piriii, pilpitation ofthe liffirt, ruIcM-iI imaginings, involuo Ury cnitnion. tiUehingi deftrtun nieuiorr. inJigei tiou and laspittitl. utth tanfttawnts of thrilling tnttrttt of a. Hoarding kthitol Miss, a College Student, and a young .MarrtfJ I.uJy, c. t. II a truthful ad viler to tttu married runt those cuntumplating inarna'e. hoeo tcrtmn iccrrt dnubts rf their pbyaical fonJitjon, and wln art-ronuciniiH of having Iia(arf!eit the health hap pint as.and privilegci to nhich every human buing u el. titled. I.VOIJNG MP- vUa nre troubled with weakmai, gen crally caused by a bad habit in jouth, tho fleet of nhicb jrc duzlnena, pains, forgctfalnuaB, sometime! a a ringing in the enri. weak f jc, ueakncis of (he back and loner extremities, confunou of iduat.loa of mem ory with nielancholj ,may bu cured by the author's NEW r.niS AND LONDON TREATMENT. V have, receutly iluvoled much of our time I. VISITING THE i'.iJROPEAN HOtiriTALti, availing oiKbPlvca nf the know ledge and rcduarchttt ofthe moat Fiineti i'ii)uiang and eurfieoni lu uuropc ana lae uon tinent. ThhC u ho place thfinaclvea under our eate u ill now have the full benefit of the many NXW AN'U ! EFFICAL'IQUB REMEDIED which we are enabled t, introduce into our prartici', and the public may real ai turidnf thu name zeal, assiduity, fECRECV and attrn, lion being puid to thiircmef, wliirh hat ao auccetiful ty dMiiiifuuhed it lierctofore. aa u Phyiiciun in our I'l.CUMAK department of profeikionairractice.vr 0 at ttrthtt(Jivc years rarscii tVMiLs I'iLU. Ladies uliowUh forMedirinea the (thcacy of which haa been tested in thousanda ef canes, nnrfnet'r failed to cllcct speedy curea without any bad reaulta.will uotinouebutDr.DcLancy'a Temalt reriouicui J'liia, i no iniy i feinuiion nceeiary 10 oo aerve la, la-iii- aliould not take them if they have tea son tn Lclietc they are in certain ittuuUons (the partic ular a of which nil) be found ou the wrapper acrompa njing each box,) though alwaya aafti and healthy, 10 gtntly yet aoactive aro Uey. i'rice sinerlrox. They can be mailed to any part of the United tSlalea or Canada, TO THE LADIES-U'lwnoed a einlitntxat mediail adviaer wttb regard to any of tfioae intereeting com pUiuts) to which their delicate organisation renderi thm liallt;, are particularly invited (oconault ui. TitE'J.t,cTRo CitvANic rROTicnvt." For marn4 1 ladica whote health will not admit, or who have nodi aire (0 inrreaio their families, may be obtained aa above It ii a perfectly aafe preventive to conception, and hM been ejtenajvety ueed during ibe latt 20 yean. Tfite reducesd to slu. The Sterols of Youth Unveiled. Jt Treatlsson tl-, Cuuse of premature Decay Jt $el entn warning. Just pullltkedQ book shitclng thcinsidi"v$ progrets and pr'PCltnte among $ckeotst both maleani female cfthts fatyl habit, pointing out the fatality that invariably attends Ks cietims, and developing the tckol progress of the disease, from fe commencement tot he e4. h will be sent by Mail on receipt cf two 3) cent Stamps. Hz Attendance daily, from a in the lucruing till 1 it niplit. and on Sunday froj,i 2 till 5 r h. Medicnes with full directioaa sent to any part of the United Stalea or Canadai, by patleuti coiDQiuntcatinf thair aymptoma by letter, uutineaa corrcapondence itrictly confldentlal. . uO-Dr.L'a OiTiceii itrll located aa eataldiahed.UBiItr the name of DR. LA No. 31 Maiden Liaa.AI bany, N.Y. ' ' ' Woy,23. Ie51.-I2l. PIllSUPIXJTIl 2t 1IROTI1XSRS. WIlOpESALE TOBAOOO DEALERS KO,105,NOKTII TII UIU bTREEJ F.wedooKtjelowKaec,