Culttittbto Sera nt rat Eorrr.n by lev: lttate, rnoriiiETOR. BLOOMSBURG, PA. SATURDAY MOIUIINO, DECEMBER 14. 1861. ODD COUNTRY'S rL AG. Coo or our Eathcri 1 in thy name We mil our standard lothe mail To conquer or to die. Wo claim Xo greater honor. Willie tlie Matl VJf civil strife aweepa o'erlba land, We'll atrlke the foe ho dares to mar Our lovely ensign, and we'll stand A wall of fire to guard each star. Tho Dieoardod Hoport. Wo print clscwhcr that portion of the report of tho Secretary of War, says tho Uarrisburg Patriot ami Union, which wits omitted in tho official copy by order of tho President, but which was sent in ad. vanco to some of tho leading newspapers for publication. By this moans Secretary Cameron has obtained liis object in bring ing his views before tho publio as effectual ly as if ho had been permitted to incorpo rate them in tho official copy of his report, I'.niancipatiou and ("ompensMlou. Tho President in his message assumes, says tho Uarrisburg ratriol and Union, that a largo number of "contrabauds"will necessarily be liborated by tho present war, and recommends that provision bo made for colonizing them to sorao country purchased for that purpose. It is also recommended that authority bo given to take, in lieu of taxes, a certain valuation of these troublesome persons in States de siring to net rid of them. Tho abolition The Message. I Tlio President's Mcssago, says tho lie id ing Gazelle ij- Democrat, was transmitted to Congress on Tucsd ay. It has ono great and rare morit, to begin with it is short. It may bo read through at ono sitting, without tiring tho reader j and that 11 more than could have been said of many similar documents that have issued from tho Whito House during tho last twenty years. Tho Mcssngo beging with a reference to onr foreign relations, which, wo regret to be informed, are not as satisfactory and pacific as could bo wished. The President hints at, rather than directly alludes to J difficulties with foreign nations, which por tend danger : but ho says enough to create la feeling of uneasiness and distrust in the (public mind. Under these circumstances, 'his recommendation to the fortification and v!iA'SSSl!i fenco of our lino of sea-coast, carries with l&W&fTto it extraordinary weight, and will bo uni K'.Vh.'nVwyforenr." .TdVthcW:i!,!." !& ."uiV." , vcally seconded. Thejr have floated over our cradles, let II be our prayer ,p, President's Statement of tUO opera nd our struggle that they shall float over our graves. I X ue i rcaiucui a siaiciutuk u. iu t They have been unfurled from the r-iiowa of Canada to 3 0f (Jj, National Treasury. IS cnCOUr IheplalniofNewOrleana.andtolhehalU of thoMon- I'O"3 ul i,a"u"'" J mutual, and amid the aoliludea of every sea! and eve- -n.l onlisfnetorv. Ho CIVCS US tllC .... ....... nr rn.Ulla. .n h.nfR. ' ''"h O I . . .1 cent "owe-, they nave ici the i-rave and the free to vie- EratifvinR assurance that tho expenditures that tho Government must employ all tno ( f u b jj not j0S3 i. .im.l... li hm been mv fortune to look upon b'""'J' o . r I . ..... ., ... 1 r I thi. fla. m foreign land, and mn.d the gloom of an ori. Oftho Government, great as they neccssa- instrumentalities wmiin us mmmauu iui w:t, ,i,0 u.most economy, than SGO,O0O, rily are by reason of tho war, arc not bo-1 tho purpose of crushing rebellion, and that 0Q0 and W(J fin(1 th(J ncccsjary cx ratlon.f Ifthl.banner.lhee ' . , , , . . remlcr powerful assistance, ' ; , Tho Dlfforonco botweou Black and WMto. although accompanied by evidence that hit icaicr3 jn Congress go much farther than views are not the views of tho Administra- anit demand that all tho slaves bo tion, ( emancipated, the. Oovcrnmcnt affording As thu arguments of tho emancipation rcasoUublo compensation to, loyal owners ists aro summod up in this discarded por- ror t,e osa 0f their property. Wo tup tion of the report, it is worth while to givo poso tuat tucre aro foW persons who stop them a moments attCMtiou. Wo aro satis tQ rcgcct upon the impractiuility of Ibis fled thatthoy will not stand tlio test of can I un,icrtakinc from its very macnitudc. If did examination. Let us look at' the whole ' tJj.g war jast anoti,cr yoar, at tho existing subject in tho light of expediency, ignor . , c:tncnditurc. the total war debt of iug for the time tho greater question of lJjo UnUed gtatM cannot bo mucl, Bl,0rt Coustitutional power. The object of this , of g, 000 000 000 tll0 anm!l interest on war is admitted on all smcs to uo tno ro , . cen, wouW nmouut .i rt. nil.- 1 ' storauon oi iue uniuu. """"r to S1U5,000,000. Add to this tho ordi- tioniats, starting from this premise, arguo cxt)CU8es 0f Government after there- 1 tho i , ..,, t t. i traniporllnt In human hope, is to be sacrificed on the y0ri altari of a Satanic ambition, and thus di.appear forever amid tho nljht and tempest of revolution, then will I 'J rAaiHn.i uhR.hnlt Bitiiuite the ioo atton ol inat leei' Ingf-thatlho aun has Ind.-cd been stricken from the are .,vnrn,i,lk.... ami that henceforth we shall be but wanderers anil oatcasts, with nought but tlio bread of tanCO. sorrow and of penury for our lips, ana wun nanus ever outstreched In feebleness and supplication, on which In I cam it crar. Tho Freedom of tho Proas. Sprcch. It is but a few months sinco. says tho The lltpublicniie in tin Fr Our eravo Senotom and llepfcscntativcs, TCnTthumbaland Democrat, that a number paicn, say, tho Nnrthumb rhm says tho Patriot tj- Union, at Washington, Dem0crntio papers through tho country wcro loud in tbeir profissionnif mstulning aro very mucn cxerciscu auuu. uurmiuuui cr0 st0ppcd j,y ti,0 nrbitrary commanu tno " rreedom Ot tno press,' tlio "ircerjoin ored persons confined in tho jail at Wash 1 0f 0 Government or ruthlessly destroyed of speech" and "freedom" but no sooner ington, and a great deal of indignant sym jn tnomcnts of passion and excitement by had they got tho power into their bands pathy is lavished upon these injured vie arn,0d mobs. Several of theso aro even than tho very men that used to stand a- tims of barbarous laws. Tho House of Junnrcs3cd by tlio despotic edict of tho rourifl street corners and rottlo off their Representatives have instructed tho Com- nartv iu power. Tho Editors of somo aro stereotyped lingo about "frco spcoch" and mittoo on tho District of Columbia to in- inearcorated as political prisoners in tho "free press" commenced a reign of terror quiro into tho matter, and what legislation Amcricari 13astilo, their crimo being tho and denied to others the very thing that is noecssary to relievo them from impris- . f j tt to tvm. ana spcak th0y had been clamoring about, though it onmont, and prevent persons from being for tbcmSflve3) and the advocacy of con. had never been denied to thorn. Thoy similarly imprisonod hereafter. Perhaps , doraocra tio fcntimcnts upon the ' called it treason to utter any sentiment it is right that theso imprisoned negroes cyo of an clccljon tuat was eought to bo contrary ip Black Kcpublicanism, and should be liberated, and, perhaps tho laws ; i b terrorism and such acts of nb ' went in for suppressing, banging, mob- Isoluto despotism as might result to ft bing and robbing everybody that dared to cro.wned head of Europe in the loss of his ' exercise the constitutional right of tbink ' tiirnn. Tlinan men mro imnrisoned for 1 inc or speakinc for themselves. Tho no crime, but upon mcro rumor without' shameless instigators of disorder that wo trial, hearing, or oven tho formality of an ore not now iu all tho horrors of anarchy authentic charge ; generally to gratify tho and local revolution is no fault of theirs, maligncnt cowardly 'spleen of somo John Wo are no advoeato of radicalism and Iliolcinnn or Mack Henubliean BDolozv of dislike to deal in harsh expressions, but under which they aro committed aro all wrong. Hut while Congress bad this sub ject of false imprisonment under consider-! ation, we wonder it dm not occur to some of the Salons that quito a largo number of whito men are now imprisoned in Port ' Warren without authority of law. Would it not be well for somo Congressional committee to consider their cases and pro vido moans for cither bringing them to , men who seek to suppress tho freedom of anv hour, n military tyrant may rivet tno fellers or a despairing bondage. May Cod in i his infinite mercy save Jou and tuc, and toe lanu we so mucn love, iiuiu mi? oomofaucha detradotion." Jostph licit. "Flag of the free heart' only home I By angel-hands to valor given Thy stan have lit tho welkin dome. And all thy hues wero born In heaven. Forever float that standard sheet t Where breathes the foe, but falls before us. With Freedom's soil beneath ourleet, And Freedom's banner streaming o'er us 1" j- Mr. Joseph Liixby, has present ed us with a Gobler for Christmas. Tho recommendations of tho Message their services should bo accepted. Thoy nnnua,,Vi with the return of neither numerous or of gravo tmpor- go even turtucr umu tuw, um. ,,. niodcrato decree of prosperity wo could Tho majority of them will bo gen- our camps euau uo niauo tuyiuuu .m ufi. , Qot cspc(,t ft ,.eveDue of moro ihaQ S05). , live .laves anu tuat uiey siiaii uo 1 000 ,,00 from customs-50 that at clothed, employed and protected by the ,,.,, t, , Government. Now as one of tho means , ; conviction ana puu.s iment uy no courts. s0 mauy branling declamations. Thopeo- , , liiiciiuw u. mj D... plo will however bear it in mind and like GlraSOa'S hould Congress enter upon a sys- , , aud UQt k t . cimCucluCDt witi,out . .,,., f ,,, A,,a nr u,cason s crally approved. The expediency of somo will be questioned as, for example, that relativo to tho recognition of the indepen dence and sovereignty of the negro gov ernment of Hayti aud Liberia. The reason which tho President gives for not filling tho vacancies on the Supremo r'.icml v ilirppr. filvutinu to tuc aiiuiumeiii. ut iriu cuu,ib la jjus?iulu t q. tuat a certain number or luguivo slaves may be used to great advantage by our armies in Over theso acts the Republican press ' sueccli to tear down printing presses trial and punishment, or to liberate them , gonoraiiy were exceedingly jubilant, their to band themselves together, and by bruto at once? Mo't of those men wore arrested r( of torror socme& to have commenced force, in dofianco of all law, to strike down in loyal Statco whero the administration and the infernal spirit thatanimated them, the natural and constitutional rights of of justice is uuobstructed, and where they thoy hopcd would bo ertended ; their co ' the people-to burn down and destroy could bo fairly and impartially tried. temporarie3 destroyed, and themselves their proporty, and to frighten them into' Ono or two things must bo true cither , aloU(l rcUi1 t,1(J pQWCr of j hcard to. siiCDeo and a tame nonenity, are neither that they wcro arrested without sufficient for(j th(j pJo rcsp4ulors of if0) iibcrty nor eommon evidence of cuilt, or that tho evidence i ., .. .iiif.. ' rs -ri,n :.i,.n.ii. ml n.itiWa ! npaiust ihcm is sufficient to secure iheir , ....... i' r.t . .1 i.! . t o antl -'ireetlOin Over WHICH lUUV liuu uiauu Ullll uiuat uaucuuin mm iwiuihui; aiur DC . i . i... it.- rf . . I a Illustrated Lltcrtry Com-' pauiun. i r .1.1 i- ..i. T:i..n. .tn i.,.n ... . i i .. .i . ... iscu to great auvau;agc uy our . , , , ,. v.,i ... ,, r quacKcry oi giu jujui muro n mi. imui . ( m9 Ya uauio iiuerary iii'CKiy win ilighteningthclaborofthesoidiers TlloM commence a new volume January Isf, 18011 ,u,i, n,l P. ' ,lie Government would be gteator tlun it nion Congress would ling with denuncia- . , ... t,'i; . Ill gtuuu niiu it ui-n ubttutii nn tern of general emancipation with compcu- warruut of .IW or dismissed upon taking ' j indicate a desire to treat tue bouiu " . - . ' L , War estimates the lowest value ot ware uncontroUable spasms of indignation, if the opportunity wero prejemuu. 1 - A considerable portion of tho Message ( employ lio ,lrnT, ,,r, vcitli Hip. subiect of the War ; ters, so t.n ln,l in snr, that the Prosi- But it is clear that tho moment they uuu ..v.w a .1.1". 1 . . 1 "the integrity rceeiveu iu sucu uuiuuera as iu ucuumu a C.n n fiunn I tftii T..i.v Eii't (111. w ,MMnnrt n t in Snil hnrll t.1fl4 !lt fclUll.-'. . ...1. . 1 !. V...I .: v....v.. v.. mentoftheslavcsof disloyal mas, Z.UZ ono fourth "V?"",, the venerable ex far as they arc actually useful. ' '. . . . non , ui'i- ; r ; V. . Rreo, in open Court, at Charleston, i' " , what becomes oi mem. it is reiatcu q. r . .. , ,, nnnnIn Tlie denunciation of the Confederate typo and dross throughout. The Compan I'utnot and ion is au elegant, moral and refined mis- -Judge Pcti- cellaneous Family Journal, Ita columns S C , 1 are entirely devoted to Polito Literalurn, r-.r... l,i ! il. UAfo. .li.nt'nllv declares nr, jonri, iu iuo lust issuu ui tuv ,w .u. j - .... i i t in.," croes in. "flatfootod" for "arming of the Union" to be "the primary objeet positive burden and nuisance, and a bin- ' - . . . .11 chin tho negroes." jSSr Court commences in Danville, upon Monday next, the 10th of December. Hon. Alcx'u. Jordan, President Judge elect, will then enter upon bis ten year of the contest on our part." With regard to tho slaves employed in the rebel ser vice, who have been liberated under tho Act of Congress of Ausust 0, 1 B01 , entitled "Au Act to Confiscate Property used for Insurrectionary Purposes," the President says that numbers of them are already Court will commence in Laporte, upon dependent on tho Government, and must Tuesday the 31st of December. Hon. A. i be proviucu lor in bo ut- ..a, Ho docs not adopt Secretary Cameron's mischiev ous idea of arming these liberated slaves, and placing them upon an equal footing with tho bravo whito citizens who have volunteered so generously and nobly in ' f .1.. TT.. . I.,., in ft fftl ... i 'thfl Bftrvice oi iuc uuiuu, lu iu S&" iue uramora iieporur, an insipiu , - . .. . , . . , t is ni i more prudent and conservative spirit, no and ttnnid Rcnublican Ulack concern, is P'uut"v " . . . A- . . K. Peckuam, our newly appointed Presi dent Judge, will then enter upon his of ficial duties extending up to next Decern Ut. uerauuu iu iuu uiuvuiuuma ui fciiu uiluj, they should not bo accepted or encour aged, llemomber that tho ground on which tho emancipationists put their ar gument, is that of " military necessity " the absolute advantage that the slaves may bo to the operations of the army. If it can be shown that the slaves would bo an actual disadvantage and a clog to mili tary operations against their masters, tho argument falls to tho ground. Tho Btsaufort district of South Carolina contains somo 32,000 slaves- Our army king one-halt of this amount as represent i q Ponnel. the crcat Irish Stag ing tho property of loyal masters, and the m&B) tIje British Parlimcnt was agi Government woul become liablo for tho 1 utcJ ,ho ncgr0 quuSti on, after he payment of SSDOjOOO.OOO.and an cxpendi- ' ,.ad md. ,nany unavaiiing attempts to turc of an-equal sum would bo required to bring tbo oonditi0n of Ireland to tho atton purchase territory for colonization and 't;on of t House, that his patiouco becom means of trausportation. Put estimating 1 -ln cxhausted ho bitterly exclaimed Oh, the total cost at not more than 500,000,- 'jftuo irisu wcro only black men some 600, that sum at seven per cent, interest alt ent;on woud be paid to their woes. If would increase the amout ta bo raised an-1 ,.. vor,i,ern Inc in Vatt Warren wero published in Towanda, by a black-guard, Irocommcnds their colonization in some I nually by direct taxation to S135,OOJ,000. Pennsylvania, which contains about one tenth of the population and wealth of tho Union, would be compelled to pay over 513,000,000 annually, lu tho shape of di rect taxes, to the General Government, in addition to what she pays indirectly on du ties on imports, and in addition also to taxes for the support of tho State Govern- only black men, Congress would soon learn why thoy wero arrested and inearce retcd without warrant of law, and why tho guilty are not punished and tho iunocenl liberated. Wit and II imor, Prose and Pojtio Gems. An unrivalled corpi of writers and artists havo been engaged for tho coming year, and several new and popular features will He denied tlio power of tho Confederate States to sot up such an ''inquisition," and said tho proceedings of the confiscation act were precisely like those of tho English Star bo introduced. Each number wilt bo Chamber. With regard to tho apparently j beautifully illustrated. In size tho Liter required violation of professional confidence ( ary Companion is some fifteen hundred in compelling compulsory auswors to in- isquaro inches, forming a mammoth weekly tcrrogatorics, ho said ho must ho better of sixteen octavo pages, and containing in-tructcd before making up his mind as nearly twice as much reading matter and lo his duty, for, said ho, "there aro cases of a more refined character than any other when it is cither dishonor or death; and weekly paper. Terms, 1 subscriber, 82; death wHl certainly be chosen by every , 8 do., ?l'i, and one gratis. Sample cop- man who dojerves the name." These arc ics sent irco. 1'ublishcd weekly by t. the kind of men the proper prosecution of'Glcason, corner of Trcmont and llromfiold A !l f nnnHiitliril M im fl 1 1"1 . if i j ,i r yi nnn,i loreisu wriiwrv ui vwuhwi - mi i vi 'bo acquired for tho purpose which, as rich. The "recreant son of a noble sire, , Jt-q""- ' . J , , . .i i i r n- i 'restoration to their master is a present . has fallen so low m the slough of political , restur,l;7" ' , ,.r , J , , .. rl e .1 impossibility, is tho next nest thing thati apostaey, as to beeomo quito unfit for the , iiupu"'""". i association of gentlemen. Vto have, ac cordingly, stricken the dirty thing from the exchange list of the "Columbia Democrat." The Rebel Capitol, It is now re ported that Richmond is still the rebel Capitol, though how long it will remain so Is utioertain. The report of a voto to rc movo it to Nashvillo, which come from re bel sources, may bo explained, by tlio fact that tho rebel Congress sits with closed doors, so that the world outside is some times wholly in tho dark as to its action, and tbo rebels themselves arc often deceived, can be done with them. I The President inspires us with confi i denco in his intentions, by saying that"in considering tho policy to be adopted for suppressing the insurrection," he has "been nrmrms and carelul mat tue inevuauiu at mat point consists oi auout iu,uuu iiiuu. . k..,. t'n,,r,i, itro-imrnt c on nnn i i ii i i addition to what she pays indirectly on du- TUC fclglllJ-l Olirill Itcgiuicill oupposo lucse o-;.uuu &i.ivt;a auuuiu uuouii, . . , . , . . , . , . . , V , , . tics on imports, and in addition also to xi, fin0 Refrimcut arrived in Harris their matters and seek protection in our , . nl,m(jt,ft,.f!,w. , i. , .,-.1. r v w ,,wnl. camp, what poWiblo advantage would they ment and the'pnyiuont of intcra.t on tho niod bv a poHion oftho regiment of Col ne to tno army ! it woum Keep tue sot- , , , - diers, who went to South Carolina to fight . , do,Iar Mnt y,cw of tue wnue reueis, uusy in, pro- , , , ,. . , ... ... of tho General Government to fulfill any pledge it may mako to compensate loyal masters for the loss of their slave property. People will begiu to ask why they bhould be taxed to pay for what they receive no ' equivalent, and what contributed to the tccting and providing for tho necessities of 1 those negroes and instead of fighting for tho Union, they would find themselves em ployed as overseers over a large gang of contraband chattels. What could they do with them ? " Arm them," say tho cman- j cipationists, "and mako them fight against Union Soldiers in Service. The following table shows the number of men now in tho service of tho government and battling for the preservation of tho Union, the integrity of tho country and for the preservation of tho old Stars and Stripes against sedition, treason, insurrection and rebellion. Tho figures are taken from the official reports : Volunteers 010,037 Regulars 20,331 Samen and Marines 22,000 Total 082,071 tionarv struzcle." Ho Jacksonian declaration that " The must he preserved'' "and hence all in dispensible means must bo employed." But, ho adds, with a cautious prudence, j and an evident consciousness ot tno weighty responsibilities that' rest upon him T " Wo shall not bo in baste to do termine that radical and extreme measures, which may reach tilt luteal as uell as the iliiloyal, are indUpcnsible.1' Upon the whole, tho Message is deci dedly conservative in its tone. Hut there is too much cause for fear that its moder ate counsels will not prevail in the Cabi net, or with tho Republicans in Congress. Already wo see on the part of tho majority in that body, evidences of a haste and nn Curtis, both from Camp Grossman. They slept in the depot, and about !) o'clock on Thursday morning they took up tho line of march for Camp Curtin, where they.are now quartered in excellent Sibley tents,on the ground lately occupied by the Eleventh regiment. They will bd furnished with arms and overcoats, when thoy will move forward. Tho following aro the Celd,itafT wealth and prosperity of the country. 1 and i;no officers : While this policy of emancipation would ( AND STAFF OFFICERS, depopulate aud impoverish.thc South, and i Colonel W. G. Murray, Rlair. nlli0, 'ing time upon a rabble of semi-barbarians, I ""1 " r r "V'f", "eutcnant uoionoi-i. v. .uacuowcu union, o r i mnnlrl at tho samo tnuo be a reliunuisn n i.: when there is no limit to tho number ",. L . ... "'"l1"'"' mcni uy mo uoverumeui ui an iiuyunuui Major Walter iiarrctt, ulcarnclu. object of taxation. The Constitution gives Surgeon G. F. Hoop, Centre. to tho slave States tho threo-fifths slavo Assistant Surgeon Rodlick, Alio- representation in Congres upon condition cheny. that in imposing direct taxes, slavo prop- Chaplain Dr. MoLeod, Clearfield. Drum Major Foster Wcighman. Quarter Master's Sergeant George II. I conflio for this purpose shall not degener- their "masters." Hut men mut bo drilled j I ate into a violent and remorseless revolu- disciplined before they are fit for sol reiterates the a'c"i anu wual woum uc 6alllu u "J wa!"- whito men ready to volunteer and fight the battles of tho Union ! The Secretary of War tells us that 040,000 men havo ' boon accepted for tho war, and that bo has no doubt that this force would havo' . I ... ..i.ii i i.i i :i i..i ..i.. , .. . . ... i i . ii city ajiuil uu laiyu ui. iui wtmai ruiuui been swelled to a million, had not tho, . . . ii J,n ,-hVl"lc slavery remains in tho South, it is nn nhlrttiT rti Tivntiftn onrl nniilrl hft ninilO llinirtw , and yot in tho face of this fact he talks -j--- - - about tho "military necessity'1 of accepting the war will briirg to light throughout the South, as our forces advance. Let the objects of the Government be tho restora tion oftho Union, aud tho Constitution, and tlie enforcement of tho laws, and we shall find lcyal men fearless patriot's, in every section of the nation. Rut make it a war for unconstitutional purposes for slavery emancipation instead of a restora tion of the UnioK mid tho divMou be i twecn the iNorth and tho South is ettrnal, and the end oftho war beyond the exist- j enco of the present generation. Kiich State must be left to decide its domestic institutions agreeably to tho guarantees of the national compact or we shall knjw peace no more auarehy will doom our fair land to desolation, and ruin conclude our history. Tho Mischiof Still Brewing. The Journal of Commerco,ot Now York has been taking tho Tribuno to account for publishing the suppressed portion of Secretary Cameron's report, with respect streets, Boston, Mass. Special Notices. of tho services of a parcel of ignorant run away negroes ! It strikes us as an imp u tation upon the courago of every white man iu the army, and of tho thousands of white men ready to offer their services to the Government to tell them that they aro inxnmnAiil tnmIntfttn tlioir rtaliM TV til mpatiencc to resort to cxtrcmo measures ' t a , 1 ..i o. . i-.ftft , Ai!i;i,rv out the assutanco of negro slaves, which neither State exigency or .Military , ... , , , . . ,i ..., Wo believe common sense will teach any nnftAcoit., ,tftmft?i(ia. .1 ti f 1 wliiph. tlierciore. I . , tl.ft t fti.r nriiitne nni rnnvrtrrprl inl.n defray the expenses oftho war but if tho Government undertakes to carry out a general system of emancipation, it would sweep away at ono blow somo two billions of taxable property, and to that extent de stroy its own resources. The only scnsihlo, rational and econom ical manner of dealing with this question is to have it iust where tho constitution left it to the control of tho individual loney. States. I'he moment tho general Govern- company Scargcant J. Russel Commissary's Wingato. Color Seargeant Fred Stokes. Hospital Steward Fred Barret. LINE OFFICERS. i n, . . n . 'moiiv ot tho vjauiuct a Company A, Blair county-Captam j dbturbcd Ilarroll, Lieutenauts Demo and llccm. t;on wouW probably have gono quietly on, Company B, Blair county Captain obeying tho po icy of their chief. This Gallohor, Lieutenants Walsh and Ma 1 vexed question of the treatment of slaves might havo been conaiucreu set at rest oy the unanimity of tho President and his ad- to tho slave business. The Journal of Commcrco says: "But for this remarkable breach of con fidence, the public would not bo informed of what might be, if not published, au un important affair iu Cabinet councils. Ru mors of the disagreement might have como but particulars being uuknown, tho liar- oftho Uauiuct anu JL'rcsiucnt woum The Administra- pASHIONABLE OLOTllIN'J rna FALL. The rMcstablislied WHIT''. HAM. CLOTHING ISAZAAll, at the siiulllttf.t mrnr of rOI'ltTII AMI MAHKET BTUlXTH. Is now prepared wild a I'lILt. STOCK 1)1' r.M?lll(IN'AIILB IM'.AUV MAUB ci.oTinsc. rou and winter wear at prices wliicli tliallclisc rnuiptition. I'nrtlcular ittcntion (,'iien to L'u.tomor Work, Officers ruiforiiH, also Home fiuanls' Suits, &c. WHITE HALL UI.OTIIIXd BAZAAR. Southwest cornerof rourmi amu maiiket hthkuts. l'ETEn 8. LEVICK, I'roprietor. Nov. HI. KOr. (May 1, ItSiil-lJiu ) C, Blair county Captain can be productive of no good end. Xac, th;" cannot nicnt meddles with embarks Crissman, Lietenants Morrow and Kep- ,a" r. . ..i ? ,u' i cftft f ,liff-n,,lt;n0 . oiwl nnt'i!n. hart. fReciincntal Quarter Master.) n..ft TT.,.., n,!)TnaTt ta l,n ' ODerato with Euccess aaain6t tho enemy : ' upon a sea of difficulties j and not'iing i ,i,fti .1,1 nMnnoi9 who aro held iu an,J tIiat. tb? 0DJy. T110 Pl.a.n '3 for tbe "llit0 ,' illustrates the wisdom of the framcrs lavi-u m. , ., ,- ..... rnoord la New Yoau Election. Tho municipal election in tho city of New York, on Tues day last resulted in favor of Gcorgo Op dyKo, tbo uepubiican canu.uate, o, a V ; I csr Mr. Charles Sumner finds it dim rainy ot 71 votes. mo """';'" ...J.. cult to sneak of the sensible order of Gen. cording to their usual foolish V VuuZ were divided into two factions, one of which mgly lenient with them. Ihey have been fa o (tho Mozart faction) supported Fernando allowed to receive w atever .them, Jl',,, Wood, tho present Mayor, and the other ! ana have V': bonds it is not expected of him and ,i rn . n !... Liiinir. uuu uriicius ui iu.-uvi v - lino j. a mm anv iaciiou. u. uuunv uuu- o w ' ' " close confinement at tho South, to answer t,10 negroC!5) leaving Ihem to takocaro of tbo fate ot the privateers, aro not permit themselves as ordered by uenerai naiioci:, ted to receive money from their friends. j This is worse treatment than tno privateers have. The Government has been cxccca The voto stood 'as follows :-For ' charitable persons in New York, thcr. (Jpdyke, 25,581 ; Gunther, 21,813, Wood, 21,17J. moreovor ho could not do it if ho wcro to of tho Constitution in reserving to each State the exclusive power over it3 own do mestic coDceius, tlun this fact. visers ; and the union of northern views and feelings in tho war would have been complete.' The Tribuno tries to get out of the scrapo by throwing, as usual, tho blame nn .La ITnrfiLl itut tliiQ tnnt lin nrtnna couutics-Captain Mites. Lieutenants Bry. ! ,o ovcrybo(ly neither tbo Tribuuo or UU UUU sUlUU A GAUD TO THE LADIES Dr. DiipoiMo's Gulden Tills for Females. Infallible in corrtcllngt rrgulating and removinf all 6 $ tructiont, front trkattvtr tautt, and airayi $ufetisfut as a preventive. The Conililiitttlnn of ingredient in Vt- Punonco'i Golden I'l'ls nrc ptTfuctly harmIeH. Tliey have Imen uaed in tho private practice of old Dr. Duponco forocr thirty years, nut) tliousamli of ladten can tsjitify M their firat and never failing eucrcn in almoit every cane, in rorrvcting irrcgulanticn, relicviiiR painful and diatrc!tiiug nu'iitruatiuii. particularly at the change of life. From five to ten pills will cure that common et dreadful complaint, th Whiten. Nearly ctery femaln in the land sulTor fruin ttiii complaint. The above pill has permanently cured thoimamii, and will cure you if you use them. They cannot harm you, on tlio eontrnry they rtmovi a I obstruction, restore nature to its prop crehaunel, and invigoratu the hole ijilm. Kadus wlioso allhiMtl not permit an increase, of Family, mil find theso pills a successful preventive. These Tills vhould not he taken during the first threa mouths of pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on mis carriage ; but at any other time they are safe. I' rice, 91 per box. Hold, hoh-salc and retail, by O M. UAGENItUCH, itruggiit. Bote agent for Ulunmsburg, Vi. To wlinm all orders mint be cent. Ladies I by send ing llim ?).OD to th Itloonishtirg I'ojt.O.ficc, ran hne these pills sent to any ptrtt of tho country, (conlldcntisl lyjnnd "free of I'oftae" by mail. Sold also by N. h. Itank St Co. Danville, U. J. Kry, Tamaqua, J. A, I'oU, Mauch tBtik, nud by "una Druggiit m every Town anJ citv in the United Plates. N. ii. Look out for counirra-ilJ. uuy nououen run of and kind, unless every box is signed S. D. Howe, Alt others arc a basu impoiition and unsafe, therefore, as hart. (Hecimcntal Quarter Master.) Company D, Columbia county Captain Frick, Licutenlints Eut and Craig. Company E, Daupmu and Lycoming Judge Woodwaiid. Hon. Warren J, Woodward, President Judge elect of this District, was formally invested with tho authority of his office on Monday last. The prescribed oath was aduiiuibtcrcd to the Herald could have published tho sup pressed portio , if it had not been written by the Secretary of War. A Blow in the IUoiit Place. The There are no restrictions in that respect on their comfort. If the Confedorato au thorities purpose making the treatment Dawson's lVecklv Times and Union, ' 7., " , , Ti, Z. I wun tno nesi jiyneuuurg ui ivmuimtui Wo weleomo to our exchango, tlio abovo , &nd Moyf t,icm wi,atovcr luxuries their named excellent couscrvativo opposition 1 f ! a Soutll op Vor.ij.mBv SCnd tbom. IVayno, Indi ........ t journal, published at Fort ana. Hon. John W. Daweox, its lato It is staled that Gen. Fremont left St. nience of his camp. tho 1 f . t... i i r -n ,i nt i- T trv. Uo 13 alwavs without tue bounds ot ..'.. ' .. . reason and common sense, and it is use less for him to make tho effort to get with in. Tho publio expect him to remain whero ho is. Gen. Ilallcck is fighting a gainst rebellion aud has very sensibly de termined not to act as wetnurse for all tho ' looso negroes who desire to mako a convc Company V, Lycoming county Cap tain Flack, Lieutenants opp Feterman. Company G, Cameron county Captain Houster, Lieutenant Ingram. n i, .ii y . ' news which wo published yesterday morn- tics Captain Devathbcrno, Lieutenant . , . , , ., . Ma D well rCfic,vc" 'ro,n reDC' sources, that Koiinr. Wsn. Tfnn. P.Mr T). Rtlizftl.i r, t r.--n.n -n,.i. ' I'arson tJrowni.w at tno ncau ot tnrco ...... . , D. . . company i, ijicnruciu auu jmir vjap. , , . , one of tho Associate Judges, was also ' tain Kirb LicutorlaDt n00pCr. I thousand Umou troops had met and com- cwnrn in nf.tlie cntnn time. .Tnfl ,m Holmll i , , , r,,, .... 1 plctelv routed tho rebels at Morriitown. in """ - - o- uomnanv is., vjiearuciu, k anu uau . . i ."-",'--,.:.'.: . -;.Vi.i :. .i hi nannsi. i i m - i .i .i i. .1. . ' " . ' ' I.fisf "flnnmcn. ir t lin innsf rnpniir.nrinfT I " ""er. i i ..u inui, i..1""""1" " nasbincoiatcn his omciai iiaui ior uiu i. n nta n Ofilen. T. entenants Vo k ' a-o ou aluo your lives and health, (to s:iy nothing ef bo iichuiuhuKEi'd out of your money,) buy only of llina who shovvilia si, nature of H, U. Ilowe on every bi t inch has recently btienatldcu, on account of a rectal rountcrfotofthe rills. Dec. 55, IPCO-ly. 9. I) IIOIVB. Solo I'roprietor, Now Vork. C7-THOMAS W. MATTSOM, Received the True Medal nt Iho U'orld's Fair ill London 1831, forTRUNhJ CAIU'CT UACS, Hoots, shoes and Gums. Urcat induce meats are now otf,'red to uurchuscrs of the above aril cles. This is much the lareest stocK of trunks, Larpel Uaes, Valices.ic. in l'lnlndeliihia very cheap So. I'li Market street, one door aboe 4th, South ila' Unlformlly of Pricost-A New Featuro In Iluslnes' K cry one his own Balcsraanl JONKS Si LO. of UU CrasentOne 1'riM Clolhliu Store, No. Si.0. Market ilftt abovo Siilli. 1'hilade'phia. . Inadditiunto having tha largest, most varied Hi fahionable stock of Clothing in Philadelphia, ma " pressly for retail .ales., have coiuilluted every ono r.n !.!.... -il nn t... I.n..l.,n ,rk,l 1 finPa. nn fSClI SI' tide at tlio'vcry loet price it can he sold for so wi ,.nnnl ima.lhlv vnrV -nil IllUlt buV alike. iue goous are weir spunguu uuu inviiuiru, and f" pains taken with the making so that all can buy '?'"" full utouraute of getting a good article at Iho '"'!, est price. AUo, u lorgo stock of picco goods pu " H,L,.. .1.1,. ,,,,,1 .ii.nllllj. nhidi vUll boil"" 1 i,.n;nn oonntsiil iho annointment Louis in violation of orders, Ho was di- of Governor of Utah, and entered upon reeled to remain in that city to await tbo duties of his office, the Editorial con duct of the Times and Union, has de volved upon Messrs. Smith $ Campbell. TJba last named gentleman, is Isaac W, The Little Pilqium. Tho Decern- .llrpntions of the President. Fre- ber number ofthis most cxcollent child's mont has not resigned his commission as paper is recsivod, Tho Little Pilgrim ii public dinner was recently gin tains about 001) men, but will soon bo re new term of fivo years to which tho Asso ciat03 havo been chosen. Judge Woodward's first official duty in tins District, will be to preside at an Ar- fifteen drummers gument Court to be held ou Saturday The regiment is made up of good mate next, tho 14th inst. ria) aD(j wil con)paro favorably with any we ontervo uy an excuango paper mat, gcqt froJ, ,bo gtalCi At cscnt h Mn, ' ,P 7; event oftho war. Tho There is a Sn,all but effective brass band foram!,uJ Vd acved this attached to tho regiment, nnd a corpse of Important victory ,wero most probably res cr, , a i idenls of East Tcuncssco : and tho success uer ceiu., umuw crcuii iintcn. n,ti troops under the 1 .Z"""' l" c't"c''",, Ma jqnes i " Major General in tho United States army edited by Grace Greenwood, and is tho and is still subiect to the orders of his bu- best paper of tho kind published. It com Campbell, Esq., who learned the Art periors. It was said at mo timo oi uts re- mncs tno amusing anu mo momi wun mu and Mystery of Printiug in the office of . rnoval from tho command of tho Western instructive, Terms, 50 cents a year for if, "CnlumLia Democrat." and we are Department that he refused to accept a single copies. Send for a specimen num. "lf..rd io kjiowt tb&t by his own unaided guboidiuato command. Ho should cither ber, and read the splandid inducements to saiMisiMMMs- -Jl-Jr' "..j, vy...-4jio.ribftjttnfjujijclub3 for it. Address, Judge Woodward, by the Harof Wyomiog ' oruted tQ the full Btan(iar(1 of 10i8l county, at Lagrange House, lunklian nock, as a parting testimonial of their esteem for him as a citizen and Judge, Heading Gazette ij- Democrat, etS- Hon. . n, Wright, M. of C.,bs.s AftU. Ah. Moro New Blanks. Deeds, Summons, Executions, Scire Fa cias, State Warrants, Commitments, Capi TO CONSUMPTIVES TUB Advertiser, having heen restored lo h"1'1"",, "fen-week,, by a cry simple remedy, after h si IJJ .avcral years with a severe lung ill"1)?"' ofthis blow .truck at their oppressors .will j; no doubt encourage tho people of that ro- j JHa S' gion.alargo majority of whom aro at , liJn heart take au open and bold stand MiSS.. ou tho side of tho Union. Tho moment 'Xa iuoioju people ci me reuomoua otates noiu .. ... . yj;" Ka-0-Wlll !'' are ablo to givo the rebel armies work to , v. ctwAun a wiwov do at homo, it is clear that rebellion must rapidly approach its termination. Tho Nov. 4, 18Cl.-3m. ti'iiliaiusburch' Kings County, Ne EMPLOYMENT! AQi.NTU WAHTKDI ascs, School orders, Exemption, Judgment Federal Government should lose no time with Sinlo and Double Notoi. etc., just in sending a largo force to tho aid of theso we win psy from is in'parm"'.ni;l!i!;UCi nrintnd and for sale at the office of the gallant Union in East Tenncsseo. . "ntflVAudrss"taiitEsioMKuis, c?r' if, JASlliD. I.euerai .ssni, pliant v,v. Union. Aug, 11, 1M1.-I5m.