Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, December 07, 1861, Image 4
Stgrknlhuc, WILL AOHIOULTUUK PAY. Ti fV.... ttcntrl v i iiiftui) u ii u ii , own experience. Commenced life at SO ft month, and Uad hammered and pecked . cver.inco. Ho had . bard time of it, but managcu to get a living ana pay nu uouesi debts. Kun in debt for a farm, but bad been enabled to pay for it. Kept no ae count with the farm ; if be did, tbougbt would run him in debt. It ia "now worth M.OOO more than he bought it for fifteen John J. Thomas knew of eeveral cases of successful farming in bis neighborhood of young men vrbo without means had bought farms, improved them and paid for them. One remarkable caso was that of George N. Chase, who bought a farm of 150 adj08 at 850, six years ago. lie knew nothieg of farming, stated himself he could not tell wheat from barley, but commenced to learn tho work. Laid fifteen miles of drain, and had since been offered $100 per aero for his land'. Peter Ilodson, of Cayuga county , twelve years ago bought a farm of 100 acres at v ....-w .-..j i a ... 1..., -...111 ni nail paw lor H irom me lanu, nnu lam -1 i l.itloii nf Hi. rlriin nnd built tt SI .200 lllllOS Ol Hie Oram, anu OUUt a Ol5U" linrn Tlieso men tiursuod a mixed huS- ' (jam. meso meu pursutu iuiii.u uuj bandry raised corn, wheat, and sceilcil down to clover with barley or oats. Man ured well and turned under clover. Spe. cial nttention was given to tile draining. Mr. Fish, of Herkimer, thought the question was hardly oompvehunsive enough. The State of New York has improved in wealth, and agriculture is the basis of all prosperity. Success depends on two points the capacity of the soil and the capacity of the man. Solon llohison stated tho object of the questions to ascertain whether fanning is as profitable as other business whether it will pay the young man to keep al work on tho farm. A young man goes to New York, and if successful in getting into bus iness, may make twenty thousand a year, but after a few years, of success he turns out a baukrupt. The farmer, if hi) docs not live so fast, makes a comfortablo liv ing for his family and is in no danger of bankruptoy. Very few merchants, after being in business twenty years, are able te retire worth 850,000. TROTTING nORSES TOO YOUNG. It long had been our opinion that horse men are too much giving to putting tboir promising colts to their speed at too early an age. We havo known in our memory a number of splendid young horses which as wo think, were just about ruined by ' cuch blunders of their owners. i There can be no objection to commcn- j eimg the process of training at quite an arly age. Indeed the work of education I should begin while they arc sucking colln ; But as the dcvelopcmcnt, slrcncth, and ' i 1...1- JiOWCr Of endurance come on gradual., , ... ...f.' .1 .--t.,,,, n.:i .i.rt rarely attaining tueir maximum until tlie horso arrives at the age of pis or seven or even eight years, it would seem to be the teachln" of UUlloSOnb V and common Scn30 i , . " , , mai mo severe iriau oi spcau anu powci should not be imposed until the period of maturity. And yet nothing is more common, at most of our State and County Fairs, thau to see young colts of hardly three and four years put upon tho trotting course and whiped through to the very verge of their enduranoo. In our way of thinking, such practices arc not only unwise hut barba rous and inhuman. They aro no longer to be encouraged by the Wisconsi State Agricultural Society. TFi'icovstVi Farmer. HOME MADE BONE MANURE. A. F. G., of West Gardiner, Mo., writes to tho Amtriani Agriculturist that be makes a good bono manure thus : A kettlo holding a barrel or more, which is kept for boiliiig roots for stock, is filled with bones, and caustic lyo poured iu to cover them. A gcntlo fire is built for two or threo successive days, to barely warm tho liquor through. In a week the bones become soft and fine. Tht mass obtained from one barrel of bones is then mixed well with about three loads of muck, the leached ashes from which tho ley was ob tained being mixed with the heap. After lying a while for the muck to decompose, the fertilizer is ready for use, and produces good effects. If not the beat mode, this is certainly one easily practised on most farms, and it is far better than to let the bones go to waste. TO FREE SWINE FROM VERMIN. A writer in the Southern Planter says ; 41 If your hogs uro lou3y, go to their rub bing place, or what is better, take a rough twelve foot log to the feeding place, and kocp it constantly smeared with tar, No npjniel ever loved water better than a lou y hog loves tar, and he applies it himself, to tho most infested spots on his body, so effectually that (he lice tpcodily disappear. tSflt is thought a dangerous thing to board a wan of war, but we have known, avs rrontico, fifty eoldien, eaoh a man m vlr boarded tr a &?nrU UnAUr,l Vf S T 0 n B . 11 tVHOt.Ki.1LK M'D RETVJ't WATT A El ID SAP Tim nnaw.if neil letwrlfiiltr Informs the cltltcnt "f XT K i Blooms our, ana inn puimc in general, mm n nas pur I chased the .VH' ;ur SJDJiE. In the while frame stare (bonse, on Miin' Blrcct, neitly opposite the Exchange iiutidlngi, wnere n nat just reevtvea a ipicnuw m i rortment oi CITY HATS AND CAPS, I rilr.rl from h, ManufftCturte.. fif fill kinds. trltift. sort. andslics, latest fashions, which ho offers wholesale an J retail, alvcry low puces. .-TheieOooj. will be .old M very lowpriccs tor ncR:iy rny, . Dioom.bnrg, October 3?, isco. jGHMSiB ftGTftil tel ,,,,,, ,.,.. , . eler. will bu pleaaantly ronteyed to and from the re spective station, in aue time ... inc.. u: V"'"' ... Dloometiurg. July 7. I860- S I'OVE AND TIN-WAltK SHOP. , -pI!Eunderilened would inform lh cltizeni of ftVt I uioomiburg and kinily, that lie haJuit re Ull e veJ and oilers for naleoneof the moil eateiifive 'cSd: aiKortmenta of COOKING and FAN V HTOYLtf ever Introduced into Hilt market. The rbrlitophcr (,o timhui. Jatiin. nnhhnnd C.lDbG are among the first clan cookingStovpff.allofwhicliaroaifliglitandgaaburner nu rariur tinwt are iiamiiuine Bnuiniiviim.-ii tied. ALO-rortlcular aUciitloii U paid to Tin ware and House Hnnutlng, upon ihort notice. All Klndi or repairiug will bo done with neatneis ann nesiJicu. rrH I'nnnl.u nrM.1iii.n tfiVnn In ntrtintllTO ft)f Work. ' 1 riHUP B. MOYCR. lloomrburg.Oct, 3, 13CO MOOT AX1 SISOIiMAKlWK. I ritllE iinderslnneil, hating opened a new I'OOT AND I .1 Sllur. SHOP, on Main street, in llepk.a.ville. bust nioomsburg. respcrtrully invites tue 'usioiii ui in.-i..i- ..... Bn. ih. ntillr 0nirn1v. All kind, of BoOlS, BhoM &(, KU-be pj,,,, IlladC l0 trder, on short notice aid moderate terms. From long ripcriente in hu n orbllllni,M h0 ,al,ers lilmsclf that ho n 111 bo able to give general satisfaction to all who may favor . hm it"n ,,,,.,, 1 (COraln, Frovlilon anj Toducc generally taken in j exchange for work, B. F. UROOKH. tDotnburg, July , ie01-3m fit KICK! IS BUCK! I rplin underilyucd I. prepared to rupply lUick, of a 1 pond nuality.ut lair price, lie win nu iiium. Brick Yard oi l). I., M'Kimi), iienr McKtlW Purnaee. l'er.ona derirlnc tn nurthn.o wlliuowciito nrillin. britk tvlll be made and .rtil be told. J. II. KURMAN. .5mt. ey WCOnOnow on hand and ready for sale. Ulooauhurel'eti.P, lw.l-3ni. J. II. I. NEW JEWELRY STOKE. THR undersigned, respectfully Informs the eilliens-of Ulooiniburg, and tho public generally. Hint lie has es tablished anew More, on Jlalu Street. Illoonnburg, In Mrs. I.eacoch'8 Uuildlng, wheru he offers fur sale, on moderate terms, large asortment of lll.vtiai. .iiii.,ui.ib - - CLOCKS, WA TCUES .) JEWEL R Y, .ort. and size nnd description. Ilia ! itocl; .f Jew.lry ia compute, lnrluitlng every WvV variety of Ladles and Ocnllemeii's Vledallons, Chains, I.nrkcti, t',ren.tpln, FIngcr-rlngs, clc.,.MU43 to tlie examination uf which hn invitcsthc public genet- ""iT- Strict attention tivon to repnirilig Clocks, Watch es, and Jewelry, and ail work warranted. Bloomib Jrg, May 4, 181 If. rf , r i ?5 S. MOKGAJV BROW wholesale: and iil'tail BEDDING AND FEATHER WAKE HOUSE, Ho tS North Second Street, Opposite Christ Church, PJIJLA DELPHIA. fry Constantly on hand, a large assortment of flede, Mnttre..... raillasaes. Cushions, Hair, Husk, Cattail i and all articles in the lino at the Low est 1 rices, d all articles in the lino at the Low est l rices. , V. D -Particular clWltion pati to rlnccating .YtK an j March ii, lGl-12m. 1 m E BODUGG13R, Tl... n-nniteTfnl nrtirle. lust tiatented. ia sometning rallrsle ru-, and neter before oirerd to agmtr. who are wanted everywhere. Full patlliulais aent free Address PI1AW Sl CLAEK, BiddeforJ, Maine. March!), Htl-y. THE undersigned would most respectfully announce Dlhu citii"ns of illoomibum and vicinity, that sue hut received from the ea ttrn cities her fall and wivrEii H11M.1NEKY coons. all of which sha isiirenared to make up sxrf. I and sell at a very reasonably low figure.twjb I -f-p'.-V 11 ff a B"rii'' it( 1 1 gntiu f lire u (in if u perior in point of durability as well taglefulnet., , t-i any r,ured by her in lhi eectlon hiretnfire She re- 'turn(' thanks fur thrliberal pa nwagu. he lu.rai'eived. anu rcrpeilMiiy so'iciis a cvniiuiian.e ... uic s rne. ' ' maky uakkli'.y. . II ootn. inrp. (lrt. 1'.'. 101. F. 0. IIARHISON, M. D 170ULI) rerpcclfully Inform the citizens of Ulooms1 ' burg, and vicinity. that he corti tines the practice of nd solicits a sluiro of public patronage. umcs. on w oireei, ursi nou? dsiow inc ioun Home, Dlooniburg, February 3, JS53-if. 00. ME AND SETTLE. rpllGSU knowinc themselves indebted to the under J sipned aro hereby notified to come and utltl.) their accounts without further notice, I am now in earnest -If not attended to aonn their account will be plact-d in proper hands fr collection. J. E. SANDS. Bcpt.7, ieoi.-3t. John Fareira. 718 AHCII fctrei t, betw ecn 7th, and i-th. s'tnets. (Late eei8.1jrAe btrctt Philadelphia.) xroHTLR & M anotacti'rer or, nnd DkaIIK in tLLxiMiiPf TANCY FUltS, Tor Ladies Mtsst3 and Children's tctar. Having now manularturi'd and in rtoro my usual larce nnd beautiful as- X-fg. wOrtmeiU of all the criQU3 btyles and Bf qua.uie 01 1 urs. aaoptcn to me com n Ins Fall and Winter fccasons. 1 would respectfully initean eumiiiatikii of my stock and pri ces from those intending to purchase, a lam enabled to otter them very desirable in iurenu'iits. All my Furs have bten purchased for cah, and made by experienced and competent hands, nnd as tic present monetary troubles render it necessary that I should (lis pose of my goods at very Fiiiall advante oncost. I am oati tiled that it will be to the interests of those how design purchasing, to give mo a rail. Sy Recollect, the naum, number au I street. John Fareira, (New Fur eUore.) 713 Arth Street, Philadvlpbia. September 7, lofll-5ni. ATTORNEY AT LAW, BLOOMSDVHO, PA. OJice In Court Ally, formerly occupied by Cliatlcs R, iiuckaicw. Ploomsbure, Dec. 4. 1C5D, NATIONAL HOTEL, (Late White Swan,) JIACE STREET, AUOY.V TIIILD riiiLAniiLpniA. JOIIS IIOVEll, Proprietor. T, V. RIIOADB. hup I nor. 10, jBot. (March 3, l?l-l'2m.) JOLTNK k LKR, No. 46, NORTH WHARVES. riiilu.tclpl.ia. ItOI'E IIBAIililtis AND SHIP CU A ND L E II St Spun Cotton for Caulking, Ilopea, Twine, Tir, Pitch, Oakum, Ulocks, and Ujis, inc. August 4, IcCO-l'm. PltOTEOTION FltOM LIGHTNING. rpllli subscriber would iufurin Ills friends, tliat lit is J now prepared to put tip, ou sburt nonce, and in a .dentine manner, the tM,t rumNA roi.vTED iiaur.vtxa nous, at 11 ciuti per foot. All uork warranted. J!. U.IilULUMAK Blooniiburc, May SI, 1800. UK EVANS, 10,000 I'lIINTEU, A jj Card, per Hour! u f a,,UnU,,tl,l4, 1.1" I 1 - .us..,, li.rnvT, Cf- TU.SM -I I slk.1!" It I.1 ..llC6 TTVrw.ICMS.r-.l-.'.' T OS Pj.r-lWK-U-l, r I iaS'n,T.OUXlH.i"'. uww n...i..i ' " ' I .-nttt tt AM.i..rr.f fhi.mllknnnn and centrally loca ory with melancholy may b. cur ubyllk nitliur'i SCVV nnt aiticl. in It hit b.inueilally written for iti pait.ii cinypiriin inir mj..r, ni-j . j-fui- " " " 1 'TMIE Proprietor ortnii wen-Know n nnu cemrauy oco A!WI1 ..,.'. 5rnrTUi,Vr . " .. . - .. i.i.t. rmm ih i frv vitim uf mi uuiiuii h rji- in rfutlv su . '?Ll:,S,,JiI.?rSSlalMviA;,u 1 '.r.?''Z..t1".'''f' :h.f. .' "".. '" "li-r P " ""r t. required l brine II.. .ubj. tt uutu eurlri, ;to tl,e,n "'':''; yi'V.r,!'.! "'i'.'. " bin Couuir Court "?u".,ff;'"1 ''eT! I nm ,Jv., oriho r. .. lu. H tl. . uic.i ,! , .P, il.n. 1 Inl -..-ill.... I, Iron, ll. ofr.l r.norli : tin ln.l'-.l Ii u th Ir clluncy Invar rfv-.l. that it n. . ana in puu.k m l'h,.j,a.i. mi.l EH!..n. In i urbpunuu IL.-1 ,,..,.i,ir.ii ... . k. n mc with the Hu.t .enre ly IJ limn inlr..iul..u l lulio niitnnit. It . dor for the re llm.rttl lau Hum.. It ...ul.r . ...r. , ,1, li .t r, ,1 . .. II r . Ul.i.lo tl.'.tjnit ik'tv. qunlnf.l will i th bjuulifnl .lluiu.hlcnl irlnc.PU. ."""".in,, I'tr.iAxai for 1 1. "HI now nnve Hie lull heiu It orinj innny ivr.iv ... n, rn.'! ' ait .. i fli.nK nrtho Uind, but piniiiN 111.7 ..u. i.m.rii., mm .,..,. .pared no eiene In preparing III. Lin ao.. 10 " e ,.Fr,,,Ar,0nSIIK,,i.,lt.. hi.h w .re .ntbl'd I. ,,,.,. . . . 11. . rit. If. thev comenuently net. JM4 DH. LAOUOIX'3 rRIVATfi MCMCAL TREATI8B ON TUB riosJolngtcal View of Marriage. SM rAClfe AND 130 ENUItAVlNUS.-rrtce nnly TwcrrY-nvit I eh Til. Bt-nt free ufiiotiiuti to nil pan uf tbo Union, On tiio infirmities uf youth and maturity, dipcloilnft ttis iccrtt rottK'of built sfics uf all ages. causing (Kbimy, t.crvnuMit st, depression oi spirits, palpitation uflna tirtir t, suicidal itnapi n ttipa, tniolun tary emission", Mtiilnnpi riefoctlva im-mory, Indlgcf J uon ana lasMinuo, rim tonjcssions inmiing micrtii o Uwiing Stkoet .V, a Wttgt Student, end a nun? Marrud UJy,$e,t. It ) a truthful a.hVer to the inarrkd and ihiw conteuiDlatlnB inatriaire, whoen- .....i . . m . t . tertain secret doubt n of their physical cotmilion, and wlw art LOQicloda of haliiK baxardfd tho h allli hap plnei. and privilege! to wlilih oery human bjing ii vr.titled. VOUNU MEN who are troubled with weakiifnii, gen craily caused by a bad hbit tu yuth, tie wtrttii f which are dizzlnea pu.n, furtCtitfalu pi, ion tlm a a a ringing in ttie eri, wuk vvt wuakn i f tit batk ami lower extr.'initiji, Ct-nfuilon of i a a. lu f mem tnfere n a I h. pltli... I proferiiunul I tuctl.i.y r Ifl. I Krjr.i . .Milt, . iLLn.-i.iie. n uu u .... .ur .iiruiii.iva the filicaey ol which has been tested in ihousundi of cnies. and never filed to eflcct ipeedy curei without any bad reiuJti,wlll use none but Dr-DcLaney's Female 1'erlodicaVrills. The only l'recatition n- cmary to on- , serve if, ladl' a should not take them if they have rea . ion to believe the arc in certain tituationt (the tmrtic-1 ulars of which wilLbe found on tin wrapper arrnmpa 11 ing each box.) though alwayi safe and healUtv. m Pftitlv vt nftrtivc nri thtv. t'rico 1 per box. They t an ba mailed to any part of we umien mate or anaua. lO TIIU LAUIE3-Wli.inoerta csnjideniiai ineuiaai ndtlier with regard toany of thoio intereiting com piauui to winciv tncir (ivnrau organizauon renuvri nm liaHu, are particularly Invited to coiipuU "TtiB "IIiactro Ualvaxic raoTECTtt k. 1'or married i a (I i c whose health will not admit. or who imvo none sire to increase their families, may be obtained as ubove it is a perfectly said preventive to eoncfpuou, nnu hdi been rxteusivcly used during the last 0 yean, i'ricc rduced to $10. The Sccrels uf Yoiiih Unveiled. A Statist on the Came of rrfmature a-.1 tot' emu teaming. Just published a loo thouing lhein$dou progress and prevalence among scAee. both mile and irM, atj, jlt rfc,i,, inchnie tht rMt yr0,rt of tht i!,i the ' flvm l,tty Matlua rrcriflo lire IJ crnl fcf- Altendnnce dallj, fiom inthe morning till II al nlelit, and on Him.lnya Iron Btlll 5p M. j emote y hum jaivi nauii, pointing out me juiumg mat ,Mejifinei with full dircctiona sent to any part of the unueu ciaies or uannuast Dy panenn coiinimniiraniip their symptoms by letter. JSufinoss corifspomlcnce riiiiriilontlnl C"I)r. L'. Oilice ia atrll Incnlfd a established, under tho name of DR. I.A CUUIX.nt So. 31. Maiden l.ano.AI bany, N. Y. pv. '.'J 1851. 15m. GILL. & PAUL, General Commission Mercliatils, IN Fieh, rrotisions. Flour, lluttcr, Cheese, Oils, Dried Fruits, Grain, tiecdi, licans. Whiskey, Wuol, Country Produce and .Merchandise generally, Xo. 34 North Wu.rils, rmLADELFiiii. H7" Consignments of Provisions, Flour and Country Produce ...lieitud, and returns promptly made. Cash ndvanccd -Alien desired. yjixuutk ll,r Ull ni.lHB Ul .IBII, I 1 U...IUIII, . .lUI, "XuguTiMo'K " TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. Tilt! undersigned respectfully Informs bis oldfriendl and customer, that he Iu4 purcliuid his brothers interet in live above t'-tablishment.andthe concern wils hereafter be conducted L bimelf exclusivity. lie ha just received and oifers for sjIo, the lare- j t2?2 nni "'t fXtfinlve Dsortinent of I'ANUY !tfgmS'roVi;H ever introdured into this rmirktt. V Hit stoik cnmi-t of u complete annortmtnt of tba best Cooklnc uml p.irlor stoves in the market, togeth er with Htow t-ixtures nf every description. Oven and i in a nutr. jiiuiiaiors, t unnar pioves, run iron Air. Tijht rtovet., Cannon Stoves, &c. &c. tHotpipe mid Tinwaru roiiFtnntly on hand nnd mauufacturod to order. I All kinds of repairing done, as usual, on short notice. The patronapo of old friend i and new cuhtmiur rc 1 spectfully solicited. A, U. HUl'lMiT. jiioomsuurg, ftovemuer ju isco. tf. WALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER! TUST received from the manufactories in l.ostou, an J artlclo ofmostcsrellent oualily. I challenge compe- i in.. .11 us ... eiyte am. price, i ut i.i.ucrsigneu w III Hrep borders to tnntrh any of tin Styles on hand-and is the only experienced P.etR Hanokr :n llii, Scrtion of tlie County Hive my extensive block .m Examination heforc rurctid.iug. Z7" Cull at Ituprrts Post Office J. TIIORVTOV. Hloonisburc March 2-M 1?KI , tjEBKXO HOT E L. THE umU'rujniit.. rpsncttfullv informs lii. frimifit and the pubt.u generally, that he has open-d a house for ( i.f t tiklrinivru mi.l lanl..s.. ... ui'Ul'. o.ln (Jreouwood toutuhip, Columbia County, (about tvo miles west or liilllle,) called tho 4 "-nni isercno ilotei. Sct'IL Where he is prepared to accommodate the p'iblic, and uii won may lavur Uliil W itn their customltogencra( .faction Hi Table andltar Will hn w,ll tinnlii'd nml c careful- iv coudurt.'d.nnd In tStulilintr nmr.l.i nnd vi 11 tin kil IC7" Hf wil at all times bj happy wail upon his friends and cus imnen. JOHN l.EGOOTT. Bcreno, March 23, 12CI. TRUNKS 1 TKUNKF I ! 1 Hii larpert, bett hdiif!noin ttand cbeipest assort men 1 ( Hold Leather solid Riveted Trav line Trunks, Indies Bonnet iJress Trunk Mm Childrctr Coaches, Propel lers Leather and Cornet Hairs t' racking Trunk &c.. i.c 0 T THOMAS y? MA'ITPON'S. C' i br.itcd London Triro Mcd&l iinprovi d sheet sprfup boIh told Leather Trunk manufactory, Nn. W2 .Markc Blreti, touth west corner Fourth and .Market, I'hilad'a. Aiuuae 17-tf. States Union otcl 000 & 008 MARKET STREET ABOVE SIXTH, pittL.iDr.i.rm.1. 3, W. TOWER, ';irirtor. Tlbms: El S3 per day. .May 12, leco-Um. Jsfijflg R E MO VA L. 53gK& C, C. SAUI.IJII & Co., Commission Mcichanis and dealers in Fish, Chcete and 1'rovisioni, No. 103 Arch strict, 2nd door above Front, Phi'adel. hi.1, ligll.S-ny ! JJRiS SHOVE mxts i rllC undersigned, rcbpertfullyinfiruisliis friend and the public cencrully that tin ha iuit comnleted hit New Mill, on Little Fishingcr fk, in Greenwood town ship Columbia county, and hating engaged one of the best Practical .Milters in the country, is now prepared 10 cxL-cuic any uutmess in 111 line promptly nna catis factorily. The building is a large double Ilrick Mill, constructed in tlie most modern style and employ four run 01 i-urrs. ririct oiieuuon w 11 no given to me busi ness and no paius ipared to render general sutisfuclion, Cyer' Grove, June, P, 1SGL Im FOJLS SEWINtt IAIII.C JONAS 13UOOK &, IJItO'S rillZK .11 DAL S100L CdTlOlf. 200 & 500 yds. White, Black, & Colored. Tbis Thread being made particularly fur Sewing Ma chines, i, very Strong, Smooth and Clastic, lis strength is not impaired ty tahJn(, nor by friction of tha rieillc. for Machines, use Urooka' Taunt GUcu, 1'or upper thread, and Crooks' Totem Six Cord, lied Ticket, For Under thread. Bold by rcspectaUu dealers tbr.tuslit Ihc routil.v. Al. I 10. In Oases of 100 each, assorted Nos., by I W.M. IIUNIIV SMITH, Me Jrent, 3d Vcscy Street, New Yoik, Nov. 9, led. Cm. J. i. ii v it , (Hurccssor to J. B. Pom m.) miOLLMLE Dl-ILLU IK 'TOBACCO, IMUFFANI) i ICARS, 1,0. a North Tilth St., above Market. Also, Munuficturcr l'OHKIGN k DOME-ST May W. ISCO-Kin. SMITH'S HOTEL, OI'POSITE THE JMIMIOAI) DEPOT TAMAO.UA, TEKN8VI.YANIA. Fafsenger.s going North and Soutli, DINE AT TliE ADOVE HOTEL: RMlUUiMii'loL. PEO.AJisiixji, All, IMPORTANT NAT UN AL WORKS. rUllLlSIIKH UY t), A P PLUTO & CO. M3 nnrJ- 6 liroadxvw , ffrto Vork, The fjllowlhg vrnrHiare saNUiitfuVcrllH-rstnauypar oMha country, inpon receipt of rtlail inc,)by mail or vxpr.'ss prepaid: Tilt: NEW AMERICAN CYCLOrXMA A pop-ilar Dictionary of dermal Knowledge, llditeil by (Itofuia UtFLEY Utl'l I, HUH LBS t. UXltk, SluCU VJ U -UllllieroUS 80' iret corns c-f writer In all branches niBclvnciei, Art nnd L,ttttaiure. J mi worn if oeinn pnouaiifu in nuoui i urre octavo volunut. eotli tnntaliilnd 7W two colmn mmi. Volt. ItnXIlI li.tluilve, ere now rcady,PRch mitnlnlns m-ar tt.Siw. orieinol nrtlclei. An ftililltlonal VOiuiiio win o J puoiihip'I imre in nuriiu inrco nmnni l,rljo1lnC)oth,33tHbet'p(35Ui Half Alor., $1 Half The New American Cyclopailla if popular w llhout itce hie lupfrflclal, K'arncd but not pcditiilc, comprtln nilvo but iiWnlly .lotailetl, fre from perponal pi'iuo and I party prejudice, freih and yet iiccuratc. It U compute 1 Vtntenvnt of nil that ii Known uimui every Important t.n. - . v. . . ... i i. ... ... ... . iewith th. cone .f h uiiaii Intclliircnce. Kury import, ma. If. Ifimoi from thu Of. a.litl lb lui ! f Cum 'Pl.j .irk ulll I... rn..if.lli.i! In IS mvnl nrl.ifn i-nlninf. of .au pace, tncll ll I Milieu nre unw ninny. A nuui tinnnl volume witUt cublitdied once in three months. cloth. 33; Law trh'-ep, ?:iiU; Unf AIor,t94; Half calf SI 50 each. a WAY OF rHOUUMNfi Tllfi CYCLO'rXDIA, OR Dtll.VIXS. vnrm n thih nf finim. and remil the nrircof four books. ajid f(e copies will be rent at tlie remitter's expense fur. r.rriagc.or for ten subscribers t leven copies w 111 be sent at our expciuefor carriage. TO AGENTS. No other work will so liberally reward the exertions of Aperts. An Agent VNTtn in this Countt. Terms made known on application to the Publishers. Nov. S1JSM. LIFE lNStlRN0K, run o ira it i) tm: lvsvbaxce, Av.vwrr jxd TRUST CUMTAXY OF PlIILADRLPIUA. OfriCK, NO. 40ClirSTNlT RTRFLT, CAPITAL (paid up,) fc'tOO OOU. Charter Perpetual. COSTINIintn make IN'SUHANCKS ON LIYF.S on tlie most reasonable terms. The capital btiiifr paid up nnd invested, together with n larpo and constantly increasing reserved lund, offtrs a pi'rfi-ct security to the insured. The premiumna mUtft bo puid ) early half yearly, os The Company add a UONUS periodically to the insii. ranees of Ufv, Tim FIRST Ii()US appropriated in De cemb?r. 1H44. the HCCOM) HON US in Uecember. If l'J, thoTiUUI) UONCti in December. Ie54, and the FOURTH FO.NUSin December, 15 lT7Thesc additions are made without requiring any incrense in tlie pri'inlumn to bu paid to the Company. Thu following are a few examples from the Register. I j Amount of Policy nnd nu in jiimu nr Policy Insured ndditinn No. H3 .Vi00 50 " 13J 3QQS 10.10 00 " l'.l'J 1000 1U0 00 " 3"J3 .VI00 1875 00 bonus to be increased by ruture additions, SJ.rif 7 50 4,020 00 1,400 00 6.H7A 00 Pamnelets. cniitnininff tnbles of rnto nnd pTrilftunii form of npicntion, and further information can be found at the office. THOMAS RIDGEWAY, President. Sio. I . James, Actuary. LKVI U TATE, Agent. S. C. IIahrioov, Examining Physician. October 10, l57-ly. IMIEunderslmie.llsnlso extensively rnjraccd in the Undertaking Pvt'uteas, nnd kopscmistaiitly imliind id fur Pule til hi AVureroums, u large assortment of TIN1S 111) pssa COFFINS, Ily uliich he is .nable. I to nr.iern on pri-M-ntatinn .UM.-K.epsn guild llorte and llear.1., and will at al times lie ready to attend Funeruls. 'rilMUV C. IUVK. lllnutjiibi.r;, January 23. IpLO a? S35.00 Pays the entire com for Tuition in the rnngt popular and siicregsful t:oiiiiuircial Fchool jn the country. Ppuari of Twelve Hundred younp men from twcuty-cipiit niff crent gtatt's.hnvu boen edurated for business hern with in the past threw venr. oim cf whom hac been em ployed as Uook Keepers at hi unci of S-'lHH) 0J p;r Annum, l:nu.e,liaflyupnn prnduntmfr, who knew nothing ofac couuts 11 ...i tli.-y ml .r.. . th.. (.'ollene. '.-"Ml.ii't rg sou. half price. Htudent-enter at any tini-.ari-: r.-tiewuh.'ii til .y please.uithout extra charce. For Catalogue of Cu panes, eipi-cimcns of Prof. Com ley's Husinessnnd Urnauicntul lVnuiunsliiii, nnd a targe lin grating of the College, incloso twcnty-tive cents in I'oet ugu Stamps to the Principals. JUN'KlXd & SMITH, Pittsburgh, I'a. Jan. 5, ieOI-!y, SAVING FUND U. S, Trust Company. Comer of Ttiirdand Chestnut Sfs., Phil t. LAUGCand small sums received and paid back on demand without notice, with Five fR clsit Istcb st from the day of deposit to the day of witbdrnwal. OrruEHocRs-FromtluntilS o'clock every day, aid on Midday KvEMNo, from 7 until !l oclork. rrddent-HTKriIU 11. CHAWFOKU, Treasurer I'linv Fisk, TelKr Janes Jt. Hunter. DIRECTORS. Meplien K. Crawford, Ilt'njamin V. Tinjilcy, l'aul 11. Goodard, M. 1. Patrick Krady, Jam?s Deverenux, Thomas T. I,"n, March US, l-59 y. iljanlct llcitllcmaH, vr,t,j; JUIlK.n, Alex'cr C. Hart, JI, D., William M. CIbJhIii, II. rranktiti Jackson, 1'liny run. GIBSON'S A N I) DElOHATIVi: ESTVBMSILUEXT, j Ho. 12J, South Eleventh Street near Walnut, rUIIiADKliPIUA, -"i icsco, u.i ana l.ncouillc rnintlns January 12, l8Ul-3m.-. "nsoi. TOIHCCO ct 8r.GlIF. SI All SHALL HUGHES, WITH H A ft t N & U, O V SB j wiioLcnAi.E i)EA:.i:ns in ' BlailUl.lCllin tl l l.l .lf 'I'nh.irrn. HAVANA G K 1! M A N AN I) DOMESTIC. N. E. Corner of Front and Arch Streets, Jtmita muiN. 1 JMS M. I10TTD. I rilll.AIII't t'lllA March 10, 1-U)l:. iiu.Alii.Ll IIIA. "THE UNION," .' Slrwl, Move Tkiti. V HI A DKI-P II IA . rpUC fcUuution of chJt Hoti-l rendurs it one of tfen mnKt ab ut th - cilv, Tho proprietor gives assurance ibat "The Union" shall t ik ptwlth such rl.aract. r as will meet public I approbation, and w out.! respectfully solicit. Kenariil pat. i ronage, in-rov i v.-,,-.-.,.,.-,, " fihruaryat. ISto ,, Tropttetor rIIE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, i.txnu.r., moatoch cov.rr, p.t. Enteitainment fur Van and Ucj.t. in good style and at moderate rates. uijUKui, w, FREEZE rrcpitetcr i , . .iinni,u ,ii- visum? I'uiladi-lphia TIIII.AIICI.PIIIA. I uiiiesi wniieti. iuoh In search of pleasure, tho end li.M.r.r r. n.i.iitiy passing and repassing Chy Hailuar care. ThfUo Laboring Under rlikoaia enn at enci rrllove thrnimlva from the thou tnnj inala.ii IhtU 11 is h u hi'lr to. IVtttcy will nnlj ful In w the cout.,'l of iidturo. nt.-l talso th ha"', cine whtcU b 'it nsalsls h.i tn her ip uinr. 1 1 til clns ti tha Vegetable Ltfu MvUlclnvi uf Dr. Moffat, known an Moffat's Life Pills PHCENIX HITTERS . . , . - H ... - Thiio i Meilklne haw ioh Ii 'n b.foro the public for a perM f 3 yran, nml Hiiriuti that t lm ,av n. .nln talncd ft high charact.-r in ecry part or ilia - - - v cy poiicii. Moffat's Life Pills. , ,., ,,. . , Moffafi Mfd Ml U t ' nJilled ft Ibr Ir name to their msnllWt and in,ijl nc""" ' 1 P'irlng hu pprlngs and channMf of lifj, an.l enM.i.ifc th in with r. m-w.-d oinhn Tn lint r i FRnfii tinr v riirniivn nrnnern. miiicii lonn an m?or and wtiu uu uanw. i in mai hi a vtry pns.tjM tin power or restoring the I'lplrlug ciulier. ol ii. ..nttli tot. etuwlnc vli-or throughout tin' ttm.tltutton. n . .1. 1'liitnnl x 1. anl.l to hu n..tnred til I Iffl from the nne ill mown uisivuuiiiMi. UerritrialDisensi!. There is nrobablv no one nrticle given 11s a medicine, tho injurious use of which has caused such wide-spread nnd terrible misrhief to the human system as mercury. It poison sinks deep into tho system, penetrating tho substance of tho bones, and producing u long train of painful dlstnse. It li well known that many aileclion of the throat, of the bones, of the noso, and malignant sorcc, which hao eeeu at tributed tn s)philis, ate sooOen cuu?d bytho injudi cious use of mercury, o that tho remedy has proved worse than the disease. LIIT. FILLS AND IMKF.VIX I1ITTEI13. The Life Fills and riiocnit Hitters have alnaygbccn signally succestful in this class of disease, nnd will eradicate nil the tU'et.1 of mercury from the system, sooner than the moat powerful preparation of earsa parilla. They aid nut uro in canting Irom tho system nil poisonous niiitter, nml by thus purifying the Ital fluids, they restore tliu system to health. Bilious Compliiutn. A well regulated nnd propor tionatu quautit) of bile upon Urn Muuiaih is alway re qoiattu for the promotion of sound health-it sthnulati s digestion, and kcejis the intcrtiunl canal free from all obstructions. On the interior surLicc of tho ilver is a bladder in which the bile is first preserved, being iormi'd by the liver from the blood. Thence it passes into the stomach uud intestines, nnd regulates the digestion. Thus we see when there is a deficiency of bile, l!i; body is constantly costive. On the other hand, an over aunndance of bile causes frequent nauies on the stomach, and often promote very severe attacks of diseases, w hieh sometimes end in dcut'i, LIFE MEDIOINES. The Life Medicines should, if possible, be taken in the rarly stage of bilious complaints; und if perse vered in strictl) according to direction will positively etl'ctt n cure. Their exteiitite use in thiseomplaiut in ntl part of our continent, render comment unnecessary- th-ir virtues hpeak tor them. Motmt's Life Fills. The use of these Pills, for a very short time, will affect an entire curi'ol Hit i-urn, and a striking improvement in the clearness of the skin. Common Cold and Intlucnzn will nlwuyn be cured by one dose, or by tu o even in the worst canes. PiLtsl Pile! 1 Th oneinal proprietor of those Med- icinec was cured of Pile of 35 years standing, by the us'j of thu Life Medicine nloue. Liver CoMi-nifir, An atfiction of the Liver may bj known by a feliug of tension or pain in the right side about the region of the liver, often pungent us 111 pleu risy, but sometimes dull ; a dithciilty in draw ine a long breath ; dry cough nnd inclination to vomit. This di dense may bi produced by coldPby ioleut rxerciso, by intense Bummer heats, by lon euiitinued bilious fewr or ague, and Im nrioiii solid corioretiuiiu in the sub stance of the liver. And to these producing causes, are ilerangem nt of the dizcgtltu orcau, Ejppros'ed secre tion.attd mental solicitude, which ar very frequent causes of obEtruition nnd discusui of the liter. This discugu sh'Mtld bcarrtstcd in thucomun nccmcnt which can b done by a few dua' cf the Lif t Pills, When once the lu or U aroused 10 th. pjrf.-rmmee of its prop-T itincuons, nine more urcquixuu tnnn tocon. tlnue n prpjr u if the inedietnt-B, and a speedy re cot cry w ill 1 nue, FttkQ ndAoue For thiij scourge of the Wi'ftern- rountry, thffce medicine wil' Im found a af.', rpeedy and terUin reinedy. Other im-dicmes 1nc the syntem 1 sutject to u return of the ili.'nij a cure by thjsu Med iciin'tt is pLrmauent, I Sirou-l. The most Imrnbla caiea of Scrofula, in" hiih thu faci, boiu's .md limb-; of tin: ictim had bet 11 j pn jd upon by th j in.iti.thli tiisi'aso, nru prote'd, by authority of ill.; BultVrir; tfc'itisLlteu, to have bji'ti coiiiplrtely curjd by thvi purtl) igrtablu 1 mod hi in e. alter all other had been funud mor.3 than JSO i'g. Iihiigi-stion ami )ysp'pia. If wc were called upon to epuify one dijanu whictk more than nnj other is the , iidiii-.twiiil" it i" the offspring of tivilizntioti) we thou'd name ii Tpiitt. It id g in'rall) atit-iideu, i r rather productive, of a bmg train of ills, such a Heartburn. I Flatulency, n guae inp pain nt the stomach when empty a sense of unci mf irtnblu weight w li n full, pains in the throat, bide and p t of the stomach, convene?.?, chilli . nesK, languor, uuwilliugnat to takecxcreid:,&.c j MOFFAT'S LIFK MKDICIAT.S. Moil'at Lifd Medicines tire peculiarly adnplcd to the cure of this ditre-gtn cuinplaiut They net upon the 1 hnweU in a very mild, und, nt tha fame time, v.ryeifc ' tuul manlier, and huc never e-t tailed to cure this dis 1 en-e v. hen used aicurduig in our directions, C.'iiernl l)elilit The iuot common of oil com plaints i that of u waknori of ttm tu,c sjb tpiu. uimccon.paiiiod b any particular di'ordcr, or de filiate HymptoiUH of ducase. Tlnrc is a lltlti 1t.1l m ergy, a toss of upp-tite, unw illiuum'SM, and inileed ina- ! biliiy tonnJera eq rtitm. trt"uont h-atl.'M dec, itnii gentioti, oft -utimi'S fiiilmv ues nnd drj ih-m nf tiio skin, Un Ivncy I.' f.'orii'liit'a', untitiK k for nociutj, in utmrl ulltVise i-ymptomi- of linciu r. li quietude, nnd weak nee that cnu ft iileiicf ol u uilure in ttivt itul tm- cm, . ard a luw, untuulthy and morbid condition of tjie via, - u iu, uiuiiuiiii) uhu iiioiuia lunuimni vi u;c Jt-'"'- Lire Puis and r.i -n x Bit is. Tho Life Pill ..,..1 VU .i v ,itt .r are, p -rhap, tho bestrmnedy oijihu.tli ho iy tor.ths-y .11-1 u 11 ti 'liii.i r.iiiUuiiii, .101. oy iitirioiii: 'mamiea, - fttrnutifu tlm whuli bVr-uiu ttre snfea in ens firs. All came out rtgKt; vitK eon .MotKit's Life PilU. brMiiBrfap.thirichabit.who ST "n'",tf"' irf uubj.rt to fit, luaiach-, n.i:n-.a, diium-ss of ri'. Salamander Safes cf Philadelphia against the tijrht, or drow tiiKBi-, from ton greatuflow of blooil to worJ' , mmrm . te.)he'l. shouli take theie Pill fnfiuently. EVANS & WATSON, ADVICU TO FI1MALL3. Femah's who value their bave had the surest demnetration in the following rer health thmild never be without the Life Medicines, ns tificote that their manufacture of tiilaman itr Safes has they purify the blood, reinovn obbtruetions, and give the at ienpth fully warranted the repres 'iiUtiotis which hive skin n beautiful, clear, healthy and blooming appear- ben niadf of os rendering an undoubted oecunty unco, . against the terrific cicmcnt. To Kldcrly Persons. Many healthy aged individual Philadelphia April 12. 135G. ulu know the value of Moflaf Life Medicines, make I Messrs Ikans $ Watson Gentlemen-It nlTurdg us it a rule to take them two or three times a week, by H3 highest .satisfaction to state to )ou, that owing to which they remove tlu cause that produce disease, ' l,lc very protective qualiti.- of two of the Mdlamander, preserve their health, and keep oir the infirmities of Safes which we purchased of you sonic five month since age. I we paved a lar-portion of Jewelry, and nil our books, Facts for Mothers and Nurses. It is a fart, ettab- &f- fiponcd to the ralamirioum.firciu Kamuad place tin lished by the annual bin of mortality, that one fcnlf of th" morning of the 11th inst,, the children borne arc cut oif before attaining i-eveii When we reflect flut thcue pafc wers located in thi year of aye; und the fuitfdl source of thU mortality m fourth story of th buildinjr vv occupied and that tiny found tucxist in that fuul statu of thu stomath and f''11 subaemiently intnn heap of burning ruin, where the bowels which produced tho generation of worms. A , 0Bl concentration of the heat caused the bras platen to tho b.ife reMorur f infantile litulth iu this critical utate , ni,'L ue cmnot but regard the preservation of their vol the Lirj Mcdieine.huvu long Jidda dlbtincuuhcd rcpu-, t'ble content ns most convincing proof of the great tie tation, and for foulnetsof the stomach and bowel, and eunty nfforded by our safe. conv ulsiuiiii. although worms may r it exist, it ii allowed We "h1" tcko gre-at pleasure in recommending them to to he superior tu uu otlior. ! mcn )f busmesH ns a sure reliance agaltirt fire. MoiTat' Filli and HitKr.-N'o mediciu nt present' , GKOHG1! fl.M.MON'S tSt IDU)., Jruetters, known liavudoneso much good to inaiikiud u thesi', K7"They havo since pnrchasJd tix large tfafos. uittnn tlie latt fnv joarsiiiiil certainly nono Jiae been ruwnrdf.Mv ith inoru nu nitrous uml authentic tes timonials of their invariable .in.Ic-xtsnsUcriricncy. Tliey re-iniro no dieting nor contiiitfinunt, uro urftctly tiiilJ siinl jijciigant in thtlr opt ration, Lut will j.owcr fully rtb tore licnltli tlmt gnutr-tt of earthly bletsings iu iiik iiium vanuusieu ana uiiujMUaieu coiifiuuiionf. 1'renarcil by I-r VH. It. MOITAT, 335 UroaJway, New Voik, And for Fate by nl,lnigi;u ap!3 CI ly. INDIAN llEltilAiV TEA ! FOR FEMALES, DilNGLfsn'B LVDIV.V VEGETABLE EMMENAUOCBIJ. This Celebrated Female Medicine possesses tlrlur. iiknow a of an thing else ef the kind, and prot lug nr- :tual alter nil others have failed , it is prepared Irom ectual alter nil others havo failed : it is iiriMttirLil an "ludian Herb" peculiar to Northern Mc.iio and Tc I us. una is uscu by tlie Autlves III producing the MOtlit .ichMcss. it i dcsigncu lor botn uiaaned and single ladies. und is the very bi.t thing knuwu f,,rtlte piupo.e as it will renioe all .ibtruilions after oilier rtinedies have been tried in vaiu. Jt is a plca3,inl tea. contain ing nothing, ujuiious to heauli, and a cure to be relied UIlr" kp'sus'utai. or falling ofthc Womb l Floues Al- bus. or Whites ; Chronic I.llaination, or Ulceration of III U'r.l.lli.,.l ll.i .... ....,.!.. rT'u t..u.,,,uMini. .aseof the Hp ne. tinned against the use of this tea, as it mil produce iu-i.amek iiitne carry stage or pregnancy are cau- miscarriage. racrsato sn soiD ar nn c W EN'OIllll No "lit t-nltTIt KPPnvn kt ' ,V- ii,ADELT U VA BEC0 ST. p.- ..oo Il'-AUI.UAIA,1A. Trices J1.00 per package, (wills full directions forusc) -'nl by hrpren or Marl toany address. Dr. E can bo consulted in ull obslinato female Cum plaints, in personorbylcller. and will furnish the (Jut- ta-prrcha l'nialj Syringe highly recommended by tho faculty I" married ladies foi special purposes. Also ltadielU Lure and oih..r Truss,. In.protcd Ro. ar and Spina Abdominal Supporters- Hhitulder Urares fclatllcund I.ncs Stockings-Spinal pparatus. for Weak and Cur, ed Spina and Instruments for all de- fortuities. A large Stock oflhs above aitides eoiiitaut cles constant est latis by partlculais. icntial. lor ly on iimm, auu win ae lurnuu1 U at lowest ser.-llilg nruer witn rilen.u,emeilt and lull 1G." All commuuicauons sttictlv conn. I mriucr particulars pieaae nouresi, llr. li. V. I NGI.tnll. 310 South Second Streit, below Dock, TIIIL-ADELPIIIA, TA, $y 1 HAVE hO ASKSTS. Nor. Iti, lcul-13ui. WUSTEEtX 110 MX, Nos. 0, 11, 13 and 15 Court! and street, 1IOAHI), 81 00 PEIt DAY. II. D.WINOIlnSTEK. TIIOB U WINCIIEfTKR ,'Kiv vnp ir AND FOR TOE FETHY CURE OF Norvoui Protrfttiont Giaoral Dcbllltr, Ailhmi, Dyipepila, Scrofula, Harumui, Paralyili, Chronic Bronchitii, Anomla, Chloroiif, ' find all Siiorders of the Blood System. DO YOU KNOW IT? CONSUMPTION M THE HOST FATAL RCOtT.GE Or HANKINI). It Las been truly regarded aa is tmrai" blr xiUDT few ever aurrivlng its attaet. " On ilrtl of the Khole humm rate." My I. CitCRcnn t, " and 1IOUETHAN OSK II Air ur All. im Aiu.1.1 1 w -v LATIoyofmostcIvillrcdcommunttlci!lT.KISHlJY TUB MSKAfE." What a rad coinmcctary cn tb tKa5tod efficacy of tho Healing Art I Tho brilliant Discovery of Dr. Churchill, reada to the Imperial Academy of Medicino, of Paris, has proved an iwjtmable tm to the world, fly the uw of tbii nw and pourrful rentiial agent, known to Chemistry THE HYPOPHOSPHITESi "The C Fit IT of CON8CMPTIOX, ctcii In tb Bccond nnd Third fitDts(t n pertod, tbcrefore. when there ran he no doubt n to the nature of the Disease) 1 tho RULE, wMlo DIIATH IS THH r.XCEFTIO.V," "I KXOW,Ma3 Pr. C. that tbej will prove not only its fiUItF A It EM. EnVttCO.NSLMI,TIOJi n Quinine U In Ioter. mlttenl Ferer, but olto ns effectual n I'lXESEK TATIVC as Vaccination In Btaall I'oi." IsOtno sufferer, who values health and life, delay An hour to try this remedy, llemembcr that " rcveution i better than euro." How aro or fcelf-dcception, or tho toothing ossuranco of friends that" if it enfy a Hut eotd t ' Fatal error to myriads w ho now fill prematura Craves I Glvo, I entreat you, prompt attention to tho tt&RUasr SIGNS OF COKSUMPTtQM. "And mnR RONS ciuiL roLtow them." Mark. " Thoe3r(t symptom of tubcrculir eliscaso is vastm. ItjwrtfftsfOH,and it 1 earlier, in point of tlmi, ,lha3thoirecnc. It Is Qrst manifested in tho ace nni hanit. Tho macular tissues wasta ; Lcaco ijkdiiji t : thero Is a seuaeof aomethltg wroog aftcUn) that ins vital rowcR3 ins fucgi.o, Tho. va;f of tho livint inacblno 13 inoro acllvo than its rfiMir.' Dr. I'ollocl,. Utvithoutany opparrnt caute,tr under the Influence of causes which tnduco w wrmw and lxuai btion ; puch vmit, grift dwrvwrfc, wc, frtynancy, ehitd tearing, nurting, rapti grwih, or thvi rewcry fnrx dUcasr a person begins tl loso Ms llcfh, UriDgth, color, or orpotito; if ho EuCTtra from thortnejt of InalK, or jiVfiInr,nud cxprrlemes a general filing t?f fan. puoraud ttprfJnn.aHU'.E 13 JILASO.V 10 U-Ut thai he ii tilrcaay pmti'insid to the complain!. If to theso symptoms bo added eoiM, however slight, particularly If It his romn on Bluv-ly, or during tho fair reason. TUGlTlMIMUnWdGilllUTn;tTllX.,t--CAKrrAiiI. EFFECT OF THE nEMEDY. "If, on the earliest appearance of these stxns of Consumption, the patient dolly ubout ten eratns of the UTPOFHOSFIlZTrt?, be will imunllr see them all disappear in a period r try Ins from a few woeks to a few months and hy contlnulnr the oeeaslonDl ue of the Ilcmrdy, IIS WILL BptElJ FIND HIMSELF IN THE ENJOYMENT' OY BUCU HEALTH A3 HE, rCMtA?, HAD MITCU esoivx is ins i.iFi: nEroitc 14 Winchester's Genuine Preparation-1' IS THE .LY II ELI A II LK Form of Pr. Churcbill'd F.emcdy. Ma-lo from tho original Formulj.J Iho nctloaef I hi Jljrpb-rbitcs Is two-fold and epclflc : iwTr.vif'flho principle wiikh cnssTiTeTEs MntvuiM icbcb, and they aro 1L0 kokt rowmi,mon.CiE:aTj-.Ti?.a os.thsm Tho ca.'d upon tho tubercular condition U IMMLTtlATi:, iu, to fiEtRRAL CTWITOJIS riSArPCAHIXl vnn A VrtlUTT TTJCU BMtiiYMAnviLorB. Tii nh'ffe the couph, diminuJt expectoration, triprotc ttu np4elitc, arrat dlarrLcwt; tha niht swats, chilli, and fenr ceatxi; Ito bOT-ela tiorne nvwlar, and tub mj'ep calm ad utoroop. A FAIR TRIAL 18 A CERTAIN CURE I' ,0y UCWAREof Stgut .'rmIirjadtfrtirl u IY. CburchiU'fl.aud another MVINII.1NU ULMCE3 tonft rjfTercrs of their menus, Jotepreeima time, and haftcn a riTAL RrcLr. Writs to no fur Cir.a. L-PS, and fcr Sr. Churchill's Treatise on Coniumptlon, which eontnii tho only authentic information in regard to this ITOV n;L.Miili7, Unt to tU lLquIrers. .r PJlICEi Xn 7 &nd Icoe. Botllcs, Si and 3 each. Threo larco, or six small for $6, My facsimile Is cn both the Label and Outstoo Wrapper. HO OTHXH 13 OCNVINr. Iio not confound this remedy with tho to-ratled 11 Chemical Food and particularly avoid all prepara tions containing iron, whieb 1b PJtcixoie,ar.d CW liter N, which has ko ri'RAnv e rr-orijiTT v datevtb. "old by tho most resplabla Drupslj-ls throachoul U United FUlrs and Frlllih I'roviuci s, and Wholesale Hlctall at tho Ceosral Depot In tho United Elates, by J, N7IKCHESTEB, 56 John Stint, IT, Y. . March !'. l?r-I KVANrf & WATrfHN r, , 8AL.MAriI.R HAKHP. II K J rVL-,W' MOVIID to :tu Chestnut Strett, . 4iCtrvvfe awt'i' (Airij I'hiiaieipMa, have on '( -M(1L'Jt an,,alarire asanrlment of Fire j $lWj&m xWil ; " 5HS fnaUa X?u$?ll i onocks e-ual to any mado Anjjust!. IrtQ HOW LOST, HOW KESTOKUB. Just Published, in a Seal Envelope: A Lecture on the nature, treatment, and radical cur.' of Pperinatorrlia'a, or Seminal Weakness, Pfiuat Debility, Nertoutnc.s and iutoluntary emissions, producing im potency, Consumption and Mental t Tnysical Uebtlity. Ily BOUT. J. CUI.VEHWEl I M. I)., The important fait that tho awful consequences of self abuse may be cHectmHy removed without inttrnal medicine, or the- dangerous applications cf caustics, in struments, medicated bougies, uud othir cmpiiicalde iscs, is here clearly demonstrated, and the tntinly new nnd hlghl'successful treatment, as ado; ted by the celebratid autiior fully emlaiiicil. bv ..rt. i.i.i. 1 ovcry onu I, enabled to cure liiinseif perfectly, and at ' the least postible co.t, thenby .Tuiding all the adier- iiseu nor. rum s..( .119 uay. i nis lecture nillprutl'u boon to thousands and thousands. ' 7," any address.' fflrcsilu j Ur ell J l-l l v? ,Ki 1 "st' ' """"""S Ur. CH. J. 1.L1M., l-'7 llowiry, N. V, t'ost.linci. l.nvi r.fie. August III, lrf.l. f April V. ItOI Uin ST. N3CH0US HOTEL Bi oadnay, york. BOA It I) HEI)U(EI) PER DAY. . " " " " Hmn, . kn n.,ii r , . , ..... ".for ciiing at lb vest and ccuimodiou. Hotel, - I V "fr" nmeat or el the pronto, 'r J" inaku it th j uii.t sumptuous, coincident and co uionaiiie noino lor tiieeitiajii and stranger on this ' Atlantie. er -eeiacd likely to administer to the comfort ofit, guest, u.e, have endeavored, without re. fjrd oco.t toprotlde.andt.icombliioniriheel.-n.'nls of iuditldual and social eiij.ijincnt which niodcrn art has invented, and moderu lasfJ approved i and the na. trouage which it has commanded during the na.t six rears ia a grutlfying proorihal their eSVits have been appreciated. To meet the exigencies, of the llines, when all are re. 'I'lired to pracllce ti;u ino.t rigid economy, the unJer- sigcned ' u ' llnve Unluml ihe T,ie ,,r t i . ' llCUUCCU Hie I riCC Of liOCtrd to THO IIUIIU.'S sl T 1)0, , atthestnie tune abating none of tho luiuries with h,c h their table has luth.rto been s inplted I 'HtEADWEhL, WHITCOMB k CO. I i .,. ... ,8ci.3m ' ' HIIOU'AHD ASSOCIATION PHIL-' ADEI.I'IIIA. A Ilenevolent In. million established by special endow. ' merit, for the relief of the Sick and Distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and eincclallv for the Cure of Diseases of the Sesual Organs II .. AI.UAUI.I. HI.IOKTa on Sperniatnrrhaa, and oth- flV.!'lHI!..'n,'e.8,!,!., '"Sund on the NEW KEMLDILS employed, sent to life .aided In sial.d letter envelopes, free ofcharge. Too, three Btautps- for bOstase Will he Ari.,..- ..u MrVllOUBIITON. Actim-urgenn, llow.VdAlsoc,.' 1 Ayer'sSaTsapanlla ' A compound remedy, fn Which w: V.ito V- borcJ to product) tho most ctrictual nltcrotlTC I that can be mnils, It Is a conrcntrntctl cxtmM of Vnta Barsapnrtlln, tn combtnnl with other substances of ftlll grrater alterative power n 1 to nlford. nn. effective antidote for the diecarei .SM-aparillti i, reputed. to cure. It i bclicred . that ,uch a remedy is wanted' bjr those who J f utfur from Strumous complaints, nnd that ona 1 which will accomplish their cure must prore 01 immense terries to. tnts Huge class ot our mllieted fellow-citliens,. Bow complctoly thui compound will do it has been prorcn by exper iment on many of tho worst cases to be found of the following complaints ! ScnorutA and fioitorutors CoMFiAtxis, DntTtioNS and Enurnvi; Diskasis, Ulcii,, 1'iMPt.ts, Blotches, Tcmobs, Salt Ruedm, Scald Head, STrmut and SimiiLiric Ar rtcnoNB, Meuccrial Discasu. DnorsT.Ncc uvloia on Tic Doulouiieux, Oedilitt, Bis reran and iNDiotsnox, JiursirELis, Itosn or Sr. Anthony's 1'ire, and indeed the wholo class of complaints arising from iMruwrr or THR IIlood. This eomnound will he found n trrcat era I motcr of health, when taken bt tho spring, to cxpeVPthe foul humors which fester in tho blood at that season of tho year. By the time ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders arc nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous' sores through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through tho natural channels of the body by an oltcrativo medicine. Cleanse out tlia vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through tho skin in, pimples, eruptions, or sores i cleanse it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in the veins ; cleanse it whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell ;ou when, liven whero no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy hotter health, and lire longer, for cleansing tho blood. Keen the blood healthy, and all is well ; but with this pabulum of life diordcred, thero Can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go w rong, and tho great macluncry of life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, tho reputation, of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been cgrcgiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has imt all tho virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to be concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of tho virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing else. During late years the public have hern mil led by largo bottles, putending to give a quatt of Kxtract of SarKipurilla for one dollar. Most of these have been finuds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa rilla, but often no curative piopirties whatev er. Hcnee, bitter nnd painful disappointment has followed the use of the various cxtiacts of Sarsaparilla which Hood tho mark.t, until the name itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous t Hit imposition and client. Still w c call this compound Sanapniilla, cud intend to supply such tt remedy us thall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we tlHiik w u have ground for believing it ha virtues which arc irresistible by the ordinary run of the discuses it is intend ed to cure. In order to sciutc their complete rrauieatiun from the st-.-tetn, tl.cicmtdy should lie judiciously taken according to directions on the Lottie. I ?nEr,u.ED nv 1 an. jf. c. aye it & co. LOWELL, MASS. I'rlrr, $1 per Ilottlc Blr Mottle for 03- ! Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, hts vcn for itself such a renown for the cure of ctcry torirty ef 'throat and Lung Complaint, that it is entire)- unnecessary fur us to recount the tiidcncc of its virtucB,. wherever it has teen tni lilojcJ. As it has long been in constant ne throughout this section, v.c nnd not do more than assure the people its quality is kept up to the hctt itctcr has been, and that it ma) he relied on to do for their relief all it has been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, yon TIM CUBE OP Coititcntu, Jaundice, Jyt;;ui'tr. hidifcttion, liytenttry, foul Wor.nrc., 7.'iini3, lUmlaehe, rila, llliiumathm, l'tvptiommut ,V.iri lliuasci, J.ircr Complaint, Dropiy, Teller, Ttunon anil Hilt Htiiv.m, Il'mru, (."our, Xiuraljia, ol a Dinner J'ilt, and fir l'urifyimj the Blood. They are sugar-coated, to that the most tenn tiri: can take tht in pleasantl) . und they are the t.rst aperient in the world fur all the purposes of a fitnily physic. Price 2.5 ctcti per tux; Five boxes for $1.00! Great miinlerscfClcrRjmcn.rhysiciarn, Slates turn, ami eminent personages, hao lent their names to (rtifytheuiipjriiHflrdusctuliicss of theso remedies, but ovr space hern will not permit the icset'.Ion of them. 1 he Agents below named fur n!.h grali. our American Almanac In which they .ire (.men) with also full dcsiripston!. of the abotc romplaints, and the trcaunoi.t that thoula be fu'. Iutd for their cure. Uo not be put off by unprincipled dealers with ether preparations they make more profit on. Demand Avek's, and take no others. The sick want the lest aid there Is for tamn, and they 6heu;J hase it. All our Kemedies arc for sale by fi. I'. l.uti. J It M. llni'i'Tibiith, Hloomrburc A. Milli-r. llcrMiik. i.i,.l l,v mi .turn ia tvrrjr town in Fcnn.ylTuma. BCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS TUE CiLMIUIED HOLLAND lUSSUXIT fOB. DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, iivkb eoariiAi.M, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, Ad. the tarlous affection, consequent upon a disorder.4 STOMACH OR LIVER, Fitch a. Indigestion, Acidity of the Etom&ch, Colicky Pains, Heartburn. Loss of Aprullte, Despondency, CostirsuorM, llllnd and Hlocdlng Tile In all Nrrvons, Kliemnstle, nnj KeuralKic AITvctluns, It hna tu numerous frored hhihly Iwneliclat, and fu others effected a decided curs. This is a purely vcgctalloroiyiioun.l, prepared on strictly scientific principles, after the manner of th, eelebrstod, Hulbiud Trofirsor, Ilaerhare. Its reputation at hoaio pro duced its introduction her., tho demaul commenclnfr vlth, thee cf the TatherUnd scattered orer the fuco of tblr, eighty country, tnw; of whom brought with thorn mid handed down the tradition of its talue. Jl it new effcreil to tht American wltie, Inoicinjj that iU truty tcenoiTyU inalieinal virtutl infatf I. acknowledged. 111. n.Ttleul.rlv rM-oram.nrf.ul to thrd. iwmih. whns. ' coDEtttutloDS may hare been Impaired by the continuous uie ol ftraPl.t spirits, cr other talTUS or dlsspatlon. tloncr&uy lusuutaneius In iffect, It finds IU y dlrsctlj to the smi of life, thrilling ud qultkenlog every nerr rjlog up Un Zitxwe fplrltjand, (o ict( lntiulng turn hoaltb aai ri$.t in ine NOTICE. VliooTfr exrrcts to find this a Urcraite vl.i U dlsaf pojntod t tut to ths sick, vck and low si tilUl. H MU rr9 a gratfvi wcjaatlc cordial, W66M9C4 of bIb gti runeOial pcopcrttc. REAP CAREFULLY I TUo Genuine Mgbly conwntratoj Dot rh re's HolUnd J tit Urs la rat up lu bajf pint Lotties oulj, and rtotiJ st Offi Douii lr Ifitle, or tottlci for Fits Poil&is. Tts great Jemand for tUIs truly txJeljr&tthJ MwUcine tiaa laduo-! fuany Imi tat lour, vLlch Uiq puLllo UiouM gn&nl uut jiurcnaitlLr. lie are cf Irojosltlon. fee that cur cimo I cu tt labtl of t'Tery t-oUU you luy Bold by Dfvi fiiti csoaiaUy. U can U fen t 31 by ExpUM t3 most points. SOLE I'KOrrtlETOBB, uiHuricrUBiiia pnrnmriutisls unit (Uhmtets. PITTSBUnGHi PA. r or Bale bjO.M, Hagenbach. Druggist. lllooinibuir. Url.y.leixi. FtUBUnilTII & HUOTliKUi wiioli:sai,k T 0 U A 0 0 0 DEAL fi K & ttU.lUt, NORTH 'TIM III) STKEIST fire doersbelowKaer J i-Hii-AtirrrniA