enemj, anil hat people, al a regular elcc on, have sustained the Union by a target maiorltv and a lamer aeereirate vole than Ibey eter beforo gave to any candidate on i any nupstion. Kentucky too, tor tome time in doubt, is now decidedly and I think unchangeably ranged on the oidt ol tho Union. Missouri i compatallvsly qnlat, and 1 teliove can not again bo overrun by the In.tirreciionists. Those three States ol Maryland, Kentucky and Missouri, neither of which would prom, ite a .Inglo soldier ut first, havo now an aggregate ol no lets than forty thousand in the Held for the Union, while of their cit izens certainly not more than n third of that number, and they of doubtful whoroabouls and doubtful existence, are In arms again t it. After a somewhat oloody struggle of months, winter closes on the Union people of Western Virginia, leaving them matters of their own country. An insurgent forco of about fifteen nun dred for months dominating tho narrow pen insular togion of tho counllHs of Accotnac and Northampton, and known at the East ern shoto of Virginia, together with some contiguous parts of Maryland, have laid down tlioir arms, and the peoplo thoro liava renewed their allegiance to and avenpted the protection of tho old Mag. This lepvtl no armnd insurrectionists North of the Po tomac or East of tho Chesapeake. Also, we have obtained a footing at each of the isolated points on the southern coast of ilattotas, Port Royal, Tybeo Island near Sanannah,andShip Island.and we likewise havo some peneral accounts of popular movements m behnll of the Union in North Carolina and Tennessee. These things demonstrate that the causn of tho Union is advancing steadily southward. Since your last ndjournmont, I.ieut.-Gfin-e'.al Scott, has retired from the head of tha army. During his long life the nation has not been unmerciful of his merit, yet, on unlhog to mind, how faithfully, ably and brilliantly ho has served his country for a time far ba'ik in our history, tvhon few of the now living had been born, and thence forward continually, 1 cannot but think wo are still his debtors. 1 submit, thcrolore, for your consideration, what further mark of recognition U duo to him-anil to ourselves as a gratalol people. WUh the retirement of Ueneral Scott camo tho Executive duly of appointing in his stead . General in-chief of the army. It was a fotrnnato circumstance that neither in conn ul or country was there, so far as 1 know, any difference of opinion aa to the proper porsontobo selected The retiring Chief fepoatodly expressed his judgemonl in fa vor ol General MoClellati for tho position, and in this tho nation seemed to ijive , unanimous concurrence. The desinnali i lie designation ut General McClellan is, thereforo.in a con idcrablo degreo tha selection ol tho conn try ai woll ns of tho Executive, and hence ihere is better reason to liopo that there v ill be given him tho confidence and cordial support thus, by tatr implication, promised and without which ho cannot, with so full , BlTicioncr, uervo tho country. U has been said that ono oan general 11 ueuer man two good ones, and tho faying is truo if la ken to mean no moro than tliat our army U belter dirocleJ by a single mind, though in lerior,thdii by two superior one at vananco and cross purpose wilh each other. And iho same i? true in nil joint operalioiis,v.'hB.-u in ihoao nnqaged can havo nune Lu, a com mon end in view, and can diflur only as tn the choice nf iricaue. In a larm at sea, no one on board can A'ictl tho ihip to nink, am! yet not unlrB 4uontly all go down together, because Ion many ill direct and no single mind can bu a lowed 10 control. It eoMlniies 10 develop that ilic insurrne- un u largely if 1101 oxclu.ively,a war upon the fit-t principle ol popular Hovernmcm the fi?hi ol the peoplo Conclusive ovi I'li ico ol thn is found in the mot rave utid 111 iiuroly copfiilerod public donurieuti, as wull as in till) general touo uf I tits inanr i;o!Us. In i!ifi3e documents wo find llio aclinc.vN ti,laemnl of the ctistiiig right of sulfrao, and the dmiial to the people uf all rislu to paftieipato in tho oeleciion of publiu olficer5 ecopl llio I.t'gMlanvo, boldly advocatail, w nil labored aruinents 10 prove that a laro control ol tin' people in Uutumment is the source of all political ovil. Monarchy int-ll isanrnutimns hinted at as a possible rufugu from the pouer of Iho people. In mv pre.enl position I could scarcely be justified wcio I to omii raising a warn ing voice asainst lliis approach of return ing despotism It is not needed nor filing tioie that a eonoral argumunt should bo mado in favor of popular institutions. Butjlliere is one point with its connections, not bo" hackuoyed as most olhurs, to winch I as!; a brief attunlion. It is thy olior' to place capital on an equal foot.ng w..li, il not above, labor, in tha c'.ruclurj of tho (Jovoroinont. It is assumed that lahor is availablt only m connection wilh cu,iitnl, llml nobody la bors unless somebody else nwn'113 capita!, somehow by the use of it, induced him 10 labor This assumed, it is next consirieroJ whether it is bust ilut capital shall hiro la borers, and thus induce thorn lo work by their own consent, or buy them and drivo thern lo it without thoir consent. Having proceeded so far, il is naturally concluded that all laborers are either hired laborers or what wo call slaves And fur ther, It is assumed that whoever is once a liireJ laborer is lined in that condition lor life. Now hero Is no such roktion between rnniial and labor, as assumed, nor is there any such thins as a free man being fixed for life in :he condition of a hirod laborer 1 Hoth these assumptions are falso.and all in- 1 terferenco3 from them aro groundless I.a- I bor is prior lo and independent of capital. I Capital is only the truit 01 lauor, ana couiu never havo existed if labor had not first ex isted. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration Capital has its rights, which are as worthy of protection as any other rights. Nor is it denied that thero is and probably always will bo a roUlion botween capital and labor producing mutual benefits Tho error is in assuming that the whole labor of the com munity exists within that relation A few men own capital, and that few avoid labor themselves, and with thoir cap ital hire or buy another few to labor lor them. A large majority boloug to neither class neither work for olnors nor have oth ers working for them. In most of the Southern States a majority of tho wholo people, of all coloas.aro nuither slaves nor masters, while in tho Northern a large majority aro neither hirers nor hired, Men wilh their families, wives, sons and daughter!!, work for themselves on their farms, in their houses, and in their shops, taking tho wholo product lo themselves, and asking no favors of capital on iho ona hand nor of hired laborers or slaves on tho other. It is nol forgotten that a considerable num ber of persons mingle their own labor with their capital that is, ihuy labor with their nwr, liotiili.. nml nlsn linv nr hiri nthflr.1 In labor for them, but this is only a mixed and not a distinct class. No principle slated Is disturbed ly the existence oi this mixed class Again, as lias already boen said, ihere it, not, ot necousily, any euch thing r.s tho froo hired laborer bonis fliced lo lhat con- dition for Ufa. Many independent men, UYorywnofe in luesa i?Uto, a law years back in ilieir Uvea, were hired In bo tor.-'. The prudent, ponilws bfRlnner in the world, labors for wages uwhilo, Haves a eur vi with which to buy toots or land for bunself, (ban labors on lim own account another while and at length Inrus another new beginner v help hitn This Is thojust and generous and prosper ons system which opens tho way to all gives hope to all, and consequently energy ami prnyroM and Improvement ot ma nonunion 01 an, No men livinrr aro moro worthy to bo ttuted than those who toll up from poverty none less inclined tn take or touch aiiftht which lhy havo not liono-lly earned, f.et them beware of surrendering a political power which they already pososs, and which, if surrendered, will surely be used to close tho door of advancement against such as they, nnd tn fix now disabilities and burdens upon them till all of likorty shall be lost. From the first taking of our National Census to tho last aro seiciity years, and wo find our population at the end of tho period eight times as great as it was at Die The Increase of those other things which men deem desirable has boen greater. Wo 'hus havo at mm view what tho pop ular principle applied tn Government through tho machinery of tha States and tho Union has produced in a jjlvi-n time, nnd n.l.n what, if P-mly maintained, it promises lor the future. Thero nra already among u, ho-e who, if tho Union be pron'rved ti live to spo it contain two hundred and lilt) millions. The etrugglo of to-day is not altogether for to day, it is for A val future aleo With a rclianco on PrnviiUnse all the more firm and earnest, let us proceed in the groat task which events have devolved upon us AnruiisM Lincoln. Washington, Dec. 3, 1S6I. Tho Lu7.rruo Members. The army voto has been tho causj uf trouble, not ouly in Philadelphia, but also in iittzomo county. Tho boartl of return Judges which met on tho 12th inst , after a warm discussion, protracted until two o'clock in the morning, decided not to enu morato the returns of companies which boro on their faces evidenco of fraud, or wx-ic not mado out in accordance Ttitli law: but to count those rotes on a separato slip ! of paper, and give certificates of election . ' I upon tho county vote. Tim proposi Tt.!a n.ort: J.UI3 proposition was carried by a vote :3 in faror to 20 against, whereupon the niinoiity secedr.it jinu oroanizsu a nti'v conveniion ive' presume that tlicy enumerated the whole ' I army vote genuine and fiauduknt, and I granted certificates of election accordingly, j The majority completed their labors by carlifyim; to the election or Peter Walsh. s. V. trimmer, and Win. S. ltosj, to tho Legislature, the tno former regular Dem ocrats, and the latter a Democrat elected on tho Union ticket. Mo doubt both sot of I members will appear at the opening of tho,viir;r session with their respective certificates ot s election, whon tho ouostion will bo preseu- a Board of lteturu Judges can crant oar- j titicatcs of election, entitling tho holdeM ' 1 to scats in opposition to the determination of the majonli. We apprehend thatthoac -j holding certificates from the majority p I which is the board have a pnwi faciei light to seats in thi House, and the mm-' oiity claimants must sect retires? through . a contested tlectiou. Harrisburg Patriot 1 and Union. DluocKburg Ladies' Army Aid Social Proceeding ot Monday's Meeting lli response to the App.al cl luo Hanilary Coinuii.- stop a number ol ladieu of Dlooni.n-.irg met in the bu.e nit.nnf the Prcsbtcnlan UhurLh.on Monlay afternoon the second inrt. On motion Ahss lUnntrT Rl-ria-r was eluej t'rrsi ' iut; Miss DEULiM rpiMxtMi. Vica President . Mr. I IU; aii Janb Joui. Secretary I On (notion, iho following Committees iveie appointed , l wit . On Citmtuutut ccU Rj ..iirj, .Viises Hell Unb I insoii, Eieluio liftrion and Harriet Sharpies ; to.frfiLii Gulriuttf'i. Mtu-. All'..1 Hinder. Amelia I'omLnj . t Mary Chamberlain. Jeiii.u Culhcurt, llaiir.all Ucr.ue. I Mario Moyer, Mr.. Par.in flmwn, Mrs. t'annie lVeaici I Mrs II. 0. Philips, and Mrs. M. C. Wnoduard 1 to J).. 1 li-iture Mb'., Mrs E. Mendcnhall, Mrs. Win. Neol, Mrs. I). L. McKluney, and Mrs. E R. Drinker. The Coinmiltee on Cnnilitutii.n tr.d Ry-La-.vs were ordered to report to our next meeting. Mr. Willuni Snyder was selected to recent mid for waid articles One motion, aijnurfted, to mcit In the Lecture Rccm ol the Lutheran Churca, on Wednesday, the 4th Inst , at 3 o'clock r. m. iiAr.nnu ni'PURT, rnfH 11 J- John, 4tcre'(-e. Froceo Jini'ti of Vsdnesdsy's MeeUng. Mel, pursuent lo adjouiii::ien!, on Wedccj-day, the 4lh inst , at 3 o'clock p. m. The Coinmitlro on Constitution lepotl the fotlowin;, whic.'l was adopted, n: - ' OONBTITUTIOK. . 1st. This ss. notation shall tu Ka9i n as the Hlocn.s- burg Ladies Army Aid Society. I ?d. Its object shall lo to work for, and contnhtito to I the comfort and ullicieiiry of Iho soldiers of our army. 31, lis officers shall consi.t ofn Pre.ittcnt. Vicu Truiident. Secretary . Treasurei, Auditor, Kecelvtr and I'orvvardtir, Solicitniij Coninuttue, rnd Lxcmtio Com mittee 4th Tho dutica of the Trefi l"nt elmll le to pr ido at a'l meetings cf the associn'mu, aiH to call mitt c at the raquett of any thrc tiumbera, and with li 1 1. ecutivo Committee to decide all TiOftiona wh'ti m,x arise in the intervals ot ii.oetinii of t'tc aieo- .io' Stli. The duty of tho Vicu l'rQident bhul' kt mi and counsel the President when revested, 'i I to p1 aide overmeeting8. hi her absence titb, The Secretary tihatlktep a recoid of (he pru ceedings of alt muiting. and cue noticj ofdll called meetings, and cu.idnrtall correspondent Tth. Tho Tre.isurer shall receive and pty oat all ii)iie3, Iceei i 14 u strict ucount of the panic, tijieth r with the ordoiiiof thti President, which shall bg vuit ohcrs for the same. Ptli Tlu? Auditor, Hcceivcr nnd Forwarder, shull audit the Trcaiurer'4 accounts, tike charge if all nrti cloi dwtuated to thu tSoclctr, or provided by them, and to forward the same tu their dcsnution under the ad vies of the Executive Committee. Oth. The Executive Committee thall consist of four membirs. to bo tUcted by thu Society, toguhtr with the President 10th. Tho soliciting Committee shall consist of twelv 3 members, to be tdected Ly thj H.ciety. nhose duties ig uo tuti.cii ljt uw Kiviy. niiuxv m shall bo M solicit funds, ualm ils and labor, end to jvkcu anisui touifiwaiura in k uj iiiibv uwyaiuiivism, hand over thu funds tj tho Ir isurer, the u.utcriuls to the Executive Ooimnltteo and the list to the Secretary I fjr nen by the k'x Com. and tor preservation. 11th, All ptr inc ci nt'ibuting to promote tlio objic' ; of thti associatiuji hall be eonsiJerediujmberi and en titled to vote. I 1 2th. The times and places ol meeting shall be fixed or changed at thu mediums of tbe tusoa&tton. On motion then proceeded to permanent organisation, which resulted in tha election of the following o filter a, to vi if- j Pre side nt-Misa IIARRXCT PCPEIVP Vice President Miss Dllihii CattL;u. I tfecretary JI . Dr. P. Jih. Treasurer Mrs Julia Pupirt. Auditor i. ileetiver William Enydcr The Society tl.cn proceeded to fill tho several Com , initleeB, as follow a . cufies CVmHiifee -Mrs L V Lutz, Mra. Wm.Neal,' Mrn. H. Mciidvnhnll, Mrs. B. U Drinker, Nth. S. A. Wilson, Miss ti. Uooue. Mid. V. L McKluney andMiis Harriet snarpu-ss 1 soliciting CMaitiec Miis -Mice Snyder, MitfJ M M. Grou, nts, Grou, "Iss llsuuah Waller, Mim J.uuio Cathcart Mis-, .Martha Kloau, Midi Lvelina 'urt ,u, ma Ilann-ih Boone, 'Us, John V. PtirstJ Mrs. I'reas Ilrowu, Mrs. Fauuie Weaver, Mrs Uenry G Plu'iy and Mr M C Woodward. 1 On motion it was huolviJ, That, Mist Ucll tto-buon nd MUfHaitiotnupffrt.be a committee who.e duty UihouUbwtoprocurenvBiiiinoiei.withbaekiniark- dContributiM.fo,e.ck and Wounded Boldien." and havo thim put up at appropriate puLlic placet It wa further Jltsclced, That Mua Heine T Webb. attbePoit mice be authorized to receive and take i charge of suih donations of material or finished work a may suit the nonvenience vf parliva Ij leave at that place, O11 motion, aJjoiftncd, tu meet again o.i Saturday tho Mtb inst HAH JUT I" I'fWP H J Jef At n -ry Correspondence. Fsr las Dtvxttrat. Educational. ter Ubora with all the em-rev ol uhith he Is nosed J. lo niahe his pr'-sermona nil Lut with llttlti clct. Tha i I,, t.. ..,.,.1.1 l..n..l..in 1..t n..nn. L, 1LI.UII HUlllI MO ..U IIU"". "'"I UUIW OUlUS liiotni,'' or falluifileisly upon bfarcn soil. The tench cr Is mortlftfKl on witnessioj tho dominant military spirit of hisyouu; "S'lMicrt," InJceJ mental an J mor & ohlisattons t.re ton aitly nrglcctetl, these "stirring t inn's." .Man 'I mt ei.orgctic and rnterprlslng j eilucAOiiofrur iiuntry ar blvouaccd on tho tented j lUl'J, whllo olf era, lens cflicltint nml perhaps less amtl ' tions have Win selected lo (111 tho breach,. j Less activity Is witnessed In tho rank than Is desit ' atlo owing doubtless to the unusually largo corps of J new rrrruiti. I The earnest active teacher vi 111 feel the e fleet of tho times more poignantly t!mn many wmMippoae tjhcti thero Is an much labor to bjpvrrwmcd an'l thl trusty laborers nro so few wo aro net surprise that the hvfc teacher would regret the loss of hii valient cu-workers who are tinbarked In an cquitlj' important and a mure dangerous entcrprte. Coiulftantwttlitho common school system were m.v tty serious obtacU's they wire met mul d"tLriitidt and may q not hope tJnt ihu evils wliali U sit us nosv a a phtlon, will he ft'itiomlj avpitcd-ihttt hnppinu s wilt again opread hr plniohi r i r JLIa imxt faored Vl,n peace again j1a-idJii .mr Attpilo anu r itur; uur iiatl&nat'ty, th. n will eJu aum rcccivoa mij!it -mpulse. BuMhcie is need ofactun inojrar ny that lull and tatiifactory rcs'JUs may ensue. A wa eiins uf purpose hers may cauu a dit,ater more ter Me in Its results than that of Kail's P.utT. Ve should like to hnar from our fellow labrcrs. treat (Qjd Is often lost by inaithn, 'dors anon. GUOROE. Stillwater, Dec. Od 1SC1. MARKIAGES. On the 2Jtli nf Nov at lha rcnitlencf. of thi krl.l'. f. - .thcr, liy Iter. V.. WJ'WO'th, ,Mr. J.al M Ht-rltALtw, to jfi', riATiuni u Col co l'x ln iimloursvill'.ou the 30i!i lilt., by nov.s snwnan Mr Joii.-l Wmt.iv Siunsos, ol llloomsliuri,', Columbia co , tu Mist K vtl Lclo'), oi .Mlllliaburs, Union cotir.ty t'J. " ' " " DEA1 HS. In Uan itle on Tueailay, tin' Coth KnwxoiER, vvlfn of David N. Kov-li ult Mrs. Navcy over, Ei'l . aged 40 years, u months, nnd M days. Loan Hi-rutR. Est., died siidJeulv .11 IVilkssharre on lit- 'jTth ef Noveriber. in the floth year of hi. life ' -V cuns-.ian. i'atr'ot and CcntlenianJ KEVIEW OF TIIK JIA11KJL1T. COr.HECTF.D IIXfAXP. . 91 ij;clovek;eed.. 00 BUTTER 50 LOGS SO TALLOW 20 LAUD 10'rOTATOEB. . $4 SH II 12 12 J" 40 cosNfi'mi) CKWIIEAT... Special Notices. ASHIONABLE C I, C T H I II O roR r a i, l The tilJ-cstaMiancJ WHlTi: HALL CLOTHING BAZAAK, at tint southwest corner cf KOIIKTH AND MAHKUT STRCUTS. la now prepared witka t ULU STOCK Ol rASHIONABLt: reauv .made OLOTIIIG FOR FALL ANU WINTKll WCAR at inct'H winch challeitgu conipttition, Paritculir attention civtn to Customer Woik, O.hteii t uitoiM9, alfO HoiiM tiuanit' uits.A-c WOirU HALL CLOTHIN'G BAZAAR Houthwust Lorntr of 1'ULRTI! A.MO MARK.LT STRKCTH. tETLP. 5. LIIVICK, rmpnotot. Nov. W, ISA I. Mjy 1, lrtM Hm A CAIID TO TIIK LADIES Uiiponco's fiolih'n I'ilis for Fcinalrs. Dr fulliM tn correcting, rfgulaUnp and ranovifff net et ttn cliontijrom mhiteitr cause, ami atxajs avctttiful as e o-evixthv Th'1 Combinutinn of iiiKr''ii'iit j in Dr. Dnponco's (Jold"!! Pid nre perfectly harmle They h.ive bitn Uhcd in the private practice of old lr. Uuponco forncr thirty y 'tie. ami thousand:! of la.!, . cutt testify to their K it nnd never fulinj; Pucn- in alniost tveiy cite, 1.1 ' urrt-cluig irreguliritu h. relieving painful and JistroiJ'ii.is imjiMtruution. pjrtir ulnrly ut 'Ue change uf lift' I'.i m five to ten pilli will cure tfcia on. in an rt dri'idfn riT.pl.unt. tho IVlnte Nearly itry teinale inthflnl -ih t. i-oiu this cmipla:nt. Thu nboe pill has p'ir. vr . ir'd thousnnd, and will enro you if you uf t..,'t. jcy runnot karri you, on tho tontrnry they ii'irv.-r 1 ohjitructiius. restore natnre toitsprop rrrhiM ' unit inwaoratt, thenholo y;tein Ltdna whoi" ulthwiH not piriuit .in mcioia1 ofF.nniJy, will flndtl'fpp mil 1 suucssf'il preventive 'U rkU PiMs sliould not be taken during tbo fir it t three months ot prejMiaucy. as they are sure to bring on mis rcrriae,e ; but at any oilier time tuey are aie. rnce, 31 per box. ridd, whoh'a.i! and n tail, by C M. IIAOKNHUCII, fhussist. Sotc aijent tor IHoomeburg. Pa To hoiii a'J rrders muot be eci. Laduj 1 by send ing Hi'ii .?1.0d to th I looiriribur? Vott Oilice, ran luvo these pills sent in miy part 11 tlv cortitry. (i.onrider.tial Iy)nn.i "tree uf l'oetaa--1 bv mail Suld by n. L Knnk Ac. Co ).nitlu. 11. J. t'rv. TamH'tuu, J A Tolk, JWauch i.'innl'. and b -one tlri.fji.'t in every fovn and city in tV L'n'od St t. N. tt. ,nolt o it fjr counterfeits. Puv no Golden Pills ot and kinJ, ule every b.n is signed ri. I Ihtwe. All others are a boie impufitinn an-t unsife, thenfore. as you vnlucyiiur -v - tit 1 lii'iilth. ,to t.,y tiltin; ct be ng immbuxKed ol your m ntv.) Lvy on'y of tbujy lin show th diif . uure of r( It Howe on fv-rj b x, . huh hits recently been ad lud. ,i account of 4 recent covtciUilofthe Pills. H. Il HOWE, Sole Pronrutor. Su Vorfc. Dec 25. IPCO-Iy. C?TI!OMAH V. MATTHOV Kfi.'lved th Pnz Murlal at the World's Pair in London Wl, forTI(LTNKJ 'yAUPIlT J1AG3, lloou, Fhoen and (3uhh. Great in tin r. inents are now otlVred to purchaecr of the above arti elee Thij is much the larict Etock of trnnkr, Carprt true, Valicr ic, in Philadtlphi 1 very cheap for cash No, -WJ .Market Street, one door above 4th, South side 1 Unllorni.ty of Trice !-A New Feainru in Business F.very one Ms own Salesman! JONI-M & CO of tho Cresent Ont Prifo Clotlilit Store, X. SOU Market stree t above Sixth, Plu'atle'phia. In addition to tiavine; tho laiesf, mcnt miied and fihionublj stwk of Clothing in Philadelphia, made cz pressly for rtrtuil rales,, Iiive conttitutedeury one Ins' own salesman, by hiving marked it figures, nn-each ar 1 tiele at the'ver) ln.bt price it can bo sold for so they 1 cuntiGt pugt-ibiy vary all must buy alike. ' 1 Tbe goods are well speneed and nrenared. -tul ureal ! pain taken with th making jo tint nil cnnbu wiihtli lithe lull atBurnncn of gcttin, ,1 good article nt tho vtryl .fV low- rsi price, tLulateot Hylc and butt -lualitles, whuh will be made i J orJ(jr( jr4 l)ltJ ni0lt faA.ui.able and best manner, 25 . pCr LClt below ( red it price price a ent, In Market above Cut l Street Jieir.embar tho Crusci No, SOI). Military Uniforms Th ire i. tiurhans, 1.0 depart mcnt 01 military bublnefs in which there haJ been m more marked improve.mnt thin in tho clothing of ol 1 iars. Not many year nice otheers and privates were clad m garments whuh wtre ulmot skin tivht. They wore U- u Ut r dtocka, nhn h w-.ru worthy ol tho name, for i they kept the wearer in tribabitmn , while their padded breasts and uht sleeve? made uhuoi, ain.ittur of great dilllculty. During the present war. such of our volun , teera as procure their unilonns at thu Drown t time I Clolhtn? Hall of HnckliUt t WiUon, N'oa, C0:i nnd C05 j Chestnut street, above buth .'hiladelphia. obtain clo thing that I perfectly easy, subatuoti.il and becoming ) The hrm named h-ivo goittf Lirgi-ly into thi business oti miking Military cioinitig, ani tnrir taciiities en-ime them to fill the largest ordjr in the shortest possible tunc. Sept. VI. 1301. TO OONSUMrTIVES THL' Advcrtuer, having been restored to hnlthm a few weeks, by a very niniplo remedy, alter Laving suifered several year with a ever luiijf allection, aud that dread disease, Consumption ts anxious to make known to his feilow-iutfereri tho means nf cure. To till wha desire it, ho will send a copy of the pre scription tistTl freo of charge)' w'o lhu directions for pnparnK mid usine tho same, which they will (iud a suaa iVrl for Cowiptiox, Astu-u, llaoKcmtis. &c Tho only object of thu advertiser in sending the Pro scription ia to benefit tho altllcted, and rpread informa tion vhirh lie torture to be iim aluable, and ha hopvi every sutli rer will try bu remedy, as it will cost them nothinR and may prove a blesslnj. Parlies wishing the prcBcriptionw ill plcn aldress IIbv LU W AUD A. WILSON, Williimiburch King County New York Nov ; lA -am $35. LMPI OSTMENT' 75 AGENTS WANTXD Wc will py frnm $2i to pernirmth, and aneipen srs to art iv a Agents, rfnea commn'ion Paitirulari sent free Address Eitti tstwiho Machim ' frflf H iMCS General Agrt MtUn th Via M IW n n r.Vf-tvlhlnit nf a llt.rn.v rtisr.rt.r. now.a.dav. l an. I nrMu. 1 1. .Ml Mil I A 1 1 P. t I IP n AT. rlni-inrr tencv. WeaKilu., Ol Ills ......i. V.i i .. i i. V. .i.kT. "" - a ftiJney. I'alpltalluii or Ilia lirari, itipciM, r..k..,., ......... ,....r. ......... tne montn ot oremner, icm i t,m, trrit.tbitit . iiiwisw me ui-uu, mroai. .o,e or cd tvltli war news Adtancss, skirmishes, rccnnnol- ,. . ., . ,', , hm nnj all thoso serious nnd milan.liuly Disorders .! cement. Ac. constitute the pr.nC JIn ? !S iHSr 13 P'0M pil topic of conversation ana tho leitdral subject matter llufh II. MeDrl )ir, M ri mul llunley, I 00 !"cti?f nmre fatal la their victims than thnioiijot forthaprcii. litgond ihtQ or abovt thtie we seldom on.Jno.Mc Jf-ynulJs.J Oj John Klsllrr, 1 Ul f, Hyrcni to the mariners Ulypses, bUphtlng thefr most look with anything like tilcasti.?lnterrest. Tho wlnls- Thllmrit W Mltion W Jicoh P Bu ifw I M brlllinnt hnpei auJiintlclpallnni, ruudcri iijS marrlagt &c. REOEIPS FOR NOVUM BEU TO TKK i COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. The following nro the receipts to the office 1. Ilnli'-r. 3 OD Jospnh U ise. t 00 1 00 '.n Hwnhy, )., 2 00 Snmcl Johnrtun, Hl'hJ ItomhoV 3 00 Jul) ii I Truiiipore .VI I'll LI i p Arhenl'dch 1 01 J. UMpu-ncoM. 73 V. K. Uufhs, Mrs. Sarah Wtiih, a hi 3 50 New CAftuctliscmcnts., DlhSOLUTIN OP PARTNKHSIIIP. VOTHTIl hfreby piveti. that thn cm partnership hfrctoftireexistins between the undersigned, tra tlinj undtr the flriu "f Martz Ac Mm, nt Light Street, Is this div (Nov '5, InI) ulolveil iv mutual minsent of thn nnrtlfn. T!if h . j . i k . iiriitnntn it.r.. ronintn In thtt of !'(,. I'lit (ii. nrtliflttinlr.lrj nl Ihu lltn firm. by homall rintuis an-ilnM tnc s.n I linn will be paid an 1 tin.-- iii-l- lit-,! to sjitl firm will rlt-aac call biiJ make paymtitt of ttw .aiue. rrn'Mi u.vr. Lljht Hlrcil. Nov 30, IMI. 1 - . wimmctm m mom, (Omon tc Jtwenatntv Hall,) CIIUfTNUT SI'lltlET IICTIVECV t'U'TII&aiXTII, PUIL.1l)f.l.PMJt. (VY.VI'T li UEni.lMla, I'roprlttori. N'ovomtoir 30 1SC1. H.irch III, IS3S.J Catta ti bs;t Hail Uu;u!. PASS RUrERT STATION. BOUTUWAnn HOUND TRAINS. rW.rielphUfc N. Y. 1ail I0M A. JI. Express lies A. M NOKTilWAIU) HOUND TRAINS J.lulra Mail 3.11 p. M Nlagru Express 10.13 I' M Lackawanna & tilonmr.lurg itallroad AND AI'Tnt KOVR.M. SI, IMU, I'ASSENGEr. tiiaivs will , RUN AS 1'OLI.OtV.S MOVING SOl't II. Frrtffht Pcstiitt'tr. Ut 30 A. M A W g:d f 3 y40 y ir 10 oo N O R T H 4 30 I. AJ. 5.10 5.-15 5 57 S.OOLcavc POO l. M. rwlHritult II uoiujb if g ' Rupert, JMiiville, Arnvo ut iNortbumfjfil.iti.l, MOVKIU Leave Northumberland, Danville, Rupert, " Rloumsbdrg Kingston, Arru e nt acrnnton. 1.45 V 3.10 Ml A I'aMCjigiT Train also leaves Kingston ot 8 3 OA M for crjiiton.toconuoit with train for New Vork. Rc tum.i.K. luives Scrantcn on arrival of Tramfrnin M?,v Voik .it 1 15 P. M. The Lackawanna ami Rlootmlniig RailroaJ conneria witli th Uelawnre, Lickawannaaiitt Western Railroad at iSLMiitun, for New York and intermediate points cist At Itnpnrt ittoiuiecti with the Cattawiasaltaitroad.for pOUltd IMH.'i t'.TSl .illU Wt'il. At Northu:nbi;rl.ind it tonnects with the Pliil.i.lpintn.T it Krielt. It and N. C II It. for iioints went and Rou'h JOHN 1 ILSLUV. Sii J C Wells. Gtn'l Ticket jfi'n THE Weekly "Patriot & Union." TIIK CIIKAPKST PAPKU PUBIslSH EU IN PENNSYLVANIA ! Nr THE OM1.V Iir.MOCRATlC I'AI'IIII rilllMSUBU AT TUB SK.X'l' Ul' GUVllKNSlCN'l 1 1-OttTiM'OUK COLUMNS OF HEAD ING MATTKlf EACH WEEK ! AT '1IIC LOW I'RICE OI- ONT. UOLLAIl1 wittx VJllXlllHM ten I.V CLUBS Uf Jt17' l.S.IS TO.i.V ik.v covn s tu uxr. .muiiEisb The period fcr licli ninny ot nir sultser:lt'Jis lmu putt l..r lliL-ir i-nper licirij on tliw ovc oi cNpums, c lake Irlirty ol is.uliigldls m.lu.e, reiuliiiliii Ilium oftti sume. m orJiUiat ti.ey may RENEW THEIR CLUBS. Wo fiull alaonk'j it as an especial tavorifonr prcs out hiibsiTibers will u.iru upon tin ir uentht.or! thu tact that tli,' Patriot Ahn Uhwx is the only Democratic p.i-p"- printed in lUrnburg, and i-t,iiAidcrirg tho large anu mt of reading matter eiitracing nil the current neufi of th day, and TELEGRAPHIC DSPA TCHES Prom evoryuhcre up to the moment the pjp"r goes to prria, political, inKrellaieoiiti, geneial and loual newj, nuiki t r -ports. 13 rtecidtdly thi CHE.1Vl.ST SLn'BjiPJ:U PUBLISHED l.V TUll STATE ' The ie . Gcarocly a villcge or tunmihc State In whuh tttiua cannot be rnised if the proper exertion bt miJe, and snrt ly there ,irc few n aces 111 which oho or rocio cnercttic men cannot be found who arc in f ivorof the ijfHfnuiiBtiori of soun I Pwnociatic nnctrincs, who wnit,d be willing to make the eilort to raio u tlub. DiiMUCItATS OF TIIK INTE .1011 I Let us b'ar from jou The eMslntg w ir, and tho ap p-oachmg fft'soions ot Cnnpres and the Stat-J Leificlii lure aie nuennv with unusual in.eri.st, mutevcry duii JlOUMli l.L tht, n A a AC BRJi&S. PAILV PATKIU'P AVI! L'MOX, King's erpy fer u ear, in advance .. . . l Of) cinjl cpy duriiit! tht esiou r.f the Legnlature. .1 Ul) WL'LKLY PATK1DT AEI UNION, PtibltihcJ every Thursday, Pinftlc cny ono ycur in advance 3 1 00 Ti n topi- n to one uddriss . lu 00 Hi.bs nptions may comm'nee at any limp Pay at ireif Madame-. Any person sending us a club of fifty FiibiicribT!! to tho Weekly mil bo entitled to a copy for hid hi rvices The prire is so low that wo cannot otier Stealer Inducement) thtu thu. Additions may be midu it nnj tun.- tn a club of Mibhcubi-rs by ren.itting SI f.ir uih ndditinir.l t:aii" It is not necessary to tend us tin1 names of t!ioo const, luting a tlub. ns wo ran not undi rtaku ti address ir.t h pap-r toclnb bubsenbrs sep .ir it lj Specimen copiett of the v.eekty will be sent to Ul u h d'.-sirc it O DARUKTT CO., IUmsb-irg, Pa i. f'oLRT IIcj SB Atttlf, OprOilTE THE IliCUMJOE ItOTEL ri I K undersigned, would respectfully inform the citi . 1 t-m or ItlooiiiduitriT. nnd the imiihe pync: rally, that -ntd a N E W s no i', I Oppomtn the tour Hout ml nex' door tr thn oflicc of Uw Uu,umbla Democrat, where ho is pr.-part.Uiu xewte In the boat manner .action. U!ooii.burg Ku.- wilt dcstirti,ii, and to pcncrul Ktitls CKO. N ADDIiON Printer, EooItJiimltr & BlauhbGok .1 ANU FA V TU R E R,- Wholesale and Uetail I)ELta in PKIVTING, WHITING AND WRAPPING TAPER? AOKKT roil Tit CAT1W1S44 HPI R M1IL8. Mam Street, first door below the Public Spuars, WILKES1IAURK, PA. Nov. J3. letii-12in. t ADMINISTKATOK'S NOTIOE. Ertite oj Jane GingkSy deceased LLTPCRH 01 Aduiiiiutratiott on the Ktute 0'' Jam; GiMitivsIdtnof Ma lisou towiiship.Coluihbia county deoeatod, have been grunted by the Kt.st-r f Culuiu bin lount,. to the und rttmied. ritiidiiiz in Srtid ton n. bhip. AH psrions havinir c laiuuaifainbl the Estate of' the dcct'duiit, are recpn strd tnprtsent them to the Ad-' mmutrator, without drla , and all persons indebted to make payment forthwith ! JOHN g.MITIL I Oct. 2fi, 1C1 -6t. Jim'r I DISSOLUTION. I TOTiL'C is hereby given, that trw paitnerahip hurt 111 tnfnre I'XixttHj bctwocn the snbtifrihur uad r th firmofCn'T t ?' viieb intlm Milling liu ne in tk us Vtt.U Mills in l(ncj-t co'nthip CIntnb county wti disrolved, on tha llthoftirtnl.tr m6I. It mutual rmii mt Ml persons indebted to tbe late Arm are requeued tn ni ike ttettletnent with Ames Snylir, tc sidim; ut the Mill aud by whom all debts of Ibalstt Inn will busittlcd the Nov, liondF, llook arcouutg, 6tc ar In 'h lundj of tall Snvd"- fp early paymenf NOAH I'HIT M' rPI:n Vttjl JI 11 '111 Jones ot ut. nuii jouu t . r nwier. jjsi.. iw . .,:.. ..i.. .ti ..... bn.. nrn..i. .iAnt.iu 'u " ujm S;K. S S I E1 S W'-f!' '!SK- u'l WW .M-vvvwt Accounts from the SttittSS! JSt' 4 lha .nao, report SM.Sr'- ill coW,andthotraoF. Ainni rnlirinoer 4 10 Una. Martz. -1 (M i r iiVi.v. ...tn. j fhst has fii lieen opened tn lUooinEburf. tt whith he Thn ( ipmnmi.far piLwJf rf." n v -i'lniii. inn Immedialely rnicJand fall or resto rid. invites the olU-ntion of his fnend. and assures thm 1110 lUerm0tWr K.;J,.f.. Too KVan Wjlllv.,, 'CO gyuOTTO OCNTLUMnN-SiraAWNOAPPABBL, ' UAl.TIMOHli LOOK IIOSI'ITAL. I 1) K . JOHNSTON, I rrMir.fmifidcrof tills Cilubraled Initiation, nlTeri tho ' JL moat certain, ipodr, and onli" iirecliul rem My In tlifl world f r etffclfl ff uieetn, Strictures, Htmlnal nenh ...... (... in tlix IjiIih. Coii&lltutUral Debility. Imw- Jim Civ oiiu nii'i'P iiivcuuiis ti Impossible, by t h Ji' falling into impropir habits than hy the prudent. Upsides hein? deprivud ul the nliiiuuro of healthy olf tpntijrst the n(',l serious unu uusirucuvc 8iupu'nit iu both Itndjf and mtnd arise. The j cteiu bf cornea derail tA; the physical nnd uit-ntal powers weakened, rtervcu debility, dysppii'' pJlpitHtion ftfi ht-att, iiMll?i't,tion, a wasting Mih Iraim-.t'ouiih, Kymptutus of Conaump liult. &.(. tO OtTicc. No 7 dc.ru I rkprich SrptKT, scen door, frmn Ualliinnro strctt Lot st le, up the steps, lie par ticular In oturrvinu tlioNA.MU and N'UMUER, or tu ...t.iabw Itio t.lnre. .1 Care H'arrtntot, or no Charge Aladt ii rem One to j iro tays. NO MEKCUItY Oil NAUSCOUti !P.U08 USED. PH. JUlLVSTUJf Member of tin ItoyatColl ijjf rf Surgeons, at London. Intli. frum ntlU Ol Ihu Itltist eminent CollCEUS tf tllC 'United Statm, aim inn jrreaier pan oi wimw mo uas l.een .pent intliu rtr.t Ihuoitals of London, l'ari., Phlla- itr IntiiannJ elsenlu'te, lias eff cli-tl tioinc of Ihu most as i tonlshlng cures that ucreever knuAii; many troubled, with tinging 111 ueau unu l-ut. iic,i usi -t-p, ureal nn.rtw. ,..... in me nLirmcil at &uihkn nojuds. mil tiftih- fulne, w Uli frfiuent blushin?. a'tended tometiine w ith tlcranacmcnt of mlml, were cureit 1 mined uMy A UJ.RTAIN H.U.CA8. When the miqulil and uupiailfiit votary of iiUasure ' finds he hdM. il ""n-wd ft)i. pamtul -listdst. it too often hipp'im li' it an ill uipjiI M-nst, of fhamu or 1 dnid of tlii.ovHi ii tin lii in imm applvitig to ih.u nho Irom riiuciiitoii iiissi rt'pi.(,i.iii mj tuu. u.imua him, neinin "ii ihu imu-j, n. j" i""i. um horrid ilinease mukett tUir ipp.'nr uce. uc)i aa ulcerated nrru throat, dUi'awd nose, natt'Tte. palm in tlif.htad and liMiM. di.unct:'" of iuht. Jnfuem, linden nn the fkln bone, and ' i l'M'- tl.t ' a 1 "ace and extreme ties Drnar-iii1 wlu ii"dlty,ill at lat th - pT". of tho irioiUln I IK'Il i f tin noe rail in. -inil thi vittim of . this dese u)i.i'is4 Ii "td tLI .Lt cf ''ommiasuratL'ni , till death pnd i p' rtJ'l t-'hidrisidAil snileriiipH, liy n il'tiir hun M 'that liourno from whence no travtler re turn." To rucIi therefor-, L- Johnston pledgus hlia ; self to prcacrv c tin cn mnlM". necrecy, and from his extensive practice m the hni Hospitals t.f Europe mid America, lu ran confidently rec'intrnd flafu and ttpcdy enn'tothe 1 1 .'..it'inn!" . ltini of Hil horril disease. f AKK .WitTIl'I'LAR NOTlCi; Di J.addre3 d all those who h vc inj-ired tliemsclvci I by private and li iproper indnlRcnctp. I Th'JSO are -uiui'' of thii "id and i.t" lancniiv ci7L"-ta pro iluced by early halms nf youth, vi' weueka of the tlaclt and Limbs, l'aln in the Head, Dimness of Silit Lous of M'iirulaf Power, 1'alpitatinn of tlu lleiit. Dya , tieu'ia, Nervnm Irratahilttv, D.iratiiicmjnt of tlm liiej I live runtttoni. General DebJlty, fljinptomscf CoiuUsiip tion i-C. Mr.NTALJA' -TIi" f arful effects upon : ic mind arc much to be dreadtrt, Loiinf MFiuory,Coafu-.ion of td.-n Ucpression of th-V?plnt4, Kil Tort-buJlntrs, Avtriion of Society, Timity. &c.. an somo of thu evila prodntoil. Thouiands of persona of all dA- can now judgo what id the cau3. oi their iieciiiiinij tuann i.ooiiiiR men viior, becoming weak, pale ai'd ciuaciatud, having si.i gular appearanc about tho eyes, cough and ajmptonu ot Conmpiwi h VVWORATIN0 REM LP Y FOR URUAN1U WEAKNKaS fly tiiis greatand important remedy, weakness oi th: craans aro -fpttdily turtd. and full visor reitorrd Thousands of the most nnrvons and debilitated, who had loat all hone have been immediately relivd, AM impedinientit to M-irriact), l'hyical andMentdl Ins'iuall- irStmn.Nerw.OH Irritability lromMliitt&nl UYikne. or t'xhaustalio'i of the most featful kind, speedily cured by lJocvor jari.mcr OIJN'G MEN whnhavr mimoJ "iiusulven hv ii rn'mn prattler. fiduiajd in tthrn alone a habit freinently learned from evil co .panlotisf. or a pchort-tlic rttern ot Mhicli aro nishtl) fdt, tv 'ii whan :iletp, and if noteurod renders 1 ri.irri.iirf unrohfli! lo, and dtMtroyit both mind and bodi . should apply immcdiai) ly. VIini U piny 'l JUUK hwii, n ma vi'iuiirv. and tho darbuR -f hn pjwenti, fhnnld l snatched from all prospects fend cnjoiiii,i.ti ol IiD, by the consetpnn- 1 1 tg of devntirg from th' p.ith r.f nature, and induliu? in a serttin betrri liibii. Su'li ptrtotu bi-turt, cui:- tmplaling MAURI c.r. fthnnl 1 re Ret that unnd inind and body Mr the mos ncccsh&ry reiuiKitirs tn promote conunttal Iiaprince In locd, .tlin'i! thesie the inuniey throrgli lif. b-jcn.nea 1 weary I'lluriiiiiS'1. tLu procjuct hourly darkens to thn view ; t!u tut 11 1 becomes eh tdnwtd wttli despair &. lllleu Willi inn m.'l.inenni reiiccuou mat me jiappincfiu 1 nf .tuotlu r In CfHi.c Idit'llt'-d wilh r.nr own, t UlTlCn X ' iUlJTIl PKIUH.IUCKSTs, Hiltiiorc, .VJ 1 all emtaicAhopnii.viioNH pi,nroRMi:i). ; N. Il --l.i t no f.ild .uodi-ety prt ti.t .!, but upplv 1 inuoediai. iv itlur poiMinaUy .ir by LUWr. I SKI.S mSKABLrt .PKI.D1LY CLUED 71 STItJlwVUr.liS Tht mmv tLiuaiid-i 1 ured nt Hi in limitation within the lnt 15 "sirs, and tnu n'lmerour, important SitrKicnl , Operntiona pi r formed by Di Johnaton, witiiejHCd bj tho repnrterd oftlie papers and many other prrsoiu, no dun ol which luvu appeared aam and iiunin btforu the j public, beii.k lu-i rlandinc as a 'iitleman uf rh.irarter ' aud resnunsibilitj, trf a cufliiirni iru.ir intectathtafllictel TAK1S NOPICL. j N. II. There nr. -o many ignorant end worthier , Uuarks ad'..rtr.is thi'inselvef PI13 mciana, ruining thy health of the already dfiheted, that Dr. Jnhnttou deems' it necessary to bay, ospecinlly to those unaciuainted with his reputation, that hid credentials and ditilfnns 1 always hau' in tn o.iui O1 TAKb Xoiu p. All letters ntiist bu poet paid, and j contain a postage tlanip for tl'e leply, or 110 answer will bo ent. ! Maitbl7. 13ai. MstllllSf SflllUSE, 'V JLItf-IlVTOlVK ) THE pu!i.nt-cr wm.1.1 if-.pcrtliiUyai.pri.f Ms fi:cndn nd the pui.Hc t;ciit?m;i. tlui 1. tius epei.cd Under the a', Miamn. m J'THe town, UolutnLia coun ty, Pa., wlier. ne in fully pnpart.il to entertain thi traveling i einumntty toe eiu ral saiisfaciioii. Ilia TA- lll.r. nml i!ll!ni m. . It -nr.nl n, I nml will li'i fnri.fllllv suierintendi'il And ai bP.iHUl it ampU anlweilj staked, in :Unig of '.areftil jrctiiua, will always 1 " j properlv attended. i ly-He niMtiH a share "f the public ruslnin, and) pledges hiti bestiirorts, to htlp his puusti feel at home tiAMULL RIMUV. Jerueyluwn, .May II, IBQ1 ,1m Purs Wholesale :nirt iteliU. "Sijir.L Promts and V :ik 3a mmu m mm ; 4lfi Arch St., IcHuen 4ih iy 5lksouth .ude. j PHILADELPHIA. Mantle, tipes. Half Capes, Victomra. MuiT OutTs, m mufacttirfd of thi hit tc rich f.t Skln ..; .'.In k Hable, i Stone Martun. t'hiitchilla. Sitn.(,in r!4ai.'-el, P.tiJt, Cr mine, etc. Pi ri ult 'red into t! present fadnoi's. uO1" N'o I ii-intj'. tra..irti-i' nn tJ.iturdaj . I Hie i it'll. prir. M'AiJ for .M-mk Pox, t;oyr Musk ratseti I N 10. 'rOJ.-jUiL I 10L. J KI(HTE JUMW RE!JIKKT; rjtTV HIGlll II ijS) I'ilSN -t . VOLUNTCEIIS V. S. AllMY. Hcaioitmtcrs and T rl-ir.ipul llcnrfcsvous 138 S. Four"'. Sire ', 'iii'.ailrljihea. Camp in Rnxbotoitg , near Ridge Avenue, Wi .NTED (ahk3mhm for tho Flank CoirpLiui'., i hith arasjiintiLvdnfcxuerieiitL'd Woodsmen, and will ba aimed with the het class rf Hitlj ; infantry soldiers tor thti t oiiiijitiei of the lint. Artnllery foi the lialtery which ia attached. On applicutinn, by ItlUr addruaed to the Oo'.met transportation fir squad of nun, and for individual rc cruits, to tb Hdflibpi tiler m PliiUdtlphia will bo fur nished Iroui any pari of the State. Recri.ts are mustered into the V S arvite oti their arrival at Headiuaileu, and receive, at oace, jjubsist cnr. uuiforitiii, undirciothinr, fcc Njv.'J. inci jRUIT TUKFiS KOK SALE. the fi'bst nlir hnfl now m lundnt l.is N'urscry, in nusli ItJMUhip. NoiLhuu.biiran.lrnunty, near Danville, & lurtfe bsortitkunt, of thrifty grufted and buddtd rauiT xatEi f f ovory detr riptioa, guoti aa APn-is pi:ai;h ruA?, ppjcot. PLUM. CIIIiRKY. f.l.APj: VIVUBof the c!ioicet kind, Cataba.nnd In b lit, all of v.iuili w will sell ut reasopfiLle prifs -Persons wisliuiiito net out orchard, will do wh to tali on the eubc-criber ,it the Nusiry oral hii re.leiicu in Danville. JOIIX JIEtST Oct M, Utlm ADMINISTUATOirS N0T1CK Uuai- o George Har'imn, de ta:cd "V 'TIC!' tulrrebvaiv n tbnnrti ts at Afuitn it ai outhee. at uth jq llartman, ulu cf iU iiru p Columbiarrunty,di'c.iHod,lia -ti r-eiicr nt"d by thiP Ister of sii 1 f ounry to(icor;b M ll-r war w i u s in the saint tnu nt p t pi i-in huvturf K - ni r!ji in audi aguiiUMhc t xtrn oi tb i u fidii- are rtjurfil topiesent thei fit r ttlentent c-i thus b' .A " cak paMin-nt Khun UeU ii RT(AK i vnuiAfin ir . . . i i n..nna nr Vnnnff .Men rnnte mnl all n J m a t i T t A vt llitwrtm FRESH AR 11 IV A I. -01'- ,i vi x. tew -FOK FALL AND ttlNTBR! 7 UT. undersigned, grateful for pant palror.flge, terprct fnlty Informs hisrustuniers and tlieptibltcgfiicrallyi that he ins Just rt-cclved from tho na&tcrno cities, the largest and most select stock of Handkerchiefs, Olbvcs, Suspei den , ic GOLD WATCHES JEWELlll', Of every description, line ait .1 ehear N. U.-IU-iiinr.lior AuKsnJfro's C4rj Eiptrikm C3ll and see No chnriru for cxamltii! I go for examine Hood. ! Uioomiliuic Pcvicmber 3, lftJI. (Juelcsti) COUGH DltOl'S : COUGH DROPS 1 1 EVERY boily me. rUONErlW.DS' COUGH DltOPS. It net. tiromotlv noinctime. nrre.llna the wont rolil in 24 hours In al) alFection. of the Chest. Throat, whuther acute or chtonie it will be found of Immediate benefit. Try a single bcttle and ou cannot fail to ap- preriaio us useiumes. Tor Sale by most all Smnkccpcrj and DruggKti i rctrea ty N. FRONEPtRLl). Wo M- N 3d St .rhiladclphla lfi, lSC-l 3in NOW crrupics the room up stairs in front in Mr. trnnncit'a brick butldinfr, on Main Street b.'low the Ainricnn lloui o. A most convenient office ; whTt he will bo happy at tU times to r-oc IHs friends and clients. liloomsburg. Nov. 9 ISO!, 3m. WANTED -AT THIS OFFICE. HecT. Polk. Poultry, Honey, Grain Trnduce, Cldc rnmpkins. Potatoes, l' ..n, Oats Hit and Ccrnslalks lilooinstnirii, Ort SO, HOI. MOW 15USINESS FIIOI. T UT. undcrl'ned respectlullv inform thir firicnds and the public g'-n. rally, that they have entered m ti co partnership, under the name, Etjlc and fit in cf MILLKR & LYlilt in thu McrcaEitilc Susiucsh In the "Old Arcade," in Ulooinburg, Columbia r p , w hi.ro they intend enrr ing on tho hiimneu of utsr rat Mfpxiundi7iko, in all its dlvtrmfled branches and dep-uttnenM. and to whi h the mute an cxt-iuion of tt, .lall.epalronag. g ( hm I'REU KC. EVER llloom.butl!, May II H'.' u CIGAKS & TOBACCO A laige assoltincnt of c'loire Ci?srs, Toliaeco 1'ip-s. l runs, uoiueciionery anu ..'iivu . lth u loll .lock ..f HATS and CAl'rl. connnntly on hand and for sail cheap, al the -Ploom.bjrs Hat A-Csp Emporium " . JOI1.N K. GIRIUN. Iloomsliiirt. Marrh If, IrCl rtS, j. B 4 .,iU , i o T I AWX I.O VOI1T afllCl i ia I-EESH .'UilUVA C or FALL AM WINTER hJ0 AT rrilll, euliHTibers hnv, just returned from th- i.ttv L With opother large and bUlc( asaortmU id Fall im Winter f-rood, purchased H Philadelphia which th y are rie'itrntni d 1 ai rm be rrocurnl I'u'wli at th- loTieci ri'irc and 9 li n i4ni ldftato HrniF f m Plr-oi'itb'trs Thet- block cmtiprtiC! L.1D1ES' IMbSS OOOltS of rh'neest fctlt b i.ai latest fahion Cr.DAli IMiti, UUI.LOIV lMHE utOA .'i't.s ruo7w a- mor.s 1MT& Sf CAPS, fie Jf-e.. Ins'iort ver thing udtally Kept in ro-nit.v Sior to which tlu-y mute Uk- public peiitrallv The llighettpricu paid for """J" y'Yl Dloomiburg, May tl.UtJl OVSTBKS! OYSTERS 1 1 rilUnnilfisigtl'tl illboin Uloonibb'irg llil nir.SH oysii;i.i!. Every Widiics.luy and Fi'uluy, Winch 1.0 ill "II m 31 i-unis it: li'jj.'t , CO anu p i C,..: sn.HScen.sruHa.fCn. . Nov. IG, I:01-lm. PUCLIO NOTICE. AUtui Ri COuKlNli S10VC, h3s been lics,sss ins iv ll. prt imausi of We undcuigur,' in r.-hirc loinsliii Mr sevt-ri! ytars iia.t an.lasil is likely to remain unclannul, llio owrn-r m owners ol snirt frtray Slave, are reijui sled to pay ch.irRCs, and take It away or il will lie disposed of as mi Act of Ats.ti.tilt pio d mall such ( A SWI;n.t.11ISI:R. Centre lp C" 11 1301 31 H. MULLIGAN IMPOrtTKR OF ALL I.ISB8 OV AND JI A N U F AC 1' U R E H OF JEWELiU. ya 4-1 1 North S'coml Stmt, ' BftVIJ W f LLOIV P1HLAUEI PIUJ. Vn If. Is6 III J". I XT '-- II. C. I10WER, S BR (.13 ON DENTIST HWl'UCTWIIl.Ly ilttrs hi3 prnfcssiun al services tn llio l i.lies and pintlcmen of Ulorni.biirs and tlcinity. lie is prepared to .-iiti'nd to nil tho various ouei iitnuiE in the lino of bj proiesBion, he i provi led with the lateal impiuved p.ircelnin Ueth , which will be inserted on Boll, pl-viua, vilveraud rubber base; to look aa well as tho n-iturat tectti Miii.-r.-il plate and block teeth mannf3ft.irea ami an ijierations nil teetn, raretuliy ond properly aiienueu 10 lil-i-uluiu, Pa., August 3, Iflil. V'nTTfT TO PUPUITORS U1H j IV LiliilIlUno. fr.t ttA tf iVm iitit.t If avni rm ilereAStd SUt Ite CJ JjCamta Itaymun aeceuitu. VOriCT. if hereby givrn tocreditfis and all other 1 mtrst"'l. that upon pennon of Solomon NyAard. .ilniii'iHtrators of Henjamain Hayinan dureaseil, a ru.e has been (.mated by thu Court, to shew caue by the t.rst day of th. 1). eeunVr Trm, why the report of thu audi- tor distributing nail Etaic, shall not W recommitted and .i it distri nn. i .i i. .twtriT.bti.tu made, of the lundd in thu hand the r-mJ Adtmuiutraic-r JACOB EYiatlA. OtrJL October 12, 13GI HOUSE FOR SALE. Aiimveabb' IIoue, will bti sold cheap, cn sp pluation to tne undikigned. v LC1I '! VTL BlooMibur;, Jul, 13, lfftl, Jl?ir i'rooi Cement ihv Sale. Ai't of ur.tfnor VinP pRoovCiMKNT,,sr;i'Cially adap n il for ('cmf Mini; Roof tine salWni will cover Ii teet of ordinary roofiiic, and is i inured proof atruinst rain and wet w rather fan bu had at maii'tiVlur prices, by the gallon 'r bill Uaitel, tithe ot'lci'ef tks fcolumbu Democrat. lllowtlwrl. July 13. "9 Tlin COiWIN 3UIKDKU THI Us ! TRIAL OF WILLI AM T. COtiWIS, r. H THfc MV'RPS?. OF HIS Will' CAFOUNFS CMllM t ... I j.Sow tn ji.css ana vjui oc viwiisnm on MQiulayy Juvembcr lien. A 'tll and complete report cf this most Uinllin and Uiportwt Murder Trial-the ftraiiRCBtand most biuju la taaeontherecordu of Luzerne County. thi: cor. win murdhu irial. Pu-.-aoln p P t'llpass oetao A U .nt' ' f- P nli - tofrfftin a eoi Aeiv f ' cents ny H Winr l.ti ttoat -inn Sen r"V J p-rjnns w uldi well to appt at or .i by mail on fh r 'tcipt of 33 v not i ft V3.CU rar doi A oide tt '-.mpnisu t" ish pron'ptlv attendrd P IHPK-' RALR "ilh'-llr v dl- Per' P AFEAlltS ON TUB POTOMAG. IJALTIMor.E, DeC. 3. i Federal liuc.i along . the weather intensely aro suffering much. in Saltmioro this nior- degrecci ?KOM THE fOUTH I The RiM Capitol Xot To Be removed la ' NisMlle. IJAtTiMOP.E, Doe, y, There were but few passengers from Norfolk, bv thn Irnrft linn, nn Slondnc. , . J and theso were ftrict'y enjoiuetl by tbe rebel aulboritics not lo bring SculUera newapapera. The order for tho removal of tha Uon foderato capitol to Nashville ha boen countermanded, in consequence of the vio lent oppo.'ition to tho step around Virgin ia. The rebel iron-clad steamer Vorktown came up on Monday from Norfolk with a largo pleasure party on board. There was a number cf ladies in the party. Tho Yorktown opened fi c on-tho New port News, which was promptly roturucd by tho fort batteries. After an hours firing, Iho Yorktown hauled off, being, at is suppoied disabled, Tho Federals sustained no injury, P U M P I-I A K- ING. Till; underpinned inform the public generally that tlvjv hue furuid a co-t.lrtturhiD. and v til contin. ue the busiiu-as of Pump makinc aud repairing, in all their various department, in Wnnmsunre, where they will promptly uttund to all orders in thnr line of butt ncns lutlmr in town or country Well nn 1 Ciftern I'nmpj, with leaden Tips, made In the bet pttc of uorkuunship, on molerate terra t, and n very abort t otic From t)itr lot. experience in the bus, ne, ir.d an, earnest duir to hive th"ir work commend ite elf to tbJ publii', ttiav f.'i'li un ndc nl thev cin mcku itiin object to inoe ivnn iiiay ifiv iu?in incir curturn uiu renier ccne ral itmfirtioi. JOHN CULl' id 'Otmbnrt: .Iptii 13 leY1 I'm lIiO0JI?nUF.(; SKYhlGUT, PICTURE GALLS RY T 1 fitiEf.'n uf fJIftom aiiL' n ishb Hiond Mi at hi- dm tah n th" Urci room th.' i:chana? Khtfk. eitendlni: ovf r Meters. Stonr A; Tot Pflkfrj aid th llonHc'oi vh -r" h- has put in nun;" umiic'n i' :p nnij iy rftyiini nil rooo pit lurea L.in be takjn especinlly grtj vbctatarh petion can be laken ii'it is well m sepiru lie hrij koi.. to coiWJ' r.i!)!' vxp -nje ti nus" his fs tabliilunent a f.ti clan nr., and li tii'refore solicits 4 I liberal pntronngo to enable him, to c mstantly Introduce i a!) tho modern iniarovemviitx of the HtU 1 (O Co'ictry proiuco taken in Kuhiinse for pii turei OHKsVl MILITARY CAPS .MILITAHV I" ITS nfpvcty -t. siij n.l quslllr f t sal, eti-ap auh HlootTi.burs t'nl U'ltporl'ira '..-;. irt'T"i f '""nr. cllvliir: s.i'iiais tc Jlliv K (J1RTOK Cluunutw,' H-vi tl I'Cl D R 8 1 L K W OFIT H I lit, ANALYTR'IL PlIYefCIAN NP SURGEON Iti daily aptonlfchiiR his pr.tients ly thi cure cflcncj KUiuins diieaacs. IIW RUMHIULS Allll PL'ItLLV ' VLtir rAHLC. He will be In thu pUcu thu same dnys cf c.uh month a3 stated below, when ho can be eon Mil led for all diseases t!otIi u heir to. SCON'aJULTA TION VRMM. Jpraeysl.orc, the 12 and 13th of each month. Whites Hot Lock Haven, tT- Hth and I3th of earh ui"uth. CloouHburg, 30 Ui and 1st IJaiivni' ida-i Id TJott tl nmberland lrrh Milton, G, ard f Juno ti, leot lin EVs" ftgiiriiVBiiRi sooas. TIIK U'ideis.cticd would most rs'perifullv anunun'c to tin. utlzensof lUouiiHbure and iciin,y, that the hos recintil from the eastern cities lierfallaud U'lXTLU JIllLLI.MiliV (siKWS, all i f w hirh she I prepared to iiako PoC f and sell ut a very reasonably low rit'uro.4'iH ttjs llt-r assortment of good a are 't little tu 3-fe pfnor in point ofdnralilttv as w i-lttaeti fulncpF, to any otlr red by In-r in thu ec'.iui. I. retotjre. She f mrn-. thank for tho IiSeral pa ror.ai sh has tereived aii'J le pectuJly toWi'it a cuiiiitiuaure .f the frine M-VSV UAUKLEV niiomshurg Ur i li'C ir 11 NBW-YORE Tll'WN'L NFlV VOLI.ML , On th BL vcntl. of September, 19CI TIIL" VLW VOKK i WEEK LY TKIHL'N'E commenced the twenty-lirtt yetr of its cxistei.ee; THE DAtLY TKintTVI? b tne eonc mouths older aud THC BLMt-WLEKLY TRIBlTNlj ! somcwlnt younger Vat more than ttmty jeare, 'his (oiirpHl haj-lai red iu what it conductors tme felt to be; Hie caus.: of Hciuaitit) , Jiutic u.ij 1 re. done cn deavornfi to meliorute the couditiin of the opprlsted and ti'ifortunatr, to honor and encourage usif.il txor tion in whatever fphcre, and to promote by itj mentis thu moral, mtcllcituil and materia) ad aujineiit ofour country. Il has aimed to be right rather tban pcpular, . and to espouse un I Lomnvnid to dav tht truth Iisti.thirs , may not be willing touewpt til' to 'noi.-t.n- In purm inn tbiituure, miittakca havo douMJefcs b . n male mid I faults rommiiud , but, having m all tkmgs incited out ' rtadert to Hunk nnd tude for iHi.iel - rutlt - than i adopt blindlv our mvn or otVr' conclusions, w believe ( we may lairji- claim tor this journal tin credit ' f having Till' Kid its reader to dt-ieit and exp08-' tven its own I errore. To dtvi Um ilw miudx nf the vounj by tbe most general, thorough und practical Education, ,md to tn coit raj aud btiiaulato Productive IndUjttry, tiiroujjh . . ,,, f Public Lands lo actual sutlers m ,itors, as Hl.u t'ltiujli iho rotpction of mima pnculurlr epo.i.d tranche" from lo powerful a cum Ullliatiiro nr p'.'cuhirly epoLii branciie irom to powerful foreign compt tttioii, are amoi.g the anni to which this journal has ndhtrcd throuch nocdaud evil nport, nnd which ft stendlistly commends lo American, patrlotietu and phi lanthiophy. As to me iivii vvur now uevssis.img ol country, W3 hoIl. ., t0 uae onsttiated tn a lUbvilum nn,rD wantoik. , wjci,ej ,ner,uuble than uasevcr before known -a lie bellion inthe.mitret of the few ngtMisi the many a Rebellion debigi'-il to raise higher the walls of cant and l imhti n the chains of impression. lktii.u dune all we 'couidwitlriattiaarranderofvitalpHdciinetortvotdthi. ' War, and witnessed the foibuarancc. uovkm, and g BU,Vl)11(, wnuh lhe rederat Govt rnniont mupht tp j avert is Jtoriors we hold i' our clear duty, with that of t .-ty other iititcn 4 stand I.) the tiatiou ad its fairly ( c'josen rukrs.und to second with all our enttgies thi ir , ctfurts to uphold the Union, tho toiictitution and tha j supreuta i of tl o Laws And.thouph the Kebcllionhas oft pniniation. fearfully stroiii.Mve telieve tho American Re uucumr, uiiuue-i .......... wvr.uU, aUu pULinC ll SirongLT, JUil WIU llil uiiailWiiwun vaiiiL-s- ri torts of loa nearri nno nanus win iniuro us ovcrtnrw lint iu. nil uuu.tiuns alffrlttc the nb:.-cts cbv scout:, und diirstion nf this most extraordinary ennu-st. tta defsrto thusu hIioiii lh Aiufiuuu pcoplu liu, clutrt-'d Willi au Uionly, holding unity ol'putpi.i otiJofacllun indlspen 12LI0 in so jruvu .iud cuicrcc-ni-y In a -.rlsit like the r'"''t " columns must be Isrse ly cneroisud nil tlio curri-nlluetiiry of tlio VV' fw lw Union oml ttitn ilucidiitun. of its more striking inci dents. Wc shall not liow. vcr. rfiiurt liat utenliou to Literaturr, 'o rorfig" Atnurs. lo Agricuutirsl Progress, tn Crops MarKets, -f ., tt liica basalrta.ly tve trust tun for TIIK MUlHUriF. an honoralila position anions its cotcii.poraiic'.. Our lu'iin elJvct i ..nd sliaUbela nrnduco a rnmptiSitnsive mttspapor from liuh a cart ful r.adcr may nlftt v'vid and faithml history of the iiniBS not mvr.ly in th domain of Action but in that l Oninl'on also At our facililKa tor aciuiricj Infurma tii'iinfie6i.iln years. pcrwUMe. jr.d that, in thi vantt and futlne-s of inwlllienca aOorJed. e may till lii'rac I . .iak- tad. day n cnt r an tha last In tli,hot.e solicit aconlliu. rf. clltlc-i. n.'ri)Ui mctf Id., oi ri'J'ronaSiJ liith no arcor.lcd to oui.ou-nl TERMS. . n..,- v...vi: "illli.u.'i per annum 16 6S t5 tivL 1- d.M. Win., v -104 issii. i" i siir.um) lVtvuiVfVluUriDU HIIUJIH "TootViw-&i Tvocopics f cn ! trnromei f one eMrets for iffl . m.d anv lar uer Lumber "t thn latter rati. Fi r a clttb of twt nty. an extra copy will be sent. I r adubotfvtty v ocd tko U.ilv TpjeUhE gratis one ytar. H'ctU Three cop ins for 95; 013 tit copies for yiG.and anv li,2r nuuibtr attti rate 1 1 $1 W 'uli ttir annum, tho papef t.oaddressrd loetch fcjb-" lo club ot P..tr' w en I and rira'Py Twentv 'op ies to oiif-address for $0, wit cm extra mtui" t nil it' 1 " ta i lub of One Hunrlt '"at uat Trr:3 will bs ttulir M for one 1 year 1 tvbsn drafts can Uprrursd it irt'rh safer than tt 1 mm Hank tiilU Th'' name 01 tnr t on vmrg ana piii I shnuld m all raes bo pUml- wntt n Pa- mcnl llsvuytin advanf I Adrtrcts THP IHIV1 VF Kb Vi' t Q3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers