Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, November 02, 1861, Image 1

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LEVI L TATE, Editor.
VOL, 15-NO. 35.
n t m
uuiiiuin uuiuuu
runustiED evert Saturday, iiy
0 fTTo U
t,t tU vie tirltk PvU'liitir, n?iott the r.rtknnjrf, hy tUt
etkt Court Home, "ifcmotrat'tc Head Huartcrt."
1 OJ tn a 11 nor , for " copy. fir sit months,
I T.) In n iviinc.'. fr one io. miu )cur.
2 (It If ot p.tlJ 11 ithiu thj lift tlirjj months.
U 2J If nit pal 1 iviiht.i tli tirpt h 1 inuntfid.
2 . tf .Mt paid tvituhi tUu y 'r.
rT s'lln'-nptl'iii uk.'ii fr U thin tlx months,
ii 1 .ut p 1 p. r dlicuiitiiiiuJ until nil arrearages nhall bnvt
b.'L'ii paid.
r7" Or ll' Jod WonK
cccutad. 'it tli j t'Miibliiiiitiriurici'tf.
i it. joiiiVsTov,
rnm:fiiiidcr of tliU Ol dinted liiMltutton, ofTerr the
JL iii it c jrt 1I.1, sp -ei y. un j only it ' rcinciiy in
tli ftl 1 f r .of ilc li i U- Mfn tur -n. fc' miiifil uink
n.i, i.iln in Hi -, uti.stit.itimii it, hiht, Iniprt
(M v, ' -lieu t f th i:.h a and l.iiidn, AHc tiono o
tlu Kt l.i . i'.ilpn.itioi t.t th- Hcirt, Dif-pfpij, Xtr
vtiin trrit-thility. I'm mi - ir th.- Il.-a I. 'I ln:(i .Nia-or
Sim, Hi I nil tlioyu nun ni" an I in. lautliuly Hii-rders
hri-tuU tro..i tli .1 -sir titii-j" tf Voiiih, wlikh tle
Btroi both ho iy an l nun I, 'J'Ii.m, n.-tr. t and Military
ora tie j, 11 r nor.' I'ul'il to th"ir iittini iliau ih.t 11 on ut
(it reii to th nififiDLTfl Llysist's. blmliimv tlh ir mort
bnlli tut h (pj mt J anticipations, rendering mnrriacu &c.
Mirrljd ipraoni, or V011112 Mt'ii cnntcmplnfin; mir
ri.t;o h -un aaruf phj 91 mI 1. 'iikn s", orv inic diubili
ty, iTiriuiit?, Ate., lioili iium-'niat dy consult Dr
Johnston, a 1 1 b ' ruMored to pi'tftt h.-allli.
II who pi-ifL-s hiinsell" under Ih.t car. tf Ur. .tohnlon,
may r lui -ily conti le in Inn honor as n jrjiitk'iinn, and
contl ljiitly r. ty upon In A ill u h pbnii inn.
Imiii'ilitt ly curt'.l and f.ill U"r reKtoreil.
Tina d si.ii'i tli- penalty tnoxt trvpiently pniil by
th a 1 nil I li iv b-'Ciiiu 1 the viLtim oflmpmpur inoulL'r'ii
cie. Vo uii p.rsom nr. Urn apt to comtuit i'c' iron)
(l t iK'liig inv.iro of til! coui-pi oice that may
tin a j. N.tiv, 1I10 th it 1111 lertandn th nibjfi t i til pr
un I to deny tli it tli : pow t ot prorriMtu n 1 I"t coiht
iy 11 isj I nun i ini-i 1 nproj) r nami in in oy 111 pru it nt.
lijsii1 b l.ti d-privjdot tin pljaur of h oilthy oil".
sp im th mi'-t (tjrimm anil it -itnictivi; fymptom to
h th .1 ) ly a. 1 1 ml i.l ari . Th.- nyM-tui In'cmuts .0 rauc-1
eJ; tli 1 piitcil .ml ni -ntal pow -r iv uk.'iii'd, mrio'it)
d jaility, tyi -pita, pilpitatioii oi the li -art. iri,ilr!.tion,
KWiMtiM ot t.U ff.1.0 , -Oliih, iiiptouitf ot Coii'iliup
tf As.
J J H ", 1. Sooni rithDPiLK Strfi-t. set-n door
'r 11 it itli 11 t ( ctr t, Lat ci 1 , up th ft 11. Iii- par in oh rtiti tlu .Ali; und M,.IiKlt. tr jou
will ul'tak th 1 lie .
A Jitre tl urgent 'ft, ur no Charge Made, t.t fron One ti
Tim Dan.
NO MUll'H'IlV Olt XH'HllJiJS unucd lsi;d.
tUt. .fUtLYsftW
Ms n'jir of tlu R0y.1l Coll.j.- ot SirgtMm, at Lmoliiii.
(J.mJ l it ' fi-'-n (u "f tlu uio.t eiuiu.-nt CulL'i.'L- 1 1 thf
Uii.tJt Stato. an I tli- jireat-r p.itt -f hiMu' baa
t Hp -ut in tli llrst llinpitdti of Lmi Ion. lari, riti.i
djlplit ia'i 1 elfcwli tj, Uan iif ct -4! ho nu t f thL. iu-t,.t m
toiii'hi.11 c ir.fn tli it knovwi; many trouM d
is itli ni iiz in th:h:al and cars ivii-n n-k-. p, pr.-Jt
u irv.i Kins h im ill 1 rm -d nt u Ideti "O iud, and ba-h-fill
1 1- nil frj 1 1 oit bUfhiii,, nt t u h ds.ii"ii.n.i4 with
UratiiJiiuut of (inn I. w r." ciiru I imin ly.
a curtain i)i5ii:.tii:.
Wiim t' i intmi 1 I an 1 h.ipr id m udtry of pi aaurc
f, 1 U h Im i.iibSji.l th j aLiuU of Hi i--iitri itt ,.Vl it
tii oft ti h..p? n th a an tli ti.u J n 'ii.' ofrli not or 1
ureal of di:iv-r, d -t Ti applj to ifmt j
n'itfri.11 iu-aii ni un 1 r p ittbilitvtaualou - b fri ud j
In 11, dvl.ivi.i till th- co:iuti:t, 1 sni,Ooiua ofthi-
li.trri I til " -jij ut iii ' th irapp .irn.tiv, s.irh ua ulr T'tt.-d
sir ti ott, !t. .1 i04.. ton hiri", piling in'
tui I liui'i ill 11 1 "t i'f -ii;l.t. d :if ii'rtt, .i tit -kin
h.m i-, a 1 1 .ir.n- til ul'i n-i t',i 1 1 1, f u-j mi i ut '
ti 'j. j.r ur IX it 11 r-il'i nt) .1 il I at nt tli p Hit of
Hi 01 tutli .in I b -n nf thf nt I ot nt nn I th 1 n iji.i i-f ,
tiiir i 'a ' b i 11 ii a lion id uli 1 tt m ( Dm un -rat inn 1
till d arh put a i mi 1 1 Im di it if il stiirriiis, by un- !
iifii hi 11 1 1 th it b ' f.-'uu v, h nrtr tut tr iv 1 r re - ,
ittr.i. Ti it'i.'h. th-r-ftr-. lit. Juli itni pi..lj.- linn
self 1 1 pr h irv th inot-t i'ii i.iil.k ir ry, .111 1 t'roi-i hi
exi -iHiv pr 11 tic 10 th lifft ll.pit;iU 1 f I'.uriipi' an 1 1
Am to- 1, li ' 11 1 i-outi I utlv r t dm 11 ui.l .tf - mid sp.-udy 1
cjr.' t.tth ! onf rt mat i. ti in U tli in Iurn 1 ilie'af. ,
TAKIl I'AliniJ.JLAU NOi'ir);.
Or. J. .1 1 Ir.-. s all Un uho h im mj ired tUfiiw h-es 1
D au I luiprop t hi lull nr . .
T.i aro noai j of th a I a'i I m I inriioly etr'ttt pro
iliir I b farl,-h.iltil of oltll. 11?.. Wi-ukio-d of the j
Hark an I l.i nil. I'ani 111 tli' Km I, Dunn of icbt
Loii of U i:.iUr I'ow. r. 1'alpitation of th llwirt ll- I
p pi.i. X 'rill it Irrutabilit v. i Tanseiti uit of th Un '
tlV t'.ll tio Id, It 'II T.ll II jblllt), VJIliptuilibOf L'uiUtllilp- I
lion, tc. 1
iMil l MIV. -To f -nrf il 'iT. rt upon t.n mind aro
m-ichtob' Ir-ndiui. l.nnnof M mory.i'onfiiioit of Idfin
D pi 'i-loii f th' Spirit-, Ilul Tor -ho Iius-, Avri-ion '
of Ami t. Tl Mitt . tu:., ur.' hiiiii of th i-i il produced, 1
Tn i-ju 1" of p 'r-orts of all at can now judc 11 lint
is tlf ra.iif of t'l u d.'ili liuif h -Hlth. I.oo-ius th ir
ijor, b 'rn'mu? w :iK. it m I cin.o ial d, haio mii
p liar app 'ur.vic alio tt til in igh ail I tnpto.11 1 1
o-9 ivvinoit vnvt; ui;mi:dv for
t)!lt; V1i' WmKVKriH. I
TlV this ureatau 1 i.up irt r -m -ui . 'nkufsrf of Ika
nrcannnr Mftiily eirt'l. an I fill usur r'htored.
T.MUaulof Itl'inoU ii-rimM a. i.l o.'luiit il d, who,
hi . I i-t all hop , h.iv b"ii 1 urn ..i-it Iv n li ".'"I. All ,
1 u;c U ii-'iiu to l irn i2f. l'lniiiil a 1 1 .Merit id Di'i'i.ili-
flra'.iou X.'rvii.lit Irrat ilulitv.Tr.'mldiiil!auit Weak.i .
or -Attaint 1 turn of tlu ,.ioat tVarfil ki.iJ, tpjtdil) mail j
by Uoaor JoU.utoii.
t)l'Vii MLS' 1
Who hav mtitrcil Ihm v h uf a certain prartii'e,
In lulijjii iti wli nlo.i: n habit fri'pi -utlj 1 -arind f;oui 1
cm) citnp.1 ii.uu, or at tliuul th : t It'jtt ot i Imh urc
uii;lilK t -It, een ili -u a-'.-cp. and tf m-t cured reu lus
nurrt i; itapfHciMo an 1 di"troji buth ini'id and bo Iv,
hit.) il I I'p.-iV im.n -iiiat -lj .
V 11 it a luttv that 11x1114 man, !!' hope of hi rcuntr,
ail th d.i.lii!; id hi-, p u uta, -Iio il i hi! niau-h.-d from
all P op 1 li ana ''lijnuu uic o 111 o iu conj'i'o-ii
1 (.1 tiiuL' fioin tli path of uatur.
no. I i'i.lnlji;
M a . -run .cr-t habit, tiach p.r.011- b.-torc cou-
t UUpUt. I!,'. '
.in ,11 rrfl-nl.lnl ?'luj' Vm"l, I l.o Iv -re ' a privatucriug Cap Kiity BgaillSt tho IlKtli-
y;i.;!H;u;;:inZ'i,r;;:y!;'!rK::m" ti"-" proPouy onho utter country. waj a
"th"'!."!';. "i.".. .Sr.'r!i?i"V.ud5:.,;iS!rr l'r!a-nti.iU of about ouc hundr.l nJ cy!.-iiiir-'Jll''i'Ml-ili'iiVhr,:!''
""""""" l b.TtUeii,oalld the liM huh M
u.ri.'i. . ' ".'r. "'"
am. sMJitui i. vnovs) i'i:moiiMi:n
X. 11. -1, -l ioi lit. uion,tj 1'ri't -nt o'i, tut ii'idy
iiiiuiotliat"!, cilli r niiroiiiillv or In l.-ttir.
SHIM lllriUii:- ..l'l'.i:illl, t'L'KIIII.
i nuxci Kits.
Tlu uitnv tliouii.iu 1. curt'd lit tliu institution ullli'n
t'l ' U.t 1,1. .'art uti.l th hiiiii 'rmu huioi'tit'it sJuriiicnl
O.iT'ili'm- i -ifirm 'd li llr. Jolin.ton, witn.'.ni'd Iiy
ti,'. r i r. ol ll, nan T. mi I in.iut nth r -riiouii, lid'
tic---, ot niii.ii ha..' Dii.-ar "I iiiiuiii nn iiisniii h r.ti' tin-; eljo-i n for the common- oment of our story,
i ihlic, li'.i li-i In .Lin lin'l ii- n Bintlomaii of ih'iruct' r
(i.ijroiwii.iiniit.,i.nutiii'i nti!uiiraiiti.'i!iiiti.oati!itiLi this .'allaiit veel had been absent about
t ki; Norn.'!;. c . .
n. ti. Tiion- o inaiiy imiorant nn.i Horiiii'iu lV0 ,;,0 ,tln, and as yet tho patience aud nlverti.inij lli.-tno l'li).icia'n. riimliiii Hik , , ' ' ,
Jualth .iftlin ulrtudy nfflitU-d, lint llr. JnUnatnn ilwni. natllOtlsIll Ot her Uoblo creW had UOt boeU
itn.-ci.'ary to ay, i'.icrially ti thn.j uuatumnt nl 1 .
with iii. rt-iiutatlou, iiiat in. irciU-nthL and diiiciu ii i rewarded by the capture ot a single prize,
idum. hunt; iu liu utlu-p. ) , T , , ,
ID- Nnni.E.-Aii iittir. iiui.t i. post pail, und Nevertheless the sen Lark cruised on un
rnniaiii u .tainii for the reply, or r.u answer mil , . . ,
..-ut. til the afternoon ot the -'.itli oi October,
c-'-'----- - I whrn !, was suddeiilv beoalmed off the
54 M 1 AC . X JlV Z k
HCflT.CTFl'I.I.V olfur. In. Drnfcu.innJ
al M.-rvire. in tin mini', nnn gi'iitu'iui'ii oi
lllooui.lniriiind viiiuily. lit i. pri'liiir 'i
r. Htt..inl to .ill th i vnrinti. iiticrulion. Hi
t!l' lit." nf hi. prnr.'.Miiu. li i provt.l.'d lilt lh . Inti'.l
i uprut ol porcel.iln tj.'lh, which ttill 1.'-' ni.'rtJd on
,;i pliiliun, ilt jr ouj ruliu t bitJi Mlouk nt well a.
tli loitnr il t 'I'lh
llin .ml pint an I tl'Hk teeth iuanuf.1 turjd and all
op .ration, nit t.i tli, cir 'I illy uti'l propurly all. tided to
i lie, t'a J;u.t J. Il'l.
TIIR mmic'ibtfr would n'jp tful 1 appriza his fnendt
and i ho public gen oil, thai l.o k-ifl opened
InilT tbc abmc name, in Jer.i.jlivn. Colunilna fiwii- i
ly, l-n. wlK-td Inn. fully prepared tu inteitiiii Hi.
traveling lonimunily tu act. rnl falltflttinii III. TA-
lll.B onJ itAU.ari! well tupplt 'd uu4 will b) rartfnlly
s in 'riiiienueu. Ana n. 4f roi.r. t uun'm mo, ,,u .
tti.k d, in ihnisij of careful roouil, l.ill aluay. le
prourly utleudiil,
II i.i.ii.. .tbhnro 01 tlu puUie lu.tom, -tin)
tilidic. III. l.-.teinirt.,to help III. unci. IV el at home
Jcr jejtown, May 11, loCI 3ui.
Select Morten
Jfapa, what is a Newspaper?
Orpan Unit jrcnlleimin piny, my boy,
Tu ant-ntr tli.i t.itj or tliu day, 111 boy,
Uhut iur It b.',
'I hi')' hit on thi! key,
Ami pip 1 1n lull cimcjft mi ay, my buy.
Saw from nil pmintri and clfincd. my bny.
Advertisements, itt-ti,), mid rby iiks, my bey,
A it.' i u v Willi ull m,ru
Of f;ltng report,
Ami tl ut rifiultr times, my boy.
Ankles Mile nnd nit.', my boy,
AlL'nt in tlie (.'ditor'i rjt'B, my boy,
Ami ItuJcuuurjHid lii und rt.iml
Tu wliiit in worl-l it applies, my boy.
ft.iti'tir, nJlTtioii", ritUuv, mj boy,
Ultli (r.ipi to instruct uiij nuiils., my bry,
Anil Unatliy dilute
I'pori lu,ttl.r of tnti
Tor wIbj bonded fulk tu pur-us, my bn.
TI13 fundi a they hi re ami Hi y nto. my boy,
Hi.- tuil.bici and itijrk oftlic bur, my boy.
And every wi-ik
A ili-icr rnthpip
On fiomo tli ntrirM Mar, my boy,
Tfi ne ( f Jiij it. 'fa, my buy,
Tli.: hi 'alinij 1 f gum -bulj's spooni, in y boy,
Tlic M jt- of tlii crops,
'III. M) I j ot the ffjpa.
And tlu wit nftb public biiftuonf, mj boy.
Ut rf all II. my boy,
HanMnld by somebody pillo, my boy,
Tii jou ak iwtli surprint
Why any one diej,
Or wlmt's thj dionrder that kill, m boy.
Who ha roi married, t.i wb.un. my boy,
Who wen ut off in teir bloom, my boy,
Who Iihs had birth
Oa this sorrow stamrd earth.
And w ho totter it f.ut to tlio tomb, mj boy,
The pilfu ofbiitler andpr.iln, my boy
biroctlmin tif iliir and In drum, m toy,
flut t iwn I, I take in' tou long
Tu ti II j 011 in mine
A Tmtr 1 fall thiy contain, my boy.
I r i 1 1 1 n g .
B.M'.t Amy n.kM with plen' e)e.(
n ar l .rlM. I oc'i mj. will j-mi,
TluOfJ I've ht-nrJ -ur ci.)tiiii .ay
I sh.mlj n'l l.k.- tu t'nll y.M."
"What! litl I oiii. jii'i take cninmiuil!
W.ll, Aiiij, Tin niitj williag ;
l.i 4uc)i tompt.iy us )mir.
I cun't li.-ivtj t.10 uiutlt drill itip,
'Flainl.1 tr tk'TC, nnd mii nut r'rr.r,
I.U t!il- im', .und m nx,"
tli, Cri.irU'ji, yiu'll uahj up .t.urg,
II ui't .!l ml liki! ttiHl. -K-ar, yl...i."
"I .in.l nt aa., 1. tin. jrt; nut
Allll llhtll t lU.'lt ilo'tltl n
Th tirsl toiniiiati'l you Iwv In ii.l
U lil 'm.u na I -,tt.utio.i."
-Nt'H, .!iiy, fiiitrtly. iifir in
(V.i'i'r.1 .'ir . ikar. it ,luirt liorc you ')
I'ur.-.ntai-a'iick .Marcli - Halt Troiil-
Dr.'iij -
Tli;r.', nu, I'm cluV' Iicfurp ynii.
"Vrn -ut nnii. WVII, it t'ou look tlJ.l,
Vou dou t ! lUvi IM (rill
Vu hoi I our linn ju.t likj tui,
In drill Hithuut th.' i ill.'.
'N'o.v ?ay n!uu yoar ullircr '
' O.i, Cti.uK'., f.T', mow can yon t
1 tiioiijflit llut i w.-rat 9'iiuv Irlik,
Vt-i.r horrid ch.itlii man, you ''
Chart -a "or.t r.'il arms itliout roiiunand
Sfli i Miin itii'.l li 'r ruioiil.'d liair.
Aii.l jornt ), rr'j.viljd. and Id iili'J, and thcu
MilJ -ol'tly "As you .tri"
Select BioxM.
A Prize AVurtli Ilavinsr.
11 V I II UT. C r MOllQAN, U, S. X.
Among tho many neat and fast ailing
.. .. , ... t, .. .
vessel scitcicu miring ine in i ui tut:
TTlllf).i o..,,, .:,!, f!lvnr Uri to Met ill
in tho latter oatt ol Auju-t, in tin) year
lal.'l, sailed from the harbor of ono of tho
largest seapoiti on of New Kng
land for a professional cruise iu tho wa
ters of the North Atlantic. At the time
eastern point of tho Island of Kayul, into
tho haihor of which placo bIio was then
bound for a supply of fre. h provisions.
"Tho vossel has no hcadwuy on her at
all, sir, reported tho boatswain to the first
licutemiit, who in turn stated the same
unpleasant fact to a tall, s'out. light com
p.exioued man, apparently tweuty-fivo
years of ago, who, a.s he walked impatient
Iv lore and aft the quaitcr deck, answered
thui :
"Ni h-aJway, eh, Mr. Weston? Then
all wo can do is to wait for the wind."
"That is about what wo have done so
far, through tho whole cruise,'' mutteied
tho first speaker.
"Nor for wind," replied tho captain.
"I'or putty miteh every thing lsc, how
ever, ' ...
"That is true, Wciton," returned the
I cajituiu, ad a taint smile illuminated tor a I
moment tlio Uan.lsonio but pale unit care-
worn features of li s expressive face, ''but
you know tlio old proverb says "patient
waiters arc no lowers." .
" If that is. true, wo ought to be groat
gainers," answi rod U eitoiij '-for we havo
waited and waited "
"I'utieiitlyl ' interrogated Captaia Wat-
'Perhaps not, Mr. Under such circum
.staneei ai we are placed, I don t see who
could do so and Le human.''
"Nor t," returned tho cap'ain.
".ud yit, ir, suggested Weston, ''you '
have throughout the cruisu exhibited more
patience thmi any one on boaid." i
'Alas! Weston, I have learned to d0 !
om tho school of bitter aud sad expjii- I
kucv, ' I
"And yet, Weston, I have seen much, ,
especially iu disappo'n.tmeut.
"As to that, sir, so luve t. if you refer
to disappointment of seeing ju-izjs. I have
seen none woilh having since we sait.J ,
from home."
"Nor I,'' replied
the ca;tain "Vet
once I aw one.''
"So did I, sir, duiing the cruise before
this,' interrupted Weston, "and a haif a
dozen others almost tij ally valuable. '
"Ay, but the one 1 refer to,'' continued
the captain, "was anil still h of much
more worth to me than all you speak of.'
"Most of them were rich ones, sir. and
the last of them Ithouglit well worth hav
"Not in comparison with (ho one I
mean,' respon led the captain.
'Was it a ship, sir!"
"No," uplied the captain, faintly sniil
I ing a, before, "the prise I refer to was a
fair, accomplished and jcautiful trirl.'
I "Secured it sir, did you not I'' asked
"Alas, no I" returned tho captain hut
.riudly '-It was a!ui3sl vithiu my gtasp,
wh-.u it"
"Accidentally slipped away, Isuppo-o,'
.interposed Weston, a. the cjptatn
! ted in his speech.
"No, sir," sternly responded the cip-
tain. "Slits w:ii t r;i I'ro.n in.t by a proud
'ctirag d, and cruel father." Then su'l
idciily ns.-uiniii'' his common cool and calm
demeanor, he continued, "Order a sharp
look out to be kept, Woston, then come
, down to my cabin, and, if lime only s.tvo
j I will tell you how I won and lo.t a prize
indeed worth having."
Towards the latter part of the samo af
teriioou spoken of in tho preceding chap
ter, two individuals might have been scan
standing on tho muii nit of a hill, that from
; tho cistern extremity of Fayal,over!ool:ed
!tli3 broad expanse ol" tho Atlantic Ocean.
One of these was I!obeit,coinmonly called
U)b Hurley, and old weather bcaton,Kng-
li-b sailor, whilst the other was u tall,
gau'it, long M-used persouige, of Yankee
extraction, who rejoiced iu the simple ap
pellation of Jona t'ttcrs.
I "That craft to iho tt.isl'.U'd there,"' said New Vurk, and was absent about thirteen
the former, as his practiced gaze fill upon inoiilhts, and then returned with ihe con
the i.ppro iehiug In igantiue, "seems t be iident expectation of liually seeming the
pr. try netr bicalmetl." , piuu I had on before I left. In the
"A til I should raythcr think ' meantime, however, war had been deelar
sho did," reilied Jou is, '-sceiu' she haint od between Knglaiid ami the United Stales
moved ahead a darned atom tho last half j und to this, being IJuglish by bit tli, Mr.
hour.' E'.wood was bitteily opposed. Therefore,
lias she I eon in sight so long as that!' whvu 1 went to him for his consent to my
asktd Hailcy, niar'iago with his daughter, the only re-
"Yes, most of the arternoon. Uatnhere .suit tvas a political alteication, Avhich cn
havu you coiiio from hey?" ded iu my expulsion Irom the hou-e, with
j "Tho ho-pital," replied liob ''where the as-uranco that Charlotte rhould be
for a long time I've been laid up iu ordi Sout cut of the countiy foithwith."
nary." i "Heavy squill clo-e aboard of us, sir 1'
I "I. lid up in what I" queried Joins, shouted tho Lout. wain tlouii the cabin
"In ordinary that is, Ive been on the
tick Hit."
"Shaw! Got off on t now though, haint
yo f"
"Ju-t so as to iu able to ciuise round
on my pins a littc," answered Hob
'Where do you hail from f"
' Town of aldcn,county of Middlesex,
State of Massachusetts.''
'Yankee to tho backbone then, aiut
I you T
"I kalterlato I am. Got anything tew
say agin it t ' asked Jonas.
"Not a word responded liob. '-What
I memt to ask was, how youcamo hero to
this Island."
"Guess 1 didn't walk hero," answered
"1 s'po'o not," remarked Hob. "Coino
iu a vessel, oh ! '
"And got shipwrecked t"
"No- schc-n-r wuckod," said Jouas
"And ncflw if you'll j'.st stoji axin qucs-
tious, I'll tell yaw o'.l abeout It. Ycwsco,
nbcout six months no, bavin' got sick of
; lariuiu , nun jiiwn ity n coniounuuu gai, i
' started off tew lloitown and went aboard
j a schooner tew go piivateerin. For tlio
jspaco of tew mortal months arter nailin, I
was hum sick, Itiv sick, and sea-nek, and
pr.tly uiiieh all kinds of sick ever you
, hecri tell on. Tli. ti tho very ful day I
got to as to be nbcout, I went en deck in j
1 the aiternoon and touud the schooner a
layin' s-til t , jost abeout where tint brig U
neow. Tlifie was au almighty groat big
HnglNIi fiigate a layin' utM tao, a milo
astern of iif, and je.t arlcr dark dcowu
come a hull lot of her tarual boats; then
s'10 JJU' 01"2 W'J li 1 1 c: we was waitiu for
it, ami down she come too. Of course.
with only four guns agin forty-four, we
couldn't stand fight, so u won us the wind
struck us our cap'n run tho schooner
lro. Then, a- I undertand farmin', I
was lucky enough tew get hired cout tew
Mr Ho laud, the liuglMi merchant what
owns the bi' huuio in tho valley hick ol
thi.. hi.l, and there I xe been eer si c
I i .. i :. t. ...I, . .... V ...
.vauiu lut a uu.uvv tu.. i. v.,.,. uw
Mi. Hot. and, ' repeated Hob, "tint
where that pr.tty fciil ives that every
iiod) s talking about. Crazy aim she J
t'ti.y a ittle queer iu somu of her
ways, ' .-aid Jonas. " I'he fact is, her fa
ther sent her here from New York, tew
keep her fioin marry in' agin his wish's,
which chuffs her high spirit and makes hoi
scorn kind of llihty, aud act kind of hard.
'Look there she is now !" exclaitnoii
Hob, pointing tu a tall female figure, thai
seemed to be balancing itself upon a ledgi
of rooks below. "15y 1 ' continucu
Hurley, as the same figure suddenly (lis
appealed Irom view, ''she has cither jump
ed or slipped overboard !"
"o slf has I aud Joins l'eters iuuM
ho ih.s man to save her 1" exclaimed out
Yankee ftiei.d, a-, ho ran swiftly down tic
hi!', an 1 kicking oft' hi- bojt',iUshc-l head
long off tlio rocks into the sea.
After seeing that (J.tptain Wallace's or
tiers concerning the look-out, were fail it
fully executed, the first officer of the Set
L trk followed his commander iuto tl.
c.ibiii, and addrci-scd him t'nui :
' 1 her.' s a h. avy cloid rising in th. sir, from which I think vi
shall yhorily get plenty of wind."
1 Wry likely," lospinded Wallace;
"so whil-t the weather holds c.ilm, I wil'
as biiefly as I call relate the story of m
long lo-t pr z ! "
"I never knew until to day," said Wes
ton that you had one iu tow. here did
run alongside in lioston V
".No," replied the captain, "it was in
K'eiv York city, about two years ago, that
1 1 firat saw aud loved Charlotte Ulwood,thc
j daughter of a wealthy merchant, in whose
employ I was about to sail to the hast Iu
das. After an acqu-iintancu of a few
week'', I 1' offered her my love Ii
j wa, trankly aeeipUd,aiid I reeoiv .d lurs in
i exchange. Immediately afterwards I left
i On hoaring thi both officers luludou
dtcK, ultieli t.iiy u-t a-, a quail
struck th. Soih.r. ninlthren h. r uea i ly on
hi r beam . nd.. Then, as she lighted, sail
alter sail was taken in, until the brig was
lo.t with only a elosu reefed for aud iiiaiu-
i sail wln rewi h to clow off from a lee shore.
It soon b. iu nu evident, however, that
tho equail had pased iuto a steady and
violent gale ot winu, uiatsoou uiew me re-
niaiinug sails out ot tbeir bolt ropes, aiut
sent tho doomed vessel svwltly in towards
tho rocky stioic.
j "Every ouu for himself, boys, and may
; the God of Heaven help us all ! ' shou'ed
; Wallace, os ho found thu Sea Lark drift-
, tug ui among the breakers.
j a moment aite wards and tho vessel
! struck a sunken rotk, and boon amid tho
j hoarse howling of the wiuds, the nild
1 rushing boiling wntc3, and the lurid dark-
uu of th miduigii v eut to pieces.
I.iko c bravo atjd noblo oflieer as ho was
Cjiptain Wallaoo tt)ck f;ut by the uoblo
ship, until a tremendous sea, breaking over i
tho stern, wa-diod him oil, and luckily'
stopped not its mad career uutil it threw
him providentially upon a narrow spot of
sandy beach, nt the head of which stood a
fi-hcrman's rude hut, towards whicU Wal.
lace ai soon as he got upon his feet made
the bet of his weary way, I
Ouidetl by a dim light that twinkled
through it- half open door, tho cnp:ain en
tered the hut, and beheld lying upon some
rude mats thrown loosely upon the floor, .1
female- form whose head was resting in the
lap of an old woman, at tho sido of whom !
stood no less a personage than Jonai I'c- ,
tors. I
"Dnnt make a noise," said ho to the ap
proaching intr'uder, " for she's sound
asleep. She fell overboaid afore tlark,and
1 got near dnotvuded trjin' to save her.''
"Good Heaven I ' exclaimed Wallace,
as he advanced toward the head of the
prostrate female, and bent his eager gaze
upon tho beautiful lineaments of her pale,
sad f.teo, "It is my lost prize iny belov
ed Charlotte !''
And so it wa, kind reader, and Mr
i ! ol and wi h whom she had been residing
ivas bar father 9 brother-in-law.
The pronunciation of her name by a
well known voice, roused the sleeping girl
to immediate consciousness, and the next
moment she was enfolded in the arms of
her lover, much to the astonishment of Jo
nas Peters.
"Wall, if that gal was Exy WiUon,'and
I could jump rite inlow that ere half
drconnded chap s boots this blessed niiutt,
'd give four-aud sixpence cash down, 1
would by thunder !''
Threo years after that eventful night as
Wc.-ion stood alongside his former captain
is groomsman, during his wedding with
Charlotte Kllwood, he could not forbear,
as he g'ued upon her radient beauty ,T,'his
pering in Wallace's car that ho envied
whilst at the same time ho congratulated
liim on having finally secured A IT.IZK
.vonru having.
A Young 0 iur. shut dead iiv nr.ri
JousUN' . shocking affair, the thought
if which causes the blood to flow back up
in the heatt, and seems too horrid to bo
real, occurred in llristol, K I. on Thur
lay evening l.tst, the particulars of which
.ire thu-. stated by tho 1'iovi dice I'iiV ;
"Win, Jituies 'li'ley. a son of Mr. Hen
j imiti Tiiley, about Ki years of age, was
talidiug iu the yard, with his father's gun
iu his hands, which he had taken up lor
the purpose of snapping some caps. Hi.
cousin, a young beautiful girl of I A daugh
ter of Sjivauus I'tiise, K-q of Kdgurtowu
Mass , who was on a to llristol, aud
pa-sing the alteinjon with Mr. liileys
family, was standing in the hou-c at a
window, within a few feet of him. He
raised the gun and deliberately aimed it
at her head, reniaiking play uily that he
would shoot her. Awful to relate, the
gun was loaded, tho charge took cfitct
near the tempi", passing through ht-rhead.
She foil to tho floor, and breathed about
throe minutes only, showing no other signs
ot life. It seems Mr. Till, y had loaded
the gun with shot, a few days before, for
tlio puipo-t- of shooting a neighbo. dt
that alitiuyod him, and it:0t uuloituii.u n
left it loaded iu hi.s hou.e. Tho hoy knew
tiothii g of this, aud supposed it empty, as
lie had played with it iu a similar manner
before. Mr. l'case !elt l!ri-lol only the
day before lo return 10 his home in Ed
gvrtoiMi. Who can imagine, or pen
can tloscribo the anguish this thoughtless
act has indicted 1 When will people learn
to be carofui iu th; use of firo-aruis.
2fAn Kngli-h lady, who went to
make purchases in Jamaica, accompanied
by her black maid, was repeatedly ad-
I tlros-od by tho negro shopman as 'massa.'
Whereupon her sable follower exclaimed,
with a look ot infinite contempt, "Why for
you speitk such bad grammar, Sabby ?
Why for you call my missus massa ? Stu
ped fellah him s a she 1"
e2r- A lady wrote to her lover, begging
him to scud her some nioucy ; she added,
ly the way of postscript :
"I'm so ashamed of the request I have
made iu this letter, that I sent after tho
post man to get it back, but tho fervent
could not overtake him.
tffi- A fiend of human form suggests
that, in these days of patent candles and
much writing, it would be well it some au
thors, instead of consuming oil, should
burn their composition,
Ita" hat aro tho " Fortunes" of War
Ask tho gentlemen who furnish our sol
dier witU bail beef nt high pices-
Tho Wa. lor tlio Union TllO
Troasou in thO North.
There is no other question now before
tho people than tho preservation of the
Union or, in other wo'ds, our National
I'xistcnco. On this great question there
can bo but two parties i those who aro for
the Union, and those who aro against it,
Thoie who aro for our glorious Union and
its Constitution are the only patriots, and
those who directly or indirectly assail tho
Union and its Constitution arc traitors.
This iiiu.t be plainly understood.
The U moil and Constitution aro cno and
itiscparab e, and those wuo, for years, have
' , , , . ' , , ,
scorned both, are I raitors, aud they who,
in this fearful hour ol peril, qposc lie
Union und the Constitution and theGorcin
incut, which tho Constitution established
and entertained, arc disloyal men, disuni
on tut n; they are trailers the enemies
of our country.
Congress, formally, solemnly, by a
UHiitmv us roti, declared ihis wnr to be a
war for the preaeivutiun q) llic Union ami
the ( onstUMion, atvijor tlx muint tiii'tme
1'rcsident and his Cabinet have distinctly
recognized, sanctioned, and adopted this
great and nioinetitoui truth. The war
.1 :.. I' .1.: . ..... . -.l
tuuu is. iui luis unu gniu. iuiiuav, uuu
those who attempt, directly or indirectly
to change this purpose, and substitute an
other iu its place, whether lor the abuhlion
nf tlavtry or any other objtct, than that
i ated above, are iu direct oppo-itiou to
thu Government ; are dividing the sonti
mout ol the North, wheu thoy should bo
endeavoring to soalcsca and anient the
union of those tales, and they are rebels
against the United States. 'J bey must bo
looked upon as rebels, diBunio.ists and
tiaitor.s for they aim at ths overthrow of
the best government ou which the sun has
over shown.
'I his great fact of treason in the Norlh,
being thu matter with which the people
have now tu deal, as one of vital impoit
ance to the very existence of the nation,
makes the Fast day, recommended by the
President, unJ eo universally obsorvod by
the people, a matter of especial interest
The pulpit, in most of the cities, decid
ed on putting aside all party or political
preaching, and to bo observed the day hoti
c-stly,asouo of humiliation, penitence fas
ting and supplication. In New York,
with the exception 1 1 Dr Tyng, C'liccvur.
and one or two others of loss note, this
was done. Even Ward Beccher, the no
torious aud dauorou. abolitionist agitator
closed his chuich altogether, aud had no
preaching, because cither ho was fearful of
I tru-ting his abolition tongue, or because
I 'if icm m'irr itisjioiid tu givr ik inks limn
' 'at iwt liuiiniitle hinutlf it the sun ess
i iciich It'iil crou ie I liis ami hi cm,frrr
I uhuli'i'iah's, ij'uits in ihukinQ the Union
' to its ce-t r.
In Ho-ton theio was some of this aboli
I lion treason exhibited. The liuitoit I on
I ' says "tho tiniu is rapidly approach
, ing for the settlement of thi-quotou, when
1 it will be decided whither those who stand
by tho Constitution anil the Union and
the Government of the Country aro the
I stiongost, or thoso who opjnly or assidu
I ou-ly thwart the Government and agitate
insane theoiics which obstruct the war and
limit prove fatal to the Constitution, the
Union and the Government.
I The liotton 'os', as the patiiotic organ
of the Democracy, which has enabled
I Massachu-etts to send her Union regiments
I to the scat of war, is still more emphatic.
, It says" The fanatical pulpit, on a fa-t-
day, instead of exciting a devotional turn.
, maddened their hearers up to tho red hot
I hi-sing point." Is there not enough hor
j ror iu the land ! Must it a'so drink the
j cup of servile war T Do they reflect on
i what an abolition war would bo? Can't
! they comprehend, at least, the situatioti of
such States as Maryland, Kentucky, Vir
ginia, and Missouri! How can tuoy keep
rights i'f the l'.yal men of these States!
How can these partizans invoke fire and
sword on their homes 1 When State Leg
islatures, Congress, ho Cabinet, the Presi
dent, are all giving the most solemn assur
ances that tho war is not to subvert the
social institutions of the is as
tonishitig that even fanatici-m can bo eo
rabid as thus to inflame tho public mind.
.May Heaveti better iiiform, correct, aud
convert these bitter partizans ! 'f hey
know tiot what they do no more than did
Saul, when be stoned the prophets.
Wo will resume this hubject, stating in
the conclusion of this article, that any nun,
no matter who ho is, who strives to divert
tho publio mind from the one subject, the
salvation of tha Union, is not a whit better
than tho maddest secessionists or fire-eaters
of the South DotU bo and the North-
crn Abolitionists profess to bo governed by
.conscientious motives, but both, by tho
conservatives of all sections of our countvr
arc irrevocably decreed to lx Jaiutics tho
Southern practical, and the IWthcrn tlico-
rctical fanatic, are both traitors. 'Iho
salvation of tho country depends on tho
well-balanced and moderate men of both
extremes of our great bcrritago, North and
, lt ig pcrIbcl,y M& (o rf
tll0 VteMmX ot tll0 Ut)itC(, Stat ,lat.
CTCr Iimclill;,tion may bo induced in, by
eilh(;r sceo,H;om3t(( , ,kthlone m
,... .!ii -J(! i . , .
country will sustain h'tn so long as he is
weU bfll,ncd Vn. ,.
Tho United States Govcrnmctit is strong
enough to punish the traitors, and at tho
same time secure tho right, whether ap
pertaining to slavery or other rights of
iho-c who are true to the Union. Tho
true nun looks far beyond the settlement
of our present national difficulties, when
traitors shall bo filling felon's graves, and
their poor dupes shall ho redeemed from
all the miseries brought on them by do-
j ,.T110 ,la Bpllili hMw w
OVr the l.inJ ..ftlic free and tho homo of the brave."
i We observe that ex Governor Wright,
r T..J! t. ..... .
,ui xtiutuua, laie lUlUlslCrtO l lUSSia, 111 a
J speech recently made by him at Indiana-
polis, points out tho source of our present
danger, as it lias been the active cause of
our pa.'t troubles. Our peoplo mast lay
those things to heart ; and tho nearer all
such unfriendly influences are at rest tho
soon;r sha'l we approach the htial scttio
ment of our dissensions. Gov. Wright
well says :
" There is more danger this day from a
divided North than hum anything else.
A firm, decided, united Noitli will settlo
the question, and lliat speedily. liut WO
must not li-teti to thesu violent, inisci uble
Abolitionists oi the No i th who aro assert
ing that the olgVet ol tliii war .s to inter
fore with the iu-titutious of ln Boutin
L'his is what the secessionist of the South
love to hoar, because it unites the South
just in prupoitiou as it is believed.-'
I'hihi, Lvcnig Joittin.1, OU. 8.
Sisoulau Case Th'. Deceased Com
ing to l.ijc. Recently a little girl, daugh
ter ofMr. Wi.son, of Syracuse, N Y.,
was tick from a severe fvcr, when sho
tool: a sudden relapse and at all appear
ances died. Although cold, the body was
not stiff, but as limber as in life. Every
sympton was that of death, and so tho
family believed. Arrangements were
made, the body was washed and clothed
in its grave habiliments Tho corpse wa3
laid out on a table, aud tho friends of tho
family wended to the house where deceas
ed lay, to sympathize with tho mother iu
her bereavement. A coffm was ordered
and the death notices prepared for tho
newspapers, but lo! and behold, about 8
o clock that evening tho supposed dead
child made a truly terrific scream, and tho
next moment began to breathe. Heavy
prospiratinn poured off the body in great
quantities, and tho p tie, marbl form as
utued a healthy red appearance. When
the "dead" i hild screamed, those present,
except the mother, became great y alarm-
jed, and ran out of tiie room. The mother
rusiieu to tlic body, enclosed it in her
arms, and removed it to a bed iu tho sido
room. The fami y physician was immedi
ately sent for, aud tho jarties alarmed a
bout the house gradually resumed tbeir
steadiness of nerve. Tho physician arri
ved, and applied proper restoratives, and
the child is now iu a fair way oi recover
ing. This is. truly a singular ease. Ono
step more and that child would have been
incarcerated in a tomb. The deathly ar
raugciuckts about the house were soon cast
aside, and cheerfulness took the placo of
tears and sadness,
Jfiy A henpecked husband declared
that the longer he lived with bis wife tho
more he was smitten by her.
taS In a mist the highest can for the
most part see each other, but the valleys
ISf "Sir. did you call mo a cipher!"
"No but I said jou were a figuro 9 with
its tail cut off."
e-The bread of life is love; the sak
of life iswork; the sweomess of life, poet
ry, aud tho water of 1 fo, faith.
US' A youth's love is the mo t passion
ate j virgin love is the more idolatrous.
ti$r Kuowledgo is tho parent of love
wisdom, lovo itself.
tSf Purity is tho feminine, truth tho
uiaeculine, of honor.