COLUMBIA DHQCHA I', John G. Freeze, Local Editor. SATURDAY MOItNIWQ, OCTOBER 28, iBai, . .. . . , ro-morrow is tho twen y second jar Sunday after Trinity. On this day, 27th Oct., tho Templo of Solomon was dedi- cited lOO'l B. G. St. Simon and Saint Judo. Battle of White Plains Oat. 2D, 1770. President John Adams born Oct. 30, 1735. Battle of Stfclitz. fougbt 31sS October, 1800, Lisbon Enttbquako November 1, 1770. rresiuetit i'olK born ixov. a, nva, eratio Asociaiion will be held at its rooms on Thursday evening, Uctober 31st. A full nttendnnrn i rnrnestlv Tnnnfi..l fn.. . . important reasons. 3P The issues of tho British and For -1 cign Bible Society for tho last year were l,'J37,308 copies of tbo Bible. Transla tions now exist in 100 languages or dia lects. Tho annual receipts of tho society were something over 891)0,000. CST Tho total number of deaf and dumb persons in Franco is 31,570. Oflhcse, 12,325 aro males, and 0251 females. The propoition, with rc-pect to popula tion, is 1 deaf and dumb person in 1009 ilihubitunts ; 1 in 730 men, and 1 in 039 Js3r The manufacture of paper from the leaves of Indian com in becoming ox tusivo in Austria. Tho paper is said to be tougher than ordiunay paper made from 'ags, while it '13 almost wholly free from silica which makes paper produced from ktraT so buttle. t& Wp regret to learn that our towns man, I owis H. Maus, bad his leg badly fractured below tlw knee, on Tuesday last, nlu!e at Tori: about his ciaclurw shop. Dr F. 0, Hariiscn ret tho broken bones, and the patient i? as comfortable .is could bs expected. :c: fST Trf 3 terrible panics occurred In the British irmy iu India in the war on the I'idus, and the troops couecined broke and fled, tlio very nest time they got into jun gle and hsd to t'.ice an unseen enemy am! thsfo ovn regular troopi, Vtho had been iliilli'd and disciplined for years. faS" Uuui; tor Som: Throat. ll U ui'l h.t good fresh yeat, taken inlcrnal !y, will giro instant relief in case of putrid jrt throat. uwr.iiu jirnv.nH to a 1 cotiiidcra'i'c oxtcvt rmny childieii in this locality, and we commend a trial of the ubovo simple remedy, which c.uiuot iiijuro the patient, even if it tails 10 clV"Ct a euro. fj$2f " Then once morn we fay, go lo the polls on Tuesday next itinl ca-t vour billus lor the tiuu Union caudidiite." Joiirniil, 'id U e. 'I his it just what the poiijile of Clcar iiold cuiiuty have done, to the tunc of live hundred Majority for the old " Union S.i crs . ' ' Ctcarjitd It vpubuceui , ( Ucm. ; 835? Tho lato Agricultural Fare was a rnninlrlft etiefinss in f.evpral rliino- wn believe, nuneiior to anv wo baru had. i , t j i Somo.of tho best block iu tho country was ou tho ground; and wo hcaid several re marks as to it superior quality. Tho address was delivered by S F. Ikadiy, Ej. and was received with much uatis faction it wa3 lliicnl, clonucnt and in structive. Every thing passed ofT most t'tnicably. tS 31 rs. Harriet hoochcr ytowo, a tister of Ucv. Henry Ward 15eeeher, and authoress of that abolition disunion Look " Uuclo I om's Cabin," in a letter recently mitten to the lrl of t-haftebury, au En glish abolitionist, nayst (t I I,avo advocated disunion for fifteen year;, Ijccauc 1 thought it a practical J , x (. l( . v,.. .1. c ii -is. modo to freeing the Kortli from the guilt of .-lavcry, and of planting at the oulh the ceds of early and entire emancipation, wringing U3lico from a weak and hank rupt South." i :o: 03 Walter Washington Buchanan, a godson of Gcu. Waahinsjtou died at Gree nock, Scotland, on tho 11th in-t., at the ago of 63 yearn, Mr. Isuchauau was hap tized in Gen. Wafhiugtona arms at Hano ver (uow Jlorristown,) Now Jersey, on tho 4th of January 1777, and Kosciusko great offeuce to, and excited considerahlo and Lafayette were present at the ceie- alarni among, tho ruling classes in Eng mony. Mr. Jtuchanan subsequently he- land. Lord Paltnorntou pronounciH the catuo a surgeon in tho United States Navy, sentence in which tun liuipror Alexander and in 1808 was chosen Secretary of tho alludes to the preer . atiow of "tho balance County Medio ii Society of New York. of power" by tlio United States and Kus- so: pia, as a ''diplomatic falsehood,'1 and au C" Mons. ltoussingault, tho celebrated French chemist, in a late paper contributed to tho Academy of Science, ebons that tho age of modern alluvions does uut extend beyond biftorio times., whereas old alluvi- ons data from tha period immediately pre- csdin that at which niau first began to inhabit the earth ; so lhat tho guanoes or cormorants, and other allied birds, which deposito guano, inuft havo exislod thou3- anda of years before man, seeinfi that tho l.n.1nvM e te. ur twenty yards in depth, while the old alluvial crust above it ia3 a thickues3 of upwards of three yards. oar Fisher Ames was ens of tho great meu of tho Uvpublio in its young ana struggling days. In theso days of Kepub uiauioiii, uie iQiiowwg extract may freshing A moboeraey U always murped by tbo worst meu in tue uiot corrupt times : in a perr0d ofvioieneo by the motviol.nt. It is a Brlarcus with a thomand hands, each bsaring a dagger; a Cerberus gaping with her thousand throats all, parched and thirsllnit for fre!t blood. It is a , . " . , , , , genuine tyranny uut oi ail flic least flu- rablo, yet tbo most de.-tructivo while it lasts !0. Hon, Thos. H. Hurrows, State Sit- poriutendent of Common Schools, has is sued a circular stating that the Convention of renrcsentotives of the different classes of schools and literary institutions in tbo State, that was to have taken place m llarrisbmg on tho Slst of last Way, but vra3 postponed in consequence of tho flmn rppnnr r1i!.rT.n...rt nf l,n nnUIn nnn , . ,, , . . ' has been 02am called to meet in Harris- I, ,.... ourg. on lucsuay, November MO, IB01,at 10 o'clock A. M. It will continue in scs sion four days, and tho object will bo tbo same as that bet forth in tho former an nouncement. The order of proceedings and subjects for discussion will be set forth in tho November number of tho Pennsyl vania itclioul Journal. VST M. Dietriei, director of the Office of Statistics at Berlin, has published in the aniniia ui uiu auauuiuy ui umi, uuy, tuu remit 01 uu riHuareues relative io luc . . . . present population of the clobo In ad dition to hit calculation of the total num ber cf inhahitan s, which he puts down at upwards of 1,23,000,01)0, M Dietriei estimates the number of tho different hu man races as tallows : The Caucasian, SOU OHUJOO ; the Mongol, 052,000,000 ; thiopian (ncgroo) 100,0(10,000; tbo American, (Indian-), 1,000,000 ; tho Ma- ays, aOO.UUU,. UO, Tho leading relig- ions he dividi.s as follow : Christiauity reukons 333,000,000 adherents ; Judaism, 5,000,000 : tho Asiatic relij'ioiis, 0l)0.- JUU.OUU; ;.IohammedauiUl. OO.UOO.OOII : ' .... 1 if .1.. UI tllO nid 'olvtheism, 2' 0,0. 0,000. Chiun populations, 170,00,000 belong to ih: Roman Catholic Church; 80,000, UiOO to Protestants, and 70,0t.0,000 to the Greek Church. tgg Farmors conip'ain that their po tatoes are rotting, tha crop being nearly iwless. Wo aro satisfied from a some what careful study of the matter, that in those reasons in which potatoes rot, tho iliicst" it so interwoven with tins entire erop, both fcound and unsound ones, that (hoy arc not fit lo bo eaten. And wo bc !n ve the licts will novo that more diseas es and deaths mo caused by eating tin healthy itatoes than by any other ten can -c co.iibineil, A mass ot rottiug po-t.itoe-. is nio.-t uauseous tuiasmas rise fiom I lie heap dustiurtivo to all annual life nut one potato is perfectly healthy, and In to be taten oT IlmI to fattening animals It i-, hi'h time thin matter was ooked to thorotiolil . For our own part, no pota-toe-, aie cooked about our house, and shall not be. And whenever they are found to bo rotting they should a' once be buiied away Irom bouse and barn, clear of family and taUlc. -:o:- HXT' Demociiaiic Union Thiumpk. Colonel Levi L. Tato and Gconjro S. Tut- 'r'"' J"l'' 'u Demociatio Union caudi- vlititH for this counties of Columbia, Wyo :t.!iiv. Moiitoup mill Sullivan, havrt hinn i . . a . ... tnuui.'uxutly chclcu to tlie IegLa!aturc ot rennslvauta. Mo-ra. Tate ami Tutton are veteran National UemocraU Jackson Union soldiery plu'Igcd by a Ufo-long scr- vice iu support of tho laws and the Con stitution, Xo defend, maintain and uphold tho houor of tho Government and tho Nitinmlilt- iif tlio American Demnenev jMattonaillJ m mo vniericau j.;i.nioi.raey, The detunet ttepublican party "tlio no party - party of that (lislript nominated mat uistrici uoniiu.uou Messrs. Lazarus and Jennings, and moun-1 ted them ou tho new No-Irty Union", hobby llOI'S'J. ailll as 13 USUal with tllO.O violent political partizan-s, reported to tho ' most dishonorable means imaginable eveu , frau,i anj falsehood to accomplish their 1 defeat ; et tho Democratic nomtneea arc ' elected hy over one thousand majority. Palnolfy Union, (Jet. 11. :o:- n . iir . , ? ; ; jtsaT aIic b-tcamcr Washington, at New 1 lOlK, brings JjondO'i papers to thO 2oth ult., tion. whien we learn that the friendly letter lately addressed hy tho Czar ,. 01 Uusia to President Lincoln, on the suh- jL.ct of our National trouble, has given j "open insult' to Groat Uritain Iho Loudon Post and other Uritth journals, in their indignation and fright ut tho prospect of an i u ti inn tc alliance he tween tho couutrica which one of them designates as the "nations ot the future, euccr at and endeavor to aggravate tho agilatious which prevail both in ltu.'sia and America, and display their ill will and singularly bad tasto by direct a lu-ion to tho results of tho war in tho Crimea and , .it r . t .i r. j i Uuinit hero. T T-t - i ii in UOWg tUH tiOlltl JlUll in his excitement, unveils his intentions as to his hope of gain by tho event, rr In spoaking of tbo war iu tho West, ami of tho leaders and activo men tbcro engaged in this rubellion, tbo Cin- cinnutu ommcrcial says : "Tbo Hardin IIolui, who U reported moving down Oreen river, witli a forco of lri" two to lour tnousanu roucls, is a ron f es-Governor John S. Helm, lato Presi- dent of the Louisvillo and Nashvillo Hail- road. This Hardin's wifo is a half sister 01 Mrs. Abrauam Lincoln. Mrs. Lincoln has ti full brother. Dr. Georce 11. 0. Todd. ,.. . . i i .i r . ' "lunuiuim, wuo uau tue nonor or being jnilor ' Old Abe's soldiers captured at jjuu j.uui aim jjiueuiu nai also a urotD er, camuel loiitf, who is a Iioutenant in tbo rebel army in Vireinia She has also ..... " , . . ----- a nan urotuor, Alexander, who is now m the South, aleo fighting for his "rights. ' lwo half sitcrs of Mrs. Lincoln aro mar- ricd to Southern contlemcn, also Scccs-1 s'on;- The younger part of the family, c.m ,:i, r.A. .i.- MARRIAGES. 'R'V.Srf I.nne, onTliuriJay.OctoliotKih.AIr. ""oar"! vv. rurui. of i)nnviiio,unJMi. ciroikcux. "f". nf Hush toniuWp, Noilhl'lnbotlnnJ Couuly. At th,:hou.0 er.Mr. jom. uo uiu ioii.tDy uev. j. u. iiiiom, iir Josiiuji lUnt. hV It.V. i. II. Ill,,,,, Mr !. , ... mTUV 1.-u.-7' . " " -".Mhh touniy, ihhs unuuriiiriii'ii, rcniuinc 111 raiutnwn- II. lfcelcr, r.i., of Greenwood, (,'cl io , la. 3 L, ,t," ft "auii.r 01 J.IOI1SOII DEATHS. .bunron mievcninrortVc,inr.,i,y, ,i a3,t tr H hit, daughter if (Vcilcy, a.iJ Susan S. nearly four year j. In niuonmburc inn AfouarA n lrl, agil Sjo tiracl'j geutlo slieplieril ilanj, llli nil engaging clinrmit, Hark 1 how ho calli the tender Iamb, A11J fulds them in hU arim. r Ti,n r, , .... i-:; .,n.-.n, nu ,o uujuca h. nesK, r?3" 0-n'niniii oner ilcct 01 Columbia counti Am ibn rilect of Columbia count),) iu tin! 0-M year of Usr lift.. On the llih Hut., in Locust township. I.cmcel rismn, aied 31 years, li m, mid ti uays. On tha a-ih ult in Light F treot, JUnv J,t, lft.f j it. I.11I1I1I111, ncil Jl years, 3 months, ami 1.1 days REVIEW OF THE MA11KET. COIiP.LCTF.D WEEKLY. wheat cousr0ii,".;; o.v.s''l!,v! '"'"t:vi' SI OOUI.OVr.RSCRD.. OO.UUTTER SO KUUS 50,TAI.I.(ViV 5.1 I.AIID so'i'orATona . SI 50 It 10 1 10 . 30 Sjiccial Notices. m-nt ,,r iiTa,J i.l,.. i'0,.1,": ,l.'c.r!!1P'..,' I1"1' ,r,r., irL ll , ""I' nun U V""0 "'l..-il improvement than lii thi ' clollniv. i!r'Hnn diers. Not ninny yj-UB slnco oihccrs and sm ales " ' p. ."f;. iim-uitv. Ud,ii.;ih;;:::::""."!i."a,,srt'.r,' lb i 'lll tSi.rn';fe,'.V'S'"" '"lll"P"i. ""ah. el" tni lit tn ,t is p rf iy easy, rnbstsntlal nnt l,.r,,ln. in tJ inV "itn'H U"!l:f """ ""Iness ,'f t!l -ot t Ml lh.larg.5l ordarlnthe Ihorteot poislble lliil Sept. 525: !1. led. EMPLOYMENT ! ($75! AGr.NTS WAK I I n' ...".1.u!1,a-v.r""" a 1" S:o'nr month nn.l all etorn ...t' r,Z ., i... . ra'V! " i.iioI..ioii. I'artlc.ilnrs 11,1 i ., ' n,b "HMn .11 VCIIifS ( JA U (i"iierj i.vnt. .Milan, O'lio. ' An. II, l-'Jl.- I2n. Tlo Wiiila 1UU Clclhin: ttcr u-M,!!IM'',i.':,,.'I''',,V.l',II',re,,"''1 iwlMi-onn vv l.l (Isll (.lothnm Ihiiporiuio ,m.t'c 1 1, ll. Sonh .. . r nr .'i i o.iiinnnu 'arl..t Mtutl. I'lul., 1. 1,', i Ill lous.i,lliallioku.iscoiibiii,lly r ,,!,. ,t ,mK, , up loontiT. .ill ,!,- criptioiMifd.utl.c.sH,,,. r. pro, id m uitmI nu, aells i m ,y l, ,, ,,t,','.,. ,.'t. ma a liitciiLAl. I su.irdiit.M sood hlsriid Cn riiiv.' al"-"li"" 8' lujolbi'ug A i.iiitlnuatiiiiioflhe cu.loin of tl,o house, whuli bo wi I no p.uiifc to merit, Is urj r...nclfuilj nui '"linj i. mi.-y 'l:v",';- Unifonnity of sfricoi' A Kvw Ft iitup' in ltiitn J.vcry on M mui Halaiunnf JuMJa c CO. of th Lr." iitunc I'noJ nulling More, No. i'0.'HJrKt.trJl;, uu.Jt .j -tisiii, i iii .tuu inn. In Ilium io i.auit.1 tlie Utzett, Most Minc.I uml fi.ln.MMl.itt Btock of C'lot'iing m niil.i.!LMi!ii.i(; i'x tf.'aJ retail alci jai u cunslit itt-J ( cry one U m ii al!,by Iiavnif; m.irkfd 111 tuur.-s mi uai!i ur inlf attlu wry 1 Lit prit-' it ran lii ru fur u ilur cannot ima ilj'y ai .ill mut luy nlikc. Tli-snul-art ut It umJ iirvjiait J, nn.l 1'Mitul.ikcii with thu nitiKiiiy s tlmt nil tnnhuy iMtlutif 1 1 1 .i.ur.nrr of siting a dtmlu at I lie u ry low-i-t riri.e. AUo, u Inrg.. hUutU ofj.i.'u' irmMU on luu.l ..f th i lati-at BtWu .nid best 'Walnlcs, wlildi will hti ti order, in it inobt fudliionaljlu c ml best niannvr. '-'3 p. r cent , below vr- .lit itiluj. K.'iiiLMiliur tho t'ft.'BCi.iit, inMark'U.abnvi' Kixtli flrctt i a'TI!OMS V. M.VTTPOV, II.Teiw-.l tl,y I'rio ' M.-'Ial at tho World's I'.iir in 1 nn.lon forTUUNK3 i 1 Utl'lir ll.i: Hoots. n!nca anl Cutn. Crcat indutu hi .its an now oil -rcltu jmrchaMrj of tin- above arli J l UiWU t!l .irutjst htotk of trunkn. rnrn.1 yalufuj&f., in I'hitdJtIlu.ier rhvjp fur td.h n.Mr trktt sirt. ono d.tor nimv.' nil, south A t'AUD TU TIIK LADIKS r. DnpoucoS Gulden Tills for l-cmnlrs. rtfattt'ttr m eorrctttug, rfit(itin and reirvrlig all vb- struetiani,rom wkntcctr caute, and always writsyMi as a prictnitve. The Coinbiiiuh'tn of iiirLJifiiis in r. ninmiico's (iolden l'i Is are etfrttl luinnh'-n. 'Ili'v It.m; bc'n tljitM inthfl pndle itjiIici of ohl lr. Dujiimro faro, r ;nir, .ii-it wiininiiiEt umil'd C.lll IJFUIl I"'"1 i""'" ntilum n iii almost eiery ,.., T lorrettins a. re.nin pduifui ami dUiresjina mentrudiion juirtirularly at the cliaiiixe of in., i rum live iu leu mils Ulll turn til it euMiiiuu i dri - nilfui emuplaint, tlw Wlutes. N'enrly every funnle nl 110 ,,in,, IUIXl!rt m cull . . If... ""'.. ''V!'.'?."!:!'f.''.' ""''''" om' wiiicure ynu.i xl "T1' ",,JVlltti:m'.vr('st?;it,Ir! "pri'- "'V"? t Vthnill not p-rmit n incrfase ufrumilj, 1!ft? ll??'!. "i11 ' ' u ri V1" ft p" 1 h rcc carrhsu ; humtntiymiieriiimuiay nrcHifo." I'nce, 31 per liox. Hold, uhoisjat,, ma ret.ii1, bv C M. HA(!!:VHL'C'I1, trnsUt. To uimia nil orders mut be iit. tihn 1 by' sum ' itur III tn Ut III I tis tt,,s ltt.f..1...- . .,r. ' . i . , - "u,1," ' "s wintu, en ii iinu thcf 1'ilU ttfnt to any part of tliu cuuntry. (eoiifitlinnat I) i and "Irue of l'ostd.iij" by mm I. Hold nlo by N It Rank 4- (,. Danville I' J. Try, Tsimaqua, J A, 1'olk, Mauch t hank, mid byoiiu I5ruj,'sisi in every Town and i cii in tic rmtuJ State. I n. i.0K mil mr couiucr tiia. uuy noutiii t ti rills of n.i kimi, um. evtr buxufciBnc!k n. uUl aii1 yomnlue your Ueaand licalUi. (to .iy notliins of lw" tt,:wS, wiiicu reeenuy ueen uuue.i, mi account of a recent counterfeit uf inc. fills. -ii"' P, II IIOIVE, Solcrruiirietur, N'ew York. . IfCO-ly, Xcui bucrtisniunt yANTKD AT THIS OFFICE. Ileef I'ork, Poultry. Honey, dram rrmluce, Puler rui.i(t.iri rotatnes, Corn. Oits anil Cirnslalks. Inomsl.iirK Uit. id. Ifl.l. nitUIT TUBES FOU SALL rlie sutis ribur Ins now lianj M Ins .Vur.ery.ln Uusli tmni.liii. NmlhuiiilierluniJ founty, nmr llunvitle, n lam ussitiiinent, nt thrifty if rafted anl tiuddej ihcit tklks uf very ilesrriplluii, sudi as A' ! h, V Al ll I'UAU. APKICDT, I'LIJ .1. L'llKKIIV. Clt.M'i: VlN'1'.dnfllli.rhnirHst kint, L'atatia.snd If.l Mia. all of which wo will sell at reasonable (iriees -IVrsons isliiiisto set nut orchards, will do up I tu call on th; BUbscrib.-r ulthu Nuscry. or at his re.iJenre- iu JWunll. JUIIN 1ILST. (Jit. !, lefil-lni Wyoming Seminary. 'ptlf next tfia of thii imlitutinn uill commence Nov. 1 13th. aii'l CQntititiH fcihta id weeki, NotliuiHiitsudiim the 1 1 at a v itu ceunlry. tbo num Uer of 6luJcnli in allundanco Ibis session Is unusually jiiiu win pay ior Doara, waioing nici. room luiuun e. artltuitumin couimou Kn;luli branchei, f-r ono yc" Send fur a catalogue K NULSO.V Kingston, l'a Oft iS, l-J.l llliOEIPTS FOU SElTEMUEIt, ' ' ro THE COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Tho following are tho receipts to tbo oflico of tho Cor.UMMA Dr.Moun.AT, during tho month of September, 1 801 : It. C. k I. W. llnrtmnn.M I'll; UMIcl, Miller, I 49 3 m 3 11.1 I S5 1 31) 1 50 a an 0 to II Sll 2 no tnl.n lf.a,. I L'.l hf I.. tf.l.r Si'Si',",,,,. I $ vj.l w iV?'""' liri sowing iiuci'i' oo wpho. mitii, tho. ticiirlde. a oo u ii. wajiier, '.'!"! iinrkoiuw, ii os . r. t!,o,, Kicnar.i iiemou, i ou i. h, muni a. ii Faner, JIAicSm""' C7 IIdiiI. Kriiin 3 0(1 l,a. Ilieleilck, Enf. H 12 Srtli Wioi'innkcr. 3 ..I 3 Oil uiwimiuun hinivu. 3 VI M.U.Hhni'iiiiikrr.&Snn 1 Oil Wm.i itartman. i uu Dr. i,. r,, u 23 H (HI Joacpu I'nlic. 1 0(1 3 til Imniul SnyJcr, 1 Oil Ad,lm. :'?"'' .sn 11. i.irion. o I'liuin ..niier. I'iiliip .inner, I INI J,1" A. Funitna, Cti., I to i;tt. of Aimr Doric, i p TI101. Vaadcrillco.UilM (X) J. O. I.nuer. Jacnb Troup, nil I IS 1 ; 2 15, 1 w col. J, 11. J 110, 13 00 Upv. I). H.ToWan, 1 ID IsnlnliCterrllni, 1 Dr. II. II. fk'.lnitt, J OOJDanipl V. Itobblm, 1 511 C S. I'lnhcr, 1 HO'8. 1. if nil. .Mkhncnnttlo. J.Xf"i: , i ii . . N. K. frraiv. John U. Voho, Et. Mary awcpenhU'r.3 50. Creasy, riiilip IlL'si' 3 OiijAiiilrcn'Trcna, Usq. ,' '1" T, . ADMINISTltATOlt'S NOTICE. Eibilc of Jane. Gintlis) Ucccasnt 1 HTTIT.4 of Auniinl.lralinn on the lletate cf Jikk I j UiMoLKi l,ile of Ma'lUin tawii-liln.dolumbli county uro.-ill, llV0 " f1"' i V""' main' iiayineni luriuv, ito. joiiH fjirrii. Ort. Sit, 1S01 Ct. JtdmW NOTICE TO OUEDLTOilS I Esl ltc f Uvnjamin Uaymai, ticcc-i ' ,v OT1CC is ln-riliy f lien, to cri'ililrm nnJ all , ! IntirmtM, Hint upon petition ofMolomon Nc snt. others uoun tiolltion nr .Solomon Vi.vl,upil. nluilniftrntors oritftijunnin llayinan deceased; a ruli Ins Iwen grnnted by tho i oiut, to rlivw cau.e by tho llrst tl.iy of Dm D'.'CCiubLr Tonn, wby the report of th nuill lor ilisttlbiitltiit sal I D-tate, shall not bf recommitted ; nuil a re-distribution made, of tho funds kvthc Ii inds of the said AduiinUtratgr' JAcon EYcro.y, October 13, ljQl-Gw, clrrt AUDITORS NOTICE. Es'ate of John Liwlcn deceased. CJTI1R undersigned appointed nn auditor by the Orphans' J Court of Coluinbii county, on exceptions llleil to the account of tho Kxrctitors of th" estatj of John I Imle'i, liiti-ofsai-lconnl), ilcccased, wilt nttend nt his otlico in CloolusbilrA', for tile ptirpo-e of ierf.riulng the iluties of Ins appointment, on Tliursday, tho th .lay of.Noveno ber, A. ii. Isbl. When and where all persons Interested may attend if they think proper. joiis a. riv.v.r.v.. nioonirlurg, Sept. 5S, iaill.-ta WinHoc. AUDITORS NOTICE. Estate of Henry tntiti, decease!. pill: u.idcrslsned, appointed by the Orphans' Court of L Columbn Co inty, an auditor to distribute, tlw nssets in tha hands of John Smith, administrator of die estate ot Henry fiint'i, lato of .Madison township, in sal I conn, ty, ilecM to anil atuoiiit the creditors of sniii eisite. -ic cording to tile rutes nnd in tho proiicrtlnns liirected by law, will attend ut his oiler. Ir I'.looin.biirc. en Wcdm-s- U'i, the I. Ill di,y of Noveioln r. A. II, l.-(il. t icrf.irui Ills ''""'""fliu aipointiucnt. And all p'-rson'sli u itii; claims -,''ato are requiied to present them tolh- comiiii in sliare o(tnu Juii.v (i. ritni.zr:. Uloomstuig, S,'it. S-?t lffll-m. .iudttor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. F&tate of Thooiai Conner tkcms'ih i HR unlPrivinoJ, appointed by tlu Orih in C'ontt nf i Uottimliii i nunty, an amtitir to dlstriiiiite t)i I unfit in the haul ff JoJm Conner, Trustet; hz.. ( Tbonia Conn 'i, lato oi'Grc-cnuooii touuliiii. it said ''o nuj dp coneed, to end anions tlie lairs and Jcgat rt'i'tctfentaiivci of said dcptlnt acrdrnins to law : t I atU'iid ot Ji i j hi" Ike in lllooiiHburi!.to pjrfurm tlio dnticn ol his tipoltit incnt, on tin fcth day of Xnvriulicr A. I. liii. An 1 all p'roiis bavins any ilaini on tku said fumlsaro rpi'i38le.i to niaki knotvn tit ii!iio to ilw Auditor on suiddav.or boforefj di.ljrrLd from in fur n bare cf tlr said fund. r.nnr,ivr r. claki:, I 1 JOlllabUrC. O. 3. J. fll - il .tUiU'Oi . ADiMIXISTJiATOil 3 MTICK. Lst'tlvof Alnvr !hrk,itttl. OTICi: h r.bvj'i.Mi iliot t- iurs t,f Nitmineiri- tiimiui tli iktbt nf Abiur In rk l,iu i,f rp.(. tMllrlll;) I'ot'Milblll nnirit. (lTfn.l.1 ll.lM b ( (,'rttnt'd by V.c KepUt-T of hk! c'liinty, t Hit- tiudi r tiiii.d, Uo n ii:A in t-aiil Ui iibliip. Cr.liniibiu touiitt All iK-rsoiM hiving having ttuims ir d.-inait U iiL-aniji Hie ifctatj of ib dccu.Iont nrt' reunited tn pn'm nt th-m hr ttkMiiuntl auj tlitu indebted tu maku nuiiiivni without delay fioTLnin vai;i:r, Sqt.eH, Jf'fil-it. jtam'r ADMlN'ISTUATOirS NO I ICJ-3. Estate of Benjamin rttnumn Srn ffccW, tmv'ti ii Iieri-f.; ptvi'Titliat I.-tRrs Kfiidininiamth n 1 nntlu'ifcialeofKuiiJ. IVtL'rmaii. r. lute ol r-'ncarU'if lownnbip, Col'in.bidCu., iU-iN.ii.Hd, liau bci'iiKrantuiby lint IU pHtor of uil county lo t!i uiidfrsign-il. Wiu j rusidi'H iu -nid tonhip. fnininbia cnuntv All per con li.ninr cl.iiui or dfinand Ji"ntntr n.. ihr doitdim are rcpi'-fttid to present ibcni for settle nnTtt, and those itidcltcJ to make pnjmt'ut without dtlay. ! UKN'EV I' lirs. ft pi. leiii. t". Ad in' i. EXHOUTOll'S NOTICK. Et ite ot Philip 1'riiz, Uiceuserl. I.lsTTKKS tBhtamntary nn tht I 'tittle of tr I'ritz lat of iiiuarloartuMwhui. iiiCVimI-m cca-i d h .1 v e hei n irnnteil hy the itesisler ot CuliiinbiA ,iiiri..ctjitcil. cnunly M the uinlersiitiitil , .ill ieruns havln; chums To meet the cjiseni ic nf thu times. Hhcn all are re-airain-t the IMnln ol llie iler-ilrnt. nre reuuesleil tupre ' .uilreil tu uractice the most runt ccollumv. thu unJir- SLiil itii-in to tliu i:t-mtur. al tli'-lr riHili'iiec. iu mh. SuimiIiuI' tuvvivlnp, . lUinttt ilrl.iy ami all persons In, di-Lteil tu luaku ,Hlllcnt f.iltliiv it Is jun t ill i ., AiiuAii run-.. F.xetutort. Juno P, li-lil.-rt. ADMIXISTATOirS NOTICK. F state of Jukn C, kitnuy, decerned. iVTOnni Iitrtby pivcn that IctUrsof ndiiiinutratinn I on tliu 0 Jtnit C. Kney, lalu of WadikOn tonliii. Columbia founty, dftt-amtl, have bon jrrnn tud by tii licioterol'jiaidruunr)', to ihit under'i;riud, TllO rcudctj III H'ltil tOUIlnblt). C'lillliiilii.l runniv All Prh mt "'! ,,lauus r dtiuian.U ajilnst tin cstatt-' uftli'j tliYi'tli ntnr. rC'iuesUil to ure.eiittli,.iu r.,r ....m.. iiient, aii.l lliuse iniletil'M to male pa) lueut w uhuut tie lay. U'M SIll'I.TZ I. TITTMAK .IttmrU. Ail-mi 31. I?l!l.-Ct. AD.M-NLriTUATOirS XOTiOK. Estate of George Uartman, recrasctf, N O I'H;i! u hereby given that lrtler of Atlmmistrutioa on thu etatti(l fjeotgu lUrtitmii, late nf Htntou tt, (.'uliunbia foiinty,ilucL'a3i'ii,lia u bMt crantti by thtilteg. iati'r ot aittl County to (eoriu M. ft-'siJot iu tbo m.iiuu towiulup, Ait iiL-ridim tia inj claim nr dv inand .isaiiint thi uaiatu of the deitiltnt nrc reiuestetl loireiuni them f-r nclllcrntmt, au I thuiu iiniebU'i) tti maLo pa) lucnt : Ultuut ilclay. (iUOUGD M. 1MUTMAN. Oct. 12, IM-rt. . K-YKOUTOH'S NOTIUI-3. Iltatc of Jacob Jlajcubach, tati of Centre (tr,. dcc'J. IJlTrriirt trstuni'Mimry on tlmektale of Jacob IfiOBN j ui'ui, I att) of CVntro toiMhip. L'olmiib.i cnumy, (m.-aiMl, havi- been cranttd b tlw Ut fiiiur of Colum bia nmiity to the ui.ikrt-iu'icd, reridin" in tht) toMibip an 1 county nforesaiil. All jifritons ha claim t airatntt th estatuof thu iltn'Jciit ur rt-quuktud loprtent tlii'iit for iftllcmcnt, and thunc iiiUibtuil to make pa) incut un tiiL'diatily to jr.lir.MIAII HAUlONIll'CK. Centre twp., June 13, lttil. Executor. ruDJiio NorFcTi riillC- following ii (K'lty, vu' On. CVokin: Pioio it 1 pijif, nut i'Miiiig table, one Kit hi n Cupboard, imc I argu Kurkinff Ch iir, ?icbt t h uri livf pifcuk ot L'arptl, (lie KUrht.ii tabic, onu I lork, ihrco ttil and Ihrfc lied tiadi onu Ptand nRuiinckiu; Cradle levied nu and nld as thu proyity of Jam. Hi awn.d by (i. Jl. CJoir cot.iu blc, on '1 Hopt.l-ttl, n purclukeil by me, aud loaned thu dame day tn tliu laid Ju.nea Hnnood during uiy pleiiure, nf which the public will takj notice. UmVAltD KAWIANGS, sTliKrARD! A reward of mm dollar will be paid fur the rHurn of a Kvvulver. whiih uai lost iltt witkia tin road beiwut-n Itlodiiiilmre and Light Strt et. It can bu Ufi In cart) of W. Wirt. Hs'i-. in 4looiuibarff. or at Iho cihco of tliu Coin mhin Dcuiorrat, K. II fcMDER, riH-ipsMii.u t. j, i -ci.- DISiSOLU'l ION njOTICIl Ib htreby anen, that thi partnership here. tofore GiistmR between the sitbsrnbt rs under the (HniofCKiT & HiVDfcR, in the Milling uincaa, in iho l.ocun Valley Mills, in l.ocuit township, Columbia county wa dissolved, on lh 11th of O tober. 151 by mutual content, All persons indebted to the lat firm are requeMed to make sfttlement with .Imoi&Hydtr re skIius at thu Mill and by whom all debtg of Hieing firm will bo sfttted Thfl .Votfi, Bondi, Book accounts, 4c aro iu thu hand of said tfnydcr, for o irly nayment. nw.tii un. AM03 UWDUt unoli"r 1'.' 1,'Sl NEW AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT a 1 rut: von.vRH of illiiiii and iron trcct, JlJ-OOJttSWllf TA,, t0 yuu wnnl FIl.Krl t do to IIIWWKII'M llO)oil wont I.AVi:i.l,A fLOTUt (lo tifllllUWKRU Unyou want. MALI, I llCLAINKSt (lalu HIUMVKIl S Da you wnti. TAIII.K t'OVKKH I 0 to 1I11UVKH lo )nu wnl . HITII llUUTKltrl I Ho to IIHUVVKII S lln you wnnt SKKI.HTON HKIKTBI Uo to IIK0WK118 llo you nl till. UUTITII'S HKIUT-itI I'l:Mli;llS I (lota IIKOVVKIt'd Do Jou wnnt ML'rILINH I t!o In MltuWKU'S II11 Jim want CAI.ICOKMI tlo lu IIIIOIVKK'H llootl will t l,AWNl tin to IIK(IWKH'I) llo ymi wnnt IIAUKUHS ! lio to IlltUWKK'R llo you 'Hint 111! IICCIKti t do to llltoWT.It'ij l)i)puaiit IhMICIlYI (Ivtollltn fcll n llo yoitunnt III.CIVKH Uo to tIKOWKH'ij Do you wnnt IIANItKt'.ltCIIIRrrit t!o to lUIOWi:if D-.youwant Alll'll'B.U', lini.HI (Jo to lIHUWEIt'H 1 you waiit BTi:i,I.A HII AWI.S I Oo to IIROIVKK'H Ihjjnuwant IIJ Mil MITTHI do to HIUUVKH'M Do you wnnt SII.K (lllinl.Ki) r dot IIUOVtKK'S Do you want (JAUNTI.KTS ( Doyouwanti HOT' lll:T lllt.M lloynii wantTIDV OTI'IIN I Do you want 1' I.M F NS ( do to llltoWPD-M AtllSC do tu WtOWEirS uo to HKOWKIl'a Oo lo imoUTIt'rt do to iimiwi;ji n do to JllltllVUlt'H do In HKOWKR S do to IIROWKIfrJ (.o 11 IIHOH'CR rl 110 ou want 9U, ll (llKr) f llo ) on wnnt I'M IllinU, AM I)oou want. AtfsiMr.Ri:a I II 1 you mint I'WISI S I'IMin ( Do you want LIMJN CIIKUKH I (!o to ii!iof"i:R a do to iiovi:r!s do to IIItWMR'S do to niton kr'u do to miOtVKJl-.S do to mtowrjR'j do to imou nit'H do to IIUOWKH'S do 10 iikoivi:r'! Roto iiitutvmi'a do lo IIKOlVKIt S do to mtotrmt'a doloBR(HVl;il do to IIRMVKR'H no you want ji; n.M r Doyou want NANUIXNSJ Do you want dINdU win Do) on want IllIOAI.-'l Do jou want CURTAIN' Ml'Sl.lrJl Do ) 011 want COI.'lllUMIIKHI.S I Do jou want WIIITU dOUDH I Do 1011 want HUM tit Doyou wnnt Pll.KSIA I Doyouwnnl 111! KHI lo 1011 want I. llli:S' int'.AI Do jou want i.ADina' a irrrjiar Doyiru wnnt FltX (ilto LllltS ( do lo I1R(IVKII' 1.0 10 IIRIIIVKR'M Do jou want OI'llKXmVARIK do to IIHOIVKR H no you want i;i, lirtv iRi;i Doyou wnnt 11 1RIUV Illll Do you wnnt DUI'dS I Do jou wnnt I'UUl) Sl l t:ai Doyou want (.'III: tr dOODS I Illoomsburg, May Is). lfM). do tu HIIOUTR'S do to IIROWr.R'S Oo to IIROWKR'3 do to HHOIVIIR'S Oo to UROWLIl'S ...ui i. !.;. 1AS3 IlUrERT STATIO . nuurinvAiii), hound trainb. riiiladclphla . N. V. Mail no) A SI. " " Kipress 1D.UA, M " I'ri'irt.t H.30 A. M NOUTIUVARD I.OL'XD TRAINS F.lmlra M 11 1 1 3 o p, sj Xiaura Uxprcss 1 11,10 1", M rreicht 10.1 A. 11 . n. s. fioomvi.v, Jlay 4, lsOr. HI EVA.-NM, 10. (KM) li:iriXKIC, A " Tl.e,.,,.,r"'",",,'A,:."?,.,r! .,- W 1 eMW.M,.Pr.....H--Ui. fctTtf V' A a r.:r;r " ...v51 x w .f I'.iO Pf InK CpU .11 1 w-si. 5J ..r-tTl4- -0' T-S TVi,nJ I'ai p.. II M (H fM,r,!.CJrcrMilSaft,l. rer.I.lbi.ry.FQIIItTU Anput 17. XHW 15US1NKSS FIU3I I ME undersiclie,! resncrtlully inform tllr friends I nod III. miNie elirally, lb it thev hai c entered in. llllffli iTi'i i in tne "111,1 Jrcaile," In Hlooiiitbiirg, Col.lliibia ro , li. ri' lliey inlend can in? on the business of ot. rai. MkRulM,i7io, In all its dhcrnnoil bran. lien and di liartuients. nndto nliuh they iniite an cJlension of the pullic natroiiao. s. ii miixi:r, , , I'llED'K t". EVER. Illooinstrl!, V ly 11, IPBI.-tf. I'll! l-irlner.liipheri.tnr,ireeltin.'beteenthe un 1 dersliliied. nl Light nireet. in thn lliiie'ierini: Husl ness, iiasdHsoliel outbeflr.tilny of Juno last, by inn lual rons, nt. The ftoks t.riho Uie firm nro i.t 1'ie ld .land, where nil pers in, indrbtcd. will please rallwitli. ne.s ill h'mitler b, "nieiiiriii. me nine hemic uu. . colidllcled by U. Hulling, at Ihl ei.l stand. J. VY. SANKr.V il. BALLING. Light Street. Aug. 01, lfCI -?ts CHJAHS A TOBACCO. A ',T tifisortinriit 'f tliuir Tlaars Toh-ifrn. In 1 lUff. Cotifrrtioiti rv mid Notion rcurr.iHv.trf i h- rr with a full nto:! of 11 AT. an 1 CATS, ciniftantly tui i.dim .tiiti Mr Baic cii'sip, nt ino "Jiiooiii-uuiy nai a KllhlMl Hill). ' JOHN K. 0JKlO, lljfitiia'i'irs M trili 1' , lft'l. N 0 T 0 Yj. AI.Ij p' rhotm arc forbid nuiinrx thf United Elates UhILt ash Ma him, A. Huller I'atnt, icipilm Irosn anllioried ngt nil, with poMT of attorney as we arc ttttrrihiut'd tncnfiTCL' tht law hi all turfi coea, A. UUVVEll ratentte TiJUrf. v. luuai:. lpy.Au;. 17, 1?C1.-3ei. x. mmoihs hotel fEi o.'uhvay, Kcw York. boaki) Ki:i)Uti:i) ro $2 run day. s ihl thnnppiiing or thin vat nnd commodirnu lintel, in 1-51 ii has rnvfii tlin tingle endf at or ol tliu proirto turd f hi ike il tlu miift miaiptuott-i, coinonteiii and coinftut iMr hmnc fjr tlw citizen and stranger on ttiis kide thu Atlantic. .nd whit -vt has fpnid likely to aiiminifiti'r tn Hit) CDiiit'iut ofitd KuSct'i the v luie und'avored, without re gard lo cnni. tpru ilu. and to conibintj all the elrint nt a if t.i lividjal and social fttjoyinvHt which modern art Ii iu nliilniiiilnmlii.tlnnnmiieai fll.,l tl,.-, n. tronairii v,liich it hai roininaiided .lurii.- the paftt in wan, ik a uratift ins nrnuflliat llicir tifrrti, havu bin n aiS'-iH'il j Slave lUdttced the Bncc cf Bo'wd to, Two MOIIa.'s prr !).!. ' uttliL'Mim 1(1119 abjitiit? nono of tit1 luxurios wj;h w Inch th ur tibli' has htth tio bjpn supplied. TKhAUWULh, WIUTCU1II k CO. ir HOWAUU ASSOCIATION PHIL ADKl.rill A A II :i uloiit liutitutiiui rvtabtishod bv w rial endow. mi ui, fr ih' r.'li. t nf Hit' Mtk and Iium-nM-d, ulllicU'd with Virulent sin I Cpi.U-mic Disf.tst's, and tpi-cially f r tin Curu f lu an'n ol thu rtiiiual Or;iiiti. Dm I cnary tn" to pati. nl iu all parU f tho UmtL'd States V 1,L' VII C liKI'DUTS on "periuaturrhira, and otb it Di-niisi" of tli ri xual Orfaiii, and on Ihu NliW lti:ir.IHi:ri .uiplu) d, -ni tothr ailluU-d in Bi'ul'd let;iir ilnpi a. trir ofcharst's Two ui thrvu Stamps for N.tataae w ill W acriptabh'. Addrt'n Dtt.JtfKIIj ItiilMtllT t.V, Acluitf tsiirffeon, llow.ird .Wocia tio'i, .Vn. J riuuth .Ninth tiUwLt, L'hilatltlpliia I'd, Jl.irih 2. If'il lJtiu CAUTION rpMI public m hereby cautinund acaint buing or ta 1 kiiiL'au ajoicuuikiiton a note which the uiitic-mgued cue in CiJorgu .Mark, dated tin thirtieth day ot Pep tcmbtr. tifiht- tn hundred and mxty-niit-, lor itr . sum of (Un dollirs stud twrnty-ilvi) cents, which note I am Ut irmined not to pay un compelled by Ian, as I hara ccuived no value for thu jdinc. JAt'OU STIN'II. Locust twp., October lat, 1-CI E, H'jb XilT X Xl 5? f ATTORNEY AT LAW, DLooManuiifi P.i. in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charles It, Jiuckaluw . ll!omBl)ug. jlec. 4. ."'. unal luslltule and Academy, Of KW COLL'.MUUS. M'ZnitNn COUNTY, 1'A. fl'lli: next Term of thii Ins(i'utin will commenco X on JIIOXD.iY, AUGUST UVU, j Tnderthe ilirerii fl'rof. II U Ui her, whn. ana H holnr. it Ttut h r. and a Lecturer, ii too widtly and; too favorably know n lo uei il any rccoiuiuendatiou Adilitl'innl iacihtH'i. t thoe heretofore enjn cd by Ftudenlkt will be farm shod during the term and uar. i Intructioiu in Vocal uud Insirnnant tl Mtuic will Ui'giveitby un aecouipluhed Tenrhcr. 1 or the Trustees, JOHN KOONS, Stfc'ry, August 10. mt. JOSEPH GREEN, SOK Sc CO. Dealers In 1 Oil, CLOillS HI.MIOW SltAlir.S, &C. Tojctllcr with a cnmplclo Yarii-ly of G CAUINUT WAI'.t', at tlie lowest Cash prices. !SO. 45 NOUllI SKU0N1) STREET, JO-tril OUBBN, ) UK VJ. (JltUUN, ( 1'lllI.ADCLl'lllA. B. JOVKH LEiSTT.R ) Alarih 1. ln!I -Dm, WANTED, FOU TEAOHEUS fplIUCnnjiifhaingrhool District wanted 4 iumI Ens J lull -chonl Tcach'.rs, fur 5 montlis, fallary SJ3pir m. mill Applirants pteaso la appear at tha Jay ttlu n the tunty Bunerlntcndeut will imkn ihn rnm.,.ni...n i Locust Ual, October 5, li.til. . .!." WOHLrARTII, ammttu, AnhUaJ, Oct IS 161, Jt Scroflila, or King's Evil, i l" a constitutional disease, a corruption of tha blood, by which this fluid become vitiated, weak, and poor, lletns In tho circulation, It perrndes tho whole- body, and may burst out in disemo on any part of It. No organ lo free from Its attacks, not is there one which It may not destroy. Tho scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, imnuro air. filth and filthy habits, tho depressing; vices, and, abovo all, by tho venereal infection. What ever bo Its origin, it is hereditary in tho con stitution, descending from parents to children unto tlio third and fourth feneration j" indeed, it seems to bo tho rod of Him who says, " I will visit tho iniquities of tho fathers upon their children." Its effects conimenco by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungn, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles! in tho glands, swellings i and on the surface, eruptions or tores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in tho blood, depresses tho energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofubus com plaints, but they have fur less power to with stand the attacks of other diseases i conse quently,, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, aro still rendered fatal by this taint in tho system. Most of tho consumption which de cimates tho human family has its origin directly in tlus scrofulous contamination i and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of alt tho organs, oriso from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons aro invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse, it from the system we must rcnovato tho blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a mcdianc wo supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which tho medical skill of our times can devise for this every whero prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from tho most activo rcmcdials that have beon discovered for tho expurgation of this foul disorder from tho blood, and the rjscuo of the system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should bo employed fur the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, Midi as Ebcitivh and Skin- Diseases, Sr. Asinoxv'a Fine, IlOSC, or KRYSIrELAS, l'lMr-LES, PtmcLEs, Blotcues, Hlaiss and Boils, Tumors, Tktteb and Salt Hiiecm, .Scald He id, Kinowobm, ItiiEustATisM, SyniiLiTioand Meiicuiiial Dis eases, Dnor-iT, Dvsnrsu, Debility, and, indeed, all Cosiplaists arisino inoM Vitia ted or IaruitE Blood. The popular belief in " impurityof the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is n degeneration of the blood. 1 ho particular purpose and virtuo of this Sarsapa lilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayers Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, arc so composed that disease within tho ranee of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their pent tra ting prop?rtics search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting its dueascd action, and restoring I its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of theso t properties, the Invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remtdj at once so simple and inviting. iot only do thev eurp the cverv-dav comnlaintt of every body, but aUo many formidable and dangerous die care. Tho agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my Americaii Almanac, lontaininR certificates of their cures and directions for their uso in the follow In ti comnlaints : Costive ness, Heartburn, Headache aminy from disordered Stomaek, Nau$eat Indigestion, Paul in and Mot bid fnacticn of the Bowel, Flatultucy, Lou oJ'Avpe' tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, aiisin from a low state of the b&dy or obstruction of its functions. ( AyerS Cherry PeCtOral,- roit TUB nArtu Ct'EK OP Coughs, Colds, inllucuzn. Hoarseness, Crutip, llrnncliitis, luciiiicnt Consunip tiou,und Tor thu relief of Consumntiio rntients tn advanced stages or the disease. So nido is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous arc the casrs of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been restored fiom alarming and ecn desperate diseases of the tungj by its use. "When once tried, its superiority over every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community hate failed and been discarded, this ha3 Kair.ed friends by rery trial, conferred bencfitfi on the alllictcd they can never furgct, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. PREPARED BV IMS. J. C. AYI3R fc CO. LOWELL, MASS. H. P. I.utz. J. It. il.i,, r.(. M. ilau.nli.ictl. I'loomiburs A Miller, lietv. itk, aud L line lurc iu ti ery town in renn.ylr.liii.i. I'UIJLI ' NOTICE. A Urge newCOOKlVG HTOVfl, ha b.'en tresvpaai rnti on tho promts of tin wtnlcrftencti, in Centre tow nuliip for icorftl years pan nnrlnsit ia likely to r-'niain tinrl,uin-d, tho ow ucr or owners of raid rtny Mitvf, nr rM'iested to pay rharpcB, and tae it away or H n ill b ' tipnscd of a the Act of Assembly pro TidH In all tuclt casts. II. A. SWEPENHISEn. Centre (n p. Oct. 13, 160t 3t. STRAY CALK CAME into the c-nctomirc of tho subscriber, near HolirI)nrp, otne time last May, n jfarling Steer Thu owner u requested toprove property, pay charge und taktiit away, or it will ba disponed of aw the law directs. JAM Erf GIDaO.N. October 12, ltd. 3t, OIIKAP MILITARY GAPS I MIMTAUV CAl. of every mirt. sir.e and quality, for tali) (heap at the. tlioomabure Mat ft Cap Emporium. Also (j'roceries, Confectiouancfl 'Clear, tc. JOHN' IC. tllUTOV. IHnomsburg. dept. 11, leGl. IIOUSH FOU SALE. t moveable Framk IIocie, will be told cheap, on ap- nliratton to the nndriicned. l.CYI I.. TAT U. lUooimburg, July 13. IrCl raOTKCTIOX FI50M LIGHTNING. . HK suli.cnlier woulj inroriti Ins friends, that lis is ' How jirepare.l tn put up, on short lictice. anil in a acjeuhfir inaiincr, the tie. I furw.i i'oi.vted rods, at 12i rents pi rf'Hit All work warrnnteil. K. U. IllllLCMAV. niouiusburg. May "1, laCll. KIV rVSt&LXEEltV GOO&S. TIIK undersiirned woi;lil most respectfully announce to the citizens of Uloomburc and vicinity, that sh't has received front tho ca tern cities her fall nnu IV! VI I It M IJJNBliV (l)lll!S, all of which she isprepart-d to make up.Q nnd n'll at a very reaaonably low figurt.S.VX. JfpAr ller axsorlmvnlnfeoislsare a tiitlo u "XJtt tLj pf nor in point of durability as wtlttaitefulneif, tnany otf'red by he; in this section k'ri'tcfore She re turns tnatiKi rr tun iioerai pa rorar in? na rtceivcJ, and rtupectfully so'icitc a continuance nf the trine. MARY UAUULEV. Wo.-initburff. Oit. 1?, lpfll. John Faroira. SIS AUCII Street, between "th, awl Fill, -t.eils. tlMt oeiR.iMrlr! srrrt! rilaaVnliaO I lMrnRTVr. & vUhi-rtlt'Kta or. ana HI..MU ii su i'.ikik FAt;v ruita, For Laditi Must and CkilietnU wear. llaviuc now manuMclurrtl and in stnr niv Usual lar?c and beautiful as s. fortniept of all the various st)tes and quauues hi i urs. aaapieu 10 ine com. mg Fall and Winter i-ensons 1 would respectfully In.ltsan examination of mystoek and pri. ees from tho" uitintinjr to purchase as 1 urn enabled to oiVer them very desirable jQdureuitnts, All my t-'ura have bet n purchased i'ir ra h, and made h exp'Tienc d add competent hand, and as t e present uiunitary Itoubles rend.-nt necessary that 1 should dis. piso of my toots at very small t'liisic on rost. 1 am satisfied that It u ill be to tha interests of those, how design purihasins, to give me a call. Uy" iteeolleit. the name, number aud street Joha rarrira (Vcw Fur store HIS Arch Street, rinladalplila. P P'ita. 7 lui) .Sni IMPORTANT FilOJt (JEN. STONE S COLUMN. lleconnohniiucc 'Jowartl I.iesUtri tht Futeral Tioops on the Virgtuii tilt 100(1 of rur Mtnuguiml 40tiO lit belt fall of ( ol. taker Our Troop Maintain Position, On Monday afternoon the unnouncc mcnt was mailo iu WasLingtoa that a bat tlo was in progrei.3 on tliu Upper I'otomao. An hiteuio excitement wasitbc result of tlia iutbrniatioD, and thu telegraph offices, and olher poiuts where news was must likoly to bo received, were besciged by persons anx ioui to obtaiu paitieulara of tbo conflict. The following is the substance of tha de spatches during Monday Dight : ' Gen. Stone crossed the Potomac this (Mjnday) morning, with one portion of his command, at Edwards's Kerry, and an other at Ilaniaou's Island. Five companies of the Fifteenth-Massachusetts crossed at Harrison's Island at daybreak. They proceeded t'i wi hiu a inilo an A a half of Locahurg without meet ing tho enemy, supported hy thu remain der of the regimens aud part of tha Twen tieth. A gallant reconnoisanjo wasrmuOo early iu the moruitii; hy Major Mis, of Colonel Van Aliens cavalry, and Caplaiu Stewart Assistant Adjutant General, Irom H iward a Ferry toiir.irds I,eesburg, with :)J cavalry. They eattsc cu tho Fourteenth Mi.iskippi rehel ngituent, received their fire at U5 yards, returned it with their pii-tola, and fell hack in order, hnnging in one priso ner. Up to 3 o'clock in tho afternoon, Gen. rftoi c held his own position Mtisfactorily, though his comparatively .small forco upon tho island tvtu engaged with some 10UO of tho onsmj. About 5 o'clock in the afternoon, largo reinforcements of the enemy appeared up on our right which was commanded by Col. Uaker, Senator from Oregon The Union forces engaged numbered about 1300, and weio attacked hy a force supposed to bo from SiJOU to I0,wu&. At this jitiKlMc, Oil. linker fell, at the I -. j lts busuUf, zullilhlh Ultirins Oil J a is j -a us men io uv contest. Immediately bel'oro ho fell he dispatched Major Young to Geueral Stotm to iipprisu htm of the condition ol ilftir-, mm (ro.ic .1 c. ... .. . . . i ' rai cioirj imtucuiati..y p.-jeeueu tn ; 'sJa toward the right to take command ,out in the couiu;iuti c.-tatcJ by tliu tall oi Oo). Ejkcr tLe rigbl iiu sustained. a repulse, with cotiiiilurablt: loss. Gcucral Stoue reporti tliat tlie loft,wing retired in good order. lie will hold poai. cieioii of llarrisou Llaud, aud tbo an proaohos thereto. J lio reniains ofCcl IJatcr, were removed to I'oolesTillt', and nill bo brought to Washington on Wednesday. He held his conimis-iou as Colonel from tho Stttc of Pennsylvania, having lately reoeived it at tne hands of G.iv Ourtin, ai commander of the California Kcgimcnt. A BubMiyient despatch says r ''Gen. Evans (in command of the rebel t'orcts) has four field pieces aud three pie ces masked, with about -1000 men. A prisoucr v,ho was taken mentions that ho has 'IU0U rebel troops and expect reinforce ments." Gen. Stocc believed ho could occupy Lecsburg and hold it. Tho despatch is dated Edwaid & Ferry. fayln eonsequenea of the failure lo re ceive returns from several counties, wo aro unablo to make a complete list of tbo members elected to tho nest House. Tho 1'ut so far as received foots up as follows : Democrats, 43 Republicans, 30 Democrats elected on Union tickets, 10 Uepublicaii3 " " ' 8 oa 47 .10 LINE & LEE, No. io, xonrii wharves. I'hila.Ulptiii. EtOPK ilE.VKtUS Sir IP CHANDLERS. Spun Cotton for Caulkmir, Uopeg, Twinss.Tar, Pitch, uaaum. nioiks, ana uars, &.C. August 4. lcrt'l l.'m, THE WINE STOltl or T Q it H 5C , SWARlf, 311 WALNUT STREET, (below Fourth rit.,) , rilll.AUGM'lUA, fk. .tujnst i. l-l?m. Look to your Interests! FRESH ARRIVAL or SPUING AND SUMMER GOOD, MILLER BEYER'S. TUC subscribers havo Just returned from tho City With another targe ana select assortmet of Sl.ring; anil Summer Joods, purchased nt rttiladelphla, at the lowest figure, an4 which they arc detvrmiu.d to sell on as moderate wrma as can bo procured elsewhere tn lllooiiisburg Their slock comprises uiunw muss aaons, of choir, st styles and latent fashion. DRV oihiiis, jixd aituvuiirs. n ) y mwjviivw ii:irk. munir ii:ike inOX. .VAILS, JiOOJ.- -.. suot.s HATS l( C.JPS, ;e S, c . 4 . , In short everlthrig urually epl li . ' tv? lo whuli they invtl tin- t -lc,e:eD,ri. The Highest price paid for country pr uu,- MILLSR U LVEK. Bloomiburg May 11, lf-Cl OKi HAUI) OHASS SEED'. Tut Jl-ata.oa io'thj Cjir) u Usurrj'