Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 12, 1861, Image 4

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S 11 BJ li K WOO l i KM 1 KAltY
Important Additions & ImiiroTcmrnls.
AntnmnTormto Convmene Aujust 12. 1P01.
liikltliitton vvMcb Inn been tn successful opfrV
l I lor Hit! naat ten v ean. id about uixk rgtnn4
Bams and Mauuro. , j-Jiixllitli'luVlSm "."uM'SS
Exirrtcta fron. an a-Mrou delivered by ' J-rt&tSW 'a 'l
0. L Flint, Esq., Secretary of the Mass- '1;-- liV:;?-:
ncluuctU State Hoard of Agriculture, at JV
Springfield, at the Hampshire County "fci'iTKfJ .USi?ltibata,iirff:i
Show in 1600 ! . leather nun Icilnrer wl I be nt tin- bend .;f Uie Bunnl of
ouoh hi icuu , ... Insimctloii. I.nt llu ITluciiml will li.nuilio gom-ral .u-1
" The nrocrcs of farming has been perintrniicnro of the institution ami assnm,- n hie c.r
COmrjarativelv s ow, anu uiercioro men crei noon oturas .cicmmr ium, u "i" "i'"
have hesitated lo trust to tuo 'sure ana ofyouni men nmi women nimnuii ii'ii'"f. iiicuj-
.... . . .vfmorlenclier'pr"rc!ioii, will nt
firiu-sct earth, for tlio return ot a proper .iii, nndnssi.tantc.
. ,. . ,. - . Tba coucoor Imlnicllnn III incniiooi win uu ino-
per ccntaro on capital invested in tarmiug ro,,jhnii.iyiieiiiiiiic, cn!ini.itciiiiciiiiitnccih.' nticiiii
r . branches i.fn practical cilmnlloil. Ampin io Ulon n 111
enterprises. bu uiadn for th
The corporation of a turnpike, or a
branch railroad, has had a larger credit
than the farm, among farmers themselves,
and tho first considerable sum that can bo
... .... .1 .. . .1. ....ll. nr.. n.l .1, 1 rlt.l ll.leil llV UlL'IO! llClnOrPl'
spared is invested in t licse, ratiier tuan in , A ,i iillc'L.. ,i d t o m m i . found in our n:ies.
real and permanent improvements which !X'.MSM
would not fail to be more profitable in the l'"!!'
cud, than any such stock to be found in tho ''Ut
i t.. .i.t. .... il..n ,.re..,n,i,v. iirpnentK mi nllrnc'
country. tive feature, un.lusclul aullll;iry. tu u pracllcut cdura- i
Tins distrust ot the sou anu tuo promise rovc,rlin,0,,c,ll,cli,e,iin,fc.,n,!o
ofabonificent Father, has led to the per- -J.-" gSS",,,1? 7;i:?l,,rS-,SlK
nicious impression that farming will not a!
DaV. and heUCO many young lllCU haVO contnn.uira ofslni'lnr fa,ors, nsne Intend to Include n
t J b liljlieriimdonnd wider ranaoidlii.truclion tip ro-nrcl.
SOUgllt Other incatlS of support. Ihey UO fully (nllcit onmUiatlou Into onr futilities and
not wish to slave themselves for a life-timo c 1 ) JI H :
llnardtnz, washing, tuition, lislit ami Inc.. lentil el
i. i..r ill.. .tmtv of the li slier ni:ulilii.Hics, in
cliicliUl'lnil of IMijsIcj, ami th'' ntural rlrlcnrrs, by
menus ol Minnuio nnpnriuns, hum i, ...-....... ..
Latln.Hreok. nud German l.wwitci.t'M;iial stuitolils
to ,ii.iify Iheiu.cUcs Tor commercial nud Icnlinc pur
nits, or tn enter mil class ntcollcio.
Tlio country lonillun o( llii, f.-n.lnnry In n plfn.ntit
......... i.. .. ...,, .... ,Iai,.-liiii9 item ibor inoi . Hi I
k noii ill' for llio delated lout ui 11- inoriil sentlii'ent, anil
they say, and get nothing for it at last.
Hut let s-uch look around them for an an
sner. '1 hey will sec some ruing to an
linnnvnliln fOliinLtcnCO. bv industry and llo.irdlns, with furnished rooms, on, quarter
- ' . ... Tiilliitn
Penan, for one quarter nr cloven iveika, will lie iblrty
llulars. one li.ill iwynlilo In iidvnnce-llio other linlf
ami all tiiillon lulls nillbi! ripcctcil promptly at tlio
Anu tbe Tiuloua fttTcctlonB conaefiuent ion a dliorJerci
Fucti m Indlftntlon AclJflYOf tlio Ftomftcli.Cotlfky Fa1d,
llartlurn, Ios of AviH-tlto, UpuponJviicy, OotlTou.iK,
llllnJ ami lHwdliiB rilcn. In nil Nerroun, ltlicninatlc, ana
Ntra!c.C Affection", It hn In numerous lntitires irovtl
lilalilf U-neflcIal, nd In otlicra f ffcctM ft JorMod cure.
'litis Is a purdj tcgotalilo pouuhjuii.I, rrppuml on Mrlctly
Pclontlfic iirinclplc", after tlie tjinniipr cf ths oeletiratcl
Hullanil Profi'Mor, Uwrliare. Iti reputation at liomo vro
(IikhhI Its Intmluctlon lierc, tho dpmauil nmr.iPiiclnR with
tliodtf cf tbe FatherltnJ scattered our the face of tliH
rnlnlity emmtry, many tf whom hronght with them and
huideddown Uiu tnufltltmor ltsalue, Jl it tioto fnrfd
to the American jmltic, Inmving that iU truly utfndirfu
wlkinal virtue! mutt Ve acknowledged.
i t. unrllciilnrlY rfTommpndiKl to uinae rcraons wnfWS
countltuUvnH muy have been impaired hy the continuous wo
of ard-'iit r-ilrltn, or othT fornn of dUnlpatlon. Gonerally
in-tautaui'iniB In efToct, It fliidi) IU way directly to the lont
of Iiro, thrilling nnl nulckf ulnR every nerTe, ralnlnrt up the
diooplnn t.plrit.Rud( in fsct, lnl using now health and Tlgor
In the nvptem. ..... . .
NQTlCi:. WhocTcr expects to find this n hprernpe M
l-e disappointed 1 hut to the ikk, weak and low tptrlted. It
will proie a pratvlat aromatic cordial, cosatssed of el;igulf
nuiwllal proiortkB.
m.. nA..ln l.lnhU. rnnrimtrnted HetliTD,a IIollAnd
Ililtenila rat upln lialfplat lttle only, and retailed at
0-z Poiua iHrUtllo,er tlx bottlealbr Hvi Doit-iM. Tlia
creat demand for tld truly eilelmtiil Mi-llelno lias indueod
Enany Imitations, lihicli tue l'liUlo should guard against
pir.Ulon of eutll quarter.
ire ins ;
application and farming alone ; they will
seo farms free from mortgages, and fanners
eujoyitg tlio comforts and luxuries of
wealth, and educating their families from
the proceeds of their occupation alouo I
think a limited survey even will lead them
to the conclusion that farming will pay as
well as any other calling woro tha risks
arc so light, if tho farm bo properly and
judiciously managed.
It should be borne in mind that those
who fail in farming, arc generally men
who would fail in anylhiug else. It is
thriftless indoleneo jtlonu that need anti
cipate a failure.
There are in the State, (Mass.)
unro than 75,000 barns. It is thought
that five cords of manure of 102 4 5
bushels each is a small allowance for
each of these barns, Eince, in many towns
and in some entire couuties, the average
is considerable greater. Hut suppose it to
bo Eve cords or about seventeen loads
of thirty bushels each this mauuro may
ho estimated at three dollars a cord. In
soma counties from four to sis dollars can
bc,obtaincdwithout much difficulty, and
that, too, whoro tho purchaser is obliged
to haul it a distance of five or ten miles,
as is often the case. Uut putting the price
at only three dollars, and the number ol
cords to each at only five, all of which are
thought to bo small eiti.nales, the number
nf hums :it onlv 75.000, and the number
of cords now made 111 tuc Stale wouiil be j
3i5,UU0, which may be valued at SI, 1-3-00U.
'fhe best judges thiuk that an iu
crease of one hundred per cent, might ea
sily bo made, on au average throughout
tho State, with a reasonable degree otcirc
and attention. If this be true, the common
wealth annually sullcrers a loss ot Sl,l-J5
000, at least, by neglect in this single department.
mako the following extracts from an ar
tide on this subject iu the London Cot
tao Gardner :
'" It is hopeless to attempt to fatten them
whilo they are at liberty. They must be
nut in a nropcr coop ; aud this, liko most
other poultry appurtenances, need not be
expensive To fatten twelve fowls, a coop
mav bo threo feet long, eighteen inches
hi"U and eighteen inches deep, made
tirely of bars. No part of it solid neith
er top, side nor bottom. Discretion must
be used accordnig to the sizes of the chick
ens put up. They do not want room
indeed, tho closer they are the better, pro
vided they can all stand up at tho same
time. Caro must be takeu to put up such
as havo been accustomed to be together, or
they may fight. If ooo U quarrelsome, it
is better to remove it at once; as, like oth
er bad examples, it soon finds imitators.
A diseased chicken should not bo put up.
0. no
1. uo
Tuition In euiuinini Kuglitlt tirnnclica
Iricluiliiie Mullieninilcaundllnok Keeping
liy lloulile llntry
Tuition In l.iitlu, llreek. nnd flerninn extra
Wa.lilni, UshU nud incidental I'M"
unu quarter.
Tlwie hi dculre to procure ncholar?lilp or attend by
tho yonr, Hill li" iiceoinuindntedata reasonable ducount
and tudeut llihis to procure runins aliould maKo
seiinu.ible application.
1'or lurtlier particulars addresi. , , ,
W.M. llUKRl.SS. Principal.
Mill! it!", l'cnn'a.
REOROB MTF.B, J.K. rilli!. )
Hr. A.P. IIllmr. I'ilis Uvu. V Truitces.
ItLNJtHii K. l:ica. )
Mill! ille. Vny 3.1, IcCl.
jt3- linlnro of Imnoritlon. Seo thit our name la ou Uio
lalnl of eccry bottla you buy.
Seld by Brussltti eeneraUy. It can Is forwarded
by Expreta to moat pclnti.
sole rRoriiii:Tons,
pharmaceutists and (Ulicmkls,
I'orFale !(!. 1, llagonbuch, Druggist. P.loninrburgrn
Oct,S"lrtu. ,
; !s s.i.AMANi)i:ii Mvr.a, in:-
-,-t'it riW M(JVi;ii to :ioi cifri aimi,
V- V'VflvSi nud n lars" nsHortinent of 1 ire
n.ixvtu.F., jw.vivun cou.rr, p.i.
Entertainment for Man and lieail, Iu good atjlo
nud ut moderati1 rates.
(U'.0!:i:i: V. l'ltlX.U, Proprietor.
Danville March, 2, lelil.
1 IMIE Proprietor of this uell kiionnaiid ccnlrally loca '
L tod House, llio Emiumie Horn, eituate on .llui
Street, In Uloollburg, iuiuiediiiti ly "Miioslte the LVdilul
bi.i County Court House, respicll'ully Ul'orm" his Iricndr.
and the public in general, Hint his House is mm iu or
,lcr i..r 1110 reiep. o V , ...V, ;,,.t. . H,. , 1 Hi"
.111 tame oat right; vith con
t.rt. In,,, ilonrs. for b.lllks nilil
alort.M. Iron khiitters iron Siisll. III!
Ptfiii- ''newt makes of locks e'iu:il to nny umdc
in the 1'nlteil States.
t trr 4erji l otif Jir).
Tlio !3al.iuiJiidor Safes of Philadelphia against tho
Invp Ind tlio surest ilcinostrntioii fn tho following cor
tilknte Hint tli'ir iimutif.irturc t f nlnnmiid'T Huft-s
at lViistli fully uarr.-mti'd thu rcjiri'st'iitatimiti wliirli li.ivu
liecn niaitf f tlifin in rendrrmg an umimiWeil security
against the tcrriik ilemuiir.
b IMiiladrlphiii April 12. lea.
.Ytr T'.ran $ Wotton- ticiitU'iiiPii It allbril ua
tlio liislit'st Batfpf.ittion to Btati to you. Unit own. to
A ihirti we of ntt some five mouth since
out'TIa r-'f-'iVltrnlhiUui'heVMie??,; 2c"liW" 1 ecM
t ( wnn Ing (oil his part) to inn 'cr lu the I1"'0 ,,, ,orniuB of Hie lllli iu-t..
couiturt. ins uou.ij i p.ii.iou. u..u i. .j.., U'hen e relict t Hut these safes were located in Hie
HiVff im hYP
R-s tiiimibudC run tit nil times between the nxc.iansrft
(...) nn.i Hi ( thni lit Dpiiutp. bv which trav
tiers will I") pleasantly tonejcd to and t from tho re
specie iao, one T KOONS.
llloomsburg, July 7, lfCO.
S T 0 K E .
mioL.ES.iu: Ji.s-n nivr.ui.
TIip undTlSi.''d :eiip'CtruUy ii.n.niis tlHTiutens of
Itloonnljur?. mid the public in ( that h luu pur
ch.icd tin- .".' IMP UTOHK. in the w lutf frami utarc
li.u-c, on M-ihi Street, ne.irly itj'jiMpite the l'.fh.uie
suildmss wlh-ru lie hai Jui rmhcil a fplvmlid as
rortuieiit of ,
Direct from the Munufncturles. of all kinds, (lylcs, sorls
an I -i. s. latent r.iKlu, lis. wllkll he Hirers wliule.ale and
retail, lit very low prices. ...
v"Th-seloodi will be aoldat very lowprices lor
" irtllV I.' fllPT-AV
nloonuburg, OcloLcr 27, lcl'.0,
E 11 E NO II 0 T E L.
fnnrtii .nrv oftlic miililni! w tccumptl and that Ihey
fill milisequi nlly Into a heap of burninir ruins, wln-re the
iifet conci ntration of tin heat caused th'! brill's platen to
melt, we cannot but n-paril tln'preervation of their al
unlilu content ns most ccuiviucing proof of the great tv
ciirity allordeil by jour Miles.
We eh ill tuke great pleaxure in recommending them to
men ot biiiduem a Hun n haiice njriiiiit lire.
ci:uut;i: w. himmonh & into., jftrriun,
OvThiv have sincupnuliasi'd elx larje gufee,
Till! undcrniirnril,, respettfuliy Informs hifl friend,
nud tin! public generally, that he htiaopcnjil .1 lions' lor
ilni I'lit.Ttiiiiiiuent of i-u-toiiMTit nud travtkrs, at fci;it !!
MMu tireeuwimd tovMislup, Colunibia Count)', (ubuut
trto nu l en weft Ol .Ml i iiiu,; tunun uiu
Sorcno $m Hotel.
Whero lie ii prepared to accoiunmtlatc the public, and
nil who may fdvorhiiu with their cuitom.totjeuerui sut
idf.trtii.ti Ills Tablo and liar, wilt be well supplied and careful
ly conduclcd.ainl It in htabling is ample nud well clocked
lie w ill at nil timed bj Iiapny wait upon hi friends
and customers.
Screno, Manli S3, 16G1,
MiiD mm am iPtaosairigiB
H. W. Cor. Third and .Market fu..
ear Cards $1.50 per 1000. -a
August 4, Jril.O-Iiin
ADi!ffiS!i & aa s js to ik, as
Tho oldest established and only standard
Price 13 per 20UO Jbs. (2i els. per 11),
rnrtUVIAW W'c e-dlnoua but Xo. 1, received direct
from the taoverument,
ICIIAUUU. A very superior article, rccchcd direct
trnui tho Uland.
PDA HI' UK. tlround Placler a t-uperior article, packed
in good ktroiij; barrel.
fiOXUH. Ihitton Uakers Hone Dust omK.ruuud Hones.
warranted 1'urc.
JJir, uuderisned i nUo otengirly encaged In the
UmltrtaUmr Bu sin en. and keeiiHcrtnalnntlv on hand
ulforaleat liis WirerouuiH, a largo nssortnienl of pjniuilrunia
A compound remedy, In wliltlt wo hnvo In.
bored to produce tho most cffi'Ctiml nltcrntlvo
that can to made. It is a concentrated cxtrnct
of l'arn Sarsaparlllo, eo combined with other
tubtancc3 of still greater nltcrntlvo power tt3
to nllbnl an effectivo untidoto for tho dica.c
Sarsapaiilla Is reputed to cure. It Is believed
that such n remedy is wonted by thoo ho
suircr from Strumous complaints, and that ono
which will accomplish their euro mutt provo
of Immense servlcu to this large class of our
afflicted fellow-citizens. How completely this
compound will do it has been proven by exper
iment on many of tho wort cases to bo found
of the following complaints :
EuurrioMs and Ennriivn Diskasks, TJtcinti,, Blotches, Tomoiisj, Salt Kiihum,
Scald Head, Syphilis and Svrmivrio Ar
rEcnoNS, MeiicubialDiseasb, UnorsT, Ned-
HlI.0IVOIlTl0l)0UL0UllEUX, nEIlILITT, I)vs
ou Sr, Antuont's Fine, and indeed tho whole
class of complaints arising from IsiruiuiY op
the Union.
This eomiund Mill bo found a great pro
motcr of health, when taken In tho spring, to
expel tho foul humors which lestcr in tuo
blood at that season of tho year, Ily tho time
ly expulsion of them many rankling disorders
are nipped in tho bud. Multitudes can, by
the aid of this remedy, spare themselves from
tho endurance ot foul eruptions and ulcerous
sores, through which the system will strive to
rid itself of corruptions, If not assisted to do
this through tho natural channels of tho body
by an alterative medicine. Clcanso out tho
vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities
bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions,
or soies cleanse it when you find it is ob
structed and sluggih in tho veins ; clcanso it
whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell
you when, liven whetc no particular disorder
is felt, people enjoy better health, and live
longer, lor cleansing the blood. Keep the
, blood healthy, and all is well; but with this
pabulum of life disordered, thero can bo no
lasting health. Sooner or later something
must go wrong, and tho great machinery of
life is disordered or overthrown.
I Sorsaparilla has, and deserves much, the
reputation, of accomplishing these ends. I!ut
tho world has been cgrcgiously deceived by
preparations of it, partly becauso tho drug
alouo has not all tho virtuo that is claimed
for it, but more because many preparations,
pretending to bo concentrated extracts of it,
, contain but little of the virtue of SarsapariUa,
or any thing else.
1 During late yeais the public have been mis
' led hrlarno bottles. Dictciidins to civo a quart
of Extract of SarsapariUa for one dollar. Most
of these have been frauds upon tho sick, for
they not only contain little, if any, Sarsapa
riUa, but often no curative properties whatev
er. Hence, bitter aud painful disappointment
has followed tho use of the various extracts of
SarsapariUa which Hood tho market, until the
name itself is justly despised, and has become
synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still
we call this compound SarsapariUa, and intend
to supply such a remedy as ihall rescue tho
name ftom the load of obloquy which rests
upon it. And we think we havo ground for
believing it has vhtues which are inesistiblo
bv tbe ordinary run of the di'cases it is intend
ed to cure. In order to sccute their complete
eradication from the system, the remedy should
be judiciously taken according to directions on
the bottle. s
rnEPAitr.n by
DR. J. C. AYE It & CO.
Price, 31 per llottlc Six llottlca for $5.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
has won for itself such a renown for the cure of
cvciy variety of Throat and Lung Complaint, that
it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the
evidence of its urtucs, wherever It has been cm
ployed. As it has long been in constant use
throughout this section, we need not do more than
assure the people its quality is kept up to the best
it ctcr has btenriind that it may be ltlied on to
do for their relief all it has ever been found to do.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
port the cnim op
Cosikencss, Jamitliie, Dyspepsia, Indigestion,
Dysentery, Tout Slomaih, Liysipelas, Headache,
riles, Hlteumalism, Eruptions and SUnVisiases,
Liter Cbmplaiut, Dropiy, Tetter, Tumors and
Halt lllietnn, Worms, (lout, Xtvralgia, as a
Dinner Pill, and for l'urifyimj the liluod.
They arc sugar-coaled, so that the most scnsi
titecan take them', and they arc the
best nperient in the world for all the purposes of a
lamuy pnysic.
Pricu 25 cents per Eoxs rivo boxes for $1.00.
Crcat numbers of Clerit) men, rhysicians, States
men, ami eminent personages, hato lent their
names to certify the unpaialltlcd usefulness of these
remedies, but our space here will not permit the
Insertion of them. The Agents below nnmcd fur
nish gratis our American Almanac in which they
are chen; with also full descriptions of the abovo
complaints, and the treatment that should be fol
lowed for their cure. ..i
Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with
other preparations they make more profit on.
Demand Aran's, and tako no others. 1 he sick
w ant the best aid there is for them, and they should
have It. ,
All our Remedies arc for sale hy
P.. P. l.ulz. J. 11. Mover, fl. M. IlaL'i'iiliueh. Utooni.biiri:
A. .Millor, Hcrukk.uud Lt ona .torn iu eviry low u in
ThOe Ijntioriitg Under
tlckne can at ctf tcHcvo ttipiriflvcktfrom thf thou
Ann 1 1 mnlailicn that llenli n liclr tu. If they w ill onlj
follow the emiust'ls of nature, and take the medicine
w rli lient nill uer i vi iuMi,-, ......
I' uy V, AITLUTO & CO.
443 aw445 liroadwa jVto York
rim " . the Vcielftbta Lifo Meulciuea of Dr. MorT, . Jhn fo low
known B ,.,,... nnniiidi
A tiopular
' r ill! titwK' AMI. HJCAN OVUt.Ol'JZOIA
Dtrlloiinrv (if tlencral KliottlfwlffC, Udltcif 1
ItiM.vv nml Cm nt.- A. Dama. nliled bv h 'finiiierruii ie
feet corps of writer in all tminclici m Sctcncicn, Art and
j.iieranire. TiiisworR t.ucin inuiisnra m ruuiu jj
Moffat's Life Pills
ami J
iittrWVTV llfTTWIlS
I 1 VI I 11 X 11 ILl AJ'I'W' . I H...I.,,.. 11.1. I, I l.nlnil IM
tn. f...11,-l110- Imrn nnw l.nfll tit for Q the ttUltliC fof 1., ... t n !.n . n t-Ml Itvn film H
aiicriod of :0 ) ear, and durtna that time lunc main. ynevfi Vols. 1 to XI InclnsUu, aru now rcaity.eacli
taned a hi nil tlmrailef in nliuoit evtry uitt of Uio rontaininit near U..ltni, nnslnnl article. An adtlitionil
ffloho for ttu extraordinary curative nroncrtieii wmcn niuiuc w U ImtmlitUhed mice In about three montln
Mottat's Life Pills.
Mniraf lAto nils aro imlcbtcit lor tnetr name toiueir
inanifodtand h-mumMo nctioti iu lmn f)tng tin; vpriiijra
nud rtiannel of tife, and enulliff tlwiu ith renewed
ton" and Icor i and to tlio undoubted fat t that nt a 1 1 ry
I'riec. inrioth, ,H Hhcen.S :)! llalfMor.. Si! Hal
Iutinf 91 .Vleach.
The New American Cyclopn-dia in popular wlllimiter
Inn superficial, learned hut not pt-danir, coinprchenklva
but tiiiicit!illy detailed, Ireo from pcmonal pf'iuo and
parly prejudice, fre'li and yet accurate. It isu rmnpUtu
.intonifitt nfAll Unit li known linnii errv lionortnnttOD
ic with the cnpe-of human ihtellinc.. Vvt Import.
NcrvousrroEtration, General DeWHt7, Asthma,
Dyspcnfila, Scrofula, Marasmus, Paralysis,
Chronic Bronchitis, Anemia, ChloroiU,
and all Disorders of the Dlood Bystcm.
wvsrMrnoM n the iiot fatal scomnn or
NANKIN!). It hru boeii truly rcpa'ded as vei SA
DIE Miun, fewever BurvlvlnB Us oil uK. One turn
JlOlUHHAKtiNK HA1 Y 01 All, H A 110 I
I,ATIOSofmotclrili7odcommwU8lI.TUfinv TMM
M"F.ASF-" What a Bad coiumcLlary on tLo boasted
Tho brilliant 1 ucovcry nf Fr. riinrcliill, made to tlio
Imperl .1 Aca bmy of Medicine, or FarU, has proved an
iuMtmnU'ttncrt to llio world. Uy tbr i w or hU now
and imvcrful nine Hat aptnt , known to t lu mitry as
"Tho CUIltt of CONSUMPTION, ci en In tho
f-ocond and Third fitnccn (nt n period, therefore,
when there can fuo no doubt M to the iiiitiiro or
tho iii-en-c) u tho i:ru wi.itc m:Ain jh inn
thnt they will proe not onlj nn BlIK A HF.II
EIIV'ii t'ONHV-MFTION ni Quinine I" in Inter,
inlltcnt rccr, hut uNo n ctTtcttinl n lltI!J
VAT1VU o Vaccination In Pmnll loi.M
Iytno puftVrrr, who values health and llfc.drt.iynn
hour to try tlii remedy. Kcmeiuber thai " prr HMtloa
It better than cure." Itewaro of lelMeieptlon, or tho
foothti a assnraneo of filenda tint " ( t vnty a little
CfUl " Fatal error to myriads w ho now llll prcmatnn
gravest Give, 1 joit, prompt attention to tho
An TiiiwK hNS SiuiL loi low iiitu.' Mark;
llioijrtrfiVjttpyinptomol tubercular die.ino 1 va.tio.
U pre nh-i the coin,h,mvl tt is earlier, in point or lime,
th&'i tho lu.CTtc. lllsfirptmiuireptcd Iu lhoir and
html Tin m'jeuUr tf?uc wato ; lienco M-uiurY
thero h a bcnsx of something wrong a(Wi'tlutiim
nrAt. 1MJWW13 auk Ft auuivu. Tho waste of tho lUlng
maibine h moro activo than Its repair.1' lr. 1'vUoik.
l lttwithoutany apparent caue, or under the Influrnro
of causes w hlch tnduco wMievksa and i sua thru in jsiua
as wnttgri'f,oixnntk'ttxraSttrifnitxitr!tt hihl hearing,
nuriiiig, rapi't groulh, or thin itvutny fum dituwe,
a pcrtuii begins to loso hU Dcfli, ftrtnjsth, color, or
nppcllto; If h3 Buffers fiom thorttfts ir Vnvth, or
rt'n-rcsMipi,ai)d cxperlmce3 a penernl feclh'Rof I.ih
ffWaudf'wwfon.llIlilK 13 ROf-ON 10 UAH that
he ii already prutl-pnttd to the comt'taint. If to Hum
rymptoms bo ivlded cough, however slight, jKirticuIarly
If ft has mmc on slowly, or durirg tho lilr srasen.
THi: TJlOUAmUTV I3 dltkATCR MILL." Churchill
"If, on the earliest appearance of thcfio ktffnt of
Cumtumptlon. tho patient tnUn dnilj- about ten
grain 0r the IirPOPlCOSPHITES, ):c wilt nouatljr
I.C o them all disappear In e, period varylnc from a
few weeks to a few months and by cuntlnulno tho
occnIonal um of the Kciiiedy, HE WILL SPXED
known in his urn Ttr.Fonrv
"Winchester's Genuine Preparation"
Form of Ir. ChurchiU' Kemedy. Mado from tho
original Formula. Uio action of tho IIpopbi-tibltri
Is two-fold and Ppeciflc : t'utria't'nj the principle writ
covimTis Mr.cis reiiCE, and they aro tho iiojt
romtxH-LTiutoii (.km-jlatinu aclmkn w.v, Tlio cflut
upon tho tubercular conditiou is IMMUdATi:,tt Ton
issKAlLTMiBnors. 1 hey nltWe tho cough, diminish
eiiwctoratlon, improre tho apjKtlte, arrnt diarrhaa;
tho night uveal!, chVls, nnd feitr cen-o ; tho bonels
become regular, and nut f tttr calm am rRorocD.
ftjj-IlKWARKof 2hgu! Pmedien adverlised as Tr.
aiurt hill's, and at lot her SWlMd-INd JUAKlii to rob
eulfcrers ortbeir mc&ntloi,prtri"in timt, nud hat ten a
atai. kksult. Write to mo for CIF.C n-i:s, nnd for
Dr. Churchill's Treatise on Consumption,
whU h coniaiu tho fl authentic it format u n iu repard
to thit NLW Tnr-UMi:Ni. fcvnl iulk to all lnquirirs.
MICE i In 7 and Sot tics, Cl and !f2 enctu
Tlirce l&rse, or six small for 6. My fac-elrailo la
on both the Label and Outsldo Wrapper.
Tio not confound ihU F.cmcdy with tho so-r&tlcd
" Cliemical Food and particularly a, oid allirprara
I ions containing iron, wlm.h is iiAM.mors,ar,d iXd liur
M, v hlch has ho itiuti . u rKorniTY v iutei tr.
"old by the most rFpectab!o DrupgiEts throughout
th United states nnd HrilUh l'rovincts.ctid holcealo
feU Itctall at tho General Depot in tbo I ulled States, by
J, WINCHESTER, 36 John Street, If. Y.
March H.ieOl.
....i.. ..... i.. i ii r i Ulnrv. I lev I Id r-tpcueo bihi, tits , in it imm iu-l- i viieila V wrilieii Inr lis iineen
from tha ery verita of an untiiin ly prne, ptrfjrtly no ,v ir ho are nuthoritle upon the topic on whltl
citrine to them that uniform enjoyment of health, wilh ttp.. p.((nk. They nro required to bring tli; oulJcct up to
nut w hirl, lifo Itstlf la Icit n partial McMtng. Hn urent n,0 prefi-nt inonu nt to ftate Jur-t howlt stomls vote. Alt
Indeed had their etlluiry in variably proved, that it was tir tatlntical Information Is front llio latent reports! tlm
..ii- ii.. tii:m miraculous to tliosn who were nunc ffl.(n!riin1iicnl arruniiit keen iaco with the latt cxplora
uUiiint'Ml with tha hniutifol philofdpbical prlncliles tious i lilstnrlcul matters include tho frehr'M Just view
upon which ni'-y ,w...,"......v..,
tluy consc-piently ait.
Mnlfafs rimi nit Hitters nro o called, liccnuso Ihey
the biopniphleal uotires not on! vj peak oftlio dead, but
nifin oi me in inn. u i n iiurnry vi iislu.
AnntroFMF r or i iik ort-'osoBEPi! Heine n
political hinlery ofthu United a?laten1 from the rr(;nni!i
tton td'the Ilrft Fedi ral Coupri-ss In lit1.! to M". JMit
il nud couiptieu ny inn. iuuma ii. iiimon ironi ine ui
. V ' 1 ... 1 1.,... n.. ti.., fmitt tin 00. iti'lf. lterrr h uf Otuieruf .
nV he Fhol-nlx U said to bo restored lo lifo iroiu the Tho work will he compliH In 15 royal octavo voltnnji
"V . . u..iti,... i .f niieeseath II ofwh rli are now read v. An ndill
Sr. W'Vt '.ffi: i kWfllbcuniw T..P. ovclopxdia. or
Hip k xteni. neiiet ratins tho siibt-taiicii of the lmet and IM.IIA I J.?.
tl,c y 11 . V . - VlVi., ..r ,.ti..i .11.:1.1'. tt I- ut II TVrm n Hob of four, nnd rem t the nr ccof four book.
,r ... ......... .... 11. mi ..r 11.,. ifin.m. .,f tli. bonea. mi itin mitl- 0 will bo m nt at the remitter's cxnenfc for
of tho wise, and inaliKiiiuit fores, which havo eeen at- cnrriapo.or for ten sulrrihem eleven copies win ic scm
111 Wlilrh he In enabled to lill nrdern on orenenlation
Alo KeepK a good llorce und Henrc, and will ut ul
times ho ready to attend l-'uncril.
looiui.birif, Jaiiuarj 2'J,
U. Trust Company.
Corner of Third and Chestnut Sfs,, Philx,
L A11GI' and small sums received nud paid baik on
ilemund without notice, with I'ivk rm ctr I.nteii-
kht from tlie day of deposit to the day of withdrawal.
Unuk lloiritu From il until .1 o'clock cv try day, tixd
on Momuy IIvlmmi, from 7 until 'l oi lock.
Frti.h iit-TFl'lllIN U. CltAWFUltli,
Tr-n surer l'tasv Fik.
Telhr Jama Jl. Hunter.
Stephen II. Trnwford,
ifiijaiiiin 11 . i in-iiey,
I'.ml It. Ooodard, M. J.
Patrick lirady,
James Devi-reaux,
Tlioum T. Lea,
March 2d, lA5'.t-Iy.
Gcncrnl toiumlsbiou Dlercliauls,
Fih, rrovUiona. Flour, Hotter, Cheese, Oils, Dried
rruitrf, t.raiii, heeiis, iieam, . nuk"y, 00!,
Country Froduco and Merihandieo
ti nc rally.
No. 31 North WiiAimtr, Fhilioeu'IIia.
K7" Cnniipnnients of Frov Uions, rinur ntnl Country
Froiuce solicited, nnl returns )ruinptly made. Ciuli
Udiaureil when detilred.
OUDFHel for nil Kiuild of Fiidi, rroviion, Flour,
Dried Fruits, A.r., filled iUiclovvett t'ush Fiiced,
August 4, UGO Vim.
Light Street Store.
Creasy, Brother fyallhaiuh on ttclhc duly
K would 11110 111 our iriciida and
, ..t I ,.1,111.. ri, SO llltcll C.tllKL'll l)V tllU injlllli
cluin ii'! of inert ury, sollut Uio rcmcity lus jhumjiI j
, worsJ thnn Hie illsciisc.
I Tin- l.ifu ''"Is "'"I I'lioi'liit llittcrs Imic nlno) a Ijccii
slaiiuUysuiius.ini In this class nl ilisian-., ami Kill
I frailicato all lliuiiK'Cts ot intrcury from tin syslcni,
I umiii r II1.111 tliu wost pirn crful iri'iwratiinis or suren;
n.irill.1. Thoy niil nature In lastim lroin tlio ssU:nall
,,,,.01101 alt.'r. nn.l liytlms inril) Ins UliMllul llulils,
lln'V r, store tlio sy-teni t" lii-ultli.
IIiIIiiiis L'Mii.l.iints.-A will r.'iciilnle.l nnil propnr
I tlnnnt.j innnllt ol' lillo upon tliu ptoiiintli is always ri"
1 ,,niit,. r.-r tin' I'roiootnm of sound litaHli-lt slinuilatrs
ihiii'sli"", ami Ix-'iiis tlio canal Iroe Ironi all
olKlrnilions. On tin! interior surface of llio lilorl.n
.11 i.i...l,l,.r hi wliirli tho lulu is first prrs'TW-il,
bfiin lorined liy tilt: liver Ironi tlio lilooil. 'llienrp It's Into til"' slillliatll anu iiiilsiuh's, tun, .,.,,.-
tlio diufdloii. Tims wo si'C wli'u lliiru Is a ill Ikii'iicy
i.f 1 ii,,. l,.l Is con.tautlv costive. (Jn the nlhcr
I1.1111I, an iiut il'ilimlnnco orhilu lailsfsfre-pH'iit nans"s
1111 the stiun.icli, nn.l oltuit promotes cry severe attacks
of diseases, wliiilisoiiKtliucs end Indcath.
The Life Medicines should, If possible, he taken in
tliu iurly stajies id' bilious complaints; ami it p rue
vered i.i utrlctly ntcording to directions will pusiiively
etl'eit u curt?. Their exteustvi usu iu thistuiuplaitit in
nil n irts of our contiiK-nt, renders tommi-iit unnecessa
ry-lti-ir virtuet. cpuak tor tlieni.
Mi.tKil's Lild Fill-.-Tho iitc or these IMIs, for .1 very
short tiniu, will ntiVct mi enlir1 ci'rcol fall Itliuim, unit
.. 1.... 1 ni ..n .im -ut in tlie rlearuerx of thl skill.
I Comnioii Colils nnd lu!limn..i will ulvvn)s be cured by
one du-avr hv tivueveii in tho worhl i'Iimh.
Fit ri ! i'lttil 'The original proprietor of these .Med
lei tit-' 1 was cured of Files of :(." jeari stauiling, bj Him
Ht.- of the I.ifo Mediuny nhi'.
Ltvtn CoMi', Mi atl'ttion of Ihe hiver may bo
known byu fellii of U ni-m or pain in the right niilo
about tho rejiiou of thu liver, niti u punirent a- 111 pleu
risy, but sonutiim'S huh ; u uimcHiiy in nra ins ius
breath ; dry cough and iiiclin.itniii tovomii. Thisili
sens. may'K' produicd bj cob!, by viob'iit rxtrciM'. hy
liiUnsy summer neaif. i'i in"'- ........r. , . .
or n" tie, and by various sdil coutri-tions 111 the pub
eMiu"u i'f tin Iiut. And to these proiu ins caiiM'i,ro
der.imii-im nt of tha dicestivo suppn'sceil secre
tionn, aid mental Huhutiule, whuli urj very 1're'puut
raues id' obstriutloiM nud diseaM's of th liier.
Thii diiujnsa shtdd bn,r rested In the coniiuencemcnt
whuli can li3 done by a few Us cf the Lif' I'lll".
Wiifti uucij the hi r i uroufcd to tlu perf.'rmanco of
tu proper fuiutions, little more I repiiito than tncon.
llnue a proptr usd of tha mcdi luis, mid 11 speedy rc
covery will en-ue.
I'm tit and Ai'tti - lor this si on rgu of the Uehlern
country, the tin'diciues wilt hi! f.Mind a afe, Fptedy
anil nrtiiiii remedy. Oilit r im-iiuine leave ibe 9uiu
iibjit to n return of tll-J dis '.isJ 11 cure by thosu Med-
Hinoiu. -Thu most horrible nisei of Hemfula,
I, Dm fiicc. li.tnee nud limlH of thu v let i in had b
pri'Ved upim bv tbe iiialiablo disease, are proved, by
iirtiletiiable tiuthurity of iha siiil'tr"rs theios. Iw s. to
have been roiupl -l-dy cured hytlie pur lj vegi table
ni'Mlniues, uiu r all others had been found inoru Itian
In IllSi'flioii and lyspepi l 11 w c w ere r.iin'11 upon
to spfi liy "lie diii-a-'e whuh nior' than an) nth.-r is the.
b.ine.dvliili'it t- tlH'uirsprinit of 1 iiiliz-alioniwii lnmld
liaiiie DjsptpniJ. It In UJiierally utiemleil, or ralh r
pni'lurtiie.of u Ions traim-f illf, such .is Heartburn, j
Fl.itub'iicy, 11 giiuHinp pain ut tbe stomndi wli-n empty 1
ii "iit of iiHconifoitablewLiahtwh n lull, pains in tliu i le aud pit of the u mnih, cotiveii"ss, chilli
liens, lanjiuor, nnw llliuHess to t is'',&.c 1
MObwr Uh'y. Mt:ntci.vr.s.
MoflTatN lifu Medicines arc peculiarly mlaplid to the
ruru of thi ifi'tressiH complaint 'J In y ai t upon the.
1.u U In averv mild, thv fame time, v.ry ftl'i ('
t.ial m. mm r. nnd Irive never it failed to cure Dili did
rare w hen used aei ording to mir I'irerttmi.
tieiierul Di'liility, Tlie iimrt eominnu of all com
plaints is that of n k'Ctierul weakm-st of tb-J wh'dij i-js-
leni. uoin'e'iiJ'i.iniL-u uj uuj 1 .in .',..,. m-
filiate hymploiiis of difeute, 'I'll -re id a litll-' Hat en
erjry, uluiri uf appiite,unvv iltiiij; iu'we", aud indeed ina
bility touiiderco i'irtiotir, fn-'jueiit lu-adaHies. itnli
eehtioii. olteiitimes allowuei-fc nnd ilrvni-hs of the skin,
tendency lu fevf rUhnessi nnlitiiess for Mwiety, in x
all llioiiu hymptoutk of Iniisu r, ili-'iiii'-iinlc, and weak
iii4 Hint l'hu e tilence of 11 tailuru in tliu vital now -
crs, and 11 low, uuhealthj and morbid condition of iho
Lifo Tills and IMiociix niiltrs.
nt our itnene inr carrince.
No other works will so liberally reward the exertions
ofAgenls. Ai AutNT WAtity it tins t'oinv.
Terms mml known on application to tho Fub'lehers.
Nov. 21, lM,i).
thus i' co.vr.iXY of rititJUH-.U'MA.
UtFKk, Mi. JIMciirnlM'T HTllt H , (p ud up.) m mm.
Charter 1'erpetnnt,
pONTlM'I'tn mak. iNI'itA.NUKtf OS MVFS on
V the most rcaonnbtc terms.
Tin- capital bilmr paid up and Investrd, toprther with
n lartfe nnd constantly Increasing rent r led luntl, otters
n pr rf-'rt m runty to the injured.
The premiumns must be paid curly half ) early, tr
The Company ndd n HONUH pcrlodirnlly to 1'ie insu
rnnces of life. 'Jin I'lltST tlONFrt nppropriutt-d In I)e-
niln r. I '44. th" X"OM lilUH in Deremher. Ic-l'l.
tho Til I lill 1H'1:h iu iK cember, 1-5 1, and the FOUIITII
lltlMJtn ncremiier, in.J.
Vs Thesi addition are made vv ilhout reuiilrliiff nnv
llirrense in thu premiiiui'i to be paid to tlie Company.
Tliu tuiiowiiig lire n tew examples ironi me urjiiMer.
.-tiiinuiiiin i nnrynnu
bonus to be incn aped
by future additions.
I .(),',! (H)
l.Krtl 0(1
b.-75 00
'iiinni'li tn, rontniuiiifi tables of rates and esnlanntinii .
furnn of application, and further iufirmaiion can bo
found ut the olhce,
TltOMAH KIDfiUWAV, President,
Jso. F. Jam La, Jletuary,
IJ1VI I,. TATF, Jtgcnt.
V. ( lUiiRl'ov, l'.iainining i'httiticiatt,
October 10, Ie37 ly.
Sum Ilontis or
Policy ItiRiired ndditlMi
o. rll $J.-i()l) t .id
FU .'KJUfi UCid UU
lli'.l lniKI MU 00
;m it!.."' mi
' A-c. &c, &c.
MMlIi lawst, best handenm yV'J-i :.
I meiit of t'nle .imIIiit solid A ritlfrt'lis-W 1
llii.t.'ilTraiidiin: Trunks. Jl.'ftWMf' .
I fAilus' Btinnrl .V Ureas '1'rutik '.'iStZi
' Cliil.ln n's foarlii-s. Prop, I- Kf5 rffWfWSlsrak.
lers Lralheraiiil Carpet Il.ips Ulii4i.H-yhA
Packing Trunk. lc. a 'i..-WK,)?rs-"la'
(i li brated London Prize improM'd sheet sprlnf!
solii sold Lfathur Trunk lory. No. lo-J .tlaike
stri'i i, Hoiith west oruer l'ourlli and Marki l, Plnl i,1'.l
AiiiiiiHf W7-ir.
& na b k : as ei e c u 1 1
L'ooii nn:iliti,at fair prue. HuwiIIh' found nt tlio
Itri k Yard oi It. I,, M'Kiuny, near .Mi Kelvy Mai's
FuriMice. p r-oui' dvxlrius to ) uri lia-e will do wclltJ
call a bri'k will bi! mailu and he udJ.
r7" 1 Oi t (MHI now on band and r'-ady for sale.
Illofiiiudmr; Fib.U, lUl-:tni. J. II. F.
r J III) nihil reigned, re pi tfully iiifirms his fi lends and
I the public general!) that li. li.ut juyt tnii-plcted his
N'evv Mill, on Ijitlk' Fifiuuger ek. iu Creinwuixl tniMi
bip Columbia county, und hawng eiignged out id thu
b -(ti I'rarticut .Millers ill tin- country, m noiv prepared
to i ei lite nti) bu-.nn ss in hh line promptly nud fain
lactoril). The building is a largo double, hriik Mill,
conlriKto'l In th i luoxt modern ft) le nud eiuplo) s four
run ofthirrs. Mnrt nttention ml bo given to the biui
ii''bd and uopuins xp.ired to rc iidi r general ciitfaitiou.
i'yei's tlrove, June, H, lfil. 1m
K 15 0 DIJGG K It.
customers. that vve Irivo juct rrccived an un
usually largu uaaortmii.t of
Which iv c ollir at tower rates, for ready pay, than any
ever before opmed here and w ill be eold "cheaper than
tlio .In iidcM."
W'c shall not attempt to enumerate the various nrlicles
ttn'V areiiiiim'iiri'i anu tlieir naimiis li gion aa'mr spa
ciou-iVtore lloomii, including thu Cellar and Cnrrrt, are
tilled ti overflow In? Tin re are to be found the linett
fabruk!, in the country at iirtouiuliiuglnw' liirurcs I.a
dies' wear in great variciie, at 20 jcr cent, lower than
ever m-h-re on ti o.
CLOTHS, ML'til.iytf, fiUOCWUFH, KATH, CAFrf,
Boots, Shoes, etc,.
.It the same rate. In short, alinoPt cvrrjll.i'.s in llle
mercantile line from u needle to au author.
0.7 t)ur friend, will do well to call Ufore Ihey make
th'tir selections,
I.I;htH"trctt,May 4. 1P01.
A litlle. hut olen fills Hie parse.
Danitl lUidlenian,
lieorno Juiikin,
Aleftrr. art. M. U..
William .M.tindn iu,
II. 1 ranMlu Jackson,
rimy 1'isk.
42 South Wharves und 41 rjuuih Wutcr tit.
yi'trtt bure almce Chtilnut,)
AU2. 3, lcCI 3ui.
V ANU Ari'KIl AI'dUnT 5, IfOl, I'AiiSC.NGUlt
Frtisht 3,
PaiMcngtr. Passenger.
3 15 A. M. lO.'.'U A..M.
!l 11
.N O It T II
4.40 I". Jl.
i V)
1X I.calo 1.M I'. JIl
f. I . Jl, -j.a
vv n it
K a e z n & o r h s
wiioixs.M.r. i)K.w.i:us in
Mniitirncliirtd iV l,c.H' Tobacco,
N. 13 . Comer of Tront and Arch Stieets,
jammm. Bovii. I rillLADlM.PIHA.
March lu, Itt-O-l.'in.
, Lvavo Fcrnnton,
, Arrive at.VurtDumberlaul,
Liuvti Nortbumbcrlahd,
M Danville,
j Kiipeit,
, Arrive at Bcratiton,
(Late Wliito Swan,)
JOHN DOVER, Proprietor.
CIIAS. A. RTINn, Clerk.
.March 3, Iriill-I'.'m.
Alien & Xfcdlfb Fcriilizcr
Prite ?30 per U000 lbs. (J i ctnl pet lb.)
This uiauiire, from its superior qu -lily and very low
nrice. ha zaiaed a renutalion with fanners that classes
It amoiij Hid .lamlaril manures. We iiato u miuiher of
rert nentes fruui lirsons w In, are u.iu'j il. which vve
I! ThofVwi slinnlil liRfround oats i ailll will he pleased to .how to thusu wa.itmiufoo.l and
o la.titis manure.
may cituor bo put in a trough, or on a Hat
board running along tlio front oftlio coop.
It may bo mixctl with water or milk ; tho
latter is better. It should bo well siaucu, jaciawaniu & Bloouisburs Kailroad
forming a pulp as loose as can bo, provi- SggsftgsiSSg$
must be well fed threo or four timcj nor ', U
day the first time as soon after daybreak
as may bo possible or convenient, and
then at intervals of four hours. Each i
meal should be as much and moro than!
ihey can cat up clean. When thoy havo
'.one feeding, tho board should bo wiped,
,nd some gravel may bo spread. It cau
ses them to feed and thrive.
"After a fortnight ol'this treatment vou . A lassciicr Train alsolenves Uiusnon at H.OOVJ!
. , loriniguioiiiiiaircaiiniui; you (t with Irani for New Vurk, It.
Will have good lat fowls. If, llOWCVer, taniiuj. ln,n r-cranton on utrnal of Train from New
thero are but four or 6'lX 10 bo fatted, they The" ackkwauna an.l lllaoiab,irE r.llron,l conmct.
iUU-t not liaVOSO IUUCll rOOUI as tllOU"ll Uilawaro. Larkawniinannd Wcstrril Itailroad
,. . . . . ,i at rcraulon, for New York and inlrrmediate lioiut. ea.t
there were twelve. .Nothing is easier than .uituoec icoiinectuhtheL'attai.saUai road.ior
to ahot them-tho proper tpace ; as it is on. VoZlt connect. m, the i-miadeinhia
ly necessary to havo two or threo pieces of turie ,ii,aaiN. o 11. u. nr wiini. ne.t and.outii,
vood to pass between tho bars and form a j. u-eiu. o.a'i TicLetAg v,ujh.k, .-
partition, This may also berve when fowls im'
re put up at different degrees ol fatness.' Ti, n ittitc(-v -i t
'. ., r i A70l'LI) respectfully inform the rllU-ii. of lllooins. m fl 11 A (1 11 fl TI W A
KCCP fat and healthy. AS SOOn as the fowl VV burt.aniUvlcinlty thathe rontlniiesthenruclicoof s. J ii Jx J J J li ii i
;!-: !l . ..1. MF.mCIJtK JlXli hVM'Kltr. .
v. v i a . , . , - .. . M.,n rn ..r r.u 1.1 nslrnnnffp.
Till umlerpizned refpt'Ufully informs hU old friend 1
lulil riiklnl.wi-w tlinl tu l.n iinrrli:idr(l hid I. rutlmru
Intcrcbt in tho above i-FtulilUhuu'nt.aHtlthi' rnncL-ru wil
JiurcailiT ho comlucti'il by Ihih ItrxLlUfiviiy.
lit jiut received and fffi-te for fate, the larjr
JWa ft ant! mosit cxlmirivu anntrtmcnt of FAN'C i'
Mrti'J'U VUrt ever Introduced into thin inarKi t.
Tizr? Ilji fetotk enndift uf u cnuiplotu iiMiortuicut of
the bp -t fiioKiii!; nnd parlor ttowi: in tlu mitrkct, toseth
rrwithStovi' Ft tare cf every ilt'i-cription, Oven nud
IlnMovci, Jtntlialors. t'jliniliir fctove), ( nt Iron Air
Ttlflit tiovee, i aniioii Mni'n, ecc, etc. Move pi pi; anu
Tinwurc ctuutantlv on hand and manufactured to order.
All Mud of repairing done, im umiat, ou klinrt notice.
The patrona'o of old friend) and imw ruftoni'irn rc
tpeitfiilly tolicitoth A. M. JIUIXKT.
illoomnburg, N'ovi'mbcrSd lfCO. tf.
Till; underi-iytieil rcp(-rtfully fnfornu UU friend, and
old cutojjicrt that he Iru opened a t-lmp on Mam
Rreet. a lew-doorn above tlie Fork's Hotel, in Jtlocjuts
bur;, where he dtmun-i tdnlinuuig tliu
riMI lllMi HU.-LN'liSS,
In all its various brnnchec, at low prices, and on an cn
larsed tcaU, ami lolicitu the public patronujie.
Ul Produce, (Jrain, Ac, gene rally taken lor work.
Uloomi-biirg. Mavt. 1KV1,
S2 K M 0 V A L . Jt-EfS
c v. s.i)u:u & (o.,
Commission Merchants und dealers in
Fish) Chees? and Pruvhtonny
fio, 103 Arch street) Sud door above Front. Flil'adcl
pbm, ag 11 24 ly
rayi the entire coat for Tuition in the mot popular nnd
feucri'K'ful 1'oinnu rcinl Hihool in the country. Upward
oi i weivc iiunarfu youu; men iroiu iweiuy-eiani uii
rrcut tatei.havf been educated for bu sines lierv with
fn the pait three yiar. fouie uf whom liavu bvtii cm
plo)ed an Uook Keepers tit saiaricn of
SaooO.OO per Annum,
immediately upon grndiialing.who knew nothing ofuc
count' whfiiificy cnteredthe Cullee.
I .M i outer i onii uait price. Mudeutf enter at any
' tltne.and review when they pleanc.wiibout eitrucliarjie, I
For Cutuluuu oisiipairea, rfpecimtntof I'rof.C'uwIey'i
Uuinetand Ornameiital IViiumnbip, und a I arte lh
graving ofthet'olletro. inclose tw cnty-tlv e teuta iu Foil
, use Httiuip to the Frinripals.
JUNKINa Sc. SMITH, 1'Uuburzli. Fa.
' Jan. 5, lt?til-ly.
T UT received from Uie munufuctoriea in Hoston, un
J article ufinott'xcelleiit 'juality, I challenge cooipe
, tition ui to style und price. Tho uuderilgned w ill keep
I border to match any of the r!tleJ on lund-and u
I thenuly lUpencnced Vxvtil IUxukr u tliit Hecttuu of
the County- (Jivemy Liteui,e titock un Lxamiiiutlou
before Furrhasing,
I uy" Cull ut Kupe-rUFM Uliiri.
Itlounuburg March (Jd I 'til-.
I Fourth Street, between t'bCbtuut and Walnut
1'Ji Iphin, paj ull depoittj on d inautl,
lie mini torn inoiiev bi'ciircd by Oovcrnmenl Pluto
und CU) Loans, Uround lU'iiti, .Morlgu'ev, &.c.
Uns uonipany iieeini n:iiuy muer man large
iirnlitii. rtniki-iioi title 111 run no risk ivilb t iin.i.
. tors' money, but have it nt nil timec ready to return ,
t with J per rent. Interest to tho ow ner, ati the have c
p ulwuys ilono. Hit eonipau) luver rjtupeudid, k
.! Femnli'H, man led or mucle, and .Minors, can dp
poit in their own ri-iht. and cucli depvbiti can be-'
c iwnhdruw ii mily by their connent. v Incorporated by thcMato cf
c .Peuiiitjlvaimi, with authority to receive moneys
t tioui tnuteeit and Jli i utnrg.
j-iiuit: f.vy JS.V.1U Jir.cijrr.i).
Odice opi n duily tri'in t to 'A o'clock, and un Wed-
ncbuuy ev cniug uuin d u cjoeh.
I 'Jacob II, Fhaiinon, t'jniti Cndwalladcr,
jiihu riiiiiinur, ieori:u liiifctii,
Malachi . Sloan, lilward T. II olt
Lew in KrumbliHrr. llenryJililany,
Xiclmlau Itittfiihou)'1. Nuthnn Hmedlty,
iot, M. Hutherlhwaitf, Fpliriam lllauciiurd,
JoM'ph l.ippiiie-olt.
JACUI1 II. HIIANNON, l'ruiilent,
CVUlIrf CAHWAI.hAUKU, Tri usurer.
.March Vi, lcj I Fhu.
"A Dollar eaved U twice earned."
ovTiT isiKK -- -
Thiii wonderful nri tile, iui-t natrntM, in poincthfiia
entirety tie trt and n-v er beforo rrf'red to njentii, w lio
urft vriinted ever) w here. Full particulars atnt free. -Addresn
PIIAW & CLARK, l.iildefurit. SI nine.
The I.ifu Fills and l'ho"ui Ililtcr1 nre, perhaps, tlio
net a- a (,'entle curlaartir, uud, by their toinr -pialiiies, ,23 tvp ,gk -W -TJ? -5? 'ftt. lff S kJ ,S
kin iiL'llii'ii tliu vv lode hVtrm
Moiral'ii Life Fills. - FerMHia nf n p'et'loric habit, who
ure toibjett to lit, lieudarlie, .'idii:m'xi, diiimea-. uf
M'ht, or drow mien, from fo riuat u flow of Ulouil to
tee head, hould take thoto I'llls tre'pieiitly.
AIiVR'HTO FIIMALF.S.-Fi mftlej w ho value their
health fhould never he w ithout the Life .Mcdictuen, ns
ihey purify thu bluod, remove oliFtriictioiij,.'tnd jriv e the
skin u beautiful clear, healthy and blooming appear
ance. ;
To FMerly IVreon, Manv lmalthy need indivi tuai
who know thu value ol .Molf.itV Lite. .Mcdinneti, make
it a ruin to take them two r three timed a week, by
whirh thej remove the nausea tint produce dim um
preserve their hoallh, and Kcrp ull the intlrmitKs of
A N 1)
11 o, 125, South Eleventh Street near Walnut,
F.uaiuuled (JI.hs, Fichco,Ui1 uud Fncaiiblic Fainting
John Ont'-nN. G. II, Oib&o.n,
January li, leul 3m.,
rpiIF underpinned, having opened n new' FOOT AND
J. tfilCi; tfliol. ou Muiubintl, iu HuDkiiuvith', Can
I'licu fr Mnihi'ra nnd N'lirne. Il is a fir-t. c-tub- ltloOilhurir. respe. ifull V iilV Ites tho eUntom of the citi-
lubed by tbe annual burn of Hmrtiility, III it one hall of hi lid and tin' public ijenurally. All kind W Huuli.
the hilaren borne are cut nil hil"re ultuiuiiiL' tcv
jenrn of m.'c ; and tha I' Miurce of ilm mortality is
Inuud to cit in loul ktatu of the tlotnuch nud
bowi ) w Inch produced the (.'eueration of vvnrui. As
the fciiit! reitorcr "I infantile lienlth iu tliH critical Mate
the Lifu .Medit inert Imv e long held a dUtimiuuhed repu
t.ttioli. und fur IuuIiu'mj of the ftoui.irli ami bowcU, and
mm uUimis, although worms may not exist, it In allowed
to bo uperlor to any other. ,
Muirat'u Fill, ami ilitterf,- No mcdiciufg ut present
know ii hi(V u (lime ii inm li good tu mankind un these, 1
within the Ian few veurs; and eurtaiuly iioiiu huvu i
been rewarded Willi more nunieroux ami authentic te '
limoul.iU of their invariable and evteiii-he ellnacy.
They re-'piiru no dutnig iiorcfmllueiiieut, are perficlly
mild ami pleasant in their operation, but will power
full) ri'tflnre health- that crtutt'fct of enithlj blekillg-l
io im m'tfi eiiuutieu unu in iipiuaieu i"iibiuuiiuii,j.
i repureu uy
Dr. W.M. 11. .MOFFAT,
3.I.. llrujitivay, New York.
And for tfalc by nll.Driiggitl npl J 01 ly.
1000 Reward!!!
For Any Meiiiciiic that will Exctl
V O Ii 18 Si 11 T 'S
a xir rm i H n i & s a n f
For the (pi n km re uf Headache, Tonth.iche, Illieiima
tihin, Neuralgia, Finn in thu ude, Mack or ttotuach, i
i'.iuittrs Cl.ohc, or Crump, Frosted IYi t or Fare, Jfurng
Freeh Cut?, sprains, liruineu Diurrhu'u, uud Sore
uud all r-iniiLtr complaint.
Tout had io cured in ten minutes, Karache cured in i
live minute1. Il-adaiho cured in tcii miuutcf, Funis
cured tr'UH smart ing iu two minutes. Neuralgia p una
cured in live miuutcH, Cholicciired In ten minutes.
Sprain relieved In ten minute, t'uro throat rciiuved
in rive iiiiuulcs.
Tu tin tiuns and Daughter of ullliction, These thing
wy prove on the 'pot uud btfore your eye, only brim:
ou your cimen.
FU t'ui s have been cured by one Aci'nt In a Hngto
day! Uvery bottle warranted. Try itl Try it !! Try it !! '
pHiLi: 50 crxrs pt:n jjottim.
Ky" A liberal iliricnuiit made to Agent, mid uiu1 wan
ted Hi every tow li, also few good truvtliug Agent.
All order uud coiDinuuhatiou khuuld be uddrejufed
C. S. COLIIF.llT fit CO,
I2JH. -llii t. Fhtladelpliia
DlKUCFfONt? roll UtilSd
For Tootliachc apply it nver thy faro uud gum of Hit
tooth atlicted' pressing ha id upon Hie face; repeat jf,
not cured, lu extreme casea, vvt t ci tton with Uie balm 1
and cover tho tooth ami gums, l or Headache, bathe thu
temple und nptdy tu the nose; and take from ten to
thirty drop inhalfu tumbler ! water bwtcte-iteil.
i or croup ami eoru -j nr'nit, taKu from ten to Ibirty '
Shoes, Stc, will bn promptly made to trder, cm short
notice aid moderate term Iroiu long c.ptriene in
hii line ol biiflneMi hi llatter hiuisilf that Imwillb'i
able to give gem ral baltffuetioti to a'l who luaytavcr
him with their cut-torn,
lL lirain, l'ru iaiou und Foduic gcncru'ly taken in
ciihange for vve.rk.
ii. r. imooKH.
Kloomiburg, July , l(?(ii-3in.
0 A U 'J' I 0 N
ALL porfioiH arc h -rc by cautioned against trcspaemng
by way of Iiuuling, anghiig, Ar,, after this date, up
on tli'i premuet of Hie mult r'igued a thu Iavv ot Feun
BVlvauia will ha vigorously prorimtud against all such
Mainitwp., Aug 3, leI,
'I IIK undersigned would inform thn citizens of
5 I Isluouithurg and v Hiuitv , that he iu iiut v
cived und oireri lor sale one of the inoatexteniiivu
asmrtllient of COOKINO und 1'AN'i Y SlOVFt
ever introduced into this market. Thu Christopher n
umlm, James Utd.buud tilobuure Hinoiig the tiriclNi
runklug r-tuveejill of which urn airtight and pus bitrrn r
His Farlor i-toe. are ImiuImuuu and the aortmcul va
ried. AL0Farticnlar atti ntimi u paid to Tin-Wan
und IIuusu b'pmiling, upon kimrt notice. All kinds "t
rejiairing will be done wilh neiitnes and del putt h.
iUr' Countrv produce taken in exchange tor work,
11 oonitburg, Oct. 3, l?bft
t,nisn?icTii uuoTiiKiis
FWe dooribfllow UaF.
VVBOS'l'Pvlt IV O i UL
TTTOHI.D respectfally Inform the clHens of Lleht
V Street and vicinity that th-y have jun received u
vvbjch they will sell eh"ap for cath. Th?y havo a large
ami geuerul varitly; ull that Is comnnnily found ma
Country "store, uud an determined tu sellcheup. To the
bcloitioH uf their good they have paid tnet attention ;
inert fore, llu'ir merchauduu will bear recommendation
und vv ill tirov e to bu ot tlie tirst cla.
The pronrutor cordially solicit n liberal share of pat
ron age. Customer would da well to call uud examine
their ge-ucrul variety be ore puriliusingeUcwhere.
Country produce taken iu cubango tor good at the
highest market price,
MART?. & L'NT.
Light Street, Aug. 10, Irfi, Nov. 3 la it.
JlreK Street. Mure Thirl.
p li r i iui i ii ii r i
. . i s ii xu , , i . .. b - .i,..-f...:
THE .ilualioii of lliis Hotel render, it cmo cf tlio mom taut waters liatlw tho botls uri.1 ativly ct Jlaaii'l, -ciiiiveiiiuil
for tlmsH lit. am visiting I'hilnileluliia In thoubiive, tliu smaller ilo.o s for Children, uml tlio
riiir.iniiilJ nns. , , . .',..1. , i,1 i . c' 10 "15 ,1 ' . . '"ryaecuruiiiglouiteaud circuuulaiice.
i.,ueii . mum in i.iifaa is nariiue... loiberi s tJdliii
In Uileail uiu-, satislaction, .
Thusu uho Itavu used lialm In Gilcad v ill not bauitb ' nKin. aiueu. t or lurnis. uauresi
f fl. COI.IIhUT Jc CO.,
No. 13.1 Boulh l'ourlli felrecl, I'hllailelnbia, I'a,
N.n. Orders sent by ;,p,e,s to anv part of the L'ni
ai But,, at thu shOrti,t nollw.
.Just Published) in a Seal Envelope:
A Lecture on the nature, treatment, and radical curi rf
riperniulorrha-n, or Seminul Weakness, Fexual Ih-bilit)
Nervouciie aud invnluulary emiksions, produiiug m
putency, CoHuinptiou and .Mental tc Fli)ical UebtUi)
Tim important fait that the uwful consc'i'ictnec
self abuso may be tiLdually removed vvilhuut
ineihcinei ur thu dangerous upplieatluti of catnip m
ttruuii nt, medicated bougie, aud other empiriial du
v ikes, i hero clcurl) denioiii-trated, and tlio tntinly
new und highly hiictesfclul treutment. a adopted b h'
celt brated author fully c-tplahii-d, by ineun f.fvWnili
everyone ii enabled to cure himself perfectly, una n.
thv least posnble riit, tin rebv uviijiluiy Ull the udv'(
tised ituvtruiui of ilio day. This lettura will provta
boon to tliuukund uud thousands,
ecnt under seal, iu a plain envi lope, to any addnn
post paid. ou the reci ipj of th two postage, stauipi" ly
ddresing Ur.CU. J. KL1NH, l-.'7 Uowtry. N V
Fol Oilice buxl
August 10. 1501, April 'M, lttil Jim
drop inierimlly.nn smjur r in sweetened warm wutei A lot, "f ,uPcr-nr r,l,K Fboof Clmsnt, especially ai'a
bathe the throat freely aud bind on u tlaimtl. For FT r i ' ,'m,'nli''k' Uoofli- Ouu gallon w ill eovr H
iii.uuui.iiv, ttiicuiuaiikiii .xcuruiijia, iainu Hack or MUO
bathe In tly njlli Ualm iu Gtlead : und ceiicrally take
Fur Ilunmuix onepart Halm in Gih ad and twool
water and Hour, to make a paste, cover the burn with
n ll iq ,1 i r n.,,,11.,,,1 . c'H.iiiuiy pnst-ing unu reuunng iity itui Way car.
U, 11. Id aurl 10 UOUltUDH Street, umllhom in clou nruilmitV. utlord n beno ,i. .,i.
HO AT? H ni fn PH'TI TJAV nntnde toallplacesofintereat and unmseuient in or
1). D.WINOIIUSTEK. 'Iho prupnetnr give assurance that "The Union"
THOa.U. WINCliFcTFR shall be kept with such character as will met public
V It 11 VIM rt r wi'ivuaHUUi uuu nuum IUHPUCI1U1I V fibllCII. tTtniriil Tint.
feet of ordinary roofing, uud is insured procf ucaini
rum and wtl weather. Can bu munutjet iru
nriLcs, by the gallon or half barrel, at the oihc i &
tolumbu Dcinocrut,
Dloomsburg, July 13, 16C1
StntCB lllniou l)otcl
J. W, rOWBll, Pre-frlttst.
i,1( -l pernay