BBtflsztrssaBESKB DEMOCRAT, AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER, LEVI L. TATE, Editor S2 00 PER ANNUM "TO HOLD AND TRIM THE TORCH OF TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER THE DARKENED EARTH." VOL. 15.--NO. 32. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY PA-, SATURDAY OCTOBER 12, 186L VOLUME 25. COLUMBIA COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, l'UHMSItnn EVERY SATURDAY, IIY LEVI L. TATE, iM MOOMSBURQ, COLUMBIA COUNTY,. PA, o f"fic e- tn the neie Brick liuUding. opposite the Exchange, fy side of the Court Home, "Democratic Head Quarters." terms or suBscnirTiox. Oil In ndvauct', for one copy, for sit months. 1 75 III advance, lor onu copy, one cor, OU IT not paid within tliu llrstthrce innuthf, x2 51 If not paid vv Itliln the llrst sit months. U 50 If not paid vv ittiiii the year. H7 No suturrtptlon tiken for lesi than (tlx months, And no paper discontinued until all arrearages shall hn o been pnlit. K7" Or.llnnrvAtivKRTHEMFNTdtiiafrteil.aiul Jou Work siecututt, at thu cslablishcdpriccs. BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL. IHt. JOHNSTON, rpHE founder of this Celebrated Institution, oflVrs the X iiiuu certain, speruy, una oiuv" emiiu.-ii reiuruy in tti world for vtlVrU rr (teeW, Mm turt-H.Hemiiiahve'uk in4. I'.ii in in tin Loiim. Constitutional Ilcliil it . Ilium- truer, Weakliest nf Hi Rick mill Limbs, Allci tions of the Kidneys, Palpitation or the Heart, DHpcpsia, JScr vous Irnlahiht), Disease uf tlu Hrad, Throat, Nose or rkiii, niul all those- mTinm nml jmlnnchily Hi-orderi arising irom tui tiesuuuivu nanus oi iuiuii, vwtnii uu tniVK Imth boilv nud mind, 'I hee Hi'irrt ami solitary praitiees, are more lutat tu their iitinM than tin- song of tlu reus io lite manners ijij tiiiiHiuufi uieir moi brilll'iut hopes anil uiitiilputious, rendering marriage &.c, impossible, MAUHIACtt. Married person, or Vomig Jlrn cniitrin lathi,! mar rlage, being aware of physical weakness, organic ilealuli t, deformities, A:r should iintiu'iliattly consult Hr Johnston, niul he lettori d to ne-rfeet health. Il who places himself uinlt-r tin1 tan of lr. John-ion, may rrligiimitly mutiik in Ins honor as a gentlemen, and tonitilt'liliy n ty upon in- kiu iik a pu xiiidii. tUtnANH WLAKM.S iinint'tli itcly cur r. I ami full v it,or n-htorcil, Thi it denease id tint pt n iU mo-t frcpiently paiJ by those ivho have become the victim of improper indulgeii i . Voting piTsoni nre ion apt tu roiiiiint etertk ironi not being aware of thi! dre, nihil coii-'"pivnri! that may fiii in. Now. iu uiuirxiaitiifi iric miiiji'tt u mi pri tend to dt-ny th it the puwi-r nf prom utioti is ht-l Miar by thoiefulliu'4 into improper li'ilutt than by the prihlt'iii, lli'tiidi't h-'iiii; drpriVLiI ot the pleasure uf healthy oil Fprmna, the nio-t serious and oefrtructive n niptonn to hutlt budy and inlml nrine. The ttyMem Ih-coiim's ilcian;' ?til tlu and lutrtital potvrrit weakened, iiorom debility, d) itpt-pia, palpitation of the heart, indict Mum, u wasting c the lranio,Couh, t) mploina of Cuiitump t mil, &.c. D'hce, No. 7 Sot'Tii Fredrii k s-rnu tvveu door from ll.iltimore strci t, llat hid-, up tht sti-ps. lie par ticular in "bi rvms ilie.NAMIi nml M-'MHlMt, tr joit will liu-t.ikf the pi. 1 1.1. A (Jure h'ttr rented, or vo Charge ,M.iJc, in ftom Ot.e to Tiro tJU'is, NO MCUCUUV Oil XALVnm'i DUURrt L'i'IID. J)It. JOILWUX Member of the lloal t'oll.c ''I f'tirgmim, nt London. (Jradunte froiiionof the must cmiueiit t-'ullciicn the I'lutod lati-, aii'l (lie t-'reat-r part nt wtiMi-lll ,m been fpeut in the Hrrt ll.ipitaU ot Loudon, I 'a lis Phila- delplii i and here, It is rib ili-d Mtine of tin limst as i tiniMlnut; were ever known; many tn-iiidnl with riugiii4 in Hie head andtais wlin arli-i p. tirviit ' in roU4iitn, ItL'in itt.iriiu'd at sudden stMiu.l, (in. I iah . iitu4s, w Hh tr"n'Ut l)iihiiii. alt'Midedcoiui tinics, with derHiiiement of mind, wero niri'd liiimctli.itil). A (.'i:UTAl DlrillAHi:. When th" mi!iuidfd and impnuh-iii otary of pleasure . find-t h) li 14 unbilled Ih" si cd s nf Him painful ilisi-a-c, it tint oflfii an ill titiu'il ffiiso of Mi iiiip or I dread uf distuvi-ry, detrrs him tnuti applj 11 Iti ibose who from i tiuc.tuon ami rvspeiutmuj i nn aioia- it i r i ni hi in. tkl.i) iui! till tliu rousiitiUmuary fjmploius ot'tlm horrid djfiii! maki-s tln-irappi-aram', smh as uki-ruted, disrated noc, ui turre, pains in Ihelicut and limb', diiiiu of m jht, d tafnexs, iimtes tm tin r-kiu liou;ii, an.laritH blotehi's mi tl.s 'H'.id. t'.m'aiiii i tri me lis, proitretsina w ith rapulit) ,lill at l.t the palatu of III! niUlllll Ulllt II" ! f I"'" .Ml.l III - 1 II Mill I.( 1 thuil'ioM-' in'conii'H.i horrid nbji-i t id Miiu'iiis-iT.iiiou till d. ath puts a p.-no.l tit hi h itretuilul hiili'-'riii's b) sen ti'nij hiiti to "th it bourne from wln-ni e no r re I lunu." To siuh, th r.'tori', Dr. Johfton pb-dut s him-J s -If to preserve Hh' mut i-nvioaldf ei n i y. and lrim hh txifiisivu pruitieu in the tirst U-pitaN ni liumpc and t Aun'rira, h can runiidently reeouiiueiid nil'. and spi edy cure tu the uufortuiiati' idiiuot lhi horrid dit-ae. i TAKi: IWUTlULXAlt NllTlL'R Dr. J. nddresn s all thoxc wlm h ic injured thommlvi s ' dy private and improper iudiik'ences. These are snimi uf the had and nulanrholy eflV(tt pro duced by early habits ofjouth. 'i7.: Weakness uf the Loss of Mu-icular Pow.-r, Palpitation of the Heart. Iis- m.oia. Nervous lrratalnliu, Ib-rauaL-m.-nt uf tho luj'-s 1 Jl.tlK nilll iilllllll, l .IUI in tu " il' ii'ii iniitiii n ui fltflH live Puuctioiis.Ceueral Iteldhty, siiiptouisof Cousuiiip. nun, ice. MKVTALT.V. Th) f.'arful Hie it a upon tlie n ind nro much to be dreaded. I.ossol lniior.CuiifiiMuu uf Ideas liour-KHnutii uf the Snirits. Tun bn.hni's. Aversion' ofHoiiity. Tiuiity, Ate., an- suuiu nf the en produci-d, Tlmus.iuds of persons ol all ages can now Jtnijre u Jiut is the iame ut tlx-lr decliuiu-r hratth. Looping tlnir Igor, becoming weak, pale and rmariatrd, hauntr mi.1 oppearanenbuat the uj es, luiigh and n)inptuius ol Uousuminion. ovs invk;oi:atix kumuuv por OlttiANU; WlMKNIr. Ily this greatftml important reinedj, weakness of the orgam are t-perdily mred, and full vigor restored. Thuiuauds of tliu mu-t nervous and di liililati'd. who had lost all hope, have been humediaU'ly r Ix-vcd. All iiiipcdiuicuts tu .Marriage. Pin sit al and Mental DiMpiali' Iliution. Nervous I rratabiiity, Tremldinss ainl Weakness tr ihaustaiiou of the uiuat fearful kind, speedily iuriJ by Doitnr Johutott. Who have injured thum-lvi's by a certain practice, Indulged in when alone n habit tre'pHiitl) luiriii-tl from evil companion, or at hihuol-the elfeits uf which arc nightly telt, even when aeep, ami if nut Hired renders inarnacre impussild', and tlcstrojs both uii'id and bud), bhuiild appl) iminetliately. What a pitty that juuug mnu. the hopu of his country, and tliJ dailiug of hi parents, should bo suatihetl front nil proipeiU and enjo ineiit uf life, by the iuiisipii-n res of dev iatiug fiom th path of nature, and indulging in a aertaiu secret habit, uch persons be tore con temptating. MARKIAdi: should reflect ttiat sound iiiiud ami body are the most necjxsary remiisities tu promote connubial happiness Indeed, without these the louriiev through life b.-iui.ies , n weary pilgrimajte, the prospect hoiirl darkens to til- view; tho liiiml lK'couifs shattoweu with despair & tilled with the uulaiuiioiy reu.ttiou iiiai me Happiness of another becomes hliaht'd with our own, OPl'lCi: NO. 7 SDI'TIl I'ltl'.lH'.IMCK ST.. Jlttlttmore, Ml all tm;iiLoii;it vnts pi:ui'oitMi:it. N. II. Li t no false modest r.-vent juil, but apply iliimvdiati IV i-llher pt'rsunalb ii' In L tier. Si KIN lUHllAHLrtM'I'.LDIIiV CUKUD. Tlia many thoiHauds eured at this institution within the 1 1st 11 j ears, and the numerous important Surgical Operatiuus perfiiriued by llr. Juhiiftou, vvituesM-tl by tin reporters oftlm paprs and mail) other persons, no tices uf which have appear d again and again before the public, b- tides his standing us a gentleman uf ilmraUer andresponsibilH) , in a suilit ieut miiirauteetothcaliticte J TAUT, NUTH II. N. II, Tiiere tire so man) ignorant nml worthletj Uuacks a Iverlising theuisi'lves ph ncians, ruining the health of the already uillictetl, that lit. Johnston deems it necessary to ta, epeilatl) to those tiuutpiaiuti"d witli his reputation, that his crcelintials uud diplniuia olwajti hang in his oltice. Takb Nuiiik All litters intut bo post paid, and coutaiu a iosiage btatup fur tliu reply, or no aiuwer w ill be sent. M.irihl7, l?fiO. B .E. N & I g a n ? . II. 0. HOWER, SCRGE0N EXT I ST ItKPLCTri'LLYoflVra his profession 1 al serv ices to the ladies and geiitlcnuu of Imuonifcbiirg and viiiuity. lie i prepared tu attend to nil the various operations in the lino of las profession, he is provided w ith the latest liupruveilpcrctlaiu teeth, which will he inserted on gold, pt.itina, bilveraud rubber bane; tuluok as we'll as the natural teeth, Mlneru plate and block teeth manufactured and all operations on teeth, car' lully and properly attended tu lllooiiisbiinf, Pa.. August ;t, 101. (OV JEIISUVTOWN.) TUB subscriber would respcctfullyopprUc hU friends and the public genetully. that fie lias opened A MEW HOTEL Under the above name, in Jersetowii, Columbia couti ty. Pa., where hois fully jirepure! to entertain the traveling community to general satisfaction. His TA liLU and UAU.uro well supplied uud wilt he carefully lupeniiteuded, And his hVAHLV, U umplu and wed stock-d, in charge uf careful rooms, will alwujile nrouerly attended. U." He invites a sliaro of tho public custom, and pledges his busUfToru.ta help his guests feel at home, SAMUUL KIMUV T. V. II II II 12 IS , (Put censor lo J. P. Eon ir.) mioi, iimum i.f TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS, No. 8 N'urlli 1'iflli St., nbovo Mntkrt. nill.AnKI.FIUA. Also, Manufacturer niul Importer of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC SEQAKS. May li, lCO-Um. P U M 1 M AKINO. Tlin tuitlcrniencd inform the public pcnernlly that they have formed a co partnership, and will contin ue the bullies; of 1'utnp making and rrpatrinft, In nil their arious departments, in llloomruirR, where they will promptly attend to all orders In their lino of bust nens, whither In town or country. Well and Cistern .'nmps, wilh leaden Pipo, made In the hept stjle of workmanship, on moderate terms, and on very short notice. From their long experience in the huinrsf, snd an earnest desire In have tlit-tr wurk ruiniticml (in if t t)m public they frels conlldcnt thev can make f Inn nhjeit to """ " n "iiij si v in v iii uieir rnioni ami renner piue ral tatisUaloii. JilllN CIIUTCIILUY. jon.v cui.v. lilnomsburg, April 13, 3ni rtiui.r.rAi.r. and ui:taii. REDDING AND FEATHER WARE HOUSE, No.ii Nortli SfconJ Street, Uiipnsite Christ Church, 1'IULADELPJUA. V?" Cimtintlynn tnml, n largo ns.ortiucnt of lie,!., Mattrrj.,", I'.ullaiisei,, Ciltilnus, Hair, Husk, Cattail, inn! nil nrlli 1,'H in tlm line nt the l.ouegt l'rKC. A" It t'artfular altcnttun paid to rcnoiattnf .Vcic an Old Ftalktn. .M.'irrlr.', lint. til 23 W E Ifi k'll ID S Wo (T,ATK KVOLE UniLt.,) THIRD STHUET ABOVE RACE, IIHILADELPIIIA. R1I0ADS, & SaTToR, Proprietors. TiioiiMAs V. RoAt, formerly of the National Hotel t'nHis Hiior, tnruierly of tfihu)lkill Co. 1'a. Maith'J. I-'jI- IvJiii. JOLINE & LEE, .Nil. 40, NOIITII WHAUVKS, 1'lill.uleliiliia. AND SHIP CJlANnLERS, Hpuii Cut ton fur C.inlkiiiir, Ilojit's, Twines, Tar, Pitch, Oakmii, l!Io(K-, and Oars, A.c. August 1, lrt.0- l.'iu. PROTEUTION PROM LIOIITNINO. rplli: sulccrili 'r would InfiTiu his friends, that lu i 1 now pri'pan-d topntup, uii thurt notice, and in a si ientilit it mi ii ne r, tin !.! t vurrtxi vahWEi) umrrxixo hods, at 12 u ids per foot. All work warranted. i;. n. mui.nM am. Hlooiiuhurt't May UI, ti.O. THE WINK STORE, OK a o 311 WAIACT STIil'.lIT, (below I'uurth tt..) I'mi.AHl'.M'mA, Pa. Au'ju'.l 1, 1" 12m. X 0 T I C E. A 'i';, txTsmm are f.rtii! flui iiil' the rniteil States I. nil, r ali Mai linie. A. llullcm r.-ilt-nt. e,eiliiiL' frniii aiillniti.i-!l a:i-iitM Willi pnwir of nttorne) i.h .u aru iliteriiiiiieil to cuftrie tin- lav. ill all t-uili, A. Ill Tl'i:il raittttn TIIOH. V. JlllUAIl. l:py. An;. 17, Irtil. 3hi. E A W - JK O jV E Super-Pliosplnito of Lime.! MANUPACTUUKI) UY JiAUQII k SONS, a on South fl'harVCS Ph thuMnltin ' nuiiiAy j. twiaapwa. Onh I'i'icO, 8 10 llCT 12000 11)3 ... ' armers and Di-itlers can rrly upon tin; pBsurancethat the ihariuter of this will known manure is still fully maiiilalueil. llniiii prepared striitly in orcorilnnre with brlentific ! prno ipi.-s, inun r.iiiies in Uieir natural state, without '" proressoi buruiugor baking, and under the pi rsonal tiUp-Tri-ioii ui Hi' propria tint, tlu-yiaii lioiu'tly .'uar- auttf it as r'presuiitel in this n-sput, and aUu as be- iug vutirily IVlu from on, GUOUM) iiWV liOXES' (lUAKANTIKI) 1'UISB. Cahh Price, per 000 lbs. Tin' superior value of this ttandard nrliile of (irnmnl Hones is now so will know ii, that it is only riuess.iry here to remind Dealers that our taiHities fur its maiiu fat I urea re now tulhiielit tu nieit thu iiK-nt ailive di iii.tud. Lv"' Th" above Manures can be had of regular dealers In tins luiiuty, oi uf IIAU(JH (t, H(tfJ, Jtaitufatturm and rioitrhrvri. No. JU South Wharves, Philadelphia. July 90, lOlyiii. LUEUXE COUNTY A01UCULTU KAL SOCIETY. THK THIRD ANNUA'. I'AIIl of the laizerne County Agricultural Society w ill be h Id on their (iroitnds, at WVOMIMJ, on Vi:illiAV, TIIL'ltr!)AV and PKIIIAV. Hi- --M. :il and -Ith tlavs of Ottcber. 1-I1. Lx tensive improv enieiila Have been inauo on their grounds lor tin wituniii, mui a very niteral rremium I.i.l is otl- ered for exhibitors, hum h nioie so Ih.ui I hose uiUred ut their prev ious i-lubiiiuns. Tin' e'lubitioii promises to bu iiinuually 1 irge ami uttruttive. runners, Metli.inics. and the public generally, will find it to tli.'iradvuutage to bu present, Imlh as exhibit ursaud sitectators, and arc cordially invited to ntti ml. STIXI'JIN JUN'KINs!. M-cretary. Wjnniing, Pept.7. Jtll. Ut. Lutruc Ccunty Agriculiual Sitciciy. 13KOPOS LH will bo received by the uudersisned, t atWvoiiiiiig, until ptttmber l'.'tii ftll fur PitlVl LKtil'.H 101: H1:VPAV' YN'1S, on the (.'rounds id' the oib-ty, at their Pair, uu thu -.'d.Hd mid 4th tla) s of Oetu. ber. lMll. us follow g ' One Restaurant I or tilUen of He rant on and vicinity. .1 .1 Pnutoo AVilkfs.liarre i " the coo ity generally. The Hocicty demres that eai h prominint locality sli.dl have arrangements for meals., rUreslnncnts, &.t., made b) one of its uw 11 cili.en if e sired b tin; 111, ami heiao this arraugeuient No iiitiiMtatingtlrinks of any kind will be permitted to bo sotdoutliA (iroumU byiiii) uue. Applh uttntis for tho priv lieges on the fi rounds nf th' Hocittj during th'.1 I'air.inn) bJinadetothu uutleisigned any time prev ious to llie Pair. STD'IIP.N JKNKIN-!, Secretary. joining. Hept 7, IMjL '.'t. GREENWOOD SEMINARY. Till: additiou'to this liutltution being about comple ted, there are lomioitable accommodations now for about seventy hoarders, and (he Autumn Term will comuitnco 011 the Will of August, The services of II. (iiU rt. late Professor of Mod ern l.aug'jn(jes in one of our College., have bnrn secur ed, ltesides the reliile stliolastie attain mcnts, and having hudviar of successful eiperieueu in teaching in tlu eounir) , Pnd. ilbert in his Iravt Is has gaiue'd spenal attention tutuu Kducutional systims 111 is competent to in.truit in the Latin. Uermau, r rencii, or Italian langnages. l'or terms or ttirtlu r paiticulurs eu the card in another column. oi address the Principal, Millv ille.Pa., August letil. H HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHIL ADl.LPIHA. , , A llelit'volent Institution cstablUhed by special endow -meiit. for the relief of the Sick and inares.ed. atllKt-d with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and wspec tally lor the Curo ofDinases of the Sexual Organs. His-pen-ary fren m patients In all parts of the (JuiledHtaies VALUAlH.i: RLTOiU'ti n ipennatorrhiua. uud oih. iifiiii. (4.. it nl Orninin. and on the NLW ItUMLUILd eiuploji'd, scut to the nlllicted in seal id letter envelop-.- Iree of charge, Two ui threu Hiamns for postage will bu acceptable, Address DU. J fclvll.' LIN lloUtHITON. Aiting Hurgeou, Howard Associa tion, No. a tfoutU Ninth titreet, Philadelphia Po. (Dtifjinal lactun. For the Cotumhlti Dmocrat. An Acrostic. Entering on tho walk of life, Maldtn, tho way seems fair before thec : Merrily trills the birds glad song, And brightest skies are round and o'er thee icy for age in the world f Ah I no, Animate Nature tells of decay. Nothing immortal hut man, bilow Ecn the earth fhall pass nway. Take thou, maiden, the better pnrt, Angels are waiting to mark thy choice. Take thou "a pure and unspotted heart," Eternity then shall not hound thy Jo)s. Philadelphia. NOT JfET. 11Y WlLUtKCCLttV DRY A ST. Oh I country, tnarwl of the earth, Oil, realm to sudden greatness grown, The age that gloried in thy birth Shall it heboid thec overthrown f S'ia.1 traitors lay that prenttiegs low f Nut land cfhopuund blessing, Not And wo whowenr thy glorious name, Shall w e, like cravens, stand apart, When those w horn thou hast trusted aim The'death blownt thy gemrout heart I I'otth goes the battle cry ; and lo ! MosU rise in harness, shouting No! And they who founded our laud Tho power that rules from sea to sea, IJled tlu-y in aiti or vainly planned To leave their country great and free? slJi'pinz ashes from below eud up the thriving murmur. No I Knit they the gentle ties which long The FUtcr St itcs werp proud to wear, And forged the kindly links so strong For idle hands in sport to tear? Tor scornful hands aside to throw? No I by our father's memory, No! Our humming marls, our iron way, Our w nid tossed w ouds oh mountain crest, The hoarse Atlantic, w ah his bays, The calm broad oct an of tin- West, And Mi-siMippTs torrent flow, And loud Niagara answers No I Not yet the hour is nigh, when they Who, deep in Kid's dim twilijiht sit Karth's ancient kings shall rie and sayt "Proud country welcome to the pit I S soon art thou like u, brought low I" No, sullen group of shadows, No 1 Tor now behold the nrm that gave Th -.Uiory in our father's day, Strung, ui of old, to guard and save - That migkty nrm which none can stay On clouds above and lU-lds bulow, Writes, in men's tight, the answer, Not ii!isccllcmcou0 Artomus Ward sees the Prince Napoleon- NotliwitLstandiu I ltaiut writ much for tho papers of lato, nobody needn't flatter thcirsclvcs that tho underfilled is dod. On the coutry (,I still live," which words was spoken by Daniel Webster, who was a able man. Even tho old lino whigs of Roston will admit that. Webster is ded now, bowsovcr, and his mantle has piobly fallen into the hands of some dealer iu -ml hand close, who can't sell it. Leastways nobody pears to bo goiu round wearin it to any particlcr extent, now days. Tho regiment of whom 1 was kurnol finerly concluded thoy was better adapted as Homo Cards, which accounts for you not hcarin of me, ere this, where the hauls is tho thickest and the canuou doth roar. Rut as an American citizen I shall never cease to admire tho masterly advance our troops made on Washington from Hull Run, a short tinioa"o. It was well dun. 1 spoke lo my wife bout it at the time. 3Iy wife scd it was well duu. It bavin there l bin determined to por ted Raldinsville at all hazzurds, and as there was no apprehenshun of any immejit danger, I thought I would go orf onto a pleasure tower. Aceordiuly I put on a clean Riled Shirt and started for Wash ington, I went thero to sec tho Prints Napoleon, and not to see tho placo which I will hero take occasion to obsarvo is about as uniutcrestin a locality as there is this side of J. Davis s futuro homo, if hu over docs die, and whero I rccon thoy 'II make it so warm for him that he will si for his .milliner close. It is easy cnuiY to see why a man goes to tho poor houso or the penitentiary. It's becaws ho can't help it. Rut why ho should woluntarily go and livo in Washington is iutirely be yond my comprehension, and I can t say no fairer nor that. I put up to a leadin hotel. I saw tho landlord aud sed, "how d yo do Squaro?" "Pil'ty cents, sir," was his reply, "Sir?" "Half a-dollar. Wo charge twenty-fivo cents for hokm ut tho landlord aud fifty cents for fpcakin to him. If you want supper, a boy will show you to tho dinin room for twenty fivo cents. Vour room bcin tho tenth story, it will cost you a dol lar to bo shown up there." "How much do you ax a man for breathin iu this equinomical tavurnl" sod t. "Ten cents a breth," was tho reply. Washincton hotels are very rcaoni iu their oharges. N. U. This is Sar-kassum. I sent up my kcord to tho Prints, and was immcjitly ushered before him. Ho received mo kindly and nxed mo to sit down. "I hav cum to pay my rospecks to you, Mister Napoleon, hopin I see you halo and harty." "I am fpuito well," ho scd. "Air you well, sir?" "Sound as a cuss T' I ainorcd. Ho seemed to bo pleased with my wavs, and ho entered into conversation at onct. "How's Lewis ?'' I axed, and ho scd tho Emperor was well. Eugony was like wise well, ho scd. Then I axed him was Lewis a good provider? did he cum home early nitcs ? did ho porfoom her bed room at a unseasonable hour with gin and tauzy? Did he go to tho "Lodge" on nitcs when thoro wasn't any Lodgo ? Did ho often hav to go down town to meet a friend ? did he hav a cxtensiv acquaintance among poor young widcrs, whoso husbans was in Californp ? to all of which questions tho Prints pcrlitely rcplide, givin mo to under stau that the Emperor was bchavin well. "I ax these questions, my royal duko and most noble highucss and imperials,be kaws I'm anqious to know how ho stands as a man. I know lie's smart. Ho is cunnin, he is long-hcdcd, he i.) deep ho is grate. Rut onlcss ho is good ho'U come down with a crash one of these days and tho Ronyparts will be Rusted up agin, Ret your life ?" "Air you a preacher, sir?' ho inquired, slitcly sarkastical, 'No, sir. Rut bleevo in morality. I likewise blceve iu Mectin Houses. Show mo a place where thero jsu't any Jlcctin Houses and where preachers U never seen and I'll show you a placo where old hats air 8'nlTed into pruken winders, where tho children air dirty aud ragged, whero gates hav no hinges, where tho wimin air s ip shod, and map3 of the devil's "wild land'' air painted upon incu s shirt-bosoms wilh tobjccojooce ! That's what I'll show you. Lot us consider what tho preachers do for us before wo abooso 'cm." He scd ho did t mean to aboosso tho clergy. Not at all, and ho was happy to see that I was interested iu tho Ronypart family. "It's a grato family," sed I. "Rut thoy scoped tho old man in." 'How, sir 1" "Napoleon tho Grand. Tho Rritialicrs scoped him at Wulcrloo. Ho wanted to do !oo much, and ho did it ! They scoop ed him in at Wutcrloo, aud ho subsekeut ly died at St. Helcuy ! There s where tho gratcst military man this world ever projuced, pegged out. It was rather hard to cotisiuc such a man as him to St. 1 1 de ny, to spend his larst days iu catehin inao koiil, aud walkin up and down the dreary beach iu a military cloak drawn titely round him, (see picter books',) but so it was, "Hud of the Army 1" Them was his last words. So ho had been. He was grato I Don't I wish we had a pair of his old boots to command sum of our Rri gades 1" This pleased Jerome and ho took mo warmly by tho hand. ''Alexander the Grato was puukins," I contiuuered but Napoleon was puukiiuor ! ,Uio wept bekaws thero was no more worlds to scoop, and then took to dnukini,'. ilo drowudid his stirrers in tho flowiu bole, and tho flowiu bolo was to much for him. It giurally is. Ho undertook to give a snake exhibition in bis boots, but it killed him. That was a bad joke for Alio. "Sinco you arc so solicitous about France, and the Emporor, may I ask you ' how your own country is gcttiug aloug ?" sed Jerome iu a pleasant voice. j "It's mixed," 1 scd. "Rut I think we ( shall coino out all right." ) "Columbus when ho diskivered this magnificent continent, could have had no ideo of tho grandeur it would ono day as soom,1' sed tho Prints. j "It cost Columbus twenty thousand dol lars to fit out hii cxplorin expedition," scd I. '-If ho had bin a sensible man he'd I hav put tho monoy in a boss rai road or a ' gas company, aud left this magnifiuout continent to tho intelligent savages, who whon thoy got hold of a good thing knew cnuff to keep it, and wouldn' hav seceded, nor rebelled, nor kuoct Liberty ill tho bed with a sluugshot. Columbus wasn't much of a feller, after all. It would hav bin money iu my pocket if he'd staid to home. Chris, went well, but ho put his foot in it when ho sailed for America, Wo talked sum moro about mattors and things, and at larst I riz to go. "I will av noo-hvn to vnn nnli n nr. ann good luck to you. Likowiso tho samo to Clotildy. Also to tho gorgeous persons which compose your soot. If tho Empe ror's boy don't liko livin at tho Toolerics, when ho gits older, aud would liko to im bark in tho show biz ucss, let him come with mo aud I'll make a man of him. You hud m sumwhat mixed as I beforo obsarved, but come apin next year and you'll Dnd us clearer nor ever. Tho Amer ican Eagle has lived too sumptuously of late his stummie becum foul, and he's now taking a slight emetic. That's all We're cettin ready to striko a Lie blow and a suro one. When we do striko thoj fur will fly and secession will bo in tho J hands of tho undertaker, sheeted for so i deep a gravo that nothin short of Gabriel's ' trombone will ever awaken it! Jlind what j I say. You've heard tho showman. I Then advisin him to keep away from the 1'etor Funk auctions of tho East, and I -jjg )j00j say3 uno corporation with slave the proprietors of corner-lots iu tho West, ; Holders in politics, no fellowship with them I bid him farewell, and went away. Thero was a levco at Senator What's his names, and I thought Idjinein the festivities for a spell. Who should I see but she, that was Sarah Watkius, now the wife of our Congrcsscr.trippin iu tho dance dressed up to kill in her storo close. Sa rah's father used to keep a littlo grosery in our town, and she used to clerk it for him in busy times. I was rushiu up to shake hands with her when she turned on her heel, and tossin her head in a contemp tuous manner, walked away from mo very rapid. "Hallo, Sal," I hollerd, "can't you measure me a quart of them best me- Masses? I may want a codfish, also !" I guess this remiuded her of the little red 1 storo aud the "days of her happy child : hood." Rut I fell in with a nice littlo gal after that who was much sweeter than Sally's ' fathers molasses, and I axed her if we i shouldn't "lide iu tho mossy dance. She scd wo should, and wo G lode. I intended to make this letter very se ns, but a fow goaks may have accidently crept in. Never mind. Resides, I think it improves a konue paper to publish a goak once in a while. Yours muchly, WARD, (Aktemus.) Ankchotk told my Dasiul WnnSTEK. Hon. Daniel Webster had an anecdote of old Father Searl, the minister of his boyhood, which has never been in print, I and which U too good to bo lost. It was ' customary then to wear buckskin breeches I in cool weather. Ono Sunday morning ! in the autumn, Father Scarl brought his down from the garret; but tho wasps had taken possesion of them during the sum mci, and were having a nice time in them. Ry dint of effort ho got out the intruders aud dressed for mcetiug. Rut while read ing the scriptures to the congregation, he felt a dagger from ono of tho enraged small waisted fellows, uud jumped about the pulpit slapping his thighs. Rut the more he slapped around and danced the moro they siung. The people thought him crazy, aud were in commotion what to do, but he explained the matter by I saying I " Rrethren don't bo alarmed. Tho I word of tho Lord is in my mouth, but tho devil is in my breeches." Another Fj:. mi. nine Volumeer. A ! folnilliuo rceru;t, named Mary Smith, late-1 . cni!,tcj jn tho MeClcllan Zouaves, was di-eovcicd at Camp Wood, Cleveland, 0 hio on Tuesday. Mary is said to bo in telligent, good looking, full of patriotism, pluck, and aged about twenty-two years. Suspicion to ncr sex was urst exetveu uy J5ellf Stevens, Davis, Toombs and Crittcn tho peculiar wring of tho dish cloth, which ! ,icn wcr0 viUing to strike hands with she gave whon assisting iu cookiug tho D0Ugias, Riglcr and others of the North, company's rations, hut all doubts vanished ho opposed this. Look at the vote on in tho distribution of " unmentionables ;" , the Crittenden Proposition. 'J ho gcntlc a pair was handed to tho reciuit with the man is mistaking about tho eleven secccd feiniuino voice to fit on. He sat down, ' tj States casting their votes for Mr. Rrcc- pinned the garment to his knee, and began to sow with tho cxpertnoss of a profession al seamstress. Ou being questioned, Ma ry plead guilty, aud said sho wished to go to war to avengo the death ot an only brother, who fell at tho battle of Hull Run. Miss Smith was scut to Dayton. y Two acquaintances meeting on a wet day, tho ono greeted the other with Beautiful rain this, sir; fetohing things out of tho ground." Second friend, dis consolately " Hopo not sir; hopo not. Got two wives thero sir." A Child's TiiouaitT. A little girl was ono night uudcr tho starry sky, intently meditating upon the glories of the heavens. At last looking up to tho sky, sho said s "Father, I have been thinkingif tho wrong sido of heaven is so beautiful, what will thn right sida bo?" Correspondence. For the Columbia Democrat. Reply to Mr. Republican. Mr. Republican starts out in Lis last issue with tho idea that Thomas Jefferson held tho samo views in regard to emanci pation that Helper docs, (excuso mo, Mr. Editor, for mentioning their names in con nection) for I consider it an insult to tho memory of tho illustrious founder of tho Democratic party, to bs spoken of in the samo sentence with tho author of that sec-, tional incendiary work, which tries to make a white man out of an Jljrican Negro j tho gentleman certainly cannot accuse mo of quoting isolated cases, for nearly all of tho leaders of his party endorsed and ro- commended it, together with his own sane tion. that there was nothing in the work but what ho had a perfect rii-ht to publish. in religion, no recognition of pro-slavery men except as ruffians, outlaws, and crimi nals." Now, is not this an outrage, a lie of tho deepest die, to chargo such men as Washington, Jefferson, Madison and oth ers who were the founders of our Govern ment, with such contcmptiblo epithets. Now sec the position of Mr. Republican. Ho says Helper had a perfect right to publish this. In his last ho says the press has no constitutional right to lie. Now chose cither horn of the dilemma. His reference to tho influence of Abolitionism in separating religious bodies is extremely smart ; bo wishes to know if tho people were prevented from worshiping as they pleased in any Stato where Republicans made or executed tho laws ; why my dear sir, I thought wo lived in a country whore Church and Stato were separate. This separation of our loading churches was not the result of any Legislation, Stato or National, but there is no doubt but it had something to do in embittering the sections and contributed largely to produce the present awful calamity that is now upon us. This religious enthusiasm assisted largely to form and make up tho Republi can party, for the institutions of tho South wcro rediculcd from tho pulpit as well as the stump. It was said by your orators that tho South had always been a burden to us, and that Massachusetts could not mako boots enough to kiok them out of tho Union. Such stuff, together with wide awake demonstrations, &a., Sec, carried your party into power. Your men said all tho time thoy asked but ono year in power to show that their principles were right ; free homes for the homeless ; the milleuium was now within our reach; elect Republicans and all is well. We must have a change, was tho cry ; well wo have a change, that ehango I will not undertake to dc-cribo. I doubt if my friend, with all the superior knowledge ho has reserved "from tho author of all good,'- (which enabled him to know more than the Supremo Court) can depict tho horrors and miseries of our couutry from Maine to Loui-ianna. How drowning men will catch at straws. 11c refers to a few scattering votes Lincoln received in the South, to show he was not sectional. How could they possibly vote for him when tho party was built up upon the very principle of no more Slave Territory, thus endeav oring to force them from tho common domain, which if left as tho democratio party platform had it, wo could have vo ted slavery out of tho Territories upon tlicir admission as States, aud saved tho country from blood and carnage, for upon ,(,! priuciplo of equality in tho Territories , kinridgo, Virginia and Tennessee I thiuk were for Bell, aud many of tho other States were very close. Who are Me Clcllan, Dix, Butler, aud other lcadiug Generals but good souud Democrats ? They do not fight for subjugation or Abo litiouisui, or for carrying out tho principles of tho Helper Book, or the Chicago Plat form but for tho maintenance ot the G overn. ment. Tho Administration begiug to ap preciate this in restricting Frecmont's Proclamation. I am glad to sco my friend ignore knownotbingism, for ho says ho has left it, but still holds on to his sec tionalism. Ho is not awaro that his parly aro not known by the name Republican.' rv ni,,r nwn nanor. it states thero was no Republican Convention this fall, and what did your Fugiou parly do (as General Fleming oalls it) in Columbia fotint?? .Out -of the seven ofBcn to filled you nominated ono Republican I ! and that for tho most unimportant office. So, according to arithmetic that would lcavo you about ono-scventh of a Republi can party. That is falling off pretty fast. Ho says thero are some things he with holds, for fear, I suppose, of wounding tho feelings of tho Democracy. Let it out, wo arc not afraid of tho light. Tho De mocratio party was not spawned in a cellar or garret, whero the Irish ami German catholics were considered as bad as So ccssionists now arc. Tho gentleman speaks about blushing; if ho -is not devoid of shame, whon ho looks at our Army ho may well hido himself under tho garb of union ism. Look at tho sixty-ninth Regiment, all Catholics. Tho men that had arms concealed lo ruin our country according to knownothiogisrn. But there is no uso in speaking of dead carcasses, as Repub licanism aud Knownothingisra have died out according to their own showing. In looking over tho whole field the signs aro encouraging; their papers and leading men begin to ignore mobs and tho sup. iiiessiuu oi presses, it wouiu no well cnougu for our fiicnd to read Jefferson on tho freedom of the press. As wo are now getting tho sectional party of tho North around upou union ground, all wo want is to encourage the Union men of the South, aud then wo will be ablo to drive both extremes to tho well, and our glorious old flag with all the stars on will onco moro float over a united and happy people. This sudden transition of Sectionalism lo Unionism in tho North, together with Liucoln's abridgement of Frcemont's Proc lamation, must produce tho most satulary results in tho South. Our friend still seems to cling to Sectionalism. Coino along with us, we will do thee good ; it is not tho Uhicago Platlorm but the Govern ment wo must perpetuate. RACK TOWNSHIP. For the Columbia Dtmttrat, Mn. Editor, Sir ; In looking over and reflec ting on the many misrepresentations that have been thrown broad cast over tho country, upon tho citizens of Fisbingcrcek and tho other back townships of Columbia county, I cannot forbear to notico how grossly tho inhabitants of those Townships have been insulted. Tho citizens, or a majority of them have been put down as traitors and secessionists. But as actions speak loudor than words, I will present to your readers tho position of a would bo clergyman, the self constituted Captain of tho Home Guards, whoso zeal and patriot ism has never becu apparent to any ono but himself. Ho paraded his company day and night and sang union songs to a dis-union chorus. When tho company wa- fully formed thoy called themselves tho " Anderson Guards," but they aro now known as tho " John Brown Reserves," which should be their proper narao, " For a noted writer has well said that whero God sets up a houio of prayer tho devil always builds a chapel thero!" This brave clergyman took a vote of his com pany at two or three several times to know whether they wcro willing to go to tho war or not, and they always voted, aye 1 but never went. Rut tho bravo patriot of tho north, this Noble Captain, determined that if ho could fiot go to the army and fight, ho would go aud pray, aud leave the com pany, which have got ashamed of him, with which ho had figured at pio-nicks and donation parties at home. So on Sunday, amid tears and expostulations, he said to them that ho would go to tho army cither ns chaplain or boot-blaok ; what a pity they did not take him for tho latter 1 In this latter capacity ho might have put down rebellion by making their boots shino so brightly that they could not fight. If this Noble Captain was as much a patriot as he is an abolitionist, ho might bo of somo servico to his county, but as it is "ho is one who is trying to steal the livery of tho court of heaven to serve the devil in," and as in Ava none but priests dare trado in that best marbles of whioh God's aro made, so this man would forbid each and every man from being a republican unless ho subscribes to abolition doctrine. BAOlvWOuDSMAN. If you want to have a man for your friend, never get tho ill will of his wife Public opinion is mado up of tho arcrago prejudices of womankind. n-" Thrico armed is ho who has hia quarrel just." But six times armed is ha "ho owns a good revolver. ' -1 1 How does a cow become a land estate! Pt tu'ng nt mto a beta. jerscjtown, ,May ii, i?iH-3m. .Marcii teui Kin