Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 05, 1861, Image 3

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John (J. Freeze,
Local Kditor. I
taT To-morrow istho nineteenth Sun
day nftcr Tiinity.
Battle- of Stillwater fought 7 Oct. 1777.
Battlo of Leipsic fought 8 Oct. 1813,
Florida purchased 9 October 1820.
Colutnbus discovered America 10 Oct.
Saint Martin's Day.
Montreal taken by the Americans IS
Oct. 1775.
. :o:
J5f2 Remember that one renegade is
worse than ten turks. Strike home.
t&" Democrats. SCO tliat your CntirO
vote is cast for tho WHOLIC DEMO-
JST Dont co to threshing buckwheat on
the day of the election ; but turn out and '
thresh tho abolitionists and renegades. i
EST Democrats, SCO that VOU aro IlOt
' ' ,
cheated by bunched tickets. EXAMINE
t3 The election is held on Tuesday
October 8th. Let every democrat bo at
the polls early, and remain 'thcro all day
aud let no one be absent on any account
whatever. Vote the tickct,the whole tick
et, and nothing but tho ticket.
CST Dont forget that tho Republicans
rominaled those looso jointed democrats,
in order to weaken tho vote in strong dent
ocratic districts. Show those followers of'
the hairy Esau, that though they may sell
., , , ,,
themselves they cant tell you.
Kr Tho storm on Friday night, Sept. '
27th, was very severe and destructive.
We have heard of trees uprooted, fences
destroyed barn? lincnvplTwl out linnsns
ULSirojcu, u.irns uncovcrcu, out IIOUSCS
blown over fruit trees strimind of their
Uianu 0tr, iruir, irCCS EinppOU OI lUCir
fruit, eorn leveled to the rrrotmd nnil
iruit, coru IUCJCU 10 lUC grouutl, anil
much other devastation of the same kind.
' '
tST I ho Atlantic Monthly for Ortobcr 1
lsonoof the best numbers ever issued.
TlnU'thnrlin nnil Tlnyou.,!! nnil TTnlm.,a nrn
uiuuii ine vuu riuuior.s. ine jioeiry is ,
mucu atiovo ine usual quality, very mucli.
"The Country Parson" has one of his in
imitable essays ; and tho author of ,lLi:'o
in the Iron Mills'' begins a story in five
parts. Tiekcor & Fields Uoston, 53,00 a
t0: Till uuilr Mig,i".l. Ii.ivillg pltrllias'-d the well-known
. ,, . , ,. ''V'1"11' 111,11 1 "lihius i:,nporiiiiii, '.ilu.iti) on Hi,'
J" PcmOCrats, dollt forgot that the ' NM ''r.i r I l' i,.-nin,l 'arkj riireet-,, I'hila.lelplu.i
...... ... i ,, ,. lo-O i .',1' , Inl irms til nilnlii- iiii-l fnruit-r customers of
ttCKet put lit nominrtlOtl by tlio republl- t Ho.i-e .hat lu l.e, picon.lantly for sale and makes
i , .... ... , ''P 'O o u, a, ile-etip.iou ol lleiill 'urn's wenr. ol'iip
ClllS llllll llbolltlOlll.-tS, IS COinpocd OI s'lls umv mo,l.-rat priens. lie
opni'iiniil! c .1 r . ''" " ''"'" I iil.oii, h" vuer.uitee- gond Ills and
bhUl'.UJiKo Iroin the jjcnioeralio party, w, u-,, u iLirmeuis. fctriniitteniiuigin u tojoidung
sj y s-ii Jjs'ilviMII
Down Wltll tllO SKUKSStUXIS i'S ! j r.'.il' 'matinnof I f ni'tntu l.ortPO,' uliitli he
Sliow them no quartern at tho polls, Ljt te,. 3 r. k u:iuk!
every vote tell ngai.ut them. .Make usu of Kh 'f"1'"!' ,
Weapon wliich h tmrcr ti'',
Ami Ui iter tit. in til i l):i)oiift ;
A uunpoii wliicli coincri ilnn fin still
A snow flakes fall upon tlx' suil ;
And txcutu .1 friuinaii'i ill,
An lijMiituii; ilniMtliu nt'dod,
A n.l from vms.e force nor Lolti nor lotki
Can irk-in -ti. lliu IIAI.I.OT 110X.
tST If you permit yourselves to bo se
duced by tho republicans into voting any
portion of the ticket, before a week is over
you will be sure to regret your accommo-
.l.ilnn .m.Ii Vrt,. ..Illl.n nnnn.l nn,l
cla'ing spirit. 1 oil will bo annoyed anil
mortified at their boasting and insulting
language j and you will everlastingly re
gret your obliging action, and resent
tho ovcibearing conduct to which you will
bo subjected, ltevert in your mind to
just one single instance in which you havo
been so cajoled, and recollect if you did
not then fully dctermino that you would
never be again caught in so bald a trap.
Now is tho time to redeem yourself ev
erything is auspicious let tlio whole lino
advance aud tho field is won.
Attention Company. Wo would
state that U- II. Ent is recruiting men to
fill up a Columbia county company for tho
war. Men wishing to join will apply to
l,im nt Hm HeenriWa r.ffro. nt. lilann,:.
" 1 - i
'!'!. ... HI l, '
"u -"."'J v avtvjueu aim
mustered into service as soon as full.
has now a good number of men already
on his roll of enlistment. This is a good
opportunity to enlist for tho war and at-
' - ,
tach to a Columbia COUUtV COmtianV. ,
J 1
March up to the scratch, young men, and
show your devotion to your country. Star,
r3"Capt. Wm. Shath, has been au
thorized by the government to raise a com
pany of ablo bodied young men for the
Wo Understand that ho is UlCCting
.,, , .
Wltll gOOU SUCCCSS, lllO Company IS not
. - ,, i - i . i
yet lull ailll a gOOU Opportunity IS now !
given young men in this section of country I
to enlist. Aplication should bo made to
Capt. Silver or Lieut. Bush, at tho Hisiug
Sun Hold. All recruits will bo kept freo
of expense. Berwick (local) Gazatc.
Accident. AVc learn that
ono of tho breakmeu, on tho Lackawanai
and Bloomrburg Bailroad, met with a so-1
riou3 accident, on Monday last, about three
, vu ,'oiuus, sac, UUUUI lllieu ,
,, . , , .
tlllS piaCO, by bOlUg Struck
miles abovo
. , .s l-i i i -i i
j utioe Wjlltil U1US5CS lltu Jtulirutltl
- i it ... . a
-110 Was Stauutng Oil thO top Oi a
ear wuito tua train was in motion. It is
fea'ed lhat his injuries will result fatal,
His namo, wo aro informed, is S.MeitB, of
Cattawi -j lb; county. Afar. I
ny order of the Democratic Ftandni; Committee, meet
ing! will be held nt llio following points i
nns'TO.V, Saturday Afternoon, Octokcr JSth,
ALINAH COL'fl MILLSatnrclnync.Ott.5th.
Ll'illT Clrcct, .Monday, evening, October th,
UL't'K IIOIIN', .Monday evening, October tli.
Arrangements linvo born made to havo the above
meetings addressed by someone or two of tlio following
named gentleman i
vox. c. n. nvcK.itr.ti',
irox. r.ivL i.uir,
co joiix a. maize,
col. l. l. v.vrc,
ii':u:r mnr, r.sq.
Come oul.Democrats.rtnd battle for the good old cause I
l'llng to the breeze the time hoHnred banner, "TmkUmox
supportof thcGotcrument, cer keeping step to the
"""lc cf "l0 u"i"n- Ltt 1110 hommIoUu or iho south
iinu ine .vuoiiiiouisis 01 uio Aortn reci'lve ciual condom.
( nation nt )our hands; and show to the world that Pcnn'
sjtvanln, conservnllve, and true hearted, fa stilt the
Kc stone of tho federal Arch.
WM, II. JACOBY, Chairman.
lllooinsburg, Sept. 21, kill.
On tho ltin.t by the ltev.Wm. J. iiyer. Mr. Avstiv
ll.Clciacn, ofKingstoii, fa. to MIss.Maiu i:.SIo.nioii,of
futtawissa, i'a
In hloniM.loi,,- n llm "Til, nil l.v ,!.. n r ii
in IlloouKlmrg, on ti,0 .rih lilt by the. Iter. J. It.
to Miss .MA!U!AR!.r llo kit, of Washington 11 le, .Montour
county, I'a.
In on tin 2'th ult., Juon Ihku,.. son of Aletan-
der and l.)dla MtCarty, aged 1 year, T months and elev-
en uays.
On theSJd ult.. In naston Pn
,,... i,.v.v
child of Itev. J. . nod V.U. l-e,,5, aged .: mMU,
Ill ilkrslnrre. Hent -J.S. Icr.l. m ihe n-.t r.rt,li.
Iifj, Uto. Seorr, lis.)., yoiiueest Hun of the lata Judge
Molt, and brother-ill law ol tho lion. W'atreli J. Wood'
conni:crr.n ht.kkly.
it r.
'coitN jnjw)
i nccKwiiY.AT
Will' T
Si iwci.ovnitpur.i).,
in iiUTi'i:u
ii.ll.Alil) ,
. St 311
iSjJcciiit A'oticcs.
SlitiTiny UvtmriMs. There is, perhaps, no depart'
,,., f military busine-B In there has been n
"I0'0 marked luiproteuK'nt than in the clothing of sot-
,irr,, .t many S ears sine Iicir and
cl 1,1 lP farments which were aluiot skin tiuht. They
wore linther stocks.Mlnih were worthv nftlw onme.lor
i'J.TO EflSti
itilhculty. During the jiresent war, siirh of our oluu.
leers n- procure tliir uniforms at tin llrimii Mone
cioihing iiaUoritnekb.ii ,t tvii- ,w oo.i and mi
t ll ,-tnut street, ah ,ve Silth .'hiladi iphia obtain ilo.
.'J','"8,""' ' vrfm' easy, mtxtunti n and hetoniing.
1 he llrni nam 'd have gone largely into th- l.usinoss of
making Military Clotlilns. and thjlr farihtk-s eitnbln I
litem tu fill the laigesl ordor in tlie shortest posihle
81. Wlil.
$25 !
We will pay from SJ. lo s"p"r month, and nil etp'-n-
ses, to item e - gents, wrgi lo ,i unisMoii. I'.irtieul irs
seutfree. ihlrjs Cult tOuiMi M.itiuvt 1.'omim, K.
JAMI S. Agent, .Milan, Ohio.
Aug. It, l-sl. -l'Jui.
The Whito Hall Olothlnr; Store
I lllirvniii In. ,,u 11 'J.itr.j.., i . t Ii 1 Vt' M int. ..i-
I r "I'lH On Trirf riutlihiu More. Vo. Mi Muikcutruui
(iLm' I'll) ("inn.
In ml"iii"ii lo Iluioit tlic larirot, mo,.! ntvi nml
f,-liinuiit,j .tuck t.f Clotliliii! in I'liil. ni. "plu t .
pr 'ni-iy ri tail nl.--i iuc iDiiiiiitit.'l t wry mio hU
nun t.ili-inniit by Iin m-j in.irke.l in lluron. on ciuli a r.
tnl at th .-ry profit can tnM for i tlu-y
tatiutit ill y vary nil nnii-t litiv alikp.
Tin- ciimi n n well piifnipil iimt preparcil, nml cvnt
pniiirft.'ktM with the inaklii m nil mulitiy wltlitliu
iVrin" AUo .-Svir k ,r n. L, ,ltZ , ,r '
to ordei. In the most la.hionalile and best manner,
hi1 i'iii( nj iu aim in'i 'I'li'Uiii'n, nit h ill Ii mailt;
piv rem., oeiow ereoil pru es.
II umber the Crcsiuit, in Murkit.abnvc Sivl'i Street
N". .'HU. JOXU- & CO.
C TII11MAS V.'. MVPTSOV. i:i'c,-Me7i!b7ivrn
Modal nt the Win Id's I'nir in l.uuui,., I-.', I I'm .'l!.:i;.l
i.Aiii'iii - i.A.i-.. noon, -lions and tlui.i-. It.u.i null,,.-
1,0'nts an now olleietl to pureiiaseis . Ho nbo-,,-aril-
thi. i m.uh ti. i.irg,t to,k , tronks, .,., t
I Hags, olieo- &e.. 1,1 riula lelphin wi (heap f,l inh
i iNo. i'Jl .Mark, t S.rett, one door nljovit 1th, Siitth -tdi.
j Ir. Dupuucu's ohlen Tills for TtiualfS.
1 Infallible li correcting, regulating and rcmoiltip all oft
1 trtictlotti,frowtcfiitrter cause, and aluays
I tuccttJ'ut as anrcrciittre.
Tlif Cntnliiiiatiiui uf itiuri'tlit-'iits iu Dr. Dnponco's
(iolilfit l'i U aro t'rft-ttl Ii.iriulurH. Tliti Jinw b.-t-n
tiM'tl in tin Ttiit' pr.itlict' nj ulil Dr. Jiiipont u nrwr
thirty jt-ara, ami tliuiuaihls of lailion can UMit'y tu
Hi-ir tin -it nu-l m-vr l-iilnii: iiifC(it in alinot rvrry
fico, in lorrt'ctin? irrt'Sitl.intn'ii, n'liftiu painful ami
iliBtrL'i-nlii!,' iii"iitrnatioti. p irlintlarly nt Hi'1 ilianuu o(
lit.-, rrtnn llvi' to ten pilln w IIUuio Unit inntuioii i'
ilri'ihlfnl iDiiipl.iitit, tlu Wlnti'i. Vi'.irly cvt.ry tVinalt 1
in the land tuiIpM Innn tliH loiiipl.iint. 'i'liu nliou pj
Ii.ih permit iifiiil iur'il tlitmr.iuli. ami will rnri jou if
jun iidu tliciu. Thy Lunnot liarm un. on tin1 couiritry
tlify rumovu u I utit-iriKtiuiin fslor"1 nature tniti prop
n lunml, ami tnvisordtt- tli-uliolu )bt"iu. I.mhn
wlior-c litrultli uitl not permit an inrrriito ofj'ninil),
will tin. I iio-,o pill,, i iiii-ci-Mtnl pr.'y'Mitne,
'l'liunii Pills iimi i not luttak' n i(iirin?tln tUt tlirt'f
moiiilift ot pri'jnamy, nn tli y nr kiih' lo lriuK on mid
carri'i'o; out at nny otli-T tniu tln-y ro ertf. i
Triii', Slptrbox. HoM, uliol. !. inn! n I. it', ty
O M. IIAlil.M.L'Cll. hrugght. I
iolo naont tor lllooinj-burir. P.t. ,
In whom nil fmlers mut un ti-nt. Lniliun ' by Ki-ml
-' IH'U.SI-IM to llio llliu,burg Pn,t Olh.e. ran li
liiese pins sent loany part o the
: country. If oiitid"ulial-
Ivllllld "Ine of 1',
Uk & ,. I,,,,,,,,,.
,'" by mail. Sold also by . I,.
Hi", li. J. I'rv. Tama ula. J. A. Poll;.
, Munch I'linuk. and by "one lirill'-ist ineerv'l'ow n and
I Clly iu III" t'niled Mates.
p JXJJ.M'i Kt! nTu"Si i!!'
i",-'lll,,ll,l"l-'l'''''1 "'" "r jour money,) buy only of those
who show the siauatur,' ol i, II. liowo on every lio,
111,11 rectntlyb-eu added, on u.count of a retuit
coilliterteitol'lliu fills.
h, n nowi:.
Sole Proprietor, N'ew York.
Her. SJ. lKT.(l-y.
X kigniinsslguiue.iti,uaiiolowhirlitheuiiilirsiged
gave to uoorge .MarKs, dated ll.e tlurteeull. t.l ol Sep
tender. "Ighpeli hundred nil J slity one. fur the .urn of
live dollars and iwinty lit o cents, wliiih not, lam do-
teriniueil not to pay unless compelled b) law, us I hate
' ' jacou hTivn
Locust tup., October 1st, 1J0I.
A reward of on dollar will be paid for the return of a
Itevolver, whiill w us lost tills wi ek iu the road bi twerll
l-loomsbtlrg and Light Street. It call bi b-it in euro of
W. Wirt. Ls't-. in uloomsbnrg. or at the othco of the
Columbia Democrat.
I'helpsvillj.Oft.J, IfIll.-
Estate if Thomas Conner, deceased,
1MID iindersigiied, appointed hy the Orphan's Court of
-I Columbia county, uu auditor In ill. tribute tho funds
in me lianas ui jonii Ltuiiier, i rostec etc. in i nomas
t,oniier, 1 no oi f,rui'ilwoo. iiisu.i) ,,i s-11,1 LouiuyaiO'
of said ,len-,tei,t aic.rdiug lo law
ceaseu,iuu8 among ino liens ana ic
will uttelidat Ills of
Hco in llloomsburg to perioral the dulies ol his appoint
meni, on I nuuj iu tuiuayoi novcmuir . i iroi
And all per-ous hainignuy claim on the said funds are
rt'.i'l, .ted to make known llio same lo (lie Auditor on
share of the .aid fuud.
" "-J ' "v."'"-'? uvwnwu V"....-. ... .v.
llmllin in. nnl Ih. t.-.J
: - j..-. ......v.. ,1..,., ,i,u uuHcnio cities, mo
largest and most selei t stock of
That has ysl been opened in nioomsburg, to which he
Unites tho attention nf his friends, and assures them
that Ihey nre turned for kiiIu at great bargains. Ills
Stock comprises a Inrge assortment of
ticNTi.CMr.v'M vi: vrino Arp.nnt
L'onltliig nl FA-ttiostrif r Di:i s Coves, nf every des
cription; I'nuts, Vests, fulil-. Crnnls Stocks, Cotton
Handkerchiefs, lioes, riuspondils, &.C.
Of every description, flnn and cheap. .
N. It. Keinentbcr " f.oircbrrn CAmp r.mporlum."
cull and ee. .Vochnige rorcxainiiig l.'
lllonmshurg, September Se l'ol. (Jue
Estate of John Linden deceased.
1 J Court orColiiniluii county, on exeeplious tiled to tho
jiount of tho liiecutors ul the estate of John l.lnden,
rnili; undersigned appointed an auditor by the Orphans1
late of said county, deceased, will attend nt his olhtu in
I l,luounuurg, lor mo pur in-u oi pi n. Tilling ine unties 01
I ,iaoooiul nt. oil'. Iho :tli ,l,iv or..t..,. ,
oer. .i. u.ieoi. neu anil wnero nil person-interested '
may attend if thty think proper. 1
joiiv n. l'tiri'.'p I
llloonlfburg, SM. ii, lSIM-ta .ludttor. I
pt. ii, l?lil.-ta
7t.j ..i - -t-tt. I ..M i
' 1'iuu,: J "ry P1HWI, tllcCaSCtl.
'Tlli: undersisned, appointed by llio Orphans' Court of
1 L'nii.tiiin.i county, mi nuJitortti iiistriimtu Hipiimus
in the hands of John Siiuth.aili istralor of the estate
I ""J! ! lT Si ".'it 5!
cordingtolho rates and in tlu proportions dlreited I,y 1
i.ih . h in iine, i,i .u ins uncc, in i it, nuns nil r;, on u on In s
ila), the l.tli day ol'Xor inber, A. ll. 1-1,1, to perform the
duties ot his appoiiitiiunt. An I all p ri-nush.ii Ingcluiu.s '
against said estate .ire r inlied l pn-s lit tlleui to the
said auditor nt that time, or he foreer dth.irred from,
comi'ig In fur u share ol said as-,, ts.
juti.vo. ri:i:i:i:,
llloouwbitig, S'pt.S. ICCI la. .iuiltler.
Estate of Abner IJitI:, tlec'd.
No tice Is hereby given thatltttcrs of ndniinlstra
tionon the estate of Abner 11,'tk, latj of fine
township, Columbia iniluty, dcciastd, liave beet,
granted by thn Keglstir ot said count, to tho under
signed, wiio resides in said township. Columbia count).
All p'-r-ons having h-tv lu.r el inns or ill mauds against
the estate of tile dele, tent ale requested to pr, sent them
for skttleiu-iut, and tiloso indebted tu make p.j.ueut
w ithout delay
SeiiLSMWil-W. Jldm-r.
Estate of lcnamin 1'tlrrman, Sr., dec'il.
!TOTlCU is I.erel'V e.tenthat K-lters of aduiinlslrti.loii
1 ' on thecst.iteof tlenj. lMeriu.iu, er. Into of ringarloaf
township, Cnliiudiia eo iloe.astd, have heel, granted by
th 1 It-gi-t'T of sail county, to the limb rsigned, who
le-idesiu -riid tow nfiiip. Coluinhia eouiity Alt per
son lining rl.iims or deuuiuds against the estateof
the decedent are re,p,'st'd to pre-riit them for settle.,
liient, and those indebted to make payment without
iir.xnv C. unsri,
Sept. 23. 1801. - ft. Adin'r. ,
Stated mectliiir of the Teachers' Association of . county, will b-. lo-M at Orange ille, tin
Saturday, the fitli oj' Urtobe.' ncx',
atldo'thKk. a. in. Addresses will b3,b-li ered. I'.ssays
r,a I, riuhji cts ,li-cused, and nrraiigemeut made for
holding the nt 'I'eacli-rs Institute- The public nra
stlv luited to atltud.
I. AfPl.lJMAN, rruMnt.
V. J. Cavimivi l, litr'd itc.
S-L'.'s. 1-s 1.
'PIIII follow i hit property. ii. : One Cnoklng Ptovc ft I
I pip', itno ciiiiiiiT I'llili'i nn Uilrli.'ii Ciit)ionril, nn
large locking hair, e.iht h.iirs nyo pier,-. fcari,et,
one Kteh'-n table, one t'lnrk, three leds and thri"-lie,
steads, one Stand to, king I'rnJIe lev i"d,,n mid sold
as tio-properly ofja s iienuood by a u.iioii eousi'i-
by me, n,i loaned
pleasure, of whuhthe imblie will tak.i notieo. '
i:nVMil' li wvi.lVdS.
Iisdalll nstoni-lilng his patients hy tin-1 lire oflMii g
standing dm-n-os. MM Ul'.MI.IIIIIS Mill l'll:i:i,V
I Vr.CIU'Alll.i:. lie will In in this el. ire th .-aiu, dats
' I of oiuh inoiitii as stated In low, when he can h' loustil-
ted lor all diseases lies!, is hur to. i. CUNSLLI A-
i'los ritix.
Wliiti; Hotel. Lotklluvuii.Uiu Utll ami J5llt of cadi
Jersejsiiorc, i j anti oi earn moniii
! month.
i l.lumiifilMir?. SOtli nml 1st. I)an ille J ami 3J, Xurttt
i iiitihi'il mil Jt'th, Milton, Ht nml T.
' June ti, lsol lui,
Gcucnil Election
Utof. W. A M A TFfh A7
T7in:nEVS, by the laws of this
T f toiiililolm -nllll, It i- "th, i
dull of the
Shi nlf ot'e. i) count) tn gin none ot the general
l.hetiuiis. hy publication I, I one or l.ioro ilusi.i-
pera of the county, nt least twenty ,la; s b, fore the dec I
11,111," ami to enumerate therein "llio unlet rs to bo ii, u
I'd," and to "!e-igunle tho place at whit h ihe i h'ltlon is
tu lie-held." Th-riloro, I.JUIIN' a.NVDUIt, High bh-r-III'
of Columbia muul, do lo n-hy make knew.) and pio
ilanu to the 'pialilled eleilors.of Columbia n unity,
that a l:.ii..o will l,u h. Id on TUK3
IIIV the I'.HIIITII H VV HI' OCTOlllill, bring the
oud Tii"-o.i 111 said month, ut tlio several ois
tritts w itUm the I olllllj . town
lliutou tow uslii p, at the house formerly otcupiud by
tz kl, I Cole.
lte.iver tow nship, at tho house of Fraukiiii L, Stiuuiaii.
I'doom townsllip, nt Hie Court House, llloottburg.
Uria riretk tow Uslup, ut Iho SlIiooI House near lit a.l-s
llorough nt llerwick, at 11.3 Town House, jn Uerwick.
Catt iwissatow uship, ut the IiouBo ol s-auiuel Kusteil
bader, Cuttawissa.
Centre tow.ilnp, at the house of Jeremiah lless.dec'd,
Ciiii.iigiia... township, atthr house oft:. It. IV.isstr.
Pishing, reek twp ,at III Ionise ol'Uco, IV. llndmau.
rntuklin tow nsiilp, at Cl.iton's SlIiooI House,
Crccuu end township, at thn lions of Joseph it, fatten
Hemlock township, at the lluek Horn.
Jiaksou tow u-hip, lit tin- house if '. kkl Cole.
Locust tow ilup. at the luuse ot J. L, Hurst, ril.ib-
tow II
.Milllin towtirhili, nt tile house of John Keller, 1
.Madis ii twp., ut the I. oils, of Saint.' I Klinb).
.Mount Pleasant luup.ut the house now onupied by J,
.Montour township, nt the hoiic of John
oeelipo-,1 by William Holllug-hcud.
.Ma.ntown.h.p, at th - house of Uu-ic Voter.
ItoariugLte- k tuw Hhii,-itthe h jiise formerly cicupjed
hj li. IV. Iiru,bi,h.
Or.tng, low ustnp, at the house of Alexander Hughes,
1'iui town hip, ui ll." hoii-ie of All,, rl Hunter.
Hugalloaf tow Uslup, utl ll, liotisc of Aliuus Cole.
Heolttwp . at the house 1 1 Unoih How ill, L'spy.
It i-furlh r diret ted that tin' 1 1-rtiou of thu said sev
eral di studs shall be opened bit wen. the hours olV and 1
111 it'iloik in the forenoon, and shall lontinue open with
out interruption or adjournment, until 7 o'doik iu the 1
l-tcunig. w.ien III- pons SIO.,1 OS lioslll,
The odiiers tu be tinted ut the tune uud places afore
said, are
'(iio Membcis of Assembly.
Two Associate Jit Igcs,
A Sheriff.
A County Treasurer.
A t ounty Commissioner.
A Lmutly Coroner.
A t oo, tij Auditor.
It is further directed that the meetings of tiie return
judges will lie held at the Court House in Plooiusburg to
m.iki'out the gnuertil eleeliou, win, h w 111 be on nil-
ii.u'iho i:i,i:vi:m'ii iiiv ofOLioniiit. 1
The ri turn Judges of the llepresentativ
possd of the couutO'S of vV), iSulliiau, Columbia 1
end .Montour, shut! no-it ..! the Court House, in lllooms- 1
burg, in Ihe county of Columbia, on i t l.bHAY, tho
nt'flii.NTil H.w oi ..cToiiiitiucu toniakuout re.
turns lor liiemb, rs ol Assembly.
gle notue thati'U'ry parson, elupliiig Justices ol Iho I
pi ace, w ho shull bold any ullicu or uppolutiut ut of prom I
or trust unit, r the (lou-rnuii'iit of lliu L'uited States, or
of this tale, or of any lily or incorporated dislritt.
whether u commissioned otliecr or otkirwisu u subordi
nate ulhit r or agent, w hois or shall be impl ,)ed under I
And in nd he thu said act. 1 am further directed lo
.i. t,.,.u,i
ante, or eviuiivi. or juuiear) utparimeui oi i
or of anv iiicoinoratcif and ulsu that
ltry liiemlttr ot Congress, undof the select or couiinuil
council ofati) city, coiuiiiissioiiers, of any incorporated
district is, bj law iutapablo of holding or ticrusing at
,r , ,,.rt, 0f a. vlt'illuu ol this coniu.ouweallh, and
,1.., I... t,l,l.,ll,.r lOllL'l. OS ,11,1- 1,1110 r Of ,1,11- SH, I, l.-r.
that no iuspeitor judge or an
lloll ,u ,,sli,ic tunny oifico than to be otcd for
ijneu undir my lun.lniid my ollico in Uioouii
burg, tills 1,111 uay Ol Deuieuioer, .V, u leui,
nioamtbare. Senl. 17 INI!
fram the Mar of the Mrtk.
More About our Candidate fur Assembly..
As we daily ulanco over our exchanges
ourojci lull upon nrlicles laudatory of our
candidate, for Assembly, Iroitt litis county,
, From among lliu many notices wo have se
lected tho following, which we placo beloro
our readers, ll is wilh no Utile degree of
satisfaction that we give publicity lo the of.
repealed expressions oi cuiiiiiit-iiilutiun of
out worthy candidalo, Col. I., L.Talo. Hear
Asp.MDi.v. Col. I. I, Talo and George
S. Tutton ate our candidates lor representa
tives Col. Tate Is well known throughout
the District us ll.o lndelaiig,itilo editor of
the Columbia IMmocmt, one of llio organs ol
llio Dcmocrcaj of Columbia county. For
upwards of twenty years iho gitllnnt Col
has been engaged in defence of llio Union
and tho Couttitution, and deall heavy blows
at ti.u puns-laced opposition with rnatkeu
he",.o Imimg'lha, time in bUn
1 down iho overwhelming Democrallc voiu
! !",u"f"n Ar . U'. bel'.VJr "'is,iS
i tho lirsi limu Col. Jute lias been lieforo the
people for their tuppotl.and ll behooves the
nrr..A, I... .i... i..... i i .t
Democracy to aliest their iipnreci.uiou of
his services by electing linn by an over
whelming majority.
(ieorge S. I'nlten, Esq. of Wyoming, is
not Fti ttell known to tin, but is highly spo
ken of by his Iriends and neighbors of iho
upper end ol Ihe dijirict. 'I he J'oii llianch
Democrat, in a complimentary notice ol his
nomination, speaks of him as a gentleman
of fine ability, fterliug integrity, and
a sound Unnin Democrat, he has no sym
pathy for disuniuiilsts, denounces secessinn
aud ireasou, and will support the adiniuis
tralion in all connlilulintial measures to put
down rebellion. If elected he will do huu
or lo liim-ulf and to his constituents. Am
vitic Inliltigciiccr.
Coi. I, I, TAfi:. We learn Ihrougli our
' exclmiiges, iliai (he Democr.tis of Columbia
action of the DiMtiocr.ilic Cotifereuco, Col.
U. I. Tato, of lliournsbur as a catulMjie for
"nVSmew: 'been'
many year acquainted with tho Col. and Inin lu Le a staunch and tried Union
Democrat, nnil a man iliat llio people will
delight to honor. Ci.l. T.ite, lor a long
period, llio Kdilor ol tho Luzerne Uemucrai,
put.IM.ed in WilkesLarre and always 8ua.
tamed llio cause of our party, and the clorv
of Ihe i.atiou thmmth Us columns,
and alnliiy. The Col. moved Irntn Wilkes
harre lo "li'ooinLuri; in 18-16, and ihete
conmioiici'd the publication of ihe Colum
bi.i Petnocral, of which paper he is now
the I'll i! ii r. In all the changes of politics,
and ol political men, he has been oneol
those who never wavered nor va-cillaied lor
one moment ; bill always kept the sir,r of
Uemueracy and Union slricly in view. That
i,.,., .., i nii ., ,i ' ;,i ..
UkUO,. .If.... ... UM l.uu .ll.u 'U,l,Utlb IIICII,
I has Leeu Ins jiuide, ihroiigh a Ion, aud no
1 live life; mid umv, when Iho oppostiou are
eii..e.m.rir.!i uy every me ns ,,, ,netr power
to dim and obscure Us brilliant rays, no m.iu
can be Inunit better fitted in the lak o
assisum; in dispelling and driving away the
mi.-ls of liilseliood and fallacy which the
machiiialions of the enemy have thrown
around it, Ihau Col. Levi f, Tate. A'. II.
Colombia Couatv The Democracy ot
Columbia Couniy have prei-eiiled lo the vo
ters ol ll.e enmity, ii lull Democratic ticket.
, ri... ... i i ..i r ... . r -i i
i . , "'r""i'" " -, t-u-
ilorol Ihe Ikniociut, is the nominee lor Ihe
I,eoi.-ldturc. This is a deserted colnpli
iiiei.t lo the old wneel hor-u ol the democ
racy in Ilia! county The Colonel is an able
and pure in.iii, aud in every way eniiiled to
the stippoil ol the Democracy ol ihe coun
ty. We observe that ll.e Abeliliou traitors
have made a boul niitUii 'lit on the who e
nckol. aud our irie.ul l.i'e Hi parlicu ar.
, ii. ,i ,. ,..,(.. u .1 . , .
Alraul lo r.lll ll ticket OH Ille AbollllOII plat-
j lorin, uiey aitopleil lite ii I irap OI "Ilo paf'
iv " and Lriiu 'lit inlo iho field a mon-rid
ticket, p.iriij Dfiiiorralic, partly Itepnbli
. r . . .. ... . .7
can, partly Know-iN'mlinig rind partly Ab
ulition. I ttev soniihl lo eueouipass tho
Colonel by unminaiini; Jude lialdy, a
very popular Democrat Jedo li.tldy
however, refuses Ihe bale, and .-. nut in a
card declining lo accept a nomir.alion Iroin
any other ll. an ihe Democratic pirty. Ihe
iiou.iiiaiioii ol brother Tale, is ajn.-t Iribuie
to his palrioli-m aud liili moral character,
and his election will Le an honor In the dis
trict. 'emm ( ll'cilmoieluml) Argus.
Col f.Rvi L. Tate a veteran editor a life
lon Demoeral, known in overy nook and
hamlel of our country, and ol ihe dislricl, is
nomina'ed for AssemLly. As we stand in
a somewhat clo-e relationship to him, wo
shall not speak ulleiith ol Ins qualifications
for tl.e place, nor of Ins labors in the ooJ
old causa. His nomination by the Democ
racy ol Columbia county is a sullicient en
dorsement of his filne-s his capacity, his
, ,,,,, ,, ,, ,-,
UOIU'BIJ . ilClWUK Unc le
Cm.. Levi I,. Tatb, odilor of the Columbia
Dcuociut, Ii is Leeu nominated lor the As
semLly by the Democracy of Columbia
cou.ily. We conoralnlate, our friend, the
Colonel, upon hisonnd luck, aud we know
thai if he is elected he will make a fathful,
fionetland useful iiepresenlalive Juniiltn
31 i I i t a ry 1'iirailc.
The military parado which came off on
Saliirdty last, at Orange-villa, was quite a
fine all dr. There were representatives ol
eight companies present, but no one com
pan wilh ils full compliment of men ; and
we lelievo but two companies ful,y organ
ized under the laws nf the State. In Ihe nl
ternoo.i 11. U Kline, Unjjuile Inspector, look
the companies under his command and
marched ihem into a field, where lie drilled
them for an hour or two with a good deal of
eaiiefasiinu lo belli Ihe companies and r,pec
tators. Alter the companies were marched
Lack io town, they were entertained a few
moments, wilh a neat little address, deliv
ered by I'hok. Sihsk, of ilia Orangeville
Male and Female Academy. His remarks
were on the war question and were well re-
ceivcu, ire. . eni.y uni Smg on, snouts nt
applause. Upon the whule, all passed off
smoothly. It was a gai day in Orangeville
Slur of tho North.
meeting in Cultnwissu.
On Saturday evening las'., a Democratic
inceiing was held in the townot Caltawissa.
.Mali Ion Hamlin presided
ll was address. I
ed by Col. John G. Fuekze and nur caudi
dale for Assembly, Col. Li-vi I.. Tate We
are informed Ihal the meeting was tolera
bit well attended,; much larger than the
Republican meeling which was held lliero a
iew uvruiiii iit,-viuiis in uio miming oi tins
one. 1 lie Democrats in and about Calta
wissa have become warm in the cause of
Democracy They will give a nood account
o! themselves on next Tuesday at the polls
Judge H.ildy and James S, McNinch wilt
not be caught napping Star,
Democratic Ntntiment.
"Uy the Kiernal, the Union must and
shall bo preserved " ANniinw Jackson.
I I-el this be your motto, Democrats, whon
Our Nominees.
It is a just sourco of prido to overy
Democrat that a ticket so eminently wor
thy tho support of every loyal, Union lov
ing man in tho county should havo been
nominated as is placed at tho head of our
CiEouac S. Tutton and Levi L. Tate
aro our nominees for Representatives.
Mr. Tutton, of Wyoming county, is a very
prominent and talented lawyer of that
county, and Mr. Tate of Columbia county,
has for the past quarter of a century been
a newspaper publisher in Bloomsburg.
Having both pledgod themselves to stand
by tho Government in tho prosecution of
tho war, and as they aro tho kind of men
Sullivan eoimtv wi.I.n in rmreiii I.Af ;,,
1,10 l.turc, she will tender them hr
most ardent support. .
JaXI):s UCOAX and lUoiIATtll DeDFOUD
... ,
aro our candidates for Associate Judges,
and aro both unexceptionable men. Doth
of them aro acknowledged gentlemen, uni
form, consistent Democrats, loyal moral
and upright citizens. Tho Republicans
havo certainly presented no better select
ions. Let them be heartily supported and
Who doubts the qualifications of AVAL-
teii Sl-r.NCEii for the office of Treasurer.
Those wiio know him will havo no misgiv
ing in this respect. Ho is a careful, pru
i dent man, and as a custodian of our county
I finances, will make a valuablo officer, and
' tho funds may Bafely be cnlrusted to Lis
1 Henry WILLIAMS, tho Democratic
-.dte for County Commissioner, is an
i "pnght and honest man, a man of good
1 reputation, and his excellent qualities will
, ,, ...
111SUl'.0 an tlectlon- " mil poll a
heavier vote by far, wherever known, than
onnosition caudidate. or nnv nil,or mon
that could be brought against him.
Jons W. MAnn.N-is wo 1 qualified for
tho oflicc of Auditor. Xo objection can
bo urged against him. Tho office is not
considered an important onc,but it i3 much
more so tlnu is generally supposed. Corn-
potent men should bo selected, and such a
,,-. ir at .
man " Mr. Martin.
t t
ouch is a brief review of tho character
of our ticket, and wo say uiihesitatino-ly
that the people of this county never had a
better or more worthy ticket presented to
their support by any party. It is compos
ed of men who are strong in their attach
menu to the Union and tho rights of tho
Our foreign population havo always
found their warmest friends among tho
Democrats, when our political ouemios,
were earnest in their efforts to prevent a
foreigner from exorcising tho rights of a
citizen until ho was 21 years in the coun
try, who and what party prevented tho
adoption of tuch an unjust measure 1 The
Democrats are neither Secessionists,Know
Nothings Native Americans, nor Wido
Awakes. 'I hey aro, aud always have
been, tho true trionds of the laboring men.
ltally, then, Democrats, to tho rescue.
Prrvsnrrn vm.r nrerntilynlinn fftrll.-rt -in
. fi., t...i .
,,-i'iv itvin tuui wi-ihoi uuii gnu 1L US .1
. '
whole your earnest support, as tho happi
ness of millions in our land, and itt other
countries, depend upon tho preservation of
our Union-loving party.
AuUivan Democrat,
tioraooratic Meeting in Center.
On Monday evening last, a Dcmoeratio
meeting was held at tho Half-Way House,
in Center township. It was largely attcu-
ded, by men of Contor and adjoining town-
ships. There appears to bo no difficulty
to jgot up a Dcmoeratio meeting this Fall.
Tho people aro willing aud anxious to at
tend at any timo or. place. All they want
is notice a day or two in advauce, and they
arc on hand in overwhelming numbers.
Tho Democrats of Center and Miflliu aro
enthusiastic in tho causo of Democracy,
nioro so than we havo known them to bo
for several years. Iu fact tho Democrats
all over tho county aro at work this Fall,
' and such a as tlio Itepublicans
will receive on tho Second Tuesday of Oo
' tobcr you never before read or heard of,
as taking placo in old Columbia or any
other couuly of liko dimension.
Tho Millliuvillo String Baud was in at
tendaneo, and discoursed music on the oc
casion. This is most an excellent Demo
' cratic Band, and is doing good scrvieo
this campaign.
On motion of W. II. Jacoby the meeting
was organized by the selection of tho fol
lowing gentlemen as officers :
JEltEMIAII llAGEXltUOH, President,
Vice Presidents Joseph Polio, Solomon
Kcyhard, Andrew Freas, Jacob Hess, Dau
iol Nojhard, Stephen Polio, Lewis Eck
roat, WiUou Mack, George P. Miller,'
Elias Creasy, Christain Wolf, C. D. Her
ring. &eiir.Aaron Andrews, Samuel
i;oyhar Kdward HattmaU) Ki'U IIe
Huston ltobison. Lafavettn Or-asv.
On motion, Col, John Gt. Freeze ad-
dressed the mooting, in a clear and logical
manner, for over an hour and a half. Ho
came down upon the secessionists and ab-1
uniiourjis wuu equal conucmuation, proven i
cvory thing lio advanced by tho records
of tho Ilcpublioan party, which ovidence
that party could not conscientiously reject.
Col. Frcezo is an ablo speaker, well infor
med in both Stato and Natioral Politics.
II is speech at tho Half Way Houso elicited
many remarks of condemnation.
Col. Levi L. Tate was next called on
tho stand, and mado for his hearers a tell
ing speech, ono that should drive, him right
straight into tho Legislature if ho makes
not another ono this Fall. Ho resumed
bis scat amidst tremendous shouts of ap
plause On motion tho meeting adjourned.
Tho Nows.
Tho news from Washington is highly
important. Tho protracted quiet is at last
broken by a retreating movement of the
rebel forces. It was found on Saturday
that tho enemy had vacated their works on
Munson's Hill, retiring a considerable
distance within their lata lines. Fall's
Church was also vacated, and Upton's
Hill. Our troops havo advanced iu force
to tho vacated posts, and arc preparing to
hold them permanently. What may bo
tho motive, of-the rebels in this movement
is a matter of considerable speculation.
Two theoiics are suggested as most prob
able, either that they intend dividing
their forces into two columns for crossing
tho Potomac simultaneously abovo and bo
low Washington, or that tho movement is
a mere feint to seduce our troops into am
buscades. It appears from cvidenco in
tiie vacated posts that tho rebel foreo be
foro the capital has not exceeded 10,000
men. Their works aro of a very rough
character, and traces indicate considerable
discomfort in their quarters.
A sad affair occurred among our troops
on Saturday night, while advancing toward
Fall's Church. In the darkness, Colonel
Owen's Philadelphia Irish Kcgimcnt mis
took a body of Union troops iu their ad
vance for a rebel force, and discharged a
full volley into their ranks. In return,
and uudor a like misapprehension, Colonel
Dakcr's California Itegimcnt returned tho
fire, and Colouel lietts's battery wa3 but
just informed of" tho niistako in timo to
prevent an artille- discharge on tho err
ing Irish corps, itus untortunato error
has resu'ted in a sad list of killed aud
The Union troops, in tho excitement of
their advance upon the vacated posts of
the enemy, committed several discredita
ble outrages on property iu the neighbor
hood of Munson's Hill, involving damage
to tho extent of :K),tIO0 to 5 10,000. Wo
have no further news respecting tho rebel
batteries on the Potomac. It is reported
that tho river below Washington is now
The candidate for Assembly, on tho
Union ticket, fiom Wyoming county, gave
us a call, a few days since. Ho appeared
like a very fine man, and was leproscntcd
to us as being a Democrat of the Dickinson
and Holt stripe. We had no fault to find
with all that. lie told us that he had not
sought the nomination, had never been a
candidate for any office beforc,and if elec
ted he would represent tho constiucnts of
this District to tho best of his abilities.
Well, we didn't doubt that cither. But
to come to thiuk of the matter, wo have
two very goad men on our ticket, of our
solcction, in part, whom wo would much
rather support. Wo havo been intimately
acquainted with them for a number of
years, havo worked together, sido by side
in tho good old causo of our Union, tho
constitution and our country ; and when
such men como up for offico wo always
support them, and that with a hearty good
will. Tate aud Tutton aro our stand
ard bearers this fall they aro the very
identical men a largo majority of tho vo
ters of Columbia county aro going to cast
their votes for. Mark tho prediction !
Star of the North.
637 Aro tho candidates nominated by
this Hepublican party, now styling them
selves a Union Party, better Union men
than those nominated by tho Democrats?
Is not every man upon tho Dcmooratio 1
ticket in favor of tho Union of these Slates?
We say yes 1 and that is just what you
want. These aro tho kind of men tho
pooplo wish and aro going to support. The
"Union of parties" iu this county is a moro I
trick to catch votes. Do not allow your- I
selves, Democrats, to bo ensnared in this
kind of a trap. St ir of the North.
Luzcruc Democratic Ticket.
Pres't. Judge Jno. N. Conyngham.
Associate Judges Canfiold Harriion,
and Stiles Williams.
Assembly Peter Walsh, Dr. Harry
Hakes, Dr. S. U. Trimmer.
I'roth'y. Dr. Wm. II. Pier.
Dist. Att'y. Hon, E. B. Chaso.
Treasurer James Welsh.
Clerk of Courts Col. ii. B. Colliugs.
Comm'r. ISatkau Kochcr.
Auditor Alexander Ilarncd.
A good strong Ticket and will bo dec
cd. Sullivan Democratic ominaliocs.
F'or Representatives George S. Tutton,
of Wyoming, Levi L. Tate, of Columbia.
For Associate Judges, James Dcegan,
Richard Bedford.
For Treasurer, Walter Fpenccr.
For Commissioner, Henry Williams.
For Auditor, John W. Martin,
Wyoming Democratic Nominations.
Representative George S. Tutton.
Associate Judges Henry I.ovo, John
V. Smith.
Commissioner John Nivcr.
Corouor Paul C. Clayton.
Auditor T. D. Spring.
figy How amusing it is to hoar tho Re
publican nonparty man urging their follow
ers to stiok to tho fusion tickil, the fusion
parti and tho Jusion cause !
THOSE know ins themselves indebted to the under-
tltnvd aro hereby notiflcd iu eome and .settle their
account! without further notice, lam now- tn eirtifliji.--If
not attended to oon their acoounti will bo plated in
proper mum i-jt cuumiuu.
Fellow-Pemoi'ats :
Below we present
your entire Ticket,
District and County,
and ask for it your
hearty support on next
j To Arms ! Demo
icrats! Let duty com
'mand your active ef
j forts. Give one day to
i your Country and the
JjUUU UlUbtlUSUi sJllllYU
ifor freedom and her
glorious institutions.
Beware of traitors and
apostates. Heed not
(heir demoniac rav
ings or wily misrepre
sentations. Stand to
your Arms !
Stick to the Demo
cratic Ticket, it is the
I hope of the Country.
Be at the polls early
and stay there all day.
Levi L. Tato,
George S. Tutton.
Josiah n. Furni&n.
John McRoynolds,
Stephen Baldy.
James S. McNinch.
Charles II. Hess,
James Lake.
John I f 3Wler