Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, October 05, 1861, Image 1

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LEYI L. TATE, Editor
VOL. 15..-NO. 31.
published Evrnr Saturday, dy
o fFTo e
l I, new Brit Building, cppailtt lAl Exthaugt, ty
. " w-. . s'.rnvcrB,, gssrifTf. '
91 00 In advance, fur one cony, for six months.
1 T5 In advance, for one copy, ono year,
2 oil If not paid nllhlntlic first tlirco montlii,
il 35 Ifnut palil nithlii the first alx months.
,3 50 If not paid within theyenr.
AT" No inscription taken for lei. than six montln,
and no paper discontinued until all arrearage! shall have
been paid,
S7 OrdlnarrADVEitTMtMiMTainaPrtcd.and JoaWoKK
teemed, at the cstnblishciltiriccs.
TUP. founder of thla Celebrated Initltutinn, ofTera the
nuat curtain, epeedy, and only cllVctual ri'miMly In
the world for ellVcta IW Gleets, Ktrictures.Hi-iiii Hens.,
nvss, l'nln, in tlia Loliia, Conatitutional Debility, Impo.
teuiy, Wcnkiiea of the ll.ick and l.lnitis, Allectioiia ol
theKidncja, r.ilpitntlon of the Heart, Disiiciisin, Ner
vous Irritability, lliaeaae of the Mend, Throat, Noao or
Hkin, and all those auriona nud melancholy Disorders
arising 17 the destruuivc li.ibitaof Youth, wlnth tip.
stroys both body and mind. '1'licse secret uud .olitnry
practices, arc more filial to their wcllina than Hie son of
the Myreus to the mariuera Ulysses, Uielillug their most
brilliant hopea and anticipations, rendering marrlaee ic
Married persona, or Young .Men cnntemplatlnj mar
rm(!C, boieic nivaro ofplijsiejl weakn.'ss, oritunic denliili
ty, deforuutiea, A.C., aliould iiiiineiliati-ty consult llr
Johnston, mid lie restored to perfeit health.
He ho plarca himself under the inre or Dr. Johnston,
may religiously contlde in his honor as a pc iillcuicii, and
conhdeiitly rely upon his skill us a physician.
Immediately cured and full igor restored.
This deaeitsu ia the penalty most tre'iuently pnid by
those u ho luo become the wctimol improper indiilgeu
clef. Young persons are ton apt to commit excess Ironi
not being aware of tile dreadful coiise'ptcnce that nitty
ensue. Now, Mho Hint understands lite subject Kill pre
tend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner
by thojo falling Into improper habits than by the prudent,
llesidea belli? deprived of the pleasure of healthy oir.
springs, tlio most serious and destructive symptoms to
both body nud mind arise. The system lietomcs ilernug.
ed; the. ph)sicnl and mental powers weakened, ncrioua
debility, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion,
u wasting ft the flame, Cough, Hymptouis of Coiisutup.
lion, &c. r
(C?-Oince,No.7SouTiiriliDBltitSlaeET, sevenilnora
from Baltimore street, llust side, up the steps, lie par. f
win miaiuKeiint place.
... . i . iu.l.ill, UllU ,.U.,1IIJ.I
A Cure H'urrenleJ, or no Charge Made, in from One to
Mamttcr of the Iloyal (Vdl.'gc if Hurppnnq, nt I.nnilon
ira.lUHtt! fri)m one uf tliu niot ciiniicnt L'hIIcki- uf tlio
umiiru rnir-, mi l ui BrraiiT ..U (H HIIiim- Illu IiiiS
teen upent in thu llrut HoMpitala of I.ihhIuii, 1'urin, INul.i.
drt)hnaiiil cli.-whero, h.u eflVtti'il wome .( tin- tmt as
ioiKiliiiip curujllint ucruuvi-r knuwn; man lriuhiil
witli f iuxIk- lu tin' head ami earn uln-n uolcrii, crt-at
nervumni'Xr,, n1n4 alnrni.-il at mul.lvii miiiiuN, and ImsIi
futuuit, with tY.'-niMitM'liiii-f, atti'mlnl noun titiifi with I
deraiigiNiu-ni of iiitn.l, were cu rt-il iinmcdiattlv.
When tl!CinU?ni(.'.i mid Imprudent otary of pU-nniro
flu,! j h! hit iiidjilj.-d tin. dcfdn ul'thirt painl ut ili.-.i-.-, it )
tmi often li.iiu-m that an ill limnl vrnxi; oihanif or !
drfad of diHuviry, ditt-rti him from apph hig ii tliut '
wh( from ducatitmand ri'Hir( t.Llilit)-r.-.ii .ifunc h -lrit nd
him, delay, 111: till tin- cotltutlOIla) n iiijituniH ofiliid
horrid dute,!-! inakfn their upnearance, mikIi as ulu-ratt-d i
or1 throat, dHt-aHed nosy, nuctnrcf, panm in tliu tit ad J
ftud II mbii, diinneniof higlit, dvafncHx, linden uti L. (,111
hjn'H, andiiritiH, blotchon on th ', free and rttri'inu I
tic. vif(2rtw-iiii;witli r.iplilny.ldl at U-t the palalu of
the mouth and honus of tin) nose fall in, anil tliti ii tjiu of
IhU denram! lifconie a horrid utiji-rt of ruuimis'ratiuu
till dftth put-t a pi-rio.l tnliiiidriMilfal nilVrin. by mn- 1
fHyjt hiw to " luiiinii' from whente no irnviler ru
iuru." To such, thereforo, Dr. plfdccn hlm I
elf to prenerv the most vtw loahlu in-rn-cy, and from Mm
citvntive practico in the llrot llopitaU of lluropo and
America. Ut ran contlduiitly rt-cmmend dfi! mid ini-i'dy
urvtothc unfortunate htimof Huh horrid diifamj
Dr. J. addrcurit'B all ttiou who havu Injured iheiiiddvei I
by private and improper iudulgt'iiccri.
Tticite artt koiui! of the ad and uuUncholv effect!, pro 1
duccdbyeurlyhaUts of youth, iz: WVakncn of tho
w jjiinubi, t ai 111 uw iil'uu, uimnciin or sight
prpiia, Nervous Irrutabil
er, t'uipitalioil of the Henri. His.
ibiiity uerunseineni .,f tin. nines
il Hchility.sjuiptoius of Consump.
uv tunctiona,JtMicrm Dtlulity, uiptoiuaof Consump.
MBN'TAMA. The fi-arful ctTi-cta upon the mind are
much to be dreaded, Lorfrfof .Mimory.L'onfutuou of lilt a
I).'prfli-ion of the Hpintn, j;wl roriljodina. Avirimi
pf Hocii-ty, Timity, iVc., are boiiiu of the eviln product-d,
TlioUM.uidrt of prrnons of nil age tan now judjre uhat
tithe cauitf of their dfcthuiiir ticalth. IouiiiiB thir
iiror, becoming wuak, pate and emanated, Innine fin
(tular appearanc about theeeti, cough und Mmptom ol
ova iNvinoRATivo ki:mi;iv rou
By thii grrat and Jmpori.tnt remedy, akite8 of the
orRans are upcedily cured, and full vijrnr restored.
ThuiiHatidii of the moot tie r v. 1 in mid di Inlitmixl ui.
Iiad loft nil hope, have been imuieiliatrly n tiuvi d. AM
Impediment! to .Murri.iire, t'Ji cical and Menial Disipjuli-
firsiioii, Nervoii Irratdliiliti.Tn'mhliiicnaiid Vi..itu.. '
or rxhaiutatlim of the mot tearful kind, M.etdily tureci
Who have Injured th nine Ives hv n rerlnin nmHlrn
Itidulifed in when alone a habit freiuently learned from
ml roinpaiiions, or at mhoul the e licet x of whith are
nightly felt, even when ndi-ep, and if not tared reudern
ma rr tape imposMilde, and dubtroj g both infud and body,
nhnuld apply immediaUly,
What a pitty that jouug man, tho hope of Ma rotintry,
and the darlinif of hi parents, t-honld bu snatched from
ttll propectn nud eiiJomeiit of life, hy Die coiieiuiu.
ecu of deiiatiiii from the path of nature, und indulging
n a bertain secret habit, tiuch neririiii h, fur mi.
hould rettectthat munid tiiiud nud body arc the inofi
Indeed, without these tho Journey through life becomes
a weary pllariinase. the prospect hourly darkens to i
ll'ovicw; lliu mind becomes shadowed w nil despair &
iieceittary reuuities to promote connubial liappiiiena
Ailed with the inelaiulloly reflection that the happiucss
.if another becomes bliuhted with our own,
tUTlCi: Nil. 7 MOUTH KHKMIItlCK HT.. HaMmore, Md
N. 11. Let no falso modesty prevent jou, hut apply
Immediately either personally or by Letter.
The many thousands cured at this institution within
the last Ij years, and the numerous important Mureical
Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by
the reporters of the papers and many other persons, no.
ticea of which havu appeared acaiii and a-ain before Dm
public, besides ilia stjiidiui; us a ttenlleiiiau of tharucter
Aiidrespuusiluliiv.isa suthcientL'uaritiiteutotlieutlliituJ
k. ii. lucre are
Quarks advertising
su many icnornnt and wnrthlenj
themselves I'hvsiciniis, ruining tho 1
ufllittcd, that Ur. Johnston deems
Jiealtli of the already
It necessary to say, especially to those uiiaiuuniiiteil
with Ms reputation, that his ircduitul. and diplnuria
nlwajs luiip in his ollice.
uv i.s ..unci.. All letters must be post paid, and I
contain a postage stamp for the reply, or no ausner will
he sent. i
ur- Tiki: xolliE. All letters must be post paid, and
Marchl,. 1800. I
Rr.srcCTTULLV offers his profession
' al services to the ladies uud gtiitlcmeii of
iMitoiusuurg anu vicinuy. jiu is prepares
' tJ attend t litt tlin vnrxiii. iuii.ri,tliMd i
the line of his profession, he Is provided w ith the latest
improved porcelain teclh, which will bo inserted on
gold, platina, silver and rubber buse: l?look as well as
the natural teeth.
.Mineral plate and block leelh nianufi, lured and all
operations on teeth, carefully and proporly atteudtd to
Ulooaisbutg, I'a., August 3, IHU.
jviADisorv fiouss;,
TUB subscriber would respectfully apprlxe his friends
ud the funic generally, that ho has opened
iai opened
Inder the abote name, in Jerseytown, Columbia coun
ty, ra., where heia fully prepared to entertain the
''vcliiig community togenerul satisfaction. Ilia TA
ULb and I Att.are well supplied and will he carefully
superintended. And his srABLK is ample and wall
stocked, lu charge uf careful iroouia, will always I e
properly attended.
i,i",e, ,l",.uare of the public cuatom. and
I'll dies his best efforts, to help his guests feel at horns,
r-. .. . HAMULI, BIMUY,
-- , u, siuy si, joot JIU,
M V SI E fit ,
(Succeaaor to i. S. float rn.)
WUOLU&AW. DE.1U.ll l,f
No. 8 North Hfth Bl above Market. '
Alao, Manufacturer and Importer of
May IS, leco-Uin.
cpili: undersigned Inform the public generally that
, ,, P,h''' for"'"!," co partner ., and will contin.
uo the business of Pump making and repairing, in all
will promptly attend to nil
orders In ft,i. II.... r , I
Well and cistern rniiips, with leaden ripe, made lu
onX ."hor0, S.lce:k",a",""N """ J
w ii 1 . lu"' "i euuiury.
rrom their lone nnsrlssn In .I,. 1....1
earnest desire t have their work commend itself to tl
public, thev fee s eonfi. put lliev i... 1, .t . ...
those who may give them their rii.lom ,,,l ,..V.J...,
rai satisraetion. john cnuTuiiLUY.
Bloomsbiirg, April 13, 18(11, 3m
HOUSE, No.M.Norlli Second Street, Opposite Christ Church,
LtT Constantly on hnnd, a large assortment of Reds.
Mattresses, ruilinssca. Cushions, Hair, Husk, Cattail
and nil articles in the line at the Lowest l'ricea
nf.!1 -I'Krlitular allcitim faU 10 rcnocatinr AVu on
Oli Frathtri. 6
March 2, ISOl-lJm.
BEwts&is & m a e &
(I.ste Esole Hotel.)
RII0ADS, & SaTToH, Fropricfors.
TaoiiMv V. Roip. f..rntrrly of the National Hotrl
i.iiuiLVrt Hailor, lorniLTly orHc!mlkiU Co. I'a.
itiarcii VTi irtii iiu.
Spun Cultonfor C.iulki., Itop(.B, Twini-s.Tar, I'ltch,
Alljutl 4, 1-c.O- Um. '
Oakum. IU.11 Lj ,,,! f).,.d 1 ..
s 111, Miuseriuer would Inlorm his friends, that
J now ,ri i.ired to put up, on short notice, mid
Iw Is
I 111 a
. ,,''-,'mw nous,
at 121 cents per foot. All work warranted.
, , .. H. H. HIDLUMAN
Bloomshiir;, May'.'!, lau).
(below- i'ourtli Ht..)
A.,,.,1. !-. nilLAHEI.PHIA.P..
N O Tl C E.
A ,'i!i1c."i'v fVrl"'1 ,,m Unilc'1
n Holler Uash tlailiioe, A.lliillcrsratenl. ejieptiiij
irom auiuorizcil niiMils with power of attorney us we
w.,u,.ru wtmw me iaw in nil Ml, n cases,
A. Illll'rai I'attMs
. THOri.W. illlOAlt.
hspy, Aiif. 17, leTil. 3i.
21, A a & .11: 1 3
It A W - U o iV E
Supei'-Pliosplmte of Lime.
t AVi oil cn,,s, rf. n, -i , , . .
i""0' u "uii ihuiitcs, Philidclplna.
IV.1, Prion it..
..v, . .u .suu iu8.
Ihecliarailerof this well-known manure is S i roMv
" '"'" . reiy upon tne nssurnncethat
lilJlIltaiued. '
Il. ius prepared strictly in nccordnnro with scientific
-e-""--' 1. ci"imu,r,. iin-yriiii Honestly piur-
nilee it as represented in this respect, and also as be
in! entirely tree Irom adulteration.
Cash Prieo, per 2000 lbs.
Tlin ni tt.I. S..-...I-..I .. . .
Ilim,, i . ..n t ....... Vi ' . 11 V'.-.V uroi'a
liuro toremmd Dealer- that our faeilitiea for Its iiifmu-
. fjcture are now builicient to inctt the mo.t atlive de.
I Df- The above Manures can be had of regular dealers
Manufarlurers and Ftoimetora .
. No. yu South U'harvt'i, 1'hiladtlphia.
July 20, 18Gl-3iu,
rrmuTlimn AWUAI, TAIU of the Luzerne County
Agricultural Huciety will Imheid on their Oroiiud.
?,l,1.VVH,,!'N(J(. 0,1 "sCHNKMJAV. T1IUKS1JAV and
l it 1 11A . tin, i!.l. XI iio.l Jil. .1.., . ,.F ..I...- i.-i
telisivu iiiiprovciiicun hale been made on their cr'nu'i'ds
for the oct-nsion, and a ery liberal Prcmiuiii List is otr- 1
ered for exhibitors, much more so tlinu Ihosc ollercd lit
theirpretiouseshibitions. The exhibition promises to
rarmers, .Mecliunics. and the public ccncrally, will
tiud it to their advantage to be present, both as ixhtbil
orsatld apectators, and are cordially iutiteil to attend.
IT) online, Pcpt.7, Idol. 3t.
Luztrnc fuuuly Agrlcultual Soclcly.
PltOPOSALSwill ho received hy the underslened,
nt Wyoiiilii". until S-pteinber I.'tll iSOI, for 1'lllVl
LCIiKSFOll ULSTAUIIANTS. on the Orollilds nf tho
Hotiety, at their Tnir, on lliu Vd,3d uud 4th days of Otto.
0l,' lU'staurautfor citbtcns ofScranton and vicinity,
! '.' .'. '.' ,.J'l.6t0" "
. ' ' ., "kea-Uarre "
in cuiiiuy generally.
The Society desires each prominent locality shall
havo arrangements for meals., refreshments, i.c, made
.! - .. .,.. ....,,.-., uf uiviu, mm neiice
"'i? "franeeuient ,,,,, . ,
No liitovirnting drinks of any kiud will he peruiitlcd
to ue soiil ouiiie ijroiiniis byuuy one.
Apput nitons tor tne privileges on the Grounds ofthe
Fncuty during the I'uir.ui.i) bemadututhe undersigned
any time previous tu Hie 1'uir.
8TKUIIi:N JENKINS, Secretary.
Wyoming, Sept 7, Irlll.-at.
T1U3 alilitirji to thi Iiutitutldii bein;' about comute
tuil, there are couifrrlablo accoiimioJatioiu nuw for
about tun-iiy boardfrn. and lliu Autumn Term will
comiiuiicc uu the l.'tli uf Aiiju.t,
The iff vice uf II, V, Giltierl Uto Viotvmui of Mod
ern Ijanguaifeii in otit'uf uur I'tJlU'i!. hae been ecur
ed. He mde pofj(itiii the r('ii)lte itlio!atir atiain
itientu, und liming had )i'ar of uirc.ful cspericinn
in teaching in dm country, I'rof. (Jilbort in l.U imcl
lias gtiinedfpecial atluniiu'i to the t'durationul )tuiiR
inlstirujic, and I coiiiiictviit to uiviruct in the I.utin.
Orinait, French, ur Italian langnagv.
l'or tcriui or further jmrhculari eu the card in another
column, ur uddrtAs tho l'riucipul,
-Mill . ille, I'a., August 3, lfol.
A Urupvolent Institution citnblUlied by t pffiali ndow
went, for the relief of the tiich uud DMrtned, afflicted
u ith Virulent and r.pi(ieiiiic Dm'uscs, and utpeeially
yeiimry freH ta patitnti iu all part ofthe Unitcltatci
rr!iiinofthe'tkxuai organ, uud on the nkw
KKMUUind employed, sent to the aiHicted iu ienbd I
for Hostntfe w ill ba nccentulile. Address IH. J sKli
leuer vnveioptf ( ireu m cuarae, iuui iiuee oiumiii i
I. In lloiNillTUN. Actlue Burgeon, Howard As.ocU
lion, No. -i Suutb Kintu Street, I'liilmlclpliia Tn.
.Marth 1, ledl-l.'m.
J. 1,
Culuntliia Jnutirrnt
From tlte Sullivan County Dtmotrat,
Democratic Mass Mooting.
Pursuant to previous notico a Domo
CmtlO MaRR Mrplinn nacrtmliln.l nt .1.
.. . 0 u
Court HU9C, ID Laporto. On TnCStlaV
....... '
CVCninff, thO SMtU lllStatlt.
I he meeting liavinR Leon called to or
dor, on motion, GEORGE D. JACKSON
1 was uuuiiuaicii anu oicctca i'rcsiucnt:
j Miciiaei, Meylwit, T.
S. Baumqart
neb, John Mullan, John Simmons
and William Evans, Vice Presidents ;
o. 11, Acclci and Thomas Garrallas, Sec
After the organization, on motion, James
Decgan, C. C, Finch, and Morris Murphey
woro appointed a Committco to invito
speakors to address the meeting.
After a short absence tho Committee
introduced Col. John G. Freeze, of Co
lumbia county, who is ccrtain'y a most
excellent speaker. In a clear, forcible
manner he spoke on questions concerning
tlio state ot tuc country, tho duty of Dem
ocrats to stand by tho Government as
they always have done, and maintain their
organization. Ho was constantly cheered
and applauded, and his speech cave uu-
bounded satisfaction to tho immense gath
A. J. Dcitnclc, Esq., of Lycoming
county, was next called up. Ho discussed
tho issues of tho day, exposing the sophis
tries of the Republicans, in a speech of
groat power, amid continuous applauso.
Col. Lovi L. Tate, one of our nominees
for Representative, followed in a speech
I that was decidedly able, vindicating the
Democratic party clearly and fully in cv
I cry particular, in which it had recently
j been attacked, and proving his patriotism
and loyalty so clearly that the most doubt
,inS C0UW ut "dp but believe. He was
I .
i-uiioiauuv tlllflluuUl'U UUU IQUli HIS SCat
amid deafening cheers,
George D. Jackson, Esq., was nex't
called upon. He responded and bis re
marks was rcplcto with sound logic and
clearly expressed truths, as uual. His
defence of tho policy of tho Democratic
party, and of its candidates, was able and
I '
conclusive, and his complete exposition of
...... . . t .
mo tnciicry, management and uumbug of
, tllU ""publican party, WHS a masterly CX-
e . ... ;
' Posuro ot as CUnniUg and daring a Scheme
was ever attempted to bo
palmed upon an honorablo people. lie
was constantly and rapturously applauded,
which shows evideneo that the people of
oulhvan county will not be misled by this
bcurnlous '.' Union" trick of tho Republi
Tho evening having grown late, three
cheers were given for the Democratic tick
et, and three chcors for tho Union and tho
Constitution j after which tho meeting ad
journed iu the highest mood that we over
knew ono to adjourn.
The utmoit enthusiasm prevailed through
out all the proceedings, and those who
nolitical feal
woro not thcro missed ono of the richest
ts to which men were ever
Tlio Republican Fracas.
The proceedings ofthe Republican Con
vention, under tho false head of " Union
Convention," appear in another column
to-day. This affair was gotten up by a
few hungry Republicans and offieo seekers,
as iho proceedings show from beginning
to end, and it will bo looked upon by the
massos as ono among the many dishono
rable tricks of tho Republican party,
This Republican Convention nominated
William A, Mason, formerly a Democrat
and William Colloy for Associate Judges;
John M. Heacock for Treasurer; Antho
ny Kilmer for Commissioner ; David Mol
yneux for Auditor.
As to theso men, somo of them aro
ijuito rcspeetablo personally, but nouo of
them are peculiarly qualified for tho posi
tions for which they aro named, and with
one or two exceptions aro old offlco-huntcrs,
who havo been boring tho publio for years
past. Let tho peoplo of Sullivan county
shun this " Union " trick of tho opposition,
and rally to the support of tho entire Dem
ocratic ticket, which is composed of honest
every particular qualified to represent our '
J. 1 , . 1 J f .
jhujhU) auu nuu aiu nuiiujr u luvu iuysi
ordial support. Sidlvan County Demo-,
"rat. 1
Select llloctrn
tSTln 1850. Albert fl. Ttl.ft. trim ia
" Misuiiiuiiui. wruiu ua lunows. m u.
nocm entitled il T) isnmnii. If ntilitwlinil It,
tho Knickcrloclicr.
Ye mad 1 who would 'rase out your name
l'roin tlio league of the proud and the frco,
And sepcrate, Ideal sovereignty claim,
Like nlouo watc (lunj off from the sea;
Oh, puisel ere )ou plungo In the chasm
That )awna in your dangerous way,
Ere 1'recdom, convulsed with ono terrible spasm,
Desert ) oil forever and aye I
Tausel think! ere the curth'piako astonish yoursouls,
And the thunder of war through your valleys rolls.
Great Cod I what atitle, what nanio
Will history give to your crime I
In the deepest abyss ofdlshonor and shama
Vo will writhe till tho last hour of time,
As braggarts who forged their own chains,
I'ulled down what their forefathers built,
And tainted the blood in their children's young veins
With tlio poison of slavery and guilt.
And freedom's bright henrt he hereafter tenfold.
Tor your folly and fall more discouraged and cold.
Our Gallant Ship.
Bail on I sail on I O Ship of State I
Fail on, O UNION, grand and great I
Humanity and all its fears,
And all its hopea for future ycara,
Ia hauging breathless on thy fate I
We know that .Masters laid thy keel,
What workmen wrought thy ribs of steel,
Who made each mast and sail and rope,
Whut anvils rang, what hammers beat,
In what a forge, and what a heal
Were shaped the anchor, of thy hspol
In spite of rock and tempest roar
lu spito of false lights on the shore,
Pail on, nor fear to breast the seal
Our hearts, our hopes, are all w itli theo
Our hearts, our hopes, our prayers, our tears,
Our faitli triumphant o'er our fears,
Are all with thee are all with thee I
How I Came to got Married.
It may be funny, but I've done it. I've
got a rib and a baby. Shadows departed
oyster stewed, brandy cocktails cigar
boxes, boot-jacks, absconding shirt buttons,
whist and dominoes. Shadows present
hoop skirts, band boxes, ribbons, gaiters,
long stockings, juvenile dresses, tin trum
pets, little willow chaise, cradles, bibs.pap,
sugar teats, paragoric, hivo syrup, rhu
barb, castor oil, Godfrey s cordial, sooth
ing syrup, senna, salts, squills and doctor
bills, t-hadows future more nine pound
babies, more hive syrup, cte. etc. I'll just
toll you how I got caught. I was always
the darndest, most tea custard, bashful
fellow you ever did see j it was kinder iu
my lino to bo taken with tho shakers,
time 1
muu j. outY a prcuy gal ap
proaching me, and I'do cross tho street
any timo rather than faco one ; 'twas'nt
becauso I did'nt like tho critters, for if I
was ueinna a tree looking through a knot
hole, I could not look at any one lone
enough. Well my sister Lib gave a party
ono night, and I stayed away from home
because I was too bashful to faeo tho lim
bic. 1 hung around tho house whistliiv
'Old Dan Tucker,' dancing to keep my
feet warm, watching tho heads bobbins up
nn.l i.i.:.i .1 ......
wUbing the thundering party would break
u uu,,u ucuiuu iiiu winnow curtains anu uanana sum on the lioor, ana floored mo.
.1.. ,t t . ... .... '
up, so i couiu get to my room. I smoked
a bunch of cigars, and as it was getting
late anu miguty uncomlortaulo 1 conclu-
dod to shin up the door post. Xo sooner
said than done, and I soon found myself '
snug iu bed. 'Now,' said I, let hor rip 1
Dance till your wind gtves ontl' And
cuddling under the quilts, Morpheus grab'
bed mo. I was dreaming of soft shell
crabs and stowed tripe, and was having a
good time, when somebody knocked at tho
door and woke mo up. Rap again. I laid
low. Map, rap rap i l lien Lib sings out
'Jack, aro you thero ?' 'Yes,' says I. J
Than camo a roar of laughter. 'Let us in,'
says she. 'I wont,' says I, 'can't you let
a fellow alono !' (Are a bed V says she.
'I am,' says I. 'Get up,' says sho. 'I
won't.' says I. Then camo another laugh. !
By thunder I began to get riled,
'Get out, you pctticotcd scare-crow !' I
cried ; can't you get a beau without haul
ing a fc low out of bed ? I won't go homo
with you I won't so you may clear out,'
And throwing a boot at tho door I felt
better. But presently, oh 1 mortal but- I
tons 1 1 heard a still small voice, verv
much like sister Lib's, and it said : 'Jack,
you'll havo to get up for all tho girls' things
aro in thcro 1 Oh, Lord, what a picklo ! i
j Think of mo in bed, all covered with
thawls, Muffs, bonnets and cloaks, and
twenty girls out. sido tho door waiting to
get in 1 If I had stopped to think I could
havo pancaked on tho spot. As it was, I
rolled out among tho bonnet waro and rib
bons in a hurry. 'Smash' wciit the mille-
ucry iu every direction. I bad to dress
i i i r i . . .
iu iuu uuiu( tui iuvtu naa & (.iUUli IU mo
door, and girls will peck and tbo way
1 fumbled about was adcath tostrawhats.
Tho critical moment came. I opened tho
door and found myself right among tho
women. Oh, my leghorn 1' cried ono.
My dear, darling winter velvet I' cried
another, and they pitched in they pulled
.... .1.!. ..... ..,. . . .1
i.iu una nujr auu uiat,uoxcu my cars anu
uuu ungut eycu muc piece, &ai ,iicr
l. .1 I'i.l .
name was put her arms around my neek
and kissed me right on my lips. Human
nature could'ut stand that, and I gave her
as good as she sent. It was the first timo
that I ever got a taste, and it was power
ful good. I believe 1 could havo kissed
that gal from Julias Caaar to tho '1th of
'Jack,' said she, 'ire arc sorry to dis
turb you, but won't you sco mo homo!'
Yes, said I, will,' I did do it and had an
other smack at tho gate, too. After that
wo took a kinder ttutlo-doving after each
other, both of us sighing like a barrel of
new cider when we were away from each
other. 'Twas at tho closo of a glorious
summer day tho sun was setting behind
a distant hogpen the chickens were going
to roost ; tho bullfrogs were commencing
to sing their evening songs j the pollywogs
in their native mudpuddles were preparing
tor tho shades of night, and Sal and my
self sat upon an antiquated backlogdistcn
ing to the music of nature, such as tree
toads, roosters and grunting pigs, and now
and then tho mellow music of a distant
jackass was wafted to our cars by the gen
tle zephyrs that sighed among tho mulieu
stalks, and camo ladon with the delicious
odcr of hen roosts and pig styes : the last
lingering rays of tho sotting sun glancing
from the brass buttons of a solitary horse
man shown through a knot hole in the
hog- pen, full in Sal's face, dying hor hair
with an orange peel hue, and showing off
my tliread-baro coat to bad advantage ;
one of my arms was around Sal's waist,
hand on the small of her back. Sho was
toying with my auburn locks of jet black
hue ; sho was almost gone and I was ditto.
She looked like a grass hopper dying with
the bickups, and I felt like a mud turtle
choked with a cod fub, ball.
'Sal,' says I, in a voieo musical as the
notes of a dying swan, 'will you havo mo V
She turned hor eyes heavenward, clasped
me by tho hand, had an attack of the
heaves and blind staggers, and with a sigh
that drew her shoo strings clear out then,
and squatted in my lap; 6ho corkscrewed
and 1 curflummuxed and rolled in it. 1
hugged her until I broke my suspenders,
and her breath smelt of onions sho had
cat the week before. Well to make a long
story short she set tho day, wo practised
for four weeks every nicht how wo would
walk into tho room to get married, till wo
got so we could walk as graceful as a cou-
pie of Muscovie ducks.
The night, tho company, and tho minis
ter camo; tho signal was given, and arm
in arm through the crowded hall. We
woro just entering the parlor door, when
down I wont kerslap on the oil cloth, pull
! ing Sal after mo. Some cuss had drunnnd n
t .. ... . . "
I split an awful hole in my corners right j
, under my dress coat tail. It was too lata
1 to back out, so clapping my baud ovor it
we marched in and were snliced. and ta.
king a seat I watched tho kissing the bride
opperation, My groomsman was tight,and
ho kissed her until I jumped up to tako a
slice, when, oh, horror 1 a littlo six tear
old imp had crawled behiud mo, and pull-
cu my slurt through a hole in my pants,
had pinned it to the chair, aud in iuimiiiiL'
jup I displayed to tho admiring gaze of the
' astonished multitude, a triflo nioro whito
muslin than was finally put to bed, and
there all my troubles ended.
Rather a Bad Tractice. A trav
eler stepped at a tavern, and was much.
taken with tho landlady, a neat, pretty
au1 agrocablo quakcress. When about to
j depart, ho declared ho could not go with
out a kiss. The pretty nuakeress blushed.
as sho replied with great circumscction :
I " Friend, theo must not do so impudent
a thing:"
t ;
" By heavens, I will !" exclaimed tho
" 'c" as "1C0 bas sworn, I will not
be tI'0 cause of thy breaking thino oath,"
!naivc'y answored tho blushing landlady,
but tUeo Ulust not maI:o tt practico of
. it 1"
J" A recruit who is exercised twclvo
hours at a stretch under tho boiling sun of
August, cannot long remain raw,
tSF In tho march of life, don't heed the
! order of " right about" when you know
i, i &
Jou aro about r,fiut-
SST Question for tho regulars what is
thcuseof & seat at vr in. lU's.s.m.
Our Pat Contributor in tho
Homo Guard.
Tho moment our flag was threatened,
largo bodies of men woro called upon to
rally in its defence. Roinrr n l.irrrnl,n,i!n,l
man, I rallied, and enro ed mvsntf witl,
' : a b'
. '
. the Homo Guards,
Tho drill is very so -
vera on mo this hot weather, although I
am constantly allowed an attendant with
a fan and a pitcher of ice water.
I am constantly reminded that ono of
the first requirements of a Soldier is to
throw out his chest and draw in his stom
ach. Having been burned out several
times whilo occupying rooms in an attic, I
have had considerable practice in threicing
out my chest, but by what system of prac
tico could I ever hope to draw in my stom
ach 1 I can't " dress .up" it's no use
trying, If my vest buttons arc iu lino I
am far in the roar, and if I too th o mark
a fearful bulge indicates my position
(Thcro is no room for argument in regard
to my sentiments everybody can sco at a
glance just where I stand.) Ono evening
wo had a new drill sergeant who was near
sighted. Itunning his oyo down tho lino,
ho exclaimed sharply :
" What is that man doing in tho ranks
with a bass drum I"
He pointed at me, but I hadn't any
drum it was the surplus stomach that I
couldn't draw in. ,
I am the but of numberless jokes as you
may well suppose. They havo got a story
in the guards that when I first heard tho
command "Order arms 1" I dropped my
musket, and, taking up my note book, be
gan to draw an order on the Governor for
what arms I wanted. They say I ordered ! A hadful of salt thrown in will maka
a Winan's steam gun, with a pair of Dahl- them all, the better. When wo get ready
grcn howitzers for sido arms I Baso fab- to Put tuo butter in tho firkin, wo rub tho
ricators ! My ambition never extended insides all over thoroughly with salt, which
beyond a rifled cannon and they knew it. j forms a brino between tho firkin and but-
Although in respect to size I belong to tcf
tho "heaviest," my preference is for tho 1 Au tu0 salt uscd about buttcr ia kDy
light infantry. One evening tho spectators form should be 6ooJ salt
seemed convulsive about something, and Good soft water is also essential, as hard
my comrades tittered whenever my back i1""? watcr h vcry Mcctionabl
was turned. It was all a mystery to me If what 1 bavo written in this short let
until I had off my knapsack. Somo wretch i ter is not 6ufficicntly comprehensive, let
had erased the final letters, and I had mo know aui 1 wiU Sivo J'ou a mro com
becu parading all tho evening labeled , ProlieDsivo all(1 detailed statement with re
" light infant 1" The above is ono of tho ' Bard to aDy Pt'eula" that you may wish
thousand annoyances to which I am sub- ,to iufluiro about aa !t alway3 affords mo
jeet, and nothing but my consuming pa- pleasure to communicate to others anything
triotism could ever induce mo to submit to in tho lin' f agricultural pursuits that may
it. I rallied at tho call of my country, bo advantagcous to thcm.-om Shuttuck
and am not to bo put out by tho rallyinS , CountrV Gentlemen.
of iny comrades. Gatiierin.q and Kkpiso Apples.-
I overheard a spectator inquire of the In ordcr to sccuro 80UndnM3 and .
drill sergeant one day. vation, indispensably necessary that
once?'0 f Wm S' the fruit sh0uld bc Sa'bed by hand.
D"No," he returned in an awful whisper, ! rr w!ntcr fruit tbo Spring is delayed
" I drill him by squads." , as lonS 33 Posslble. voiding severe frosU)
I would havo drilled him if I had a and tho most successful Practic with our
Specifications have been published in ro-
gard to my uniform, and contractors ad-
vertised for. Tho making will bo let out
to the lowest responsible bidder. In case
the guards aro ordered to take tho field, a
a harrowing incident. On last drill night
an old farmer, who dronned in to see us
drill, took me aside, and said hn. w.ini,1 1
scll mo a yoko of powerful oxen. vcro whcu thy aro carcfully transferred
" My ancient agriculturist," said I, smil- to a cool dry cclIar' in wbich tt!r can bo
ing at his simplicity, I havo no use for , ad,mttcd occasionally in brisk weather,
oxen." A cellar for this purpose, should bo dug
"Perhaps not at present," quoth ho, in dry gravelly or sandy soil; with if pos
" but if you go to war you will want siplo a slope to tho north, or, at any rato,
tbelu'' j with openings on tho north sido for tho ad-
no'cd" ' Sa'd CODsidorab,y an "H'ssion of air very rarely in weather not
n"Want 'em to draw your rations ."' excessively cold. Here tho barrels should
The Guards paid mo a delicate compli- bo Plnocd 011 licr3 oa tbcir sidos and tho
mcnt at tho last meeting. They elected ",Iar should be kcP' 03 dark as Possible,
mo "child of the regiment," with the rank , In 6Uch a coIlar' one of 11,0 larScst "PF
of first Corpulent, and tho pay of chief firowcrs m Dutchess county is able to keep
.. ... r 1 ' i (l,nnn nn tA l.r t- ' ,t .
"Blowyer." I was about to return thanks ,
in a neat and appropriate speech, when a
reporter who was present assured mo it
was no use he had got tho whole thing in
type, speech and all, and I could read it
in the evening paper. He said they kept
a " neat and appropriate speech standing
in type continually. I got his views, and
held my peace.
Yours for the Union, including
the Stars, also tho Stripes.
Pat Contributor.
Made Tm m Squat. A widow wo
man's only sou went to tho Great Bethel
Slaughter, fought well, and returned homo
on a furlough. His mother is pious, aud
after ho had answered numerous inquiries
as to his health, &o., sho said: "Now
toll mo, nenry, you did not kill any one
did you I You didn't pint your gun at
any of them, and commit murder, right a
gia tho Liblo, did you!" Said ho: I
don't know us I killed any ono, but I made
picht or ten of them snuat d tlpujjdjr)!,''
62 00 PER, ANNUM
Messrs Editors : I cheerfully oora.
ply with your request in giving such in-
1 formation in rolation to paokinc; and keep.
'Dg butter through tho summer season as
I am competent to do. tririnir vou tho moth.
od that has proved to bo tho most success
ful with us :
1. In tho first placo you ask in regard
to tho churning : wo uso dog power, hav-
ing tho tcmperaturo in warm woather about
55 degrees Fab, which givos tho butter a
good solid cocsistoney.
2. When tho butter comes, it is remov
ed and washed with cold ico water until
the butormilk is all removed.
3. It is then salted, about ono ounce of
salt to a pound of butter, worked in thor
oughly, and set in a cool placo for twenty
four hours, when it ia worked, jusl sufficient
to remove all the buttermilk.
1. It is then packed in tho firkin, and
covered tight so as to exclude the air.
5. When tho firkin is filled, then put a
cloth over tho butter, put on a good cover
ing of salt, and then pour on water, which
makes a brine. Wo keep it thus covered,
until it goes to market, it being tho only
way we could ever keep a dairy perfectly
sweet through the season.
These rules strictly observed, I will war
rant never to fail, if tho butter is properly
We uso good whito oak firkins. Bcforo
putting in the butter fill .tho firkins with
- ' a a
i cold water to soak threo or four days.
, cxtensivo orcliardiats is to place tho good
. mt Ulrcctl ,n a carcful manni new,
"Sul nour uarrel3 a' BOon as Scored
fr0m tho troc' 'Ihc$a barre,s "bould bo
ently 6bakon wLiI fill'DS' and tho hca1
?ose Prcssod in ' thy aro tLen PIftccd
" Vti. aT Z nSTi.T.
bu"dl"S. protected by a covering of boards
0Tcr ,no WP wbero they romain for a
fortnight, or until tho cold becomes too so-
"'""" S "lT"- "mm, tu mo irmi
room usually decays in January until tho
firstof April, in the freshest and finest
condition. Somo persons placo a layer of
clean ryo straw between every layer of
apples, when packing them in barrclls. Grass Sued Tiiiokly. An
aged farmer of Pennsylvania, iu a letter
to tho American Agriculturist, says :
"After nearly fifty years of experienco
and observation, among my neighbors and
elsewhere, I am convinced that too littlo
grass seed is sown. Here I sco a field
with only half plants cnongh growing;
would not a double quantity of seed havo
filled up tho gaps 7 The cost of the seed
was GO cents per aero. Another 00 cents
worth of seed would have made this year's
mowing and pastnrago worth 612 an acre,
while it is now only wotth SO, 1 never
saw grass too thick ; but I havo seen it
too thin on hundreds of fields. Formerly
I sowed 4 quarts of clover seed and 8 q!s
of timothy seod to the acre; now 1 neve
sow less than 8 or 10 quarts ofclover, nrt1
14 to 18 quarts of timothy, d
ing this I havo had no failure, but scat.
any a neavv mat oi nn grass."