Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, September 28, 1861, Image 3

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- - - -rr
.Intin (1. Freeze. Kililnr.
- - , -1IVJ VlUMtllllttVU VII lUIUI UklUll3t II) (Ulilil I
- ----- ., nil ,. ' , ,.
svrtmDAYMonmNa, September, u,!.!41'0. .foll0WlI,8 ''"'""S other solution,
iay- To-morrow is tho Eiehtocnth Sun-
daV after Tritlitv.
Urtjr ..ii.v.1 .iiiiimji.
Festival of St. Michael and All Angels.
Murat was shot October 1, 1810.
Major Andro hung October 2, 1780.
llatllo of Glenlivat fought October a,
so: ,
tST Tho Worll, (llepublican) of Sop.
tember 10th, says tho Now York Central'
. m i . .
Club mot on 'lucsday evening prcviouily,
mid Resolved that thoy heartily approved
of Fremont's (einancipatiou) proclamation
of August 31st, and expressing "decided
disapproval of tha slightest curtailment or ;
tar " Clrcat Exnectations," 3 Vols.
Green vellum oloth, 75 ets. per Vol.-
Jntnc3 Q. Groorv l'ubi : No. 4 (J Walker
Street, New York
This is a most absorbing boak. It has
excited intoDso interest among critic, pub
lishers autl readers. It is impossible to
describe it, it must be read. Pip and Joo,
Miss llavisbam and ltclla, the Oouvict
on tho Marshes, all become living people,
euusliino and shadow, great expecta
tions, deep disappointments, high hopes
strong fcara alternate throuifh tho book,
, t , , . r, n
Most uncspcctcu, and yet, alter all, per-
fectly natural things happen
Vnii dnii t
1 uu uuu t
see tho end from tho beginning.
Get tho
lidition mcntioued above, it is tho very
neatest and best, illustrated by Darlcy.
How niau'y and magnanimous is
the following from the New York Tim-s
(llepublican ) when compared with rtho
groveling paitisan bigotry of some papers
hereabouts :
" It would have been oasy, perhaps, for
ilie democratic masses of the free States to
l.nt.n ni'nrltirtnrn lln, nn vni-nilinn f. 1111(1 11P1-.
UiaUClltly diSOVCl'CS the UlliOU by rcllliing
fcuppart to 3Ir. Lincoln when his inuugura-
lion menaced and when later, the i-uprom-,
acy of thocoustitutton was assailed by thu
J . . . r . . , ,. J .
nractical assertion of the rii'ht of accebsiou,
dt the Democracy did not so read their
Safety. They loVCll t!l(.ir COUUtl'y IllOrC
, . i- m i- t.. ,t ... .......
than party; and m Sir. Lincoln thoy saw,
not t to succeaa u liartisan oauiimate nut
iu, ,ua ,"i
the constitutional President ot the Uuitcu
Jci,.a A .l (l,,,rnf,irn thov Minnol'ti'd
&tatC3. AUU, tlierelora lUOy buppoiltu
not L'rudirin"lv, but heartily aiearnostly
b b p J i . y . . .....
and zealously, m tact as u had been their
own in tho canvass that preceded his c!cc-
JOT The followina is tiu number of men
furnished by thu different States iu the
Ilcvolution :
New York
Xuw Hampshire
New Jersey
North Carolina
South Carolina
Jihode Island
The troona were furnished in proportion
to the number of inhabitants j and tho
population iu 1775 was as follows :
... . , . , llio uuivcrso, as a Vroo 01 Our ai'CRianCCi inooni lOHiiainp, mine uum nuiiao, iiioonmuuri;.
Battle of Gormantown fought October toiit-W)in n, ourcvil aml BnjiccS) !i;.ia.creek.o,i.i,.,at.i,o!Jch..u.i.ol,eari;va.,
'1' u77' , c ,,, n,ii ' ) Lct,b-Cr fr!umls' cit!2on3' or n? vfk 1
Alexander Selkirk exiled Gth October , functionaries, sivorn to unman tho firm. bauvr. I'mnuiaau.
Connecticut 202,000
Dclawara 37,000
Georgia 27,000
Mariiand 171,000
Masaacliusetta 352,000
New Hampshire 102,000
Now Jersey HB.OOO
New York 239,000
North Carolina 181,000
Pennsylvania 301,000
Ithodo Lland 0,000
South Carolina M,0)a
Virginia 30U,O0O
If the thirteen States, in tlio then spar-
sely settled coiulitioti of tho country, could
muUer that number of troops we do not
6co that there should bo anything to pre
vent sixteen thickly populated States from '
furnishing four times as many now. I
Tho following odo by Francis Hop j
kinson, author of "Hail Columbia." was 1
composed for tho celebration of the anni
versary of the celebration of the Federal
Constitution. It is worthy of its distingu
ished author.
Oh, for a nnuo of Aro 1 to mount thu skies, i
AnJ to a list'niuj world proclaim
HelioMt MioMI nncmpiro rudt
An em now, Time, a he fli,
Hath entered in the Look of 1'ainc.
On All ghmiy'H towerinj hid
KshotiUaU stmJ tin tiJiiiRi upro.iJ,
And o'er the lake and misty fluod around
An cra new resound.
Bjel whore Coin mlna aits ulono,
And from her tar b mp msled throtia
iluholdathe ay procjiiou move along,
And heart the trumpet and tlio choral ioug.
blie hear her toiii rejoice,
Louki Into fjt ire timet ni4 seet .
Tim imiuerouj blcxlagi Heaven decrees,
And with iifcR plaudit, Juliis the reneral voice.
'Tit done I 'titiltjurjl my smt," sin criit,
" In war aro raliaut an I in council u iso ;
Wit4om and valour hal my tu'htt defend,
An l o'er my vait dam ilu those rlhtt exu-nd i
Kelt: -o i,!uU tlourith, Genius lrvtclt licr wing,
lu native strain Columbian -Musot Ui$ ;
Wealth crou 11 the aitt au 1 Jutici tlan liar scales ,
Cmnncrcj her poiidcrout auclur weih,
Wide tpr44 her sails,
And in far diiutit seat her Ha; display.
My tons fr freedom fouht, nor foujht in vain i
nut fjund a naltcd eoJdesi 'us thir gain ;
Good government aluno can thow the maid,
a robot of tocial happiness arrayed."
Jf ail to till festival All hall this dayl
Coluuitila't htandard on her roof display ,
And let the psople's motto ever bs
"L'nitgd Uuts. aud thus united, frQl,f
(tho Treasury, then acting as Chairman of J.
'i, rnn,ut .i ..! i,i .
, . , . . i4
which woro read, ami unanimously adop-
toJ ! '
JiCSOIVCU, 'IhatWO IieroUV glVO It to
,,'.:, .,,-...v., lt.l .u Ar,
" ,, , l.l in
TIONlMTSi Conquering that tho strCUltth of
( -.. l!j !n !. j ,. -.. ,l
uJ' fv.i.fc wn. ii.i.ii. .in iiiiiiui.
uu, . . .ijj.ii.vvu3uv.oi, .. uui
hones for it in our conformity to tho laws
. l.l , . ,
01 UOU, nUU OUr Support Ot tllO lights of
man, wo owo to tho Sovereign llulcr of
stitution of tho United States, to regard
md treat tho third claiiso ot tho instru-
ulcnti whenever applied in tho ease of a
fu"ivo " Ml"hJ .'ul v"Ut.
and consequently as formui" no part o
iieCo,is'iluiiono 1'te U.iitctt Stales, when.
ever tve ate called upon or sworn to sup.
p'nt it."
(Special Notices.
MiLtrtnY Uiform. -Thcro io, pcrhaim, no ilrpnrt
incntuf iiihltar) liiii.ct in uliidi Uvrc Iiih Ihvii a
iiion markfil ItiiproviMtitMit than in tliu rlolltiiig v( nut
tllcri. Not many j furs nlncu ollirrrit mid irluius w.-ru
tljtl lit parinontH wiifcli were til mo n f-ki.i.Uilit, Tiicy
U urn 1,'ntlwr 1nrkai. U Inrli U-ncc nttlu- r.filni tin tin- I'nr
kf it tin wcariT iutnimiution ; uiiiio tiicir imdiicd
lrtHiA ninl ti?1il slifviit iikhIi t ul ilioti n nriltiT i ffrriit
tltiltcnlty. Diiriiti! t lie iruiiit uar, ntli ul' our w1nu-ti-iT!
ns procure llifir iitiifir!ii8 at tin lirown bimw
Clotliinie llallof ltockhill Vilnn, Ncii. (u.l and (-05 .
CI i 'stunt slrort, ttlnne h'jUi 4'lilla lolpln.i, nhialn cto.
thmx thut in pirfi'tl'y rnsy, anil licwimiiiir,
'1 (1 lin.i innii'd li up jinno I irirl Intu tlm lni3fncii if
ijuhinx .miliary i.iuiiinig, aim iuir i.iciiinn cnario
tlit'iii tu ill) tlij l.itU'-'i.t urdjr In tliii sliortubt posisiMti
ti jut.
A lie wlnto l'lir, Mcliiliing nlitnit JOO II13., Willi a
bl.irl, siml ua one hip, luis lji.'cn iilncnt sciurnl ilayn.
A puitnlili- rrwnrJ will bii giiun fur information cfitn
w"' avc iroiniiu ant txpense by tiiirtnig uh
Lirv rcc,,8G,
l"toiii-!'iirs, July ft, IMil.
$25 !J
aea.t.uielMu A5ei,ts,orcu5;,'.e'iiiiila.i.;i. IM,t,ei,lari
a.'iilfree. Vl.lwas tun i-iwImi Miiiiie Cuxi-iNY, 1
iill io.i le (i, ritriet attention given tojobltini:
ul I ainre mi Jiaiiu to merit, la nry ri'eetrully jiivi
tJ'.!i.,y 1, l-m.-y r. r. i.i:v inv.
uniformity of rriccs'-A ew r.aiwin nnnno
,"" ", .-'.V" ",fI.t JlV;:,'h ." '
Lr nt Oiie I ii''n ( loilnn(j ttore, No. i iu .Market trcit I
noon- Mnifi. i-iii am 'iniia.
In n.l lillon tn liiviin- tho Hrzeat. limit varif'l and'
pr sIy for nlall ,ab' . Il-lie eo.lsllllitedeitry one bin
o n a ,li Milan, by h i inir maiktd in llsiinw, on cath ar-
rl. , ,i.-v, r, i ,,..t pmeit e.-, b,. So:dfor an they
li.uiiiton.m hioi k 01 i.ininiii'.- in i litiaite'iht.i, in ule
""M" ar - .o.-i n hum.
'I n - Soodi nri' ill ioii;;. ,1 and pri'iuri'd, and creat
pai-in,itai-n null tin- ui.-ikniit soiii-u nil miiiiuy iiiitiio
Hid a. iMilr,' of i tlins a sood nilklu nt tliu ery low
,tle,.. Al i orpime .,d on Irilid.of
tii-lifai ai)ic-an. h-t ,,i.iiui,-i, in,h m i- made
to or.ler, in tVi mo.t t.ii.lii ilile and b.'et ni.uiini, il.i
,,.r ,-,n.. i,-iiv rr.-tiii iri,,-s.
-V,!;'.V;'j!;","''r t!,u -"''", '" MarLll',',7N.,!(rrct
u7"'l'IIOMAS V. M VnVllV, ll'-ei'il.'d the l'.i.a
Mfilnt at Ih Vi,i I'a 1'air in London -J, I'orTKUMi.l
C MUM:!1 II tirl llootn. rhncs mid (iiiins. (iriiit iiulni-i'-lit
'Ha nr now otl'-red to Mlirh:ii'r4 of the nliovearto
ele.. 'I'aii ih iniiih lite I iriri't M,.ik ,.f trilnka, Cirtnt
11.11, alici'i, e.. in I'll 1 1 uh Ilti ixi-i i lii'iip for i:ih
. No. 41J lirku r'lreet, o.u door atiovo llh, uth aile
f!r. Iluputieo'a iiotdfn IN 155 for Ftmalcs.
j Infathbtt tn correcting, regulatiivj and Trmorin all ft
ttruetioim ,J rum vMalncr range, and clicuy
urei-j'i:l at a jirtcaitue.
Thu CihiiIhji Jiiun i,f mri'iliLtiia iu Dr. Iluinrti'a
(Jonjun Pj Id iiri' i Ihirmlu-n. Tli lumt lu-vu
um"J uitlj' i run K- jir.ict tec nt'il.l Dr. lMi-imo former
(tint) j i-uri, .Hid tlndiii.tii.lri ot liiiijfn cm tor-lily to
lU-ir f.'r' it au.l iifi' r lailns uic in ulmint ci-ry
, i, ni, i i i nrr tim: irr'i;iil,iiilii,, r iim.' I'.uiilul uml
ilintr-'bHiii tin iii rn.ttiiiii. (t.irtu ul irly at tht iliingu of
hi', , 1'ri.iu Ilvi' lu t'tt pillri w ill inrc that uiriimiii t I
i t) rvu'if u t ( Lniiltitil. that tllti'i .Ni'jrlj cry ! UKili!
ill ih. laml snll'.-rjf Irom tins roinnl nut. The iilmvc (nil
hat KTimiiiuiitly luri'd IIidiu.ihiI-', ninl will rirj joti if
I )uii ii tt tln'in. 'I'll- y tuitii'it li irin juii, an tliu ctmtrary
tin) rt'inuve ti 1 uljitrnctmn-i, rcfctiin natiiri- to it- pri-
rt-hatiml, atui nivisur.ite ihcwlmlo 8st"m. I.iniina
I uIimsp health will not icrinii mi Inrrciriti ot 1'uinily,
. will I'm d Uii-M itll4 it biii'rrwsi'ui prci-fniHt'.
' TJiksc frlnuiil not le t iki n ilnnttllto tlrt three
tiioiuiiii i'i iircfinanty, it ttt-y lire Hiiro to iinti on uiia-
um ise : but at any oth -r nme uuy aro -nr.
rriee, 51 per ooi. Mud. w lion kai.
tiiid p-t.iit. Iiv
o m. ii.(ii:i;nii, iint,it.
I n tut usji'iii tor, i'a.
T) whom nil ordcrn mn-t he tL'iit, l.mlii-d ! Iv semi
iiii; linn 51.00 to tliu i:iiumlmr? Pifei-Otikv, ran
thiiM juIU cfut loimy i.iit ofilu' cuHtiiry, (
lywui.l "fret' ot'P-iaiTi" by mail. Hul.l um Uy S. It.
Hunk Co. JMimlli'. 1'- J. Try, T.i.n.i'i'i t, J. A, 1'olk,
.lai.i'I'l i, J. A, Tolk,
tliiclcryTowii and
.11 men i jinnn, niiii uy miiiu uru
ciivinllio Uiiit-il KtatL'H.
. It. LnuK fjr count prfoitfl. V.ny nofloMrn P(lla
of and kind, unl.'ifrf ct ry hu is signed rf. 1). IIuul-. All
otliL-rn iif ;t h id iuipiiiUii.i mil unar', tticrel'orc, n-i
you valiiti yoiir Uwa and health, (to ay imthiiu' or
IHS luimh.iptfi'il nut '( J our hhjik-j ,) buj only of lltoso
uhuh Int rii'pnilyljt'H iiuMed, mi account of u ten. nt
. counterfeit of the 1'illa.
I ti-c. 3i ino iv.
p. n wout.
Solo rronrKtur, Xew Vork,
r I'll Clli! will bo n Military motllnwoftlm Ilnme(Jimnli
1 rf L'oliimbi i t'nmiiy, nt Drun ullo on t-aturdim the
2;th 'hypfbrnrmb.'r, l-til, iht nirio,j( nf havim; a
inilii.iiy paranf. .in utouiri- nuiy lotiiu iiuui.iry c.iumi
'n ctlnllv in itui
Hiifd u aiu uu. iimaaii.ivinj: coin-
XMrin S.TZ'S
oni'T U inaK-j arraiit'oni'-tuj for tlif drill iu tho nttu-r-
I!y order of
II. lt.KMVC.
linguae lniitUort
Slit.5l, Htil.-l w.
iS: ual:iy, New SiTorli.
fc-mce lllo Oprjllilli" Of till, vaal lltl.l coiiiuioiliouj Ilotol,
ii it has latn tho eiiiLlf cndiMvor of the
tort to make it tltu uxoi uuiniituoiH
t tiuiniitaoiH, coincment and
cotnfortalilu home for the ciiizen and ttrnner on this ,
t.k tlio Atlantic.
Ami u Ii tt-'v er has emtst likely to admiuiter to the
coiniort t't it' yui'in th havo t-nilciu oicd, n itUo it re
p trd to coit, to jinn ule, atid to tiimbtnti all tho th-nicilis
ul liidividti il ami nix lal Liijoymuiit ninth modern art
h is unenteil, mid modern t.wu apjirov I; and tha pa- 1
trona'o wliali it h is Loiniii iudL'd iliniiu the past ix
sartii a gratuj inj pruot'iiut tlitir eil'rtt have Leeu
To iiK-tt tho L'tieucies of the times, when all are re
quired tu jiraLtice the moat rigid economy, tha unJtr
tieued Have Ruluccd the rncc of Board to
Two IIOHafs per Iit3'i i
nt the Bvnn time nliutin nono of the liuuries wit'1 i
w huh their tdlde h a hitherto liven niijili'd.
Tiu; iwu iaUL., nuiituuii
Bejtt. 14, Util.-aJm.
CW,.5IX1". K ou"'urrr.i,E;. ,,',,,',,r.i,.,
Aili'iial It-ill, ii III.At'i; I'tnV, mitt a lirowu atrli'! nlon;
Uu liatk, iiiiarenlly ultnut 10 jeara ol.l. Tlio iiwlii-r la
re'iuealeil to iruvc iiroporty, pay iliarsos inn! Uku her
away or aim win nu guiuuevoruiuj n,i.i.t
AujuitSl, lcl',1. 31. '
Normal Institute anil Academy,
Till: next Term of lllll lualilutiou mil commence
M0.vo.1y, Jivavsr ot
Under tlio illri'itlon of t'rof. II. H. tt'imn, l.o, aa a
Hcliolar, a TVatlier. unit u Lecturer.' Ii t. widely uml
ioo favorably know n to ne eil any recuinuicidallou.
Hi lei . nill lie furiil.lied ilurnia llio leriu and leur.
Aitilitiilun! tacllllli'a lo IIIOmi nereioioro ujoyeu uy
lii.irn.iii.iu 111 Vocal an. I Iiiatrnuiental Jlu.ic will
be t'iyeilty uu uuouinlialieil Tearlicr.
j'ux tlio Truateea,
,i,,,kt I7rnvia .c.i.,,
Au;ust 10. 1601,
4.110 wuho nan oioinini: oioro w - . : " si ;,,,.. r ' sV.iv ine )rn, r ,, r I I'MUlrea, jr ru fut'il to Hi' ir utiini than thu ions! of i Per, win. 1. JNiuiuiin, joint leauer, jr.,
..,T',";,",',u;,',i.f'";'!'l"V.""!u,rl":!a"1 "l0 ''-"' Silt , t, ,Vu Ui3im.,!!1i.Vir,i,..-i Cliti.-li.m Wolf, Calob 1'. Slooro, ilauben
"Hill cILillrlo hliiL-l:n.l;ori,,,,,. 'Htiiatu ,, ,, fJu.,11. ,,;. ,lmif, . ille or a,,,oi,.l,eiii ot Ju.H-u. inai'ec- l.-.l.i a and imtiiuutioiii, reiidcriiis liurridfe i.c. Kmu Jil0ou JMelick, W. II. Cue, Geor-e
Wiot earner uf I'oiirth aii.Ml.illii I ritreita, I'ln ,u e l,ln,i t,,r ,,r 1 1 ,rk oi'anv , I 'ilioti ol Una r,,iiiiiiim,-jli. and lm,u.ible. ...... ., ,.,,'., , Z , 1 n i ,, 1 uf,
r",',tl'lly inrorina Hi -miblle anil lornier m-loniera of , , .,, tur ,,i or iu, ' olhrof any Vi" M.M'.tllAlin. W. Urelsliacll, bllloillOII lleliVlg, Peter llesi,
the ll,,,,-,-, lhat I, ke, H eu,l.ii,ll.v for Mileand inakea ,ir, ..,,, 'ij. t..,'blu to aiij o.licu ll, ,i. to 1,vot.d for. . " Vu.'"'' ' V.'mh -'nl"' JP'N' "rlrie, Jeremiah Ilagcilbucll, i
iii to order, all de-rriit on ol CemliMii n'a ,ar, ol ni- , . i, ,,id an,l seal ill mr ollice in liluoiua ri.ii:,'. b 'ln2 an are of ueaknea", ors.inii' ,1,'iiblll , , ., u ',.,1 i I ll fi,l.
,rov.'d inateii.iland aella al M ry inoder.ilo ,r.eea. lie- br ! ; , ,""m&r. A. It. l"iL ')', l"""1" A-1'" ",""u '" '"""' '' llar,lnil!'' mliel l.:U iril5, J 11. Camp-
ins a ran sun. i.,i.on. nu ei -iru ueei torn in mo ,
JTl fZ
tTTiiwiii.' iq 1... !.. r ii!
if t-oiiiMi",i,'uiiu, ii is niiiiiu --iiiw mil y oi ijm
Himrinr orcmy cuiity in iv noiica nrtiu general
M" " oriiiocuiiniy,iitk.niticiiiy iian uroro iiia cu-c-
i fil," nntl to "tloslnnntH Ilia ptaro ntliicll l.iaplecliun l
in bo held." Therefore. I. JOHN HNY'lllllt. Illllll slier.
1.1. ...... i.i -
1U Ol l,01l,UUl., COUlliy, ,10 OlTl'liy llink KIIH1VII tillll liro-
rlalm In tho mnltHcil ek'clom.iir Columbia county,
that n llmnlAl. i'.uirioi III lie In M on TUIIS-
m'"1 11'""'.1?' '"
IIAV. lllo I. Illllll ll.W or UIl'OIIUl, licllll lllo
mourn, ul Ihu auivral ilia.
Ulcia UIIUHI inn rimiiiy, io nil.
llcutmi lonmlun, utllm liuuao formerly occurilait by
Ccntro touiifhip, at tliclinnsoof Jcrr-mlali IlPM.tlec'il,
1 on) iisiiAiit HMMifinp, aiinu nousem it, 1;. vasi-r,
l'iilihmirtTk tin) liuiisu oi'lico, Hoil'maii,
rraiikhu lowiiflihij nt Ll.oton's Hclntcl I Ion to,
(Ifti'tiwooiitowtisfiip, nt tlm IimiKQ of JocphU,rattoir
lluinlork towimliip, at tlio lluuk llnni.
J ickftui tonliip, nt tho fiuiiiiu 'f lt-kUI Cote.
I.ociMt lown-liip, at tliu huusy LfJ, L. Hunt, Slab
tow 11
.Mitllln townrliip, at the lioucc of John KMlcr.
MitiHson l al thu house of aiu.:u.-t lUuitiy.
M until rijiifiint tuwn.ut tliu Uoaia ngv uicuiiiod by J,
V. IMt.-rhk.
Mmiioiir trunlii;i, nt tlio Ijjiuc of John ltidiardt.itow
ncrupi-ii by William Holliiui'licad.
Main lownOiip, at thu liuuno ul' Isaac Vcltcf,
Unarl.ijcrLTk tt Htlup.utllio huuiu formerly occupied
liy (I. V. UrtUiMfh.
Ur.umu tuvtiifliiy, ut tlitt Iioujq of Alexander Hughes,
Orntic( illi.
I'iiiv 1ons!iip, at tho house of Atltcrt lliintt'r.
irio.iffowJKhip, att lit1 lintiHuofAlhia CuIq.
HcHttlnp., at ilicliuiidi' ul" I'uodi Iluwoll, Kttyt
It i-tf'irtlH-r (Mrcrted that the r-kuion r-f thy fndl sov
cral (li'lriclslii'll Iil- ope.ivti la'twet-it hotirtt of; and
10 o'clu' k iii Hid forenoon, iitki IijII cuui itmo opt'ii uiili
out ttiti ruiptloil or adjournment, until 7 lAIotk iu tlio
CL.iina. uliti til' (inll-t flu II lu tlllKIMl.
Tiu uilicuri tu bo Lljttcdat thu time and places afurc
eau, are
Two Me inlets of Assembly.
'lco JlssicMlc Ju Igcs.
A Sheriff".
A CouiUij Treasurer.
A County Commissioner.
A County Coroner.
A ( ounti Auditor,
It li filillur dircctcit that the ini-uUitira of t!ii return
Jit Ui'K will lid it 'M al Hit! Cnurt Ilinic til lilomiisljurir tu
lilllkr mil IIIU ft, 'iiemi 1 111:111,11, H 1111.11 ,,111 uu uu 1 1.1-
i) v ihu i:i,i;vi:s'iii n.w r l ioiiiiit.
'J'lin rrturii JimIui'm if tliu Ut ,ri'Kuntiitliul)iilrlct,coiii
ia4,l of tin- coiiiilii'd of V ihiiiiij, Milln.iii, Coliiiiilii.i
iiikI Miiii'iniri t(itill tun,t nt tliu (y'unrt lluui'1, ill Itlnoinj
liii ri. In tin- nullity of Coin mill 1, ml TUIWIAV, tin
rii i ncM ii iiav (ii'uriiii:i:i: not tu nuku out ro.
t.irnii Inr uu nil,- ra of Aiftt'inM.
Anil In tiu.l hy tin1 H-iiil tut, 1 nui furttiir dirctti-i! t'i
glio milici' til ilL-ii ry pirciiii, cxcoiitiiii Juatkui uflliu
IK'nn1, lin Minn noni uuy oniru or iiiiii.iiiiiiuni 01 (iruiu
or Iru-.t uihIit tin- (JoviTimii'iit of tiu- L'niteil t-tiili a. nr
"s 'M; "" "r oluj' illy or liirorpur.iteil tiutriit
Wi'tl'1;' a coiiiml-i..ii''il olhcr nr ulk.'rmiu n aubmli
,'"'. ' ...,r . ,.r
t' ITV llll'IIUier "I , OH-H II I, I, Ol ,11 J Kl'IVll , COIIIIHOI,
1 cmlll, ll of liny 1 It,
lllooiihnrp, Hi j 1. 1'
, l-lil ShtrlJT.
jri run of
3H:m ami Srou gtrccS',
AJ, L O O XT U S. & i IP A
ll., on want SII.KS! Co to IlKllWDIt'H
I iii j o'l want l,. lll.l.A CUl'I'll I (it, to Ill'.IJlVl.ll'ti
10. oo M o lit I 11 A 1.1.1 IICI.AIMai llo to IlllllU'nt r
io. Mm uuu, taiii.i: coviuirii ;.. to I ; in iv i : it .-
ilo on want I I.D I II IIL'S'l I'.l! I (io 1 1 Di'.tJlVLIt IS
llo ) oil wi,i,tSM:i.i:T() Milll'fS! liuto UUOUTll ii
IKiiotl waul UK. CI ri'HU'iS
fKIUTU.-I'lAllllilS I Com t'.P.mVIX'ri
iio yon wimt Mi' coto mtuwr.ii'is
ll.ilou wa.itCAI.U' ct IML(ivi:il',S
li ) win want I.AWV- ( Co to liuuu l;i;'.s
llo yon want IIAKDICS I Co lo lll:mvi:i!'i
110 yon want III: lll:tir. t Coto'li
ll., on want 1 ll 1 .-1 1 : ! ; ' I c.i to llllilo I. It's
11 1 )..ii Cl.liVI'.HI Coin l'ltul UU t
llo o.i want IIAiliii:l:t'lltr.r:l do to IIKilWI'.l:
I i.i . 'II wan, , i.ii.i ,i' ill. i.. I ,ioi i iii. 'ill i.i; a
no on w.ini mo i mi: Mii"i!t Co to i:i:un'i:ii'ri
llo j on want I'll K ciltniXSI Co 1 1 IllliJlVCU'rt
II. i ion wai.l CAI NTI.I'.l.-lf Colo IliKIU l'.ll'.-4
' lln yon want ( linn lll'.T IlKAID.-W Colo l:iUVl:U-rf
11 ,), want TillV ( OTTU.
Co io i:iiuivi:ii n
no yon w uu; r , i.ii r t r
ii i io,, nam sex an Mii:-if
lin imi wiii.t i ' .m 1 1 1 ; : : i . i . . s r
llo jou want I'AIMtnillrtl
H i ion want l'i:i:."l N I'I. Mill
Hi j.u iiiiiu cnix'Kst
ii i .mh want i'i:i:i'i.i:s(
11 i ) on w lllll JIllN.-4 1
ll.Oon limit N.VKIM'A'lif
ll i j i hi waul CIMill MlSf
llo ion want IU'CMiS (
llo jon iimil CI IIT.MN MrSMSI
llo ion w.iiitl'ul.'llCAMIlllll.'iS r
Do on w ant Wll ITU CUUlJd I
llo on unlit lll'.XI ll.S f
llo jou want SI I. I'.rl I
llnyuti want lllll I.I. 1X113 !
lln joti want TI. Kl(Sf
llo inn want ( lli'.i lis I
lln jail 11 ant I. III US' SllOll.-Sf
Co to itiiuivni'is
Com i:uivi:i( rs
Co to mum i:ii's
Co to IIKUlVCU'rl
coin i:i:oivi:it'r!
Colo i;i!u'i:i;s
Co iii !:i:mvi:i! k
Co io i!i;oivi:i!'rt
i;o io i;j:un i:i;
Co to l,lllllVI:i!'S I,
(Jo to l:i:illvi:ii rt
Co to IIKllU'lIirrS
li , io i want i. iuii;s i. it ri;i:s
Do jou want I'lllWI nl:u'"l:t!li:sj r en in llimlvi:i!'.s
llo jou want uiii:i:vfiv MIIK (m to IIKiiivIIIITS
llo j mi wnut IU. SSV,.Mli: I Co tn Illtinvmt'H
11. , jou want II tnim'AKi: r Colo IIIUIU'Cll'S
lln Jou Hunt Illll'Cr! ? Co to IIIIIIU'IIII'M
lln J on ii, int I'l 111: S'': f Co lo lillOlVMU'rf
llo ion w mil Clli: 1 CUU1I.S I Co lo URUlVi:il'
nlooiuabiirs-'. .May 1 1, li,u,
H" i J U j j ol
H .Ofllf I O VOS1 1 fl II I O.I'fQl C, I
, aJUU" JUlll UlllljUjaiS.
ol'lUNU AU bUJlJlbH UUUUb.
uh uuoih.'r lara nml n'lt-tt iidsortmi.t uf
tikmss' mill !BBBPHiia 62rneln
' " ---------i
tmn Inn-il nt Pliilatklnhhi, at tho lowest fljti re. nnj
hh ii im-y ani in ktiiiiikmi hi nut uu imiiu.knilu tiriiM
nuiiin nu pp'curuM vibcunuro in jiioonitimrs. 'liuir
atoik lonuirl
-iim:s' itui. noons,
cf c!inici".t alyli'S ntul Ilteal f.ifhioil.
jiltr twuua, ditttrniiKS,
iniiinriitr. i(;.f..viw;;t.',
cr.iutt ii.ntK, iitu.iMir ir.wu
IllO.V, iUMTX V iltOKH
In li.i,l t, i.r, tlltlin iw.t ill,- l..nt In .Ai.nliu Ullnrn.
10 wlnrli llu'y mill tliu liuLlic si m rally.
Tin llulioaliirlcc ji.tiil for country produce
.,lil.l.Ul. Oi il 1.11.
fllooniauurs. Slay 11, Ifiol.
jusi'U'ir raiKEX, sox & co.
Wholesale and Retail Iial'rii In
rr.f,rof,' I VI A IKfl tVt k iVl 7? ? H
. U Ji 1 w jjj ij j u
Tosttiiir uitli a
coiuiili to vari.'ly of r s
in inu mural uaaii pru .'
jo.-i:i'ii cr.r.Dv,
llltM. lillUUN'.
u. jovih Meruit
MarLii'J, lMil'ni,
'I S ilaily astoiiiihlnj Inn palii'iil hy the rnrc of lei);
i i ..tamfiii.' dlxuxL-.. 111 KKMl'-llllirf AtUi l'L'i:i:i.V
Vi:iii:T.Kl.n. lie uitl hi' in tin placo the same ilay
I of ('Jill montli ui tlt(d bi'lovv, uheu h" can Ih'
j fd fi-rall itisca-et lloli it lufr to, tjCUNaULT-V
j tion ntnu.
. H-UI. l.aven. ll.o 1..I. a,.,, lotl, ofeacl,
Ji r-'Jii)re, me i. tnui jjiiioi eaiu inoniu.
i;ioouishiirif. tlOili and let. J) iu itlu 2d uud 3d. North
uinlH-rland It th. .Mjlloil, li, and 7.
June t, Isiilliil.
rrM IH underpinned, respeitfully informs tho citizens of
i Ulootiirhuru. imi' Uu (mltlic nt niTally. lhat he has et
tuldi.lii-d a now ttore, on Main Street. Lloonulmrg, in
.Mrs. 1-encoiVa HuililiiM. v lit Q he oifert fur bale, cb
moderate terms, alart,' .usrtment of-
Of every sort, oud sue nnd ilpscrn't'tni. ims
nork, ft Jewelry is touiidile. imlmlinS cery
viintty nt uauies ami ucuncmf u i mviiiuiuiii, v-
Chaiiis, l.orkett, llri'arllui, I iniii-r-nniis, tr,,c
to tliu examination of uuiui no liulleau.o i-uuim suir
i all
rJF- ?tr.ct attenllul. Ivo.. to repa.rn.S Clock.. Watch-
n. ..n.l l..i.i.lru nu. I nil unrlf wurriiliti'd
' ' iv'm ii ntiAKP.
Slgomibvs.MaM, iefll-lf.
VO Till!
ml 1. 1 1 ,1 -V . 1 if m
Tho following aro tho rccctfits to tho OlTlCO
oftho CoUMmA UllMf0UAT) 4utin
tho month of August, 1601 :
H. 1'. Iiiitr., $311 511 i.Mlnlin Demo. Moetlnj 3 00
J. UMialier lloone, Ca 3 00 A lira tin 111 Vrkort, ,5
Jmrili llnliMni. 1 00 IHliniu'l M, I'lCtitia. 150
lion. S. n.ilily, 1 (Kl IWIIIiain llartior, 15
linn, Jno. Mcltcjnoldi, 1 00 Capt. a lUiiibcy, 3 50
ii"iiBu, jiipw
llnbett O. I rull,
A. H. L'roalcy,
i uu .j.njaii r,. inner, v uu
I oo ijiiim Lpuirot. a 07
II, 1). Mcllrlilc 1 110 , Daniel Mcllcnrv. Uat..l 35, 1 00 Jeremiah llcaa, U T
I'riliiklln rial In; run.1,0 (MI ;J.ilin U'anlch, 'i 00 ,
Allen it Nfoillcaa, .1 OOAVIUon A-cr, 10 00 i
llauili & Kona, 'J 511 Tlioa. W. Ild-nr, 35 00
(iill Sc rant, 5 00 IMIaha V. Ilarlon, 3 00
, J. I'.llnlier, 3 00 I'elll lluncr, 1 01)
John Hull, 1 00 (Win. 'I'. Plmnmti, i:l 3 41
IIuhcH l.vatlf, 3 OO'Andreiv Flntmani 150
I':'-mil .Mnrrli & Co. ! II Nathan llreillicnilcr Jr. I 50
N'ullount 1 1 ov 1 . S 50 flri'liml I'ohe, 3 (HI
11. I.!iiii'ri'tb:& Hoaa, 1(1 on William Ileal, 131
Tlioa. W. CJuiiton, I m Jacob llyer, 3 50
I Jernnlah llftic-iibilch, 1 75 (ieurcCilty, 4 50
Jolm llnak, i:i'. ' 1 IKI Juii'pliL'. Kboili-K, 4 HO
Dayld .Miller, 1 r.0 ,lal. (len. V. Ib acll, 1 110
' Henry lluak, '.' HI lion. II, I',. U'llslil, 13 (Ml
1 IM. of la.nah Rhitman,3 (Kl Adill.on llnliii.iii. loo
MHhlla (lllbut, 1 Ml John Karneal, 1 .HI
linaclkclcr, 3 37,Jtihn A. I'mitton, Kai ,3 00
flMtfHi; knowln? tlipnwlvcs Indtlitod to tlio umtpr-;
J sisnol arc hereby tiotiflil to rntne and sttllo their,
nr onii4 uiiimnt fit rib fr not tec, lam now in (tiniest. I
ll noiaiteiuiuri iu iooniii(ir accouat will be placed in
proper hands for collcclioii, I
J,E. SAND3. 1
Pcpt.7, 1"Gl,-at.
ia .iii-u rirei. ncieen an, sua
Mh. eireim,
U.nte ptJ18,Uj-Acf itmt PlMaJttpkia.)
lMi-oaiiR tV. iMAMTACiini n nr, ami
1'or Lntlies .IZjjcs' andCUitdrtn's irtar.
Having now maiiulactured and in
ftori my uinal large mill bcnuHful a
Biirtuiriit ofall the vnrioux tlyles and
'lunhtira of Turn adopted to til. com
iii'i fall ami Winter feanons, 1 would
rcppTtfollv initcaii i-xaiuination of mylock and pri
rcitftii.ii llmso inleiidiiijr lo pnrtliaw, as lam enabled
to oir.-r th"in irry detsirubte tiitlurciiKiitK.
All my i'urs liavo la-i n pnrthascd for ruh, and in a. In
by cxpcrii'iict'd and oinpLicnt liiinh.ntnl as t' pri'scnl
mom t.iry trnubb'K remk-r It mccteary llial 1 should ills
poflu of my pomlii t very fiiull nit am u on rot.
I am tatilied that it will be to tho interests uf those
how iU-plcn pun h.itiujr, to give mo a tall.
UeroiU'tt, the nauii1, iiuuibcr and ftrrrt: John
I'areir i, (N'uw I'nr lore.) i Id A nil direct, I'lnludetplila.
Hepli'iuber 7, IcUI .im.
rplir.f'iuiulerof this Celebrated Iiillttitim, offera tht
niii-t , erta n. i-iieeilv. and on y ,il r ,lv in
lh'!.rMl..rellWl.l.,rli.'.t..Mnctur". n.',,., weak-
Uua-,, l-alni in III i l,oina, Uoiifiitnti'itial 11 lolily. in,,,,,.
teni-y. U'inl.lii'aot' til.' 11.11k and l.ln.ln Alleetio.ia ol ,
tli,i kl,lne., I'.iltnt iti'in ot the Heart. IliKiiepai.i, Ner-
.. irr:f.,i ,iiiv. iiie:iorii,o iie.,,1. 1 1 n .... , r
ktrtHH licilll illl't lilllld. Tlieiu aein t mid ,,.lilar,'
- , . . . r .... . .1.. . . .1. - .1 .. .
llo ii ho idaeca limi" lflnnli-r lln- lale ,.t llr. Jolnuton.
may ri liiiioiiplj cmililu in loa honor aa n ai ntleliitn, and
coiitidelllly ri-ly niio-i li.-, i-k'll a a idij -o
(jiiCAXic ivi:akni:.-s
itniiK-dinti ly cur' I an 1 lull 1 1gor rei.ion'il.
'I'll id ili-se.lae H Ih-j n nalLj ino-l IVi-'Ul. Ml' paid by
tho-,.- ,1 bo li.ll e heeonie Hie llillin ol nni'i ..r lll.liil'ii'il
ii.-a i.'rioii4 am too itpt in , niniini , iei'a lroni
not In inu iiware of ihe ilriaillnl eoiti"iu. in i- that may
enaiii'. Now', w hn iiliilelhl.ilnla tliu M.lij, (t w ill iru
I, lid to deny 111 it til,' ,n,i r of i.roeri-iition la loat aooner
b) Ill-lie tailing into itnprnjtcr li.ilnla lli.ui by th-- irudi lit.
II. wl.l.w h.-inv deiiriv, d of lllo'anru of iienlttiy oil.
rill'. tlm inobt aerunia and ileatnutH'e aiiitonia to
Imlli Iniily and mind aTiae. The aj alem li,-eonn a'ditrtii".
e.l , tin- hj, and lm imwera wenkencil, tieriona
debilit) , il)an'iai I, ;i ili.itatli ii ol the In-art, ilulii i-lion,
a wa-tin nl tlio tr.iine, L'ouyli, Syiiildonia of Coiiauinli
tinii, i.r.
tl'Iice, Xo. 7 riouru l'ai'DRUK f(rlii-lT, aeven doora
-'roiii 11 illiinore alreit, Ua-t aide, iii the ati-jia. lie
in nh-ierviug tlmNA.Mi: and MI.MUUll, or you
w III lill-iaKU mi' inate.
.1 Care Ilurrcilcif, or no Charge .Vatle, in from Out to
Tiro Vlaya.
NO, JIUUCL'lir 01! .NAL'Miill'S DI'.L'CS USKD.
mt. .Hiii.t.rnv
Member of the l! ('nll.'n ,.l Surgeona, nt .niidr.ii.
. Cra In lie troliioin- ol the i.iin-t cinineiil t olle-ea , f the
j I'nii,,,! r1! it. .i, and th creater Jiarl of who-,- life lota
i .,. . .,
(i in in in inn iioei-ii.iii- io tiuiiin, 11, , in i. i una. , ll.'l li' I ao'ne ol nit- i.iii.i aa
ltii-hli.H' eiireatbit w. re tier known; many Ironbli-d
Willi riinsin-j in 111 In-ail ninl t-ara lib n a,lei'ii, crenl
iiervoii-iii'M. b iitu iiLirnii il at aiubli n aoniida, and li.ili-l.llm-aa,
1 lll fn-in.-llt bin-bin-,, alt, n.tedaomi tunes with
dLrlineeiiKiit ot I. w i re hip d immediate
a cmiTAiv ni.-JiiAsi:.
M'h-Mi the inl.iriiiil .1 and iiiijiriident lotary of ,leaaiiri
fin la lie baa iniliib,-d th,' m di of Una i,iuifiil dlM a,e, it
too cfi.'it li.nijieiia an ill llin.'d aeuac ofahano' or
diead of di-Lovt-n . di-tera liiin from aooli mi- to ibo-u
linn. dilajniL' lill lb iiilitiiliiuiar aj nii.tiiins of thia
burn I di-i-.ii,' makea lln ir iniiiLdraiK,', a'litl aa ilk, rated
aore tbro it, iliaeaied no,,-, no, turce, mlna in tbubead
an. I llinlii, illinneiaol aiitl, isu.iuieaa, iiihicb o,i ii.e I
' tie, nrosreainir with r.iini!ity,lill al but Hie ialato of
I ,l, io mull ninl linn, -a of tin' lio-u tall ill. tiiid the i n li r
and arini, tdotell, .1 on Una in-,, l, laic an.l extreinii
Co lo llllDlVIIIt'S tlna ib-ai-a-nl betomea ,i horrid object of eoiniuiier,ition
Co (o lIKOlVCII'iS ,i ,1,,-itti puta a ienoil lo Ina dreaill'iil aillferiiia, liy ten
Co tn lll!(Jl'i:il',-l 1 ,iina tutu to "that lioiirmi fioin wbeneu no iranler re
Co to illl(HVl:i:'rf j uiriii." To aiuli. th-'refore, llr. Joliiiatiui dedea bun
Co lo llK(JlVi:i:'H ai-lf io iireaerye tho luoit riiimable aeirecy. and Irom lm
Co to l:l:(lVi:i:S I eiteuaive iiraLtiee in the Itrat Iloaiiala of lluroj.e sjid
Co to IlliillVCn'.S i Ami rl,.i, he i.tu eoiiti.kiitlj ricoiiniieiid aafe and ajieeily
Co to iIlltU'l:i:'rt cure to the iliilorluiuite llitini oftliia li.irrid iliaeuae.
Co to ni:im'i:i! s taki: l'.uiTicL'i.Ait xotilh.
Dr J. a,Mr-- a all llnnu lilio bate iiijuied llieiuaelvca
1 bv privnti mid iuiirriicr Indulai'iitca.
'Tlieao are miiiiii of llie aad ninl lm laiirholv i-trerta iiro-
iluced In earl, ufjouth, 1 ii : Weakneaa of tlio
Hack and Limbs, r.nn iu the II. ml, llimiieai of rdil,
. Lnea ol'.Mneular Tuner, I'ltlliltalioii of llie Heart, ilja-
peiiala, en inn Irralabiltty. lleraupeiueiil of Hie lli,.es
tus l'uncUona.Ceiteral Ui.bilitj, ajiiiiitoiuaofC'onauiuii-
, tjon, &c.
.MllXT.lI.lil .The fearful elicits upon the nniid arc
much lo b.idreu.led, I.naa of .Mi liiory.L'oiifu.uin ol ldi-.ii
l).,ioa,ioilof the Spinta, liwl l'on bodiusa, Aieraio'n
of Sin lety, 1 unity, &.C, are boiuo ol lliu evila pioduted,
'I'houaaliila of pernina of all lllfea can now judge what
ii llie cutis.- of t lie j r declining lieallh. Loosing tin ir
iior, beeoiiiuig weak, pale and eiuaciaii'd, liaiinx ain
cular api''.traiic ubout llio cj ea, couli aud a, ui.totiii ot
Ill' tliia grcntau I iinportaut remedy, iiraknee9 of tho
nrp.tua nru atn-i'ilily lured, and full liir'or ritored.
Tlioiliaiida ol llio ino-l ueivoila and dibilituted, ulio
bad ln-l ull bone, lulc bii 11 immediately rilleli'd. All
bv Ujctur Johiiilju.
- YOl'Ml yiVS.
Who liavfc injurctl tliiii"ilvcH by n certain practice,
iinliiloil in wh-'ii alone-H habit Iru'im-nlly harn'l Irom
t i comiianioiu, oi at chnul-th.) fllccla of ulmli aro
niKlltly I. It, rliu wlnMl uali'fii, uml if not cured rcnilura
lii.irra.iiru iiiiioh.,I.Ic. uu.l ilcatru)a bulll niitiil umi boily,
slioul I iiiil)" iiuuii'iliati'ly.
What a intty lli-it jouiiit iinu, tlio lioio of Ma rimiitry,
nail tint (!uiliU3 of Ina Jiariuita. almulil in aliattliLil Irom
all iiro.iii'ita anil cujoi nu uta of lifi', liy tlio coii,l"iiiii.
r,'a of ileiatina from tin- path of nature, anil lililul;ii,t,'
.'ll.liu acircl iiau.t. oucii iivrauua ticioril cou
' .M.M'.l'.l Mill
alioiil.t reflect flint aouiul iniiul unit bo ly aro tlio mot
neceiiBary riiim-iUH's t rrtmiotu (onuntnal liappnn tn
liideid,UtliolltlieMh.)Jolirm.y thruosh life I comes
n weary tj itf ruuac, tue i-roMi noiitiv uarKciu tn
the Mew; the nniid h.'i oiiiea Mi.idnwed with ilmiri:
III led With the iii'-laiuhclv rftl lion Jiu Jiai-jntii;. j
of nnotln-r ln-i'oin'-H iliyht''d uiih our ivn,
urrici; m. 7 M)i:Tiiriu:inu;ioi;tT., Kif'woM,.vj
ALU HUliClc.U.OlM.i; VI l()rf IXKr'UlMli:!!.
N. H. hvl no Iulu nio'lt fly previ-iit )ou, Lut
iltillivdiati ly either iierntiiatlv nr hy l,i tti r.
SKIN Ulrill LS M'rlllUHA' CLltEU.
TU biJt.lXdf.IlS,
The ininy thongaiHH in eil qt this institution ujlliiu
the I 13 i-arn. aud ill. nnineriiiM itnioi ta'it Kur;rirnl
0)fraton u-rlunni d hy Di. Joli.ulgn, uitiu-ied hy
tim reiorti'r-i ot'tli '.in rt and many utlp'r reun-t, uo
lio's of wludi have aipeared a?am uml a;'otn before the
itihlie, ui-fiil'- I114 tattlin; a u c'liik'niaa of ilinraiitr
amlrctfooiikiliility.irta nilin'iit voarauieetutUuaiUiite J
NT. 11. Tliere nro -o ina'iv isnutant and uorthleu
finally afw-.tiiiri thinMlvct I'iiv-ticiaiit, ruinins tho
health of tlio a I read v afllutcd. that Dr. Johutli.u dci'ini
it 10 (-"sa v tu -a, eniienally t Ihoiu uiiac'iuaintedJ
wiiii ui n-ouiaiion, mui ii( crtueunai-i unu uijupmi-i
Olw.ivt hantc 111 his oilite.
1 TiKfc. Noiite. All Utters nnut he post raid, and
contain a pottage vtaniii tor thu reply, or no answer will
ho m-nt.
.Mart. Ill 7, 1-r.D.
D. A. BEOKLEY, A. B., Principal.
will begin on
Wednesday y the 1th of August,
The building has underwent a thorough rcnovatton.
It has Uecit kujiilied with new furmturu ; the walls
ilfgaiilly papered, aud everjlhius added that can con
tribute to Ihe comfort uud coimuteiicu oftho Student.
The course of iiuiruction will be tlioruiij;, as htrtto
fore, uud tltOaie deienius to lit theniit us to teach will
receive spfcialaitentioii. 'Ihe school itself it conducted
uciurtlitijf to the inott approved inodd.
All the itudiosof our Bcuiinariet are embraced in lis
cau;r3 of study.
Trimary Department - - S( P0
Higher lienartment . t $5 0U
V.a idmritti ma (4n fur itio faliulv of Anf ieiit o
j '-'rS'inn h, nrorured S1.M or Stt.OO r
July 3 l01-tf
JVem Iht Star r IA Mirtk.
Democratic Meeting Iu Cloomsburg.
On Saturday last, Recording to previous
announcements Democratic Meeting uas
held in Uloornsburg. It wus well attonded
repretentatlves Irom all pails ol tlio coun
ty were present but not so largely as might
havo been expected, had tho weather been
more favorable, ll commenced raining be
tween the hours often and cloven o'clock,
in tho forenoon, continued from that on,
nearly tlio wholo day, and at limes very
About half past 11 o'clock, a delegation
arrived from Millliu, accompanied by a
irnic !Umii, of that placu, uhich executed
must excellent tmnic. This Band has tit
tended all tho meetings rave one or two
that have been held in the county thus far,
and their cervices are a valuable acquisition
tu lliefo meetings. It is composed of young
men in and about the town of Alillltn, who
have received considerable musical traimri"
They doerve credit for their perseverance j
, , '
.n tlio art.
Capt, brio W. Utt, wilh the "Greonwood i
Hangers," arrived between thu hours of 11 I
and 12 o'clock. Tlitv weroiiti uniform, 1
with flags wn,viu and drums beating. This
is tho company our friend John Stai.ev so
much tears ; spoku of them as being dan
gerous to tho loyal citueus of his commu
nity. Wo must hero s'ato, that wo never
saw a more respectable and orderly c.i,of
young men, Sir. Sloley's charges l.ill harm
loss lo tho ground. This company num
bered, on Saturday, nt this place, if ,v,e re
member coitecily, thirty-fivo men. The
Captain of tho ''Kinks Independent"
received our invitation too late to be
'I he meeting uas organized in the Court
House, al half past 1 o'clock, V. 11., by tho
selection nllbe following officers:
HON. I. 11. UUI'EllT, Vicsidint,
Vnc PiesiiUntsWaaa Leiily, Alex Mears,
Win. M'Hride, Andrew Frna Daniel 11'
Henry, l'.liazer Hess, George Weaver. 1 SI.
Kvnrts. Dniiit-I Ziu!i-r. IV-h-r lti!trr.vnr II
T r-i : li,- 11, ..;.. - li... i n . -t.,..
,tJ" "!'!"' : V ,''""" J' !'''
Jiiim ueiieni'ii, ,1. .. iiiuuriauu, i-eier tv.
llerbillC, Clint. John VY iletl Igll', I'etei lleilll
, , i,..i- 1 i. ,i.- 11 ti
bach, 1'lnlli i tool, Jose li Lolemati SI. G
MioemjKer, leler t-ni, Jonu Krossier, A.h.
Crobslv, Tlioinas I.aiuleib.icli, Joseph Mou,
Daniel llaoenbiicli, John M.vargle, John
ltohnou, .lo'cph I'alton, Auauslus Ma
Mii llaiiiol Kilcheu, Jacob I.. Curuy, Jacob
Volio, John tinner, John Kroinur, leptien
l'ohe, Lewis K.cLroat.
S'itliiicj Win 11 Jacobv, II. V. M'
UeyiRilitn, Aaron Andrews, John J M'llen
ry, Frederick llasenbuch, Il C. Fruit.
On moiion, tho lollowing yenllemen were
appointed as a Committee lo draft resolu
tions expressive of tho sense of tha meet
inp: Col. John (3. Freeze, Stephen II. Millsr,
Jacob Kraus,llirain Ilower, Hiram 11. Kline,
lln:;li M'Bride, Thomas J. Hutchison.
On molinii, a Commilteo wus appointed,
by Uii Cnair, lo invito tho speakers lo the
meeting During tha absence of this Com
mittee, the liaml enlivened the audience
with one of their choice peices
Cien. ltuumiT Flkminu, cf Williamsport,
and Col. T. II 1'uiioY. of Sunbuiy. were
llu rpeakers.
Gin. Flioiivq spoke for over an hour in
luniMli, with much candor and earnestim.-s
He adverted to our once happy couutrv,
and eniitraalcil it with its present denlora
blo condition, t ! o -i i . most clearly tha
"tomotliiiig was wionja." llo was opposed
to fccussinii, in every fenso of tho word j
was equally opposed lo rebellion, and in fa
vor ol having it crufliod out in tho most
speedy and effectual tnunnir. Ho was for
euti'.aiiiiiij; the Government, in putin' down
1 li is wicked rebellion, witli all Ihe men and
money necessary, and when he tpoke ihoe
eentimenls lie poke the tenlimenu of the
Democr.ric party; as that party had aHvayi.
sustained thu Government and were doing
so now. He thought, had it not been for
tho Democrats, Jell'. Davis would have ''ta
ken tea" in the Whilu House, at tha time
utihouiiced by the Rebels. Still, somt of llie
northern llepublican l'ress, portal in call
ing Democrats bcceSHOuisls and traitors,
Ho explained, in a very plausible manner,
the bad effect that would naturally bo pro
duced with tho Union men of the South by
these Republican presses continuing to de
nounce Demociats ol the North as diloj:.l
His argument on this pumt was e'ear and
logical, and iu no way unrea-oiuble.
Would that ull thu llepublican editors iu this
teclion could have heard it. The speaker
duoll at some length on tho subject of Abo
liliouiam, and considered il a very danger
ous "," as well as very odious lo the
nostrils of a white man. lie thought if there
was any thing lhat stunk more than anoth
er it was AMitiomsm. While discussing
this foul subject, ho paid quite a compli
mniii tn (!un lSuTLtk ol MiLSaL'!iu-elt4.
, 100,11 10 UJLLI 01 UlS.atIIU. BUS,
who has conio out Irom among the very
Blench of Abolitionism, and perlormed such
a noble part in putting down this rebellion.
In speaking of Gen. Uuiler ho adverted to
Com. Siriugham, as a man who was deserv
ing of a good deal of credit in' the lata cap
ture of Fort Halieras. In litis same connec
tion, tho speaker mado a few remarks on
Kuow-Noihingism, as he thought it a good
hit or. that party, which a lew years ago
haled "furriners" lo so great an extent that
nobody but ''Americans should rulo Amer
ica;" ami on the capturing of these Forts,
by Gen. Butler and Com. Stringham, two,
three or more companies were placed in
charge of tho Forts, and nearly every man
a loreiguer. Quito u change had taken
place since Know-Noihingisin, foreigners
wero now to bo trusted, and their servicos
appreciated. The speaker referred briefly
lo the Union Ticket, Iramed by llie ltepub-
lion party, and thought ii a mere change
of uamo for tho purpose of ca ching votes.
Tho address, throuahout, was a telling one ;
and we are happy to state, was r?co!cd
with general satisfaction.
Tho speaker hero having closed his re
marks, amidst rounds of applause, the Hand
favored Ihe audience with a delightful peice
of music, for which they tecened much
The Commilteo on resolutions, through
their Chairman John G, Freeze came for-
ward and reported tho lollowing, which wns
unanimously adopted !
Rtiohctl, That the fundamental doclrino
ot the Uemocratio parly is fidelity lo tho
Union and tho constitution : and that we aro
now, ns we have over been, opposed to a
dissolution of this Union upon any ground
whatever. That we will theteloro support
ami sustnin the Government In Its clfort
to put down this rebellion, lo tho full extent
of tho means necessary (or that purpose.
Itesotvcil, That secession is a oolitical her
esy, and that thero was no sullicienl cause
lor the action of the South and that while
tho democratic party of the Norlh sympa
thized with them, previous to their seces
sion, and did defend their constitutional
riglils in the Union; that wn never contem
plalod gniii! outside of it, for that purpose,
ard never will.
Hcsotitil, That abolitionism is tho primo
cause ol our national difficulties, and that
were it nut for the abolitionist of the North,
there would b no secessionists in tho
Sc-u'h. V aro therefore ol opinion that the
abolition elemonl now sustaining Fremont
onainst Lincoln is a disunion element of
which Greeley, Ileccher, Phillips ati'i rrcd,
Doualas, aro lh head.
Hewluil, That the Opposition, in effect,
Rdiniis that tho llepublican pally wa not a
Union pany ; and that their change of name
will not change their character: That
therefore those men who have now tccepl
cd llepublican nominations are not entitled
lo democratic support, and that liko Kau
of old, thev havo sold their birth-right lor a
mess of pottage,
Col. PuKiir was introduced to the
meeting He remarked that the audience
had already listened to an able aud lengthy
speech, and that ho would endeavor not
to detain them much longer. He started out
in his diecourso very beautifully, nhovring
what rapid progress had been made within
it few fhoit jears, in this country ; the
yau murium of ue.ilili that had been accu
mulatcd tho powerful and perfect Govern
ment that had been established and nearly
all accomplished through Democratic rule,
It was true, he- remarked, that the Opposi
tion had had control of the. Government, at
certain times, bm it was also true, that thi-it
reign in power was of short duration. Uu
der their administration, not much was
even accomplished.
Ho reviewed the diiTeront Opposition par
ties, in a most perfect manner, from the
days of the Old Whig parly up to the pres
ent Union Kapublicuii party, claiming that
when the Democratic party opposed the
Henry Clay Whig parly they were opposing
an element lhat was worthy of their steel,
Since the deaih of Clay the opposition parly
havo been destitula of a principle they
have wandered in darkness, without a lea
dertheir lamps havo been much of tha
limo without oil. They luvo been known by
many names for tho IbM few years, and by
nothing long, 'llie speaker explained the
caUh-tiop the Republicans were preparing
lor Democrats this fall. It was a machine
called "Union Ticket." composed of limber
Democrats. This ticket is placed before
the people, in all Democratic counties, but
it is not thought of in counties were the
Republicans aio in tho majority. For in
stance, look at Bradford and a score of olh
thors, that could bo cited. A Democrat
could not gel a smell of an office in old
Bradford ,
Tho spoaksr in thocouria of his romaiks
referred to the management and doings sf
the LegUlature last winter. He adverted to
the passage of the act repealing tho tonnage
tax, and thought had that Legislature been
composed ol Democrats the swindling op
erations that were going on last winter
would neier havo taken place. Ho strong
ly urged the tending ol Democrats to the
next Legislature, for various reasons which
ho explained, and it wo may judge from the
applause with which his remarks were re
ceived, wo may safely add, that Ihe audi
enco unanimously agreed with him. The
speaker resumed his seat amidst rapturous
Upon tho conclusion of Jlr. Purdy's ad
dress, Col. Tale begged permission to read
the subjoined letter Irom tho Hon. Alexan
der Jokdn, of Sunbury, in answer to an in
vitation to address the meeting:
SukbuhY, Sept. 17, 1661.
Levi I, Tatic, K-ij. My Dear Sir: Your
kind note, inviting me lo be present at a
Union Mais Meeting, to be held in Bloomi
burg, on Saturday next, has been received;
bull fear it will not be in my power to com
ply with jour kind request, and meet my
Inend General Fleming, anil other of my
friends, who will be present.
Tho distracted condition of our once pros
perous and happy country must fill tho heart
of every true patriot with sorrow, and all
should unite in crushing the spirit of disun
ion, aud sustaining the general Government
in preventing Ihe dissolution of the Union.
Wo cannot concede the right claimed by the
revolting Stales lo secede. To do so. would
bo an admission that we havo no Go, em
inent. We have a Con'lituiioii under which
we have long prospered. That constitution
was made lor the government of the people,
ly tht peofli, and all it provisions Mur ba
respecied and carried out in good faith. It
cannot ba changed but by consent of the
people, and he who is unwilling to abide
by tho constitution cannot bo considered a
loyal citizen
With great resrect, yours, &c ,
The reading of the above letter was ac
companied bj (ho remark, lhat the writer
was the present President Judge of Ihe VIII
Judicial district of Pennsylvania. A Union
man, a sound Democrat and a pure patriot,
One who had liberally given of his means
in men and treasure to defend Ihe honor
of the Government. That he was ihe Dem
ocratic candidate for President Judge and
would bo triumphantly re elected
cheers were then proposed and given with It is now affirmed that the Adminibtra
a will for the Hon. Ai.tx. Jobuan. t;on w;n be forced to supcrsccdo him in
On motion, a oie or thanks was given to 0(msolueuoe 0f overwhelming evidences qf
ine speaeri, m. iiai.uuai au j.aiuu,
addresses, and to tho Siring Hand for their
very excellent music.
The meeting then adjourned.
Estate cfJohn C. Kinney, deceased.
TVTOTM'E i a lli'riliv fi Utlrrsol nilnillllatralion
1 on lln; calalo of Join C Kiinly. lato of MatllaoK
ton paiup, Columbia county, iU'ci'a.',i, inn i,c,n emu
'i.aV'a'l.U'a i.'.ai.i town.iliii, i;iu,i,ii.i lo'uuty. Aii
iiii'itt, ana those muctiuu lo luaae rniiu'in wiiunm uk
WW filll'LTZ.
Ailut3l, lfl.-r.t.
A T T O 11 N Fa Y AT LAW,
RLOnMSBVIta, r.i
OiTico In Coutl Ally, formerly occupied by Chailes R,
Bloaotiburg. Dec 4, Is".
Latest From MlBSourli
Account of the Defence and Surrender of
Lexington-Gallant conduct rf Col. MuU
igaii The men of his command re
leased Largt amount of Spoils gained
by the Rebels Pari of his Command
al Quincy.
Quinct, III., Scjit. 23. A part of Col,
Mulligan's command arrived hero this o
Tctiitig. Tlio balance, amounting to nearly
3000, aro expected to-morrow. TLoso
who havo arrived say that tho force at
Islington is only about 2000, including
several companies of Homo Guards, who
aro accused of having shown cowardice.
Tho surrender of Lexington was mado
at five o'clock on Friday afternoon. Tho
flag was hauled down by tho UoirtQ Guard,
Colonel JIulligan h spoken of in tho,
highest terms. Ho displayd groat bravery
during tho action, and when asked to sur
render, ho refused. His sword was taken,
away by foreo.
Col. Mulligan and all tho commissioned
officers aro held prisoners by tho rebels.
The fort was surrendered oa Friday af
tcrnoon. The men fought for Cfty-nino
hours without water, and had only tlirco
barrels of vinegar to quench their thirst,
during all that time.
There were no springs or wells of water?
in the camp ground. As has been tlated,
the supply was only from tho river, and
this supply was cut off, after a desperate,
fight, on Wednesday.
They mado but few charges upon tL,o
breastwooks, and during tho entiro siego
their object Bcemed to bo to surround tho
fort and cut off tho supply of water.
Having succeeded iu this, they waited un
til Col. Mulligan was oompollcd to yield
to a foe more terrible than tho twen
ty-seven thousand rebels that surrounded
Previous to his surrender, ho offered to
tako a position on a level spot of ground,
and give General Price the odds of four- to
one iu a fair and open fight, but no atten
tion was paid to it.
After tho surrender, the rebels mounted
the breastworks, and seemed mad with,
joy. As soon as tne surrender took placo
a party took down tho flag and trailed it
iu the dust.
An immense amount of gold, supposed
to bo about a quarter of a million, fell into
the possession of the rtbcls. It was taken
from the Banks and hurried by Col. Mul
ligan on tho camp ground aomo tima
ago, but tho rebels speedily unearthed it.
Colonel Mulligan wept liko a child whoa
he found himself compelled to surrender.
On the morning after tho surrender, tho
meu wcro all released on parole and fer
ried across tho ritcr j tho officers wcro re
tained. Tho loss of tho rebels is nst known, but
it is thought to bo not less than a thousand
killed and wounded. Their first attack
proved more disastrous to them than, tho
lopg siege which folloitei, For a day or
two previous (o tho last attack, thoy wcro
engaged in hurrying their dead.
Cabinet Meeting' Removal of General.
Fremont llii successor nameel Ru
iitBrsfrom Kentucky Probable Battle
.Again Along tht Union Lines.
Wasui.npton, Sep. 10.
Nho presuro on tho Government is very
strong for tho removal of Gon. Fremont,
It is thought ho has done tho oausc mqrq
iujury than good by his courso.
Tho sesiion of tha Cabinet over thit,
matter was quito long. It is possible tho
conclusion was to supersede Gen. Fre
mont, probably by tendering him-a differ
ent and less important command, which,
will involve tho necessity of his again re
signing from tho army.
Gen. Meigs and Postma3tcr-Qcncra
Jllair presented their reports. Tho na
ture of Mr. lllair's roport is against tho
i policy pursucu uy uen. iTomont. it is
' couiplaiued by F. Blair that Fremont is ma?
j king preparations for his expedition down
j tho Mississippi, aud is more intent upon
striking a blow at tho Cotton States, and
opening tho river to tho soa, than ho is of
clearing the State of Missouri ef tho mi-
, raudiug rebels that now infest it.
, :....,., Moreover, it is stated
that ho has been dabbling in contracts,and
is wastcfully extravagant. Talk runs
high ou this matter, and Generals Meigs
and Banks aro variously spoken of as
Fremont's successor.
Advices from Kentucky, to-day. stats
- that thcro is somo probability of a confi
heforo long, between tho forces of Gene
ral Anderson and Priest Polk.
Thero is nothing especially new to
chroniclo on tho lino of the Potomac. Tho
opinion is becoming settled that thcro will
bo no battle un il General McClellan is
ready to advance, and when that timo
comes he will notify Beauregard and John-
son k Co,