f fllillMIlI ..lFJOtlfl AT VVJJUtlllilil Ull llUUllil 1 ' Jntill ft PrrHTB . 77 7, .. - "" SATURDAT MORNING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1861, " iffl- To-morrow I, Ihn lfAni.ll. R...,.l, ftcr Trinity ... . . Tho Pilgrims lcavo England, Scptcm bor 10, 1020. United States Constitution adopted Sep tembor 17, 1787. Arnold's treason discovered September 18, 1780. Battle of Poitiers fought 10th Septem ber, 1350. Dattlo of Newberry fought September 20, 1013, Saint Matthew's Day. Tho 18th, 20th & 21st aro Ember Days .. TT , ' ' .. 1ST The Hon. Win, M. Meredith. At- In.T.nn H I nfj.. L' 1 - 1 I 1 , 1 ,-v, v. .uu u ueciareu, upon application made to him by tho State -t. v..-vU. v. -..m..uu uvma, uiai, directors must Keen tlio schools of their ( respectivo districts in operation at least four months annually. 86T" A very excellent, much needed and highly approved improvement has been made in tho main street of liloomsburg, from the "Forks Hotel" to tho Depot of the L. & 11. 11. It. Mr. It. Ilagenbuch deserve! great credit for that general fixa tion. It seems to havo doubled tho value of all tha property along tho street. :o: i5? On Monday last somo 15 or 20 volunteers from tho upper end of Co'um bia, and thu lower cud of Lycoming coun ties passed through Illi'omiburg on thoir way to CU up the "Ilugosville Guards" now at tho beat of war. 'J'hcy woro ho Jllt-i mud U03- tho HlooinsburL' mi. Diuumauurk pitably entertained and Cuards showed them around, with their duty honorably and bravily performed. CSf The Connecticut Legislature, voted last year, by a largo majority, to amend tho Stato Constitution fo .11 to allow nc groeii to vote. This amendment had to go over to tho present tcsion, and if adopted by a two thirds vote, was to go to the peo ple of their approval or rejection, but the vote this year is as strongly adverse as it was last year favorable to the project -being 41 ayes to 130 nays. :o: t&T JaiiC3 Witniau, son of our towns man Anthony Witman, died of Typhoid fever, in Washington. His remains woro escorted homo by private Sharpless of the "Iron Guards," and wero interred with oil tho pomp and circumstance of glorious war, on Tuesday last, in Koscuiont Ceme tery. A very largi number of persons followed to the grave. Tho ceremonies Were imprcs-ivo and solemn, and the cor tege returned to the Methodist Church wLcro .1 suitable sermon was delivered to a largo and attentive audience. :oi SSSm Tho following aro tho names of tho Republican United States Senator? who refused to vote for an act approving the action 01 me rrcsiueni sucu as ins sus pension of tho tub-as corpus iucrcaso of the Hcgular Army, etc : Raker, of Ore gon ; Ringhan, of Michigan ; CoUamer of Vermont j Harlan, of Iowa ; King, of New lork; Lane of Kansas j Morrill, of Maino i Ten Eyck ; of Now Jersey ; Wil mot, of Penna.i SHEIiMAX, of Ohio; Trumbull, of Illinois. It is a curious fact that tho Republican press, although tho violent in their abuso of Democrats for not endorsing all of Mr. Lincoln's acts, havo not a singlo word to nay in regard to llio vote of tho seven teen Republican Senators. II'ae County Dan crat. :o: ieS" It is understood that the New York World and Courier and Enquirer was sold out, a few days ago, machinery, stock, good. will and all to Mr. John It. Fotd, ono of tho principal stock holders, for 830,001). Out of this sum, Mr. Ford is to pay all tho debts incurred by the establish ment sineu the first of July last, and the 817,000 mortgage on the prcsj, held by Mr. lice. As the JFcvMpaid 100,000 (in stock) for tho Couticr anil Evquirrr, a few weeks since, Mr. Ford has evidently obtained a bargaiu. Tho expenses of tho ll'crld am said to be 1500 a week in ex cess of thu receipts, the old Courier adver-i tisements being by tho year, and paid for in advance, proving a los, instead of a source of income to tho World conocrn. Tho experiment of publishing a daily relig ious newspaper has cost the proprietors 8200,000 in cash, and their journal tho blight reputation for piety which ho estab lished at tho start. A'tw York Tribune. :o: Tho Legislature at its last session passed a supplement to the Election law, which requires "tho return inspectors,onoo in each and every hour during tho election to count tho tiokots and thereupon deposit tho tickets counted in tho ballot boxes pro vided for the purpose. They aro to inako publicly known tho stato of tho voto at each and every hour, and in liko manner immediately after closing tho polls mako publicly known tho result of said election." Any discrepancy observed between tho "utnDer ot tioituts anil the amount rocor J.t . .1 . , . -.. ...u 4lsv pu-iii w ii;v.-vvvsvv I by the inspectors. Tho ballot boxes aro to bo deposited, after counting, in a, Dro i prr- accessible lo uo other nersons ',tl'a!1 tho MB'or,and ,ccorder aud tber kept unopened for ono year, except by p , . . ,, ., t , B.0mo t0url ,0 11)0 "'' f Such olcc- tion. Xlio appointment ami o cct on of ( return inspectors nml return clorks to act at tho election on tha second Tuesday in , , - uclol)Cr noxt- nr0 t0 uo ma" ,n 1,10 ao ttintinnf ..a If cL nfTimi.a t.n.l 1,a.. manner. us if such officers I ml honn urn I'ro- . viously appointed and had declined or ro filled to serve. Lcdgtr, MARRIAGES. On lliiitdv lli Slliln.t.l.y II, r, rtPv. J. I!. Dimiii, Mr. Wii.i.um W. IK'Ril uf llloniiifliiim, in Miai Bliuit U muLii ofltoarinicrcck.oll orColnnililaro. Pn. DEATHS. In lllnmiulinrir, nn Tiicidny nioriilni. nf p Tll0ll rmnii. inn nT ill,. r',i,,,ll,. fli.l ogod 5 I In Mminl rijaaant, on Iho 31st nil., CilAHt.oTTt,nlf inniiiiii anil ii naj t. I ,T " Vi,,lia,iua uji, On tlmSlth lilt , at lior ton'i rcililcnre near Jersey, town, rni'DEM Thomas njed 73 yeara ind H da) r. ,,0"B''"i'');,'nornhitlat,l,0nlin1Jrii'n.aiittoii(liln1 Mr' J""'' r- "i""' ''nm o:i ypar. itBVIE W OF THE MAHKET. coimccrun ht.kki.y. WIlr.AT. $1 OIIX'I.OVEUSEEU SI SO i.. urn;n UVJIl. 101(1) . o"'x5'"';,v' j nuckiviiKAT .'.','.'.! 511 KliOS- 10 .'0 TALLOW... iM LARD ioll'OTATOES. 12 III id Spcciul Notices E8TRAY- A Omnia liito 1'ijr, weighing about llio lb., nlth n block icit on one hli, Ini been obfcnl aecrnt day-. A -uilablo reward III bo given for Information of in whereabouts. JAS M.TIIORNTOV. N.n.-Ths i hap who has tho nhoc descrlbod I'ig en. closed, will snc trouble uad ixiicmc by clTectiiiE its enrly relcnso. B illooliiblMirg, July n, IFCl, $25! j EMPLOYMENT! AtiKN'Trf WANTED I c will pay rrom s-5 to ST.',J,,er month, nnd nil ripen. r-n, tnnitito Agi lits.orgivo ,i:coiiniiis'ioii. rurliriilnrs .I'.0, , Alfl",'' Lietfwisn MaiiiIm Compaky, K, JA.MI S, O-iieral Autnl, .Mli.m, tjluo. Aug. II, IMII.-I'.'m. The Whllo Hall Clothlnir Store TIlC lindepsletlrd. Iinvlnr, l.ll.plinn.l Ihi, ...ll L.,. .. While. Il.ill Clothing KmiinritiiuSltiiatu nn the flnutn Ue""-Ir"er orriirilino.l Market Streets, Philadelphia fcsiieciliilij- mform t hi-niil.lir and icrinor customers i.f the House, lint he keeps ioii-tniily for sale nnd make, .....,u..,, ,, tieverijKioii oi wcnucNicn s wear, ofitp proved uinteri.il and jells nt moderate ririies. lie. tug a l in Tie, i, 'lsii.011, ho eiii.r ,iiti',' good flts and gM "'m ,''lut',l,l, ytriftattcnlion given to jobbing A continuation of the custom nfthe house, which ho .. . , ,,,,,,,3 ,u uierit, is icry respeLttiillv iuvi c"' 1'. ft LCVIL'K May 1, lP0l,-y ' ul'VH-h- in ii i i i''T ,"1T1"'", I-MroatOM op Tin: U.mo.h. "-'i' to mosi spicnuiu clothing Em porioum in tho country. It la ,ti,.i,l,i nJ palatial structure in which the immense business cf the ''"'"'I"11 "1 is condoned, nnd it is equally splendid ill rjspecl to its great factlilics nud vast resources. Hut to its patrons its thief MIMCtinns arc. nm tho ilecnnto Of tli enrineitla f,,v f !,.m lu...... . .. . .... Y.i - i on, us. mainline. lured Jh-rei secouiU). the beauty nnd durability uf the materials, nu.l the superior eicellento of the fit, and lastly tin moderate prices nt which tho goods are sold. c refer, In this descriptmn. to none other than the Hr"n Mom Clothing Hall f Rockliill it Nilsun, Ko, litl.J jtrnl Mlchesnut street, rhilidelpliia. Uniformity 6f Trices I-A New Feature In Uuslues Mery one his own Salesman I JONLri & co. of the iM' !;r,';.,,e'X8 w"-xo- " In addition to liaviui tho I trgetl, most vnried and f.l.hiouable stock ol Clothing in l'hlladeliilii.i, made ex pressly for retail sales,, h.ie constituted every one bis on n salesman, by having marked In figures, on inch ar ticle nt the very lowest price It can bo sold for bo they cannot pns lb y vary all nnut buy alike, The goods aro well si(ingcil and piepaied, and great pains taken Willi the making so that nil e.iubuy with the full insurance nf geltlug a good urtlclo nt the very low est price. Also, n largo .tncl, of u, co goods on hand.of the luteal style und h-st uiiulnl.s, wliuhnill be made to order. In thi most fashionable and best niimiicr, -J.5 ur cent., below credit (iriees. M.!:t;,',',',"'lJ', ",u '-'('C'-'Ht, in Jlarket.almve Fuill Flreet Nn-2(l"- JUV'LH it C l l. ir7-Tlimil W, MVI-IVUN. Itec lved tho 1'rio .Meda nt the Wlllld's Pair In I.on.lr.t, IKSI e 'i-o n v ,.- t.MIl LI HAIIS, Itiiots, shoes mid (Jiinis. Ilrent Induce luents are now oifred lo puriha-ers of tliu nboic nrti lies. This is iniirh Hie largest slot k nf trunks, Carpel lli!!. .ilires.,Ve., In I'hilad, Iphla very cheap for cash No. 4-1 J M irk.-t f-treet, uiio door above Jin, iwuA siJc New) IDucriiscmcnts. CHEAP MILITARY CAPS ! MILITAIIV C MM, nf every sort, sl;n and onlity, or s il i ih -je, at tin liloomsburg lint A Can Kinporiuui. Also (.roccries, Coin, cion.irics.ji.'igars, ic. joiin ic. niii'rn.v. lioiiiiwi,urg, Kept. 11, Itfll, CAUTION. WlICailASmywifaMAItV, Ins left my bid nnd ho ir I, willu.it ju-t provoc.itmu, all iirsuiid aro thercforo lureby cautioned ng.ilnst lurboring or trust lug her on my ii"eo mt iu I .-nil d, ter.iimod to pay no debts of her contracting after this date. , ."H.'II.YULIlllTLi;. Ml ilei).iut twp. rlipt. 7, Ulll.-3t,. Public Yciiduc! VIM.bpoilnt Public Vcndm1, at tlio Intc rcsidmcu nfjusiipl) Holler, dcc'it, in inadioon toMiiij, Cutum l.t cuyuty, on TwS'tat) Stptcmberj 2Ui 18GI Tlu fillow Iny ltrsn il irupcrly to wit: THREE HORSES, NINE HOGS, OSU SOW AND PKJfl, Til RLK CATTLU, ONI'.TiVO IIUKMi; W.VUDN, ONE JUTGGY, ONE SLED, Ono PHi;!, Plough., and Il.irrouji, Ciittivatnra, one trt nfsitisk' llstrncttx, WaiEoiHiLMri, riuuti Ui'.in. A.c Crnin by tlio Iltuh-I, Hay by the ton, Cirniii thu ( round. BEDS &, BEDDING. Cirjitt, Cliuri, Talilpu, ic., toatthr ultli .t ncty of farming. itunn.U audliouMchold and kitiliun lunuturu too tiuniitruji to mvnlioil, CCT" Hale to commence ut 10 c'clock of said day, when condition. will bo luade known uiu! due ntti'iid.iiico ci . by LUVl WKlUUTd, wiJm r, Madisnn, Pi-jil. Ji, ICI. ST. jCHOLAii HOTEL ili oailivay, Xcw Vovlt. bo.ird Ri:i)i!ci:i) ro a w.n u.iv. Since thrioneuiii!; of IhU vnt nnd rnmimi Hon Itotfl. In J C.j I , it has bei n thu tingle fiuh'in or of iho proprie tors to m.iko it th in Jit Hiitiipuiijiid, com am jut ami coiuforlablii lioui'j for tho citi.ci and htranjur on ibis mile tlio .uaiiif, An 1 wlutover b.ii ponied likelv lo admin ii lor to thu comfort ofits i,'uyt they luvu eu.b'Hvorod, without re g.ird to corit, to pro vide, and to combine all 1 1)3 c lenient s of inJividiul and social cujoyni-ittt which molern art li.is nucnled, and npJderutaM approved ; uud tlio pn tronajijwliiclt i hai conmidiided durlni; tlio past is nrs u a (,T4tllyiilil proot tlut their elUrU havo been appreciated. To meet the exigencies of tin times, when all aro re piJred to pructico llio moat riaid ccouoiu), tho unJtr biKlcd Haw Reduced the Price of Board to Two DOlIa.'s per Day, nt tho sanifj timo abating no no of tho lumrioi with Which thu'lr table has luilierto been snpplied. TUCAUWULt, WIIU'COMU t CO. tiept, 14. lHil.-llni. ULOOMSlJUltCr AUADKM1" : D. A. BECKLEV, A. B Filncipal. Tun autij.mn susrfioN or tuw jxhtitl'tiox will begin un Wednesday) the 1th of August, Tho building l.ia underwent a thimih renovation. It has been supplied with new furuiiuru i tho walls tlecutilly papered, and ever) thing added that can con tribute to tho comfort and conwiueiiro of thu Student. Tlio courbeof iniructioii will bothoroui;. m tttrtio fore, and those desittiiiiig to tit themselves to t-arh will receive specialutlcntiou. Tiiu school itself Is conducted according to tho hum approved model. AH the bludicsof our tfciuinarics nro tmbriccd in in course of study. terms; riimary Dep'irtment - $1 t'ft i:r "t:lk ,,a,, f,;.;,. .,,, ,,r ,JL",:, Ta Modern l.aneuaees I Good buardlllg cu can bo procu.ed .t Sle50o, S-J,00per I week. July l3, IttCl-lf. WANTED! A tou or Wood, altliu cflkc, IniutiJuiety, i f!o.MJ.; and settle. ' T"?sl!k"onlnM"m,''i- indited t -tho under - ilgncd nro hereby nntillcd to como mid settle their jr."'"'"'""'"''"1. "' "nw In earnest-. proper hand ruVn i iV ,, """ '"" r,,"u Brpt.7. ipni. at. J. E. BANDS. 1 T.IIKHH VH fi utVTV AniirniTtmir - -. . ,iuiuuuiau' KAL SOCIETY, Tllr'TI1"1" ANNUAL rAlliofthI,iii!fin Cnunlr J Agtlcullurnl Society n ill l,,-l l, ,i.it ii,,,i! 'at iVVU.MI.NU, on WED.NESDAV. Tl ill hiiav .,! 1'RIDAY, Iho'.M. 3d oiul -Itli day. of October. 1M11 Vt. !S:B?JL:f.7.V'?. crcd Tor inhibitors, much more so than thoso offered their lircviousoihiliiilnni. -rim ..i.-i.i Iju linumially larao mid attractive. 1 ,u I'lirmcrs. Merliiinlea. iui.i tl... .'...(.it. , ,,, nml it 10 their ndtantago to bo present, both is e ihlb 1. ors and spectators, mid are cordially hiuted to intend STEUIIISV JENKINS!, Vecr'tory.' VKINSS, Secretory. joining, Hcpl.7, Iflil. :it. Liiwiio Ouuuty Agrlcultiial Society pltOraSALSwIII bo rccelted by the undersigned, I.LI.U9 1 uit IU.41 AbllANld, un the Grounds nf the Society, their l-alr.nn the V!,l, 3d and 4th clays of Octo. imt. iruii as iniio 1 1 Onu Kentauraiit for citUcna nf Pcratiton nuil vicinity. " " " " l'lttiton " " " " AVilkci-ltnrre " " " " the county ycncrolly. 1 lio Rocloty iU kirn Hint ench iiromlncnt lorfillty ulinll ujr uh .i n onn iiiizviii Ji ticnircu by tiicm , hiuI Ih-iim till -t nrriinci'inrni toKdlOTriiW Pltl.d i.. i...i... i.i-i s ... . . any time prclous to Iho. Fif. Hi'r.tllit'V .U'viftv-a a,..i,.n... Wyoming, Sept 7, tTJI.-iit, John Paroira. 7Id AKCII btrcit. between "th, on J Mli. Mruct. (Ute ofnZMukttiytrftl PkiUJttyhla.) J MroRTt R 4t .M AKts-FALl I'Rt K Of, flllj DKALIH If ML KIM'Htifr.WOV IX'ltr1, For jAdir Jilista tin'lChUtlren'sv'car, lluvhitf now innnulnctiircd and In ft re my unnnl l.irzc nnd beantifiil nt jTi&s. noNN.uit ofull tin; vnriom tt)lc and '."aluii'i of Tun ado'tL'd to tlie com-- ill? Fall and lnt,-r M-n.nit. 1 w,,,,!,! rcfpi-clfiillv itultuan examination of my slut k and pri ca from tliosu liitcmllup to puicha., a I am cnablud to oifer i tic mi very driilrnlilo IndnrciiH'iin, M my ruralidvi bci'ii purrliissil for ra-h, and made by Mpcrlciict-d and com put cut lianiN.and nn t'ie pri'fftit inoiiftnry trrtiibli rrii'brlt ncrosfary that I houU diB Iiimo oCmy pood at ery fiiiall adant on rot. I am flatUiit'd tint it will bo to tlu Intercots wf those how design puruh-if inir. to give inn a rail. 7" Itrrolii'it, tho iiuiii nnii.bpr and Ktrcrt: John rarfirt.(VLnv I'nr -tnr.'OTH AkIi street, I'Ji.l.idi liilil l fpptciobtT ?, liiil-Siu, ADMINIST ATO It'S NOTICE. F.slulc nf John C h'inncy, deceased. UOTlr;i: Is hereby gUen that letters of administration 11 on the e-lale nf Jons l Kis,v. lni ,.r i n-,.- in n-i,ip, coiuiniiia rounty, deceased, have hei n gran, ted by th j Register of slid rmilily, to thu undersigned, win resides in said township, Columbia tounly. All persons hiving i lajms or demands against the estate nfthe del cdenl lire requested to present th'-m for settle. j"y"'' ",0 'n"10""' to '"-i1"-' payment w IiIm.iu do- WM Plll'LTZ. I. TILLMAN. August 31, m.-U. Mmr't. fresh Ann iv a -01'- T' M W. '0 fSi S3 SCefSH' 7 1IK undersigned, grateful for pa-t patronaje. rcsncrt fully informs Ins, u-tuiners mil thepuldicgeuenillv th.ithehi Ju,t rec lve,l fro,,, the La.toruo cities, tU largest and mo-t select slock of SPRING AND SUMMER Tint has y.t ben opene 1 In Illooiusburg, to which' In- im it.-s tho iiit.-iitioii ni his f,i Is, and nssures them that tl.-y are idler; . I lor solo at great bargains. 1 , Mink comprises a large assortment of iii:.tl"jmi:n's wiuiuni! aitarll, Cons t-tlllg ol FASKloSM.t, llnhsa Covts, nf rcrv des. , r.plion I Pauls, Vests, Wilrls, Craviils .-'locks, Cult,,,, llaudkertlil.-fs, Cloves, tfu-peliders, A.p, GOLD WATCHES JEWELRY, Of every desrri pi Ion, line nnd cheap. N. 11. - Iteitieiolier ' l.uvritht rt:'n Ctieitp L'-steriwn." -call and see. N charge for exa.ning Hoods, DAVID l.UWLVIII'.Ild I.loom.burj, March S, SOL (Jue fjj.) ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK. Estiie of Josj)'i Heller, tltceiurd, ILTTCH- nrAdminLtration on the I'-stale nf Jigipu -d Ufli s ll latent Madis III t'lw ll-hip.Coluiobl.l enailty deieas-d. have hei u'grtiiited by the Iteglsti-r nf Coluiu Ln eoiiaiy t, th-. iiii.,-rslia,l, re.i.llug In ileudock township. All per.ons hav lug cl.iiuis again.! the IMatu of III - d, CLib-ul. ar r.'SU.'stedtiiiireselit them to Hi I Ad luiui-tratur, without del.i), mid all persons indebted to make p.iym jut forthw itll. , , LI'.VI tVltlHIIT. Aug SI, l-Ml-Ct. Look to your interests! FRESH ARRIVAL oe SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS AT MILLER & EYER'S. rp.lLi mibj-ribcrt Invc just rt'tnrin.! from itm City X Willi another laryo and ecloct nnsortmct of Lurth.ih.'d at Phibidt'lphla, at tho lonunt (.(,'uro, nnd winch thuy aro ilctrmnnud lo bp 1 1 mi n mod. -rati! trriiH Uii.ni bo procured tU-jwhtro lit Uloomtburir, Thilr htn k con.priKt' st,ij;s ititt.su noons, of tlioi-i,i .t)un and litcut fiiliion. liHY goods, wav; mtncKttins. CRiMt iMia:t Jiuu,otr h:i(k ifio.; j:iir,$, hours a- 6oi In Blunt c.'rjtliinjrtMiially kept In rountry Stores to wbirh thry invite the public centrally. mii.i.lu ic i:yi:it. mooimuurs, -iay n, imi. R A tl ii X i & 11 A W - 5 O N IS Super-Wiosphatc of Lime. MANUrACTUItEl) HY HAUUH & SONS, Xo. 20 South irharvcs, Philadelphia, Cash Price, 45 per 2000 lbs, 1'h r huts and Dealers ran rrly upon the aetoiranrethat the cliar.u ler of Una well known luaniiro is still fully inaintJined. Ili-inp prepared Urirlly In accordance w itli nckntillc. I'mhi ipo-, ir"i noin-s in iiiLir natural nate, wiihout nuy prxrekoi buniiniror b.tkiu. and und rtbu pcrouul mipf-rviMonor the propn tors, tlu-y run tinriotty (ru.ir- n ire u.ia ii-iruHLiuu 111 mis reapcti, anu aisoa ic iitj LiitirclylKo from udulteration, " GHOUNDlTTu' I10NES,, UUAUA.NTIKI) PUHIi. Gash Trico, per 2000 lbs. Th superior value of (his standard artitlo of Crountl Hound in now so will kno n, tliat it U only nec ss iry Jmtc tori'iiund Dealer lb.it our fuilities for its mjnu l.uuire are now tiuilicieut to meet thu most aclhe de lIMIld. i. " Tho iilmvu Manures can bo had of regular dealers in Ui equity, or of DAUfill Ac POH. JftiHvfacturm and frofirirrcrt . No. SO South Wharves, rhiladtli lna, July 20, lrG-Jiii. Normal Institute and Academy, or new cai.usiiJUd, luzbhm: COUNTV, fMIK ncn 'JVrm of ihii IiistUuiitm will couiuience J. on .VO.VWr. AUGUST YiTIl, riulerlhe direction cf Prof. 11. D, Wilkib, who, a a Hiholar, a Teacher, und n Lciturtr, it too widely and loo favorably known to need any recommendation. Additional facilitirs to thoeo heriloforo enjojedby pnidcnt'i will ho fiiruitlied dunnir llio term and j car. Distruclious in Vocal and I iibtrt mental Music will be given b :ui uccoinidiched Teacher. ror the Trunieeit. JUIIM KOONT!, S'fy, August 10, ISfll. BltlDGE LETTING, Tho County Commiiiioncr w III ricehe iiropoiaU at the house vf Jamc Ma.tiTii, in t'ine tow ntfiin, Colum bia County, until 3 o'clock ii, lit, on l'rlday tho '.'3d day of Au,;iii next, for buildind V"jj?pcu Trut Undfe over Ijiltlo FibhinsLrfck. near tho rvn.rtViuu of tho faij ments, vvntlli l iievl. lltglll o iv-ci u incues, irnui low wate; ., . tl"W'A" ficaUon iuh bi ot n nn the day nud ptaco uf letting, Hy order of tho County CouimLtMonerti . a,.. ii-c.ruuir.ci. Dloouutuij, AugublU, loOl, i "liATTLMonK LoioirrrLr ' n n t n tl ' ati, v " " ' " " " 3 1 " ' l rpHHfonnderof this IM. brated tnstliutlnn, nflVrf the Z .El:: """i Uli WHMil for cnrlnrHr Un-cls. Mr el urea. H t,l u u.k ncss, ruins lit lli j Loins, Constitutional Dchilily, (ninn. tency. Weakness nf llu llrick mid Limbs, Affections nf , Ilia KIJiiti m, Palpitation of tltfl Heart, Dispcpsla, Net mils Irritability, Dissnso nf lli.i Head, Thrum, Nuso nr . Skin, nnd all those serious nntl me lancbnty lllanrdcrs nrhiug from the dctirititiva habits nf v.niiii. utiipi. .in. "oyf nni . J hese secret and soltlar) Pncllces, ore imiro fulnl t" lli-ir victims Ihaii tlic sung ut 'hi Syrens lo the mnnitpra Ulysses, blighting their i,i,i V " . "ili-il1"t"". rimleritiB luairlogu&e. MA.mt.vm, at1 1M1,,I,I persons, nr Young Men contemplating mar "1 rlfiijn. lit hit; nnaronf iihvslcnl weakness, nrmiile. ilrnMil ly, d, rotmltlcii, cc, tliould Immediately coniull )r ' Johnston, nnd bo restored to perle-i t health. 1 " I'l,,c''" himself under the caro nt Dr. Johnston i llniotnly conllde In his honor os a gentlemen, am ' cUJ.tly rely ill.,;,, hi. skill ns ti physician. flit HAVK'H'I'AkV t-'MA Immilinttly rurcl and full igur reftorcil, TliU dcucanu l tli a puialty inopt frfiuonlly naM ty tlin.onho h.ivo liecDine th victim of liiiirntnr imhiliifti tied. Voting ticrtous are ton itttt to coinnui i-xrcua trmn , "U S '? tend to deny tint tli ,J i hosc f.dllneh, ru ui ma urcatuui cuui"UviiC(- iii.it nmy who tlmt uiiil(!rtuiiit iln Kiihh'ii uin t,r tint tllO tlOWCr Of lirorri'Iltldll m In.t Kr.nnr lv tlioicfsiHlnir Into iiniirmirr li;ilMa ilmti Uv n. !. McitiJcH lioiiitf ilt-iirivt)! of thu i.leiiMiru of lirnltliy tiiT iirliii!, lliu most ferloiifl aiul ilodriutlVB tiinptonn to lioth body nni mind nrisc. Tho f ntuin ticcomps ilornns' oli the pttysicttl untl mental jiduits akim-d, iii't-wus dcl)ihty,ilyincii-i,i, .alpitation ofilio hiart, iiiiliircstitpri, nnmius ct tiiu trjnm.t'utigh. gym'-luius tf t'onsuinii. UJumcp, No, South rnrDRicK Street, seven doom ' innii ii fnmi II ililmoru ttrci-t, l.axt fide, Ui the itc par tlr-Ur in .ln; Ih. KAMI! and XVMiui , K0 MUncUllY Oil NAL-S&.'lM I)Ilt:!M ttMfr, nn. .n-'s7Yiv. .Member of the Royal College nf Surgeons, ot London. (Jnuliiato from ono of tho ni't tmiiifiit lnltt-irr nf the United t?tatt-, and tho greater part of whonelifc hiii been Ppjiit In th lirct lloipitalt of I.ondon, Paris l'hila- iii iii i.i aiiu ii9vm:itj( ii, m uu.tipu gunic Ol llio inoct H9 toiiinhhn c.ircathit were ever known; many troubled with rlnitini? in tho head and cars when nieep, Rreat nerounesn, ln-iti" alarmed at sudden somidt, uiul b.il. fnlnenn, w uh fre-iuvnt lil.inbinif, attended tmiiictiniea w itli dersingcment of mind, wvre cured inimedlatelv. A CCUTAIN l)IIa,ASi;. ' When llif nilcuid"il and itiiiinidciit i ntnrv nf t.fan. (liidd Im Ii.im imbibiMl the xecdi of tliln painfnl ihii.-aan, it 1 too olio 1 1 h ippriM lli.a an ill tltu-Ml uMite ofrhamu or 1 drcaJ of diirovery, iloters liimfroni aiiiilviiii tn nin.n ' iioiiki uisi iiiu iiii-iriiiiposiraiice, niun an ulcerated fii-n-throat, dimied mwe.nMr.turc', pains if, ti,chead and nibs d iiiiiemof tia it, i uafucm, nodes on thr- khi bones, nnduriiis, blotches on the head, faceoud "iucmo lies, progressing with rapidity.till at last the palate nf ine niouuiaiiu itoiicsoi tne no-e l.ill tn, nil it I be victim nf lliisdesease becuuies u horrid ohjeitof eoiiiinisserulinii till dentil puts a period to Ills dreailtul niirerlugs, by sen I'ughiiii to "th it bourne from whence uo traveler r. iilrii-." To sileh, therefore, Dr. Johnston pledges him. si If to pre -crv e the most euvluabto secrecy, mid irotn his evt.niMve praitlco in the tlret Hospitals nf liuropu and Ameriin, hi can conli-b ml, rccoinuieiid safe and sneeiiy cure to the unfortunate victim of this horrid disease TAKIi PAIlTlCULAIl NtlTKMI nr. J..ibtresses -ill those who hare injured iheiusclvrs ee1::! :'' dueed by early bubits of youth, z: Weakness of tho ULk. !"? 'iil.'iellf.v'i'."!! 1.'?J' ''"'" f BisM I.oss ol Muscular l ower, ra pitiitiuii nf the Heart. Dvs. nensia. .Wrvois lrrutai.i itv. ticrni.e..,,..., L- iV. ,?..'! In.- I'm,,-! ,,i,s. ri.,..rt tl. .11 e. tion. tc. " ' ' ' -"""""P- .MUM 1'ALLV. The fearful eirects upon tho mind aro ' much to bjdrended, Lossuf Memory, Confusion ol Ideas ' Depression of the Spirits, Lv il 1'orebodiugs, Aversion ! nf oci, tj, Tiunty, &.C., are some of the evils produced. I rl'll,ll....,.l, .if ..C nil -.-I..- n .. . ..... . . I I the cause of their declining health. Loosing their Igor, becoming weak, tiale ami emni luted. l,.i, ..... gular nppeurunc about theeie', cough mid hvinploins ol 1 Consumption. i O.N-a INVItlOP.ATINti ltl'.MlUlV ron OUIIANIO Wl'.AKNLtSS. By this gn at and important reim-dv, weakness of tho I organs nro s dily cured, nnd lull tisor restored. Thousands nf the uioet nervous und debilitated, who had lo-t all hope, hive lK-en inimediafly relieved. Air iinpedliiieiUs to .Marriage, l'hsic.,l and Mental Disuuali- 1 lliallon. N.-rvo.is Irralabittty.Tri'iiibliiiesaiid Weakness 1 or v-Aii.tusiiiiioii ui mo most leariut knot, speedily cured by Ductor Johiieton. voir.vt: .vr.v. Who hive Injured thins, hes bv n cutlill prartice, lu-lulged lit when alone a habit frc-pu inly learned trout evil coiuti.lnioiis. or at school the t-tt'.-t ts .,f ul.l-i, . nightly lelt, even when u-l.-cp, uiul if not nic-d renders 1 in irri.ivTO impossible, and destrujs both mind and body. I should apply iiniiii diatetj. Wh.it a pitly th it j oting man, the hope of bis country, I an I the darling nf his parents, should be snatched from ull prospects and eujov meiils ol life, by the conse,uen-1 ees of deviating from the path ol nature, nod indulging I in a sertain secret habit. Such persons beluru cuu. I teiuplaliiig. .MARItlAdt: should reflect that n sound miinl nnd bod nro tlio nios ' necessary ri"Uisitn-s to nromnte cnlliliibi.it hapioliess Indeed, wllhu'it tbeso Iho jourlie) tlirniiiih lib- becomes' a weary pilgrimage, the prosoict hniirli- darkens to , llio view ; the mind bei es shadowed with ihspnir& till -d with the iii.-laneholy relL-etioil that the happiness of aiiutti.-r becomes Idmlited w itli our ow u, lll'l'lt'i; Nil. 7 SDl'TII I'ltl'.DLUICKriT., ncMntn, M . vi, i, ni i.i.ii vi, uri;it.t IUN.-3 rillU OKMIID. . II. -Li t uo false mo lesty pnvent jim, but apply' iiuiiadi.ileh either lu-rsoinllv or bv Letter, I sikin iHHi:.ni:rt mm'.kih'i.v ci iikii. iv srMVKits. 1 It- many thousands cared ut this iustitiilion within Hie It.t la ears, and the numerous jmporruut Surgical llperalious lierl'onned by Dr. Juhustoii, uilii"e,l by l!ie reporters ot the papers tin. I mull) olh-r persons, no. 1 lices n" which have nppi-iiri-d again mid again b, Hiru the p Iblic, besides his standing as a geiitleiuaii nf eharaiter and responsibility, i n suthi lent guarantee lolhe ulllicte J TAKi: NoTit'i:. 1 N- I', There are so many itinerant and wurlhleiu lluaeks advcrli-iini tbemselves 1'hv-icians. ruining the health nt Hie nlrea, I) afflitti d, that llr. Je-hu-tuil deiius' it necessary to say, esperially to those mianpiniiitcd , with his reputation, tbat ins trcdi ntiuls and cliplomas always hang in his oitue. u " Tkk Noriel:, All letters 11,11 -t be post pal I, and , - " ' t-t'-tajiw stamp ,ue me tei'iv, or uo answer wi t ho s -nt. Jl irchlT. MM. OPEN AGAIN. V I L L I A M II. RANDALL, JJA1UJ11U AND II.VUl DHESSKIt, In Cvurt .iiVriy, Oi'i'onte tha Court House, And ono door below the oiljce of tho Columbia Democrat. Itlooiiuhiirg, July 'JO, ltflil. TI1K WINK STOKE, or 311 WALNUT tSTKLUT, (below 1'ourlh M) , ... I'lllLAIILLl'IHA, Vt. August I, lH15.11. Fire I'rool" (JciiicBJt i,r Sale A lot of superior 1'iRg raoovCiMEsr.especiully uihp ted f.ir l;eioelitiiiL Hoofs, flue e.illon .vlll m.., . in,. feet of nrdluary rooliug, nnd is insured proof ugainvt 1 ', ii f, nee. can uc nia ai iiiaiiiiiacturers prices, by Iho gallon nr half barrel, at Hie olhceef llio Columbia Democrat. LEVI I; TATE. lllooiiishiira', July 13, 1?HL (Ol' JERSEVTOWN.) THE subscriber would rispeitfullyapprize his friends and Ihc public geneiallf. that hu has opened HOTEL Undir the nboie name, in Jersetovvn, Columbia cnuu-I ty, fa., where hu is iully prepared to uilert.iin the I E'alnMuiK'iaeiK a service of over Ihirty years in the Demo lro.eriyattinded. cmnc Tarty, lhai it wa tlio only IfcKilimato li"JI' iliiiUd At-linm of Iho nul.hi- I'li.to.., nn.l ' . . J o dedKCihisbebtellbrt,tohelnh;uet-fei.-lai home,' JiTiriiiwii, May II. 15!-3iii. C.l.U U U1j lll.HU , , instate 000 & 003 MAHKET STREET IA11UVE SIXTH, 1. W. POWER, J V;i, icier. Trnws: $1 05 per day. May 13, ISiM-i'm. JOSEPH GBEEN, SON & CO. Wholesala and Retail Dealct, in Ti i OIL CLOTHS, H IMIOW SHADES, &C. Together with a complete variety nf ZT" CAUIN'ET WAIU at tha lowest Cash iirices. KO, 15 NOltTII SECOND ST11KKT, JOSEPH GUEEV, IIKNJ. GIIEEW I rillLADELVIIlA. IT.K. $ E. JOVES I.KSTI' .M.leel. J. Islil 3m. JOLINE & LEE, No. lli, .NOUIII WIIAUVES, I'liiladulnhia, K01I3 ilHACflEKa SHIP CllA NT) I. E R S, Cotton O'r Caulking, Hopes, Twines, Tar, Fpun ruth. llaktlill. Illotks. and Oats. &-c. August I, I - J ) - 1 Jin. PHOTECTION FHOM: LIGHTNING. riMll'. subscriber would iufurm bis friend,, that ha Is J now prepared to put up, un iliort nonce, and In a gcicultdc manner, the Is-st r.mxi roi.vrKn i.iaurM.va nous, at Vt cents per foot. All work warranted. E. U.UIDLE51AN, f" aiii, DEIMI'im AIASSillKUTIXG ,. , Fttlnn nsmnssnls t,v il,A,n,ia n....,t - "I iiiuu3un.ijiiituuiir.il. n so i i..,.'Zi.... n.- - Itntlfieation Mai. Meetinn, ever hold there convened In Berwick. That peaceful Uor- ough was literally over run by the movlnir niasfes. A largo Delegation of Ladiet, anil lour uniformed Military Companies honor- uh ute meeting wihi tneir presence. ,.T!'"rm.?e,i0fSa'.':i'f,lial0n""'C,0ck,i'l Hum ui uiu limn nan mo uh cers anu Sm..,l-r. n.t t. .... .... election of tha fnllowit,.. n,i D,no.i- officers: JAMKR JACOUY. Eritj., rrtsiilcnl. Virt PfsWci. Vm Laiiinn, Peter Ent, Arultow l-rens, Josioh II, I'urman, Duvid ShitlTer, Gen. W. Ult, Jimeph lllonk, J. ft. Millnrd, Iluuli Mellriilo, Joseph Patton, Jr., aWolS'":; i-.iu iiuury uiiiuiiiieiiucjr, jonu .Michael, 'll.!108., 1,llllc'l,!,ll!,i - Joli'i Dnak, Esq., l-.lmi Teller, i. bevbtii, I.owis Uistor ck, Enoi I Adams. ' I' Kill Henry Uiltontiemler. John Michael. Scactuiics Aaron Andrews. Freas Fow- lor, John Kill, Jer. C. miili. 1... f S.-...I.I. A committee on Itusoliition?, consitliiig of Alom 11 Tnte, Joeeph Colemnn, H'm. IIofTmnn and David Mil ler, were appointed who throUrtlt iheir Chairman, Alpm B. Tato, Est). tepottetl the following Pream ble and Iiesolutious : Wiikhkas, Tho peculiar stato of the coun try nnd the condition nf ihn Union in its great etrupijle for Nalionnlity requite thai every loyal citizen should declare Mis fideli. y 10 nm Loiisliliilinn unit Hit: Union nt our L-..1 . : I. .,.i i ... .r , Pailwi.ln uumiMakdUleldnouago; There IicsolvcJ, That tho Democratic parly of n i i . . i J I Colu'"b"1 Loul") ls "ow Es ' l"' ever t'f en ill favof of the Ulltltoken Union of these State that wo will maintain tho Coiisiiliilioii, the Government und l.tws, auJ 111 at wu will sustain ilie pteteul adminisira tinu in ull I :i w I ii I uiul L'onMi'.ulional ine.is. ure lot -tiiressini raleHion, restoring tho Union ami otiloroitin i h n laws llccwlml Tlidl whllo we are in favor of supporlinu anu ait-tainiim the Govern tnenl, "euro naai in luvor of tlie admin.' I 1'UdllOII eillUMUItllll! the first honorable I piopoilinn lor I'eueo, lookins to tlia con- e mi - i .-. t Y . t- tinned Union ami eiiiialilv of alt the States. ..,;... 1'..., ..... nl... .... ... Kioftvii, liteltve nleiliie ourselves to me our be-t eutleavntf lo reeuro the olec lion of Hit) ticket loniieil by tho lute Dum ocralio Cuniention of Columbia Couniy, nnd huieby, ro-ncvv tho pleiloo uf our lidel iiy in ils support. The i'rcatnble and Hcsolulton tveto read and adopted by general acclamation. The Hon. M. K. Jackson, was called upon for a speech. HoappeareJ upon the Stands remarking at tho tune, that ho had not thought of nuking, a spcrch upon that occa sion, us he was somewhat indisposed and only appeared in response to the call of his Iriends uud lellow citizens. Acknowledg ing the compliment paid him, ho could on ly pay his respects to the Ladies present and in behalf of tho -teat assembly of tho ' noble Democracy of Columbia, add His trib- uie lo their unceasing fidelity to iho Union ! and iho Co nsiituiion, llr. Jackson llien tool: a review ol the t stale of Iho country and went into a logical di'cusfion of the distinctive piinciples of the two (jreat political patlies. lie cordi j ally approved ol the Itesnlulions just adopt , ed by iho ineciing. Like the great Demo j crplic Party of which ho had the honor to bo an humble member, ho declared he was and ovei should be, an ardent Union Demo crat, lie could discover no change in the ' principles of Democracy or the action of that I'.trly always tlio National Union De mnctaey iho ponplo and parly ih.il origi nally formed our glorious Confereracy of Slams iho admiration of tho World and 1 iho only surviving example of free Kcpub- lican (Jovernmenl. livery triumph of our Arms, he demonstrated Irom history, in all oui ftiugglei for Nationality Willi Foroign Powers, had been achieved, and that alone, under Democratic Administrations. Ap plauso. The Speaker said ho was a Union man Tho Union was the unbroken inheritance of our lievolulinnary Faihers Washington, Madisnn, JelTerson and Jackson. Great ap plause. It was the Democratic Parly lhat formed tho Cnnstilntinn ami the Jackson Democracy, who cemented the bond of our Rlorious Union in blood nt New Orleans Increased applue. The Union and the Democracy iho Domocraoy and tho Union were the watch-word of every patriot in '.he laud and the sheet anchor of the Nation Amid llio din ol apnlauo, llio speaker hero resumed his seat, hut the people again called him out. Gn on ! Go on, rang from a lllOllfUIld Strong Voices. Itisina lo the imnorlnnce of Iho occasion. Mr. Jackson began afresh, anil for an hour continued tn enchain his auditory by Iho clearosi and ablest speech wo havo listened to for many a day. Col. Tate, was ihou summoned lo llio Stand. Uo remarked that al'ior the elo quence of the gonilcmen to whom iho as. sembly had so long and rapturously listen- Oil. ha nnfi fi-saml Im c,...l. l...n... ...I . - , ' '3 "D" " "c"- 10 uegin Or What '.O say, Ag'eeing with tl 13 disiinguished friend he was convinced from Un'n I arty. Amiiikw JACKSON had SWOfll. Ihut "tho Union must and shall bo preserv ed," ami as wo were all Jjckson-mon, wo could show ihn only clean record. Aboli tioninn and Stce$sioniim ho unequivocally denounced. Several oilier bubjocts wero ably discussed and the Spoakor took his seat Applauso. Tho following Itejoluiion was then unan imously passod RewtvcJ. Thai the thanks r,f ihis Moeting are due the lion M. K Jatioon, and Col. I,. I,. Tatk, lor their able and patriotic Ad dresses. On motion the Meeting adjourned. Dkserteu's Ivoix Govornor Cunin, in a General Order, publishes the names, occu- ' pationsaiid residences of one Lieutenant and three hundred and olghly-six ' non commissioned ofTi:ers and privates of the Second Infanlry Iteglment. Penn.jlvania Koservo corps, who refused 10 lake their ., . . , . O.lllts prepa'atory to entering Iho service of tlm fii'vip,! ii-,is Tk. ..l- .i: . llio unilea bl.iles. lilt) nnlor ilismisseb them from Iho serviro of the Stale, and uriiiuiH mum wiui me tnarge ot partaking cf her bounty and in iho moment of her peril deserting her. Mustering olTicers aro cautioned naninst re-enlisting them, Tho deserters are from W, It Mann's regi mont, and are nearly all residents ot l'lul- Hon. Warren J. Woodward. Thi3 gentleman, now President Judgo ... or the AXVlTII Judicial District of Pcnn f,'lvam'a "con nominated, without op. Um " nWto for President Ju"go f ' District, by tho Domocratio Convention of Lerks county. In tho so lection of Judgo WooDWAlll), tho party has been singularly fortunate. A lawyer 0f acknowledged ability, nnd with tho ad- vantage of sk years1 experience on tho n..i i it t-c i r .t . Pencil, ho is well qualified for tho dicni Rci and responsible position to which ho has been named j and, being personally a stranger to our pcoplo, will como among us, if elected, entirely untrammclod by any .i,. , i i rcIatlons of political, professional or so- cial nature that might havo a tendency to "ftorrere ,vith the impartial administra "O" 01 jusuco in ins Hands. Ttio best as w- u uo uauvis, mu uts. u: suranoo that wo can have, of his acccpta iski., i,ii i, . ; 1 i bilily, both in regard to character and fil a- I uiitij, uoiu in rcgaru 10 cnaractcr ana lit noss. is civon in the liish rcsDcct that is . ... . " . entertained for him by tho pcoplo of all 'parties in the District where ho now ro I sides, and the unlimited confidence they repose in him as a jurist. His election to the Ucneli of Berks county, under allthcso circumstances, would lo a highly desira ble event. Judgo WoottWAUD was born In Wayno county, Pennsylvania, in tho year of 1820, and is now 41 years of age. Ilia father and paternal grandfather were also native l'cnnsylvanians, "Old Northampton" county having been their birthplace He was early admitted to tho Bar, and prao ticcd Law for fourteen years in Luzcmo County. In Juno, 1850 the conutios of Columbia, Sullivan nud Wyoming having been erected into a separate Judicial Dis trict by the Legislature of that year ho was appointed by Governor Pollock as its President Judge, upon tho unanimous recommendation of the pcoplo of tho Dis trict ; and in October of tho same year, was elected by tho unanimous vote of tho District. In politics, Judgo Woodward is a Dem ocrat; but, with a very proper apprecia tion of his position, has taken no part in political affairs since his elevation to tho Bench, beyond that which is tho bounden duty of every citizen tho expression of bis opinions through his vote That hois . , i i i rr .. . a true and loyal Union man, the sanctity of tho oath that hinds him to "support tho Mnnctili.t.nti eF Ik. TT:..l Cs.s.ti . ,uusi;u ot anu o- uoy tue laws it is Uis ttulv to adin nirtcr. and the fidelity with which he has kept I.-. il. rr . ... tutu otiiu, uuoru a SUro guarantee. Wo have the best authority for sajing that ho rlgards tho doctrine of secession as utterly uiucname, aim an intamous and trcasona- bio subversion of the Constitution! that in JJ0 olj vvant n'VvkeVn the issue bctwoon tho National Govern- j;"u am (i'inisimVi . . ' " Do jou want DUO ai,s ment and the rebellious States, he believes Ihn fnrtnrii- In lie, LnlL le,..;nn11.. 1 it.. ... . o.,.u ic-yany right, and the latter entirely wronc; and ., . , ... , . ' ' tnat no is in lavor ot a vigorous nrosecu- .. 1 tion ot tlio war, as tho only nisans of vin- dicating the rightful authority of tho Gov ernment, and tho surest way to bring a- bout a 8IH.fl.lv nosrsv. Tl.. ..e. T,,.l.. , Jl .v.w -.v ssuugu VnT. . .. . BC-IllllIlvlll- upon lUO great nm T Is e.i,oetT,n I ,.l t 1 -11 luaa uuiir IlUSUrU UU others, m tho public mind. That they ac cord precisely nith thoso cntcrtaiued bv' tho neenli, nf ll.t. I, u.. -J the peoplo of this county, oiu viiiiy aim expressive and truly patriotic resolutions ronl !no which wero unanimously adopted by tho Convention that nominated him, will prove. Judgo Woodwakd ill take his stand up - on that platform, and no other; and hseVsd Lt. lm os,,.l.l ' c .1 . m-.vvm mv. muuuiil uuiiuiiiiiiuu oi UO party that, during three (junctors of a con-' tury, in war as in peace, has never for a moment faltered in its devotion to tho U-1 nion, one and indivisible, ho will rcccivo ' not only its united voto, but tho votes of all men who apprcciato tho iueatimablo im- portaneo of having upon tho Bench a pure, upright, capable and loyal Judgo. Reading Gazette and IJcmocrat Luzerne Dtmocralic TickDl. Pres't. Judge Jno. N. Conyngham. Associate Judges Canfield Harrison, and istilcs Williams. Assembly Peter Walsh, Dr. Harry Hakes, Dr. S. U. Trimmer. Proth'y. Dr. Wm. II. Pier. Dist. Att'y. Hon, E. B. Chase. Treasurer James Welsh. Clerk of Courts Col. K. B. Collings. Couim'r. Nathan Koehcr. Auditor Alexander Harned. A gaod strong Ticket and will bo elec ted. I Inox Citv College. Sinco gradua ting at tho Iron City College, in 1857, I havo traveled extensively through the United States, and visited nearly all the leading Commercial Schools in the country, hut nowhero havo 1 fouud that thorough ness and efficiency which to pre-eminently characterizes tho Iron City College. Ev ery youug man in tho country should spend a term or moro iu tho school, if ho would raa'i0 bimsclf a thorough business nan. GEO. K. Tozcn. i' : i-'i r!S?T?5S"??SH'jl"";, EA'EOUTOIl'S NOTICE, fmiu jacoi iia;tnhut,tait c( Centre ?.. iice'if. Le.'cn'ro5' p"c.:iunnr cou; lll't'l ho bteu granted hy the Kegisler of Colutu- biacouuty lu the undersigned, tesiding ill the townthip and county aforesaid, Alfpcrsonshalinsclaiiiu against the estate of the decedent are reoetested lopresciillliciii for .ettiemeut, and those indebted ito make pajuicm im- "-'J-iJr ta ,-.,....,,,, Centro twp.. Juno 13, Ibtil. iUtcutor, STRAY COW. CAMH to tbo nremlsci of the subicnhcr, in Heaver tow uihip, Columbia co, l a. on or about the Kh of AumiBt ItOl, a ULACKCOW. with a brow n fctrioenlon the back, apparently about W years old. The owm-r it reiuctted to prove property, pay charges and take her Hi T. janr ,,a r T- ay. i nas . - v Sl'IlUTUD ENGAGEMENT JfEAlt CHAIN Hit I DO IJ. Reconnoilcring pir; of Fcdera's insaetd b-llht Rebels The llcbels Worsted Tlie enemy fight under cover and refute an open JitldRccklens Daring of our Men Atz killed, seven uoututcd and three taken 1'Hsoms. WisunoToi, Septomber 11, Evenlng.-A large (nuy started out ol 7 o'clck this morning, from the vicinity nf Chain Bridge, under coinu.n.tuf Col Bteveni, of tha New York Highlanders. It consisted of several datacisul coinoanii-s of Infan try, a company nf cavalry and Cnpt. OrilSir battery. As nur skirmishers advanced, the enemy's pickets re llred beyond LcwInM UIc, nuout seven miles b.joi.l tho Chain Hridge. Ourlroopsliailrg accomplished the .Meet of their errand, connected with the reconnol.ance of the eoun. ty, begun to retrace their steps, when a large force nf Confedcrntcs, consisting of two or Hires regiments ot Infantry aiul Col. Stewart's llcglment of Virginia Cav- airy, with a battery of four pieces, were Been approaik lng from the direction of Falls Clwich.evldontly wllha vicwofciittlngthenioirand tsocnting thdt return to. their camp. The line nf Initio was forme J by Hw enemies' Ciffi. nnd the confederate battery opened with shell, whirls was replied tobj Griffin's battery. Several rounds weio tired nn ench side, when our trrors ceased flreine for about twenty minutes. In order to give the enemy ail opportunity, which they did not embrace, ot meeting then, on lh open field, lire Confcdeiatej bemg for, Uio greater part concealed in the w oodi. Our forces, on resuming operations, brought Into oe. tion a 31 pounder, Hie sbcM from wUtcb, soon silenced the Confederates' battery. The gun was then directed towards Iho cavalry, whlih, appeared on the road leading to I'alls Churrh, and soon cut Uiciu,lliug-a number reeling from tlu ir saddles and falling lo the ground as tho shell uiploded lu thet, midst. Tho command was then given to withdraw, and- oivr column fell back in good order to Chain Ilridgc, reaching; ,ue,u ,aie in me auernoun. NEW AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT Of to II Illi: WR.YKH OF main nnd Iron street, poyouwanliUl.KSI nolo llllOtVEK'S 10 u)l want LAVIXLA CLOTH t Ho to llRuWElfH. 11.1 you lviiutl.IIAl.LI IIELAINLSI Ro to UROWLR H. iio)ou wauvTAiiLi:ciivi:ns( c. to nitowniia. lloyoiinautl'LOTII IIL'.STLRHI o to HltOWKIl-M I)o wsnt ."KUl.LTON SK1UTS I (io to lUlOIVLU tl Hovnu w nm nil. f-irrrKR'rf " HKIttT-SUrrCNDl'lUl Do jou want .ML'HLLf Do oil w ant CALICOKS I CoH nBOWEIt'd (Jo to tlltOWEK'rt Goto UKUIVKIt't) !o to nitowr.it's. Go to llltoWKU'n Go to llltOWEIfa Go to Ultt)i nil's Go lo UKOWEU's Ho von iv net I.AU'N.I Doyou want UAIlLHKUt on fen nam nil iii-iu.s o you want iiosikkvi noouJntiiAMiKi'.RcniF;Ksi o in mtuvvLll a ! " i -ill.t.s I Uo lo IlltoU'Kll'st lioyouvvautSTKI.I.A.-'HAWL.SI Co to lIKOwEit'st .5; u,, W " ' ") "' GelljIIUOWlllfS. JloyCu IZ ci rA.ns, cl"!"!!-' Uo vnii wn nt Tl HV I't riwivv " DoVu want palm TsNfi KS JS SUS fri.S1.; ?Z2ZZvlttXm UotoIIROWKIlsl !o to IIRUYVr.!t'rf llo to llROVVER-s. Go to UKOWKK'tf Go to IlKUWUl'd Go to IIIIOWEhVjj GoloIlltoWERS GotomtOWERS Go to KHOWEr! Go lo lllioWRn-a ,')0" ..... "pwi you want rl.u'Aiir.9 r ;X3i A MS I Go to IIROlVEti-n , .S ffiSSK! ?PK Do von unnt wilfi'i' ,:,,!w i ' ; ;;'"';.LK S i,;,;,; nKWfi, 110 '" '" silesiai Do you want lilt I I.I.IXGSJ Do you want tickings i DoyoiiwanirilEl Ksr Go to IIROAVKH'St uo 10 iutllvvER'8 Go tollROWEIt'S Go lo UUOtVEIfa Co to miOlVER'ii Go t ItUOWER'H ""louinuu ladies' shoe?; you want LADIES' I! 1 ri-riias .,.:"'.! .I:,i.f Ik. you want rilESII r.llo.'EIHtSJ Goto riu-rif-5 U.!orini!Si?Aferv"ia' SiSSSSglSUBJi J!:!?!"iR'WAK15 Uo loll owe "jo.. wnniiiicuiiSf ,; ,0 ::.7Z Doyo you want .ill srii-Er Go to IHU. ii- ? DoyouwaiilCIIIVtP-GOOUSI w Uoom.Vurg, .May JS, ,-i;o. Go to IJUIOWUR'J CIGAltS & TOBACCO. A '?rf,"s,l'i""'nt of choice rigara, Tnbncro, ripe.. or w . hTfulV'S i. ... ..; . " . "."" " uul1 . connantiv on EunVriu,,,'," " "1! ""'""""e HaliCap Emporium.- noomsburg, March ip, ieoi. JOI1X K. ClItTOX, N O T 1 C E 1 A1;!' ,,,,crt?."",ru f"rliJ "'"'"g umt.r sates, r.o, a.i,ied ageit.w.'ii.-povve. ntau" ,"yi . te ""'tnuiK-d tocnforce the law In all ,e, cases. i. iiurri.H I'almut TIIOS.W. EUGAU. l'.sry, Aug, 17, ISOL 3m. J. P. 13 U 13 E It, (Sue cessor to J. B. SoavM.) miOLlMLK UE.1Lr.lt l. TOBACCO, SiXUFF AND CIGARS No. 8 North fifth St.. above Market. PHILADELPHIA. Also, Manufacture, and Importer of FOREIGN & DOMESTIC SEGARS. May 12, 15CO Um. lattawissa Hall l.naif. pass nuTEnr station. ... -, , .PUUTIHVABD UOUND TBAI.NS. I'liiladelphii t N. V. .Mail II 01 A M, " " Express 10J3 a! W rreigbt H30 V st Norri'llWAltD UOUND TRAINS. Eluiira Mail 304 p NiagraEiprcs 1 U.W 1 St lri".'tlt lawA.M MayU,r, II. S. GOOnWl.V, Sup't NEW JEWELRY STORE. THE undersigned, respcclfutlj infotijis tho eitiirn. or II iHiui.burg, and the public generally, that ho bases, tubllshcd a new. More, 01, Main Spliect. liloomsburg, in Mrs. Leacork's lluilding, where ho nlfeis Cbr sale, ou uuideruto Icrmi, nlaigeC-issintmeiii of CLOCKS, I 'A U CUES .j- JEWEL R est ,-very son, ami siae anu description. His stock nf Jewt Irv is coultilete. ,iirl.l,i n-n. I varselynf Ladles and GenlUineii's Mcdallons, S-sf Clrnitls, Liskets, lireastnlns. l'ineer.r.na .1, to the ciaiuiuatlou nf iv hich ho inviles tho public gener. ily Strict attention gironto lepairuig Clocks, Watch. c, and Jewelry, and all work warrunted. UloonisUiij, May 1, 1SC1 if. ATTORNEY AT LAW, OiTice In Court Any, fbrmerty occupied hy nnu.e II. iiutu uiew. fllwuniburij, Dec. -I, US'j, M OKU Ai IBRO WiVS WHOLESALE AND HETAIL BEDDING AND FEATHER WARE HOUSE, N'o.ii North Second Street, Opposite Christ CUuicf,, I'll LA DELPIIIA. Ct7 Conttautty flu hand, a t-irso a40f ttnuit of Hedr, .Mattrcie, i'oitlasgea, Cui licoiia. Hair, Husk, Cattail, and all artulci in tho llnu ol lb.o Lo,wett Trice. Jr. JI I'arttcutar atUt)ttn iaii to rtnwatits ,Yt an MarchS, IfCl-Uui. 1 IS j (Lite Esau HoTtL.) THIRD STIIL'ET A ROVE RACE, HIIILADELPIIIA. UHOAHS, & SAILOR, Proprietors. lltsnviix V, Roitii, forinerlyof Iho National Hotel Cittsus Snuia, formerly of idmilkill Co, ra. March 8, lilil-Jim. Vi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers