Culumkia Dtmtitrnt EDITF.D Y LEVI J,. TATE, rROritlETOlt. BLOOMSBURQ, PA. SATURDAY MORNING), EErTEMBER 14, 1061. DEMOCRAT I C NOMINATIONS. REPRESENTATIVES) JLEVI li. TATE, Of Columbia. GEO. S. TUTTON, Of Wyoming. Mjttt U tkl initio $f tkt tttprtitntatitt Vvnftttntt. SHERIFF, JOSIAH H. FURMAN. ASSOCIATE JUDOE3, JOHN McREYNOLDS. STEPHEN BALDY. TREASURER, JAMES S. McNINCH. . COMMISSIONER, CHARLES II. HESS. CORONER, JAMES LAKE. AUDITOR, JOHN F. FOWLER. Tn crc T) n 1 H tt Th Chairman of tho Democratic Standing Committee or Columbia county Having written to Judgo daldt in- quiring whether he would accept or decline the nomlna- tlon tendered him by tho Convention of Republicans, tyling themselvei tho Union Convention, which asscm bled in Bloomsburg on Saturday, September Ui, replied as followa: CiTTAVMsa, i4th Sept., ldtii. To r. H. atim.tii! Pim-in reply to your note of th. mi, I have only to .ay-That having received the Democratic nomination for Associate Judge. I can ,notof courie become tho candidate of a second party. They have not glv.n me the opportunity to decline their nomination, not having even notified ineof the fact J but your letter hai enabled me to lay that I am the candidate of the Democratic party, and of the Democratic party only i knowing it to be thoroughly for the Union, the Conititution and the i,awi. Very reipcctfuiiy, Your obedient servant, STEPHEN BALDY. 4e3r Dr. John announced with a great flourish of trumpets that Judge Maynard t was going to bo here and address the Republican Convention : But Judge May nard having had his cyo teeth cut some time ago, and smelling a very large 'mico,' of course did not come near the concern. Woulln't take the buit. Maj. John Beiciiard, who was nnmin&tcd, by tho mongrel Republican Convention) for Asso ciate Judgo of Luzerno county, says ho cannot bo placed in a position of hostility to his political friends and under a convic tion of duty and self respect, with his re gard for Dcmoeratio usages, withdr aws from tho contest. 'Tho Republican Convention that met hero last Saturday put in nomination a ticket composed wholly, except the can didate for Coroner, of members of tho dcmoeratio party. Thoy protested , through their orator of the day, that their intention was to nominate only '' good union men ;" and tho result shows, that in order to find that kind of material, they wero obliged to como into tho party of their opponents. Tho conclusion therefore is irrcsistablo, that thoy could not find "good union men" in tho republican ranks. Having thus, by their action, admitted the fact, thoy must sot be surprised if the people tako them at their word ; and vote for tho " good and true union men " put in nomination by the Democratic Convention, tbey being now as ever for the Union. Traducirs of the Tress. In common with tho Dcmoeratio press generally, tho Columbia has been subjected to every variety of misrep resentation, the offspring of hatred and en vy, and equally tinctured with meanness and mendacity. It would be useless to notico all tho varied charges, which would be ai recklessly repeated after tho most triumphant refutation. Thoso who read our paper know its courso thoso that do not would not be benefitted by any expo sure of tho falsehood of the charges'. Wc shall continue to follow the course that principle and patriotism has marked out for us, leaving our traduccrs to work ou thoir own condemnation. Two Pictures. Dr. John's masters have forced him to admit that he made and published a most infamous and malicious libel, when he ut tered through his paper tho following : 1ST" " Wo attended tho Democratic "pow-wow"in tho Court House, on Mon rf. Uro ni l,.,., wo ii,.i up our pocket-book, as wo felt that things of that sort might not be safe among a crowd who endorsed such men as Cobb, - . ti-'-bi "'-."" i..UJu,.uu ucri-Lui ckliuvi iuuri, custom houses, arsenals and forts, and re pudiators of debts." For in the issuo of the following week he takes tho water in tho most amusing possible fashion. Just hear this wholesale j uu "'u y court martial m- vilifier.and pity ths man for once. 1Io ,stcad of grand jury ; justifies marches and 8aya . j seizures of pnvato property, and the taking 'We had uo fears from the mass of tho possession of publio highways and other delegates, for we know them to be HON-(means of communication. Involving tho EST aud WELL-MEANING men." j highest exercises of sovereignty, it is, of This is of a pieco with his foelish de- course, capablo of great abuse, and is only nunciation of the democrats last Juno at to bo justified on emergencies of tho most the Congressional election, and which his imperative and perilous naturo. owners forced him to tako back tho fol- j 1 lowing week. Wo should think they had Martial Law in Missouri. Major almost got tired keeping tho Dr. straight. General Fremont issued a proclamation, As it is he is doing tho dcmoeratio party on Saturday last, establishing Martial yeoman service. IIo handles the scalpel Law throughout the entire Stato of Miss most vigorously and most blindly every ouri, confiscating tho property of rebels, cut is in tlo bowcU of hii party. and declaring tho fic ilom of their slaves, A Now Daniol. Sinco,-upon a certain occasion, and for n locnl purpose tlio Dcmocrntio partv nominatcil and elected John Staley of 1 1 i r i - rr . I uiccuwugu, iu n viouny oinco, ino luca teems to havo entered his head, that their action was duo to hU merit and abilities, rather than to the question and its impor tance ; and Binco then, upon every occa ?ion,hc has assumed the duties of a censor, and has moro than onco endeavored to usurp that position in tho county, which was his by sufferance only. His venom, hatred and malice against tho democratic party for the several de feats they have given him,-havo at last culminated in that remarkable, letter to the Ncio York Tribune, to which a correspon dent, in another column, calls our atten tion. Read it. Its mendacity and impu dence aro unequalled. It exceeds in ef frontery tho most malicicus slnndcis of tho republican press, and it is easily seen that tho ten years reading Mr. Staley has given to tho iYetp York Tribune have mado him a most accomplished . How unblush lngly ho refers to tho almost murder com mitted by his friends on two pcaceablo citizens, members of his own party 1 Ho forgot to add that tho villains fled the country, lest the hand of justice should reach them. Mr. Staley is in HO personal danger from any democrats they love tho Union, tUCy rcSpCCt the laws, they rOVCre tho Constitution. And while Mr. Staley ad mits his own friends to bo rowdies, the , charges and insinuations which ho makes in bis letter, against tho democrats, not I proven and false, constitute tho payment and manifest tho generosity of (he man, , ; indebted solely to tho democratic t J party for what little position llO has. He not only dcsirCS to prolong tho war, but J 1 ( ' to spread and intensify it. Ho Seeks 00- cag;on for abuSO anJ misrepresentation; ho strcngtltons tho hands of the Southern traitors, and gives aid and comfort to those . ' .,-.,,,. who are carrying on this wicked rebellion. H I'M earned the contempt of his neigh- bors, and thoy will leave him to wallow in tho mire ot his degradation. We repeat lo him what our Correspon dent has so ably demonstrated THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS THE UNION PARTY. Wo appeal to tho past not a battlo field from Quebco to Mexico has not been bathed with demo cratic blood nowhere have tho glorious "Stars and Stripes" been unfurled, but strong armed and stout hearted Demo crats have been there to fling them to the breczo. Wo appoal to tho present. Se ven tenths of tho soldiers are democrats and they aro led by such democrats as Butler, and McClcllan, and Patterson, and Wool and Dix ; while on the stump ring the clarion voices of Dickinson and Holt ; and Seward himself has said : " I know the Democracy of the North. I know them now in their waning strength. I do not know a possible disunionist among them all. I believe they will be as faithful to the Union now as tbey wero in tho by gone days when their ranks were full and their challenge to the contest was always tho war cry of victory." Our Representative Candidate- Geo. S. Tutton, Esq. is tho nominco for Representative, and will undoubtedly, re ceive tho hearty support of the Democracy of this District. We have known Mr, Tutton, quite intimately, from our earliest boyhood and have ever known him to be an honorable, high minded gentleman At so early a day as 1839, wo believo it was, ho crino from New York State into this section of Pennsylvania, residing portion of the timo in Wilks-Barre, Ber wiek, Bloomsburg, and Cattawissa. In 1817 he was admitted, at the Luzerne County Bar, to practice law, and almost immediately removed to Tunkhannock, where he has resided ever sisce. Mr, Tutton is a gentleman of fine ability, stcr- Keg integrity, and withal a sound Union Democrat, he has no sympathy for Disu nionists, denounces secession and treason, and will support the administration in all constitunional and proper measures to put down rebellion. If elected ho will do honor to himself and to his constituncnts. His nomination, wo think, will bo a popu- lnrono, as he 13 well and favorably kuown, all over tho District. .What is Martial Law? Martial Law, says Chancellor Kcufc, is founded on paramount necessity by a mili tary despotism. It is an arbitrary law, , originating in emergencies. In times of ... ., cxtrcmo peril to tho State, cither from 'without or from within, tho public welfare j demands extraordinary legal delay. Jus- . U sSDendcd bv tho militarv nntrnn. which for tho timo become supreme. It j i 1 suspends tho operation of habeas corpus : enables persons charged with treason to a .l. .... M....1 . .... Republican Convention. The Bepublican 'Convention met in Bloomsburg and parted, wo confidently believe, never to assemble again, Tho time has como for a change of programmo and n change of name, and very soon re publicanism will bo as dead as whigism, nnd know-nothingism aro now. Isaac S. Munroo of Cattawissa, having been mado president, and vice presidents and secretaries appointed, tho play began. Dr. John moved this, nnd Dr. John moved that, and Dr. John moved tho other thing; tho meeting dancing as he pulled tho strings. Finally Mr. Martzof Ligbtatrcct, an ambitious gentleman, fearing Dr. John would usurp all 'tho honors, and that his own natno would not get into print at all, moved for a Committeo of ONE to hunt up Mr. Clark, and extort a speech from him, as Judgo Maynard was too sharp to bo caught in this trap. Mr. Martz has thus immortalized himself. The Committee on resolutions reported tho Committee of ONE reported Mr. Clark reported and finally the Commit tee nppointcd to report candidates to the meeting reported. They got along very well, as nobody was ambitious of the honor of being beaten for tho sako of tho repub lican!), until the namo of Stephen Baldy was proposed for Judgo Then camo a storm. Baldy was incontinently voted out. Tho leaders grew pale and trembled. Tho no-party Convention to defeat a man ou party grounds most monstrous. And then came speeches, begging and pray ing. Dr. Lott protested ho had always been a republican, which nobody was disposed to deny ; but he was now for Baldy. Mr. Munroo was very much distressed that Judge Baldy should bo so shabbily treated, admitted that ho felt himself a little out of place, something liko a cat in a strange garret, but ho could endorse Baldy as a " Union man." Dr. John averred that ho had always been opposed to Baldy, that it would bo a bitter pill for him to voto for Baldy, but it would have to be taken. Wo wero very much surprised at this, for wc supposed it could not bo a very " bitter pill'' for a man who professed to bo for tho Union to vote for a man who really teas for tho Union; but as Dr. John asserts that it is so, wo have no doubt of the fact. And it fully accounts, to our mind, for tho venom and rancor with which Dr. John assails all the Democratic nominees. They being all good Union men," of courso they aro a very "bitter pill " to tho Dr. Judgo Baldy doubtless will feel very much complimented, and very much amused at tho ugly faces tho Dr. is making at tho doso ono " good Union man '' makes for him. Tho whole thing was a capital joke for tho boys, and tho trick was so transparent that everybody saw through it. No demo crat will be caught by it, and such a dres sing as thoso gentlemen will get at the October election, will bo a caution to them tho balance of their natural lives. "Strengthening tho Government." The Boston Post, a Dcmdcratio journal which, in tho present crisis, has given to tho Federal Government its earnest and able support without pledging its adhesion to tho political principles on which tho present Administration camo iato power, in referring to certain conditions which :t deems essential to the preservation of the harmony and confidence of tho loyal pop ulation of tbo country, takes occasion pa triotically to say : "It is tho obligation of each true citizen to do all iu his power to render tho Ad ministration as efficient as possible, that its ability might bo adequate to tho task bcloro it. It there do a rotton plank in the ship, take it out, if possible; if there bo a leak, plug it up ; but never desert the old craft, sho is bound on a glorious crtiiso, and whether her chart bo exactly correct in ovcry minute or not. sho is freighted with tho most precious cargo that over Boated upon the sea of tiino, she will surely find a safe harbor and ancorago af ter buffeting all the storms of civil commo tion." The Democracy proposes to strengthen tho Go vcrument by taking out tho rotton planks in the ship and substituting sound timber, so that sho may moro safely pur suo her perilous voyage. Union. Tho Douglas wing of tho Dom ocratio party in New York Stato having refused to coalcsco with tho Republicans upon a singlo ticket, and called a State Convention to meet at Syracuse, on tho '1th of Soptcmbcr, tho Breckiuridgo Com mitteo met last week and resolved not to call a State Convention this fall, but to unito with tho Douglas Democrats in tho election of delegates to tho Syracuso Con vention. Thus has tho Dcmocraoy of a noblo Stato risen abovo the petty divisions of tho past, and nobly joined hands for tho purposo of rescuing tho Constitution and their counlry. All hail to Now York Democracy I Let their cxamplo inspiro others to liko acts of patriotism, until tho truo sons of human freedom shall havo replaced their banners upon every uioun tain top of America. ll'jomlug Democratic Nominations. Representative Georgo S. Tutton. Assoeiato Judges Henry l.ove, John V. Smith. Commissioner Jobu Niver, Coroner Paul 0. Clayton, Auditor T. D. Spring. Malicious Slanders. Dr. Brou-cr, tho know-nothing Editor of that delectable shcct,cntitled tbo "Mon tour American," perpetrates threo distinct lies upon tho Editor of tho "Columma Democrat." Ho also announces that ho is, himself, a cindidato for tbo Legisla ture, and is "confident of success 1" Wo know tho Doctor toboft"coMI'iWicc.mfin," and if wilful falsification is to bo the game of tho "Know-nothing Union Republican mongrel party," no wonder at his hopo of success." Wo quote, among many others, throe sentences from his last ''budget of blun ders." ''Col. 'I'ato is a Breckinridge Democrat ono who designates tho war as a Black Republican an unholy war.' Col. 'I'ato has participated in "Pcaco Meeting'," or "urged a comproraiso with traitors." Wc never denominated this as an "un holy war," cngagod in "Pcaco Meetings," or "urged a compromiso with traitors." Hence, Brower's every assertion is a false and malicious slander. Wo never yet met a single Democrat hero who oven intima ted for a moment, his willingness to havo any other than an honorable teace, such only a3 was endorsed by the Resolu tions of our Democratic County Conven tion. And wo havo always discouraged an amalgamation with tho Know nothing opposition, because wo aro religiously op posed to all and every "COMPROMISE WITH TRAITORS." No peace mooting has ever been held in Columbia County to-our knowledge ; and tho meeting at Benton, to which wo sup poso Brower refers, was called without any consultation with Democrats in Blooms burg. For that meeting wo arc not re sponsible; but having attended it, wo are responsible for the utterance of tho follow ing sentimenU ; and wo defy any nun to torturo them into any thing opposing the government, or entertaining any other idea than of the successful putting down of the rebellion, and tho continued union of these States. Col. Tate said : "Ho regarded the teachings of abolition ism and modern republicanism as perni cious to our cxistenco as a Naiion, and counselled peaceful deliberations for the adjudication of our existing difficulties and appealed to tho friends of tho Union, by all tho memories of the past, nnd all tho hopes of tho futuro to rally with prompt ness and vigor, within tho perview of tho Constitution, to the defence of the country against all its foes whether at homo or abroad. In conclusion, ho referred to tho DEMOCRATIC FI.AO, of 34 Stars, which waved over tho Speaker's Stand, onco in triumph but now in humiliation as the emblem of the Nation's Freedom, in tho full and firm belief, that on its prcscr vation depends our nationality, and tho only security for tho rights, liberties and power of our own people and tho highest hopes of oppressed humanity throughout tho world. Ths speaker resumed his sent amidst rounds of applause and music by the liana. What Constitutes Trorson. fudge Catuon, of the U. S. Supreme Court, iu a recent charge to tho Grand Ju ry, iu St. Louis, laid down explicitly the following propositions as tho law of tho laud ; 1. That to constitute treason, there must bo treasonable intent, as well as a' multitudes hero m tho -North, who sym trcasonablo over act; and in order to make ' pathizo.with them, and who aro ready to out treasonable intent and overt act, the 1 a3sist tUcra ; tbc'ir abominablo work? It party accused must have been leagued in a conspiracy to overthrow tho Government. 2. That there aro certain constitu tional guaranties which the passion oc the trenzy ot tuo hour cannot touoh, aud a mong them is the right of expression and discussion and the freedom of tho press. 3. That no sentiment, however hostile, can be held to bo treasonable, 4. That the right for every citizen to bear arms is an inalienablcright that cannot be infringed ; and thu tact of a citizen having arms, without being in league with a hostile forco, was not an act for which his liberty could be abridged. H. That it is the duty of the grand jury to protect the citizen aud the Government, and that they should not, on account of any fear, favor or affection, shrink from the discharge of that duty. As an arm of tho judiciary, the grand jury should dili gently inquiro into all offences brought to their knowledge, and bring to tho bar of tho United States Court all who havo been guilty of unlawfully uniting against tho Uovcrnmcnt and the laws oi the land, COJUIUMtATI'D. .Messrs. Editors Democrat : Happening in town last Saturday, curiosity induced me to stop into tho Court House, to witness tho process of ro-eAm. cning tho RErtinncAN Party. I was somewhat amused to hear tho voluntary offer of a nico littlo gcntloman to stump Columbia county to abuse and endeavor to defeat tho Democratic paity. When, a few years ago wo made Mr. Clark Dis trict Attorney of Columbia county, wo supposed wo were then voting for a gentlo man of at least conservative principles. Wo aro now to bo paid for that misdirected kindness by being abused and denounced. Would it not bo well for him yet to re member, that for all tho political position ho ever had, he is entirely indebted to the Dcmoeratio party ? ONE OF THEM. An Excellent Mote. Major Gen. McClellan has issued an order for the better observance of the Sabbath, in his command. Ho directs that all work shall bo suspended on that day, aud that noun necessary movement shall bo made ' unless incaso of attactby tho cnciny, or soino other cxtrcmo military ncccs3ityi" Correspondence. Pot the ColutnUa Vtmotrat. Oranoevim,f., Sept. Oth, 1801. C01.. L. L. Tate, Dear SinWhilst looking tho "New York Tribuno" of tho1 2nd inst., my eyes happened to fall on an articlo in Baid paper, headed, " From Co lumbia County, Penn.," and which I found to bo a lcttor from our friend John Sta LtY, of Greenwood, to tho N. Y. Tribune. It is so good, that I think every Democrat in this County ought to sco and read it ; and as tbcro aro very few Democrats in this county who tako tho N. Y. Tribuno, thoreforo if you think it worthy of notico, please publish it in your next Colu.miiia Democrat. Tho following is tho letter, verbatim, viz : From Columbia Co., Ponn. Corrtrpondcnce ff Tkt .V. 1". 77la. KoiiRrfBL-RO, rnna., Augtitt77, lt!Gl. Tbcro is a vile Bhcct published in your city called The New York Day Book, which is getting a powerful circulation in this county nmong the Brcekinridgo Demo crats. Ono Republican had ten copies sent to him for circulation. If this thing is to continue the Government will havo . to send troops hero to protect the loyal citizens, for in tho northern part of this County Joff. Davis has two men to Lin coln's one, or which is tho samo, two Breckinridge men to ono Lincoln man. Thoy aro holding peaeo meetings, as thoy call them, in the day time, and secret meetings at night, something liko the K. G. C. They have two companies formed, and aro forming two moro, who call them selves Dcmoeratio companies, and refuse to be organized under tho laws of tho State. Ono company is arming with largo knives, mado out of old scythes; report says tho others are to be armed with revolvers ana dirks. Somoof tho Union men arc a's0 arming, with tho expectation of being nt - tacked So we may look for bad work if such papci s as The Day Book aro allowed to poi.-on the minds of tho people. Last Thursday, !2a inst , wc hau a Union meeting to counteract these peace meetings. On tho road home, two men, who were out fishing, hurrahed for Jeff. Davis, when they wero attacked and stab' bed by two young Union men. Tho wounds, it is thought, will not prove mor. tal. A rccruitiu" officer who attended our meeting, stopped at a tavern near by at night and was insulted ; ho drew a revol ver and was prevented from shooting the Secessionist who insulted him only by the interference of the Union men present. I havo been a subscriber to your paper for ten years, aud havo dono all 1 could to inoreasc its circulation, but The Day liook, in thrco months, bus far outstripped it 20 copies camo to Rohrsburg, to ono ad dress, 30 to Stillwater, 22 to Benton. I have lived 53 years in this country. The times look tho darkest now. JOHN STALEY. '' Whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad.'1 Can it bo possible that our friend John is so ignorant, that ho does not see, that to perpetrate such a letter as tho above, and to havo it publish- cd in such n sheet as tho N. Y. Tribune, ' ' l r is aiding and abetting tho enemy ? Can ho be so green as not to sco that the pub lishiug of such ft lett-.r is comforting tho Rebels, and giving them encouragement to carry on their diabolical work, in try ing to destroy tho best Government tho sun ever shone upon 7 Does ho not mako the Southern pcoplo believo that thcro are is giving the Southern pcoplo to under stand that in the northern part of Colum- ; bilJ county'. at.loait two't,,irdj of the F00Pl0 aro secessionists, lie states " lor in the northern part of this County Jeff. Davis has two men to Lincoln's ono, or what is tho samo thing, two Breckinridge mon to ono Lincoln man." Now if that is not I giving comfort to tho enemy, then I do not understand what is. I do not believe that thcro is a real secessionist to bo found in this county. If those who voted the Democratic ticket last fall are secessionists, then will 1 agrco with our friend Staley. I will agree that there aro even more in the northern part of this couuty than what ho says there arc ; hut no ono but a down right fool will believe that to be a Demo crat is to bo a secessionist. Wo claim. friend Staley, that the Democratic tartv is tho UNION PARTY. Docs ho not remember that the people of tho Dcmoeratio party wero sneered at by tho opposite par ty, and wero called " Union savers I" Can he show us ono instance whero any man, or men of tho Democratic party trampled tho American Flag under foot ? Can ho show us one instance where any man or men of tho Dcmoeratio party bur ned tho American Flag? Cau ho point us out or namo any instance whero any man or men of tho Dcmoeratio party in tho North who called tho American Flag a "Jlwnting lie," and who oricd " tear it down'' 1 Can ho tell us of any one instance where tho Dcmoeratio party carried a flag with but sixteen stars on it 1 Wo claim that tho Dcmoeratio party is and has been a Union party from tho foundation of this great Republic The Dcmoeratio party always were opposed to a dissolution of the Union, always wero, and now aro, opposed to secession. Who were tho dis union men eight years ago I Who wero in favor of secession four yoars ago ? Who said let the South go, wo can do without them, only ono 3'car ago I Who said last fall aud last winter, that States had a right to secetlil Uan our friend btaley t mtcrlcro with slavery in tho States. I did answer us ? I supposo ho can, for ho has n"t supposo thcra was any man, (sinco tho read tho New York Tribune for ten ' death of John Brown) who thought of in yoarsl , torfering with slavery in tho States. Tho Our friend was egregiously mistaken in Republicans on the first voto even defeated rogard to those companies, in tho northern that resolution i but tho fear of an rndiuant (part of this county. They ara not scces- sioiusts, neither are thoy arming them selves with knives mado out of old scythes. It is hardly possible that good knives can bo mado out of old scythes. Tho mon belonging to said companies aro all good Union men,' thoy aro no " Jeff. Duvis men,'" Must a man bo a Lincoln man, to bo a Union man ? Docs ho mean that wo aro to fight for Abraham Lincoln, and his darling abolition principles Tho way his letter reads it would soeni so. I thought wo wore fighting for our Country and tho Constitution, and to put down TREASON and REBELLION against our Government, and not in particular for " honest ON Abe." Tho battlo at Coon Run, as wo call it hero, (and to which friend Blaloy alludes in his letter) was merely " dog cat dog," thoy wero of ono color, ono party, tho slabbers and the stabbed wero REPUBLI CANS! A precious paper that N. Y. Tribune must bo, if tho New York Day Book could gain a far wider circulation in thrco months than it The Tiibunc) could in ton years, by tho powerful aid of our friend Staley. A Democrat of Oranqeville. Fur Ikt Columbia Dtmctritt. Col. L. L. Tate Sir: Again Mr. Republican is out in a lengthy reply to my article. His ideas aro scattered over so much surface and with so littlo pertinency to tho matter at issue ,that it requires some sagacity to systematize them. In the first placo ho strengthens my argument in his ' quotations from Jefferson, in regard to emancipation. As I stated before, had the North not interfered and assumed to , , . c ., - t t.:i:. t, , dictate to the South, in all probability the Border States would havo freed their slaves. When Jefferson, wrote, thcro was a 00& feeling cutting between all sections We had no John Brown Raids in thoso good old times, mombcrs of churches could moot and commingle thoir devout aspira 'tions around a common altar, without bo' ing interrogated in rcgaru towiucu siuo oi tho line they lived, or what kind of prop erty they held. Thoy had not advanced far enough in the sealo of civilization to celebrate the anniversary of cut hroats and murderers! ! It docs sound strange indeed, to hear a man opologising for tho Helper Book; a work that has contributed so largely to provide such raids as above described ; instead of cultivating amity and good feel ing between the differen t parts of our loved and onoc respected Union. All tbo bittorost epithets tho vocabulary could furnish such men with, have been used until finally wc have sectiou arrayed against section in bloody combat. From the Gentleman3 -.:i t iVl .. ... 1 J v I hlm ,,own 8"',0"cr of Helpers "0-l. ...t- V 1 .'11 !. 1 -t wo Book whioh makes tit), ni it has already been recommended by all his principal leaders. If, as you say, the preent Republican party is tho true Jefferson Republicans, how happens it you aro not willing to bo known by that cognomen ? We hear noth ing of wido awakes and Republicans, oh no they arc union ! union 1 union men 1 1 if the principles that Lincoln was olected upon are National, aro right, why change your name! The reason is obvious. Wido awake ncpublicanism is becoming as obnoxious as Know-Nothingism ; the name by which your Party was designated a few years since. Your party are very anxious for tho union and compromise with the Democrats now I Last winter when Democrats wero using their exertions to save tho union, you then stigmatized them as "union nurses" and "union sa vers." Tho Dcmoeratio party havo al ways been tho union Party. If tho Ro publican party wish to join us aud ignoro their sectionalism, we will as a matter of courtesy rcocivo thorn kindly upon the eter nal untnovablo platform of Dcmoeratio principles, which know no North, South, East nor West. IIo attributes his wisdom , whioh enables him to reject the decision of tho Supremo court in tho Drcd Scott caso to "the au thor of nil good, that he has given him power to discidc" that tho Supremo court is wrong. To this kind of argument wo can make no 'reply. If ho has becu direct ly inspired from abovo ,all terrestrial log io will bo futile. This I supposo is the higher law his party leaders speak of so frequently. Our friend says he is with Lincoln on tho Negro question, that thoy aro mlcrior. Liucoln said he wanted to see tho Government plaeod in such a posi tion that the pcoplo would rest assured that slavery was dung out, and that ho wants artificial weights lifted from all shoulders, (of courso Negroes and all ;) and as to his ignoring tho habeas corpus, suppressing the Pross &o,, I supposo ho is with him in all these points too ! I Ho says tho ohicago plafforn was a otato rights Platform. How does this oomport with your actions, districting tho country without any regard to stato linos 1 what do your leading men say? After this war, thcro will bo no Virginians or North Carolinians, but all Amoricans. And wonderful to telll ho says tho Ro publioans had passed a Resolution not to constituency induced them to re-consider it ; and it was by tho strenuous1 exertions of Stanton and Kcllog, who 6prang from their scats and said if that was Republican ism thoy wero dono with it,that it did pass, and then barely passed. I havo reference to the Resolutions which I think Stovous offered. Ho barely refers to ono of tho foreign appointments, and says becauso his party did not cloct Burlingnmo it proves thoy are not abolitionists. What would be tho inference wo would naturally draw then from his appointment by Lincoln t In ono important foreign mission, your argu ment proves too much. That clement in his character appeared lo bo n qualifica tion. Carl Shurtz, nnothor foreign ap pointment, sco what ho said in St. Louia in 1800 "may.lho God in human naturo bo arrouscd and picrco tho very soul of our Nation with an energy that shall sweep aa with tho besom of destruction, this abomi nation of slavery from tho land. You call this revolution. It is, in this wc need revo lution must, we will havo it,lct it como." Thoso mon, Mr. Republican spcakes of as delegates to tho convention from Mary land & Kentucky must have roprcscntod a trorao ndons constituency, according to tho votes polled. I think our friend must bo mistaken and has given us tho number of votes polled in thoso States for his Plat form for the delegates from said States. Mr. Editor, there is no uso in multiply ing words. Tho Abolition clcmont ap. pears to havo boon tho ruling olcincnt in the Republican party ; and this clomont of tho party being iu deadly hostility to tho South, tho conclusion of sectionalism is inevitable, and this principlo being in pow er in tho North has caused irritation in tho South whioh has resulted iu scccsiion which is equally as bad as Abolitionism. Thoso two dangerous dogmas will havo to bo put down boforo tranquility will bo re stored. How this desirable- stato is to bo brought about is tho concern of all good men. May it speedily como. BACK TOWNSHIP. No-. Tarty Contest Sow. Tbo fitness, tho competency, honest; and respectability of tho Dcmoeratio nomi noes will not bo disputed by any prop, man. As the Republicans just now dc rccate party contests, will tbey show the sincerity by voting for these nominees an thereby escape that which they profess V dread so much ? If they sincorely beliot party contests to bo injurious to tho Na tional cause, how can they justify tliorn selves in getting up ticket that Is su: to produco one ? But thcro is no sincerity in what the said about no-partyism. They made sui a proposition only becauso thoy l:new thr both their name and principles were di gracod and would be repudiated by tl people at the first opportunity, and th ro.-ortcd to the trici of getting up " Union " party to enable them to cscaj their doom. No recognized, uudeubtt Democrat would be put on such a tick under any circumstances. Wc want honest men and responsib parties in power. That end can bo oc complished by voting the Democratic ticket Sullivan county Democrat. Par ty Nomination. While it la rant treason, according to the views of tho Re publicans, to mako party nominations in Democratic counties, we find that in Brad ford, Snyder and other Republican ooun tics, the Opposition arc making out and out Republican nominations. If any of our no-party sticklers don't boliove this let them look into tho Bradford lleporter and other organs of the Republican party in thoso Districts, and thoy will find what wo say to bo correct. Tho rulo is for Re publicans in Dcmoeratio countias to insist on a Union ticket, but in Republican coun ties thoy want no affiliating with Demo crats. Who cannot see through this trans parent political dodgo I Sullivan County Democrat. St. Nicholas Hotel, New York. Wo call tho attention of our readers to tho advertisement, in another oolumn, of this palatial Hotel, whoso Proprietors, with view to meet the exigencies of tho times, havo reduced tho price of board to Two Dollars pey Day. Our friends visiting New York can now uhtro all tho luxuries of a sumptuous tihlo and a princely housa for a very moderato per diem sum. tsy Tho Republican leaders last winter were too stiff in politics to yield ono plank in their platform to save the country. How can they now ask Democrats to yield their organization in ordor to save tho Re publican leaders ? Tho quostion U a porti nont ono just now, North Branch Democrat. tB" Tho Ropuhlicans of Erie oounty will nominate a straight-out Republican tiokot on tho 18th of Sept. They havo a heavy majority in that county, and thoro foro need not resort to tho "union trap" to catch Democrats. North Branch De in crat. Wilminoton Election. Tho city muucipal olection took placo on Tuesday last and rosultod in tho ontiro success of' tho wholo Union ticket. Vincvnt 0. Gilpin was ro-eleotcd Mayor hy a ma jority of 722, out of 1300 votes polled-
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