Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, September 07, 1861, Image 4

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"What you tow, that you also reap.'1
is as true in agriculture as tn morals,
was once thought, and sustained by high
authority, thnt imperfectly ripened wheat,
if it would pcrmin&tc. was as pood as an v .
' J
for BCCU aUU OTCn rCCOmniCUUCU as UCttcr
than cood, plump kernels, as moro seeds
... , . (
TVCrO contained in ahllSIlcl. Exponunco
Proves this nation fallacious. Wo may as
,. ,,,,,, , . I
WCH.CXPCCt atull-SIZOU iMoraan liorjo from
cJ .. , , , , . I
a SpaniSU jaCKaSS, as a gOOU Crop Of Wheat
from imperfect SCCd. To produce the btst I
ice must propagate from the best
In England, tho faamcrs tal;o the
sheaves and whin them ccutl v over a stone,
when the best and earliest kernels will fall
out, which they take for seed
method is to go through the field and se
lect tho earliest ripened heads for seed,
trl.iMi will ennn tiftriWn nn r.irlior virirtv
VfUlCIl Will SOOn porauco an earlier anciy
than tho orieional Hock. Such seed will
also produce a crop free from smut. Sow
ing poor, half-ripened, imperfect seed, is
sowing smut and disappointment
micht SCCIll that it would be ancndlcstask
to gather enougli early heads lor secu,
but it requires but two or three years to
change the variety, aud have seed enough
and to spare,
A wheat known in Scotland as tho
Ilopctown wheat, and deemed an excellent
nnd prolific variety, owes its origin to on
accidental circumstance, an observing
farmer having remarked a very superior
car, from which he picked out ninety nine
kernels, and from their product come this
celebrated variety.
To show the rapidity with which such
seed may multiply, wo give an instance:
A farmer in Cambridgeshire, England, in
18-10, gathered eighteen very fino cars, the
proceeds of which filled a common wine
glass. The seeds ho planted tho following
autumn, and produced ono peck. This
was planted tho following autumn, and
productd seven bushels aud one peck, and
this produced ono hundred and eight bush
Cls and tWO pCCha, Which Was planted in
1843, and produced one thousand eight
tmnrli-fffl Mill m xlv.t-ir-ht lmslicls. This I
j -B
was tho lucrcasc ot eighteen lieaus ot
wheat in four years.
Another farmer planted thirty kernels
in 1839, which produced fourteen and,
thrOC'fourths OUnCCS : this Was SOWn. and
, , ' , i .i I
produced ono LiUSllCl and one pCCk; tlUS
produCCd forty-fivO bushels J and this, in
, . -i,ii
1841, produced CVO llunUrOU ami thirty-
T , .
x ... ... . ,i i. f
It Will thus DO SCCn that thO task Ot
... , . , . i t i ,i
gathering the earliest ripened heads, and
thus producing an earlier variety, is not
great ; and farmers will bo well paid for
their trouble. They will get a variety
that can be sowed lato enough to escape
the fly, and that will still ripen early c
nough to escape tho rust. Try it aud
give us the result. Ohio Farmer,
If, while examining under tho micro
scope a drop of water containing infuso
ria, you introduce a grain of salt, tho eff
ect seen will be tho instantwtous death
of theso creatures. The knowledge of this
property of salt may bo turned to account
in several ways : among tho rest, it sug
gests an excellent tooth-powder. If it be
true, as asserted that the matter which is
formed on ths teelh is tho reecpticlc of
animalcules, and that these aro the real
agents in producing carious teeth, dip a
moistened brush in common salt, and you
have at, onco tho cheapest and most preso
rvativo of tooth powders.
Youatt recommends an ointment for
this disease, prepared of common mercuri
al ointment, and three times its weight in
lard, for very bad cases. Where tho dis
ease is light, or has just made its appear
ance, use five parts of tho lard to one of
the ointment. The ingredients arc wc 1
mbbed together and the scabs arc smeared
with it. Another receipt for this disease
is, ono ounce of corrosive sublimate four
ounces of sal ammoniac, dissolved in four
quarts of rain water. This is a powerful
stimulant, and should bo used with caution-
Well fed sheep, or thoso that run
in dry hilly pastures, oro seldom troubled
with this disease.
Hall's "Journal of Health" good au
thorityconsiders tamatoes "tho most
hgalthful of all vegetables," and adds :
''Tho tomato season ends with tho frost.
If tho vines aro pulled up beforo tho frost
comes, and hung up in a well ventilated
cellar, with tho tomatoes hanging to thorn
the 'lovo applo' will cootinuo ripening uu-
til Christmas. Tho cellar should not bo
too dry nor too warm."
Hour glasses wero invented at Alcxan
drift one hundred and fifty years before
Tlin sum of fififrn million ilnlKra ia ot
auo Sam Ol UIICCU million UOUaH 13 CS-I
ponaed nnnaally in London for intoxica-,,""ns
ting liquors.
To catch mica in a grain bin. bait
rnur tran nlOi cotton or tow 1
your trap VfltU COttOn Or tOW.
Important AAiltioiu & Improvements.
Autwnn Term to Commence August 12, 1PU, I
THIS In ill tut ion which has been In iucreMful uprrn
tlon tor the pitl leu yenn, 1 nbout uudcrftoina n
vsry Important rcnoVntlou.ln ordcrtnptacu it on a more
stable bn In lhan nnd present facilitieit which tiro,
iiftt mirnaised bv nrilinnrV Academiei In Nrthirn IVim
it)lvnni.i. Anions Iho lmprocn.enU wilt be n larpe j
fcioricu milium; uincil l i Rivu mucu nuiinmum
dlous hall for a lecture room nmt public exercises, con
venient class rooms, n librnry nnd rending room contain
Ins n cabinet of minerals nud euiinsitics, hntll rooms,
&c. An experienced nnd thoroughly 'nullified clasical
teacher niut lecturer will bo nt the. Mend of tho Hoard of
Inslluition, tiut tho rrlntlpnl will have llin fjunrrul su.
poiliitondcnco oflUe institution and nssunic n share of
tlm duties ofteachlne. lecturea w ill lie ileliv
crodupnn various scientific eubjicts, as well as mm
tho theory nnd practice of teaihlng, nud aNcrtnnl Clas
of young men and nuincn who tell to qualify then
of young men nnd women who wish to n,ualiry them ... npnf.ii.inl- l.tll r-if-ol. 1. .-Ill-, till nl
Tho course of instruction In the srhnol will bn tho.
rousli and systematic, calculated to embrace the various
branches of n practical cducntiuti. Ample provision will
bo inn-lo for the study of the higher mathematics, the
menus of suitable apparatus, and for the study of the
l.ailll, t.reoK, nun i.erninii lanftii.iiirB, c-ii.iim.- miunim
to qualify themselves for and aiientiflc pur
suits, or to enter any class ntrnllegc.
Tim roiintrv locution of this Seinlnarv in n tdrnant
village, In a healthy nnd nourishing neighborhood, well
known for the elevated ton. of Its moral sentiment, und
i VllllrJ?
Ai t. lariror towna nnd in.itiy oilier locaiuifg, wiiu nn (iiiiani.
UCHCr . (..rttipiiri tn illi-rrl their attention from literature and
the work of mental culture, prcnenti nttractioui an J In
ilurcniciili tocomideratu parents emulous Ftiidt'ii'.p, sl-I
do in found surrounding largo clio"ls and academics
nit! Literary .ocuiyni(i. one m me uhii-fi ami u-j
f'"dncted In tills section of muntry, prcucnti nn aiirac
.tivofeuiurotiiiduioful auxiliary, to a practical cdura.
Tho Improvement will be under the Immediate rhnrjro
of an etllcicnt Unard of TrnpteeB, appointed by the Hem
Innry Company, and will bit completed In time for tho
Autumn term, to commence the liith r.f Aumist next.
Wlii In fii.inkrul for mint inttroiiniio wo u isll to im rtt a
cnuthiuaticu of similar fanrs, ns wc Intend to Include n
fully solicit a careful examination intoour facilities and
iiidiier crane nno w wer rnnao i uipiniciKm v rifi-m
Prardin?, wndiliic, tuition, liclitsand Inflilcntal cx
n.nHi.. fur iinn nnnrter of .-leeii Weeks. 111 be ThlltV
ll'tl'ara, one half payable in ndvancc the otlur half
anil all lunion bins win lie rxpecieu prompiiy ai inu
plration of each lunrtcr.
llonrdlnir, with furnilied rooms, one quarter
Tuition in common Luglisli branches
inctudimt Mathematics and Ilrok Kccpins
by Double Lntry
Tuition in Latin, Creek, and German extra
Washing, Liehls uud iucidfiutal expenses,
one iiuarler.
Those w ho desire to orocure srho'arshins or attend bv
the year, will ho accommodated nt n reasonable discount
anu siuiients w inn' to procure rooms suuuiu inane
seasonable application.
Tor furtlierp-irticulars address.
W.M. UUllOKPS, rrlnrlpnl.
Milllllle, l'cun'a.
ficoitnr Masters, J. K. Kvfs. )
llr, A. IMIlller, l:iu Uta. Trustees.
llEUAMIS K. Lves.
Midline, -May , lftil.
DAxriLtr., ,vo.Toon cov.ti r.i.
Entertainment for Man and Iteast, in good et)lo
and nt moderate rates.
iinuCCU W. ritLLZU, rroprictor.
Danville March, 2, letil.
RLOO.MSnUUO cheap cadi Ftore, acnin repleniehed
with a fresh ttuck of SPHLn OOOUS-wo are
nnw lirninrdil rn litf.'r til tlm luililic n (TV h.i 11 itsti Him 1 1 it
juf Spring and Summer (ioodc-at usual low prices, lui
I Comc . ''A?uca ihl I)rV,tei
II. C. fit I. W. 1IAUTMAN
March 13, 1S01.
cp 111! Proprietor of this well-know u and centrally loci
L ted House, tho ExciltMit: lloTLL.silu.-itu on ,Mui.
Street, in Uloomsburir. iminedijlclv ronositc the rnlimi
' I..- 11. .nan m.,.nir.illi. I.C...... t.iu C.:. ...I-
and the public in general, that his lluusu is now in or
er for the reception nud entertainment oftratelvrs who
muyleel disposed to favor it with their custom. Ileli.u
cutertninuieutofhla guests, neither shall there he any.
thine wanlliiff (on his part) to minister to their personal
comfort, "is house is ipucious nud enjoys nu excellent
i business location.
I K7" Omnibuses run nt all times between the Kxchanpe
Hotel and tho wirious Jtail Kiud Depots, by which tr.iv.
lt-ler w ill bo pleasantly com eyed to nnd from tho re-
spcctive claltons in duu lime lo meet the uars.
' Wm. 11. koons.
niooinsburg, July 7, lfCO.
DRESS goods, Silks, Calicoes, Shawls
and all kinds of dry goods for sale rhenr,cr than
sual at
RETTEU Sugars at lOcts.por lb. than
has Li2cn sold at 1 lets, for the past year nt
miou:sAu: .ixd ri:t.iil
SM Mm (SAP a7IB!S.
TIip iinderslgnpd lospfctnilly Informs tho cllltrns of
is i oo m i mi r uuti 11 it- puuiic in general, uui no 11.19 iur-cha-ictl
tho .VWI' 11.1 V H'lVKiU In tho hue framo kUru
hnuse, on Mo. hi Strcit. ucnrlv e tho I,xcIiuhl'c
hiiildiiiL'a, where lie haa just rwciwd a vplcudtd at-
rurimvui 01
Direct from the Mnntifuctiirio,of nil kltil, t K-s, sorts
nnd -Uoi, lutuft fibhioiitt,uliicli hu oiltrJ wholesale und
reiail, nt wry low pricfn,
f7 Thosu Goods will be soldnt very lowprlcva tor
Jifuuy 1 ay,
Illooinsbitrff, October 27, Uf0.
13 It E X 0 II 0 T E L.
TlinundorBiened,, refpcctfiilly Informa hie friend
nml tho public (.'''nt'rnlly, that I10 hna opened a house for
iiiu iii.Li idtiiiiii'iii ui 1 iiriuiiicf Him ira CK'H, lit Htsitls-
NO.In fireenwood township, Columbia County, about
l.f in, hid itiul sir 1ttli-llln fi.lln.l ' v
W lure liclsnrcnarcd to accommodate tho public, and
all who may favor him titii their custom, togeneral sat
isfaction. Ills Table nnd Har, will be well gmipticd and careful,
ly cniiiliicled..iiid his Stabtinjl is nmniu and will stocked
lyilo will utall times be tunny naitunou hisfriends
and customers.
Pcrcno, March 23, 18C1.
TUT. underi-igncil reHit-clfnlly informs his friends and
old customers tiiat lie has oncm-d a shun on Mai
Htrect. a few doors ubove the Tory's Hold, III illoolna
burg, where lie designs cuutiuuiuj; the
In nil its various branch", nt low prices, and on nn cn
l.i rg ml cale, and solicit th; public patronage.
uZ"l'roducc, (iraiii, A.c. centrally taken for worV.
MILEri U, AUllu'lT.
niooiuebury, May8, li?53.
OiXce In Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charles II.
riooiiiBburg. Doc. -1,
Mis Mm sm mmmm
H. Vr. Cor. Third unit .Market Sts..
J53T Cards $1.50 per looo. -a
August 4, l.-CO-liui
The oldest ritablinlied and only Standard
I m p no v k u
Price $15 per 2000 lbs. (21 cls. per lb,
rcrtUVIAN, Wo eellnono but Jfu.1, received direct
from tho Goveruuivut,
ICII.Uton. A very superior arlkle, received direct
from the IiluutJ,
PDASTKIl. Ground Platter a superior article, packed
In good strong barrel j,
CONia. Ilutton Maker Uono Dust end Ground Ilonci.
warrahted Pure.
Allen & Needles Fertilizer.
Price 830 per 2000 lbs, (li cent per lb.)
Tali manure, from its superior quility and t ery low
-ririce, lias gained a reputation Hilh farmers that classes
it among tho standard manures. W have u number of
"rtillcate. from persons who oro using it, uliiili wo
will be pleased to show to those, wanting u good aud
' I
ud U South Vatir ti. '
ii South Ylharvca uud
(first iter, aasrt Wtlliikl,)
riiiih.01.1 ii.i&i
mnui. i 1 " , 7i : : -
Tn1, c nlolsssca for lto rrlc0 'e
X County foi .ale at HAKWIANS,
,1UJ, 3, 1001 3m.
r, iv nn uo mi i. a I NT
Anu tti Turious affections eon sequent upon a dlsorderoj
stomach on t.ivkr,
Pncb m Indlpctlon, Aridity of tb Ptnmnrh, Colicky Tains
llnaitburu, lifitM of Afi'etlto, Denpondenry, Cnslh ruupf,
lllin 1 and lll'-cdlng tMli-n. In nil Nrrroiifs It lieu tna tie, mi 1
eornicic Auwtioun, it hm in numcrotH inFinrt jrovea
iifiMT ifncnrni, nna in omrrs cihhimi a uwmcii em.
TIih Is a I'urt.y TrrrtAtlc cor,UKmiid-rrernred on strictly
prlcntiflo I'rluclidoii, after the dun tier of lbs setebrateit
lloll.ind rrofcixor. llo-rluirp. Its rrrutition at home pro
ilurod Itt introilurtion here, the demmd ccmmciicIiiK with
tliiv'o rf tho latberlind seHtlervd over the faro of this
mighty country, mtuiy tf wlifiin brought irllh them and
banded down the tradition of Itt talue. It it now fJTrrt-l
to the American jwllir, Innuitia that itt truly wonderful
It In prllfutiirly rerommfiidwl to those persons ithfws
constitutions may hate been ImjIreJ by tho continuous uno
of Rrddit spirits, or other fonui of dimlpatlon. Oonprslly
lntn,iitaiiei)us In effort, it finds Iti way directly to tho nmt
of lir-. thillllng and fiuickphliia eTtry iierTfl, raUlng up the
drix-i'fiin tvplrlt, bdJ, 1 u fact, Infusing new beilth and Tlgor
bi the ratlin.
MT1CK. UTioevcr etpect to find thin a l-preraw wbt
W dKnppolntcdt but to tlio tick, ue.ik and low spirited. It
pne n (rratrlil aicuatlc cordial, tofidiwbod of eluguhu
riHuedhl prcifrtlci.
The Oonnlne highly conrpntrabvl IVprhaTp'f IMlaml
niltora la put up in half lut In itt lei only, nnd relailfd nt
0e lH)tUfti'ri'ottlp,or tlx bottles for FivtDoiHRa. Tha
prcnt demmd for this truly it U-lirntwt Medicine hai Induced
inruiy Imitation's bhh tho public should gnnrd auinat
l.ewaro of Tmi-oritlon. geo thnt our cune I u the
label of every Ixittle jdu buy.
Sold by Drujglitt reoeraUy. It can be forwuded
by Express to moat pomti.
ImrmiKfttliKls itiul dJhemisfS;
ForHatc byti.M, llagciibiich, Druggist, llloomsburg I'n
-i j tHriJccr- h vi.amandkr patks, m:
KTiWV'WS. MOVi:i) to :U Chtttnvt Stntt,
rasiilirn- abul'f t,lirit Philadttphia, havo on
jj'-p, viv;'?fTi1 and n lartfo noaortuient t Tiro
OE.Ttli'l'it Thief proof H.i l.iinaiider Piif,-s.
Riili. f Ai J "o, Iron .loorn, for banki and
vJCl P"i!J utoren, iron ehultern iron ix, all
itlvSJVijiA'iSJ make of locks u-'iual to any made ;
in lh" Tnitrd .States.
Fiee brfei in one Jirx, All eame out right; uiih ton 1
tent in trooit condition.
The Halamandcr Safes of J'Jiilariclphia asainet the
world. I
liavo had tin1 FitrCft demostrution In thn followinc err-'
till rate tint their in.umt'.ictiirt of t itamnndcr HatVp has
at lenclh fully warranted tho representation whith
breii made of them ns rendering an undoubted (ncurity
against the territic ckin'ent. I
rhi!ad"lphin April 12. 5iJ. 1
Mntr r.ram ty Hatton: (iintb-intn It ull'urils us
tho hiuhest atif.iction to utalo to you, that owinp'to
the erv jirotfrthu qunhliis of two vf tli.i tralantainler,
H.if.-s which wo purchased of )on Home flw muiith sum o
p haoil n large portion of Jeuelr), and nil our hnoKi,
Lc, rxpiwed to the cnlamiuous, lire in IE a nt toad place on !
the iimrriing of tlit! Jlth iii!t..
When wc rell d lut thnte naf-'s were located tn th
fourth Hory of the biiiidniL' wu ooi'itjii'-d ami that they
tell fnihrio'iueiitlv Intoa heno of bnrniiic ruins, where the
vat Loiic'-iitnitiou of tho heat caudt'd the lir.iftx plutti to
melt, we cannot but retard the irc rvatiim of their val
unblc contents us most titinincing prof of the great se 1
cunty nlforded by your imfcs.
Wo xhall tuko great nleainre in reenmtnendins them to
men of bu-inea as n mre reliance acaliwt fire.
Ui:UR(JU , BIMMOXS &. IlltO., .ffwclttri.
ItyThcv have ince iinrthased tlx large Safes.
AnsusfiD. lr'i'J
TIIIJ nndersiened is also extenslvtly cntrnpr-d In tho
UuilrrlnLiutr lluiaa. nitil Lirni.micn.,ilu .... 1.,... I
nd for sale ut his Warerooms, a lareo nssortment of
ny v.iilrl) he la MLiMcd tu mi nntcru on prcucnutinn
Awo-Koi-iiH (food ilorfct ami lltfarho, and will at al
muia us iv.iu IU UUfllU rUIlCrCI.
SIMON c. Binvi:.
niooiiitln.rc, Jinuary l.a5rJ
U. Trust Company.
Corner of Third and Chestnut SfsPhilt,
LAKUanil tiuall turns r'Trivcil aif) pall hark im
It ma titl witliuiit iiuticL1, uith Vik per tmr Inuk
t ht from the day i-f ih jmait to the day nf w itlnlrawal.
Omit lluLw.-From U until 5 o'clock, tvtry day,anj
on Movhav JivFMNti, from 7 until 1) oclock,
j'roki.iLiit-!n:piu:. it. citAwrouu,
Tri'amir''r Pijkv Puic.
TVUtr Jama Ji. Jtunttr,
PtPHhon R. fra funl.
flltinUI lit idlcman,
lioiijaiiiiu V, TltiBlcy,
Paul 11. fioo.lartl, M, ii.
Patrick l.rarfy,
James Dcvt rcaiit,
Tlunua 'P. I.'a,
.MartliU. 1-CO-ly.
itfotec Junhin,
Alm'ir C. Hart. M, n.,
William M. Criilmu,
11. Praukliit Jackboii.
Pliny Put,,
r. o.iiAitiasoN,M, d.
WOtJLO respcrtfiilty inform tho ritizcnn of Blooms.
bur, nnd irntity. that )ip continiicntliv practtco of
And (licit n than of public patronage
ihruF. m Mam 8tret, lirn liousu Ulow tlio Court
IIoiihc, Plooiuobur,
Pilruary y, lt55 if.
it .0' s ii o y n t
wnoi.r.sAi.i: nr. iixiis im
Mamilaclund & l.raf Tobacco,
I.'. E. Corner of Tront and Arch Streets,
itmiuit tuutN
J (MLS m. Burn. 1U, IcW-l.'m.
.IrtK Srtl,Jlbotcc Third,
V II I A D J3 1. 1' II I A .
rjMin sllualion c.fthi llotrl rcnclri it ono of the mngt
X convi'iiiPiitl'ortlioiiewhoare tmtiuir PhiladLlphia
uii irusiiiui, , "I'nu i" iii'inu in BL-uri ii ui jneuKllfP, I J(J
constantly itasoimr and renassintr Citv UhIUvqv rnr
uud those in close proximity, utl'ord a cheap und pleas
ant rido to all places of interest uud amusement it) or
about the tity.
Tho proprietor gives assurance that The Union'
shall bo kept 'villi mcli character us will meat public
uTiiruiiuiiuii, uuo uum re pern uiiy vouch, jrenerat pat-
rouago. Ui-pox a m:wcomi;k.
February 2j, lfiiO-IJ-n. Proprietor.
Jn.t received from New York n largo and fu.
perior lot nf tlio ubovn nniiied arliclo lor llm Mirluv Irmln
alpricis rallying from li cents per pieiu lo 75 1 cuts,
II. C. & 1. (V, IIAKTMAN',
lllooiiuburg, Ttb. 23, ISol
,- J received. Bomctliing new in that line, Call
in Ladies, and get one.
. . 11.0. &I.W. IIARTMAN,
' . -,.. , . , . ;
T-I 001 Skirts in abundance from -1 lets
JJam ppwardj for sale at J1ARTMANS.
liioonisourg, r.eo, isoi,
Scrofula, or King's Evil,
1 a constitutional disease, a corruption of tlio
blood, by which this fluid bccoinci vitiated,
weak, and poor. Iking In the circulation, it
pervades tho whole body, and may burst out
In disease on any part ot it. No organ ia free
from Its attacks, nor 1, thcro one which it may
not destroy. Tho scrofulous taint I. variously
caused by incrcurlol di.easc, low living, dis
ordered or unhealthy food, impuro nir, filth
and filthy liabiU, tho depressing tIccs, nnd,
above nil, by tho venereal Infection. SVliat
ever bo Its origin, It Is hereditary In the con
stitution, descending "from parents to children
unto tho third and fourth generation j" indeed,
it seems to bo the rod of Him who says, " I
I will visit tho iniquities of the fathers upon
J their children."
Its clTeets commenco by deposition from tho
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, In
tho lungs, liver, and internal organs, la termed
tubercles i In tho glands, swellings j nnd on
tho surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor-
I ruptlon, which genders In tho blood, depresses
tho energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu
tions not only fuller from scrofulous com
plaints, but they have far less power to with
stand tho attacks of other diseases ; conse
quently, vast numbers perish by disorders
which, although not scrofulous in their nature,
aro still rendcied fatal by this taint in the
system. Most of tho consumption wliich de
cimates tho human family has its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination ; and many
destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain,
and, indeed, of all the organs, nriso from or
are aggravated by this same cause.
One quarter of all our people ore scrofulous ;
I their persons aro invaded by this lurkbig In.
fection, and their health is undermined by it.
To cleanse it from the system wo must renovate
the blood by an alterative medicine, and in
vigorate it by heolthy food and excrciso.
Such a acdicina wc supply in
( Compound Extract of Sarsaparilln,
the most effectual remedy which the medical
skill of our times can devise for this every
where prevailing and fatal malady. It Is com
lined from the most active rcmedials that have
been discovered for the expurgation of this foul
disorder from the hlood, and the rtscuo of tho
system from its destructive consequences.
Hence It should bo employed for tho euro of
, not only scrofula, but also those other aflco
tions which arise from it, such as Eeuitivb
and Skim Diseases, St. Antiiosv's Fibe,
1 Kobe, or EuvsirKLAS, Fiurr.ES, I'cstulis,
! Dlotcius, IIlains and Boils, TuMons, Tetteu
I and Salt Ititn'M, Scald Head, Ri.vowonu,
ItiiEUUATisu, StrniLiTicand Mkiicciual Dis
eases, Duofst, Dvfli'srsiA, Deoilitt, and,
indeed, all Comtlaikts arisixo most Vitia
' ted on IiirucB Blood. The popular belief
in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth,
for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. Tho
particular purpose und virtue of this Sarsapa
rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid,
without which sound health Is impossible in
contaminated constitutions.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
re bo composed that disease nithin the rancc of
their action can rarely withstand or evade tucrn
Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse,
and invigorate everj portion of the human organ
ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring
Its healthy vitalities. At a consequence of these
properties, the invalid who is bowed down with
Eain or physical debility is astonished to find his
ealth or energy restored ty a remedy at once so
simple end inviting.
.Not only do they euro the every-day eomphlnts
of every body, but also many formidable and
dangerous diseases. Tho agent below named it
pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac,
containing certificates of their cures and direction!
for their use in the following complaints: CHive
nest, Ifeai tturn, lleddache arising ft om disot dcred
Stomach, Xauua, Indigestion, Vain in and Morbid
Inaction of the lioxcelt, Flatulency, Lost of Appe
tile, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints,
aming from a low state of the body or obstruction
of Us functions.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Coughs, Colds, Influcnzaf Ilonrscnes,
Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump
tion, nnd for the relief of Consumptive
Fnticnts in adraaccd stagos of the
6o wide is the field of its usefulness and oo nu
rncroua are the cases of ita cures, that almost
every section of country abounds in persons pub
licly known, who have been restored from alarming
and even desperate diseases of the lungs by it
ue, When once tried, its superiority over every
other medicine of iti kind is too apparent to escape
observation, and where its virtues are known, the
public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ
for the distressing and dangerous n flections of the
pulmonary org am that arc incident to our climate.
While, many inferior remedies thrust npon the
community have failed and been discarded, this
has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits
on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro
ducod cures too numerous and too remarkable to
be forgotten.
Mi J. C. AYEIt & CO.
r,. P. I.utz. Mout.C.'M. llnifcnliiich. nioomjlmrc
I -
...Milltir, licmirk, uuH by unc htorc iu ever) luv u lit
Gcucrnl Couimissioii iHcrclianls,
PisJi, rrolsinna. Flour, IJullcr, Cliorse, Oils, Dried
rnilts, Ur.iin, Sct-ils, llcans, ;viiiskeyt Wuul,
Cuuutry l'ruiluiu unit .McrihdiuliMj
No. 34 Nuriu Wujirvfs, PjiiLAPrtmu.
C7" Consifrnnients of l'ro Isiong, Tloiir uml Country
Proilncu siilicitcili nml returns iirumotly mailc. L'usli
udiumeil ntii-u ilosiri'il,
UKIIUItr) for all kimts of rili, Provisions, Hour,
ItricU I'ruits, &r lillml m iLu vst Ua?h rri(.ts.
August i, ltl'iO-lim.
Tlin iimlcrcU'ncd j k pec t fully inform-, hi old friend
and cutttiHifm. that hu ha jNirclia-tcil hii hwWfj
intircBt in (Im uhovo .italilitimiiiit,amlthc cmie-mi U
btTfalVr ho ttmdiicteil hy himself rxihuivily.
He liaii jiit reciivcd uud otlVr for h.Mp, tho larff
' nnd imut i vtriiMvu nurliiipnt if PAXUV
qotIH'J'OVUH tor IntrodufLd into thi market.
-fia Hiii mock coiifin of a loiiipk'te U8Kortmcnt of
tup he-X rookimi mul parlor htoves in the market, toeth
trwithhtove 1'ixuirc of vwry duncriptinii, Ovtn and
ll'ixStovctt, Uadiatorx, Cjlindar fclovt, Cait Iron Air.
Tight fctovei, (.'inuioii Stuyi-a, &c, 4tr. Stovepipe and
Tinware constantly uit hand and inamifacturpd tt nnlcr.
Ail kindt. of repairing donp, u- uu,it, on oliort notice.
TUf patronaijo of old friunUd nnd new cuMoimir re
sppttlully KOlicitfd. A. M. KUPIMIT.
Jlloom&hurn, Xovemh(r3d lfCO. tf.
PaystliP entire rogt for Tuition in the most popular ami
f HITCH? fut Commercial Siliool in tho roniitry. Upward
of Tivtlve Hundred young men from t w ! -tiht dill'
eri'iit HtatPti Iiiu been educated for lmbiti(-g lur vwth
in the pat-t thrve yt-arrf. fomo o' hom have beta im
ployed as Jlouk Kttpers ot kaiaric of
52000.00 por Annum,
linmodlatclyupon praduatiriff.ulm knew nothing ofaC'
luimtv ulKiiilicy intcredtho ColUcc.
L " Minliiicri inns half price. Students enter at any
llme.and rPiiewulKii tlioy plpane, without Rvtrachar;'u.
Por Calalojuo of t?ii pages, r?jcclmtinj of Prof.L'ow ley'
Hiifcinesgaud Orliami'iital renmausiliii.. nnd u In ret i'n.
pr.u lug ufihoColtopo, uclne tventyllvecents in Post
"ijv (-mnijiB m nil' i rmi I iai.
J i:Kl8 & HMITIl 1itiL1,n,.,1. P.i
Jan. 5, ?OI-ly.
TUisT received from the manufactories In Hoston, an
nrtido ofiuostokLcllent ,uatity. lihallciigo couipij.
lltion ua to ttylt uud prict. The undersigned Hill ktcp
borders tn match any cf tho styles on hand and is
Ihoouly I'.tpericuceil 1'ii'tK ILmilk In this Section of
llio County-Rlvo my Liteusnu Stock an lUuuilnutlou
luforo I'urrhnsing,
kj Call atitupcrtsrost Offlro,
K. J. T1I0KXT0N',
Kloonisburg March SJd 1801,
vi3STUflti Biori-:,
Nos. 0, 11, 13 and 10 Oouctlantl strcctj
,Ma 1,1553
KcrrousProstratloa, General Debility, Aethmft,
Dyspepsia, Scrofula, ITarosnus, raralysia,
Chronic Broachitis, Anemia, Chlcrosi?, '
and all Disorder a of tho Clood Eystom.
c o-snrrnoN rs the jht fatal fcotoge of
MANKIND. It has bn truly regarded as ax ixciba
ni e MAunv few ever rurvlvlnp: lis attv k. " One tixth
rf the vhAlf himnn race,1 fays Ir. Oicncrnu , " and
ilOIlKTlIAXOXn It Al F OP AII.T1IK AHU1.T lt)If -ITlON'ormtwtclviliic'd
ccmmnnlUos PKKtflt JlYTIIlS
MHIAME." What a fad cctniatolary en tho touted
illlcacv f llioltfalinj Art I
The brilliant Mscuery of Pr. fhnrflilll, made to tho
Imiierlnl Academy of Medicine, of 1 arts, his proved an
in. stimall' IWt to tho world. Hy the ue or this new
and iu.Ktfulrct)Ulial agent tVLovm to Chfmtetry aa
Tho Ct'Iin of CONSCSirTIOX, eTen In tbo
Kcrond still TLIril t?tORet (at a period, lucre fori",
when thfro can be no doubt m to the nature of
the Dl-cn-e) 1 tho l.'L'I.E, while IiATIl IB T1IC
EXCEl'TIO.NV "I K.NOW,Mitaxs Pr. C,
tbot tber T 111 proTC nntonlf PfltE A KClt.
rDV tu ( ONHL'Ml'TIO.N at Quinine In In Jntor.
mlttcnt Teer, but a1o hi ciTcctanl a 1'JILSKU
VATIVU a Vaecloatlou In Buiall lox."
It no muT-Ter, ibo valuta health and life, dehy an
hour to try this remodj. Pcmcinber that 11 prccut!oa
Is belter tliau cure." Pworo of self dceeptl(m,or tho
aoothing nrsuranco ('f frivndi that ' It is only a WtU
i(jl l " atal error to myrUdfl m ho low till prsmituro
rjrarpl (Jive, I entreat ou,prtmpl attftitlon to tho
"An Tnr.iE BViSA Mali rouow tubu." Murk,
' Thuearlifitl eynii-lom ef tubercular dLwuae la vastinu.
Hynceitet fit cough, wid It la earier,ln j-otnt of tlnn.
than tlu ii ten i'. It li flrst manifoeleU l.i tho ace and
JUnif . Tho muscuhr tlJuoa waato ; benco irwmt :
Ihero h a sensp of something wrong aIin7tlutiirj
TKAL I0WCR3 itlit rUCOtXO. TllO Vdtlt Cf tllO Uvll'g
machluo Is moro active than llarqair," Ihr. VhIIikK,
" lUwittioutony awnrcnt cowv, or under the Infloenco
of causes which 1'iduco WKv?.inndi!xiiAf'Tti'"r ;sch
ftfl icnii(,f7T, oierwjrK, exit!, jrt?nanryt child Uartns,
nunirt'i, raj-x-l gvmih, or iiW ncotrry Jron dittos',
a person beglna ti Inso liU IIceIi, rtrvngth, color, or
unpilltojlf ho pinTdra from shortnfss of breath, or
tl-ti-ksness,tiiul exp-rfenrcs a pcncral f.UnKf ton
pittTandTfHt'on.lllU.E 13 REASON IV iVM that
Jit! it already freJistd to the comilaint. If to tin fo
r yroptoma bo added cftigh, however slipht, particularly
If It has como on 8'owly, or during tbo fitir peason,
THK PK0IJAB1UTY 13 GHI-Tril tllLU" fAurcAiJl.
"If, on tlie earliest uppenfAnro of these slfrn. of
Consumption, tlie pollens InLcs dully ttbont ten
groin, of Iho nyrorilOSI'MTES, Lc still usually
.ce tliem .11 dlssppcar iu r period varyine from n.
few weeks to a few tnonth.j nnil by eotitluutnie the
oeenslonnl use of tlie lleraeay, IIS WILL 8PEED
ily fxkd himseu Tim rNJoriiENr oy
eccii iixaltu ab nc, rsisiiArs. uau Kcvut
esow i.n ms urn iii:roitc.
- u , . ,
"Winchester's Genuine Preparation"
Form of nr. Clinrtblli'a Herocity. nisJo froralho
orlflnal Formnta.) 1 ho nitlon ot tlio llj porliosi'liltts
lSTno-rniDainl rpfriflc : I'mnarintho lriiHip!i3Tuun
OJNsnTma hGRToi h roBcit, ami they oro tho host
ronkri'l.mioD CENKPjna jiotNTSKviisrT. Tho effort
upon ll.o tubercular cnmtitlMi la IMMEIilATK, ait Tim
GrsEftJL BTMPTowa MssriT-jinvri wmi x RAniitTV wnTi
BkEillTWJavtJoi'B. ITiey -tlie tho covfh,,liminu
eipectoration, i'm;rere tlio appetite, armt fllarrt.o.a;
tbo ni'jht tweafs, chilli, ami ntr conao j tho buela
l&xmt rtgular, ami Tim n tEi caim Mrnoroi.D.
VIlKWARCof ntiVsailrerlHril as Pr.
Oinrclilll's.oniUll other FW1NIU.INC HUVKES tortb
culTsrcrs of their weans, lore prrrintit timf, nml hatcn rs
HTiL RtsriT. Write to roe for ClKCl'LAKS, cod for
Sr. Churchill'i Treaties on Consumption,
vhirh contiin tho only avihmtic information in refiaril
to this NLW IRILVTMENT. tent ri'ia to all loluiroro.
rnlCEi In 7"and lO-oa. EottresTfl and'fj each,
Threo larce, or six small for SC. ly fac.simllo I.
ou both the Laool and Outsldo Wrapper.
JrU- not confound this Itirnoity with Iho soillcil
11 Chemical Kooil anl partlcuKrly avoid alt prcl'ftra.
tlons containing iron, vthichia Di'.oEPoCH.nnd Cui liver
ftf, whiehlmsirocciUTlcrportRTYVliATKrni. '
Vol'l by tho most respectable I)rupgisia thrnrghont
K United t-lates and Ilrltlsh 1'rovlrcrs, and VTIiolcsilo
pl lictall nt Iho General Iiepot In tho United States, by
J. WINCHESTER, 36 John Street, IT. Y.
March 'J, leoi.
GKEAT AlllilYAr,
Lighl fSlrcet Store.
Creasy, lirolhcr tyallhaatls on active duty
Hi would intorm our menus and
Customers, lint Wi lifi n lust rrrviil nn nn
Nsuiiiiy mrc iisdunnieni ni
Which wo offTat lower rates, for ready pav. than any
ever before opened li-ro and will ho bold "cbeniier tlnu
the rhedpett."
We rh.ill not attempt In numerate tlie various articles
tin y are immense aud their na mo fa legion as our spa
cious Htoro Uouitis, im ludiiig the Cellar .ind (iarret, arc
filled to overflow ing. TIk re are to bo found tho finest
aiiricKs, in trio country nt ai-toiiisliing tow liaures La
dies' wear in great varieties, at ii pur cent, lower than
uLopiiri, ML'tiiiiyi, fiKocnnins. hath. cArn,
Coots, Shoes, etc,.
at the name rate. In short, nliwM rvrrvtlilsg in the
mercantile line from u m nlle to an am hor.
L7" Our friends will do will to call heforo Ihey make
II. W. CItCAriY, & CO.
LightS;irert.Mny I, ttOl.
"A Huh, hut m n fllli the
I PouilU Htrect, between Chestnut and Walnut
Philadi Iphia, pa) g all di pOMtn on dt maud, j
Depositors money ottured by Cnvernuu nt Plate
ami City laaus, tlround Hi tits, Morlg.igei, &c, !
This Company derm aft tv hitter linn'
proht, couxi-'pirutly wilt run no rik with deposi
tors' momy. hut have it at all timesready to rdurn'
with . per cent, interest to the owner, as they have
always done. This tompany mispendeil. n
j Pemales, married nr timglo. and Minors, run rie- -poit
in their own rinht. and nr!i deposits cnubo
iiiiiiiiiuiiii umi; u) uit ir ctiiiiii-iii,
Charter Iiirriu,rutiil liv il.n5titn .-
.IVniisjlvnnia, with nutlmrity to receive money
from trustees and 1, vendors. -5
Olhce nneu dailvfrom ! lo :i n'i Uu It. mi. I .... w. a.1
r n vrnwrons.
Jarob It. Ptianiion, r rus Cadwaltadcr,
John Hhindl'ir,
IJenrge Itilifsrll,
viaiarhi v. Hloim,
l.euu Kruiubharr.
Villiolas Itilteiilmose
lMwunlT. Iljatt,
llrnrjjllr lauy,
N'alluin Hmedlev.
Joi, II. tiutherthw-aite,
l.phri.iui Plancliard,
Jost'idi Mniiiiirult.
,.,. JA (III II. Ml AN'.NOV, 1'rsident,
CVRHs" r.I)VAI,l,.l)i:K, Tna.urer.
Manli li, Ji-.VI 1-Jni.
"A Dollar saied'is ntico earned."
NovTsTIpCi). " "
(Lato Whito Swan,)
.Manli 3, leiil-l.'ui.
WOUI.I) respcclfully inform I lie clliiens of Mg,t
Mree; nnd vicinity that tiny have ju.t received a
newnndcitcn.ivous.ottuicutof ' '
niiiclilliey will sell cheap for cash. They havo a largo1
and general v ariely , nil 'that Is Tcoininonly' V"." ,c
rnenn nr n.i. 'ii.n.. ,
y lutiuu in a
country Piorc, aim nro delermilied to a. II cfieaii Tolho
ff.'!?,!"" 'ftl?'.' ?' Hf? strict ultoutioii t
i"'-'ueiriuercuaniiiii.w in t,t.ur recommendation
ui i iu prove 10 bo in Iho tirst class.
their gel
liighetl market price,
Nov. 3 1PC0.
Llllit Street, Aug, 10, 1861.
"OERSOXS about to comiiioneo 1
J. Keeping will do well lotajl and elamine Iho
noes; oj New Dune, 4,c. H HAlTOlAKd
ThOsc ffiUlioi'ing Under
sickness can nt enco rilicve tlicnischcn from Urn thou
in ml mntaillca Hi it is lictr to, tf tticy will nnlj
Mlnw the couiuHi f natnru, nml tnkc Iho mottlcino
whirl, best nuUts her in her oprrnllnnii. That nictli
cIhc Is the Vegetable Life Mcdkhu-i of Ir. Moffat,
known on
Moffat's Life Fills
n ....l.. I I.,.. I.. Cm ttan mil.lti. Cur
. . ' on.,. , . . .I . .I . i i
n nerloil ot .11) vi-nrs. and i urlnit tlint linio li.uo m.iiii.
Inlnoil Bliljli cli.iracti'r in nlinnst ciery .alt of Iho
Blolio fur tlio cilruordinary curullvo propcrtks uhlcli
they nouses.
I Molfal's Life Pills.
Moirufsl.lforillsnrplnilel.tcilfiirlhc r nninn tothrlr
inaniri'st anil sllaililc nctlon lit piuUylng tlio springs
I nnd channels of life, nml cmlulng lluin with rcn.wcil
tone anil tltori nml to tho iiiiilnulitcil fact llul nt nvcry
only part In their lii-tory, Ihiy hu,l r.scuo.l siiilircrs
from tlio ory ergo or nn nntlmUy grave, perri ctly so.
curlimlotliciii Hint uiiir..rni cnj.iyiiii'iit c,r health, nilli.
nit tthlrh life itself is lint u par ml blessing. Ho grint
Inild'il ha.l thrlrellnaiy iinnrlably prmc-il, It was
scarcely less than miraculous to thoso liu iro unar..
l .iu.iiiite.l IIU tlie licnullfiil pliili.ophll principles
t upon which I hey uero lomiiounilcil, mul upon wlilcli
tiuy cunseiptently net,
Moflat'i riini'tiU llitlrrs nre no culled, hcrauic I hoy
Psoib tho powi-r nf rpfllnriiiit tlio expiring emburi t'f
lu-ailll in a S'Uii l''Ji v ikji'T uiruiiii'iiii nn' i iiiiruuun'ii,
as tins Phiii'tiix Is'i to ho restored to llto from tliu
1 n'hrs of n nun flUsnlutimi.
I ..lorcurial Diseasi'. 'Pliurc U prodahty no ono nrltilc
given nan iiii'dir Im, tho hiltitiuii 110 of hkh h.i
caused mull wiileprrtul nml tcrriMu inlnrhtcf to tho rjFtcui nu iiifruiry. Hit poUou Inks deep intn
tint cftoiu( penctr.itiitK tlie nih-imufi nf tho hours, nml
pniilurlns a lonil train of painful d (sennit. It iautll
know n th it in my ailVctioim of tho throat, of the hones,
ol tlio imc, ami iimiinii.iMi sun's, uiitcn unv ucon ni
I triliutcd to )philis, aro mi often i-anned by lh Injudi-!
i iooi iitc of mercury, so that the remedy Ji.ia prucd
worse than the iliscnse.
I Thf lAfc Pillf nnd Pliornh l'.Uters have ntaybcen
signally tmiccset'ul In this cIjsx nf dirtt-nsen. and will
I i-r.ullcato all Iho ellWu l inrrcnry from n) stein,
I soomrllian tli- mohl povveiful iini'.tr.ilioiM cf snrsa
' pinlla. They ni I iiuliire In catiiic I mm tha p)stm nil
poisonous n i utter i and by thus puril) Ing the ital Jluld,
' they r'ft"rii tlio nytteiii tu lu-nlili.
Itilioiu CVmpI lints. A dl n-jriilntcd and propor
, llonati1 iMianllty id' Ink upon tlio t-lnin.uli is ahvuyn re
pilsito lr the promotion nf sound health It slinmlatrs
i ilU.ti'in, tuid kci pn the intestinal can il trae front nil
1 oli'iriitliniii. On Hi'1 interior surlacu of thu 'her 1 a
' p' hl.tddr in which the bit' Is hrst pri-oervcd,
' heiiiii furiiied hy tho liwr from th htund. Thenco it
' pasDCi into tho li uud Intestines, and recul.ilcs
I Hi-' dUt'ftiitm. '1 lius Ret: when th ro i a drlickuc)
j of hile, tho hoHy i-i itnitaiilly cntt e. (hi tlio ollirr
Innd, an over iH'iPiilanco of hilo i an it's fr"iurnt iinnses
on th" stomach, nnd oficti proii.nteit very severe attacsn
of tlisLasen, wliiihsoiiHllmed mil inUctth.
Thf Ufo Medii in'-s nhoutd, if i)0s)hlr-, be taken in
tin rarly Ftn'-'t's of hilimin coinil.iintn ; and if perse
I veri'd in htnctly ticcnrdins to iliu'ttiotis w ill posiiiw-ly
' elicit n cur'. Th-tr t-xteuvtvo use in tins nunplaitit In
all p.iru or our coiiuii''in, renners LOiiimciii u nta (,. -a
r -Ui' ir iriurn sieuiv im mem.
.M'i)rit l.ili- 1'ilK Tho use of Iho-p PilN, a rry
short tiino, will nlf'tt an en tiro cure ol Halt Hheiim, and
a alriKini: liiiprveiu"iit iu tin1 clt'iiriifsn of tho fckiu.
Coiiiinou OotiU and Intlneii.i will always ho cured by
iiim iloie.or hy tttoeeii in the ott ruses.
Pn,F-it Pit.! ! The proprietor of tln-nc Med
iciue-i was i nred of Piles "f Hi jears standing, by the
use nf tho Ufo Medicine nloiio,
l.itn Com'i.ur. Xn nif'ttion of the Uter mny be
kilobit by n f;elinr: of teiifion or p'lin in tho tin lit nide
nlmut the region nf the her, nftmi pinif:ut as in pleu
risy, hut sometimes dull ; n dithrult in drawing a Ion;
Itri ath ; dry couuh aud inclination to vomit. Tint fi
sewse niy pmiliiLfil by cold, by intent ext rcist. by
interna' slimmer heat, hy Imig loiitimied liliom i, t-r
or ague, nud hy wirimis koIIo coucn lions in the suh
s'.aiue of tin I hit. And to these protliaini; taifes.ure
ileraiigi'iii' t.t ot the dmestue urffflu . mipprefci net re
tiou. aid mental snlicitude, which ar cry Ircpuut
calces nf olielriHtinn ami disiMriet. nf tlw Uer.
This disease shmlt be arrested In the oiumencemeut
hi h tan bj done by a few doses rf the Life Pill.
Win n onrt? the liver h armixed tu the pet ft t i nance of
ili nriituT futiLtioiiji, little more is reu'iisite than torou
untie a proper use oi inu uiuuieiuea, uuu
cuerv ill i nsiie.
., ri,
pccii) rt.
I'n tn n Aotu Pr tlii sfoitre nf the Western
rounlrj, tliefio itu'ilicines will he Imind n safe, sCmIj
uud rertniti remedy. Uth r medicines leave the system
sulijott to u return of the ilise;uo a cure L thote .Med
icinesj is perm. incut.
Hi ho im..-Tin most horrible rnrs of Prrofuln, in
w Inch tho fare, hones and limhi nf the i iitim had been
piejedupon by the itixalialdc (Hsensc, nre proved, by
iimkiiialde authority of tin suil'trTs tlrnis'.-ei, to
tiuve hern completely cured hy lhe pur dj vrgetnhle
liieilirincs, atUr all otlar had been found more than
ll" l Stt.
lndtSPiitioii and I)yprpia. If r were called upon
to spi'i tfy one di( ate w hull more than iiuv other is the
b ine,(n nil it l the ofl'spring ot t iviluntio'ii wc shmid
n.iiiiu lijspt'pcia. It 1 ieiirrally atiendeif, nr rather
prudiK live, nf u long tram of UN, him li as llcarthum,
1 1 at ii I -nry, a gnawing pain at tii" stnmarh nln u i mpty
a seiiHo nf uucomf'MtaMe weight w If n full, pains Iu the, side und pit nf the stomirh, rosthenets. ihilll-
iic, languor, iiuwillncuess to t ikrixcrriae.sVc
siorp.rrs ufh Munwixfis,' l.ifo Medirines are jr-culhrly ndanted to the
rurenf thMdiMres-inacomplunt. 'Jbiyaet upnu tho
how el! In a wry mild, and nt tlw same time, v.rv ciP-t..
lual innniH r, nud lime mer ji t tailed to cure tin did
eae when used ncioriliu; to our tlirer tloiH,
tli'iieral nihility, The mutt common of nil com.
pininiH in cn-ii ot u Kc,erai weaKties-i oi mo wimie sys'
tern, uii'iruunpanieil bj any particular li-nrder. or tie.
finale symptoms nf disease, TIito Is a little ital en- i
erzy, a loss of appetite, now ill my no ss. nnd indeed iu.i
lulity to iliuler!n O'l-rllotH, fre'pient, mdi !
L'petion, nffntiines s.iltnw uess and drint'ss of the nWin.
tciidciiry to feierisliuess, unfitness for fociity, lit blurt
all tlio-e ymptomt of lanzurr, ilituictuile, and weak (iiiu evidence of failure in thctiial pow-
ers, aud a low, unhealthy ami morbid comtilion of the
f ir, Pi!!a nml Plminlv Tt
tiitv a uitvi iiiMiiiA uiiiri
The I.ife rills and Phoenix Ililt.-rd nre, porhapi, the
te-st remedy for restoring strt-nsth to itio hod) for, they
act a n gentle carlaartic. and, hy their pialitu s,
bin'iiuiiiL'ii v iu miui'j sjurm t i. ite nil. - n rom nm p'et'mnc habit, who hlp Columhia emmty, and haun; cnnfpil one of thn
aro huhjtct to tits, headache, jfidd.neM, diuiuts!) or besi I'rattiral Mtlltre in the couulry, is now prepared,
MCht, or drowsiness rmii too great a flow of blood to to r vctilo am bilslnest in his line promptly ami tatiM
tee head, fhould take tlivo PilU frequently. lactorily. The buildinc is a larso douhtc llrick Mill,
ADVUT. TO Pi;MAI.P.H.-lVmaIr who aliic their C(,,lt,MKied in the uiml modern style and employ four
beiitth idinul.l never be without the l.ile Medu-inen. nt 1 ru" iUtTr- ditt attention wiMm pit en in the husi
they purify th" blood. reume ( bstruction.aud yivo the n'dt 110 l,ai spared to render general sal it fart ion.
skin a beautiful, tlear, healtliy and hloominu appear
a nee.
To Plderly Pereon, Many healthy need Indi. iduatu
wh.i know the talue of .Moll at s l.ifo Medicines, make
it a rule to take them two or three a ueik. hv
which they remoe tho causes that produce iljstase,.
nro.e lo Ihe health i n l keeT, I : l1
; -
Pacti for Mothers and N'ureen. It U a fict, eitiib'
I inlied by the annual bliss ot' mortality, thrt one half of
the children hnrno aro cut nir belore attaining set en
jejirn nf ace , and tho fuitlal source of thin mortality is
toinid to eAiet in that loul ttato of iho btnmach and
bowels winch produci d llm ccneration nf worms. As
the safe rei-torer of iiifinlilo health iu thu st.ite
the l.ifo .Meriiciueshave lmij; laid u dittiui;uisied rcpu
tniiou, mid for fouloesiiof the stomadi and how Is, and
con v itlsioiis, although worms may not exist, ft ii allow cd
to he superior to any nth r.
Moflit'u piiij and Jlitteri.- o medicin 'g at present
known havu duno so much oud to mankind as thebc,
within tho lat few yeara ; and certainly none hive
been rewarded with nmrc numerous aud ant In ntic tc
tiainnhiltt f their inanablc nndcMciuive eliicncy.
They re-juire no dietlnjr nor innlluement, are porVectly
mild ami plrasant in their operation, but will pnwir
lull restore health that gnatest nf enrlhly hlecsings
-to tho moct tjihauhtcd aud dilapidated constitution.
Prepared by
Itroadway, New Vurk,
And for Sale by nlf rugeita np)3 dl ly.
1000 Reward!!!
For Any Medicine will Kxccl
V O Ii B K Z.Z 'I1
Tor the illllck cure of llenilaclie. 'rootloirlm lM.fl.
...... i... i, , ,., ,u .i,., or I
Painters Cliulic, or Cramp, Treated IVrl or l:.irs, llurn j
1 n'Sll Cuts, sprains, llnnscs Ilianliiua, and SurcTliroat
uud all simlt ir cnuiiilullils.
Toolhai licj cured iu ten minutes. Loracho cured in !
Ilio niiiiules. Ileadarlio i iin.l in ten l.iiuu'.cs, Cuius
cured trum uniartinir iuliuim ii.. .
cured iu five minutes, Chollc cured In ten ininules-,
Sprains relieved in tell ininules. (fori) ihroat riliiiod
iu lio iniuutes.
In the rioiisnnd Paughters of uttlirlion. 'I
ivo proie on tlie spot uud beluru your cjes. unly bring1
on jour cases. ' b .
l'..U fllse, been cured by one Agent in n slnglo
day I l.very bottlo uurriiuted. Trv it ! Trv n 1 1 'I'.v li 1 1
I'KICy. iU.lAV) SOCr.WS VV.Il UOms
C7- Allhlral discount ,il m V ," , ..V.
"':' !-.f- BJ- .live ,ng Ag.",,,
iviuummiiii SliOllllI no uiiiire.sid
V. ti. ciii.iinitT a- cn
111 a Jlh bt. riiiladclplim
Tor l ooihache apply It over Iho fare and giinn of ihr
tooth Diluted' pressing hand upon tho lace Tj rent nt if
not cured. Iu eilreino cases, uit cillnn uith li e ball
andcoier tlio toolli and gums. rr llejilaclio, liVtliu t u
Tor Croup and Soro, t ike from ten' to thirty 1
drop, IntcMuliy.on sugar or in svmtoncd arm Hater '
bathe lllQ llirnnl r,- v im.l 1.1... 1.... . . 1
' IXZTSAlnXXT t;,.'.r,alBSa' ! "" r Side .
.. . . ..." i,i, u ii.nni.. i.-ft,
interni.Mv. " " i "Hi generally lake
i Forllurn.,,,,, .,, . . I
water ami ilnii. 1.. ,.,,V.. .. '"I ooi
Iho same Fo. i'i.r.
.'uNiuil'. Hi !.i..;.i T. "-"'"".siaiircs
i .! ..... :i" V " ""nines,, v-oiuert'i Halm
Thoso l,o have used lla'lmln Cilead will not ho wilh
out It. Agent. anted. I'ot terms, addtes, w
N'a 123 South Pourth SwtxiWeShirp '
piHiutmnn nv n. appi.eto & co.
413 aif115 Jfroathvatfr Kcw York,
The follonhiir worksnre 'cnttnPirb'Cflhcr'l'nanyprtr
of tho country, t;tipoti receipt nf retfiilj.rica,) by mail o r
cttTPe prr imid :
Dictionary of (Icncrnl Knowlnlcp-. J'.rmr-rttJiy HiOniiR
Klrt.tY nnn i. i.aa, nnico oy ocunircrouf so
lect corps of n ritcrsln nil tirnnchos otHdrncfcs, Art slid
. " " " " V"
inrgo octavo volumes, i-ftiii containing 73'i two cohrm
.,.. i'..,. . ... vi i..ri...i. ., ? ...s
c,ai'nln3 noAr S..1iM,'or.iiliiiil articles. ,n nililit'lonal
vulllm0 ,,, i.,iMisheiiinico In nlmut ilirrcmoniha
I'riic, inCli.tli, $:lj Kheqi,$J OV, HulfMof., 9(f Hal
i Russia, 34 AlH-ncli.
'I'he Now American CyrlopfrilJa Is popnhr without see
lu,i,iicntly iletalle,!, free fr iinrnoiuil i.i'iuc ami
pry prciuilico, fresh nml jetnrcumlo. It Is) ti comoleW
Vit,.llCt,t ofnll tiiat Is known upon m,y ,,n,iirtaattti
c ti tho scope of I inn Intellijenco. Ilverv import.
nl nrtlclu in It has been specially urlttm fir Us page,
,y men v,lionro nnthorities upon Iho loplron nhlrlt
i(Jcy , They nro rfininil to luing the subject up to
tho present inoment In slateJiKt lum It stntnl. aer. All
. ;,t( Inforinntlon Is from Hie lutol reporlsi tlio
gpsrnphlcnl nccouiits keep pace with lire latest ciplnrn'
Hons ! hlslorlroi nntlers Inclmlo the freslistjusl view
tio blogriiplilrnl notices not only speak of tlio clcail, but
rilso of tho lUluir. It Is a lilirnrv of itself.
AnitiiHityLHr or nit Dkbitk tirl'otrtRr'il Itelng n
political history of the United flntcs, from the orgflnl"
linn of the llrFt federal I'migresg in "t".)to If 50, Edit'
cd and compiled hy Kuii.'Piioma II. Ukmos from tht Of
ficial Records of L'oiiftriis.
Thu work will he complied In IS royal octavo vot tunes
of 7.10 page each II of w biift are now rndy. An addl-'
liiiual volume will he published ouco In three inonthp.
Cloth. S3; I.avv lieep, 9 1 50 J Half Mor ?4; llnlf
Calf $1 At) eaih.
Porin a club of four, nnd n mit the prlrr nf four liorHn,
nnd tho eupies w ill bo sent at thu remitter's cxpemu foi
carriage. or for ten subcriht r t levcn copies w ill bo icuf
nt our expense fur carriage.
So other wnrkp vv ill ro liberally reward the I'tcrtlnns1
tif Agcidi. At An i NT Wasthi tt this Cui'Mt.'
Ti mi -t made known on nnpliratiwn tu the Publishers.
Nov. Ji, JfOU.
rjin nnt.Mnr.trh: lvsviuxcil jxxmrr JXtf mi'.i.T of Piiifwhi.rjti.i.
orntK, sotHtiiciirKfi smriT,
CAPITA l (paid up,) S 100 DUO.
Churtrr Perprtvat.
pOXTIN'rC tn iuak INHPItANCrs OX I.IVr.S otV
v.' the most reaonatde terms.
The capitnl b' ing paid lip ami ttnestcd, tog titer uit'f
n targf and rniistniitly increasing restrved fund, oit rd
a perfect ieruril I" the inmireil.
Tho premiumns must he paid half Jtarly, or
Th" Compnny add n POM'H prioiiratlv lo the Iikq.
ranirt nf life. The PlltST IKiS'l'rt nppropn.iti d in r 2
cemb r. 11. the St.CUVI) l'ONL'B In Ihctinhor. l-4y,
tho Till III! UONUiUu Dei (tuber, l4,aiidthe FOL'KTJ!
Il(li;sin Uecemher,
t Th"e addilimi are made without rfpiiring any
lut reuse In the premiums to h paid to the Company.
Tho following arc a few examples from the Itegitcr.
Amountof Polic) and
Hum Ilonui or be inmased
Policy Iiisurcil nddiiiAii hy future additions.
.o. ?i f5-.-,tnj $-i-7 .10 M,:i'7 .10
" U2 ::(nift uisin (hi no
" l'HI 1IKJO KM) 00 ijm) 00
" a.i stm lriT.i j (i7.i uo
" A-r. Ac, Ar, ScCt
PampeU-ts, ciitaiuinc tabb-s nf rate and Mplnnailon,
f.rui of np Icat on, and further infnrmatioii can bo
found nt the 1 llic -.
TIIOMAH KlfUlKWAY, Prevldtnt.
Jsu. C. Jami , Jjrjuarjf,
. f I.P.VI I. TATIl, A-jtHt,
I . C. llARRfonv, .rrTwiiiiiT Pfiusitian,
Uitiiher II), lf-57-ly.
Snittg and Summer.
HAS junrec'ive.l. direct from I'lillnilclphin ami 1
York, a very rlioieo iisorlmi nt of
nimot every new rutirtc wineli lias Iulii inanuf.u luro
, i"i n ma .1.,., , tiiitii. r. nn 111 ii ns nu usual IIS. oi nu, u
, n SXAfLE GOODS of superior .pulills mil ho fouu.l
iu lonely, nu.i in pricos as iuw ns similar goods can bo
purchased listwlieri'.
It is nu insy matt rto find good, nt n low price, but
ns n general rub', liny ore just us Inn Iu uoilit). n,i t
got n lliiud ailirle ntn very low price is roiutthing rare.
Suih nn opportunity hontttr, is nlTired to any who
mny want
Din- noons, nitnrniti:,
n.iitmvMF., ivr.Kviir.iitt.,
f!i-i4 irjtnn. mil,
'., n, .e.
"T" Cull and set-.
ror.vriiv lueiiiicK '.,NTi:n.
nioomsliurg, .pril i.0, lrl,I.
rrnt: tarpibt, best iKiintsfiiu
I est nil') ilieppi st nssnrt
ment nf Hob t,eatln-r mdid
Kivrieu 't r.ivr ling Trunk",
Pnnnet , Iheis Trunk .Vlfi
Clilldu n's (;o,trh v
Propel. tfJXIi
i .... . i ........ ' kV''V-TwCSrrfr".
rrr v t ,
Wl., V ' " 111 ra:V?jfVrf&VM
Pnckins Trunks A.c. &.c, a ist-Si'l
I 1 11114,1,0 AIlm,' fcC" " Xr'.:Xr2an''
Ci tebr.ited .omlou Prize Medal improted shei i spiinjr
soJu solil Iscntber Trunk inaiiiitailnrv, No. -ID'J Miirko
Mm t, Hntith wtst enriitr Pourth and '.Market, PhiUd'.'i.
'' f37tf.
i ej s ; is, : n Ei i t; 1 ! i
'Till, undersicned is prepared to supply Prirlt, of n
j;i"'n ' ii ! 1 1 1 v , i i.iir pro i", iion ni ue inunu ni irr
Ilrfrk Vardofl), h, .M'Klliny, near McKrUy At Neap
Puruace. lVrni rtusirinc to purrha-o w ill do well to
call at brKk will be made and mt be ot,l.
t J. H. rt'RM.W. .Iffttit.
I TT" I DOOm now on band anil ready for sale;
lllnomMmri,' Peh. P, II (l-:tni. J. II. P.
: ri'iin undersigned, repTtfully infruiibisfrienili and
I lite puhlic eenerntly thai he Initjut rnmpleted hla
1 V.tll Mill nt. I .III.. VI , . . I, I.. . .
Pyer's Grove, June, p, Iffil. Jin
1 11
15 0 D U G G E R.
""''V. "r,,rlu: Penli;.l. is snmelhln.
'v'n'j "tv, nun uii.r ik lore ciiercu lo
no i nf u. wlir.
aro anted cvi rj lure. 1'ull piirticulaiB siat free.
., ,n . flAW&CMRK, Riddeford, Main.,
Marrh!l, leot-ly.
a; jut isai. m. & m m m m ti
DEconrrivu 'usta blishihiot,
No, 125, South Clcvcnlk Street near Walnut,
llnameled fil.iss, l'rcsco, Oil and Kncnilslic I'alnling
Jmm (iiusoY. CM, Kilos.
January U, Uul -3ul,,
iiaoT A$i smtEmixmii'.
n,".,,',".!,,''ore'l;"cl1' "aiing opened a new HOOT AXI)
J. nliUI.Hiiui, on Maiiutreel, iu llopkiii.iille.Kasi
lllnomsli'irg, re.perlfully im ucs the custom of Ihe cm.
zmij and thn public generally. All ki.ids of llonls,
tjlioea, 4c , mil be promptly luado tu (tJvr, on short
nolico aid inoilerato terms, l-'rom long evptrieneo in
Ins line of bu.lne.slw Hatters himself that hcHllilio
aide togho general satUfaclloii to u'l who may favor
hiiiMMih iheircuslom. '
0. (Irani, Provision and Troducc genera'ly taken in
exchange tor work,
looD1sburg,Julyn,ifi61.3,. " F' BI")0K"-
0 A U '1' I 0 X. "
A i.i p-non. nro lo r. hy rnutione I ngainsl trespassing
by way of limning, uniiling, Sic., after this dabMiii
"y 'ay of limiting, uniiling, sie., after this dati.,tii
""the jirouiises of tin undersigned as Iho law. of I'enu.
alllnlua will bu oro.ei.l,..l nn .11 - ' ' b 1 " ""ti.
Mainmn p., Aug .1, leTil
"'"''."c.t oulJ inTurisi tlsn citizens of
i3 I llloom.biirgiindvkiiilly. Unit ho lias just r".
gSI eili'dlllidiill,.rs lor sale oni'of Ihe i,.n.i...i..:i.'..
.ZZTi ""O'l"'?1,"1 of I'OOKIM) and r..M,V DTIIVKlt
,ailulxtl'!ln lil"'rLit. Thofhri.topher Cn
J:"es Kobhnnd Ulokoarc among 1 1 , o fir. rl. .
co,,k,,,; , .1, "bo ' among tlio ru.tclas.
! Ills W.L, '"". " """ HlMI
I nod. Ai.Jo-iiIcnlauenmin is paid
1 """ '"'use riioiitliig, UtlOlI stiortiuaiio All k :.t
rcpoiniig uu, ho done mtli neatness und despatcli.
U touiilry produce taken in tichante for oik.
'omiburg,oc.3,1e,.a "" WyCB.
Just rubhshctl, iii a Seal Envelope:
1), '.'P,c,,,",rc '!" ",c na!url?' and radical cure of
t .'. T '"'v' !", t"-"""''1 e.kne.., Seiual Debility.
r OUSIICSB tmd ill Volunln rv ..ii.ia.l
.... ,. - -. - .....,, iiimiii, ,u .in.
1 ." "'H .0'' Mu l'ny.tcal Debility.
i.y iiuiu. j, UUI.YLIIWI.LL, M. D.,
?h. important fa,t that Iho aful con.eouenrr. if
'u iiuu.u may bo elieciuallv reiuoied suiuti...,
sviciuaivu Ulllllor lully C'lll nined. bv mini of ..1.1. 1.
every nno is cunMr.i m i,, .;(e . '., ".,. ' :"V".T
liou!...1 011 "'u' ",l,r'
boon tO tlUtUbnnda nu,itf,,...i!l. 'CCUlC W l'0w,,'
voX i rf. iu a ,,a"1 Vflopii( to any uddreii,
l'u.inm,.,' hoYj.vf;.
August 10, 15fl,
April l, lfOl-Pnt