Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, September 07, 1861, Image 3

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John 0. Frcfzc,
Local Editor.
t& Tomorrow h tlio Fifteenth Sun
tiny after Trinity i nnd is bold to bo the
Nativity of the Virgin Mary.
The hattlo of Floddcn Field was fought
September 0, 1013.
The battlo of Lako Erio was fought
September 10th 1813.
Uattlo of Lako Chaiuplnin and TlaUa
burg fought September 11, 18M.
Quebec taken by Gon. Wolfe, Scptcm
ber 12, 1759.
Moscow burned 13 September 1812.
New Stylo began 11 September 1752.
-lion. Jeremiah S. Ulack, lato At
torney General and Secretary of Stato of
the United States, has resumed his prac
tice in the Supremo Court of this Stato and
ot tho United States, and has fixed on tho
boauliful town of York as his futuro resi
dence SSS "This country with its institutions
belong to tho people who inhabit it; what
ever they shall, grow ivcary of the existing
Government, they can exerciso their con
ttitutional right of amending it, Oil
President Lincoln's Inaugural Message.
J5ST Tho Second column of tho Third
Fago of the Columbia Democrat of last
Week, was not tho selection of tho editor
of tho "Lceal and Special" Department.
Tho Foreman having been obliged to make
up tho paper in that form, owing to tho
press of matter. So much is duo both to
tho Editor and to oursclf.
JJffi- On Saturday nioruirfg last, Mr.
Christian Shuman of Reaver A'alley lost a
very fine cow, from somo unknown cause.
She was turned into tho usual pasture field
in the morning, and boforo eleven o'clock
was dead. No apparent cause was observ
ed to which the result could bo attributed
The hide to the tanner, and so an end.
&3 Tho news by tho Nova Scotian con
voys tho intelligence that tho famous Good
wood cup, for which there is always the
greatest struggle among English sporting
men, has been won by the American horse
Starke. About five years ago Mr. Ten
lirocck went to England with Lcccnite,
Tryor and Prioress, to contend thou for
the Goodwood cup. lie placed - Lis faith
in Prioress, who had au extensive Ameri
can reputation, but ho was disappointed,
his favorite being bo handicapped as to
iiavc no ehanco in tho race. With true
American perseverance ho has steadily
pursued ths course marked out at his ad
vent upon English soil, and at last, with
nn American horse, has carried off the
prizo so much coveted by all lovers of the
The l'liiladclpliia Evtning Jour
nal, Republican, lias the following.
AVasuinoion, Aug. 28.
Advices, I learn, have been received
from Minister Adams, who writes "tbatin
the Rritisb mind tho independence of the
rebels is fully admitted, as a military and
political necessity ; that their acknowledg
ment by England is but a question of time
nnd prudent courtesy. That whilo Brit
ain is impatient to get cotton from the
South, in exchange for manufactured goods
she is anxious not to loso Northern mark
ets, and is unwilling to part with her bono
of breaking down tho Morrill Tariff, byj
inc samo means witu wuicu sue chained
tho North with the Walker Tariff ; and
that two or tbrco more successes liko that
of Rull's Run, would cntitlo tho Confede
racy to immediate recognition."
Dr. Pago, of Washington jcommunioatcs
tho following to tho liqmblican of that
city :
Tho following simple remedy ,ldng known
in family practice, was recently tried in
tho camp of tho New York Twenty-second
Regiment, where tlioro wcro from 60 to
100 cases daily of dysentery with rapid
cures in every case :
Recipe: In a toa cup half full of vine
gar, dissolve as much salt as it will take
up, leaving a little excess of salt at tho
bottom of tho cup. Pour boiling water
upon tho solution till tho cup is two thirds
or three quarters full. A scum will riso
to tho surfaco which must be removed and
tho solution allowed to cool.
Dose : Tablcspoonful tbrco times a day
till relieved.
The rationale of tho operations of this
simple medicino will readily occur to tho
pathologist, aud, in many hundred trials,
I havo never known it to fail in dysentery
aud protracted diarrhoea.
CSJ Wo sometimes find it expedient to
givo the opinions of tho Columbia County
Republican tho benefit of tho circulation
of tho Columbia Demtcrut. Iu tho issuo
of August 29th wo find tho following very
cboieo paragraph, which wo commend to
tlio consideration of our readers. Tho rcf-1
crcnoe is to tho Democratic Convention and '
to tho many able and honorablo gentle-'
men then and there assembled. Tho cboieo
epithets and exalted opiuions of tho Edi
tor of the liejiublican iu regard to thetn,
ought I9 be held in everlasting rcnicm.
branco by tho Democrats of Columbia
County. And wo desiro them to sco tho
modo and manner in which tho Republi
cans are preparing to conduct this full's
I HSy"Vo attendod tlio Democratic
I "powwow'' in tho Court House, on Mon
day. Rcforo going, however, wo locked
up our pocket-book, as wo felt that things
of that sort might not bo safo among a
I crowd who endorsed such men as Cobb,
'Floyd, and other plunderers of treasuries,
custom nouses, arsenals and lorts, ami re
pudiates of debts. Thoio was a largo
crowd in attendanco, many wcro induced
to attend tho 'show' out of curiosity. The
result of tho balloting wo givo in another
column. Somo of their bet men wcro
thrown overboard, and others eutiroly do
void of public confidence nominated. Tlio
finger of fato is upon them. Tlio loyal
people will rcpudiato thein."
Court Frocoodlngs.
Bloomsburg Sept. 2, 181T1 Court mot.
Hon. Warren J. Woodward, Prcs't. Judge,
and Stephen IJaldy and Jacob Evans,
assts. on tho Rench. After tho usual
morning business camo up tho case of
Levi Ashton vs. Pino Twp Overseers.
Feigned issue Tho question being the
ownership of certain saw log.) lowed on by
the Defendants, as tho propcity of Henry
S. Warner. Clark for Plaintiff, Freeze
for Defendants. Verdict for Plaintiffs.
Conith. vs. John J. IIcss. Indictment,
fornication and bastardy. Dist. Atty. and
Comly for Comth., Clark & Raldy for Deft.
Verdict guilty in manner and form as Do
fendant stands indicted.
Henry Traugh vs. Wcit liranch Firo
Insurance Co. Action on a policy of In
suranceThe question was as to the amount
to bo recovered Jackson & Raldy for
Plaintiff, Clark and Mayer for Defendant.
Verdict for tho Plaintiff 8U(i'J,H7.
Comth. vs. John P. Fisher. Indictment,
assault and battery. Dist. Atty. for Comth.
Clark for Dofdt. Verdict guilty Sen
tence ono dollar fine and cot of prosecu
tion. Commonwealth vs. Daniel Raker. Tried
at last Couit and convicted ol rape. Sen
tenced two years to tho Penitentiary.
Commonwealth vs. Frederick Mover.
Defendant plead guilty to a charge of lar
ceny Sentenced to tho Peitentiary for
ono year.
Commonwealth vs. liobcit E. Stiff.
Defendant plead guilty to a charge of lar
ceny Sentenced to the Penitentiary ono
year and eight months.
Sally Ann Wagner vs. Whary. Action
on a note Hurley for Plff. Clark for
Deft. Conditional Vcrd ict, under direc
tion of tho Court. Court adjourned on
Special Notices
A fvmale liitc Piff, wel-hing about lOiMtm,, wit It n
Mack spot on ono hip, has Ijuch aluci.t bctinit day.
A suitable reward wU bo gueii Iit Information of ltd
u hereabouts.
N. R. The clian whohna tho ahovp ilctprilii'rf I'kt m.
closed, will save trouble and iip.'iio hy i llVitin ftn
mil) llivimr.
liloouihburg, JulyC, lnl.
$25! EMPLOYMENT! .$75!
We w ill pay from S to STtfiit-r month, nnd nil extipn. 1
sea, tuuclive Amenta, rivu a.-conuiii-h)n. I'arlh iil.irst
dent frpc. Address Khik Bkuimi Untit: I'um-aM', 11.
JA.ML'S, fl cue ml Aijenl, Milan, Olu. ,
Aug. n, ichji. lam.
Dr. Duponco's j!oldeu Tills for Tccialos.
Inftclttble in corrccftn? rctlatlni? aJ removfnr
airuttionttjroiit tcnauccr caue, ami ulaays
iucrcsfful as ajrco itttt'c.
TllC CuIIlblllUtloll Of illlTt'lJlLlllrt 111 Dr. llllnnnr..'.
Golden rills are pTfcttly hurJiilL'.f. They hnu hn'ii
used in the private practice of old lr. Uupomti fnri)i r
thirty yearn, nnd thotifmnds of Indies r-jn testify to
their atoat and never f.iiliiiff puct-. in nhnDat n,.nr
fnt-e, in correcting Irrcgularilies, ri'tii-in painful and
dirtiresing nu uiition, portnularlj at Hie ih.11140 of
life rroiu Hie tn ten pitlg will uiro thin lofinnoii t
dri'.idfiil fuinplaiiit, thw Wiiitt-s. i arly i-iry IViimIc
In the land ctiin.ra from this complaint. Tin idiove pill
h;i perinaucittly cured tlnmsaHiU, and will mru jud if
you use them. Thiy canimt harm un. 011 tin i nntrary
they reiuovu nil ohstructiom, ret-turu nalun' tu iu prop
erdiaunit, and invi?or.He ihu ulndo siftcin.
whonfj healtli will nut perunt an iiuriMso ol X'jiuily,
.I iii.-i him-v hud 11 biii.ii.-iin 111 1 iiri'iniuii',
ThifBO I'iIIu should not he taki-u during tliu firt three
inoiiilin of preKimiiry, as ih.-y are ptireio hnnt' on mi.
carri.iL-u; hut nt jny othur time they nrttnie.
Tuce, $1 per bux. rold. uhohnli' mid n tail, by
li M. HAUUVltL'CIJ. Jrwi'i'Uf.
Holo nsent for IlUiomiittiir,:, l'o. 1
To whom nil orders must be K'tit. J.ndies ! by rend
ing 1 1 1 tn SI.ui) to the HliujuiilHir- l'o-t OHir. 1-111 lumi
Uiese pills rent to any part of tliu cuwiiiry, (roitiiilunlitil .
Ir;iiti "freti of rost.ii'u" by mail. Hold ulmi by V L,
uiin Ob ifii, iidii iiiCi it, j. 1 ry, inm.i'pjrt, J. a, folk,
iMaucli t.'hiut, nnd by "one Uruggut iiit-vi-ryTown uud
city in tin- United States, 1
N. II. .ook out for counterfeits. I!uj iiotj'njdn Pills
of nnd kind, unit- every boxia sigiu'd H. IV llnuu. All
othirs aru a bae impotiiion and uiuafa, thi-rcl'in-, as'
you vnluo your lies and hualtli, (to miy nolbitir tf be. '
inahumbtijfKtd out of jour money,) buy onh of iIium- i
who rho the fcijru.itiire of K, D, How.' on nery hot,
which recently been added, on account of a remit
cuuiutnciiuj tue 1 ins,
p, n nowi:,
Bolo Proprietor, New Voik.
The White Hall Clothing Stoio
The undersigned, Iiivinj purihaed the will kmmn
"While Hull Clot Inn? Linponuui," fit e on I ln foiith
Weft Orni r of rourih and Market rirn tn, l'Liilu!tp!ii.i
reaperifully inform theiuildn nnd turiiKr ctistumirH of
tho ilout?e,that he ki-tjn coni-taiJllj I'm fuIi-ujhI ntaki'ti
uji tu order, all denrriptiou of (ifiitlfrtii n' wmr. of.ip
provL'd a nd tulU at Mr) umdi-r.iti1 pro1' . Ik
ni it I'ltAiricM, Tah.oh, Jio ru.'iranit't iiond nu and
vil-in ulu (iaruu'iit. sunt ultuniiun i cti to ji'hlduy
A continuation of the cimoiu of Hie Iiohm-, whiih he
will ip.tru uopams to merit, Ii lery npu ifully uni
ted, i'. t. i.nvicK.
.May 1, leoi.-y
Tub (Ike at C'lothimi IWroaiuM or hik L'mo.
rhil.iihdphi;i pniif(!jci tlw most Kplcmliil L'l.itliiu J.'m
ponouiii in tin- (onntr. It ia piiiipi.l ax n-ganU the
jial.ttial htructure in which thL n (uumi-i. f the
erLililishtucnt u cundui tfd.und it i i-u.ill ypluidid in
repnt to it great irinir and ast notmt lint to
its ii it run it thief attraction an1, nrtt tint t liaiici
ol tliu sarmentri fur (Jentlcmcii uud Voti)li. in fiiul tc
lured there; sicuudly, tin- Leant y and durahilitj 1 1 Hn, and the eupirior i'&ri-lleuio if tin- tit, ami
lntly I hu moderate price nt wludi thenni an- suld.
We refer, in tin i)t st-riiii(nit tu none uIIht than tin' .
Ilrown Moid C'lotluns Hall of Korklull & V iUuii, ,Nu 1
tUJ and U)o Chejiuut rtrett, riiiladeljdiM.
Uniformity of Price I A New rcatur' hi Itiuinog
Iliery one hid o n tfalcsuiaul JUN'JIH A- I'll, uf the
L'retfeni One I'fire t'lotlnim Store, .o. JU.1I,irki.t treel
ubote Siith, riiiladelphu.
In addition to )mnitf tho larpcut, niut ancd nnd
fahinnalde stuk of Clothing in rhilaih-lplnti, nudu t-x-pr?fcly
for t-atea,, liac coi!iiiitt-d m rj om In
own S'lleuiju by h.ivina marked in lluri-c, m i iuh ar
tide at Ihtfwry lowi-i jriieit can ho tioul fur u tli"
cmiuutpoat-ibly iiry ull nam huy ulike.
The t'0ll'l are well spongtid uml prepared, uud prml
paiiuUkeu ivith the uukiui; nil ran huy with I lie
full asuruuccof (jiitiiig a tu4id nrtUle al tin rhm
est prke. AUo, a larfc'e etotk of puce (tnudu uu hand of
Ihu Ulcut blj Io uud bei.t 'jualitli-a, w hirh w ill h made
tu order. In tk-e inot faaliioimhlc and liet niaiiii'-r, A
per icnl., below creditpiiceM.
Heuicmber the Creactiit, In'. Market, abor HiMh fitvrt
Nu.'JOU. J UN 1 44 K Cti.
tty-TMOMAH W MATTUV ltmived Hie I'ne
Medal nt the World'- t'nir in London Ir.M. ImTlM NK
CAIUT.T HACri, I lout ahot-a and ftuin. (irtnt iiiiIulc
nuhta aru now offered tu purchaers of Hie tilj-.vo nrii
ilen Thii ii much the l.irt'fl fctotk uf trunk Lurpct
11j!?s( Valicen.&c in rhiladi-lpliia ery rh ap fr uult
.No. J'Ji Mukut bttcet, uav Jo or ubovc itli, baulk ttdc
10 Tiir.
Tho following aro tho receipts to tho ofiico
of tho Cnr.u.MiiiA Democrat, during
1110 mouui 01 august, 10m 1
tt. 1. faita. M
Mifflin llnmn. tlnn O
J. 8wifhcr Itoone, Ht-j 3
Jiifeiill Kohbini. 1
lion, f. Uutiiy, 1
linn. J no. McUt)iiotili, 1
lloh.-rt O, l'ruit, 1
A. 8. Crnblcy, 1
II l. MclitliU', 1
James l.nke, 1
I'rntiktln Having ruiul, (i
Abraham llrkort,
Hntnntl M. lVntip, 1
U'HIinm llnrhnr, 1
t'lipt, S. lllinlicy, 3
I'.lilnh II. IW1r. (1
John la CiM, V.f.,
DO I .in 1 1' I Mrllenry. lUn.t 1
JomnlAli lima,
jnim niiuh, li
ViIlon Abit, ll
Tlios. V. lMffnr, M
i:iltha Hnrtun, :i
1'ttix limvri 1
i in. T. Uminnn, 111., ,1
Mutlrcw Hliiitiniit 1
N'nthnn llruillioitdor Jr. I
tUephcii Tohc, 2
Wlilimn IUm, 1
Jacuii liycr, a
Ucoritw fJuty, -I
Juoih C, llh(jtlc!, 4
1nJ Ui'o. W. lit acht 1
.lion. II. II. Wright, i:i
, Add I urn Krdmail. I
Alien 6t NeedlcM,
i auau tc roiin,
dill Ac I'ntit,
J, IWIuber,
John Doll,
Howell llvnns,
Tniirall Mnrrl k. Co,
Nullunul Ilokt,
tl. I.iinilrclh Ac Hani,
'Ihu. V, tluuton,
Jerenilnli ItuKenburh,
John l-unK, i.s'l.- l
l)niil Miller, 1
lltnrv Dnnk, V
IM.of Uiilnli Plitininn,3
M.ithlK (lilliurt, 1
Isaac lki-tur, 2
Joiin j.arncFl
:i7(Ji'liu A. I'untton.
The Eiusl ivCHtf in Atnuiic?
Admiaion 20 cents Only
I'.loomtlnirg, Aug 31, If 01.
lUt'iic of Jos-ph Heller, diccosnl, nf AdmliiUtintioii no tin IMole of Joi rn
J Ihtim l;ili of Mndi 111 1 iwiilmi ChI.mnI.i , ,...tu
jhceiis.-.l, Imw hyih- Ufatft'r of Cidni.'.
Ida Miiiniy, , t tho uu-hTKlir I, rti M115 in llemlrk
.luwn-hiji. Allptr-iuiinluxlniril.iimjaLMutilii'IMjionf
Uho ilvccilem. lirur'iuuntiMltojirciiiMit tliem tutln- Ad
11 itrulor, without did ij, mid .ill p. t&khxa indibttd to
nidko p,i) iin-iil lurthu itli.
Aug 01, HSl-Ct, Mnt
Look to jour Interests!
nMUi sulnrrilicr Inn.' jiift rciiirncil from ili t'lty
i With auothi-r larsnj anil i.l.'it iiurtimt of
mirili lii il lit I'll il.i.It 1 . U 1 .1 . nt Hi,. unrt'. innl
wlin li tlioy uro ili-tiTiiiiiu-il tu ri'll 011 ttniMiilt-rati! term.
DHrim bo rociirud lUwlivru in ISIuutul.urg. 'i'liiir
Mot k c., niji r i .t
1.1 ums" noons,
! of iln,iF...t mill Ittti'.t fililnn.
Ditr titmiK, jia'ii aiiucmtirx
inumriRi: itHFX'i.utr., ir.iHK, iwirk
I iro.v, .:m. Huurs a- of
I IMTS , CVU'A, at. He. ,yr.,
In 'h ut u 1 r tiling 1,-su.illy kupt in rounlry Slurci ;
uliifh they iiuito tli.- iiiil.Iic p n, rull.
Tliu lliij'liiiiii (,mc i.nil tur touiilry t'rutliicc.
1.1 , .. Jiil.i.mi i.
Illnoititliur;, Iny II, I'lll,
lHai'traaii's Corner.
JUST received a frelt lot of Xo. 1 & 2
Marktrcl auil for Sal. nt llAlt'l'.M AN8.
"J.OOD S. II. Sugar for sale at cents
Vi Iitrlh.ot UAUT.MA.NM.
GllEY dress goods for sale as low as
IUtl.ii!r ard a IlAltT.MANS.
BLACK Laco Shawls for sala
IT'XTII A Syrup constantly on hand and
li for nt 00 an. pur gull, by II ART .MAMS
CALICOES ii JIuslius for sale as low
u 5 cti ji.-r :ir.i nt ilAIt'l'MAXS
1 RATTEN' I' Churn? just received a new
. M ami for Salu at II AI1TMANS.
pEMKXT by the Barrel or JJushel all-
way. on ji.iiu at HAIIT.IIA.SU
Mjuulluljlln,', Juno 1, Irlil.
L;'.clt;iv,aii;ia & Dluntusbiirjj it.iilroad-
V AVI) AITI'K Al (IIJM' 5, Irlll, l'.ll:Gi:U
IliAlNH MI.I. 1U AS l ul.l.fllVa.'
31 O V I X (i HOUT II.
FrtL'ht &
Paisinffrr. Pnitcnutr.
a .a .1. M. HUH A. M.
li 30
II 1.'.
u.iur .m
" Kiipi-rt,
" liiuwlh'.
Arrive ntXurltnmilierl uid,
iM U V I M
Iva( fCorihuinlierl.ind,
" UaiiMllc,
" llupvrt.
" Kiii-tiui,
Arrive at riminion.
4 AM V. .11,
? l."i I.f-ave l.M I', Mi
A I'.ii'i'ii'ji r Train alhoi. n i m Kn,hii n nf k. do a. f
for tfiTuiitnn, toconiK-c t wilh tr.iin fur Xew Vork. lir--tiiniiujr.
luavis yer.nil on arrival l( Trjiu fnuu Suw
Vork nt 4.U) l .M.
Tlio l.ui k.iuitiiini and Kulroad i ouuerU
with Ihu I) lawari. J.-iikuwaiiii i au I Western ILiilruad
al Mr.niton, lor New ork uud iuieriiM'di.itu puint- ut
Al liii purl it cuiiii- ct with the Cuitiwi.i Kui.ruad.iur
poiul hth 'in and Witt,
At Noriliuiiib. rt.nid it inniiiTt,. with tin- riill.nMilil!i
b. line and t. C It. ii. Ir point t aud sntith.
, , JOHN 1. IILUV, Suu't
J. r. w. iu. Oe yitf
a, a u & f j$
U A W - J3 O i' E3
Superphosphate of Lime.
So, Hi) South ff'KtnrSj rialatklphia.
Cash J'rico, 810 per 2000 lbs. j
Tanners and D .ilur- can rnly upon tin1 aiiiaiir' that
tin- (luraiit r of ihi w'l1 known iiuuuri: I (lilt fully
Ihinjr pn'Mr!'l lcllJ in ntcordanru with rcivntlllc
prim ipled, iroiu liumtt in tlt-ir natural'', without
an) pph-i sa ol bum in:.' or h ilumr, and unilr r iln per-oual
fciipcrtii-iornif tin pr"prn torn. Hm j euu himcully t'uar
iiuiec ii ni reprieiited in tin npcti, andaUoui b.--mi
eutirt.1) Ireu from iidultirsitiuu,
(ufAUANTu:i rum:.
Cash lrico, per iiOOO lbs. j
Tlw Biipiriorvnlnenf thia standard nrlirle of (Irouud 1
lliiui it now wilt it ta only nci''ii.iry
Id re in remind Hcali rn Hi it our luihiien for ita tnaim
lailure are now bulhi K'lit tu meet ihu muni ulIihj dv
Tim above Man ire can bo had of regular dealer
in tl,ia touiity, 01 of
JUwftifturcr and I'rojirircvri ,
No .Utfuuih Whariea, rhiladclphia. ,
Jul) CO. Mil-:im. L,
n a ii 'sjcji ii
ii. o. nowisit,
S U R (i K 0 X I) E X T I S T
Kll'l'.' TI'I I.I.V oltVra In pnf'fioii
al hti Ui h to Did la die and t'enllemrn of
lllooniburii and tuiniiy He ia prepared
to nileiul to all I he anoua tincriition lu
thif line of hi pron-atiwii, In-1 pro idi-d w ith ihu .iet
iiuproi'd port'ilain t.iih whith will bu iubrteil on
sold, plat ui a, aiUtr uml rubber baae, to look aawclla
thi naturol ti-eih
Miuural plute an I hlnrk neiti manufactured and all
ipi ralioua on teth, ran tully and properly atUiidiU lu
Mowhutg, Ta., Au;ut3, lcul
Estate of Mary Shafer, dee'd.
TVCrNCi: l herrliy given Mill letter, iif Aitmlnlitr.v
ll liiiil on the e.tnlu nf-Viry Staffer, late of Hilar
creek ttmn.htp, .iu mliiii county, ilt-rcnied, been
Krnuieii 117 ma iicgi.ier oi mm i uutiiy, lo tlio tilulcmlRti
1'it, uliofnoljt 1 In Hntdti tow iibIiIj. I.tircrnc count),
All ocnion linvlim cLihim or L'rmnnda nonlnti thnpi.
f tiitp of the ilfinlrnt arc rpiicftiil to prpnriit them for
fi ttlciiiciit, tin J Uiom III Jrbtctl to tuako inymrnt without
1 J!y H, l01Ct. Mminhtrtitor.
In thi Orphan' Conrt for tht toanty of Cfltnmhitl't
t tatn of Conrad llrtt, lute f Sugarlonf township, dtt'd
Til II Auditor ttppointcfl hy tho Court to report riistr!
tuition of tint Iml.inn- hi the Immli nf WIHIrtm JIcps.
rixtcutor of tho In t.t Will and Ti-pt.iment of Conrnd
IIps, lato of Hucarlo if towinhlp, In tlio fount nfCoI.
iinitiiii, dercnjcil, will unit tho par lien intr-trttM for tho
purp'He of hi nppoliitiui-iit. on H.ittirdiiy the U-ltli dny
of AugiiM. Iftiliut 10 n'clntk, A M.. ol cnidday. nt liii
oflkf lit lUofinMiurir, in pnld county, nil pcrcoo hitf ns
ted In t lie raid Otiitonro n-'piircd tn prcecut tin lr ilnlnid
hcfiiro the Auditor, or hj ik-h.irreil from coming In for ft
pIium of thi' fund, ,
ninnmphtirjr, Jnty R, 13iU.-!t. Slmtitor.
9iKOlut3oii J" t'.'Si lticfdiijf
nesi". Mtisdissoheil i tlio llmt dnv ot Juiip lt. hv inn
I ll.ll I f 111 fll'lit. Tim I'nfiW f if I In. tilit iri nrnM llmi.l.l 1
tnnd, u hero nil prrim Imkhfrd, will plcnie call Willi-
"in iK-my iinii iiiiiMj R'-iUL'mfin, ino llUlnirntlg UitFt-
in- will hfreiifUr bu conducted hy 11. Hulling, at tho
old Btuud.
, , . K, KALMXU.
Melit Flrpet, Atiff.21, lfil.-nfa
ilAMi; to tho tirciniitps of thi nulcriliur. in Henrrr
Kj township, (.olunihi.i ro . on or nhotit tho Hh of
aujruHi iMii, a in .A) i run, tin n iiruw n piriponiong
the h.ick, npp.irpnily nlmnt 10 jenr old. Tlie owner I
ri'tucHlud to pro prop'Tty, pay i-hnrijog and tiKolur
n:tv or lie III ho ioIdaLCt;rdiii2 to l.iw.
Aiisunt 21, 1"A1. .tt.
nAMttlntutlie cnrinurerf Hip tun!rriienfl. In f-Vott
townstim. iihniit the llrst nf AhlmihI. A ILCI) II Ml 1-
' I!!!, HUppnend tn ho ahmit two yciri old, Thcowni-r 1
ri"pK'Ftuiliopru property, paytharcei nnd take her
. uwuy or rtio will bu ilipued of ax th-tuw direrin.
I - S TltrY.
C1AMH to tJm priMnisc nfllt-j mlncrili'T rcrrtitlyln
J M.Kll.uti tm ii!ltitOtiIiiinlil!i (oiinly, 1 ,trn" Iti'll'cr.
Hrinillu rctl, a uliiti! ln tik nil licr bilk, illi pot
lei.tibuiit mo )i'ir oll the ovmr i, ru'i'iiMci! lit
tinnt'iiii'l p.ty (Liirgc auil t ike licr uuay, utlirnwsc
hliu vsill bu fulil uecordltiL' to l.iy,
j . 1. A. 8U'isiii:r.
Ausu.t IT. Irtil.
ifcli'M (i ills)
.i r run coR.YKit of
ilEisica and Eron gli'cclf-t,
SiOO m 3' U IS a 4 3T A .
I'o ou want HII.Kri I tin tu r.luiWISIt'rt
Do ou waul l,.Wi:i.I.A ni.OTII t do to IIItl)Vl:ll'.-i
l)o)ou w ant t II.W.I.I IIIM.AIMM 1 (in to JiltOWI'.tfM
io 1 on wnui t. iti.i: i't)vi:i:ri( fiw to i:i;on'i:ii's
i)o)uiiwinitt.'i,iini in ,-i'ii:iiiti tio to iiiitnvi.u-s
Do ) oil,tf-Kl;i,l:Ttl' SKlllTdl Goto 1IUUUTUS
llojoii want lilt. CI 'ITIIU'S
ti;iUT !II.-l'i:.Mli:itS I (Into UnOWI'.Il's
Do juit want .MIH.INS I (io to Illlim'lX.'rt
Do ) oil w int t'.M.Il.'OIISI tio to IIKl)lVl:il'r
Do you want hAH .S'S t tio to IIIIOU I'.irs
Do Jim want IIAIlKtir.H f t7n to ISIttJWIIItM
Do juii want 1)11 isi:i i:s I tin to illtowiili'U
Do jon wiuit IIUSIi:i!V I (io to llliu.l lill rt
Do on want (il,u ll.-t' II,, to lllluU'Klt'ri
Dojou want IIAXIIKr.r.CIIlr.rrt! Onto IlllciWIiliS
Do J mi want I.UltrllrrUTi IIIII.HJ (into IIKUWLU'S
Do J on want r'l'i:LI. SlIAWI.ff I (In In IIKOU'liKS
Dujoiiwaut .MIJII Mil M ITTri t (io to I.KtHVl'lt s
Do s on want SI1.K lilKni.! t c, t , t'lmtvi'ifl,
I Do jou want (1AL'TI.I:T I (io tn liltmvi'li'H
juii w ii ui liuii in.i iiKtur tin to ui:(.jvi:k's
Dojou ualilTIDV l.'OT'i'ON I
t.o tu i;kuivi:i:-j
JloyoUWailt fl.ll f-if
Do j on want HL'X HADK.S i
Doyonwjut l'AII!i:i:i.LASI
Do jou want l'A.-I.Ml;i!i:ti(
Do Jon want rr.KSIA" I'l.A III 1
Dojouwant I.IMIV Clll.CKSI
Dojnu want I'lllll ' UXS I
Do j oil want Jli NS f
Do Jou want WKr.l'AMI
Do jou want lili;il.l1S
Co to llllOWiili'M
(io tu iiikivi:hx
(io tu lillllU'lili H
(io to IlliOWI'.lfs
(io to iii!ovi:a s
(io to wsinviiit s
(into i;ovi;u'x
o in iimtw i:ilH
(io to imuvi:it
tio j ou want Dl t; M,x I
Dojou w .ml LTIITA I V SlUPUNI (io to IIKUIV ' t'S
Do jou waiitCUIIMiAMIIIilCS ( (io to lllttllvr'
' Dojnu w.uil WlU'l'li IIUUDSI (lot,, IIIIlllVI'it'4
I Do nit 1 1!'. i m t t, ........'.
Do too want m:nMi
fin Iu llliulvnr.-i
Do jou want fllXHIA I
Do jou want DKII.I.IMlI
D.i you want Tl' KlS'tlji (
, Do you waul I Ill'.l KS(
Do j on want I, Mill:,-!' HUtlllS!
riu jou want I. Villi:'i:i:
Unto lilKHVlilfri
(io to iii:oivi:a,rt
(iO 10 tlROU'l'll';.
onto mituvint'd
t.o IO IIKtlWIili'rt
liojou want l lli:.-i (llln'-llltli:! (iotn IlKOWKK'M
Do j on waul (llilXVSWAIilif tioto IIIIDUlilt j
(in tw i:i(f)Urirl
I Do nit waul II UIMVAItli I
Do jou want IIHUIIS I
Do you want l'liui; sl'li'HSf
fill tn llll(Vl:ifH
(Jo to iiiiiiwi.'a's
tio to tuiuiviilfs
Uo to llllUVVUU'S
Do j on want Ullli r COUD.-U
liiouiiielturt;, .Maj l!l, let.l).
Tlir.uiirlerHisned.fir.iti ful for pal palronaifi-, rrnpr-ct
fully inform liNc'jPiiii'ri' and th puldicvi'iuVally
that In-ii.u jjt recivL-dfroni the Kai;rn cities, ttu
l.irgentnnd most jlIcii stoik v(
1 Tint lin y.l lu'cn oprni'.l In ninnin.luir:, in wliid'i Iir
I tut lt,- tliu atti'litlon ol In, trli-iujK. ami in, nn tlii-ni
, ii,.a ti.. y nr.- ,.u; ,,,, w,(l. ,'., k,,;;,',,1", 1
j toiutk cuniprifii ft 1 ircu aMirtmt nt of
I tJU.NTI.LMi ri Vj:.rHN(J Al'I'AItKr,,
t'oncistnia ol rjtuituNAniE Iihvji r'd.-t j
ffiffi ..ri."i: tu-CMW
v i7y ''i11"'1" uud iheap.
.V H'UcjuijiiiIh r " Luiflrubrrs's Chrnp FitiPrim."
cait and m.x , tliaryu fur vxnmiiu Uoodr.
l.Ioonbtirff, .March i, itli, (Juo
nousr: for sai.l;.
AniovcnMu I-'hamk Iol-e, will bo sold cheap, on ap
plication tuth" iimlrna'tiul.
Illooiiibtmrg, July IX led.
Estate of Caleb C. For, dee'd.
1 on Hi, .tatu L. I'm,, lato of .Mount I loa..
a toil by tin- Krm.ii.-r of tniil county, to tliu '
ir ran ted
t-k'ued, whureridc in raid town, Inn. i?i,i i..
.ll pereoiirt Ii iug having ilaiiua or deniauda avainat
the i-Ktutu ol tin decedent are rriiested to prei-eut them
li r kwttlcini'iit, and thuj uidt-bted to make payment
without dtliiy
, . , JOII.N' SluRKAN,
Juiie2M,l-tt . jiJn-r.
200 000 HuiMing Krick, of cxccl.
Illounubiirir Hruk urd. I'artieii iiiteudiu to bull 1
will do well ! all aud examine the maUrial m.d gLt
baruaitia. Aiply to
m:KY a aktiicu.
IUuotiburi;, Match D, IShL am.
U'illiamsport Dickinson Seminary,
y o ii it u r it S y. x 1: s.
rrJ'HII Fall Sfssion of ihU Iiutiuiiioti, luratoil at AVU
I li inifporl, J.yriuuiui county, l'a., will begin Auuut
liclkf I.i tin i. Mathtmatire, Ancient and Modern .an-
guune. Natural ceinire, .Mmic, Couiiucri i il br&iuhe,
L'oinuiou i:niiii u pitvri. A ,orintil Class will bo
foruii'U, if Ut-sirctl, furiichnhavulli;iiiiportauldutici
of 'lV.uhiuirniU.-w, 'JVrms inoderatc.
i'ot Culaloiruu ur I'urlli'-r luirtirulitr. nnnlv tn
Willuiuinoit, l'a.
Ail?uit 10, liHiJ-3t.
Nununl iiblitulo and Academy,
Or Ni:V COLf.MUL'S. I.U.i:itNK COL'NTV. I'A.
alllincit Turin of ihi. In.tiiuti.ii Mill caiuiucuce
l'ljiU-rtlio .llr.cilo.ii.fl'rof. II, ii,, hIio. a. a 1
ftilmlar, ,i'l'i nilu r. nml it L'lturtr, i. loo uml kunun tu li'-p.l any rurotiiiiii-ndaliiiii.
AllllltlOlinl fill llltll-. tu tlld.u llfr.-ti.lnri. i,.il,.t ...I 1...
Pl..ilo.,..ill bii liiriil.linl durum tlio teriu imil' yiar. '
lu.truiliuu. in VnL-nl anil liihtrnii.i-uiiil i... ..'.n
liu Klitulyunarcoiiiiili.litiil Ti-arlit-r.
1 or the 'i'tuiit'i'.
August 10 ifCl.
"pICE sold at 01 cents at
OU011AKD QKASS SEED ! MtUitcCtcc of tht CWiu Vmicrai
No. 40, NORTH wharves,
Prmn Cuttun fur CnutMnff, Itopp. Twliii,Tiir, fitcM
O.ikum. Hlorkfl. nnd Oar.
AilSUPt -I, 1)U-K'tii.
aim .ui. .!)..,. ..n..i ui. f i , i. . i t
sctctitiflc iimutirr) tlic livnt
i'mti.y.i rui.yrun rods,
nl 121 ci nil per fool. All noik norruiilril.
niooimbnrg. May 91, 1HC0.
States Union otcl
aiiovi: sixtii.i
. W, POWEH, Proprietor.
. ., . I'lmi-1 s.5 per ilay.
Miy 13, leon-i-jiii.
middlvo and ii-eatuer wahe-
No.M,Nortli Second Street, Oppnitn ChrlH Cluirdi,
ITT" Contantly en hand, n lariju nmortmcnt of Itodn,
MnllrrsiiPii, rinll.isHCf.Custiiona, llulr, lluek, Ciiltnll,
runl nil nrti'h'a iu the lino nt the I.owext l'nre.
V. li Particular attention paid to riuocating Xtx an
Old Feathers.
March i, 1(JI 12m,
Eft t3 W S 13 H1U-3E&
(I. ate lUni.B IloTrr..)
RH0.I)S, & S.UMJIl, Proprietors.
'ril.(innY V. IIoaI)?, f.innirlj nftlH! Natlunnl Hot.)
l'iinui. n, ii on, loriuirly orfiliu)lkill Co l'a.
Jlaiili'.', liill-iJin.
Till: liililltlou to thi, Institution lirin? nlmnt cnniilo.
ti-il, tlicry urc rointortnblfl arcoiuuioiliitliui, now for
nliout rnmiily,hra, anil tliu Autumn 'firm will
loiuui.iiLU on tlio l'Jlli of Ausu,t.
Tim m rtirciif II. W. (iilbi-rt, lato I'rorvMnr of Moil
iru l.iiiiuuanoii in on,, of our Colltui. knvo Iutii .i-i-ur.
ml. ll'-iiiiliii. iioisoasitis tliu ru'iui.iti.- .riiola.tic nltain.
ini'iita, and liaims ycari. of 'iicrt'.nlul i-Tprriotnu
ii toadilns in tlii, country, l'rof. llllliort iu l.mnv. I,
lia, (.Miucil Hjicii it nttouliun to tlio rMucalluual hvhIi'iih
In l.uroi,-, tiinl l. coiiinotiut to iiiatnut lu tlw Latin,
('riuan, rruirli, or Italian laiiRn.ici',.
l'or term, ur turtlior pa tin ular, nee lliocaril inauotlicr
toltiiiin, or nililrciii. tltu I'rJurip il.
.tlillvill,-, l'a , Aupii-l 3,
Eitate of Jacob jfagcnbttci, tatc cf Centrt tirp., dce'd,
LKTlT.Kdtcatttuientur) on thueatat of Jacob IUobx
lit'tli, I lie of Cintiu towiKhip, Coluiubi.i county,
deceased, liau- bent granted by the ttejEnter of Cidiim
biarnimty to the underf'iKtied, runidimt iu the town-hip
and county alr'ald. All peranum ha iug ilaima against
the CftatocT Hit deceUentare requested topreaeutlln iu
for si'tlli'iiitut, aud tliuae ludibtud to tuuke payment iui
mediately to
JcniiMiAii HAcnxmicir.
Centre tw p., June I., 1-01. F.xrcutor.
10 dally natonUhlng M pntientii by th euro of lone
1 et.mdiiiidiieues. Ills KIIMIHHCri .Mill PCUHLV
VKUKTAiH.i:. c w ill be in thi platu thu fa my days
of raih inonth rn tlated b.-low, when h ran be consul
ted for nil diaeaae ik'sh i lulr to. L" CONSULT A
Jerfi'ffhre, tho 12 and 13th of ench month.
Whitoa Hotel, Lock Haven, the 1-Hh and lolhoftacli
Iltuotnsbnrj.nnth nnd lt. Danillo2d and 3d. Nortti
uinb'Tland ltth, Milton, (!, and 7.
June , ti1m.
Estate of Philip Fritz, deceased.
T LHTTlinft trBtamfntaryonth" IMnlf of Pmup Fritz
ii laic ot rmparioartowininp, inCo'uuliia county.ile
rrned hue been grante. by the ltepiter of Columbia
rouiity tu the uuilerpianed ; all person hating claim
UL'itiiKt th'iBntaie of the decadent, are rcUpfrted topri'
aent them to the Kxeculof?, at lhir reaidrnre, in aid
Stiarloaf township, without dci.ty and all pcrauna in.
dutttdio make payment forthwith,
JUll.V F1UTZ. ) Fttfnfnrt
June 8, 1501. ,
The County CoinmUfloncrfi will receive prnpo'al nt
tho house of J-iiiich Mitittrs, in Tine towindiip, Colum
bia County, nntll :i ri'tlotk p. tu., on Friday. Iho 'J'Jd
day of Au"ii"t wtt for huildinir n inrn Trna llridae
over Little Kishinscret k, near the reiduucu of th ua,"i
Jamea laat( r. aaid hndse to bu37 fett bctwnn nb,,t.
i tn, width 10 fytt, iiijit 8 feet G inches, from lUH
water mark, thp nbutuienta to be rx fett thick, au(i
winywalla on lower t-nlu ii feet lone I'lin and lpL.c,.
tlcatiun iau bu aeen on tho day and place of kiting,
lly order of the County Coinmlnnjnnera,
. K.C.ntUIT, Clerk.
rouimmsionfr'n OtHco,
nioombiirs. Aujust 3, ld(if. J
'pIlHIlxrciitiTc Committee of the Columbia Countr
L ftirnmlturill Hnrticalttiral nnd Mprlinni.ii
lioii.nttheiriiiPttiiithndny, passed a Itcunlution to
hold u Comity i air, on the 17, it aud lit da) a f Octo-
uer next,
m , n ,3rtr A.MAUISO.V, Hecl'y.
niooui(iliurg, An?. Ht ldL 3t.
Sheriff's Sales.
BY urine of a writ of .Mm Ltrari Fartm, i m" dl
rcrt' il, i.Biu',1 out or tlm Coilll of t'nininnn l'ln. or
o-uinj, in., in do eiioril tn iulilic rali'at
tlio ( ourt notiT, in llloiunluirs, on MUNIIAV Till:
filX'UNl) DAY Of SBl-niMUKll, Ii-nl, nt . no o'lluck in
tiir afRrnoo.i, Hi.: fullot.lng ilctrlliuil irojicrty to wit
A certain tract or piece of land, situate
in Jarktolilon-ii.tilp, in I lie county of Columliia, tiuiiu .
ilcd uml ilcrrilicil us follow, to mi. ttc-f ,11 uin-- nt a
lio.t.thi iiicv hy l.ilnl of n.i cl Aclii'iiliinli, (n.t tno
li'liiJnil uml nl"tn piTilii'H to r pot, tlunro liy tin;
ainu .outli fiitcrti pcrciic, lo u po,t, tluoiru liy luml of
Jiulmii ri.nago i nm rill) four nrclic lo a ilictnul.
IJii-iico liy lauilof Jonu 1'ritz ami llauii-l llotbni. north
tlireo pin In. to a chi-.tnutoak, thc-nru br lan.l
or Jn,i-.h Loin and William llrink, two liumlrci)
alnl flflityfouriii'rrlii'.to a ,l..-f tliut. thence liylnli.l of
i Ii.Jinna w. Vuung nnitl.iiiJof Jol.n Bliiilt, foutli two
liiiiiilro.laiiil njlity iive iiiTilu-. to tin' place of l. in.
ninit, coiitaiuiiiB 1'onr HunJreJ ami suti-threo ucrc.
un.l onulMiiilrrilainl ttvrntyporrliiaii.t allow anrc, Ac,
hrii'il, taki-u iii ct'(ution ami lo by .ohl a. the pron
crty ol T liuuui IV. Voiiiij. ' 1
ALSO : At tlio fame time and ulnen.
iy urtiii' ol a writ of Unri T.tnat. inrucil out of tlio
lourtol Loiuinoii I'li an to muiliroili-il. willlo-izpoaoil
to pul, lie alo, all onu nml n lialf Story I rami'
lli-lliii;ll..ii,oor liuil.llui. nitualo lu ll.u ullajcof
J.itlit Mm t, iu tliu loun.liip nf Ccott, in tlio county of
oluiiiin.i, anj fctaio (,f IVnii.jliania, wliirli nai.l binlil.
IliK ii on a lot formerly ownoil l.y laac doninwortli
ami v. liuli ih lot, i. tioiiiiilml ami K-j.cril.ccl a. lol-
lonn, mum ly. on tlm unrtli by lot ut lliril, on tliu
ir.wortli, ami on tlio wo.t. 1,1 lot of Vtti r iJiliu-. wliuli
ilt-liti-oii f-oi, uml tlio .-il.l aboio uYsrrilioil lot or mi'ci
of (.ToUnil anil iiutilagi uppiuti iiaulto h.inl buiLliuj:.
Pi-unl, taken in cm cuttun auj tube .olj a, uv pro
perty of Kiltvuril Joac.,
joiin'iinn, s?airiir.
Illooiuiburi.-. Alt;. 10, lr(l.
Aiwu'in .
A lit'iu'voleiii Institution cstnblinhcl by fperialrnilow.
ini'iit. fr the n-liof of th- riik uml DistriKaiM, atllicu-d
yith Viruli'tit ami i:piikiuic, and cpieiatly
for Uio Curu of Divca-o s of thu fjuxual Ur-jau-i. i-pen-jar)
freuto pain-nu iu all part, of tlw United t?tate
AI.U'Ani.i; ltmiltrrf flu rfpermatorrha'a. and nth
rr Itinf.i.tK uf the t-AUil Orirau-i. ainl nn Ho t;vv
I .,; . ., !. i i mI"ut''. t-'t tutUf-nitluted tnnliil
I poal.iiru w ill (in urn titalit.-. Aililron. I)lt.Jsi;n.
. .. , . .... ... i,, t , jiiuui iitiLu c-lllll OA
iiiiuiiiiiii.i, .iiiui-! Mirtri-un. iiiiMntit .. .una.
ii. Nu. -. South Mutli tftieci, miUililjiMa l'a.
March s, l-Cl -
P U M 1 U A K I X G .
TX.V u1n,l,,r''f,lt'1 inform tlio public generally (hit
tin--) nuo lurtnutl a u-iurtru-r-hip, ami ill cmitm-
,u,1' l,w rump nukniR unj repairing, in all
Ut" variuiuiUi.irtmeiil-it ia liloonuflur!;, when tht-y
"lN I,ro.mlly uttend to all ordtM in their lino of hui-
Will nud Cittern rmnp., with Ica.len l'iiii', ma lo hi
tho boa of workiuaiuliip.on luodtruto term, nuJ
oil crv .liurt liulir.
Irom tln-ir lnii ci.Tieiiro in Uio tiiiiim-... sml n
oiirlR'.l tle.iro to li,m- ilic-ir ivnrk cuiiiuii-iul itiilt'tu tliu
jiulilic. ilu-y fL-i-l. ronli.k-iit thm ,au jn.iki- unn olilict to
tlimu i lio may i-i ,-u tlitui time cii.lniii nml n-uili r bciio-
tai .uti.r.itiou. joiin- t'ituTt;iii,KV.
lHooiuiburg, April 13, leci, Sui
ulu,"-,i 'V VjU.
Wliol'-ii.ilo utiU R. till Dcalrr. in
rz-.T. T m nm i i r t . . i . ..
1? UViUdj HYWi) ILtlU HL1 3 IT 3 S
if? 'Ot.. TtJ' W-JW (511
Tol-Cthcr will, ,,im. r .-. o.imvit
U'AIti:, at prtci-..
JOSin-ll l.itr.CV, j
:" '. ( riilLAUUI.l'lllA.
HarcUS, ldill'-Sm,
Tlinfimtificr of thin CcWbrntC'l Irutltullnn, ntTcr Iho
limit rortaln, p purity, nil it only r flee til a I rcmrdy in
Ilia worm 1 r cm cisir liiFCU, ninciurcB, ncnmim ucnn
iicm, 1'nlno In the Iotns, ConMitutionnl Debility, Impn-
truer. VphKiipb nf lha 'll.ick ami I.IinK Affection of
tlm Kidney, wipitiuinn or, uin nrari. nup'-pnia, ncr
IyoMi Irfitfildllty, l)lrnr of the Ilrad, Throat, None or
Hktri, nncl all thoe foriotm nnd tnrlniithuly Dicorderi
nf ivji mi wiy mm nmifi. i iipso pccrci nun puinnry
ttie Hvrf-n, to tlio tnarlnnrii L'lvmicii. hllitlitinf tlieir itio.t
lirilliiint iHtpo. and anticipation,, rendering ma rr lagc fee,
Martli'il, nr Votun Ien cnntctnplal inj mar
rlaKi1! lietiiQ aivnro of pliyrlcnl ivcakne,,, or;,iiilc ilcabill
ty, diformitli-., &r. .liotild iminr'iliatrly con. ull I)r
Joliti.tnii, and In; rc.tnrrd tn perfcit In altti.
lie who phcu. Iiiin,rtf under the enro of Vr. iotin.ton,
may conlide in hi, honor a, n rrciitlcincn, and
coiinikutly rely upon III, .kill a. n phy.iciaii.
Itnmeillntety cured nnd full vlitor reetornl.
Tlii. ilceniM! 1. the penally nio.t frcnuimlly paid by
tliu.u nhu hare Ihtoiiu' the victim of Improper iniliiliton
rlci. YnmiR perron, are ton opt to commit eice,, frnin
not brlniT nwnrn of the dreadful con,ciui.lice thil may
rnriie. Now, w lio that under, tandi. the .uliject ivlli pre
t.nd to di nv that tho power of procreation 1, to,t rooncr
by tho.c falling into improper habit, than by the prudent,
lie, iili-, being deprived ol the pleanure of heulthy off
.print,, the moot .crioii. nnd derlructive .yiuptoui. to
both boilv and muni ari,c. Tliu .yitlcui becoincii dcrnnt-
edj Hie nnd mental power, weakened, nervoii,
dLbilityilyi)ti-i pitliiltntion of the hmrt. Indlrpiiuri,
s waMini! nt the lraiue.t'uugh, ldiuituiui of CtuidUtiiji
ilmi. ftr
ihWcf, So. 7 Hotrrii Pri prick ttmrrr, tccn ilnort
frfiiu Il.ilttuiuru Ftrctt, lUt fi.ti, up 1 Ih Ptt'i', Ji jmr
titular iu thrrvin3 tin: NAM 11 aud MIMbXll, or you
will iiiislnku tin' "l.ire.
,f Cure Harrenttd, er n Charge Madcin, fron 0ns to
Tvo Itaijs,
1)11. ,o,ww.V.
Member tf tho Roynt LVdlcgo nf Hurgronn, nt London.
(Iriiduate fruiuoneiif thu mot rnmi"nt tJollefre'i of t ti o
United Htatt", nnd the greater Inrt of whumlfr hai
hi-i-n flu tit in the tifi-t llnspirnt't uf l.'indon, l'nrin, I'bil.i.
ilrluhl.i and i1chore, h M Ltn.ctil emite of the nmM n
tuiiifhiii-x were evrr known i ni my troubli'd
with rniinj in the and enra trhn ifhrp, trrrnt
in rvuiHiiesf, In m? titarini'd Hi sudden i-oundfi, uud li.tfli
fnlneis( Mil rro'intut lliitiiii;a ntlf ruled ffiuwtimes with
dLMiigcmcnl of muni, rtt ri rtired lium-dtjt(.ty.
A U'.ltTAIN UfriKAHl!.
When tliisini-iKui ld uud linprudcnt clary of ideasurr
ritidi he ina itnbibrd the ri'cd. of tlri oniutul ilicar, it
tint mu ii Ii.t)ontj nn ill tl.u'd eene of kImiiu or
dread of lnetivfry, dclcro hliu from npplj itm to thno
who from education umf n-upvi lability ran nhuie ln.fri ml
hint, dc1.i)inir till the eoiMtitutionary i intnuu of Him
horrid dHi'.Ki! m-ike thi-irappiatance, iuh ui ulrTnlcd, dienril ihmi. iinrlurri', pains tu the head
uud IIiuIh, dlmtie"of hiuht, .l-iifiiCr-', wnU:a tin the k in
buuei, and uri, btntrhi-n ou tho hii.i I, tare nnd rtrrnu
lice, priuri!iiiiis with r.ipi.lity, till at the pal ttu of
tint inout.i aud bun- sof the in fi; l.ill iu, nnd the i ictnu of
thl di'ni'iwi' lieiiuiien a hortid objerinf roiiinnHerntnm
till'ikuth put i a p'Tiod to tut dremltul ituiroriii'ji. by mu
dt.n; In ui tu " buuriiu from Ih'iih- no t r.i r re
inriH." T'i ciali, tlierefori', lr. Jtd.untim pli-dci t him
Melt tu nrttiti rve l!u most enviu ible eecrecv. and trum hi
etteui'i'.LM'radliu in the llret lluipit ilti of Kuropu and
AiniTica, lu1 tan runiluetillv ririunieUil fJitu and rpecuy
cure to tliu uiil'-'ft'in ite vii tint of thin horrid disease.
taki: PAKl'irUI.AIt N'trnci:.
Dr. J. addri'sHiH all llmxu lio h ire injured llieirmhes
by private mid liupruper ntdul-'ciia-s,
'J liuHt! are hiuiiu of the ad nnd nu lancholv ctTecti orn
dured by earl luilutu uf)outli, i&, W'vukuvt of the
iiii k ami i.imu-i, rain m mu man, iniiiiiun nr aihi.
I,(tt.f of .Miif Power, ralpitHtioit of the Ileirt. In a
nciHia. Nervinin Irratalulitv, DLranaenifiit of thi' lliui
tie rniiCtioni,(;eneral Dcbilil) , ujiiipiutnj of Consuinp-
MV.S I'AM.V. The f.-arfnl rfTi-ct-t mrn the mind nrn
tnUih to be dreaded, I.o-inf .Mr Uiory, Confuluii nf Uhn
li.'pri'Kfion of the Hpint-f, IMI rorihodiusti, Aversion
of Siuietv, Tiiiuly, &.c., aro koiuu ofthu cvil-i produced.
riKiiManun oi perpous oi nu ae-t ran now juucu
it the caua of llulr diclininif tic-alt Ii. Lootiii!! their
tiL'ur. luTdininir euk, nalu and nu.irlated. havine in nppearaac ubutit thu ee, cciti and jjiuptwinji ot
U l,VH.Jli.l l,tlt KHJ1.U1 I UK
Fly tliH great and import ml remedv, weaknef of the
ortjui'iaru M ihly turuti, and full tutor rectured,
Thu'H uiilrt of the limit nervoiH and debilitated, who
had Init all hnpe, hatu bet-ii ituniediul))' rtheved. All
Impediment!' ti M irri.c'r, t'h fical an 1 SU ntal Hi'pial.
ucuiiou ,ert nut i rr ii uuui l reiiiiuiir.'i nim n ruKlii'M
or cxli.uut it ion uf the most lVarlul kind, epcedili ciind
by Doctor Jubti-tun.
1 Ol iMi .Ml,.1.
Who have injured lhiiHi le by a rernin prartirc,
In lulsed in w h- u alotte a habit fre.vieiitl learne.l from
evil companion-, or at irhnol the tT'ctr uf whlrh iur
nishtly fctt, uven when aleep, and if not ciired render
niirri.nre iuipo-ibte, and djtrui bulh inind aud bod) ,
tli'iuld appl imiii-di it- ly.
H'h it a pitty that youiu m. in, the hope of bin t ountry,
and tlie diirllmi nf hi parent'', nho'ild be Miatihed irom
alt pro-pictt and fiijovinuiit- l life, by the cotiemicn
cen of devi.itin? from the path nf ii.itnre, and iudulslaft
iu a crtaiu Hccrut habit. tSuch pcrdoiid beloru con
templatiu'j. MAR R I AO T,
should reflect tliat a ound mind and body nrc the rnrm
nece-inary rt'iuifities to prou oto conuubnil happiness
Indeed, without theae the Jourric) thrnujrh life becomen
a weary piUrnnn'te., the pmpect hourly dirken-i tn
the view ; the mniil beromen ch.idowcd with dcppairc
tilled with the iw-Iunrhoty rellctiuii that thu hapjuncn-j
of another becomen bhhted with our own,
umci; no. - Hotrni riirDKitnjicrir.. Baltimore m
aiaj fei;uuiuAL oi'f.uatiun-4 mtrouMj;i.
N. II. L't no faluu modenty previ-nt jou, but apply
iiuiiicdiat U either ner-oiuilly or bv !.i Iter.
suin inHiiAdi;s hrnr.Dir.v cuki:d.
To arnjiMu:ni.
The rmny thoiM-ind-i cured at thi-i institution within
the la-it Ij eari. aud tho iiiiiiierniM import.uit Hurcirnl
OperatioiM performed by Dr. Johniton, Wltllesed by
inu rtjiurii-r ui nut p.ipi rs nun m.iny oiner percons, no
licet uf which have nnneared a''aiii and ajaiii Ik fmi Dm
public, beide-i Iim ft Hiding ax .i jjeiitlein.iii nf character
atiiirc!puii.MuiiiL.i-n mininent ciiaratiteetotiieatilicto j
TAKU xoriLX.
X. n. There are o many isnorant and worthl"i-o
(lu.iiki m L-rtMin-i theui-elvei. 1'ln -iciaiu, rululns iho
health oftho already aflliitt d that Dr. J-iWwm defiu
It nei-eji-ury to sav, i peciatlv to those uuaciu.iinted
with hi reputation, thai Inn c'rudeiitidU uud diplenni
atrtjun hauu In his othre.
C3 Taki: .Noritr-:. Alt letten in'tut be post paid, nnd
rontniu a postage btauii) fur tho reyly, or no answer will
.MardilT. lPCO.
In Court Mlrt OppotUc the Cvvrt House,
And one door below the office of the Columbia iJcjnocr at.
Jl'oomt-burg. July '-0, lnil.
it m o v a l . j2i&5
C, V. SADLER. & Co.,
Commission Merchants and dealers in
Fish, Chce and Provisioni,
Nn. lol ,rcli .trjet, 2ml dour above l'ront, l'lillniltl,
ptiia. ac 14, a- ly
i'lUSllJilllTH ec UilOTllKltS.
T 0 U A 0 C O D K A L K H S
t'lvo iloorehcluwRuee.f
Jnnuiry 1 0, 1H.1.'.. .
an lVAi.Mir priti:i:T,
(In low 1'ourth St..)
. rini..nir.i,i'iitA, vx.
Ausun4, t 13m.
Fcae IDreoi' CcJUcMit ibr Sale.
A lot of superior 1'iRk t'Kuift;t.MFNr. tBpi'ci.iHj ailar
ti'il fir fi'iiiLiitiii-i Ituiit. ()!, c'llluii will rowr JihI
fvi t of onJlnary roDiinj, and it iu-uiril ytunf iiffunut
rain ami wn wt athi r. Can he h id nt iiiaiiuf.icirinrn
pnci-u, by tho p.illnu i-r half barrel, at tlw oiticel tho
Columbia lioiuucrat.
Jlloniiisburi, Jul It. If tit.
To the Heirs of Thomui Conner, dee'd.
VTOTllT. ti liTi'Ly cin ii tti-ttlli'-iicc'iiilit of.oA. Ciin
Ji tr. SnruMiis Truituu uf tin- nuii) uf 'i'liumj ,
decrased. wan hleit ut the Miiy '1 rui. 1H.1, oi thu Court
Ullll W 111 Oil II rt'nt'H It'll iir i nm n.l 1 1 . . n 1. 1.
ui iwi cfj'ieuiix.r urm j-ui.
J COIl EYIiltl.V. CUrL n n
Illoouisburj. July i:i, lL-fil-tit.
Estate of Isaiah Shuman, dcc'il.
NOTICU I. licn-liy siicnlliat letter, ufuiliiiliilitrittlnti
on tlu t-.l:itii uf l.auli tiliuiiiaii, l.ilL of .Mulnr lu n
.liip. Ciluuibiii roinity, iloria.uil, liaiu lni-n j-r.muil h)
tin- KngMi-r of .niil couiily to tlm uiiiU-r. I'ucd, ulio
ruiil-. in L'llilrL- toililiii, Coliiiiiliiu rouiily. All jut
.on liniinit il.tiiu. or ili'iitmiil. ntiin.t tin- i-blati-ul
tttc tli-ri-iU-iit art-rt-iiiriti.t lu in-M.iii ilum fur mill.--nu
nt, and tlio.u mdcliti'd to maku t-ijuu-nt MtlUout
l' MiM.r.R,
July 57, IfOl.-Ct. Adi.i'r.
(or jur.siiVTowN.)
Tlin .nlKi-ritior woiilil ri.pi-rtrullyiiiiri2o III. friends
ani tlie puldic Btut'iall;, lio lia. openvd
I'ndi-r tlio al.oio name, in Jt-m-)lowi, Culilinll.i ronn
ly, rn. tiltcro liei. fully pri-pari-il to ctiti-rtain tlm
Iravcliiii,' community tugcni nil .-iti. faction Ih. T
IIM', ami II. It, uro ut'll Mipplii-d and mil l can full,
blipi-tinti ndoil. And 111. !i lUr.K i. ainiilo and i I
."3 A" ' I u
r"Ila ln Ut.' a .liarc uf tUo pu'olic cuiti.m, anil
r'"ie" '' i.u'. i
Ji-ni-ilimn Mnv ll IJ.'l - nm. '
' 17XT11A Syrup sold at GOcts. per pa1
J2i Ion at 1IAKTMAN3
Another Great Uuion Viclorj,
Battle, in Water n Virginia Ronl of the
Rebels Thdr luis 30 Killed 40 Cop
tnrtd Their toicn llurned.
CrNcmAtr, Sept. 2. A fight took
placo jestenlay nt Boon County Court
house, Va,, between tho rebels and a
Federal forco, rcflultiDg in tho total rou
of the rebels, nith a loss of .10 killed au!
j . .
a largO mttllbCr WOUrnlcd.-
Forty rebels were taltcn prisoners,
Thcro wcro nino killed on our sido ami
but b'ix wounded.
Our men burucd tho town.
A body of -150 U. 8. troops ontronebod
at Lexington, Mot, wore attacked on
1 bursday by 1000 rcbcla, but ropu'sed
them with tho loss of 00 men killed, tho
Uuion troops losing nine.
Tiie Naval Expedition Successful Two
Forts tafan730 prisoners 1 ,000 stand
of Jlrms 'A'i Cannons and Camp
Equipage taken The Entiic iSorCh
Carclina Coast in our huntls.
Washington, Sep. 1, 1601.
Oen. Butler and Commodore .String
ham's expedition lo tho North Carolina
Forts has resulted in a great victory.
They havo taken Tort Clark and Fort
Hattcras, scren hundred aud thirty pris
oners, ono thousand stand of muskets,
thirty two cannons, with a largo lot of am
unition and camp otiuippage.
Among tho prisoners is Commodore
Barron, Col. Martin, Col. Thompson, I,t.
Sharpe Into of the Navy, Col. Bradford,,
lato of the army, aud a number of other
officers. Terms of tho turronder uncondi
tional. Gen. Butler is horo ; and all this
is reliable aud glorious.
Orr IIattekij Inlet.
U. b Hag fchip Minasota, Aug. !)0.
To the lion. Gideon Wells, Secretary of
the Aavy.
I havo tho honor to inform you that wo
havo been eminently successful in our ex
pedition. All that could bo wished by tho
most hopeful has been accomplMicd. This
morning wo aro taken on board tho Minc
Bota officers and men numbering eeven
hundred and fifteen of tho rebel forco
which surrendered yesterday after a bom
bardment from tho fleet of parts of two
days. I bhall forward a full account im
mediately on my arrival at New York,
where I havo concluded to 1 and thorn as
requested in your communication in ref
erence to prisoners coming into the posses
sion of tho navy. After landing them, I
shall roturu to Hampton Roads,
Your obedient servant,
(Signed) S II. Sthixoiiam,
Flag Officer Atlantio Blockading
Alnrpi ainnrtnifi)t of rhotcu I'it'ar. Tobacro, I'ipr,
rruit. t'onrcftioncry nihl Notii.rm (.'ciirrallj.tOKfth'
rr with a full Mock of HATH uml C'ATe, conttanil on
hait't ami fur Hale cheap, at tho "Uluomsburg Hut A. Can
noouijiburg, March 10, htt.
T U T I 0 K.
A I.I. iiLrxonu aro firbi.l Uu ini ihc Unitil Stntss
KolkTiH'nfh .Marhmc, A. Hulkr. fatfiit, txrrfitlnn
fnuu ntitliurizi it upt'iitti w itli pnurr of attnrniiy as w
aro dittriumul tu enfurce llif law in all men casca.
A. 1lUFPj;it Jfiii(M
'i'tlUd. V. llUOAIL
KIy. Au?. 17, tf-bl. 3m.
D. A. BECKLET, A. B., Principal.
will bi (fin on
Wednesday, the 7th of August.
The liiiilitiiii; li is uiidirwcnt a thorough rrnnratlnn.
It llll. bl'l-ll mimilll-d Ullll iilmv fiiriiltur,. tu,. u.ll.
il'-K-iully papcrcil, and i-vt-ri tlunir ml, led that can con
Intuitu to the comfort anil couhiik-iici- uf the MiiJcnt,
i no coiirm1 ui Mill bo tlinrn.ig, a. hi-rclo-fori-,
and tho.i- ili'.isiiniff tu lit tln-in.r-li,-. m icirh u ill
rcrcivo .in-clalaltulitloil. Till- mIIuiiI tuclfln i-nti,lnrt.rt
acrnrding to tin- nio.t uiiirutcd liioikl.
All thi- .tudic.ufuur S.-Ulinatica aro cmbrircil in Ii.
cour.u uf .tuil).
t i: u m s :
1'rimary l)ipartinctit 64 00
lli,:hfr Dip.iiiim nt on
No i-Mtii chiirji- la made fur the study of Ancient or
Muili ru l.aiii-u-igi.
IJooil hoarding tan hu proiurcil ut i51,50 or ?2,o0 per
July IX 1-iii-if, .
.T. f. il 51 R K El ,
(Sileri-.aur to J. P. ?prvk.)
niioLix.ui: i.y
No 8 Nurtll l'lflh St., tiliuie Market,
Al.o, Manufacturer uml Importer uf
Mil) 13, l-l.o-l.'iu.
tr.tlawissa liall lluad.
I'liiladelpliu &c N V. -Muil 11 01 A M.
l.lliir".. Ill MA HI
" " rriil-ht A. M
lllmlra Mail p m
Ma'ra Expre,. 1 li.m p M
I'fCljhl in.4-1 , m
May 4, 1-01. '
Tlin iin.lor-tiirnrit, ropectfulty in form tlie ritizcug of
lllooiui.,uri', and the public P uerally. that he hua vu
lablisht-I a new More, on .Main direct. LloointburiS, In
Mrs. la'acock'n HuiUlni", ulure he oiler for viile, ou
nioilfrat.' tiTiu-i, a larg' tnnnrtment of
Of iery nort, anil bU-j uud (lescriptiou. HU
utoik of Jew lr i fompuic, incluain? rvrry
varu-iyoi Lauu-i and (Icntlt'iot n' Alt-Uatiou. '
Chniiiti I.ock it. Itrpaotputii, rintr-rini;;. etc .ii.
tn ihu t-x limitation of Uu It hu mvili h tin ov'
alt) .
'Strict attt niioii civoii to rpoirih; Clock V
Ci. uud Jewelry and all work warrautud,
Ulooaubur,;, May 4, tf.
I Oifici! In Court Ally, fortneily occupied by Cliailei R,
I' f
l.tuoniiuut;. Dec I, leao.