&flttCUlttttC 'Bloomsburg Head Quatrers I MMsVIVV A I'll . SOMMEIl MANAGfcMflST Off BEES. During tho Eummcr weeds and all veg. elation should be kept clear from the hive, fm1 wcl wW also bo cleared away, and the hires protected from storms This also is tho time for moths, that is, du ring July and August, and if the apiarian will occasionally at evening pass around Lis hives with a light ho may destroy a great many millers that arc lurking about tho hives much moro successfully than du ring tho daytime. Thcso millers aro a light gray color, and about half an, inch iu length, and rather slim and aro as spry as a weasel, it is utterly useless to attempt to cateh or pick up one with tho fingers, and the only effectual way to despatch them is, to put on an old mitten ; with tho flat of the hand giro them a sly and sudden slap ; iu this way a person after a little practice way succeed in destroying them with tolerable success. They may often be scon during tho daytime about tliJ outside of tho hive, or in tho joints, or between boards. If a dish of sweetened vinegar and water be placed near the hives during tho night, a good many may bo destroyed by this means, as they will bo attracted to it by its flavor aud full into it, and will not be able to rise again. Many suppose that tho miller will deposito her eggs iu tho joints or cracks on the outside of the hive but this is a mistake, unless there is wax or proprolis to deposito them in. Tho egg requires some nourishment to mature it, and instinct teaches tho miller this, and this accounts for her anxiety to gain an entrance into the hive where she can have access to tho was and combs. Tho best and most effectual protection against the ravages of tho insect aro stropg stocks, and hives that afford a small amount of unoccupied room. HOW TO DESTROY THISTLES. 3?. II. Gordon, of Jennings Forks, Ten nessee, writes to tho Southern IIomthteady tlms : cl huvo never seen the Canada thistle in this Stato and hope I never shall. It ia a perennial plant, with deeply pene trating and rambling roors, which aro so tenacious of life that the ingenuity of far mers in Europe and the Eastern States of the Union has failed to find n cheap nnd easy method of exterminating them, They aro represented as great pests to meadows, pastures and grain fields. "The thistles of this section is a bien nial plant, being easily destroyed, I will givo a method of exterminating these thistles which I have tested and found ef fectual, and cost nothing. It consists in learning your hogs to cat the roots of the plant. Tramp on the buds of a goodly number of tho largest plants, in the spring season, and placo on each a taaspoouful of salt. Thcu turn your hogs on them. L They will cat the roots of the salted plants first, and will thus acquire a fondness for the roots, and will continue to cat them daily, as long as any can bo found. It one hog be educated in this way he will soon teach the whole hcrtbto cat them, and will soon cxtcnuinutc all on your farm, I have not found auy difficulty in keeping my farm clear of thistles binco I hav ad opted this method, which was more than twenty years ago. Other varieties of this tle may not be so easily managed ; but I have never seen but one of the same vario ty in the West and South." IIEN MANUIIE 1-Oil INSEO I S. A Wiscontin correspondent of the A mericam Agriculturalist has tried tlii -remedy with success, in driving away ants from apple blossoms and from paeouics, und to expel bugs from squashes- Tor four years ho has covered tho top of tho ground aroucd cucumbers, squashes and melons with hen manure, aud has had no trouble from bugs. He applies a wash made of hen manure to the hark of fruit trees and shrubs, to protect them against mice, rabbits and sheep. It aho routs tho bark louse. TO DYK A FINE JLACK. Put two or three quarts of water and a pound of logwood into an iron kettle and . , , lot tholrt rfiinatn all (lav. Ifrttl nml Ktrnin. , . . i i i uiru pu- iu jour lumunais auu ii( incin remain another day, airing them consid - crably. Take out the mateiials and stir ' u an ounce of copperas. When dissolved, . ,r dip them again until quito black and put 10 ury. wasii in cooubuus anu mule anu riuso them thoroughly. To I'ltESKBYE Eaas. It U said that CSH3 IlSVC beCll SUCCCSSflll 1 preserved by B . . ... r . , ppuring boiling water on them, to etand about ono minute ; till the surface next the shell is cooked, then pouring off aud pack Hmo11 Mnntrl C K. nn.l SM VUH UUIIUIUU III MlUUj W U V i . n .i . ... . . i. ieaVlDL' till wantCU, any time Wltilin ClRllt or teu mouths. To BIeasubk Cohn in a Cum. A writer in tho Prairie Farmer Eap : '-This way bo doDO by inultipljiug tho length, breadth, ami height together ia feet, wul tiplv thij product by four, 6triko Oil tho .... , , .. .. .... riRUt tianu llguro allU tllC result Will .UcKKI.VY. MJAIi & 10. IN THE FIELD WITH AM lNl'MJAtfLO 8U1TLY Of ' WT. would announce tn the public anil our friends that wo liitcjiiit returned riom tiro City witlra tcrv larao assortment of iM-nV OIIKAP GOODS, Our Btork of DRV GOODS comprise thu lircctt, rlnep cut, and handsomest now title red hi Hits town! Wo ant determined to coin pete with tho 1 nml nit those wlfhlnp to buy chenp, rnn putc money by Civ In? it a cult, Vi haw nil Minis nf tioodsand Ware u supply thu wunts of tlic people. A largo lot ot Jcg? J rcsg Q 00(Jg np wvlmiv nwonntPrnv OP EVERY DKS01UPION. WHITE GOOD OF ALL KINDS, Sleevci, Collar, Spencers, Hntidkerrhrf f. 1'LotiBclngs, uamisami 1 niniiittiefi, juices nni Losing, lluuuet Ribbon In largo v m My, Vei vil Klbbon mtil braids, Kid, Cot ten Jfc 1,11 Thread Ulnvcs Motnir MIU, Ac LL KIND OF SHAWL IJKOAGHES, Mack Silk, Cnthmere, Embroidered, Sell. &r, Also n Urft'1 anortiueuiof uuu, lswiiiicis, s.uruei, Vest lugs, Tweeds, Jenns, Boater Cloths, Cnittrnjr, Velvet &.c HOOTS k SHOES OF ALL KINDS and Sizes for Men, Women and Children, Wo have a large nnsorimentot naifl nnu i nps,ot laieci iasii ion We have also, llurdwure, UuteiiB V.rf, Cedarwtm1, &f. Very Cluap CnrpM, Carpel UnR. Floor, Table and Cnrriuirc Oti Cloth. Matit, Hugs, ltaki-tif, ic. MUSLINS, FLANNELS, TICKINGS, Dittycrs, Towliiif, Drilling, Jkc In abundance. Also, a large aisortiueni of Irnn, Nails Cheese, a fcfren miniilitv (if Kilt. etc. WcmritP mir trieud nnd the public generally, to glo us a tall ho fort purchasing elsewhere. Uc liao ton p h t our (rood at tha Lowest Cut-h Price, nnd will not bo undersold by anybody, ur t lie ret nf ninnkliid. McKIUA'V, NCAL&CO. ItiuPintlmrg, November 10, lstl). tiEtI2UiWs,0 SEMBiVAHY AND COLUMBIA COUNTY WOBAJAL INSTITUTE AT MILLV1LLE, rENWA. Important AtUlitinus & Improvements. Attlumn Term to Commence August 12, lPfil, nniH inxtiintioii whuh lu bem in tuutf?lul uiicra' I limi lor tlic p-it ten year. i about timli rpnin? a vry Important renin ation.lii order In place it m a more dtab1ubaistliauiwr, nndprceitt i'.n ill tint Inch are not BTirpas-d by ordinary Academies in Nortlurn IVnn atifiintn. Ainoiiir tb.' Imiircivemciits will be a larue t!ireu-tiried building ulm.li ftl'l sive nincli atidilional room and greater enmeni' ncra fur boarder, a totnmo- dioun lull lor a lecture room ami inimic cii-uih;, t ,...ii-tit rl.i.4 rtioni4. a tiliraiv and reailinir room contain' ing acabinetof mineral imd rurioitit'K. bath nmin, A. An nviinrtPiiri .1 nil I 1 1 1 (i mil I'll I V NUUlllit'd cLlS H'.ll teacher ami lecturer win b; at tin1 head of thu Hoard of l.i.lmnlir.ii. lint lliit I'rllH hlllt W ill lllVU tllU L'Clltral All )erintetideiicu of the institution and amume a tliari of JIU llllIlt'R Ol lUaCHIIIK. Ufljllliir H.-imir KIM u vim- ercdupnn arioiH H'iitlfic ttubjetta, an well as upnii tlie theory and practici of trailnng, and aNormal Cltio or y ou it a nieii aim women miu mm i uiini; im.ur ntlves lor teacher' profeHoti, will receitu especial at (iiiiti.ii, timl imelt:iln O. 'rim r.niirne of instruction In the frhool will be tho rough and pyitematic. calculated to embrace the arlmi braucheiiof.1 practical education. Ample pro liion w ill be made for tiio study of the higher mathfinatics, the hn i.tntinii of rhwic. and the Natural .Sk'iirrs, by means of suitable apparatus, and for the tudy of the Latin, Orurk, and (Jcrmaii language. to enable ntudeiits to quapfy themselves tor couimerciai aim a leuiiuc pur tilta. nr tn iiitrr nnv clans at colleee. The country lotatlun or inn seminary in a iieu-nni village, in a lienlthy and tlourihins neighborhood, wtll Known for ths elevated tone of it moral (eutiuient, aud where tut) pupils are not aurroiimifii uy inesu einorai Izlnif tiitliii'tirL-ji. and teiiintatiotn found in our fitien, larger towim aud iiuuy otltsr localitic, with no nui"idu (nlluelire to invert ineir auemiun iroiu iiirr.tiuru mm tho work of mental tultnre, prenL-uta attrai lions am! in ducement tocoimiderute parents einuloiH htudcii'.i", fo). dom found surrounding large cli"lt and acadeune The l.iterarv SorictyaUo, one of the (ddtt and beet conducted iu tlii nettiou riouiitr),pKieiiifl an ut trac tive feature and useful auxillUry, to a practual cdura tlKII. The linprovciiiciit will bounder the immediate charjr of an cthcicnt lloard of Tranteta, appointed by the ticm iu.iry Company, and will be computed in time for the Autumn term, to commence tlic Wth ofAujiuat next. While thatikf.il for pant patronage we w Uh to merit a contMiuanre of im'l.ir f,ior,'a we intend to include a limber (iradc nnd wider range o itiftructinu te refpet-t-fully )icit a curt. Oil examination into our fucililiev and claim. T E U M S : Roardin?, washing, tuition, lights and incMontal cx neiisc, for out quarter f tlmcn wt tku, will be Thirty boliam, one half payable in advance the otlxr half and all tuition bills will be expected promptly at thu ex piration of each quarter. Ittmi: lUiardiujr. w ith furnished rooms, ons quarter 51i."n Tuition in common Cugliih branchis 5,00 including Mntlivmaiics anil lltiok Keeping liy IIiiuIjIi- Kntry 0.(10 Tuition iu Latin, Urcck.anil Orman cstrn l.tw Waihiug, Light auil iuiiiicuul exnenst's, one iiuarti-r, 3,00 Tliodc u ho di-Birc to prunirf ichotaritilpn or attcnil by the ywar, will hti accotnininlatctliit u rt ii-oiiuIiIk diicouul anil itmlenU uirihiiift tn nrocuro room, bliould lual-c icniioiialil', aptilii-atiiiu. l or turtni;riiarlii.ulari naiircis, W.M. UUltOr.SS, rrlnrlpal. Mlllwllc, l-vun-n. Gcorqe MAdreRs, J. K. Hsri. ) llr. A.r. IIclmcr, I.LLw CvEi. V Trustees. IlkN'JAMI-l K. IVLK. ) .MilHillc.May.-l.lrUl. npiiE PExxs y l van "i a 1iotel7 IIAKVILW.. MO.V70VH COUMY, TA. ltitcrtailimctit for Van nml n&st, itt good Bt)!o and at nioiiurnti- rate. GI'.UIIUH W. FHKUZU, I'roprictor. Danville March, 2, lidt. THIS WAY CHEAP BUYERS. fj LOrtMSllI'ItO chmp caali Fiorc acnin rrplciiUIiPil f with a fresh nitk of &PHLYG GOOM-wo arc nnv pn'paruil to otn r to tho imblic u iry b tinlrfnttie lut of during ami ruiuiiiiT (Joodi at uiul low priccn, for HEADY PAY ONLY Come along with your canh anil produce. II. C. & I. W. 1IAUT.1IAX March a, lSlil. KXISHMS3S BOm TMIII I'roprktorof this wtll known and centrally lorn ted llutut;, thu KxiiivMiB HorkL, filnate on Mai Strt-'i't, in HlooinxbnriT. Iinnifili.itfly Mpoxitc the Colntn bin County Court lluuc, rerpi-rtfully ij-forms Inn friend and tbu public in general, that bid llotifo in now jn or der for ttm reception nnleiitert;iiintient of traveler win. may feel .lip"ed to favor it v itli their custom. He baa pure I no expen in preparinj thu iumjic, fyr thu ciitirtaiiuiicut of III guest, ueillur ahall there be any thing wanting (on hi part) to minuter to their perou.il comfort. Hi liuutu i vpaciou uiitl enjoys an ixcillcnt bUMHK,' locution. C7" Oinuibue run nt all timp between Hie rxebanse Hotel nml thu varinu Itail IUiat ept, by which trav eler will be pleuaantly ronvryeil to nml from the re ipectivc station in duu time to meet thu Cnr. W.M. II. KOONS. lllooinsbiirir. July". 1PC0 DHKSS goods, Silks, Calicoes, Shawls and ull kind of dry good for Hule (hearicr thait tiuiilat HAKTMANH, BETTER Sugars at lOcts.per lb. than lut bevu uld at'llet. for the past )nr at HAKT.MANH. S T O It K . WHOLESALE .1.VD RETAIL sim mm eatp airsmis Tim nnileriltni-U :cipi-rtfljlly Informs th" rltlw-tu tf Illooiiiitmrg, unit tin- jiiioiic in gnu-rai, mat iiu na. pur. i rl,Hrii-il tlio .V:r It.ir WOKE, iu the uiiita framublarc I lion1-, ou Main J?lnct, nenrly i-pjioite the lUchattv'e mni.iingi, win.-ru no ua. just rectiwu u sptciiLiu a.' j c-Jyy HATS AND CAPS. Direct fronitiio Manufactiiiici, of an kind.,. t)ii-.. .o,t, uud turi, late.t f.iiliioni, wtiuh he otfer. wholeule and n-taii.ui very low ii-fi. r-The.uGoodi will he mid at very lonpricei lor Ready i-ay. John k giutov iiiooiiuuurt, uctotrr ar. im,u, E 11 E NO IIO T E L. Till-, underslsned.. re.nerlfully Inform, hi. rrfeude and the public senerally, that he lias opened a house for lho eiit.rlaluuient of eu.tomer. and tratelen, at ,si:itll- i NO.In Ureetiwood wwu.Inu, Columbia Cuumy, (uboul to mile, west ofMlllilllo,) calle-d lho Sereno flf. Hotel. Whore lie li prepared tu Kcrouiomdali tlio public, and 11 WIIO Iliuy WYUf ...... W ,UI llltlf CU..OUMO geilCtdl Mf iKldCIIOII. Hi. Table and liar, will be well supplied and car-fut V nm,lucled.and hi. Htablinir isaumle and well sto.keJ eL no w in ui un iiuie. ui nappy ..an upon in. iriellal and customers. JOHN I.KUUOTT. Moreno, March S3. 1 SO 1 . m-;w nLAOKaUTn suo.u. rpHIiunderisiied reieufully inform lii friend and Htrctt. a few doors ahovotb.i'ork'. Hotel, in llioou.. 1 OIU CUSlOIIli T lliai IIU .14 'pc(lvU II Hit Oil (ill AIUI4 burz. wuere lio desisns continuing tlii i H.M I I HINO IIUSIN'RSS. In nil It. v.rlous branches, at low price,, and ou an cil i.ir,ed scale, aud solicits the nubile patrouaire. DO. t-l-odUM.Crain,&e.. generally taken for work BCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS HIE CKI.KnlUTCT HOLLAND REJ1EDV FOR DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, lilTKK tlOni'I.AINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, Ami the tarlcms atlrttioni eonsoiuent tipon a disonlcroJ STOItlAOII Oil LIVER, Fnch m Indispntion, Aridity of tho fltonmcli, Colicky Tains IlcorlliUrll, IXm in Ajuentp, iwjiuh'iiit, iwirn'mw. Wind (tud Utmlinfr, Pih-n. In all Nervous llbemiiatlc, and (urHlRfc Affect ions II h la ftnnierutu lntuirm irornl hidhly (w-nencial, and In others fffectcl a decided cure. ThH U ft punly Tt gctable ectujound, prerwreil on trtctty nclciitlDo principles, after the hnnncr of the nckbrntod Hulhnd Irofenw, IWtrhme. Iti reputation at homo pro daced iti introduction liere, tho demand fommencinje with tbwi or tho lntlieriftixi wniicriHi ovr in nee 01 u.i miffhty country, miuiv cf whom brought with tlicm nnd hiindwl down the tradition of Its lalnc. ( is nmv rfirrt'l to the American yniilict Iwntinq that itt truly ivotidtrfut itirtlicinal tirturt mint It acKtmwtffrd. It li particularly rfcoinmended to thoo permns whose constitutions may hare Ken impaired y th rontinu-ms uio orAnkntplrlta,orother form of diswlpttlon. Genornlly hiNtmtiiioiiu In rfTvrt, It finibi Its way directly to the sent of life, tuilllliifC and qiilckenlns every nenis ralt-lutf up the drtu;nK pptrit, ruj, m nci, inniMng new licaiio nuu vigcr m the pjnu'in. NOT1CK. Wlioeer expects to find this a Uternpo wl.l lo dkippidntedt but to the pick, weak and tow rplriteil, H will proo a r.itrfDl arinatic cerdia), voseessed cf lingular J liiucdhl frfpertks. ( READ CAfcEFULLY! i Tlie flenuln Mchlv coacentrHted Iferrlnvo's Itnlland ) Hitters li put un In half plut lottlt-s only, and retailed ftt On DutUR perUttle.or fix ImtllMfor KivI)0LUM. Tho . LMtrtdruMiid for IhU truly etlvbrnteil Medicltm ban Indncod many Imitations, hlcli the public should guard agalast piar living. . ' Uu-Iiearoof Impoi-ltlon. Hee that our name w on tno libel of every bottle you buy. Sold by Druggist generally. It can be frrcraxded ( by Express to most points, j soli: PKOPHIKTOU8, 1 BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. I njKcrACTnitraa j harmarnt(tsls and Ehcmusls.. PITTSBURGH, PA. for flali- by (!. 51, Ilagi'iibuUi, Drut'gul. Illo'imriirs l'a li VANS & WATSWM irStsAI.AMANDr.il WAl'ES, Itf.- jJr- "irT- iii,rlii 'l,,i Minn'-'- ii-i w-ipii. i. s-.wPaVw5sJ miikci of tocki fiual to any u. a Iu I , Mi, ITnilcl Kl.itK. FtrrSfiJc itt onr jin. Ait tame out right; vil ran- ' tcntr in I'ooit roniltlion. ' Tim tfalaiuanilcr Safes of I'iiTa lulpttia a,-Mit the uiitld. EVANS & WATPON, I hnvo liiil th? wire iloiiioslrntloii iti tftn fallow ing rer U fit. ate that tli'-lr matittf.K turo nf H.ilatiiaihlfr af. lias nt Ifiistli fully warnuiti'il the rrrreai'iiUtmii wliith luo li'en ina'lf (if tlii'iu ni rci tite ring an umlt'uMod sfcurity i against tin tcrnuc tK'iuciit. rtiiiail)iiin April i'.-. lit. Jffr Frnns ' lttont (ii'itlli-tin n It allnrils us tliu hiiilii'Ht patiif.iciKtn in Ftite l'i Jim, ttmt ninifftu (lie it' ttrolcilivc 'iia!ilictf (if tun nf tliu H.ilainitniliT, H.if'S ulittli f purcliarti'il of jon sotm fivn iinnitli out re we havftl a l.irirc imrlion nf jci( Iry. ami all cur bunk, Ac, ')(.iiI tn tlic ritliiiiiiiioiist, tire in llaiiotcuJ Iu.u on ilf iiiorniiig (Ttlie llth iut.. i When uc r' ll 'Ct (liat tln'ff cafin wrra I'irntcil in th ftxirih sfory of tli ' liiiihlhiii r( ii)ni.'il mu that tlicy , f-'ll Ktilmf'iiH'iitly intiiQ In'iip itrimriiinz riiiiin, ulu-ru tti'i nt conn titration of tlie lint caimcil tho lirnxa plates to int'lt, wu ciiuiint t n i.t ri'panl tln'pn' rvntion of tiiuir vnt uabln runtvntB n whI cnmincitig protf of the great cur.ty nlT-inli'il by jtmr cafci. I Wu fliall ttk! (.Teat pleasure in rrc"mmr,tiling tlicm U nn'ii u ijiiiitii'(i at a Hiirc r-'ijancu aunitii urc. ITT'fliet liaM! milieu pnrchuiotl ix large Saf.s. AtmiifltSil. 1"5'J- rllK undcrdisnnd i utn ntonlvily encacod in thu tIu,lertnita,T tliixinrm. 11 lid k.-LMi rollstlltlllV OU hand lid for alu at In Wan-room, a large a-utuicnt of FINISH I5D csB COFFINS, Py which be ia enabled to till onler on pri'f. ulati'-n Ai-rtij-Kecnt a i-ooit HurM' and Hearse, and will at ul times be ready tu attentl ruuert,!, r .,,.,, Cl.itU.l ly. CUIMJi Hl'tnuifbnrg, January S 1. 1-50 SAVING FUND U. B. Trust Company. Comer of Third and Chestnut Sis., Phil (. rAUttn and small suin ren-ivct an. I paid back on A .liHiinii.l u Uln. Ut lintiri'. Willi YftV I'l-'R KM IsUR- er fnuu tlw day of lUpnait tu the day of withdrawal, limit IIol'R -Prom ! until o'do'-k every day, iud ou Mo why Kt.MMt. from 7 until oibu k. rri'M b'nt-sri:nii;N u. cuawi uuij, Tr iiu n'r VtAx Kk, Teller Juiiid It. lUattr. DIK120TOHS. Stephen It. f'raw ford, Daniel IWilli'tunH, llciijaiuin VV. Tnitflcy, (Iii,ri: Juiikin, Paul II. UooJurd, M, D. Alex'er L'. Hart, M, I)., l-atncK llrady, William 51. tlnilw in, J inn-. D.-vercaux, II. t'r.inl-liu Jackton, Thomas I . l.ea, li liny I'Mk, .March til), ly. " " V. 0. HAlUtlSON, M7 tTTnill.H i-pttiprtfullv Inform tho ritlzcn of lllnoiof- Y burg, and irinity.Ui.it he rout iiuifit the prailituuf And Fotlcitu n fhan of public patronage, 0k. on Main Hlreet, llrat houo Ulow tho Coutt lloiire, lUnoiiliburg. IVbruary 3, It'M tf. TU11ACCO H BKGAlttf. MARSHALL HUGHES, WITH wmiixs.u.i: unuxKri s Maiiufacturtd & l.iaf Tobacco, HAVANA (iKKMAN AN!) DOMESTIC, N, 13. Corner of Trout and Arch Streets. J-tlllllU hauls. I jamcs m. aovn. I l-I,.m',I.rilIA. Manh 10, l-ai-l.'iil. "THE UNION," Jtrth &trttt,Jlbove Third, PHIAD K 1. 1 II I A VlfifBtrrSr ', Wi i ,,Ti',g MOVKt) to :i)3 mrtiimt ami. i'uLip5;n hM IklrU PkilnMiMa. Iinvi- ou l.'i .tlvtif uiul n tamo ainortiiii'iit ot 1'ire f ! R7S5i tftfeS ,'1'l'i,"f ""-""f 'loioinil'-r H.if. . & jJatUKl'SS '" iloori. f"' linnks nml rpilll citu.tliou t.f thii llotrl render it one of th inmt , Hutluci and Ornamental Peiimuixlup. and a Urge Ku X luiiveuiiut tor lliuae who aro tit it lug Philadelphia gra ing of the College, imloe iweiityftvo cent in Poal on lmiiu'ri ; while to tit "mo in search of pleaeur?, the ujfe Hlamp to tlm Principal. coiii-tantly paiiu ami repaying City Hallway car,1 JUNUINci U SMITH, I'JUburgli,Pj, aud tho in clogo proximity, atford a cheap and pleas. Jan. 5, IrOl ly. ant rid to all place of iiitereul uud uinueinent in or - - 8 'nw'ro"rielor give aurimco that -Tho Union' WALL PAPER I WALL PAPElt ! ..imminii.,., ,.i,,i vi.u.Li r..-n..rir.iiiv ml ir .t. Peiieril rtuase. urru.N b slwi uii;h, , .v1M;.::;,-;, 1'cUuary 'il, ltW)-P3ui, PropntHor. Air ALL PAl'l'lK, WALL PAl'EU. I n Jo. t received from N'ew York u larce and Su perior lot of tlio nbovo named urticle lor Die r-jirnilf tradd ut price, ruuniuz from Oi oetil. iwr pieca to j cent. II.L'.fc 1. W IIAltT.MAN. Muomsbur!, I tb. -J, lobl, w- i ttmoi uvipn i trntri OT-.nrnci I Jj-vijv.v uuui oiviriao, Ju.t rerei.etl rloiuethiiig new ill that line. Call in Ladies, aud cut one. II. C. li I. W. IIAHTMAN. lltooin.burc. Ucb. 1. Icbl. 001' Skirts iu ubuudaueo from -Ucts , Scrofula, or King's Evil, i a constitutional iliseim-, ft corruption of tho blood, ly which this llulil becomes vitiated, vi cult, and poor. Uclng in tho circulation, it fiCIVttks tha Tf hole hodjv "nil mtiy burst cmt n discaBO'on any putt of it No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. Tlie scrofulous tiint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impuro air, tilth h1 illthy habits, the depressing tins, and, above all, by tho Venereal Infection. What ever bff its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending " from parents to children unto the third and lourth generation j" indeed, it scctts to' bo' the rod of Illm who says, " I will visit tho iniquities of tho fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from tho blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organ, is termed tubercles; in tlie glamb, swellings; and on tho surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in tho blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com- j plaints, but they have far less power to with- stond tho attacks of other diseases ; conse i quontly, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, aro still rendered fatal by this taint in tho I system. Most of the- consumption which de cimates the human family has its origin directly ' in this scrofulous contamination ; and many I destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, , and, indeed, of all tho organs, arise from or are aggravated by tho same cause. I One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; J their persons are invaded by this lurking in i fection, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanso it from tho system wo must renovate tho blood by an alterative medicine, and in- vigorato it by healthy food and cxertisc. Such a inedicino wo supply in AYER'S Compoinul Extract of Sai-saparilla, tho most clTcctual remedy which tho medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active rcmcdials that have been dUcovcrcd for tho expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and tho rescue of tho 6ytcm from its destructive consequences. Hence it (hould be employed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as liuurnvc and Skin Diseases, Sr. Anthony's Finn, Hose, or KuvairEL.vs, Timi-ies, rt-sTur.ES, liijTciir.s, Ulains and Bon.s,Ti'Morts,TETTEn and Silt lliiKvx, So.ir.o Head, Hinowokm, ItiiF.CMATisM, Svrim itic and Mekccuial Dis eases, Dnoi-SY, DvsrErsu, IJeiiiutv, and, indeed, all Complaints auisino ruoM Vitia ted on iMruitH IIi.ood. Tho popular belief in " impurity of the blood " is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. Tho particular purpose nnd virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible In contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE FUHFOSES OF A FAMILY FHYSIO, are so composed that disease within the ranee of their action can rarely withstand or ctade them Their penetrating properties (.earch, and cleanse, and imisorate ctery portion of the human organ ism, correcting Its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, tho invalid who is bowed down with ftaiuor physical debility is astonished to find his tealtli or encrpy restored by a icincdy at once so simple and inviting Not only do they cure the e cry-day complaints cf crery oodjv but also many formidable and dangerous diseases, 'lho agent below named is pleased to furni&h gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cure and directions for thur use in tlie luiiowing eompiauus: cosruc tuss, lltai tbttntt IU ailathtarisinyji om disordered Mvmuch, Xdttsia, Indigestion, Pain in ami Morbid Inaction of the lioicels, rUttuUncyt Loss of Appe tite, Jaundice and other kindred complaints, arihing fiom a low tatc cf the tody or obstruction ofiU functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Will THE ltAI-ID CUM! OP Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Ilonrtencss, Croup, llronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, mid Tor the relief of Consumptive I'ntieuU in advanced stages of the disease. Bo wide W the field of its usefulness and so nu merous are the cabes of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, vho baicbccn rcitoridfrom alarming and ccn desperate diseases of the lungs by it! use. When once tried, its superiority over ciery other medicine of its kind is too apparent to cscaiie observation, and where its irtues arc knovn, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and dangerous affections f the pulmonary organs that arc incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the communltv have failed nnd been discarded, this has gained fiiends by ccry tiial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can nccr foiget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. " PREPARED BY 3. G. AYJGR & CO. LOWELL, MASS. II I. l.utz. J. R. Mojcr, r..'.M. Iluscnlm -It. lllooinflnir; .. .Miller. Ilt-rn ilk, auJ If ong .lure iu n uiy lew n in i'eiiiH) iraina. GILL & PAUL, General Commission Merchants, liKALriU IN Hell. ProvUlDiiH. riour, lluttcr, ( ln-ese, Oiln, Uric i run it, liraln, Cecils, lit anu, min-kcy, Country Troilucc ami Mcrcliautliim gfiicrally. NO. 31 N'OBTU WUAUVt-rf, PlIlL VDELl'lIU. P7" ( 'uiitttiTii infills of l'roi Uiong, l'lour ami Countr rroduro doIk itcil, ami return promptly made, tab lulwuicu.l nhfii ileelrf'tl. ()KHi;i; rr mi hum or t itn, rrovuion, i iour, lr uU I rinu. &.?., fllletl aumluwi,fet tudi l'licu. A u st -1, leoo l-.'iii. TLWVAHE et STOVE SHOP. THH underi'jufil respectfully (nfortns hln old friendl and tiiiitoineri. that he ha purthaeil hi brothers intere! iu tho ahdvo iiablisiuieiit.audthu concern wiU liereitrter ho tondurted by himself exclusively. lie ha jtut rt'ct'ived and oiler fur naf, lho l.irtt ert and iimrit cxteiivu aortiucnt of l'AN'CV wfUriTlJVl'iB ever introdured Into thU imirUit. Tbc. Hid otock consist of u comploto miortiueiit nf the het Oookiitji uud parlor stoves in tht nmrki t, t tptth er with Stove Hxturt's of rery dcrrriplinn, iHen and llox Liuveri. Itadiutortf, Ojlindar i?tu t-w , (t Iron Air Tjirlu ftovci, (.'a-inoii rtoi'ri, ic. &c. Stovepipo and Timvarti constantly on hand ami manufactured m order. All kind of repairing dune, an uau.il, on 1. 1 tort notlie. 'l iio patrouao oi oia mono una m v ciimouku re ipertfully solicited. A. M. UUIXUT. luuoineuurst . ovun.uvr iuu. n. S35.00 rayitht entire mitt fw Tuition la Hie u.rM popular and utHi'egiiful roiniuercial heboid In tho rotuitry. Upward fTwtlvo Hundred joung men from twutty -eight dill rent tateri.liavc beeti educuled fur buinean lierv with in the part tltreo yearn, wonm of whom luu Ujeu t-m ployed :u Duok Keeper at la'arics of 82000.00 per Annum, immediately upon graduating, who knew nothing of ac conn ti win n they entered thu College, . .Minister mis half price. rtudeut4 enter at any llme.and review when they pteau, without eUruihnrge. Fur Cut.iliiTUii of tilt oaiti. r-ueriiutiii of Prof, t'ow lev'rf nat. I 1 UST receh ed from the maiiufaitor Je In r.ontnn, an urticlo ofmost excellent 'iiialitv. I challeinro cuiiine' tiliou us to ttglt and nrc. Tho uuilersil'iicd will kei p borders to lualrll uuy of tlio r!lj les ou baud and is liiuuui, j,.in.viieeii I e le it.su. a .u ems c-.'eiiuii ui the County (liteiuy Lxteusivc fc'tuek an Uxauiin&tioti before rurihusius, J Cull ut ttliperuru.t OtTim E. I, THOltNTON-. Hluoiu.buril March '.'.'J 1W1-. IVJHSTililt tiO I Sifi, Nos. 0, 11, 13 and 1 5 Oourtland strcctj HOAR!), SI CO PEll DAY. D. UAVINCIIIISTUII. TII08.1). WINCIIB(Ti:U. XEW YORK. iKD FOR THE sriXDV CCItK OP Norvous Proetratloa, Cenoral Debility, Asthma, Dyspopsia, Gcrofula, Haratmus, Paralysis, Chronic Bronchitis, Anemia, ChloroiU, ' nnd all DiwrtlcrB of thoEloodSysUm. DO YOU KNOW IT? rovsrnrnov H the hot fatal fcotT.Gn or MANKIND. It hM been truly wgarddWs r wet M m e MAUnr-ow c cr iLrTtvlrffHs Mlaifc, OitMfx.ft vf the whole hvnun raffny J'r-'l1'?"!!' in?r MoninitAN t'M. ha 1 y ov -Aii. Tm; 1, l.J VO l. I.A'ntiNjfinrwtciTlUrcacornmur.nf'-srKIIirnm Tliw MKAF." Wbftta sal couiniiuUry ou tu loaaleJ cfllcjicy onhoHfRllBjj Art I ThfllirUlhnt Mscvory of Tr. nmrrhill, minTe nther Imiwrlal Aradfmy of Medicine, nf pans, has provul art insUimaLttbion to Urn world. Vy tho e ft lh new and pnwifut rmcUalapcnt taoyni to lliftnlFlry as THE HYPOPHOSPMITEO, "Tho CUIir. of CONBCMTTIOX, even In tho Second ontl Tlilrd Btnire(nto ptrlo), threfoPf, when there eon tic no douM to the nntiiPO oT tho IlMfte) 1 tho JlVhK, while- URATIt IS THH i:xci:rii"NV MiKsoT,wMiWr.i,.i "Ihot Ihcr nill ppnro notonl an Sl'HE A lil'.M. EIV In CON8C MTTION ns Quinine U In Inter ralttcnt Fever, hut nUo nn ctTvetunl n rilCSKR VAliVi;w Vaccination In Franll Vox. nd Bii(rorcrtTtlio values health and lift?, tlflay an Iio'ir to try litis remedy. Hcmomtit r that ' prevention U bftter than otire." Ilewaroof self decepli-'tor tlio r-itlit.-s nsmraiico ff frlftids that"7i it only a UiU coll' " Fatal error to myrUls r. hn now All prunatiiro graretl Ulve, I entreat joit, prompt at tint Ion to tlw EAntieav states qv coKsuupTtatt, "And tiipmi. PKNH phali. follow Tiit.'' Mark. "lho rtrfi'Mt pyinptom or tuuertiilar uisciaH H w astjnu. Xprereilc3thecujhtikU It Is earlier, In jxiiut of tii.10, ILin lho rEcrtr. H la Orel maniftatod Itt tho fare an I hmlt TI10 mtwcuUr tlssuca was to ; honca jlu.uit : tlitro liaBtT.Stfofs'.methiugvrrorg & fating llwt "(m TirAt i-ovtkiw a its mtiGiNd. Tho waste ot lho lllllg mathino la moro actuo tliau Its rqxiir." Dr. Vt&XoCk. " t,cithoutin'j apparent cflnw,or under the Influence of caies which huluco wnAKstta and ixiui (.tmn ; ai.cli as wantfSn f,ovcnonk,exrei, prefftianeyt child leannj, nunin-j, rajid groivth, or tl-w rcxtnerg Jrtm diuaje, n person begins Ij Juso hti lleEli, ftringih, rolur. cr appi-tllo ; If li-) suITora front ihortncu ot breath, or rWi'IcJieaud cxperler.rta ft general ftclhiRtf Inn auvrarttldcrrtstinnnirliV. 13 JUIAtOX TO H-Xt Hist he is atrevty j-rnUpord to (ft comi'taint. If to tlnhu pyniptoms ho added cough, however slight, particularly if it hns enmo on Blowly, or durlrt; lho filr scascu. TUB F1.0UABIUTY 1.3 GliKATLlt lSrHJL"Vhurthi'd. EFFECT OF THE REMEDY. " If, on tho earllett nppe nronco of theno lcn of CtHiKumptloii, the pntlcnt tnVct dntlf oboiit ton l-rclni of tho HYromOSirilTES, he xtll iiMinMr tee them oil disappear In a period varying from a few woeki to a few months) and by continuing lho oreotlnnul iiao of the Itemed j, US WILL SPUED ILT FIND IIIM3ELP IN THE ENJOVMEKT OP sucit health An nr. vzvatATB, iiai mtvxji knowx ix his lifi: nnronc ' VInchestep's Gcnuino Preparation" 14 T1IC only mxiAiau Form of Pr, Churchlirrf Ilcmody. Mido from tho original FormtiU.J Tho action cf tho Jlypnphohi hltes Is t o-rnij) and epeciflo ; iiicnaring tho pri utiplo hiucb oon TnTt tu jrmoia roncB, nnd they ure iho um.i rovr-Bitri LBLf)Oi-CE.vEnAiia ce.ts kmvx. Tho effvf t upon tho tubercular condition Is IMMJ-.l'IATI', all ma CSNKRAt BTMPTOya I'lSAl'l DIJV) W 1111 A KAI lUTY V1IIMI i3rtEAMTKAKVi.i.nrs. Tln'y reliet e lho cough, wniu eipocloratlon, improve lho apix-tito, arrest fliarrlioa; tho nijht sxKfats, chVtt, and feur iraso ; lho bovcU Ucme regular, and ma rulp calu ami j-kofood. A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIN CURE I IpBKWARKof Ungus llrmflits jlilrtrtlbi-,1 03 Pr. Clnm.hlll's,iiniUllothir SWINHUXli MARIS torob suir.'rtTS or their means, Iff irrnViin time, nml Imtcn a FAriL kksult. Vrita to hm fur Cll:ClLA1.3t c-td for Sr. Chmcilll's Treatise on Consumption, xtliirh cnntnln lho otili tiitflvntie information In rrpard to thin SW TBOTJICNI. S-i'Ut IkEi! to nil tnijulruil. PRICE tin 7 iftd lCoz. Dottle., $1 and f3 each. Tbreo larso. or .lz small for 55. My fao-.imllo I. on both tho XAbol and Outsldo Wrapper. HO OTHER IS OEKUINE. JSTS Tlo not conrounil tills Remedy v. Hit tlio t o-rallej " I hemlcal Food nmt particularly ncl.l nil jri nitra tions containing iron, w tin h Is insomut s, anil Cul-lwvr 11, whieli has vo Cl tUTl E rttoi lkty s iiato fr. ' woM by tho most repjiectjihle rrnpglsts thrmiphout hi- Unllril Pistes anil Hritl-h l'rovlncrs, and Wl.olisalo ptlltctall at tho Gcn.ral Uenot In tho United rtatei,l7 J. VIKCHESTEB, SG John Stroet, N. Y. Jlarcli 'J, lid. LishtlLidit! Light ! I A 11 (i O N COAL OIL BDltM'MIS AXi) LUM'3 FOK BUR XI KG l.-OAI,, KRROrtUNC. (Ill c-.tnr.ON' Oil,?. Tllllbe-t, nioet hrilliunt, and ilic.ipest ortalde light now iu use. No ,1 inser of esplusiou and ch.'aper Ihuu lluid, lard oil. Iiah oil or camplu lie, B-ayi;ilUAI I U OAS. -a Without lho ovootiKi- of ens flvtltrON. The aboe l.alilDS tw 11I1 all their lam y triiiuuiugsi inn be seen an I Iui2ht lit tlio OIll I St,IOISIO 11 iiriiu llllll cneiiueiii nolo llie' ontl, rxi'tieil. who ll.ittera hiiiipelf that from his Imiz ex perience in the Urns trade, he knows how nud wh -re to liuv. nud is ileteriiiined nnllii be undersold hv nnv one 111 Itlooiusburir. or surroiiiiiliiii: country. Call und sou lus new and well s, leeleil ttutk of IlltUIIS. Mlillli.'I.MLlM Ml UIICMIUAI.S. I'AINTb VArtNlfllliS, UVf.tfl'Uri'.s. OILS (ll.ASri 1'IIIIM 7s!l to'.Mn:lll, CONFULTIONA. aitis. ruiti'iijir.iiv nu i'Amjv '1011 i;r. ah. TUM.Kd rou 1.AI11LH.& UUNT.-S. TOBACCO AND CIGARS, AbfIM ItramU, I'ateul leduinct of ccry,nnety in uo l.i'inurn. (ntir-'i for medii innl use onty, 1 Inid.Cuiiidieue ('.irbon Oil, Tiirpentino and Alrohol. Tni"ieH ,-hoiilder llrncig and Abdomiiiul .uppoitorti, rturyn.;.! .iml l' ii tnl liHtrniricutrf, fiA$U nml and tootli Hru hud, rninpluit phn y'K llotmepttthir KcnH'di"i. (J.irdeu, Canary, JUpc and tlrmp xecd, Theriuonietcri. proof pL-iK .Mororm LeHilier ami th'H riuuingk, ic, tti to-jiihcr w till tho htrjjcat and nnu-t nrlcd nxiiortnieut of Ot rniau Toj and evr hrotilit to this pi act, all nf which pkitu tall nud ; nee and ou inn ft belio o. Having learned by mid experience that "long crtvtlit ill not kei-ji thing iiiniinsf," 1 hae determined to McaIibuyen, to make a an (djert to ih'-m m well i tho Killer, lo deal ou lho taIi prim. (pie, i-itlmr money or rtady tra'le. Il.tiug ered a regnlur npiin nlireliip at lho Drug and Apoiln i.iry hiittiue, beidi-H having cirried it on iur in it i.iri rizm en j i arn. on my ovi. ii-niit, i iiaui r innolf that 1 am able to do jiMue tn all giMn? me a trial. Thankful to tho public for pa-t tinorn, 1 would aka trial on tlu now priiuiple, and will gtt.irnnti e to all.that it w ill make long I'rif-ndtt, and pay hut in the end to pay cah and buy at reduced price 4, .I'll YSlUlAiNd I'll KM KUTlUiNM enn fully compound jd, and all orders correitl answered. Al meiliciueii guaranteed a it recomtn.'nded, ftore llooiii un .Main Htrett, near Marktt, next door lo tlio Post Ot (ice. UlouuiBburg, Cutuiubia county, I'a. LrJlllAIM 1'. LUTZ. Augu.t i, 1?C0, A In I e bnl ollen fiiu th" pnrne. SAVING FUNDS. JHANKI.IV HAV INC ri?N-No. 136 J?oiiih I1 routihfc'trectjhitwicti Clutum and Walnut Philadelphia, pay all deposit on demand. j lb'i"jiiir' money eciired by ( lover nineiit State land City Loan (.round Itetttc, .Mortgage, Kc, l in uoiiipau) iiet in it tati t y mitLr Diau large tirutili. roiibc'iticiitlv u ill run no rlk u itli dnuul. jilor' money, but iino it al all Uinurtail to n turn V ? ill. .1 unr r-tiMl int..n.Ll t., II... .,!... I. ..... Z yialway dniie. Tin lompauy noer mipeiid d. n irinuii:i ittaifii ii mi diiiii,-, uini ,riiiiii, iuii tif - poit in tin. i r own right, uud urh depwil tuiibuU wiiuuraw u ouiy uy tiieir (oueni. Charier pepcinal. Incorporated ly the Plate of IVuiuvlvania, with authority tu receive mtaey 3 Trout trustee and Lu colors. , MMIK ,iXti &JU.1LL SUMS 11KCF.IIT.D. 1 Othce open daily Irom to :i o'tloik. and on Wed iivBi.il v tiling un ill a u i i"t n. n unmans. Jacob II, Shannon, (')ru Cadwallnder, J.ilill Sliilidlur (ieorge Itusfdl, Mjlarlil Kloan, Lewu Kruiiibharr, Nit-hf'la llitifiihoiijie. I'.dward T. I( acr, llenry.Ih lany, Nathan I; medley, l'uhriaui Pl.inchdrd. Jo. II. Butliertuwtittt1 Ji,l-IU f .111111. ILIHI, JAtfuil li. MIANNON, Prudent, CYHIIfl (UnWALLAUKU, Treasurer. .Marth U, Ir't I l Jm. i i ! , A Dollar juved i twice earned." WilONAL HOTEL, (Late White Swan,) RACE STREET, ADOVV THIhD I'UII.AIUCI.l'HIA, JOHN DOVER, I'lopnslor. 1UA3. A. TINr.,Clsik.. ThOSe fj:iboi'i Wiulcr Hli-kiii-ss can nt ftiicu rclli-io tlioimvlvcf from tlio thou ,ft,l nwlailic. thut It-ill is htlr to, If ll.oy will .ml, follow llK-eonim l of nature, anil Inko tlio Micilicllii) wMih lii-t nuiliti licr II; hi-r '"ilwi.. I lint im-'H-"ill!) la tho YciituMu Ufu Mcillcluci of Dr. .MoirAT, known ad Moffat's Life Pills nod i-TKK-NIX BITTKUS. --a-i.i - i.. t.,i beforo t'AC nub Ic for o titrlod of 3D year., ami during that time have niiilti- pajtr.. Vol.. 1 to XT IucIubIu-, nro now ready.eaelt lalni'il n lilsli cli.irutlL-r In iiliuoat oery pntt of tlio Luiitniiinff noar 'J.oinl, onsiunl nrtlclt-.. An adililional L-liibo fur thu cxtrnordinwy curutlve propcitici wihci voluino will bo publlhi.-ii unci-In abuuf three tnonth. llioy of. I I'lleo, in aoth.VJ l Hlicep, $3 OU j Half Mor., 1 1 Hal iV! I'll til t'st jIft PlllS I The NeAuiem'aiiC)Clopir,llnlpojtr(irnlllioiitfc. J.UU11UI O JJ1V Inn .iiperlUlal, loaineil but not pedniile, ioin"Vhrnlvo Moir.it'. Ufo Tills aro Inilebtoil for their namo to their but iilKUleiilly di tailed, fn c from pertfiual piiuo and manire.t mid nuibla tictloil in puiiljlu? tho inl"l! party prejtnlico, froiti and )ctnecurate. It Ifntonipkto ami rliaimel "f life, nnd t-aulint tliuiu with renewed .tntemcut of nil that i. known upon mcry ImporVantlop-' torn- nnd isor ; nml to tin) undoubted fail Hint at n VI ry c w itli Iho scowi uf liuiunn inte;tlrliro. Kvi-ry InipoiU only p.tit in their Ill-tiny, they had rescind iKilVrerj anl'iittitlo Hi it hn beeiijpeeiall) written for h. paf.i front thy very veruo of an uuliiiitly grave, vert'rtiy .u- ,y mr)1 who nro iiutliorltlcs tipon tho topic on whiclir rilrlniln llivin that tinit'orin flijoyiiieut of health, Willi- rliey irpenk. They nro re,Uiridlo b-inj the nibjtl up in tuit wbirh lifo itself i. but u partial biesalnjt. Ho (treat pri..(.nt 11101110111' to state J 1. 9. t liowlt slands n.ie. All1 I Indeed had their etlllliey mvnri y t'ri,,-,i, ". , ncarcely less than niiraculoii. to tlioao who wire uiiiic- ' iii,iinted with the U.'auliful philo.uphlial prinill'les ! uiioti which they wero luinpimiided, mid upon wlncli they cutise'iueiitiy act. , also 01 inu in inn. ji 1. 11 nitrary 1,1 11011. imiiiii'riiu nttrVJiy 71 1 VPF Jt X AnmiiulMisr or 'III D.uvik oiCoMtluss: Ileing n alOrl'Al o i lllr-Vil.V nil IWI ,,itcn ,,try oflliu United ft.ile., froiulho orsanli.v MulTit'. l'lnienU Hitters are so called, because Ihey lion oflht! Iirst Vedi rftl loti)-res. in i:.:to li'oii. Kdit ,,'.., tlie turner of re.lorlui! IIU i spirlui embers of ' rd and compiled by llon.'l'iluMt. II. lllalus Irolil tho Of . 1.,... ll,r.iftt,lll the l-nillllOliOM. 111 " M .. ..r,. , .1.1 , ,. .tr..,l to life Ironl lho ' nilie. of Its nun dissolution. .M ercnrl.it IJiseas,'.. mere is proi,.iu,j . elven as 11 nieilliine, lho Injuilous use vf wbiili li.is (luiscd such wl.lo-sprend and terrible nilsrhlel to inn human svslcni us mercury, lis poison sinks deep int.; tlie system, penetration, tho subsume! of the bones, and produciiu n Iouk lr of p.ilurul d Uinses. 11 Is well Iiiiowii tli.it iiiaoy alleitlmis of the lliro.it, of the bone., ol lho iiimo, nnd liiall?nant sores, wliicll h.lio eeeil at trilsilvd to sjphilis, iiru s ollen caused by lho liijudi- 1 clous use of mercury, no Hi it Iiu reined) lus proved 1 wursu than lho illsense. I l.irii I'lLLS AND I'IKKNIX JIlTrr.KS. i The Life Tills ulit iIh 11 U Ihlters line ninny. been 1 siinallt siiccesl'.il In tlii. ilasa of din ases, and will eradicate all lho Hints i,l mercury troin tao sjsleni, .uoin-r than tbu most poweirul preparatious of sarnl; 1 inrllla. They aid natiiri! In rastlnir Irom Hie sj stem all poisonou. in.iU' 1, and by thus punt) ins the Hal llilids, ' they restore tho ste-ni to Ik-iiIUl. 1 liilioils Ui.iu,ljinu-A well re(tulteil and piopnr ' tioiinto ,tuanlit of lile upon tho stoiii.uh is alwa). re t ouistti' for the promotion of sound honltli it .tiiiiul.itiH ili','stn'ii,niid keeps tho iutestin il e.in il Iroe friun nil oti-lruclioiis. On in: interior surt.ieo of the liierlsn neculi.ir hladih r Iu whlrh the bilo is llr-t pn-Heriod, 1 belli" lorinod bj tho lilirlroin the blood. Theneo It I, ass, s Into the slouiaeli uud Intestines, and rinl.ites I the di'ielloli. Thus wo when Ili-ru Is n il, llilelley 1..1.. ii l,iv U eonst.iiitli-co-live. On the otlur hunt, nil over aiin'id.iiic.i uf Into iiius-n rri-'i,-nl na s on lho stomach, u'i'l o'len pr utes very seero alUcs of ilistllses, w 1111 11 sum. inn s 1 no in oe.iiu. LIKE MKIJIUIXKS. Tlio I.ifti MciIUiiicn flimilil, if jnwaiMe, ho ItiKi n hi i ri ei iir.-u hi liiluiiitjs LiMiinl.ihilit : iilid H tii-rs'- ' MTfd iii ctrU'llv ai-cnrdiiitf ttnlirri timi will piii.Iy j elicit a tun. Tin ir i-xlmiftve ut In tluitoinpliiiiil In nil p.irt of our cuiitiiK'tit, runIeM toiuniciit uiiiiocubi.i- ry-lh-ir xirtuui urthctn. Mi.ll'itV I.H"'i I'll l .Tim iu'J f ilicirill, fT a . ry tdi'irl tiuio, will nilfct an viitiru cure nt Halt Itliniin, nnd 11 striking liiipri-vi'iiH'iil hi tin' t Icirnon uf tin; ikii. I LVmimm UoliU and liitlucit i ulwnja Iiu uircl by one i!utvr "i l'Vtteii in uio wri c.im-h. lUta! in till Hit orijiti.iiir"pritiiir iu ui:i: .n,-i- ICI1I01 wu itueiMH I'lHtft'l .I- far s suiiidiin:, ij uiu ( uts of th" I.itu b-dirim i.lm.. l.Utll t.;oMPT.ill. H .in'iii'in tu luu hivii 11.1 in' KiniwJi hya f.ilimr of U-iiiiimi or p.nn m tin riyltt fi In . about iiu rrpmn i.f tli. Iicr, uftun iMim. ni n- in riy, but -JiHiictiiiica uun , u (uniciiii) m nr-i" i, breath ; dry tu'igli and inclination to vuntil. ibiidi- Hrwai! may bv puiducud by tdd, by inleiit riurti1, h hilciiaf vumiiier liciitf, b li-ntj tonlliHK'd till x fi-ver i or acuu, and by .irnnis fnlld cou(rttinii In tin nth (.'iiuu of th' liver. And tn tlh'X'' proiluiiita riun'-(f,,irj d(.riinpfiin itt if tin) dki'cll.u ini.iii-. nHppr wl mere tidiix, a id mental mdHiinde. wlntli nr- ,iy frcpunt lmiixcm of fdigtruUhm and ilic.tictt ( t tin li( r. 'llim iIUljihi- hliiMild In' lirreUd In th-) cniiinifiiremi'llt whhli can bo iiiuit! by a I'uw tU if tin hib 1'illn. Win n (nice lho ll( r is iiMUfed tit tint pirf.'ntmiirn of ttJ i.,ir ftimiuiim. littlo ltt'ire 1 rt"HiiiU' than tTin. i tlini1 u pr'M'tT n-e. of tho modii'iiifs, mid a pvt-dy ru cnv( ry w ill i'ii-u.'. , I'.iin m, At.LK - 1 Ur tint monrce f tho cptcrit. countr), tlicjio iin'dlrtnen will o-J loiiivi il rjk', fpoe ..n.i ...inn n-iii.-iU. tllht r iiiedltlll,' lca u the fij 5ti illrtiicn win U'i H'liim a wak, fpccii)- oiibjeii t a return of tho di-wano a turc by lliust. Mud idii-'f Ik perm.inenl. I s. .()(.... Tht! most Inirrihlo rate uf ."crofilhi. in wtiii li tlio f.u't1, hoiu'K and I mil-, of Hit! i tint h.nl bu it pro ed upon lt tin' iUHnli.ililo iiinfaf, are pruven, ny limb liiabb' aniliority of ih unil'trert tlicmn hi h, to h.ive I n rouiplet. ly mred by lh-.'o purely eira.iM ineduhms, .t!Ur all uthera had been lomnl more than Ufeh up. ,, , llidlL'eiittou and U pepia. If w wrro railed iipmi tu nun if nitt d fietce wlin li mop tn in nil) oilier i- im bane, (while it i Ui olNpriiij! ol i U lU.almu i we uli'iui.l , name Dj tipvp-i-i. It i nen.T.iny .ihciki-u or nin-r ;.ri.dil( tiw.nl a InliU tMltl i'l ltlr, iU(ll .M I iC'lTimiru, ' I'l.iiniciirv. ii uiiaw mil' ii.ii ii at tin tttoin.u li when empty a m uhc "t iiiicoinfiirtiiblii wriirht win n full. p.Mti a in tlio thr'Mt, tile, and pit of tin ftomadi, m-tivi iicmii. tlitlli- , liUrtK, t.lUU'Jr. I1UW llltlij.'liui'i I" ihtct.r(.iai'c I MtitVifa l.lfu Mediihn-is aro peculiarly adapied totho 1 Clire ot tllld U-in SilllJ! ciliopiaiiil llie) nil U Ill h.w 1 4 h 11 erv mild, aud.nl tin fiiuiu time, ,rv ( 11'- lual m.muer, nud Un e ni-cr i I f.iihd to cure tliifulin-1 eii-v wh -ii lined liicoriliug to our liirettionn. , Oeiteral Debility, Tin- mo-t coiuiiioti of ail com plamlt ii that of .1 geiivrul we-ikueM of Ih win U hm-t-m, uuacLotnpaiiK.il b) any p.iitiuil.tr tll-oid r, or ile- 1 llti.ite mptnmx of rli tea hc. Th-re id a little it il en- 1 rg u h ol apptllUMlliw iniiiyiieM". iuki huh cii in.t bility to un lergo t('TlMHii. fre-pirnt he.idafh'-i.. iudi- geslion. oltenlimeH mill ow lief and ilr iicj of the hkin, 1, iidemv to fcerihlinrin, unltiiK for noiiit. in hhori alUlioi'e fymptonir. of languor, di-'iun lode, and hi n k- er. aud a low . uulualthy and morbid londitnm ..f thu ltl ' t Ifo PilU -Hill riuiPIl liil(fr; LIIO Mil!) aiiU lilUUll. iIlli rfc,. Tim Life Tilli nnd Phoenix Hitter are, peth iih, the lu-ist remedy for rchtonug rlrengih tn the bod) lor, they act aa a g ntle rartaartic. and, b) thur tonic pialitieu, Btreiiatheii iiu nimiu fjfieni , Moll'it'ii Life 1'ilN.- l't r'us of aph t'mrir hain't, who ure fmhieU to ItU, lieuil.it lie, gi,iii;ueM(, utmu 'f . -.... .1..... ( I,... rr....t il ..( 1. in. .l t. icoiVad, -huuld lake tlieu 1'ilii trwni ntly. ADVILTl TU Mil.l.i.n. 1 uuaietJ who 1 ame ui -ir health fhould never be witnont the i.iiu menu me, an ihey purify tha blond, remote ohtiruLtioni.nnd give tho Hk Ml a OeaoillOl, liciir, injaiin ill iu ui'rHiniiu ,tjiit.ji- ancc. Ti Klderlv IVtbouk. Man healthy nged iudiritlti.iU wli.i know the nlue id Moirafw Life Mei'iUm, m,ik.i it a rule tn Uku them two or three timet, a. week, by whirli thiy remove tho ciuse that produce iln-a-e, pretcru their health, and ketp olVtho intirmilicu of age, l'jritt fnr MothfTM and XiirHCK. It is a fad, etr.h- I i shed hv lite aiiuu'tt IdiK nf umrt-ility, lh.it one .i.tlf of the ilul.irui borne tiro tut oif hifuro attaining hcmii talioit. anil lorlnoiuefHoi mo ioinaru uun ooi if, nnu coinulsious.althouijli w orm may iiol eui, it ualiuweU to ho superior to any other. .Motlaf PilN and Hitters.- No iuedn ii"h at prenetit known have don-i io iiituh good tn mankind a these, within thu la-t few ear;aud ruriainly mine h-mi tiiuonlal nf their invariable and exteiirHw et!n ary. T lull They reouire no ili'-tlnj; uur loiiliiieuu nt, are perfectly ! i bo" ' Zi. t'cx a., dam ,! , 1 rS., nm!" fully to Hie m-ii-t ixhaUnUd ami t!i upidatud coiiktlliitious. rrepitrfii ny Or. U'.M. H. .MOITAT. 315 Itruadway, New York. And for Hale by altI)rupgit apl'l til ly. 1000 Reward!!! WIM. UU l'.Mll For Any Jicdiciui) tliat will lixcel V O li I 1 Et T '3 c: x. Se jk a ru ;( HAl'l'IXESS. IIEAl.TliANl) Tor thopihk cure of Ileadathe, Tootharhe, Iilicnma tUin, Neuralijta, Puiu In th't ide. .Mack or itom.nh, Painter Cholic, or Cramp, I'rokiud i'nt or liar, 1 Sit ma I'renh Cuts, spraiti, l.ruisu liarihu;j, mid tiore Throat und all finular complmtiis. Tootharlie cured in leu iiiiiiute. r.nrathe cured in flvo minute. Headaihu nred iu ten minute, Hum a cured from siunrting iu two mitiute. Neuralgi i pain cured In livo iniuute, Cltolic cured In lei minute. Sprain relieved in ten iniuuteb. cure throat nlieed in ue mtuuu'9. To the tfoiiititud Oauhlersof ulllKtion, These thing wu prove on tho t-pot und befuro ) uur t ji-, only bring un )iur cases, lt'0Cae hate been ritred by oimAiient in a Finglu dayl Uvtry boitla warranted Try it ' Try it M Try il ' ! ' rHICK 'X.1XD 53CA:.T4" VIM ItOTTLK. UT A liberal tliscoimt made tn Agents, uud one wan ted iu every town, uUo few good travt ling Agents. All urdur uud comtiiuiib atinus ohoultl be uddrc md C. a. L'ULHIiltT At CO, 4th t. Philadilphia lllltUCTIONS rou USINd COLliKUTS UALM IN G ILEAL). Tor Tuulhacho apply It over lho laro and rums or the tooth mllcttil' pits.iug hand upon tho laeoi repent if not cured. Iu e.treiuu eases, wit rittiui with lho balm Ituil cover mo toon an, luiii, ror leauacne, uaine for Croup uud boru Throat, lake from ten to thirty drop iiiterually.on uar or in wetteiied warm wuiei: bathe the throat freely uud bind on u ilauiul, 1'or llvaduche, Kheuuiutinu Neuralgia, La mu Hack orhilo bathe Ireely with Uulin in Cikad J and generally take internally I'or Uariimnix ouepart Halm iu Cilcad uud two ol water and llmir, to make a jiitnti, coer tho burn with tho name. 1'or Cliolic. take iroui ten to fortv dron in liotwuteri bat Iiu the buwt I and apply wet illaniu)i. lu the above, thu mialler dose is fnr Children, und tho leiirt of anu , nml iiih toiit.ti t-ourii' ot tum uioriaiii) lit liiieicn 1 r.m ling 1 ruukj'. av;'.,Lvt.4 louud to exist in that foul lUilo of the btomath nnd Wim Itoiiitrt ,y l)ret Trunk bnweU whirli pro luced the j;enerHin ofwomiii. A ! Chihlrt n' Coailun, J'roprl-SiJifrYV2. tho .nf'i restorer infantile health in tin critical t-tato ler Leather and Carpi I ling StjfiM?iV5'l ii... 1 .1-.. t. .(1. In.-d h;iv! Into' In 1,1 a ,IithiLnih,d rt int. l'nrkhi'j Trunk Lr- . A. fKL:jftiWit5?X.TJ larger foradt ll ary affording to age aud circuuistanri n Colbert' Halm in (HI -ad i liarmlek. Colbert's. Halm in (iilead gie saiUfactiou, Thosu who have used Ualtn tu Oilead will not be with QUA Ui Agti'l wauled. For terms, addrc t C, iS. COLKI'HT ic CO., No. in Bmh Kuurtli (street, fhiladelphia, Pa. N.U. Order cut by K.iprfu to any pwl cfth; L'ni led fitles -i thu thotjt uolue, iUy i, liOl.-tut. IMl'OltTANT NATtjNAL WORKS l-Ulll.l8III-.n DY D. AI-l'I.LTO & CO. 4 13 artfMfo II roadway , icn York,- Tho following workanro scnttnltilti-criiieralnonyiinr of tlio country, (unmiriicclpt of iSilatl priol-,) by mail u t cxtir-'ii ntepami THU NI1W AMCltlCAV OVCLOI'CUIA A popular Iiiitlounry t.f tlcncnil Knonlcilftc. Hdiicd by 1orub Illi'Ltl ami UlURLta i. IMS, niucii uj h-ntmiurnu. .c lert coria of writer III nit LriiiclicofHclcnelpa, Attaml l.Uor.tor.,. TM.unrk U l,Lili Onbllilloil 111 about 15 ...i n m ....i, r.i,,ti.,l.ti. ?rji i.... tlio stallslieni iiiioruiaiioii i.iroiu 1110 inirsi repuri. : ina peocr.iphieat aecnunts keep pace Willi the latest eiplnra- thin ; Hslo-ical lualters imliido lho frcihestjust l iewrs (1C. hiogriiphltnl liot.tt 4 not only speak dftho dead, but 'll Ill-Uir, S III I.OIIffrtf SS. The work will ho touilillcd 111 13 rolnl mlavu oluinel 0C1M pnaeseach II orwWiS'aro now ruady. All nihil tfnnal iiu mi! will lis publlsliod onco In tliruc intinttiM. flnUi. V3i Law SIuip, 5.150; Half .lor S4: Half Calf ?t 5" nail). A WAY UP l'HOULMina T1IP. CVCLOIM'.DIA, Oil IWM.VYVA. I'uriii arlnh nf fmir, and rrmil l)n prftt'of four hgohi, and in 1' cnpir-g w ill bo K'lit nt tlic remitter' rxp-nu tor' rarrhif'.nr lor ten fuhfr riln-ri clc eu ci'jit wtll Ui cent ui uur vxpcu't'ior larn.ie. TU AUl'iiMS. N"n oilier works willvu tilicrally reward the cxcrtionR I'fApcMK. An Aiilsi' W'ammi m 'litis ruL-Hiv, TtTinn nmdc known un iiiiliratii'ii tu tho l'ubh lior IiIFIi INS0HN0K. Tin: outrun un: .wu.vt7:, jxxurr jtxn TJtUbV CtiMVJtXy VF VIltlJUiEWMA. HITH K. Ml. llH ( I1MTMT Klltri r, CAl'lTAh (p.inl lip.) f'.Mi 1HHJ. Vhartrr Prrirlanl', CONTINM'r.to iiMku INr'L'KANCUrf ON' MVJIS nir tin' inntt reason ah If b-rmn. The capit.il b-'inif paid up and iuvefti-d, ttrrtlirr wltlif 11 tari!" ainl t ('iistHiitly hierc.ialuit rimrvcd iiind, uiUrtr a iierfWt ttertirity to tho inenriMl. I'lni proiuiuuiiiii inuHt ho p.ud ) early half i arly, or qnitrt'Tly. Tin1 t'timpati) add a HUM'H i'rindicall to the Iunu. Mini 1 f hf;. Tin KlIISI ltosTcs nppn'priatul hi tie. tnnli r. l-II. tin Hr-CONIIISdNL'S hi Hi reml.er, -lU, tlni Till 111! HONTrf in D'CemlKT, IfjJ.amltliu 1'OLKTiI UoNCHhi Ili.-11'nib.-r, lr.W. Tli'-rm additiniM nrf m nlo wilhont ri'iilrhi(r any ituri-ani; in th" premiums to paid to thu 'iiiup.iny, Tltv' tVdlouini! uru a few tininpU-H frmn tin Id'Cii'ter. Amount i.rmiiry ami Ikiiiiim to b' itirrt'iiit d li) future nddiliuitrt. -I, I LIU IM 1,-ifni no b,;.l 01) Sinn ltmiiift r r I'oltty Injured mldiliii o. h'i :,m 8jj-7 sn l-U .'iixju to.nl 00 " (HH) lUU H) :ui simu 00 itliilii kti, rnitl.iniiiiif t.ibb'K of riiti nnd iiilni..i...,t fcriin of iippliratiou, mid fort In r iiifcrioatiuu can bu luiiiid at tlio ull'ut'. 1 TIIOMArt ItllHil'AVAV, Vroidtnt. Jo. I . J yk 1. ?( tuurif, , , M'Vl J-- TATK, JJgtnt. 1. ('. IIarrihoi. .inmlniiw Physician, October III, lr.i7-ly. AGltTCULTUUAL A SEED WAKK- "IliiUili. PASCHALL M01UUS, lUMNU Kkfl4iVl.il 1IIK PHILADELPHIA AOlUCUL'l U- I HAL .J- bEDD IfAJtEllOUSE, From tin N.irtti-!.Tt C'lener f S"piiI1i mil Mnrkij I Sircctitnhis N'MA' rfTAN'D.Vn. 1 1 it M A 11 K I.T aT'. i opro-im Tiin fam.iee.s' mahket oflVr fur salt, as In retoloru, ntrtaaonablo pri(.cit,tcry deori iitien of I inurm rl AurlrnHurnl aud Horltiulliiriil I ninlemrnt- Warranted Kretdi and ti.-mmie l'u Id, (irdi'ii and Tlo risnv. I'rHtfd. In great ariny. Al-o. .No. I 1 ru l.in t',,. eriim nt (lu.imt. an 1 nthi r relntbh- l rtiiixen. fi r tir-iwi and drain t ri'p-.I'riiit and (rii.itueitt.iiTrtati and r bi.r) , ilnncc K rurn'it. Hon , Hahlint. &.c H i" lie tndu its a f nntiuiiaiiit' o fi run r UMnni linpleiiieni. Hjcd, an 4 N'nrt-ry tal-ilogues, fitntlslivd on application, PA-sCUAM, MOUUIH. Ajiricnltural nnd Heed Wan hout-e, o. 11'Jo .Mnrkot f tret-t. nppuitf tlm i'antu rs .Mitrkit, January l't, t-bj. (Joofl Mtoeiug ainl Uicap Smithing rt Hi; iuideriiii!mid thanktull for pant pntronnse, refn irt' I fully inforiini hi frn-n i and th,- public in Kcntral hat ho htill continues lho At the Old riamt. on the hill. n!me tho Rail Roiid, hi nil Km t itrnxiri lirtiHth 'g, ut luu pricey, and on an tnliirgcri. stale, nnd nolu Hn tlie pnldir j.tlr"iincc. Hn.niux knouic HIui msburi', June 5, 1 . , , . fH'l B lilr illlll! B J0 u,,v Ssummcr. t yj g () AN , T-l? J'1"1 recti ed ihreii fr riiiladilphia and M I York, a very tlKdce anH-rimeiit of t UIIIMVil AVI) CITMMI.M rrii om,xiw oujaiu'iv uuuj;o, tmiftMcrnwu I'libriC Which lm I.i-l-ii lonimfrturr. for spring and umim r. ns w.dl tm the nnnl to-nortmru of STAPLE GOODS 1 1 Kitperior mialitieK will bu Inund in variety, nnd at pncen as low ai gin.it.ir good can Iw pun lianed cleeu here. , It li an eacy mitiii r tn find pnodi at a low price, hot as a g 1ur.1l rule, Hn j an-jtirt ai low in quality. Hul In, get a dooit article at a er tin in ire a huhii 1 bimr rare. , u iu nppurtumi) , howtvtr, ia oiUred lo aii who yiii- aoons. aitocKHir., Jl.Hiliti'.Hil' S.1I.T, .r.. .ye. P " (Jiill jiml m'c, r n ror.NTKV PKOIIL'Ci: U'ANTUD. Illoniiidburg, April D, lcdl. TRUNKS! THUiYKS ! I TV HI', larpesr, best liandsom iStA 1 est and thenpest assort V l"V&1:i!?i'ik TllflM H U M VITKOVH i (,M,.irilt,., i.nndon Prize Metl.il Improved thit t Pining ,,,, Hdd Leather Trunk niauufart' ry. N. 4o-j Marko Mren, Hmtth wrft i oruer ruurth and Marki t, Philad'tL .fl,tfj ir-(; .tf I " I .., . , .... e ,)-. M'Ki.iny. near .McK.lt, . A. NV.r. I'limare. IVri-om rithirinsrto nurrh.ie Mill do well to call a brick will bj made and mit he rvlil, J. II. 1'1'UMAN, Jtstnt. liHI.OfHI now on hand and ready for tale. lUooitbnrg Ih.U, lWl-niu. J. If. K. fl'IIU nuderiiined, rcfpertfully iufiriu hib friends nml I tlie. public generally Hint he Im Juvt compli ted hi New Mill, (oi Lilllo riiliingrrik, lu Creeuwond towa flnp Coliinihla i ounty, and hating engaged onu ed tlio he I Vraetirat .tilh rs ill tlie country, j now pri pared to eucute au buluet in hU line promptl) and ra 1 1 1 (.ictorily. The building it a largo double. Ilrtck .Mill. coiirtrurU'd iu thu most inodcrn tylo and nnplo) four run of Ihirr. ttriitatteniion w it be giti-n to the buvi lien and no pain una red tu render general tMifaciieu. JAOCU LVCU. t'jer's drove, June, 8, tPiIl, lm K 15 0 1) U G G E It. I'lil wnuilerfil article, lu-t n:itrnled. is pom',thln? entirely nuc, uud nevi r before o lie red to agents, wh are wanted evtriw here. 1'ull particulars tttnt fieo. Addre Hll VV L. CLAItK, UidiUfonl M&ino. Marchli, ltftil-ly. GIBSONS A N U HEfOHATIVU KSTAnisISIIMKST, Ho, 125, South Eleventh Stroet near Walnur, PEriSiASJavisi'iaaA, nnameled (ll.iss, Trcco, Oil und ilurailstlc l'ululins Jons I,ibos. G, II. IStBSOK. January I.1. Isiiil 3in.. I4ii, s.; Ik KBl,in 1 irilti'' "(tO L iiWfl'..Tl;lK!rl(i. ,i,e rnlli: linder.isned, h,niii! opened a new BOOT ANU lllooiiibb'lrg. rettiertftillv invite thi riistoui of I he nil z.'iti and the imblic giuerully All kind uf Urmiii, Hhnes, &.c , will bo promptly mado to brdr, nu elicit notico u id inodcralfl terms, rrom long oxperieuer m hi linu of biifinee ho flatter 11111141' It tint h ill h able to pUn general satisfaction to u'l who mayfater li 1 111 with their tusloui, lO" (Jraiii, 'roUio)i aid Produce senrra'ly taken In exchange lor rvt, B. F. BKOOKH. Kl9oonlmrg, July B, lPrt-3m. " OlilMU UUCLUANl.O CLOVclt ULUlMieu J. tronv noxious weed, ulsu, 1 imolh) Onh 11 rd, Herd Cr.. lulionattd i:ngllli pcrniniJlV Rev (im, Keutuiky lilue Crai. While Clover I line mixed Lawn Gran sued etc , al wholeam ded rvinj PAKCIIAM. MOitl!H, ' liiiplemriiU and Heed WaicUcjuH1, 11 Mt( l tffi Phi.ailfh.bi'i, .eat her un! id X'V.KVf. JU-f. 1