51(1 5I 14 COLL'HBIA DBMOCKAft Cocol anil Special. John G; Freeze. Kililur. SATUI1DAY MOnNINO, AUOUST 91, 1861, 83 To-morrow Is llto tLirtocnth Suu day after Trinity. Adam Clark died SO August 1832. Silas Wright died 27 August 1847. Saint Augustine's Day. Saiut John the Baptist beheaded August 21) A D 20. Cleopatra Queen of Egypt died 11, 0. SO years. John Bunyan author of Pilgrims Pro gress died August 111, 1088. t&" A meeting of tlio Democratic Asso ciation will bo hold at tho Room, ou Tues day Evening, Business of importance will bo introdiiccdj and a full attoudanco Is earnestly requested. i 0! Says Tom to Nod, "By all tho gods above, Was Julia over really in lovol1' Bays Ned to Tom, "Faith, Thomas, I opine, ' True' love is not exactly in her lino, ..But, like tho army of that Southern foe, She has a general Beau regard, you kuowl" ti' :o: t&T It appears from tho data of tho Committco of Ways and Means that tho total amount of appropriations at the re cent session is 1275,(100,000. Of this 107,000,000, were for tho Army, and '$25,000,000 for tho Navy, and tho ro niainder for various other purposes, :o: ar " Great Expectations," tho last and best novel of Charles Dickons, has just been issued by James G Gregory, No. 40 Walker street, New York ; inmost superb style in two volumes, at 73 cts. per vol. It is uniform with tho splendid edition offered by ths same publisher. Send and get it. :o: iJEaJ" New Banks of issuo will shortly bo established under the provisions of tho Freo Banking Law, at Marietta, and at Columbia, Lancaster county j also at Eric, all in this Slato. Notice is also gireu (hat application will bo made to the next Leg islature by tho Lancaster County Bank, for a renewal of the charter of that insti tution for twenty years. f. :o: rtSS Mrs. Lincoln, tho wife of the Pres ident is a Southerner, and has two broth, ari.in tho Secession army. And wo aro told that Messrs. Magraw and Uarris,who went to Manassas after tho body of Col. Cameron, and were taken prisoners and sent to Richmond, aro imprisoned in a to bacco warehouse, and aro under tho care of(Mr. Todd, a brother of President Lin coln's wife. They represent that they aro in good health aud well treated. :o; iVST Mrs. Lincoln.the president uiiatrcss of tho "Whito House,''passed through this SUto on Wednesday afternoon a week in tho'Harrisburg aud New York Express train, on her way to Long Branch, Now Jeraoy. She wns accompanied by three of her children and several friends. Tho dis tinguished party occupied a separate ear elegantly furnished, which was specially provided for them, aud in which they came through direct from Washington. iTlic appointment of J. Latlirop Motley, tlio historian, author of " Tho ' Dutch". Itcpullic," Minister to Austria, in' place of llurlingamc, h one that deserves I tho highest commendation. America has I reaaon'to bo proud of Mr. Motley, not only ' because 'of the lustre he has shed upon this ' country by his invaluable contributions to European history, but also on account of hit recent able pamphlet against the doc-! trino'of Secession. Would that all our foreign Ministers were of tho samo btamp. 1 :o: I A meeting of Hank Presidents and Committees representing tho Hanks of New York," Boston, and Philadelphia, was held on Wednesday in Now York. Secretary 1 Chaso was present. The report of tho 1 Committee of ten was considered, and a portion adopted, whereby it is agreed by I tho Banks to tako 550,000,000 at par atj on'cc;i'witIi the privilege of taking another 550,000000 ou tho 15th of October, aud ' 650,000,000 on tho 15th of December. Tho amount alloted to tho threo cities, in proportionate their capital, will givo to' New York';S30,00U,0l)0, to Bostou 815, 000,000, and to Philadelphia 55,000,000. ST" Among tho Special Despatches to the Philadelphia Inquirer is one, which wo copy , below, referring to tho caso of Mr. Congressman Ely, spoken of latt week : I EioTablo to st.ito that tho story of Mr. ErY haviug been employed at Uich mond in ditching, or in any other menial employment, is entirely untruo. Ho has been uniformly well treated, and has fared sumptuously every day. Surgeon Nor YALyof tho New YorA- Sovouty-ninth, brought a letter from him to President Lincoln.' Ho says that personal acquain tance withUho Southern peoplo has greatly modified'liis views in rugard to them ; and lft RI,rrno"'RrjJ1'ln vimo np rim fliii-toon liun AO , - ,-vii u, ,nv iuii m- dred and fifty prisoners conflnod at llich-i nond, ths propriety of adopting, in tho future progress of the war, tho usual rules 1 of belligerent nations, particularly with) regard to flags of truco, treatment and ex change! of prisoners of war, burial of tho , tar Wo call attention lo tho following, from tho Philadelphia Imjuiiet, being among tho Special Despatches to that pa 'per. It is a full, authotitiro, and positlvo denial of tho stories about llio barbarities to tho wounded and prisoners in tho hands of tho enemy. Wo rcjoico for tho sako of humanity to bo nblo to givo tho reports uuoqui vocal denial, and to publish it for tho sako of truth, Seo also tho case of I Mr. Ely, and tho remark of Surgeon Nor- val, ot Col. Cameron s regiment. Tho de spatch says : " Dr. J. II. Stewart, Senior Surgeon of the First Minnesota Rcyiniclit, who was captured by the ltebcls at tho battle of atono Bridge, has arrived in this city, in company with twonty-fivo other prisoners, I who havo been released by tho enemy on ' parole. Among tho number aro tivo Sur geons. 1 hey bring more than a thousand letters from prisoners still confined at Richmond. The stories about tho bayo neting of tho wounded aro baseless fabri cations. They brought p. petition lo tho President, from tho prisoners, urging that measures ho taken for their immcdiato ro leaso j but Capt, Winder, of tho Rebel forces, stopped tho document, and will send it to J kit. Davis, aud if ho approves, it win uu lorwarUcil to i'rcbiucut Lin coln. Thoy report that twenty-three members of tho first Minnesota Regiment aro at Uichmond. Nearly all of them were wounded in the battle, but aro doing well. Many of our soldiers who wcro reported among tho killed aro in the hands of tho enemy, and arc well treated. There aro twenty-two other Federal soldiers at Sudley Church, Virginia, suf foiing from wounds, but in a fair way of recovery. Thoy aro kindly treated also." :o:- l&' Tho Jlontour County Dcmocratio Convention mot at tlio Court lIouo, in Danville, on Jlomlny last, and nominated tlio following ticket Judge Alexander Jordan. Aist. Judges Hob't Moore, Jos. Dcen. Commissioner Isaac Ainniurnian. Dist. Atttorney J. Harvey Camnbcll. Auditor Guteliua Suyder. Bluomsbitrg itailroatl. 04 AM) AT l'l. It AI'CttitT .'. t.-n I . l'Asmivnri! I'ltAIiVd WII.I, lil'X AM l nl.l.invfl: MUVIXU SOUTH. I'rrighl Patntarrrr. I'minntr IiCtH u Hrnmtnn, 3 4" A. M. Iliad A. .M. ! l.'.IU I .11 " liujicrt, " llanvilh. Arric ut Xurtljiiiiiiicrl-inil, SI UVIV I.ctivc N'nrthuiulierlat.il, " Pitinillc, " KnjiLrl. ' Mntciti, Arrive at criuilfm, (-.4(1 !l 1! U.3U XOIl Til 4.41) I'. ,11. 3.1.7 3.30 7.43 T.eair e.43 1: n. V. M A UrM.-nir Tr.iin nljo..l(c. Kitipfetcn at c. 00. M fur Mrtiiiitiii, h tuuiMi t with irfini tor v Vork. Uf turiiiitL, Umv.'s Scr.iittoii on .irrmil ui" 1'rain from ork nt I. Id 1'. M, j ii- i.a mm. .iiiii.t iiiiii liionnittira Kin I road roiincrts unit tlm D.-I.iHiire, l-.nk.iauiia iiii.I Western li.ulrnad at MT.intoii, fur Slw Vurk mul iiitcrtm ili.ttu puinu e ini At itiii.ri it com ii ct-itli tii.-fatt.iwUciliji ru.ul.ft r At NorthiiiiilK-tluinl It comir-cttt unit tln I'liilmh Ij.lu.i i. Kiiu Jl. K.iiiiJ ,. (J U. U. fir iiointtt wcht ainl soiitii. JOIIX l ll-rfl.UV, Wi J. ( Wi'lln. Ocat Ticktt .fifi ; Aug. 17, Ht)I. A U .ff ;i. T 5' A W - 58 O X E Super-Wiospliuto of Lime. .MANUl'ACTUntl) 11Y ItAUdH & SONS, iVo. ao South JJ'harvcS) Philadelphia, Cash Prieo, S-13 per 2000 lbs, r.inncr ami Uonlcr tan n-l upon i lit tiHsiiranrftlint tli.- har.utr of Una will-kmmu manurii In null luJh ni.iiiitaliiL'iI. lU-iiijr (irfpareJ strictly in aitonlanrc with Hchnilllr inin-inlcfc, Irom limifrt in tin Ir natural .tuti wiilioui an ir-L'nioflurniiifror baMiij. nnd un.lt'rlhc ii rnal tttiptTf f-iouor Uic tp'irHtor.. tli y 1,111 lionut-tly uar aiitui It itn n-pri'to nti-il in Him rt"Ut, ami ulbu tu hts lug fiilirclyirco from adult, ration, " GUOUiN)llXV liOXES," uuauatii:d vvixr.. Cash l'lieo, O.TJ per 2000 lbs. Tlio i"i'enorYn!u"of llii unmlnnl article of lirouiol Iloin-s in mm o will Kiioimi, Uihi ii i oiilj' neit-.tiarj-here loreuiiiij Dealers Ihil our titiiitie fur ilii inaiiil. t.icture are now Miuiuuit to meet Ihc inobt aillvu lie. 111:11111. U Tho nhovu Manures can liu liailofri'uljriieallra in Una touiilj', 01 of 11AUUII . SOXri. MilHiiftirturi r unit J'rtfirirriir. No. 80 South IVh.inos, 1'hiUJi.liilii.i, July SO, li-CI-am. JOSUPH GllUKN, SUN & CO. U'liolcalj ami Ucl.nl Dealers in OIL CLO'HIS, H IMfCJl' SMADKS, &c. Together Willi a roniilite vanity of j CAIIl.NUT WAIli:, al llio IokobI Ciiah iirltea. NO. 45 NORTH SECOND STREET, jo-i:pii ciiixm, i llll.V'J. UUUUN', ( l'illl.AnCJ.l'IllA. i:. jovi:s i.i:s'n:it ) .Marti, '.'. IcOl am. Wyoming iSeminary. rr'IIH next loim of thlii itifatitutioii will roiiiiucncc All. 1 tout Itllialnl coiitinuu livelio ucekri, Tliruuahoul Hie term rpeii.il utlenljoii will bagiicn to lli.iiie prip iriui: to to nil. anil nllkiiih iiiny rtty iiiou li IV iui: aa uooil ailViinlaitu hern im at any lAilunMily Noriu.tl tfilmol. Arrangement ill ho 10.11I0 for an cjl letuivocourkU of Ictlurui hifoio lllu Teailiers' C'Ijh!. u. m:i,su.v. Kint l'a July (i, ltCl-Im. CIGARS & TOliACCO. A la large nsiortmont of thoico I'ljiar, Ti-tiucco, I'i pi a. X"i I'ruits, t'oufei tionerv and Notiiu l- nr r II v.tcui til er with ii tull clock of If ATH and CAl', ruuxtniitly ou hiiiid timj lor talu ilaap, ut tliti "Uloonitburg J lat -Ll'ap I'liipjriuui." JOHN K. CilKTO.V, Iloouidburs. March 10, led. Fire iVooi' Deittenl I'tir Suit. A lot of.iinorior 1'irp Paoor lkMasr. p.inrlally aJaa' liil fur r..ii,iiitini. Iliiol'ri. Iiiu, i.nll.iii ill urn f.it of or.llnary rooiini;, ami h inaiiriil proof ajiiiHt I priu'ii. hy mill- gallon or half barri.1, n't Ilia ullicv ff llio , Columbia Ucnioir.lt. I.UVI I, TATU. lllooni.hur;. July 13, IcCl. Look to your Interests! FRESH ARRIVAL OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, AT MILLER &EYEETS. THU .uliaTiln'r. havo Ju.t returneil from llio Clly Willi unolher larj;o anil .eloct lu.urlmct of Spring ami Suiiiiiiei' .... 1. KatJOIIS, Inlrrll l.oil lit Plliljllelnhla. ut tho touniil lli.nrp. mul m Iiiiii Ihoy nro liiU'rinitii-il lu .oil on n. inoih-rato ti-rui. a. ran bo procured Ll.t'ivhcru in lilooui.buri,'. Tlinr tin k roiupriiio. utuiLi' jjithss noons, of clioirf.l .t)lo. and lali'i.t fa.liion, imr nutiii jx oituct.itiKs, itiitmvutK (lUKf.V'iv.iitt:, ci:it.in ir.jiK, 0j.oic (iwif tltO.Y. .VJM.S, 110OTH If SUOt.X ri.iio j- ii ro, ivc, tfc, .yc. In short t'U'rthiu2uUdlly kept in rountry Storcn ; iu Hiiiui 1 iii-y iu lie i nc pontic ftiitr.iuy. Tliu Uishctt price paid for country produce, mil: LClt t CVLR. Tiro officii o.tntillihcd nml only Standard IMIMIUVUI) SUPEll-PIIOSPIIANE OF LIME. Price $ 15 per 2000 lbs. (21 els. per lb. GUANO. rnilUVIAN, Wo srll nouo lut No, I, received direct from tho Oo eminent. IWIAIioi:. A very super lot ankle, received direct from tho I i.i ml. NlAtJTUK. (Jrountl I'lafter-a uncrlor article, narked in good strong li.irriN. UOXLrJ. Ihittm M Rkcri Hono Dint and Ground Bonei. vtiirrnlitcd 1'tirv. Allen & Nccdlrs' Fertilizer. Price $30 per a 000 lbs. (1 J cent per lb.) This manure, from Its anncrlar nualiiv nml irrv aw hr.ee, Ii.im gained n reputation itti fitrmor tlmt clamcs li iiinnuir ii( aini ( ttni Manure. Vt Imvn n mm, .m ,r fMhlrtro from p'ruim who nrc tiilng It, which wu will lie pleased to thuw tu llioso wanting a good and tabling manure. ALLiMSe -mrnt.r.s. 42 youth Wharves nml 41 Kuiith Water t?l. 1 (Writ &tore ahnre Chtitimt,) I'll 1 1. A D I I'll LI A, Ann, 3. If0t-.1ni. LIST OF CAUSES, TOR HIU'TIIMIIUK TWtM, 1801. 1. Towiucnd W, Knhlor v. Dnnifl NVihard. 'J. John McMiiIIIu.iii, it. nl. vn. H.niHirl'lllHiMO. n. Anilrcw Crevi'llnit . Andrew .Mrlllrk, ft., ct. at. I. Hubert J. I.joih g. .MontDoini rv Cox. tt.nl. 5. Philip tVintcrrleou i n. Valcultno U'luUrvtccn. . John IValer . Ilanlcl IWfiir. ft.nl. 7. Lew la l.im iib. rii, it. nl w. Jidm lljtr. rj. la.il.th Slitiiiinn vb. Jacob I.. Hliutuun. 0. JoHOph l.otliiird , Jiiuiea 1'etniinRton, II) i:.oMU (.', Mhitltz, vii. Jnmri. foil n hieton, rt. nl. 11 llcnryTramlivii. Tlio UVtt llmnrli lii.unuicu Co. li. JaiiicH bliitlda, ot. nl. mi. I.uinli flnmiiin. rl. (Jeorira i:m ta '.i Imlon it. rliiiliz,ct. nl, 14. likhnrtl II. .Meiuijth Vs. John Clger. IS IJ.inlil I". Hc)lnrt,( ) s. A. II. IVnrcc. In. Daniel 1'. Me) hert v. A. II. lYnrco, it. nl. 1. Joseph .Mrllenry , U'rtl.iy ll. Kline, l'l. WINon Aaer a. Joepli Inttoti. 80. M.illy Ann Wniner t. Irenl Whary. HI. Uluunk t'njikr Va J.nuua J. Dull- iiT-uiy ,,1-un vb. uoorire iuniy GKAND JUllOKS, TOR sni'TEMllEIt TEIljr, 1801. Weoii-Jolin K. flrotj! Win, I'oleiiinn, Sani'l Hlcltlrr Cmlti'riitta .Minn ll.irlin.iti. .Inim K...ti J'rantin-D.inlel Knttlle, Hauiutl l.ohrionn. H'lthfferrrii -IN ter Crcteling, f;i-fritir'wi-Viin.llu Kiiblillts. JlemtflcK William Wn-iuer, Ijtrmt tmar Dyer, Ilauii l llauck. M'Ua -r-uiilu n llellfrlik. Vioifnar l,nii WellKer. Jir.irtil;illl.i r IN-Ick, Wal fniuiiel llriiin. TiiV,,1 Kcllir' t'or,"1" iannuirtrrn-1-ri 'r llearhnrl, Charles Ilk. rel(-lleiij I'. Iteirlinri, Jacob Keller, fr. 1'liMil.ir.lMUt', .lliyil-l ,, 1-01. TltA VI3HSK j biio'iTsT lllMM-W'm. II. Jiin.bv. llli hard II. Heioiel, Tl.. J. 'riiorulon in, ll, iilnioiii lioinboj. llian r Joiin l'rv ffriirrrrnt-l.pt I rhnller. Xalhan V-irtr:. DnM Jllllcr. Ittnlun - fi, (.1 Krkkli.ullii. John J, filler, Onor lianlul lumer, f.i I ll. Iluli Inson. f irAi'ijrinrA I'jrils I'. Mrllinrj. I'riinUiit Aaron l.aiiiln rroo. tlrra ireei-liinae HiiiiolK. 1riltltilU 4tclllailllll Vllw..H l.mn, 11 TV 1... I. IiOSSCl. lilli l .ui ,r(-lVln. I;r In, Henry J'uher, Alnahnui Ven;er. li,liii.l,rnliai.i Silmei iienhlrer. Iliinl ! fnnnli. .U,iic-Jolin Cearh-irt, D.uiuU' r, lleuij ll.iuinan, f Inion 1,'reiMieuili r. .Vilren Jonilli.ui Joliii-oii. IVin. lleniolt. OraiU'r-JaoohfiiyjIi-r, ll.mlel Killer, Win. S, liuj lor. (nrl.rl.,,,, 0,.ri f iiuniol llj er ,yr John fhiiioan, A. (i Thoriiton, l!loom,hur!. Aiiii.t:), imu PllOCLAMAI'ION. 1 ,T ,", " "-v V""1 T' "' ""'i VT.u J.iu Do ittrv. Court u (ln.irt.. ... . ,,. . . . ' 11 jiiii'iu, uihi 1 im mill. J (ill I., N 11 nil M,n, I'.u.nv. Wn.ii.it,. Jl,.!:,., i,fi.',Ju,,, cooiiljMinu i,,,,.,! their preivp,, h.iariiis .lat, the I.., j.. .iij. hi i n- .i-.ir ! our l.or I one ihouiui4 .t.,ht wi r ii ""I"!!1'"",'' '"u ilincti.l lr holilins Louri r Oj.r iiiij 4, i,.r ami t:, ,.,! j,, ,,, inn ,,r niaii a Lourl. 11 I I .. .1,.., ... .1 ,.,.1..,,.. o. , ,i . , .":' '" luv iioonj 111 .No iro h hrr.'hy iriv, 11, lo tlio (, r. ,. Jftcer of 1,1 ,e, u, in ,h furenloiMif .. . ' WuXXZ, 111 .i,., io,M.,,,,l oil,, rr.-,o,i,,l.rni,c,: i .lo tl.. u,,E l.,.h to their olhi, ,,,,. ,t,i t 1C A,, ' - , tint are 1,01111,1 by recofiii.ini,.. tu iirosicute as.iiimi the .rlaoner. h.it nr.. or 111 ,y bo in ll,., J.l .,r,lu cuuuty il iilii.nb, 1 to be then nil., tli.-r.t to pr,.hei iito them nr. rhall iejiir.1. Jumrr are r.'ioi-Meil to Im p1111.111.1l j their at .''It' n "''V'''''1, """iri.ol,ce3.' l,.e, , 'ur,s. 1 us. tlu.l 1 1 laj ol.Ausu.t. in llio j,.r r , (,, ,,.. thouu.l hi liui.ilrc.l ami ltly.,.... , , , cl.,.. rixlli ) car i.i 111.- Iiulepeinleiii r of tin; l.'niteil f taleii of ..... ...... i B,i,t- iiiu WOIIIIOOIIXI .,ll. Au. JOHN h.Nill:it, .Sirnjr. H. 0. HOM'ER, S V II (J E 0 N U E X T I S T u1-. 7;.Sk. ...l..', i.t.i 11,1, o era lis urn , im JjJJVI.I-Jc.Nhuri.'jiii.t xidmij. J.. is pr.M.iiri i D11 line nt his iiruiWftlijii. li.. i- ..r... ,.), ,1 .. A.. ... . Vi 1 . 1 .. ,v ,M' H "111 Id1 ilisflti 1 tu look na mil ad iMllKTfll jtl.ll 1111 1 Iii nt k iimiii 1,. ii,..r,........i ... 1 .... "'Vr',',',!:",,,',"! 'V.11'' '"""' "'"I 1'roi.orly atlei.ileU lo. I luoui,Uillt, 1'a.. .Uful3, Irlil. 0 A U i' I O X. A V' V - I0' r iarU 'ri'l,y ' "'lt,lm,,1, "K'l'iHt trefpanKin; onlli't prt'uilr",' oft ho iiiiiUr-iifm-ilmt Hu law of 1't'ii'i- .! a'u 1 be iyoroiisly prustthtvd ;ij;.iiii&t .ill biRh llclldiTP. UKO. r.O.VCC.NlIKlMi'CIt. Elaine tu p.. Aug :i. Hfil ADMlNISTllATOlfS NOTICE. Eslale of haiiili Shumun, tkc'il. '' I. hi'rcl.y unvii lh.it lolU'r. of li.linini.lralion J.1 on Hoi i.iii. oi l..ii.iliMniinaii. I.iti; of Mnino mwii- , hii, I nluiiibia i oiini j ,Ili i-.i,. iI, i, l. i. n uranioil liy d.-... c..,.. . ..in.., in im. oiLiorMnou. who rtlilili in Lolltn tiillli.llli,rohll,ihia comity. All ii'r. non. Iiavinu ilaliii. or ih'iiianil. 11111111.1 llio onlaio of Hi.' il.n-iii nl .,ri.rr.,K .t.., to iiri'Moit tin.,,, fr .,nic. in. -nl. anil lliimo iniULli'il to lliaki- litvinoiit w llhool ilola. j . . rnn.ir .Mir,i.i:it. - ."Ill A.liu'r. " notTce. 'Tu ihc Heirs of Titamtn Conner, tfcc'il. jMOl'ICX isln'rihymiioi lli.il Hi iincoimt of.uaa Oa Mr, fturtiiiiii: Vriuluo uf Hi i ol.ito ofTliom.. t omit r.liiio ui i.'r.n in, i,u.l iomIii,, foi.tmlu i counij, ilocuuoil, una mcJattlioMd) Tirui lull, n this Court n'l lllhn iirvdjnioil lor lolihriiiulloii anil allultuiicu lit llnj b..iloiiilji;r lurni 4ilil, Illoulli.Lurf, J.ily U, lcdl-tt AUMINISTIt ATOlt'S NOTICE. Estate of Mary Shulfer, tlec'd. y OTIUIJ la h-'rohy si, I'll lh.it l,tli-rii of Ailinlni.tra l lion mi Hi) oiilato of Mnrii Mffjfr, lato of llriiir croek IoviiiiIiii. I'o'uii.lii.i uiLiily, ih ci a.til, hato Imu tiaiuo.l l,y tit Iii gi,i r of .jiilionmy, loili,unili-riiii.'ti t-il, who roi,nlra in r.iliiii lnnliii. laincrno ruiuily. All pi-riiona iiaiini; rlaim. or t'omaiul. asninil ihoo. tJtu of the Jin ih m uro n .in,oil to nro.ilit llii'iu for JUll.-iui-m, una iho.o In Jihtod i0 ii.ako iij, mviu w ithout ilcl.iy. , WILLIAM SlV.WK, Jnly 11, li-Cl-Ct. Mmui.tralor. AUDITUH'S NOT10K. Orpl,a Court fortkc '"' -Vril lint, late io'i countfl tf Cvinmtl'i y Aiigarloy Ivtrimhtp, ilcr'J rpllll Amlilor apiioiiiti'il ly thu Coiiit to roiort ill.lri- J loitiou of tin- ImIjii i ihi-li.iinl-i up Will in,. Mo,,, pucutor i.r iho la.t tVill nml 'iV.l.imtiit ol Conr.nl IIi'b, lair- of Hiig.itlo.tf toii,liii, in llio county of fo. iniibia. ileita.i-il, will inoit tho i.ntie. iiileri.ttil fur llio iuni.in- ol Ilia uiolntiiii-ul. on S;llt!rilll' lllu Jllh day ol Aiii'u.l, Ifiil.ut lUniloik, A Al ol ..ml i!u),at In. olllco in Hloi.iiHliuri:. in in. I iniiiily, nil i, rmiu. niti ro.. toil in llicaiil i:,t.iioiiru ri'iiiiri'iltnpri'stiit Ihoir i l.iiiu. h.-loro tho Au liior, i r he ihliarroil lrom coiiiini! in for 11 .iiara of tlio fund. joiix o.rr,ci:zi:, llloiiiii.hu rj, Jul) 0, l'lil.-lt. Auditor. EAR GAINS I BARGAINS ! . MMV SI'IIIXH AM) SUJIJ1KK GOODS. '1X70111.11 ri'ipcclfully liif.irn, the tlll.cm of Maht v rtri',t uii'l Miluiiy ihat thry havo Ju.t rctiivcd u lion iiiiii L-xirilll, v lt.MlHllllO.il Ol liRV GOODS AND GROOEUIES, which th') will fi'llrhonp for ciih Thvy luivo nlarpo und ifi-nrrul urity? all that in rouimouly found hi a Country Hi ore. ntnt aro deteriuineil to m-ll rin-nn 'I'mhi. tiplut liuii uf their tiooiUtlioy havu paid strict uttuntiou, thi-relons their im rLhaiidixo will bear rfcomuieudatlon in h no t in uu i iiiu 1101 1 i.iai. Thj pruprii torn cordially olkit a liberal tharo of put ronae, tiftomrni would do well to call and cxauiiuu their general variety hctorc pun having cUcwiifre, t'oiiutrv nroduce taken in iicliniiLro for ooml. m ih. lliclic.t market orice . , . JUUTZ k TAT. 11E0EIPTS FOIl JULY, VO TUB I I I Hi n I r M m OWLUIViniM UCIVIUMM I . oftllO Uoi.UMIIfA Dr.MncittT iliipiiiir tllO month Of July, loll! : David t.onchr. $10 UMVIumM. County. 810 no David Uncnhi-rir. $10 W.fl,l,l, County, 810 no John Hhande,,. f:.q.. I 7i Jauir. MncfatlmiV, II SJ V'.'V'."-.1, K""c' 4 l'r."T "''i'. ;Jt. ! Jncnh llnurr, : """,". ' ' ' 3 S,'.'"1'?, ? ,15 ;'" ', '"i1"' i H ' , ' ; ,c',u "' . 'i ' i 1t"5fi'.c''l'W. .vnii.Jl!loom), w .1 5i Jamci, r". McNInrh, 2 (HI , A ';; ; " Noiinirur Hit,. Omifni. Mml, A IVV fla.. W Ml.l.n. I). II. HilkMitl,,.M. I). mi' Hon'. Jacob nvni'in . mt lalwam llcnry. 4 ulf. Hen. w. Shorn, nljnlm Knorr. 'A 3i Jnmet, H. MeNlnrli, Orange School Dittricl. 1 Ji.; tlcorco V. Hiailvr, Cool, on Cclihrutiou, 4 n'K Jacoli Hoai. 2 IW , in Jose jili i.. Sh.iuiion, t Viii,lh'H, 1 5d ll .'" llfsi, (Mlooni) a no r.n. of Jar. Hnconloirli, 1 IS I J'"' Jeioi, li Sj) Philip .Mil'er, (Centre) 1 Ml Holier I l.nvp. 1 H.miet Yoctim, 'Jarfcson (inrriion I (J. K, Hushes, U.nid I.ee. II tfllllll It. 111111,1, -jt IIU I '.'ll i:l.ofi,.ili.'oiihluior, 1 ;.- 5 III) Ki-nl.i ii l-alirlii.'cr.Us'l-3 mi 1 (hi Imnlel Htoel. 7.1 S Sll IM.or Jnrob liilnlf, 17, Joithii.l U'oiiii r, in im C. Shiinnn r.in , - Or, llanli I lienrhart, 1 73 1 7.7 , 3 Sll 1 .'.II :i ri 1 miet Iljccnuucii. J. M. Johlmloil .M. II. wm.llHafpli', (1. .M. Ileliinri'nt4, 1M. of M.ir, yluin.r, lAiin Weill, cr. i oi .iio-ea Bi'iinui.r, I 't't Nathan lltuveri J l-J rr.iuklm 1,. Hliiliuan, 1 .'nl '2 mi 3 1J S IM D.iiiiel IV Uohhhn J' hu biiiiler.(MIIUln) Jno K f.lrlnn (Merch'O 1 73' Itev. P.. .Vilion. iThoin,,, Jl,,rt)ii. t-o; I linae :M. poinott, . 173 jonii uoiiisoii, ni , u jii ,t in. I . Miiliuan, I. Ml., III) Wllll.im .McMikIi, 1 i fie.i.l.noi!oiiberm.r, SO I Tli". M. Ilorton, 1 mi lloihiie! WhliMile, 1 SO 0. U. I'lazcr. U IKI IiaacUhlonlo 1 '.II NEW AXD Sl'LEXDID ASS011TMENT or SI if .jv jjii: cuitxr.it ui- Mittae and Bron sCrcel, Do Jou want fl'l.KSI Co in lllMU'fiK'H Dojoii iMint I.AVni.l.A Cl.OTIIt Co to lll!UVl:lt'H Do you want I IIALl.l Din.AlMMJ Co to lillUWTU S Do joa aui TAIII.i: L'OVI'.liHI C to IIKIIWr.lt rl DoyoiiHiiiitl l.ol ll DL'SI'DliiSI Co to IIIlOtVi:il U Do jou want rKi:Li:i'tl fKIUTSf Co In IlllUlVru 3 im you i am nil, Ull J 1 lill o tKiur.sf.-'i'i:xiii:in i Do jou uant III'HU.N!!! Do jou iMiiitCAIAConijf Do J on want l.AW.N-i t no j mi unt ii.Ki:ci:si do ou wniit in: uccr.ri r II I ), ,il wont iio,-ii:hv ( Colo IIROWKIt'd Into IlllOWCltd ! lo ItlttllVIMl'Et Co to imuivnit's Colo lllluVi:it'rt Co to iiuowr.it H Co to III'.II, I CR'M no j on want (H.uvxM! i.o to tiiiun j:it'ci i no jou want iiAMiumiciiinrrti dot,, iii;oivi:iim 1 i in j ou not i!Ai!rr.rn.Ti nu.si (j i,, iikou'uii s I )u J oil mint bTI'.I.I.V fll.VI.SI (Jo to IllluVl:ift , llojoiiw.uit.MllllMIt .Ml'I'l'HI (.otoliltulVClfS 1 I)k jou want f 1 1 .Ii (Illlnl.Ilrtl (! t , llltiiivnii'5 Dojoii want tIAI'x ll.UTf I (;, !;olvi:i!M Ho jou am (.r.orciir.T iii;,uirii u,, i nnotvmt j D lyoil nnulTlllV CO ITO.S I Coto nmilVDK H :o to miuivi:ii's Co to iiiiuvi:u's (,'o to lllllUVllll'S lio to lllttllVUIfM 1 to KIKIIVKII'S Co lo llllotvillt f Co to m:oivi:i; s ii.iyoiiliaiil r.ll.l l' 1 Dojoii Maul rU.N I'll MICiJ t i Dojini'Miiit l..Ml.l;i:i.l...-H Do jou Haul (' XfslMI'.lir.S ! D i in, Miiut I'nilr-IAX PI. Mil I . Dojoii miiiii LIMA' CIH'.CKti f I Dojoii w.iiil l'4:it('.M,CS '""" JC Nr ( no iii ih;owi;u.s o jou want iAisi;i;Nai Co tu iii;on'i:it'r Co lo IIIKMVi'ii no Jou want IICCM.-if Co tollKutVIJit'S coto niiiiivmt's II" jou naiit LTKTAIN Ml'SI.IN' Dojoii want I'ol.'l, l.'A Mimic I Do j on want tVIMTi: COUDS I Do jou want DI'.M'l.ll Do jou want S-II.KSIA 4 Do jou viiiit lli:n.l,l(iri( Do Vim wnnt T 'MNCH Dojou wnuti 1 1 1 '. i KM4 Do jou want I, NDII'ri' SHOflS! i.o to i.i.iivvmt'd Co 10 imou'mt'f Co to lllloWKit'M no to liliOH'i.'U'f Colo IlllinVIIII'S Co to IIKOU'lIU'f Co to MiOHTIt'S no 10 iunivi:iV Co 10 llllon'CK'f Dojoii iu I,A1IH:b' C MlillH! Do jou wnnt i:-tt ci:i)i'i:uii:H i Co to iiihhvi'i'm Dojoii want ItllllllN'dW.MilW Col,, lllllliv ' i's Do you want (11. SWVA 111: I (; t IlllOtV ; t'3 Dojoownllt II MMUVAHIW Colo IlllllW ' f D 1 jo'i wnnt lllll l.'H ? (; to llllllU' ; ''5 Dojmiwiiiit I'lillP. Sl'ti'l'.s t loin imotvmt'H Do fo 1 want I'm: M' (loiilisi l.looiiishiirc, May 111, lr((l. Co to nuutvwt'S FRESH A RIl 1 VA I. -of "(f Iin ilinlerliie.l. "rati fill for iia.t natrnnniir. rernert B lolly luloriiid lii-rll-tuineri. ami ll.r n.iM n.. lh.it he h.Kjo.t ree. iieil frmii llio Ua.tirno cities,' tlio l.llIVD,UIIII .11. "I HI If, k BlOll, ui SPUING AND SUMMER ?t? K i Iti 3 if r S' 2? i; i V "tt V' 1 & . .9. TI1.1t in- J .1 been ope 1 in I'.liioiu.buri;, to whlrii h lu id s th.i atleiilloii of hU frleinU, mi,i nii-iirei then in.u iii.'y are reo lor Mile nt ureal barsaiiu. lllu ui'nn v-.i.-i", i-t-. 11 i.iiv ii-toiiioeni 01 t'oiiM-tiiiir ot r'AcnmvtBtif Ihu Cn, nf every ill- rniu , '". piiini, i;ruuiu MulKk, t'ottmi HdlKllVi 1 run ii mm VP, i-'U-ilL-lliUTH, fcC, GOLD WATCHES JEWELRY, Of every ileMrlptiini, rilio nml 1 hea. N. H. lUliieinber " IjttreiiUct p' Cheap Emporium."" call aim seo. Xo cliarg lor 1 i.ioilni r.muU. ... , DAVID ).l)Ui:l!l:ll(l l.looiu,l,iirg, .tlarchi, U, (Jue Ifi'l.) GIIEAT ARlilVAIi OK NEW GOODS, AT THE Light Street Store. i Cnanif , fot!icr kail htuuh on active dutu I it r i.1 iv... .i.i . . i , il nisioiiK r, tlj.it wu h:ne ju-.t receivt'il an nil Hsi.illyl.ir.-a xortiutiit ot 1 v A . n vi vrnir mt? n 7, c - o tj 'i jj. nil. uiiiyo. 'hirh u.-ojfernt brnt-r r.it. for r-:idv puv, th-tti nny r'" ''"V Kil Ihtl ami u ill bu M -ibvapt r than UV (thall not atti'iupt toi-niiiiicriitf tlio nnoiiij ntlli !' , im ynroiiiiilii'ilM' anil llii'ir li.iinoiii Ii (iluli iMonrl.l non toro i.'ooiiiw, inilniliiis tiio Cellar tun! tlarril. an , lilli'iltoon-rthn, nir. Thi-roari to In fi.iiinl tin lim-,1 l.iiiriiKn. in in lomilrj al a-toinnliini; low linriii Lio . t!kV wonr in i-ri'iit ,.iri(.lic, ul -ij oir cent, lowtr than I out In lr, oir-r.-il. ui.uiii.-i, .Mii'ri.iyri, i.,i:o(:i:iin:s, hata caw, Boots, Shoos, etc,. fil tho panii' rat'-. In hliorl. nliinM , tirll.i.ig in the in Ti.iiitil I, no fro.n a iii-iiHo to im nn, hor. 1 i- Oiirl'iii'inlb will ilo wulltu tall htforo thoy make th.ir M'loiti.ni.. II. U. CIMIASV, & CO. Lights Iroot.Maj 4, l.-lil. HOUSE FOK SALE. A inott-aliln I'rvm, II0U1.E, will he iitilil itioiqi, on uii- ,'..,.11,1. .11 lu (l.v 11 iiii.iiii-ii. mvi l.tati:. lllooiu.l.iirc, Ji.ly I'I, I-Ul. ADMIXlSTllATOlt'S NOTICK. Estate of Caleb C, Fox, dtcl, TVIOTILT, if hereby pivcu th.it l.ttnra of adiuiuiiitrntion 1 1 on Ih- i'Ml ol t'nh'h I,'. u, lute of Mount I'li-ui ant tovntidiw, L'ouiubi.i tountv. ibriMMitl. h.nn i.. . i prnnto.l by the Iifict'r of i-ild county, to tho uniltr- Bii'itL'd, whorchidfj' In cud tovuiihip, Coliiiubia county. I All p r ft, iii ln niu li,i iii! d.iinii. or iluiii.tihlo ii!:iint tli iMntt; uf thu ilt'Cfdciit arc n ipittrd to pn-io nt thi'tii (or vlil'uii nt, and tliouo huMijU tu inuku pi,ni.nt ithout di Uy ' JOIIX .MUKDAV, Juu2', KUt. jtdn'r. LUIWKI ISKK'K!! SEsrE!! 200 000 Wowing Uriels, of excel- ' w l.-iit .iiality, fur .ilo nl Iho ol.l I!!'iniiburL' ItritA ard. l'.irt int ikIiul' lo lnnl.1 will do ll to mil and L'xamiut tltt: iiiatinal dud yet bari'uin. Apply tu nr.vuv s. Au-riit'i.. IJlo.niiobim;, March U, liil.Jni. U'EiJf2!:is;ort Dlcklibon Seminary, f on no r ji a k x y. a, rpTlli: P.ill Sstuou of Ihii Institution, loratrd nt Wil I ILiuupurl. J.ioiiiiiicctiunty. l'a.. will ln-i'in Auyut iiitl. A full courcL of ttiidy in .Morit l'hUopIiy and I.Ldlei I.ttircs, Alallu'iiMticti, Anrifiit uin Modern f.un puam'i, Natur.it m ioine, Miuic, 'ouuiu'rii 1 brunt hot, OniiiiiDii Kugiih in t'inn. A .Vornial Vna will hu orui(.d, il Ut-tfirud, for nuili hh lui t thuiuipurt.int duttci of 'I't-at Inn a iu ii'w . Ti rnis tuodiTute. Tor Catuloi;u or further p iriirul ir afply to KUV TUU.NU'irON .MI'IfHKIJ,, A. M. U'llliaiiuport, I'd. AugjFt 10. leill 3t. Aorr.iul IiisilitilcHiiil Academy, OI' NKW C'OLl'.HUL'rJ, LUXltNT. COL'N'JT, PA. 'plla nut Turn uf till. lu.li'.utisu uill coiuuiciicq JL oil .vuxo.iy. Avauir war, I'nilir the diroi tiuu of Prof. II. ll. V.lkiu. lio, ii. a Hi holar. a Trarliir. and u Lecturer, la too Miiltly uml itufavurably kuowu to nt-i-d any ruoiiiuicudutioii, lllllllll'lll 111 t ..... . Additional tacilitiut. to thonu lu-riloiorc cnlovi-d liv ytudenia will he nirnMiod ilurini; lli term and jour, lustructioiu in Voral and luMrttiuutital Muiic u bo b'ucnbymiaccuinpli.hr'd Ttuchor. JUIi.V KOONS, SctUy. Au;un 10, lcCI, IUK sold at 0i ccutsat "The New York Day-Book." 7 15 aro auttiorlrcil to my that the report put I filiation hy tiff polltlcnl rncinie, that The New riilBllim.nlM thxt it In l,ind to llv- n 1on aitlin riu- n iowi.I, lintcfrlltPd" Union DniiiK ratlc npcr from " ' IWi !.t ' VFV'A X''!?'!?'' niMr toA o,',' ''' b 3 NatlSnM Jii.mhiit thuy nam. Th Wlkilt IJAt-llmic lnall I....u...t ....... ...... in, n.1-7 ..iiiii, mi iviHi,, 11 AT -HOOK nil llio Intent Tfl.uroplili! Now, nnd n nond n toport of t'nlllo, tlrnln, uud olIicrMaikrli n nny iianir wnt nut llio Intent rtl.uroplili! N iilllo.Otnln.iiiollnr: "r Vurk. Tho trn Copy, p, r Annuin, 41 j co,,.,,'s,n. Anypir.on .i,,ii,,. in ,.i. .1 ,.r v...v V...I ft. . . "v" .win. ,ii- .linn, midlife tiiu hiii or" i one Conv. m r Aniiuiii. At I-'lv f!miii.. tf 'r...i....nni. 'son u no u in inrl n club nl a post- nili.crlbi'r,ll recelvon ulllh ropy jratll. Addilloin '"''i'" c"" nlwoi bo nuJo at IS each iib,crllier- cjH'iiioeii lopiea acui iree. Atiiircn, v an i;vhii:. iiohtov&ci, . . lti'J asf au Blrcct, New Vork. July 57, 1WII. JOLIXK ."c LKl'3, No. 4(1, NUKTI1 VIIAUVl:H, riillaiklphia. sir m ciiANo.vns, i Cotton fur Caulking. Unpen, Tiiui,Tar, ri1 Ppun I ritch, Onkuiii. Hlink, and Onri, &c. Au-iist I, 1n,ll-li2in, IMIOTKOTION' l'UOM liTO TITMTJfn i i , i f , . . . I 'Pill. piibTrlhrr nould Inform lil frlen.N, that Im i' J, ".'!? '," I'"' "I1. n khorl notice, and In n I atienlKlc lonnnor, tlio het I nl 121 CLtits per foot. All work wnrraul''il. , li. ll.llll)Li;lAN. , Hlooiimhiira;, Mny'.'l, IWO. i States Union ioid (KI0 & 008 MARKET STREET fAliovi: Hivni.i piht.mr.r.riiu. 1. V. POWER, rropritta. Tnw: $1 'X per ilay. May 1J, Mill- l.'iu. i1EMEAfV EBSKnVfV'si WMOI.UHAI.r. AND Iir.TAII. REDDING AND FEATHER WARE HOUSE, No.Si.Nortli Seronil Blrcct, OppiKllo ChrUt Church, PHILADELPHIA. 7" CoiHtftntlvn lintiil. n larin imortlriciil nf Mela. .MatlrfHiti-n, I'.iill.ifni'n. Ciiliiin.n. 1 1. nr. Mnk. (!;iitnil. mul all arti h-t In tlio line ;it tlio Lnwect rricii-. . it rtirtutt,ar attcntinn paid tu runeating Aiir an Old b'cathtrs, .March.', I (Imtk Horn..) TUIKV- STREET AllOVE RACE, HIIILADELI'IIIA. IUSOABS, & SATToii, I'ropriflors. I'll.nilMti V. l!n,n, fornn rl, oflho N'nlional Hotel l.'Mini.m Mtiinn, lorinirly ofr'iliiijlklll fo. Pa. Jl.iiih 2, llil- I J111. 0 REE N WOOD SE MINA HY. Till! addition to til 1-4 IiMtUillimi lcln' nlmnt mmt.l... led, tli.Ti nrf rointurt.ilili! arruninoi!atiinn now for iilmut si'cniy Imiirilfra, mul llio Autumn Term Ul iriinimiriiri' mi tlic l-.'iti of Atijiit. 'I In fti-rMci'n n II. V. Gilli.'rt. l.ito I'mffsor of Moil rn I.aiiir'iaut'n in onr of uur Colh u . ka n nt'i nr- "' ii'Miii-B i""-iL'Bjiiin iiiu rfiin j i ii" aiiH'tanif itiiaiu- I I. .. I..- I. . i . . iii tcuchhic in thh country. 1'rnf. (iiltiuiUu his tnvtla III L'liincl xnt'tl.il attention totnu Kiltn ational fU,m III r.iiroi"'. mid Iti loiiim tulit to liiHtrurt in tliu I.atiti ticrinati, IVcnili, or It.ih in WitiL'n;int'i. I'ur U'riinitrtiirilii r nartit nlam tiv the card In another t,ti!iium. or nddri't4 tliu rrlniip.il. Millvillu l'n Augii-t.l, id.l. KA'KCUTOlfS NOTICJ3. u7j ( Jacob Ungcnbvth, Intc pf Centre tirp,, dte'd. I UT I'l'.llS trptaiiH iit.iry on tho i'tt of Jaii.u Haubtc Htm, lato of (.Viitru tow iif.)iii. Columbia county, ilccni-t')!, Ii.ivo brcti granh il by tliu Itcjiiittr of CMnm bi 1 1 utility to tli' nixK-rf iifrH'tl, rffidnit.' in tht low uhii mul t omit) alorcaiuit, All person li.i inj; Ltd im acaiiift th ttut of tlf don-iluiit iiro ri'"iiiL'tjd lupri gcnltln-m for i'-iih-iiu-iii, and thohc imltltu'il lo make ti man im-ni-dtutily to JRRCMIAIl IIAnUMlUCII. Oiitri' twp.. Juno I -til. Krttvtur. DR. SILKWOR.TK, Till'. NAIiVTUAI. rilVtflCIAN AND SLlifil'-ON I A il.illy nstonlliln5 hit path-nt bv the rure rf imie Kt.imiuis iiisoa-i-K. ins iti:Mi:ini: Aiu; i'i;ki;i.v VI'.tiin'AIILt:. Mr uill be iii thi plato tho i-amo da) k of 1'iirh month a tt ttuil bi-lon, when li- ran be consul, ti'd fur all ilueasui tie bit is lieir to. ILL'UNdL'LTA- Tit) fi:i:i;. Ji rxi-i chore, the I J anil i:ithrf tacli luonth. Whiten Itutel, hock IJawu, the J-lth and I3tli of racti inoiitu. Ilo.iiiilnire.TOtliniid Ut. D.im illc SdanJ 3d. Nortli iiiiiliLTl.tiKl Ji'th. Miltun, li. and 7. June tf, lSbl Im. KXKCJUTOK'S NOTICE. " E'st'ttc of Philip lVitz dtceaied. I.r.TTI.UH trtitriiiii-iit.'iryoiitlio Ustatnof I'muf I'nnz lati- of Miliar oaftnw nnhii). in Co'innbii t tmutv.dc. M'tt'd havo hi'i'ii irrauted bv the KciMlcr of Cidiiiiibm coiiiity to tlin underniiiup.l i all piTrioua having tl.niui imaiunt tiii1 Ilatt of Ho dcccili nt. are rrjuc-4ted to pre ui ut tlicui to ihc r.xccutort), attli'-ir r'Viilcncf, in fdil Hui: irlmif tun nhi, without delay and all person in. dtbted to maku payment forthwith. j i'i j it. i ii i .. AltUAH ritlTZ, Juno fl, ltil. ft. Executors, BHIDGE LETTING. Tlio County Connnimiunrri' ill nciic propo-nl nt Hu- lioiiHit of J.iiiicm Matli'rs, in 1'iue tow nhip, foil in loa Co'inti. until :i o'cloLk 11. nt, uu 1'rl. l,i, Ihu v:td day id' Aunu-t net. Tor luiildniL' an npni Triij- Uri.lpi our l.ltlle rinhhicrrei k. nenr the re-Klenn- of tin mi," JauiPii .MiisttTH, ttnid bridge to b--57 Tl-i t b Hrui alilft. 1 1. width Hi feet, hi -lit H Kit fi InrheK. froi.i law w.iIlt mark, the abuttiieutu to bo cX leet thick. wiuswiilN "ii loHtr ldo IJ fi-. t Kiiia J'lan and Hpttj. liciition can b h.'cti on tlio itav nnd pbee of letliny, liy order uf tlu County CommiBritim r. . , K.CrKtir, CterK, i oiiinussioiit t'n Ollici. ) UliHiiiKtbiirt. August 3, lHiii, j AGltlCULTUIlAIj-FAlIt. " " 'plinr.tr'riillioCoioinitli.n of llio Ciilumliin r.oiiniy I tijiriiiilniril llnrllciilliiMl ami .Mi thaiiii.il A, ,1.-1,;- I1011. at thi'ir nine tliiml.1,, i.unol a ItoMiliinon to i"l I a l.'iiiiniy I'air, on the 17, li, ami U rfaj. .f oilo. A.MAD1SOX, ircify. lllooniilinr?, Atij. n, 1111. 31 Siieiuff's Sales. BV urtuu of a writ aClian Levari h'anat, n iiiu i!i rcitcil iKucd out of th Couit of Comiiiitii I'K-iH of Columbia county, I'.i., will b' c-Kpom-d to uiblic j-ak'at lb'- Court Hoiihc, ju lUoiiiuburir, on AKi.MJAV 'J'lllJ rh; , n: ."on . iVs'j , s t . 1... . o i-irioun jirmiLiij ,o ,mi .1 certain tract or picco ot land, situate In JackiiontoHii.luii, in tho lonlily of Coluiiihin, hoiin. iloil ami ilracrilail .i. lolloua lo wit Hi jjinnin . at a iin.t, tiii'iicu hy I a n .1 uf Hamuli Atlwiili.iLh, cast tm, liuii.lri'il nml Miti'ui piTihi'. to ii iot, thunru hv llio naino .oiilli hlU'oii lurihe. lo a post, tlirnco hy lain! of Jinhiia Sauiilo L.i.l .ul, lour nnhi. tu a ihorliuit, thi'lllo hy lliniliif John I'm, mul ll.iiii, 1 ItiiLlnou iii..il. ol Jo.ipl, l'olo'a.,,1 U'lliMin IJr.'.L. ".l "Z , liVuil C,l , i i-. ..... .......... ....u, .... ..j ..inn ii. iii'iiiiiiBii i Hiiiia anil i.iiio oi joiiii miuiu. koillh t,o iitiuivuiiiiu ri,iiii) mu purini-'n to iih u.icp ot Jkgiu- miiik. uiiiiaiuiiiv i uur uuiiurcu ami put-iiirt'p acre nml otiuliutidr.'d mill ltnt pi-rrhi sand iilluuanct', A.c, j ui) oi moling . loiuii;' i Tfi(. . , I , . . . ,rt i. . .. , . l .:' ViT lonil,ir t hy wrliiofa writ of Lcrarl VlW-w, Isiiicd out of thu oniuioii riuax, to iuodiruUi'd, will tic tousud i:tl. nil Ilii ...! n ! .It ui,.... l. invtinn,' iiiiiuc or huildini,'. Hilu.itu iu tlic 1 11 1 a u f i.itfhl Mrut-t, in Hi ti low iirltiji of hci-lt, iu the count) vC iiimiiia, uiki nai oi rciiiiMjunmn, wlm ti .iid b hid inn i ou a lot tonuerly nwnod hy .quk tifiiirtwurth ami whiili i taid lot, itiiuuiiiUd and d scrihcd a tol- lm h, iiaiui ly, ou Ihc north hy lot ot Itird, on thu t t-.ui hy au alk-y, onth-j uomli hy lot of d.un Wane tt.ui. in-north, and on tln wt-tt. hy Ii of 1'cti-r tkhuj!, ninth 1 v.nd hiuldius u in diu on thu around ahout nutuLti hy tihti'i-ii f.it, and th" naid uhuw d.-ii-rihed id or pii-iu ol tirouiid mid curliluo appurtt'iiaut to said building, i r u -it, t iki-u in tkt-iiittou and tohu -.old us thu pto. pi-rty ot llilwurd Jo.iuu. JOHN SNViiCU, Shuiir. lllooiiiihiiri,', Aug. 10, Ifdl. 1 MANHOOD, HOW LOST, HOW HEiSTOUED. Just Published, in a Seal Envelope: A I.t-cturo 011 11,0 n.iluro, lriatiiii.111, and radical cure of rio-riiialorrhan, or jSciniunl Wcul.111 Sotunl llciiilily, N' noiiiiuu.. nnd iliolillit.iry ciiiuhiiii., iiruiliicinit 1111 potcuc), L'oiiuiiiiIoi, uml Mi'iilul K I'll). ical Ilcbillly. Hy uuut. J. cui.vi:uwi:ll, .m. d., 'i'ho iiniorlaiit fait thai tho uuful con.ciiui'nce. of .oil' aliuso may bo itloitiially roinovoil Viithnul iiitt'riiat Uriimi'lilk. iiudicati-d Imusli-., mid ollur ciimiricni do L I in. ..Iii.r.i ilnnrlu .l..i......,..,...l ...X livtt, ii heru ilcirlv denionirtrtitud. nml tho niiir.lv new- nnd highly wurrenful treatment, a adopted hy tho irlehrutoil author fully explained, by means of which nvery ana ti ni.ihled to mre liiuielf perfectly, and nt llti tast ponhle rui, ihmby aroidlnjf nil tho Hler tisud liOKtruui of ihu day Thi lecture wiltprotea buoii to thoiunniU aud thousands. tiont under ,,al, in u plain envelope, to any addrcsi, post puiil.ou the rcreipi uf tlio two p'tax tauuii.ty -ddrciiing Ur.CH. J, KLINU, l.T Uowtry.N, Y I Lamps ! Lamps'. I sent AD QUARTERS. AND 1 Hhll 1 ilESIl ARIlIVATj OP (jIL BURM.RS, UIMrs full B U B N I M . BU TOAI. KCIIOM ' nWo for Churrlo-a, and rlaiiit-it f Jsltt now In imp. tmit. tl 1.1.1a f..- f'tu.rrliita. Hitu-.x ... r i i - "I""., ...nmj hi,,-, hu limine r from Ilxpliwioi; nml one hulf draper th.ni uny otlitt light, now mod and EQUAL TO GASS. Tlic abovo lamp., w illi or w ilhoiit, CloWes or Hliailc. can N'fwil al thn NEW AND (JHEA11 DRUG STORE, K.vrliaiiRc niillillnfr, RIoomsbiic. l'a.. Vt'lrere the unileMiiriieil woiiM UeiectfnUy Inforni.lila I Krienila nml Hie public in acnerat. that lio has J u.t re I re, vru ,rom ma cute, n larRe ami wiu tucclitl .lock of Cooils, In lii klml ciMVfiitiiiff of l it 11 and I'ijiiri: intutiii. JIKI)li;lNl:ii tc LllUMiCAI.rt. CKOU.VII & WIIOLCfl'lUBfl. rAINTrt OILS. VAtlNlhlinS DVB STUFK, WINDOW OI.ASrt, Of ' AW. BV.CA. PAINT, JkTOOTlI It rJIIAVINU URUSIIEl), TOIMCrot CIOAKH, Oi' Till: IICS I' IIKANDSl ri:iU'uir.nv.rA(;v goArs. TIIUitins SIIOin.DW! 1 ItATIS. rum: IVmiHfc IIRAMIIIW FOR HWMUIV.M, USi:, (11. Ar-M CUITINO, DONirJO OIIDWt.Cll.T MOULD l.c roil I'HAMKft.k AOItUAl' VAIIIUTV OFCAimON Oil, I.M1'J AND rIIAI)n.1. ri.UIUiCAHfllU.NliSAFCTV ri.uin lamps piiAniis. ALuo Alt tlio mont popular Patent Moilirinci, of the ilaj,prearriilioiiflninl family ineilii hie. I'imtully put up. ... "in- ...iiiiii (irinenpioo 11, pun r r. 1 1 1 i 1 1 . 1 f 1 1 mul Teeth Diluted, In tho moat J aiiproeil inaiiiier. i reelins Ihanklul for, mat nntrnnnen. ho hopea a coutllilriucu of thy naine. O. Jl. IIAOIIMIUCIL nioniuflburs, Slay IrUMM y. J. 1". II U 15 li K , (Sutceisor to J. A PnntKR.) mioi,,:s.it.K Df.ii.t.H iff TOBACCO, SXUFFANI) I IGARS, No. 8 Xorlh I'lflli gt., abo, 0 Virknl. PIIII.ADIII.PIIIA. Al.o, Manufacturer nml Importer of FOREIGN k DOMESTIC SEGARS. May U, l-bU-l.'in. (or jr.Rsi:rrowx.) TIICiiih-criber woubl retipertfullyiippri.e hi. friclnl. ami llio public generally, that lie tin. upcm il HOTEL L'liiier the above nniiio. in Jernej tow 11, Columbia fotin tj, l'a., where ho in hilly prcpareil lo enter lain llio traveling rooiiiiuiuty toizeueral .atUfaition. IIIh TA Ul.i: ami KAU.aro will rnpplieil ami will Im rurcfully fiiperhifiuleil. Ami hi. iwJt;: u iiiuplc mul well aim kul, in tliarite of careful grooms, will ulway. bo properl, atti mleil. '-lie inutcH arharo of tho public curtom, ami pleilgea hi. beattirorm, to help III Buet. feel at home. rJAMUUL KIMI1V. Jersijtown, May 11, l-t;i ,1ui. NEW BUSINESS FIRM. TIin iloU,,o,lr.'-H'..llly Inform thoir frii',,,1. I , - mu. Ju0 I ami llio imlilic gmtrnlly. tli.it tln-y li.'no ontcrcil in. . Order JUaii lis Onofltl in .1 dosiro to avoid toriiiiartiiiir.lilii. niiilertlio 11.11110, Mjlo nnd firm of1,, 1 , , . ... .MiLi.Lit & j:'j:ii in tho . the delays and routine to which recruits Keren tstile ESummcks, have been subiected. . . ... i ... I" IIIU "Mill JrClllli'. Ml lilirilllHlllI nr. I Vii n l, , n en I Iv,''Tl!L,1c1yI '"l"ml 7" Z"! ,n tho i 0 tRU 'sn,-y'' " .ulj il? ItycriilKMl Iirnrirlici ami ilon.irtiio-iit ninitoiMiWi they invito an oitciMon of tho iuIiIic jiatronajje. Mii.i.r.n. H. II rituu'K c. i;vi:ii. IMoom.liur;, Slay 11, lC.l. tf. iiartiimi)'s Corner. JUST received a fresh lot of No. 1 .V 2 Alackcrcl and for gain nt IIAUT.MAXf. C.O0D S. II. Sugar for sale at 0J cents -A per Hi. nt 11 AHTMAXt). G?0'13 for ia'o?uKV0MA.!fc.cssaryito rcudcr tho Llockatle ct-' LACK Lace Shawls for 1 j 'The members of tho Masonic Fraternity T7XT11A Syrup constantly on hand and ' ,f Alcixaimlr!a. preferred a rcquot to J2l for sale atoi; ct. .r tail, tiy HAifi'jtANa 'hu rebel cominauders for the permission CALICUliS & JIuslins for sale as low a. j cl. por ).irit nt IIAKTMANr! PATTHN I' Churns just received a new lot and for Sale at I1AKT.1MN3. CKMKNT by tho Darrcl or Duhel all a. oa h.ititt at jjAIlTMAN'rl. lUoooin.linri,', June 1, Hfll. (iiltawissa (tail Jtur.il. l'ASS IIUI'IIHT STATION. SOIJTIIU'Allll ISOUM) TltAlXH. I'lliladclilna St N. V. Mail Jl 04 A. .11. " l'.XTJi"l 10.11 A, Jl " " I'rualit x:m A. .M NIlimUVAltU UUUXII TRAIN!) Llniira Mail :i 2 j., Niara LxprCd. 1 luo I. JI I'ri'islil 111.4) A. II. il. OUttUU'JX, WJ .May 4, l-'lil. NKW JKWKL11Y STORK. 'Pill; iiudrisin-d, rcpiicttfully inform tho citi?.. ns of 1 lilooiiMmra, and Hi- public kwh rally, th.it he h.iit ta i.uiiism'u n in' non , ou .,uiu circi'i, iiioouiiiirs, Mrn. I.oncork'i lluildinir. hcr liu dl'cr 1t Bale, uiuiiiTiiiu leriim, ui;irj;tim"riiiiciii nt CL OCKH, I VA 'ICUES J El IE I. R Y, Ofcvry ort, nnd ti,o nnd dc-xcriptuin. IN jxq tnuk of Jtiut Iry in tninph ti', iurlutltni; iry7v ani-ty of l.tidicn .md (iiuit. nicu'a Medalioiis, t'h.uiiH. I.utkt'ta. I!ri'iitphiti, I'lngLT-rhiw, i ip.,Ljna3 to tiiu ciaiiiiualiuii of wliiiSi hu u iitsthu public uiur ally. 1' "Hlrut iiiifiiilou cuoiito ri'piiInligCIorlia, 'tcli v, and J dry, mid all work warr mtcd, W.M. II. DUAKU, IHooiiifburi:. Mjy -I. I;fil tf. JiLOOMSHUltCr ACADKMY: D. A. DECIZLEY, A. B.. rrlnclpal. 'pill! AIJTH.MN SKHSIU.N Oi Tllli IXfll'ITUTlON j. w 111 begin uu Wednesday , the 1th of Augu&K The building h.ia titidi rwent n Ihoroi't-'h rfnofitton, It ii.it bumi Mipdn:d with iiL-w turtiitun' ; ttu walU Icsiantly p.ipiTL-d, mid vcr)tliiu nddod that ran con tribute tolhu loinfort and coiivi-uicnci1 ot tin- HluJuit. I In1 couLot iiHtrni tiuu will huthorouj. ju lu-n to- recoi, o .poi'inl atloiilioo. l lio hi hool itgilf j. couilucti.il (acc""""s '""2 "i'i"011''1 All llio kliiilic. of our tiviuiiiarie. aro unbraci'il in It. cour.o of fetuilj . T E it M S i Primary Upartmciit 1 Pi) lliuln r IMi.irltuiiil a.i on N'o extra iliursi' i. inailL' fur iiiu .luiiy of Atuicni or 51 ii.rii i..iirjii I ...'Ir1 i""'"Su' CJ" bo V'"' ' S"f R' P" July U lJi-,l-ir. ESTR.AY. a funnta uiiito Pis, cihinB niinut ioo ii,,., ,iii!, bi'i mi uiiv nii, i.iin uri-ii ai.Ki'in niiTai ii.i). p'hiiojih M-mmi win uo givcu ut inioriuatioii vi m i t u if 'I'linnvM'Aii cioM-d. wiii faviMrouLic a.nd upoL i,y ciicctintf its' lUooiughurff, Jul C, OPEN AGAIN. WILLIAM II. RANDALL, RARRER AND HAIR DRESSER, In Court .Wry, Vnvtitt tkt Cvurt House, An 1 one door Ik-tow tin- ntfiru ofihu t'oluuihia UcHiocr.it. UlooiiiflSur0', July '-M, leitl. Commission Merchants and dealers in No. 103 Arch .trcil, 2,.,l doo, above 1'ronl, Pll,lc. niiii. siiy FUISU.UI'TII Ai IIUO'I'HUUS. WHOLKSALK T O R A 0 0 O D E A L E R S MJ. 103, NORTH TIIIUU STIIEKT Tivc door. below Hare, t PHILADELPHIA January lll.IH.1a., THE WINE STORE" Of 3 Q'&W 5t: SWAjIX, 311 WALM'T sTiir.ivr, (lliliOM t ouith M LATEST BIT TMtllUE IMPORTANT FR0JI 'ASIIIiGT0.. ' Advanco of Davis aui Dcaoregard. THE PATE OF PRISONERS OFWAU ALARM IN WASHINGTON! THE NEW OA TU, STRENGTHENING THE DL00KADE THE MASONIC FRATERNITY. Gi. McCIeWan Slrcngihcnlnj his Staff, A FULL CABINET MEETING. TRIAL OP MUTINEERS. A NEW RULE FOR rASSES. Ex. Minlstor Faulkner's Son in Battle. Wasiiinotox, August 20. Tlioro have Iccn all sorts of rumors. Ono U a positive statement that Johnson !i.n crowed tho Potomac at Williamsport, with twenty thousand men ; that Bcaurc g.ird is crossing, with about tlyj samo number, at Occoquan creek, and that Da vis, in pcrfon, is leading tho assault upon tho intrcuchmcnt't on tho Potomac side. Of course, all these stories arc idlo ru mors. Government will hereafter retain all prisoners of war pirates, and those arrested on charges of treason, until tho conclusion of tho contest. Then thoy will bo dealt with as they merit tho ringleaders being made examples of. There was much alarm manifested in Washington, caused by tho promulgation of tho order from tho War Department, diroctinrf Knltlioro tn lul .nnl 1 n'l. Tho now oath proscribed by act of Con- blua "ua auminisiercu lo-uay to tlic heads I of 1urca aai clerks in tho Treasury De- partmcnt. The Navy Department continues to pur chase vessels for the blockading Rijuadron. No vessel yet offered, fit for service, aud for which the owner would tako a fair piicc, has been refused. Tho Department will exhaust the rcsonrnns nf tin. r.ni,n.v to remove tho rcmaius of Col. Cameron. It is probable tho request will bo complied with. Tho rebels aro boring for an artesian well at Manassas, that their troops may uo longer suffer from want of watci. Gen. McCIcllan is adding to his staff the best ollieers in the service, embracing tho strongest talent in tho respective arms of tho service. lion. Caleb D. Smith Secretary of tho Interior, returned to Washington this morning, so that all the Cabinet officers will bo present at tho Cabinet mcetini to. I - i morrow. A large number of boats, heavily armed, JJJ aro watching tho poinu on tho Potomac whero it is said rebel troops aro likely to try a crossing. They will havo a lively time if they mako tho atlcnipt. The rule with regard to giving passes has been still further rcstrictcd,tho follow ing being issued to-day: "No passes will bo granted to ciliucus whoso only purpose is to gratify their curiosity or to mako a pleasure excurtion. No passes will bo granted to colored persons, unless accom panied by a responsible citizen to vouch for their character andbusincss. A son of cs-Minislcr Faulkner, a boy of seventeen years of ago, fought in tho Itcbcl ranks at Hull's Hun, side by fcido with a eon of cs-Congrcssman IJotclcr. Tilii Hi.VTiiS'jV. Startling Inteitigonce fromjlar- 11 1. 1 r , TT1 ........ TT 1 - i iiui a x- on j'tmu cauuy J Information has bven received here to I day, Aug 21, that leaves no room for I d )ubt thai Hanks column has made a flank ' movement lrom Uurpors t'crry and bandy j r . .1, 1 hn Tiii'lrnt-4 vnrr vitliilr:iivn frnm TliT- Itcr a terry on lucsiiay night, aud tho ! rebels in Miumls iimncilutcly cutcted tho town. Tho fact that thoy immediately exchanged shots across the river, indica ting tho prcseucc of a couaidurahlc force thero. Tho promptness with which tlicy entered tlio town, ;il most before our pickets had reached tho Maryland shore, shows that they aro kept fully informed of our move ments by the spies, which they undoubt edly manage to keep within tho national , lillcs in EPito of a11 Precautions. 1 Tho rebel arinv it is ascertained, crossed I tho Potamoo last night in force, notwith standing tin high stago of tho riicr was supposed to bo a check upon such n move ment. This bold and wrccklcss causo of (Ion, Johnston is roiuarkiblo, as it divides his forces and places in his rear a wido river to hinder his retreat, which is certain to tako placo, Oencral Ssott aud Ocueral McClcllau.w'ill me it thn off a .ion for whioV, liloom.liur;, May II, 1JC1.