Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, August 24, 1861, Image 2
Culumlria Dpuinrrntl KOITKD BY LEVI h. TATE, momiUTOK. BLOOMSBURG, PA. SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 24, 1861. AimrLt 1, Con 8 re n shall make no law respecting itn ettablithment of relicion or prohibltinc the Irce ex crciae thereof t or Abridge tho rretdom of Speech, or oi-ma mn o emble ind to of-the Fr..s or tho right of the people peaceably to or f rietancci, pennon ina iiovcrumeni mr a rcurcis CViulitmlo o the United Main. AtTnitt). That the printine prrnf hail be frco to . fiterybersonwIiotindertukestiiexaiiilncthetirOLeiHlines ol me legislature, or any branch or government i ami no law-ehall or be made to retrain the right thereof. Tho free communication of thought! nml opinions is of tho luvaluablo rights or man t and ecryclll-i atn may freely speak, unto and print on any subjcit ; being responscble for tho abuse of that liberty. In prosecutions for tho publication of papers liieosllgntlng the oiAeial conduct of officers, or men in public cnp&cll) , or where the matter published Is proper fur public iu--formation, the truth thereof may be given in cWdruce; and in all indictments for libels, the Jury shall baton right to determine the law ultd the facts, under the di rection of the court, as iu other cases. Oaititedea e JVneyreiii. PERSONAL. We need money badly, and It will be a very great re lief to us tf our friends and patrons will furnish us n ith a little of the "needful' without delay. If they cannot pay all, Icttliem ot least glvo ue a iarf of that to which we arc Justly entitled, In order to relieve us from our embarrassments. We think wc have been very indul gent, and therefore hope to meet w itli a ready response to what we conceive to be n reasonable request. We shall to prepared to receive our Iricnds at tho office, and fur rtlsli them promptly with receipts for wlntever amounts they may desire. Tenons at a distance, ami those re. siding out of the county, can remit by mail nt our risk. Come, frlcnfls, give us a lift without longer delay, as wo must have money to keep the old CoLumdu DkMuclUT in ruction. jgy The government is ono thing tho administration of Lincoln is another. Tho government can prosecute tho war tho administration can repeal Tariffs, suspend tho Habeas Corpus, appoint corrupt officials, and decapitate Democrats. Interesting to Desehteks. Here after all deserters from tho army arc to bo arrested by tho police or citizens, taken to Governor's Island and tried by court martial. In case n citizen captures a de serter ho will recoivo the sum of thirty dollars, which will bo deducted from tho pay of tho soldier. Every soldier who looses his gun, whether in throwing it a way on tho field of buttle, or through neg lect, is to have SIS, tho price of tho gun, deducted from his pay. BSrEsrEciAL Attention. Wc in vite tho attention of our readers to the advertisement of Messrs, Bauoii & Sons, which will bo found in another column. The farming portion of this county will do well to give their fertilizer a trial. Tho Raw Bone Super Phosphate of .Lime, is a far more valuablo manure than the ordina ry Phosphates of the day, and the Messrs. Bauoii & Sons arc tho solo manufactures. Thoo who have experimented with it pro nounce it far superior to any other ferti lizers. It improves the soil without ex hausting it, as is the caso with most other manures. From the many commendations it has received, it is undoubtedly a valu able manure. Let oar farmers try it and test iu virtues. Would not Endouse His Acts. In the closing up of Congress on the Oth inst. we find that tho Senate refused to endorse 'the action of Prosidant Lincoln in his vi olations of the Constitution. The proceed ings aro worded as follows : Washington, Aug. 0. The debate in the Senate this afternoon, upon tho reso lution endorsing all tho acts of tho Presi dent in the present war, was very anima ted and spicy. A number of the Republican Senators were willing to endorse the acts verbally, but they did not wish to appear on tho records as endorsing them ; the resolution was finally rejected. And yet Democrats are called upon, not only to sanction what Black Republi can Senators refused to do, but to throw asido patriotism, principle and self respect, and go it blind for the administration that sets aside tho Constitution whenever it suits its conveniouco. HoNisr" Abe Lincoln. President Lincoln has found himself in a great deal of trouble ever sinco ho crawled upon tho Chicago Platform. Gen. Scott says ho is a good man, if let alone intimating that ha is being used by others. Mr. Rrcck inridge said tho same thing of him the other day in the Senate, adding that ho believed him to be " honest ;'' and tho lato Senator Douglas has frequently expressed similar language. All these expressions go to show that if Mr. Lincoln is wrong it is owing either to mistaken judgement, or it is because he is not'"let alouc.'' However correct theso gentlemen may be in their opinions, Mr, Lincoln has cer tainly maintained his consistency as an ad vocate of Abolitionism and negro equality, to say nothing of secession aud disuniouisin. In his inaugural address, tho following remarkable passago occurs, which, if our system of government is as it was under stood by Alexander Hamilton, and others who assisted in framing our Constitution, is a conipleto vindication of the right of secession as claimed by tho Southern people : " This country with its instituions be long to the people who inhabit it; tMtH ever they thall groxo weary of the txhting govtmmem thoy cau exercise their con stitutional rightof amending it.OR THEIR REVOLUTIONARY ItlGIlT TO DIS MEMBER OR OVERTHROW IT." If a Democrat would use such language bo, would be called a rank secessionist, and Jeff. Davis may Bcarch all the writings of eccesEiondom aud nowhero will ho Gnd language bo useful to his present purpose. Gonoral Nathaniel Lyon. 1 Rrigadier-Gencral Lyon lato comman der of tlio Missouri volunteers, ami slain at tho lato battlo near Sprigfield, gradua ted at West Point in 1911, and since con tinued in the army, holding tho commission of captain in tho Second Infantry. Ho was m tho wars of Honda, Texas, Call forilia, Oregon, and Kansas. In Mexico ho accompanied Ocn. Scott's division, nnd was breveted in 1817 for callant and meritorious conduct in tho batiks of Con trcras ami Churubusco. Ho was wounded at tho Helen Gato of tho city of Mexico, September 13,1817. His experienco well fitted him for a campaign such as that of i iM IScOUri , ailu U0 UlcU at the 320 Ot IOrtV . , , ,, , , it WO, U thorOUsh and aCCOUlnllshcd Soldier. J , T . . , , ucncrai jsyon was oorn in Astitoru, Connecticut, tho sou of a rcspcctablo far nier. His mother was of the Kuowlton family, to which one of tho distinguished officers of the Revolution bclougcd, Colonel Knowlton, commander of tho Connoctieut troops at Bunker's Hill, afterwards slain at tho baltlo of Harlem Heights, New York. Tho causo of tho Union, in bis death, lias lost ono of its ablest defenders, and Missouri will find it hard to supply his place. Tho latest Nows. Tho latest advico from Washington indi cato that tho National capitol is not yet frco from attack by tho rebel forces ; tho state ment that thoy aro slowly moving to the line of the Potomac, with a view of enter ing Maryland, encouraging and supporting the revolutionary spirit in that State, with ultimato designs on Washington, is now repeated with increased assurance of the truth, and with such evidences as cannot be disregarded. To meet such a contin gency tho War Department aro making efficient preparations. Tho following order has been issued by the Secretary of War : WAU Dn'AUT.MENT, ) Washington, Aug. 10, 1801. J All commanders of regiments of volun teers accepted by this Department in tho ctatcs oi a ennsyivania, xSew .Jersey, iNcw LoU1 ;n part (and lLat tLe , t part) ' listed in not having tho American flag dis ork, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vcr-i , , 1 i i i n . r.e mont, llhodo Island, Now Hampshire, I rctI,onslbl for lhl3 war i thcy aro the pW'cd at any or all times. Of course Maine and Michigan, will tako notice of j black and blue coat preachers, who cry ' this was only an excuse, the real causo and conform promptly to the general order peace, pcaco when iu tho pulpit, and when being that these journals presumed to havo this day directed to the Governors of the ' out of it tako sword and pistol in hand and opinions not iu harmony with thoso of tho rr , n." .r. tu , . I0"ws ' By direction of tho President of the United States you aro urgently requested to torwaru, or causeu o e lorwardcl ask who sccetleu lour yours ago when the , m irecmen aro supposed to nave the right Unioll IIcnco uo .. cannrbo a3 to immsdiatcly to the city of Washington, all, Republican Abolition flag had but sixteen ' to do. Were thcy to repudiate them or fuitivc from service within the States volunteer regiments or parts of regiments, s.nrs nn T ., , nmlnml to ,lo n. trnr !i l. 11 . UU". the bt:lt03 at tho expense, of tho United States cov- . ' . r-'v , ' . . . v ;'. " ami .territories in wlucli the authority of cenment, tnat may now bo enrolled within " wils tIiat tuo American flag at pretence; simply because Mr. Lincoln hud tLe Uuion h fu acknowledged Tho your State, under your immediate control j Wilkcsbarro last fall, and now cry out assumed an opposito policy 2 This journal orainary form of the judicinl proceeding ui wv ut-wvusyuuiua isaui:u uuuvb iiuiu mu , UUIOLI 1 u 111011 I uuuut. uu,u uuuu, ua BOUIO OtllCrs IU til IS War Department Whothersueh volunteers' Sir, I do not belong to the pulpit, and are armed, equipped, or uniformed, or not. if x di'd 1 fc rf , .JJ I ho oflicers of each regimental orgrniza-, , jimiuu. m tion that may not bo lull shall leave re- H C0UDtry and coneludo that any mm- cruiting officers at their several rendezvous ! istcr or preacher hath not only to answer mm auopt sucu omer lucacurcs as may ue . nnnnton.v trt fill .... tlint,- i-onl-o of lli. nnt. ' liest date possible. All oflicers of volunteer regiments on their arrival will rsport to the commanning general, who will provide oquipmcnts and other supplies necessary for their comfort. To insuro tho move ments of troopt more rapidly than other wise might bo done, you will please confer with and aid all other officers of indepen dent regiments in such a manner as may tie ncccsary to effect the object in view. All clothing or supplies belonging to or contracted for the several rcgimcuts shall be forwarded to Washington for their uso, detailed reports of which shall bo made to the commanding goncral. Simon Cameuon, See'y of War. J36T Tho Grand Jury of New York hav0 presented Tho Day Rook, News and Jour nal of Commerce, of that city,as papers am enable to the charge of treason. This is right. If the Black Republicans iusist that theso papers aro guilty of trcason,let them be tried properly under tho laws ; but ceaso your efforts to inaugurate a reign of mob rule and anarchy. Wo still livo in a coun try that is presumed to bo governed by laws that are equal to any emergency. Bull Run. This stream, whioh has become historical, is a niero rivulet, dry in many places, but containing from four to six feet of water in the channel after heavy rains. It extends for about six miles north and south, and is crossed by tho Manassas railroad. The Confederate battery which made such havoo among our troops, is on tho cast side of tho run, situa ted on a slight eminence in a ravine. Issult to Yolunteeks. Col. Dare's Itegiment was paid off iu Philadelphia on i'nUaylast. 'Iho accounts stato that tho paymaster placed "four loaded revolvers" side by side with tho coin that tho de fenders of that Nation's honor might be impressed with tho danger thoy would in . cur by an attempt to steal tho monoy 1 FJiiladelj)hiu pupa; A rnoro pointed insult could not bo con ceived. Do theso officials of Government regard tho patriotic volunteers of Penn sylvania as thieves and plunderers? iqrss More- Now Blanks. Deeds, SummonsvExecntions, Scire Fa cias, Stato Warrants, Commitments, Capi - ascs, facnool orders, Lxemption, Judgment with Singlo and Doublo Notes, etc., just' printed and for salo nt tho ofiioo of tho! Columbia Democrat. I - . m i ..mi t ii . . i. U J-liC JjOUlSVlilO l01trier gives a list of the successful candidates iutho recent Kentucky election, as far as ascertained, lwelvo Union and two Southern llights Senators ore elected, and thirty Union and tunc southern ItigUts Koprcsentativcj. Correspondence. For the Cvtnrnbtn Demotrat. Denton, Aug. 10, 16(11. Cor.. Levi L. Tate, thur Sirs Reflecting on the pres. ent unhappy condition of our beloved country, and tho falso charges and mis. rcprcscutations'niado by tho republicans," to prcjudico the publio mind against thoso who are opposed to the abolition doctrine j tors, and after tho second Tuesday in Feb of Lincoln & Co., and as this prejudice ruary tho Secretary of the Treasury shall seems to gain little ground among tho establish regulations to govern tho nsscss- massesof our people, if wo may judge from tho many democrats who have volunteered to sustain tho Stars and Stripes, but not out of lovo for our present revolutionary ' rulers, It is characteristic of tho American people to bo dispassionate and well informed on nil sides of a question, to act judiciously publio auction. This distraint does not and to settle all internal disputes by moral include tools or instruments of a trade or suasion, rather than to resort to powder profession, beasts of tho plough necessary and ball, which should never bo resorted for tho cultivation of improved lauds, arms to except whoro all other arguments fail, household furniture necessary apparel. llathcr como to ,au amicable arrango-j Any oollector guilty of oppression.injus incut of the difficulties existing between tho tico, or extortion, shall be liablo to a fine North and the South, than to spend mil- j of $'-2,000. Any person guilty of perjury lions of wealth ami lose thousands of men, shall bo liable to a Cue of S500. and then bo no nearer a settlement of our All taxes not paid Juno 30, 1802, shall difficulties than wo aro now. draw interest at the rate of Opcr ccut. per It is true what Poiudcxter, of South annum. Neglect or refusal to pay this tax Caroliua, said iu reply to WcJjjtcr on tho renders tlio offender liablo to imprison floor of Congress, that resistance to tyrants ' mcut until tho tax is paid. Should any of is obedienco to God, and whilo a cloud of tho people bo iu actual rebellion at the gloom enshrouds tho South, there is a bur- 'time tho act goes into effect, the President rieano arising in the North, and its ap. 'shall cause its provisions to bo executed poarauce is threatening and gloomy. Sir, 'within such limits, whenever tho Govern there is a class of men in office under tho moot authority is re-established. All tax present administration, whochanoo to havo cs thus collected shall bear interest, it in their power to injure and ruin other It is made lawful for any Stati to as hy reducing them to poverty, and also to sume tho payment of its sbaro of the di destroy their political character and rcpu- 'rcct tax, and undertake tho collection of it tatiou by enacting laws to favour tho few .through the local officers. In this caso a to tho injury of tho many, and to cnablo deduction of 15 per cent, will he inado by them to domineer over and abuso all who arc not of their way of thinking. Can this Union bo preserved by -fight ing? I say no, for union is peace, and peace is union, but war is disunion. Kir tl,nr ... in .. !, f people, who iu their profession aro to bo "v war ! war 1 and there is no doubt but 1 these men have a black m view. They talk of secession and secessionists ; now I 10 man uut 10 tno AimigUty, not only lor his own sins but for thoso of bis dupes. BENTON BOY. THE NEW REVENUE BILL. Twenty Dlilliou Direct 'Tax lor War Purposes. On Friday last both Houses of Congress finally passed the bill providing for a di - rect tax and internal duties, to raise the sum of 520,000,000 as an additional rov- . n.t euueior uciraying me expenses ot tue GoTernmcnt. The bill is quite long and consists of seventy six sections. Massachusetts F'Jt.ii'l llii.'iiu Kansas Kliuilc Mam! t'uuueiticut New Vork New Jersey rcini)Uania Udau aro Marl l.iud Virginia .North Carolina South Caroliua CleorgU Alabama .Mississippi Louisiana Arkuu.aa Michigan 1'loiiJa Tex ue lona Wisconsin Culirornta Minnesota Ureou New Mexico l-'lali Vnslilneton Nebraska aox.en 2,.o:i,'jii -mu, hi l.'.Ull,?l!l 74,liHl 4 M.rtB !I37,MI( oTli.1'14 3H1.5TU iJl,3u7 5 J 1,31.1 4l:i.tl4 a".S,efll 1,507 IH'J TI1.UU Ne eila llakota Ohio Kentucky rvnncbbco TI.a I. !m nnAnA ... lllst. Columbia e,ln efnll l,n,l. n,l lM. f 1 ...:.!. their imnrovements, to bo valued bv tho assessors at the rato each of them is worth on tho 1st of April, 1862. Every man is to furnish tho assessor with a list of his Section Fntsx apportions the amount have sneered ot the Union and at us as tility to the United States, tho right to tinong mo several mates, &b xouom : j ior years. imu let mat their services be forfeited, and such per- pfump.h.r. $fgffi P;f3'. Ae;vill.Puit tliemdownasncore. Mllg fcLall le diachargcd therefrom. It real estate and any fraudulent return is to interfere with the freedom of tho press, aud be punished by a fine of 85'JO. j yet wc aro free to say that no animadver- A tax of threo per cent, por annum is .sious on Iho present war that wo have yet also to bo laid on all yearly incomes of scc" nto so severe as those bestowed on tho over 8800, no matter whether this income, war of 1812 by the federal press of that is derived from any source of business, trade or vocation, dividends of stocks, in - tcrcst of money, salaries, or interest on legacies. Where a corporation (a Rank for initanco,) pays the wholo tas on its profits, tho stock of each individual is not to bo taxed. The bill requires every per- son to peparo a statement of his profits, gains aud incomes, by tho 1st of Apiit nest which statement shall bo verified by . . , .. ' . ' tno oatn ot sucn persou and uanucu to tho assessor. Tho income from a farm or tho rents derived from real estate are uot to bo in cluded, ns all lands and houses are alrea. ' dy taxed. On gold watches a tax of ouo dollar is laid, and on bilver watches fifty cents, Carriages are to bo taxed accorning to their valuo, as follows : Xot exceeding filly dollars- , , $1 If ahoo fitty and not exceedinjr ono hundred dollars 4 If one hundred, Mid not deciding ih o hundred do!- irubov"'uoirundiej7M 8 if above'rour hundred, and uoi exceeding siihuudrcd 10 irabovc ihund'red,'aiidiiotcicccdinteightiiundrcd " u bol , itlfu hundred and u cd,ii,ono u,ou.'- 30 irabovouetiiTO.aii'ddoiir,' .' . .' .' '. Spirituous liquors aro to bo taxed five cents per gallon, in all cases to bo paid by tho owner of tho distillery, and malt li quors two cents a gallon or 00 cents per barrel contains over thirty gallons, tho tax to bo paid by tho distiller, who is required to keep a sworn record of tho number of gallons manufactured. Tho Prcsideut will divide tho country into collection districts and appoint colloo mont and collection. Tho salary of the assessors ranges from S3 to 83 per day. In the event of a rofusal to pay the taxes, the collectors shall collect it by distraint nnd salo of tho goods, chattels, or effects of tho persons delinquent as aforesaid, at , the General Government. Coercing Public Opinion. Tho New York Day Book says, when the war first broke out, tho great offence of such newspapers as did not believe that 'war was the way to rcr-loro tho Union con Administration. But the papers referred "had their opinions before Mr. Lincoln cauo into power, and had expressed them ' city have-gone to advocating sentiments , t,,at no on boj.OVM thcm siccro . fc , . . , eu. it would havo lot not only its own self t respect, but the respect of all right-minded pcopic. uus now our paper is assailnl, and pcopln who subscribe to it arc threat ened all over tho country, and for what ? Why, for opinion's sake, nothing else, under heaven, that wo can see. We de sire to sec this Union of States preserved and maintained to tho latest posterity. The man who insinuates that we desire disunion is a base calumniator and falsifier. Now, wc bclievo that peaeo will more more That surely tend to this end than war. "'' opinion. 1 " 1. i .ft . uw.u g. am, Ior wie sate oi argument, thaUho Repub leans lovo the Union as well as wc do, though wo know that they sSlSS . "'twi. iwin recogn'uod by tho military authority of iiiiS i0il.'C. tb "T CDd'4"t S1"'p!'J the Union for the services of such persons tT lH 0PW'" US the mCaM 10 aK0"1- when fugitives, an,'. 1'hsh xt. Docs a difference of opinion1 . , I 'SJSJJ eonstitute treason 1 Aro we to bo perse A mrC llfficuU 1ucitlon ls Pr0SCDted !n USi cutcd aud denounced became wo have fc?Pt to persons escaping from the serv sueli opinions 1 Well, that will not alter , IC0 of ,0Jral luaslcrii' 11 luit0 aPPant our views. A man's opinions aro beyond that tbo laws of tho Stal uador which on "i'iii his control. Tin fint tl.inlr ilmt ricl.t ! tho scrvieo ot such fugitives can ho tt:- n t- .i . ... Which his cniijiimiftn fnlls l.Im U wrm nml all tho irOVCrilUinilt. ill tlm ivm-lll nrn ,,nt . wiq to coerce Iho opinions of men. That "a3 t10011 trica cllcctually, and lias always had just tho contrary effect. Wo see efforts all over the country to ' day j even tho Conwiercial Advti User of j this city, now a fierce war journal, was , then a strong sympathizer with tho Rritish. Iu their efforts to put down all opposition, ' tho war party scruple at nothing, llero j '3 somo tall lying, for instance, about Tub Day-Rook from a .Michigan journal : I It, (The Day-Rook,) with a largo por- tiou ot" !ts followers, openly declared that Tr n ClC,etI" T t0 l";.Prcfl!rrcd ovcr that of Douglas, and used tho vcrv mcaus that they know would accomplish that obicct. and ns soon as it was ascertained I that Lincoln was elected, set un a howl ovcr tho election of an Abolition President, and advised tho Southern States not to submit to his administration -, and when war was inaugurated by tho attack on Fort Sumter, it camo out openly in sup port of tho rebellion, and L;i3 contiuued so to do. Now, it seems to us fairly impossible to crowd more falsehood into an equal space. Instead of declaring tho election of Lin coln prcfcruble to that of Mr. Douglas, wo supported and voted the Uuion ticket in this Stato with all our influence. We never advised tho southern States uot to so' submit to Lincoln's administration," nor have wo cvor como out "in support of tho neither authorizo nor permit any intcrfcr robellion," our position from tho first being eneo by the troops under your command against fighting on nil tides, Rut this Is . with the servants of peaceful citizons in a only a samplo of tho falsehoods told in tho house or field, nor will you in ony way North to prcjudico tho publio against this . i . I paper, como openiy nuvijo its empprcso ion by tho Postmasters, and endeavor to intimidato people who want it from taking 1 it. In one caso u postmaster appeals to ' tho Editor of a Milwaukio paper for adnco about its suppression, nnd though tho cdl tor has a very great abhorrence of The Day-Book, yet he gives the following well-digested ndvico s "It was tha opluion of Thomas Jeffer son that error might bo safely tolerated where reason was left free to combat it. Wo havo great faith in his view. Tho cir culation of this paper might bo surprosscd by forco or by law, nnd wo can think of circumstanced which would mako such supprosion necessary. But such suppres sion could accomplish no permanent good, but serve only temporary ends. If tho paper is circulated some person must want it, and permanent good can be accomplish ed only by destroying that uant. This can bo done best by circulating the anti dote for such poison, lleason nnd light only can permanently dissipate error Let oitr friend thin be active tlissemiiuUina sound dotfiins tit meet the heresies of this shut, and he will be doing all ho may do and perhaps nil he ought to do to suppress us circulation. ' Wo wonder this view of the case docs not sungest itself with forco to many oth ers. Have the Republicans lost nil faith in tho cause? Surely, what is right can never bo permanently surpressed by forco, while that which is wrou" will soon como tu naught. Men's opiuions cannot be changed by coercion, and tho attempt only usually drives them still farther the other way. Socictary Cameron to Gen Uut lor. Washington, August 11, 1801. General: The important question of the proper disposition to be mado of fugi tives from service in the States iu insur rection against tho Federal Government, to which you have again directed my at tention in tho letter of July 20th, has re ceived my most attentivo consideration. It is the desire of the Prejident that all existing rights iu all the States bo fully respected and maintained The war now prosecuted on the part of the federal gov ernment is a war for the Union, for tho prc;icrTatiori of all Utc3 anii tie cj,j constitutional rights of zens of tho States iu the utLoriti Tli M a"th",l,eb " k-" fo force i.e. it of le- gal forms, llut in the States wholly or in part uuJcr iusurrcctionary controlwhere tllQ i.iws of tj0 TJn;tcd States arc so far 1.. .11 . ... opposed and resisted that they can .ot be OUOCtUally CnlOrCCU, It IS ObviOUS that the rights dependent upon the execution of tbosQ laws must tp.mnnrn.rilv fnil. nnil it. , nt ii. 15 uquiiity OUVIOUS lUilt CIIC riKUtS UCpcml . . ,. CUtOU tuC liXW'S OI tllO State WltlllQ wlucli . , . military opemtious are conducted must bo ii ,i ucct'uni bUUOruiIKUC to tllO llUlltnry CX- i i i ,i ,n , wbo'ly forfeited by the trcaaouable conduct of parties claiming thcm. To ibis the mmnril ruin aT rutht in tr,,.,.!, nn guncrai rule ot right to services forms an cxceitiorli Tho act of Conr-res. annroved April 0i jgo l1cclarc3 tbat if 3ons hM lQ . ... . ,,,.,, in . follows, of necessity, that no claim can be ClaimCtt, lUUSt UCeUS bC WllOHv. Or IlilUOEt Wll0llyj SUSpClllled. AstO tllO rClllcdlCS by tho insurrection and thu military mea sures necessitated by it, it is equally appa rent that the substitution of military for ju- llolol .,,,., r. il iv. . , e , UlCial measures lor thocutoi ecment Of SUCh claims must bo attended by great inconvo nieiicos, embarrassments and inquiries. Uudcr theso circumstances it seems quita clear that tho substantial rights of local masters aro still best protected by receiv ing such fugitives, as well as fugitives from disloyal masters, into thu tervice of tho United States, and employing them under tuch organizations and such occupations as circumstances may suggest or require. Of course a record bhould bo kept show ing a namo and description of the fugitivis; tho namo aud tho character, as loyal or disloyal, of tho master, aud such facts as may be necessary to correct understanding of tho circumstances of each caso, after tranquility shall havo been restored. Up on the return of pcaco Congress will, doubt less, properly provided for all tho persons it has received into tho scrvieo of tho U uion, and for a just compensation to loyal masters. In this way only, it would seem, can tho duty and safety of tho government and tho just rights of all bo fully rccou cilcd and harmonized. louwill, tUereforo, consider yourself instructed to govern your futuro action in respect to fugitives from ecrvice by tho premises herein stated, and will report from time to tiino, aud at least twice in t. ,i. ... ....... cacu uiouiu, your acucu m tno promises to this department. You will, however,1 encourage sucn servants 10 icavo mo mw nf tt.nii- inrc.trr.q ! nnr will vnll ful sorvcieo of their masters ; nor will you, except in oaso whero the public may seem to rcquiro it, prevent tho voluntary return of any fugitive to tho scrvico from which ho may liavo escaped JL am very ii-fpuuuuujr, Your ohepient servant, Simon CAMEnoN, Sco'y of War. T lf..ll.. To Major-General Butler, commanding Department of Virginia, l'rotrcss Monroe. jay- Lieut. J. Butler Conyngham left Wilkcsbarro last week to join tho army as one of tho staff of Gen. Ilcintzelman. CARD. TO THE ELKCTOIIS OT COLUMBIA. VHow Ctrivaf.' Intimation arc afloat, that the iiohth-al hug bear of tlio pat few years -via I that eomo- body, If elected In the Legislature for Hie next Session, will faor the pas.igi ofan rt f"r tho widening anil straightening of .Market fired in lllooiiikburg at the ei Diuno of the'1'.n pajers of t'o'uiiilila Count). Tlio ilr- dilation of a elmilar story last fall, on the era of the delegate tlect'ons, by which alone the candidate of the people's choice was ilil'iotcd, cost the tiuto over Ten .Millions of Hollars, nnd will cost Iho people of Colum bia munly annually, Light ThoiH.ind Seven Hundred undTitentyS-il Dollar and Twelil) I'ivo CenH. I net er wa, am not now, nor never will he, in f.nor oflho paiagcof such an Ad, whether in or out of the Legls lalure. LUVI L.TATU. Uloomsbiirg, A ug. SO. 1'tl- T,1ARRIAGES. lly John C. Mvcr. on the tlth int.. Mr. I"l", How a to MarvA. I'Ali'niMikll. d.uiillil.-r of ll.-iiliell I nhriil 1,'er l., both of l.omst lunnslup Colnuibii county. Iu llentnit, Aug H.hv lti-v. J. I!. N'iiM". Mr. J.ll. Hon sa is, to .Miss Emu Cotton, nil if llcnt'm DEATHS. Col, Juirni rxirt-( rtifdntliH rrni'loiir'', ijna, on Tii'-'ntliiy morning l.t ngctl"'1 )ari. Unutnrrnitt i'nitnll I'll IITfll I ll' II. JNIUl v J --jce, trj (ll N'OTIt ll If nrruy Riven, mm ins u-miio. r.ine r.iucnua uonvcmnm In mid for t'iu ni'rral I'-oroirjIm nml J'.lortit'ii Mih j Ancust :i, Ifll. tr let a nr;oiiimiii omuy, ui uitxi in iihj ii-f";iiiu pi act-a of holding utt OXMTUHV.IV TJIK XUh JUY OF 1UCWi'l Itciw.'t'ti Hi'- hoiirn of :t n ml "otl't 1' M., of nnt dny for tin' iiiiri'io of clnnsiiifl iwn l Ifgaici Inmi cjkIi KI.tiMii DiUritt, to mutiu COUN TY COWIINTION, at ilio Court Hotm-, in I'.loom-'htjrf; O.V MOXIK1V, Tlth' -'i f A D.tY OF AVOVST, M one o'clock I'. M., of t-aiJ ilay, for tin piirpo-'O of iti'ikttiix tin: nmial Itoinui ratic iiotiiio.itmiii. to lei Htipior tt-tt ly tin J:i(.tt-r of t'l:iui1ift Coimty nt tin mouiiu; (ioiicral i:it'ition, nJ for"aiUoii of nili-T lui nchit purtJiaiii? to the mterrfriH oftlw Domotriitic p.irty. JACOIl IIAKKIH, Cfl l.lltlAlll) Sllf.fcS M. C. WiMitm nu, Skmlll Cr.KAt. il'ntlt (i, ('AMlMlKt I., Wii.mam rniTy, rMUi K H.u 1 11.1t, Jitmiitrntie Standing Commi'ttc, Special Polices $251 EMPLOYMENT! IS75 ! AUI'.Nl'S W.WI'l.lll 'o will pay from Si.", to nf,ith. and nil expen ses, to nitive Audita, 6r eiu-.ij ( r.irti ul.irs sent free. Address Cltti Siwito MiiuitK t.', It. JAMI.S. (leoeral .Mjcnl, .MiUu, Oliin. Aug. !, IAil.-1'.'ui. A CARD TO THE LADIES lir. Idiponco's (uildinl'ili'sl'ur Fomalcj. tnfdltihlt lit eorrrrttng, rtgulntin? an,t remoctnp till efi. trueliiA,.0i K-A-rlfcfr canst, unit atiea'jt sKcctusiJ as a prcrendre. The Combination f iiiLT-'ients in ir. Diipouro's i.oiiun 11 is lire pi ri-'tuy lurmiH-s. in?) niiie nc VZ every 1 - .jS r,"?;":" .u..iy. V. Ill- under-ntned, residing in lleiulu. '1'1'1'- I'rom iin; to tm piiis iii cure that conouou yn i .i ii'hi ...... ,.l... nt iilu iviiitu in th land nnferit from this roniiiUini. Nearly eury I'i'liilile n,t" Ifoaii'-ntly cured tliunau(lb, nnd will citr" jun it Hie alioie put you lueuiem. iiifyrannui nariii jon, (iii tlio coiur.iry tlioy ri'iimve a I olitructioim, retorc nature to itn prop i rtliaiuul, anil inWiioruto tlii'wliulc srjt''ui. j wliortf licullli will not per nut an liirn-nxu on'amily, m ti'idtiHupitUiisurceriitinipri vfntUe. I 'I'hxoo 1'illt hhuiiM not li taken during tho firt Hire moiiiln of preynaiuy, nttliey are mircto bring on mis carr iie ; oni ni any inner i oe iney nr ' t aie. Trice, jl per box. rtold, wlioknale and n tail, hy (J M. HARrAlIUCII. lirtffriit, Hnlij a una fur Itluomslmru, I'a. To whom nil ordcrH miiht Us Kent. I.mlirs ' l.y sfinl ing llim!,(n) to tho llluonihuuri! roi-Otlice. r.m luive ' tUeso pilU .ent t.i any part of tin- amnio, ( i una rree r 1'on.nrV- i,y u.mi. s?.,id uo i.y n. i.. KiIiik &-ii.uiviiu, Ij. J. t ry. Tniiinun, J. A. l'oK, .M.-nich Chunk, nnd liy "one iHuggiht in every Town and citvin tli) United Ftate.. N. IE. Aok out fur ruiinterfeits. Itny no Gulden Yi (fund kind, uulexa fiery liox is MKiifd H. I). 1 1 owe. All others re a li.iso iniponition und uiHiife, llicrefurc, ti yon value our dws and Itealtli. (tit n.iy uotlimu of le inn; ImmljinTgi i out ot j nnr money.) buy only of those w ho btiuw tlifj fcin.iture tf S, ). Ilnwe on every box, whuh hm recently oeen addd, on account of a recent counterfuluftliu Vi. s, i) iiown, Holo Proprietor, Xcw York. Dec. 22, l?fiO-ly. Tho Whlto Hall Olothlns Etoro The unJer-iuneil, halns purchased the well known "U'liilc Hall Clothing Ihiipurtiiiu," situate on Hie outh Wvtl Center of Tourth anil Market Hired. Plul ulelotna respectfully informs llicpuhlic nml Inriui r ru.lomcr of mu iiouse, mac tie kctp constantly lor sale nnil makes up loonier, all description ofC-uthKieii's wear, ornp proved niuj eclls at ery modi rate priees. Ite itij; a 1'nAiiiiAL Tailok, lie ituarantecs jtood fits nnd wclt-iuatlu tlarmeiits. silnit attention yiven tn Jobbing generally. Aiontlnuatioiioflhc custom of the house, which ho Mill spare liopaius tu merit, is icr) n-spi itrully iuvi l-''; I'- B. I.LVICK. May 1, lt-CI. y Tue Okeai Ci.oruiMi i:iioriu or -rim Umoh. l'bil idclphi.i iose tlie most splendid fli thins Km liorioum in the lountry. ll is spk lipid us regards thu palatial structure tu wliiihthe iiiimeiii.e bilsiu.-ss rf the is condiiiled.aud it is etuully splendid in respect to its facilities uml wist resources, (tut to Us patrons its chief attractions ore, lirst. the c Iclmuco oi inn Bariuenls lor lieulleiiieii and Youllis. niaiiiifac- I tured there : secondly, the beauty nml durability of the ...u. ..., uj.iiiur i-jueiiciii u oi 1110 III, linn lastly 'he modi rale price s at which the goods are sold. Wo riter, in lln description, to none other than the llrown Ktoue Clothing Hall of Itocklnll & Wilson, Nos c.U3 aud WUChe.nut street, Philadelphia. Uniformity of Trices l-A New IVmiiroin lluslnca l.tery one his once Salesman I JOVIlH & CO. of tlio Cresent Ono l'rieu Clothing ftore, Sa. SUOMarkcUtrtd uboiuSlxth, l'hi'adel luu. In addition to having the large,!, most aricd and liDliiouablo stock ot'Cluthingiu I'hilailelphiii, mado ex pressly lor rcluil tales., hare constituted cury one his own salesman, hi haling marked in figures, cm enrh ai licle at thevery luet price it ran be sold for so lliev cannot pos-ibiy wiry-nil must buy alike The goods are will .ponged and prepared, and great paiiutaken with the making .u that all can buy mill the lull a.suraiicci of getting a good articlu at Urn my low. est Price. Also, a large Hock of piece goods on hand.of thelateat Hilcaud best .pialnlcs, which will be madu to order, In tlm m0,t ru.liionablu and best manner. Si per cent., below credit prices. Keuiember the Crescent, iu.Market.aboic Siuh Fired N"' m- JONXri S; CO. M,CM?ilf,M,vS,W .y.VHWV. Itecelveil the pri,. i.i!,?-!.'.,"; ."'Ul 1 Jlr 1,1 London leil, lor TllUN K.1 c.Al.ll.l flAC.h. Hoots shoes mid (iiim. (Ireat induce ment arc now otrcredto of the above arti cle, ibis is luuih Ihe largest stock of trunks. Carpet ?"' A' l?01: - I" rililaih'lphiii very cheap fur cash "" w- "-"ket street, one door aboio 4lh, inulk 11J1 uidalcs Dcparlmcnt. rniNTEii's pee ITLaciT CANDIDATE FOIt ASSEMIJLy!" TV lit t'Jcttort e Columbia Wls .- Tho undersigned, after u faithful servlco of over twen- low-citiw,,;, that Ire ,;, be aamhiU e' o, the'V' , . mil approaching Ceneral Lltction, .ubk-cl io ho usages of theColuuibia County Democratic Convcr-" doom In p., July 13,1601, LEVI L. TATE. CANDIDATE FOU SllEUIFF. 1'sriRlin.LMHtR, of Illooiusburg. wo are nulhorlisd to announce., will bo a candidate "o, HlllVl"' ai tho rourh nit ccliernl elnn,..., ...i.. . V". ..'i r ' dl ,no- ,hjili?,i3"toi':oun,y De,00'c Couxtnuon. et"'un or CANDIDATE KOlt SIIEIUPP. Jommi H 1'tFM, of lllooni township, wo arnautlioi Ired lonnnoiiure, w III he a rnndidnta Inr HllUlllri', i. the nppronihiiig gene ril (-lection, stiblcel to the tleclsio of (lid Columbia fondly I'emocratic Convention. July 13, IMI. CANDIDATE I'OU ASSEMBLY. AtthoeollcltatloH of mufty friends Iwould aunounc fnilm voters of ColiimMi fuurity, Hint I wlllho aeandi dato for AHSIlMlll.V.nllMuoiii.foachlnggfiicraM.-ctii,, subject lolhc decision of Ilia Columbia county lleiuocraii Convention, JOHN A.FUNHTON, July 5f, J8M, CANDIDATE fOll SHERIFF. rrii'i.d nnd fellow UciwH-rntff, n joiihuvti Rtffn nic i pu.irnnl'' tlircp)f.ire ngnt ilii-niicl) nur (ount CoiiwnUoii.nihl ly miher ing to IImi imniit- of tti jcnil crmicptuty nil in 110 llmr, tvtiirli Imhirt's tt.tnmin t nm-f inysi'lf nun ranilltlBif for tin uHiec ofHIIKitir Dili fall, ititijcct tu (lie decision of thw Dcioocrntie Conn tv Comtntiun. J, n. ghoul, l!oom towiiihlp, July en, IPf.l. 'candidate fou tkeasuukiT Ji S. MiNitcil. of Cananleea township, we t. aulhorlJii'.l to niinouiic e, will ho a candidate for TUBAS I'l' the approaching general elertion, subject I Ihe decision of tho Columbia tounty Democratic Con vcnllon Juiyea.MiL CANDIDATE FOR JUDGE. J.rooLvAt. of fireenwooil township, we ore author Iriillonniloiiiieii.wlllbH a candidate for AcWk.'Iah Jl'lllli:, (ittlliapproacliInK feudal election, subject! Ihe decision of the Columbia county Democratic Conic,, lion. July 27, 1JHI. CANDIDATE FOR OOMMISSIONElt ClllBlts II. Ilrsi, of Mifflin township, we are author Ir.ed tosav, w 111 he n l-nndlilate for CD.MMlBSlONr.U Hie i n-iiinK lleneml election, stibji ct to Hie ilecislonr the Columbia County Democratic Convention, July'Ji. IfliL CANDIDATE FOR COMMISSiONETt Mixh Itrntrr townMp, wo nrc nuthrT lzil in iiiiiumiipc, Mill In n rntnliilalf for .'H)Mij, nt the riiiiifj pt rliTtlon, ftilJfct to td rtrricltm of Hie Colunil'a County Dcmwrntlc CiinTrntiiji CANDIDATE FOU GOMMISSIONKlt TKAMttiv l,.SniMAN, fif Hcivt-r tnwnnlilp, vyp ni nutlinriwil to annoin.rp, will In ft ciiiJiflaitf fur COV Urn cnuliifj pinifrnl rkrtlon, nuhr to thu dcciiinii oMIkt Coiuiiilun County DuinocrnlicCnt entiitil Accost ;i, icdi. CANDIDATE FOR I RHASURKR. WllI.UM T. fiiL M vn, of Maine township, e tre si llmrled toniinoiinre, will be n candidate for TRIM lit Hie nppro.,rlihi)t llerlion, ulijrcl i Ihe det ision of the Columbia County Democratic Coi venliou, Ausu.t.l, Icall. ;SS001ATE JUDGE! Joiiv M Hesoi,iw, of Ii'irilnrk tow naliip. wu urn t tlmriz-d t.t ntitmunrf, Mill 1 a r.iinlM.iti fur AH(k. ATI! Hi" (in proa rlil lip jjiihtiiI rittion, tu' dfciaioii 01 uic uuunium uoumy nenu erat ASSOCIATE JUDGE. HiLi-nri Uai.dy, of C.itt'tuisitn, wc tip' atitlinrirp, t m iinro, will ! n fniiilnlah fur AOCIATt-. Jl'fK, nt tli' Hpprn.irliiiisjrui.i'ral i Iritlon, ttiitijcct tn tlio il ciiim oi'ilin Columbia Count) Democratic Conviniio AilSUt3,lt!Ul. CANDIDATE l-OlfsnKUIFK." Jamt-, Lakf. of iVotttouiHliij.. Mcare nutltori7f(l i '.virion lire, will l-' a r.nnlulati; lor fcltl.UIFl', at then; proucliinir gniral cltrtlun, joil-Jpct in tin actiuu tf ti ColmnM it'osihty lloinocratic Convention, AuL'iiBt in, Irttl. CANDIDATE FOR ASSKMKJiV. I li-ivclliroiih tlio urci'iit n-Hi't of many fri"nJ liTiiiioloii'it tooifi-r inj If as aranilnl.itf for -.. lll.V att If appro.iclilm; l'i tion, willimf to ohmit i tin dm iiom ot tlio lifinorniiir roiiintioii. If fltfti I willeiitluavor to fH't i my cojtitii-iiit f.ntliful. hi ii u my ln-f.1 firrH to ai-ciiru a retluctlon In tlio pti) the nnrtii,4,r. IICN'JAMI.V WINTKIWTUnV. l'ioc townxlilp, AdfT. 10. lrol. ""candidate "foiTaudTtor. ' Jonil'. Vow i.i R. r.M'i , of Tine tnuimhip. w art a limn ' iitioinMiitf r, w ill Ijc tii'nutliilatt for Colr' Alllirroit, at tli'1 approiiliincoii;nil Irctioii, biibji to tli1 anion of tli'i Colniiiltin Cmiiity lti'inocratk ' vcntion, f.U3. 1. I ! ADMINISTRATOR'S. NOTICE. Jiit ilc of Josiph Heller, deceased ton iiflnp. AIIpurtonrjNViiij rliinii nuftiiul till f Mate the decedent, nrirj'iuesteiltopresent theai to III" 'A luitii.lrator, w itlioiit delay, anil all persons iiidebt -,! make pa) Jul-Jit lorlhn itll. I.HVI vvuinirr Aug. SI, lrV.l-Ct, .An'r B)i.soliilion ul' Ei,'4tei aliiy. Till'. P.-irluerstliPfheretofore etiHtiny between lhl n derslgiied, at l.iglil Htru-t iu the liutclierinir llu nes. was dissolved on the first clay of J-incliist. by d lutil cons-nt. The Hook of the late firm urn lit tli- stand, where nil persons indi bti-d, will please cull wi out il. liy -iilil make seltlement. The toilchering f-u lies will heroaflcr be cciuduited by U. Hailing, at I old staed. J. V. SANKI'A SI. KALI.lNll Light Hlrcet, Aug.31, Will. 31. STRAY COW. CAMI, to tlie preuiUos of the in Heat tuwnt-lup, Oultiinbin ro , I'a. on or about tlo sth Atipnivt IHill. a IJI.AL'KCOVV, with n hrnwn nirip' l0' tlie hack, apparenily nhont 10 earn old. The owivr reqiiotted to prove propi-rty, pay cliiircea and take b away or nc wm w aoiuaccornms iniaw. MOaK3 MOYJUt AiifiiutSI, i.-i.-nt, ESTKAY nEIFER. ri AMB into the eiip'oures of tin tiii.lernisnd, in i3" ' township, about th" first of Anpimt, A U;i) lift' UK, Bupponed to be about two yenra old. Tin ovtnrr reqnufrinl toprovn property, paycharRes u"d take li away or tho will bo denoted ofan the law direrid. ABRAHAM ECUKUT Augiutsn. r.i.-st. WANT E L) I A 10.0 or Wooo, allliis'oluec, immediately. OnCIIAHD GRASS SEED! Tor pate at the office5 of Iho Columbia Dtmotrat. E S T R A Y. CAMIi to tho prcniiseg oflho mbscriber rrrentl) l(ilion towiithipCulunil'ia cimt-ty, 1 ytny H-if llriiiillu red, with a wlnlotreak on her back, trill! ted Icgn, about two years old thu owner is repieiif(l pmvcnnd pay cli.irges mid take her away, otlitrn uhy wiil bo bold according tu l.ty. j. a. Amju-t J7, lGJ, NOTICE. A I , 1.1. persons are forbid lluiiug the United H" r Holler Wash Miuluuc, A. Iluirers I'nlent, excrpli from authori7eil ngeui w itli power of attorney fcs ate dcteruiincd to enforce tlio law in nil such ens.-s, A. IIUri'Elt I'nUMH TllOli. V. EUGAlt. Espy, Aug. 17, leiil. 3ui. WILLIAM QUIXN, ' ti. W, Cor. Third nnd Market Pts.. I'lllLAUr.l.l'llO tsy- Cards $1.50 per 1000. - August 4, loCB-liiu. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Andrexo Dddinc, dee'd. LETTEJtS testamentary on the IMatoiif Andr I dine, latu of .Mount I'leusaul toHiisllip, Colu" count), deceused, hae been granted by the IleglsU'i Columbia rouiily to the undersigned, residing in township of Orange, and louuly aturcsaid. All i" r liaiiug claim aguiu.t lliu estate ef the decedent ars quested to pre' nt thciii for si lllemel.t aud these debted to make pawuciil iiniucdiatc ly to A, 11- DILIUM June S9, 1SCI. Ct, lUnvif Flour and Feed UellvccJ! CHEAPER THAN THE CIlKAPtt MMIli uuderifijiiicd h.iiiiiidu urrancenieuta t)';1 1 enable linn to deliver Hour und IVed, 1'OU about ten per cent, cheoper tlua any body eltftj i' 11 II in prices aiu ut follow g ; I'lonr, 7 W Curnt UvoChop, Ci'rn Ac Oali C,up, 1 W Uran, J 1 rt'upuctlully nulicit a Rharu id ihe public patrol'" lUooutluri;, Jniieii;t, HiV0 tf. B. ST. S. S W 4 ATTORNEY AT LAW, BMnMsutmn, r.f. Oflieo in Couit Ally, nniic(iy occiipicil by I.Tiatlc linckalcw. piuoliifcburg, Doe, 4, leoll. PHU bett molasses for tbo pri I County for sale at 11.4 nee in i AUW.