COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, AND BLOOMSBURG- GENERAL ADVERTISER. 3YI L. TATE, Editor. "TO HOLD AND TItlJI THE TOUCH OF TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER THE DARKENED EARTH." $2 00 PER ANNUM IYOL. 15.-NO. 25. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA-, SATURDAY, AUGUST 24, 1861. VOLUME 25. 0JUMBIADRM06RAT. tTuilMSUBD EVERY SATURDAY, HY LEVI L. TATE. Hf DLOOM3BURQ, COLUMBIA COUNTY, .PA. U Ui niw Brick IJuitdttiff, opposite th$ r.ithangt, by tide eflKt Court Jloutc, "Democratic Head Quarter," TERMS QF SUlCHll'TION. l OD In advance, Tor one ropy, for six niuntfif, lf-7S ilit wtviiuru, fur ono ropy, uiiu wt. S OUiIfnoi mid within lliu tlrnt tliruu uionthi. 45 lfint paid within the first six uiontlis, 1 "a tvi If imt I'-iU within Un' year. JtTNo ulncrlpltoii taken fr than nix months, tint 110 (inner discontinued until all arrearages shall Imvu been ptild. 1C7"OrdlnarvAnvrBTHKMST(fhiitTtcil,and Job Work tCCUICd Bl I'm tttfiUDHJUiMinricc-. BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. DR. JOHNSTON, THE founder of litis Uclolinitod Initltiilluti, offer a the moat certain, upt-edy. and tmty HU-uuat nim-tlj' in ttit wnrld for ell c lfr Uitjeti.Hmuuri's.Hoiiilmil weak iteid, l'alim In tin; Luim, Constitutional IK-hiht) , Imjto. teiiey. WcukuoM nf thii Hck and UuiIm, AUVction of Hie Kidiie , lililtntloii of Hit Heart, ))Wt-il i, Nur vum Irrit.ibility, I) no any of the Head, Throat, Nine or Mkfn'anil all tloiftu Hurious and mclaiirlioly DimiriHirff arialnr from thu ilostructiv u lialnts of Vuuili, x lih h tu unit mind. The ki' tec ret anil tulitnrv practice, on iimni fatal to thi-lr Ictlui tli m the ruiiptif brilliant hone and unticiiutloiu, rendering marriage ttc. I.P...M.. MAIlRI.UII!l Married ixtsoih, or Veiling Men cotttemnlalliu ninr liAte, being uwiru f physical wi'iikuep, or if an ic dealnli ty, tlefiniHti4, &c, t turn Id iniiuerliattly coiuult tit jvliiuton, and b rc-lorcd to rfeit health. JU who fUw lilimelf under the care uf lr. JohiiMuii, may rcllKl""!)" couiUc In hU honor in n la-iitleiucn, and confidently rely uihmi hMtdult a n 1iyilctau. imtiAMU WUAKMlHri Immediately cure J and full vigor rct-tnreilt I'll I del 'iiae id thu n-niilly mo-t frequently paid by tliu4 who have become (lie victim") improper i mint pen cie. Young perinun are too apt to commit exit-m fioin not belli; aware of the dreadful cim'incnee that ma etisucv Now, who that undernUiidii the Ktilijcct w ill pre Uud to deny the power of procretdion i lout sooner by thuiofnllirisjlnM Improper habits thuuby the prudtut. Uelde being deprived of the pleasure ot hrultliy oil" nuriinti, tli'i Hint oerioiid and iIotniulvu ) niptum to 'both body and mind urUe. Tliu Kteiu beiumeo durum; d; the jiliylcal and nii'iital power it weakened, nerwui debility, dynpepni.i, palpitation of the heart, hidicition, awaiting of the frame, Coujili, tfmptomiuf Cumfiimp lion. ttt. 0"0ince, Xo.7 rtouni FitiiiRitK aiRBKT, Bceti door from Ualtlmore Mreet, nlde, up the fti-pn. He par ticular In obi rim: thj.N'AMi: and MJ.MIlEK, or ou will mtvtnke tlu place. A Curt It'arrenteJ, or no Charge Xtdc, in from One to 'Jca Daiji, NO MUnUL'ltY OK .VUJrtUJl'rf lllit'US UtiEI). ' DH.JUUXSIW Member of the t'olh gr oi riurRenn. at Loudon. fSradoalo froimmeof tlo- 11101 nuineut rolkye id' the United Btatex, and the (,'reatiT part of whonellfi lint betu spent in tlic IUkI HospiiaU of London, Pari-, I'inl.i. dulpliiit ami elsewhere, h.H etlViUd i"hiu of the iin-ct im tonuliiux cure that were ever known; many tnuibU-d with ritiKiiii!. in the head and earn wIumi nelerp. preat ucrrBU4nenK, lienu alamo-d tit ituddeil xoiiudti, and h-uh falaiiii, with fre'ient blu-liin;', nt tended xonu'tinn s with derangttuuut oi inlud, were cured immiailiately. When th uiiguidial and iniprudeiit otary of pleasure find ut h.H iniliilo-il tin xet-H il linn paiuiui iiik ae, it too often liapperM th it an ill timed ftciife oVi,imc or rircaJ of diti-overy. di'tern him trom apply iug to ihof I renpei t.ilnlit tan tiloue bcfriuid liliD. lUlavlne lilt the coiiiititiitiou.iry tuhloiiw ul thin horrid diiwaite inakei th ir appearance, cuili m ulrerntfd jretbruat, dnJ4id oof. imrturce, p.iitM in the head and limb, diiiitie4riornllit,duiitiieK-t, nodeit on the kin hnnd ftii.l anm. hlotch ix on tliu ', facj and cxtreini iIjj nntrriMiiiiiz with rani lit A il I at lat (he nalatu id' tht luuuth 411 d bun t of thi! iomu I .ill in, and th! iitini of tbif at tcaitf b'ttMuiin iiorriu onjuitoi roiiimiirraiion till di ath putt a period to hit dreadful xtitlWingii, by ten ditwtuui to "that li'iiim from wl rr no traveler re- lurud' it micli. th.-ri lore. Dr. Juliiirftnii ideduen lilm- flf to preierve the iim-l en loalde M-rri cy, and from hU cxtuivd practice in the flrnt Ihpit.iUi.f J'.tirnpe and Atu'ricn, hi can connaetiii recvtnimemi h.ue ami opuctiy curctutho unfortunate vntirn ofihix horrid iliac-unc. TAKi: I'AltTlfULAU NOTtUIJ. Dr. J. addre-frt all tlio-n who hare h.J ired tliuimlvrti by private, a no improper imiuienceH, Tbia are home uf lha ad mid iii'-laiuholy effects pro duced by early lial'itx of youth. i: Weakness uf the Uack and Limbii, l'aiu in tli.i Head, Iiinitniss uf Hiclu Loitf of Muscular Tower, I'alpitatioii of the Hi-art. lyii pepsin, NertnuH Irratabiliiy, lK'rau(.'ement of the Hipes tire Kuuctions,(jeiieral Hcmlity, symptoms of Consump tin. Jtr. AIENTALI.V. The fearful eifect upon the mind are much to bt dreaded, of Mtimiry,Cinfiiuii of Ideas Depression of the Spirits, Uv ll I'urehu linifti, Averlou cfHutivty,Timity, &.c are tioiue of the eviU produicil, -Tliouiaads f perHom' of all agr can now juiljiu what tb cause of their decliiun health. LooNiut; thor vijfor, becoming weak, pale and emaciated, lun nit cin KUlar uppcaranc about the uy ch. cough and kj niptoiiit u ljitiuuit(tinii. . OV'fl INVKiORATlMS UKMEDY KUIt OHtiAMt; Wi;.Kl., Tttrthfi ereataud imuortaiit reined, wcnkncsi of the orgaiw are speedily cured, and full ipor rentured. Tliousanas 01 10 moL iu-r ohh mm ut imim.iil'u, mi ItaJ lost all hope, have b'.-cii immediat)) relieved. All impedimenta to .Marriage, I'hyical mid .Mental IhS'piali firntiait. Nervous Irratabilitt .Tremhli til's and Weaknen- or vxhausUtioit of tho mutt fearful kind, speedily cured uy uoctor jouiikiou, von no mi:n Who have Inlurcd tliunelveii bv a certain orartle Inrlulged in when alone a h.ilnl frfpi'-ntly lianu-d from erJI compauioiis, or ui uruooi me ein-ns ui uiuui arc nightly felt, even wlu-u ep, and if not cured renders marriage iinponohtt, mid dutroy k both nutid and body, should apply immediately. What a pitty that young man, the hope of his country, and the darling of his parents, rdiould bo puatched Irom alt prospects and enjoy menu uf life, by the coiikt-mieii-ces of deviating from the path of nature, ami itidulgiMg iu a sertalu kecret habit, riuch peruiu beloru con ttfmpldtiug. MAltKIARH should reflect that a oouud iiiiud and body are the iuo necessary rcquisities to imnnote happiness Indeed, without tlu-ne the jouriicy throiii;h life ln-comos a weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind heroines shadowed with deppair & Ailed with tho melandioiy retortion that the happiness of another become blt'jlited with our own, umutl NO. 7 riOUTIl FUi:ii;UICK Baltimore, ,MJ ALL BUKOlCAl.urr.UATUlXrt ri:itroitMi;i). N. 11. Let no false mudesty prevtnt you, but apply iunudiatly either peron.illy or by Letter. BKIX lnSllASCrf HI'LKDILY Cl'llKD. TO WIMXaKHil. The many thousands cureil at this institution within the last IS years, and the numerous important Surgical Operations performed hy Dr. Johnston, wituesecd by the reporters of the papers and many other pernm, no tices of which have appeared again and again before tho public, besides his standing as u gentleman of tharni trr and responsibility, is a m!u-ieut cmiruutee to the altlicte 1, TAK13 NOTlCi:. N. It. Tlicre aru hu many ignorant and worthier a Quacks advertising theimolves l'h) siciauu, ruining tho health of the already uftlicled. that Dr. Johnston diems It necessaryjta nay, i-six-tlally to tlioxe unmpiaiiited with his reputation, that his credentials uud riiplomi always hang In his oitue, tTJT" Tauk Notick. All letters uiust be post paid, and eoutain a postage stamp fur tho reply or no answer will be suL .March 17. 13G0, HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHIL- ADKM'llIA. ,pvo!ent Institution established by special endow ment, fur the relief of the Hick and Distressed, atllirted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and iispecially for the Cure of Discuses uf the gesual Organs. Dis pensary freH to patients In all parts of the United State VALUAUl.r. ItCmilTri on rtpermatorrha-a, and oth er Diseases of the tiexual Organs, nnd on the NEW UKMEUlESt employed, sent to the alllicted u uvan letter envelop! , free of charge. Two oi three H tain in for woitage will be acceptable. Address DK, J tfKli. WN IIOUOUTON. Actiuir Hurgenu, Howard Asocid Hon, No. U Bout h Ninth titrect, rhlUilelphU l'a. Iarclf 3, ItOl-l.'m. i- P p M V M A K I N G . IMIE undersiifned inform the public generally that x hey have furmcd u to-partnc r.hip, and will cunt in llBIttinll.lldln.iaa i.r Oini ,M .1 I. I.. ..II flfv Y,rl0l( departments, in Uluomseurg, where they will proiaptlv attend toallorderd in iliulr liintuf hu.i. ne- u pother in town or country. Well and CMeni rmups, with leaden Pipp, made lu ltt btst style of norkiuantliin, qii moderate terms, and on vecyahart notice. From their long experience n the business, snd sn aarncst denire tn have their work commend itself to tliu public iney feli conrldent they can make it an object in those who way gjve (hem their custom and render gene tal laUifactlon,. joh t;uuT(JHH;V. Blooinsburg, April 13, Itwt, C"L T)EU0NS about to commcneo House "lt'i.1;!!Bl'1',v"'." da Wcall n.1 euini.u! the gf Jflfc- l),.1i, tc. ill IMKT.MA.VS 1 Select llloctrn It Is Great for our Country to Die. DT JiMM II. rtCRCIVAL, 01 ills great foe our country to die, where ranks aro contending! hfight is the.wrjnthof our famoj Glory awaits us fur aye Glory, that never Is dim, chining on with light ncer cud in; Glory that never shall fade, never, Ot never away. Ot it is sweet for our country to die how softly re pose a Warrior youth on his bier, wit by tliu tears of hU love, Wet by a mother's warm tears ; they crown him with garlands of roses. Weep, and then Joyounly turn, bright where he tri umphs above Not to the shades ihatl tho youth descend, who for country hath pi rish'd ; Ik tie awaits him in heaven, welcomes him thero with her smile ; Thereat the banquet divine, the patriot spirit U cher ixh'd ; Uuls love the young, who ascend pure from the fu uerul pita. Not tu Elygian fields, by the Mill, oblivious river J Not to the isles of the btess'd, tner the blue, rolling sea ; Hut on Olympian heights, shall dwell tliQ devoted for ever ; Tlirri shall assemble the good, there tlio wig, val iant, and free, O 1 then how g'cat for our country to die, in the front rank to perish, Finn w ith our breast to the foe, Victory' shout in our car ; Lung they our ttatucs Miall crown, in sngs our memory rherish; We shall look forth from our heavens, pleased the sweet music to lu-ur. IBisftllancous, Absent Friends. Tics ami cords run from heart to heart, binding each to each in endearment and love. These neither time nor distance can fully destroy. Tho dead and the absent, we love them still ; and tho heart turns toward them fondly as to its best and sweotest treasures. Tho noblo dead arc not forgotten. In deed, in our hearts of love they aro not dead ; only goue not lout. Wo enshrine iu our memories each loved one, and up ward we look, and forward to the great awakening and re-union of heaven, and we ting, Hnil, wer!cst, ilearot tic, Ihat binds Unr cl"" iuK Ic'artu in oitu ; lljll. biuretl 1h')i'," &c. But the absent friends on earth scatter here and thero abroad ; these aro not un cared for nor forgotten. Iu sweetest me morics they twine around our hearts. At one time the silent tear, at another the earnest prayer, is au assurauco that the absent arc not effaced. The son who U far away, the daughter whoso now home is made amid other circles, aro no less iu the daily thoughts of tho parents who have brought them forth and brought them up Those fountains of love which have so Ion" been gushing, flow onward still, and for these absent household treasures fond hearts beat fondly as ever. To perpetuate and strengthen these tics tho ways and means arc almost infinite. At jiarting, keepsakes and mementoes arc exchanged, and these arc deposited iusomc choice place, it pleases ono to resort when recollections of the absent steal as melancholy music upon the soul. But this is never enough ; and the kind greetings, silent as falling snow-flakes, iuustpass and ro-pass,tho:e misnivcs of love and affection which tho mails carry forth and back. And what words and tokens do theso con tain ; with what solicitude looked for; and what consolations do they yield 1 Theso chaste affections, these throbbings of heart, these tbirstings of soul for tho loved and absent, at once assure us that true love docs not really die that God has made the tics which bind human hearts together that Celestial Lovo and Infinito Goodness has ordained that a re-union of tho good nnd true is in part tho best reali zation of heaven. " Thou hast redeemed us by thy blood out of every nation, and peopio, and tongue" tho joy of praiso to Christ, and of mutual recognition as fellow-saints. Morning Star. SSf A cotomporary appropriately al ludes to tho fact that when lion. Tom. Corwin, in 1810, bid tho Mexicans wel come the American troops with " bloody bands to hospitable graves" when Lin coln stood up in his placo in Congress and mado tho enemy's urgumcut against tho war when tho press of opposition teemed with every shado of abuso of it and de nunciatiou of tho Government for its pros ecution, that tho Democrats permitted all these things to go on without a resort to military defpotism, or mob law. But now when the Democrats are doiug most of tho GghtloQ and censuro the administration for violating tho constitution, &o., tho rcpub licaus stay ut homo to hold office and mob their neighbors, A Poep into tho Bank of Eng land. The Bank of England must bo seen on tho insido as well as out, and to go into tho interior of this remarkable building to observe tho operations of an institution that exerts more moral and political pow er than any sovrcign in Europe, you must havo an order from tho Governor of the Bank. Tho buildiug occupies au irregular area of eight acres of ground an cdifico of no architectural beauty, with not one window towards tho street, being lighted altogether from the roof or the enclosed area. I was led, on presenting my card ad mission, into a private room, whore, after a delay of a few moments, a messenger came and conducted mo through tho migh ty nnd mysterious building. Down wo went into a room where tho notes of the bank received tho day beforo, were now examined, compared with tho entries in tho book and stored away. The Bank of England never issues tho same note a second time. It receives iu tho ordinary course of business, about i'800,000 or 84,000,000 daily in notes; these arc put up iuto parcals according to their denominations, and arc kept ten years at the expiration of which period they arc taken out and ground up in the mill which I saw running, mado again into paper. If, in tho course of theso ten years, any dispute in business, or law suit, should arise, coucctning tho payment of any note the bank can produce the identical bill. To meet the demand for notes so con stantly used up, the bank has its own pa per makers, its own printers, its own en gravers, all at work under the samo roof, and it even makes the machinery by which the most of its own work is done. A com plicated but beautiful operation is a regis ter, extending from the printing office to tho banking offices, which makes every sheet of paper that is struck off from tho press, so that the printers cannot manu facture a single sheet of bauk notes that is not recorded in tho bank. Ou the same principle of neatness, a shaft is made to pas from one apartment to another, con necting a clock in sixteen business wings of tho establishment, and regulating them with such prcci.ion that the whole of them aro always pointing to tho samo second of In anoiher room was a machiue,cx ceediugly simple for detecting light gold coin. A row of them are dropped one by one upon a spring scale. If the piece of gold was of the standard weight, the scalo rose to a certain height aud the coin slid off upon ono side of tho box ; if less than tho standard it roso a little higher, and the coin slides off upon the other side. I asked tho weigher what was the average number of light coius that came into his hand, and strangely onough he said it was a question he was not allowed to answer. The next room I entered was that in which notes arj deposited which are rea dy for issue. "Wo havo thirty-two millions of pounds sterling in this room," tho officer remarked to mo ; ''will you take a little of it J" I told him it would ba vastly agreeable, and aud he handed mo a million sterling,which I received with many thanks for his liber ality, but he insisted ou my depositing it with him again as it would hardly be safe to carry so much money into the street. I very much fear that I shall never see that money again. In the vault beneath tho door, wcro a director and cadiiro counting bags of gold which men wore pitching down to them, each bag contain ing a thousand pounds sterling, just from tho mint. This world of money seemed to realizo tho fables of casUrn wealth, and gavo mo new and strong impression of tho inagnitudo of the business dono here, and tho extent of the relations of this ono insti tution to tho commerce of tho world. Was it Prophetic t On tho 5th of April, 1850, in tho Scnato of tho United States, Gen. James Shields, then Senator from Illinois, said : "Thero aro only two principles em ployed iu tho government of tho political world force and compromise Sonio nations aro governed by both principles, others by force alone ; but this is tho only government that has always been gov erned by compromiso sinco tho foundation of tho government, aud it must continue to be so governed so long as it continues to be a lUpublio. Sir, when compromise cuds, force begins, and when force begins war begins; and tho tocsin of CIVIL WAlt is tho death-knell of Republicanism." 1ST If your sister, whilo sho is engaged with her sweetheart, asked you to bring a glass of water from an adjoining room, start on the errand, but you need not re turn. You will not bo missed. Don't orget this, little children. Cuhtmlmt Innnrrnt r.nirr.D v i.cvt i.. tatb, rnoruiirron. BLOOMSBURG, PA SATURDAY MORNING, AUQUST at. 1861. Tho Itopcal of tho Sub-Troasury. Democrats who talk about uniting with tho llcpublieans, to save tho country, or adopting a platform toploaso tho Kepubli cans for tho samo purpose, will find that Jordan is a hard road to travel. They must not only support tho recent act of Congress suspending the specie operations of tho sub treasury, but prcparo to advo catu, as a ncccasary consequence, a United States Bank, nnd all othcrrag mill oper ations that the ingenuity of man can in vent to rob tho peopio of their hard-earnings. They must not only go for this war to savo the Union' but they muit go for it to destroy the South, by abolishing slav ery and holdini,' the States iu conquered subjection by military rule and stauding armies, the end of which no child now born will see. The supcnsion of the sub-treasury is the first great move to a total annihilation of all souud currency, and a new reign of rags aud lamp-black. It will be a matter of some curiosity to watch how deliberately t!i now converts to lUpublicauism will handle this new item in tho Chicago plat I form. The Niw York Icialtl, thus takes the , sop kiudly, and informs us that there is great rcjoiciug in Wall Sttcil! Why should there not be I It is to them what tho war is to army contractors, so rich a j harvest that they would willingly hang any man who would now advocate peace : "Considerable excitement was caused by the auuouncemeut in this morning's Jlcr- aid that the Committeo of Conference be tween the House aud Senate havo reported a bill ameiiding tho Sub-Treasury act so as to allow bauks to retain in their vaults ' any money subscribed to government loans until thoy aro needed for the use of gov- ' eminent. The bib has passed both hous es, aud it is a law. It amounts in ono word, to abolishing the Sub- Treasury for : tlio tunc being. lleiieolortu tuo govern ' incut will keep accounts with as many sol vent banks as subscribed to its loans. The banks will find an additional reason for subscribing in tho interest which they will earn ou the amount of their subscrip tions so long as thvy aro allowed to re main in their hands. Instead of paying troops and contractors,' as heretofore, iu dralts ou tho Sub Treasury exclusively, government will hereafter pay them iu drafts on our banks, which will supply the people of the West with plenty of good currency. And instoad of regarding tho sub-Treasury as their natural enemy, whoso vaults become filled at their expense, the bauks will now consider that institu tion in tho light of an ally. This feature (if the law is regarded with decided satis faction iu merchantile circles." Twenty odd years ago wo went from a United States bank to local bank, and from local bauks to sub-treasury. Wo now go back from a sub-treasury to local banks aud then from local banks to get rid of their spawn, (that will bo the argument) to a United States bauk, to save the coun try I As theso things could not be done in time of peace, it was necessary to plunge us into a war, to accomplish, these great purposes, ot crushing out the Democracy! Now Democrats look well to your mem t hers of tho Legislature. There will bo somo necessary bank legislation at tho State Capitals now, to meet this conting ency of a paper money era. Vote for no man for a scat in your Legislatures who is ( not bombproof against tho wiles and bribes ot tuoso who wilt uc ou nanu to pay tticm for their treachery. We havo been told over and over again hers, within the last six months that no Legislature- can ho elected that cannot be bought ! Democrats it is for you to look to that, and look to it in time. Question your candidates, get their answers and hold thciu to it. As this is a hard time for traitors see to it that wo havo nono in our ranks. As was said on another try ing occasion in our country's politics, wo say now, "warn the committees !" Execution. Armstrong was executed in Philadelphia, about 11 o'clock, ou Fri day, tho Oth. lie spoko for about thrco minutes, but mado no now statements. lie manifested tho samo indiffercuco in re gard to his fato that ho displayed through out his trial aud imprisonment. ZSr There aro now thirty of Jeff Da vis' pirates in tho Moyamcnsing prison, in Philadelphia. "No Party." "William O'Brien has been removed from tho position of marker in the Custom House at Now York, and llobcrt Vosburg, a negro, appointed in his placo." Wo clip tho above from tho Pine and Palm an abolition paper, published in Boston and Now York simultaneously. It is put forth, in that sheet with a gusto, as showing tho advanco of "liberal princi ples" in tho government, when whito men can bo turned out of public employment to I mako room for negroes. Inasmuch as the announcement comes from tho other side, wc suppose wo may take it for truth it is not "a secession lie," as our opposition iriends aro fond of dubbing everything that don't suit them. Wo think it would bo well for whito men and especially for laboring men, to notice this appointment. With tho cry of better times of free farms for tho farmloss of free homes for the homeless of free speech free laboring men, hundreds of thousands of votes wcro stolen by the Lincoln party last fall ; and what do those men find uowt They find tho wages of labor reduced one fourth or one-third iu many instances, and four days a week at that. Thoy find col lieries, iron works, and other great indus trial and commercial enterprises stopped, or on the point of stopping. Thoy find, instead of plenty of work at wagc3 that would make their families comfortable, their families crying for bread and all , this they find as the feast of better time, which was spread out for them to partake of last fall. Prco farms for tho farmlcss they now find to mean a spot of ground about six feet by two ; which they aro at t liberty to occupy from this to tho day of Judgment,iu the shapo of ?. soldier's grave ; and for homes for tho homeless, thoy havo , found that in all future prospects the homes for their starving families will henceforth be the street or tho poor house, and, their , denGndencc the charities of the world : i instead of free speech, they find they have the freedom to talk as certain men may , dictate, and that if they complain or rclt I crate tho cry of their starving children for bread, they aro called secessionists'' aud 1 tho community warned against giving them employment ; or if thoy happen to bo in 1 tho army and complain because tho gov 1 crnmcnt is robbing them by their State to mako them comfortable whilo fighting the I battles of their country, like poor Balso at Harrisburg, the authorities arrest them for I treason and throw them into a dungeon I disgraced and dishonored. They find that , instead of comfortable clothes, they are furnished with garments of "shoddy, ' that wear out and leave them naked in a week ; aud instead of shoes to keep their feet from tho burning sand during their long and 1 weary marches, they aro furnished with sandals soled with whito shavings. Iu ! stead of protection to homo industry as they were promised, they find aud army : of ignorant and barbarous slaves let loose upon them to compete with their labor aud i disgrace their employment, aud then every little whilo aro regaled with news, like tho ! above, that white men arc turned out of the government employment to mako room for a strapping sou of Ethiopa. And then white men fiud also, that if they meet to consult together to devise a redress of grie vances, or how they shall protect them selves against thcic things, tho very news papers that were so loud iu promises but a few months ago, ridicule their efforts and take part with lazy and barbarous negroes who aro now fleeing from tho Southern States, and foisting themselves upon tho sympathies of tho community for support. This is the way things aro now goiug on every day about us, aud in all earnestness, how long shall il bo submitted to? Under tho cry of "no party,'1 democrats in tho field bravo and cxperieuccd soldiers, aro almost every day being superseded by tho appciutmcut of old broken down political hacks, who never saw sorvics and never wcro in tho ranks in their livc3. With tho cry of "no party," now, but anything for the country, tho natioual administration is engaged daily in turning out democrat) from civil positions although two-thirds of those in tho field now upholding tho na tional honor and the integrity of tho Un ion are Democrats, and putting tho most bitter and radical Republican partizans in their places, aud oven, in somo instances supplanting them with negroes. Under tho cry of "no party,'' they orgauizo Con gress by tho election of a mere chattering abolition free trader for Speaker of tho House, knowiug that they could give no greater iusult to tho conservative sense of tho country especially of tho border States that sentiment upon which wo must rely to savo tho Union in this extremity it can be saved at all 1 How can it bo ex- ncctcd but that tucir rrolcgionj Mionli h. f t regarded as a ebea't and a humbug, and that they regard a negro as a little better than a whito man, especially if tho whito man -bo au Irishman! Democracy and tho War- We commend to tho attentive conside ration of our readers of all political par tics, the following article from tho Albany Atlas and Argus tho leading Democrat io journal of New York. It presents, iu a calm and temperate manner, the several phases of tho war question, and gives its own views as to tho best and most practi cable mode of bringing tho war to an end- It opposes separation upon any terms, denounces tho attempt to make the war one of slavery emancipation, as directly sub versive of tho Constitution points out tho danger and almost absolute impracticabil ity of holding the rebellious States in sub jugation by military power aud finally advises the restoration of tho Union by tho exorcise of the same spirit of forbearance, conciliation and compromise that inspired our fathers when it was originally formed. Surely these suggestions arc both rational and patriotic ; and tho moro thoy aro con sidered, tho moro will alt reflecting men sec their force and propriety. Wo believe tho time is not far distant when tho peo ple will take tho very ground hero presen ted, and demand a conclusion of tho war upon just such terms. In this belief, wo copy tho article, and give it our hearty endorsement s There may bo four different modes of treating tho present war, each of which probably finds more or loss favor in tho raiuds of tho peopio at tho present time. Let us dwell briefly upon them severally. 1. Separation-. Tho Administration, pressed with tha terrible responsibility of eunuueuug sucu a war as tnis, is lluely to bo tempted to find relief from it m letting 'terms of oomprolniso wo propJ0 w0 answcr he acccdig States go-.n assciifng first, ' h as IIol't CrittendenGuthrie, John & 'um1, e,,bU-?D!llly t0, a .sra- Un, and other tried and devoted Union ration W hatever denials may bo inter- mcn in tho gtat0S) shall say aro posed by the friends of the Presideiit-iu-1 ncccs3ary to build up a Union party and deed, whatever may bo his own feelings on reetorc jjjj- at th South 1 his point at this time-it is easy to see Wo bcij0Ywo haT0 fllirly prcgcDlcd tho that, as difficu lt mulUply, as the Ml vi0W3 upou whioh the Dc.noerits and con magnitude of this war reveals itself, tho I SBrvat'tve mcn of this State intend to stand wuucbv i evem, win no io iijeiiua mm to I . . . i tho honors which cluster through the pathway of sepa- around him l ration, To this mode of relief a portion of tho Republican party tho extreme Anti Sla very portion, and The Tribune school will readily assent, and, indeed will de mand this courso, unless their wish to con vert tho war into an abolition crusade can be gratified. Wc need hardly say what we havo so often reiterated that to this mode of ending tho war, wo are emphati cally opposed, as full of calamities for tho future. If such a result becomes a necess ity, the nation must submit to it, as to any other unavoidable afllictiou, but wo aro in favor of resisting it to tho extent of tho ability of tho Government, and until fur ther resistance is mere madness. 2. Emancipilion : It cannot bo denied that tUcro is a largo class of zealous sup porters of the war, whose principal inter est in it is the hope that it will assume tho character of a war of emancipation of tho slaves aud become a grand crusado for freedom. It is quite apparent that this can never occur without an utter disre gard of tho Constitution, aud practical subversion of our present form of Govern mentbut this matters littlo with the ad vocates of this plan, they aro men of "ono idea'' abolition of slavery is,in their view the only good to be accomplished and ev ery thing else should bo sacrificed to that end. If tho war cannot assume this miss ion, they aro for separation. Tho men of this class arc more numerous than may bo generally supposed. Thoy include not merely your Oheovcrs nnd Bccchcrs and Greeleys, but a vast Antl Slavery army which swelled the triumph of Republieau ism at tho last election. The Administra tion has already disastrously felt tho pres sure of this radical wing of its party and given way before it in its "on to Rich mond" movement. It will coutinuo to feci it, and amid tho difficulties and trials which this war will involve, will bo sorely tempted to hoist tho banner of negro eman cipation, aud, it is quito within tlio limits of possibility, may do it. Wo need hardly say tunc sucu a movement sucn a usur- pation of power and subversion of tho Con- stitutiou will bo opposed by Democrats and conservative citizens to tho bitter end, and can hardly fail to nroduco a counter revolution at tho North. 3. Subjugation : There is a plausibil ity in insisting that this rebellion should bo crushed out and rebel States brought back simply to their loyality to the feder al laws and tho Constitution, aud wo havo nothing to urgo against tho motives of thoso, who advocate tho prosecution of tho war, solely for that cud. Thoy sre acting within tho limits of the Constitution en gaged in upholding the dignity and power indeed tho very cxisteuco of tho Govern ment, and as far as they go, thoy aro act ing wisely and well, and certainly havo our sympathy and cooperation, an we be lieve, that of Democrats aud conservative men generally. But, in all soberness aud candor, w;o ask such men if they bclicvo that military forco alone will ever restoro tho Union over bring back tho citizens Federal Government! Can wo conquer tho South ! With the disadvantage of conduc ting tho war in their territory, is it reas onable to bcliovo that this can bo done, oven by n bloody strugglo of years' dura tion I Admit that wc van beat thorn in tha field and disperse thoir armies and march our victorious legions over every rebellious State, will that restore them to loyality? Will it not become necessary to garrison tho whole South, and hold it in subjection with an immense army and at aii cxpenso utterly ruinous to us I In a word, will mcro subjugation of tho South restore tho Union I We think not Democrats and conservative men at tho North, to far as wo know tneir vicwa, think not and this brings us to a consideration of what is nccesssary. 4. ltcstoration : Eight millions of peopio cannot be conquered. Thoy may bo beaten iu battlo at every point, but the war which seems to bo ended to-day will break out at some new point next week or next yar. Mere defeat will not restore their loyalty and make them faithful citizens and wil ling members of the Union. Rebellion may thus bo smothered, but its fires will burn in the bones of successive generations, aud flash out anew at every opportunity. Loyalty cannot bo restored in a rebellious peopio except by concessions on the part of the Government. It never was restored since the world commenced, iu any other way. fto great revolution was ever effec tually crushed out by the iron heel of military power. Au amnesty, a liberal consideration of causes of complaint, gene rous concessions, havo often triumphed where ball and bayonet failed triumphed, too, without weakening tho Government, without inviting the repetition of rebellion, but adding strength to tho Government by bringiug willing hearts and strong arms to its support. In the light of these principles, wo think the Union is to bo restored by tho samo spirit of forbearance, conciliation, and compromise, which inspired our fathers in its original formation, aud that " a vigo rous prosecution of the Avar should bo ac companied by tho most liberal proffers of i) Tr . . i.-i tbose wllich have :usl bl;cn put fortll b i tiitiwt null, jujv Uttll UUb lUltlJ UY tho Stato Comniittce-thoso we anticipate t!l0 Stat0 Convention of the 4th proximo will approve, aud that upon theso views coupled with a stern condemnation of tho corruption and jobbery which have thus far disgraced tho prosecution of this war the Democrats of tho State, and all who sympathize with them and condemn tha imbecility of tho present Administration, are willing to appeal to tho peopio aud abido their verdict. On theso principjo.1 alone can the war be ended with honor and tho Union preserved. Baugh's Super'Phosphato of Lime. We call tho attention of our Farmers to the Raw Bono Super-Phosphato of Lime, manufactured and sold by Messrs, Baugh & t-'ons, Philadelphia. The Card is in this Columbia Ucmocral. Every Farmer should try its great fertilizing qualities. Judgo Conyugham's letter below, speaks for itself. Higher testimony is not to bo found in Pennsylvania. Read it : Letter from tho Hon. John N. ConTncham, ot Wllkcibarie, Pa. Antlli 0, 1801. Messrs. Bauoii & Sons : GentIiEMen I tried some of your Super-Phosphate of Lime last season, aud as I mentioned to Mr. A. M. Spangler, (Ed. of 'armtr and Uardcncr.) was well satUfied with tho uso of it. I have proved this by Eending lately for more. I applied it for corn in tho hill at plant ing, generally, accordiug to the directions in your pamphlet, and found the plants to bo strong and thrifty on their early ap pearance, and to maintain this character throughout tho season. I have never be fore had corn so well cared, both in sizo ana number ot cars to the stock. I kent no detailed account of tho number of bush- c's to ''10 aorei ut wui'c ,uy fan" is upland tho crop was equal to the better crops originally raised on tuo ncli bottoms. 1 might add, that I tried otbor manures and fertilizers, applied to the hill partly in mo samo liclil, nun partly in one aujoiu- '"Si tho soil and cultivation being tho samo, aml cou''1 discover that tho portion whero J'our phosphate- was used, was better in both stock aud vieid. Respectfully, yours, JNO. N. CONYNGIIA3I. BSyTlio Ohio Republican desires to j:in tho Democrats in a Union ticket for Stato officers, but it is not probable that tho lat ter will be ambitious of tho honor of such an allnincc. Tho Cincinnati "Enquirer" predicts that tho puro Democratic ticket will bo the only Union ticket nominated in Ohio. Exchange That's right! Democrats should not get in bed with their enemies. Let them "bkin their own shanks." The extra session of Congress which has just adjourned, and which has been in session only ono mouth, has appropriated Two hunired and twenty Jive tiiilboas of