Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, August 17, 1861, Image 2

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    Cnhitiitrifl Jfituirrut
ATtcttl.ConffrM iliall make no law rcpectlng
in eitahllihmcnt of tclieion or prohlMtins the tree ex
trcJte thereof I or Abridir the Freedom of Bneeth. or
of the Prtsi) or tlm right of the people peaceably to
or grievance!. VoAititutien ftk VMUd Stattt
iRiiiDie mm a item ion inc uovcrnmem ior a rcuress
f ARTtcti U1. That tho printing prrtaca shall be free to
every per ton who nn.lcrtakei to examine I ho proceedings
of tho legislature, or nny branch of government ; nml
no law that I ever be tun tie to restrain the right thereof.
The free communication of thoughts an J oplnUmi It
one of tiio InvaMabta rlxhti of man; and every clti
zvu may ircciy pea. ruo nnu prim oil any auDjccl
beliijr reipontiblt) for tho abuio of that liberty, lr
proseeutioni for the publication of papen tnvettfcntlng
the ofllclal conductor olilceii. or luciiinnublicrannrtiv.
or where the matter published, is proper for public In
juiiiibiiuu, tun umn mcrcoi may oe Riven in ciacnce
tn) In all Ihtllctincnti fur libclfl. iho turv nhnil hxva i
right to determine tho law ami the fncti, under the til
rrction of the court, ailn other caiei, institution rf
W need money badly, and It will bo a very groat rc
lief to uiif out fticndi and patron, will furnish uj with
a Uttlo of the "needful" without delay. If tlicy cannot
pay til, let them at least give ui a part of that to which
we are jmtly entitled, in order to relievo us from our
embarrassments. We think wo have been very Indul
gent, and therefore hope to meet w 1th a ready response
to w hat we conceive to be a reasonable rciuc.t. Wc shall
be prepared to receive our friends at tho oDlce, and fur
nlsh them promptly with receipts for w hatevcr amounts
they may desire, Persons at a distance, and thoso re-
tiding out of the county, can remit by mall at our risk,
Come, friends, give us a lift without longer delay, as
wemusthavo money to keep the old Columbia Democrat
In motion.
M9 Mr. Uuckalew and family, havo
arrived in New 1 ork.
Mooting at Bonton.
Tho meeting at Benton, last week, wag
n glorious demonstration of the "untcrrificd
Democracy." hen freemen speak, ty.
Tants tremble. Wo refer with satisfaction
to tho proceedings in another column of the
"Uotumua Democrat."
Dr. BnowEn'a reported speech, on
Quick's Summit, is all ''buncomb." Ho
wasn't thoro, as it was proven, by his own
Son. Wo risk nothing in saying, that if
ho had been thoro, liko all discomfited
Old Coons, ho would soon havo Bought a
retreat into or upon "an oldpinc stump.''
MB-Several spirited communications ap-
pearjupontho outtor form of this Columbia
Democrat. Wo thank our correspondents
for generous attentions. Will thoy strivo
to write plain and study brevity.
' A xscnton Hoy," writes too long. Tho
ideas aro generally correct. Wo will give
mm a Hearing.
Dr. Hakes' speech.
The Spoeoh delivered on Friday last,
before tho Groat Dcmocratio Mass Meet-
, . T . 1 T TT. TT . "
i"r ' 3 a'ii i ,
Wilkesbarro, was a telling and masterly
tt ... i i. .
,uu .u atroug
rfftsnnor nnrl nn plnnnnnt cniVni. Tl,.
TT Sa n letn , 1 , .
i .l & I. ' i i. . .i t,
learn, thathe is to bo ono of thpnostBcp.
' . . - .
rcsentatives, Irom iiuzernc, in the Lcgis-
lature ot i ennsyivania.
Delegate Eloctiong.
Democrats bear in mind, on next Satur
day, and attend your Dolcgato Elections.
These primary meetings are of vast impor
tance to the prc3cnt well-being and futuro
prosperity of tho great Democratic Party.
Wo trust they will bo well attended
throughout tho County of Columbia, and
that great care will bo taken to select good
men and reliablo Dcmocratio Delegates to
tho County Convention, and a strong
County Ticket will bo nomiuated for tho
Bupport of tho Domocratio party at tho
General Election.
Elements Of tho Opposition, j
It is amusing to observe the avidity with
which tho hatrccgenous compounds ofrc-
publicanism always assail good Demo- ,
cbats. Ihis principlo is unmistakeably
exemplified, by tho opposition Presa, in
their abuse of the Editor of this Journal.
Tho mero fact, that his namo has been an
nounced for an office to which ho has not
yet been nominated and possiblynovcrwill
be has elicited a general howl amongst
tho mongrel hordo of the defamers of tho
1. Dr. Bnowzn of tho "Montour Jlmtr.
ican," lets fly his small dogs of war.
Ho and they aro both entirely harmless.
Wo regard him, generally, as a clever fel
low, but rather pity his condition, a3 a
"natural and acquired know-nothing."
2. Bob Frick, of tho "Miltonian,"
yelps m tho rear. Like all political apos
tates, he has a holy horror, for independ
ent democrats. Bob, you may now abido
and glory in your own shamo.
3. Dr. Jou.v, of tho Republican, said
ho would havo a word to say, whon wo got
tho nomination- Ever anxious to falsify
his word, ho cannot await tho result of that
event, but has commonccd his work of
vituperation. Such abuse is tho best praiso
he can bestow.
4, Last and least, "Oil Macamoose,''
yclept tha crazy Rev. Gates, of tho Wil
liamsport Bulletin, gives us a rip for say.
ing that ho had "wormed his way into our
Court nouso, hit 6pring, and made a'fool
of himself generally." Lay on "Maca
moose," Whcro is your man "li-idaij,
Mr. Vangcldcrl"
W Col. Wii. iT Alexander, of tho
Clarion Democrat, will please accept our
grateful acknowledgements.
" Brother Bknediot, of tho L'atbon.,
ttofd Advance, will accept out thanks, '
"Tho Roign of Terror."
"Notice is civen to Is. L. tato iaeob
orowl 0. B. Brock way tho Sutli amorioan
jackass ana nil other toryes must
aiop your tory ism or you will get a Uoftt
oi lar aim icimers jjy
Fifty Oitisades''
'Revival of the Alien and Sedition Laws,"
About tho 15th of last April, when tho
present unnatural and iutcrnccino War
commenced, sotno cowardly scoundrels in
and about Bloomsburg, sent us tho abovo
complimentary notice. It is printed, ver
batim, cl literatim, Such midnight assits-
ins aro unBt for a place on tarth and had
thoy, or cither of them, presented it to twin
person, would now havo disgraced a back
room in tno lower rccions
Tho first named individual, has lived in
tho world, over half a Century, and over
a quarter of a Century in Columbia couri'
ty, and ho may add, has earned a fair rep
utation in Society, Ho has for thirty two
years, consecutively, voted tho democrat
io Ticket and supported tho Constitution.
Tho labors of hislifo have been directed to
conserve tho Union & tho Constitution.
Moreover, ho has contributed liberally of
his money and has thrco ncphows and sov'
on (late) members of his family in tho war
supporting the "Stars and Stripes," and
this, is tho "head and front of his offend
ing. Mr. Jacob R. Groui,, the second per
son namcu in iho above category, is an
honest, industrious citizen a poor man,
who has all his lifetimo worked hard to
support a numerous family. Besido his
patriotism has never been questioned.
But his sin is, that he is a Democrat, and
Mr. 0. B. BnocKWAr, tho last person
hero named, whom theso vagabonds de
nominate tho ''South American Jackass,"
bcoauso ho accompanied Minister Buck
alow, as Secretary, to Ecuador, is ;
Ltirutian, Soldier and Scholar. Whilst
theso cowardly ingrates wcro plotting trea
son against his life,young Mr. Bhookway,
(who is a Democrat and Patriot.) had en
listed in their war, and is yet enduring
tho hardships of a soldier's lifo to protect
them m easo and safety at home 1 Oh
shamo, where is thy blush 1
Such was tho stato of feeling prevalent
in this community last spring tho spirit
ot mobocraoy and violence fostered by
men claiming to bo moral and respectable
t i'zcns, but who had not tho poor courage
t0 do their own hellish work. Wo rtgrct
t0 say tuat 'ho samo dark spirit of vricked-
nes3 is again obtaining in our country, and
simply because democrats havo " i
upon tho Alter of God," not only ''eternal
hostility to every form of Tyranny, over
tho mind of man," but to maintain their in.
dependence, in life and in death, standing
upon tho American Constitution. And
e " scary Editor of tho Republican,
i, f ,t , , , ,
wb0 lor S0V5ral long years, has loudly Lei-
lowed for , Frec tl , p -
' u.m
a Fste Press V ASA Ms f..n .1 i-
" J DUU1U tU tllfUtl
t,ie rabble to act3 of out-race, insult and
VTnrpv -,, 6 '. , ,. "
VIOLENCE, lou said vou had "snn tori
ou said you had "sDotted
Q trajtora
If that is your gamo, we
" Lay on McDuff,
And woo ho he who flrst cries, hold-
Republican Economy.
Wo givo below a striking cxainplo of ro
publican economy. Abraham Lincon's
missionary excursion last winter through
tho couutry, cost tho tax payers of Penn
sylvania for his sojourn of somo six hours
in Harrisburg (until he slid out of tho
"back-door of tho Jones House,) tho naat
little sum of ONE THOUSAND TIIItEE
phlet Laws of Penna. p. 403, approved
itfth April, 1601. It should bo rcnicni-
tared that this sum, 51,355 CO, was paid
tjf our Tas-payers for enabling Abraham
'neoln, to visit tho eapitol as a privato
citiz0D il was beforo ho was inaugura-
i" " JUU 13 luo urst mstanco in history
whore our people are called upon to pay
the expenses of a trading politician. It
was never dono in tho ca3o of any dcmo
cratio candidate or by a democratic Ad
ministration. What think you, Dcmoorats
of Pennsylvania, of tho promised change
and republican economy.
Tho North Branch Domocrat.
Col. D. C. Kitciien, has issued a new
Demooratio paper, under tho abovo title,at
Tunkhannock. It is neatly printed and
soundly dcmocratio. Wo wish it success
as such a ihect is greatly needed there,
and we trust it will bo liberally supported
by tho evcr-faithful Democracy of Wyo
ming. A Dcmocratio Meeting, will bo held
in Berwick, on Saturday, tho 7th of Sep
tember : Wo learn that its principal object
is ior tho ratification of tho Domocratio
Nominations. Tho "camp-fires'' of tho
Democracy of Columbia aro burning
brightly every whore.
Praise Womiiv. Ono of tbo acts of
Congress wo can most cordially approve,
and that is tho increase of two dollars per
month on tho pay of soldiers, sailors and
mariners tho men who havo to do the
hard drudgery and fight the battles of our
country. This will niako their pay thir
teen dollars per month, and wo aro only
sorry it is not twenty. This addition to
tho monthly pay will incrcass tho expens
es, on a forco of 300,000, seven millions
per annum, or, on a forco of 000,000 men
twelvo millions. But this tho people will
cheerfully pay, because thoy know that it
is appropriated to a good and necessary
purpose Thoro is to bo no jncrcaso of
the officers' pay.
Hon. C. L. Vallaudlgham.
Tho Republican war press 13 very loud
in its denunciation of lion. 0. L, Vallan-
nghaditn, of Ohio, as a Secessionist. By
this sweeping charge theso Republican ed
itors provo that thoy are cither ignorant
or dishonest) they cither havo not road
Mr. Yallandinoham's speeches in tho rc
cent Congress, or thoy wilfully misrepre
sent his position. Any ono who can pe
ruse his recent great effort, and not fed
convinced that ho h an honest and sincere
friend to this country, must possess an in
tellect devoid of understanding.
The position of Mr. Vallandigham,says
tho Carbon Democrat, as a patinotio and
ablo statesman, is certainly n proud one,
when conparcd with that of such miscre
ants ns Lovcjoy and Lane men, may it
bo known, whom theso samo Republican
editors laud to tho skies. Only two days
beforo tho adjournment of Congress (Sat
urday last) an incident occurred which il
lustratcs tho characters of Mr. Vallandig
ham and Lovciov perfectly. A resolution
was beforo tho Houso instructing tho Prc3
ident to appoint a day of fasting and pray
cr. Lovcjoy moved to amend by adding
to tho sorvicos to bo observed on the day
in question, tho reading of tho CSth Chap
tor of Isaiah ; whereupon Mr. A'allandig-
ham DUffccstcd Christ's Sermon on tho
Now wo hopo every ono of our readers
will refer to tho Bihlo and read Christ's
sermon ; it will bo found in tho Oth , Gth
and 8th Chapters of Matthew. It certain
ly contains a lesson for tho times ; and is
ono of tho best endorsements Mr. Vallan-
dingham need ask for his recent manful
stand beforo an infuriated, crazy Congress,
in behalf of pcaoo and justice. On tho
other hand tho proposition of Mr. Lovojoy
is but another evidence of tho base uses to
which ho and'his confreres aro endeavor
ing to apply the present war, as well
just laws both of God and man.
We givo one or two extracts from the
chapters abovo mentioned, to show what
motives prompted tho two members of Con
gross in their rcspetivo motions, and our
readers can judgo which was tho "righto
ou3 cause." In Isaiah, 5S-vi., wo Cud the
following :
"Is not this tho fast that I have chosen?
to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo
tho heavy burdens, and to let tho oppress
ed go free, and that ye break every yoke?"
In plain English, then, Mr. Lovcjoy
would havo tho wholo nation kneel down
and pray God for tho success of our arms,
that we might be cnabhd to abolish and
destroy the institution of slavery, and he
little cares how much blood, or how much
troasuro is lost in tho conflict. This i3
Lovcjoy, whom tho Republicans regard
as a second Daniel.
When our Saviour taught upon tho
mount, ho exorted his diciplcs to remem
ber, that
"Blessed aro tho merciful ; for thoy
shall obtain mercy ."
"Iilesscd aro tho peacemakers: for thev
snau do oaucu tho children ol liod-"
"Think not that 1 am como to destroy
tlieiaw, or tho prophets : 1 am not come
to destroy , but to fulfil. Eor verily, I say
unto you, till Heaven and earth pass, ouo
jot or ono tittle shall in no wise pass Irom
tho law, till all bo Juliillcil."
"Yo havo heard that it hath been said ;
an eyo lor an oyo, anil a tooth tor a tooth.
iiut isay unto vou, that you resist no ovil:
but whosoever shall smito thee on thy right
cuccic, turn to him tho other also."
"Thou hypocrite, first cast out tho beam
out of thine own oyo j and then shalt thou
seo clearly to cast out tho moto out of thv
brother's eye."
Look at it Tax-payers '.
In a debate in ths Houso of Represent
atives, on tho Gth inst., on tho bill adding
four dollars per month to tho pay of the
non-commissioned officers, musicians and
privates of tho volunteers, mariners, sea
men, and ordinary seamen, and approvinc
and legalizing all tho illegal and uncon
stitutional acts of the President, Mr. Ste-
vens moved to reduce tho proposod in
ereaso of pay from four to two dollars.
During tho discussion he remarked that
tho expenses of tha Government wcro at
tho rato of a million and a quarter per
day, and that he eould not seo whoro the
money was to como from henco his n
mendmcnt. Wo do not wonder that oven Mr. Stev
ens, who has never beforo boon known to
hesitate at the reckless expenditure of pub
lio money, is staggered at tho magnitude
of tho debt which is now, even tho thrcsh
hold of this civil war, staring the country
in tho face. If expenses are at tho rato
of ono million and a quaatcr per day, and
wo suppose Mr. S. would rather underrate
than ovcrrato them, tho expenses of a year
or $14,70 for every man, woman and
child whito and black in tho wholo
thirty-four States of tho Union ! No won
der, wo repeat, that tho Chairman of tho
Committee of Ways and Moans stood a
ghast at tho prospect, and that ho could
not tell whero all this vast amount of mon
ey was to como from.
Ono year of this civil war, according to
tho abovo cbtimato, will cost as much as
tho seven yoars' war of tho Revolution,'
tho thrco years' war with Great Britain,1
and tho two years' war with Mexico, com
bined ; and should it continuo for two or1
mrco years, wuat men wo leave our
readers to make tho calculation for themselves.
For the Columbia Demotrat,
WASIftNOTON, D. C, Aug. 10, 1601
Editor Democrats
I havo failed to rcccivo your paper for
somo timo, and I now writo for thopurposo
of asking you to send it to me, and nlsoto
givo you a short account of our movements.
Whilo yet in Camp Curlin, tho eight ar
tillery companies thcro, were formed into
a regiment, and thoy elected R. H. Rush,
of Philadelphia, Colonel ; 0, T. Campbell
Lieut. Col. Capt. Lewis, Senior Major,
and Capt. Datiforth, Junior Major. This
is tho first Aitillery Regiment over formed
in tho United States, and it reflects much
credit on Pennsylvania, to know that alio
has been the first Stato to mako a move in
that direction, Since reaching this city
I havo learned that Col, Rush declines tho
appointment, as ho intends to take chargo
of n Regiment of Cavalry, On Monday
last we wero sworn into tho United States
service, after an inspection of clothing and
equipments, and tho following day wcro
paid up till tho first of tho month. In tho
afternoon tho wholo regiment, with their
gun3, moved out of camp to tho rail road.
Several hours wcro occupied in loadiug
tho guns on tho cais, thcro being about 08
pieces, mo?tly six-ponndcrs. By somo
bad arrangement or other,it was ten o'clock
before wo got started, Tho men wcro in
good spirits, besides having a largo quan
tity stowed away in their cantoon3. All
wcro glad to got away from Camp Curtin,
whero somo of us havo been incarcerated
for thrco months. It was near day-light
when wo reached York, whcro wo stopped
for somo time. Soon after reaching tho
Maryland line, picket guards made their
appearance, and tho blackened timbers of
somo of tho bridges further demonstrated
that wo were in tho outskirts of Scccssia.
However, this was tho only cvidonco. On
all sides tho greetings wero much more en
thusiastic than in Pennsylvania. On al
most every residence waved tho stars and
stripes, whilo men, women and children
cauio forth from their homo to bid us God
speed I think it must havo boon known
that wo wcro coniiug as they seemed pro
pared for us. Even tho darkies in tho
fields, or aloug the road by tho sides of
their masters, took off their hats and shou-
ted for tho Union and tho Constitution,
though that Constitution makes property
of them. Many of tho men expected to
recognize Maryland as soon as they cross-
ed the lino, by the effects of that "terrible
, T , , .
curso Slavery. Instead of seeing rags
and filth, a desolate country and blighted
crops, thoy saw a prosperous population,,
palatial residences, a beautiful country and '
well cultivated fields. Wore -it not that ,
they have read it, or heard so, not ono of,
tl,pm wnl,l kr,mv llmt ,v, I,,.. 1
' ,
through a slave State, and aro encamped
in slave territory now.
We reached Baltimore about 7 o'clock,
and wcro obliged to wait thcro several
hours for our officers, who wcro unavoida
bly detained in another train. Wo wero
well taken care of and kindly treated by
ll.ft nnnnl .nitA..,, 4 1
As soon as our officers arrived, we march
ed through Baltimoro without any means
of defeuco except thoso provided by nature. '
Tho only secession sentiments wo heard
wero thoso uttered by a few'children; whilo
on the contrary, Dags aud handkerchiefs
wero waved from countlos3 windows. At
tho Baltimore & Ohio R. R. Depot, anotl- lho chaI -
cr long delay occurred, but wc found such , follow ing, which was adopted by acclama
an abundaneo of pcachc3 and other good ' tion.
things, that tho timo did not seem long.
Wo stopped about an hour at tho Relay
Houso, for somo time General Butler's
, o . . . .
Ucau-uartora. A Wisconsin regiment
is quartered near thoro for tho purposo of
guarding tho bridges and rail-road track.
and ior examining tho cars for deserters
and contraband of war. Wc found pick.
ct3 stationed all along tho road. Wo had
numerous dolays,but finally rcachcd.Wash-
ington about 10 o'clock. Tho wholo rc-'i-
meut wcro quartered in a largo buildinn-
near tho depot. Thoro was but tho ono
room, to tho end of which both tubs aro
attached for tho convenience of soldiers
for whoso benefit tho building appears to
havo been erected. Wo did not movo
from our quarters till Thursday aftornoou,
i .1 i , i i , .
when tho wholo column moved by sections
through tho streets of Washington to our
quarters below tho c ty. As horses havo! i.- . w"tas "ao''n, as
1 . L, , . , , i traitors lo their country ; such men aro not
not yet been furnished ua, wo wcro com-J sale lights to follow for tho purpose of re
pelled to drag the pieces by hand throuh slor,'"S Peace al'd harmony to our distract
,,.,. ,, . , . . ., ,, ed but onco glorious and happy country,
tho streets, which, on accouut of tho dust 1
and heat,was exceedingly wearisome Wo ' SSc'.SS Wtt."
aro now pleasautly quartered on tho banks ' den upon ihe people hard io bear ; and tho
of tho Potomac closo to tho Penitentiary i increase proposed must prove so fearfully
and Arsenal. Wo have a view of Alcxan- , distressing lo every vital and laboring Inter
dria to tho south, of Washington and '. fsl of..?ur country that a century of prosper-
Georgetown to tho north, whilo Arlington
rr ii, i -i ,
Heights and the numerous camps on tho
Virginia sido aro spread out bcloro U3 as
if on a map. Fairfax Court Houso can
bo distinctly seen, and a common tolcseono
shows tho flag waving over it.
Our tents aro all now. They aro about
8 feet squaro, and 8 feet high. Seven
men aro now put m each, though thoy
aro calculated for only six men. Tho
most of us bleep out on tho cround when it
docs not rain. Wo aro hero deprived of
an tno conveniences ot writing, etc, which,
wo havo heretoforo possessed. Many take
a, tin plato on their knees aud writo with a
lead pencil, but in this instance, I havo
been fortunato enough to borrow my
neighbor's board and ink. Hut I am ma
king this letter too long. Don't forget to
send mo tho Democrat, It not only gives
mo news from old Columbia whcro I havo
many acquaintances, but from my own
county. Yours truly,
For rente, the Union nml the Constitution.
Pursuant to public notice, n Democratic
Mass Meeting was held, on Friday last, Iho
Oih of August, allhe Public Houso of John
J. Stiles, in Bonton township, Columbia
Cimnty. It was indeed a groat meeting of
llio Independent freemen of the country
numbering from 2,600 to 3,000 people and
was animated by llio spirit of llio Uevolti
tionary Patriots, in tho representatives of
their cons and docendants. Tho veterans
of '70, and iho young men of llio present
day, mot upon Iho tame platform, shoulder
to shoulder, for Iho purpose of asserting
their rights, giving expressions to their
thoughts nnU maintaining all their just pre
rogatives under Iho Constitution.
Several hundred ladies, patriotic, domo
cratio ladies, too, Ood bless thorn, wcro In
altondanco. So, also, was Capt. Millard's
"Homo Guards," in full uniform, with flags
waving and drums beating. Their presenco
created general joy In Iho camp.
Tho meullng organized in tho grovo, be
low llio Fishingcfeek bridge, at ono o'clock,
p. m , by tho selection of tho following offi
cers :
JOHN MclIENPiY, Ksi, ricsident.
Jacob YA'ollivor, Elba JleHenry, Joseph
Coleman, Jacob Komble, I'oter Caso, Joseph
Hess, Andrew 1'reas, David Shaffer, Henry
Smith, Benj.imin U'tulurstecn, John Hill,
Eli Iiobbins, Philip, Isaac Hun
tor, James Mcdonry, Henry Eyer.
Secretaries Daniel Mcllenry, J. J. Kline,
William lluimno.
Dr. Ihnnv Hakes, of .'.uzcruo, ami Col.
Levi L. Tatk, of Columbia, wero Iho speak
ers. Dr. Hakes, opoko of tho stato of our coun
try, its prostrate condition and gloomy fu
ture. Ha ndvcrlcd lo its once happy, free
and prosperous condition, and contmtod it
with its present forlorn, dismembered and
humiliating shamo. He spoke strongly and
eloquently of tho mismanagements and cor
ruptions of Ilia present Slalo and National
Administrations llio required corrections
of their unwarranted and illegal abuse of
power E.ecutivo usurpations robberies
nf iho Koldicri and swindling of the public
Treasuries, Dr. Hakes advocated tho set
tlemcnt of this unnatural and unnecessary
War upon principles of compromise, for
tho establishment of Peace and the main
IciKiuco of llio Constitution. His remarks
wero received, by Iho immense audience,
willi uiuuislukeablo demonstrations ot ap
plans.). Col. Tatl-, was called lo tho stand In
the course of his remarks, ho glanced liasti
i 1)' nl llio prevailing ovila of iho tgo tho
' hypocracy of llio powers thai be, and clear-
demonstrated from tho record, that Iho
!,,op01c,f.our T" .a,,J ",0 Ppetuation of
'I9 gloriom institutions were entirely do-
pemI(Jnt npon (he 0(crna, principle o( De.
! mocracy. He regarded iho teachings of
abolitionism and modern republicanism, as
pernicious lo our exisionconi a Nation and
eoutifellml peaceful deliberation for llio
"'"''cation of our ci'ling ililficnliios, and
"PP'ed to tho friends of iho Union, by all
i tho memories o! tlio past, and ail the hopes
ol llio future, to rally with prnmplness and
vigor, within the pervieiv of il.e Constitu
tion, lo tha defence of the country, against
all its foes whether at homo or abroad. In
conclusion, he referred to the DEMOCRAT
IC FLAG, of 34 Siars, which waved over
i Speaker Stand,-onco in triumph but
Nation's I'reodom, in the full and firm be
lief, that on its preservation depends our
nationality, and the only security for tho
rights, liberties and power of our own peo
ple, and tho highest hopes of oppressed
humanity throughout iho world. Tho
speaker resumed his seat amidst rounds of
applause, and music by iho Daml.
v,ICREAS. In viow of iho ovenvlmlmin..
"ils ol tho present war, endangering tho
,Uni?" "i ?lttl.0, ".'feie",'"K ruin and
bankruptcy lo lho happic.-t and most pros.
pcrom country on lho earth, therefore
lleolctil, As expressive of llio sense ol
, ? ,ni"""r.'. la' 'ho Constitution as it is
and cura foundation.
Ilesotcel, That loyalty lo the Union N only
compatible with sincl fidelity to the Consti
tution ; and that ihoso who violale lho pro
visions of llio Ir.tter, oven tinder the hypo
critical pretence of preserving the former,
aro enemies to bo confronted and resisled.
lUiolvcil, That we have no confidenco in
lho good faith anil efficiency of many of
the present self-constituted par excellent
Union savers who have horetoloro aeted in
Ts ""S"!: : LTTrV "mn,ior1a3 lu
destroy coulidenco in tho different sections,
engender tirife, hatred and ill. will betivnon
' l,no PeoP.10 nd Stales, and who are now
denouncing every person who does not bin
in ihe hue and civ in favor of il,V.
' administration's war policy, and bow down
"i i hL"asJM'', love' alrfad' 6laros
i us in tho ace, and u Iter ruin and siurrai on
,nU8t be .he final destiny of the groat Siu
I of our neonle.
Resolved, That we havo entiro confidenco
in lho disposition and ability of our peoplo,
lo make a complete and satisfactory settle
ment of till diiriculliei, if ihey aro coolly
and dispas-ionalely consulted, and their rep
resentnives guided by their counsel.
lietolcel, That we will vnlo for no man,
for any national, Stato, or county offico,
who is unwilling to negotiate for peace.
A'esoW, That tho thanki of lho Domoc
racy ot Columbia county are tendered lo
the speakers for their very able, national
and patriotic nddrcscoi so ullonlively listen
ed to.
JUsotvid, That these resolutions bo pub.
Ilshed in all lho Democratic papers ol lho
Mr. McIIonry, tho vonorabla Piesident,
then by invitation, sang "Old Hail t'olum
hia," after which, on motion, lho meet
ing adjourned,
I Those nro somo of tho christian princi
ples taught by our fcsaviour in this sermon;
and theso wero tho teachings of pcrtco and
justico which Mr. Vallamlighnm honestly
desired to inculcate into tho hearts of tho
people, who havo reveled in blood already
too long. Hero is tho contrast ; ono a
bloodthirsty warrior, intent upon destroy
ing the law j tho other n follower after
poaco and humanity, intent "not to destroy
but to fulfill" the law, and whoso greatest
anxiety is that "ono jot or ono tiltlo Bhall
in no wise pass from tho law," or tho Con
stitution of our fathers ; who would pre
serve a Union in poaco, and not destroy
it in bloody carnage.
An Auolition Threat. Wo havo
had tho subjoined letter in our possession
for tho last three weeks, and refrained
for publishing it, and tho hopo that the
cowardly scoundrel who penned it and
he is known would attempt to put his
threat into execution ) for noting would
afford us moro gratificaton than to havo
tho ploasuro of knocking tho scurvy fell
ow's teeth down hi3 throat. Tho letter
was written and endorsed in this city,
mailed to Philadelphia under cover to the
Postmaster thcro, and ro-mailcd to this
place on tho next day when wo received
it in tho Post Offico. Wo publish it ver
batim, ct literatim, ct puuctuatiin for tho
benefit of our readers:
Now WlHrs July Ktli KOI.
I'litla co l'a
lion Geo. Sanilcrson
Mayor of Lnn. Tn.
You nre n traitor to your Gorf, to your country and lo
your fellow man,
nf u Itirli vniiu t! rri't n rmv Itpfnrn Ion?.
Alt uo usk of Jim is to enme out in your ni-xt issue
nml ilr-foml the union at n'l hazard, if not you will meet
tnu iii-pi-rt liitli ) uu si ucserves n trunor,
Uci:ul upon it.
Lancatter Inldllgcnttr.
Adjournment or Congress. Cong
ress adjourned the special session on Tues
day last. Amongst other things they did
not do was tho refusal, on tha part of tho
Senate, to pass tho resolution endorsing
all the acts, legal and illegal, constitut iona
and unconstitutional, of President Lin
coln. The Republicans had the will to
do it, but thoy did not wish to seo their
names spread upon tho record in favor of
such a measure. It would "luk to ugly, '
as an old Hibernian friend of our's once
said in Court; besides it would be brought
up in judgement against them at a futuro
day. Mr. Dueckinridcie and other
Democratic Senators dared them to tho
issue, but they wouldn't "too tho mark,"
and Mr. Lincoln has to go unendorsed
by his party friends.
Miffllu Mass Mooting
EST A Domocratio Mass Meeting, of the
peoplo of Columbia, I.uzornc and Montour,
will bo held oo nest Friday, tho IWd of
August, at tho pubHo house of J.NO. Kkl
LEit, in Mifflinvillo.
On Sunday cviMiinff. Au. -itli nt tlip house f Aaron
Muasrow, iiniri-enwootl.dy nidur J. Sultou. Mr. Hiium
l(.-UK.1K,lkJ.TllJrf JIAKIUA -1 RI, all Ot I UMIIg
On the f th inft., fcy tlie Rev. William J. Hycr, Mr.
JamlciJIlbik, of i'rimltlin tonnvlup. nnd Misa Catiia-
JJ 11 A T H S.
n Ihn l. T.I.. r tl .f,t. . ..
trci eling, uged a years and H muiitlii.
lnMoiitourreiinty, on the IStli inst,, Kmam-elTroiel,
son of JcssoTroul, in lli-j 30th year tf Mauue,
Special Notices
Dr. Iriipoiico's (ioiilni puis for I'fmalts,
Injalliblt ui ttmetlnf, rrgvlntlng and remain" all ot
til actions, front lehitcitr cause, and aliraus
Successful as nvrcrrnltr:
Tho Combination of Increment. In Dr. Diiponco's
"V" iiujuiiu.i.. iney unto necil
ued jnllii' iiniato practice i.fold llr. Uunonco foroi rr
tliirlt' voitru. 11,1.1 llionm..! ..f - .. '.
:; ' , - ' '-lit. mil icfiny io
their creut and nccr f.ulins success in utmost eieiv
case, in i orrntnij irregiilaritiei, relicOnj painful anil
ilutrrjjiii? menstruation. im tlrtil.irly at tliu rlian-o ol
life. 1 rom Ave to ten pills u III CUro lliat common let
in complaint, tliv Whites. Nearly nury female
: .......... ...b ,uifii, ii.ii, i uu huuvo pin
...... r........w...j i .,E uu.u.iiHtiv, ouu mil euro you it
you use them, flioy cannot harm you, on tho contrary
rclianiiil, and invi-ornte thouhnlo sisteiu. Ladiis
llllki, ticnlll, Ill i.. ' . .....
.. i, rt. , .. I. i"-i"u. an nicreaNO oi i anil y
Mill llnd these pills a stlccMsful prcventlvo.
'" 'i .uuiiiu noi netaki'ii durinctlie tint throe
,uUUiii ui iiruguaiicy, n tuny aro surotnbrlni! on mis
carriaaoi but ut any oilier timo they arc safe.
I'nce, il per bos. Sold, nholeajlo and riloll, by
. Holo aifent for Illooiiieburj!, Pa.
i .., . ' "ii-trs limn i,o r-cni. j.aucs 1 by semi.
n Illiii to tlm llloomsbiiri! PokI OHIco, ran ha,o
t leSO lllllH Krnt li. lift v .nrt ... .1... a '.
ii '.'i r'.frCM0ri'mla5f".l''.""lil- Bnlif'al.u by N, I,
nfN' li'u''"i"k "," for c0,ln,erf''its. IhiynoRoMcn Pills
outers nro a base imposition nnd unsafe, therefore, as
ft!?!?"1 ?" yoU.t live t0 "' nelluns of be-
inehiliiibuSBC.I out of your liicncy,) buy only Sf those
. i , . , ii:iiunini ui r-, u, iiowo on every box.
wliich has recently been added, mi account of a recent
b, n nowr,
Dec. 23, lff.0-ly. S' I'"I'rlclur-
The Whlto Hall Clothlne Storo
Thi. nllA..lnnn.i i ....
"Wi,.i iiVuV.r ., ,' ,.' l,u":"seu mo nil -knonn
n 1 1 it: Hall Lin thine ihuporiiiui," situato on tlio South
lVc.t C.rntr of fourth and larket Hlrects. Philadclnhln
i ii it! !i knV, '""t'.Mt f' "ale and niake.
p oved material a ill. nt very luod.raw ,r' , c?' "f.
,e,l 1 "''' Tu.H,lio guarantee. Boi'd m, and
E"ne',aHy" aaru"-'""' Strict auenUou -l,Cn to Jobbing
A continuation of tiio rustom nfiho house, uhlrh im
wijl no pain, to merit, Is . Jy r" ,pcc,ful" iiivl
-May I, I801.-y '' Ltv I0'K-
pinii uPT" c'01u""' r.Mioamw or tii. Umos
rii Iidelphla possesses the most .pleixllil (.-1011,11701
" I" ' country. It ,vier,Ti as reia fs tho
nV.iV " v" "iiiaiuon are, i rtt. tliu clc'aiiro
SaXV1' fwUentleiiien and Youlh"" i ,a,T,S
' ffiV , LT,".'"1''"'? lmMy "urnbilliy of iho
5i,iJ ; ,'. V1 """ul'"lor eiculleuce of tho lit, a id
inoderaio price, at Mhicli tiio coods aru sold
COS andloitluV reS: vlllS W"S"'
Unlfonnlty of Trices l-A New ronturo in r
Kvery one hi. u FaP.uaii l JO" 2 co Ir f," "
L-re.eiit uno Pmo Clotlilne etorc No -iMr.?i; . f. "'0
aboioulnih, Philadelphia. ' -JUJIarketstrect
In addiliou to luviiiL' tliu larecst mn.i i. .
fa.hlonabla stock of L'loll inirlii l'l,il',i? 1 1 v",t
cannotpo.libl,-a,V-Vli;u;buyMi;0eiafor ,0 '"
I emember th. Crescent, InMtikil,.!,.,. Biitl,
Ilomocr-nllc Comity rotivrtjiin""
XTOTirr. la hereby tlven, that the Demofran,
i Irrand farina overnl lioroujlu nn, i , '"tor,
trltts of Columbia County, hill in.-ct at tlm 1 '"'
places rf holding said Elections
oysATUiMAr, TiiKsm n.4r or.n
llctwcentho lionre of 3 nnd 7 n'clork, r M , of .mj ,'
for III
e pnrnoo of clionsluf two rMeiahi r.' 'ff.
inn District, to lueetlii COUNTV C0VVr?V.'',l
at llio
i Court Mouse, in i loommurr; -'ius
Otr,VOM)AY, Tir.SM Mi' OF Ann,.
M. .--.,. 11 S ,.f -nl.l .1.. t - -"'
inaklrijr tho usual llcmorratlc nominations, to f
ted by Ilia Electors of Colombia County nl n, Hr
Oencral Ultctlnn, and for llio transaction or mi,;!'.11"!
ncss icrta!iiinj to the interests oftiw liciuocra i, ''"i-
J ACOD HAIlltlH, Chairman.
tttcmno Stiles, ) Iter I). ;imi...
SI. 0. WooDWAnD, ) Vii,i.!m l'mT.
BAMlEt.Cn.llJV, I SwtUflK liciimf
"""""'tic Standi C,mjt,tr
Candidates Department
rnixTEr.'s rcn siuciiT' "
To tht Hectors tf Cotumlla County:
Tho undcrslsned. after o fjltlifnl service or on...
ty-llvo )car In tho ranks of tho llomocrucv Zr
umlila, respectfully announces to his rtlcndi ...A'1'
low.cltliriK.tVu Iw will bi a candidate for t', i" f"1'
latum, at the approaching Cenernl Klcctlon, ,, ,
the mages of tho Columbia County Democratic Coi
Bloom twp.,July 13,1801
J KTCP. I'lLLMK Y EKi JI I JitnJin Pini rp, BO (irf ftllthflU
io announce, will l-e a cantlidntc for HIIKUln '
ftplrnac,inj general election, subject i0 ihj d, r,l v",
tlm Colmnlim County Democratic Convention, if
jutjr ji ictus
Jostiit It. Fdrkax, of niooin township, m- nrrimi
tzed toannonucf, will lie a candldato ror Hllpniii '
tbeappniachlnit general rlectio ibji-rttn t li.j ,!; "
of the Columbia County Democratic L'ouvcnioa
July 13, liCl.
Atthe solicitation of many friends Iwonbl
i Iho voters of Cohnnbin county, that I llbn , '
eubjecttnthe decision of tho Columbia cuuMyln.uton ?
Couveutlon. '
uu iur At-cji..Mi,i. i tiiiiiiBiifiiifuiiciiiiig Ri.llcrnlrlrftiV.
JOIIJf A.rUNsroi.
rrlcniia nnd fellow Democrats, as you have siienrn.,
auarant'-e thrco tear, ngn, tlirowjli uur regular In,,,!
Contcnllon, and by adhering to tlio usages of ttic b,a!
craticpatty all m life time, which induces iiMnenm.
oiler myself as n candidate for the ollice offillipitj
this fall, subject to the decision of tho Dcmouatic !.',.
tv Convention. '
J. n. cnotL
Illooin townstilp, July CO, Ml.
Jamis S. McXticn, of Cnttan ism tnwiihliip, .
authorized to annouiico, will be a candidate for TUk tho opproachins central election, Mibietii.
tho decision of the Columbia county Democratic i0,
July SI), 1301.
Jacob KvAyf, of CrcenwoM towntliip, e nrt ruta i
i7Qt to nnnountf, will lif a cnuiJiflate lor ASbOfLift
JUIKill. nt tli: appronclilnir general elt ction, tiutjjpdi,,
tliu decision of tbe Columbia county Uemocruttctuhtig.
CiuntES If. Itfi( of Miillin towimlilp, wi nrc nui'tf
l7.ed toany, will In a canilldiito for COMMIiirloER t
tho ensunij Eencrnlclrriion, ml'Ject to tho iciiuw
tlie Coliiinbia t'ounty I'cmocnille Convciition,
July;, led I.
Moieu Sciiutiua, ofleaver township, wn are mit
i7,cil to ntinounre, u ill bo a crwiiti-lntu (ur 1 tii:.
IOM',11, at itin t'linniiiff t'Uitlon, nil.j.rit ."
(Iocii.m if llio ColumiJia County DeuiouraticCi-iivii.,
rttk-.tTLIV li.fllL'MAK, Of UetlVf'f t lWHr-Mn, we
nuilinriit'il to aimoiiiire, will bo a t.iinli'l;ue f.-n
MIrHION'KK, nt tho i iiulnc fnrrftl ( )- r tjoti. ui
to the derision uflhti Coluuibi.i County Di hirer it t .
August n,lGl.
WlLMtM T. HiirtlAi, of Maine towiiHl-Jp, rrc sr-
thiri.ctl toannouncd, win n caadl'htn r TtXt't
Ullilll, at tliti approiirlunK ecnrrnl rlertion, mjlrti
llii dci'ioiou rf the Comuibia County Iemctruu
Am; tint 3, IcCI.
Jonf IIeynolD', of Hemlock tounhlirji. ne ar
tliorifd to jmi nou nee, u ill be a candidnta for A.vtKI
ATI- JUDOKnt Ihi approarhlnp qencral rlcrtmn nt
jeet to the decision of ttic Columbia County lieuioctiu
Aujuit :i, 1801 .
SrintEt R i,ny, of (ittaw isia. we nre nuthoriE'
announce, will be n randldatc for ArVOriATt J' ! ..
at the npproarliintiflfiirral tlrdlon, Htiljcei i t-i
t'itioii of tlm Columbia County Iicmoi.ratit ucn au-
Angtit :j.1c(,i.
James Ijakf . of frotttownfliip, wo nro authorji i
announce, will be a enndidate for tillKlilrT. mltx,
proachiii" gunfral election, sitbjert to tha activu ifiu
CoIuinbiaVotinty Doinocralic Convention.
August lu, i-ol.
I have through tho urgent reiucst rf many fnis'i
'''eninduced to olTer myself as ncandldalo forArd:.!
HIA atthoapiiroacliin; rlectiuu, willing to mln.iii
the decision ufilio Hcmocr.iiic convi ntion. If rlrrw
I will endeavor to servo my costitocnts faitliMI fi
use my bent tilorls to secure a reduction in thi par X
tho members.
I'ino ton uslilp, Aug. 10, lrCl.
John l'. Vowleu, i:q., of Pino towntliip. we in
n'r ,?.U,n """""""e", will bo u candidate forcorvi!
AlJIUlOlt, at tha approaching general election. iu'
to the action of tin Columbia County Iiemor.aiir i
"""on. Aug, ll.i-il
A totn or Voon, atthla ofTice, Imnicdiatcty.
Tor saloatlhoofllco of tho ColnUa Dtnicrct.
" E S Tli A Y.""
nA.Vj,,"" Prcil'ie. of tin subscriber rcci nl'i:
i, , '',ai"8?" 'unliipCoIiimbin county, 1 stray II
llr i dlo red, Willi a whito streak on her back, ttil!i,
ted legs, about tu o ycur. old the ouair is rc , i
proeand pay charges and take her away, otnii"
urn v, ill ha .Did according to lay,
Atwu.17.18Cl. J. A. SWIim
A J',!' if t0'm Hilling the Uniicil SJ!
r .Machine, a. lluiler.I'at.nt. exctp:,
rrom authorijed agents with power of attorney u
aro u. I rinincd to cuforco llio law in all such cum.
A. IIUITl:il VatsMt
r, . 'I'llOS. W. LUG AH.
Jiacliawauua & Bloomsburg Ilallroi
TKAIN3 WII.I. Ulimu n , T; ci
Leovo Peranton,
' Kingston
" Itupert,
rasisnicr, fassuf
5 15 A.M. iii-n;!
' 911
4.10 P.M.
S.J0 ,
7.1.1 I.cavo 1JJ ' '
as p al. .l.-.'3
Arriv. alNorthiiniberlaml,
M O V 1 N U
Leave Northumberland.
Arrivo at Kcrauton,'
r A"?"'!" 'J'rain lc" King .inn at f. Oflt
tunfh 'i 'fi0""CU "ln f'' S"K v.
Vork at i 10 i-: il. " ""lva' 01 "
. !'l'"J',,,c,k? nna and lllaamshurr Hoilroad ,
w iUi the Dchmtro, Lackawanna and Ucsicrn Uu
attfcrnuton. forNow Vorli and iiitrrincliaM points
" co"" " ,v"h tlio Cattuw Kal
point, both can Und west.
i A' ,N"'l,'"nb(-rlaud it conn-ct. w 111! llio 1 hilal
fcLlloIt.It.andN, O II. E. for point, wrslanii-
h kvann, 10,000 tuiN'i'i:-
til . . til prr Hoar J , i "
. i?.. ..L.J.i! rr.,, fc Mi. ... I
liu.. . rt0 ... 'JTtLmi. d
jUC6'" TT1-1 Cl.,-.!'- h.
111. . - rim ..
LCor.Ubrsty,FOUItTH NT. Ulorm"l.
Aujuit 17, 1601.