J llirco Rtatoi fihonlil not liavo been rcprc-1 routed, although, oven this need not have happened ; lnjl .better tint, rt thousand Sines, tliaiijlbfttf tjio Constitution should lo repeatedly nn,d flagrantly violated, and public liberty arid privato light traniiilcd undor foot. Asfor Harper's Ferry nnd the Norfolk nav-yard, tlioy rather needed protection ngninst tlio Administration, by whoso orders, millions of property were wantonly destroyed, which was not in tlio slightest danger from any quarter, tit tho dato of the proclamation. Hut, sir, Congress was not assembled at onca, as Congress should liavo been nnd tho great question of civil war submit' ted (o their deliberations. Tho rcpreicu tatives of tho States and of tho people, wcro net allowed the slightest voico in this, the most momcntuous question over pre sented to any Govcrnmout. Tho cntiro responsibility of tho wholo work was bold ly assumed by tho Executive, and all tho powers required for tho purposes in hand wcro boldly usurped from cither tho States or tho pcoplo, or from the legislative de partment j while tho voico of tho judiciary, tho last rcfugo of liberty, was turned away from with contempt. Sir, the right of blockade and I begin with it Is a bcligeront right, incident to a stato of war, and it cannot bo exercised until war has been declared or recognized; nnd Congress alono can deelaro or rccog nizo war. l$ut Congress had not declared or recognized war. On tho contrary, they had but a little whilo before expressly re fused to dcclaro it, or to arm tho Presi dent with the power to niako it. And thus tho President, is declaring blockade of certain ports in tho States of the South, and in applying it to tho rules governing blockades as between independent powers, violated the Constitution. Hut, if on the other hand, ho meant to deal these States as still in tho Union, and 6ubjcct to Federal authority, then ho usur ped a power which belonged to Congress nlouc tho power to abolish and closo up porta of entry; a power, too, which Con grcs had also but a few weeks beforo re fused to exercise. And yet, without tho repeal or abolition of ports of entry, any attempt by citkor Congress or tho Prcsi- dont to blockade these ports is violation of tuc spirit, if not of tuc letter, of that elauso of tho Constitution which declares that "no preference shall be given by any rcg-' ulation of commerce or revenue to the ports ot one State over those ot another.' I Sir, upon this point I do not speak with- out the highest authority. In tho very midst of tho South Carolina nullification controversy, it was suggested that in tho recess of Congress, aud without a law to govern him, tho President Andrew Jack- son, meant to send down a fleet to Charles- ton and blockade tho port. But tho baro suggestion called forth tho indignant test of Daniel Webster, himself tho arch enomy of nullification, and whoso brightest laarels were won in throo years' conflict in tho Sonato Chamber with its ablest chain-' pions. In an address, in October, 1832 at Worcester, Massachusetts, to a national llcpubliean convention it was beforo tho birth, or christening at least, of tho Whig parly tho great expounder of tho Con- ! ttitution said : Wo arc told, sir, that tho President will immediately employ tho millitary force, and at once blockade Charleston 1 A liriti)natian.hil1.ihnnffmtr.l. and nothing clso has been suggested, ns tho intended means of preserving tho Union, Sir, thero is no litllo reason to think that' this suggestion is true. Wo cannot be al- together unmindful of the past, and there-j. lore wo cannot do altogether unapprehou- sivo for tho future. For ono, sir, I raise my voico beforehand, against tho unautho- - L j . v. j ,jww, uuu ngainst superseding tho authority or tho Intra lur i n nrmnr fnrnn iinilnv m-nlnnjn ' laws, by an armed force, under prctenso ot putting down nullihcation. iiic JitESi 1je.1t has no aftiiobity to blockade Charleston." Jaokson I Jackson, sir ! tho great Jack eon ! did not dare to do it without autho rity of Congress ; but our Jackson of to day, tho little Jaokson at tho other end of the avenue, and tho mimic Jackson around him, do blockade, not only Charleston har bor, but tho wholo southern coast, thrco thousand miles in extent, by a siuglo ttrokc ot tho pen. ''Tho President has no authority to em ploy military force till ho shall bo duly required" Mark tho word : 1 required so to do by law and tho civil authorities. His duty u to cause tho laws to be executed. His duty is to support Tin; civil autiiouitv' As in tbo Mcrryman case, forsooth ; but I shall recur to that hereafter : "His duty js, if the laws bo resisted, to employ tho military forco of tho country, for their support nnd execution ; uur to DO ALL THIS IS COMPLIANCE ONLY WITH LAW AND 1VITII DECISIONS OF THE TRII1- UNAL3. If, by any ingenious devices, thoso who resist tho laws escape from the reach of judicial authority, as is now pro vided to bo exercised, it is entirely compe tent to Uonqhess to mako such now pro visions as tho cxigenoy of tho caso way demand. Treason, sir, rank treason, nil this to day. And yet, thirty yoars ago, it was truo Union patriotism and sound constitu tional law I Sir, I prefer tho wisdom and stern fidelity to tho principlo of tho fath crs. Such was the voico of Webster, nnd such too, let me add, tho voice, in his last speech in the Senate, of tho Douar.As, whoio death tho laud now mourns. Next nftcr tlio blockade, tir, in tho cat- rdoguo of daring executive usurpations, ' comes tho proclamation of tho !ld of May, ami the oidcrs of tho V ar nnd Navy partracntsin pursuance of it a proclama- tion and usurpation which would have cost r.ny English t-ovcreigu his -head at any time wilhin tho last two hundred vcari. Sir,tho Constitution not only confines to Congress tho right to declare war, but ex pressly provides that "Congress (not tho President) shall havo power to raise and buppoit armies;'' and to "provido and maintain a navy.'1 Iu pursuauco of this authority, Congress, yoars ago, had fixed tho number of officers, and of the regiments of tho different kinds of scrvico ; and also tho imubor of ships, officers, mariners, nnd seamen which should composes tho Navy Not only that, but Congress has repeatedly, within tho last fiva years refused to in crease tho regular Army. Moro than that still ; in February and March last, the Houso, upon several test votes, repeatedly and expressly refused to nuthorizo tho President to accept tho scrvico of volun teers for tho very purpose of protecting tho public property, ouforcins tho laws, nnd collecting tho revenue. And yet tho Pros ident, of his own will and authority, and without tho shadow of right, has proceed cd to incrc.iso, and has increased, tho standing Army by twenty-fivo thousand men ; tho navy by eighteen thousand; and has called for and accepted the cervices of forty regiments of volunteers for thrco years, numbering forty-two thousand mon, and making thus a grand army or military force, raisod by executivo proclamation alono, without tho sanction of Congress," without warrant of law, and iu direct vio Jation of tho Constitution and of his oath of office, of 60,000 soldiers enlisted for threo and fivo years, and already in the field. And yet the President now asks us to support tho Array which ho has thus raised ; to ratify his usurpations by a law cx 2'ost facto, and thus to mako ourselves parties to our own degradation, and to his infraetiou3of tho Constitution. Moan- while, however, ho has taken good care, not only to enlist tho men, organizo tho regiments, and muster them into service, but to provido in advance for a hordo of forlorn, woruout, and broken down politi- cians of his own party, by appointinc ci- jtber by himself or through tho Governors of tho States, major generals, brigadier generals, colonels, lieutenant colonels majors, captains, lieutenants, adjutants, quartermasters, and surgeons, without any ljmit as lo numbers, aud without so much risonco saying to Congress "13y your leave, gentlemen." Beginning with this wide broach of tho Constitution, this enormous usurpation of tho most dangerous of all powers the 'power of tho sword other infractions aud 1 assumptions wcro easy ; and aftor public pro-'liberty, privato right soon fell. Tho pri- vaey of the telegraph was invaded in tho search after treason and traitors ; although it turns out, significantly enough, that tho only victim, so far, is one of tho nppoint- cc3 and especial pets of tho Administration J. he telegraphic uisnatchcs, preserved un. dor every plcdgo of secrecy for tho protec tion and safety of tho telegraph companies wcro seized and carried away without search warrant, without probablo cause, without oath, aud without description of tho places to be searched or of tho things t0 lo s(.hci and in I)lain violation of tho nShi f tL P00P1! 10 h Curc 1U their houses, persons, pi;ws and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures. One Btep more, sir, will bring upon us search awl Ecizuro of th0 puWic mail3 . an(1 fina. n5 . . . - . mnrna ' " ,fin as m the times of the Russolls and the Sydnoys of English martyrdom of ujatiiiio uuA oviLiaiivs mu mi,.ibu citizen; though even then tyrantd had tho CJ grace to look to the forms of tho law, and the execution was judicial murder, not military slaughter, nut who shall say that tho futuro Tiberius of America shall havo the modesty of his Itoman predecess or, in extenuation of whose character it is written by the great historiau, avcrtit oc culox.jussitquc scclerj non spcctavil. Sir, tho rights of property having been thus wantonly violated, it needed but a lit tlo stretch of usurpation to invado tho sanctity of the person ; and a victim was not long wanting. A privato citizen of Maryland, not subject to tho rules and ar tieleaofwar not in a caso arising in, tho land or naval forces, nor in tho militia when in actual scrvico is seized in his own houso, in tho dead hour of night, not by any civil process, but by a band of ar mod soldiers, under tho verbal orders of a military chief, and is ruthlessly torn from his wife and his children, nnd hurried off lo a fortress of Iho United States aud that fortress, as if in1 mockery, tho very ono over whoso ramparts had floated that star-spangled banner immortalized in song by tho patriot prisoner who, .'By'tlu dawn's early light," saw its'folds gleaming amid tbo wreck of battle, and invoked tho blcsiingsof Heav en upon it, and prayed that it might long wave O'er lh'3 c J r ilini aud the homo of tlio brave." And, sir, when tho highest judicial offi-i ccr of tho land, tho chief Justico of tho Supremo Court, upon whoso shoulders, "when tho judicial orinihc" fell, it touched nothing not as spotless ns itself, tho aged, Iho venerable, tho gontlo and puro minded administered to tho President tho oath to support tho Ooustitutiou and tocxecuto tho laws, i-ssucd, as by law it was his sworn duty to lnuc, tho high poroallvo writ of haheas corpus tho great writ of right,that Do-.main bulwark of personal liberty, com- mantling tho body of tho necmcd to bo brought beforo him that ,jutico and right might bo dono by duo cdursc of law, and i without denial or delay ; tho gates of tho fortress, its cannon turned towards, aud in plain sight of the city where tho court sat and frowning from tho rampart', were closed against the officer of tho law, nnd tho answer returned that tho officer in command has, by tho authority of tho President, suspended tho writ of habeas corpus. And thus it is, sir, that tho no- cused has ever siuco been n prisnoncr with out duo process of law ; without bail ; without presentment by a grand jury ; without speedy or public trial by n potitt jury of his own State or district, or any trial at all ; without information of the na ture and causo of tho nccusatiou ; with out being confronted with tho witnesses against him ; without compulsory process to obtaiu witnesses in his favor; nnd with out tho assistance of counsel for his defense. And this is our boasted American liberty! And thus it is, too, sir, that hero, hero in America, in tho soventy-third year of tho Itcpublic, that groat writ and security of personal freedom whieh.it cost tho patri ots nnd freemen of England six hundred years of labor and toil and blood to ex tort and to hold fast from venal judges and tyrant kings ; rittcn in tho great char ter at Iluunymodo by tho iron barons, who made tho simplo Latin and uncouth words of tho timc3, nullus liber homo, in tho languago of Chatham, worth all tho classics ; recovered and confirmed a hun dred times afterwards, ns often as violated and stolon away, and finally and firmly scoured at last by tho great act of Charles II,and transferred thence to our own Con stitution nnd laws, has been wantonly and ruthlessly trampled in the dust. Ay, sir, that great writ, bearing bv special com mand of Parliament, thoso other uncouth but magio words, per s'atutum triccssimo primo Caroli secundi rcgis,v;hhh no Eng lish minister, no king or queen of England daro disobey ; that writ brought over by our fathers apd cherished by them as a priceless inheritance of liberty, an Ameri can President has contemptuously set at defiance. Nay, moro, ho has ordered his subordinato military chiefs to suspend it at their discretion ! And yet, after all this, he coolly comes before this IIou.sc and tho Senate and tho country, and pleads that ho is only preserving and protecting tho Constitution ; and demands nnd expects of this Houso and of tho Senate and tho country their thanks for his usurpations of power; whilo outsido of this Capitol, his myrmidons aro clamoring for impoachmcn' of the Chief Justico, as engaged in a con spiracy to break down tho Fcdoral Govern ment 1 Sir, however much necessity tho ty rant's pica may bo urged in extenuation of the usurpations and infractions of tho President iu regard to public liberty ,there can bo no such apology or defeuso for his invasions of privato right. What over ruling necessity required tho violation of tho sanctity of privato property nnd pri vato cufidonco? What groat public danger demanded tho arrest and imprisonment, without trial by common law, of ono single privato citizen, for an act dono woeks be fore, opculy and by authority of his State! If guilty of treason, was not tho judicial power amplo enough aud strong enough for his conviction and punishmont I What, then, wa3 needed in hh caso, but tho pre cedent under which other mon, in other places, might becomo tho victims of exe cutive suspicion and plcasuro f As to tho prctenso, sir, that tho Presi dent has tho constitutional right to suspend tho writ of habeas corpus, I will not waste timo in arguing it. Tho caso is as plain as words can make it. It is a legislative power ; it is fousd only iu tho legislative aiticlo; it belongs to Congress only to do it. Subordinato officers havo disobeyed it; Gcnoral Wilkinson disobeyed it, but ho sent his prisoners on for judicial trial ; General Jaokson disobeyed it, and was reprimanded by James Madison ; but no President, no body but Congress, ever bo fore assumed tho right to suspend it. And, s'r, that other prctenso, of neccsiity, I repeat, cannot bo nllowed. It had no oxistenco in fact. Tho Constitution can not ho preserved by violating it. It is an offense to tho intelligence of this Houso and of tho country, to protend that all this,and tho other gross nnd multiplied infractions of tho Constitution and usurpations of pow er wcro dono by tho President and his ad- visors out of puro lovo and devotion to tho Constitution. But if so, sir, then they havo but ono step further to take, and do- clare, in tho languago of Sir Boyle Bocho in tho Irish Houso of Commons, that such is tho depth of their attachment to it, that they nro prepared to givo up, not merely a part, but tho wholo of tho Constitution, if indeed this pretext of nccsssity bo well founded, then let mo say, that a cause which demauds tho sacrifice of tho Const! tution and of the dearest securities of prop crty, liberty, nnd life, cannot bo just; at least it is not worth tho sacrifice. Sir, I ran obliged to pass by, for want of timo, other gravo, and dangerous in- fractions and usurpations of tho President cisually to tho quartering of soldiers in privato houses without tho couscnt of tho I owners, and without in any manner having .liccn prcfcvibcd by law j to tho subversion in a part at least of Maryland of her own Stale government and of the authorities 'under it : to tho censorship over tho Rela graph, and tho infringement repeatedly, in ono or more of tho States, of tho right of tho people to keep and to bear arms for their defense But if all these things ask, havo been done in thfc first two months after the commencement of this war, nnd by men not military chieftains nnd unused to arbitrary power, what may wo not cx poet to sco in thrco years, and by tho sue cesstul heroes of tho fight t Sir tho power nnd rights of the States and tho pcoplo and of their llcprosentativcs, havo been usurped ; tho sanctity of tho privato house and of privato property has been iuvaded and tho liberty of tho person wantonly nnd wickedly stricken down ; frco cpccch, too, has been repeatedly denied ; nnd all this under tho plea of necessity. Sir, tho right of petition will follow next nay, it has already been shaken ; tho freedom of tho press will soon fall after it; and let me whisper in your car, that thero will bo fow to mourn over its loss, until, indeed, its ancient high and honorable character shall bu rescued aud redeemed from its present reckless mendacity and degradation. Freedom of religion will yield too, at last, nmid the exultant shouts of millions, who have seen its holy temples defiled aud its) white robes of a former innocoucy tramp led now under tho polluting hoofs of an ambitious aud faithless or fanatical clergy. Meantime national banks, bankrupt laws, a vast and permanent publio debt, high tariffs, heavy direct taxation, enormous expenditure, gigantic and stupendous pecu lation, anarchy first and a strong govern ment afterwards, no moro Stato lines, no moro Stato governments, and a consolida ted monarchy or vast centralized military despotism, must all follow in tho history of tho futuro as in tho history of tho past they havo, centuries ago, been written. Sir, I havo said nothing, aud havo timo to say nothiug now, of tho im mense indebtedness aud the vast expendi tures which havo already accrued, nor of tho folly and mismanagement of tho war so far, nor of tho atrocious and shameless peculations and frauds which have disgra ced it iu tho Stato governments aud tlio Federal Govcrnmout from tho beginning. The avenging hour lor all these will come hereafter, and I pas3 them by now. I havo finished now, Mr. Chairman, what I proposed to say at this time upou tho message of tho President. As to my own positiou iu regard to this most unhappy civil war, I havo only to say that I stand to-day just whero I stood on thu fourth of March last ; where the wholo Democratic party, and tho wholo Constitutional Union party, and a vast majority, as I believe, of tho pcoplo of tho United States stood too. 1 am for peace, s-pcedy, immediate, houorablo peace, with all its blessings. Others may havo changed : I havo not. I question not their motives nor quarrel with their course. It is vain and futile for them to question or to quarrel with mine. My duty shall bo discharged : calmly, firmly, quietly, and regardless of consequences. The approving voice of a conscience void of offenso, and tho approving judgment which shall follow "alter tome time bo past," these, God help me, aro my trust and my support. Sir, I havo spokcu frcsly and fearlessly to-day, as became ah American licprcsen tativo and an American citizen ; ono firm ly resolved, come what may, not to Iojo hU own constitutional liberties, nor to sur render his own constitutional rights in tho vain effort to impose theso rights and lib erties upon ton millions of unwilling people. I have spoken earnestly, too. but yet not as ono uumindful of tho solemnity of tho scenes which surround us upon every sido to-day. Sir, wheu tho Congress of the United States assembled here on the 'M of December, ltJGO, just seven months ago, tho Senalu was composed of sixty six Sen ators, representing tho thirty-threo Statos of tho Union, and this House of two hun dred and thirty seven members every State being present, it was a grand and solemn spectaclo ; tho embassadors of thrco and thirty sovereignties aud of thirty-ono million pcoplo, tho mightiest republic on earth, in general Congross assomblcd. In tho Senate, too, and this IIouso,wcre somo of tho ablest and most distinguished states men ot tho country ; mon whoso namos were familiar to tho wholo country somo of them destined to pass into history. Tho now wings ot tho Uapitol had thou but just recently been finished, m all their gorgeous magnificence, and except a hundred man nos at tho navy-vard, not a soldier was within forty miles of Washington. Sir, tho Uongress ol tho united states meets hero again to-day ; but how changed tho soouo. Instead of thirty-four States, twenty-three only, ono less than tho num ber forty yoars ago, nro hero or in tho other wing of the Capitol. Forty -six Sen ators and a hundred and soventy-thrco Representatives constituto tho Congress of the now United States. And of these, eight Senators and twenty-four llcprosen tativcs, from four States only, linger here yet as deputies from that great South which, from the beginning of tho Govern ment, contributed so much to mould its policy, to build up its greatness, nnd to control its destinies. All tho other States of that South aro gono. Twenty two Senators and sixty fivo Representatives no longer answer to their names. Tho vacant scats arc, indeed, still here ; and tho es cutcheons of their respective States look down now solemnly and sadly from theso vaulted ceilings. But tho Virginia of Washington aud Henry and Madison, of Marshall and Jefferson, of Randolph and Monroo, tho birth-placoofClay,tho moth er of Statos and of Presidents ; tho Caro linas of Pinckney and Sumter and Marion, of Calhoun aud Macon; and Tennessee, tho homo and burial placo of Jaokson ; nnd other States, too, once most loyal and truo, arc no longer here. Tho voices and tho footsteps of tho crcat dead of tho past two ages of tho Republic, linger still, it nfii,:, rwinl l,nt ilinlr descendant? iYn nearly ono half of tho Slates of tho Ho. publio will meet with us uo moro withiu thoso marblo halls. Hut in tho pnrkt and lawns, and upon tho broad avenues ol this l spacious cuy, sutumy uiuuum havo supplfoil their places ; anu mo morn ing drumbeat trom a scoro ot cnoauipmuiiis t !t.i -T ll.!., 1.AAn.invn.l nl1ll!rtl. Wlllllll blgnt oi tins uuungu.'". givo melancholy warning to tho rcprcscn- tativfs ot the atatosanu oi luopcopiu, iuuv AMID ARMS LUVS Alt!, SILENT Sir, somo years henoo, I would lain liopo somo months hence, if I dare, tho present generation will demand to know tho causo of all this; and some ages hereafter the grand aud impartial tribunal of history will mako solemn nnd diligent inquest of this tcrriblo revolution. Cnliuiilmi Jetmraf EIIITI'.I) 11V LEVI 1j. TATE, I'ROl'RlGTun. BLOOMSBUEG, PA. SATURDAY MOItNINO, AUGUST 10. 1861. 1 S 4. CANDIDATE TOR PRESIDENT BENJAMIN FRANKLIN BUTLER, 01' MASSACHUSETTS. r-l'-irn-irn-" i r. ' '"-'i niii.'nuAJiiiWisniisisiMl Aimrt.H 1, Cnncrcin l-lnll makp no Inw ri'.pccUiiff nn taf:ililUiiiiciit i.f rulicion dr lirnlilbltlna till1 Irou IX- miutlicri'uf i or Abridge tho freedom ol Speech, or of the Frsisj or lliu right of tho people peiici-ality to nseiiill.) atui to pennon ino i.overiiinem ior n min-p of crietnnces.-CWwwfoii fiftht UnttrJ blatts. Amitlt: fl. That the printing presses shall lio free to otery person l no mmeriai.es to ixtuiiinc un-proceedings of tli j l.-gUl.ittiro, or any hrnnrh of poernini'iit i and no law thall ever ho made lo rtstrohl tlio richl thereof. Tho I'rje communication of thoughts nml opinions Is oinoftlu Invnlilihlj rU'iits of man ; Bill every ritl-z-iii may frei-ly speak, M rife and print on flliy suhjert J helm: r.'spniHiliIe for the aliiMo of tli at liberty. In pros-rnti-iiH for tho piiMication of papers Investigating ino nun i.il connnciol nilieers, or men in piuiiic rnpacii) , or wheru tin nialtrr published Is proper lor pnlilie in foniiitlnu. the truth tlK-reof may be jtucn in el Idencc; ami iu till ilMietuicut fnrlilicls. tho Jury shall haven rielil todi terniliie tho law nu 1 tlio facts, under the ill- r -clion of tho court, as In other cases. Conititution v rcnmtflramti. PERSONAL. We need money h.ully, nn I It will ho n tery great ro lief to us If our friends and patrons ttlll furnl-hus with a little of tliu "needful" ulthout delay. If tl.l-y cannot ay all, lettliciil nt least gitu us a ptrt of that to whirl wo are Junly entitled, in order to relievo us fromour cmuarra'ftinctits. lVe think wo havo hern very indul gent, nnd therefore hope to meet with ft rendy response to what we conceive tohou reasonable request We shall ho prepared to recilve our friends at the oftice. nnd fur niih llu-ni promptly witli receipts for whatever amount, tli--y may dtfiire, Persons nt n dMance. mid those re piiliug out of tlio county, ran remit by mail at our risV. Come, friends, give us u lift without longer delay, ns wo mil t lute money to keep tin ol I Colcmsis Dkmoiui In motion. 5?" Mr. RonniiT PunsBL, of tho Val loy,has deposited in our office several stocks of his Oats, measuring full six feet. Who can beat it I $& Captain John WniTiiNiaiiT, our woithy Democratic fellow-townsman, has our thanks for a lot of fiuo early roatting cars. JC" lion. Philip Johnston, M. of C, from Northampton, has our thanks for a copy of Mr. Vallandigham'a Into Speech in Congress, on Executive Usurpations, which will be found, in ex tenso, in this ilCvlumbia Jenmcrat." 1ST Dr. Biioweu, of tho Montour Amer ican, accompanied by his sou, Will. G lSuowEit, the Local Ijditor. md us a eocial ' visit on last Monday. The Doctor is a clover follow, but ho no', mako his appearance, tho provioui Thursday, on "Quick's Summit." Vallancligliam's Groat Spoccli. Having last week, publiehed tho AViir Speech of Col. Wright, iu Congress, wo to-day print tho Pcaco Speech of Mr. Val landigham, (which elicited tho Bpocch of Col. Wright,) and now ask our readers to read nnd examine both sides of tho ques tion. Mr. Y.'ii speech is unanswerable. Let the people havo light frco discussion, freedom of thought and a free Prc.s, and tho country is safe. Moanuos3 Cousummatod. Two weeks tinco, owing lo iho war movements with which our business had became somewhat deranged, wo requested and obtained of Dr. John tho re-publication of his war news, for the use of tho Columbia. Democrat. Wro wcro absent from homo when it was issued, as wo aro now for wo write this article in Philadel phia and conscrjuently had no opportunity then of acknowledging tho obligation. But what did tho valorous dr. do in tho premi ses? Act tho gentleman. No! Like a ninnic, ho proclaimed abroad that wo had used his type ah! good UNION typo, too, said pigarlic, without even saying by your leave, Sir, W'o did uso his typo, but not without first removing from its head, tho standing libel of" War for the Union," with which Greeley and ra'cmon, ct. al , with tho cn tiro abolition hordo attempt to deccivo tho world, for all their teachings directly tend to the unerring result of " Dissolution." If theso scape-graces wcro as honest ns they aro old, thoy would head their lead ers : "lVarfor the Dissolution of the Union," as thoy aro now known and un derstood. AVo avor that, such fellows ''War for tho Union," is a libel upon the truth of history and so will it be recorded by tho futuro historian. fleyTho Democracy of Sullivan County, mot in mass meeting at Laporto, on Tues day tho 30th ult. Tho meeting was or ganized by electing Hon. Geo. D, Jack son, President addressed tho meeting in his usual elegant etylc. Tho Democracy of littlo Sullivan, wo are pleased to know, aro aroused and at full work. They will givo n good account of thcuisclvc3 at tho approaching October clcctiop. ... . 1 .i.t il.,.H tTrm-.r1t AOtS spenii i.uuuur liiuu v uiu, On tho 1st J.'curunry, inov, ocuaioi .JOlill 1 . Iiaio, ui huh iiiuiijiiiiu, jnu Muled two petitions from Isocc dcllrics and other citizens of Pcnnsyluania, and John F. Woodward nnd others, prnying that "somo plan might le devised (or the .l:,ihii!ni rt th lm-riV-lM 'fit'.tH.'' Mr. I , Webster, of Massachusetts, was unsparing ' ' . . . in his denunciations of tho patitions, and , , 1I2VC bCCn a - , , , , preamble to them in thCJO Words I j . ' "Gentlemen, members of OongrOPS: ' ... t Whereas, nt tho commencement ol tlio ....!. ,.,1 o,ol, of T-n,,. look ur solemn oaths, in tho presence of God, and , tho Holy KvanceliUs, that you would sup port the Constitution of tho United States now, therefore, wo pray you to tako im mediate sttps to break up the Union and . overthrow tho Constitution ns soon M you can " Yet this petition received threo votc3, John P. Ilalo. of Now Ilampdnrc, il- linm II. Soward, of New York, nnd Sal mon P. Chase, of Ohio. Tho two hut aro CabinH Officer.'. -ca .Vcuato Journal, 1st SctHon !lst Congroj, pngo 120. Day Book. Accinr.NT. On last Saturday, ns Mr. Knhraim Stincr was crossing tho 1 ridge over FMiing Creek, nearly oppo.-ito Iron Dric Furnace, Jiloom town-hip, wi.ii a load of ore, the bridge gave way, precipi tating Mr. Stincr, four horses and wagon, somo twelve foot into tho crock, and rcsul ttdin drowning ono hors . Fortunately Mr. S. csenpod with slight injuries, M'tr. Democratic County Convention. NOTln; Ishi-relie given, that the li-iinrrntlr r.h-ftors in and for tliu s'-vt-Ml lioroushs nnd Klertiou li--trids of l.'ntuu.bi.t t.'ouiitt, will mctl nt (lie rctpeitivu places of holding sahl mictions cvMitiwi', Tiir.zuh my ov.ivnrsr, ni-tweenthe hours of 3 and To'cloek, V M., of sail day fur the pilrpme of ciioo-iug two lh l.-gntos fiom each Klertion lIMrirt, to mei tin t'DUNTV CU.NVII.VIiON', at the Court House, Tsi Idooiufhurg O.Y MO.V1 1.1 V, T1IF. Slit D.1V OF .1CCWST, At one o'clock I', M., of said day, for tho purpose of mnkiiiL' the ii.ual peiiiocraticnoiiii-niions, to no suppor ted hy the Electors of t.'n)uiiil-i i (.'otinty at the t-n-mng Jciter.it hii-illen, and f.ir tlietrin-acllon of other hii.i. nes-t pertaiurii-t lh tTm iiil"rei-ts of Iho lk-iuocratic party. JACJOIt II.Mtlllit, Chairman. Rinunn Prir.es, ) I'sihrt (i. CiMrnttt, .M. I). Woonwisn, ) Vii.i.im I'sit, ?Iami ki Cbkaiv . I riMt'M t luiisivR, WlUtAM T. MIlMllf. DemnTrntU tfttiHtUnr Cutiimilttfi. -CTzwMrarri.-jiK3c-tmi'Srtsww3i At lln ri'KiilLMicc of llit Itrl leu fillir-r. tn sWiinla -Till nil, by thu lit-. II .V Di-torlrk Mr, I'murA. Kline of Ui-iiton, to Mb Maktu Mem n or licit y tuwiuliit .Montonr Vo. Va. On tlti .:tli of Jalr la'll lv MonttroinTy Vol; Vm . Mr. Win.UM "ArniKU, to Mls CiiiuKixs Axj Bituiz, both ofaiiS-irlnif Colutiiliifi Co. lh DEATHS. Iii ll'vifh n.mii, l.nz -rue rointty., on thij VI, of An piict . unit hnnU h ijicii of .n gliirimin imuiurt.ility, Mr. Jtt;a Camtllll, used ahout til jenr. Canilidates Depnilinciit. I'lllNTnil's l'EIl ?2 ItAfll. CANDIDATE 1'Olt ASSEMBLY. 7'n rAfl Klfdon of Columbia t'wi'w : Thu un leruiiml, .ilti-r a fintlifnt ffrvicfj of ori rttv n t tuc )c.iri in tin hiiKb oftlitf Iijniorr.iry uf Col. utiil'M. ri'siicttfully nitnoiiiirrti to hit irifinlH nn-l ft-l lm .riti."in, that lie w ill u rmi'Ii l.tf for Ui' l,vn I itur al lli'i .iiiiiroiirliiiie (iiiicrnl r.Icrti m, ciilAc-rt to tin us.igcauf tlKColumbu County lijitmcrrttic C'Hivfn-- lion. i.i;vi I TATU Iilrmn twp.t July J3.1W.1. OANDIDATK FOR SlIKHHT. I'hT it Hit i xKvrni, of Htoonulitirif. un nrc initliMrla1 i t-i lillliomirt'. will Im n railiii'I.ilt1 ti.r SIIKIEIIT. nt tin- 1 jmiw"'''1 cL;",'ri'1 J'-'cti-.n. ii.'ft to iiu dcri-rmoi i th i ( oiniiilii.t Comity Dumocralic Lomuition. July 13, l:fil. CANDIDATE YOU Sin-UUPF." Jusnil It I'l HMsf. ff Itloiiin tow luliip, twi nrrniiltmr-ir.-il tu ittiiKiiinc. Mill lie n ruihliitatu f. r HIIJJKll 1'. nt tll'iiiiiri'irliiiii pt'ii.irsl .lurtli.n.siilijf atu tliu i!iCliioii i.l mu Liiiiiiunii i,uiini jroillutralic uultvclillun. Julyn. I -lit. CANDIDATE POU ASSEMBLY. .Mill" Miliri'ntinw of in-iiiv rrlrn.U IhiiiiI.I iii.iw.i.iii-.. totiK. uiiPrsnf I'oltimhiiioinitv, Hint 1 willh-j a raiMli iliitn fur A.-.-T.MIU.V.at III.! a' rimrlihit cnii r ikl- rlimi sai'JL-ct Iti tliu ilccltluilurtUd Luluiiibi.i i utility Dsmnrrbtir , , JOIIV A. rL'.VSTOS, July 20. 101. CANDIDATE FOB SUEIUPP. i iiuion .niii ii now nfmocnii. jwjoii hnu tivvn niL-n (iinriim-u uiri-eyiNir .10, lliroiili our rf.tihr County Colli HltlOII, Illltl ,l ;iiltrltll!t(ltll! IM.Ii.r thr. tton... rrutlro.irlv iitl mj life .hue, wlnrh iiulur" iiinynm to oll.-r inotll an.t rnmlnlatu fof thu oilice ot HIl.KUT this fill. "nhJumothvuVrmyii of iho iMnoriaiic Conn tv Conviiiiiou, J. U. (JttOUL. Cloutn tuwnship, July W, HJ1. candidatk vow tiuoasukkr. James H. ii. of ('altais.;i inwn.liip, f nro nnlliorisoil lo nmiu'ince. ..ill Ii" n r.-imli laic inr 'I'lillAH riinil.nl llm niru,irhin (.'ciivriil4.ltTli.iii, ml.jicl in lliu ilt-cisiuii of llic CuIuiuIji.i cuumy Uciiiurrulir. Cou- VL'Utioll Jiily'.'O, l-l'.l, CANDIDATE l-'Oll JUDUE. J.ton i:ss., r firrcnwornl low 111.11111, wiire nullior. ir.i-il lo niuiniiTtrc. illla a rauili'latu Inr ASriOL'l.Vi'lJ JL'Dl.r,, nt tjMiiir(i.iriiii; ccn.-r.il i-IitiIoii, suljirltd tlia ilcd.iim cf tlio Coluinliu Luunty Ik-iuucratic Uonuil lion. JulyS-.lMt, CANDIDATE l'Olt (JOMMISSIONKlt. fiunLt. II. II, ss, of Jlidllu tonnshlp, we nri" nmlior liiil los.iy, nl l,un rainliil.itu lor l.'UMMISriol;il,at tlio .'.kuIiii; Btnera.1 s-lor 1 1 .in , siiIJitI to tin ilscltioii cl lllci (,'oliliiiln.i Culllily Htuwiratic Ciilltculioll, July 87. l-i,l. CANDIDATE I'OIt CO.MMISSlONElt. MoiuriiuMuuK, nfllcnvir toivmlilf. wo nru nullior. IZ'ilto nnnoiitiri', will ot 11 rniitli.l.ilu for ..(nil&.s. lUMjlt, at tin ciHiiini! uni' rnl . Iriti sulijort to tin lil l.iou f lluil lolumlod County IJoiiKs-rullcColltLlltlun yiuru.i a, itu. CANDIDATE h'OK COMMldSlONEK. rr.Ki.ii I.. Hni Aus, of lli niT tonnsliip, no nro niillinruM lo liunoiincf, will I,., a r.nidi.lote forl'OU-Mlr-eiONI.!!, at tlm ciisulnit e nural tin-lion, suljcct lo lliu ilccision of tlio Columbia County Democratic Con vention August 3, Irl'.l. CANDIDATE FOlt I ltEASUIiEUr W ilium T. Piilmsv, of Malno townsliip, wo urn nn i n ii oiii.iict,l 1,0 a rauilMi.to for Tlli;U lllll.il, altlio lipiroirliiii! scnorul llcrtlon, sulijirt to vciilion Columliia County Uuuocrauo Con. Au;ust3, Hfil. ASSOCIATK .TUDOE, Jont Mi Rivmii.0., of Hemlock tmin,l,j,,, iT0 nro mi. .'.?..!';., .'.'.'.?.'"",".r,C1'' "'" l'a cnnili.lats for AXtOfl. Alb IV IX'Ual llie niMiroarlilns cenpral . Icrlion. suh. ',. , ?? , Utcl!lu" ' tliofoluiuuia County Democratic Auuust a, ieci. ASSOCIATE JUDUE. Hrtnullu,Y,ofCdttawis,n, we nro auiliorir.,l to nn noiince, wil be n caudnlali- for ASSOCIATI. JUnni! nt tli ni'iirnncliiiijj.tncralclfrlion. vnl.jt.-ct to tlm (Ui " Au,i,',,.'3.1M:,,,,l',i, CUU'"y L'ouumio,,. CANDIDATE l'Olt SUKltlKK Jinej i.iKS,i,r?,i,tttUttii,hii, wenro auiliorU".l to nuiiounce. n canili.lale Mr Hill ln h tlionn- ITiucliing cenrral .-led il,je t" 1 i'e Vc ion if tfo Coluinuia County Democratic Connlioi , Ausuit n, itiii, CANDlliAlE i UR A.V 1.. Al 111 . i.uan;?,!;',!',,,,i,i;l!,,,r!'!"r.l!U'.1, ;.r. '"'" rrknjs. 1 Hill.ndeotonosorvo my coi,t,t.ie . fmiro .,?J i iisimyne.iiiuri, lo socurj a r iduiliim in in., i ,o , lh members. rlu5tow!i,ir.A.VbA.:,LNWINTKRd'lTXN- Special Notices. TCAUD TO THE INDIES- 111' Dlipntico's Goltlcn rills for IVmalrg, Maimit l ecrrntlnf. rifttaltnr nn.l rrMi(n .. i ttrktltontitfton vhaltttr cavte, nntt alvnut I i itettisful hi a prtitnUttt Tlio Coml.lnntlon nf IngrrdlriiU lii In. Iiutinneo-. fii.l.loii I'l In nri' fi'lfi-illf li.itiMto;. ''li') linvi. ..,' uai.J lii tlii. iirlviitr nrnrllci' IT olil IT. Illlliotirn r...... ' Hiltly pts, nnd tln'iiiiiiits nl" hdiei tnu i.'M,fy tiiclr sniiil iinil lu'M-r fjillim niters In iilmnit tcl, rnii.,in tirrttiii irrccui.iriiii a. ruiiohii! )nirui a, J ituinuMliiiT niL'ii-lruntliin tutrtl(u1.ir1v tit tliu rltmln.. .1 1 1. . rrum run to tm puis iiirnio tii.it ruw ,,j tirftlHI HI rniiiiuuiii. in. tiniii--. ..i-iuij i-.t-fy riMimV. t,c n, ,.iiV.ti trom tills complaint. Tin- nl,,,,,. ptirilllll" l'J r.lliu iiiiMoiiHiie, (, "III turj )Mf v u.nlhcm, Tli rammt lurm ) m, on lliu i'iiiitr.1,., .Km. n I iih.trllrtloli. tJBtlir.l lintlir,, t li. . ' rrrlnnnd. nml flltipnrnli' lllulml s,-in. I. anlii. ntll n,,t itiTinll nil Inrri-iMii i.f V u ,.,iii, n on. rue ion-, ii'suirx linn ri, in Ma ...... errhmnel. ami llirigoraie iuwnoie sst'-in, l.vlii, m unatin-.o fin. inm-rui ptuvintin.. '' . i ; - v-" "in "':L'" ''ffiSJ.Tni'rEl;!!. Holu Ajmit fur UlrtmnRlmrjf, fn Tii whom nil oAct mnl irnt. I.uli-i 1 ,y kc'j Ins 1 1 1 in 9I.UD In tin lilonmali.iM 1'nnl Uilicv, ran Ii.ivq thect litlln "rut tnnny part nfllm country, (uMifUthiif.! I inn! "frep nf rontnife" 11 miiil. Hoi. I ttlgci liv. i u.uiDanviih, .;. I. Itv in (lis Tinted PlntoiS. N. It. -ook out for counterforts. Ihiy nn UuliUi, of and kind, unless every hot Is rdjrneil !. II. Hour, jj othirs nro a baso imio-ition nnd unsafe, therefore, , yon value your lives and health, (to say nnlhiiu,. (,r . Hmhuuihugecd out of )our inuney,) buy only of tli,, wlro show lh signature of (, It. Howe on otiry which has recently b ten added, on nccouut of 11 remit coiinlerfcloftliol'llls. ,,,., Solo rroprietor. New vih Dec. 52, IcC0-Iy. Tho Whlto Halt Clothing Storo The nrilfpinffni'il, hui In? purrliiis.nl Itm wdlKnn-jrV U'Jiito UallClotliltijf i:moritiiii,"i'ituatu oti Uw p,,j, WVi-t Ciht of fc'nurtli nn I Market Htrt-it, I'hilnh , ri'iitTtrull in for iim ihoullie riiol lormer ciikIohh r of thu IfoiiHf.lhfit hu ki'i'jMCoiiftnntly for mle tin 'I make up to onlrr, till ildTiijitiou of (Iftitk'it'H'M wenr, i,fnp TU fil ni iMii.il Him lie "i, ..... 'iiri', 1, tiif n rHAiiii'AL 'I Alt.oR, In cun MM I'M food ta t.n.i wi'll iuiolo (jjiia'.'iit. tfltiit iiltcntloii tojuUmg A fontliiuatlon of thtt riKtom nf tlm ho-ic, whlrh tso uiil t).iri no uaini to ni'jrit, t very Mepcrifully nT. tel. 1'. r. m:vrk. May i, l-oi,-y Tut fiRFAT Ciorutin ',mi'orilm or tint t'.f. PltiHilrlpliI i pnft58 tin nioHt vplfinilil CI' tiling Hi,, poriotmi In thv country. It In fpitiipiJ m rffi.infn tiia pitatlM Ktructuru In which Vv itiim,iin liiii-iiicfi,. (f ,. nftjilillfihinriit H romluctcil.uihl it I HjiUtnlnl n, r.'Hpcct to in crtat f tnlttlis nml ul n-courii n. Itntttt its patron j Uf chuf nttrr ctioiii utv, fir tit, Urn (.l'.iiict1 of Ho' e.-iriiii'iiti for Ccutl en 11 fid Voutlif, iit.inur.ti ttircil there; tL'Coinll, tlo ho.'iuty aixl tlitrn Uility otthr tnfttrri.il, nnd the mjuTior Lxcclknru of the lit, unj lisily tli niodt'r.it pncf ut lurli tlu ooiU mm k, i we rt'i.T, in mi iK'drripuuii, lo none oiner man tLf llrrnni Stoiw Clotlilltir Hull of UocWiill & U ilmm. ,u Ct)3 and CU5 Clipsunt struct, 'hilaiklphla. Unlformltr of Trices! A M.'w Wntury In Itntin ViVvtv rne Iim owii HilfHmaril J()N:H t. Ctl .r o.i. Cr'auut One I'rir.j CMInng t tore, No. 2 U MtirKcl rtrett nuosc ruui, 101 imp pina. In tuliliiioit to li.iiiii; the lirc''ft. in opt mrioi t.n.1 fa!iioiiahlc Htock of Clothlni; i i'lnladc'phi i, lu-olu pri'nly for rt'Iail mien., h.xyc roiiciitntidtfrj ntn lt nv, 11 p-ili-fftinii.to" lm insf tonrkcil In fleun-M, on i :ti &r ticlo at tluii cry lmi'it price it ran lw oM fr ft Hi y ratmot pon.ih'y vary -nil nmt Imy nlikt i no cooih nr' wii fpoiiKoii utui prcpari'il, nn err- piilnnt.ikm uth tin ni.tklnf m ttoit all innluiy nlilitl,e Oill aiiirniiri (if c',tMni: n cooil ortulo at the virfl. vrt prict'. AIo. a InrKc ttork of po cc ttnodx on li.tml i thui.it'-nt Ptvlu nnd hit ipialltlej, wlnrh til Im nml. to oritur, In titii mot f.uVi'uj.iliIc nnd l.uat inatnnir, , ptr rent., tchm credit prm . iti'iiH-iiuior ui-.' iri-HCtrm, in si,irM.-t, above l Ftr N'o.'JUU. JONCH A. CU. (T'TIIOMAH . ".LU-rfiOV. It-rciu'd tho rtt M iltil nt 1 1 i'l Wotld'j' Vmr in l.ftn.loii Ir.'il. inr Tit I kj( CAltl'KT HA(!H. Ilodtsi, rliocti and lintin. tirrat until.. in -nta nrt' now oliorptl to mirr i H-'r- ir the ti)io f mu rlt-fi, Thi i inurli tin.- largi'ht htork of trunk. Canut llaiii', Valift'p. Ac., in rinl.oh Iphti wiy rlivnp f'rrolt No. Vii Market Strott, out) door alou -Itli, South ajt Nciyli)uci1iGcmcnts4 M'llliainsporl PirKiiiMin Seminary yon nor it sr.xi:.s. I'TIIP. Fall Hi-H-tionof i,U Iictltniloii. lupntfil nt Wil li.ituxp'.rt, l,j(oniinrMUtity, I'a., Icftju vtii'Ufl - -" - J . A (nil cour-o' of ftudy in Moral llnloHopliy.ini II.-II f I.( ttr -h, Matliomntirt, A in i 'lit aim Modem l.iu ;nni;n. Natural f i''nrr. Mimic, touiiiirr I lriu'li,. Coiimiioii Cns'iih ii ptci, A N'oriu.il CI.-ih-" mil li-i ftirmcd, if ilcf rrfil, fr muh an h.tri th- iiuMirtiiiitdiiti a of 'IVnchmi; in 1 1 -w, T nun iuodt-r.it,. i'or Cat ilopii- or fnrth-r p,irliriilr apply to It Ii V Tll(JMlaU. MlllIIU'.I.I., A. M U"illiauiii.ii l l'a. Auutst 10, 13''.I-3t. Normal Iii&tiluf e rnd AfodfM.r, ur ni:w coi.UMnuH, m'.ukm: car sty. va I'MIlnuU Tnii of tin Iiutl utioii Mill ujih'ik hu on VO.V7Ur, .1VOU&T MTU, rndfrlli'i ihnitloii of Trof. II. 1. kh, ho. - Stliolar, .iTt'itcliir. mid n l.uilurrr, it too wtdily nml Uo f nr.ihly kuoun to lo't-d ait) rtroiniM'iidittoii AtltJitJun.il funlilJV to thohf lo ri'loi.irrt nijoj.dtv tiut'U nts Hill l. rir.iihd diirlotr lh t'-nn jm.l j.'.tr liintriiitiMiit, iu Vor.il nod I tifltmitL ulal iMu.iu iill bj if t veil by mi acLoinpiiihi-d 'I'.-arhi r. 1 or Hu Trueti un. J JllN KUO.XB, frifl h Atiiit 10, iVj HOW LOST, HOW JlESTOUf.P. Just Published) in a Seal Envelope; A I (.rt nro on (,f ii.ittir. trcatnu ut, nnd radirtil rur r Hpcrioatorrh'iM, or N-imnal Wi .ikno, Hexn.nl H.tl.i'ih NcroiiMiiriiH and iimdiitilary cinietioiiit. irodiinne ) poiency, Coiitfiiinplioii and Mental ft l'n nictl il lo tit v.y uoirr. J. CUI.VCIUVKI I M. II., Tho I'lipi-rlant fut th it llu u.fnt roiist'iU'-nct's s'-'lf nbtipc may ho rtfi-runH)' ri'iiiovud without iniurnnl m-'tliciin or Hi'1 ihiijcroiii application! of riuit-iirn. in KlrtniH'iiti, liifidicated hongi-B, and otht r cjujuncal dt Hcit, i li-;r! d-:arly ilrnioiiclrnted, ami tho cutiM; n! nnd liivMy Kiirrmturnl tr.-itliiieni, adoj-tctl hj tin ct'klir.itril nullior fully 1 iil,ihird, dy iiiMnn of lot It i',i;ry one i tiiiihl --t tn nro lilnici If purf'-rtly, an I nt llu kntst poKiIdii cost, tloTiltv a? oidins all the ndwr tixwl noirumitor Mm day. 'ihij KilurJ will piot huon to thniiri.iinlti jriHd thoiiinilH. tunt tuidiT n.'iil,in a pljiin i ovlupc, t any aihlri.-, post piid, on th't rt,n ipi nf th-i tn o poai.ii't btunpe. l-y addrjssing lf.Cll. J. KhlM'., itin,.i) ,s. , I'lod Oitieu ! i 1 i-t AtiSit,t 10, I8iil. April SM, Icol Uut Sheriff's Sales. BV irtuu of n writ of .llins Urnrt Farias, 111" i'l n rtil, i.sucil out of tin t'uult of Common I'lcisi'l Columloa counly, Pj , will lio exixi.od to public .it, it tile Court HoiiKf, in lllooubiirK, 1111 MONDAY Tllll hcconii D.w tirri:m:Miii:u, h;i,.u oiieuviork ; Un allcmoon, tin- fullowing ilcscrlbcil propcily lo wit A certain tract or picco of land, situate in J.icksonlownsiii, in the counts-1 f Columbia, boun ileil nml ilescribfii ns follows 10 wif llririnnini; at a lio.l, tboiicu by Inii.l of Hamuol Acl bach, i-a.t tnu Jiuiiilrt'il nml Mti-cti prrrll,'s to a no. I, tin-lire I.) lb" same sontti liliei n pi-rrli", tn a nt, tlrnro by Imol Josliua fcavatje tasi sixty lour nerclK-s to a i lie. unit tlieuto by lanilof Jnlin Friu ami ll.nin l Itobbius riortli Uireo linnilreil perrli'-s lo a rli.Kin'ili ok. tli -lice by lanl of Josepli Coin nml U illi.iui llriuk, wist Iwu buiiilri',1 nml seventy four nrrlii-sto a chr-stti.lt, llii-uco by laiol "( llioin.is w. Voiilie iimll.iiidof Jolin tliulls, south ti" liiinilreilnnit nshly live perches tn the plicc of lb 1:111 mug, containing I'o.ir llinolruil anil siily-lliree aco. anil oneliuuilreiluni! twenty pcrrliesnnil ullowaiicc, Ur. Heit'il, taken 111 ei-cution uuil 10 bj silil as lliu pri'V crty of'l'iioinj, v. Young ALSO: At tho mtno timo nnd place, by 1 lltuo ofa writ of Acinci Tonai, iisueil out of Hw Court of Common I'leas, 10 muilirect -il, w ill bo epost-l tn public sale, all llint ono ami a Inlf flory I'raiii" liwelliiijrlloiisu or buibliu, simile in tli vlllaeif l.iiilit fclrecl, in the township of ricott, in the roiisty of tJoluiiilna, ami f tuta of I'cuiisjltanir, wbi- li snlil bttiM lull Is on a lot formerly ownoil by l.aar, Honerwona nml which Is sni.l lot, is noun lej anil ilecrilieil af low s, namely, on tho norlh by lot ol liinl, 011 lbs oast by an alley, on tho smilli by lot of sail. Isaac Son crswnnli, nml on th- wc.l, by lot of I'cler rVliuij. win'" salil buil.liu; I. In sl.n on Ilia croiiiol about smtcenb) ilfhlein leel, mid tlm ,aid abnto il. si-nbed lot or piec" of Briiiinil nml mrlilatw apimrUnani 10 said huililii'S .""i,,.!lk"1 '" culiuii and tuba sold ns Iho w perty of Ldward Jones. ,., . . joiin axviinii, giurur. Lloonnliurs, Aug. 10, Ic'Cl, 111UDGK LETTING. Tlm County Ciiiumi..ionerswill rtccivc propnsnls nl tbe liomo of James .Matters, In I'me tow nslnp, Coliun bia Counly, until 3 n'elou 11. 111., on Tliday, Hi" ' iln) of Ausuit nut, for buililinii 1111 open Truss limit; our l.lltle I i.lilncrretk, near the ren lelicii of Ibo fil James Mn.lers, said brideo to bo 57 felt li-lweeil nbiit meiits, wldlli Hi feel, Infill d f..i t 0 Indus, from low wntir mark. Iho nlmtmeiiis lo l,.i 111 foillliuk. and wmswalls on loner eulo 1 f, i t long. Plan nml f peii lirutionimi be seen 011 the .lay ami pi ire of letting. Uy order of C10 Counly t'oniuiissioiiers. , , K.C. rill'IT, Her t oininissloni r's Olfici', I llloomsb'iri!, Aiieusl 3, 11. j AaitlCULTlIllAT, VAlit ,L"S '.c,"1""'11 O.rl.r.illnrul uud Jluliau.cul ...M 1 1, i V . '" ". ' "" '"' p.ifs,-,l n llesol n t" lion, nl lli"lrlueillliu tllll day, p,ips"d a llesi iioiu a . oiiniy ,0ir on limn, le.andiu d,us el tnio b'rncit. ,., , , .... A, MAliuo.V, Sail i Muoin Imrj, An:, ", i ti ;i