u &fjrintltnvc. How to Git Hid of Bowlders. Ono of tlio easiest ways to got rid of largo bowlders, or "hard' heads," ns thoy two IWILL called in some parts of tlio couutry, is to sink tliom, If not wanted for wall build-1 ing, it will cost more to drill and blast and haul away, than it will to dig a pit and tumblo them in, so that tho upper surface will bo at least a foot under ground and quito out of tho way of plowing. Ksain inu tho stono and select tho lower or most favorablo side and dig a pit, going partly under tho stono, and deep enough so as to bo suro to hare room, and then with crow bars, levers, or oxen, tumblo tho stono in to tho pit and level tho dirt over, and you will bo surprised how cheaply you havo got rid of a troublesomo occupant of your Ccld. A man will sometimes bury a stono in ono day that could not bo blasted and hauled out for livo dollars. Natural Grape Trellis Thoro in t.: L.11.. ...1 t. ir. t iwsil..i uuutl aim uuuiiuj udii iM iuuaj' in a wooded country, for a grapo trellis as n small tree. Cedar 13 best, both on ac count of durability and the natural form but a small chestnut oak, grown in open grounds, has a pretty good form, and will last sovoral years. Tho pyramidical form of the cedar wJH givo a plot of ground set with vines, traiuctl each upon its cedar standard, a most uniquo and beautiful ap pearanco. Tho trco is cut close to the ground, or dug up with a portion of tho roots, and divested of all tho small branch cs, and tho large ones cut to ft suitable length, and set to where tho vino can b trained upon it instead of a single stake, When fully covorcd with vines, and bran ches rcclothcd with tho foliage, these stakes look like green trees, and aro very orna. mental in gardens, yards or lawns. Drilling Wiieat. Tho Hon. David Crocker of Tompkins Co., N. Y., rccom mends farmsrs to drill in their wheat to Ect tho guago so as to drop only half tho quantity of seed that they desiro to plant per acre, and after going over tho fid once, turn tho other way and put in the other half, so that the plants will stand in checks instead of rows. Ho puts in twi bushels per aero, and thinks it produces better from being so much moro evenly planted over tho whole surfaco, so that it moro than pays for the extra labor. To Clban Silks. No eilks look well after waaling, however carefully it bo done and tliis method should therefore never be resorted to but from absolute; necessity. It is recommended to sponge faded silka with warm water and soap, then to rub thorn with a dry cloth on a flat board, af tcr which to iron them on tho insido with a smoothing iron. Sponging with Fpirits will also improve old black tilks. Tho ironing may bo dono on tho right side, with thin paper spread oyer them to pro vent glazing. Mead. To eaco gallon of water put four pounds of honey ; boil it ono hour . when the scum has dono rising, pour tho liquor into a tub, and when cool put a toast with yeast spread over it in tho tub, allow it to stand until tho nest day ; then pour it into a cask and put tho bung tight ly over it; and let it stand ono year iu the barrel. To Make Uakeu's Yeast, Boil two ounces of hops ouo hoar in nine quarts of water j take seven pounds of mashed pot a . toes, when tho liquor is milk warm, and add ono pound of sugar, two ounces of car bonate of soda, half an ounce of spirits of wine, ono pound of flour, and a half a pint of llrcwer's yeast to work it. GixoirBeer Quickly Made. A gal Ion of boiling water is poured over three quarters of a pound ofloafsugar,ono ounce of ginger, and tho peel of on lemon ; wchn milk warm, tho juico of the lemon and a spoonful of yeast aro added It should bo made in the evening, and bottled nest morn ing in stone bottles, and tho cork tied down with twine. Good brown sugar will nnswcr,and tho lemon la.iy bo omitted, if chcapnesj Is re quired. Spuce Beeh. Allow an ounce of hops and a spoonful! of ginger to a gallon of water. When well boiled, strain it, and put in a plot of molasscj, and half anounco or Icsj of Iho cssenco of spruce : when cool add a teacup of yeast, and put into n clean tight cask and let it ferment for a day or two, then bottlo it for use. You oan boil tho sprigs of pprueofir in room of tho cs- fence. Cheap Small Beeb. To twelve quarts of cold water, add a pint and a half of trong hop tea, nnd a pint and a half of molasses, Mis it well together, and bot tle it immediately. It will bo fit for uso neit day, if tho weather is warm. Tnc VINT4QE. Tho vlnoyarJu of i ranee look promising, not withstanding a latoand wet spring. Tho Ilorso aud liis Disoasos. liy ROI1ERT JENNINGS Vi S. Professor oj Valluologxi and operative Snr genj in the Veterinary Coltege of l'hil adclph'ui) etc., etc. WILL TELL 1'01Of thi niljlon', history ami itlitlnrtlt .rans o. .no Tsr.nu, uroctia oi ...iro pean, Asiatic, Aftrkan anil American Ueracs, with the physical lormntlot. find tho peculiarities of llio nniinnl, and how lo ascertain hi, nso by llio number ami condition of his teel It j Illustrated with numcrou, oiblanalo. ry cngrnving. The llurse and his Diseases TELL I'UtOfllrccdlng, nroaklng. stabling ftcil- mg. grooming, snot-ing, aim inogcn. oral niansgcnicnt of tho horse, with the beat modes or ndmiiitsteiing ined. fine, alio, how to treat biting, kick in?, waring, shliig, stumbling, crib Hitiug. Restlessness, anil other vleca to whlali ho is subject; with nuiiitr oila explanatory cngmings, The Horse and his Diseases WILL TEKL i'OU Of tho rnuici, rpinptom., ami Treat- mem 01 Btrnngios, ioro i nroat, ijjb temper. Catarrh- InKuciisn, Hronrrill tlatl'neiimonln, Plciiri.y.Urokcn Wind Clironio Cough.Uoarlng and Whistling Lampns.Roro Month and Ulcers, and Ilcrnyed Teeth, with other diseases of tho Mouth nnd Respiratory Organs. The Horse and his lJiscnscs WILL TEI.L YOU Of the cruises symptoms, and Trent- niemoi .vorins, 1101s, uouc, Mratigll lation, Btony contritions, Rupture, Talay, Dlarrhrca, Jaundice, Ucpiillr rh.ea.llloodr Urlne.stotics inthu Kid- neya and Ulndiler. Inllaraation, and oincr ii.scascs 01 .no si.nninen, now cla, Liter and Urintry Organs. The Horse and his Diseases WILL TELL Yoy Of tho oauaea. svnmtoms. and treat. mem ot none, uioou anu uog, ppnvtn, King Hone, gwecnte, Btralnf, Urokcn Kneea, Wind Galls, rounder, Bole llruise and Gravel, Crooked Hoofs. Bcratchea, Canker, Thrush, and Corns also, of Megrim. Vertigo. L'nilcn.v. Htaggcrs, aud other diseases of the feet Legs and Head. The Hone and his Diseases WILL TELL YOU Of the causes, symptom, and Trent I iiiciuoi rmuin, rou i.yii, uianuers, l'arry, Scnrlet fc'evcr. .aue, Hurfcit J.orked Jaw, niictimntfiin, Cramp, Ualls, Diseases of lite Eye and Heart, &c &c, and how to niannse ( 'a Ft ra tion, (flcfdin?, Trepliinning. Rowel ing Tiring, Hernia, Amputtition.trop ping, and other iurfiifnl opciations. Tfc Horse ami his l)iscas(s WILL TELL YOU Of Rnrey'a Method of famine Horses now to npproacn, natter, or tstabic a Colt how to nerustom n hrr'o to t rang j Bounds nnd tights, mid how to Hit, Saddle, Ride, and Creak him to Harness; nleo tho form and Inw of Wajiuhtt. The whole being the re suit of moro than fifteen years' careful study of the habits, peculiarftlcs.u ants end woakncis of thi noble and useful animal. The book contains StM Daces, nnnronlntctv illtintrated hy nearly Ono Hundred Kneravlngs. It U printed in a clear and oimmi tyre.aiid w ill be furnisheil to any address pontage paid, on receipt of price, half bound , $l,WJ,cr,iu ciuiii, extra, ciuiii, extra, 1000 A YEARr " luff me ! inaao tcrpli men ev erywhere. In BellinjUio above and other popular works of oar a. Our Inducements to all auch aru cxceetliugly, liberal. Fcr slnglo copies of the Pook, or for terms to agents Willi other information, apply to or nuiircss JOHN 11. rOTTI'It. l'ublMiCr, No, C17 yansomtftrcet, Philadelphia, l'a. Nov 17, lecO-Om. T HE PEOPLE'S COOK HOOK. iflODKRN COOKERY. IN ALL ITS DRANUlId. BY MISS ELIZA ALTON. CARLri'LLY REVI6KD BY MRS. S. J. UlLE. n T.llt l"u Kmv tn rrm.n ol klnrt. nf Mi nl Pnnllrv nn,t Hnnisi tvilh nil thn vrirdiii a fin.l mnot niitirnvn.i mrnioi nf .t ri.Bi mr nml i-niitt.nfv lkef and I'ork; also tho best nu 1 sim- plestwny ofsdlting, pickling and curing tho faiiic. It Tctts r All the tarious and most approved modes of dressing, cookins, and honing .Mutton I.ainh.Vcal, Poultry and Unmu of all kinds, with the dillcrent Dressings, Gra ics, nnd eiuIIingB appropriate to each, ( Tell You How to choose, clean, and preserve Fish of all kinds.nnd how toswetten it when tainted; also allthe various onjl most approved modes of cookpg, with the (.liferent Dressings, Saucea, and,FIavor Ings appropriate to each. .Telts IV AH the various and most approved modes of preparing over fiy diilerent kinds of Meat, froths, and Slews, with the ril I'hcs and Seasonings appropriate to each 7V YVu Alt tha various and mot t approved modes of cooking Vegetables of every descrip tion.alsohow to prepare Pkkles.t'ntsups and Curries of all kinds. Potted Meats Fish, Game, Mushrooms, && 71 tilt You All the various and most approved modes or preparing and cooxmg nu Kinds o Plain and fancy Pa6try,Pud(Iings. Om elettes' Fritters, Cakes Confectionary, Preserves, Jellies, and sweet dhhc of cverv dencriotii.il. It Ttilt You All the various and most approved modes or loaning ureau, uusks, njuinns, aim Biscuit, the best method of preparing Codec. Cliocotate.faud Tea. and how to make Syrups, Cordials, and Wines of various Kinas, It Veil You How to set out and ornament a tabic, how louorvc nu Kinds ot nsn, nesli or Fowl, and in short.how to so simplify the whole art of Cooking as to bring the choicest luxuries of the tabic within e erj body's reach. The honk contains 416 nagp. nnd upwards of twelve hundred ttccipes, all of whlih are tho results of actual ciperience, having been fully and carefully tested under ino personal supcrinienuence oi me writers, ji is prin ted In a dear and oDeu tvne. Is illustrated Willi a num. priate engravings, and will be forwarded to any address. iienuy douiiu, anu pottage paiu, on receipt oi mo price iuv, or ln-cioiu. vAiru, CP1 nff A Vim AH canbh made JOL Jt-ixil.. enterpris " ina men ta- ry where, tu selling tho above worlr, onr Inducement to all such being very liberal. For blngle copies of the book, or for terms to agents, with other information, apnly t ornddrcss JOHN H. POTTKU. rub'ihcr, No, 617 Panioiu Etrctt, Philadelphia, Pa. November 3, 1M10 (tm. DO YOU JVjfMT milSKEItS I DO YOU IIWVT WIIISKFMS ? DO YOU r.r.l MUSTACHE 1 DO YOU WANT A MUSTACHE I I?c.lliiigliain's Celebrated STIMULATING ONGUENT, For the Wfi&kcrs ami Hair. rTMIR subscribers take pleasure in announcing to the X CnUens of the United Elates, that they havo oh talned tho Agency for, and are now enabled to otferto the American public, tho above justly celebrated and world-renowned article. The Stimulating Unguent is prepared by Dr. C P Dell inghatu, an eminent physician of London, nnd is war ranted to bring out n thick set of Whifkci or a Mus tache in from three to sit weeks. Thli article is the only one of the kind used by the French, and in London ami Paris itis-ln universal use. It it a beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimulating compoond, acting as If by magic upon the roots, caus ing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to th scalp, it w ill cure bdldue, and cause to spring up In place of the bald spots a Anc growth of new hair. Applied according to directions, it w ill turn red or towy hiir dark, and restore gray hair to its original color, leavlna It soft, smooth. and flexible. The Onguenp'is an indispensable artiile iu every senile man's toilet, and after ono week'suse they would uotfwr any considera tion be without it. The subscribers ore the only Agents for tho nrlirlo in the United States, to whom all orders must be addressed. Prico Ona Dollar a box for sale by all Druggists aud Dealers; or a box of tho "Ouguent" (warranted to have the desired effect) will be sent to any one who desire it, by mail (direct), securely packed, on receipt of price and ytfliDgVi ci.j?, API" io ui iiuurcm llUUAtn Li. IIL.Wl.AIAn, utu. DRtroaists, fce, 21 William Street, New York. February 23, 1801-Cm. tJiIIE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, DJim-iLLr Moxrovn cov.tv, fa. Entertainment fur Man ami Boast, In good atylo and at moJerate rules. , .. ,KHC w- rJllXZE, Proprietor. Danvillo March, 2. Ipoi. jtylEKOIIANTS' HOTEL, 1G NoMh Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA. O. M'KIBBEN ii SON, J-rotrieiort NATIONAL HOTEL, (Late While Swan,) RAGE STREET, AliOVH THIRD riiiLAUEi.rjiiA. JOHN IlOVElt, I Proprietors. CIIAB. A. rriNC, Clerk. March S, ltmi-isiu. DRESS rooils, Silks, Oalieoos, Shawls ana all Muili of dry goods for salo cluapcr tliaa nualnt irABTM,N8. T3ETTEU Snenm nr. IdoU. nei- IK !, L) ka, teen soidatiietj. fortM st year at iMKt'M.tMf. BCERH AVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS IUC CELEBMATED IIOI-LAND REMEOV FOll DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, I.IVEIl UOJU'IiAINT, WEAKNESa OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, And th various atTocttons ecmsoqvient upon a discrderoi STOMACH OK lilVKK, Pudi m Indleostion, Acidity of the Etomacb, Colicky rIns, Heartburn, ism of Appetites Pwpcndency, OontlrpiiMS, Wind aod fctecdirg Tltw. In all Ncrron", Rheumatic, aud Kcuralgto Affcctloni, It has In numerous inntinces prorei Liahly U&tflclnl, and In otlurs effected n decided cure. Thh la a purely Tegetablo coiwund, prcprI on strictly scientific prlncHtes, after tho wanner of tho ookbratcd Holland rrofecior, itorhavo. Hi reputation at homo pro daced Its Introduction heiT, the demand canimenciDR with thowi of tho Fatherland scattered over tha face of thi mighty country, inany cf whom brought lth them and handod duwn the trMltlon of Itfl valne, Jl U nova flfTcrttt to iht Amrxocm ruUfc, Unmiffiy that til truly wtmtltrfut r!innal tiriuet must ft ack nov tedmt. It In particularly recommended lo thofla persans wnos constitutions may have been Impaired by the continuous lino of ardont spirits or other forms cf dissipation. Oenerally instantaneous In effett, it finds ill wsy dla-ctly to the scat of Ufa, thrilling and qulckenlnK every nerr ralMnft tip tho drooping Ftirlt,and, iu fwt, Infusing now Loalth aod Tiger NOTICE. Vhocvef expects to fledtus a lveraco m I.I bo dl-wippolntedl but to the sick, weak and low spirited, It will prova n grateful aromatic cordial, WEseesed of eluguJU nae dial properties. READ CAREFULLY I Tho Qomilna hlehty concentrated BarhiTo" Holland Rlttcrs H put up In halfplnt lottlos only, and retails') at n nnti iu w ltlln.rr nix bottles fir FlVElOLURS. Tho treat demand for this truly celebrated Medicine has Induced manj Imitations, uhlch tha public should guard against pI-lK'aro of Imposition, fieo that our namo Is on tti label of every bottlo you buy. Bold by Druggists generally. II can & lorwaraea by Expross to most points, SOLE TROrniETORS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO, MAKUFACTtJninO gtmnnncculisls and (ttheittlsls.. PITTSBURGH, PA. rorSatbya.9i Hasi-nbuch, Drugjlst. Blonmsljurer' EVANS & WATSON a fes. iti: - CArufnat Street hn.i- ml isaonincnt t'f Flro Tlilrf nruof Salamnnilcr Hales., lso, Iron .loors. for banks an,l '27Zs . 1 1.....--.. t. 1. .11 t5Wia'.Vtjgg uiakca of locks o'lualto any mado in Ihc United States. Five Safes in one Jfr. Ml eamt out right t tclth eon tents in '! cortiiition Tho b'alainandcr' bufen of Philadelphia ogalnet the U Olid. EVANS & WATSON, have had tho surest dcmoulration In the following ct tificntc that tliotr rmufaduro of H.ilamandcr Pafesdios nt length fully warranted tho representations whirli havo hren iriadd rf them ns rendering nu undoubted tncurity against the terrific element. rfiilaitf Miln April 12. ISO. Jilt tsr. Evans $ iVatstmi iJeiillenicn It ulfords us tllfl hiullPst vatlsrCllon tO Ft fit1 to VOU mai uwinsiio tho erv tifutcrt i vo Mualitli'B of two pf thi Salamander, ti.ift.s uhtrli we purchased of ou some rtvj inoiiih since wo saved n large portion uf Jcurlry, and nil our hooks, ' Ac. exposed lo the rnl.iininous, lire in Kaiibtead placo on . tho morning of tbo 11th Inst- ... ' When uc reflect flut these safes wero located in tha fourth srory of the building wo occupied nnd that they &11 subac-iucntly Intna heap of hurintig ruiin, wheru tho vast concentration of Iho hent caused the brass plates tfi wit, wc cannot hut regard thonreservation of their val uMe contents ns most comiriein; protf of llu great sc- cnniy niibmc i oy your raw. We shall take great pleasure in recommending the in to men 01 hum hps ns n urc reliance ntrami'i nr'. Gl.OUilj; V. SIM.MOH & IIJIO., Jneelltra. CyTlicy havusfucupnrtliJsed tix large Sufis. August St), l!. TIIH undersigned Is nlao cjstensiv.Iy engaged In the Undirtckiwr Duihtcts. and keens constaiitlv on hand nd for sale ut his Wurcrooms, n larg-j assortment of FINISHED 2-5) UOI-TINS, lly wliich ho Is enabled to nil orders on presentation Aij-o Keep a good Uomc and Ilearae, imd will at cl timet! be ready to attend l'unercls. SIMON c. Hiuva HlooiniliTC, January 23. li53 SAVING FUND U. S, Trust Company. Corner of Third and Chestnut Stst, Prifa, LAUGH and small stints received nnd pi id hatk nn demand without notice, with 1'ivk mi ient Intku- rT from the day nf dcpoiit to the day of wittulr.iw.it. OfricE HoL-as From 0 until a o'clock cm ry day, axd on MonnxY Kvehino, from 7 until U oclock. I'rer I'lent-CTIU'IIIIN Jl. CHAWFUKD, Treasurer Pusv Fise, 'Feller Jam It. Hunter. DIliECTOHR. Pterlipn It. rrawfortl, Danld lUlilIcman, tleQiao Juntiin, Al.'x'irO. Hart, M, D., William M. tiK in, It. I'nmMiit Jackson, 1'liny Fisli. Itotijaiiiin W. 1 iiilsy, l'anl ll.nooilnrd, M. t. I'.uiiik llraJy. James Dver'anT. ilarcli 5.1, Itm-ly. I 0. IIA1UUS0N, M. D. T70ULD rctnectfullv inform tho citizens of ninoms- V burg, and vicinity, that he coutiriuestliu practice of And solicits a hhnre cf publiq patronage. VJIfUfc, tin .?1J.U D Lite l, Hit I ilUUSJ UCIOW 1115 tOUIl House, 111 ooui burg. February 3, le33-tf. TOHAOUO it SUGARS. MAX SHALL JIUGJ1S) W1TU Hi ACS & & 09, viioLns.M.r. nr.Ai.r.iis in Maiiulncturrd & Leaf Tolmcco. HAVANA GKKM AN AN U D0MK8TI0, N. E. Oomcr of Trent and Arcli Streets. ARTI1U11 IUf.SK. t JAMES N. UOYt. f March 11), lcOU-lira. nm.ADr.LriiiA. "THE UNION," ArcH Street. Jlberc Ttlril. P U I A D IS 1. 1 11 1 A . milll situation of this Hotel renders it ona of thn moit X convenient for those who aro Wtftins Phlladclpliu onbuiumi whiloto thoso in search cf pi cam re, tho constantly passing and ropasitln; City Hallway cars, and those in clusa proximity, allbrd a chrat and picas antrido to all places of interest and aniusumciit iu or about tho city. Til') rronrittor civet assiirniicn Hint Thn lTnlnn' shall bo kept with such charatur ns will men public u.'jmvwuiivii, auu wuihu respcciiuny sonni, irciierai pal- February 33, ieCO-13'u, Proprietor, WALL PAPEIl, WALL Jut received from New York a PAPJ3K. n, large und Iru pcrior lot of tho above named article lor tlu rprlna trdo uiprtcvsraaKiugiroiu of cents lK-r piecu to ncauu. II.C.& I. W.HAKTaiAy. Illoomtburff, Feb. S3, 16tl. T ADIE3 EXTRA HOOP SKIKTS JLJ Just received. SuiuellUng uev in that line, Call in mules, aim cvt one. I II, t. fit I W, 11 AU LiIANi I Bloomsburj, Eel). S3. 1SC1. i TTOOP Skirts in abundance from 4fc(s i JLJLwia tipwarir. for salt) at iiAKTMANtf. Hp AyefsSarsapariJla A compotratl remedy, In wliiihwo havo la- hrrcU to iiroduco tho most rlfccttinl aitcrntivo that can bo made. It In n concentrated cxttact of 1'ara Barsaparlllo, to combined with other substancci) of ntlll greater alterative power as to allbrd an effective' antidote for tho dlicasos Barsapafilla Is reputed to cure. It is bcliered that such a remedy is wanted hy thoo who euffiir from Strumous complaints, and that ono which will accomplish their euro must prove of linmcnso service to this largo clnfs of out afflicted fcllow.cltliens. How completely this compound will do It hxs been proven hy exper iment on many of tho worst cases to be found of tho following complaints : ScnoruiA and Hcnorutot'9 CoMrLAlNIS, Eiiumoss and Knurtivrj Dmbarki, Ulceih, 1'iMCLr.s, Blotches, TuMone, Salt Kiieum, ScAtn Head, Smiius ano Svniaiiio Ar rEcrioNe, MmicuniAL Diseass, Dhomy, Nku nALaiA olt Tio Dootflonr.ux, DnmuiT, Dvs TF.i'siv and iNntdnsiioN, l!uTairr.i.vii ltosn on Sr. Anthony's Finn, and indeed tho wholo cl.i.s f complaints arising from IsirumTr or Till: llmnti. 1 This compound will be found a groat pro I motcr of health, when token in tho spring, to expel tho foul lrumon which fester in tho blood at that season of tho year. By tho tiine I lv extmliion of them manv ranMinir disorilcrs I aro nipped in tho bud. Multitudes can, hy j ' tho niil of this rcintdv. snare thcmclvM Com the endurance ot foul eruptions anil ulcerous 1 soroi, through which the system will strivo to rid itself of corruptions, If not assisted to do tliis through tlio natural cnanncis oi ino Doiiy by an alterative medicine. Cleanto outjtho vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through tho skin in pimples, eruption', or sores; clennso it when you find it is ob structed and sluggish in tho veins j clcanso It whenever it is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and livo longer, for cleansing tho blood. Keep tho blood healthy, and all is well; but with this pabulum of lifo disordered, there can bo no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, nnd tho great machinery of life is disoidercd or overthrown. Sarsaparilla has, and deserves much, tho reputation, of accomplishing these ends. Hut tho world has been cgregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly becauso tho drug alono has not all tho virtue that is claimed for it, hut more becauso many preparations, pretending to bo concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of tho virtue of Saisaparilla, or any thing else. During late years tho public havo been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a quort of Extract of Sareoparilla for one dollar. Jlott of those havo been finuds unon the sick, for I they not only contain little, if any, Sarsnpa- . 'irrr.. 1,1,1. r nrl iiainiul disarmointmcnt . i. , ,r:.:'j ri I nlla luuoweu uiu usu ui uiu unuua wuavm w Sarsanarilla which flood the market, until tho name itself is iustlv dcsnlsed. and has becomo ., ...i.i, icf,! ,l l1(ln K;n 1 '.'.... Rrnr5, m,n,,i to supply such n remedy as shall rescue tho namo from tho load of obloquy which rests upon it. And wo think wo have ground for believing it has virtues which aro irresistible by tho ordinary run of the dkooscs it is intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complcto eradication from the syttem, tho remedy should bo judiciously taken according to directions on tho bottle. t. rnirAiiEn nv IIS. J. C. AYEIt & CO. I.OWKTili, MASS. l'rlce, $1 per Dottle Six Uottlca for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, has won for itself uch a renown for the euro of every variety of Throat rmd. Lung Complaint, that It it entirely unnecessary for ui to recount tho cwdcucc ot its virtues, wncrevcr it nas occn cm ployed. As it lias long been In constant use throughout this section, wo need not do more than insure tho people lis quality 1 kept up to tho best it ever ha been, nnd that it may be relied on to do for their relief all it has cn been found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, POH TUB C?KE Off Custivcness, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Dysentery, Foul t'tomnci, Jiiysipelas, Ucatlaiht, Vila, Rheumatism, l'.t vplions and Mia Diseases, Liver Complaint, Drepiy, Tetter, Tumors and Halt Uhium, Woims, (lout, Xeuralgia, as a Dinner 1'ill, and for 1'uriyini; tlm Blood. They aro tupir-coatcd, eo that tho mo:t sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they aro tho best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family phjsic. Trico Ji centa per loxjTiva toxoa for 1.00. Great numbers of Clcruymcn, Physicians, States men, and eminent pcrsonnnci, havo lent thur names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of theso icmcdici, but our space hero will not permit tho insertion of them. The Agents below nanifd fur nith gratis our Akeiuoan Almanac in vtbuh they ni c (;fcni with also full descriptions of the nboio complaints, and tho treatment that tliould be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make moio profit on. Demand Ai::i', and tako r.o others. Tho sick ant the best aid there is for them, aud they thould hai o it. All our nerardies are for salo by Ii P. I.MZ. J II. 'Miier. n. M. Ilasenbtirli. r.lnamsbnri! A. Miller, llerw ick. and Lv one store in every tunn in i vim) ivanta. BARGAINS I BARGAINS I. mv r.vi.ii am) nisTiiit goods. SaElfS S 03 If TT70UL1J rcsiiLctriillv Inform the citizens of Mah V Btrfct and vkiuitr that thsy havo lutt received a iitw anu uiitiiBivu aasuriiat'iii. ui DHY GOODS AND GU00EUIE3, ivhlch thev will sell cliean far catli. Thev have nlarzu nnl ficncr.il arkty: all that is commonly found inn Country tstore, and aru determined tu sillcheup. Tot lie et-ltiitioti or their g(H,u t!Hy have pahl ttrirt (.ttcniioii ; ttiertlore , their mi-rchaudizt) will Itear rLcommciidation anu win prove to tm m tiic firtt class. Tho pronrieturs cordially solicit a liberal vharo of pat' nuiuifc, Outoiners would do well tu call und examine their general variety before purchasing tUcwhcrc. uouuiry protiucu taKeu in excuanso tor goons at id bighust market price. Lijht Street, Notemtrtr. 3 lPCii, GILL & PAUL, Geucral Commission Dlercliahls, UEAI.FItS If Titli. rrovl.ions. Flour, Itulter, Olicesc, Oils, Driuil l runs, urani, eecus, neans, .vjilsaey, vixil, Cuuntry 1'roilueu ami MerclMiiiiUij generally. No. 34 North uakves, ruiLiDELrnu. 7 Consignments of Provisions. Flour ami Countrv rrnduee suliciteil, anil returns promptly uiade. Cash advanced nlien desired. OltUClIB fur all klmls rf Tisli, Provisions, Flour, Uried Fruits, iu:., idled Qt the lowest Cash Prices. August i, lseu i.in. TINWAltB & BTOVB SHOP. THH underblsned respectfully informs Ms nld frindl anj customers, that ho has purchased his brut tun interebt in tho nbovo ctabiihineut,nndthc riicem wilt hereafter bo conducted by himself exclusively. ua nu jui retuvuu anu oners tor nine, 111c isr;. SQest and moit cxtenrio assortment nf I-'ANUV rtlSTJVKti t-vor introduced into thii nmrkt 1 . V His stock confialK of A com nl eta aMaonment nf uio ocDi i.iiujkiiiK anu parior stoves in ine inarKft, logttb. er with Stove Fixtures of ecry description, Oven nnd rtuivN, iiuoiaiors. unoar ciovvs, uasi iron Air Tizht stoves. Cannon Btoveu. &c. &e. Ktoiiili.f nml Tinwaru constantly on hand aud manufactured to order. .in kiuuij ui rvpaiiing none, as usual, on snort notice. job patronage w i-ia inenils una new cuttoniurs rc ipeitfully KOlicitnd. A. M. UUrCRT. Uloouuburif, November 3d l?0il. tf. $35.00 rays llio entlrii cost Tor Tuition In the most popular ami successful Commer.ial fibooljn tlm touulry. Upward of Twelve Ilundreil young men from twruly-elglit dilf. .rent Htntes.ha.o been cilucntcd for bujiuess li.ro with, iu the pa.t three years, soino of whom havo been cm ployed as llook Ki.pers ut s..'urlcsot S2000.00 per Annum, imineaiaiciyunontraauauni, wuo Knew uolblnj ofoc- "stehM tlm,-,and review when they please.wllhoutesira, !,,. n.f.iL.. "i8?," oieuue..Bpec.meusoi I'fui. Cowley's graving if the College, iuilo.o twentyi'lvc cents ago Stamps to tho Triadr-als. rr..r.T::.r.?.yiv."":sv'i,r;"".,rs " s iu rest JENKINS t SMITH, ritl.burth.l'j. Jau. 3, J-Sl-ly, sgpg KVwS fLWKtrJJi -.i.iiia.M- - 1 AND FOtt THE ETIXDT CCTX OF Ken-ons Prcctration, General Debility, Asthtan, Dyspepsia, Ecrofula, Hatomrms, ParalysH,' Chronlo Bronchitis, Atcmla, Chlorosis, tad all Disorda rs of tho Wood Systoin. DO YOUKNOVJT.? rosf rMrnn is hie mot tatai. reoiT.on cf MtNKIN .'It has be-n truly tiMuavmU' "iBmuilrUeweverservlvlrislts "V?, ""fJ MTI()NrfmoitcivIllied commuultlesl rniPIlIiY THH THE HYPOPHOSPHITEO. "Tlio OtltE f CONSUMI'TIOH, tven In th. Keeoml oiii Tblrd Ptoitei (at n rerte.1, tlierefurr, when thero tan lie no doubt ns to the nutnro of tlio DUtaul 1. llio lEfl.r, wlllo llHATH IS TIIC r-SCKl'TIOX." "I KXOY1V' sn)S Dr. '., "that lliej lll rrovc notoolr s BUltU A HEM EHV In CO.NRUlirTlO.N ns Qutnlno l In Inter. mlltc.it Fo.cr, but nl.o fts ctTcctanl n PKESEJi. VATIVr. as Vneelnolton tn Small Voi." r lt no sufforer, v. ho values health and life, dolay an hour to try tula remedy, llemember that to. cation Is lietlor linn cure." Ilewaroor self-deception, or Ito poothluff a&suranco cf friends lint "II is only a h'Ks ed.ll " Fatal orror to myr-l-ula who now oil premiioro graves ( Give, I entreat you, i-ronipt attention to tho . EMI WEST tStONS QP QQHSUMPTtQK.'' "Ami rnecn ettxu roixow them." ihvi. " Tho eirlUil symptom or tubercular disease la m stono. Hrrernuj(eouoA,aii'l it Is earlier, la pointer tbna tho nraie. It Is flrstmmlleFtod In tho Jeter and Mn.lt. Tho m'l?cuhf t1s.'tiel wsto J Lclco i.miLnt : there Is ft senseorsomctnlng wrong ae.li7 that im VITAL V0WEW3 ARZ rt.AOC.ISU. ThO Urt.fS Of lllO Hvltlif maelilno is moro actlvo than its rerw.y." Dr. rutocJc. If, naVrtonloiw rtmiarrnl cause, or uhder the inlluenco of causes which fnifucoviaKM5s.and rniAtTTii jtach 03 uwnt, art f. oimculr, excels , pregnancy, cAlfil oMn't., nartn, rt.;'.'! growth, er lltm itancry Jnnl tlit.au, ii person begins to loso his flesh, strength, color, er opjietlto J If no sufTers from I'lOrtncrj of luath. or .Ti icstnefs , and cipcrlenecs n gcucral fecllugcf hn cmor ami ct.Trel(w,TIIUE IS r.WEOX TO 1 K.VR that AC is already fredi-ipitil to tha complaint. It to th,w symptoms bo ndded con, however slight, rartlcukrly ll It has coco on slowly, er during tho fair seasiu, T11K 1'HOnAliILITY IS GllLvTEK bTlLL." C'aui cAilt.- EFFECT OF THE REMEDY. "If, on tho earliest nppcoranco cTtlicna aliens of ConRiimptlun, tho pntlcnt tnl.es dnlly nbout ten B rat in of tho ItTrOPIIOSmiTES, ho utll umiaIIj co (hem all disappear In a period, varyjnr; from a few weeks to A few monthsi nnd 1j contlnulitiE th oaafclonal use of tho Itemed-, HE WILL erZED ilt ritin nniSELr in the enjoyment op eucn health as nn, pEnnAr-3. hai neven UNOVN IX HIS LIFK Itr.rOKC." o "VInchcstcr's Genuine Preparation" la TIIK ONLY KKLIAIILK rorm of Pr. Churchitr Hemcdy. llido from tho orlfjlnal Formula. Tho action cr tho Hyirlif 1 1 bUc lSTwo-roLD&QdsivctCo : fntn-a'itho r-rlntii'lfiiimi ctosthttfj mrtois rrncTt, and they aro tho xntr tOWEItnLBLrjOO-CRVLRATIMI AGENTS RV,.l?f. ThO ttTt-Ct tjKjn tho tubercular com) it lot H IM.MXI4ATn, Alt tii3 CEMitAL BTurroMS PisArruAra Trrrt a RArn-iTTTrmnt ismuLLV Minvtuics. Hwyrtliere tho congh, diminish expectoration, iMjrcn tho npr-ctlti?, crrrf.( dlarrhctn; tho ntyM tweatSt cAiff, nnd ferer ceapo; tho himuld Vccwne regular t and luz si eci calm ad pbofoimj. f A FAIR TRIAL IS A CEHTAII1 CURE! Churi,hiirjfandnllothvr EWlNUUN'lt Hh ICES to rob suirorerR of their wcnxs,toe r-recinv timf, and batten a fatal kesclt, Vrlto to rao fvt ClHCX'LAllS, aod for Sr. Churchill's Trcatbo on Consumption,1 which contain tho rmU tiuthcvtie infinrmatim iu rrgnrd to Uii.i NEW Tl'.iATMLNT. Sent fuss to all lDquirecs. miCJitlii 7 and laos. Bottles, $1 and'ffa eoh. Threo larce, or six small for $3. Liy fac-simllo la on both, the Lubol and Outaldo Wreppcr.' NO OTHEIt IS OENUINE. tns not confound this Rerrcdy with thn M-enllM " Chemical Footl ; and reticular) avoid oil jiret-ara-lintuscnntainliiK iron, which Is rANGntP,and tUwivcr whichhasNOccRAtnKPnonoiTy vuATttER. i k KoM by tho moEt rcfjvctablo Pmpglels thronrh-nit IhtUnlted EUtes and UritUh lTovinccn, and Whohml-) BWletalliitthoTler.craltVFOtInthol'Llll FtaUs.hy J, "WII7CHESTEU, 3G Jolm Street, IT, Y, Slarch It, If 01, Light ILight ! Light! P A U AGON COAL OIL licHiNICIlS AXi) L.iniPS FO!! BURNING r.O.U.. KCROSCNB. tilt CAMION Oil,''. CTMIE btt, lil't liriHi.ilil, ntl'l ch2niut rorlabld lUIit Illlltl HUM, laril on, iiiiu cm ur tiiiiijijr.'iic, tar i;uuAi. tu uAts-tsa Williout iho cxpunsa of jfas Hxttircs. Tlic ohove I-nnir l.vitli all their lum v Iriiiiiuililfs) .'.in In! scn ali.l liotilll) ul llm ulit esUiLilislicil l)rii3 unci chemical tilorn of Ui'i itililcrsilicil. .Mio tuittrs luin. eirilinl lrm Ins lun; cl. iiuricitc-e 111 sites Drug tratlc, ho knows how mill whrrc to ujy, 1111.1 is ULlcrmiiiuil iiutlnuo iimlorsiilil ny any 011011 lllooiiishur?, cr surrounding ccmntry. Call nml sco hi new anil well sele.tuil slorK or UUURS. MUUIUINUS Nil CI1CMIUAI.B. TAINT VAUMSIIUS, UVrSTUFM. OILS. Ill.AbsS I'KOM 7s9 In24s3fi. CON'FIXTIONA. K11H. TlUll'U.Ml'.llY ANU FAXUY 1011 RT. AR. LAIJIR4, & ULNTd. TOllACCO AND CIGARS, ArtnM llrnnds. Tatcut Mcdlclncti of evcrv vnri'-tv In uae Li'pioid, (pure) for tnudi in.il ti3i only, 1 Iiiid.Ciiinph -no uruuii uu, 1 urpviiiiiiK hiiu iiicunoi, i rus8(fprjiounM'i liraces and Abflomiiial Supportor, Hurgiral and l)u ini inFiruincitis, asn nut nitu loom imi liiui, t-auiplie ii hrt'v's ilomiFiiathic Kunedies, tJnrdtn. t'nuarv. Hum and Hemp gi-cdtf, ThennoiiiLteri, proof-elut- .Moroei Leather and rhoo Findings, &c., &c, together with the target t and inut vnried assortment of Uerinan Toyu aud ever brought to this place, nil of whith jtcae call and soo and yumiuul bt'.eve llaxiu learned by Fud experience tlio t M1nti credits w ill not keep tliinjid nut, Hit'," 1 have determined to tocai-hlmyfri', to ni.iko it an object to lluni as well as tho sfcUvr, lo deal on iUi cash principle, cither money or ready trade, IIaiiitf erved a rrptilnr apprcnticcfhlp at tho I)ru! and Apothecary bin hie an, bendes having carrie.t it on for tha latit euhtieu year-, on my own hook, I H.iitcr myself th.it 1 .1111 ahlo to do J-istico to nil t'ttini; my a trial. Th inkful to the public for pat favors, 1 would atk a trial on tho new principle, and will jruarontee to all.that it will niaWo louj; frnnds, nod pay boat 111 tho end to pay each and buy at reduc-M pries, PIIYSlOlANd PBEdfltlPriONS e'lafully conipounJcd.auJ all orders correctly answered. Al nrdlfincs guaranteed as recommended, Ktoro Koom en M.iin btrect, near Market, next door to tho lott Of fice, Uloomsburj, Columbia county. Pa. miKAIM r. IiUTZ. Aug'int I, lPf.O. I A litlK Imt often fills tho pur hp. ISA VANG FUNDS. T71t.NKMN BAVIXU riTNIl-Xc. IM Houlll . t'ouril. Siroit, lianicii Clit'sinut nml U'uluui rinladcl.lilu, pays nit iltiostts on itcmaml. li.pusitor.' iiifiiey .umruit by (iovcnuaenl Slato anil City Loans, nrounj Items, MoiU'ript's, &e. Tins Ci upuiiy ikuin saltly Imttr Uuu larsu pructs, Li.iuoiucull will run no risk Hli itfimsl. lurs' niuucy, but Imvu it nt nil Hums ready tu rrtiirn'. with 5 per cent, interest to tlio owner, os thvi liavu Jlwoys duilf. Tills company never suspended, IS 1'cinalos, married or sinflo, and .Minors, cm Je. s posit iu tlicir own rit'lit, and ucli deposits cantot ......... u..i. v,.,j Uf 111 ri I K'liHt'in. tuarter pepetual. liicorporatetl by tlietnte otZ runns)lvaiiu, .villi authuiity to rcc.iva money v from trustees und Kxcrulors. OlllCtt Oliei. itlllW frnm il .11 !t n'rln.lr n.l l.rn.l I nr.'.vvino Jacob II. Shannon.' (S rn.l.. a,in.iA. John Miin.lUr, Ceorju llusscll, ' liaiarni n. Pioan, Kdward T. ll.utt, Lewis Kriiinbliarr, llenrjlllr lany, Niclinlas UilLllIlOU.,. 'nt),ni. Mm a.i ,. Jo.. II. rJutbertlnvalte, i:plirijiu Wanclurd. Joscol. Lippincott. JACUII 11. hllAiNNOV, I'rsiilent. CYKtia OADWALLAUUll, T ...surer. ' Jlar.li li, 1i-3'.i-i-.'i:i, "A Dollar save"3 is twice tariicd." "Ko. snS5 ' WINK AND LIQUOHS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, " miLI l.niisll m0,n,;,,'irJ. '.ViZ i UeTJl'f J" i,d, w t,.t,,rlnt Uqw. nm b."ii's ,,; !u .T iraae m tm wot uom4.iim .. ..kis;.;: low (irices. vjr 1 uonc L-ustoui 1, r,pe.tiu!ly In. i,e. 11. W bloom.bur;, July 7, lel ltOllUINS. jlj.it. I . sir?.: ' "ove" t"1" B,!' in.lir,ur,,I Kme.holol7ctl known to acmlstryaa i tnl.ute.1 to .jphilis. are iooiV.i ciiiisi'd by tliu l"J i; otourcj.in. tl0W;'Yh!?'TS n i.wi T.nlini'iii.T Under .Irkneaa tan at "co nllpn thi-m.i lv ; frDni llic till u ,na miurilcS Ihatllsall 1. hilrti. If tlioy vt- naif m'"b" counarla of nnli.ro, anil tiiku the tn-ulci 1.0 Sfla ins VetetabU Mfi. Mfdlilnos i.f llr. MorraT, Moffat's Life Fills PilfflNIX BITTBRS. ' v uUlr for n-h.. ,nrlnos havo now licen In fore- fio pufcllr for IiSr ni IJIea ami Tliirina that Hmo havo in iln- f.H'i .1.1.1? tyb?rn; ? I i v ry l-itt "f ,l"o foV.'lfi' r'ffll'.iV curative Prepe.tie. .I...U they posses. 1 ' 1 - at 1 Moilai's kilo rnis. Moflaf. Uf. l'.U. aro lo,lel.?,l f.r tlM-lt name le ilhMr rrl'h.m.Sisuni . "" . ..i.?. . i. .I !i I.. 1 1 In iiinlDiilileil f.itt Hint at nury ",.'",.t." I",.",. ... .1... i. rn,.,l mill, n rs . ... .... - i I.. A.....,i m.rr.irllv an. Motril'.riioenlt lliltrrsari! sn clille.l, lieeiuisn they. EeaHh't M VVvlr lhTou lloatlVfon,,,,,,,,,,,,, ni ttl.J i;i...Vi H all I" 00 restored t.l llfu from tliu Illll.'S Of itS OH II lll'Sollllloi.i ,, Alercir .il Iil.en.cs.-Tlieni is nrol.al.1y no one att ito tn a liie.lirlue, the t.iluelous or l.li . has f :tue.l Kilt Is l.lo-i.ro.l ami lerril.lo ' , ' 119 lllUFl'M riisrssj y i" worse thin tho disease. MFC l'llil.a AND imknix lurrmiB. Tho Life Pill" ft"1 I'hnriiit Hitters hme itlwayshein il-nally unriwful In lM cla no uf dlsiw. nnd Hill vrnilieatd nil IhciflVrts "I imffrury fmni Iho syMuin, sooner thin tlm moil i"mcifl pre'nratM'. vt sarsnj nanl a. nicy am iiiiiurc miii - r'.'v : :" ilnUnnuns mittr, and bythux iiint)lng the itl lluldi, thoy rostom tho pytcm tt h'-alth. llilioiiij Comdjint.-A -ll rosulatud nnd propor tion.ito inniillty f MI "i"'n tll ftl" "8 r0' rmiaito for lh.! prompt ion ufsoim 1 htalth-lt stimnl'ttt diirestion, and ketp Iho Intcstiiinl ntnnl Irre fruniull fihstnttlloiH. On thn Interior surfnw of tha liver Is n Drcnliar Madder in whith tho bill is lirst prrai-rvcd, Luin" fiinm d hy the liver Iroui thn Lluod, Th.-nco it ntssi iutu tho ftoinnch nnd iiitcctinea, and r'jtulatt- ll.j dijri'i'lion. Thus wo seo when there I a d llcfticy T uiie, in" iivoj is .j v.T... - - in I. an nver uliihuiuico i ih-ih-i n-r -- n tho stom ich, nnd id ten proi.ioius very Kver-i attacks oi diseases. hlih oiii;thm' na luurntii. Tho l.lfo Mfdicin'-s hould, il pnsilih', ho inKrit In tho varty stait a id hiliuus LUtuplJintw i ami il iLTue- cre.1 in firiciiy mcuri'i-H l" ," v o...( run, 'i'h- r tiXtunttvi; usi! in tluaCDtunlaliit 111 all parta nf otir cmitin'Mit, renders cojiuneiil uuiiuu ssa- 'i..ir.if i.ir.i 1'ilN. Tho itsD i.f th"nu Till, for n very short tnn-i, will atfUt nu entire ciiruol Salt (the , and o striking Improvement in the f lenrimfc id thu sKln. Cmiiuioii Ciddi ait l liillucitt.i will always hn cured by one doie.or y iwouven m ino .im. ilia I I'll.ksl 1 11 lit! UriUl llll Urt'DIICilT IKUPU .Ill'ii tcinei was mrud f I'iK-sKf.U tar Ktaiidiii;;. o t'" now 11 hy .1 f-JUiii!r of t'-nslou or p.nn 1.1 ini nuni sim: ..I,,,.., in. nD km i.t in.) liver, o ilii m ni ire 11 1 as in piou riny, but somilimts UUll ; a iiimcuuy in nrawmi; it I'Mig hreathj dry couch nnd inclination to vomit. 'Hindi neusu limy lw pMiluted hy ,uhl, hy violent ewrclsi, hy intenic suininrr heats, hy long lontlnued IuIumm tV(.r or afi'ic, and hy various solid tvm rtlioii iu the nib ailCC OI Vn ll VT, up uu. ... m..-, m,; rBtiirrm. nt of the diL'LKtiiu urit.nw, fciippn sed nccre- tioiis.niul 1nent.1l sohiitud.', whith an very fn'pMit mine nf obslriU tlo Blld dl. tlie8 f til ! tll't T, This .libcaue bli'iuil ui arrt-ni-'u 111 uu cimi nrvnicni whhh can ha done by a fe doi'js tf the Jsif I'llU. When onco tho Uvi r i around to tii-t perfrmnir t,f its rrop'T nintiions, uui.; ni'iru 10 re-, iini'.- man loron. tlnua 11 proper iisi; ul llio nuiliuines, an 1 a speedy re .,.! I'll -llll- Pt kk vsii Aiiuk - Vet thh T.ur;r nf th" W strrn country, thefe iiieillciiius will b-J fun 11 1 anif", openly anil fPft'iin reuieoy. uihit iiif'titinv v mv fjm'-. i subject to 11 return of the disease a cure b tiiosa Aletr ltlii"s is ponnaiMjiii. ... , . , . , Fckoh'IsA. 'Iho inot hnrriblo cnes of Scrofula, in w hicll tin) faro, holier nnd limb of tho virllm h id been pri'jed upon by tin iuatiaMo dituse. uro proved, by mii'iiiiiiiMJ iiuiiiiiriiy "i 'I"""'' ioi-ii, iu .wn bs'i'ii rnmi.l. tclv cured hv I hew purely Vfcttnhla medicines, uiler alt others had been lunud mora than until PS. iiufiiiiittoti nml l)v!enii. If wo were called t.pnn to fpetify ono disrnn'a w huh more limn any other ii tho UJlie,W lllie 11 I" III'" linPl'll'lf; in vn lii.n,imi 1 u pii-'mih nanifi DjFpi-pBi.i. It is jreiicrnlly ulieiided. or rat In r iirouurtivi'.or a loiiff train m nit, sum an iicjmieirn, tatuleiiry, a pn.nvinir p.tin nt tlio ni 0111:1111 wnen cuipiy a hpiisj of nncomfoitoblu wciptlll wipii tiiu,plitil 111 tli-i Ihroit, sidi) anil pit m ttio Htouiain, cofiiLnefi, ciiliu nets, langnor, unwiltltieiiotisto lkcetrcisc,Stc mh'FATS LIFE MEDICLYES. MofTit'v Lifo Meditiucs are peculiarly miauled to tha riiruot this uintrtsjiiutf cuiupi.iini. iniyuu upon tii' bowels In a vi ry mild, aud.ut tin same time, vry eilec tual iit.iuuer, and hao new-r yit filled to ciifj tit id ili no win 11 1101! aicordiu: to our 1 iructions. Oi'iiural I)eiiiity,-TIi'J niott ctnoinoii 11 mi coin- plai in is th it of .1 i;un;ra 1 ucaknum of th'j win I.t ) lent UlUH cnuip.liiioo mi J j'nii.miii nin'iun, u nt lliiati! HMiiptonu of disciise. Th ro is a little v it it c n ercy, a lonri of nppilltc, 11 11 illiTiyiifjsc, and indeed mv bility to undergo cpitiu, frcpieut h-adarhes, indi gestion, oftentimes fullon nrt nnd drynt is of tho ekin, tendency to fevcrishm f, unritiKBS for cruy, tn aht it all 111003 tyiupiomis ui iiiijioTi u!'iui--ii!ut:, uuu wens ncriSthat givo evidence nf a failure in ihcvitit pov ors, and 11 low, unhealthy and morbid condition vf the sysiem. Llio nus ana rnormx luurrs. Tho I.lfo Tills and I'lioenit IJiltcrs ar". iterhani. tloi best reintidy for restoring truiBlh to tlu body for, tiny ait ut a gcnile rnrliifirtic, and, by th'.ir tonic 'jihtiitiee, tn u'Hi''ii thd tthMi HVclcin Moilsit's Lifj rillHs-W-roiri cf a plethoric habit, who aru subject to llti. huulithe, t'lJdlius, diunusv of fcisht, or drow fines', from too gioitnllow tf blood to tee head, nhouM tako theto rills fru'im ntly. ADVICII'IO Fr.MAI.I'.H.-romal' a who alue lhrr health rlimiM never b'j utitiout thj .'.Icdit-iiien, ns they purify the blood, r.'iuovothiuutti'ni,aod ctu- (lie ekin a biautiltil, ikar, hoalthy and I looming appear, ancu. To Hldetly r-rsons. Manv healthy aire I indh nlu.iU wlio know th'i .tluj f .Molfal's l.ito .Muilitim h, m.iku it n rule to take th.Mn tuu r tltrce timrn a week, by u lii ill thoy remote the I'lUfeH lint produce (limae, pn-servo their health, and knp off tlu iufiru)iti':s of age. 1'acn for Mothers and Nurse-.--ll ii a fart, c,tab lidhed by the annual blind of ii."rtlity, th it one ii ilf of thorhiliren borne are cut oif befurc nitniniug nwn years of ttije; and tho fuitful fourco of this niurtnliiy in found to evlut iu that foul blutu cf tha tilimi.trh ami bowi Is whlcli produced tho generation of worms'. As 1 1 i.j miIo riMort r if iuf.iutiU' heulth lu thi critical ttato tho l.i to MrH nines h'ie long laid 11 dltlinuithcd rt pu tatiou.nnd for foulnos of tho ftniiLfh and bowel f, ami turn ulmoiitf, alihoiieh wontii in.iy nut Clint, ft ia allowed to be mi lie nor to any other, Mothf 1'itli nu I Hitters.-No modifiiies at present knouu havo dune mudigodd to inaukind a-Mlum', niihin the lat tew lerirs: nnd rcriiiinlv noun Imvu bi.en rewarded with more uumerous and unthentic tes tiiuonlals of their linnnabla unci extonBiveeillniry, They rcpiirit no dieting nor coiiilnunn nt, are perfectly mitd and plensant iu their pprrnlion, but will power fully restore health Hist grentebt of rnrlhty hlct-mng to the' mort eihausted and ilt'npidatud coi)btituiions, l'rcparcd by Dr. VM. II. MOITAT, n;n Hroadway, Now Vork. And for Pale hy alllllruggliits. np!3 C y. SCr A, ft n It. SI 'i? TM! -' S' AOHIOULTUKAJi WAUHIIOUSK, Nos, 21 ) '23, South Sixth street, near tha Stale ll use. rilll..UKl.l'ill., IT.NXA. 1 -1 . num. ,! mis .pctiiiu. uiiiiuii:, ennui! CTprcsily 1 for the pronrit tor's trudc, uro stored w itii seeds utul luipleuicnts of inL-ruEt to urine rs' unit g.ir,l.lltrs. fcixiv Vk.vrs LjrsoLisubn. Tlic subscribers desire to call, the attention, of every om interested in fanning and gardening lo their well silecle.t muk of Asnculiu. ml Touls. Warranted (tardea and Flower Seeds Grass and Field seeds, ef the mull relnUo quality. The Agrirnlliir.il Implements sold by us ore Mostly manufactured tit our .team woiks, llriilnl I'u. Ila.ing lilted up our .'.Mllishmeiit williout regard to expense, with the most complrio marluinery for the lu mufiicturo of various kinds ofiigri.uliural iiupli incuts wc, are now prepared tn supply all arli.lisiu this lino fully c.pial, il 111,1 superior, to an. Ihinj of tho kind ever Icforo otl.'rcd to th i public. Landrail's warranted (1 inlen Seeds havo been before tho public flu upwards of sixty years! thoirwide spread puiiiaiiiy, uuu .no iiicriit.liiifiitiii.iudrroiii tar tu.tar, aro tlio best eviijuice.. of their superloiily o.er all ethers. Country iiicrchants can bo supplied with seeds in pa pers, or in bulk, oil the mo.t liberal terms. lilowmdalc, near llrlstl, I'd., ourgardui seed grounds, contains three hundred and seveuty acres, and is the large.! isublishmeut of its kind iu the world. II. J.ANlllliri'll U SON. Mi. 21 ( ttl Si.lA slrrrl, VhUadelMa. ZZT Laudrelli's llural Itegliter and Almanac lor leilO. containing a i'unu. Garden uud tirmi House Calauilar for ciery month in tho year, can bo had rrotlj.unon per. sonal or po.t paid application. January SI, IrbO-y, WESTEKJV HOTB'X, Nos, 0, 11, 13 and 15 OouttUntl street. liOARl), SI 50 l'Elt DAY. n. n.wiNciiusTuii. TllOa. U. Wl.NCIIlleTBn. NEW YORK, May I. IF38 'I'll IS WAY OIIUAP JUJYKltS. rjLOCiMdnynn cheap cn.li Bier", unln n pl. nlshei I' with u fresh .tml, of SWIMI fioom'-wn nr. I now prepared to orl,r In tie i7ul.li n i . -iv 1.11,1. , .. . "I'ADi I'AY ONLY al"J ''" your cn.li and produ ....... ... II, f v I, W IIAUTAIAfV .uaru, .eoj, rS. II. n Vr.lV vrrtf 1l( ail Ullt ll'lf V CtU Vf, piTU'CUy llV IIM-n ..HI Hill liii,ui ...v ... ...... wn)(h i,Z ,i n tl?.. that u i.r"rm enjuy'i. nl r l.'-alili, .villi- tfiey ni 'I "t f r Tilrr,l U l,riiB tb" lJ'tt up,, r ",'S.ui. nt ! Itlf it Imt a fartl'il litesshiir. urmil tt.u .rf--.i.t n .out tn slat;' Jurt how It "tnn.1i ,. t h.', , Z I. . I h. lr iVaey l. Mall) fro. , U that II was tho statistical lafonn'itlo., I. from I n! latest repel,, , 2 icVp.". i " ii'.:riu:s niWM"' dta"- ll,oyco.ls..lucntly act. .,,., !VmV,k.i1:V.-oV Tllf HnUle erCo.ass.l nPnM nmrm T'S rlKI.NIX Iti l 1JHg. l,iii.,l l,i.lry oniw L'mt.-.l etati-s, fr llio ..r.ani,,. rll.111 llC Of IIUTtliry. t" "HI. "" renraxj j. w v.. .-". rPllK bott mol.iisc3 foi tlio prion in llio' J County for salo at IMIt'WMNa. 1 IMl'OUTANT " NAT I ON AL Mp Oltjg I'Llll.lSIILl) 11Y I). APrLETO lie IT .140 'M-15 Jlroadtontfjj Kcio York, Tl.o fo'luwlm woikanro scnUuHakwrlheralnanyur crtno eo')i!f Ji recrfpt nf ritMlfirici,) bj mii , l.f.!'.tl'J',,i'Pi,Ar.niiAM !Vii.iip.r.iiM . A ........ ,,g clloiiory ft Vli 1" '"I K'1"" yifttnn1 "l "tinea fcYHIld lyni.r1 I Mill UJ: IVrP(, ..rtorm'filtrinaii rnntnet.irtvnni,AtUh-l MKffltiirf. This frK is In In niibilslictl In abma 15 )nr,r,i otuv" rolnmes, frnrh foutiilnlng 750 tv, tmn iam otuvi rolumes, r-ai-li riHitnlnlng IM tv , rn..' Vols. 1 to M ne Itislve, nro nnw tea.ly,, r,,tiMlue i...ar a..Vh. i.nplnal nrtltlo.. An .l.ifu. f;if' i jsh m-i7 r.wth Itulf KhmIi, Hi .lilrlch. '1 hi pji-w American fjclopfrdla is poputaMtithouttrt. Imr lumrlitlal. learned but nut pedanlr, tmnprchcniit. f", k'T! .1 stiil'i'ii'iit nfnll tlnil tskiiown iiniii eery 'inpurtanttopi le. Ills Itaf n.e ll i lM.au iiitilllR. lie", llwrv l,,". nut mini n II lia eiisiiattaiiy wrnien lor i il.in i.ftlifl flrnt Fcdrfal tmsress III IiRlIO lstl. im.. pd nnd ciimplluil lv IIuii.TuumasII. ltkMUH Irmii the Of fichil Record of 0oirjfs6, Tim w nrk n ill bo coinphiil In IS royal octavo vH,lmf.t li.n.nt tiiiiiini uilllif iriiblih(il rmu in thrc munti.. VAviU. S1 t.nw fluop, Half ilor,, 91; uh Cilf SI flu earn. A WAV or l Ktiwuic i i ii ii uiwi.ui4i.iiiA, Oil Niifitlrr works uIIIfo lib 'rally reward the cxcitlntit or iiceins. umv i.mhii ! iimh ouiTt,- IVnus iii.ule know u on application to the l'ub'ielicn. KOV. U, KIM. LIFK INSUUANCK. THE (1 MAIM LIFE LVSVHAXVE. AAWVITY A. n rut. o. -JiMtiiF iter snutT, C'AI'll'Ai.ui.l up.) i3UU Charter Pfritcttioi. COXTlN'URtn make INSt UA.N'CUa OS MVK3 r tlm mnt reiiFnuahlc tonus. lho rnpit il biinn pai-l up and invested, tcppihrr hh n lnr?o nnd coiiftaiitly IncrnisiiiR reserved lund,oit(,J 111 iiri 1 c' t 11 1 11 j i" nt" Tht; nremlnniiis mutt hu tnld yearly linlf vcbiIt rpiartorly. i ne 1 oinpany nan a nwiun piTioiurnn in inn jn,u ranet-s of life. '1 h ' Fli:r tltiNLH nppropnated In p. i-embir, 1HJI, tli HIX'O.MI IIOMIH in D-cembrr, lw tho TIIIUH liU.NL'li in Dtj nibcr, Jr.' 1, innl tha FOUltTli Lr"lUvn additions nra uiauo williout rruu riinr at,. tnrreasn in the preiuiiims to ln p.iid to Hie t'oiinmny. Tha billowing aro u ww example ironi the Itrciftrr I I Aumiiiit nf I'ulicyanj O.llll li"r Tollcy Injured ndditlfti No. M &J.IIU t M " VM .'lijtjf. 111VJ HI " lyti iniHI ItHi (W :ki:i aho j nu fcc. Sec. &r. buiius to m! inrrcsaj ir IHMir-IIKIIinilini, 4,d:,h hi 1,1 I HI (Hi &.r. ranipel' la, fMttaiiiina tables of jnlrs nnd fxplniiiitton forms of nppilir.it ion, and turlher inforunitii'ii can luuiei ai 111c oiiice. THOMAS HlUflPAVAY, PrroUnu I so. F. J (MCS, Actuary, I.r.VI T.. TATH, .tytx,, V. C. II inttioos, Entwining TMtftitian, Oitohrr 10. 1p57 ly. Lackawanna & Htooiusburg ISailroad. On and ai'timi Armr, 22. leni, rABdi:Ncna TitAiNd w'IUa ki;n ah niu.owa: .M u v i s a aovr ll, FrrigXt 4 IxaVQ Hcrantnn, " Kiuifstnri Hloomitburg, " I.iniIK '.N'ort!jiiiiibeihn,l, M U V 1 N U Ieavf N'orthumbetl.ind, li.nvill-. " L'haiiMbnrff. " Kingctoii, Arrlvo at Rcrantnn, 4 irij;rr I UtMrVgrr, V 11 A. .11, IV.Vt A.)S 1 (h) p il 17 00 N O It T II 3JS0 1. M. 4 3D li.IH 7.4U 4( A. . .111 i; .Ml 703 Arrlvo I 'lU M. l.ravo y.r I. M A I'asseu;'! r Train nlsolenvi h Kingston nt H.I5A.H1 ffirt'cr.intoii,tocoiiiiLt with Irjiu tor New Yo,k. K iiiruing, loavt n tWautou 011 anial uf Tiain from ,Vi ini. jjiirnvi ni) 11 1 n nu itiooiiitoiirg Utijlrend mt-nrrb with the Ui la wore. Unkawsiiiiia and Uti-m l!.i.)i ni i-cramou, ior .mjw voir, and 111 ti rmedi.il'j ix mun.. pointit both tan and went. At Noitliumbi.rland it c nntrts w 1 1 1t the I'hil.uhlpla U Lrifj and Noith.-rn CVi.trat U, U. and I'.rio U K.li poiutu we ft and south, JOHN 1'. M.BUiV, n J. C, W lis. Oca' TUUt Aga May I, ltfbl, A (jltlCULTUUAL & SBKD WAWS "iimjr.. PASCHALL MOlUilS, UiVINU nEMOVbl) Ullt PIllLA DEl.PHM A GRICULU'- RAL,y bEJI) H'AREIIOUSK, 1 rum ilw iNorui-l'a't Corner ct Seventh mot Mir It t'lrettbtohli .VI5VV STAND, Nn. 1 l.'O .M AUKK'I !f OPrOSiTD THE rARMCSH MARKET Oirem for ale, as heretofore,, at reasonable prircf.tr" dem ripiien of liiiproeu AKnciiitural nrul Hortirultornl Impb minii, n nrranteii 1 rih nnd (.i umuo 1 u hi, iliirdi 11 and tl, erHn ds, In gr nt tiririy. Also, Nn. iviuri.in Gn cruinrut (iu.1110, and otln r n Ihhlo reiti'1.er f -r Hru nun i.ran: rcp.i run ani ith Jinrnrii -j rees nniMiia ociy, im i''ti sergrcciif. unm, ijuii ii.iu, A.c 11 7' He bolii its a coniinii'iii'n of ft ruier t usimn. Iiiiplomrni, Seed, and Num"ry Lat.ih.gui-s, fuifinl on application, IMPCIIAI.h MORRK agricultural ami woc.i ware hour, jo, ip.'i) tin it, opposite me rarmtrB Market. January 1?, 101. (tood Shoeing nnd (luap tmltiiinj. JTT II M on.tf.fi.ln.sn.l H, t.L l,. II r..n ... J fllllV ill lorUiH hia frnmla nml tho unlilii' iti'ptniiv our, iu iiiii coiii'iuch iiiu 8MITII1KO KUSLVKSS. At Ihc Old bland, on tho hill. nbo- the Unil Uoal its various braui hea, nt low prices, .ind on un eiilatf male, nml eoliutj Ihc public pulronise. HTia'iiiiN liNoua i.ioiinisDurg, j uric a, FJIUD'K imoWN, JIL, "VOA'ii.yiiXTM jianu," Ninlh and (lirslnut Slrcels, VM'O.ITE TUB "viasrin liorsc." I'lllLAIll'.IIHn !D" .i.wjtic.i.w miwvir. jixii kavlisii. x LIIU.Vir.1lJi JIM) JlltUllS. Toilet A r I i c H c k . pw'i onuo-iB, nnici row iters mut cosine tici. IsAU I'vroimNK. of lhahut ilittillLr. IiFnr Lint tan Ton nt Haiwum, of all slen and rtjlri- 'tflut im ts i ooni washes ut approved kind. HuT KNoiitni Hair IlRmiEn. f!OMOSOf nltkilida. Hiill'..ln. liislln lli.Ll.s.r Jbr Xr. itre Coin Sod Water from lVrilain rouaiai"'. IIckk amiiSoiia with choice Hyrupx. liii:nK niaiwiv. it e, E. Clt. I'th aud Chestnut W ungual i, irm jam. i 0 " A. J. SLOAN. XX York, a very cltniro as-iottm.iitcf SPUING AND SUJ13IEII aoors aliooit every new fabric u hich has been untnuf-ifff for Pprin? nml Summer, ns well ns the unnat nnfW Mhiurrt rt nrtxo . ... ha fiti iii v;irniy, niiu m prict'Hii9 low us l I ill liar genu purchased elsewhcrt;. It is on easy mutter to And goods nt a low p" ui a b'vnerai rum, mey arc JUt l low Hltpiainj. ' r".i ,iuu ui iii.c hi ii kiy mw nricu is eoim oiiiu un I'ppoummy, novvevvr. Is cilercu to b7 mnv want DIIY (iUOm, UH0CS& iiAiiim'Aiip, q urJWAU try Call and Veu.yTl counhiv rnouucis wxntcd. Woonislurj;, April 20, JeCI. TRUNKS! TRUNKS!! J 'Pill: largest, be,t Iniidsom ' i- iotniiit (.lifanefct usuort TIKISIAS W JIAT'I-j; Oi librated l.nrvlon rri.o .Medal impio.ed ln mill si I.I Ij ullii'r Trunk iiuitiiif.n l"! v. No. r'; strnti, rwuitli wo.trorner r'.mrlli ainl.Mais.ti u'" Augu.te w7 ir. 'Pill. uiLb-rsigned isrr.parcd in nin ly,"'". '.I g..t 'luahiy.at fair pilec HewiHl" f0""',1 s' , 'llnck ardfll. l.M'Kmuy, near McKuVjT ' f'ui I'1, n - -le irlu 't.i pur lii-e wl. 3 ..t . I.. I. !r .. ill I... ......I.. i - J. .4. J I! Fl'RtriV Ii " "" 10.1,000 now en hand an j reauy r t hit ciiiibtirl l'i b. i'. 10'i-Jul I I" U. ie4' llaaaet. Urets Trunk raM.JUTtl'J3 Ch Idri ll's Conch.'., l'rnn. I. rnPvl&e2f i .:... i ..... -.- jvv?ienfir;i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers