!BlBlA BfflOORAT. Jocal ani) Special", otm G. Frcrzc, I'dUor. SATURDAY MOIINIMO, JULY 57, 1C61. ST To-morrow is the Ninth Sunday aflejTrinity. jShojjAtluntic Telegraph spliced in mid orcttpyuly 20, 185S. William I'cun died 30 July 1718. 'jlgnitlus Loyola died July 31, ) 000. Laminns Dny, August lit. It is a cor ruption of Lwfmammats boiug the gen oral word for tstival. It was tho custom fcr tho Saious to offer an oblation of new brCwfS!T;tbis day, i.s tho first fruits of tho harvest tho loaf being baked from tho flouof'fnow wheat. It is very much such a' festival ns our Harvest Homo. ''Plngtto broko out in London August 2, I603 ' Battle of Stcukiv-k fought August 3, 1032.' ' y, , :o: J8?" Read the outside of the Columbia Doinocrat, thU week. It will amply repay on attentivo perusal. v ' :o: I lie article 'concernme; veal in thaAugust number of tho Atlantic Month ly by tho Tho Country Parson, is tho Yery.juciost out of tir-loiii beef it has over bcon our fortuno to ta?te. It is, worth moro than all'tho rest of tho number together. 2r :o: riThanks to the efficiency of our prc3- ntexcellciit Hoard of County Commiss ionersJand the energetic and active co-op. roUoniof the carious tax collectors in the j county j Mr. John A. I'unstou our well: known Treasure has been enabled to pay into thu Stato Tri'a,urv, the full amount i of our.own State taE for tho year l&Ol T 1 It'H'just as easy to pay promptly, as to let j taxes accumulate year after year j and the Commissiouer.s are doing tho citizens 1 agrearkindness, by requiring collectors to jcttle.thcir Duplicates promptly, and with in InVtirurj allowed by law. Thus each year support)? its own burthens,- and pro crastination, which is tha thief of time and cf money, is not allowed to steal thi ono, ' nor"quauder the other. i Uverji man ihould feel proud of his county, prompt, patriotic and out of debt. :o: JSSIt is certain th.tt Ool. Janifi Cam wo'njofvMilton, Northunibcrl.ind'County, was killed in the attack at Mauassas,whi e gallantly heading his regiment in a charge. .Wo knew Col. Cameron very well ho uad'great energy of character, had been printer in early life subserviently prac tised law in tho county of Northumberland, but of lato years devoted his time to the more peaceful pursuits of agriculture, lie wag a cupical practical and scientific far mer ; and being a man of largo means and liberalb'eart, bu will bo greatly missed in tho community wheru he dwelt. Juat previously to his election to thu Colonelcy of thu 7.0th N.York Highland lieginicnt, he was the Superintendent, on the l'liljudtlphia & Eric Kail Koad ; and in all the lines of his life proved himself a nianof quick parts nnd good judgment. lie leaves no family except a widow. ,Tf :o: - eSJCoopor s Sea Tales, Ten Volumes, comprising: Tho l'ilot, Tho Ited Hover, Tho two'Admirals, Wing-and Wing, Tho Water-Witch, Afloat and Ashore, Jliles Wallingford, The Crater, Jack Tier. Tho SeaXions, aro publuhcd by W. A. Town ecnd'andicompauy, and are to bo bad by gendingto them at No -10 Walker Street, Not? York", in styles and prices following to Watch. At S10.00 SUi.OO 815.U0 810.0D"and S18.UU per set. , Ii may.-not be generally known that Oooper was for six years a midshipman in tbe.Unitol'Stites Nary, and thui became familiar.with tho subject of which he writes. ' Williain 0! Bryaut says "lu this walk Tales efr.the Sea Cooper has had many disciples ,but no rival. All who havo aince written romances of the sea havo been bat travelers' in a couutry of wliioh ho was ' tho greaaiscoverer ; and none of them all seemed to have loved ns Cooper loved itj or tojiaye been ablo to strongly to in terest all classes of readers in its for tunes." i. Every body ought to read Cooper's Tales of tho sea, and at so cheap a rate as tbeabovgjprices, we trust they will. ttgroSccretary of tho Interior has urtiScdjnSspoaker oftho IIouso,that the following jTa correct statement of tho num ber of Representatives apportioned to each State under the last, or eighth, enumera tion of tbo population of tho Uuitcd States, taken in accordance with the act approved 23d May 1850, namely: To tho Stato of Alabama Arkansas?; California?; Connecticut; .... Delaware. Florida'. ... . . . , Georgia. lUinouol . ; 0 Minnesota 1 i) Missouri 0 ;i Mississippi 5 1 Now Hampshire . 3 1 -Vcw Jersey 0 , 1 New lork 31 . 7 iforth Carolina. .. 7 .I30hio IS .11 Oregon 1 . 5 Pennsylvania ... .'Jit . 1 Uhodo Island.... 1 . 8 South Carolina. .. 4 . 0 Tennessee 8 . G Texas 4 . S Vermont " .10 Viriiina II Indiana . i . . . Io'waJTT?;.',.. Kausks. . . . Kentucky. . . LouisjanaT. . . Maiue??7; . . Maryland?! . . Massachusetts. Michigan. . 0 (Wisconsin 0 Tlio nggregato being two hundreil and lliirly-ttrtio (303) Rcprctcutalivcs. tar Mr. James T. Fields is tho editor of tho Atlantic Monthly j and tho August tmmbor is a very decided improvement on thosa which hnvo preceded it. ''MUs Lu cinda'' is a pleasant tory by ltoso Terry Whitticr has a poem ' Our Hivor," and besido tho regular political nrticlo, Iliggiiv eon tho abolitionist, does up tho fiend Not Turner into a hero, and his murders and atrocities into "a symbol of retribution triumphant" Tiekuor & Fields Boilon, S3, 00 a year. ;o: tfflr Our horse dealers havo had somo great limes with crazy horses. Somo of them carry on amazingly. COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. Tho following are tho receipts to tho offica of tho CoiiUMMA Democrat, duiing tin; inontli ot Juno, I Bill : P. 1.. Ri'ttlo. t II M Columbia County III 0'J 4 (I ) William il.hcr. a i-u i ,-ier Jarnny, 5 111) Wm. IT5l.lj.ich. Jehu otlcnklrk, i:. n. i mi.-, i . John Zi-lfloft, Thomas Ktinrr. Jacob I ytr, r r John Hams"'? M I). V.il "iif J. It IMiinon, 1 (10 1 SO a 10 KliU lltgcr, I ltriMis. I, A. VcColluin, I SO I VI) law K. Ilildiiie, 3 CI) 'J 111 2 III) J uir.Is-iae liltrnire. 2 OO.I.'linrti-a Thorns, I 7.1 Hnh.-rl HoiN. Henry Delonc (Outre) 4 0(1 lion. II. II. H'rlnht. 3 00 1 T.'. 1 Si) 4 00 3 f I I) II .Mulitfoi.iery,M.l).J TS.Col JI. W. Jaik.on, II.) i. lien, r. f teele. I S3) Rev. Il.lvv. .Murray, Jamb IJuiiJ, t'nmucl llittenbemlcr, II. It. 11,-Kitt, Um , William Miller, II. P. Luu. i.il(J F Kn.lpp, 3n Duilcl Lee. Ilso . I HB IW office tie parlnicnt, 4 00 1 I'-'Njiii'I lioyt. I.sq , 3 50 1 UJaincs VMIilams, til, 1 Oil Sheriff's Sales. BY tlrtueof unrit cf Ln-mi Fuc iai, to nm dircrted, iiuud out of tlio Court if Common .lea 'if tlio county of Columbia, rennnylvanin, will bo cxpnastl to public sale, at tliti Court Home, in UloumilJurH. (in Tuesday, Hie 13 Ui of August, ISO!, At one o'clock In the afternoon, the following property to it: All theso Six CorUin Tracts of Land, situate In Ilcacr totwiiulp, county of Colninliii, nnd Mate fit rrnni)lania,onVof them c.ilt'd, "ItALULC," hounJtfJ nnd dmcribjd an follows, to wit . lire "lit 1 113 &t a post lln-nco by land of Jj. McNuul, north, luiUu dcjtri'Pfl wfst.tlirri- hundri'd and forty perclwutou rheat nut oak, lltcncoby hind of Win. Cray nnd Wm, fctced man, smith, sewiiity-cicht degrees ucxt, one hundred nnd hccntyninc pTthcstu ti poit, thence by lanrt ff Jeremiah JacKaon, i.utli, twelve degret cat, I our lnm. dred and ten prrtlien to rt pojtt; thenen by l.md of Kich 11 r J llrouk, iiurth noventi tlegrtupj cast, suvi'iity thrfc pcrcltffl to a dogwood, north, twelve degrees iaxl,fif t( -n pf n hen 10 11 post ; tin cu north seven ty-Hirl.t tlcftrtes bHst.eigtity-tnu piTtliiH ton Mack oak; thencr by an old Biirwy. north luche degrees west, twenty. live p r cht' to a hii kory. nnd imrtli, tltirlj'two decrees euot, tblrtj-fonr prrrhei to til t pl.iro of b.-ginuliiir, (.out'iitiing t'vur llunilrtd and Tirvtie 1crct and a Half, and a. low uiicu cl six per LCitt. fir ro.idtf, A.c. Another of them called "PALMYRA," li-'jintiinif at a pott, theiico by t.iint tf Jiobt. (Ir.iy. nr-rtli tv -Ivc degrees et, fwiir hundred nnd en perdu s to 11 pot, ill mu by 1 md of ut. .niuedi.tan, south, soventy 1 eiplit degrees f nl, one hundred and tity perchea to a 1 poit ; thencehy l.md of John iJrady, aouth. ttlvede (!r! ein-t ; fourliuu.lrid undtcri perclis to a ot, and1 Hi' net? by land of John Wild and HUhard Urook, mirth, sefnty-ipht ditrrjes taet, una huu.lred and siny-lx pen lies to the plaitf of bi (jluninn contniniii Fcur Hun dred and one ,'icns and a ywarter, utid allow alien t,f six per cent, jor ro-nlw, &c. Another of them called 'STOXK HALL ' IK-finiilng at 11 port, thfiiceby land of John llr.nly. north 1 tw. hedrcen wctt, two hutidrl un I sixty-lhreu p.r-1 diva to u post, thencv' by laud f Chirks Haiti south 8LVcftty-eti,ht degrets weft, two humired ami Di'venty tnie ptTihck to a the tout; tlu'ncu by land of Calli irine l.oua miherger, so'ith, Fjxteen degrees and aqUiirttr eai.t. two humired and gi'venlymc pjnhfa tu a idoiie, and tilt uee by laiiil of Di-'borah Mewnrt unl Thrtnan I rookt, north, seventy ilj;l.t riecrcet ia.fi, two hundred nnd j forty nli.u pt'rclus topl-tceofhegiutihig, containing lour Hundred and JttUt-i.ttflt.'icrciaiiJa Halt and allow' mien of Mt p.'r cut lor ro.iiln, &c., be thu canin more or , less, on w hieii l erected a tiloiiu Hons.', and about half nn acre of t Inch ii eleart.i !and. Thtre is also a t tin 1 cf Stone Coal opened 0,1 thu tract and a Large Coal I taker erected tlier'on. Another of them called "KAllMERS IH'l.UJHT." I.ejriDiiiupjii a pcAt, theure by l.iud of Win. Mucdm.iu, norlh sixteen degrees and Tiart rg we;-!, i 1-r huudicil and 1. 11 u rch"s to a bpanUh Oak, Hi ii.-e t Itttd of Willi.un Vvtbb, south, sev'ctuy four degrees wtfet, one hundred and autytuo porches to .1. lilj(fc Ua!:, thenrtj by land 1 f '1 hoiaas era), t.outh, ti leen degrees e.tit twenty pi'rtlun to u lh-Btnjt, tln-nre by land of iharleH Hnll. suutli. eight degree and a half. uit, tlireu hutldred mid sutix perehet to a putt, th -me by laud of Joiiii UraJy, ntrlh fevcnty-t-lght de grees east ; one huioiicd and thirt iterrlu-n loan ssh, north, tn dvu dcgreei w.t, ii'jhty pcrchci toauhite oaK, and north, evinty-ejght tlegrees rait, t-uty per cliCH to tho placq i,f b-'fimijiif, coiit.iining Four Hun dred and Lnjhtttn Acrti, aud allowance ot tix pt,r Lent for roads, Another of them called " T It O Y," Teginninj at a post, thence by l.tnd of Jeremiah Jackson, north, twelve degrein wfbt, four hundred and Un per ch us to a puiit, tlit-uceliy laud of W. 1'. Urady, south ttilyeiphi degrtf''!1 w bt eighty perches to a white oak. fouih twelve desreen east, eighty perches to an ash, seiuh scveuty-ci'tjl.t ilifriih Wi ato'i"hun (red aud thirty perches to a pout, thence Ly land ut' John l!eese south efcen degrees rust, two hundred and tixiy three prrhes to a po-t, tbi.ua by land if Thniuas Urook, north s' 1'iity eight degree eaxt, twenty pirihei tn n i licytnti. oak, nouth, twelve derefcs ctt,fort) one percheji to .1 Itlack Oak.th -ilea by the hams uii.l 'aud of John Wild, nrrth e nity-eisht di gr m s tast, ono hundred and t-ix p rch n t a CU. L Oa.k, and north, seventyeiglit de greet eat. eighty perch.' to Uj.i pi ice of beginning, con t'iislin lour Hundred and Ttrenty-Jtnt .Icrc and a qvtirltr, and allow sinco of x jier Lent for raddn, ice. Another of them called M A I N K," leginuing ot a post, ttunce by land r,f Wm, 1'. Uradj, north, eight degree and a half west three hundred and Ut-lwopirihes iu a th stmiL tree, thenccbj land of 'JI104. Hiy and lnt lludd. nuiith tiiity-four degncs wett, tine linnurel nnJ rihty cjtfbt peri hex to a poi. Iht'iiee by la.i.l .f 'J'ho. Itellaji, duuth liftj'fHu degrues vaft.cihij-iune p"iih utuachttiitttnik, thence b thu a nu ami land id J hu lougnb -rgir. so'ith one Intndrud and tiglity eUh: perches ton chest nut u,ik,lheHc b land of the Bitd John Loii;Lnbt rg"r, couth teventy-iix de grees and a Thirter wt't, onw hundred and twenty-four perch; 10 a putt, uuuih, ttxtuen degree and iiiuarttr t-UKt, one huudrttd and four oerchea to n cheftnattree. nnd lh ncu hy land of John IteeHu, north, s!vent)-t.igbt di gf'es eat-t, two hiindrwd Tnd at.eiii)-one piirihcs to the place cf beginning, ctmtainriig Three Hundred and Aly-Ote rfcrcs and three quarters, and allowance if six ptrcii.t.for roads, .Vr. Heized tak?n inetecutiou and to bt sold ns tbo prop erty 1 if the Culcmuu Col ami Iron- Company. ALSO : At tlio same thno ami place, hy virtuu of a w rit of ht. Fa.t nil that certain trait of land ntuatj in Majnu township, t'olumhia county, bounded audde-criijd ns follows, t ) wit:-Uu thu north andwet,i by lauds of Icaic Vetter ; on the couth and east by lands of (leo. an i Kudolph felit.uian, lontaining VIVF, JlCJlFi be the tame more or less wherern are rrccfd a Twit Si'ir) 1'raiua DwelJjng House, two One and a Half rtury Krninit Dwelling Houses, a Forge. Coal House, and 1 uthero'ttball Jjogt, Willi thu appurtenances, j Buted taken ju execution and to be sold aB tho property of Jacob JAMtaax, I JOHN B.NYDt.U, Pheritf s Office, t Herif. Ulooruslurs, July U, 1SCJ. ( to A XT & St Et A W - JS5 O N Ei Super-Pliospbute of Lime. MANUFACTURED BV UAUIIQII & SONS, So, i!0 South If'tarves, Philadelphia, Cash Trice, S15 per 2000 lbs. Farmers and Dealer can telvunon the ussurancethat thi rharatter of this uttl-kiiuwn mauuje is ktill fulty inainiaiiiea. iteiug prepared ftrictly in accordance wuh scientific principles, troui Itotiea in their natural uie, without any privess of burning or baking, and under the personal supervision of the proprietors, they can lionenly guar antee it as represented in this repect, aud uUots bj iuj cctirelyfreo troui dtlulteratiuu. 11 guoundTTmv honks1 OUAUANTIED J?UHK4 Cash Price, S15 per 2000 lbs. Thu superior talue of this standard article of Or find Iloueiiisuow so well known, that it is only iieuisary hero to remind Dealers that our fauhtieu for its juauu facture arc now buillcicul to inctt ths muat active de mand. Uv"The aboe Manures can be had of regular dealers in this count) ot i'S UAUfill t HONS, Jlltnuftturer$ and l'rvftrtttvr . No. tSuuih Wharves, I'hiiaJeJphia. July 20, !Gl-;Jia, HOUSE TOR SALE. A nioieablu FRAHk llorsu, nill be bold cheap, on ap- 4 1 plication totliu unJrsifined. LEVI I.. TATE. Uluomaburt-, July 13. 1961. E.VE0UTO1VS NOTICE. Lit ate of Jacob Hag tnbuth, late of Centre ttcp., dce'd. IHTTURS testamentary on tho citato of Jacob )Uork Jt Licit, late cf Outre towiuhip. Columbia county, decaacd, haw bcuu granfd ly thu Register of Col urn bia county to th uuderfiz'icd, rending in thu loiuhip and cuumy afurcsaiJ. All persons hat lug claims agaiust tho eiUW of the decedent are re-iutsted toprt-weutthem fur settlemcr.t, and those iudibted to matte paymtnt iui mediately to JEPK.MIAH llAGEN'BUCH. Centre twp. Jans IS, lotil la civ tor Lamps ! Lampsl ! ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL OF JOJVCS tr MILLKII S. IMFHOfF.I) IWMT COAL OIL BUn.Vt.IIS. Is tJIMrshVIl , BURNING, no At. kriiii-iim .oit i'akr'iv oil. ! AKINU the lieat anil elinpcst Light now In use, suit I'l able for Churches, Elnres, or family use, tin danger from Uiplosion antl ono Inlf cheaper than any other J ic lit. now used and KQUAL TO (?ASS. Tho above lamps, with or without, Clones or Ehodei chii licha.l at thi NEW AND UHEA1' JJRUO STORE, Exrlmtigo IliiililliiR, llloriiiisbiiK, l'n,, Where tho linrlcrBleTfil ontJ Respectfully Inform, lilt rrleniU and the public In general, tint he lias Just re ceived from tin lili.'s, a larpo an, I well selected stock of floods, In his hind consisting of rui'.-'ii ami ruititi: iiiiuii.-i, ' Mi:nii'iNns uii'.Miu.u.M, uiioti.M) u wnoi.i: Hi'iuns. TAINTS OILS, VAKMr-IICS nVIJ STUri", WINDOW (il.ASX, (ll ALL 8I.UH. PAINT. & TOOTH ti siiavinu iinusiica. TOBACCO k CIOARS, or thi: ttoir iiitA.vnsi ' rl Itr'IIMIIUV, r.WCY POM'S, i liiussiirt t snoin.iinii itA .'na, I'Ulli: WINllSk I'RAMlIK' I'Ott 1 MI.IIICIN'AL Urtll, (ILAfKCIMTINO, UONinoOIIUUR.OILT MOULD I I.Nfl FOIt rKA.Ml:r,fc AHIinAl' . VARII.TV orcAiinoN ; on. LAjiiy ami fiiAiir:. ' ri.IIIII.CAIIl'lll'.N'CHAl'PTV I'l.UII) T.AMfS ti HIIADr.rf. Also AU the most popular l'atent Medicines of tho (lay.prcarrllHlonsnu.l family nn'dkint's carefully put up, .V. II. The Denial prof sslon is Mill i cnnlinued and Terth liin'Jrled, in tho niostAv;-' J approved niaiini r. UTti rcelinR thankful for past patronage, ho -wIL hopes n (xintluu-incc of tin) sliuc, U. M. HAGKXIJUCII. Illonnisljurc. May Iri.lltll y. JOSKPII QUE EX, SOX & CO. Wholesale nnd Uetail Dealers In 011, (LOUIS, H'l.MlOW SU,VIF.S, &c. Togtllicr with a complete variety of flj' CAtllNUT WAItll, at tlru lowest Ca-h prici-s. NO. 45 NORTH SECOND STREET. Jor.i-u tutr.nv, ,1 riJILADCLl'IUA. 11. IX4TER. March 2, IMtl im. U'alrhL Jewelry nnd Silver-Ware. rL We would rtJppectfutly inform our friends pa Vw?L trans und the public uenrrallyhnt we haw now RviU l' Store, nnd offjr Wholefcole and Uctuil, nt tin low'intruh pricec, n Inrjfu an 1 rv choico ttock of Watches, Jewi Iry, ili'tr and I'lated Ware, of ccry a rietyand t Jc. lis cry description of Diamond Wrrk, nnd rdher Jew dry made to order at hort notice. L7" AH pooda war rmted to be,ns represented. N C- rnrtiruhratttntion civento thii repairing of Watches and Jswelry of cery ilescription. " sTAUFrmt & n.uu.nv. No. fSUMarkit fctrcct, buutb side. March 1. ISSi 3iuV NtW WAGON SHOP. Main tnct above the larks Hold. rill, underlined, bavins removed from Ksrtown to itlomuftburp, respectfully informs hit friend a and customers, that lie Ji,h opened n new nhop, ou M.li'i Street, l.loOuibbarjr, ubovu thj Turks Hotel, where he will coiittuct tho W AUOS UUSISFSS, In alt its various depigments, nnd on a more txttnit, o scald than h rt-tofure. Iuii2is. tpniip Wagon t, Pulkies, Light Wnaons, and all kinds of Untie made to order, on ht rt nntiti and fair terms. AUor- Hori-fcR nnd I'Aiot AViiiiel-U rrovjj, ma l to urd r. ij." ItEpAfRin, of Ml Kind", includin? Heavy Wazons, promptly and cheaply executed. JACOB 3. EVAN'S. Bloonisburff, April 21, 13f0-Cm. N E V 0 A K H' I A O C K S T A I J L 1 S 1 1 A 1 E ' T AV JlI.OO.Vi,liUifi. In the .Vrir Hritk Three ate r y L'urrige Factory, on .Vain brlote VtrKet, j 'Min Fiibscriber would rCFpetiiully announce to lit' A. public, that he has commenced tho OA K III Ali K & n all its various ,ranrh"j. He is prepared to execute 11 oi.li r ,ui, huk on h.ind nt prtsmt an ahsortinent f linifhed work w blcih purchanrs will tiud to rlulr dvanta?e to call and examine. ItHMlIUSfh Will b.j done iu the most prompt and cartful manlier ard upon terms which cannot fail to cive satii.utiot, KTUAWliltlDlJi: A. WILSON. Uloomsburg, April 2tf, ""1000Rewu:diTr will ui: r.uu For Any nniiciar lii.it will Excel 4J C Ej JI3 J IS T HEALTirAyirilAPPLXESS. Tor tho nuuk cure of Ueadatbe. Tooih.ich-'. IMijimo.i. tisui, Neuralgia, Puu in tho tid.M.i'k or ftum.u Ii. I 1'aiiiters I'hohc, ir Cramp, r rosteii J'ei t or Jl.irs, lhiriii Jh at, BprJius, llruiseu Di.Lrthon, aud rJoieThrout ami nil umilir complaints. Toothaciiti cured iu ten imnuteo. I'urnu'ie cured in! five intmiiiH. tleat'iich cur 'd ju tun iiuuutes, iituna ' cured froii mmrtiu? in two miuut'-s. Neuralgia p.iiita . cured in lU'u iiijnuti d, Cholie tur d In tew mjuui-!. i Sprains relieved in ten minutes, t-'uro throat relieved I iu live minutes. To the Hoin and riauphtPr of aUirtion, The!1 tilings wo proe ou thu spot and before jour tjes, only hrui I on our ciHefl. l.0 Cases have b?en cured by ont Apent in a Finglo day I V.tty bottle warranted. Try It ! Try it 11 Try it 1 1 ! PMCH W.iAVJ 50 OGATA" VF.li HQTILV.. ZT" Alibi rit dibcoiint ma lo to Apents, and olio wan ted in every town. uUo few pood travi Ifn; Agents. All orders and cuiuuiuniatiiius vhuuld bu nddreHsed (J. H CULIiLItl St. CU. J;'JS, 1th ct. l'hilaJtJphia COLBEUTS JJALM l G1LEAD. Tor Toothailie apply it over tho f.ieo and gunid of the tooth a Hided pr h(.iiighiud upon tho f.ice; repuit if not cured. In oxtremn (asi s, utt ci tton with ihe li.iliu mid cot cr tho tooili and gums, l'or He.idJche, bathe tho temples and appl to the nose ; und tako from ten tj thirty drops in ji tf a tumid' r urwuter f wcLtcned. 1'or Cioup utid borti '1 broat, tako from ten to thirty t!r ps intirii.il). on sugar or in si. eetened warm water Lathe the tbror.1 IreiJy mil bind on a llaitiiel. Fur Hendacho, itheuinatuin Neuralgia, Lamu Itiuk orido bailie freely with tulin in Cilcad ; aud sl-ih rally take infrially For Uurns mix onejiart Ihhn in (Jilead and twoot water aud ilmu.to make n pitp, coer tho burn with the tiuuie. For Chlic, Uikc Irom tun to forty drops in hot water; batho the UuueU and npply w et tilann.h. -In the above, the smaller doso ii fer Children, aud tho larger for adults . vary uncording to ngenud circunutaiice Colbert's Halm in I'ilead is harmless, Colbert's Ualm in (iilea 1 avs (satisfaction, Thoatf whohavd uoe.) IblnifnOtlead will not be with out it. Agents wanted. For terms, address V. ti. UOMtCItT & CO., No. 121 Hmith Tourth Street, I'hiladelphia, Ia. N. U. Orders nt by lUpress to any pari of the Uni ted States at the shortest notice. May -1, lifOL fun, I' U M 1' M A K I NT G . MMin undersigned inform tho public eenerally that JL they hate formed a copartntrship( and ivill lontin uo the huginess of 1'uuip iiiakinj and npalrinj, in all tht'ir van-mi departments, m Uyoimdurir, wiuro tlry will promptly nttend to nil urdcri in tluir line of bun jieM. wliLther in tow it or country. W-ll nn I CMpm i'umps. with Icailn Pipe, inado in the host tttlu of orknrtuship, on moderate terms, and 6u v,ry shftrt nttice. Trom their lone r.tpricnro In tho husinras, end nn rnrnest riotirc to h ivo thfir work commend jtsi It to the public tlVy tei Is toil ient thev ctm makf itnu ohjert Vi those u ho may (jive thtiu th' ir rutnm nnd render acnv ral tLliifacuou. JOHN CIlUi'CHLUV. JOHN CUL1. MiwriislHirg, April 13, lfCI, 3m Tlin undersigned, resperifuily informs his friends nnd the public generally that hu has Ju.t comptcti'd his Vew Mill, on Little l-'jshingrri ck, lu (Jreenuood town Fhip Cidumbia rnunty, und hating enguped one ol tho best Practical Jdxllrrs in the couutry, is now prepared to ixeruteany tuiiues iu til I mo promptly und Satis factorily. 'Ihe buildjutf is u larsa double Hrlrk 31111,' coiiktruded iu tho most modern tyl and employs four run oflhirn. Strict attecijou uj be given in the hiifi ness und nu pains spared to render geupral satiafaiiion, JAOJU iJ Villi. Cyu's Crore, June, 8, 1361, lm ADMINISTKATOU'S NOTIOK Estate of Caleb C. Fox, dee'tl. TVTOTICH Is hereby given thntlpttrrsofudininistration 1 1 on the istulu ofCateh C. Vox, lato of Mount 1'leas anttuunship, Coluintiia county, derrnscd, h3t,o hern granted bv thu Uegioter of said county, tu thu under etftned, who resides in raid tnvwislnp. Columbia county. All persons having having claims or ihuuauds against thu estate of the decedent are requested to present them for nvtileuK'iit, and thoss iuduhted tu make pajmeul without delay. :OII aiOKliAV, Juno W.lfiKt. Adm'r WILLIAM QULViV, H. V. Cor. Third and Market Kts.. riULADHLflUA. fisrranls $1.50 per 1000. -a Auffuit 4, lS69-12m. NEW DEMOCRATIC JIOItNING With a v to meet n utiiverpitlly aJnilited wnnt.tlio lindcmlgncil will litue on Monday the 1st of Julr ticit tt tnornliig l'cniiy jirr, lolo tslleit "Tllil UNIUX." Tlio Krv&t inlfteiun uf tho lteniocratic party, hlcli has cvi r stod ns the bi.lwnr. f tha Urn n an I the rlmmpi otmrthu CoNsmuriuf. rMidors It fiitlre uniiy arid boM cttitiide In this hour fNiitlnnAl itrrll a milter of ttmlntonnncoofn United C.mi.try than for tho 1'ernctn. 1 ntlon of Iteiuocratic 1'riiicl ntcr. as finoundeil bv Jill. lint cnuci'M. j iiti iivtitiins siruirgifl is not loss for tha it non and Jackson. Tha most itiomentous results hniic tii(in thu issnu. Meni pnrty iiiritioin aru for tha Hum iy tomiiion consent aiijmiruud. VAe ja$tt$ dad, savo in It Irssons of pJiH-rit'iicp, Tlio licmocratlchosti have not shrunk from tliclr ful' shari in tho reponilJ!Ules and d angers of tlio tinr Rcmy, They hao raJlcd with ono nccird n round the ftanJard our ronniion rtuntry. lintlli on. in ttii pours other tiuth'it. Thr (JocrnincTit will drtnaml and receive tli.t ullliiiif support uf every p.itriot.lti Its cllorts tu Wndlrntc tho National honor and ro atucrt tho Na tional authority ; but Ui- Preservation of Constitution al I.lteriy rcts moron IthlhQ people than wilh Con prrsni's an I Unblnets. Vtplliiti ce and Unity arulhcro lore upeciauy rprjuisifj in uio pren.-nt junrttrrc, It la ll lltron.n r( Mi. I. In.l I nn KTTII' I)NI().V,"in eiery respertn lirstriass Journal, Tho Democracy oftho nliolo Htalo feel tlio need rf n hold nml vl.mn,iuiM,nnni,t.H.i,iip. .ni nn.ir,.,i uin i. ! spared to render "'I III: UNIONI' both populir and clh. cient nun nowipipcr.nnd as n feorless einnnent oftho rr.'Rt iirlnrbih.K Car u 1.1,1, H, llr,nrrnlln nntlvl,,,.,, ever ciiiittudod, nnd which nio now so unhappily Im I 1. .., . ' ' . pcrlllod, The I'ropriclors have prrfcctc.1 such nrronienients ns will plare thu enterprise, from the lit ginning, upon a suhtalitinl hiilness hals. with ahuudnnt tne.ins to make n Newspaper second ill interest and anility to nu other In the city uml wlillu the paper will be fearles. ' ly Di'iuocratic, It will sidunusly aold all faction, as tha , ileiulliesl ban" to party cHlcli'iicy. I it. tiii.ni ...w( finv-i c nnd shall labor to maku "Till. UMUVM-i every way lK,?.!11:.!.', SSi".' " A hbonX 1"W frt!H'1 TERMSi Per Annum, Tliree Dollars, or served by , Carriers SIX CJINTri I't.ll WJIIIK, L7" Orders should be addre.istd to 30. PUVr.KN'S k ro., No. HO youth Third St., riuladclphia, I'a. June l22. Idol, 'WALL I'Al'ERI WALL PAPER ! TVa'C ncrlve t from the manuftictorles In r.OBtnn, an ' article of mot excellent 'pnhty. I challenge cumpe I tition as to style and pries. The undersigned wiilktep borders to match any uf thn Styles on hand ami is the only Mperieticrd I'Ai't ui Uxntti In this Section of tllO t.'llliritlT flivn nil- I t.nalt a Ht ,.Ir n. I'rnnJtMill,.,, I Itefore I'lirtlniuir., Cy" Cull utlluperts Post Ofllec. II. J. THOIINTON. Klooinsburg March C2d lci . J. P. SI U IS JQ It , (Successor lo J. H. Eor rn.) IMOI.Ki.ilX Dt.ll.l.R I.Y TOBACCO, SAUFFANl) CIGARS, No. 8 North 1'ifth St., above Market, IMIILAUianilA. Also, Manufacturer and Importer of KOllKIGX & DOMESTIC SEGAKS. May 1J, ISlQ-lJm. ISousc Sl Lot for Sale. 'Plin umterslpncd, nffrM tn e!1 nt prlt nte salo his i Dw-elllnp House, with ti" Lot "round upon wblcli 1 is located. iuiludiDp nil tha out-buildings and i.nproic menu. Said property cmisi-its of a full tow n lot, whereon ii erected u new Tw t ftory I'rl-k Home, and Kitthiit w 1th the requiit-i out-buildiiips all of w hlcli aro In pood condition, located on Centre Strict a few doors below Third street, Idooi.i'burg. 1'rlce very moiteratc an J teri.ia reasonable. . ANDULW S. CIigStfLEV. rioornsburg, June P. 1CCI. lin. JOJiIXE & LEE, No. Hi, KOltTU WIIARVIW, l'liili U-Iilua. AM) SHIP Oil A aV7) h K n .V, Ppim Cotton fr aulkina. Unps. Tins, 7'ar, Titch, Oakum iioi.kt, and UJrs, A-c. Aligut t, lei i U'ni. PltOTEOTION FUOM LIUIITNIXG. rrlllJ subscriber would inform hlf friends, that In H 1 now' prepared to put up, on bhort notice, und in a Btiontiilt manlier, the ben vuiti.v.i roiXTt.n itaurxixa hods, at 12 ci fits per foot. All work warranted. 11. 11. mULEM AN. Lloomsburg, May SI, If0. Slates tlmoiT ijaid U00 & 008 MAllKFT STItEET r.xnovi: rnxriM iiiiKinvi.vm.i. 1. V. POWER, rnrritttr. Tlrm.: gl il,i nerlay. May 13. IFffl-lJiii. SKW MILlilXEUY (J001JS, FOK ST?KX7ttZ Aim S'OMES, IISS MAUV RAKKLl'.V, wniil.l rc.pcrtrully Inform It 1 lit-r cu-iloiorrit, in r.lonm.lninj nml Kiinly, tliut .he liu jll.t Kcuvol from tlie city an LXCcllcnt assort IllL'l.t of iu-tv Mii.i.i'r,uv noniK. rinor tliun vvcr, anil more c.ilculntcil to.-.fT Iilfa-o II), tii-to cf til? tnot fdtiliois Wir'il?. A? rhe has uaij Hlrk-t attention in inakh!! )ti tier s-'lt't lions of u niiitt. nHl'Cqui'l tlv his tlio ti"st ,lrs,i,tiiieitt, prub.ihlv. ri-r tiroiilit to tliu iI-ili-. tide Iris an nsirlineiit 1 1 ! it an I hatiiUoino H.ils a.id t'.iii. for little Misos, all uf which she ran illspou of int-ajf i,ive ni-r .1 inn ii-iori- piirpri.iKjnrr eiseun re. Bliop on Alain street, In low Mnrm t, north slile. Mnumsburx, At -.'U :it MAP.V ll.MIICI.I.V. 1UU1I AXJ) ELEGANT CARPETS. B.C. rOILK, No n.7 North PHPOND Street, oppo.ite t-hrist (.'lunch, itHitif. tho pitrtu ular attention ot itltr ch.nitit und otliLrs to his vwj large nnd cli?j,'ant assort ment of CAUITITH. OIL CLOTHS.. . just rcr( ived from the inoht eel. brated manufactories of j.uropo a im Atnerien. imiuuing an tuo newvtt patterns ext'iut, wiurh will by eold at n eiy mnall adunt.ti nu ot. Call aodeximino quality, etj.li: and prices before pureha(iupi.l,'ewtere. Ilemembtr. o ;ta North Second Street. Philadelphia March '. lMtil 2ni. lVIIOI.i:-JAI.r. AN'U lir.TAIL BEDDING AND FEAT HE It WAUE HOUSE, .Vo.il North Second ftrect.Oppn.ile Christ Church, FI11LA DEL VIII A. "7 Coaatamli-fln hand, a lare as-inrtmciit of lleds, Mnltri'sses, I'.ullasHes, ('il'hli)iis, liliir, Husk, Cattail, utid all articled in ttie line tit the I.owi'bt Trice. V. 11 I'artuuldr itlctitlan paid tit renoi-atlnff Xiw ax Old yrathcr. .March.', lt-til-liin. S3 IE HE Ig&.S.i IT. 0. IiOWEK, . SC KG 13 ON DEMIST RE5;JCATK, W tiritk Butldtr brdoio Ilartnan sStin on Mainttreft, Hloomtlurg , Ta. STTWtt ltnsrr.CTJTMA" tdi'tirs his profehsion Jfct&yzf n f'virt'B tu tho ladies and gentlemen of v(TJ f4A ft i;lu(iiiilnir3 ud i iciuity. Hu is prepared to ott 'ii 1 to all tin vnnoun operntioiM in Dentistry, an A is proidud with the late ft improviucnts I'OUOlSliMN TlihTlI Whicli will Ii? iiiterted on pict or gold plate to look ai well us the nniiir.il. 1 J" Asupi-nor article or Tooth I'owdcr alnnji on hand. unp, 1737 nov 13, '33. (.ah: K(JLK IIotei-1 THIRD STIIKET AUOVU 11ACE, IIIIILADELI'IIIA. IlttOADS, li S.uToil, l'roiirictors. TtLoUMis V. noAPS, formerly of the N'ahonul Hotel Ciuititii Hailor, formerly of SiliU)lkill Co. fa, JlanJi ictil Uin. 0UEA1' HOOT AND SHOE STOllE rnlin (uVeriber imltes attention to bis new stock o X (loots oa rilio.', just received froiii riuUUelphla and compritjuff FUH UESTT.EV.l'.lS'S WEAR, Itont. Outers, uxfurd Ties, t-Lhultish Ties, Navy Gait ers, Slippers, &c , ice. I'OU LADIES WE, CaifrsH ith nnd without hei-U, Slippers ditto, Huskins, Trench Morron-u lluotn s with and without heels, &c ylso, aiisst-s' as a Cuiliirln's of every description, nt prices much below thu old slan iaru, aimies man in a saino quality Ol uooas can ou bonirht for at any other fetorJ in town, ,iii,iiiuii hi nits uiuiiu iu oruer fai mo uel maicriai, in tho neatct manner and on reasonable term, warranted rial than was eer beforA brought to tbls-iu fact, tho u.a u w na m uivui , , Ui:ultliG B. BAMIERA i nauville, May 2il. lC0.-r A thi. ..... r.l nil you Iiavo read IU0 UDOVO CO uot fail tn rail in & sc. at 1IARTMAN3 Eloonsburc, Maicu, 30,1-Ml 5IIiIii VOl (SIUiVABtV AND COLUMBIA COUNTY AT MILLVILLK, PISNN'A. Itniiorlant AcltUttons & Improvements. AatumnTermto Commence Act u it 12, leci, rplllB lnrtltutlon uliich has been In mccctvful onern 1 tjon lor tliu pnsi inn years, Is abuul urnltrjroinff a vrylnipottaitt rviinvnHnii.ln unlcrto plac It rm n more stable has istlitm ever, nnd present fadlitien which aro not surpassed hy ordinary Academics In Northern IVnn sjlvnma. AinoiiRtlio Iniprovenients will bo a largo threc'tlorietl iMiilJing which wilt give much additional room nnd creator coiivenli-nccs for hoarder, a toinino dioiis hall for a lectnro room and public eicrcises, con veiilenttlass rooms, a library and reading room contain Ing a rablnctof mineral and tiiriuHlics, batli rooms, fee. An estiui' m nl and tiiorouslily oialfl''ii rlnsical t'-adxr and lecturer will at th-ihuad rf Iho ll trd of Instiurtloiit but thw 1'rincipnt will liao tho fym nil su-piriiit-Miclcnco of tho Institution and asvumo a share of thu duties uftjacliln(r. lteiulnr loiturcs will bu dollv crcdunon arlniia mioiitlfic uuliktti. as well as nnou the theory and pracllro ot tombing, and n Normal Clisa GfyilUtl2 tni'll Utlll WOIIIOII llO W itll to UUallfV t lielll "dves lor leachcrs-profsfioii, will recdvo especial at tenliou and afl-t.iiii.o. The coitrso of Inst ruction In the school will ho tlio. ""i?11 aiidsji'leiiialir, calculated loeniNrncotho various tranches ofanrnrtlcal education. Amplo prolslon Mill ho undo for the Mlldy of 111, I llirher llintheiiislirs, the elucidation of Physics, nnd the Natural Sciences, by txr.nita nf Ktiltnltln nnttnriil na. ntnl Ci.r H,n t,,,,lu r.r tl,n Latln.dreek, and tlerninn lansuases.tiicnablo students " 'I'mi'fy llienuelves for commercial and sricntlllc pur. milts, or to niter any Has iitcollenn. The country lomtion ofthU Hemluary In a pleasant 'iHaue, in n healthy and ilouri?hinir neighborhood, well Kwn for tho eloittcd tone of its moral ruiithucnt, and whero the pupils nru not surrounded by them demoral- I1ht liittiioiirisa. nml ti'iiiistnlit-itia f.Min.l lit mio j-tttn. lafjer towns nnd many other lotaHl!?, with no outsldo 1 II'1 w"Crof I hih;i-iih ma uhdiiiiiii f uiu iurL'iin rniuiuui BHiucn.fi, B( ) dom found BurroumliiiR largo schools and academics Tlio Literary Hoclcty also, ono of tho oldeht aud best conducted in this section of country, presents mi nltrnc tlo featuruaiid useful auxilllary, to a practical cducv t'flii. 'U2 Improvement be under the immediate charjro of an efficittit Hoard of Traotees, appointed by the Sem inary Company, and will bit computed In time for the Autumn term, to commence the l'-th ofAucust next. While thankful for pat patroiiagit nu wish to merit a coiii'imnnco 01 siui'iar lavors, as we intenu to include hislicrcrailo and wider rause ofinttrucliou rc rcpDJit. i C.lltf -nll-lt n ..(.,! nn s.,1 fn r.rl,l.,.' , 1311113. HIT tUIIHi UVJIHUI VA'iiUIIIUItUU lUlt UUI uuu T !' II JI S : Hoarding, washing, tuition, lights and inrldcntil ct fcnie, for one quarti r of eleven wecks.will bo Thirty lot'ars, one half payable in ndvanre the other half and all tuition bills will bo x peeled promptly at the ex pirition of each quarter. 7; cms: Hiiardinp. with fitmlhrd room, on quarter Tuition in tumiuoii Lnlish branches including Mathematics and IJeok Keeping by Iioiible Hutry Tuition fn Latin, (iretk.and (Jerumn cxtrnj Washing. Lights aud incidental expenses, one quarter, Tii ft ii im n i . i . i- i, lllOC NO lealFn tni,rniiim crlin'ilriliirx nr Atlnml itf the ywnr, w ill hi nrcommn lated nt a reasonable discount ; (und stin.enti wishing to procure rooms Bhould make sea?ouattie application. rot ii'riuer narii.:inrii niuresi. W.M.UUUGnS, Principal. MilhiUfi, Tenu'a. fieoRor. MASTEns, J K, Hves. ) Ur. A. IMHllkr, I'lui Ud. V TrustDes. IIENJAMIV IC. 1 VE1. S Millulle, Mny 3. GEO HOE II. llfUJEHTS. imi'oi:ti:r ami uc.vt.cr. ix OUTLEHY, GUNS, &6. Xos. 2:15 nml 237 Vorlli Third Street, PflElffiADELE'lssaA. icv' ( ji finny t 'pHlirroprl torof thu well-known nnd centrally loca toil House, ilia LxutAMiK Ilorti., sltuatu on .Mai- I Street, in Itloomisbunr. Imme.liatelv vhiohUl the Cnlum I bit County Court House, respectfully informs lus frieiitls and the public in general, that Iiih House is now iu or der for tha rt cipliuii tuuieuterlainmeut of travelers whu may feel dispone. I to f.ivorit w ith their custom. He has eparcd do expen-m tu preparlui; the Iln iianoi:, for tlie eutertaiumeiit of his gucetti, uiiiher shall there be anj tiling wan 1 1 up (on his part) to minit-tc r to their nerfioii.il comfort. Ill house is smicious und eulus an excellent buMiu-ss location, umniouieg run nt nil tunes bttwecn the Etchanee Hotel and thu nr1011s Kail Road Depots, by which trav elers will be pli-mantly cmHeyed to and from the re spective fetation,) in due time tu mcit tho Cnri. WM. 11 LOOXS. Uloomsburg, July 7, l:CO DR.. SILK WORTH, TUP, .VVAI.YTIC.VL 1'IIVrJICIAN' AN I) SUUf.EON It? daily astoiiisliiiij his patients liy tlie cure of lone Man, ling dlica.i-i. Ills IIIIMUDIIIS .Mil; l'um;i.Y Vr.lMH'.VIIl,!:. Ilo will lin iii tins place the same ilay. of each month as stated bolow, when ha ran br- ronut-t'-il for all diseases llesh is heir to. CJ7"C'0XaUl.T.V TIOS fr.BC. .lorej shore, the 12 ami 13thr.f r-nch inontli. Whiles llol.l, Lock Haven, the Ulh anj 13th of each inontli, lllo nnsbnrir. ntth an.l l,t. DamilleSilanil 3J. .Vorlli umberl.111,1 It th. Milton, C, and 7. June C, lsol lm. f far (.man's Corner. JUST received a frcali lot of Xo. 1 ,t 2 .Maelircl aud for Kilv at IIART.MAXS. U COD S. II. Sugar for sale at 0. cents! Uf I-oMMl UAKTMANS.I GniKY ilrCS3 COOds for Salons low ns T I0cUPer J ard at IIABTMANA PLAOK Lace Shawls for sales IIART.MAXS. IT'XTRA Syrup constantly on hand and ii for rJ.ilo ol5ll cts. per call, hy HAllT.I! AN3 pALICOES it Muslins for salo as low J as 3 cts. per yard at HAUTMAXS PATTEN I' Churns just received a new lot nnd for Sale at I1ARTMANS. I pEMENT by tho Barrel or I!ultel all- i y waj s ns hanJ ut . iAUT.MAN'.-. Ill.inniii.hilrs, June 1, 1SC1. I'lusii.nt th et mtoTiiKus. wnor.us ALU TOBACCO D E A L E 11 S HlO.103,.VOl!.TII Til I It I) STIIKET rive dourshelow Kari-.t Tllll.AIJKI.nilA. January 111,1833., TIIK WINE STOKE, OF 311 WALNUT STUKI1T, (nciow rourl i rit..i lilt i-.iri;i.i ii t., i-a. August 4, 1 J3m. IRON RAILING f ) II M C N T A Lllt O T WOHK3, Xo. 222 ralloivhill St., bclou' Third, PHILADELPHIA. Iron Hnilin; for l'arks, CVmi.iurics, Wrani'as, ttcps, ice. i .March 10. lftu-21m. i iEUONS about to comincuco IIoue Kt'1-pin.T will do well to call aud einmine tho stock of Now Dishes &.c. at IIAKTMA3. IXTHA Syrup SOW at SOctS, per Gal - J lanat MRTlArt ..d ! UiMlJiU SXATi'.S llUliSJj, AMI GENERAL STAGE OFFICE. T.1M.1QV.1 TKA'.V. WEI.DY & LEVITT, rcni'SIETPRS. E3-rassriucr in Ihe Thiladelphia .Mail 'I rain going Souwi.and Ci in i rn .Mail Train einui( Norlh, J)tA'K at the United Mates Hotel Tamanua Pa, March 2, lHullSm (Murcn 13.5 9 ) OOO (M)0 15miain Ilrick, of cscel- aWjWV l(,llt .juauty, for pui Iit tlie old rdoomrburc Brick Yard. I'a r ties intending in build will do wilt t" call and examine tho material and get hargalus. Apply to HEVRVtf. AUTHUIl. Iilooinfchurir, March 9. IcOl - Jiu. UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS. THU subscriber, manufacturer of Cm u Ret-las acl'iRi. soLs.inviteathe utteutiou of merchants to his tutors ed ttoraaud superior stock. jor.Pii FUPpKr.r.: Not. 3, k 4, Noitli 4Uidl. I'lULAUULL'HIA, March?, letCl-3ui. M'.W llliACKSiMll'll SHO.u. Strm a few doors abuve the Fork'a Hottl, ui Uloomi- htuj, where he uraigns rruniiuung inn 8M 1 1 11INU BUSINESS, - In all Us various, branches, at low prices, and on an tn tarcea scaie. ana soiirttsm. ruD ienaironace. u-rfroiuce, Gnin, sic, lanenllr tk-n for work MILCH C ADEOrr Koomiburg May3, liS7. Bloomsburg Head Quarters .llcKKLVV, XVAL.& ro. riELU with av iucnUAsni in Tiir. irJcniiAsr.D Biiri'LY WU would announce lo tlio pntille and our friends . Hint wo havojii.t returned from tho City Hltlia very larffo assortmi nt of njjv oiikap goods, Our stock of DRY GOODS comprises tho largest, cheap, rut, and handsomest now oflWcd in this town! Wo arc determined to compete with thu and nil thoic wlsl.iug to buy cheap, can save money by git liift us a call. We h.ive nil kinds of tioods and Wares u supply tlio wants or tlio people. A large lot ol Ladies' Dress OP EVKRY DKSORIPION. I WIUTR GOOD OF ALL KINDS, I o... Coll ,. FPfccr.. I.amlkerCUf.. rioclnt.'. Din ils and '1 rimming, l.orei and Kdeiug, lionuei uibbous in large variety. u vet Kibbons and braids, Kid, Cotten &. hltle Thread (Hovea Mohair MUs, &c. ALL KINDOF'SUAWr, IMIOAOIIES, lllack Silk, Ciuhincre, Krnbroidcrcd, Sella, fee. Also a larjre assortment of Cloths, Casslmers, Satinets, Vestlngs, Tweeds, Jeans, (leaver Cloths, Coatinff. Velvet i.c ROOTS & SHOES 01-' ALL KINDS ";'""',n n'l1 '?,M,;V large nssortinent of Hats and Caps, vlh Wc have a of latest fash. ions We hive also. Hardware, Queens- war?, Cedamarc, Sic. Very Cheap Carpet, Cnrnet Hags, Floor, inoic nun t.nrriaco un Cloths, Mats, ltugs, MUSLINS, FLANNELS, TICKINGS, W.roS. Urmiw Ac. li i abundance. AIo, lia'Kriff, acc. a large assortment of Irou. NaiU Cheese in rpo quantity or fnrt, &c. Wo Invite our frit ml and the public generally, to plvo us n call before pitrciminj r Iscwhere, Wo have bought our poods at tho Lowest Cash Trices, and will not bi undersold hy nujbody, or the ret-tof mankind. McKCr.VV.NUAL&CO. Pioomsburc November 10. lifLO. GREAT AUHIVAL NEW GOODS, AT Tim Light Street Store. Crcav, Brother fyallhaiuls nn active duty WE Would inform our Iricnds nnd customers, tlut wo havo Just received an un Hsunlty llrcc asaortlucnt or 'lwSl-ltlJSG Jltfl) SUMFMR GOODS, I Which wc otTer at lower rates, for ready pay, than any ever before opened here and will be uol'd "cheaper than G.0f Up cheapct." 1.0O We shall not attempt to enumerate the various articles I thtynrc Immense nnd their namois legion as our spa 3,00 clous titore Iloijiiis. InttudlnJ! the LYILir nnd flarnt. lire tilled tn overflow lug. Thcrenrc tn be found the finest C.I.. .k. i., .1... . . ..... i , t y dies wear in great anetlcs, at 23 nj r cent, lower Than ever beforn oilered. CLOTHS, MUSLIXS. CltOCnUIES, HATS. CAl'S, Boots, Shoes, etc,. at the same rate. In short, almost everything in tho incrtitiiinu iniu iruiu .1 iieeuic 10 an alienor, HT" Our friends will do well to call before they make thuirselections. H. V. CRl'.ASV. Sc CO. Lights treet.May 1.1&61. Look to your Interests! FRF.SII ARRIVAL OF SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS, MILLER & EYER'S. THU sulnfribcn hive Jiut returned from the City With another large and select assort met of li-iEi nnd maimer oocJh, nurclrised at I'hil.iih-liihla. at the low enl fimirp. mill whi h they aro ditcrmiiiLd to net) un an moderate terms as tan be procured cUowhcro in floomsburg. Their stock romnri-es I L.tUJHV (K.S-S GOODS, of choicest sOlcs and late.l fashion. viiy auuns, .ixi) aiMci.iiiKs, jiiiidh'.ihk iuy.r.xn:iiiK, cr.D.nt iv.mc nui.i.on- ivark tnox, xaiia, uuurn i. ajo. MATS j- MVS, &r , Sfc, oje.7 111 short even tliinausiuilly kept in country titored lo will, Ii tliey iiiiitc tlie public eenerally. The lliglic.t priie paid for country produce. MILLUll it EYKR. Uloomsburg, May 11, 1?G1. j NEW BUSINESS FIRM. "IMir. un,lerijned respectlully inform their friends v. uhu ine puiiiic Reneraiiy, mal tney nate entered In I tn ro irtm-rshin. under thu name, stile and Arm of , .mii.i.i:r & i.Yr.uin the I Mercantile IScisiucss, I III the "Old Arcade," in Illnoinsbilrp, Columbia Co., where thev intend rarr line on tl Im.iiir... nr Ri, .MtnciusDiziNO, in nil Its diversified brunches and nenartments. andto which they iiuite au eiunslou of the public patronage. b. ii Mii,i,i:n, rncuit c. uvuit. Ii!oora:burs. Slay II, lCI.-tf. MAiJaSMitf HEOUSSJ (OP JKRBUVTOW.V.. I rT"c "'eribcr would respcclfull) apprlio his friends X a'""" VKM" I!0"3"1" '"" " Unopened A MEW HOTEL lndr thenhovu nam.1, in Jfrsej town, Columbia coun ty, rn., wheru lie U fully prepared to entertain tho trntclinj,' LOmmunity togeneral satisfaction. His TA IIIjI: find ItAR.nrc well supplit'd and will be cireftilly superintended. And his 6FAHLK U ample and well stocked, iu thargu of careful jroums, uiU alwn)shj properly attuihled. H-lIo invites .i tha re of tho puLIic cut-torn, and pledges hid bebtetrurts, to help his guetts feel at hunie, d A. MULL iUMUV. Jeraetown, May II, 1SG1 3m. NOTICE. rpilll ritir.'n of the ditr-rent counties and towns JL tliroulioui the Mate lire iniiti-d to eonip.-tltiun for the plnre at Hhich tho n,-t ANNL'AI. fTAI II l'Alli tl'all lie held. 1'reposa's coiituiniug iniiucenn-iits and adl-llita;"a directed to tlie iitulerslned Coiuiniltce. a n)f r.ti-d hy tho lixccmive Cuiiinultee, mil be rercived ill to and incluiiun; .liny It 1st next. Communications bhould be addressed touther of tlio follutwnc ticrsons: WM. COI.lll.lt. Ja . Jims' i: uuTiiuuroBU, JACOII MIKII, JOHN II. ZlLlil.r.Il, llarruburg, Ta. AMOS II. ICAI'l', Aortiiuiimettaiid, r.i,, Committee. Alll 30, ; t'allawissa itail Koad. PASS UUTEllT HTATION, BOUTIIWAIIU HOUND TRAINS, riilladclplna 4c N. V. Mail 11.(14 A. M. " Kjpress 111.53 A. N " " I'rilElit H30 A. HI NOOT'IIWAKD UUUND TRAINS. Klmira Mail 351 r. ji Matfra Kxprcss 111.10 1'. M I'rciglit 10.4'J A. M II. ,1. GOODWIN, Suii't May 4. NEW JEWELRY STORK. ryim undersicned, reitpectfully Informs the ntucna of Uloom.burif. and thu miMic trenerillv. that hu hn . ' Mrs. Leacock'n Uuildiiig, whero ho cirers for sal"! on I moderalo terms, a largtliisorlmcnt of CLOUKS, WATCHES J-JEWELRY, Of every sort, and etzo and description. His 'A stoik or jewelry Is rompiete, including every Chiins. I.wkcts, lireutlnins. Fincer-rincs. ttc..tfluia to the examination of which ho inviteslhs public gener ally. LyPtrict attpntion civonto repainhg Clocks, Watch es, and Jewelry, and all work warranted. WM. D, DRAKE. Hlooimburs, May -t, lcCl if. A, r. CUKSEBaotlOlt. JN'O. ALtKN. A. V. CIIESEBROUGH & CO., ORK PA ttKSZCd, COMMISSION MFMCHMTi .5- ir0KS.JiE ULJIUHS IN Fish, Cliecsf, a lid Provisions, 10 North Wharves, nbove Market St, Tacking and Curing House, tlth and Heed Pts , l'lllUDUU'llIA. August 4, ltCO-ISin.' IMPROVE YOUR STOCK. rpnr. Morgan ISamusori Horse, VOUNfi WASIIIN'O. TON. will be stationed the nresent season in this seiiiou, mi can pa seen ai Jifmie v siiqib, jersey town; nt ftheen's stable, WattungtutuUle , at Wugon sudor's, l.f wisburif. and at Wolf's ftaLla, Pew art's fcta lion, Northumberland county, during tbo season. bv ivte r Hnyder, IJsn u nam, nign, ana wcils j,iini pnunus. tie is con. siai-r- d tin li-rg hr- ie tlin b st blond, and finest bleed ever introduced Into Ihe county of Columbia. Fr particulars see large bills, pi C. W SNYDER, PropmtT. I) ICE sold at 0i coutJ at i) HARTMAN3. FRESH A liiil VAL -OF 7 1113 i undcrslgnod, jraleful for past pntronae. respect fully informs lilscimutners and thsnubllccenerally. Hint he has Just received from the Easicrno cities, the largest and most select stuck of SPRING AND SUM3JKU jrfti'sreyvwwisy at. in - av - 50); ot 1 1 Tint ha y.t been opfno l In Ttloomaburff, t which ht I unviien tne mieuiioii or nu rrletnls, and assures thsm hOfl(lSii,ll,,ilM'f I'ffjreJ for sale at great bargains. His ui:.nti,e.mi:n8 wkaiiino avfamil, Conji-tmn "I Fiiin.t nat.sCows, of every de.. 'Mfi&XlZJA f&'.V.ll Sl""- t'0Un GOLD WATCHES JEWELRY, 0tJ "J'!' "1crlrtlon, fine and clieap. call anj sec. No cnatg4 for cxamln? tiood.. , , DAVID AOWT.NBEItO Illoorasburf, Marcll 5, J,C1. (JuclMB.) rpo CONSUMPTIVES. Tho subscriber w(tl cheerfully send ffrco nfrhareo) tf Oil who den'o it, the copy i f a Himple IIccii-r by which) ho was cured of that dirk disease Consumption, fluflercrs with CoNsuMrTiot, Asiha, Hkonchitis, or any lunir atrction. ha slncerelv henes will irv thi. R. ripe, nellsatiitled tfthey do sothcy will be morn than muiiini wiiiiuiq re n tm. j nauKnn i or niown roinp'cta restoration, he ) anxious M place in the handii of every suflerer the mns cf curs. Those wlhlnjr tha recipe w ith full dlrcLtioQs, &c, will please call on nr address, Hcv. WM, H. AIJ.KV. No. CO Johubtreet, New York. Juncl, NEW STORE. irilOLLSALK XW) ttr.T.IlL MM SAP The nnderslfnod lesrfclfully Informs th- elllzns of r.looiiiabiirn. and the public in guieral, that he lias purl chased the XKII' IU I' HVIIU, In tho white frame stars hoii.e, on .Main Street, lieurly oppo.ita tho Klrhangn suildints, whero he lias Just rciclveif a splendid as rottiucut of CITY II ATS AND CArS, Direct from the MauufacturicK.of nil kinds, ntvle. n.t. and sizes, latest fashions, which he offers wholedala and L-?Thcs Hoods w ill be sold at very low-prices tor Ready 1'ay. t JOHN K CIUTOX. Bloomsnurg, October 27, 16C0. gEREuNO II O T E L. Tlinundirsurned,, repprctfully Informs hit friends and the public penerally, that lie has opened a liouso for the entertainment of customers and travelers, at t!CRll M),ln Grecnwoo.1 township, CclnmMt County, taboo t Uo miles west of.Mitlville,) called the Sercno Hotel. JuSliiiL Where lie I. prepared to accommodate tho public, anil nil who may favor him with tluir cuslouMocencral sat isfaction His Tablo and liar, will bo well supplied mid careful ly conducted. aud his Hlat.linc I, ample awl well stocked. L-'lle will at all times be banpy wait upon his frienda and customers. JOHN I.r.GCOTT. Sercno, March 23. lfr.I, ryilE 150DUGCEE. This wonderful articlo. just patented, is omctiilnu entirely neic, and never before oilered to agents, who arc wanted everywhere, I'ull particulars sent frec ddrcss SHAW U CLARK, BidJcford, Maine, March 9, lElil-ly. GIBSONS k im mi m as Tf, 'sSjiSkm'Si DECOR.VTIVI-: HSTADUSHMr.NT, No. 125, South Eleventh Street near Walnut, Enameled Glass, Fresco, Oil and Encaustic Falntinf John Gib'sot. g, H.GtnsoM. January 12, 19tl 3m.. pltlMG HIXLKANUD CLOVrUt SCUII. tree X Iroui noxious weeds, also, 1 imoth). Orcli-&TM ard. Herd Grass. Iialmn and Hnfillh perennial ffSS&fc Iky tJrsS, Ketituiky Ulue Grass. White Clover .fi fine inliied Lawn Cms seed &e.. al wholesale nnd retail. rAt-CH ALL M0UKI8, Implcmfrit and Seed Warehouse, 11 0 Mar Ptreets, Phl!adlptiia. March 12 .1801 -12li. ATTORNEY AT LAW, B LOOM SU VUG. PA. Office in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charles R. Hue ha tew. niooinsburff, Dee. L Jtfj'i. STOVE AND T1X-WAHE SHOP. rf,Iir. undersigned would inform tho citizens of fajgf I IHonmMuirB nnd h-mity, that holuijustre tsnl cited nnd offers for nle one of the niosteiteiuiva TiiL assortments of COOKlNfi and FAN'i V STOVKH tver introdueed into this market. The Chrictopher Ca urnbn. James Iiot-hnnd Clobe are among Ihe tirst class cooking titovca.all of w hieh uro uir-tiglit nnd ga burnc r His Parlor -tors ro handnome and the iisortment a nod. A LO -Tart icul.tr attention is paid to Tin-Ware and House Hpoutinjr, upon short notice All kinds of repairing will lin done with neatness and ile patch. C7 Country produce taken in cithnnpo for w ork. l'HILir S. MOVER. Boomsburg, Oct. 3, iH'd z3i Ii K 31 0 V A L . JftSSgks. C, C. SADLDlt & Co., Commission Merchants and dealers in Fish, Cheese and I'lovisionv.' Vo. 103 Arch street, and door abovo Front, I'hiladel P'1''- n6U,5Slr CIGARS & TOBACCO. A large assortment of clioico t'isnrs, Tobacco, Pipe,, Fruits, Cnnfertionery and Ninons generally.togeth i r nitha full stuik of HATS and UAI'S. constantly un haml and for sale cheap, at tlie "Uloomsburg Hat Ai Can l.iiiporiU!!." JOHN K. GIRTO.V. oomsbur;. March in, lSfl. JISOOT AXa SUOm.UAKlACr pill. undersicned, hain opened n new liflOT ASD X Hfi; SHOP, on Uaiustruei, iu Hopkmiville, East l.luouihburg, retpcitfuUy imites the tutom of th. citi zens and the public generally. All kinds nf Moots, Shoes, fcc , will he promptly made to irdrr, ra ihort nonce and tnouerate terms. Trom lone apcrlenre in, his line of Inif lucss ho tlaitiTH bimatr Him hnuiiu. able to irivogpneral satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. CT Grain, Provision and Produce gencra'Iy taken In exchange tor work. U. F. UUOOlvf rdoomshurg, July 11, 1?Gl-nm. ADMLaSTUATOirS NOTICE. Eitate of Jacob Gearhartj deceased, TVTOTlCi: la herohy given that letter of adminl.tra ll tion un thu estate, of Jarnh fit.jtihnrt Imn.r t-i township, Columbia county, Ut ceased, hao been grant edhy the HciriRtrr of said county to the under icned.u ho resides int'attawlssa township Columbia co. All persons haainc claims or demands against tho eftote of the de- ciucin me 1 1-qucien 10 ii rvscill ineililor seitlniiciit. nA vssu iuutgti ma no jiaiiiviii ient without delav. fllay"4, 13f.I. Cl. juun rut tit Adm'r, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate cf Andreio Dildine, dee'd. ICTTEllS trttamentary on Ihe ritlaloor Andrew Dil Jdinc, hta of Mount rieasont Innnthln. r-r,ln.hl. county, dcciased, have been granted by the Register of luiuiuma county to tuo utieeraigned. residing in tho tnunsliip if Orange.and county aluresaid. All persons haling ilaiuia againstthe estate tf tlin dreedent are ri q ictud to present them for settlcnici.t and those in dutled to make payment iinmediatily t.) June 59, 13CI. et. i:rcn(. New Wagon Shop. Willow GroiCj South Uloomsburg. nIIE undersigned respectful- J 1) Inform their friends, and the public generally, that they luie taken tho stand lately occupied by Mr- Wclvh, iu, Willow Grove, Voiith l-lonniKburg. bUow tho Rmlrood whirs they will cniitiiiuethn WAG 0 NOIAK LVG BUSINESS, In all its vanoui departments, in good stle aud on moderate te,rnii Also-Ilepairing Wagons, ruggi.s, carriages, Sulkies, &e . done to order and on short tune, try- rroduce taken for work, n.wm nrtoiiST, WM. UOW.MAN. Moomibnrg, April 3, KS0. riour iiuil l'ciil Dclivccd! CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST' 'pllli ur.dfi-slnd baa rndu nmnirmfiiti thai wil X eiiat! hint to d liver Flour and r'eu, 1011 CASH about ten per cent cheaper than any body else ia town 1H unces are asfollous Flour, 7 23 1 Corn Si Uyt Chop, vera x- uais iiopt winn, I respectfully .olirtt t share of tn. vublie p.trontr. K AUDI An Bloombur;. June "3, UN-lf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers