Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 27, 1861, Image 2

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    tthunliia Knnnrratl
. 1
18 04.
Democratic .County Convention.
NOTICE It hereby given, that the Democratic Elector!
In nnd for the several Boroughs and Election Die
irieti of Columbia County, will meet it the rcinectlva
places oi nnjnmgsnsu L.iccuons,
oa" Saturday, the 241 day op august,
Between the noun of 3 anil 7 o'clock. P. M.. of said day.
for the purpose of choosing two Delegates from each
Election Diitrlet. to merlin COUNTY CONVENTION,
aims uoun House, in inuomsourg
At one o'clock P. M of sold day, for the purposo of
mailing mo usual iiemocrHiicnnniinaiions, 10 do supper
ted by the Elector! of Columbia County al tho ensuing
uenerai ejection, ana lor me transaction 01 oiner dusi
nest pertaining to Ibe Interests of the Democratic party.
JACOB HARRIS. Ctefi-r-o.
Richako Stiles, ) Peter O. Campbell.
M. C. Woodward, ) William Fritz,
Saxcil Creait, I SamcilK ILCnutR,
William T, fhum ah.
Demfcratie Standing CommittM.
Wa need money badly, and It will be a very great rc
lief tout If our friends arid patrons will furnish us with
a little of tho "needful" without delay. If they cannot
fay all, let tbem at least give us a part of that to which
ivs are justly entitled. In order to relieve us from our
embarrassments. We think we hare been very indul.
gent, and therefore hope to meet with a ready response
to what we conceive to be a reasonable request Wc shall
beprcparedtorecchoourfricnds at the office, and fur
nlilt them promptly with receipts forwhatcver amounts
they may desire, persons at a distance, and those re
siding out of the county, can remit by mall at our risk.
Come, friends, give us a lift without longer delay, as
we must have money to keep the old Columoia Democrat
In motion.
Tall Rye. Mr. Reubes T. Foulk,
of Hemlock township, this county, exhib
ited at our office last week, several stalks
of Rye, tho length of which measured
eight feet and eight inches. Mr. Foulk
is a sample Farmer and an honor to Hem
lock township. If any of our other Far
mers cau beat this Rye, let them trot it
Tnu Ladies of this place have formed
ti committe for tho purposo of preparing
lint, bandages, &o., for tho necessities and
comfort of soldiers, in tho event of their
being wounded, They request donations
of unbleached muslin, ono yard in width,
or the means to purchase tho same. The
donations to be left at tho stores of A. J.
Sloan, E.- Mendenhall or at McKelvy's.
We hopo thcro will bo an early and gen
erous response to this invitation. The
ladies hero will prepare and forward all
material of the kind at once.
Thb Chops. Our exchanges through
out tho Stato give tho most flattering ac
counts of tho crops. All through Perm
sylvania tho wheat crop is more than an
average ono, and has been harvested in
good condition. The hay, although not
heavy, is of an unusually good quality.
The corn and potatoes arc somewhat back
ward, but they look well, and tho recent
general showers will issuo a good product.
With the exception of fruits, thcro will be
in Pennsylvania more than an average
crop this year.
Oration by Hon. M. E. Jackson
The citizens of Berwick and vicinity
held a "Union Celebration" on the Fourth
of July, in the Grove, near Evansvillo.
Wo learn by tho ''Berwick Gazttte," that
it was a magnificent Celebration, and that
all things were transacted in decency and
good order, and to general satisfaction.
Hon. M. E. Jackson, was tho principal
Orator of the Bay, and those who had the
plasuro of hearing his Address, inform
us that it was a well-adjusted, tastefully
arranged and thoughtfully worded histor
ical and national production delivered in
plain diction and comprehensive language
and merited as it received tho universal
approbation of his intelligent audience.
Wo observe that our friend Col. Tato of
the Columbia Democrat, is a candidate for
the Legislature. Wo h avo a warm feeling
for tho Col. and under ordinary circum
stances would rejoice in his success. We
also have a high opinion of, and an earn
est desire for the honor of tho profession
and would regret to sec him defeated by
an "outsider" not in the profession editor
ial. To avoid this contingency j wo have
determined to run against tho Col. oursclf,
- so that, in the success of either, the honor
and the dignity of tho press, will bo main
tained. We intend to run, ''on our own
hook." Our platform is the "Union, tho
Constitution and tho enforcement of tho
laws," To this wo add, "no compromiso
with traitors" And that tho nublio mav
know our sentiments and judge our relative
, ww uurvuy uuuuuugu mu uui. iu
... 1 1 -l.-ll - 1L. fll 1
meet us on every stump, in every green
valley and on every high hill, within tho
district, to discuss tho issues involved, bo
fore tho sovereign people. What says tho
jolonel.Jioniour American,
We say yes, Dr. Broicer , and will bo on
-"sham! like a "thousand of brick." Now
Ictus sew. you "faco tho music." And by
way cf opeVinp tho campaign, wo propose
to meet on Thursday next, tho first day of
August, at OkTclock, P. M., on ''Quick's
Summit," in Montour township, Columbia
county, overlooking Rupert Station and
tho balance bf tho country, wheu and
whero we cordially invito, iho "whole
world, and ho rest of mankind."
N, B. And further, Br. Brouer, w are
perfectly willing that you take Dr, John,
of tho Republican along to Jtold your hat I
on ths occasion. 1
Wood (N. Y.) offered a resolution,
that tills Congress recommontl to the Gov
ernments of tho several States to convene
their Legislatures for tho purpose of call
ing an election of two delegates from each
congrcsiional district, to meet in General
Convention, at Louisville, on tho first
Monday in September next, tho purposo of
said Convention being to doviso measures
for the restoration of pcaco to our country ;
but objection was mado from tho Republi
can Bido, and Mr. Washburno (111,) moved
to lay it on tho tablo, which was agreed
to, Yeas 02, nays 51.
Tho following aro tho yeas and nays
on tho abovo resolution. The yeas being
thoso in favor of laying it on tho tablo,
and of courso opposed to its adoption.
The nays being in favor of a National
Convention :
Yeas Messrs. Aldrich. Allev. Annie -
ton, Arnold, Ashloy, Babbitt, Baker, Rax-
tor, iiefiraan, Ringuam, Blair (Mo.) Blair
(Penn'oO M"ko, Buffiington, Chambcrlin,
vis, Dawes, Delano, Diven, Ducll, Dunn,
Edgorton, Edwards, Eliot, Elv. Fcnton.
Fcssenden, Franchot, Gooch, Goodwin,
urangor,uuncy,mii, itanclictt, llarn-
Lansing, Loomis, Lovcjoy, McKean. Mo-
Knight, McPhcrson, Mitchell, Moorchcad,
Morrill (Vt.,) Nixon, Olin, Patton, Piko,
Porter Potter, Rico (Mo.,) Riddle, Rol-
Stevens, Stratton, Thomas fMass..1 Trow-.
bridco. Upton, Vandcvor. Van Horn. Van
Valkenburgh, Van AVyck, Vcrrcc, Wall,
Wallace, Walton Mo., Walton Vt.,
Washburno, Wheeler, White Ind.,V.u-
Nays Mcs-i's. Allen, Ancona, Bailey
Pa., Browne, Burnett, Calvert, Cobb,
f1nnnr flnrninr. f!n n.irn H .-I i l ,1
Dclaplamc, JJun lap, English, L ishcr,jjouko,
Gridcr, Ilaicht, Harding, Holman. Jack
son, Jrbnson, Law, Lazcar, Logan, Mc
Clcrnand, Mallory, Morris, Noble, Nscd,
Norton. Nugent, Odell, Pendleton, Reid,.ln8 P"uean pauy-tuo uiwo Dy wiucu
Richardson, Robisou, Rollins Mo., Smith, they swear. The other day we chanced
Steelo (N. Y.,) Steele N. J.,1 Vallandia- bv accident to observe a remark in its ed-
K??!'ii!)?rd,'X?rHci'?,ds?0Vard'l'oal columns which looks to us consid
White Ohio, Wickhffe, Wood, Woodruff. . My mor(j tbau coniilmlCi
Where was WRIGHT I
Tho Democratic Crood.
Tho following principles, laid down by
Mr. Jefferson in his Inaugural Address,
now moro than sixty years ago, havo al
ways been, and aro still, tho doctrines hold
by the Democratic parly. We don't know
whether wc shall bo charged with treason
aud threatened with "halter" and "gibbet"
for publishing the creed, but shall run the
risk of that anyhow. So hero goes at a
Equal and exact justice to all men,
of whatever stato or persuasion, religious
or political ;
Tho support of tho Stato governments
in all their rights as tho surest bulwarks
against an ti-republican tendencies;
A mild and safe corrective of abuses
which are lopped by tho sword of revolu
tion, whero peaceful, remedies aro unprovi
ded ;
A generous spirit of concession aud com
promiso, tho vital principlo of Republics,
without which there must bo an appeal to
force, tho vital principlo and immediate
parent ot Despotism j
Tho supremaoy of tho civil over tho
millitary authority ;
Economy in tho publio expense, that la
bor may bo lightly burdened j
Freedom of religion, freedom of speech,
freedom of press, and froodom of tho per
son under tho protection of the habeas cor
pus, and trial by juries impartially selected.
If any havo wandered from theso princi
ples in moments of error or of alarm, let
them hasten whilst tho-forms of our beloved
Republic yet remain, to rctraco their steps
and to regain the road which alono leads1
to Peace, Liberty and Safety.
The President's Messaob. The
messago of Abraham Lincoln, wherein he
declares that it yet remains for the people
"to demonstrate to tho world that those
who can fairly carry an election can also
suppress a rebellion," is a deliberate, stud-
ied insult to tho Democracy of tho entire
North. Mr. Lincoln ought to know that
the men who carried the election last fall,
aud thereby inaugurated civil war, are not
uow in tho ranks of tho army which has
been called out to support tho Government.
He ought to know that a very large pro-
portion of that army aro men who voted
against him who detest his,and
who regard them asdaugcrous to the pcaco
of tho country, and inimical to American
freedom. They are thcro not to support a
Black Republican Administration, but to
maintain and uphold tho Government un
der which they livo.
Col .James Cameron. Tho reported
death of Col. Cameron, who gallantly fell
at tho head of his regiment on Sunday last,
will cause a deep feeling of regret to his
numerous friends irt tho country. Col. 0.
was of a warm hearted, generous disposi
tion : modest and unobtrusive in his man
ners, but firm and decided in all his under
takings, and tho 70th N. Y. regiment will
long havo cause to mourn tho loss of their
bravo commander.
Rev. Edw. Murray, Pustor of tho
Catholio Church of Bloomsburg, by Divino
permission, will preach here on tho Fourth
Sabbath of every month, at 10 o'clock,
Messrs. Tripp and Palmer. Nothing
linn lioon linfiril nf tiipftn n-pnlli-mnn ainrm
l,o!r oonlnrn. nrl mruMeral.ta nnrrnlv
felt about thew by their numerous friends.'
deranton RqniUtcan. i
The BlooinsburR Cornet Band.
The Pilot, published nt Grccncnstlo, this
State, says i Tho Mlooinsburg Brass Rand,
attached to tho Oth Rcgimont, of tho Penn
sylvania Rcscrvo, paid our town a visit on
last Thursday ovening. Tim Band has
sixteen pieces. It is under tho leadership
of John Hower. Though it is a short
tituo tinco the members of this Hani havo
been practicing together, tho musio was
well executed, much bettor than many
older Bands we havo heard.
Tho inspiring strains of "Hail Colum
bia," filled overy heart with joy, and tho
"Firm, united, let us bo,
Rallying round our country,"
was sensibly felt. With many other pa
triotic airs, and instrumental musio, an
tcur or lwo Passcd awa?' "flowing our
jpeopio sucu a treat, as tnoy seiuom enjoy.
1 Tho selection of pieces throughout, evinced
n an unmistakcablo manner, tho tasto of
tho performers.
it j3 by uloso Wll0 wro fortunate
fP"0 was ,u lLo tame ep'endid style.
i Wo know we speak the sentiments of tho
citizens, that wo apprcciata tho efforts of
this Baud, and our warmest wishes are
,of licr musicians.
In tho kindness of their hearts thoy for
cot not tho editor and his sub. Our better
half and ourself, return our heartiest thanks
for the delicious strains with which they
complimented us.
Liko their own music, may t?ieir lives
1 movo smoothlv alone, marred bv no dis
eordant sound, aud when their fiuale thall
m0)Ii)aytbey gcnty doM tbcir
auu luulr BPlrlla B01llJ """away, as sum
their own sweet strains upon tho car oi
Who are Secessionists ?
The Now York Tribune is tho organ of
,, , ,. ., .... , , ...
u is uy no means iiic spr.cihc duty nor
thesptaat xntccsts of Republicans to
maintain the Union."
And tho reason given for this frightful
specimen of indifferono in regard to the
integrity of tho nation by a journal that is
uany Dranuin? somebody or oilier as a
"traitor" who is more patriotic than it is
itself, is thus expressed :
" With the slave States in the Union,
the Democrats tcill probably rule three
terms out of lour; lot secession become a
fixcdfact, and therr chances of ascendancy
will be materially lessened l"
Wo do not accept tho doctrino of the
Tribune for those of the entire Republican
party,- but wo really believe that the ultra
and zealous wing of it, which is by far
the largest, accept such heresy, What a
shockingly selfish and narrow conception
of honest patriotism tho individual must
entertain whoso affection for his party sur
passes his love for his country 1
Libel Suit. Wo on Friday gave a
portion of tho testimony elicited in the case
of Henry Black against tho Doylestown
(Pa.) Intelligencer, tho charge being that
of libel against the editors, who had de
nounced the plaintiff as a secessionist, trai
tor, &c. Tho Jury, sitting in Philadel
phia, on Thursday last, brought in a ver
dict of guilty. A motion for a new trial
was made. .Taking this case a3 a prece
dent, thcro is a chance for any number of
libel suits on tho part of tho faithful and
good citizens who, becauso they could not
go in blindfold, without rcmonstrancc.into
ferocious war against their lato brethren,
under the name of "enforcing tho laws,"
havo been denounced by tho public press
as secessionists, traitors, &e. Now, as
treason is a capital crime, it stands to rea
son that to charge a man with it who i) not
guilty of it, merely from political animosi'
ty, or to damage him of his busiues by
creating a violent prejudice against him
throughout tho community, is a highly ao
tionablo offence, and if tho perpetrators aro
not taught this experience, it will be be
causo they aro treated much more forboar
ingly than they treat others.
JV. V. Journal ff commerce,
Ordep. in Town. Owing to the strin
gent regulations made by Col, Rickctts, of
tho 6th Regiment, guards aro placed in
town. No soldier is permitted to come
into the Borough without a written pass
from tho commanding officer. Any soldier
found intoxicated is forthwith scut to Camp,
accompanied by tho guard. It seems hard,
but such regulations aro necessary, to make
recruits acquainted with the restraint of
military life. It is all the better, too, for
tho men, who aro thus kept from indulging
too freely in alcoholic drink, at the several
places of "liquor refreshment" in this town.
Good ordor is now maintained at nearly
all bour3 of th day and night, Gicen
castle Pilot, July 23.
Col. Bowman and Sergeant Chase,
Theso gentleman havo been handsomely
treated until recently. They wero out on
parole, boarded at tho host hotel, and wero
courteously treated by all classes with
whom thoy camo in contact. But last
week they wcro thrown into confinement,
and will, it is naid bo kept thcro until it is
I seen what disposition is to bo mado of tho
WCrO Captured On tho Sayan
naL " V aro h&) ,DaTi3
roiauniu uy uaugiug mu wuiiruo wuu
mmmm news.
From the Papers ot Thunday,
Wo havo ngnln good news from Western
Virginia. On l'rlday night throo companies
of Col. Woodruff's second Kentucky regi
ment attacked 500 rebels, between Mad riv
er and Barbourvlllc, on the Kanawha river,
completely routing them and killing twelve
and wounding a number. The Kentuckian
bad but ono killed, tlcn. Cox's brigado was
moving rnptdly up tho Kanawha against
WIso's force.
McDowell's corps has marched toward
Fairfax Court llouro. It is nil immenso ar
my, mainly infuntry, 55,000 strong, with
several squadrons uf cavalry, eight teigo
guns, and four mounted battcrios.
Ocn. Johnson's rebel army 1ms retreated
to Winchester, pursued by Patterson's army.
The U. S. licet has blockaded Galveston,
and canturod livo rebel vossels.
At Millvilto, Mo., on the Hannibal and
St. Joseph railroad, 800 U. S. troops encoun
tered a body of rebels who had torn up tho
track, and a battlo ensued, in which 7 reb
els wcro killed, several men and thirty hor
ses captured, and 3 U. S. troops killed and
7 wounded.
Tho following despatch was received to
night at tli o headquarters of tho army.
Fairfax Court IloU6E, July 17. Col. E,
1). Townsend Wo have occupied Fairfax
Court House and driven tho enemy towards
Ccntrevillo and Manassas Junction. We
have an officer and tlirco men slightly
wounded. Tho enemy's tlight was bo precip
itate that ho left in our hands n quantity of
flour, fresh beef, entrenching tools', hospital
furnituro and baggage.
I endo ivorod to pursue them beyond Con
tervillo but the men were too much exhaust
ed to do so. Most respectfully yours,
Irwin McDowell,
Brigadier General.
UMN. Bunker Hill, July 17. Much tu tho
surprise of the wholo "army, instead of pro
ceeding direct to Winchester, wo took up
tho lino of march this morning from Bun
ker Hill townrds Charlcstown, and now
havo full possojsion of that noted town.
Tho reaon lor this move is that Winchester
is defended on the north iido by strong
breastworks in thd form of a letter V., leav
ing the town at the southern base of tho
atiglo. It cannot ho attacked on that side
wilhunt Fxpoing the troops to n destructive
cross-fire. The west sido is defended by a
pallisado, but tliu east siilo is ia only cover
ed ty it rail. On this side there is also an
eminence which commands tho town, This
cmiuenco has been loft unoccupied, ncd it is
thought to be the design of Gen. Puttcrson
to secure it as a baso of his operations.
From tho Papers of Friday.
i:iijhtj llcbcls Killcd-Tico Hundecd Wounded
JcrrnnsoN Citv, July 18. The mail car
rier brings news of a fight three miles this
side of Fulton, Calloway county, between
Col. McNeil, with about 000 men, and Gen.
Harris, with a force estimated at about 1000.
Six of tho Federals and oighty of tho rebels
were killed, and two hundred bf tho latter
wero taken prisoners and their forcos com
pletely routed.
A later and moro roliablo account from
Fulton states that twolvo of McNeil's for
cos wcro wounded, including his rolorod
Uody servant. Mr. Nichols, of Fulton, is
known to havo been killed on' tho part of
tho rebels. Only tho odvanco guard of tho
Fedoruls wero in the engagement, and woro
fired on fiom an ambush. The rebels then
(led, and some of thorn wero seen afterwards
quietly at work in their fields as though
nothing had happened, Gon. Harris was
not in the fight, but was looking on at a safe
A still later and olacial dispatch from
Col, McNeil, states that ho had met Harris
and completely routed him. Our loss, he
says, is twelvo wounded. Harris' force is
considerably diminished.
Sr. Aubert, Mo July 18. Tho Rov.Mr.
Fisber, just arrived from Fnlton, Calloway
county, reports a skirmish between Col. Mc
Neil and a party of troops; yesterday,
in eight of Fulton, on tho Jetferson city
road, in which eleven of tho Federal troops
wero wounded, two supposed mortally. The
Stato troofis wore dispersod. Col. McNeil
is in Fultou awaiting reinforcements. Gen.
Harris was in Fulton yesterday, but not iu
tho engagement. His men wero unmanage
able, and left Fulton by every road leading
out of toivn. Only seventy of the Stato
troops wero mounted. Tho camp at Wand
springs is supposed to be broken up.
Col. McNeil's advanced guard was at first
attacked, and fell back on tho main body,
when the Stato troops soon retreated back
to Fulton in great aisorder.
The llehils Retreating from H'inchester Har
per's Ferry Occupied by United Slates
Ciiarlestown, Va., July 18, A, M. Gen.
Patterson this morning recolved information
that Gen, Johnston's forces had retreated
fivtf miles beyond Winchester.
Tho bridge at Harper's Ferry has boon
completed, thus ro-opening the communica
tion between the Maryland lii.o and A'irgin
ia shore nt this point. Harper's Ferry was
to-day occupied by tho Federal troops.
Anhalof Gen. McDoiecW: Advance Gurrd
at C'cnlrcvilte.
Washington, July 18. An officer from
the scat of war reached here to-night and
brings information that tho troops which
marched from Fairfax Court House appear
ed beforo Ceutrevitlo about 10 o'clock this
mooning. They halted within half a milo
of tho enemy's eutrenobmcnts and formed a
line of battle, expecting a conflict. The
scene is represented a? r,rand and imposing.
Instead of the smoko of battlo for which
they wero earnfstly looking, they suddenly
saw tho national Hag hoisted over tho town
and a solitary man running down to us an
nouncing that tho enemy had find. Soon
tho bands played the Star-spanglod Banner,
amid the cheering voices of the Federal
From tho Pipers of Saturday.
Our Loss Thhly Killed and Forty Wounded.
Ceniuevh.le, Va., July 18, Evening,
The Crst engagement of any character what
ever in eastorn Virginia, during this cam
paign, toook place at Bull's Run, four miles
south of Centreville, this afternoon.
General Taylor's division encamped last
night a few miles cast of Centreville, and
this morning proceeded towards that point,
Ccntrevillo was passcd in safety, and tho
troops turned from tho Little river turnpike
road to tho Manassas road. On the road in
formation was received that a masked bat
tery was planted on tho left of tho road
ahead, and Col, Richardson, in command of
tho Fourth brigado, was ordered to reeon
noitor, while the remainder of tho division
remained in tho village of Centreville. Col.
Richardson proceeded with three companies
of the Massachusetts First, being the JCel
sey company of Fusileers and the National
Thoy passed an open ravine, and again
entered tho road, which was densely sur
rounded by woods, whonthey wcro recoived
by a raking fire from tho left, killlug a num
ber of tho advance. Thoy gallantly sus
tained their position, and ooverod tho retreat
by a brass cannon of Sherman's battery,
tho hortes having been completely disaoled
by the firo, until rolleved by tho Michigan
. . 1,1,1 . I. . i I . n Til 1 I 1 1 ! n If .
Zd ami iov; lorn t-iu, wimu umj
Tho Fcderul lorcci thon took a position on
the ton of a hill. Two rifled cannon wero I
plantod iu front, supported by Captain
ilrackctt's company B of the 2d cavalry, ,
with a line of Infantry, composed of the i
Michigan 2d, and the Nowiork 12th, somo
distance in tho rear. A Btoady firo was kont
up on both Bidos in this positon. Iho reb
els had two batteries of olght pieces com
manding tha road, and about 4000 men,
while our lorco was iuuu msouuu mv "
guns. Bull's Run is beyond Oentrovllle,
and noar tho Junction, nnd the retreating
detachments from Fairfax Court Houso.Ccn
trcvillo, and other places, wcro therti gath
ered, and during tho action woro reinfored
from tho Junction, ino unius win
out any practical result, both barties main
taining their position.
The Pourth Massachusetts regiments has
returned to Boston from Fortress Monroe.
This is the first regiment of any of tho
threo months' volunteers to return homo.
On Thursday a brig and pitot-uoat woro
captured oft" Norman's Land, by n privatoer.
This is on tho New England ooast.
In wostorn Virginia tho Second Kentucky
regiment has dofcatod COO of Wise's men
at Uarboursvillo, and driven them away.
The rcs'ervo regiments in enmp at Easton,
Pa., are under orders to march.
At Bull's Run. Va.,on Thursday, tho ad
vanco guard of General Tyloy's divisibu en
countered a masked battery, and a protract
od fight ensuod, in which our regiments lost
about forty men, of whom threo wero killed
nnd twenty-nine wounded. Several of our
pieces of artillery wcro disabled.
From tho Papers of Tuesday.
A Great Fight at Manassas!
Washington, Jul 22. After tho latest
information was recoived from CentrcviUe,
at half past seven o'clock last night, a soriss
of ovents took ploco in an intense degrco
Many confused statements are provalent,
but enough is known to warrant tho state
ment that we have suffered in a degrco
which has cast a gloom over the remnant
of tho army, and excited tho deepest melan
choly throughout Washington. Tho car
nage has been tremendously heavy on both
We wero advancing and taking tho mask
ed batteries gradually but surely, and dri
ving the enemy towards Manassas Junction,
when tho enemy scemod to bo reinforced by
Gen Johnston, nnd immediately commenced
driving us back, when n panio among our
troops suddenly occurred, and a regular
stampede took place.
It is thocght that Gen. McDowell under
took to make n stand at or about Centreville,
but tho panic was so fearful that tho whole
army became demoralized, and it was im
possible to check them cither at Ccntrevillo
6r Fairfax Court Hiusc.
Geu. McDowell iotendod to retreat beyond
Fairfax Court House. Tho retreat was kept
up until tho men reached their regular on
canipmcnts, a portion of whom returned to
them, but a still larger portion coming in
sido the entrenchments.
A largo numbor of tho troops in their ro
treat fell on tho waysido from exhaustion,
and scattered along tho entire route, all tho
way from Fairfax Court Houso.
"iho road from Bull's Run to Centreville
was strewod with knapsacks, arms, etc.
Somo of tho troops deliberately threw
away their guns and nppurtcnanccs, tho
better to facilitate their travel.
Gen. McDowell was in the rear at the re
treat, oxorting himself to rally his tnoi,but
with only partial effect. Tho latter part of
tho army, it Is said, mado their retreat in
good order. Ho was completely exhausted,
having slept but little for throo nights. His
ordors on .the field did not at all times roach
those for whom they wero intended.
It is supposoi that tho forca sent ngainst
our troops consisted, according to a prison
er's statement, of about 00,000 men, inclu
ding a largo number of cavalry. He fur
ther says, that owing to tho reinforcemonts
from Richmond, Strawsburg', nnd other
points, tho cnomy's effective forco was 90,000
According to tho statement of tho Eiro
Zouaves they havo only about 200 men loft
from tho slaughter. Tho Sixty-ninth New
York, nnd other regiments, havo suffered
frightfully in killed and wounded.
Such of tho wohndol as wero brought to
tho Ccntrevillo Hospital woro left;thcro af
ter having their wouuds properly dressed.
Tho Surgeon in attendance thcro was
Frank II. Hamilton.
Tho panlo was so great that tho attempt
to rally thorn to a stand at Centrovillo was
entirely in vain.
If a firm stand had been mado there our
troops could havo been made reinforced and
much disaster prevented.
General McDowell was thus foiled in his
well arranged plans.
It is supposed that all the provision trains
belonging to the U. S. govcrnmeut wero
Some regiment wagons wcro overturned
by accident, or the wheels came off, and
therefore had to be abandoned.
Largo droves of cattlo wero saved by bo
ing driven in the advance of tho retreat.
Washington, July 22, It is estimated
that only 20.000 of our troops in all wero
engaged, nnd not moro than 15,000 at any
ono time.
All communication with Alexandria
has been stopped, to prevent tho soldiors
from crossing tiio Potomac.
Tho returned soldiers aro completely worn
nut. They complain of wout of food, hav
ing had nothing to cat after breakfast yos
terday, nnd that thoy woro kept in tho fight
during tho cntiro engagement, while tho
rebel strength was constantly supplied with
fresh troops.
Tho whole battle on tho centre column
was within n radius of a mile.
Itisbeleived that tho rebels abandaned
some of their battories for tho purposo of do
cnying the attacking forco to advanco to a
position whero a double firo could bo direct
ed at them aud sweep thoir lines. ,
Tho following particulars havo been re
ceived fiom a gentleman who accompanied
tho Eighth New York rcgimont : Tho men
reached tho field after a fatigueing march of
nino hours, and immediately attacked the
enemy. The rebel batteries were concealed
as well as their infantry, while our men
movod steadily forward without being ablo
to direct their tire with as telling a result as
if thoy had been ii tho open field. None of
tho field or staff officers of the Eighth regi
ment wero injured.
Lieutenant M. II, Wall, of company B,
roocivod a slight wound from an oxplodod
shell. Captain Griffin of company E, is sup
posed to be a prisoner. Surgeon Simpty,
Assistant Surgeon G.Winslow and Assistant
Surgeon O. S. Degrnus, of tho 8th N. York
nobly surrendered themsofvos soonor than
leave thoir woundod comrades.
In tho grand retreat many of tho Gair
baldiaHS acted liko savages firing in every
direction. On their run to Fairfax country
houses wcro invaded, and innocent persons
maltreated. They seem to havo been com
pletely crazed in their rage over the repulse.
Sherman's battery, or the groator part of
it, has returned to the city. Tha reason
why tho other batteries wore taken was be
cause the horses attached, as well as tho
reserve horses, wors shot down rendering
their removal impossible.
Varison's batteiy will be mustered out of
service at New York.where it will arrive to.
taorrow afternoon. The battery will bo re
ceived In Now York by tho homo Guard un-
dcr tho eoinmauuni uapv. u. a iii,i.
Washington, July 22. Tho Rhode Island
battery was taken by tho rebclsntthc bridge
across Bull's Run, whero their rotreat was
cut off, nil tho horses being killed.
It ts roportcd that tho rebel black horso
cavalry mnao an nnui; s i , r
retreatlng nrmy.whon tho latter turned and
fired killing all but six of tho pirty.
In Iho lato battle only about 20.000 of our
troops wcro engaged. Gen. McDowc. com
manded tho ccntre.Col. Hunter tho left and
Gen. Tyler the light. On tho rebol side tho
cetre was commanded by Davis himsclf.tho
left by Johnson nnd tho right by Beauro
card. who had his horse shot from under him.
GEN. McOLEIiuAaV TO taiyi. yuiu
Washington, July 22.-(lon. McClollan
has been summoned by thegovornmentfrom
western Virginia to Washington to tako
command of tho nrmy on tho Futoninc
Gen Rosencranz takes his placo in command
of tho nrmy of western Virginia.
The corps d'armeo at Washington is to bo
instantly reorganized and incrcasod,and tho
orders havo already been givon.
Offers of rogimonts already raisod nnd be
ing made, will ho ncceptcd with such rapidi
ty as to insuro that this will be accomplish
ed in a few days.
The Government entertains no fear for
tho safety of the capital. ...
Preperations, not only for defensivo, but
for tha renewal of offensivo operations, aro
going on vigorously.
Union Savois ;
Nathaniel P. Banks proclaimed from
rostrum, in a publio speech, only a few
years ago, his readiness to "let tho Union
slide." Ho is now ''saving thoUnion," a
Major General under Mr. Lincoln, in
Baltimore, bv holdinir tho noonlo of that
city in it at tho point of tho bayonet I
Anson Burlinqame saiu, about tiio
samo time, that unless wo could havo "an
anti-slavery Constitution, an anti-slavery
Iiiblo, and an auti-slavcry God," the
Union wasn't worth preserving. lie has
been appointed Minister to Austria by this
Union-saving Administration 1
Joshua I!. Giudinos was expelled from
the Houso of Representatives, several
years ago, for offering petitions not from
tho South, but from Ohio in favor of a
dissolution of tho Union, lie n ow holds
an honorable and lucrativo foreign office
by appointment from the present Union
loving Administration 1
Wo might enumerato many similar in
staneo3 of devotion to the Union on the
part of tho leading men of tho Republican
party, but tho abovo willjSufiico for tho
present, and should satisfy cveryboby of
tho sincerity with which this war for tho
Union is pressed. Lancaster Insclligcnctr.
True Bill for Triiason. Tho grand
Jury of Baltimoro county, on Wednesday
last, found atruobill ofendicttnent against
Richard Thomas, for piracy aud treason
This Thomas is an officer in tho Ooufcdcr
ate Navy.' Hois tho samo man, who,
disguised as a French lady, participated in
tho capturo of tho steamer St. Nicholas,
aud when tho United Str.tes officers appro
bended him, was found snugly Btowcd
away in a bureau drawer. Thrca of his
confederates, Tatum, Alexander and Hoi
Una, havo also been presented by the Grand
Jury for treason.'
ESrMr. John Murrymax, who was
arrested by General Cadwaldcr and ton
fined in Port McHcucry undor the charge
of treason, was handed over to tho civil
authorities on Saturday week, when ho was
released by the United States Court on
bail in the sum of 810,000 to answer tho
chargo in November next.
I JCSrTurrER says' tis tho horso andnot
the wagon that wearies. . But wo aro vory
I certain that wo havo seen a wagon tired.
655- William P. McCay has benn ap
pointed l'ost Master at Jerseytown.
jOfiiKUdfUes Department.
To the Elector! of Columlia County ;
Tho undersigned, after a faithful service or overmen
ty.five tears in tho ranks of the Democracy uf l.'nl'
umhin, respectfully announces to Ins friends aud ful
lnw.citlz?ni. that ho will bo a eanilirf.ite fnr ih l.rni.
lalure, at tho approaching Renernl election, subject to
Urn usages untie Columbia County Democratic Convcn--
Bloom nvp., July I3,ieu,
reTcn N111.MEYVR. of LUoomtburir. v.e are authorized
to announce, Mill bo a candidate for KIlKMrT, at the
approaching general election, subject tu the deciiioii of
the Columbia County Democratic Convention.
July 13, leul,
JOSUU II. Fl'KHIN. Of lllnom ntvt.l.!n
lied to announce, Mill bo a cuudidato tor SHERIFF, at
r!Ml'.1i'"'i'Cl'lin' "'."""I ''"'Ion, subject to the decision
uumii, I'UluuiliMlG 1-UUVCnilOU,
July 13, ism.
Atttic salicitatioH of many friends I would announco
i. i'f,V"irJ".,0.f..V,':1!!.ml'la.,'oul"-v' lnat 1 Mill be a candi.
date for A&SEMUl.v ntt m Mi.rn..riii... '
subject to tho decision of tho Columbia county Democratic
l'.l..:l. ..... A.,.
-........ u..-u,v 1'cniocrais, as you Havo given mca
guarnmco throo ears ago, through our regular County
Convention, and by adhcringtotho usages of the Demo,
craurparty all my life time, nnieli induces meoaain to
, i , " ,"!,ui"" lor ina umco OI WliDlliri'
this fall, subject to the decision of the Democratic Couu.
tv Convcntiou,
J. R. filtOUL.
Bloom township, July 00, 101.
James S. McNiscu, of Cattawiisa township, wo aro
authorized to announce, m ill be a candidate for TU EA3. tho approaching general election, subject to
the ileriiliMi i.r it... inl...l.t- -n .1' .....
. . -.".I-, .v...,, fiiuuuaiic toil
July SO, 1S01.
Jacob Evas, of (IreenHood township, we aro author
ized la announce, will bo a candidate for Asxnci.vrr.
JUlxiE, at tli) approaching general election, subject tn
the decision of tliu Columbia county Democratic Convcn.
July 57, 1801,
iieu losay, win no a cndidatc for CO.MMISSIONnit.ot
, ... .uiiiiiu inwu.nip, wc arc author-
. T.";-"-. .w., ,.,uvii, suejocs n ino aeecton ct
V"'1" lounty Utinecttiic Contsmion,
ro- TII0MA3 W MAT'MON, ncivii th. (. ,,
Mpilnl St tn ' on I S 1 air in .anucn, lor IHU.Nkl
OARPET HA08, Houts, rl'oei nnd Hums. Grtat Indurj,
meats ore now ofTjrrd to purchasers i.r tho aboe tm
ties. This Is inueli tin Intsesl stock or Irunks, .'amu
lUnes, Vallees.&c.. In I'hlladfliUiiii very eheap f, ' h'
I rJo. 40i Market Blroet, line door oliova 4lh, Scvlk
! Tita flwtAT Ciomiso r.iirontcM or tin tNui,1
I riillndelplik possesses tiio most splendid Clothinj E
porloum In Ha country. It Is spicnpld as ri-usrus i,
palatial structure l.i ulilcli the Immenso business ttih.
.eitaullsliment l cnndnrtiMl.aml 11 U equally aplendM k
I respect to Its great r.irllllli s and vast resources. iiutl.
Its patrons Its chief attractions arc, first tho tlrginc.
of the pariiicnts for (lentleiiien and outlis, manuri..
lured there i secondly, the beauty ana durability orth
'material', and tho superior cjreellence of the at, mj
Instly tho prices at Mileli the goods an s0l,i
,ve reier, in iiii- iii.pi.ii'",m, .-- umci insa ib.
Brown Mnns Clothlns Hall of HocHilll & llson, ,0,
Ui:i nnd uOSChBsnut street, Philadelphia.
TTHtrnrmtttf of Prices I A Ucw Fruturcln ll.
El cry ono his own Rllosninnl JONBH it CO. of ik,
Crest-nl Ono 1'rieo Clothing etorc, No.SOONaikctslm,
nlimo mxih, riuioiie'i nia,
In addition to liatlna tho largest, most varied ...
fnihtnnnblo stock of Clollilngln I'hlladelphlo, made n.
pressly for retail sales., Inve constitutor! every ono u,
own salesman, by having marked In figures, onetthir.
title at lhoery lowest price it can ho sold for so tbfT
cnnuotpoa.ibiy vary nil must buy alike. '
J no goous am wt-it "i'""Bi-" "" F..-i'.,ieu, nnu rrrit
pains token with the linking so that all can buy vt 1th ih.
lull assurance of getting n god article at tin very Ion.
est price. Also, a largo stock of piece goods on hsnjor
the Intent stylo nnd best nualltlcs, which will te nuj,
toon' 'r, In Ike most fashionable uud best luauhor, ii
per cent., below credit prices.
Ilemcmbcr the Crescent, In.Matkct.auovo Bltth Ftr,..
No. SIM. JONfcH fct'O.
coiwr.cri:i weekly.
St in
. in
COIlN'fold) ,
n iTtl
At Town Hill, on the Hthinst., by the Rev. E. Wsdi
worth, Mr. JcnFMtAii M. MivunsR, to Miss Ana M. Ma.
Lxittboth of Union, I.uzcriiR county, Ta.
In Berwick, onthe lflh Inst., by tho Rev. J. M 8i.
mon, Mr. Wm. F. Hrosstn Miss Hattii: Bavaos, both ef
Danville, Ta. 1 ' - N
On tho nth Inst , by Rev. E. Futmcr, Mr. Smut Ai.
bfrtsoh, to Miss I.cciiD KRSslEa, all of flreennooj'
Columbia county, ,
In Maiiivil..', Colambi.1 county, on tlm ilOth cf June.
Mr. Iniui Sulmam, ugod about -10 vearrf.
In Tine touitbhin, un the I'll, liisl., Limok r.n, teel
about SJJ years.
Estate of Isaiah Shitittttni tkc'tl,
jVOTICr. is here y 1'ttcr of ndmlulettuno
i. t nn hi: valine oi ia.ii.iu riiuuian, iuik oi itiauic tuvm
ship, Columbia county decerned,, have been prjntciILj
iho ItcRistcr nf snl i county, to tlm uutlerfllgiicil, vbt
rcAtrioH in Centre toiuhi, CuluinMn county All )tr
Honi tming (.lalin or demand Bgatnrt tho ritntanf
lli.s f.fiitifint am riinissl ,1 In nrtai,il I ho.,. r..
uiriit, aud tli oso- iit(Uvd to make pigment without
July 37, IPGt.-fit.
The "ITow York Day-Rook;'
W" Harp nut!iri7d to ny thit the reprrti put in nr
VV rulalion by it political ciiciuiea. 'J ut Nttr
YoRt Uay-IIcui lun b'jen, or HI tit topped, ate fa!.
Its pro, rii'tom tnt' Hut tt n rapidly Incr :nin? ine .
culntiun, nnd It is bi'tind to lic as I on a an I tit ptu
ciplen of Jtrrutnuv nnd J..cKKoFurlVi'. Ail wli'trici.jri
n buu'M, "unterriftVd" Union lh.tjiivmtir paper froo
Sew York rity, In f.ivor&f IVhre, Justice and rrntoniitj
uppnHcri to U h law, a Standi up Army, Onerou 'Ion
linn, Nnttonal It.inki, lltli Tail lis, tin Hjppr utintitif
Tree fp'-orh, nn I "i Military Hiitatortup, will fimMi
J un what iliy want. Tits Wlculy D-I ouk limi'l
th lnt'Ft JVI:rr',,c Vmit. nnj ns gondii rifpo t
Cattle, UrHin, nnu nth t Mfirkft a uny pap'r cert ojt
of New Yiifk. Tli? l-'rm during tliu war an- Out
Copy, p r Annum, $1 ; five Copion. $5; T n.rt(
-Topic, S.U Any pimou wli w ill ft art a ih.b at a pit
ollicc iWit-re th.teis none now, anil 8"mI 3 for fin
nubscnbfra.will receive a vittltn py t'ratii. Aiiritinin
to clubs can alwaj b b tnddc ut 18 euih ubr-crilicr.-Spccimtn
copien icul Tree. AilCvts,
XiiZ Nsiiiau Htrect. Sew a:i
JulV 27. lftll.
TWO SotfH of hand, draw n by Morion n
favor of C. V. AlcKtlvy A. Co., detcd July i th m
July 1' Hi, letil, on four inontbn, fur $TH 50, carti, fult
to rtach their mail drttinatltui. All pemonii are
cd aeaiiut negotiating for Other of naid .Vote. A tut
ablo reward will bo pjid for their rtturu to Morton
-UMichac), at 1 hiladt-lptiia, or to the uudt-rtignmi. ii
the Ccltawinia Taper .Villi.
To the Heirs of Thomas Conner, dcc'J.
NOTICE Ishenbyciven that the sceount otMn (V.
nrr. Sunivlnp; Trustcu of tho estate of'l'hunii
L'onnt-r.late of.l,'reeaiooil township, Cu'umbia mum.'
deceased, was filed at the May Term lhtjl, of tLis Cjtii
and will he iiresoHted for confirmation aud allowance
nt tho September term lfCl.
BloorasburE, July 13, l?ul-ist
A fomalo white rig, wcichln; about 100 lb... wita i
black spot on one hip, has been absent several ds;
A suitable reward will bo clven for information ef in
riocmsLure, July C, If CI.
Wyoming iScmiuary. -
THE ncit torm of this Inntitution will commenso At
putt Hihand continue twelv wet-kit.
Throughout tha term ipcrial attontioti will be gifti
to those preparing to teach, and alliuih may rd) upn
navlne m Rood advantage hero nn at any cxcluiivdr
Normal School, Arrangement will b made for and
lentive course of lecture before the Tcactieri' Clan.
Kingston, Ta., July ClPCMm. H.NCL80.
In CVtrt Jllttyt Opposit$ ti Court Houtt,
And one door below the office of the Columbia Dcjuoer
Illooimburg, July 2U, ItUl.
Estate of Mary Shafer, elec'd.
NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Aduimii'ri
tiou on tho estate of Mary ajojcr, late ef Brm
creek township, Columbia county, deceased, haveb '
Eianted by the Itceister of said county, to tho uiideml'
ed, who resides In Salem township, l.uzcrnc counll
All persons haviue claims or demands acaimt tlieri
settlement, and those Indebted tu make payment tilth"11
del,y, ' '
July , IfCl-Ct. .JJmislltrsW'
In the Orphan' Court for the reuitry of Columbn-t
late of Ctwral lltil, late cf Augarloaf toienlhip,
rvllE Auditor appointed by tho Cuurtto report fli.'J
X bution of tlm balance In tho hands of William lieu
niccutor of the last Will and Testament ofc'imr"
llcse, lato of Hugarlouf tuwnahip, iu tho county "d;"
umbia, deceased, will mct tho parlies interested fell"
purposo of his appointment, on Kalurdsy the S4tn w
of Aueiut. Iftil.ui io o'clock, A M.. nl said day. i
rflice in lllnomsburi,', In raid county, all persons initW
ted in the said Estate aro ,eUired to present their elcl
beforo the Auditor, cr bo debarred from coming In ft"
sharo of the fund.
Illoomiburi, July C, liCl.-it. ,iiW
EU'ite of J'hilij) Frilz, diceaiel
I LETTEnatcstanientaryontho EiHtoof Pmurf1"
Ij lato of Bucarloaf township, inUniuubia county
ceased have been granted by the Register of l'oll
county ttlie undersigned ; all persons having ci"
against thoEstuto nf tho decadent, aro requested topi
sent them to tho Executors, itthir resiuiuce, U'l
Sugarloaf township, without delay and all persons
ueuicuiu inaso psyincut inrtnwiiu.
JOHN FlUTZ. ,.,.,orl
June 8, liil.-6t.
Eii-e IjoorCeinent-f.iV Ridf
- s lr,..,n...n. P... ...necisllr
i A f"'1'""" Ko"r'- " f110" "fsvi'!'"
u is insuieq pi". - , .
in bo hd at inapuf,uS
lirrtt, at th, ctSc,"1"
, rain anu wet weatner. ma i
I puces, by tho gjllon or half I
uoiumoia usmectsi
rJlocmsb'jri. July II IM1