COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, AND .BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. mm L. TATE, Editor. $ 66 PER ANNUM "TO HOLD AND TRIM TUB TORCH OF TRUTn AND WAVE IT O'ER TIIE DARKENED EARTH." &VOL. 15.--NO. 21. OMUMBIA DBHOGRAT. fTuBLISHKI) EVERY SATUtlDAY, 11V W. LEVI L. TATE. mBtOOMSDORO, COLUMBIA COUNTY, , FA. OFFICE fit (At iw Brick Building, cppotH4 the Krehtng e, by lldt " ( Omrl Ifouie. "Ihmocralie Ittad Quarter," . tchms of sumcniPTioN. 91 Ot) In futvnuco, for unR copy, for tit montln. 1 1 75 1 In a'lvRTicu, for one copy, one yew. ' 00 If not pat'l u it lit n the first three inonlht, 'S tStf not until uitliin the flrnt fix months. ''3 M If not mlI within the year. ' ittTtfo inscription taken Cr lens than tlx moniltt, fcnd tio pitpvt discontinued until all arrearage! shall Iiao been jM1. CT. Orillnnrr Advkrtiukmktm Inanrteil, mid Jon Work executed, it th't entaMisliodnncfM, BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL. I) It. JOHNSTON, T UK founder of this Cclchnitctl Inntitntion, niTer the moat certain, Fpcedy ami only tin'ectuM remedy in Mia world for eifrcWfrr (Jii'ela, 8t riitu rem Haul ual uvnk nem, tains in tliii I.oliti, OminUtutional Debility, Impo tebey; V.kite of tUo Uuck anil Limlis, AtlcitiunM nf the Kidneyi, 1'atpitatlon of the Ik-art, Iliupcpula, Nur vuui' Irritability. Disenso of tho Ilcml, Thrunt, Note or Skin,' and all those vr)on and mOaiuholy HiHonlurt mrUlnf from the-dcftnativu lmbiluf Vuuth, which dc troyi both body and mind. Tlirio merit and niiitary practices, ure more fatal to their victim ihau the song of the tfyrtnn lotlii mariners L'lysscn. blighting their imt brilliant hoptf and aiitliipatioiM, rendering marriage &.c, impoiiibk'. MAURIAU1S. Married ponons, or Yoinuj Men contempl.itin mar rlaje, being itwiirotn" phyairal uuakiiPHu, uriraiiic dvabill ty, deform i tkfl, ice, should Immediately cumuli Dr Johiuton, and bi restored to perfect health. II who place litiusilf under thu rare of Dr. Johnston, nay rclijiuly courtJe in his honor a a gentlemen, and confidently rely uuouiiUxkill .is a phyician. UKOANIU WJiAKNld Immediately cured and lull Igor restored. This den cast) is Hie penalty mut fn."iucnlly paid by Utoie rvho hare become tho Iclim of improper Iritliileii aiee. You u (j person aro too apt to commit excmn trom uot being aw are of the dreadful cotiiequencu that may enue.d Now, w ho that understands the miljer t u ill pro tend to deny that tha puwer of procrrntlou fg lo?t sooner by tbuse falling into improper habit than by tho prudent. Itetidei being deprived ot tho pleamro of healthy uif opriogi.the mPt serious and destructive t mptom to both body and mind arim. The system becomes dcrang df the physlcaljind mental power wcakcneil, nervciis debility dyspepitia, palpitation of tho In-art, indigeftloii, awaiting ol the trame, Cuuyh, Hjmptonu of Con hu nip tluii, Sec. tCOtBce, No. 7 Foutii Fredrick Shiest, seven doora from Haiti more struct. Uaxt hide, up thu ittepn. He par tlcular In ubsmiug theNAMC and NUMllUlt, or jem will mlitake the pKice. A Curt' tt'arrtnttd, or no Ckargt Mailt, in from One to 'ieo Day I, NO MERUL'KY Oil NAt'rillOL'S DHUCa UdKU, i & J)Jt. JOIIAWUJV j JKomberof tho Royal College of Kiirjcconit, at London. , Graduate from one of tin iiiot emhiviit College of the United State-), and tliu greater part of n hone life has b-ien ipijiit in the first llfsijtaU of l.oinlon, P.irlx, l'hila Uclphiaand el-tew here, has ttrected koiho of the inot a louuhlugi cures that were ever known; many tnrubled with ringing In the htnd and ears wIumi iinlecp, unat nerrousue!, b-'ini alarmed at sudden pounds, mid baali futntiss, with fre'pliit bliliihiiig, attended foinet lines w itll dttfanxemeut of mind, were cured Immediately, 0f ACKItTAIN MtfUAtfi:. Wheotue mUgulded ami Imprudent otary of pleasure ftuds h4 ban imbiaM the seeds of till painful ilm-ae, it loo an ill timed semni ofharne or 'dread cftdiricov-ny, detL'r hi in from appl) ln(i to lh""u who from ftduc.itlon and reMpect ability ran nlmie h.-frh ud hBi,"ilelayiug till the conrititutlonary xyuir touts oi tliii horrid diseaitt! makes tli"ir appearance, such it it ulcerated ore throat, dheaned nose, uocturce, pains In lliulu-ad and limbs, dimuenHof eight, tlafneifi, inile! on thu lit bones, and a nut, liloirhit on tbo hend, fare und extreiu lies, progressing with rapldity.till at last tho p-ilatu of the inouthaiid hitncx of the ioho 1 .ill in, and the, let i m of this desraie become a horrid objt it of mmml'toratiou till death puts a period to his ilreaiifat viitlnngs, by ten. dog hitu to "tint lioiirim from wIkhco no traveler ro iQrm.'V'To such, therefore, Dr. Joltustitu pledges him slf tJ presort r the tuo-it envtoablo n-crery, and from his axtensire practice in tho firt of Europe und America; ru ran confidently reromtnend rnfe nnd speedy cure to the urfurtuuiitH victim of thin horrid disease. : TAKK I'AIITIILTJA11 NOTICC Or. J.ddresiti-a all thoe wlni have Injured Ihcnuelrcfl bypritrkte and improper I udul fences. Tbese are some of the sad and melancholy etfects pro dueed by earlyhabits of)o'illi, via: Weakness of tho Back aid 'Limbs, I'aiu in the Head, Diuutcss of iiit;ht. Loss f Mutcutar i'ower, Palpitation of thu Heart. 1) a pepsia, Vervous Irratabittty. Derangement of the Higes u Function!, General Debility, swuptoiusof Coiuump Uon.dccw MENTALLY. The fearful elfects upon thu mind nro much to be dreaded, Lois of Memory, Confusion of Ideas Uepresilon of tho Hpirits, Lvil Ton bodlngs, Aversion of Hoclety, TiniUy, At, are some of the evils produced, Thousands of person of all ages can now Judge what Is the cause of their dttliiiiug health. Loosing their vigor, becoming weak, pale and tmaci it-d, imhig oin fular appearauc about the ti)es, cough and fjuiptoms of Can sumption. OV3 IN'VIGORATINO UI.MKDY FOR X OltCAMU WLAKNLHH. By Ibis great and important remedy, weakness of the organ are f speedily cured, nnd full vigor restored. Thousands of Hie most uurtous nod dibilitated, who had lost all hope, have been immcdiatrly relieved. All impediments to Marriage, Physical and Mental Itis'iuali. Acatlon, Nervous I rratabilit), Tremblings and Weakness or ixhaustatiou of the moat fearful kind, ppcedily cured by Doctor Johnbtoiu jKho have injured tlimsclves by n certain practice, itiuulgcd In when alone nhubit frcmently learned from evil companions, or at school-tho effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders marriage Impossible, and deatros both iiitud and body, saould apply Immediately. What a pltty that young man, the hopo of his country, and tho darling of his parents, idmutri bo snatched from all prospects and ciJn incuts of life, by tho conseuen ces of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a sertaiu secret habit, tiueh persons before con tern plating, MARRIAGn ahould reflect that a sound mind and body are the mon necessary reuisities to promote couutibntl happinem Iudced, without these the journey tbrouiiU Jil'u In tomes n weary pilgrimage, the prosper! hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair & filled with tho melancholy ri flection that tliu happiness of another becomes bliubted with oar own, OFFICE NO.-7 HOUTII Fit ED El! I CK ST., JUltinore, ,VJ ALL HUUUIL'AI. Ul'EKATIUNS PEUFUUMEl). N. U. Let no false uiodctty prevent you, but apply immediately either personally or by Utter. .tftSKIN DISEASES KIT.K1UIA' CURED. , , TO STMMtKitS. The mahy thousands cured at this Institution within the last 15 years, and tlio numerous Important tiurgiral Operation a performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by tho reporters of the papers nnd many other persons, no tices of which liavo appeared again nod again before tho public, besides his standing ns a gentleman of character xpd responsibility, is n suilicient guarantee to the alQicte i. , "P?1C TAKE NOTICE. N There aro so many icnoraut nnd worlhleit Quack advertising themselves Physicians, ruining lhj healtli of Uw already aflticted, that Dr. Johnston ileimis it neeeisaryito say, csjK-ciatly to those uiiaciuainted with his rewitatlou, that his credentials and diplouns always hanf In his cilice. C7" Tajik JtfoTice. All letter inuFt bo post pal.!, and contain postage- stamp for tho reply, or no answer will tie scnt.-Wf Vfc-. ' Marcul7, 13C0. H HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHIL .ADELrillA. A Uenevolent Institution established by special endow went; for, the relief of the Hick and Ditrced. atllicted with Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, and especially for the Cur of Diseases of tko Sexual Organs. Dis pensary frtwtu patients In all parts of tho Umicdtatcs VALUAULE UEl'OllTH on fperumtorrlio;a, and otb er Diseases of tho riexual Organs, and on tho NEW UEMEUtES employed, sent to the altlicted in seal id letter envelopes, freo of charge. Two or three Ptampi ftir postage will bu acceptable, Address DH. JtfKII,. LIN HOUGHTON, Acting Burgeon, Howard A isola tion, No. 9 South NiutU Street, Philadelphia Va. March 2,'ieCl-U'm. MAN HOOD. a .calcd envt'lopo, on the nature. Mre.tmeut antl tailical eure of PiHrmutttrrliu-'a. or S.minal WvakriQSB, tiuxual Utbihty, iivrtouiiiff. and Involiiutarremissioui, Inducing liiipotuncy uuJ Mental ni) pUntcat inenpacfty, iiy uour. j, cuLvrnwrti,. m. n.. fmmW Autliorof tlwdrci n Ilook,"&r. Tap world-rrnowm'd nutlinr, tit till, ndinirulld Lec ture, emrly prove, from till own experience tliat tlio anrul MHStijiicnco.i.r Self nliuia may Ira (flVetually re I oved without ineilielnennil nitliout Iniijcroiii aureiral oporatlopabnugici, in,trument, r 1 hum or eorffiala, pointinr out . muiio 0f me nl onc0 ctftaln nnd tiTectu. al, hy whleh eviry .utferor, nnninti'r what !! eomli. tlou rnw bariuay cum liim.tlf cheaply, prlvuttlyand radically, lliia lecturo will prova a boon to thouiaud. and thousaui.. under a in n plain envilnpc. to any aildrc, po;t paid, on tn. reei Ili, of thu two puitasn ataiupi. by addrratiu Vi.Ut. 1. KLINU. 1.7 lloniry, U V. jpWIillJul I'uilUllitu bulliJ.ll UOW LOIT. AMD HOW Select liloetai THE NEW-MOWN HAY. DT PARK BENJAMIN Talk not to mo of Southern bowcrt, Of odora breathed from tropic flower,. Or .plce trceaancr rain j Hut or thojo iwcctl that freely flow When June'a fond breeze, atir tho low Ura,, heaped along the plain. Till, morning ttood the verdant apear,', All wet with diamond dew tho tear. Uy Night nercncly iliect; Thl. evening, like an army .lain, They number the pacific plain With their fast fading dead. And where they fell, and all around Buih parfumea in tho air abound, A. If long-hidden hive. Of nudden Helmuts were unicalod. When on the freahly-troddun Held They ylilded up their live,. In idlo mood I love to pam Thciu mini of the crowded gran, Or to lie, Inhaling the dclicioua .ccnta (.'ruihed from theta donncant, rcrduroua tentt, Ilcncalhasuntet iky. It li a pure delight, which they Who dwell in cltlc,, far away From rural teeiiei lof.ilr. Can netcr know in lighted roomt, I'crtadedby exotic bluouii Thli tntto of natural nirl Thl. air, to loftcnedby tho breath Uxhaled and wafted from tho death Of herb, that limply bloom, And, tcarccly noted, like the bcit Dear frlendt, with Mhomthi, world i, bleat, Await tho common doom And leavo behind lurhawcet regret Aa in our henrti It living yet. Though hcroei pat. away- Talk not to ine or louthem bowera, Or odor, breathed from tropic flowert, Hut or the new-mown hay. iscllcmcrjU0, A Great Man's Patronage. The Prince of Couti was embarrassed for want of money would to Leaven that tho want were conliucd to tho Prinea of Conti 1 Peoplo refused to trust him nnv loncer. The coachman came to him ono morning, and said : "Tho horses, my lord, want hay and corn." "Give them hay and corn, then," said tho Prince. "Hut, my lord, tho farmers nnd corn chandlers refuse to supply mo any more until their accounts nro discharged." "Ah! that niters tho matter," quoth tho Prince, very gravely." "Hut, your highness, what shall the horses havo !" "Have 1 call iny steward." Tho steward appears. "So tho corn-chandler nnd farmer ro fuso us credit tho rascals, do they I" said tho Prince. "l'cs, my lord." "Humph ! Who does givo credit!" "IS'o ono your highness." "No one!" "Yes, now I think of it, my lord, tho pastry cook docs." "Honest follow,we must caoourago him," cried tho prince Coaohman, your affair is settled ; givo tho horses chceso cakes aud custards 1" To ourk us of our immoderato lovo of gain, wo should seriously consider how many goods thcro aro that money will not purchase, and theso the best; and how ma ny evils thcro aro that money will remedy, and those tho worst. An ancient philoso pher of Athens, where tho property of tho wealthy was open to tho confiscations of tho informer, consoled himself for tho los3 of his fortuuo by the following reflection : I havo lost my money, and with it my cares ; for when I was rioh I was afraid of ovcry poor mail, but now that I am poor, every ricli man is afraid of mo. Tiie memories of tho loved and lost steal upon us as "tho sweet South wind upon a bed of violets:" thoy come hko the breath from tho gates of heaven's bowers, left ajar wucn tucy entered. A schoolmaster requesting a littlo boy who had been wiipcring, to step into tho nest room, is wittily spoken of by ono of our ex changes as " starting on a whaling excur sion.'' WantiId. - Material aid for construct ing a life-boat that will float on "a sea of troubles," riso on tho "waves of raisfortuno stem tho "tidoof adversity," sail clear of tho'"quickands of orror," and dtecr safely to tho "heaven of rest." Fools and Fate. Fato must trouble itself about a great numbor of foolish peo plo ; for, no sooner docs a fool get into trouble of his own making, than ho puts it nil down to fato. We suppose that a man who never speaks may be said always to keep h'n word. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA - EDITKU BY LEVI L. TATE. 1'KOmiETOR. BLOOMSBURG , PA. SATURDAY MOUNINO, JULY 27. 1861. QyTho National Intcltiscnccr has a good article on "tho present status of tho slavery question," whioh wo publish j and wo dosiro to call attention to tho significant fact that all, tho announcements over which tho ifcj'A'.cergratulat03 itsolf havo been made by Democratic getwrals. And whilo no chargo is mado against tho administra tion, tho proceedings of congress, and the editorial of tho 2ibune toll a difforcnt story. Tho republicans havo a majority in congress, and wo call attention to its action of a fow days ago. A resolution was offered and adontcd. agreeing to do nothinc but legislate on tho great subject, for which thoy were brought together. Then l.ovejoy, republioan abo-- litioiuVt, offered a resolution, "that it was no part of tho business ol tho army to re- turn fugitive slaves." Objected to, as out of order under first resolution. Tho speaker decided it in order, and it was adopted. Several days after tho adontion of Love- joy's resolution- Mr. Allen (Ohio) asked leavo to offer the following : Resolved, That whenever tho states now in rebellion against tho General Govern ment, shall coaso their rebellion and bo come loyal to tho Union, it is tho duty of tho Government to suspend tho prosecu tion of tho war. ltcsolvcd. That it is no nart of tlin nh. jeet of tho present war agninst tho rebel lious atatcs to intortero with tho institution of slavery. Mr. Blako (Ohio) suffcestod an amend ment to Mr. Allen's resolutions by adding tho words "and surrender their leaders io bo hung." A question was raised that tho resolu tions were not in order under tho rules adopted last Monday, which point tho Speaker suitaincd. Can any sane man seo why Allen'3 res. olutions were not in order.whilc Lovejoy's were I Tho truth is tho republicans were afraid to show their hands. Why not adopt tho resolutions ! . -Tho Boston Daily Courier, of Juno 17th, a Republican paper, in speaking of some of its party organs favoring the abol ition of slavery by tho Govornment at Washington, nnd of its unconstitutional tendency, continues ' " In this view of tho caso, wo aro sur prised to seo in a niornim; cotcmnorarv of Saturday, such a declaration as this, in its lending article: "But wo may add that present appear ances indicate that slavery itself, together with all responsibility for it. Southern as well as Northern, seems likely to be swept away before tho whirlwind of destruction invoked by tho mifguided policy of South ern leaden)." In nccordanco with this idea, perhaps inspired by it, wo find in tho samo number of tho samo sheet ono of Mr. Whitticr'a fiercest poetical outpourings, quoted from tho Independent, tho following stanza of whioh expresses tho general sentiment : "In vain tho bells of war shall ring Of triumphs and revenges, Whilo still is spared tho evil thing That severs and estranges. But blest tho car That yet shall hear Tho jubilant bell That rings tho knell Of slavery forever !' From ono of theso passages wo must understand that present appearances indi cate tho violent abolition of slavery in this couutry, and of necessity, therefore, tho overthow of tho Constitution, and from the other, that tho war is altogether in vain, unless its object bo to accomplish such an cud 1" Wo call attention to this mattor now, becauso wo aro perfectly certain, that to this complexion will things como nt last ; and wo then shall find these samo papers lauding tho administration for doing, what thoy now admit will bo "tho overthrow of the Constitution." Wo also call atten tion to tho artielo from tho New York World, a Republican paper, on tho Tri bune, published in another column ; for tho purposo of showing by tho following extract from tho Tribune, that according to tho World, it is and has long been for Disunion, and is now; and according to tho Courier it is, being for tho abolition of slavory, for "tho overthrow of tho Consti tution. Tho Tribune says : of tho Fod oral troops entering Virginia , ''Was it uot thu Army of Freedom en tering into tho land of BonQago, to pro claim liberty for all men t 1 trust to ; for , if not, it was only an idlo and a worthless pageant, and will bo a burning shamo on tho froo men of tho Freo North. Yc3, freedom for tho divino Humanity! If, Ms War tcerejor any tfting sho't of real izing a perfect equality of rights for every human being, it. wouU be the most foolish crusade, or tlie direst butchery, thai this earth was ever stained withal. On the triumpth of freedom ovor slavery rests the uonor ana into of this nation." i Sffl Several weeks ngo wo published a pretty full description of tho eizo, shapo, &o. of tho Amoriean Flag : but as wo soo many papers and flags not entirely corract in themselves ; we once more, and at great length, refer to tho history of our national banner. At the commencement of tho Revolution the necessity for a standard, by which tho Amerioan troops oould recognize each oth er at a distance became apparent. On tho 18th of July, 1770, Gen. Putnam unfurled a flag on Prospect Hill, in tho presence of a large number of troops, which boro on ouo side tho motto, "Qi transtuW, sus tinet'' (He who brought us over will sus tain us), and on tho other, "An appeal to Heaven." As early as 1751, before the colonies becamo united, a very popular standard boro tho representation of a rattlesnake, divided into thirteen parts, each bearing tho initials of a colony, and underneath tho motto, "Join or die.". When tho Un ion took placo, tho parts were united. Tho only traces left for this devico are to bo 6een on tho seal of tho War Department and tho flag of South Carolina. A yellow Hag, with a coiled rattlesnake in tho con tor, and tho words underneath, "Don't tread on me," was, in 1775, first used as the standard for tho commander in-chief of the navy, and was firat displayed by the gallant Paul Jones, who hoisted it with hia own hands as the oommandcr-iu chief embarked on board tho Alfred, December 7, 1775. it. - .j.., .a. Aftcirthbunion of the colonies, a flag combining the crosses of St Gcorgo and St Andrew united (tho emblem of tho United Kingdom of .Great Britain), with a field composed of thirteen stripes, altcrnato red and white, was adopted, and called the "Groat Uuion flag." Tha union of tho crosses represented tho union aud nation ality of tho colonies, whilo tho thirteen stripes symbolized tho body of that union and the number of members which com posed it. The colors of the stripes indi cated defiance to oppression and purity, symbolized respectively by tho red and white. In 1777 Congress appointed a committee to design a national flag, and onjtho I4th of Juno a resolution was passed "that tho flag of tho United States bo thirteen stripes, alternate red and white ; that the uuion bo thirteen stars, white, in a bluo field, representing a new constellation. In 1704, by an net of Congress, tho number of stripes and stars were increased respectively to fifteen, and this was the flag used during tho war of 1613. On tho 4th of April, 1818, tho flag was again altered, and a return was mado to tho thirteen stripes, and, by tho plan proposed, a star was to bo added ou the 4th of July follow mg the admission of caoh stato. At first the stars wcro arranged in a circle, but at this time it was decided to arrange- them in tho form of a largo star, Tho resolu tion, in full, was ns follows : Be it enacted, J-c, That from and after tho fourth day of July jioxt the flag of the United States be thirteen horizontal stripes, alternate red and whito; that tho union bo twenty stars, white, in a bluo field. 'Aud that, on tho admission of a new state into the Union, one star bo added to tha union of tho flag ; and that such addition shall take effect on the fourth day of July next succeeding such admission." The sizo of tho flag for tho army is six feet six inches in length by four feet four inches in width, with seven red and six white Etripcs. Tho first seven stripcj (four red and thrco whito) bound the squaro of tho bluo field for tho stars, tho stripes ex tending from the extremity of tho field to to tho end of tho flag. The eighth stripo is whito, extending partly at tho baso of tho field. Tho number of tha stars sinco July 4th is thirty-four. Moro Now Blanks. Deeds, Summons, Executions, Scire Fa clas, Stato Warrants, Commitments, Oapi' asos, School orders, Exemption, Judgment with Single and Doubla Notes, etc., just printed and for salo at tha office of tho Columbia Demacrat. 5y"Col. John W. Fornoy has been lec ted Secretary to tho Uuitcd States Scnato, by a vota of '-10 to 10, , SATURDAY, JULY 27, 1861. Frosont Status of tho Slavory Question. It is known to all that tho soccssion movement professed to tako its origin and motivo in a desiro to protect tho institution of slavery from tho apprehended hostility of tho Federal Government in tho hands of tho Republican party. Wo havo re peatedly shown that this "apprehension" was purely factitious, booause of tho pro- dominance in Congrcsa of a majority op posed to the present Administration. But ignoring this faot, moro than ono of tho 'sovereign Conventions" which passed an ordinanco of secession proceeded to justify it3 decision by a declaratory proamblo, basing tho propriety of its act on indis pensablo considerations of publio safety. Thus tho Alabama Convention held tho following language: " hcrcas tho election of Abraham Lin- coin and ilanuibal Hamlin to tho offico of President and Vice President cf tho Uni ted States of America, by a sectional party avowedly hostile to tho domestic institutions and peace andfeeurity of the peoplo oftho Stato of Alabama, &c. Thcrcforo "Bo it declared nnd ordained by tho people of tho Stato of Alabama in Con vention assembled, That tho Stato of Ala bama now withdraws from tho Union known as tho United States of America." &c. Tho Convention of Texas adopted a similar preamble, reeiting among othor grounds of secession the following : "Whereas, tho action of tho Northern States of tho Union is violative of tho compact between tho States nnd tho guar antees oi tno constitution ( ana whereas tho recent developments in Federal affairs mako it evident that tho power of the Fed eral Government is sought to be mado a weapon with which to striko down the in terests nnd prosperity of tho peoplo of J.exas anil tier sister blavcuoldmg States, instead of permitting it to bo, aa was in tended, our shield against outrago aud ag gression : Thoreforo "Wo, tho peoplo of tho Stato of Texas. by delegates in Convention assembled, do ueeiaro and ordain," Ho. Tho attentivo observer of current ovents cannot havo failed to remark tho signal falsification which such sinister misgivings havo received, even during tho stato of hostilities superinduced by tho secession movement. Beforo tho outbreak of tho war tho fugitivo slave law was efficiently enforced by tho civil authorities of tho present Administration, and sinco tho com mencement of military movements tho commanders of tho Federal forces seem to havo vied with each other in repelling all suspicions of an unfriendly purposo to wards tho peculiar domcstio institutions of tho Southern States. Hardly had tho troops of New York and Massachusetts landed on tho soil of Mary land beforo they woro oalled to "tako position" upon this dolioato subject ; and ovcry reader remembers how prompt Ma jor General Butler was to offer his oora mand for tho suppression of a slave insur rection, tho rumor of whioh reached An napolis soon after his arrival at that placo ; aud his proceedings undor this head having been called in question by Governor An drow, of Massachusetts, ho dofended his determination as follows : "I appreciate fully your cxccllonoy's suggestion ns to the inherent wenknoss of tho robels, arising from tho prepondoranco of their sorvilo population. Tho question, then, is, in what manner shall wo tako advnntaio of that weakness t By allow ing and of oourso arming that population to riso upon tho defenceless women and childron of tho country, carrying rapino, arson and murder all tho horrors ot Han Domingo a million times magnified among thoso whom wo hopo to ro-unito to us as Drethrcn many of whom aro already so and all who aro worth preserving will bo, when this horriblo mad boss shall havo passed away or bo threshed out of them I W oultl your Excellency adviso tho troops under my command to mako war in person upon tho defenceless women and ohildrcn of any part of tho Union, aoompanicd with brutalities too horriblo to bo nninod ! You will say, 'God forbid I' If wo may not do so in person, shall wo arm othors so to do over whom wo can havo no restraint, ex- crciso no control, and who, when once thoy havo tasted blood, may turn tho very arms wo havo put in their hands against ourselves, as a part oftho oppressing whito raco ! Tho roading of history, so familiar to your ixccucney will tell you tho bit terest causo of complaint which our fathers had against Great Britain in the war of Revolution was tho arming by tho British Ministry of tho red man with tho toma hawk and sealping.knifo against tho wo men and children of tho oolonies, so that tho phraso, 'ilay wo not usa all tho moans whioh Gcd and naturo have put in our power to Bubjugato tho colonics!' has pass ed into a legend of infamy against tho leader of that ministry who used it in par liament." Tho proclamation mado by Major Gen. MoClcllan to tho peoplo of Westorn Vir ginia is equally explicit on this point, ns will bo seen in tho following extract : I "I havo ordorcd ttoppa to cross tho riv er. JLhey como at your friondsand broth ers as enemies only to armed robols, who aro proying upon you. Your homes, your families, and your property aro eafo under our protection. All your rights shall bo religiously rospeoted, notwithstanding all that has boon said by tho traitors to induoo you to bclicvo our advont among you will bo signalized by an interference with your slaves. Understand on thing clearly : not only tcill tee abstain from all such in- tcr'rencc, but tee tcill, on Ua contrary, with an iron hand crush any attenpt at insurrection on tlictr part." And Major Gen. PattcrsoD, command" ing tho Department of Pennsylvania, holds tho samo languago in his recent adrcss to tho troops under his ordors. Under dato of Juno 3d, ho says : "You aro going on Anerican soil to sus tain tho civil power, to relievo tho oppres sed, and to rctako that which is unlawfully held. You must boar in mind yon nro going for tho good of tho whole country, and that, whilo it is your duty to punish sedi tion, you must protect tho loyal, and, should occasion offer, at once surpress servile in surrection." Tho disposition that should bo mado oftho fugitivo slaves who osoapo within tho for- tifioations or entrenchments of tho Federal troops, undoubtedly presented to tho Gov ernment an cmbaarrassing question ; but it is difficult to say how it could have been arranged moro prudently than has been dono in directing as follows. Wo quoto from tho late reply of Mr. Secretary Cam eron to Major Gen. Butler : "Whilo you will permit no interference by tho persons under your command with the relation of persons held to service un der tho laws of any State, you will, on tho other hand, so long as any Stato, within which your military operations are con ducted is undor tho control of armed com binations, refrain from surrendering to al leged masters any porsons who may como within your lines. You willl employ such persons in the sorviccs to which they may be best adapted, keeping an account of tho labor by them pcrlormcd,of tho valuoof it, nnd tho expenses of their maintenance The question of their final disposition will bo reserved tor futuro determination." We think it will bo admitted, in viow of such facta, that tho war now raging is cer tainly not directed against slavery, and that tho Administration baa not shown that "hostility" to this domcstio institu tion which tho Convention of Alabama professed to apprchond. National Intelligencer. Tlio Tribune's Dlsanlonlsm. Tho Tribune, which has always been un surpassed for ooarso vigor and virulonec,is doing great misohicf to tho causo of tho Union by hounding on Gen. Scott to mako a rash nnd precipitnto nttaok on tho rebels, and trying to poison tho publio mind against him and tho administration becauso thev will not hazard defeat by virtually surren dering to Mr. Greeley tho direction oftho war. Tho truth is, tho conductors of tho Tribune aro at heart disun!onist3, and havo been for tho last eight years. In tho spring of 1854, or thereabouts, that paper published a long and Tory noticcablo sc ries of editorial nrticlos, running through soveral months and fortified by a great ar ray of statistics, aiming to provo that tho Unicn is not a blessing to tho North, but a disadvantage. It went so far a3 to com- puto, arithmetically, tho preciso amount of pecuniary loss entailed annually on every inhabitant of tho froo states by tho oontin uanco of tho Union which it eiphorod up to bo a sum that would look formidable if oolleetod annually by a tax-gatherer. Thoso dclibcrato and elaborato articles, so shoeking to all tho traditions handed down to U3 by tho fathora of tho republio, natu rally attracted wido attention at tho timo. Tho Tribune ha3 neither retracted their views nor acknowledged tho inaccuraoy of their statistics from that day to this. On tho contrary, thcro is no labor whiich it has performed with such zeal nnd gusto, and with such a profession of olumsy ridi culoi as that of sooffing at every publio man or political party that expressed any oars of tho dissolution of tho Union. In tho wcll-stookcd arsenal of abusive epithets and ribaldry which has always bcon tho Tribune's chiof controversial rcsouroo, there is no ono which it has seemed to consider as so damaging, or aa making tho person pelted with it quito so ridiculous, as "Union-saver." Thoso atttcinpts, pur- suod through long years with remarkablo tenacity of purposo, to make every man who oared for tho preservation of tho Union nn object of derision, very naturally culminated in tho early part of last winter in tho advooaoy, by tho Tribune, of tho Southern States to ecccdo and set up for thomselvcs, in articles wherein it quoted from tho Declaration of Independence in support of thia right: Its deadly enmity to Mr. Seward led it, iu tho latter part of VOLUME 25. tho winter, when it supposod ho was aim ing to bring about a peaceful settlement of tho controversy, to mako a sudden somer sault, and try to dam ago that statesman by turning against him tho patriotic pop ular sentiment which called for a vigorous manner of dealing with tho rcbollion. In pursuanco of this design tho Tribune found it convenient to disguise for awhile itsinvct erato hostility to tho Union, but a disoano that is so deeply seated will broak out. It has now for a long timo bcon tho Tribunes daily business, oithor by open attacks or cowardly insinuations, to weaken tho ad ministration and tho commanding general, and drivo them into hazarding a battlo bo foro thoy aro prepared, in order that tha defeat of our army may afford it a pretext fir again advocating secession, as it did last winter. Tho roadcra of that sheet cannot hajo failod to notico tho frequent cropping out, during tho last two weeks, of the idea that, if wc do not whip tho rcbols in tho first battlo or two, wc ought imme diately to recognize their indopondonco j and this idoa has been constantly put for ward in tho articles in whioh that sheet has urged a battlo beforo the greatest mili tary commander in tho world thought it to Do safe. 1 he tribune wishes the Union forces to be beaten, and is therefore hound. mg on Gen. Scott tofght bffore he is ready. it h,as already given notico that, if ice lose the first battle, it goes for southtrn inde pendence. Tho following extracts aro from its yesterday's issuo ; Tho simplo question to bo decided is Aro northern men tho equals of southern! or, Aro they poltroons who will run at tho sight of a lino of advancing bayonets? AND ONE FAIR BATTLE WIT.T. SETTLE TniS CONCLUSIVELY. There is no neod of a long war no ohanco for it, unless policy and oraft will so havo it. Let fifty thousand defenders of tho Union boat as many rebels in fair battle, and tho war will bo substantially ended. Thoro will remain skirmishes, and ambus oados, and a few cowardly shots at sonti nols ; but assassination is not war. If, as wo rcjoico to hear, Gen. Scott is now roady to try conclusions with Jeff. Davis and Beauregard, tho war Is noar its end. Wo say this in no boastful spirit we concede the possibility cf the rebels pro ving the stronger party j but ir tiiey do LET US rnAHKT.Y OWN IT, AND rttOMrT LY ARREST TUB WANTON EFTUSION Off blood. And if they cannot kept inn FIELD against ub tuby will do 1IKH- WISE. Ono would eupposo a journal that thinks tho fato of tho Union hangs on tho success of a single battlo, would wish tho federal army to enter that battle strong in num bers and with tho best foot forward. But nol tho Tribune insists that Gen. Stcot shall rush a sot of raw levies, that havo novor stood firo, into tho concoa'lcd traps and masked battorics of tho enemy, before ho has taken tho precautions rcquisito for tho success of a campaign in an cnomy'a country, in ordor that our patriot soldiers may bo ignominiously boaton, and its own long cherished hostility to tho Untoa may be grntifiod in its final dissolution. And it wishes this result to bo roaehod "forth with." Tho following oxtract shows how ready it is to givo np tho union without a second trial, if tho robols boat ua in tho battlo which it wishes to bo fought con trary to tho judgmont of tho highest milt tary authority. In short, wo bolicvo tho pntriot soldiors aro to-day ablo and eager to whip the reb els, and wo want to sco thorn allowed to try. If they are not able to tirash tte trai tors in fair, stand-up figlu, our pride re volts at the idea of tloicly starving than in to sulfation, or whipping them by virtue of money borrowed tn Europe. Wo say, ohallcngo thom to meet tho patriot volun teers in fair fight ; if thoy quail, thoy aro ruined; ij they fight, and are beaten, they must give it up; WHILE, IF THEY BEAT US, WE OUGHT TO DO THE) SAME. LET US HAVE THIS MAT TER DECIDED FORTHWITH, so that our bravo men may quit soldiering and return to moro profitablo vocations. It docs seem to us that to let tho rebels ro- main in foroo for months within a day's maroh of Washington is tho next thing to acsuoiyjeugiug lucir inacpcnacnco, ana that wo should cither chase them away or own that wo aro unablo. Wo submit that, in tho light of this ex pose, wo nro justified in asserting that tho Tribune is a moro dangerous enemy of tho Union than tho army of Jeff. Davis,tha oroh rebel. N. Y. Worlds Jul, 11. c - Breakable. "Ain't yam afraid yoa will broak, whilo you are falling so I" said a chap in tho pit of a eircuy to the clown, "Why so V said tho cloW "Becauso you nro a tumbler," bswlod tho wag. j The houso in a roar. Exit clown bo hind tho scenes. SGS Prentico says tho talent of making friends is uot equal to the talent of doing without them.