i 3E. f.Uf tup ! Kt, i ,i UK i Hi' -J.nl .iii'l 1 UII.PI' ync in a- -ui .in' ,ii "i sli 1 nil" l'"'.-ti ,' WlJ COLUMBIA DilOlJRAT, Cocal aiiD Special, 'John (J. Freeze, Kiiilor. SATUimAY MOltNlNa, JULY 91, 1861. JW To morrow is the eighth Sunday after trinity. The Diiko o( ItcichittadlSonof Nniiolo- Foil Honaparto, died July 'iii, HMil. fUibrakur taken )y the JJritish July 23, 1701. JfSiniiin Jtulivar, called thu Washington iofiSouth Ameiiea, Lorn July 'J I, ITtjU. ESamt James J).iy. Tog Days lit'gll). Tiatt lc ot'Talavera, in Spain, fought, July 57, lfcO'J. :o: "USy The horso fair U nliout over. Sov- (feral sales were made, at ptiees hatisfaetory 'tojall parties. RaSr Samuel A. Jtiltcr who met with jKo aeeideiit of licni" cut in the le-', hut KboTO tho kneo with a pruning knife, some play ago, is again about, and tho wound rapidly healing, - !0; , IW On W'ediicMlav lnoniiiiL' las,t nine - liccu more Youmr men. left Uloouiolmiir a3 nvoluntccis, to join tho -'Iron Guards" in y'oI. Uiektlla now ltegimeut, at O'rcen- ''castle. By Mr. K. li. lJeidleman was very so - Mrcly injured by a fall from a barn, in tho upper part of the county, last week.- was putting up a lightning lod when tho aetnleut teeurred. lie is about again however, but looking pale, ami walking A ' with difficulty. it J:n! F Vuar its tho lliouandth nuui- ?fiinry of llio foumlatioti of llio Kusi.m Empire. Tlioy hitoml lo cclolir.ilo lite cc- ; 'lca.Motj with ono of llictr grand nalioual ro- " ;4i?'ous '0fclivn' t-l'CL'taclo al Hi Pc- craLuaL' ami Moscow will nrnltnMv ha pa, i ,i , Zycry magnilicciit j ami tho recent niaiiu - 1- r.a s i . ., .a imblon ol tho bUVU Will glVO it U peculiar fHS'6igtulieanec. 8e"Tlic Suf(uehaiinn Convocation of ' the l'rotc.'taiil Miii-e.in.'il Church will meet in IJloonhni'j;, on iMowliiy nextjtho !42ntl hist., and ill continue in r-esMim throuli " Tuesday ami M'lilnesilay. J'lihlio mrvi-4-'cc!Mvi11 he held in St. I'.uiI'h Church, as ajifollows : 8ui vice and preaching at 8 '"clock, l. JI , on Tuesday ; It) o'clock, A. VMl; and H o'clock, J'. JI., Wednesday; VPhittlreii3' Church at II o'clock, V. M., ,,Tuctday. Members of other churches and "congregations aro invited to bo present at ' , thjoio fcerviees. i JjjjSiay Jiy observing the shoulder ttraps -worn by ollicers of tho army, their rank caHl bo readily iii-eertaincd. A major General is di-tiinruishcd by two ulvurbtnn omhis nhoulder f.trai j a brigadier gcrto ralilias but one flar ; a colonel hn.i ;i t vcrTenibroideied fpivad eagle ; a lieuten ant oolouol lias a silver embroidered leaf; nicaptain is known by two gold embroi dered bam; a thai lieutenant has but one . , gold bar on tlio sirup; a second licutcn- ' unfiioiie at all. The cloth of tho strap , ( isai follows : tla!T oflicers, dark blue, nr- 'tjllery, scarlet; infantry, light (or sky) 'bluo; rilleineu)iucdiiini(or emerald J green; cavalry, orange color. :o: : r3- On tho lillth Juno ult. at St. John's . Church, liancibtcr, Ohio ; John K. (Jhl a . rpecnt graduato of tho J'Ipiseopal '1'hcolog ic'aljSeiuiuary at Oaiiibier,was admitted to UityUiaeonalo. liishoji liedell was present, untjjthe candidates for orders were presen tvtVJky the Kcv. Dr. SleKlhinney. ..Mr. Old is a citizen of Columbia County, and Ian able and excellent man. We ro joicolto see him surely attaining a poitiuii MieHuts he de&irs ; und from our kuowl- edgowo are sure ho will make a judieiou.s, conscientious ami painstaking rector. Ue isffljoung man of great promi&o. fc't ?:Col. Crogan, to whoso family tho MHiuniouth Cave belongs, was a resident of Louisville, lie went lo Kuropo somo 20 years ago, and fuuud himself fieijucut lyqusSliouetl of llio womlors oflho Mam- molh'.Cavc a place ho had never visited, and of which liu had hoard but little at - liomo, though living within ninety miles of '.'.i''. . ., . i . . ... it: 1' llo went incro on ins rciuru, aim ino ' -ideSral'ruek him to purehaso it, and niako iSJftinily inheiitaiico. In fifteen inin utcslba'i'i'aiiiint;, ho bought it for $10,0110, andMortly after he was offered 5100,000 j f6rhi.y)urehaso. In his will ho lied it up in eucli uway lliut it must reimiiii in lii.-i family'for two generations, lliusappcntlin itsioclobrily to Ii'h nanio. Thcro nrunino Iccujitjuilrcd acres lit tho estate, though , . llmfoavo iropably rum under tho property ""ofioV'rGiit imiulivr of other huul ownera. "vat ,,, , I.,., , 1'orJfeor of thoio ho might dig down and . itaglh an .nlrauco lo tho cavo on their .owd juoperty, (a man', farm extending up to thfTienith and down to tho nadir,) great . i'.'ilU . . . . T);rjlanco is exorcised to prevent fucu sul- ifM . jtcrrancail FUrvcya Ilinl IllCaSUlClllCllf.g lid pjorliiuity. Tlio cave cxtcmU leu ortwul0 ivilfp in ficveral uirocttoin, ami tltoro i, prosily many a back wpolsiiiaii sitl.ii- in InSbut wiilu'ii ten miles ol tliu C;uo. ..Tft . , , , ., , , (JUlUJJUCOIuclom lljat IllR 1110 l IJ.slllOIKlblU la'ilica ami gentlemen of Kuropo ami Aincr- . T',r .., , , .. ica are wallaii'' ivitwoul leave iiiiilrr liu lio - lators ami oorn, lajf Scveial of Ooopei'd Iovi h nro to ho read in thu fct, though each ouo of thcui wins to ho perfect in lUclf. Thoso which more especially ;;o togelhor however aro tho series known as tho Tho Lcatlicrsluck ing Tales Lcalhcrftocking being tho pop ular name of tho hero. Tho scries coiisif-ts of fivo diitiuct books, though not written and published in the order in which they should be read. In each one, Leather stocking appears in a different charactor, in tho first, Tho Deorslayer as a youth of tho woods, in tho l'nthfiudeias a lover ; in Tho Pioneers, as a hunter, in tho Last of tho Mohicans, as a Warrior, an finally i in Tho l'rairio, an old an infirm man, fol lowing tho lifo of a trapper. Without question they aro tho most en chanting books wo havo ever read. Tho man who begins with tho Dcoralaycr will follow Lcalherstocking to his gravo and lay down tho book with eyes moist with tears. !y all means get and read thoso tales of tho forest. Scud five dollars to V. A. Towuscnd ,t company, No. 40 Walker Street, Now ' Yoik,and tho set, complete, will bo scut you by express P3c Scarcely too much can bo said in praise of oniom for fowls. Thoy teem to bo a prjventivu and remedy for various , diseases to which domestic- poultry is lia ",0- "avmg lrequoutly (cstetl tlicir cs- celleneies, wo can speak uuderstaudingly. Vor 8al,ca a"a inflannvlion of tho throat, eyes and head, ouious aro almost a spcei- lie, 'o would recommend fivinrf fowla. 1 ...... c,neciallV tho vonm, C,K. an manv ... , - . , .. ., ,,.,, R, . fi, , cOpll0lli A small addition of corn meal ilnl,r0VulMt.llt , ,; , . AUTJIOllLSED MILITARY' 1S00KS ruUlshid by order oflhc II, S. War Diparluicut. DY AUTHORITY. UXITIil) STATUS liFAM'KV TACTICS, I'ur the instturtiuii, t-x.-rcMo ami mami'Ut res of tlu- II. H. liif.inliy, a sis lulling lufiutry oi'lho l.nii-,l,ig',l Itifau t y. ami 1,'iiloiiu n. Tii-p-iiL-il under I lie diru lion t f tho War Iii-ii.iilnii'iit, and aiilhuri,ed anil adopted by riiiiiun Cameron, tierreta. rv t.rw.ir I '" uhiiic ll.f H .ftb t.1-li.T, th-o S. Imoh-f Hie , inirurtioiu rr1Mkiriiii'-i.stiic.Ji-niriii.iii.- ll cr. ijiiiii iit-rs, I III- i-t II 'Mil l I IIC J Ul.UIIUII, jilw .HKkBir War, imluiliiia a ilicituiiary ofAJiliury ii. I.- ulniiu'. comkte, illtistratut with muncruiis ca- W'au PnMltt.Mrf,r, Wisiusinni, May I, J "til. TIiU pyt-lcm d! C tin nl yuti'ti liiliitiry T.trtirs Tr l.iM liil.intry ami Itillci en, r l.trul iiiuli-r Um ilircc Iimii i.f Hie ,ir Ut'n-utmiMii, liavma Iiftfii :itr'vfil by Um I'rfsi'ltiiiii-i ;i'l"i.icil t'nr tlm iiiitiiicti"u n I lie Irimps w hcii ju Uny ii.i J.M'fit lufintrv it KiilsMiK tt, iitt I, mulcr llio .tt or M ty. I,' l-W, rr Uj ub4uniiuj t-f tlio ml- llll.l llCIl h'J LlilJ h-v. ll, HIM) IN 4'.Mr.UON', Scctttnrjf rf War, Tliu sili'm- mj ht. in i.f Infantry T.if tu h Ii is'-tl ir jxhi tlio I -Hi hi iiiiinnuiicii.tf In rn-iali mihinry uxtH'rictiif nmt ..l.'H'if.l to iti-j pi'i uhiir vi .mis vf uiir n-r tn. hai boi-ii ln 1'iirt-illiy nnlur wl Illy Unntl Mali-n i.'iUL-nitintit.ainl ii mnv, all'-r tliv iiio-r falisl.ii tjry utitlttnu nf it fill iii'urv, mitlii'ii.'-ilaii'l a.li.pti'il l.y tliy n-lary f War I'ur tlio iiiflrnitl'-ii iil'trood. Infantry H iliv irlvd inUi ileavy Inf.mtry nlio cullcil Ininntry ii tlio l.inu -nn-l l.ilil Infantry. Thy dill r tine l. tuL-ii lli'.ny iiiitl Light Infatilr) iiUvnl'ol.l lt. In lie ir uLMptnii4 nml .iiiiiinciit, tli! Inrmcr tiring mm 'il Willi tl' imii-ki'i, ami tlit- IriU'-r wtlli tlm rill.', ujj.-n il may In In.l. ii. in tin nnk-r nfli.itllf.llcavy Inf.uitry LciHK in i um pari nnl'T, ttlnln ,i-ht Inf intry is ciiftvri i-il ur i1ciPiui ih Hkirmli rs. tht.' iin'ii In iii fci-pfrnti d ami iiiiuunid' lumluit in dch'aring thtir tu c .id bliarp- In tin Hilnnil nf tlm l,Hiuiany ntnl ni'tfie Itntt.tl lon.lhu iimiuttimi fur Ilr.ivy and la-lii Iniaiilry U tli-j bihu-. vt ry r-i!iiiifiil of lnl'.inir ImvIiik "'no Coiiiuany m I.ihl Int intjy .u it i:iiti itHor?ani.itiMii,anil all lli'.-au i otiijiatiicn bt'in ilnllctt an Inlantry tf thu (.tin. '1 In n) t'm nun .rt'M-iiUd j;i i t-n a ( iHiiidUn tr.tnc of ni-iriK ii'ui i'T umii hiii'H ci i n I. mil ', in Uto slIiooM lli"ioiiti;iny and battalion, and had In enk-a annual drill 1'uf l.iIit Intanlry uli.jii I'mii'iiycd in bkirinihlnTn 'I li l.int,i(;i 1 1 l.mii'-d hi -yhti in ,i taitic-i owt f imur im.'t an iHtnii-insis .ui.l Uiid-d: (jn'at n lrity in nuivciiii ui-t. iiirmiii in Hm j'r"in uuiunni itli'"ti li.illni'j. t!nic'"' din riiini ironi fnnit to r far ululi in r. inii. doulih-i-; tin-1,1 l-i h n mart hut,' hy a Hank, tlio tmiaiou nf iimicurssary i nintmili le.i'r pirtd iifriiin iiiiindi'. nr tnur" an d luuiiatiuti ot's juarca aauut t.iv ilr , and many nlli tu. Hid In hL'-t.d lli.ii, uilli tin- mini' tuatrtul, this cti'm ivili n ud- r a ruuipyny ur riB'ini'!iii inuili moru Lllciiiiti than ntiv ntln-r. Willi a tx'V. tu injure ninf-irinity in a cytti-m iif in ftrniiinn III ' iiH-nts id'ului h an' ai (.iiuwIvdHuil liy the I114I11 it anihi ntj . it h n.m pn m i.U'd tu tho ( hi nt ecru ml mihli.i c ilk'd into M'rv in', a-t tlm antlnma-d dull tur ili-i 1. li faiiiri , and that by Hindi they will Iu 1 mm rut 1 i-ii iiini 11 1 ttr 1 pi 1 11 I'll. W.vuitMiiii"., If. L., .Hay I, Itul. 1IA11 DJJK'fJ TAOTICS. TlilU anil l.iulit lufiutry T.irln's, furtlii' i'orcio nml iii.ttiiuutrttii'! 1 rDni uii'-u Ditlji, .is l.ijlit Ii'tuitry ur Ulll'iiiK-li. rri'li.in-l iitulcr tliu iliri-i linn lliu Viir 111 i.iriniciii. j;y iircxct i.kiiiuiiuiii Uulmal . J IIAK um:. ij.s.a. Vol I. Hi lini'ls of lliy HnliliiT .mil ( ,iln pn liy ; lnMrlir tiniis Inr r3l.irmllKrs. Vol. 11. SUiunl ul lliu llaltullluu. Two vilj. t'liiiijil.-ic. l.."iii. i.writv. rmx ix vir.r.ii .litriu.r.iir. I'rri'.irnlliy a lljjrJ of Aitillcry Ulluirs. Ono vol HV.. VJ..'iH onl.ri. fuciior, Ailjt (Jin. U S.A. Ilallimorc. .Vil., Jan. narv 1.1. I".VJ. Hir -I'liu l.i;lit Artilliry llnitrit nuifniMoil l,y r'i.'rlnl llril.'is Nil I'M, ul' li'.'i'i, ami hptfial tlrik'lsMi. Ihi. nf l-.H has the liiiimr tu .abiuit ii rilniil r)uliia tf l.iulil Aililkry 'I'm lii-s .'itul in i!iilaunus n rnuum-mliil fur tint arm. win II. l ltnM'll, 1:1. li.J. i;.iii I irst Arlillury. Wl I' IIAIlltV.C.i,tiini Hn.ii Arlilliry. III'MtV J. Illi .NT, III.MiiJ.Cap. Jil ArtilUry. OAVALUV TACTICS. riililislinl l.y orili'r nt liu-War U-irtiiiiM!. Pirsl Par -rrliui'l ol'llin Trui'liLT , i'l tlm ri.ituuii ami f llicr! i ul run liiiiii'itinti'il. HuioikI I'.irl til'lho riiiiiiinauil oflliu H'lu.iilriiii nuiiiiitL'J. 'J'liirili'irt IJolutiuiia uf migi- UlUUl. TIlTLlI l IS. IIIKI. , .t. War llvii.irlniiiiit. Wabliintnn, I'iIi. 10. I'll. 'I'lii' sy iu in uf t'at.ilry T.irlir iul.ittil in tli.j nrcaiii 'atimi ul UraU'iiHi rwt!iiii''iils lumiiif men a'invi:il liy tliu 1'rrntili-iilnf tlm lliuti'it i-lati's, n now mLli4ln.a fir tlm iiti'riiuii.iit of thos nil si mix. An nrjinijly, iiiatliKtion in tin1 santn ttilllio l.'ivrii nf lur liu- mi lliuil ruijutcil out t Itea in i tiini all allilioiu to or ill p-irliirns Irom Die I'Strcisu am! inanic'im'n lali dov.n in tins systi in nrf p'itivi Iv forl'l.l.li-n. ti'iLfj.Mrn luituJfhrr i:.u.uii:s. Miilliit 1 of l!.i)olic-t I ii'rrntt'. lVt'liari il for tin.' ttf i fllio Unit- illil'js. liy (ll'.lllllltril. MiCl.lll.l.A.V, U.i l.iili I'lrsl Ui-Kiiiii lit t'.ivalry, t'.S.A. I'rinti .1 uy oiiLr olllic War II p.irt Intuit. t;n.i Vol. l-.'mo. il '.'.3. lloii.tJ. Jl. fiinro'l. I',ci i ,t u v of War. Hoatl'U.irti'S oflhu rin, WaAhmiiton, 1). C, l)i.LLjiili,ral, rijr.-lloroivjtti 1 liavo tli loniur In utilimilabyelinii of l!a), in.t oiltcIsc, Inin l.it'.U from llio 1'rcucli oy tJnn. lliu. II. MiX'l''ila i, L'oris I.'-iiiii-it. U.S. Army. I strongly loioiiimeiiili .1 n.t lionu irmlcil fur ili-triuu. lion lo tho arm) ; nml lli.it il In i.i.nlo. liy regulation, u .ui l ofllio ' bli in ol'Jn.lruilion.". '1'liu no Insi'il t'Mrin Is" fioin riportj of llio lusnulor (ll'llol ll.ott'., fclldVV tliu wtllo. lli.nottoi liniior to Lo, nr, uitlt luill ri''iii.'rt. Jnitr moM olimliiiil urtalit, HIM'U'.I.II tOl'IT. A'irnvi il. f. M. C'U.VIlull. Ptcri l.iry ol War. Janu- at) I!, I,.'. II. JOi:H, Ailjutuiil IJ, niral. Any ofllio uliovo works fnruanloil l.y mail lriu of ti.sl.iur.. on III.- rid'int of III, pnlllrlioil prirc. Kt'iint. l.nii-tf s ran bu maao in ioM iloll irs ami pii.l w tlaiond. AJdrosj J. Ii. Mi-riMxiTT & ; i'nl.lislnrs, llooknolli rs.iiiiilSl'itiiinors, I N'os. 2j nml Mi Not Hi I'ourtli Mint, I'lnladi-lpliij May '., lol lin. New Wagon Shop. Willow Grvvc, South Hloomshurg, fpjlU uiiilcr.si;;ni;il ropcclfnl- J ly Inform llilr fritlids, -ui.l tlio . nubiic L-tncrMiy. tiui liny iwio taUn , .SVl.v":!..?!:1.":' l;riJ;ir.MVlra'ris!,:..tV!: 'VpovI'm VKINO UUSIVFSS AQ OVMAKINO UUMM.bb, I In nil itti vai ion e ilepartmenls, In good el vie and on modcrnitcinu. I AUii"ll i.iiriii2 Was.ms, ltiiLiei. carriaacj, HulKitJ, Le.ihmfliiinlur anduutliorllime. Ii Will IIKllf-T. WJ1. fUH'M.W jiioumhurir, Apui u, wj. i'liuir nml I'ctil liclivi i'il! oul.JAl.t:u T,,AN TK (jm.jM.nsr iiiii; uiijijriiiu.i iiuuwio aiini.-.iii. Hut mi I ual.lt l.iui f..l-livi'r I'lour ami IVi',1, Full CASH , it'll ili,nl i Iii .', linn any lioJy t.lo ill tun il ri'.oii'""' " " " iV'''l rom. iiyrcimp si Coin k I Ml. I'li.n. I .m ti,ul 110 1 rr nruiiy -.ii-ii-i imc oi nn-puMi. i-nn-iurr m i.uu jun i, i' o n COLUMRJA DEMOCRAT. Tho following aro tho receipts to tho offieo of tho (Joi.tiMiitA DiiMouitAT, during tno month ot ,11.1110, iwn : M. I,. I!, ill;. 8 1 1 M (.'iiluniMi County In m 3 IKI 1'itLr J-icnhy, 4 Oil fi IHI' Win lllehfucll, I no 5 tniim tllgcr. 1 .'ii Williiim yMicr, Join! (llll-IIHlrli I'. II. Utile, r..., Join, Xclslun. Thonun Ktiurr, Jau.h llycr. r;sq., Jolui liniiiK v. M, II. i minis iii. A. iii c'uliuni, i on i isi is.i.-ic iv. i mm in. 1 IHljlsnnc Whltlnlro, 'J llll.l'hntles Thomas, I ?.r.(ltoliert ltn.ni. 2 10 " ? TO 1 M a f 1 I;t. i.r J. II. Iimlsou, Ilenrv Hilling (l'i litre) 4 .iihllnu, II. II. U'riqtit, ll.ll.,Munti(niiury.M.ll.l V.VOol M. W. Jackson, llun. lleo. 1. Steele. 1 s.-. Ucv, Iblvv .Murray, Jiu ili llotiil, rtiiwiucl ltutrnl'niler, 11. 11. iiuuiit, i;m , William Miller, 1:. 1', Lull, r . ivnnpp. D.inli I l.ee, lien. I'osiomro l). iuirtincnl,4 ( Aiiii-I ll.iyt l.. 3 SO 1 I'l 1 IS Jumes W itli.lms, 1's'b, Lamps ! Lampsl ! HEAD (illjlHTUIlS ANOTIlKlt riUlSH AimiVAL OU JtW;;s Mikhail's. IMrilOI-HI) l:m-:AT VU.1t. Oil. IWItltHts. W.Wr& tun ClinMIMr. BUBIMIMG-. t:nt, Ki'.uosuNK.uit iMitnoN olt.y. AKINO thu lui-t and iluiposl I.lnlil now In use, rnlt- 1 nlilii lor Clntnlios, ttori ". or f.llinlv llso. nil iIiiiil'it froin i;ploloii iiinl unc lialf tlioapir than tiny ollur Ii2lil, now iisvit nn.l 15UU AJj III l.ASB, Tito aliovo I imtis Kith or ulllmnt. Ulobusor FliadcB inooiioio lamps, (i mi or niimiiii, 1.101ns or rnaucs .-.in ooiiaiini 1110 NKW AND CIIKA1' DJllH! STOKK, f tlnoils. ill his kinil consiftinc of t tii:sii ami i'i;i;i;i: uiiut:. illLIIIClNI'.t Ul UMi;.Mil,',I.M. UltUUNII k WHOM, Sl'llU'.H. I'AINTH tltl.H. VAItMPIll DVI1 tiruri', vmmiiow tii..s.a, uf A I.I. HI'.U.S. PAINT, J-TDOTJI k sitAViNii i;itusiu:.s. TI)IIAt;t:i k tJKIAUH, ui"i 111: i:i:s r iiiiamisi l'l.lll'II.M I'.IIY, I'ANOV SOAM, TKIiKHI'.H A. rilimM.IHill i.IIA'IHM, ruin: wiM'.s k uiiAMiir.s i im MI'.IULTNAI. UBII. fiLASVUUTTINO, imm: 'in 011111:1:, 1:1 i,r. mhiii.ii INll I'Ull I'KA.MCrf.t AllllllAI' VAIIII.TV Ol'CAUIIIIV Ul I. I. AMI'S AMI SIIAIinH, KI.II I II, C.MIl'll i:. II SAl'CTY I'l, 1111) I.AMI'HJttFllAmU). Aian -All Um innsl popular I'ati nt Moiliiinrn oflho 1.1 v, presrriptioiisatnl I'.tiinl) moil 11 inoi 1 iirilnlly pnl up. 1. . 1110 Hl'lllll proii'Hsinii ih sun ! oiilmni'il nml 'l'i till lnscrlod. in tho most iiliniiiwil niaiiiicr. l'i elm:' ih nikfnt for tnst n.ilronaTe. ho liop.s n loiilinnaitCL uf tlio same. Li. .1, II.U1..11UC 11. ntnniiislitir;. .May P,ltfil--y. JOSHl'H GUKKN, SON & CO. Wholesale ami Kolail Pi'Meta in MifiiiiBifJ ASi'isiaj ioaiissairne OIL CLO'illS, 1MI0H' SIlAllKS, kc. Tugctlicr with ;i nnitrli nrK-ly cf y CAMNUT WAIIIJ, at tliu lowudt Cult I'riies. NO. '15 NOUT1I SECOND STREET, jtKni (iitr.iiN, ) nr.Nj. iiiit;i;, f. v.. jovr.:i i.i:sTi'.u ) .Mauli'J, H,l-;iuu rJllIaADCUMIlA. U'atchrs Jewelry and Silvcr-H'arr. Wi would rcHiircU'dlly inf"rm our (muda Vty. 1 1 nil a and tliu inlilii: ui'iicrtiUy.lli it,r ti itu nvv iii rinrc, and i-lkr AVlmlcadtc and lUUil, at tlm nM i t.ipli priri-i?, a l.irjrn and cry choiru rim I; if W.iuIiuh, JuwUiy, tiilvir .uitl i'laluil Watf, of l very u rirtynnd Mile. I. very di.'H(ridiii orOiauiond WiiU, it 'id cthir Jew e'ry m.idi' tu urdi-r at short imiire, Q All n".iU war Milled to licvia ripii'sciiteil, N. I!. t'ariKul iratti'iitum clvvn tu thu repairing uf Watchux and Jcut lry of utry dcfccnpliiin, BTAurn:u & iiAui.nv. No. f'.'i.MurU-t Ktrttt, South nldc. March t, lS61-3ui. NEW WACION SHOP. Main Strict aim'ti the Forks Hotel, 'Mli: um! rfi-jiicd, liavms rCliinvr-l frnni Ilspjlonn in 1 liknuiiidniri!. n-fiK'i ii'iill v liif.iriiis hU Iriendo and riKiiiiiH-rn, Ih it Imj 1ms opi-ned a ihjvv kIiii, tut .Mam Htfit, Ilu)iiil).irg, ubovu lliu I'i'iKk Iluli-l. wIktu he Will LDllHIHl I III! I IMG' OA' MJ1KINU BUSINESS, I ii all U i vai ioiiH ili'iurlinuitM, and mi u more cxUnsivu ccalo Hi in lien tnl'ir. IliiyiuH, riirmu Wagtnn, HnlUioit, l.ii;ht WapTniis, and atl KiinU of vi liKli'ri. tu.i.lo In order, on tdmrt imiIih; ind f.ur iirnis. Attn llon-nt. and 1'akm Wiull-Uauiuiw, IU,t.l5 tn nrd r. 1 ' lIU'AiniMJ, i.f all kind, including Heavy iuns, iiriiiiiiilly and ilicanly t'-U'tniul. JACOll S. UVANrf. liloni.ialiitr", April "I, lJ,i'l i.ni. NHVOAUlA(iKKSTAI!USILMUNT .v r.i.uuMaiiviiti. fa the J.lo Uriel? Tltric i'flry Canine Factory, on Mjih Vclnw .lrl.rr, 'Itlli: -nlisi-riln-r woiil.l ri 'i i llnlly announce lo tli( J. liublii-, that ho h-is (oiiilni-nei-il llio UAUICIAliW .V- AiJSS" WAUO.V MAKlNt cixrm. ti nil iLi iinoti braiuhi x. Jkls pnp.ind in I'XiiutQ II oril'Ti :ni'l Ii,m on hand nt pr'i'i an upxnrtiiifiit f linli- l work whit ill pnri h.idtrs will find to thur d auti!;u to call and i iiiimii . ItUWHiXn. Vll bi' doiu in lit iitoxt pruoipi and r.irff'il innnutr and ti iuti ti rma u InrJi r-mtnit t;u I tn mvi n iti-tai tmn, HTltAWlUllDUU A. WIJ.ON. lllooiriabar, April It'oX ;1000 Rowaril!!! " U II.I, HU I'AIll Fur Any Mrilii-iitu Hint will Uxcil 3, It H 11 T ' 8j A , M X H '-C X J., T. ,A 3 , IIliALTIIANir'lIAl'l'IM'lSS. Tor thoquirk curi' of lleadaih'', Tontli ilIic, llhenma timi, Nturitlm t, I'.iin in tlio ido, !l.n-l, or Ftomaih, lihitern (;iioltc, or Crnnip, i'msic-d I'm t or liar, Itiirtid VranU Kiiti, sj'raiiH, H ruined Iitanlia-a, und Sore Thrudt and all hijiii! ir roinpliint.-i. TnoilmlM utri'd in I'.u inmiitos. I.ancho cured in ll v o initnit'it. Ili'adnho cured iu tun nunuti'ii, Ihiiim cured from tniinrtiii! m two utiniiti'tf. .Veuruln'ia p.uuj mrcd in lH" uiliiNti j, L'liolic cured Iu ten luimnun. Hpuiius rtlifved in ten ininutusi. h'oro throat rUiciud in fl.-t! iiutmti's. To Ihc Huiid uilli IlaUifhterHof .tlilicliou, Tliee tluitsi wu prou nu the fput and In l'uro your jtu, only briu on your t,i-.ri. P'O (,hi' li.ivo lt en cured ,y uiio A ur nt tn a finpla da) ! U''r bottle wMiunted Try it 1 Tr it ! ' Ti ill 1! ; mvk r ;ix si ciuvM ri-u norruu C"73" Aliln rul ilHtiiiiiit made to Agents, and onii wan ted in tvi r town, aKo pou i travtlnit'- Aycntd. All order d und toiiiiiitiuitaiiMiii t-liould m addressed U. H, CUJAU.ItT K. CU, l'JJH. 1th fat. I'liitaJelphu DIRIiCTIO.VH l()lt LSIMI GOLUEUT'S HALM IN G I LEAD. lr TiMh.icIn) apply it over tho fan) and finu.-i nf the. tooth alhctod' prcnaniB hand upon tlio laio , repeat if ui't cured In oMiliuu case;, i t ntton with I Jin ImIiii .Hid tuver the tui-ili and t'tniu. Tor Headache, hathu the ti'iuplodaudiipplyio the inm1: and lako iroin ten to thirty dropi inli.ilfa tutubler id water mvnteiied. I'ur ti-up and Soro Throat, tako fiomtcii to tliirly iU"p intirnally, un u.'ar nr in hwi ctmed warm wau i batlio the tbrMl (n-ely and bind on a il.ininl. For Ih'iidudie, Ulieuiualiaiit Neuralgia, I iiuu HucL or hide hat he friily wall lialiu in Uilead ; and cciurully take llit.'rnalty l'"r RuriMiuis oiiLp.irt ll.dm in (Jilead and two ol waUr and Dour, to make a p itte. cover Hi', bum with th- tJiiie. I'ur LjioiK. take from ten to JWtT tlropj in hot witer; balUu liu- bowiJanl apply wet ,ltaniui In ih nb.ivi , thu fciiult-ir dose U f'r L'liildn-u, and thu lanii'i f"i adulld : vary .n't'T-lnulojiyeaiid i in unutaiicfj Cnllii'it'd li.itui in (Jili-ad ii luriuUej. Uullicrl'd llalin Ml il1ead L'lveti H.ittMl.irtioll. Thodc .ho have ued lialiu In Oilead will not bu with out it. Agent wanted. I'or tirnu. addn t-4 U. H. UUl.IilUtT Sc. ro. N'o. 133 ?mtli lVurth MrcLt, rhil.gktphi.1, i'.i. S. 11. Or krtentby 13ipieid tuuuypart otthuUm ted states at thu blturlejt notice. May 1, lell. Cm. V U iM l H A K INO. rpili: uuderfii-'nud jiiform Um pulilic generally Ih.-J X they ha. n formed u in-partiicrhhiii. and will cnntiu. no tliu b iniUfsii t'f I'ii nip nuking (iiul rtai.iirintr, in nil th ir arumi- ih p.iriiui nn, hi Hlo'mit.1mrl when they w ill prtniipily attend tn all onli-M in their Imu of buai ilea, whi Ho r iu town or country. wen ami (;isiirn rumps, w nu lenucn 1'ipo, mauo lit tlie lio.l njluof wiiikiuunsliiii.on inoileiatu lerius, ami on vLry snori nonce. 1'roni lln-ir loii cxporionru iu llio litisini'ss, soil an ctuiioFl ilu.iro to li.ivo ills. ir wink coiuiniiiil iisell to tlio pul-lio, tlioy iVi Is riuiil.-lil llicv cm make itnn nliji-cl lo tloiso wlio nia give. IIkiii tln.tr r.i.l.x.i .ui.l ri-iiili r no. r.tl sati.lattioii. JOHN rilll'IVIILIsV. JOHN CULI'. l.l.ioni- l.uij. Aptll 13, lll, .liu fcYER'tt gjiove; ivrTiiiis1. fliir. un U ri.'md.icf.pfci fully inminuhufnendiand lliu milJiL iii-in inllv Hint lit: Ii.i hint niu-nb l.-il lnt new .ii hi, on i.ttuu t iiiiiiiii;i r vk in t.it nvo.i lotvn kin p Unhiiii'iia ininiiy and iiaviuz fii-iair. d ono of the bctVaLfiffii .li4r inlhoioiiniry in now pr- p.ired toeitiutcain hiuin.'sg in Ui Mm promptly and iS.in fcloiiiy The butldiiiiE is r laiyo duublo lirirk Mitl. i oiiiiinatcd in tho iuo..t mudi rn i lu an I cmployg fouj iiiu oi imiii i-ii(ci tiiieiiiioii ov given in inn mui neji and no paiiu spared tu rnidi r fenral .ittufa uuu Orow Juni d IKX Im KxriiiiiRO ni iiimig, inni s, ra., 1', K i'SHam ,TEHMS,-rtrAnnnm.Thri.n Hollar,, or scrvi',1 bj- .hieeinct. toCo,l,l..rat? paronts o.nnloiis .imlcnts, sol. NEW DEM00KAT1C M011NLN6 "THE Wnii n view to met n universally admitted wnnt.thQ nlofltn'it will (smcou Monday the lit of Jutruext a :;!,riV7in:;lV;iS;!;.l CVir stood 114 llio lililn.rk uf lliu IJStl.M nnd Um rlisiunl. on of tho UoriallTulloit. renders ltd entire mitlv nml bold Qltituilu in this hour af National peril ft inultcr of iltnl concern. 'J liu twinllng ittiiralc la not loss fur llio 1 , innlntoiraticu ofa United Country tli-ni ror llio I'erpctu. ' I nllon of lii.ni.crnllc I'rliiclnli't, oi Miianndt'd by Jcir- criun and Jnik!uii. Tlio mutt inoiiitntous reiulli linnir ni'.in Hie lamic. Mi'ro iwrty aiiiitlunt nro for tlm time by 10 mi consent adjourned. 7e r,o,t it tlcid, ao Iii III lessons of ennerlciiru. , 1 ri.n u...,n...u i!...i. .i......i i. n ,i..t. ..i. sham in lliu rcriiuiisilulltios and dangi'ls of llio tiner- p-my, ! hoy hao Milled llh ono necor.l nroimd tho ' Fiaiio.iro oi our loiiimon cminiry. inn inn ocension mi- i i.Mcn. ..in... .h.ii.. ,!.....;.. , ..in .i.. i i reei r tho nllllni; sum.ort of eicry pflllli.l.inltseirorts ' lot inilicate the Nntionat honor and re-a.serttho Na- tioiialiiulhorltyl but tho Preservation of Oorulltutlon- 1 al Mboriy reus more with Hie oeonlo Ih.m uilli Con. grcssi-s and t'.iblnels, Villlniicu liud Unity aru there-, loro iiu dally rcnulsito In tho nresent Juncture. ItUllioiiuriiosu of tlm IWrielors tu uiako "Tlin i'miiV '-Im .. i ..i i.......ni 'i'l... i i iiLiiim raey oi iiiu wuoiu rsiuvo leel loo need oi a oolil 1 .. i .... ...... ....... . . I and vlgorinis.MclriTolilaii dally i an! no churl will bo JfMlo ren.h r 'run IINIOXi' both Miuilar and Mil. I ientnsancwsini.er. mid as a feniless exi..ncnt oftlio I I I'rentiirliirlples for winch tin, llciuocralic party lia o en r noil, lulml. nn.l uhli h nm uiiti .iu.llii 'l. .....mn.i i rim r'ronrletora have orir. rtnd snrh nrrnnacinrnta ns ..-lit .. .i. ....i... .i... ,.n..i....i . snlntaiili.il Inlm.ss b-isis, Ith nbim.lanl iiiinns lo ! iii.ikn a si-wsn.inor socnml In Inurcsl nml nl.llnylii no I , olhor in llio city I ami Mhilo tho paper will Iki fu.irlcss- 'V "cmocralic, It uill si-ilin.nsly nvoiil all faction, as llio ... , ,.,ii.., ' 1 I.".".;...".'.'...'.'.:. ........ n , o nioiv ii, inn nr. iii( it 1 10. ..i.ir-ni.n lor support. nihUlull laliorlo inakn Till'. I'MDK" In every Hay I atltlreatld to JO. KEVr.RN'8 k CO., No. 130 South Tlilril St., 1'lnlaili.lpliia, l'a lill. WALIi l'Al'Ull I WALL l'Al'Kll ! 1 Ur1!' rtrcUcil from the luninilULtiTl" In l.-mtm, an t) n it if I.- ofiiKcU n tli ul itifilitv. I (Ii ilk'iii7i nutm-M 1 ,1. .tl.-nn.. .ui.l,.... I 1 1 11 tin 1 gi 1 nop . 111. .1 as 10 .,, ami J.nec. 11,0 .in,iel.inc.l lii i.(t. i.z::rE,M tin- t'nuiily-Ciiolny LMc'UailC Stotli an UxailllliaUOll tnforo l'nrih.isiii?, U ' fall al Unpens I'ott Odieo. U. J. THOKNTOtf. Ulonnsliur; .Marrli 5J1 lent . v. II 81 li e ue , (yneccssor to J, r. WoRVLn.) n m)u:.i.-iu: juulim i.y TOVACCO, SiXUMAN) CIGARS, No. 8 North 1'ifth ft., abovo M.irki t. riiiL.Aiiui.riHA. Also, Manufacturer and Importer of tfOKKIQN & DOMESTIC SKCA11S. May It, lJlill-IJm. House & Lot for Sale. cpUl Madi-rninm-d, nflt rrf t' idl at private enltj his )L Ilwrllfn llmio,with the I if t cri'iind iiiiii wliich i U l'U'iitcil. i'lchidin all ttni mil tunldjiiKii an I iiiijirovc-ui'-tits. H.tid irnpfrty ronsiia nf a hill town lnt, wIhtcoii is tT-'ft'-'d a ni'W Two iUiry Hritk IIoih', and Kitchen , with I In1 rc'ini'iti; mil buildings, all nf wlilrli aruln ;"o.l roiitiiimii, inrau'ii on ivmro Mrcti a n-w iiiinrs no low P'1'1"1 I'l-um-burs. I'rlce vtry Htuilvr.tuau.1 ' lur in( rLMiiii. turnip roadoiulil'j. ANnui:w ii cuoidixv. Hloomshurs. Juno 8, lt. Im. JOLTNE k LEE, No, 10, NOllTll WIIAUVIM, 1'hiU'li.lidiiJ. SHIP CIIA ND I.K 1? S, Ppun Cotton for Caiitkintr, Unpeg, Tw iin.iJ, Tar, l'itch, i .iKniii, l'locki, und Oaru, ic, Aii'iict 1. l-iiU-l-'tii. IMlUTECTION FltOM LTG11TNIXG. rpllll Milit rlber would itifonti hu fnendtt, that ha 1 X lion prepared to put up, on thorl nuiietnid iu a tjcivnlifn. manlier, the let ruwiA.i ruhvrtu) r.iGirrxrxa nons, ut ICi ccntu ptr fMt. All work warranted. Li. 1). niULMlAA. Hlootii(hiirs. May'JI, I'CO. States Hntou li)otcl CUli (t fiOS MARKET STIUJKT AUUVi: S1XTII.1 PJIIMIIKU'llM. I. W. FOWEU, i'rojiricMr. TiitMs : SI o per day. May 13, li-'isi-Uni. xTEW MILLINEltV GOODS, f ! LS.S MARY llAUliM.Y, would refperlfnlly inform 111 li.r cus'tinn'r-' in I'dmtiiiliiirf and himty, lli.il -ha h.H jutt received (rum the city nu eACiIknt assort- mcM fl now Mir.f.iNi:itY riioiu. 1'in..r Hi .., s.vs.r n.i.l ,...ti.t silnl.s.t ln.x rf Opl.-iue tin- t.utu "f th- mot fattdiom.jWii ivho hit p.iidbliirl aiti tiiiuu in nuking Z2jZ& lur U ''itioiid el hoiiliete, cntli'r'pifntfy hill 1 1 10 iK'Ei ai'soitnifni, piuiiai'iy, enr urouiu to ihh place. Hh" hai an asarrliiH'iit ot inil run! h uidiomr llatriaud i;.ip4 for little Miaif-8, all of which slio ran dUpoi-e of clm.ip. uiie her a beforu purciiamu' ciia where. bit mi on Alain ftreet, below .Market, norm onto. riouHitburjr. Ap Jti Ji MAUV HAKKMiY. lilClI AND ELEGANT CARPETS- H.C nnjliK, Nn.a North HKi'ONI) f-'tri-a, oppojittf - nriM i niirrii, iiivm-b iim- p.iriiLui.ir .iiitiiuoii t'i .ii r rh.intt unit ollars to hu vli)' larye and tloaiil adi-rt' lllMlt of rAitri'iv. on.i'i.onirf,, &r , jUht riTidvi-d from ( ii iiHu-t 'i li brntt'd luauiif.icloi ies of l.urope and Aim rn .i. im liiilinj all tliu )! vt pHlli-nu riaut, wlixlt mIIIu Kld at u ery sin ill ihUsiiirf on tnsi. t'all and t xaiiiiuu iu.i1ity, etIe and pruea before purtu.uiiirVi H wii'Tf. uenu iiiiht. No. :i) .North etund Mreet riill.i lelplu i March Im;i-:iiu. S. iUOlHiJAiV UU'IV9ai WIIUl.CSAI.i: ..sn KUTAII, UEODI.VO AND KKATIJElt WAI5E 1IOUSK, X.i.2j Xurth fecund Mreet, Oppoitu Clnitt Church, riULADtiLPUIA. WT" Cint:mtly nu li.ind, a laro assnttim tit of lVds, M.iltreiiJCii, i'diUasbeJ. Cushion, ll.ur, IIubU, C'dliail, and .ill .um i'-u in tliu Iiiki at thu Lowell L'rircti. A. - i'tirtuktar attention paid tn rciitftttti't! ViW an Old Ftnthir. b & rj ii' y & a y II. 0. HOWEU, S 0 K G E 0 N D E ft T I S T JiESII)V.Vt'I?t HrUii liuildwg below Ifartnan tStore vn jiiQinstrctt, itoomtiurf, ra. vjfm lir..ii'i:C'J i-l MA' oiler., hu nrii fPion !Tl?lSr " vK-e to iho ladii-n und j;i nlh nun td HjJ rrVY1? 1'I'itidnii ami v ii iniu . Hi h pn p.in d -J-i Lj in .uuml to nil tho variou-t oiieriitioni, m Dcntiatry, aiH is proiidt-d with thi Kit t niiproiiienta Whirl) will h: ii" rted on pot tr UUU plalu to luk Ui wen .is ine natural. it - Adiipcriur artici; or Town fuwuer unvayst-n hand, '57 nov 13, ViJ. BiKiaaiia la w m a is 0 (l.lh l.VUIE Hul tt. ) THIRD STREET ABOVE II ACE, IIIlILADnH'IIIA. UllOADS, & SiTtio, l'roiiriflois. TiteiiiMs V. ltmi.ii, formerly nf the National Hotel (:iiuuntf.u!uu, loriiitily tcliu IKill Co. l'a March , Irot- lim. 011KA1 HOOT AND SHOE STO RE rrilin -.utiiciili-'i nidus .illciitioii tu liisnrw stock u L Itixitj -mil rilionj. just rvuivoj from l'luUiloliliU andioiiii risii'K i Z .... 1, ,. ' 11. O'uiUls, Otfonl 'I ia, Btliotlisli lies, Navy Oult lu. Him.em. he, Uc. VOli LADIKS WKAli, Caiterw with ami without lioiln, Flipper dittn, Luskin j, 1'ieiiLli Mturiti" H'K'iies with and without littU, i-c iSO, ita' AMI t'lllLDKrh'tt of i'i t-ry dehi-iipiioii, ut priivK inucli below the old ktan it iri, mui lum ui.ui iiiu t.iiitu -pi.uiiy ui uouaa emi uu Imovhl ior.it any i tlur hti.ru in town, Wotk d .ill kimU iii.ubitn nidcr f the hiit material, in thu in .iti-il uianuei and on numnablo lernM. wiiuanttul lo pi.il .my nty wink and iniuh below tity pnceii. I keen none but the b't.t woikiio'ii md h.ivu l tier in.ite rul than wait 'vt be for bioubt to thin - in I ait. thu ,v btal iu ho had in thecilv m.irki t (itUUljli rf. SAXliUlta, Dan vi liu May W, 1-Hi y r . -r? "";"" - ' n.n.-a ANEW IWi'Kll. Clvo.wai,; Mauli JJ, I:(il MCIIOA WOOD StiittllYAKY AND COLOMBIA OOONTY AT MILLV1LLE, l'ENN'A. Important Additions & Improvements. . H" , ln.lltiilloii which luti been Iri succosiful npera- 1 1 "" 11,0 l,a,t ten years, is about umlirgolnj a vryiiiiiii;!aiit rcnoVHlloii.ln order to lilarn It on a moro nalilelmilitlian urn. mid i.rcjcin ruiillllii lilch ara r'ad by ordinary Academies In Northern fcnii- "llvanin. Anions tlio Improvements nlll lio a largo tliri e slnrlud bullilnig which rl glvo much additional room nml srcatci conveniences for boarders, a roiniuo. 'Hons hall for n lecture i room nml iubllc exercises, con. venliiitt ass rooms, a library and Railing room contain. "i " ...... iiii.un.i.., u, ji , umun .tic. An ctiv'rienri'il nrid t horoiichlv nun fled rlairal 'e.icher and lecturer will bo at tho load of tho Hoard of tli'ttU'tlo". I'Ulllio I'rlnrlprtl Hill have tho general su I'erlntendonco oftlio Institution and assume a share of thi duties of trnrlilnf. Ileuulir bcluiea ill bo dellv l',r''a oils srlentilie subjuts, as well as iiioli theory nml prnrilio of tc.iclitiic, and aNorinnl Class ofyuuiin men and uomeii nholsh lo oualify Ihem. selves tor teachers tirofession. will reccivo obiili lal .'it. ' Tim rinirui. i.r li.al i l"a """ lii'lructlon In I lie irliool will be tho. '""" ninlsystcnntlc, calculated lo cmbrani thu m br.wnesora oratlical education. Amilu provision 1,0 ""oo for the study of the higher nialh.inulics, tlm Idatlou of Physics, ami llio Natural tkldirn. by inunlm (if suitable ntuiariitiis. niiiI fur I liu .in.lv nr il. I.ntin, Creek, and Cerinan laniliaioa, to enable students to nnailfv UilmiisoIios for riimiiii-rri il nml arlinlini. t.nr 'ill. ortnontcr any ilass ntcollcso. Thu ciintry Inrntl m oflhls Komlnnry Inn pleasant t vin-nlf, in n noaiiny ami iiuuiibiiihk iiolshborliooil, utll i"m 11 "' (-'ovatoil lnn or Its moral sulitimcnt, nml ivlivm llio numisnro not snrronnioi bv I huso ilumnrnl. I. II... ...... ,..t i.....n,,.,i. r.,n.ii. ; ... u.i ,.. a. amor Inuns anil many other locallllis, H illi no oiilsMu Sisielvnl rotlilnctoil ill this scrlnm of rnnnlrv. lirrsonts nil nltr.ip. live fuaturoanj useful autilliary, tu a practical ciluca tion. Tin Improvements will licnnilsrthniminoitlilorhnririi of an elliciont ll.mril of Trnstoos, nppointeil by thu Sem inary Comp uty. ami will hu coinpli'teil in lime for the Antiimn term, In coiniiieneo tlie lyih ofAniriist nc.lt. " 1 r-ii p-iiiun.iKo o ,isn in merit a conthiiiatieij of similar favors, ns w n liiteml to lot hi.lu ., hielierBtailo ami r rai,o ..fiiiMrurl,..,, 1. ,o , e, i.ii..ffui..nd claim. t i: u m s s Itniirdiiig, wailing, tuition, llhtmrnl incidental cx niwu, for onu 'imrti'r nf tlevrn wtuks, will b Thirty lliitiiirn, nnu halfiuynhlf! In adv.nico (ho othrr half and all tuition lot lo will ha i'.iecleJ pruinitly at the cx pirntion of each quarter. 'fl nirdin5, with furnidifd ronui, one quarter J.'H) Tuiliuti in common Unglij.li tjr.uiclica ,Uii (nrliuliiii: M uli'Mnailcaandlteuk Keeping by ))nuldu ilnlry Tuition lit I.atin, tircck.mid Oirm.m ff'ttri Vuluiir, LlqlitnuuJ incidental tspeuav, 0I1U 'pldltLf, 0.00 1,IH 3.(KI Tlm who dcirc to procure scholarship or altoml by thi yar, w Mio nccoimuodated at a reueonnMc discount and ..tmli'tila w it.lilttj in procure rutins nhould maku ciaioiinbln application, ior iurmerp.trticuiitr.4 niiri'SR, Wl. LUKGIH, rrliicip.il. .MilUillu, IVnn'a. titOtlOK MlSTFR', J.K.r.VH. ) Ur, A. 1. Ilriitit, Um.h lw. Trustees. Hi Smut 1 I'.vFs, S Millville, Mty im;. GJJ01K1 H II. HO Ii HUTS, IMIUKTI'.lt .NII llll.M.IUl liV HI M (?3! &f) ilk ll?! L) :W KSy 11 6 a; jtaj r, OUTLKUY, GUNS, 0. Nos. 235 and 2:17 North TliinI Street, naiiiASJSii.riiiA. Htmm asm TlllWmprictor nf thid well known and centrally Incn ti-d lloiirii', ibn llvniiM.K IfoitL, citn.ito oil ftl.tl- Htri.f t, in Itloniiburir, i in med lately cpnoite the CoJirin Ida t.'oiiuiy t'nurt lloune, respectfully m forms bis fri'iudii and tho nubiic in cencral. that l'lousn n now in nr der for tin- p'repii-m nudtiitoriainment of (r.tvelerH who may teei uii'poeeti in i.nor it w itn itifir rustoin, lie has npnred no e'xpemoj in preparins tin; l,xm .sm-t for I he i'ati rt.iiuinnt of hi guests, neither fhnll there bo any thing wanting (on MH part) to minister tn their pertjomil cmiifnri. His houso is Bjiacioua and enjoys an excellent bUMiH-Knlointion. UvJ,Oiiinil)u,'e(i run nt all time between the nuh.inirp Hotel ami thu arinuri Kail lload IieimtH. bv which trav. tiers will ho pleasantly muvi-yrd to and from thu re specine cutiioud in uuu limn 10 ineeiinn uam. W.M. U. KOON3. Uloomsburg, July 7, lriCO- DR: SILKWORTH, THH ANAI.YTICAI. 1M1YSIC1AN' ANl SUItm;0 IS daily astonishing hia patient by tho cure of lone maii'lini dinned. IMrt nUMl'.IHia AUU PUKKIA i.eii.i .vui.i;. ue win it! in tins place the mime Hay of mill mouth ns utiited below, when h can bi cmnoif. ten lormi unease Hesii iu itcir lo. lE7'-ONSULTA llW,s HI. I,. JereBhnre. tho 12 and nth of each mnnih. Whites Iluttl. Loek Haven, tho lllli und JSthofcacli imiuu. lWooiu,burj.:tOihand 1st. Danville !M and 3d. Xori V umh-rland Hah. Milton, ii, and 7. J II UC (I, ICIil 1111. ilartinan's Corner. I UST rcooivod a fresh lot of No. 1 & 2 Mackerel ami for U.il ot IIAl;l'.MAN.S. f'WOl) S. II. Sugar for ealo at ir cents V. pirlo.at II.lll'.M..W. GJ.KEY tlrcsi gootla for sale a9 low m lOcls.por jard ut 1IAUTMANS. OLAOK Laco Shawls for salo JU "V 1IAKTJ1AN3. 7a TKA Syrup constantly on luunl nud JJJ for SmIo at iO il . cr full, by IIAIIT.MAN riALICOKS & Miihlina for salo as low J as oils pir ).lr.l at IIA11TMANS PATTKNT Churns just received .a new lot .ui.l for .ilo at IIAU'l'MANtf . CKMHNT by tlio Uarrcl or liiifhel all a d os li.nU at u AKTMAN't. Illnooiiuliilrl!. Jlllio I, led. KHISUJllITH .to IIUOTIIKUS. WHOLESALE TOBACCO 1) V, A L K II HV. 105, SOUTH TUIltn STIIKKT I'tVC tloorsliolow itaro.l I'lllI.AIini.VllIA. January 10. IS.',;.. THU WINK STOKE, OK g q v ;h: s1 w a. '11 s an walmit srnnr.r, (bi.low l'oorlli M .) I'llll.AHIiM'lllA, l'A. August I, 1 u Km. JONES St uiii:, IRON RAILING OllNA.MUNTA Ij 1U0Nt WOKKR, No. 222 Calloii Iiili SI., lirluw Tliird, vim.. hKf.riii.i. 1 1 on Railing for I'.irK, Ctmiuneo, Verandaa, Steps, Lt, .nartii in iu -jihi. j)KRsiONS about to commence lloir-c hi-i-lHiii! will tin will to Call nnil okHinni'i the t.loiH of Now Illslus &c. nt IIAllT.MANo'. i?XTUA Syrup holt! at OOets. per rhI 2i loll at HAP.TMANrt. UNITED STATES HOTEL. AND (sfcNl.RA!. STiUJIS OL'FIGE. vjimhiva rr.v.Y. WEI.DY &, LEVITT, I'noi'RIbTURJ. lliMVia .fencers in Um rtnladolphia ,Vnl 'I rain coing ;ioutn .md 1.1 m i r i Mail Train cnim; North, JllXF, at the tJuiUtl State Hotel 'l'a man u Va, Mmilit! l-Hit-r.'M. ( Mtirru l.5 '.M iFatMk'! ISltEi:iv!! mtI4JK!! QOfb OHO luililinllrick.of excel. aWU7,UW leni ,linUiyt fcf tllt) Qt tllU Ohl nioonhur; Ilnrk Yrd. l'a r ties iutfiidius to build will do wtll lu call mid examine thu material and git buruaiiu. Apply to l.loiiiibiui;, Mutch 0. U'OI -am. UJllUUJIiLAS AND I'AHASOLS. r I Mil. Pui.Birib'f, in sun fat tu r of Hmrrm lam fc I'b I am . iuvitt'ailloi attention of titers h.iutu t.i hia cn'ri tea kluiuatid ui per 1 1' r fciixK. No- y March ;, ImH i h. J, N'orth Ithtrt I'lIII.AlUJlsPHIA. Jiu. JNKW HJjAOKSMTU SHOP. riMU". nndirisnrd reiiiTifully inform hu fuendg and 1 oldcuftninem Ih it ho hai opem d a hop on Mau Ktrectt u few doorrf ubovo tlm Foik'o IIuUI, in Uloomi burg i wlieio ho deit;nti continuing the SMli lUNG BUSINESS, tn all its various branches ul low r.iire. .mil nn .m rn I MILKD V AI1UOTT Btoonisbtii'g Llcatl Quarttrs McKTsiiVY, mh & co., in tiiu riKt.u with an iNcncAsuu suitly UP WK wouhl announco to tho public anil our frlenda that ivo liaroju.l RUirncJ from tho City with l cry largu assortment or JN'KW CHEAP GOODS, Our slock of IMIY noons comprises tlio largest, cheap est, nml handsomest now nll'orccl In tills town I Wo am determined to compete v, llh tho , , ceuti'i!:Arsai70 nn nil lnoe w lsliln tu imy chenp, cnit save mony ly giving us a cull. Wo liavcnll ktiKlduf ijo-nliniid Wares u tuiiply tlio wants of thu iiuojilu. A lnrr;u tut vt Ladies' Dress Goods, OL' EVUHY DKSOllIl'ION. irniTi; good of all kinds, Sleet cs, Collars. Hpeucers, Handkerchiefs, rintincings, Uamlsaml Trlmmiiics, liios and Kdufuifi l'oniKt Itihlinus in largo variety. Vel ct Itibbolis and brnitls. Kid, Collin k l.l.lo Thread Cloves Mohulr Mits, kc, ALL KIND Ob' SHAWL IIHOAOUKS, lU.iiK Silk, CiiNliiiK'rc. Knibruidcreil, BcUa, ttc .Alio a large nsHuitniciilof Cli'tht, CiiHttiuicrg, Satinets, Vvitingii.Tui'rilil, Jeniid, Itcuvcf Uutlirf Contiriff. Vrlvtl Jtr. HOOTS Sc SHOKS OF ALL KINDS 'vexu tj um Jnil Hirnj, fur Men. V Hirnji, fur Men, Wnnifii jinil ChlMrrti. Wi limoa largo tnHortiiintor Huts nud ol Intcist faU-ions- Wu li no nlan, lliir.hw.rf, (Im-cits ware, LVilarwarc, A.r. Vrry Cheap Curpft, Car iu t ling, I'lour, TtiMu niul (nrringc Oil Ctullii, Mats, Hugs, H.-itki tt. A-p. MUSLINS, PLANNULS, TICKINGS, Il.ipcrs,Timliiifii, Drilling, &r.. In utiund.inri-, Alsu, a largo onnurtiu:nt ul iron, ihiih CIiclsi, a l.ireo tii.nitiiyuf Halt, tVc We ItlvitO Oitr frlelliln nml lliu tinlil itirr.iltiMn pUii nn it call ttsToru (uiriluins vn li'-re. Wcli.io lionplit oureof.iNattliu I,mui-tC.it.li I'ruon, ami will nut by luidcrsulil by mi) body, or the rpht f nntnklnd. njoomi'liurc, Nuvembcr 10. ltoo. CHEAT AUUIVAI. on NEW GOODS, AT TII1C Light Street Store. Crt asyt Bioihcr fyallhands on active duty Wj Voiilu liitorm our mends ami customers, that wo hau tiiilrecehed an un usually largo ausortiiiciii of NPIUMi JtW SUM EM R GOODS. Yhicli we ofii rat InwiT rateri. for readv tin v. tliini ;inv pvtr b'-foro op"iied here and will bu sold "ihcfipir tluu tho thJpt.' we n 11.ii 1 not siuempi iiicuumenite tlm armu nrtirion they are iuimcuxu and their naiimis U aion an our cna riout tnrc Idiom:, intl tiding thu Cellar and tiarret. lire nilrd louver How inir. There uru to bu luiitnl t lie iiiifbl f ibrirkti, in (he country at ai-toiiiidiiiii! low Jicures Iii" wear In ureal varntieH, at'-i pr cunt, lower than uver hefori! olleri'd. ULOTIIS, MUHl.l.YK?, IIATs, CAVS, Boots, Shoes, etc.. nt the tme ral In abort, nhnost cvctliNg in the iiH'rr.iiiinu inn: irniu n iictuie in nn anciior. Ourfrieiulj will do welltu call before they mak tli-jir selettiuiiH. II. W. CKUASY, & CO. Lights tri'ft.May i, lFiil. Look to your Interests! FRESH ARRIVAL or SPllINO AND SUMMER GOODS, MILLER & EYER'S. rplli; s.irribiTi hau just rtturncd from tho City X With another l.irgo ami select asaortmct of Spring and Ssiiiimrr oods, purchacedat I'hil.olf Iphla, at the Ion cut figure, and which thev aru determined to sell on aa moderate termn as cm be procured elowheru in Ulooinsburg. Their Mt" rv cniiiprmv)! uwtt:v itltht-lS GOODS, of choicest bt)len and latent fashion. Dili' OOODi, AM) UHUCElilES. iKi H i) 1 nr. Q uy. k at.i i t wh f, CKihiit nini:, hollow tr.inhi mo.v, .v.i. itoors a SHOES HATS ail'S. &i,e.. c. .e.7 In short ecryttiinguaudlly kept in country Slorca in mum ui.-y iiiiiuinc public (icnerauy. Tlio Highest price paid fur country produce. MILLUll fit EVUU, l!lo(im&hurg, 3Iiiy 11, 1;C1. NKW I5USINKSS FIRM. 'pHK underfianed rcpcctlully inform tlKir frienda A .Hid th- public L'tnrriillv. tint thev have entin-ml in. to co p.irtiu'rshni, under tho name, ttjlo and firm of .MiM.nt t i;vj:i;iu tim In tho "Old Arcade." m nioombur2. (Jolnnd.li m wheru they intend carrying on thu huinesi of or Mi ll a i. Ikiuiundizino, iu all itrf dii milled branches and ilepartiiH'iitB. and to which they invite an cUennou ot inu puiuic pairunage. a ir MtM,i:it, lilooiiuburg.M.iy 11, l-CI.-tf. (or ji;i;si;ytowx ) rpilfl sulnnibi.r would re-peitfully apprize lua friends HOTEL Under thu aboo n.nin1 m Jcreloun.Coluinbii toun ty, r.i.whre hoid lully prepared to entertain llic irntenii t muniiy ioieiU'rni vniibtaction. ilia i lll.li and HAU.iro well siinnlied and w ill be mrefullv sSiiperiuieuikd. AtitthU St'AHI.Il ii ample and well Htotked, in tluruu of ciiri-iid 1001113, will always be properly atteutb d. (I -'lie mute; a t-ha re of the public custom, and pK-uget inn uemtHDHS, iu nup iim (,'ii. irn irtt .-it Hon tiAMUUl, niMUY. Jirie)town, May II, l?ul-3m. NOTICE. riMII! litizcni of llio ilillVrcnt counties fttnl towns .L lliroufl!tiiil llio M.itonro inrili'il tu ctinin tiliou lor tlio pl.iront Hlmli llio next ANNUAL 8T.V1 11 I'AII! sl'.ill do In M. rroii)alH containing iiolticciiitnts uuil nH .ml jcs ilirtiti'ii lo Un; undi.r.ii;iieil t'oiiiuiilloo, .ii liulnloil l.y llio Itxcculivo tjoiuuiiltcc, will liu reiclvcd up In nml iittliiiliiii! -M'ty :il.t next. I.'oiuinuiitculioiis snuuia oc auuteBeiiioiiiin r tno ioiiowiul. nirsous W.M. Col, III. It, Jit , jiiiin i'. liiiTiimiroui), J.H'UH .Mlrill. juh.v ii. .itci.nii, H.irri.ljurL'. l'a. A.MO ll. KAI'I". Koiliiuiiibtildio), r.i.. Airi1 20, t Cuiiiuiiitee. Cnttnivissa Kail Itond. VASS KUI'KRT KTAT10N, MIDTIIWAUII IIOU.Nl) TRAINS, rtiildddpliu k N. V. .Mail IIM A M ' ' nspresj 10.15 A. .M " " I'niglit Hl A, M AUIiTIIWAl.U UUU.MJ TIIA1.N3. I.lniii.i .Mail a" p. NiJSt.i i:.Vilt'JJ I 0.10 T. M reisnt hi.d A. M II. 3. GOODWIN, 4i't May I, llil. ' NKW .IISWKIjUY STOIIK. rplll! UiuK'Miiifd, icupett fully informs thu cm.eiis of I IHoouoburi;, ii nd til l ptildieiuei jlly.th.it he h.ut-s tal'hsht d a now flore. on Main Hlrc4.t, Idooiuslmm, tu Mrs. t4i arock'u lluildiiiir, whero hu oikrn fur nalc, on iiiinlcr.it' terms, a tat si J tasoiimt nt of CLOCKS', WATCHES, j- J El I 'F. I.R Y, ui I'vciy t.011, aiiti uku uuu ucsciipiiou. iu uo ttiuk ul Ji ui hy is rouipHte, imluiiiig every wf? ..nr.. lu ul' I..I.II..J .in. I llnlts.H.nn'u M,i.i.l.,.n. 1 t'h.iius, Itotkels, Mrcalinus, riuiei rinss. i tc to thu examination of nhkh he Invites the public euur Ull. II VPim t attenliou civoii to repiinhgClotka, Watch ii,, and Jewelry, and all work wurrauted WM. II. DRAKC. Uloouibbur;, May 1, l-ftl tf. A. T- rilLSkDROUUl! JSO, HUM. A, V. OHKSHUnOUGll & CO., O K, Ifi .ACtKiJlSfj CO.U.WSU0.V MEItCfUXTJS WHOLESALE, liEALLRS IS l?bh, Clieesej a ml Provisions 10 North Wharws, above M.irkrt St, Tacking uud Cuttng 1 louse, Dili und Ueed ts.. l'JULADCLl'HIA. Auguft 1, 15G0-i;m. IMPU0V13 YOUU STOCK. fpMR MotjJKii Fanipion Hore, VOUNG WASHING A ION, witlhu bUtioued the present ueason in this section )e can be ieeu ut Keialey'n Hablr. Jeibcy low n , at Sheep's tdabte. W.ibin(;tonv)lle al Wayou seller', Lcwi.burg, aud al WoH b stable. lewirt'i ota tion Nertlutinberhmd tomuy, during tho sea on, Voung Waihiniitoiiwabred in Wayne couniyt N, V.. by Peter Snyder Kxi. u becn years old, eland n full 17 bauds hi(.'h, and weighs l.t-oo pounds He is cou sidcicd the lire' t home, the hel blood, nd ftnert breed eter introduced into the county of Cot unit n, for particulars see larpe ImIIa. pl (J- W SNVHKR, rtoptutor, 1)10E BoUUtOj cents at MTIT Br TELEGRAPH. IJU'OItTANT FKOM WASHINGTON. Senator BRECKE.NninaK, of Kontuckv. a few days since; mado a powerful speech fu tho United States Senate. Wo havo read it carefully and cannot sco wherein ho has deviated from tho spirit and letter of tho Constitution, For tho exercise of this constitutional prerogative words ppo. ken in debato, wo see it is slated bv Tnl. cgrapb, that Mr. Breckinridge will Lo ar- restcu lor Treason I EFFECTS OF THE VICTORY IN WASIIIN'TON. Washington, July lf. MoLollan's dispatches havo diffused a general joy hero, and nono share it in n greater ilcgreo than Ocn. Scott himtclf. The intclligenca has served lo mako tho military hereabouts impatient for nn op. portuilitv to achicvn rnsulisl. timlli, in those narrated. FRESH A R 111 VAI. -OF- Till: un. I.Tficiiril, crauliil for pnl palronsfc. rcsni-rt fiiMy Inrorins Ins nt tumors mill llir1-iiMn-, ii,.i,,ly. lli.it ho lias Just rocolvcil fioin tlm i:.isk-rno cities, tho largest. mil most select stoik or SPUING. AND SUMMER TI1.1l Iuh V't ben opcnedlu Hbionutiur", t "Iii, h by Invites th-attention of his frb'nds, and iMisurt tbtm that llfy arn otfored for nalu at great bjisunu. Un Stock comprint n large nsiortmcnt uf (jKNTLr.MjUX'ri WIIAKI Nt! AITAKML, Oon5itinp ol FKinnwuiK Knivpt'CovTH, of i-very de rrlpU'Hi; rant. Vi-Ms, Phlrti, tJravi.ts Hlnrki, ('oityn llandkerchlofMilovcu, tsuspendera, ic. GOLD WATCHES AND JEWELRY, Of every ileicrltition. fmo und rln nr.. --.(uin-iiuii i iMircHiierff n wrap i.mjrrivm. call and sec. No charge for exainino Good. it.niu i.uwi;Mitiiu IHoomsburg, March 2, XCI, (JiwlciiU.) JT O 0 O N S U M 1' T I V E S. 1 Tho BubiCriber Will cheCrfullv send Itrea nfi hnr'o tn all who delimit, thu copy of u .SiMi'iclUuri! by which he wan turcd of that dirk disease Consumption. Bniferern w Hit Consumptioi. Asiiima, IIkonciiitis, or any luimalfectiDii, heeinrerely hopes w ill try tins Kn ripe, well natUfted if tlit-y do ao they will be more than e .ins ueu viiiiiu9renuii. j iiatiKiiii ior ma own complete restoration, be is anxious to place-in tlio haiidi of every suilcrerlho means of cure. Those wishing th recipe with full directions. i.c., will please call on or nddrv, Ucv.WM. a. AU.KV No. GO John Street, New York. June I, l?C,, N E W S T 0 11 E . miOLESALK Jt.VJ) RETAIL aair hvm eap aiiis Tho unilcrslsneil :espi-rtnil!y Informs the cllltcns of nioouisburg. anil tlie public in concral, Unit Inl lias pur chased the JfF.1V HAV S'tVRK, in Ihonhito frame staro house, on .Main Street, nearly opposite tho EvihaiiKo suililinus, whero ho has Just received a splendid as rortnicnt of CITY HATS AND CAPS, Direct from the Manufactures, of all hinds, Hyles, sorti andfizes, latCftfHvhions, which heolferx Jiulemilo and retail, al very low price. L-These Goods will bo eoldat very low prices for "V.IUJ JOHN K GIKTU.V. Itloouuburi;, October 27, ISCO. S i K It E N 0 H 0 T E L. THH lltl.1ir.li.n..,l ri.r.f.ir. !..- i.t j. nnd the public nenorally, that he li.ia.opt.ncd a tn.tif fr the rntfrfiinuKnt of mtii-iiKr Jind tr.ivthru, at tlillU MJ.ln (Ireenuond township tVlundiU County, (atiout trto mitcn wvtft olMilhille,) called tliu Sorcno jp Hotel. Whsro hel prepared lo acroinmoil,iti ihn pnMir, an-l nil nliuiu.iy favor In in with their custoiu.toi-tni.ral sat isfiitioti Ills Tallin anil l!.ir. will ho wtll supplied and careful ly riiiiiliicleil..'ind Ins l-taliling is ample and wrlletorkvil Qp-llu will at nil tunes bo happy wiiit upon Ins I'm nds end cueiomcrs. Lr.GUOTT Scrcio, .March 53. 13C1. rjIl E U 0 D U G G E K. This wonderful article. Jut p.itf ntcd, i-i roim tiling t nil ret it nt iff and never hi.forii tillered tu agents, who arc wanted everywhere. I'ull purtiiularu tent Ine. AddreHu HHAW &.CLAKK, HidiUfotd, Maine MirchO. loll ly. "giFsons limOUATIVU ESTAIILISlinilCM', No. Soulh Elt-vmlh Street near Walnut, riBifiAll?B.ImA, llnamclcd Glass, Trcsco, Oil uud turaustic l'a in ting John Gihm.ii, G. H.GlfldON. January li, 1SC1 3iu,, pitiMi; Kiiui.LAM.i) fi.uvc.ii um X I mm uoxioiii wt'filr. hIho, J imoili), Otch 'vrC ard, Herd (iram. Italtouuud Uujli!h pi-i-niii tl Hey tUnsi, Kentucky lilut Grasu, White Clover ftioiinived hawn Crau e'd kc, at wtioit.ih- jud rnait. l'AHCIl AI.I. MOKKIH, Impleineiits and tccd WaichoUke, 11 CU Mar Pln-ets, rhilsidelphia. Msirch M .ItJGl-l'Jm. A T T O ll N 13 Y A T LAW, HLooMsnunti, p.i, Oillca in Court Ally, for met ly ncciificd by Chattel U I hie k a lew. Hlooniiihurc. Dff. I. I1-.'!. S'ro"VE AND TIN-WAKE iSIIOP i, 'Pill! underniKned would inform thu ritizrns ff J3r I Itlifimbburs uud h miiv Hut lio lua ju.-t ri JnGl'V eived and oilers lor nalu one of tho niont i'tientii n 1- ahwirlmenu oi COUKlMi and FANt'V riTOVCH ever introdirtd into thin m.itket '1 hu Chii-iophri t'o umliiif, James Uobhand Globe aro anions tho firn claja rooking Stoves, nil of which nro alr-lljjht an-l pan burner Hih Parlor to vest itto baiulfiomu and the assi-mntnt a ried. Al.-tO 1'artn.ular attention ig p.id to Tin Warr and llou-Mi Hpouinifr, upon hhott nntlto AH kinds ot rp-imng will be done w uh ntattuss and rietpaith tC Country prodiue taken in t.vihmpe for woik. i'HlMl S MOV IB 1! oAuuburg, Oct. 3, lsW U K M 0 V A L . SSi V. C. SAllLKU & Co., Commission Meichtmtx und dealers in Fish, Cheese and Provision, No. W3 Atcli slrcel, 2nd door above front, l'lnl.nli-1 Phis, asll, 5Hly 01GAKS k TOJJACCO. AUrnc anbottment of choico fisnrs, TuLacm, ripi, Truits, Oonfcitionery and Notions c nerall) Aoueth rr with a full stock ofHAT.Sund 0l'S cnnt.inily nn hand and for sale cheap, at thu "IHoouieburg Hal i. Cap Rniporium." JOHN K. GlltTON, notnaburi;, March 16. 1H.I. JUOOT A.I MIS;.ll.lKri(i null', unilei.iine.l. linvin3 opened a new IIOOT.4NII i SIICI; HHOI', on Mam siieil, In llopkiumllf, r.iot lllooinsburs respectfully invites the riulom of llio till r.i-ns and tho public gtnct.ill)'. All kinds of Hools, riliiM's. Ate , will ho promptly maJc tu Oder nn i.hoit notico and moderate terms I'roin Ions siiicniiiro m his lino of business ho Halters liiui.tlf tlut lie mil tin able to fivo ifencrnl satisfaction to u'l hIio may filer him with their custom. Grain, I'lniUion and 1'toduce gcnda'ly taktn ut exchangu for week, II r IIHOOKH. lootnsliur, Julyfl, IS61 3 in WILLIAM QUINTS mm mm urn 9. W Cot. Hind and Maikrt wis.. . . I'llll.AUBI.rill.V sw iaius i.ou iier louo it liloouitburs May?, 15 1