Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 20, 1861, Image 2

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    rffatl trmlit it liittitivnrRats Dosortins a sinking Ship.
VL'UIU lU U I U rl'J I 111 Ul I Ul I Tho Allcsl.env County Itcnubltc&n Ex.
r- -. . .
Democratic County Convention.
TVTOTIfin Is hereby given, Hint the Democratic Electors
11 lnnn.1 for tlia several lloroughs nnd Election Dig-
itici. i'i vciiiiiii'iix iiiiiiti), Mm meet ot ma respectm
1'IKVVB I'I IIVKIUIJJ B'lPI J,ieVUOHS,, rut: urn mr of.wcivst.
Uetween Ilia hours uf 3 and 7 u'clork, r. M., of al.l day,
for the inru9e of choosing two Delegates from each
roeciii.u Lfisinci, hi meci in i;utii il LVA VUrt i 1U.
tl tho Court Home, In Uloonieburg
o.v.vovmsr, ivKsiii dav or avovst.
At onoo'rlnck r. M of said day, for tho purpose of
miiniiiK iiiu usual l .utliotllllic lllillll 'liuians. CO DC SUppor
ted by tho j'.lcctors of Columbia County nt tho ensuing
(.cncral Election, ami for tho transaction of other bu.l.
ncss pertaining to the tntcroits of the Democratic party.
JACOD lIAKUlrl, Chairman.
Tficitsnrt SriLvs, ) Peter fl. Campbell,
M. C. Woodward, S William Fritz,
TVllLUM 'f. PlR'MiS.
liemoeratle Slantltnff Cfimmiltrt.
We need money bailly, and It Mill bo n very great re
llcf to us If our friends anil patrons will furnish us ulth
a little of the "needful" w ithout delay. If they cannot
ray all, let Ihein at least give us a part of that to Hhlch
rr arc Justly entitled, in order to rcliero us from our
emliarrnssincnts. We think wo hate been vcryindul
gsnt.nnd therefore hope to meet with a ready response
to w hat w c conccl ve to bo a rcnsonablo request. Wo shall
bo prepared to receive our lrlcnds at tho offlcc, and fur
nlsh them promptly withrccciptsfornhatcvcrnruoutiL
thcymay dv.iro. Persons at a distance, and those rc
siding out of the county, can remit by mail at our risk.
Loin, friends, give us a lift without longer delay, as
w must have money to keep the old Columbia Democrat
in motion.
coutivo Committee, met in tlio city of Pitts
burgh on Saturday thg 1st iU3t.,aniI among
others adopted tho following honest nnd
Ecnsiblo resolution :
"Resolved. That tlio courso of Hon. S.
A. Purvianco. in rcsicninc all further eon-
ucction with tho present Stato Admtnistra.
,:., it .1-1! ..
ve;oi;i vua tuu UUIltlummuilUIl UliU re-
sped of all honest and honorable men.'1
Qcn. S. A. Fukviance as tho readers
of tho Columbia Democrat, will remember,
a short lime sinco, rosigncd tho Attorney
Ucneralship of Pennsylvania, assiguing to
(jov. Curtm, as las reason, motives of self-
respect. Hero is the endorsement of that
act, by tho Republican Executive Commit
tee of Allegheny County tho strong-hold
of Republicans in tho State as deserving
"the commendation and respect of all hon
est and honorable men."
GovEUNOii Cuim.v has out-gcncrallcd
all his predecessors, "old Joo Ritncr's Ad
ministration'' riot excepted, in "running
the Ship of Stato clean and clear into tho
Such is the testimony of respectable and
rcspousiblo Republicans 1
1ST A largo list of New Advertisements
adorn tho columns of tho "Colujiuia
Mrs. Mary Zui'I'Inoer, of Blooms
burg, has our thanks for a fino lot of deli
cious Raspberries, grown in tho well cul
tivated garden of herself and Mr, Henry
Rev. Edw. Murray, Pastor of tho
Catholic Church of Bloomsburg, by Divino
permission, will preach hero on tho Fourth
Sabbath of every month, at 10 o'clock,
Mr. Francis II, S.nidku, nn enterpris
ing young man of Fbelpivillc, Sullivan co.,
Pennsylvania, passed through this town on
Wednesday last, ehrouto for Harrisburg,
to enlist in tho Artillery company now
forming at that place. Success to our
patriotio young friend.
Death of a Soldier. Mr. Amos Zur
pinqer, only son of our worthy fellow
citizen, Henry Zuppingcr, wo regret to
learn, whilst on duty under Gen. Patter
son's Command, at Hainsvillo, last week,
was shot through tho head by a musket
ball and instantly killed. Aged about 23
Horses and Mules.
Col. Tuos. M. IIorto.v, of Philadelphia
assisted by our fellow citizen, Mr. Jacob
Dithl, have been tho past week .engaged
here in buying Horses and Mules, for
Government, Many of our Farmers havo
sold them norse3 and Mules, for which
they havo paid fair prices, cash down.and
thus distributed several thousand dollars
in this community. Col. Horton, expects
to return to Bloouisburg in a few days,aud
will tako pleasure in distributing some ten
or twclvo thousand moro amongst our cit
izens, provided thoy will bring in their
Stock which will bo taken chargo of by
Mr. Diehl.
Tboso gentlemen havo dealt liberally
with our citizens and havo tho reputation
of very honorablo dealers.
Letters from Soldiors.
Tho Berwick Gazelle, of last week, con
tains two interesting letters from tho boys
at tho scat of War. Ono is written bv
Titos. Stackhcuse, nnd tho other, by ('.
Edioard Haiti. They represent tho young
men nt Williamsport, Mil., and nt Martins
burg, Vn., in good health, nnd say that
tiiey expect, about tho first of August,
when their three month's term expires to
return to Borwiek.
CSy Wo nro in receipt of tho August
Number of "Petersons Magazine." It is
a rich nn entertaining work. Tho platos
and engravings nro uniqo and handsomely
Oun friend Van Geldzr, tho Editor of
n half-sheet paper, published in Williams
port, called tlio "West Branch Bulletin,"
takes serious offence nt our recent brief
notice, of tho exploits of his friend, I. 21,
Gates, in tho Court House, at Bloomsburg
Wo beliovo that that article, brief though
it was, was just to Mr. G., anil fully ex
pressed tho opinion of most who heard his
"abolition harangue." And moreover, if
hii speech hero, was a eamplo of his
"Union Addresses," wo aro of tho opinion,
that tho Editor who would attempt to do
fend his sanity, would by nuy intelligent
nudienee bo at once prououncod a crazy
Mr. Van Gilder, who struck "Billy
Patterson ?"
Swindlinc- tub Puess Ilcnry C.
Spalding, No. 48 Cedar Street, Nov York,
is in a fair way to do a nice business with
tho newspaper Press throughout tho coun
try. This sharper has advertising con
tracts, amounting to sovcral thousand dol
lars, all over tho laud, and as they becamo
duo, ho modestly asked his creditors to
sign bonds extending tho timo of payment
of the Jirst instalment, doubtlcs3 that he
might willi greater facility client them out
of tho second payment. Wo refused to
tako tho bait, for tho 820 ho justly owed
us upon tho 21th of last May, when wc
discontinued bij humbug, ami havo no
doubt this is tho last wo shall hear from
him or his swindling operation.
JSP Col. Tate of tho Democrat, hoist
ed tho name of Gen.BuTLEit,asthe"Dcm.
ocratio candidate for President in 1801."
Tho Col. always likes to appear ahead ,and
from tho bold and dashing stroko made by
(en. Butler it seemed that ho was going
to bo the hero of this camnairrn. But Int.
tcrly he is being eclipsed by Gen. Mc
Clellan, n nntivo of Pennsylvania.
Jlailn t the Col, better haul down tho namo
of Butleh and hoist that of McClellan!
Columbia co, Repiiblitan,
Wc shall do no such thing, Dr. JonN.
'Wo aro not of the "uitrf down" party.
On tbo'contrary wo aro quitosuro weniado
a good pop, when we nominated Major
General Benjamin Franklin Butler,
tho Gentlemen, Patriot and Statesman,for
President of tho United Slates, and enter
tain a lively hope, that the nomination will
bo duly ratified by the American Domoe-raoy.
SgpGodoy is hero for August. Its well-
filled pages aro replete with interest. Wo
nOiniro tho energy, taste and porscvcrcnco
of our fnend Godoy, who is nlway up to
tho fashions and ahead of timo.
Tho Elmira Train between Williamsport
& Elmira, on Monday night last, near El
mira, met with a serious accident. The
trestle work gavo way, throwing tho train
into tho creek and killed two men nnd se
riously injured two more. Wm. Coons, of
Williamsport and a stranger wcro killed.
Tim Harvest. In this latitudo wo arc
in tho midst of tho wheat harvest, while
tho cornfields that havo escaped or recov
ered from tho ravages of tho cut worm
givo good promise for tho futuro. Thus
far tho year has been a good year, and our
rural friends can grumble only about mar.
kcts. The crops aro abundant, and the
avcrago incraso in fpuactity will probably
counterbalance tho depreciation in prices.
Thcro aro many thousands in this broad
land to whom a dollar's saving in tho cost
of a barrel of flour will bo of vital impor
tance this year.
Col. Levi L. Tate,
I continue to think so, wcro tho country
! -w- .- flooded with Johns and Republicans. I
lt,T fAs Columbia lirmorrat. I 1 I
And we would further notify tho veritablo I
What Congress Has Dono
During tho ton days of extra session of
7).r Kir, in .ti,i. !...,. t Doctor, that if wo had followed his dicta
uvvua v Villi 130UU uu ' I " 1 1 t 1
tho 11th inst., ho is really nstonUhcd to wo would havo been swamped in every Congress just passed, Uugrcss has none
learn of tho icnoranco ninoni' too many ot political humbug that has been introduced , tho following work i
By Governor Medary.
Our Fourth of July Toast : Tho sub
scribers to The Crisis : May they live to
sco this glorious Union onco moro united,
happy, prosperous, and powerful enough
to bid tlefianeo to all tho world, and the
people smart enough to not bo led by in
bidious demagogues with philanthrophy on
their tongues aud treason in their hearts.
7V. TKiri Warrior, may be icon at tho
Exchmgo Stable, Bloomsburg.
Col- RIckott's Eogimont.
For the Seat of War, Tho sixth
regiment of tho Pennsylvania Reserve
Corps, Colonel Riokctts commanding, left
Camp Curtiu this afternoon (July 12th J
for tho scat of war on tho upper Potomao.
Tho nion wcro clad in their new uniforms
recently received, and presented a fino ap
pearance. Tho Bloomsburg Cornet Band,
ono of the best in the Stato, accompanied
this regiment. Thcro nro now nt Camp
Curtiu only seven companies of infantry
and thrco of artillery. A largo forco of
tho rcscrvo corps, now stationed nt tho
Pittsburg and Easton camps, will bo moved
hero in a short timo.
Harrisburg Telegraph.
Col, Riokctt's Regiment of Volunteer
Rcscrvo corps left Camp Curtia on Friday
morning, over the Cumberland Valley
Railroad, for Grccncastlo, nnd not, as tho
Tdcgraph has it, to reinforce Gen. Pat
terson's command nt Martinsburg. Not
havinig been accepted into tho United
State's service, thoy cannot go beyond tho
Pennsylvania Stato line They will remain
in tho campat Grecneastle until another
requisition is mado upon our Slate for
troops, i'atri'A ij- Unicit,
ignorance ninong too many
tho people of the back townships of this
county, respecting this monster llcbelliou,
anil attributes their ignorance to tho fact,
that "thoy tako but ono paper tho Star, or
tho Democrat ," and that these Back-woodsmen
beliovo this war is ono waged by tho
Republican party. Oh no I Doctor I wo
in tho "back townshini," do not beliovo
this war is waged by tho Republican par
ty. That would bo granting too much ;
but wo belicvo th llepubtican party re
sponsible in the mam for tho origin of this
Fratricidal strife, for tho very foundation
principles of this party aro antagonistic to
tho South. Ono of tho main issues of tho
party as developed in tho Philadelphia
Platform by an cxclusivo Northern dele
gation was that, tho "twin relics of barbar
ism, slavery aud polygamy wcro to bo
abolished," nnd upon this principlo,slight
ly modified, Mr. Lincoln was elected.
Washington was unfortunately born in
tho South and would not bo good au
thority for you to quoto, but wo of the
back townships havo not found it out yet.
Ho warned his countrymen with nil tho
enrncstness of his patriotio nature, ngninst
tho foundation of ccii5rtpatVs,togcthcr
with tho farewell warnings of tho Hero of
tho llormitago who predicted tho precise
stato of things now existing, in case sueh
parties wcro countenanced, I suppose the
Doctor's timo ii too precious to como up
again in tho "back townships," nnd en
lighten theso benighted regions, If my
memory serves we, wo were visited by a
man of about his calibro last fall, just pre
vious to tho election,whouttcrod somo eago
predictions. After dilating upon the
great blessing that would immediately fol
low tho clcotion of Curtin ij- Lincoln, ho
gavo as a reason, wo wcro going to havo
such a glorious Tariff, a real political mil-
Ionium; even beforo thoy took their seat,
confidcuco would be restored, labor plenty
and wages high. Now, Doctor, wo of the
"back townships," nro waiting patiently
for tho realization of this prosperity. Well,
what do wo seo ? By secretary Chase's
Report, wo aro informed tho Tariff on
Iron is to bo reduced and a Tariff on
coffee, lea and sugar recommended I Wo
in the "back townships" can not sco how
a duty on coffeo ami tea is going to givo
us labor and mako money plenty. Where
do they raiso them, aud who consumes
thorn ? But now without joking,Doctor, we
feel tho effects of tho hard times, with
taxes looming up in tho future. Wo nrc
willing to do nny thing to prcscrvo tho
Union on constitutional principles. If wo
cannot sco it our .duty to prohibit tho
South from taking their property into tho
territories the Doctor will certainly attrib-
uto it to our living in tho "back township."
If tho war is for tho maintenance of tho
Constitution, guaranteeing to each Stato
iis rights, then "count us in." If it is
a war of subjugation, or for tho Chicago
platform, then "wo aro not in." I too
Massa Greeley's paper, from the columns
of which tho Doctor's papor is mostly sup
plied, is out strong for tho war, urges tho
columns of our army on. General Scott
is not fast enough for him. llo says wo
will tako tho negroes as wo go nlong. It
will bo uieo to havo them simr nud wile
away tho leisuro timo of our soldiers, aud
if "they become too numerous point them
to tho north. This samo Greeley, in
1801, when ho was figting up the Repub
lican party, spoke of our National Flag as
a mean filthy rag I ! Now if wo do live in
tho "back townships" wo do not wish to
havo Negroes of the South turned looso up
on us. Wo dont want them here frceor
slavo. Hoping that this civil war, which
according to Douglas,is "Disunion,'' may
speedily torminatc,and our beloved country
from tho Kcucbcckto tho Rio Qrandoinay
again tako her proud posiiion among tho
Nations of tho earth as nu asylum for tho
down trodden of all climes nnd shed forth
tho saerod light of her Dcmooratio Institu
tions for ages to comej I will close for tho
"From one or the hack townships. "
in tho county for tho last tweuty years
0 1 Doctor I 0 I Doctor, Palomon I
01 Doctor Pnlemon John I how ridiculous
you havo mado yourself.
Important AVar JNTcws !
Jeuseytown, July 17th, 1801.
Col. L. L. Tate j
Dear air : You will oblige ui by giv
ing tho following letter a placo in your
Yours &o.
N. B. W.
Wo notico in the last issue of that con
temptible, insignificant, worthless shcct,an
assertion, alluding to what it terms, "tho
pcoplo of tho back townships" of this couu
ty, charging them of being ultcily igno
rant as to what is the present stato of tho
country; aud accusing them of being
misled by tho star nnd Democrat. Wo
beg lcavo to inform tho shallow brained
editor, (tho public aro no doubt awaro that
wo refer lo tho Columbia County Republi.
can) that tho pcoplo of this vicinity aro
not entirely "ignorant" of the condition,
nor of tho Parly which caused tho present
distracted stato of tho country. Notwith
standing our Post Offioo is flooded with
papers of ovcry inscription aud title ; wo
do our owu thinking, regardless of politi
cal Journals or Republican Editors ; who
havo dono tho pufing aud blowing for a
"sectional Party" several years, for tho
sake of u country Post Office. Wo beliovo
that war ia Ucinal duuuiou, uud thoukl
From Wostorn Virginia.
firfntfctt Arnnnnt nf tht Virtrtrit nt T!rtrtn.
One hundred and fiftu killed. One .for tho increaso of tho regular army.
hundred prisoners, McLcllan after the
rohcls, Pennsylvania Regiments cull
ci into retuisilion. Retreat of the reb
els to be cut off, Ten thousand rebels
driven out,
Washindton, July M.
Tho following dispatch from Gcu. Mc
lolan was received to-day nt army head
quarters :
''Beverly, July 12, 1801.
"Col, R, D, Totvnscmtl, Washington
D, C: Tho success of lo-day is all that I
could desiro. Wo captured bis cannon, of
which one is rifled; all tho camp cquippago
nnd transportation, even to hiscupi. Tho
number of tents will probably roach two
hundred, nnd moro than tixty wagons.
Their killed and wounded will amount to
fully ono hundred and fifty, with ono huu
drcd prisoners, and more coming in con
stantly. I know already of ten officers kil
led and prisoners, Their defeat is com
plete. "I occupied Beverly by a rapid march.
Garnelt abandoned his camp early in tho
morning, leaving much of his cquippago.
Ho camo within a few miles of Beverly,
but our rapid march turned him back in
great confusion, aud ho is now retreating
on tho road to St. Gcorgo. I havo order
ed Gen. Morris to follow him up closely.
"I have telegraphed for tho two Pcnn-'
sylvania regiments at Cumberland to join
Gen. Hill at Rowlcsburg. Tho General
is concentrating nil his troops at Rowlcs
burg aud will cut off Garnctt'a retreat
uear West Union, or, if j.ossiblo nt St.
Gcorgo. .
"I may say that wo havo driven out
some ten thousand troops strongly en
trenched with tho loss of eleven killed nnd
thirty-five wounded. Tho provision ro
turns hero show Gaructt's force to have
been ten thousand men. They wcro Eas
tern A'irgiuians, Tcuncsseans, Georgians
aud I think Carolinans,
"To-morrow I can givo full details a3
to prisoners, &c. I trust that Gcu. Cox
lias by this timo driven Wiso out of tho
Kanawha Valley. In that caso I shall
havo accomplished tho object of liberntiug
Western Virginia.
"I hope tho General in Chief will np
prove of my operations Signed;
G. B. SIcClellan,
Maj. Gen. Com. Dep. of Ohio."
Latest from McCldlun's cdumn. Hot
after the tebcls. Loss of the rtbils. A
nbel Commander sunendus himself
with (j(H lucn. Ilia ribtl prisoners
marched into town, Much suffcritig
among the rebels,
Ciscinnatti, July 11.
A special dispatch from Beverly says
that Gen. McLcllan'a advanced division is
moving rapidly to Cheat Mouutain Pass.
Tho rebels burned tho bridges a Huttonsvi'lo
and will burn Cheat Mountain bridgo. It
cannot delay us an hour.
At Rich Mountain ono hundred nnd
thirty-ono dead rebels wcro fouud. Our
wounded aro doing well. Ten commiss
ioned rebel officers killed 'and captured,
including Capt. S. Kepwith of Powhattan;
Capt. D. E. Langell, lato United States
army; Capt. Irwin, of Brunswick danger-1
ously wounded. Dr. Tyler, lato United
States army, nnd Dr. Walk, lato Uuitod
States srmy, prisoners. Somo Georgians
and South Carolinians aro among tho dead
but tho rebel's dead, wcro chielly caslorn
This morning Col. Pegram, commander
at Rieh Mountain, scut a letter to Gen.
McClellan offering to surrender himself
nud coimnaud of six hundred mcii. The
surrender was accepted and prisoners will
march in to-day. 'Tho prisoners wcro
much reduced by hunger.
July 4th. Tho houso organizod, and
cloctod a speaker on tho second ballot.
July Gth. Tho President's Message,
nnd tho reports of tho department of tho
Treasury, AVar, nud Navy, wcro rent iu.
July Olh. Tho Scnato committees wcro
declared, and six war bills wcro presented,
viz t 1. Legalizing tho past action of tho
President, S. Authorizing tho employ.
mcnt of volunteers. 3. Making provision
For tho appointment of an Assistant Sec.
rctary of War, and reorganizing tho army
cto. 0. Organizing tho volunteer forco.
0. To add to tho efficiency of tho army,
July Slh. Tho Houso committees wcro
announced and a resolution adopted de
claring that the houso, during this session
shall consider on ly bills or resolutions con.
corning governmental, military and naval
appropriations, and fiuancial nffairs con
nected therewith.
July Olh. Tho Scnato passed n bill to
remit duties on arms imported for tho use
of the Union ; tho Houso appropriated six
millions of dollars for payment of back
dues to volunteers, nnd resolved that it
was not the duty of United States Eoltlicrs
to return fugitive slaves.
July 10th. The Scuato passed the bill
authorizing tho President to call out fiva
hundred thousand volunteers. Tho House
passed tho loan bill authorizing tho Trca
sury Department to borrow two hundred
aud fifty millions of dollars, and a bill cm
powering tlio rrcsiilcnt lo use the army
nnd navy in tho collection of revcuuo, aud
to closo tho ports in rebellious States.
July lltli. The Scnato passed the
Ilnuso bill, for the back payment of vol
untecrs, and a resolution expelling the
seceding benators. Tho Houso passed
tho nrmy nnd navy bills, which, in the
aggregate, appropriate ono hundred nnd
ninety ono millions of dollars, thus detailed:
Payment of Troops SOO 000,000
Subt'ntcuco of troops 28,000,000
Special Notices,
n a xv - it o j ,,
Supcr-Phospliatc of L
, iu,tt?tfmtttit-fi .
menu nrc now oflereil lo purelmmrii of tho nlioe ortl-' , , " V hf
clci. Tnii Ii much tin- InrBCl flock of trunk. Carpet AO, HO OOllll IHiaiVCS. TV,,,,,
Ilngi, Vnliccn.fcc In I'hllodcli.hlit very cheap for caili , . ' "J'(,
No m Market Street, ono iluor oboVu 4th, of Ut VMll 1TIC0, ID per i!0 IQ II,
li.,, Farmers nnu in-nicri rnn teiyut., ,1
bins "ilin- 11,0 'I'"""" "f t'" t koii inai'u.e
irTilntAM U'. MAT-TflMV. Itrrplvril tho I'rUe
M.V.I i ihn Worlil'a Talr In I.umltm 1M1, for TIlUNKS
CAUrliT HAIiS. uooia, allocs nun uimii. iivnv muuv-
Tin Gbsat Cummin EdronaM m the
I'lillulclnlila noiscijcl th mott iplcnillil Clot
porlouni In tho country, it i a nionnui riB"' iicina urcnareJ Hrlclly in nrror.u.
palallal alructnro in lilch tho linmon.o hu.lni .a cf lie i' P'Xn, ,'t!J "fn " Kb
l,.,i.n.i,.i i, romlnrtn .nn, it ii equally aplcnillel in 1 """J natural .... '
reaped to Ita sreat racllitlc. nml rt reaourcca. Ilulto ;',; ' J Y,""'1 ""' rn,,
Ita patron. It.6 chicr .ttroctlo... arc, nr.;, tho c epanco I IZluSfZSun M. S
of tho ?ar,i.cnt. A,r llcntleincn lg ctlrcly frco ,,, KlMlcm'm M' M)
I.U ii..l flm .i.m.rlnr itr.llfllif lif tilt! fit. Oil J
nny thu moderate .rict-nt whicU Mm goodi nro boM.
Wo refer, In tlilf ik'8CTl.liun, t imnu otlu-r limn the
llrown Hioih Cloitifiijt Itatl if Kurkhlll fc Wllfuii, .Noi.
f.03&HilGU5Ciic'siiul itrtet, l'liil.idcli'hla.
Tho Whlto Hall Clothing Sloro
The undcrdsnotl, having ptirchnsctl tho will known
White Hall Clothing Kmpnrlum," sltuaU rn the South
West Ciriier of fourth nml Maikel StreiU. Philailclphla
respectfully Inform thonuMic nml former cuilomcrB f
the Housc.lhat he keep constantly for Mlc aim inifici
up loonier, nil description of (iunUeMrn'i near, of op
nrovcil inntorlnl and sens ni very mouvrnit) prices, nc
lug a PiuiTicAL Tailor, lie guarantees good (Hi and
ulltnado Garments. SlriiUUemiuii given lojolblng
A runtliiuatlonof tho custom of t lie hoist, which he
w ill snare no pain tu merit, is my n-pp.-ctrullv iuti
icd. T. H. liCVlt'K.
May 1, tPfil. y
Uniformity o( Prices I A New t-Vntnru In Itiislncus
ri-,v nmi liinun H.ilesm.inl JONTH ft CO. of tho
CrcsentUno Price Clothing Store, No. SWJMaikel street
nlmvL'SixiN, rhiiiHiripiiM.
In addition to hatlnu the latfiont, most aiicd and
fjuliintr.ihta Btnrk of Llolliinc in 1' nlndf n n.i. nude c
prcntly for retail ritlett., have count, tntcd rtety one his
OWIl Hilirmimri, vr HaIVIiik nininru in miim-h, ri,,viin ,
title nt l littery lowest nnru it fan w nold for bo they
rnnnnt OtMtlMl V.lfV- fill llHHt hllV llllkl.
The (roods are cll upongul and prpired, and (treat
pains tahen ujtli tlio mailing so mat an ran.iniy wnnin
lull nviiirAiiroof ccltliiiT a L'ood artulu ntlliu vcrv low
ml prirc. ANo, a (arj:e stock of piece trends on hand.of style and bost quaiitien, winch will tu mmiQ
to order, In lic inoyt faslnonjhle and tent manner, 5
per cent., hclow credit price.
Keuiemuer Ihe Crescent,'Ovn Piitli etrnel
No.ytKi. JO.NTtj 4. CO.
Dr. Duponco's Golden Tills lor Females.
Infallible M rorrtttingt trgntating and rrirming alt ci
itructtonitfrvin icSntttti mute, nml alitofi
ivttttsful as aj'rcitntivr.
Tli t'ointd nation of ingredients in r DiiponeVj
Oolden 1'illa arc perfectly liarnitcK. Tlicy Invi hven
usM i tit lie private practice of old Or. I irijioric frocr
thirty yearn, and UiuUHandH uf ladien trtri tcMify to
tin ir ere.u and injur miling bhccopi In almost every
c.-ie, in unreeling irregnlariUCD, relict itiL p.i inful and
di9tre"Hiiig mriioiruniiou, particularly nt tliu changu of
lift', 1'roin live In trn pill) will euro common rl
dreadful complaint, tlw Whites. Nearly vury IV male
in Hid u tier from Mutt complaint. Thf iibou pill
I M pmnuncuily rirod HioinaioN, uud ill urn you if
j on use them. They cannot harm oii, nn the contrary
they rfitnovn a I obilruitiond, ret, tore iifltnre toil prop
ijrihaiiin , and inifoiale the whole svhU-iii. 1...m
whoio health will jiut permit nn iiirrcnuc fl',iuiity,
will find Iheac pillti ft sncccsifiil preventive.
These Till fhonlil not be taken during the first three
month of pregnancy, a they ur sun.' In bring on mis
carriige; but at any oilnTtnne they tire mi fo.
Price, 31 per boi. .Sold, wholesale and retail, by
C M. HA(ii:NHlJCII, Druggttt.
Hole aent tor Itloouisburg, Pa.
To whom nil orders must be sent. Ladies I by send
in" Htm 81.00 to the hloomsmin: Post Olbce, can have
these pills nent to any part of tin country, (confidentinl
, ly) and "free of Poilafre" by inail. Hold also by N L.
i inn . .ip, imiiwiii'i u. i nr. i iiiniriuii, j, i, i ijk.
quartermaster's Oenartment. . la.OUO.OOO I -V ."i" ' "" "rueei inetcry town a.u
ii i i-ii ii , nr. ,',, city i" thi UniMJ Mate..
(Javalry anil Artillery Horses. 10,.r)00,000 n. ii. bmk for counterfeit, ihiynoooi.icnriii.
Rnnnnrl nf tlio Miru Mil 0(111 Hint of a"1' kl'l, nnle.j ecry Ikh i .ijnej . II. Iluwe. All
(Support 01 tilt. iMaVy .HI,UUU,UUI1 ..ihcraarenha.olmiio.ilion .ma un.afc, theriforc. a.
IrailSnortatlOn lO.OOO.UUO y" aluoyour lite.auJ l.ialtli. (toi.ny nutlilna of
WoctnVn fil.nK, ,,,' inRhuiiibupBea out ut ) our money,) Imy only of tho.s
CStcrn UunboatS 1,000,000 who .how-Hie eicnature of rt, I), liowo on ciory hoi,
me. vs. iar,o-iy.
f. n nowi:.
Holo l'ropriutor, Nev. York.
t..i.. ioii. mi., n wnich n.n recently
uuiy aiii. xnu House paSCU mo Ulll couuterfutofllie I'm.,
authorizing the rrcsiilcnt lo neecnt tho
Borvico of volunteers to tho number of fivo
hundred tliniinnil. nnr)
their expenses five huuilrcd millions of dol-1 JCIU jbUC VtiSClUCUtS
lars. I ...
Further to facilitate the rapid transao- l. ; r; . j
lion of public business, tho House Commit-1 '-'liltll, 5 3ALEJ5.
too of Ways and Jlean.i has already pre-1 BV.!T,inAnl,Vr.','i'' '''"."i'1'
pared all the bills intended for submission f,,,bhc',fi,c' '1 "'""' lu
d it - i , .i . l'uinic tnc court Mouhc. in liloiiintiljuri',
unng the session, and in les than a week On Tnpil.iv lli llili r icp,
it is expected that Congress will bo ready A f J ' J f AllgllM, 1861,
, v (j.wo ou .uaujf At one o'clock in tho nrternoon. tin follnrcine t.roni.,1.
Cash Price, 815 per UOo'u ),,
The .uponor tnloeof Ihli,l,,, ... . '
llonc ii now ao well kniiun.tliat it . ,
here torcmiml l)e,ih r that our UiHil,!.,
facture are now .ulhcieiit to incit lliu "'
liiaml. "'".Hi,
. K7- Tho nhmeManurea can hehajof,.,
In thl. county, ol of u "r'iElji,
w "rVal'!
No. Ol South win,,.., i.'.T'"
July ai, le01-3in. ' ""'",
TWO N'olea of h.iml, drawn hy l,i .,
lavor of C. )V. McKeKy A. f , ', , VV"
July ldili, lM,l,ri.iirmontrn,fr . i f .
to reach lliclr mail dosllnallim. Alio,.,,."1
edagain.llicpotlalinB forcllhor of ,,
nlilo rcttard will he .i 1 .1 for tlr ,,1,..,."; .
Mctlirhael, at rhila.lilrhla, or lo the To, .
Ihe C.iltal..a lM.erlHIM.. c
July JO. 1-01-31. U-'V. McKl:Uu
In Ourt Alley, Opposite the Cvrt f)t
And one door below the olnrc of thcOilumin.i,
rioom.burji, July Itbl.
HOUSE FOll 3 AM-;,
Aim to,-, Mo m amk Hoiw, wilt by ayMthHB
Ilcntion to the undrugnad. r
I 1. T
ninomilmrs, July IX IJi.l.
Fire rroorCcnieiit ri Sj
A lot nf miM!iior Vin I'nooFCMiFT.CFhutiii
tod fort.iin-:nliiis One kaIIoii win,
f:t of ordinary touftiig, nud ii Innur-! itii'
rflln nud wot weather. Cm l. at tntrmf.'
rtccu, by the gjtlon or lialf bjrrul, nt ih-j n.
MoomnbiirK, July 13, l?ft.
7b Uic Heirs of Thmnux Coniur
NOTICH ilicrKbypivr,n that Ui rnnni r '
Tifr, Htirv i v hit; Triulrti nf Hm ....
Conner, lMt of Crti'mvond townlnji, I'uiih,i, ,
dcccJHud, was died nttbe IMny Turn, u,
ami in nu prcaemcii mr connrmdtiun nn, 4,
nt tlm fiopu-iiibfrtcrm 1h.
Btoounburg, July 13, lPOl-tft
A fayinnlc ivMtc Pig, wcifliin about un),t ,
blncK. puot on one hip, tin been nbpciii Hutu
A fuitatde n-ward will bu (jiven ft-r iuf-irniiMn
Itloonifburd.JHlyP, 1PC1.
Wyoming Scminiiry,
nHK next torm oflhi. liiBtttution tiillcnn-iu,if
J. l;ut lllh anil conlintlu tweUo iM'i.k..
Throughout tlio term .nertal nlti-iilinit mtu
to those rtrrp.riua lo teach, ami all .uih m.i,
hating a. aood aiivanlago here a. at any rtr,
Normal School. Arrannenient will he ii,t.Ti r
It n. it v course of licture. hrforu thu Teailut, i
It M'L-
KuifriiKm, Ta.. July r,, lrfit-lm.
to h it :
Iho afternoon, thu following property
All these Six Certain TracH of Land,
Finnic in neavfr Inniishtp, rounty of Colilinhh. and
tflal'j of I'eniiKjIi.inla.oiM'of them called. "ll.W.Hiav
b h'd and descrilud as follow . to wit lU'Kfniiini' at
a poit ihcnco hj of Jas. .Mc.Veal, north, tnWro
d'-prec, west, three hundred and forty perch is Ion che.l.
u..t .,v,vu I.UIU ,i urn. uray ali win. Meed
nian.iuiilh, n'cnly-eis!it degrees went, one hundred
nud aevenly.iuiiu prchcH to u po.t, hy land of
, ni Ni, .I,,,,,,, iweiiooisree. east, lour Hun
dred illl'l toil pi nhes to a poti thence l,j land of :,ci
ora i.ruoK, norlli seienly ilecrec. east, .event, threo
perihus to u dogwood, north, twelvu degrees wi.l.hf
teen pen lie. to a pon ; time north set cull -. lulit ihciit
eiut.HBhtj two perches ton l.lack oak Ihelieo hy nn
n.''t V" "'-fiiee-. wtsi. iwtiuy.nvcii.r
cheatoahlikory, and norlli, llnrly-two degrees east
Four Hundred and Tmlicslcrtt and a Half, uud allow
unco of tlx per cent, lor roads, A.C.
Another of them called " PA LAI V It A "
:" . i-'ni, itiuocu ny i.iii i iu ituoi. liray, nnrih
Inilvu degrees nest, four humlre.l and cn otriVa to s
po.t, thonto ,y land of Win. rtee.!man, south, .evenly,
eight degrees w i st, one huliilli d nml kilty pi tches to n
po-.t tlKiicoliyl.iudof John llrody, soulh. Iwilvude.
crecs nisi lournuiiuml andleii perchrs to n post, and
I Ihcuce ly laud of John Wild and Huh ird lliook. north,
' soti nty i ight dtgieei i-n.l, ono hundred
1 perrhes to Iho placo of liegiiinlng, containing H nr Hun-
Tho undersigned, after faithful servlco f ?Za " """ """ "co of su
to adjourn.
fSrDisco.NTl.NUEi). Tho Lock Ilavrn
Wiitchmiln, the Republican orgnu of Clin
ton county has been discontinued. Ex.
So has tho party. Ho ! for a now namo
and a new skin !
ISorMd. County Democrat.
Vanity Fair says, a scrano into which
our brave women seem quite anxious to
rush, is Rorapiuir lint for the ''bold Eoldicr
hoys" who havo gone to war.
jUandulates Department,
PltlNTEIl'a FEK S'J KACll.
Tu the Heelers of Cehmlia Vonntij
Tho undersigned, after a faithful i
ly-iiiu jears in lliu ranks of Ihe nomocracy of Cnl
umnia, re.pectrully nm. ounces lo hi. friends and fcl., that ho will Lo nraudolalo for Iho I.eeis
inure, ai tuo aonronc iiiil' cenerat I'.ie.i ,,. ul,i.i.., ,,. iu.i,.,.i...., : 'j,'
tho u.aee. of thuColumhu Kounlv Democra c J,r..., J ...;. . ." . "1.1 '.VV");.1"' I"1'.
Auother of them called 'STOXK If AT.T.
Hi ginning at a pnst.lliencehv land of John t!,.i,
ciu ueeiees ivesi.iwo niiti.ii
ihvstoa post, Iheneo hy land
') north
I 1'h.lrles Hall, south
, ..... . ,,, v.s. . .H .n sun, iwo nuihlred nml seventy.
nionm IWP Jul 13 toni L- rAlli V n fa a rl..-.tniit j ll.ence hy land of (,'alharino
liionul twpjuly IJ.IBIil. , l.oiigenlierger, soulh. sixleon degiees and nou irtereait
plYMni'l'l' ,.,, cjliT.KTiin l!.?i'",n"',U'1 "v:ty-l. perches to ,, t e, and
CAiNJMiJAl 1; I'Oll OllKRIFlf. 1 Ihencohy landof llchoraliMewartand Thomas lirooks
approaching gclltra, ti(rl,. ,ui,Jcr, , . dec ,1c of unco "nt , iU c Ju tr , , J """iv
iinacroofnhlchi.clearoil'iiiid. Thero is .ta.Z
. ....... . JT . i Ot fcloilO Lo.ll Olh'iie, in, ll,,d l,n
run ailJ'jiai'F,
llrcakc, erected thereon; ' "U'6U VUJ1
JoiUII If. Fl'RMIM. (.f l:inni Atinll.i. t,rt... II..1 ((! liMtnnn
ixed lo announce. ill b ,. im," SI ' "A il MU&
tin-approaching general elcclion, .uhjedto the iltcl-io i Mecdmin no tl. i10". "':" ''yl'iud of Win
of the Uoluu.hia Coouty JJuiiocralm Convent on I c. ,h, '.. , ."', 'l1.' a'!'1 ,?.,"u
W "' Ihcc. h T-.iJ of Wiiam tvV d so, . "XI S.'
(It'LTL'f!!! WCt. I nnil tiii.i.U..,! -...I 1
Illack Oak, thence hy land of ThomasVay.'.ou h, ,"x.
tecii.l. Srocc.i,l, twenty perches to a Cln tlnat, liience
u, ,.,- ., sniy-sii oerr he. li
At the .olicitatloii of many friends Iwouhl unnounco
!i. r0V'J5!:,M,':l'.1"ll''a,c,'un,-"'ll,al1 "I"1" acandi
date for A!-lii:.Mlll,V,.HIho approaching geneialeleclion
juhject lo Iho decision of iho L'olumhia county Democratic
July 20,1801.
Batllo at Car rack's Ford.
Ti.r.r. i.t ,
j..cuos completely rouica. ucncrat uar-
net killed, Tim rebels loss fifty hilled,
Alltltxir camp cqitipp'ige and mtny
prisoners captured. Rebels scattered in
nil directions.
Cincinnati!, July 15.
Gen, Oarnctt was killed hy tin Indiana
eoldicr in a regular battlo fought yesterday
eight miles from St. Gtorge. This is re
liable. Particular of battlo soon.
Skco.nd PlilWICII
Dispatches from Grafton Btalo that tho
body of Gun. Oarnctt, Iho late commander
of tho rebel forces at Laurel hill, had ar-
iivuu mtru iu a cpcciai traiu, jjo was
killed whilo attempting to rally his re
trcatiug forcej at Carraek's Ford, near
St. George. Tho rebels wcro completely
routed by Gen. Morris' division. All tfi
their oamp otpjippago was captured, with
many provisions, aud their loss is about
fifty killed. Tho loss on our side is four
of the Ohio Fourteenth killed and a few
wounded, Thu rukb iuti now mattered
iu every direction.
rriondj and fellow Democrat., a. ou lnVo given me a
guarantee Ihree jeura ngn, through our regular County
Coiiv.nlioii.andoyadherinetotho usage. i.f Iho I),-iuo.
rraticpiity all i) ,f0 ii1Ui M,nch lml,lcci , ,
otler noself as a candidate for Iho ollico of Sll1:illl't'
ty Uouvimioi '"i.'un of tho Democratic Coun.
lUooni township, July 20,
JamtsB. McNcu, of Catlaiviiia township, wo aro
authoiized to announce, will he a candidate lor TKKA3
UKl.Il.nt Iho approaching general election, suhjoct lo
Iho ilcci.ion of Iho Columbia counly Duiuocralic Con-
July 'JO, l-iil,
couitccreu vu:kly.
Ihence l,v land of J,l, t m.1 1 .F""
norlli. twelve degrees west, ,.,s,ly perches inn while
oak, and north, .evcty eight, ..a,t, slxly p
die. to ho placo of hejinning, containing Jir yi.
tH A lSc"M m' """ "t tu per cent
Another of them called " T R 0 Y "
T'iweKeK!,i,,e'!tC.,,ycljml.0fJ,-rCm,al1 Jk.on,
. -t.w. ,UM, iiuiitiruu ana inn Dir.
. to a post. Iheneo by laud of IV. v. Uty. .oull? .
-i Bin degree, west eighty perches lo a Vlulo oak.
norlh, incite degrees west, four h
ii ." , "v, '"csicigmy perches lo a whilo oak
sou ilwelio degrees east, eighty perches to an a.h
sou'hunuJcVand thirty"
perclrejlo a post, h..i,ce hy land of John Kcese .outfc
cloven dc tree, easl, tw o hundred and .1 ly K ,.,che.
on y tight degree, ea.t, twenty nerchos ,A ,
arur, and nilowan of six I T'lL ? .",. Vd. "
Anollicr of them called "M I N E "
?,'i?TJ ,M, " "I0"." hy "f Win. I', llrad'y,
.! !,,,',d..',l." "" i l, llf "' "" hundred and
.Te!,U'1'n'd''lorrrThn.'i Wlfy-'W" '"'''he. to a pos.
al' ' "f n'"s- Hellas, aoulh hlly.fivo degrees
I'UllNfoM) &l r.fiCS-.-... .. in1 sainan,, lin.l .Vini.-i """ oak, lncnco by tho
3 rnciinutirco.
At Iiushoie, Hullivan County I'cnu'a.. Julv Ith. ihi'.i
Mr. fKiMtn H.Pkidh, of I'hiladelnhia. lo MiuT,,,,,
ouoaniiroi josepii uen.H, i;.i, Phcrlif cf La
pone, Kulhvan counly,
In llloom.burs. on Haiu,day la.l, cf Consumption,
Mr.. IUKiiiH.Biim, lf, of U.O. Silncman. in
ihe 4olh year of her age,
.niH.rr.iu, mi Bund.y last. Mr Iliac Wtuil
ahoui 07 yaau
InMonlour township, Columbia counly. on ths Uth
m.t., r)uo Um.Ji,, iu the Kill tit m hi. age.
rlh, Hevenly.eighl
one perches lo
rre Hundred and
and Iheneo by land of John ltcsse. norlli
degree, ea.t.lwo hundred "nd wvei'iy
thu ntaro of beeiiuinx,. m.,... t..'
Mnzed taken in execution and lo l,u .old as nron
trly of iho CouM.u Co.l Uov CoMe.,v Pr P
AfjS9 :TAt 11)8 Bama timo and plaoo,
D. A. BEOKLEY, A. B , Trlnclpjl.
will begin on
Wednesday, the 7th of Aiiui
The building has underwent n lh"roopn r
It has been supplietl with new fiirintiir" la
elegantly papered, and everything: added tlnti
tribute to the comfort and convemeiire ofiti.ti.
The course of instrurtion will bo IhotMir i.
fore, and those designing to fit tlieuis -Ivi s b.i.r
rrcclvc .KCIalaltenllou. 'I ho school itsOfm
according lotho most appioted modil.
Atl Urn studies of our Selniuarics oru tndnlti
courso of study,
T K It M B :
I'rimary nep.irtmcnl
Higher Depirllueiit ,
No oitra chargo is m.-ido for tho atu ly 1 1 Ai
Modern Laugusgi a
liood hoarding rau bo procured at El.a.n.
July 13. icct-lf.
In the Orphan't (Wrt for Ihe enunlil id l,J-.
(o(c if Conrad Htsi, talc of kngarlvqf (otrmr
'PIIH Auditor appointed hy tho ('omt to i.,.
I holioii of the balance lu tho hands of Wit1
l:erutor of the last Will and T. Blamu.i
llcss. lata of Hug.lrhnf lownship, in th m
uinl.ia, deceased, will most Iho pntllns innr i
porposo of hi, appointment, on S.iturda, Hi,
of August, III o'clock, A M . ol ,.,'
olhce In llloomsburg, in said county all p. r
led lu ihe said Kstale are required to prei. ul ll
beforo Ihe Audilor, or bo debarred liom comm.
shara of the fund.
Illnoinslmrg, July 0, ls1il..t. to
Estate of Alary Shaffer, du'i
NOriOi: is hereby piicn tint 1,'ltcra of .11!
lion on Iho cslnto of .Vary bhalltr. Ilk
creek township, Columbia i mini) , ,1. ii.i.ul,
gtauted by lliu llegisti r of said counly, lolls
ed, who ii sides iu .Salem township,
All peisnus hating claims or demands acan
tale of Die decedent arc rciucstcd lo pn'stlil i
i Itleinent, uud those indtbtcd to in ike p ijimf
July II, (6I.(,
Eil'tte of Philip Fritz, dictw
rl.r.TTIIlia u htamciitaryonlho llmtei'fru.
J lato of Nug.irloaf township, in ColuniI'M
ceased have been granted hy Ihe Hegisler of '
county to the iindcrvigiied ; all persons bin'
against thcKsl.ito of tho decedent, ,uc row-l
scut them to tho Cu-cutors, atthfir resi-iino
Sugarloaf township, without delay and all
debledlo mako put mint foilhwilh.
JOHN' rui iz. r.,n
, ,0 . AII1JAII IKITZ. '
Junee, IPbl.-ci.
stal cf Jacob Ihgcnlueh, late if (Vain 0"
LHTrUIlS testa menlary on the estate if J"
Bocii, lato of Centre township. Columlo
deceased, have been granted by tho Kegi.tti '
bia counly to the under. tv l. k..i.,,i , ili i'
and county aforesaid. All persona h mngcl.n'i'
the estate of the deccltiil aro reiuestcd tuprri
for .ettlcinent, and lliotc indebted lo makt "C
mediately to
Centre tw p., June 1.1, Ictil. I-
Eitate of Caleb C. Fox, "'"''
NOTICR is hereby given that Utter a rf.idm
on the oalatu ofCaleh C. Kot, late of M '
ant town.hin, Cidumbla county, ilectao'l."
granted by the Kegiilcr of E.i.l counly. la
signed, who resides in said township, t'olaisl'1
All persons having having claims or deiusn11
the estate of the d, cedent aro ri oucslcd lo prr
lor ssltlemenl, and thoso ludebtad to niali
without delay.
joiin word'
June an, 18C1H,, '
Estate of Andrew Dddinc,df'
J' PITTUS testamentary on the E.lalecf
dine. late of Mount I' fownsliip '
counly, deceand, have been granted hy Ihe '"
Columbia county lo tho undersigned, r '')";,
township of Oranscand county aforesaid " '
having claim, against thu citato f tho ibieJ"
lue.ted M present them for .1 lllcniei.t .i"'1
dibted lo make payment iinmcdiaii ly to ..
A. II UIii"
June 29, Istl. f,t,
I I lllllommri nmnin k.'l'll'
ofn.'o an1iudo,cdrl!hr' """-"'''" J itbVua";i Kitntt of Jacob Ucaihatt, d'-
bitn" i'ameo rirr. MHES,' TVTOTICE is hereby given thai Kiur. t "
Wiyr"rnSi)Weinn Hra " H' uteof Jacob (icihail H '
K ramo llwlll ,n, 11?,,..": lS " ni. "ill fmry lowli.hip. Columbia counly. d cias' d. h' '"'
llOll.ff. ,nl Hilltv 1 Sh U-ai.ta. t.t ....1 .....
olhcro'ilbiiilding., with Ihe' nnurunanrei.
of JicoB ,j'ii,.'o,""CU"0n "" i ' " m "ih f'TvX
t heiifT. Oram,
Bloomsburt, July M. led,
I reside, in Cattuwissa township Columbia c" W
hasine claim, or demand, against the i.tsh,
cedent are relucted topuseut till m I'M 8t"
hose indebted lo make papinent m tthoul irji
llayl, letSI.-Ct', '
Vl30raMrf, Jiarcn jm, Iwi