COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT J AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. LEWTl. TATE, Editor. S2 00 PER ANNUM "TO HOLD AND TRIM THE TOUCH OP TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'EIl THE DARKENED EARTH." VOL. 15.--NO. 20. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA-, SATURDAY JULY 20, 1861. VOLUME 25. OLUBIA DEMOCRAT, w PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, BY LEVI L. TATE. M BLOOMSBUna, OOLtJMBIA COUNTY, PA. OFFICE X new BtUk'tiiUdinr, opposite the Krthanfft, hv aide oflkt Cort Home, "JicvoeratUIIcad arter." TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 1 00 In advance, for una copy, for six moiitln. 1 75 In advance, for one copy, mia jenr, 2 OO If not paid within the flmt three months. S 25 If not paid within the first six month. 3 50 f not paid ulthin thoyenr. 5" No lubftcrtptlon taken for 1cm than nix montht, i no paper dlicontluucd until all arrearages shall lia e n paid. 7" Ofdinar rAov rtisements Inserted, and Job Work cuted. at tho eitabllshcduricca. BALTIMORE LOOK IIOSl'ITAL. DR. JOHNSTON, HE founder of this Ctlttiratcd Inrtlttitlnn, offers the most certain pcrdy, and nty effectual remedy in world for effects ftr liieets, Hirfcturps.Hemiiml weak s, Tains in tho Loins, Constitutional Uvtiility, linpo cy. Weakness of tho and Minns. Affections of Kidneys, Palpitation ot tin; Heart, Ihpi-puln, Nor is Irritability Disease of the Head,, Nose or n,and all thnso serious nnd intlaiahnly Disorders ing from tho dcstriutlvc habit of Youth, which de oy both body and mind. These nccrtt and solitary xllces, aro mora fatal to their victims than tliu fuiifrof Syrens to the mariner lTlyse, Might! tig their most lliant hopes and ant iciiulions, rendering marriage Ate. possible. M ARMAGH, rlarrled persons, or Young .Men contemptntliu mar gc, being aware of ph) ieal uenkiii-Kit, organic dcnhili dc fur initios. &r., should immediately tun suit Dr inston, and bu restored to perfect hutlth. Je who places himself under the cart, of Or. Johnston, y religiously confide in his honor nt n KMillemeii, and iftdcnlly rely upon hU skill ns a pliskian. UHHANIO WLA KNIlHri mediately cured and lull vigor restored. This deseasu Is the penalty most fre'iurntly paid by ne who have become the x ict tutor improper imlulueu s. Young person 4 are too apt to commit uxccn irom t being aware of the dreadful cotuemiciiru that may ue. Now who that understand the subject u ill pre id to deny that the power of procreation is lot hiwiiit those fall tug into improper habits th.m by the prudent, sides being deprived the pleasure of healthy off rims, the most nerhms and deptruiiivu s mi.toun to :li body and mind urine. The system littomen derail ; ine pnysicai ana meniai pun em wcnnyimii, nentMis )ility, dyspepsia, palpitation of tho heart, imlfjretMinn, vasting of tho frame, Cough, Symptoms of Consump II. ftC- Office, No. 7 South r.iEiRif k Htri lt, sevrn doors in uaithnora street, i;ant mue, up lite eicp. i.e. par alar In observing the NAM12 and 1VIJMII1:K, or you II miitako the place. Cure Hrarrentctlt or no Charge Made, in from Opc to ' Day. NO MERCURY Oil NAUfmca DKUOd UflllD. nit. joilvsiw mber of the Knyal Colle(i of Surgeons, at London. tduata frmuuiioof tho mot eminent College of the itcd states, and the greater part of uhtw lifi! Ii;ih in spMtit In tho first llofpiiiild ol London, I'urii', i'lul.i phi.iaad elsewhere, ha elfettud koiiiu of tho Ulot n .mtiins' cures that treevtr known; iiiuny troudii-d til rlitglnf in taohead and iars xvIomi iifleep, ureal rroisaess, fceing alarmed at sudden Kounds, atnl hiii-h-ness, with frequent Mmhins, utti'iidt'dcoim-timcs with 'angemcQtof nilnd, wen1 cured iiumeiliately. ACKHTAIN DIBUAin. Vhen the misguided ami imprudent otary of pli neure ds be has imbibed the ced of tlii painful dineane, it oftea UajtpcRS that an ill limed Henie offhamu or ad uf dittcuvery, deters him from appl)Iu,r to thocu to from education and reppembiftty can alone befriend n, delaying till te coitttitutionary symptoms ofthii rrid tfiscatie Makes theicatMie,irauce, nich a ulcerated clWreai, dusoased none, nocturee, painx in theliend d liiubs, dlniBflss of eight, duafnextt, nodes on the t-kin lea, and arms, klotcbes on tho, face uud etremj s, f regressing wtfc rnpidity.till at last the palate of I laoathand bones of the none tall in, mid the Utim of sdesuaso bucouies a horrid object ol cuiiuni'f ration i death puts a period tolls druaiifnl sulleriugs, by ten igbiiu tu thutbourpH(roiu wbenru no traveler re rat." To sach, therefore, Dr. JoliUBtoii pledges him If to preserve the mo-it itunuliie h trety, and fromtiis teasivc practice in tliu lirH lJuitiinU uf liurojie and erica, lie can confidently retumuttnd pu(e aud tecdy re to the unfortunate vulim ftftais horrid disease. T A Klil I'AItTlCCLAIt NOTICE Dr. J. addresses all Hum' who hu tojurcd (heiustlvts prlvaia and improper ludtUgivceft. lhas are soiao of tbu cad and tu4anrholy effrrf pro ced by early hahtu of mtk, it. Weakuess of thv ck and Limbs, Tain in the Head, Dimness f iriijbt. ms tf Muscular Tower, 1'aijuUtioii i4' Ike WoartsIlyti ptia, Nervous Irratalnltt v, JJenuifinciit of tins lirseiU 'e Kunritntia. fltior:tl II, Iilliti'. nititnma uf ('mittiiitiik. m, ItC. it.ti .luu .l 111 It'll l I'll uitiiin ijiiii imu mi tui aiu uch to be dreaded, Loss of Manor), Confusion of Idejis ipresslon of tho Hpirits, Cvil I'orihodiuiis, Aversion Hocfety, Tliuity, Ate., are no me of the c ils producejl, Thousandaof peraoiiH of nil ages cnii now Judge what. me cause ol uieir ueiiining neniui. iioo'iiu; uicir eor. becomlm weak, nale and cuuniated. IiaviAJ! in Jar nppcaranc about the o)c, cough and itj mptonjs ot luiuuiptioa. ON'S INVIGOllATINO KRMLUV FOR OIWANIU WilAKNI'.rfrf. By this great and Importunt remeily, wiakcs of. the gans are speedily mrud, and full vigor rtftored. musauds of tho moitt nervous Hint debilitntHt, wjio jl loitt all hope, havu been iiumeiliatily reliuxed. All ipediments to Marriagu, Thynical and Mental Dia'ptali ation, Nervous Irratability, Tremblings and Weakliest exhuuslatisn of the uio&l fearful kind, speedily cured Doctor Johnston. 1 VOUNG MLN. Who have injured tauiseHf hv a certain practice, dutged In when alone a habit frequently learned from 11 comnanious. of at mhnol tho etft-ctn of winch are ghtly felt, even when asleep, and if not cured renders imago impossible, ami iteeiroyd uutn inma ana uouy, ould apply iaimediately. What a Dittr tkat vavnif nan. tliu hone of his fonntry. id the darting of his purents, should bo snatched from I Drnsnects and cnlounents uf life, hv tliu etsm-fiuiu s of deviating from tun path of nature, and Imlulg'iHg a seriain secret uauu. isuai persons oviorv con inplatiiig. MARRIAGE ould reflect that a sound mind and body arc tho mos tcessary rc;ulities to oromoto ronuubiul bappineta deed, without these the Journey through life, becomes weary llgrimsge, the prospect hourly darkens to e view: the mind becomes thadowed with dtiair& led with the melancholy reflection that tho happiness another becomes blighted with our own, ITiCUNO.7 BUUTlll',UEI)i:iIlCi;WT..;j;(imflrf,.VJ ALL BUUUlUALOI'EUATlUNtf fUl UUSl Ut, N, It. Let no falso inodf ty prevent you, but apply imcuiaieiy enuer personally or uy iaiut, ukin disi!aki:h hi'iikiiily cuuud. TO Is TRAXG KltS. The uiany thousands cured at this institution within o last 15 vears. and the numerous iuuiortaut Hurmcal pcratiuns iierformed by Dr. Juhiutou, witneetl by cos of which have atmeared anuin ami imam before tho e renoriers oi tau nancrs ana many oiuer nersous, no iblic, besides his standing us a gentleman of character ia respousimilty. is a nimcient guaruuicu to uic uiiutic j TAKi NOTIL'II. N. IL There are so many ignorant and worthless nicks advertising themselves l'hymcians, ruining tho jalth of the already anJicted, that Dr. Johtutou deems necessary to kuy, i-ttpei iatly to those uuaciuaiuted ith his reputation; that his credentials and diplomu n ays uang in ins unire. Takk Noticb.-AII letters must be tiost naid. ani main a poitage stamp for the reply, or no auncr will March 17. H1 IIWAM) ASSOCIATION PHIL i AnnLi'HiA. i iteiifrvolent Institution established hv special endow lent, for tho relief of the fckk nnd Dutrcsscd, atHicted villi Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, nnd especially th (liito of Diseases of the Sexual Oream. Dig ciliary f reft to patients in all parts of tho United States VALUAUL1J llEPOKTrf on permulorrbuja, and nth r Diseases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NL'W LLMUU112J eu(tcy'" sent tomeamicieu in seai-t cite enyelop-, free of charge. Two oi three HLunp nr HiutifA will ha accent able. Address Pit. J SKI h .1 1 i OU G 1 1TONV Acting Surgeon, llimurd Anuua ion. No. 3 Booth Ninth titrect, Philadelphia 1 X Mwch if, ltWi-lJm. MAN-HOOD. 1 unw LA.r. ihd now ncnonED. IUSTJ ublUlt.J.ln a lealed envtiope, on tho nature, t lieAtniQui una rau.cai euro "i Bncrniaiornwcn . ' tpnuujil &Vnkn... ficziial Ucliilitv. imrvuu.iii-.a all nvoluutiry uuil.tlons. inducing iiupotcnry nnil Mental .na poyjucaj incApacjiy. ly&UHr. I. CL'I.VWUVr.M., M.P.. AutliDr.iftlic ':rt'vn Itm'k." &.t. Tlia ivorld-rf uawikptl uutlim. in this UfP, dearly prove, from lui own c,icricnro that the uful cfli.e4iicneeac.r ftalrabiiiQ may bu vllVctually re noved Without medicine and w Ithnct dangcrou auroral peretloBf. tnuiici, insiruinunia rinsa ur (ivuiai. ointiiiK out a mode of cure lit onco certain and rtfi-clil 1, by whick every lutfurur. mi inntlT what hli conili lou wny on. uiuy unu cucaiiiy. piiviui:. .m adicAliy. Thl, lecture will jirovo a Itwiu to thousand. nd thouiant's. tienl under teat, in a plain envelope, to any addreM, nit pjid, on the rereipi of tho two pottage ttampi. by ddre.onir Dr. I'll.; KMNn, in llowery. N. V. ajt)'OI)Im t'u.iuiricc buitMO Select Ifloctri, A GEM. The followlns from the nen nf J.imni f. Perlvitl. la nnc of the most touching poems In the Lnglish language. ii luuruuvvr whs me iiury oi many a vrsaKiug ncari. THE DESERTED WIFE. Ilccomcs not Ihavo watched the sun go down, put ye the comes not, Once It was not so Ho thinks not how the bitter tears do flow, The while he holds the riot in the town. Yet lis will come and chide, and I ihall weep, And ho will wake my Infant from his sleep, To Mend my fee Mo wailing with my tears. Ohl how I love a mother's watch to keep, Over those Bleeping eyes; that smile which cheers My heart, though sunk in sorrow, fixed nnd deep. I had a husband once who loved me -now He cer wears n frown upon his brow, And feeds his paislon on a wanton's lip, As bees from laurel flowers a poison sip. But yet I cannot hate I Ot there were hours When 1 mutd hang forcter on liH eye. And Time, who stole with silent witness by, Strewed, as ha hurried on, his path with flowers. I loved hint then he loved mo too. My heart Htill finds its fondness kindle if ho smile; The memory of our lotca will ne'er depart ; And though he often stings me with a dart, Venomed nnd barbed, and waste upon the vile Caresses which his babe and mine should share Thou eh he should spurn me I will calmly bear His inenunrss; and should sickness come and lay Its paralyzing hand upon him, then I woutd Willi Kindness nil my wrongs repay, Until tliu penitent should weep, nnd say How injured and how filhful 1 had been. iiiltsccllcmcou in Tho King of tho African Forest. In Harper's Magazino for Juno is an illustrated paper on Mr. Du Chaillu's ox plorations in the country inhabited by that monster ape, tho Gorilla. Mr. Da Chail lus discoveries have made him famous in Europe as well as here,aud wo owe to him the Cist authentic and full aceouut of tho Gorilla, of which so many fables had been written most of them, curiously enough, less strango than tho truth as it now ap pears. Hero is a description of the mon ster : 'Suddenly, as wo wero yet creeping along m a tilenco which made every breath seem loud and distinct, the woods were filled with tho tremendous barking roar of tho Gorilla. "Then tho underbrush swayed rapidly just ahead, and presently before us itood an immense .male Gorilla, lie had come through tho jungle on his all-fours, but whou ho saw our party, ho erected himself and looked ui boldly in the face. Ho tood about a hundred yards from us, and was a sight, I think never to bo forgot. Nearly six feet high, with immense body, huge chest, and great muscular arms, with Ccreo-glaring, largo, deep grey eyes, and a hellish expression of countenance, which scorned to mo like some nightmare vision thus stood before us this king of the Af rican forest. "He was not afraid of u'. Ho stood thcro and beat his breast with his hughe fists, till it resounded like an immense bass drum, which is their modoof oitering de- Dance, meantime giving vcut to roar aftor roar. "Tho roar of the Gorilla is tho most sin gular and awful noise heard in those Afri can woods. It begins with a sharp bark, like an angry dog, then glides iuto a deep ball roll, which literally aud closely re sembles tho roll of tho distant thunder along tho sky, for which I havo sometimes been tempted to tako it, where I did not see the animal. So deep is it that it seems SCO IllC ammai ?0 UUCP is it mm it auuina . i d o - ,. , - ! o proceed from tho mouth aud throat less "cad. What a generous disposition he , to every one as a favorito article of head w piuu nun. ua. r if r...0 .. ii,n i,o with children, country maidcns.wash- than from the deep chest and vast paunch. "nis eyes began to flash fiercer fire, as wo stood motionless on tho defensive, and tho crest of short hair, which stands on tho forehead, began to twitch rapidly up aud down, while his powerful fangs wero shown as ho agaiu sent forth a thunderous roar. And now, truly ho reminded mo of notli- . , ... l...!i:.t. n lug UUl some un-m - being ot mat mueous oruer, uau bcast,which we find pictured by old artists in some representations of tho lower regions. IIo advauced a few stops, then sloped to utter that hideous roar again advanced again, and finally stopped when at a dis tance of about six yards from us. And here, as he began another of his roars and beating his breast ,in rage, wo fired and killed him. "With a groan which had something terribly human about it,and yet was full of bruitishness, it fell forward ou its face. Tho body shook convulsively for a few minutes, tho limbs moved about iu r. strug gling way, and then all was quiet death had dono its work, and I had leisure to cxamiuo tho hugo body. It proved to bo fivo fect eight inches high, and tho muscu lar development of tho arms and breast showed what injuicuso strength it possess ed." Tho Tlay Hour. In tho Spring of 1835 I wont into a school in lioston. There were about sixty children belonging to it. When I wont in they vrcTQ nil at play except two. As I entered I saw two children, Leonard and his sister Rebecca, standing by tho teacher. Uobccca was four, and Leonard about seven years of age. Kevcr did a brother and sister lovo each other more than they. Rebecca was a laughing, Joyous, affection ate little child, and Leonard was all to her. Sho did not enjoy cither food or play, unless her brother was present to shave it with her. They nover quarrelled ; for tho very reason that it was Leonard's delight to sco his sister happy, and sho was sure to get the larger share of every thing ho had. When Rebecca had done anything wrong, her brother always stood by her to avert or to share tho puuishmcut. Those two children stood beside their teacher. As soon as I saw them, I feared that ltebecca had been doing wrong, for Leonard had been crying. Tho teacher said to mo, as I entered and sat down. "What shall I do t I have hero a case which I know not how to disposo of." "What is tho matter?" I asked. "Have Leonard and Rebecca been misbehaving themselves in the school." "Xo," said she ; "Leonard has done nothing wrong, and seldom does. lie i3 ono of tho best boys in school." "What is ho crying for, then," I asked, "if ho has been such a good boy ? Why does ho not go out to play with tho rest?1' "Rebecca," said the teacher, has been very troublesome to-day in tho school, and as a punishment, I told hur sho must stay in tho house when the children went to play." "Well," said I, "why need Leonard cry about that ? You do uot keep him in to punish him because his sister has been a naughty gir! !" "No," said tho teacher; "but Leonard wishes me to let his sister go out and play, and to let him stay in and bo puuishod." "llow is that, Leonard I Why do you not go out and play !" "Rtcauso, sir, Kcbocca cannot go." "Well, but, cannot you go aud enjoy yourself with the rest." "1 could not play if I did go, sir." "Why not, Leonard?" "Recausc, sir, Rebecca would not bo enjoying herself at tho samo time." 'Rut even if your sister should bo al lowed logo out, she could not play with you. Sho would bo in tho girl's yard." "Rut then I should know the was thcro a sir, playing with the rest." "Rut why do you wish to stay, and let your naughty sister go out?" 'Tleaso do not call her tiaagtihj, sir," said the generous boy. "I lovo her, and would rather that she should go out than go myself. ' "Then you think," said 1 "you would rather sco her happy than be happy your- selt, and you would rather bo puniancu than sco hor punished ? Is that because you lovo her?" "Yes, sir," said ho ; "I am older and stronger thau she is, and I can bear it better than she can. I could not bo hap py if sho stayed in. Do, ma'am, let her go out," said tho uoble-heartcd boy to his teacher. IIo stood with his arm round his sister, nlnadiurr that ho misht bo Dunished in her had! I think if Josus had been thcro. ho would "havo taken him up in his arms if. it ... .nv-. i aud blecsscd him. ' It was affecting to witness his generous devotion to his sister, and his readiness to suffer for her sake. "This," said .1 to tho teacher, "is 'love thai sccLctfi not her mm.' What can you do?" "I will let them play together hero in tho r sa;d sll0. fi ... , , , . , If wo lovo our 'enemies,' as Leonard did his sister, with a lovo' that scckcth not hor own, there could bo no wars or fight- iug in tho world ; for then wo should rath er suffer aud dio ourselves than inflict suf fering and death ou othcrs.-'wtt "Kits for a Blow." A pedagoguo told ono of his scholars, a son of tho Emerald Islo, to spell "hostili ty." "Il-o-r-s-o, horse," commenced Pat. "Not horso-tility," said tho teacher, "but hostility." "Shuro," replied Pat, "an' didn't yo tell mo, tho other day, not to say boss ! Ro jabers, it's ono thing wid yc ouo day, and another the nixt." Au old farmer in Southern Illinois, see ing tho cannon at Cairo, remarked that "them brass missionaries had converted a heap of folks." Who Saw tho Steer? Tho richest thing of tho season, saya tho Nowburyport HcraM, camo off tho other day in tho neighborhood of tuo mar ket. The greenest imaginable looking man in slouched hat, a long bluo frock and a pair of cow-hide shoes as big as gondolas, with a hugo whip under his arm, stalked into a billard saloon, where half a dozen persons wero improving tho time in trudling round tho ivories, and after recovering his first surprise at tho (to him) singular as pect of tho room, inquired if 'any of 'cm had scon a stray steer,' affirming that tho 'blasted critter got away as ho camo tho' town t'other day and ho hadn't seen noth ing of him since.' Tho bloods denied all knowlcdgo of the animal in question, and with much sly winking at each other, pro ceeded to condolo with him on his losses in tho most heartfelt manner. lie watched tho gamo with much interest, as ho had evidently never seen or heard of anything of the kind before, and created much amusement by his demonstrations of ap plause when a good hot was made 'Je rusalem !' being a favorito interjection. At last ho made bold to request tho priv ilege of trying his skill, when ho set tho crowd in a roar by his awkward move ments. However, ho gradually got his hand in, aud played as well a3 could bo expected for a greenhorn. All hands now began to praise him, which so elated him, that he actually began to think himself a second I'hclan, and ho offered to bet a dollar with his opponent, which of course ho lot. Tho loss aud tho laugh so irrita ted him, that ho offered to play another game aud bet two dollars, which he pulled out of a big roll for it seems his cattle had sold well aud he was quite flush. This bet ho also lost, as tho fool might have known ho would, when mad as a March hare, ho pulled out a fifty spot the largest bill he had, aud offered to bet that on a notlier game. Tho crowd mustered ar ound and raised money enough to cover it and at it they went again, when by some ktrango turn of luck, tho greeny won. lie now offered to put up tho hundred. Of course ho could not blunder into another game, so they could now win back what they had lost, and fleece tho fellow of his own roll besides. They sent out for a fa mous player, who happened to havo monoy enough to bet with, aud another gamo was played which Jonathan won. Auothcr hundred was also raised and bet and wonj aud it was not until ho had blundered through half a dozen games and by some accountable run of luck, won them all draining tho pockets of his opponents of about four hundred dollars, that they bo gau to smell a very lrrge 'mice.' When , ovcry body got tired of playing, gawky ' pulled his frock on over his head, took Lis whip under his rrm and walked quiet markiug, 'Gentlemen, if you should hap pon to soo anything of that ctcer, I wish you'd let mo know.' At last accounts they bao not seen tho steer, but they camo to the conclusion they saw the 'elephant.' Havelocks as a Civil Institution Tho havelock is by no moans as recent an invention as many persons suppose. It is anew thing to sco them worn in this locality by men; but for time almost out of mind they havo been patronized by tho gentler sex. The tun-bounct, so familiar gear uitli cluwren, country maiucns,wasu j cr women, and watering placo belles, is I riAfliin.. .nrtro nn, lna flinn fi 4mvotnflr !n nothing more nor less than a havelock in all essential particulars, and suu-bonncts wero worn by tho grandmothers and great grandmothers of tho present generation. General Havelock, when ho saw that his soldiers in India were suffering with tho roasting heat, and that tho backs of their necks and their shoulders wero blistered by tho sun 'a rays, no doubt thought oftho loug-caped whito bonnet worn by his mother's maid when engaged in out-door work, and ho applied tho cooling fixture to tho caps of his men. Wo saw a citizen on tho street yesterday with a havelock upon his head, and shading his neck and thoul dcrs from the sun. IIo was about as much an object of attention as Jonas Hauway was when ho made his first appcaranco on the streets of London with an umbrella raised abovo his head. Had tho wearer eportod a military uniform, his unusual head-gear would havo excited no comment as it was, ho attracted general attention aud was no doubt ridiculed. Wo regard tho havelock as a cood institution, and havo no doubt it will soon bocomo popular in civil circles. Puentici: savs tho talent of makin; friends is not equal to tho talent of doing without them Major Gonoral Butler. Tho promotion of the commander of tho military department of Annapolis to tho rank of Major General will givo great satisfaction to tho publio, with whom Gen. Rutlcr has been winning golden opinions ever sinco ho went to Maryland. An im portant war, in which tho troops consist mainly of volunteers, commanded by offi cers not taken from tho regular army, brings to light a great deal of latent mili tary capacity. In a country which does not maintain a largo standing army thcro arc always in civil lifo many men formed by nature to be soldiers, who aro fitted to acquire immcdiato distinction a3 soon as a field is open for their abilities. General Rutlcr is a man of this class ; the boldness of his character ; his cuorgy of will, prcs- enco of mind, rcdincss to assume responsi bility, combined with admirable prudenco aud respect for privato rights, has led the country to anticipate for him a distinguish ed career, and it is gratifying to sco, from his promotion, that the government shares in tho popular respect for his military tal ent. In the senior offices of the regular army, who havo tho planning of tho cam paign and tho general direction of opera- we havo tho coolness and foresight which arc .expected from long experience and a great reputation for strategy, but energy in executing plans wisely devised, and tho ready intrepidity by which tho enemy aro to bo overwhelmed and routed in tho Cold, will perhaps bo as largoly sup plied by thu commanders of tho volunteer forces as by tho officers of tho regular army. It is yet too early to know who will win distinguished laurels and become tho particular pets of tho army and coun try. Anderson, of tho regular army, thus far shines pre-eminent, and Rutlcr perhaps stands next. Rut who shall win some endearing sobriquet, like, "Old Put" in tho Revolution, or "Old Hickory" in the last war with Great Rritain, or "Old Rough and Ready" in tho Mexican war, is to be hereafter determined by a happy concurreuco of ability with opportunity. Whenever bostowed, it will bo awarded by tho quick iu.-tinets of tho soldiers, out running tho slower judgment of tho pub lic. a Foiit. Quito an original method of taking a fort is described iu RLACKW'oou'ti Magazine. In 1000, a large Russian army besieged tho Turkish fort at Azof, which was situated on a plain; strongly fortified and had a small but well disciplined garrison. No common ap proaches could bo made to it and Turkish cannon swept tho level with hail. In this case tho engineering skill of tho Russians was baflled, but Gen. Patrick Gordon, tho right hand man of Peter tho Groat, and tho only ono for whose death it is said ho over shed a tear, being determined to tako tho place at any cost, proposed to bury it with dirt by gradual approaches. He had a largo army ; tho soil was light and deep aud ho set twclvo thousand men to work with spades, throwing up a high circum vallation of earth and advancing nearer aud nearer every day to tho place, by throwing up tho huge earth wall before them in advance Tho men wors kept in gangs, working day and night, tho earth being thrown from ono to auothorliko the steps of a stairs tho top gang taking tho lowest placo every half hour in succession. In five weeks tho hugo earth wall was car led forward nearly ono mile until it roso to and abovo tho highest ramparts, and tho earth threatened to cover them. This caused tho Turkish Governor to hang out the whito flag and givo iu. Had ho not dono so, Gen, Gordon would havo buried tho fortress. A Poutentious Question. A largo pond of ice was near a school house whero ono Miss C "taught tho youug ideas." To warn tho boys against tho danger of amufing themselves upon tho "frozen cle ment," ono day sho related tho following story : "Two young men who were very fond of skating, wero out.on tho river one moon light night. Ono of them placed sticks where ho thought thcro wero air-holes ; but tho othor, in skating backward, pass- ed tho boundary, tho ico broko and ho went under. His body was found a long time afterward by some boys who were playing on tho river bank " Hero tho excitement in tho schoolroom becamo intense, aud ouo boy, about eight years of ago, who with mouth wido open, hair on cud, and eyes dialated to their ut most extent, had literally swollowed tho narrative started up and anxiously inquir ed, "who got his skates I" Tho Wallod Lake A notioo of tho wonderful Walled Lako in tho central part of Wright county, Iowa, lias been publishod j but wo havo received a description of it from Frederick Lyman, which wo think will bo interesting. He visited it recently and says it is a great curiosity. The shapo of tho lako is" oval j it is about two miles in length and one milo in width in tho widest part, comprising an area of some 2,000 acres. Tho wall enclosing this lako is over six miles in length, and is built of composed stones varying in 6izo from boulders of two tons weight, down to small pobblcs, and intermixed with earth. Tho top of tho wall is uniform in height above tho water in all parts which makes its height to vary on tho land side, accord ing to tho evenness of tho country, from two to twclvo fect high. In tho highest part, tho wall measured from ten to twelve feet at tho base ; and four to six fect thick at tho top, inclining each way, outward and inward. Thcro is no outlet, but tho lake frequently rises and flows over tho top of tho wall. Tho lako at tho deepest part is about ten feet in depth, and abounds with largo and fine fish, such as pike, pickerel, bass, perch, &e. Tho water is clear as crystal, and thcro is no bubbling or agita tion to indicate any largo spring orfoedcr ; wild fowl of all kinds are plenty upon its bosom. At tho north end are two small groves about ten acres each, no other tim her being near. It has tho appearance of having been walled up by human hands, and looks like a huga fortress, yet there are no rocks or stones in that vicinity for many miles around. There aro no visible signs of tho lako being the result of volca nio actions; tho bod being perfectly smooth, and tho border of regular form. Tho lako is situated about seventeen miles from Roon River, on tho west, eight miles from Iowa city on tho east, and 120 miles from Cedar Rapids. It is ono of the greatest wonders of tho West, and has already been visited by hundreds of curiosity seek ers. Cedar Valley Times. Insect Music. All that wo read is not gospel. Cuffou, GoWsmith, and others, tell us that flying insects, liko muskctocs, locusts, and so on, make the humming noiso they do by beating the air with their wing?. It's all a mistake. They sing, just liko ourselves, only their vocal organs aro deposited, not in their throats, but along the sides of their bodies. They uso (so tho microscope assures us) a wind-pipe, tho outlet to which is furnished with a vi brating valvo, liko that employed on tho aocordcon ; but then a man has only ono of these arrangements, whilo most insects have at least a dozen, and through each of tho dozen, as they fly, tho air is mado to rush with prodigious effect and eomo de gree of melody. Eloquence. Gentlemen, do you know what is tho finest speech that I ever in my lifo heard or read ? It hi tho address of of Garibaldi to his Roman soldiers, when ho told them: "Soldiers, what I havo to offer you is fatiguo, danger, strugglo and death; tho chill oftho cold night iu tho freo air, and heat under tho burning sun ; no lodgings, no munitions, no provisions, but forcod marches, dangerous watchposts, and tho continual struggle with tho bay onct ajiainst batteries : thoso who lovo freedom and thrir country, may follow mo, That is tho most glorious specoh I ever heard in my lifo. Kossuth, A CLEitai'MAN' meeting with ono of his congregation who recently came in poss ession of quito a handsomo property by tho death of his brother, inquired how ho was getting along in tho settlement of tho es tate. "0," said ho, "I am having a dreadful tiraol What with getting out letters of administration, nnd attending 1'robat.e Court and settling claims, I somo- times almost wish he hadn't died." Jon Printing I "Job Printing I" ex claimed Mrs. Partington, tho other day, as sho peeped over hor spectacles at tho advertising pago of a country paper. "Poor Job I thoy'vo kept him printing, week after wcck,ovor sinco Ilarnt to road; and if ho wasn't tho paticntost man that ever was, ho nover could havo stood it bo long, I'm sure." "Sam, why don't you talk to your nias- , tcr, and tell him to lay up his treasure in heaven." " Wha t do use of his laying up his trcasuro daro ho nebcr sco um again. "A soft answer turnclh away wrath," as tho man said when ho hurled a squash at his enemy's head, As Invitation to Dinenr. It was obsorved thttt a certain covetous rich man never invited any ono to dino with him. ''I'll lay a wager," said a wag, "that I get an invitation from turn." Tho wager being acccptod, ho goes tho next day to the rich man's house about tho time ho was to dino, and tells tho servant he must speak with his master immediate ly, for ho can savo him a thousand pounds Out camo the master. "What is that, sir ; you can savo mo a thousand pounds ?" 'Yes, sir, I can, but I (eo you aro at dinner ; I will go away and call again." "Oh, pray, sir, como in, and tako din ner with inc." ''I shall bo troublesome." "Not at all." The invitation was accepted. As soon as dinner was over, and tho family retired, "Well, sir," said tiio man of tho house, "now to your busincsi. 1'ray let mo know how I am to savo a thousand pounds." "Well, sir, I hear you havo a daughter to dispose of in marriage" "I have, sir." "And you intend to portion her with ten thousand pounds." "I do, sir." ''Why, then, sir, let mo havo her, and 1 will tako her with nino thousand pounds." The master of the house aroso iu a pais ion, and .kicked him out of doors. RffinitAVE's Holland Bitteru. Tho Philadelphia Argus, in speaking of tho lato exhibition held in that city by tho Franklin Institute, says : "In noticing medicines, wo aro alway extremely cautious, unless satisfied of tho merits of the article. Among thoso exhib ited is tho celebrated Holland Rittcrs. This medicine has been extensively intro duced into every Stato in tho Union, and into tho Canadian Provinces, principally within tho last two years. The exhibition shows testimonials in every language known in America, among which wo notico ono from tho lato Hon. John M. Clayton, of Delaware." "Dyspepsia, Headache and Indigestion, by which all persons aro more or less af fected, can usually bo cured by taking modcrato excrciso, wholesome food, and a dose of beerhave's Holland Rittcrs ono hour before each meal.'" Baltimore Sun. A person want into ono of our fashiona bio refreshment rooms, not long sinco, and was much surprised at seeing nothing on tho table. "What will you havo '" said tho waiter. Jonathan startod about him and replied, "Dun know." 'Would you liko a bill of faro sir !" "Thank yo," ho replied, "I don't caro if I do tako a small picco." S7A gentleman employed an Irish serrant, who lived with him for many years. Ho told him ono day that a friend of his was dead. His reply was : "You don't say so, master ; havo you had a letter from him?" "Smith's" Conu.nduum. Why woro tho Federal troops at Bethel unable to copo with tho rebels ? Bcoauso they wero Generally incompetent i Smith is now do ing well, having had his head well soaked in buttermilk. An old soaker in Boston being found in tho gutter on a rainy night, tho water ma king a clear breach over him from hoad to heels was askod by a passor, what ho was doing. "I agreed to meet a man here." At Norwich, Conn., on tho Fourth of Ju ly, a party of juvcnilos paraded the strocts with a bannor,, on which was inscribed tho following words ; "givo us liberty, or givo us confectionary. There's plenty of ups and downs in this lifo. Pendcrgrast was onco run for constable, and tho next day a constable ran for him. The last run ho got in. jfif-Aunt Retsy has said many . good things, among tho rest, that a newspaper is liko a wifo, because cvory man should havo ono of his own. jC6rTho volunt ccrs t.t Camp Baltimore arc issucinpr a camp journal, called tho National Guard, edited by Captain W. Ncff. Flowers fling their wealth upon tho va cant air, and rich men often fling thoirn upon the vacant heir. Wo supposo that a man who never,' speaks, may be said always to keep hU word.