NEW AND Sl'LENDlD ASSORTMENT or jtr run mit'Kn nv itlaiu nml Iron streets n. .. . ait ira I oo to nr.ou'r.irs llnlonilOWBll'S Do toil wsnt t.AVXl.t.A t'Uyril 1)0 )0U want (IIA1.1.I DKl.AINKS 1 (into IIUOUT.It'B no ynu want l AHlir; tv,l.Jaf Do von want CLOTH IIUHTLItrll 10 s io to iutowi:Ks ' UfttDIIKUWEJlS Do you wnt ffKKLCTON rKlHTSf I'oyou want int. 1. 1 ri t;n a BKitt.TBtttrr.Ni)r.iiH( tloyou want MUSI.lNMr l0)Ou wantCALR'OK.tjl Do you want LAWN I Do you want liAItr.ciMr l)o you want 1)1! IIF.Or'.HI Do you want HURimtY I Goto RROWER'fi Gotu IIROWER'H do to IIROWER'H 2n in ltnmvi:U'is ' Go lo IIROIVER'H oloUIU)tER'S Go to HROtVER's iroyou wantui.uvr;i Ira you want II ANDKr.llCHIIXS I Un lo llllOH T.U'8 GotoIIIIOWER'S Go to ItROWER'H 1 Oo to 11110 WER'B rloUUKOWEU'S notonitOWER'B OO to IIROWER'S Co lo IIROWER'S Go to IIROWER'S Go to IIROWER'S Go to IIROWER'S Go to IlKOWER'S Oo lo UROWER'S Go to llROWER S Go to 11R0WKR.H Go to llROWEIt.S Go to IIROWER'S Oo to IIROWER'H Go to IHIOWEIt'H llo 10 RROIVER'S Go lo IIROtV'ER'H Go to IIROWER'S Go lo IIROWER'S Go to IlKOWER'S Co lo UROWER'S Goto IIROIVEK'S Go to IIROWER'S Go 10 DROWER'H Go to IIROWER'S Go to IIROWER'S Go to IIROWER'S Go 1 IIROWER'S Go lo IIROWER'S Go to IIROWER'S Go to IIROWER'S Goto IIROWER'S Uo you want UAltPET SATl II Bl.S t 1)0 you aut BTKI.l.A Sll AWI.H I 1)0 ou want MOD MR MITTSI 1 10 you r. nnt S I LK (1 1 11 D LE)! I Do you want (1AUNTI.KTH ? Do ymt want CROTCHET Hlt.UDSt Do you want TIDV COTTON I Do you want PA LAI l'N8r Do you want HUN SIIADKS t Do yon want IJMimni.l.AH f Do you want OASSIMKItEU t Do you want rKRSlAN l'l.AII) t Do you want LINEN Clll'.CKSI Do you want PESO ALUs I Do you want JKANH 1 Il0)ral want NANKIXN'91 Do you want CIINOIIAMSI Do you want DU0AL8 I Do you want CUHTAtN MUSLIN! llo jou want COI.'llCAMIUlll.'S I Do you want WHITE GOUllH I Ho)oii want DKNMISl Do you want SILESIA I Do you want DRILLINGS I Do you want TIUKINGS Do you want CIIEt'KHt Do you want LMMI'.S' SHOES! Do you want LADIES' GAITERS! Do you want FRESH GROCERIES! Do you want UUEEXSWAUE I Do you want GLASSWARE I Do you want II AltinVAItC I Do you want DRUGS I Do you want l'UltESPHIESI Do you want CHEW GOODS! llloomtlmrii, May 19, J SCO. OUEAP BOOT AND SHOE STORE TIIH nub3ribct inWtci attention to tils new stork a ltoold and iSIioci, J tut received from n.lUcielphla and comprising FOR GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Hoots, Caiters, Oxford Tics, Schottlsli Tic, Navy Gait crs, Slippers, &C.&C. fc'OU LADIES WEAK, Gaiters with and without hccln, Flippers ditto, PinMim, French Morrocco llootic with and without I'CCU.Atc 'lt Mines' akd CuamuN's of crery description, nt pricos much betow the old ttan ..ird, and legs than the i&mc quality of Goods can be touuMfor Atnny othcrStore in town. Work of all kfmls madclo order of the best material, in the neatest manner and on reasonable Urnis, wnrranted to equal any city work and much below city prices. I keen none but the bel workmen, and havo better mato rial than was ever before brought to this In fact, the tci y ucei to oe naa in me ctty mnrKct. GLOROIj S. SANDERS, Daiuillo.Mny 20, 13G0.-y. BRICK ! BRICK!! BIIICICTT OHO nnft Buildim: Brick, of excel v J v v v lent quality, for sale nt the Old Blnomilturif Prick Yard. Tartles intending to build will do well to call and examine the material and get bar.ains. Apply to- HENRY s. ARTHUR. BloomsliurlE. March 0, 1801. 3m. UMBRELLAS AND PA11AS0LS. TUB subscriber, manufacturer of Umbrellas & Tara FOLi.invites the attention of merchants to his cn'org cd store and superior stock. J(WEp1 pOTgnJi. No j. 2, Ir, 4, North 4th St. PHILADELPHIA. March 3, lfcCI 3m. II. 0. HOWER, SURGEON DENTIST RESWFMCF.tld Brie Building telcK llartmtn tStcrt pit juttjtsireet, uiccmonrgt ra, RESPECTFULLY offer! hit nrofcaiion SEIn al acrvicei to tlio ladies and gentlemen of urr7.)Uioonisirar ana vicinny. no u prcparcn UI jm ntteiul to alt tlia various oiicrutioiis in Dcnlistryt an ia provided wiih the latest iinprovmenis 1'UttUtiljA.liN TJSE.XU Which will he iaicrtcd on pivot or gold plate to look al well as the natural. O" Aauperior article or Tooth fowder pJwoys on nanu. .Tine, 17 'i7 nov 15, 'oX EillSWtStBlS HOiDSlSf, (Late Eiolb Hotel.) THIRD STREET ABOVE RACE IIIIILADELPIIIA. liUOAUS, & SAILOR, Proprietors. Tilouuin V, Roads, formerly of tho National Hotel UiiAtLss Sailor, formerly of ScliujlklU Co. Pa. March 2, IcUl-Uai. JOLINE & LEE, No. 40, NORTH WHARVES, Philadelphia. rope makers ship ciiTndlers, Spun Cotton for Caulking, Hopes. Twines, Tar, Titch, Oakum, illocks, and Oars, &c Au;ust 4, ltfCO-Um. PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING. THE .subscriber would Infurm his friends, that ha is now prepared to put up, on short notice, and in a SCicnunc niauner, m ui rLATIHA MINTED LtailTXlXQ IlODS, at 131 cents per foot. Alt work warranted. HB.MDIXMAN. Bloomsburg, May 21, 16C0i States XltttOU ol 000 & 008 MARKET STREET ABOVE SIXTH. riflt.1DFJ.TllM. 1. W. POWER, l-npricttr. Tkbxs: 81 25 per day. May 15. ISGO-Uji. WILLIAM QUINN, m mm sm S. W, Cor. Third ami MarkilSts.. rillLADELPHIA. t&- lards 1.50 per 1000. -a August 4, lSC0-12m. tfE& R E M 0 V A L. gSS G, C. SADLER & Co., Commission Merchants and dialers in Fish, Cheese and Pruvisicms, No, 103 Arch atrect, Snd door oIjotc Front, Philadel phia, ns 1 4, 53 ly CIGARS & TOBACCO. Alarga aisortmnnl of choice Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes, fruits, Confectionery and Notions cenerully.tORCth cr with a full stock ef HATS and CM'd, constantly on hand and for sale cheap, at tho "Uloomsburff Hat feCan Ihnporium." JOHN K. OIRTON, oomsburff, March 10, JfCI. NEW ULAOKSMITH SHOP. TIIH undersigned respectfully inforuu h friends and old customers that lie has "pened a shop on Mula Street, a few doors above the Fork's Hotel, in lilooms burg, where ha designs continulus the SMIl'llING HUSINESS, In all its various branches, at low prices, and on an cn lareed scale, and solicits tho public patrouaire, 2l'roducer Orain, &c, eenerslly taken for work. MILES c. Auuurr. Cloomsburs, May 8, 1?59, PRIME UECLISANED CLOVER SEED, free from noxious weeds, also, Tiuiolhj.Orcb1? aid. Herd Grasr nation ami Enhsh perrnuialao.aisa. Key Orsi, Kentucky l!luf Grass, White ClocrLT Dne uiiied Lawn Grasa seed ace. at uhoietalo und telaJI. 1Ae4CH ALL MORRIS, loiilemenls and Heed Warehouse, 11 SO Mar Blreeis. Philadelphia. March U.ieci-lSin. ATTORNEY A T- L A W . nLooMsBunn, r.t. Office in Court Ally, formerly occupied by Charles p., Ruekalew. r-loonieburr, Dee. 4, WJ. Flour anil Feed DcliTccd! CIIEAPEIt THAN THE OIIEAIEST 'pHC uaderslsncd has made ananeements that wil X cnabU him to deliver Flour and reed, FOR CASH about ten per eenr cheaper than any body else in town IDs prices are os follows t Flour. $7 23 1 Corn & Rye Chop, 51 63 Corn tfc Oats Chop, 1 Si Bran, J jo 1 respectfully solicit a share of tho public patron ace, M NQ3K3 KAUFMAN Dloorr.ibursr, June 53, JfiCO-tf. AFTKItyou Lavo rcaJ tho above J. notfailtftcallln U w at HAKTMANI ivioomiburf. Marrh W.lrti .r(MaM nVr IHtl Tho Horso and Ills DisoaKes. BV KOHF.UT JENNINGS V. 8. Professor of Pathology and operative Stir gery in the Veterinary College of Phil adcphiay ttc,y etc. WILL TELL rtWOf tho otifflon, hirtory and dUtlncttrt traits of the various breeds of Euro pran, Asiatic, Aftrlran nnd Ainerlcaa Horteff, with the phytlcnt tormntion nl the peculiarities nf tho nninmt, and how to ascertain blunge by the; number nnd condition of liU teeth 1 Illustrated with numerous txblanato. ry engravings. 1 the Horse and his Di&catcs 1 WILL TILL YOU Of ilrceding, UfcaKing, Uobllnj feed- proominp, snoetriff, ana inefen. orat inanngriii' tit of the hnrc, with tho best modes cf administering mod tino, also, how to treat hitinir. Kick Inff, rearing, shyitifi, ttumbling, crib liitlutr, IlcsllctBiieis, and ottier lces "tonhiehhe is subject; with numer ous explanatory engrrvlngfc. The Horse and his Diseases ! WILL 1EEL I'UfJOflhe causes, spinptoms, and Treat' nieni vi mrangies nore 1 Jirnni, jms temper, Catarrh. Influctira, Hronrhit tin, Pneumonia, rieurisy.ltrnKcn Wind Chronic Cough.lloarlng nnd WhistUti; Iampas,Horc JN out hand Ulcers, and Decayed Teeth, with other diBens?s of the .Mouth and Respiratory Organs. The Ilorsc and his D'seasrs WILL TELL YOVOt the enures symptom, and Trent tnent of Worms, Mots, Cutic, trntigu l.ition, Stony conrritionit. Ruptures, Palsy, Diarrhea, Jaundice, Ilepatir rha-n, llloody Urine, Stones inthe Kid ueysand Ittaddcr, Inflaiuation, nnd other dlieajcs of tho Stomach, Row els, Liver and Urinary Organs. The Ilorsc ami his hicuscs WILL TELL 101 Of the causes, symptoms, and treat ment of llonoUlood and bog, Ppavin, Ring Itane, Srtcenie, Strain, broken Knees, Wind Calls, rounder, Sole Urui-o nnd Gravel, Craoked Hoofs, cratchee, CanWcr, Thruih, and Corns also, of Megriin-7 Vertigo. i:pjlep- y, Htaggers, and other diseases oftho feet Legs and Head. The Hone and his fhstases WILL TELL YOU Of therauies, symptoms, and Treat" mentof Fitula, Toll KUJ, Glanders, Fircv. Scarlet Fever. antra. Pnrfoit Lorkcd Jaw, Rheumatitm, Cramp, wujib, uisvutvw vi me eye and 1 1 far i, ic,, ttc, and how to manage Catra tlon, IHeeillng, Trephinnlng, Rowel ling; Tiring, Hernia, Ampulation.trap ping, and other surgical operations. 77 c Ilor&e and his JJiwtsrs WILL TELL YOU Of R a ry Method of taming Horncs how to approach. Hatter. rr stnhl n Colt, how to accustom a hire to strange aoundu and ights, and how to Hit, Saddle. Ride, and Break him to Harness; alio tho form and lav of warranty. 1 no uiinic being the re SUll Of mnre than flfVeti venr' r.irpltit study ofthehabits, pcculmrities.wanH aim nuuxju-gi 01 una nomc and ueenil animal. The book contains 3i?-tnages, nppropiatcly illUFtrnted by nearly One Hundred Hngravlngi. Ufa printed in'a clear and open type.and w ill hu furnished loany address postage paid, on receipt of price, half bound , cloth, extra, SI.23. Olinnn A I?D f-ml9 made tiJ XJJJ XsV JJX3LJuL y cntcrpta M iniT men cr tryuhere, in vellingthe above and other popular wurks wiutus. uui iiiuuceiueiiis ii an aucu nro tACteuiiieiy, hberut. For sioglo copies of the Honk, or for terms to agents nun viuvr iinurinaiion, nppiy in nr address JOHN I. POTTER, rubli-hcr. No. 617 Sans oiii Street, I'liiladelphia, Fa. Nov 17, 1860-Cni. rpiIE PEOPLE'S COOK'UOOK. IN ALL 1TB DKANC'lld. BY JIISS ELIZA ALTON. CAREFULLY REVISED DV MRS. S. J, IULE. It Tcllt You How to choesoali kinds of Meats, Poultry uuu uuiiiu.wiih mi me vanous ana most, approved modes of dressing and cooking llccf and 1'ork; also the bLft ami sim plest way of salting, pickling and curing the same. It Ttltt You All the various and moot approved modes "i dressing. couKing, anu nomug oiutton Lamb, Veal, fo til try and (J a too of all Kinuj, wiiu ins ntiicrciit lirpfaingi.tJra Vies, and StulliniT-i itntirunrintt tit nili. It Tells You How to choose, clenn, and preserve Fish of all kiuds.and how to sweeten it when tainted! also all the varinun nnd nmat approved modes of rook pig, with the unii-irui irreHuuiB, Dances, uuu riavor- iilffS aunronrinto toftirh. ,Tcllt You AH the various and mo fit annroved innilps of preparing over fifty durerent kinds of jicai, uronn, ana etewt, wiin the rel Hhes and Seasonings appropriate to each TV You All tho various and niOr-t approved niedcs of cooking Vcgetablss of every dcucrip tion.aiitoliow to prepare I'ickle.Catsupn auiiturritMi vt an uiuas, t'oitcu iieata Fish, Oame, Mushrooms, i.c 71 tils You AM the various and uiot approved modes of preparing and cookinir all kinds o 1'Iain and f.mcy rastry.ii'udduijfs. om elettes Fritters, Cakes Confectionary. Preserves, Jellies, and aw cot dithes of every aetcnption. It TtUi You All the various and most approved modes of making Itread, Rusks, Mi.ffiiu, and Riticuit, tho best method of preparing CotVee. Chocolate, Eaiul Tea. and how to make Syrups, Cordiald, and Wines of various kiiius, It Tdls You How to set out and ornament a table, how tn Carve all kin da offish. ilch or n.ivi. nnd in short. how in an E.imiiirv whole art of Cooking as to bring the cuuiccm luxuries 01 mo tauiu ithin ev erybody's reach, Tho book contains 4ie pages, and upwards of tuclve hundred Recipes, all of which are tho ciperienco, having been fully and carefully tested under mo i.crBunoi pujicnuicimeiitu ui inn miners, u is prin ted in n clear and open type, is illustrated w ith appro rtrlato emrravimrs. and will ha forwnnioii tn nnv n,iJro neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt of tho price SllH), or Indoth, extra, J1.M. ffil fUm A VIAD can bh made tipjIVFW xx M. JUJJSLMM iy entcrrris " iner men eve. rywhere, in selling tho above work, onr inducements aii such Duing very imerai. For singlo copies of the book, or for terms to agents, with otlier information, apply to or add re JOHN ll. l'OTTKR, lib'iher. No, CI7 Santoin Street, i'hiladclphia, 1'a. November 3, let-6m. DO YOU IIVfA" WHISKERS ? DO YOU WAXT WHISKERS t DO YOU W.WT A MUSTACHE 1 DO YOU WAXTJI MUSTACHE 1 Belli iiglium'g Celebrated STIMULATING ONGOENT, For the Whiskers and Hair, THD subscribers take pleasure in announcing to tho Citizens of the United btates, that they havo ob tained the Agency for, and are now enabled to offer to the American public, the above juitly celebrated and world -renowned article The Stimulating Onguent is prepared by Dr. O P Hell Ingham, an eminent physician of London, and is war ranted to ferihff out a thick s t of Whiskcm or a Mui. tache iu from three to six weeks. This article is tho only one of the kind lived by the French, ondlu Loudon andl'aris it J in universal use. it isa beautiful, economical, soothing, yet stimulating comnoond. nctinir us if hv mucie unon the rontrf. ran.. ingu beautiful-growth of luxuriant hair. If upplied to the scalp, it will cure baldness, and cause to spring up in place of the bald spots a fine growth of new hair Applied according to ill rcclioiis, it Mill turn red or towy hair dark, and restore gray hair to its original color, leavlnz it soft, smooth, mid fleiit,!. Tho ''Oi.r'iitoit." In nn indispensable article in every geiitleiuun'tf toilet, nnd uiicruuv nevi. use mey tvouiu no unr any couiiuera tion bj without it. The subicribers arc the only Agents for the artlclo in tho United States, toAvhom all orders must be addressed. Price Ono Dollar trbox for sale by all Druggists aud Dealers; or a box of tho "Onguent" (warranted to have the domed effect) wilt be" sent to any one who desiruit, by mail (direct), securely packed, on receipt of price and postage, 91.18. Apply 10 or address IIUUVUjU Jj. 11L.UL..1I AN &. KiU. URUOfJIKS, A-C. fii William Slreel, New York. February 23, 1601-Gm. rim PENNSYLA'ANIA HOTEL, JMjmLLF., .VOMTOUR COUMT, rjl. Kritvrlainnient for Man and llca.t, in eotxl style and at moderate raus. r, , ol:J':cK W. i'HEEZn, rrcprletor, Danville Marcli, S, ieci. EIICIIANTS' HOTEL, 10 North Fourth Street. PHILADELPHIA. .. , . ' M'KIBBEN ft SON, Proprielora Mardi 1,1801. y. ATJOWAL MOTEL, (Late While Swan,) RACE STREET, AEOVil THIRD l'Hir.ADKHMIIA. IIKN'RY aUILLMAN, JOHN POYKit, CHAS. A. BT1NB, Uerk. Mard2, lSil-12in. J Projirletori, DltESS goods, Silks, Calicoes, Shawls and all kinJa of dry goods for sain iliaP.r ilian nual at IIAnT.MANO. BETTER Sugars at lOcts. per lb. than' lias Wen sold at I lets for lh past tear at . IIAUTMANR BCERH AVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS THE CELEBRATED 1I0LLAND llEMEDY TOll DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, iiivrni cojiriiAiiyT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, And tho various afTections eomwiuont npon a illnorJorccl STOMACH OR LIVER, Such as IndlcetloD, Aridity cf the Stomach, Colicky rains Heartburn, Low or Appetite Iteppondency, Oostlvnne, Blind and Illecdlns riles. In all Kcrrous, Hhenmatlc, and Nruraleie AtTtictlons it hni lu numerous instances proved biplily Ircneflclal, and lu others elTectod a decided euro. This Is a purely vegetable ronUMiund, prepircd on strictly ecicntlflc principles, after the inannor of the velebratod Holland l'roftiwr, Itocrhave. ltJ reputation at homo pro duced Its introduction here, tho demand commencing with thoxs Of the 1'atbertand scattered opr tho face of llili mighty country, many ef Mhom brought with them and handed duwn tho tradition of Itaalue. R u wow vfftrtd to tht Amtrican jwWif, Inmn'np that its truly vmucrul meilirtnat virtues murt U adnownlfffd. It In particularly recommended to those persons whose ooQttitutlous may hare boon Impnlred by the continuous uso of ardent spirit, orothcr forms of dissipation. Qonerally Imtflntaneoufl lu efTcrt, It fludn ts way directly to the rent of IitV, thrilling and quickeulnfr every nerTo, raising up tho drooping spirit, suJ, iu fact. Infiuiug new liealtb aad vigor In the syfttcm. NQT1CK. expect i to finlthU a tsreraire wM bo dlmppolated but to the elclc, weah and low spirited, It will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, poeaussod of slngubu tetnedial propeities. READ CAREFULLY! Th Genuine highly concentrated IkerharVs IlolIauJ nitters i put up in balf-plut bottles only, and retailed at Dollar per Lottie, or fix bottles for Fits Dollirs. Tho groat demand fur this truly ci'lehintcd Medicine has Induced many imitations, which the public should guard agalntt pnrcWlng. 9 lteware of Impoiitton. See that our name Is on the label of etery bottle you buy. Sold by Druggists generally. It can be forward J by Expreis to most points. sole rnoPKiKTons, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO, MAHUPACXtlRISO tarmitreutlfils and tUhcmials, PITTSBURGH, PA. rorRa1oly(.M, Hageiibudi, Druggist. Bloimsburgra Ocl, 27 km. EVANS & WATSON g SAi.AMANiir.ii BAn:s, nr.- ii Ki3emsiiaxi siuvuu m an cinui stmt, S!iiSMr5fe I 00.11-e (AiriJ miiMphia, havo on -.TST.lS,5f1F'9t ni1 " ''"S0 n.sortiiicnt of l'lre ;v,fJJj!iS:t Tlilf proof B.ilamanlir SatVs. flflMlKSSfiE lro" lnor' fr banks and rzr-i pCTslorps, Iron shutters Iron s.nh, at) &i3tMt&Sn"l'ui ofldLks i"iu,ilto any made in Hie United Stales. Fire Saftt in e frl. .ill tame cut right: vith con. (en(. in pood comlttion. Tho Salamander Safes of riiitadclpliia againtt the world. EVANS & WATSON, have had the siircft deiuotrtrntion in the follow inj cer tiflcate that their manufacture of Salamander ynft-s'hos at length fully warranted the rcpresentalloiia uhirh havo been made of them as rendering :m undoubted security against the terrific element. l'hiladelphia April 1-2. m. Mettrn, Erans if Wuhan! licutlcmen It affords us the hlheitt salisfuclion to btnte to you, that uuiuglto the very protective qualities of two of tho Salamander, Safes which we purchased of you some five mouth since we raved a iHrae portion of jewelry, nml all our books, Ate., exposed to the cnlaiuiuuus, firuiiiKanstcad place on the morning of the 11th Inst.. When we reflect hat these safes wero loratrd in tho fourth nory of tho bulliling occupied and that they fell subsequently Intoa hap of burnins ruins, wliere the vut conctntration of tho heat caused thu brass plates to melt, wo con Tit but regard tip preservation of their val uable content fts most convincing proof of the great so cunty afforded by your pafes. Wo shall toke great pleasure in recoinmcndinj them to men of business ni a mire relianre iigninst fire. GEOUfiJl W. tfIMMO8& HHO., Jewellers, D!7"They havo since purchased tlx large Pnfes. August '20, IMllJ undersigned it also extensively enjraged In the UndcrteUitff Rugtntii, and Keeps constantly on hand nd for sale at his Warerooms, a largo assortment of FINISHED tas, ( OLTINS, Ry which he Is enabled to fill orders on presentation Atso Keens a euod Horse nod llearnc. find will nt all umes ue reauy to attend t u nereis. 613JUN U. blUVii. Illooinsbiirg, January 2J, l?53 SAVING PUIND U. S. Trust Company. Corner of Third a (t Chestnut Sis.. Philip f AUG E and small sums received and paid back on demanJ Without notice, uilh I'ivk per hint Inter. est from the day of deposit tn the day of withdrawal. OrricK Hoeas 1'roiu until S o'clock every day, and on MoHnY Kvpmvo, from until ocloek. rresident TCiMIi:V ll. CRAWFORD, Tr-'aBurer Viasx Via, Teller Jamtt li. Hunter, fir IflOTORS. Sfohen R. Crawford. liauiel II .'idle man, (corpe Junkin, Alex'er (J. Hart. M. D.. iienjamiu . i inciey, Paul ll. Goodard. M. D. Patrick llrady, James pevcreaux, UVIHiani M. UnHniu, u. franhun Jackson. i nomas t. jjea, U'liuy risk. March Ho, 1853-ly, V 0. HARRISON, M. K WOULD respectfully inform tho citizens of nioomi tutf, nnd icimty, that he tontiuueelhe practice of medicijvk jjsrii sttnn r.nv. And solicits a hhare of tmhlie D.-itronaiTo. Hots" lllomisbtiri M. ou: TOBAOOO .t BKGAIIS. MARSHALL HUGHES, wrrll WIIOLIISALB OIUMlltd Iff Manufactured & Leaf Tobacco. HAVANA GURM AN AND DOM1JSTI0, N. E. Corner of Trout and Arch Street,. ARTUCR UAOLN. 1 jamss m. nom. rillLAUELrillA. March 10, lrCO-liin. "THE UNION," .Ink Unit, Marc Third. V BI A DE I. II I A . THE situation of tins Hold renders it one of Ilia mo.t convenient fur tlicne who are rlsltinir 1'hila Joliitna onLu.iiiess; uliilelo thoso in searcli of pleasure, the constantly pa.. ins and repassing Uity Kallnay cars, and those in close proximity, afl'ord a cheap aud pleas. Bin ride to all places of interest and uuiuscinent in or about Hie city. . ;. . l',ui'""" Bivrs ni.urancc toat 'ino union" Shall be kenl with .ucli rharnrler will ,.., ,,l.ii- aiprotiatiou, and would respectfully solicit, cencral pat ronazc. urrov a rji-.tvcmfpi! i tnruary S3, lpco-l Jai, Vroprirtor. WAUi PAPER, WALL PAPElT. , r .a, receiveu trom new ora u lart and Pu pcrlor lot of the aboe named article lor the f priiis trado at ivices rauging from Gt cents per pieui to 75 cent.. Blooiniburit, l ib, S3, IcOl. T ADIES' EXTRA HOOP SKIRTS, .1 J Ju.l receive, I, Boui llUnj new In that line. Call In Ladies, and gut ono li. o. & i, w. iiAimiAN. llloomsburg, Hcb. 83, 1601 . HOOP Skirts in nliuuiluneo from lets and npwardi-for akat HAUTMAMJ mr9r mt ' - . , . MrWW ' Scrofula, or King's Evil, I I, n constitutional disease, o corruption of tho l blood, by which tills fluid becomes vitiated, weak, nnd poor. Ildng In tho circulation, it licrvndcs tho whole body, nnd rnny burst out in discaso on nny part of it. No organ is frco from Its attacks, nor Is tlicro ono which It may l not destroy. Tho scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis i ordered or unhealthy food, Impuro air, filth j and filthy habits, tho depressing vices, nnd, I nbovo all, by tho venerea! Infection. SVhat ever bo it) origin, it is hereditary in tho con I stltutioni descending '"from parcntt to children ! unto tho third and fourth generation i" Indeed, ItEccms to bo the rod of Him who eays, "I I will visit tho iniquities of tho fathers upon . their children." Its effects commence by deposition from tho ' blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in tho glands, swellings; nnd on tho surface, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ruption, which genders in tho blood, depresses tho energies of life, to that scrofulous constltu. Hons not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they havo far less power to with ctand tho attacks of other diseases; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders Which, although not scrofulous in thcirnature, isre still rendered fatal by this taint in tho sys'em. Most of tho consumption which de cimates tho human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of tho llrer, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of nil tho organs, ariso from or arc aggravated by tho sanio cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous J their persons nro invaded by tills lurking in fection, and their health! ts undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system wo mustrcnovato tho blood by an alterative medicine, and in vigorate it by healthy food and cicrcisc. Such a medicine we supply in AYEE'S Compound Extract of Sarsnparilla, tho most effectual remedy which tho medical skill of our times can devise for this every whoro prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from tho most activo rcmcdials that havo bcon discovered for the expurgation of tills foul disorder from tho blood, and the rescue of tho system from Its destructive consequences, llcnco it should bo employed for the euro of not only scrofula, but also thoso other affec tions which ariso from it, such as Krvptivk nnd Skik Diseases, St. Anthonv's Finn, IIose, or ERvsirttAs, Fiutles. Pcsioies, I1LOT0UE8, IIlains and Boits, TuMons, Tetter ' and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Kisowobm, I Rheumatism, Syphilitic and SlEUCuniAL Dis- indeed, all Complaints aiusixq rnosi Vitia ted on Impuee Blood. Tho popular belief in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is ndcgcncratlonof tho blood. The particular purpose and virtue of tliis Sarsnpa rilla is to purify and regenerate fluid, without which sound health is Impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, ore so composed that disease within the range of I their action can rarely withstand or cradc them ' Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and imigorate every portion of the human organ ism, correcting Its diseased action, and rostoring I its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of theso properties, tho Invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his I health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simplo nnd inviting. Not only do they cure the CTcry-day complaints I of every body, but also many formidable nnd I dangerous diseases. Tho agent below named is ' pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints : Coid'i e ncsj, Hem tin , Headache arising from disordered Stomach, Kausca, Indigestion, Pam in andMorbid Inaction of the llotcclt. l'latirfencv. Lois of Anne- iite. Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Ton THE BATID CURE OE Conglis, Colds, Influcnzn. Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump. tion, nnd for the relief of Consumptive I'litients iu advanced stages of tho disease. So vtidc is the field of its usefulness and so nu merous aro tho cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, who have been rcstoredfiom alarming and even desperate diseases of tho lungs by Its use. When oncottried, its superiority oi cr every other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues aro known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for tho distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that are incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. rrtnPARED nr PR. .. G. & CO. LOWELL, MASS. It. r. I.utz, J, It. Mnj cr, (!. M. Ilageiihutli, Klnomsliilrg A. Miller, Ilcrwick, and by one store in every town in Pennsilrauia. BA GAINS JJAfiGAWSf. EH' FALL AM) WIXTKR iOODS. Sll A IB IT a & EMIT WOULD respectfully Inform the citizen of Lih Street aud vicinity that they have Jul rvreived u new andcxteutfivc ungortment uf HHV GOODS AND GIIOCKHIKS, which they will fell cheap for cash. They havo alHre and general variety; all that is commonly found In a uuumry ciore, ana aro determined io sen enenp. 1 otne selection of their goodsthey have paid htnet attention; therefote, their merchandite will heur recommendation and will prate to he nt the firet cla. The prxprielors cordially solicit n liberal hnro of pat rnriajn. Customers would do well to call and examine th)r penernl variety hi-fore purchaeinelscwh?re. Country produce taken in fxchange for fioods at the highcM inarktt price. jtiAUiA ec wi', Light Street, November, 3 lCn. GILL & PAUL, Genual lommisaiou Mercliauts, HEALERS IN Fibli, rrovliions. riour, Huttcr, Chccc, Oils, Uriel I'ruit., Grain, Heeds, lleans. Whiskey, Wool, Country 1'rodtice and Merchanai.c Generally, No. 34 Noam Wuares, rinLADLLFiiiA. Consicnnients of Provisions. Flour and Country tm solicited, nnJ returns promptly made tusli s ORlir.RH fr nil klu.ld rf l'l.l. P.A.i.lAn. Pln. Dric"Ssl'rults, tec, tilled attholowc.t Cu.Ii Trices. AujuiW klJJ-l'.'ni. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. THR nndersijncd respectfully informs his old fricndl uuj customers, that he has purchased his brothers intere.t in tho abote establishment, and thu roncern uils hereafter bo conducted by himself ciclu.ively. s Ho has Juit received and oilers for sale, tho larg. Jlii nt and most iitinsivc assortment of l'ANOV igUSTOVES ever lolroduccd into this market. His stock coiuiit. of a complete assortment of tho hebt Cooking anil parlor stoves In the market, togcth. er Miltl Btovo 1 ixtures nf every description, Oicn and llox stoves, Itadialors, Cylindar etut'es, Cast Iron Air. Tight stoves, Camion titoves, Ate., ate ritovepipo and Tiuwaro couhtantly on hand and manufactured to order. All kinds of repalriiiK done, as usual, tin short notice, The patrouase of old frionda and new customers re. sportfully solicited. A. M. ItUTEllT. Woom.burg, November 3d If CO. tf. Ran nn Pays lh; entire cost for Tuition in tho most popular and successful Commercial Hruool in the country, Upward ofl'wclvo Hundred young men from twenty-eight din", erent Stales.have been educated fur business here wilh. In the past trir.'e years, some of hnm hate been em. ployed as Cook Keepers at salaries of 82000.00 per Aiiuuni, iinmcdiatelyuBon graduating, who knew notliing ofac counts uhru they entered the College. (U" Miuistcri sns half prico. students enter at any tlme.atid review hen they please.without cxlracliarcc. 1'or Latulojuo of il) pages, liicciniens of 1'rof. Cowley's lluslnessand Ornainciitul Penmanship, and a largo graving of the College, inclo.o luciityllve cents iu I'oat ago Humps to Hie rmicipah Jan. 3 mi & M. rilUtoriU, P.. and ron toe speedt ccte of Hcrvoni Prostration, Ocnernl Doblllty, Asthma, Dyspepsia, Scrofula, Harasmus, Taralysls, Chronic, Bronchitis, Anemia, Chloroslj and all Disorder, of tho Blood System. DO YOU KNOW IT? co;sotrno is thf. host fatal Ecorann of MANKIND. It has been truly rcgarfnl as A.i inxiu niBMAunr rcwevcrturrlvlngllaalUtlc. " tr ia Ph,siA htimntt rtfy." raya nr. i hibuuii., MOI.KT1LW ONBIIA11 OK AII.TIIC ''''I'J.J'Sl'V! MT10Vf.rmrtclvinzp(lrommuiiltic8lJKItISHli THIS MKAMi" What a tart commci.lary cn tLo bvastca efflcftcy wthoHeoiinffArii Tho hrilllant Discovery of Tr. Clittrrhlll m&do to tho Impcrhl Academy of ilcllclne, of IHtIi, has proved an nttimatfrbom to ttio worM, By tho w of this now andiouv)uIremh"tfl(7fn(, known to Chemistry a THE HYPOPHOSPHITES, "Tfco CURB of CONSCMITIO Ten In tho Pctond nml Tlilrd Ptiijico nt n period thcrefrt, when tliero ton ho no doubt nt to tho nature of tho Mm-ric) l tho i;ULI Mhlto I1KATII IS TJIK EXCEPTIOV "I KM)W,"roj Jlr. C, "that thej nltl proro notonlr b St'UE A IirM HOY tn CO.Nt'MlTIOX o Quinine t tn Inter, wlttcitt Fever, but aUo ns rtTcelunl a I'll E8 Eli V.VIIVE ni Vaccination In Smnll Pot." fjotno smTercr, who values health and life, delay an hour lo try thla rimwly. Itemejiiljcr that " U liottcr tniQ cure." Dewaroof ptlf-leceptl(in(rr tho Booth trg BEBuranco cf frlenda that"t is miy a little coUt " Fatal error to myriads who now nil pi gravrs I Give, I entreat you, rompt attention to tho EARUE3TStQKS QP CQK3UMPTIQK. "Avn maiB FItiXS mxu. ronow tiifh." ifartu "IhQcerlieit symptom of tubercular dlsoaaolswAsmNO. ItjirrylVMrwj?,and it u earlier, in point of tlmo, than tho hectic, ll 13 first manifested In tho fare and hanJs. Tho tnascukr tissues was to ; henco imiiuiT : thcro UaBcnseofeomethlcgxn-oiig 6ifliMth-itTirii TTAt P0WK09 JlRB FLA CG ISO. TllC Vdfte Of UlO living taachlno la more activo than Its repair," I)r, rollock. " it,vrithoutany apparent can v, or under tho lafluccco of causes which induco bakn ess and tiuAi-snox ; Buch H3 icant, griff oecrmrjctcxcetf, jwjnanrj, child tcaringt nuning, tayvl, or ilom nconryrom dinaw, a person hcplns to loao his flesh, f trcrgth, color, or appUtto; If ho EuCTcra from thminat ot treath. or tltrplcttncss ftim experiences a Rencrnl felinKnf hn ffuorauttqrretsion,jniliH 13 KKAtON TO JKAIt that M is already predisposed to the complaint. If to th-po pymptoms ho mUXeS cough, however Blight, particularly If it 1ms como on slowly, or duriPR the Talr season, TUE I'KOUABIUTV 13 GltEATFK ET1LL." CkurckM, EFFECT 0F,THE REMEDY "If, on tho earliest nppeornneo of theso stn. of Consumption, the patient dnlty nbout ten croio. or tho nrrornosrniTEs, he win u.iiniiy sec tliem nil Olsippcar in ft period varyinc from n few weeks to n few months! nnd by continuing tbo oeea.lonal n.c of the llemeily, ITE WILIj SPEED U.Y n:;D jaisaeup in the enjoyment op CtJCIt HEALTn A3 UE, PEIlIIArS, IIA1) KEVCll ksow.1 ix ins urr. nr.Foitiv . o . " Winchoslcr's Genulno Prcparnlion" IS THE OXLT lirXIAllIX Form or Dr. Churchill's Remedy. Undo from tlio original Tormula. abo nctiou cr tho IlTplinEphlu Is la-o-roiD and Epcclfla : tncreattng tho priuclplo nuittt OTvnrrcTEH Matt-oca forcb, nnd they aro tho vrrt 1-OTERPrtntoon-ccxruTisn jiciLTrsKxowy. Tho cIT.'ct upon tho tubercular condition li IMMEMATK, Jiu. ina CSCniL BTMPTOVS MS.lTRlRla WITH A nAIIOITT TlllItTI TJUltT Miaraocs. They nliae tho cough, diminish expectoration, improve tho nptittltc, arrut tllarrhtca; tho flight sweats, chills, and mr ceaso j tho bowela become regular, aud tub vuxe ciut jisd l-norovm A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIN CURE I 3-DEWAHEof Mut ?7iwlindrrrtld oa Tr. Churchill', and nil ether KWINI'UXti l'EYKIM lorob eufntrora orthoir means, lore preeinvt timf, and haittena I aTAL aasru. Wrlto to mo for ClltCl'IJUIS, aid for Dr. ChurcHll's Trcatiso on Consumptioii, vrhieh contain tlio only aMlhmtic infomatim in replnt to this NDT THOTJIENT, fcent l nas to all ioiiulrirs. FMOEi In 7 and 10.0a. Bottles, CI nnd' fa each. Three larire, or six small for SB. aiy fne.slmJlo Is oa both tho Label and Outsldo Wrapper. NO OTHEH IS OENTJINE. ITS' Do not confound tills Itemcily with tho totalled " tliemlcnl Food ;" and particularly avoid nil 1 rcira llons containing trtm, which la pjlxgeroi a, and tW liixr PI, whlchhaacrrUTitKrRorKBTTWiijtTBuR. )','l,.b3,. J1"1 most "rtaMo UruggUla IhrOL-phout ntynlted Mates and Urltlsh ITovlnces, nnd tVholrsala gaitctall at tho General Ucpot Inlho I'nitcd States, by J, WIKCHE5IEK, 30 John Btrcet, N. Y. Marcli ll, leCl. Light ILight ! Light ! P A It A G O N COAL CIL DUItMCUS AXi) LAMPS FOR BURNING tlOATj. KKItOSCNU. Olt CMRIKiN OILS. THH he.t, inot brilliant, nnd cheapest portable light now in use, Niidanner of explosion and cheai cr iii.iit Kiiiu, 111111 ,'n, it. 11 vii vi 1 uiiiiui.iu, ttSKQUAIi TO GA ,-5a Without tho expense of gas fixtures. The abute Lamps (twth all their lancy triiumiiigs) run ho seen and bought at tho old established Drug and iheiuictil rHure of the undersigned, ho Hatters liiii)elf llial from Ins Innr. n. perieiiro in tho Urug trado, ho knous how and whpre to nuy, anil is determined not to bo undersold by any 011c in llloomsburg, or surrounding cuuntry, t.'ull and teo his uuu ,yiu Fv,,-tieu VIDCK Ol Dl'.UtiS. MKIJIillVKa Nfl CIIDMK.'AI.H. TAINTS vmtAiciir.a, tivt.srui j'rt. uti,a. t.i.As3 r'KOM 7x!) to2tx3ll, CONrKLTlONA- Kins. ri'.iti'ij.Mnitv and I'ANUY lOItr.T. All. Tit:i.t:-j 10R LMHCi.U GL NTH. TOBAl CO AND CIGARS. A BUM Uranrtu, Patcut Medicine. of every variety In use I sli nor, (pure) fr ineiHcluul use only, Fuil,Cainplietie Uarhon Oil.Turpenthiouinl Alcohol. TrLisBL'd.SJiouMcr Kriices nnU Ahdomltialupporuirii, Surgical mid Den Inrtriiiiients.uiihiiuil nnd tooth ltru luld.C'niiiphen phrey I!omu?pathie Heinudieg, Uanlcn, Uunary, Jtnne and Hemp feeds, Thermometers, proof plnsn Morocco Leather and Hioo Tindingit, ie., Sec. together mtli the largeht and moet vnrled assortment of German Tujh und YANK M MOTIONS, ever orougui to tnu place, an or nhlcli please call and aee nnd you must believe. Having learned by sad experience that "lung rrcdila iu iiuv heep iiiiugs moving, i navo acteriiuned lo tncaelihutcrs, to make it an object to them as well as the seller, to ileal on tho cash principle, either money or Hating Eervcd a regular annrcnticeshin nt the rim and Apothecary business, besides having carried il on for the last eighteen years, on my own hook, I flatter " ; ui 1 iiui 10 ui. junico 10 nu giving mi n trial, '1 hankful to tho public for past favors, I u 011 III aska trial on tho now prlnciiilo, and will guarantee to all, that it will mlko long frii uds, nnd pay bcrt in the u .u t.jr , unll ul, u jj u, reuuecu prices, P11VSI0IAN3 PRESUHLPTIONS carefully compounded, nnd all orders correctly answered. Al medicines guaranteed ua recommended, Storo Room on Alalia Street, near Market, next door to tho i'o.t of. hec, llloom.burg, Columbia county. I'a. a . . 1 1'IIItAIJI T. LUTZ. Aiigurt 4, lfCO. A lilllo. but rflen fills the puree. SAYING FUNDS. KANM.IN SAVINC TUND-No. 1M sl, i,'10,J"1"i Blrcc!' l'-tcen Chestnut and Walnut1 I'hiladellihia. nnv. nil rimuicii,. n .!,... ..1 .7,."", " ocnreit by liovcriiment Siato' nd City Loans, (.'round Jtcnts, .llortgagcs. &c i'his Cnnmauv deems .nf,,i, l.,.ttn. ,i.n. ', I profits, conaeoucnlly will run 110 rik llh deiiofi-' tors' money, but have it nt nil limes ready 10 rcturu s uilh S per icnt. interest to the owner, as they have aloy done. This company never su.pcnde.l. IS I cuiales, married or slnglo, nnd minors, enn de. pns tin their own right, and such deposits canbetj n Imuran 11 only ny their consent. . taSr'il 1,:',!','!,'"!:l'.'e.,l ly ,,B,, 'l from uu.tees and Hxecutor.: ' ' """" mm S -ME M'ti SMHU.tU.VS nF.CFM'KD. Oil ce otien 1 ailvrmu, 11 ini n'.in. l. .... , ncsday'et ening until B o'clock, ' Jacob 1 11 Bhannon, Cyrus Cadwalladcr. Johnehlndlur. (curgo ltussell, lultvnrdT. Hyatt, Henrjlllolany, Nathan Kmedley, l!r,l,rin, lllnni.n.J Mitlathi V, Sloan, Lewis Krumbhurr, Nicholas Hittfti.ifiiiBn 4VM, Ji.oumeruiwaito, r,.ta..i. r t..l " ;r. ,." PVRiis rAmMiV,!y'''0N'' rrsident. "A Dollar saved 1 twice earned."'"" " NTov; ST lefi. WINK AND LIQUOIiS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. null! uniler.ignod, having opened a New store, on I Ma ii Blree , a fw doors Bouti, f t0 ,,', II ooinsburg.and itocked It wilh tho beit Ilrniid, nr J ! kind, of UfMcd Jjquers, will ho happy o upp"y lh" lowpM"'.a """""'"""tvrinsnud nl uiii.Xaliy IU- I'ubllc Cumom is rcipcctfully iuuted Klooaibut, julyr.rt K W U0I1,:',, Those rjnIoriiifr Under blrkncss can at onco relievo themselves from the tltml sand maladies that flesh Is heir to, If they will nnl, follow tin ninti-l nf nature, and tnko the Injdlcliio which h.'it nnslrti her in her operations. That mcili rlili "li tin VcgctnUo lib Medicines of Dr. MorriT, known as . Moffat's Life Pills or) 1 PIIG3NIX HITTERS. Tliesc Jledlclnes havo now been beforo tko public for n period nf ,10 years, and dutlng that tlmo havo main, tallied ahlth clnractor In almost every part of tho globo for tho extraordinary curative propcitlcs which they possess. Moffat's Life Pills. Moffat's I.ifo rills aro Indebted for their namolotliclr minlfestand snible action In purifying the springs anil channels ni me, uuu tuou,,, .,.., ...... tone and visor I and lo tho undoubted fact Hint al n very eirlypartln their history, they had rescued sulTcrers from the very crco of mi untimely grove, perfectly so curing to thorn that uniform enjoyment of health, with out w hlcli life Itself is but a partial blessing. Ho great Indeed had tlirlrcilUney Intarlably proved, that It was senrcely less linn miraculous lo thoso who were unac quainted wllU the beautiful philosophical principles upon which they wero compounded, and upon which they consequently act, MO MAT'S PIKENIX BITTERS.'s I'liocnh Hitters nro fo culled, ticrntue Hcy I noiPr Ilia power reslorlng the expiring cmbcri of Iicoltli ( n glftHtngtlKor tliroiijlioiit Hip cnflitutlon, as the I'liocntt Is cal-l tn un restore, lo life from the . r,t Itst.llt.Ml (!lllllltlltl. alvtn at a ine.liclno, tho Inhidous me of which hns I Jn,tf,nt such widespread and inlirhlef to the .iprcrirlal niscaioiv j ncre is prouainy no mic nrucic human system ai mercury, Its poison sinks deep luti thj pytteln, penetrating the stihituuee of the hones, and prodiicins a lontc train of painful diseases. It In well knnun that many anVitioiu of the throat, of tho hones, of tho nose, and malignant sores, w Inch have recti at trlluitfil to svpnilis, are so oncn cawneu oyum mjuin clous us I'f'mjrciiry, so that tho remedy has procd tirs than th ilisons'. UPC TILLS AND MCKVIX niTTCRS. The Lift; 1111 and Thoenlx Uittcra have alwajsbcen iiniially succt'isful in this class nf diseases, mid will rrt.nntt.1 nil tho clfcLU of mercury from tho system, Boiit r than the most powerful preparations of sarpn parilii. 'Ihey aid nature in catting irom the syftcmnll poi9mi malU'r, and by thus purifying tlic ilal fluids, the) restore th "rtytem tn hcalih. Hilious Complaints. A well regulated and propor tionat'i quantlt of hile upon the ttonmch is nlwuys re ijisitti tur tlio promotion of sound health it stimulates l)t 'kIIou, and keeps the Intestinal canal Tree from all nbotrucllons. On the interior surface of tho liver Inn bladder In which tho bila Is first prrsert fd, heiiU formed by the liver from tho Mood. Thence it passes Into the stomach nnd intestines, and nul.itus lltf' durem ion. i hub iu si'v itun iiivri: is tn m.ii;iuy fr ihc hodv is const nut Iv cortlvc. Un thu other hand, an ovir annndauce T bile causes frequent naug'-i on the stomach, nnd often promotes ery severe attacks of diseases, w mm sometimes enu in an tan. LIF13 MKUICINES. The Life Medicines should, if poi-tilde, be taktn In tlitt i-iirlv stases of bilious coiniilaiiitK: and if oerse wrcd In strictly neeoriling to directions, will positively orlect a cure. Their exlimuo use in ihisiomptulnt iu nil parts or our comiiirni, rcnuers comiuk'IH un tie cestui ry tin Ir virtues spjak fur thu in. 'a Llfn rill. The use of thnso Tills, for n very short time, will atljit an entira cureol tatt Klifuni, anil a striking ininroenifiit iu the rtearnes if the skin. uoiiunoii Lsonis aim luiiui.'iit.i win mvtiiys uu curuo uy one dose, or by two ecn In the worst rnses. J'n.tst riusll The original proprietor of these Med Irinei wits in red of Pilt-s of years standing, by the use of tho Life Medicine nlotn'. Lulu Comhaint. An alfHtlon of tlio Liver may be known by n fueling of tenUm or pain W the right side nhtiut thu reelon of the liver, often imiieent ns in nleti- riy, but sometimes dull : a iliillciilty In tlrnwiiiir n long breath ; dry rough and Inclination to vomit. Tlils'di set; so may be prodmed by cold, by violent exercise, by Intenso summer heats, by long continued hitions ft. u-r or ftcue, ami ny ariuns soini cnncriiions in inu sub ftancc of the liver. And to thus producing rniisfs.nro d.'rangtini'nt of the i!ig,stie orpan. suppressed secre tioun, and mcntut colicitudc, whitli are fry fru'pieiit causes of obstructions nnd disonses rf the liver. This disease should be arrested tn ihommmencemcnt w hiLli enn bo done by n few dosos rf the Llf 1 When once the ll cr li aroused to thu performance of it iimner lunciions. nine more is roniiiiu in.iti lomn. tlnue a proper use of the medicines, and a speedy re emery will ensue. i'eui axd AotK Tor thia scourge of the Western country, theso medicines w ill bo found a safe, spoedy nnd certain remedy, other mili(ines leave the system subject to a return of tho disease a cure by thete Med icines is permanent. bcRori'LA. Tho most horrible cases of Scrofula, in which ilie face, hones and limb of the victim had been preyed upon by tbo inottiabIc illsrasi1, aru proved, by nndeniablo authority of the suillrurs tlioins'-lvus, to have been completely curjd by these purely rgitablu meuictnes, nuur aa ouicr nan umi luuuu inoro man ueless. Indigestion and Dyspepsia. If we were called upon tn ppecify one disease wliirli mure than any other Is ihc bane, (while it i thoolTsprlngof (.iviliz.itionuc should name lspepln. It Is fH-nerully nltendeti, or rallur 1rouuriive, ot a long train oi iu, muii ni iicartiiurn, 'latulcnrv, a cnaw me imn at the stomach wlx-n emntv a sense of u ti comfort ah lo weight wh- n full, pnins in the throat, sid and pit of the t-tomuth, cotjveniss, thilti uess, luuguor, unw iltingns to takccLrcise, 4c c MOtE.ITS LIbE MEDICIXES. Mnff'tVs Life Multeities nro peculiarly ndapied tnthc cure of this distressing toiopl nnt. Tlo'y ail upon the bowels in a wry mild, and, at tint same time, ,ry ellVc tnal manner, nnd lm c timer yit failed to cure this dis ease wlrn used according to our directions. (leiieral Heldlity, The most eommim of nil coin plaints is of a general wiaknusi of the wJitlc bvj tern, uiiarcomp.uiieiT hj any pirlicular disorder, or de limit r (tynipioms nf ilinease. There is n little ital in erzy, a los of appetlie.iinwillingness, nml indeed ina bility to uiukro tfji itionj, fre'picnt headariics, udi cettion, oftLiitiincs nallow ne?s ami dryness of tho nkiti. teudenry to fcacrishui'ss, iinlltness for eoriity, in short an iii'ikc iyiiipioiii oi langnur, oii'iuieiuae, ami m i nK ucbs that give cwdciuaoi a lallurc iu tlioUul now- crs, and a low, unlKiilthyand morbid rondition of the S) feieui. Life Fills and Diofuix Rittcrs. The Life Tillc nnd I'lioeniv IlUters are, perhaps, tho best remedy for rektorinR strength to the body, for, they net as a gentle rartaartic, nnd, by their tonic qualities, strenpihen the whole system M oil', it' a Life 1'itls. 1'ersons of a plethoric habit, who aro subject to Ills, hemlaihc, giddiness, dimness of sight, or drowsiness, from ton prcat a (low if blood to tec head, bhould take thetu Tills fremiently, AIlVICi: TO rUMALKH.-remaleg ulmiAliiellielr health should never bo without the I.ifo Medicine,,, as they purify tho blood, remotp obstructions, and give the skin a beautiful, clear, healthy and blooming appear ance. To Illdcrly Persons. Many hr-allhy need iudit idnals uhu know tho Milne of Mofat's Lile Medicines, make it a rule tn take them two or three times n weik, by winch they rcmoo the causes that produce disease preserve their health, and ketp oil' ilie inltriiutits of ogc. I'acts for Mothers nnd Nurses. It is a f.irt, estab lished by the animal bliss of mortality, that ono f.alf of the children borne arc rot oil' before attaining seven years of ago; and tho source of this mortality Is found lo exist in tint foul title of the stomach and bowels which produced the generation of worms. As tho siiff restorer of infantile health in thin critical stale tho Lifo Medicines have long held a distinguished rcpu ttition, und fur foulness of the stomach mid bowel, and com ulaions, although worm. may not exist, It is allow cd to bo superior to any other. Moma'a pills and Hitlers. -No medicines at present known hate done o much good lo mankind ns these, within the last few eurs; and certainly nonu have been rewarded with muro numerous and authentic tes timonials of their invariable and extensive elficmy. They require no dieting nor confinement, are perfectly mibl and pknsant in their operation, but will power, fully restore hcalth-lhat greatest of eatthly blessings to thu mod exhausted and dilapidated loiisiimtions. 1 repared by Dr. WM. R. MOFFAT, a i , . , , 1,35 roadway, New Vork. And for Sale by aUjPrucgigtg, op 13 ci iy. inn A 8 SDH 51 Ks? AGRlGUliTUllAli WAltKIlOUSE, Nos. 21 ij- 123, South Sixth strut, near tho State House. T1 I'IIII,Al)l:i,fllIA, I'lINXA. EN floors of this rpedou. building, creilcd cxpre.sly for ths proprietor's trade, nro stored with rcitls and Implements orintere.l 10 fanner.' ami fnrdeners. bllTY Elm I!4rAni.i2,,i.n 'I'l. , call, tho attention, or every oun interested In larmins nnd jardinliiij to their well selected stock of Acricultu. IVarrantc'd Clarjcn end Fhiccr Seeds Grass and Field .... . . S'eds, of the most relablc nwlily. iiio Acncnlturnl rim, lemon, . .1.1 i.u ... ... manufactured at our steum w orks, Url.tol Pa. " Having littejl up ourinabli.liiueiit wuhout rerard to "I'cnse, with tho mon rompleto luachienery for the V,T,?b ,"u.1, "",c,'i?'' i antUin j ifti; kind m! J.andretn'i unrrnti..! iinclnn q.o.i. i . ho pub io for upwards of slny yearii ihelwldo spread r?".'",'' ",ml ll',ln""ari.,s,len,aiid from year toyear, others tveidenccs of ihcir mperlorlty over all .,i"'"r.y 'nc"l,ll,lts, ca 1)0 supplied w ith reeds in pa. PerS, Or iU bulk. Oil tile innat 1 rni,,''iT,',nd,'"0 ""'"lio1. Va- ourcarden' seed Brounds, S U , l it ,u"Ji;eJ,' seventy acres, and 1. tho -....sjl...s.iik vi jib ninu in nit) H or III. n. r "' I'ANDltETII & FOX, tS- IjinrSflV. w'" "I".'l '''P.. for"iil"rl,'f,fi"im:tlilr'le""(1 Grcc" " alandar' sonnl ory,,T. n'l'i1 11,0 Vat- ca" 18 '""Ifralll.upon per. sonal or post paid application. January si, Id00y. WES'Vl'.tiiV liitn'r. Nos. 0, 11, 13 and 15 Oourtlantl street. HOAltn at r.n i)i?ii tv a r ' ...... , v4 ' J. 1 1 AJ J I . n. iMViNcnr.sTEit. TIIOS.U, U'INCllEtTCK. NEW YORK, May I, IMS THIS WAY CHEAP BUYERS. BLwUh' lDZ C,'.MT caiU "Pil" Willi a Ireili kturic ir audkv m-.nt.J ... " IfKS'a'.tJ l?,,'"1-' t0, !"PMI vy linndsomo I " w eprlns and buuiLicr Gond.nt u.ual low puces, ror HEADY 1'AY ONLY Coino nlonj with your cttsh and produce. Marchn. WCl. " V- U ' W "AKTMAN rpiIK lest iuolaosc3 for Uib iivk-c in ihc J. Loun.yfnrr, 'iMKTMANB IMPORTANT NATIONAL AVOUKS rmiUsiinn nv . ArrLiiTov & co. ' 443 and 445 iroadtvatj New Vork. The following wofksnro senttoBnVcrlherslnonypnft ofthceountry, (liponrctelpl of retail price,) by mnllor 'j'l I n" ?Tk v1 A M LU I C A IV CYCf.brrtlIA : A popular Dictionary of (lenctal Knowledge. Ldited by tlionnR UtrttynndCiUBirn) lUni, aided by n tinmeroim lect rorps of w ritots li' nil bf anchet of Hclcncles, An and Literature, This work H being pnbllshed In nbont 13 large octavo volumes, each containing 750 two eolmn prtgei. Vols. 1 to XI Inrliisivcnroiiow rcndy.earh containing near M, original articles. An additional 0l11me will bo published unco in about three moot in Price, In Cloth, 93 f Hhcep, t3 60; llnlfMor.t ?l; Hal f Russia, 51 SOench. The New American Cyclopedia l popular without see. Ing supcrrlclal, learned Mil not pndnnie, compreiieinjvo but siineienlly detailed, frro from personal pique nnd party prejudhe, fresh and yet accurate. It isa rompUu. statement ofnll that Ii know n itpou every Important it. p. ic with the scope i.riiumnn intelligenco. I.virv Import, nnt ortlrlf In it has becnspccinlly written for fi pacen by men who arc nnthorltlcs upon the topic no wbui) they speak. They nrc required to bring thr subjcrl up in the present moini nt to state just howll stands rtov. All thestntiMlcal infornmtlon Is from the latest reports; the gcogfnphiralnccount kern paco with tho Intest esplom. lions ; liiit'dical matters include the freihet Jut-i iew, the biogrnphicnl notices not only speak of thu dead, mt nlsoorthe living. It Is 11 library ofitself. AimtnorMFKT or tk Di-datk orL'ovoHrsi- Heine n political history of tho United Stales, rromlhe organlrn. tion of the first Federal Cotigrcs a hi I?M tn Ittfu. Ldit. ed and compiled by Hon. Thomas II. HiniO from the Of ficial Uccordi of Uongrtfss, Tho work will bo complied in 15 royal nrtatn volum' i of 750 pages each II or which arc now rndy. An addi. tlonal M'tume willbo published onro in three .sn?ttli, Cloth. S3; Law Fhe-ep, $J .111,' Half Mor $4; ll;,f Cnir 91 .'ill inch. A WAY OF ritOCtllllNfl Till! CYCLOIM.IUA, Oil Torm nclub of four, nnd remit the price of four book, and fHc copies will bo n nt al the remitter's expense, ft r carringe.or fur tt.ti subcrlbers ekcn copies; w rtt,t at our expense for carnage. TO AGJiiNTS. No Mhcr works uillso lilicrally rewnrd Ihf rtcrtinre ofAgcijts. An Auskt Wamtsii in this Vnrntt,. Ti-rms Jimdn knoMi on apptir&tKm tu Ilie 1'uli lelicri. Nov. fil, lrtu. MKU INSU1JAN0K. rur. nMiin ufi: i.vsvit.i.wn, .ixwitv ..v;y Ttttyf CUMI'A.VV UF PlllUitDF.I.I'lllA. oirtte, no. 40-cnisTM'T STRtn, OAI'll'AI,(inlil iii.) tllutl WKi. dinner I'iriicttttil. CONTlNCnto make INHI'KANCIIM ON' I.JVES on tlm lnnt reii"oiinlu ti nils. Tliu capitul lii'ing pill ni nn,l invc.teil, tocrtlKr with n liirpcnml rtpiihtantly inrri'tiKiiig reserved fund, i.ll, r. a perfect sernrity to lliu iiiured. TIic reiiiiiiiuns must lit paid yearly half yearly or quarterly, Tim Company mid a HON't.'H perloilirally lo the Inch ranees of hie. The I'lllST IKiMUD nnnroiirlattil in li." cemler. 111. Ilie HI'.t'ON'l) I10NUS iu DectmLrr, fj the Tlllltll IIO.VUM in lletemucr, ltf34,nnd tint TOl'Iil 11 UONUH lu Deremlinr, Ifi'.l. f7Tliese iiddilions nro made without requiring any ilureasc in Ilie ireiiiilllus to lie paid to the Company. Tlio follow inir are n fuw txaumlts from th,. it,.i,i.t... .MnoiintofrolirytttMl honus to l,e Inrrrnsul Ijy futiirenil,iiif,n., S I,:i-7 .',11 4,ll.ill (HI I.IIKI nu o.fjj 00 I, Pum llonus or Policy Insured addition No. Ml Si-ilKI $Jf7 Sll i3s .uma tain u lllil 1IXHI I0O IIU " MJ SOOU 1S7S 00 " Itc. i &c, fee. l'amneletii. rntitninin!. tahtes of r.n!r n,,,t ..,inn.,i forms of appllratlon, nud further information can Lu found at the oliice. THOMAS IlIDGntVAV, 2'resiilent. J.vo. r, J A.Mrs, Actuary. r. C. Hinnivoi, rjnmMng I'nuiieinn. Octohcr 111, lfS7-ly. Lackawanna & Hloorasbiirg Itnilroati. 0,A'siv?b,!fSlw!;f3nxc,:R MOVING SOU T II. rreltrltl S Vassenger. Pastcnper. Leave Prranton, Kllit'ctnti " illoninsbiirf, " Ilautllle, "'.irt'lii,l...rlnn.t 7"u ... .11, io.. I i, .11 1JKI I'. M 1) IK) 945 r..w 7.40 ..M 4.) A. M s.:m 10.00 ,11 UV1 (. N O It T II Lcavo NorlliuiiiherlaHd, 331)1". .M. i'iiniii", " I:loeuuhurff. " Kiiiton, 4.TO 3.25 Arrive linn M, Arrive at Peranum. e.uj r. jii, 4 113 A Pnssrnir.rnv.ln l.i.. - . n. . irit.rn ixiHesu II at r.l.i fl. M for fccranton, 10 eonnett with train fjr ,V. w- Vork. lie. Vori'',i,'l',oV!'. '!"'lon " arrival of Train from New The I.arLmvnnn. nn.l l,lnn.-,... . ,,.,i, it.n i, iV..7 , "'x"irg Kaiironn eonnerl. w it 1 the Delaw are, l.icknw nnin nnd 1 siern lt.iilr,i,l nt "cranton, fo, Ne,v Yo,k and lalermedi.ile , " potere!!: May 4, Itlil. OljlGULTUltAL & SI3KD WAHK- PASCHALL MOKHIS, n.vixo iir.iuvin the PI11LA DELPHI A A GR I CUE TU IIAL J- 6EED IVARE110USE, From lh: North-IIa-l Corner of Sevenlli and r-troctsto 1,1. H;V STANII, No. 11 JO Jl AllKirrrT OPl'Oa.TE THE.rARMEES' MARKET ?Mr"finntf ' ,'crctoro"' 01 "'""latile prices.cvcry !vl!'r'r'!.,;'lHric;'"ur,I'i"'"1 "wleultural Implem. nt,, U arranteil 1 rush and Genuine Kleld, Garden ami Flo 1 erbceds, In erent variety. Also. Nn. I 1'irutn i l" triiineni Guano, m,d other rcll ihlc 1'irtiliiers f,.r lir. r1'"'1 ",M aai "'"Jmenlnl Tree, and tfl.rul, hery, ihore Evcrjreen.,, Dahlia,. tc fy lie solicits o coiitinuanco of fermer ruiloni JSSif"' 'Vur-'"' ""'"'"Sues, fuml.heu c Aerieu.tural nnd Heed Wa,cKc."No?SlI' mJ?. . Wreet, oppo.lte the Formers' Mmkct ' January 13, Itflil. Cood Shoeing ami riirnp Smillilng. ,,!-,M,'",'!r"ien';,i,,Vnllf,,lll fi" v-. ti" ira.ho's,'&ii!;!,,!,fr,i:,'llon'' ,te ''ub"c SSJI'fUING HUSINESS. n. vlfrl?,!,''. ,l"" "" lll0,lli"' abovo """'I' ' 1 its various brandies, at low rices, and on un enlari'id scale, nud solicits the public palronaee. .iu HIoo,,,.l,urr. June 3, KM- KNOIin. 3'ltED'IC mtOWN, Jit., 'co.vrixcTM uoru.." ' Nintli and lliestmil Sirrcls, orrosnt Titk. "oirbd iincse," .watam,t. "Jbi-rlS"' ciiMiicji.s mi isttvas. Toilet Arliclut.. I.ubin's, Coudray's, llaj ley's, tr., &c., tc., IVrfumeri- Sonps, Ba,,,, -fnilct Powders nnd Cosii elic" EiuDKCoLot.orihebctldietlller,. W"S"H"C8' HT l.xuuni Tooth llatfiin, of all fZes nnd m le. EHTiiWiafc vunrn lVsi1E, of approved kind. llEST KSOM.H llAIB liRtSHtS. ' ' ' "- toMDs of allkind., llullalo. India Itubber, tc,. 4r tTvI't l ''"""I-uhln's, Uoudr'ar'. Lnd Maus rial Cold fooiU'iTttt from Porclain Fountain, liotir. ihuSotii with choice Syrups """tai"'. l itiiu K nnotvx, Jn.. Ausust 4, leeo-um. m" Ulga"ut tl" Spring .and Summer. A. J. SLOAN, HAS Just received, direct f,om Philadelphia anil icw York, n verv cho eu u.mrdn...., ..r "'"""t SWUNG AND SUAIMEU GOODS, .almost every new- fabric which lias been manufactur i 1 Sf !Pr rt'r SlSV' w'!' " "' assoitmliil , pf S,TAH,B GOODS of superior uualltiea will bo limn ,'l,;1"'!,',,,"i!'f p"tc' na ' 'I'l'Har cood. can b5 It Is nn easy muter to find roods at a low nrice, but fcnrh nS " X" ,0lV I"' SOIUetflin6 tllte. may w?at P1' l,u""1'-' "'fc" f " mriU$fi&Mr OUOCFMW. s.r, .tcA-c. ' t!T tall and see. rTt m , L0wntv Pitoiiuui: vsnted Ploomsburg, April SO, Idol, TRUNKS! TRIINK-Rti I s i ' 1 llar"l0") . ...u.. v.-uiei,i assort I mont of Koto Leather solid . Itll-eleil Triiu,..,,. :Jr , V "rest Trunk ff-irVlUtV!. Children's (.'ouchc., Pmnci. 0lterl!f JftrK ,, , , THOMAS V MATTrtOVrt. tntti mi i li l;?"1,?n' rHzo M',,la improved thei t spnnS fI;!.',,Ha l,fMU" rf"k manufactory. No. sir! M.irke Z.'.i i '.?." .n"t', l'ou"1' 0,1,1 Ma'ket, Philad'a. wiu.u.l e Irjitf, Hi II I T! tZ ! I rpilG undersigned is prepared tu supply Urick, ol a I COOd Oils itV.nt f.TIr nnr. it. ., ni r.r. i ,h., llrick aril of it. IM'Kiuny, near .McKclty itNials I lurnaco. Persons dssirlngln purrha.o will do willt'. call as brick will be made nnd i,r sidd 1, 11. IT'HMAN n-K nn hind ami r ady ft ub "'"'in liuicl'ib u, llNi;i, ' i 1