- mi i.'l WJ3 .1 K VM M. i.v iVAfiOT: s?PVjk-i IB CllIlilA DiiiCIlAT, Jptocal ani) Special, Joiin 0. Freeze, I'tlllor. SATURDAY MOHNINO, JULY 13, 1861. To-mqrrow is the Seventh Suuday after Trinity. iNapolcou sailed for the Island of Elba fjuly 10, 18l.r. Stotiy I'oiut tnkon by Mad Anthony Wayne July 10, 1770. ,,jllpv. Isaac Watts wag born July 17, 1074. tljftttle of Vienna fought July 18, 1083 lilouie burnt by the Gauls July 10, laoom C. ' Ptohn Galviu born July 20, 1000. Iter On last Monday wo had a protty Tho general rain over Columbia County, .day hud been remarkably warm, and the ".'iiftermion brought a genial thowcr. -:o: 'WDaT The voto in Te it" n of secession was t' Tennessee on tho qucs. the largest ever cast Itfltho fJtato, and the majority for access- n u oi, nr.. CSr Wo regret to learn that a Mrs Ja cob Gcnscl, of Catawissa, hung herself on tho fourth of July, in the school house, , .lioarly opposite their dwelling house. ( She. was aged about forty fivo years a .yjwpbian of rather strong and aoiivo mind ; . -''jmCut the troubles of tho times, national and $pccuwary, wrought fatally on her imagi nation. Shu Ins ono son in the "Iron - .' Guards," nnd another who had left homo Nvoara aito, shu feared was in the Southern '.-... ll.n,,l. ,!... ...no ,.!. .:l I' I4W,IJ lUUUgll ,UUU 11113 V.U,IUI1IIJI Ul the fact, Sho left several other children, ISSy Wo have soniowhero, in an Agricul tural paper, scon it stated, that to preserve By'duns; chickens, it is necessary to keen fitheni iu coops raised some inched from the ," ?sffground until they are sis or eight weeks - .f3h i f they droop after thU,tho next hour Sof warm sunshine will briughem up again. .WA corrospondont says the last time lie tried v- 'v to raise them on the around, he lost 50 out IrWV,. , , .. . oi uu j ho lias oiteu raiseu uu or 7U at a 'jfeyv time sinco without loosing oua, simply by "CToooping them away from tho ground until ftJx wks old. ik :o:- 5- Wo aro informed that a number of tncu aro wanted to fill the "l'hccnix Artil- HkLc.r'1't3'" 'T1, oun Kobsou ; of the -fcust l'enna. licservo, Col. It. liiddlo Ilob rta. Camn Wavno. Wcstche&tcr. Free . passes on the Kail lloads ill he sent to - af-all, willing to join tho company, and as it J5f$" aicW 'K1S " or 111010 t'umu'11 County Dtiuvu, iuey are especially anxious to eniitt innrv. W'n nrn f nlil tliif. A rtillni'i hipunics have some advantages over In- m$$o will inoit cheerfully put any inquirers iwon tlio road to information. "I'all iu. men, fall iu." :o:- TS" 1 lie Ilarrishurg I'jtriol tj- Union wivflKajB; 1 Lo iiloouisburL' Cornet Uaud.un- eaff-acr tliu icauerstuii ot Jolin A. Jlower.canie down on Saturday, and w:i3 attaelind tn fflb Sixth regiment of reserve. Columbia county is at home in this regiment. It V.lPtiiu the Uolonel, (IlickcU,; tho rci'imental .-band, and tho Iron Guards have tho right ,-of the column, being company A. in the regiment. We wore up at their quarters v '()ron Saturday, and found tho boys in good v$tpirits (having just been paid off) and full oi'lun. Surely, there should bo no room for - v-fstitution or against it ? AVo cither pro ,$jl&Xij$0 10 break Mavery up iu the States, or "TfiSPS a'ouo) where the ConEtitution protects ?ffii may tu',1': "bout slavery us our ;i5'couviction3 lead us ; but our duty in re . i,gard to interfering with it isquito another A.l!f .1 , .... . .miiu(;. ..uu ii uui uuij uuii'a hoi rctiuiru , "us.tt'o interfere with it, wo should not mod "r .dlo at all with a fact existing under the 'laws nnd guarded by the laws. If we do, .our assault is not upon slavery, but upon 'f Ih'o'Constitution of tho country j and it is . -tha force of this irreiistablo logip which compels Mr Garrison and his followers to inalio it the fundamental doctriuo of their anti slavery erusado, that the Constitution isifau agreement with dvath, a coveuant with hell !" JJoston Daily Couriiry June 17. :o: BSf Lieut. Win. M. VauHccd, of Com pany K. Fifth Hcgiuient of Artillcry,Keg- ular Service ; is now in 15loomjburg,rjcrui- men for his regiment under command r Tl,. At'iti; . n't-. .1...;... v,'-jw "iiii3 ii ntiauia ; luia biatiuu for Columbia County, and Danville for Montour County are fho Posts assigned to Lient. an Used Tho Recruits will bo for Fire years,and Ti7l. ...ill l. .nl1,n.l r. I ..iiJ nil lid viwtuvM uuu V.UIUU iur UUiUji vRtanu tneir pay will conuncuco irom tuo time thoy arosworn in. Kvcry squad of,say live men, will bo tent on to Harrifburg, and drilled. This is tho first and best oppor tunity yet offered to enter tho regular ser vice of the United States. Many persona jwo aro persuaded will embrace this offer and position as being superior in many respects to that of volunteering. Lieut, l i i i e . . ,. t. Van 1(00(1 can always bo found at his Of' 1 . , . . . . wee, or ai ma ixcnango HoKl, roauy to !i nn n- 1 rCCOI0 rCCrUltS. '10 OlUCOrSarO regular- I i . , .... , . , i ly educated militarr men, a mo'.t material OOlKulel Utioll a5-Wo havo already said that Cooper wroto very Toluminously, and his novols aro published in many different cditious by W. A. Townsend and Company, SSo. 40 Walker Street, New York. Many works aro in themselves complete, and aro political, satirical or as in ono instaneo lo gal-Tho ways of tho Hour Tbcw aro three howewcr, "SatanstOQ, 'The Chain- bearer'' and "Tho llctMiins," which are known as tho anti-rent talcs j and discuss ' that groat internal question which couvul- scd New York,and nearly led to civil war, somo years ago. They aro therefore deeply interesting, .! ii.,. . , r. . 1 1 ...:ii t said by a distinguished Judge of York a placo in hw as his other works had won for him in literature.'1 Tho Publishers will scud catalogue wliou required, and ... 1,1- nnt. k.. n -fi,. i any OUO book CaU bo lia'l,0U receipt Of tho 1 iintu. muau ruuun.g in ten uunuri'r, of courso ono require all, nnd tho local. political and social bearing of tho question aro all ably and thoroughly dLcusjcd 8Sy-Tlio New York Wor!, an admin istration paper is exposing tho treason and inconsistency of tho Now York Trib me ; and it copies from the 'liibunc a para graph which we give below, and to which wo direct special altenliou. If a Demo cratio paper had said that of Gen. Scott which Groely says, the cry of traitor and liar would have echoed over the laud. Tho UW'iti introducing tho extract says : Tho rebels have been hoping that Gen. Scott would die, and the Union causa be ruined by the loss of his guidance and masterly ability. Tho Tiibuue however relieves m from all apprehension on this score by showing that Scorr has five huu drcd superiors among the business men of this city alone. ''Fifteenth-Sixteenths of war is the bald, est and mo::t prosaic of business arrauge uieuts. It is tho commonest, moat simple, and easiest business. 1 can go to New York and New Kngland and find live huu dred men who can do this better than any officer iu tho army, beginning wiih the l.icutenant-General and ending with tin orderly at hii portcullis." HW. Car. Titbune. New Sliiuctlisnncnia IIOUSM FOll SALK. A nmvi-alilii I ramc Hnci:, will Im boM cheap, nn ai. plication to th'! uinlrMiJiicd. LCVI L.TATIJ. Ulnniiifiliiirjr, July n Fire I4"Ooi" ranciil i"r Snlc A lot of superior 1'ntK I'nwir Cfmcm, isifciallv adan l ted f.irCctnentiinr itt'tfltf. One fjtilloii will cover lUO Ititt of ordiuiry rooltn, ami Is Insured prurf a:raiiit rnrn nun iii't tveiiuer -' oj u-iu ai iiuuiuiacitirrrs prlH's, iiy tilt- jjtiiiou it halt barrel, at Uu orhccni tli Columbl.i Dcumcrat. LEVI L TATB Jilooiusbur;!, July 11, 1801. NOT ICE. 'lb the Ihirs of Thomas Conner ilcc'd. TVTOrtl.'K iahiTfliy siven tli.it tin- Pccnunt of. h'm Cmi' y tier. Mm i Hit; '1 rit.l- t'f lli i-Btiitj nr'lhiiiiUH Ciiniui.lati' nf lirt'i'iiwiioil tut. nn!i!ti, L'n mnlii I iniintt . ili'irti soil, u;m lll.d ut tin' May Ti r.n ni this Cnnit unil will tin .rtm'titi'il fur (.mitiriiii.tiun tiiut allunimiu nt M U'uincr ii.riii iKni. JAt;Olt I.VE1U.Y, CVrri t'. V. ntooinglitir, July 111. Hnl U A DMlNISTKATOirS NO TlUK. JJst'de of Alary &h'iftry decUl jVO'J'U'l! is I.tnby shen thai li'tu-rs of Adiimustra IN (it'll oh the totau o( .M,iry kfJftr, Lite f Kriai cTLrlt towiinliin. Co'unibia cciiutv. ilfccaetl. Muve In t n gtanteil by tliu llrtiinter 'f saidfimiity, lo th uii.l.'TMiu ed, who remdos in t-altin towusiijp, i.uz'Tiiu county, All uersous having claims or I'euiauilM agahi't the us tifii if ibc ilci-edi'iit are rentiLted t'i nr'-m-hl tlifiii for kuttlruicut. uud th'Hti indebted tom.iKi' payuieiil without iiciay. WILLIAM SWANK, July It, lil-St. Administrator, ltcomits Wanted ! Government requires all Companlc&to nuinbtrlOl ilXVKU.y .Vf.V H'J.YTEll. Tu CM Ihu runkfi in tho Iros Ol'aud, under Cant, W, II. Kilt, 1. 1 1 U I limn. In the r'tliUrglmint ortlu lViiun)hunia Uegcrvn Vol untrert'iirim, nurivr iuiiiiuanil of Col. Vf. . ltukntta at UrllllL!i; llln. Siililii-rd uiihliti: ts volunteer will relmrt to Uolirrt F. Clarti lld'l.-nthU iithre, or In C. .M. Uc'iiiorukt. ut the Kxthaliuu llnli I, Uliiiuiihhiinr ; or to Lii-nt luaur. II. Sets holt., at lu rii9riuuhjnuii lloti.1, Callirwhsii; or tn .H.iinucl Knorr, at llogi' Croctry, Lime lllJ),'c, LoluuiOia county, Vd lilooiilslnirc, July 1:1. K-l',l-3ti. IiLOO.M.SlJUJt( AOADKMV: D. A. BEOKLEY, A. II , Principal. rpm: ACTUM.v sriux or Tiiw ixaxii'UTiosr X iU bet in uu ll'crtncstlaiy the 1th of August. Th.3 Luibliu; has uiidcrucui a thuruugli rono atton. It Im b.'u'ii Muppliti.l with new luruituri: ; thi ualU cleaanlly papi-rud, uih! c-vctj ttu uddcJ that can ton-, tribute tu Hid i nml ni t and cuuvi-uioiicu 1 1 th miuiut. The courtt) of iiutruciiuu will bo tuon-ut,', lis Ikt. to fnri. and Ihunu dfaiL-iiiJc tu fil thouix l a lo t ut h w HI rt-CLive ipccialuttuiitiou. 'llio ocbuul Ubtlfii coniluit.'d according u Uu. moi approved luoiicl. All ike tudicof our Scuunaries uro cmtraied In it a cuurnu of titutly, " TERMS; Primary Ucpartiueilt 31 CO iliglar IK'paitmont S UJ Nu t'xtra cbaru u nude for the etudy ofAiKicntor IMotlern. Language (ttiod boarding can be procured at 81,50 or t'J.OO pir July 13, lK.l-If. WANTED t t two mill w AND Farmers and others, having Horses or Mules to sell, will meet the subscriber at ... . 1 , , , . , the "ExCliangO Hotel, lilOOlnSburg, Uasll paiU. J AUUIJ 1)1.1 H L, T. M. 1I0UT0N. July 13, 18G1. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. the Orphan Court for thi eornity vf Ootumhia'JU tate of Conrad He, lute vf Sagarloof totcmhip, rfrcV, rplli; Auditor appointed by tho Court m report tiuirl i 1 billion of iho balance in tin hands of William IIcs. rxerutor of thu lat Will and T'-tttament of Conrad I lltffs. late of rlugarloaf lown,lilp, lu tlm count of t.-ol. 1 uinl.ia, decooioil, wlllme.ttli, parlli-s Interested loillm ..I 1,1. ,..l.,nl n Un..,..l... th .11.1. .1... iiiiniiieu ol Ills uiitiolntinent. on hattlrilsy the -.'till day ;,f Ausun. if i.ut loo-clock, a m.,oi taiii day.ot hi. ollicu iii llloniliure. In nai'l county all pi-rnons Interes- teililime.ui.ir.tatearoii-.iulreotiiprciienttlietrrlsilii, b fure the Amlitor, or ba aebarretl Irom cuuiine iu for a snar of th, rami. lllaom.bur;. Ju'y (I, 181 It. ' , .Ywneor, COLUMnlA DEMOCRAT, T)l0 following are tho rccelpts'to tho office of tho Cor.UMiiiA Dr.MOCltAT, during tuo month ot .Juno, lain : tv,Vii?m &i.h.r. j Vi' ViiimVi'Si, it", iXl'u $ II tlolumlila County II 01) o no tvttr Jw-i.liy. 4 no .1 00 Win. Urci.fucll, 1 110 5 id, ilia nigtr. I Mi RMIi. M. A. "cCollilin, 1 SO I no luac K. hil.lino. 3 HO i uu inaar, mtinire, J m clnrl'iTliMuiat, 3 III 3 OH IS 3 00 1 ? 1 50 4 Oil Jji", 1 f! " ,'"""!A"1!;'.,)r,,liU'! ?i i Hob 'rt llnan. i lion II. II. Wrlilit, nl .11 u . ja Kn.n. ' """'i. , ,' FakiiH'l Ilittt-uliiMiiler, 1 'i, Itiv. VAw. .Murray 7.1 .'Hi 1 re 1 I 1 li j i iviuipp, l-liiLI Llx. '.ri . 3 H ij. n. nawm, ofllri' Ot iiurtmtnM K) Aii.i'l llnyt. , !l 50 Janiu iillllami, Cii , 1 0i William .Miller, 1. 1". L.U1Z, Lamps ! JLampsl ! A j ' ' i, IV ANOTIIKU FltESII AUK1VAL Oh'. iONES Sr Mllir.lt S. IMriWVKI) WW COJlL on. vun.viits. f mmts tun BURNING. KCi:u-i:ni .or cakihiN' oii.r. Ahl.Mi UH' UPPl IIIU1 I ll.llii'll I.IO II HOW in 1IP, Ullil- t llbl rr ulnirtlici., Hlorw, nr ramlly ne, im Jnnntr frnin lnplo,lon mil ono lulf iliuiipvr limn uny other iitlit.tiowu.cdn.nl UQUATj TO OA s The above lamps, with or without, Globes or Shades can uc nnu iu uiu nuw and oiikai1 miuu smmra, K.vchatigt! liuili!hiC, tilooiiusliug liM U'licro tlif1 iindrrslffiifd wmild P-enpoct fully Inform, his rrh'iid irid tlm pul lie in ffrniTtil, tint ho lui Just teicil from thi ntii'B, a I.trse nnd Well elected stuck of iJoodn, tn his kind cmiriptltiK of Hilll at N II 1 UKKU PltUUrt. OttoUNl) t Wll'lI.IIIMUnS, l'Al Vl'rt OII.8. VAtfVlrllKS DYII tjTUrr wiNtiuvv (;iass, iu AL.I SIZIN. I'.MNT, A. TOOTH ts. eiiAViNO uuutfiii TOBcrn k i;tnAtis. or 'i hi; nr.sr miANnst IMdiril.M I1IIY, KAN (JV BOATS. imjfSF.s v aiioui.Kiiu im l'Uiti: wii;s& i:RANt)ii; rou MnniriNAL utsi; m am' cuitino, DONH'JO OMOUH. OILT MOID, II IKO roil ri!AMi:S.c AllttliAt' VA UILTV Ol'CAnUON Oil. I.MIM AVU .HllAlinR rMJin. oa mu us udAriiTV ri.UU) I.AMl'fcFIIAUIIS. Also All tho most popular latnnt Iciliriiifs of tho itav.prcstriptiousHnd f.iuuly tuditiuos carefully put up. X. I!. -Tho llental nrnfeKhioii l-i bUII continued and Tottlt iinjtrt'id, in tho nutBtJW upprotcd nianiHT, Xfl IVi Una tli.inkliil for pipt paironago, lie U-T hnpos u tontiiiu..iici! of thu muiip. muomsbiirff, "May ie,l"Gl-y. JOSKI'lI GltEEX, SON k CO. Wholesale and Itclall Dealers in W3 9 SI, on, n.u.n.N uiAitow miaih.s. &c. Tugtiiicr with a complete vorltty of ?s CAUINUT WAIUI. at tho lnu'L'nt Cntli prices. NO. 45 N01UII SECOND STREET, JO-IU'M OKKUN I'llILADULl'lll.l. II. JUVI.a LHSTI March -, IcM-;tni. H'aulH'b Jewelry and Mlver-Hari1. . We would respectfully inform our friinds pa ! trnti nml the miblie. ffi'iirrntlv.that We lia. C now cij-s.il' iu Store, und oiler li'dosale and Itrtail, ut thu lowtst cash prke-. ft Marpe and ery choke sto..k nf pranted by th.t IUKii-ttr of 'said county, to tho un.ler es, Jewelry, tfil.cr und 1'latod Ware, of rncry a- Vr1"c'1, ',e,,,l',1lri t"vV' 1,1 l,7u,,ll".a ,U"V; V fitches, JewelrV rieiy nnu m le. Kwrv dfstrinlion ofDiniunnd Work, and other Jew elry mnde to unler nt short notice, u" All goods w ar ranieu id uens repr' senii,ii. i . i arm uiat unimmu Kiven to the rt. pairing of Watches and Jcvselry of every doscriptiuu. ri .tti ri.ii cs. iiiuiiii.ii No. fiJ'i.MarkLt Street, South tide. March 1. iHSl-tlm. ifT w'wXiiox siiop. Mniti tnct nhovr th Forks llttrt ll MI un l.-ricncd. Irivinc rfi.toved fmm r.sp)town to I Itloixn-biirz. r.-Mf'ttlitlly ttiforms iih trunus ami (iMtoni rs. that he h x open 1 a new thop, on Main ir'-'t, Hlo.iiit-barg, ubo e the I't rka llottl, where lie W 111 roiidutt the IV A UU V .l.AiV(r 1SUSH t, I Iii nil its nrious department.., and on a more cMuiMte 1 saw tn.in Ji' r loiore. Ilussii's. burins Waeoitt. SulKi". I.tjjht uasons. an.t all kill-In of vehid 'n made to ordi r, n rlirt notice mid tulrtirms. ,Wo llofftii nun I'aum Wiin-.i.l.MOto., in. 1 1 to ordi r. Itti'uiUNfi. of all Mm!!, including Heavy ngons, promptlj and ch iuply executed. niooiiifiburg. April 21, I3C0-0ui. NEW'UAlililAOE I'STAlH.lSll.NlliN''r.h-n 'ittm'ir rci.Uc... I,. inid IX BI.OOMSUVHO. In tht Xtio Brick Three ?ir Vame ractvry, on .Vui tirtoic MirUt. rlUVt subxcrib.r woull refpotttully aunouiico to th' J public that li lui comitiuiiicil the OAK It 'Ati i i: ,K5U?, I , . , WACON MAKI.NG UU null Its vari(ui brauche-i. He is pr''p'irL'd to exuuie II ord r mid ba ottliand nt ur lit an n snort men t I" liiiik)iid tnrk hiiih mm htm .ts Ulll l'mit In Ilifir d autat'C to call and exainun'. Jtt.l'.IIIJXO. Will be done iu the niorft prompt and careful luniiucr and upon terms which can not tail to eiu Siittfliu'tjoe i it i.Jiiuiir. .. w lllourusbur?, April -e, IC'm 1000 Reward!!! WILL UU l'All) Fur Any Jlwiirliw' tti.it will KxccI C O li Ii li HI T ' & a j. fs in an i sASr HEALTH AN1 HAPPINESS. I'ur thu uuiik cure of llradacho, Tnotbathe, Ithcninn tism, Nuurilzia, I' tin in tliu fide. M.ick nr htoiuath, I'.iiutcri rhulif, or Cramp, I'rustctl IVft ut Ilarn, Hums I'rcsh t uta, npraiu. Itnuaeu HiarrbaM, uud 6oreTbru.it ami nil tiiinil.tr ciuuplamts. Tiiutbachu curctl in ten uiinuti1. I'..irnrh cured in fUo iidnuii'i. IIi'atl.Khi? mroil in leu inimitef, lluniti cured fruit iiiiartiug in two niimiti-H. Xcuruli.i pains curt d i it In ! iiii tijit 'h, Cholic t urt-tl in ti'o iniuutL'. 1 sprain rolu'ved iu too uniiatfa, toio throat rcliuvdl ill flU UllllUtt'K. I Tu tho Hum and hausthtfrs of ailHttlon, TIiphi thing wo prow on thu sput and before )uur tjis, only brio; uu nur cuf. I mCiiJ'g have bfen curftl by nnf Apeii t in a mnjrle day! V.wty buiilo warranle.1. Try it I Try it ' 1 Try it 1 1 ' pith j-: w wAVi 50 cc'ns nut botili:. Alibi-rul dlitnuiit madi' to A?inU, and ono wan ted in fwry tow n, uUo t'tw tiuti tiuviliiii: Aytiiti. All urdoj- and coinuiuui' atiunti fbnuU l- uldrrvticd c. i. cujj:j:itT & co, -2iti. nil t. HiiUdvlphl.t nmccTioxs run ntsa COLUKUT 8 liAL.M IN CilLKAD. Tor Tti'tthacho apply It ocr Dm fatu anu" ythut of th touth iillictcd' pr-'i-iiing baud upnii tlm facts rcpt-at if nit cured. In rxtrJiuu ratten, v rtltun with In- balm and covi r tho tooth and punii. l'nr llt-adache, bathe tbo KMiiptos ami apply lo thu noif ; and taku fcoui ton lu tbiriy dropi in half a tumbler f water fwectanud. rr Cruun auj Horn Threat, takn fiom tfii tu thirty ilropi Internally, nn u'jar r m hwrvtcuetl warm wutei: batho thethrt-al fretly and bind on a tLiiiiul. lor ili,nTTVrJ WD KKATHKU AVAUK lleadnclto. Itlieuiiiatuui Neuralgia, L.uuo Hack or bidu , iiriUmiSU V I. U tx njniij bath. Ireely with ISalui in Cilead ; und generally taku interually . . . 1 or nummm onepari naiiu in uneau anu iw tnu water and iluttr. to inaku a p uti!, cover I'm burn with Hut s tine, l'nr Cholic. lak. (rout tt it to fiirtr tlroiii ill lift water ; batbo tho bowels and apply wet .tlannl. in the above, tlm fciualW doo iti fr Cluldreu, and Iho lariterforadnlis . varyiu-coriliugtoaKeuml cirruuistaiiccn i;n1brt'g Halm in Cileal is harmleiv. Colbert's balm in Cilend pives satisfaction. Tlm.e whu hae uetl lialin In Cili ad uill not ba with out it. Agents w anted, 1'or l 'rtus, a-lilres C. H. COI.H UT tc CO., No. 121 mmitli rourtb s-tr-'' I. l'lula'tulphia, Pa, V. n. Orders dent by l.&prvs to anv part ul the I ni ted Htates nt th shortest notice. May 4, uoi. tui. 1 U y 1' 31 A K I JS U THU undoriii;ncd inform the jmblic gi-nerally tbnt they have forim-d u cO'p.irtuersbip, nnd will cuutiti. no th buiiiifks cf Pump iiiultins and repairing, iiuill th"ir various tlepartuieuts, iu t!loumtijuri;, wliere they w ill promptly aueiut tu an unit rs in tntir lino oi du.i- .V1'01,1'. '." "T1 '" r'."'.1,!1'! i .. m, Well ana t.'i'ti-m I'miips with l.-ailen l'i tho l,ot HjIb of urkiiian.lili,m moiteratii tin. mado in teriui, ana on vciv i hurt nuttu1 rruiii their long experience in tho bu inei s, md nn c:irnct delro to have tht ir w nrk roiuiiiend iiBt If to tho public lliey feelg coV. b'nt lli.-v can nmkti it an nbject tu thoKu who may fivo tliem their ctirttuu and render (nu ral latUfuioti. JOHN' ntlJTCHUEV. JOHN CUM. Pdommbur;, April 13, lrtil. 'Jm riMIl! undvrhiiriie rpppftftily lufirms his friends nnd ally that h has Ju-t completfd hit I thu nublic Generally that h NVw .Mill, on IJUlu 1'ir.himitr ek. lu Creenwuo I iuvmi- Mill, on Kjtilo rihliinctr In Creenwuo 1 until- ship Ctdmubiu nainly ami haiinif vngaced omi td llio bol Praetteal Miltera in the country- is nmv prpari'd to cxccuio any tiuniucst in ni una promptly nim cunt, factorlly The buil.' i ii a Urja double Prick .Mill, constructed in the must modern tyle snd employs fuur ot-.. anil uoiiaias spuruJ to reoitergeurral aatiffurlion. 1 JAOt'B UVUH, ryr', iore, June, B, 1661 -lm run oi nurrs. rtrict attention wn no civcn in me uuii NKW WKMOCltATIC M0HNIN8 UiTit n tltw to met t a imlurinllv admitted rnnt.lb utnlrri(riifl will ftioon Monday iho Jut of Julyneit a inorimig IVuuy Tjptr tobo culled MTII3 IMUN" TJia grent minion nf (No l)iiiui rutlc poriy.w liidi fin cvir itouti ad Ilia bulunrk of tho I'M an J the rlminpl on ul thu ;ns5itti;TiH, re n cirri ltd tntire unity nnd bold rfttitudo fn tliU hour r National tieril n nintor of tfttti concern, 'Uu I'fiiilliiR itrtioali! li itotlo for Hie iiuiintinfliico of u L'niiiMt Count r than fof tins I'trpttin atloiitif Dtinocrniic I'tlnclplci, as cxiniuinted by Ji-tr Lron nnd Jmkiuii, Tho iint inomcnlum rntilt li.ui ii'oti tliu Isauot M' r) pnrty nu'itimn aim for tliu limo 1 rohiniiii) comcnt adJnuniL'J. The fait is dead, nuto In U I Mun of rxpt-'fli titc. 'Iho Di'Mioerallcliuiiti hive not ilirunk from their fnl flmr- In tlMi roioiiflibllittt!i nnil i anger of the eniur goncy. 'lli.'y liava rulticd with one accord nruuni tho tniiiJurd nf our LonniMiii chimin'. Hut tin orcnulon lm imnci nilit-r dtilt n. 'i'vi Joveriiiii"nl v lit demand ati.l 1 i. . r. i . i i.- . .r ... I.:.,,'". "..""L'i'.V'l '.'.'.Vi""' ',a."'.-'" "..""i"" tiiinul initliurlty i but tli' I rcerv&lion of Oomtltutlon al l.tbcrijr rii.ttf nwrp w ill. Iho pcnplu tlimi with Con cri'ssi'B inid Cnliliitff, Iffilaiicii niul Unity arotluri! luru iiiccl'illy ruiuiiito In lliu iiri'i nt Jnin turd. It is tliu imrpnsj nf tli l'riiirl.'tirn tu inikij "TUn l'MU.N,"in every ri-purt n lirtt-flaag Jourmtl Tliu ii.-iiiut rnry ni in.' wnnio Dim? nui inn ni-rii m a uuiu ''Mi,..r,,u..utiOT,i,iiin nnri will nil V, n .,,V, .. , . r,.X ..'7jZ, 1 1, r nnil i Hi oniint of tliu pr,i f, h,, ,jtVrV i,,ci. iii. iiimimU v pri'nt prim 1 j 1 c- fur -vliicli Ilia llcinnrriitic pnrty have vwr cmitcnilcil, nnj Hlilcli niu now 10 nnhjnpi.y im jn'rllli'il. ' iri':iui nuvc yviti'i n-i, ,iiu i,i i .1 i.Kt.n- iiib l plan- thfl rntrrprl-. frmn tlio lii-nlimlnir. npmi niu I'rupniHuri navr periiTiiMi tnen nrr.ingunirntf ni fnli tantiol Itnijnt'Bs l.aU, w Uli abundant iim una lo make a houspuper ii'cond in nti.rct and nbility to no diu't iii ine city; aim wnnu inc paper win ic uaticsd A NKW i'Ain:n. ly U.Mumriitlc, It ' III nduuiy . voia nil lactlon, ni the i";",v",f"r,1"'' ,VnfiUC'.'irr,!!,Ti.,.,lri,t,,'il.,,U,"r't' ilniilli' st I. mo to lurtv einrlL'iicv wliiru thn piiiilla ore not mrroiintli'il Iiy tlicau tlcmorul. tVc, l..,ik 1,, il,n I, Mliril V'l'l' M B-I'S for .in.ni.n I'ini! Inllnelicm, nml tcniitnlliiiu foiinil In our cities, nn" t li.. U I u . .r t ., r u k e 1 IK U N 1 0 V- 1 n over. av "' "" n'1 r iMnllH's. with m. .intii.le irtl v , , n " ,t nn I I iUoral natroiiasc . ita! Inlluenc. In illverl tholr nttentlou rmn, ntoraluro ami r,'.i,l"l!l ' ni ul f Xss Journal P'"." '" ,, ri( ,,r K,ai culturn. presmil. attrn-llon, nn.l in- TEUlISi -Tcr Annum Tlircn Dollars or sorvoil l- iluccni.ntii tocoinulornto p.irelit eiuulnui mnlen-.ii, s,-. tarS.'rsSI V TV ?Hl wit J ' , uoiii louml .urrounilins larco -clmol. nn.l nenilenili-. i.arrnrs ki. (,i,n i s mi ,1. , ,f ,,, onc f ,,, ,, ,. Oracn ,ho.l,l I, 'f""f ' coii.luctc.l iu thl. union of country, prontiits an attrac- Nn. 130 South Thlnt St., rhiluJoliihln, iV Jiv-fjutureana u.tful uuJllllary, tu a practical eilu. a June IjJ'jI I 'f"1 n r ,1 Tho Improvement will bo undar the immediate charfe 77. 77 7 . " i n in eihcient Uuard uf Trnatees, appointed by tho Sprn- WALL l'APKH ! A ALL PAPKH ! InuryCompiny, nnd will be completed Iu lime for tho J, , , , , ... Auiiinm term, to comincnco the I-tli nf Anznst iiett, lj' ?t rl,'P,,lvt'l, ft",n .V1C 'n"ractOTiPf In l.uBtnn, nn Whilo thankful for nnt pitmruc vu wlnh to merit a urllrlei.fiii.istcxiclli'iit.jniility. I challengn conip'. Cniitnuanco of 9lnilnr f.ivnri, wc Inteiul to Include n tlti'.iiag to tyle nml pritv. Tli- undersigned uiil Uvn i,e,crirra(0 and wider rnncc nfinatructbm hp roKpcct- MiucrM niti ii any oi in.! Diyie un naim-nim n tlio only laXperliMicil I'apih IIanukii ;n tbla Bcctlon of tliu County- Cite my LxtLiiei.u Stotk un Liauiitnitloii iidi're I'urtu.iiiinir, 1X7- Call ut Kuperti Tost OiTicc. i;. J. THORNTON, Klooiusburg March 2id ldCI . J. l 81 J fiS 13 K , (Suftssor to J. S. KoKvru.) truoi.rA.iLK D&JILFM IX TOBACCO, SMJFFAM) (WARS, No. 8 Nurtli Tifih i?t., abovr Mnrktt. riiirAiii;i,riiiA. Also, .Manufacturer and Importer of li'OUEIGN k DOMESTIO SUGARS. 5lny II, leiio-lSni. S?ouse & Lot for Sale. flMIK ilndereizued, oilers to sell at private rala his I Duelling lIoiit'(Mitli the Lot pround upon wbiili 1 is located, lucluiliug nit the out-buiblinss nnd Improve mi'tits. taid prop.rtycanists oft,fiiUtownlot,nh'-rcnn i ererted a new Two story Urii k lloinc. an-i Kitchen , w Hit tliu rerptiMtr out bniblincs, ull of w Inch are Iu cwd condition loc nted ou Cnitrt! IStrt-ct a frw doors below Third i-Urtit, Moiubur. I 'rice very inotlcratc and terms riasoiuble. AN'IIUDW S CUOSaLCi. UlooniEbars, June 8t 18C1. Im. ADMINISTUATOirS NOTICE. EUat of Cnlcb C. Fox, (fcL MOTlCli is lierLby aivru Ih ttU'tti rofadmiuifitratioii I I on lli estate of Cnltb C. t'ox, late of Mount I lea aiittownhin. t'iduuibi.i county, ibrenscd, have bern the etntu(if the ileiedetit are riquemt d to present them fur uhmeiit, and those indebted to make pjyuiuit without delay. JOIINMOUDAX, June 2.1, Icfil-tt. Mm'r. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Auftrnv Dihhnc) flec'rL I 12TTI'.U3 tett.uner.tarv nn the IMateof Andrew Dil I Jiliue. litu of liiiiiit IMoasent tow nsliln. Ctliinibia county, deceased, have been granted by the Kcgittcr of Colmi'ibi.i muiity to tho iiiKltTbi jatl rekidiu Iu the township i f Urauge.and count) atiresaid. All ptrson ha iH'j tlmiiii jtyaiiinine eii.ii m uu u ccueni arn re. nt'et'd to prcs -nt tii-'m fur ttl'Muci.t and tlioac In UcDtUd lu III.1K"; p 1) lUtMIl 1U1IUCII1.IIII io A. It DIM1INC. June 2fl, led. lit. Ilxccutur. EXECUTOll S NOTICE. Eude of Plabp Frrtz, tlneiseU i .I'.TTr.US t ptameiitar entlM nstaterfl'niUprniT. I Lit , nfriiirarloil'towil-lilli. in Co nt bia t'ouit.ili ceased li.Uf bteii Sfraiiti'd by I he HcpMer ol Columbi.1 rouuty t- tliu uildcrt-ljilied ; ull perion hnviug chiims ui:arioat low iifliip, u iinoui ueiay aim uu pcrsuna in. .1. LtiMl to nijlce. n.t im.nl lorlbw illi. AitiJAii niiTZ, Juno 8, 1PG1. fit. E-VE'UTOK'S NO'HCE. I'Mite of ,ftco't tlasenbuch, late of Centre tirp.t dte'd. t I IT IT. US testament'! ry oti the i stale id Jtou II on I I.iia uf (Vnlro towiinl.tii LVluiiibi.l loiliitV .M.....I h.ivi' t.n il irr.inlcJ bv ill KeillSier ofCcllllil' jt;i t nuut lo the un.h ri'ied. reiling in Um tow nhlp j and iotini) ul'iirediid. All pprsou haiugiUian acant 1 th ectale of th" decedent arc repiust.'d toprt-seiit th -to i for t- ttlemeut, uudlhuoe, indcbtuil tu maku p.iinent tin- mcdutly to Ji:itUlIAIl llAGUNItCCH. , Juno 13, leill. Vxccutor. Contre tw-p. NEW MILLINERY GOODS, FOU , 13.-3 MAItV IIAUKI.KV, would rcierlf.illy Inform l ln-r rusi.oiui-rii. In l;i.ioiniiiirj mi.l Wriiuty, that bin: lu. Just received from the city an excillcut ussort- inent ut liur. MII.l.INKKV fiOOI.- . Tincr than ctr, and inn o calculated to-xtpi ii-. pivaiu ilia ta.to I the umt fat.tidio.i,J"Ari; fTr Hie hat paid slrirt nttcntion iu inaVins W- ZZX-s. her neluuiciifl of bonnets, coutu-'pici lly has I tin )i'6t a'so.tinut, pridiably, tvir bmiiubt to thU plact. Sim has an assortment ul neat an I li.iuduuie Mats anil C.ip fwr liUlo .Misses, all of which fho landUposo of rliettp tilve lier a (all bcfuro purchasiiiij elscwhero. HIiop on A i am cinei.btJin. ..lamet, norlli ule. blunmsburs, Ap'JU3t MAUV IMIlICLCY. KIC1I AND ELEGANT CARPETS. P.O. I'Ol'I.K, ri.3.1 North Hi;cO'n Strict, opposite Clirut Church, iimtt n the piirtinilar ntlentmu of ler chant und others to his iy Urge ami lUffant assurt lueiit of r. inpnT.-j.niLCl.OTil?.. te. JiHt rcceivodfroiu thu moct ceUbratetl inauufactoriea of imrnpe uud amtri'n im muinij uu mu u. ..n i-u'imu- extant, which will b.j kuM at n very small a.Uaute on coi. Call aiidtxaminti quality, stlu and prices before puriliaiinj,'tIeIiero. Uumiub. r, u ;U ,urtll SctJnd Street. Th iladelpbiu .Marcli 5, lcbl-3m. WIIULIA1X AM' lir.TA!I liUUbbj v mi vrt.n. Ssrn.i Ktr....t. nnnntlto Cliritt Church. .- - FUiLA UluLFlliJ. I IT?- Coiibt.mlly on hand, a Inrgn anortinent of Iledn, MattresBex. IMillamc. Cutbion. Hair. Hunk Cattail, uud all artrl iu the lino at tho I.owi t 1'riec. t i X. li Particular attention paid to renocatiitff Atw an Old AaAiv. Mareh", lrnl-Wm, 1 I rpIIU underiJgued, 1uIiib opened a new litlOT ANU , I tillCi. tilUii. on 'ain street, in llopkimii ill-.. Uaul ltln...ill1rir. r.ftli.'l iflltH UlVltL'H 111.? I UalOUl uf the Cltl- zus and tbu public generally. All kin da of Uooin, Hhoeg, A.c , will bo promptly mado to order, on liuit notico a id lutnlerato icnu From lonp expprienctt in hli line of buiinekg ho Hit Its iiimiHftli.nl Lu will be uble tn situ fiieral BatUfaction to a'l who may favor Iiiui with their tiutoui, . tlrnin. l'v nion and Troducc genciu'ly taKen in .nl..onrnfc. B.I..BB00K. Bloouuburp, July (, l01-3tn. ESTRAY- A fvmalo wluto Vig, wciffhinc abo-it 100 lbs., with a black spot on one lnp, has been behi scleral dayi. A fcuilablo rewtid will ba mveii fur information of tli I u hereabouts. JAa M.TIIOUNTO.V. lUooiubuip, Jaly C, ItCl. rjuiuiiig iSoininar)r. rplir, next tonn of tills institution will coninicucu Au J I'll.t Ulll ami coi.linue twclva week,. Tlirouitliiiiil tli-term snorial utr ntinii will bo elven to ti.o,a pr -parliigln teaiu, anil all sui II may rely upon hiving n. itiml a,lvaiil.i;c liero a. al any i-xilusivcly Vnrio.il Mhnol. ArrnniiLMiieiit W III bfl luado for ail I'X tcit!itecouro cf Utluras before tno Te.rber.' Cls.s. & NUUJOK i Kinteo, r , July 6, lovl-lin. UCi1VOl SM1.1IVA.UY AND COLUMBIA COUNTY I AT MliiliVllilil'i i'liJN'A. Important Addiliutts k Improvements. Autumn Tcrmlo Commcnca Angast 12, 1801, iMIlfl tnstitiitinn nlilrli linn been In uceeflpfiil opera I tlon lor Ilia poll trn year. I about undcrjtoniB a vry Imuortiint rt'iiovntlon.in order tn place It on a more MaMe bat Utliiiu cer and preent fnriliticB uhirhare nut i irpaii 'd by ordinary Acttdomieg In iNt'rtlicrn l'uin i)1v.iiu.i, Anions tho liuproveinctili will bo a l.irz-J tlin-vftoricd bulldinj? which ul'l give tnuch addilfoiial room nnil ft rent.' r conveniences for bonrdern, a toni mo il loti hnll for a lecture mom and public cierclKcn, con vunitnt rlas room, b librnry nnd ruutling room contain ing a cabinet of luincrnU nnd ciiriopitlux biiili rooms, (Vc An fxpciiMicrd ntnl tlioro'mhly O'lillll d cl.m-lrnl leurlii r n nit lecturer whl bo nt llio Uvit of tho Hoar J of Iiltirni r In. mi. but tliu 1-rlncliml ulll Ixivv lliu nnurnl u thu Jutli-s of Iciichlnir. Itesulnr lei turos will bu dtliv crcdtipon atlout PCK'ntiflc subjects, as well as upon tho theory ami practice oftiai hint?, and nNnnal Class of y mm if in 'it hikI wiiin(.n wtiawith lo 'junlit'y them selves for ti-iiclvrs' proration, will rcccivt ctpiclal at tciitiou and nisi tanto. TU C"nrsofif liiklrurtlon In the school n 111 be Iho. roiiftli nn.l pystctnntir( calculated to embrace tlif Tarius brunihcsofa practical udu atin. Amplo provitloti will ! made fur tho etudv of the higher inatJifumtirs, tho cl'irl.lntinu of Thymic, nnd the Natural Pcicnrrs, by invaim of sultnbln opparalus, and for tho iiiy of thtt Latin, ('reck, nml IJirman Innguass, to rnabli sludonts to iiairy thoiiipclvps for rummrnlal and srlrntilic pnr Hints, or to enter nay clam al colli pc 'I'lio country location of thi4 Heiulnary In a pleasant vnutrr in n ncauiiy nun iinunauinx iiciqitnornoua, wen fy elicit a cureful examination lute uur faciiitiea and ,iai,u T 13 It HI S : Bonrdinir, wncliiuz. tuition, lights nnd Inridentnl ex reiiiu.forouf'iunrtfrnf tleven urckn, ill be 'Jhirty I(1 nr. uno liiilf payablo In ndvanci' Hie otlirr h.ilf nml nil tuition bill will be exnucted iirnmptty at tho ex pirutiou ofcatli naarter. Jlrmsi IlonriHitir, with fiirnllied rooms, nn 'lusrtcr tJIJ,0!) Tuition In common KnglMi brtinrliL-s 5,W Inrliiditii Miithrm.nicH and lUok Keeping by DuuliM 1'siury 6,0 Tuition in liUt.n, t.rrfk.nn 1 riernian ctlra 1.0"J Valiltijj, Lights uud incidental uipcuset., out; 'iuart(.r. 3.00 Those w hh Venire to procur' scbo'arphips or nttend by the ywar, will b-j nctommoitatcd at n rcaoiinblr; illscouiit and pludents u lulling tt procure rooms should inaku flfnconabln application. i or luriucr iariicui.trtt nuuretts, w.M, nunursPs, rrincipni. Millville, 1'i.iiii'a. flrOROE Master, J.K. Kvks. ) Dr. A. I. IIeukr, t it-ii Ul). V Trustees, I'RtJtMii K. Isvei, ) MUhille, May. i, I - tit . G E OUO E II. It O 15 E K T S , IMPOliTim AND DEALER IM CUTLERY, GUNS, kO. No9. 2.15 anil 2S7 Vonh Third Street, VIS I f s A fl KS L E A . 3BXISMfi WML 1"IIU Proprietor of this wtll-know n nnd centrally locn ted House, the l.xu.tvoic Uu rut,, situate on Mai-itrKi-i. in lllodiitHburL'. iuimudintilv "uoMile the Cohlin bia (ouut Court House, respectfully inforun his friends nn.l tin nublic in general, that hi House in now in or tier for tho reception ami entertainment of travelers wh. may leei uiiposeu id iaoni . uu meir cuhioih. uu ii.ts miared no exoenne in preparing the llxra ?ti, for the riitert.iinmeui of his guests, neither shall there, be any iMn.r umii (on Iim Mirti lo minuter to tneir lersnii,il fonii'rtrt. llis bouse in upjtluu and enjoja an excellent bu-inessl'Tatioii, i (liuuitiuseii run at all limes ueiueen tno i.xcinnge i mti'i iiiui i ne a funis u.iii iui.iil ii 'i in. uv i i.ii iid, tlem will be plea.intl conveyed tn and from the re spectisC stations iii nue lime io men inu cars. ri ii i.'nfivu lllooinsbur?, July 7, ltft.O R HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHIL Altlll.l'IIIA. A U.'iiPvnI.'iil 1 ii el 1 1 ill ion r.tnlilislicil Iiy pprcl.il rnilinv. iniMit, fir tliu nllei nf llm Hick iiiui DUlrc.u'il, nflhrl'-il with Viriili'nt nml l!iiili'iiiic Di.l'.iss, nn.l ininclnlly fnr ttu t'urp of Iliri'iini'- uf tliu Hexii.il Orc.ni.. lliii. pL-nary frcnto p-tllcnts In till nnrtii nt Hut t'liiti'tlHIntrs VAI.l.'AII' i: l!i;i'UUTS on .-iierniiitorrliiLa nml nth- nr n.a.n.r. ofilw. Si.iit.i rirnini. nml .hi llm M.u' lLi:Mi:nii:s cinploynl, sent to tlie alllirti'd iu inl nl letter envelopi s. irei r-t cliarae, i wo oi uirec Mnnii5 for tioatajre will lie arciptjbte. Aildn'ss lilt. J.-KII' I, IN IHiUtill l'ilN. Actlna Burpeon, llnwnnl Atroili' ti'iu, No. ii S.nali Nintli street, t'liilaililiiliia I'd. .March 2. litil-l.'ni. DR. SILKWORTH, THU AN'ALYTICAI, I'JIVHICIAN AND SrilfiKON" It daily astonishing Iii tiatieuta bv tht cute ifni) Mamliiifrdia. Ill Ki:ML.nil.3 AIM. t'l nKI.V Vi:tiUTAli.K. Uu will bn in thi pl.tci thu fame tlayn uf eat li month as stilled below, when h' run be cntiMif leil fur all .li scales tlosh la heir to. Ov'CONrfL'lI'A tiov fui:i:. Jert-rynhoro, the 12 and Jth rath montb. Vhitun Hotel, Lock liaven, tho 14th uud Uih ofcafli month. Ilbvuiibbtir?. 30th and 1st. Danville 2d und 3J. Ncnii uiubjrlaiid lHli. iilton, ii, anil 7. June ti, lcol lm. i artman's Corner. I UST received a fresh lot of No. 1 & 2 O .Mackerel nml for SnU at 11AUTMANS. i OOD S. II. Sugar for sale at fli cents VJ! iit-rlb.at IIAUT.MANS. GKEY dress goods for talc as low as II) Hi. uor ) .iril nt II AKT.MANS. BLA IIY AOK Lace ShaYls for sale II AKT.MANS. IXTllA Syrup constantly on hand and J for Salo nt5li eta. per sail. Iiy 1IAUT.MAN3 CALICOES k Muslins for talo as low a, 5 ct.. ior yarJ at 1I.M1TIIANS PATTEN I' Churns just received a now. lot anil for Sale al II -M1TMXS. CiEMENT by tho Barrel or Bnliel nil- w) o. hauJ at n-Hr-MAN'c1. lllooiiiii.liiirlf. Jiiim ! lcol, litllSll.M(ITIl A. ItUOTIIEHS W110LI.SALI. TOBACCO 1) E A L E 11 i 10S.NOIITII 'I'll I It I STHKKT rivu iloorsbt-low Itarp.' I'lHLAnrXl'IIIA. Jnnilary I II. 1 H.I',. THE WINE STOItE, or H q t r? k: ifWA a Y x 3ii WAi.vt'T crnnirr, (below 1'ourtli M..) I'llll.AHKI.l'lItA, Pi. Auju.t 1, 1 u 12m. IRON RAILING OKAJlCXTA"lItON WORKS, Xo. 222 Callo'.vlilll M., bi lnw Third, VIIILAUV.LPm.1 Iron Hailing for I'urlx. Cciiidciic Verandas, Steps, ic. Martli 10, IMIiU-dlm. IElt-ONS about to oommonee llous Kutplnz will do well to call nml i-vniiiine tlio .lo'tk. of Mv lli.lies tc. ut IIAKT.M A.NA IXTllA Syrup sold at flOcts. per f?al- I l oi llAUTJIANS. UNITED STATES HOTEL, AMI GEXEKAli STAGE OFFICE. T.1M11V.1 fK.V.V. WEI.DY & LEVITT, PKUt'RIETORt ITjr.isKeiiuert in tho Philadelphia Mail Tram ubln; Boulli aiul lilinira ian imni tittniK mni. iA; H the United Mates Hotel Tamaqua Pa. March 3, Hi'.l-tViii (Marcn 12. 9 ) ADMINISTUATOirS NOTICE, IhVUe of Jacob tiearhart deceased. TVTOTlCll is hrr by given that IcttfM nf udminitra 1 titiii on l In estate nf Jacob Oarhart, lateof .Muine unwnglnp, Culumbli munly. d.'cas1 d, Uao been irrant rd.. by tli1 Itepiiter ofsaid county to the undersisncd, who c Ides in Caitawinsatnwni'liip Columbia co. All persom ha imrclui m or demands ajdint tht cttstn fif the de cedent arc rt't uest-d topreent them for s 'tlteniunt, and those iudebtjd to make pap men t without delay. 1 JOHN U1EFF.R Bloonisburg Llead Quarters IHcKKLVV. MJAIi k ( 0., Iff TUB FIDI.1I WITH AM INCIUIAStll 8UITI.Y OP WE u-nulj annmincc to the pulillc anil our Mends that wo have Juit returned from the City nltlia very inrsu stvoriniclll OI NEW CHEAP GOODS, Our Mock of DUV 0001) ronmrUci the l.iracit, elipftn. cft.aud haiidnoinept now otfered In tills town I We are iivtcrmint ii tn rimipeto w it Ji tho nnd ittl tbO'O wishing to buy clifnp, citn rave nianty by dlviiift us a cull, U'u Intru nil kinds of Hmirl nnd Wares u nujtpiy tmi want cr tin people. A large lot ul Ladies' Dress Goods, OF EVHHY DKS01UP1ON. U'lilTR GOOD OF ALL KINDS, Sleeve, Collar, Hpenrerf, llnndhfrclibM. r louncingg, Hands ntnl Trlmmltifi-, I, fires nnd IMglug, ilonnot llllibon) in lame vnrlety, Vtl vet Itibboninrid brnld, Kid, Uottfti it JJih Thread (jloven Mobnlr Mlts, hr. ALL KIND OF SHAWL BKOACHES, Itlnrk Hitk, Cnlimrre, Embroidered,- Helta, A.r. Also a lartrn nnfiitiiietitof Cloth. CnviImAri, S.itintls, Ventingfl, Tweeds, Jenns, lleaer Cloths, ContlntT, Veltet kc. HOOTS k SHOES OK AM, KINDS and Flics, for Men, Women nnd rbildren, have a larg-j assortment of Ilatn nnd Caps, of latent faih ions Wo li.i.i! nlso, llardnnrr, (Iticeiu ware, ,'tMlnrwnre, Vc. Very Cheap Carpet, Carpet linns, l'loor. Table nnd Cnrrinzo Oil Cloths, Mats, Uugs, llaiikets, (Vc. MUSLINS, FLANNELS, TICKIN09, Diapers, Towlingi, Drilllncs, &c, In abundance. Also, u large uitortiiicnt nf Iron, Nails Cheese, a la rife quantity of Halt, &c. Wi! In lift our frifiuls and the public generally, to clve u4 a rail bi-forn nirchasinit etscu here. Wc have bought our Roods nl tho I,(mesteaf.!t Trio's, and will not be unuursom uy nuybo.!y, or tho rest of mnnkiim, Il(f)omsburg, November 10. lebd. CHEAT AUUIVAI. NEW GOODS, AT THE Light Street Store. Crtant, Brother tyall hawls on active duty Af ih Woulu intoim our menus and IT ciutoiiiers. that w-o have lust received mi un. usually large, assortment of Whicli wo olfer at lower rates, for rcadv nav. thin anv ever betore opened lure and will bu sold ''theapcr than the cheapest." te snau noi tuicmpi m enumerate trie vnrious arucien th''V are Immense and their nainais tecion as our sua eioiH store Room, inrludnig the Ollar and Cain t, are mini to overflow iris. 'I here aro to be found th? finest fibrirks, iu the count r vat ntouishiiiglow figures I. a dies' wear iu great vumtics, at per cent, lower than ever y.ore on.-reu. CLOTHS, IUSMtf, CIIOCKUICS, HATS, CAra. i$onts, Shoes, etc,. nt the same rate. Iu short, almost ctrrjthNg la the meriautilo line from n need In to an anchor. 0. Our friumU wilt tlo well to call before they make thiiir sfcctioiiri. II. W. CKI.ASV, &. CO. Mght3 lreet.May4, IrOl. Look to your Interests! FRESH ARRIVAL ' ov SPUING AND SUMMER GOODS, MILLER & EYER'S. Till', .iiliirrilicr. Iinve junt ri'lurni'it from thn City Willi nuutlivr Inrgc anil svluct nri.urtiiitt of Sptios and Sonntier (ioods, tmrclinsi'il at riillmlrliilila, nt tliu low cut fizurf. atut nlnili tlnv nru iktcrinlui'il tu sull un astuailcratc tiTtit. n. ran bu procured ul.cwliurc lit llloomnliurg. Their .tork colllpllH., UtUlLi' HUMS (7001.1, of cli'i'',it Msiri anil latent fnvtiion. liar amms, ji.vd aitucr.itir.s. ItmlMiRP. H UKFX IKillK, CKMIt IIWIK. UULLOir u:ihh iiiox, .v.iii.s, uuot" v s;oi. II.1T6 .V- Gl'i. i-r . e.. r.. In short rMTtliinj,Mi3ii.illy l.t-pt In country Stores ; toutii'ii tnt) i u no tin- ptiiinr iiearraiiy. The llijlietprli.ti naiilfor country pro.lnce. M1LLLII tc IiyCB. nloonnburj, May II, Ml. NKW BUSINESS FIRM. I "iiiUrjicui'il rcuputlully inform Ihiir frlenil. 1 i and the public iTi-ntTHl I V. t iat they hat n entered in ' to ro iiirlinrtlili. umlor tlio liiiluo, HJk and ttrtu of .un.-t.ii t. ihlh h. .uu jVJci'tMiiiile esii-i!:csm, In tho "Old Arcade," in Illooinitburc. Columbia co. where tl.ey intern! tarr ins on tho business of iiek nti, Mi-Riiniiiv.'.tu, in all its tli verititl jl brinrlfH ami ili-p.iriaients. ami to uhltli they invito an extension of ti.o puuuc patrtmage. S. II MIl.l.IlH, ntliU KC. KVKR Hloomtburff. May II, l;CI.-tf. (Of jr.llHIJVTOWN.) rTtlll; suliicrilicr Houltl rt-sict-triiiyai)irizc Ills friend, X ami Uic puhiic gcni-rany. tuai no nas oiicnc-u A JJEW M HOTEL ITnilfi- tho abovo name, in Ji-raoi town. Columbia coun ty. ra where ho U lully prepared to entertain tiie traveling Lommuniiy ioRener.ii naiuiaciiou, ins llliU and ItAU.arc wtlupptied and will bo carefully superintended. And hid bt'.iBIAi U ample and well ttiocKcu, in titariio ui carciui rooius, ui tin. ajauv properly attended. ff7" lie Iniitcs a fliaro of tho public cuitom, and pledges lu beatellurtdi tu help bin gucttx ftl at home !3,l.UUCib Ul.UUli Jcrjc)town, .May 11, 101 -3m. NOTICE. qllll ritizem uf llie dilTjroiit counties nnil town. I lliroutilioil' tlio Mamaro intlti'il to comti.-tlti.ni for tho .t.ico ut whirl, tin- m-lt ANUAl. ST A'l II I'AUt .liall bo In-lit. l'roiiob.i's conliiiiuiii! nitlucciiiciitii ami uili.iiit.Ki-ii ilimtHil to thit miller. i"HL-il Coiiiinltti-ti. an ioiKtiiil by tlm lltcruiive t-'iiiiiinittce, will Im ri n-iroii un to riinl nicliti'iui; .M.iy .11, t nml. CoiuiuuiiK.itioiiH !ioulil aililrus6i.il tot-itlu-r ot the follow mg persons ,1 I.II1.III Ifc. Jit . joiin I-. lturiiuitfonD, JACOII Ml-ll, joiin ii. ziuci.r.it. Ilarrl.burg. Yn. AMOi U. K.Vl'l', Nortuuuiberlanil. Pa.. April SO, it Coiuiiiittuc. tallawissa liail ICoatl. I'ASS UUI'KUT STATION. SDL'TIIWAIIll IIOUXD TllAINS. riiiliJilnlii c N. V. Muil 11.01 A. M. i " r,xiirc!4 10-51 A. M I'n iBlit P.3D A. M SOUTI1WAUU UOUND TUAIN3. Kluiira Mail 3.21 f. M Niaiira Uitircll 1 'Mil 1". 51 I'niflit 10.41 A. II. S.COODWIN, itp't aiay 4. l.-il. NKW JEWELUV STOKE. Till. underrii?nt'd, respectfully informs the titizena of Ulouuiburg, and tho pablnvreut rally, that lie ban ? tahlighed a new ctore, on Main Street, bluoiiiebiir;', in Mrs. I.eacrk'a lunldiiijr, wheru lm oilcri fur lale, on ntodcrato K rm. a larg' irlmcnt of Of every port, and tdzo nnd description. Hi stotk of Jewilry I compute, inrluttitis cery variety oi i.nmcit nnu ii'iuii;nit:ii I'ltiuiiitme, Clutiiir. l.otktts, Urt utiiii!t, rinser-rlnirit t-'tcLui tu the caiuinatiou ofwlm-h he iuvitetiio public geiier Ptrict attrnllon el von to repairing Clock, Watch ei, und Jewelry, uud all work wurrauh-d. , 1 .11. 11, t'H.lJ. Utoumsbur;, May 1, Irfil tf. A, T, ClIKiEBROUr.lt. JO. All EM. A. 1 OUESKBUOUOIl Ac CO., a? o .a y a a .ieks f COMMISSIOX .MlUiCIIAXm .y H'ltUL ES.1LH juuLtai is FMi, Clicese, a ml Provision, 10 Xorlh Vliarw, ubnvu Market gl. Tackiuz uud Curing House, I'th and Itetd St., I'HIUAUlILraiA. Aujun-I, lafiO-Km. IMPUOVM YOUR STOCK. HTMIi: Morcan tair-prou Hrre, VOI7N'C. WAHHIVf! J TON', will he Malioned th'- present scat-on In Hit Krflltiu. tin cm br uteii at lit uilev's stublr. Jerty- tow u ; at tfheon stable, 'uunstuu ille , ot Waami setjer's, LewixDur;' nna at wmrs siiibu , iiewart s sia lion, Northumberland county, durin? tho season. Vmiiii WnBhinulail was bred In IVntn cuautv S. V.. by lYter t?nydcr. Es'. is scen years old, stnuds full 1 li.nitU hmh. and wcichs l.tltll noutids. Ho ia ton- tide red the lnrgctt Jiore, thu b-t blood, and fiuuvt breed ever introduced into the county of Columbia, Tor particulars see large bills. apl U, W.BNVDEU. rroprislor UOEsoldat6 ceutsat It ART MANS LATEST BY TILIllRAI'll. Washinqton, July 0. Tho Gorcrn- incnt Las found it necessary to put a check upon tho sensation roportera, who havo ilaily telcgraphcil extraordinary move ments of troops, which excited tho puhlio and embarrassed the niillitary authorities. The following order was issued this morn ing OrnciAL Henceforward the Tele graph will convey no despatobes concern ing tho operations of tho Army not permit ted by tho Commanding General. Wisnui.D Soott. Department of WarJuly 6th, 1601. Tho above order is confirmed. Si.mon Oameuon, Secretary of Wnr. Tho issuing of this order is said to Lava been caused especially by tho numerous canards from this quarter published in tho Now York Tribune during the last few days. gen, scorr in" the" uattle FIELD. WASHINGTON, July 10. It is as3crted on good authority that General Scott positively proposes to cross oy.t iuto Virginia, and be present st tho thrashing about to be administered to the rebels at Manasias Junction. His body guard are now being soloetcd. MOKE TllOOPS SENT TO VIK OINIA. Washington, July 10. Four additional regiments will bo re moved into Virginia to-morrow. FRESH ARRIVAL -or- 7 UP, nnderiiiiincd, crattful for pat patronngr. re? pert fully Itifiinnit hittfUitumrra and tlii")iublic(fenerally, that ho Ins Jut received from tho KastcEiic citle, thu largest and inoet select ututk of SPRING AND SUMMER That ha yt benn nopuctl In I.tonmsbnru, to which he nivil'' llio attontion of liU fricntU, nnd asaurcn thmu that tht'y uru oif.Ti d for talo nt prrat Largains, Btock comprises a larga assortment of oi:NTi-.Hvii:N'rf wishing Arp.vnnt, Consisting nl FAfinovABift Drehi Coitj, of rvery dca cription; rants, vest, Miiria, urnvatit Ptock, Cotton UamlkcrcMef(Gtoc8, Suspenders, &c. GOLD WATCHES AN D JEWELRY, Of cvrry rieprrintion. fine and cheap. 11 ivtiini'iiiiicr " ijiwenoirg s t-vica tnjriBB. .all and .ft,, Xo diarga for esni.iluir tluodn. u.iim wjiw.fluLiin llloomslrarff, March 2, 5 01. (JueleiU.) a o consu m r t i y e s. The Btibcribr will th"erfullv send (free ofchurcol to All who ttceirc it, tho copy tif a iMrm Kitii'B by which Iiq won cured of that man dUcaite Coiisuiuption. nuncreri wnu t.o&cMpiiaN( aaniMA, itRo.tcntTiit. or any lune aflVction, lie binctrtly ljopeu will try thit Re- tipe, wcu Haiit-uea ii mey uu Hoiney win ue morn tn an ealUAetl witluhe result. Thankfel for his own complete rjftoratiou, he in auiou to place in tho hand of eMry iufl?rertbo means of cure Those wUlnni tho rtcipe with full uitectioiLd, oi.c wnl plcane call on or adurtu, iti v. m. ts. AlsL;, Xo.CtJ John Street, New York, Junel. lt?fil, , 31 AN HOOD. ITOW LOST, AND TtOW nSTORED. JUST rubtislittl, iii a scaled cuvi lope, on the nature, trcatim-nt and radical euro uf Mn-rmutorrboea. or Seminal Weal.ncFf, Sexual Uehility, nervouan-' and involuntary I'lnintiotu, inducing impoteiicy uud Mental ana pnjunai incapnciiy. i."J ItUllli JiliUhV Ulltf Vsl-Lt, ill. II , Authort'f the "Crccu Hook," i.e. The wortd-rfoow iiid iiuthor. in this ndmirablol.ee ture, clearly proen from his ow a ep rience that the awful coiMrtinfiictHiT Self-abiitm may be tifectually re. moveo witiioui mcnicineanu witumri oangurousiurgicai opt rutions, bougien, imtruincntB riugi or corduils, pi-intiiij,' out a mode uf euro ut mice certain and t tfctut' ul, by wliieh evi ry ftilt'erer, noinatfr what his condi tion n-ay be, may euro liimsflf cheaply, prU atcly and radically. This lecture will pro a boon tothoujanlA anu inous-iiitia. tiont under s-'nl, in a plain envelope, to any addrei post paid, oti tho recf-ini of thu two pOktasc stampg. by uddreing Ur.Cll.J. KLINU, lv7 L'uwtry.N V. np.-u'ui t.'in rosiuii.ee tiojtas.ti NE Y S T 0 It E . mwui&tu: ji.d itKT.nr. EM im Gai? 31T(DS!3 TltMindcrslzned :i'spectfully informs thecltiten of llloomsburp. and tlx public iu general, that lift had pur chased the XEll' HAT iTOItKt in the w hitu frumu nit Iioiirfe, on ."tiHi'i Mreci, nearly oppomtc tiie i:xchanj:e an i Uli m: a, where ho lias jubt received a fplcndfd at rortmeni 01 CFfY HATS AND CAFS Pircct from the Manufarturie, of nil kinds, Ktylea. foil and cizeit, late i't f.ulnoiia, which he oifr uliolctale ana retail, ut vi ry low priceit. u- i nesu uooua wuioc soiaat very i" price jr Ready Pay, JOHN K GIUTON. lllooiniburff, October 27, liiK). s E It E NO II 0 T E L, TIIR tinilermsnrd., rpppctfnltv lnformn hia friend and the public generally, that lie luu opened a iuun f r tho cntcrtniuuieiit of curtomcr am) traelfru, at BT.H Mi.tii t.recawooil lowtuhin, Colombia County, (about t ao niltCi west ofMHlviUc.) called tho Sorcno ! Hotel. Wlifro hi'iit prepared to accommodate the public, and all who may favor him with their custom.togenvral fcat- inf.LCtlUU His Tablo nnd liar, will be well supplied and careful, ly ciUMtucied.antl hi Stabling ii ample and well stocked (IJ He w ill ut ull timed b9 happy wait upon hid friends and customer. JOHN I.HUaOTT flcrcno, March 23, tflci, J MI E BODUGGEK, This wonderful nrtirle. itist n a ten ted. Is ccmethiuzr entirthj nev, and never before oilercd to asoiilf, who nro wanted ecrywhirc. l'ull particulars sent free .lutireita March P, 1661-ly, GIBSONS S3PASH36I Mil AN U llKI'OKATIVE ESTAULISiniENT, Mo. 12!, South Eleventh Street near Walnnt, Enameled Glass, rreico, Oil und Encaustic rnintu g Jouy Ginov, G, II, Gissojt. January li, l?ul -3m . A VMM OF HEAL N0ELTIi:s. AND OhE WITHOUT A MATS. 1st. The Papku Nkck Tie. (ratent annlled for.i ThUTio Is made t'Hiirely uf oritur, in J00 dilRr nt I tt let. and tu nertect iinitaiionrfi.ik and ut h r fabrics. Thepriro is sit low that a gentleman may w-aranfirl tic trtry tajf, and ytt net bj chare tbli with eitrnva I Bunco, or ono Tie can bo worn 3 to o days, if necessary I tu economise, 2uil. Tni; Heme? Tie, This Is doiibtles tho moft perfect silk Tie cr in vented, una is Jut whut the iiauio implies, a perfect I luiui iruui uu luruier irouutu iu ij ititj uuw j, 3rtU Tub Ijace Edqe Tie. An ex'pi isitc.lv berulifjl aittcp'-it has tuly bf fct it I io ie aa nn reu. SMITH & IllOLnVKR. solo ManufsrttirPM, No. 1. Vrr-u tlr tt $ Y N n.-Vu sell to Wholesale Jobb r onU fountr t tneirhanti ctu irdci oar goodi of any Wholi-saP Ilucfl