Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 13, 1861, Image 1

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1eVI L. TATE, Editor.
VOL. 15.-NO. 19.
Pt w- '
lt new UruK DutldintT, opposite the Ftckatige, by tide
oftkt Court House, "Democratic Head (tuarttrt."
$1 oil tn advance, for one enny, for tlx months.
1 75 In advance, for ono copy, one year.
S (HI If not jut d wiititn the (i ret three months,
i 43 If nnt paid within the tirst six months,
t! 3U If not piiil within the ear,
Cv Noiilitctipiion lakcn fat less than six months,
in! no paper discontinued until all arrearages shall hau
;f n pdid.
K7" Ordinary Advertisements Inserted, and Job Work the oHtatilishcdnriceB.
IWCfrutiflbr uf this Oetehrated Institution, offers the
. must certain, sju'edy, nnd only eUVcuml remedy tti
to U'nil J fur ttl'iicln far tiieets, Htrirtnrcp, Suininnl weak
ess, IVilfii in Hi j Loins, Constitutional Debility, Iinjio
ncy, WVakni'tx of Ilia Hack nnd LImhs, Auctions ol
t KtJiif ys, l'jlpitailnji of the Heart, IHfpfpriia, Ner
oos Irritability JHs-msu tf Uiu llrml, Throat, Nose or
kin, anil all those Her huts ami tw'Iiuirholy Disorders
rising from the destructive lialutx of Youth, which dc
trovs both budv mil mind. These secret and snlitnrv
radices, are in era to lln-ir vlulnis than the sung of
ic tfyrens to the mariner L'lyssos, blighting their mo!
nlliant liopce and uutiiij-atluHs, rendering marriage &c.
Married iicrsoni, or Yonng Men contemplating mar
age, being awarcef jihyslral weakness, organic deabili
) deformities, &.c should i mined lately consult Hr
oh nut on. Ami be renin ml to Perfect health.
He who places himself under the care of P r, J ol ills' ton,
tay religiously conlide in his honor as n gentlemen, and
uufidcnily rely upon his skill an a pkysiclau.
m mediately cured and hill tigor restored. I
This dcieme ii the penalty most frequently paid by
hose iv ho have bcrnnie the victim ofiuijiruner indulgeu
ie. Young persons are ton apt coin tint exres from
ol being aware of the dreadful roiitif'Hienco trial may
mue. Now, who that understands the subject will pre
nd to deny that the pow er of procreation in lout sooner
y those fall in j into improper habits titan by the prudent,
sesides being tkprivedut the pkasiire of healthy off
priogs, the most serious and destructive B)mptoius4o
otb body and mind arin. The system becomes derang
il: the nhvsical and mental no with weakened, nertcus
ability, dyspepsia, palpitation of the heart. Indigestion,
wasting oltlie frame. Cough, tymptoiiis of Consump
i on, ic.
Lr Olfice, No. 7 ftjuTit rarnPttK Sir let, seven doors
mn Baltimore t-treit, ll.irt (tide, up the t-teptt. Ite par
cular in observing the X AMU and NUMULIt, or ru i
ill inlataku tli pl ie".
I Curt Wbrrtntett, or no Charge .Watlc, in from One to i
fembar of the Roy il t,niiige of Hurgeoin, at London.
radunto from one of the nmt eminent Colleges of the
mted titates. and Hid greater part of whn,lif, h.ia
uen epnnX iu thti irt llonpitiiln of LouJon, Tart , I'liila.
elphiaund elsewhere, has elfetted fouie of the iuoi as
uishInK'cure that were ever known; many troubled
ith ringing In the head a -id cam when asleep, great 1
!roune?s, bciny at.irmed at sudden found, and bayh- !
ilnuss, with frequent bliihhlng, attended sometimes w till
erangemeot of mind, wtre cured Immediately.
When tin misguided and imprudent otary of pleasure
nJi he bat Imbibed the ecds of this painful disease, it
mi oftjn happt'tH tli,it an ill timed sense ofslianir or
rend of disctivery, deters him trom applying to tlno
from education uiul ret-iiertalillity cm nUme bjfrletid
fm, delaying tiil the contitutlon.iry ityniptoimi of this
nrri't disease makuB their appearance, such as ulcerated 1
rd throat, diiea-o-d nocturce, pains in the head t
nd 11 nibs, dimness of sight, ilviifness, nodes on the t-Vin
mes, and arms, blotch os on the hea , fre and extreme '
ies, progressing with rapidity.tilt at lact the palate of
it mouth and bone of tin nose fall iu, and the ittim of
nis do sea si) heroines a horrid objertof romuiiseratloii
ill death puts a period to his dreadful sutferings, by fen
ng hiui to "that bourne from whence no Iruvtltr re- i
urns.' To such, th n fore, Hr. Johnston pledges him
'If to preserve tin most i-iivio.ildo secrecy, and from his
ttensive practice in tho tirt-t lloHpuals of Europe and
uii'rica, hu can contidently ricmuiend wife nml speedy
are to the unfttrtuuate niimof this horrid disease.
Dr. J, addresses nil those who have Injured themselves
v private- and Improper indulgence.
These are some of the sad and mi lancholy effects pro I
iced by early lialdts of youth, ir. : Weakness of the
ack aud Ltmbs, l'aiu in the Head, Dimness of Hi k tit. i
oss f Muscular Tower, 1'aljiiLition nf the Heart. Iljs
psia. Nervous Irratab'illty, IJerauseuicnt of the Diges J
va functions, ti;ncral Dclnlay, sjmpUnnsof Consuuip.
ion, Stc.
MENTALLY. The fearful effects upon the mind arc '
men to ba dreaded. Loss of .Mimory, Confusion of Ideas i
''pressiou oi ino rpirus i.iti t orenounigs, iverbtoii
f Society, Timity, tc, are soni'i of thu evils produced,
Thousands of person- of all ages can now judge what
-tho ca.isfi of their deitiniug liealih. Loosing their
iffor, becoming weak, p.ile and emaciated, having hu
alar appearanc about the eyes, cough aud h iiiptotus of
Uy this grcatand important remedy, weakness of the
rgans aro speedily cured, and full vigor restored.
'houands of the mart nervmn and dibllitated, who
ad lot all linpe. have been iiumcdiat'lv relieved. All
npedimeiits to Marriage, I'liysicat and Mental Ihsqtiali
icutioi. Nervous (ratability Tremblingkarid Weakness
r cxhaustation of th: mont fearful kind, speedily cured
y Doctor Johnston,
VOLW'tl mi:v.
WliO have injured thmelves ( a crtain prartire,
idulgeil in when alone a Inbit freiuetitty learned from
vjl companions, or at school the i Herts of w Inch are
ightly lelt. even when asleep, and if not cured tenders;
larriage impossible, nnd detros both timid aud body,
liould apply immpdia -1).
What a pitty that oung min, the hope ofhis r onntry,
nd tlu darling of Ins parents, should he snatrhed from
II prospects and cnjojinents of life, by tho consenucn
cs of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging
'i a vcrtaiu secret hatiit, iiucli persons before cou
cm plating, .
liould reflect that a sound mind nnd body arc the mo
icccssary requisites to promote ronunlnal happiness
udced, without these the journey through life becomes
weary pilgrimage, the prospect hourly darkens to
no view; the mind becomes shadowed with rieppair&
died with tho melancholy reflection that the happiness
f another brtMiiw blighted with our own,
HTlUi: NO. 7 SOUTH rRi;ili:R!CKST.,(iwtfre,.VJ
N. H. Let no fulso modesty prevent )ou, but appty
uiucdiatelv either personally or by Letter.
hkin i)idi:ASi:s hi'i:i:di i.v cuutn.
TO &TJUlVai'Ml.
The many thousands cured at this institution within
ji last J5 years, and the numerous important Surgical
peratiotis performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by
lio reporters of the papers and many other persons, no
i cn of which have appeared again and again before tho
ublie. besides his stxnding as a gentleman of character
ud responsibility, Is a sumiient guarantee to the atUJcte J
N. D, There are so many icaorant tad wortldcta
luacks advertiilog theuuelvcs Physicians, ruining the
ealth of the already afllicled. that Dr. Johnston deems
t necessary to say, especially to those unacquainted
vitbtis reputation, U,at lus credentials and diplocuts
Iways hast In his office.
ff" Takb Notice. All letters must be jxjst paid, am)
onuiu a postage Ktup for thu reply, or no answer wilt
e scat.
MarthlT. mo.
New Wagon Shop.
Willow Grovc South Ithomsburg,
TTIIE underB.trncd rcpncctful-
J ly inform their friends, and tbeV
public generally, Uiat they have taken J
:he und lately occupied by Mr. WeLh, Iu Willow
Jrovc, tfoutli IUoouiUurg. below the Roil rood wliero
ucy wi cenunuctue ,
In all It. variou, department,, tti good Mylc find on
moderate term,.
Al'n-iU'painng Wjeon., llufcics, canlatci, Sulkies,
&r donq to ordrr and ,m ihort time,
117" 1'rodui.t taken fjt work,
l)Avn rnniisr,
)ilimsb'irj,'vrtrril Pi9.
stoveJand tin-wahk SHOP,
'FIIH undersigned would inform ttm citizens of
,rvf 1 Ulooinsbiirg and vkiuil), tuai lie iiasjtut re
imm eived and offers (or sale onuol the mobteitpnt-ivu
assortments of COOlUNGand FANUY STOVDS,
sver introduced into this market. The Christopher Co
u mbus, James itobb aud (ilobu aro among the first class,
cooking Stovcs.all of vv hlch are air tight and gas burue r
His I'aflor tnvea are handnnti nml the nBsortmeiit va,
ried. AL0 -Particular attention I naid to Tin -Ware
and Home Spouting, upon short tiwlice. All kinds of
repairing will be done with neatness und deppatrh.
H Country produce taken in cirhauge for w -rk
J'ouiurbuif rO(t ,1, 1 "".0
Published by order ofthe U, S. War Departmenl.
Tor the Instruction, exercise nnd monmuvrcs cf the U.
P. Infantry, including Infautry of the Llne.Ltght Iufan
try, and Ritlenien
1'repared under the direction of tho War Department,
nnd authorized and Adopted by Simon Cameron, Becreta
ry of War
Containing tho School of the Soldier, the School of tho
Company, Instructions for HkirmJhes,the Uencrrl cal's
thucalli for HkirmiiluTs, th School of tho Cattallion,
the Articles of War, Inrludlng a dictionary of Military
Terms. '
Ono volume, compute, illustrated with numerous en
Cravingi. $1:13,
War DfPARTMSNT, WAoni-tOTof, May J, IgCI.
This tyitemof United Flatus Infantry Tactics for
Light Infantry utid Kltlu -en, ptrpared under th direr
tion of the War Depattmcut, hav ing been approved by
the I' adopted for the instruction of the troops
when acting as Light Infantry or Riflemen, and, under
the Act of Mi), M ItfSO, for the observance of the ail
litla when so cmploved,
SIMON CAMERON, Fecrctary of War,
The nbnvO SVflteinOf Infantrv Tlrllra. I.n.,.il .mm. ii.a
latest Improvements in French military experience, and
adapted to tho peculiar wants of our service, has been
prepared by order of the United Mates (f overturn nt.aud
is now, after the mosr satisfactory evidtnee of its elfl
clency, authorized and adopted by the Secretary af War
lor thu instruction of troops.
Infantry is divided Into Heavy Infantry alo called
infantry of the Llno-and Light Infantry. The'rtiffor
enr between Heavy and Light Infantry I twofold: 1st.
Iu their weapons and equipment, the former being arm
ed wtththe inuskrt, and the latter with the rifle when
it may be h id. ad. iu the order ofbattle.llunvy Infantry
being In i ompact order, while Light Infantry is dipur.
ed or deplojed as skirmli.hcrd.thc men being eperted
and more independent iu delivering their tire as shurp
shooters. In the School of the Company nnd of the Rattation.lhc
instruction for Heavy and Light Infantry is the same,
every regiment of Infantry having one Company of
Light lnfantjy as n part ofitROrganizJtion, and all these
companies being drilled as Infantry of the Line.
The sj stem now prevented gives a compb to cenrse of
instruction for both kinds of Infantry, in the schools of
urn nM.iji.Hij unn Dauaiioii, ami lias iiegpies a tpcciai
drill for Light Infantry when cmp'oyed a skirmishers.
The advantages claimed by this sjstem of tactics over
former ones are numerous and decided : great iclenty
In movement, forming in line from column without
hatting, changing direction from front to rear while
inarhiog. doubling the tiles when marching by a Hank,
tho omission of umu-ceBViry coniuiaiids.or parts of com
mands, or more varied formation of squares ngaiiMcav
airy, and many others.
Ills believed that, with the same iatrr'ult this system
will render a compuny or regiment much tuuru effective
than any other.
With a view to insure uniformity in a system of in
Ptructiou the merits of which are acknowledged by the
highest authority, it is now presented to thu volunteers
nnd milifiu called into service, as thu authorized drill
for thu U. K Infantry, and that by which they will bo
insirueted and disciplined.
Waeuiauioy, II. C., May 1, 1801.
Ttiile ami Light Infantry Tactics, for tlm exercise aud
mano'iivresof froop when acting ns Light Infantry or
Ritlemen. 1'repared under thu directum ot the War
ncpartuiMit, lty lirevet Lieutcnant-Colonil W. J HAH
UliU. U.S.A.
Vol l.tiehnols of the Soldier nnd Company; Instruc
tions for Jkirniislitrs. Vol. I L School ot the Uattullion.
Two vols, complete, 51,50,
;.VA7(t7e,77aV .V FIl'.LD .MTII.LLIIY.
rreparedby a Hoard of Artillery Ofllcers. One vol.
Pvo. jao
Col.S. Cooper, Adjt. (2 en. U.S.A. Raltimore. Md., Jan
uary 13, l-5y.
Sir : Tho Light Artillery Hoard assembled by Special
Orders n. i:tl, of JiCio, utid Special Orders No, llii, of
lf.H has the honor to submit n rev lcd sjstem rf Liiclit
Artillery Taclies and Uegulutions recommended for that
arm. Win If, 1 liMNCII, lit. MjJ. Cap. 1 irt-l Artilleri.
Wvi. r. HAllltY, Cu)Uin Si rood Artillery.
ju .ui j, nuiW , oi. .Mttj.Ljij). in .vruiiury.
Published by order of the War Department. First Tar
Kihool of the Trooper; of thu Platoon aud of thuSqad
roil Dismounted, Se-cond Part -ol the I'latoori nnd of the
Squadron mounted. Third Part Involutions of a regi
ment. Thruu v ot. lnio. $3.75.
War Department, Washington, Teh. 10. INI.
Thestein of Cavalry Tactics adapted to the organi
zation of Dragoon rKimertts, having been approved bv
the President of tho United Mates, i now published tor
the government of the said service.
Ac'ordingly, instruction in the smile will be given af
ter the method pointed out therein , und all additions to
or departures trom the exercise and tnanTUvres laid
down iu this ytem aro positively forbidden.
Manuel of i:a)onrt exercise. Prepared for the h so of the
United tilales. Iy (j UUKUti 11. MtCLCLLAX, Captain
I'irst Regiment Cavalry, U.S.A. Printed by order ollhe
War Department, Cnu Vul. l.'mo. SI.'-'5,
Hon.L. M, Con rod, Serrotary of War. Hcadquatters
of thu Armv. W.ihhinloii. D. C. Decembe't 31.
Sir: Herewith I have th. honor to submit a System of
iiaji iiet ukercise, iniiikiaieu iroiu tue I rencil uy unp.
(ieo. It. McCle(la I, Corps Engineer. U.S. Army.
I strongly recommended its being printed for distribu
tion to Hie army ; aud that it be niauu, by regulation, a
part of thu "Sjstem of Instruction,'.
Thn Inclosed extracts from reports of the Inspector
tlenernl.etc , show the value.
I have the honor tube, sir, with hish respect, jo-ir
most obedient servant. WINl'lULD SCO'lT.
Approved. C. M. CO.VROD, Socritarj of War. Janu
ary 3, IHS'X 11. JON!'..-, Adjutant Cii u ral
Any of the above works forwunK'd by n.ull free of
tostagc, on the receipt of the published price. Remit
tatieus can be made iti gold dollar- and postage stamp?.
Address J. 11. L1PP1NCOT I & CO.,
Publishars, llooksellcrs, nnd Stationers,
No. !lJaudJ4 North Fourth c-trtet, Philadelphia
May S3, lcul 1m.
100G Reward!!!
For Any illruirinu IImI will Excel
t) Hi 11 15 fit T 'Si
For tho niick cure of Headache. Tnothnehe. RhctniLi.
tisui, Neuralgia, Pain in the side, Huek or nomaih, t
Pui ultra Chulic. or Cramp, Frosted Feet or Lars. Hums .
Fresh Cuts, snrulns, Uruises Diarrhcca. and Sore Throat
and all similar complaints. .
loom acne curcu in ieo minuies. t.aracue cured in I
live minutes, lleadaeho cured in ten minutes, Burns
cured from ainariniK iu two minutes. Xeiiraleia nains 1
cured iu five minutes, Cholic cured in ten minutes. .
Sprains relieved in ten minutes. Sore throat relieved '
in uvc minutes. i
To the Sunt and Daughters of affliction, These things ,
vvu prove on the fcpot and before ) our eyes, only bring I
on your cases. I
Ii0 Cases liav'R been cured by one Agent in a single!
uayt livery uoitie warrnnieu Try it i Try it n iryitti'
riaci: 25.j.7) so cn.2W run bottle,
C7 A liberal discount made to Agents, aud one wan
ted iu every town, uUo fe-w good traveling Agents.
ah oruers aim cummuuiruciuus tuouiu ue uauresseu
4th st. Philadelphia
For Toothache nnnlv it over tho face aud cums of the
tooth allicted' prebcing hand upon the laco , repeat if
uoi cureu. in extreme cases, wei ceiion wiiii me uanu
and cover the tooth aud gums. For Headache, bathe the
temples and apply to the nose: and lake from ten to
thirty drops innalfa tuinllur of water sweetened.
For Croup and Koro Throat, take from ten to thirty
drops internally on Migar or in sweetened warm wutet.
bathe the throat Ireely and bind on it flannel. For
Headache, Rhcumatuiii Neuralgia, Lame Pack or Side
bathe freely with Halm in Oilead ; and generally take
For Hums mix one part Dalra in Gilcud aud twoot
water and flour, to make a paste, cover the burn with
tho same. For Cholic, take from ten to forty drops in
hot water i bathe the bowels und apply wet 4fUniuls.
In thu above, the smaller dose ) fur Children, und the
larger for adults - vary aecordingtoageaudcircunitauccs
Colbert's Halm in Uilead is liatmless, Colbert's Ralui
in t'iluad gives sutulactiou.
Thoie who have ""-'d UaliuinGilead will not be with
out it. Agents wanted. For terms, nddrchs
O, ti. CULlftJRT Sl CO.,
No. V23 South Fourth Strett, PUiUdelphiu, Pa,
N,I). Ordeisseotby Lxpress toonr part of the Uni
ted States at the shortest notice.
May 4, lW)L-6m,
Till! uadcr.iencd inform the public geiiuaUy that
they havo formed a cn-paTtner.ldp, and will lontin
uq the bil.tnca. of 1'ulup making aud repairins, in all
their vailoiu departuieut,. in lllooiu.,itirs, where (hey
will promptly attend to all order, in ibeir line of bu.i
nciii. whether in town or country.
Well and ti.turn 1'nnip., with leaden Tipc, made in
the he.t .t)lu of v'orkmun.hip, on murlcrate term,, and
on very ahort notice.
Train their long experience in the Im.ine... .nd an
i.flrit dpklm in hnvo their work commend ilbtlf to the
public lliey fell, coividentthev can make (tan object ti
in.e who may give, wieiii uicir iii.iu,,, cuci bi
.Cloum. b'jis .pril 13. IC"1, 3iu
Select Jtjoctru
I Will Leave My Jesus, Never
I n ill leave my Je.ui, never!
On the cro. for me to died 1
Love shall draw mo to him ever,
M hi. fact I will abide,
Of my life, the light for ever,
I will leave my, never.
In Ms name I stand acq'iltted
While upon the earth I .lay j
What I have to him eommitud
Ho will keep until that day.
Be hi. service my endeavour;
I wi'I leave my Jc.u, never.
Thousli I feel the weight and .orrow
Of my "three-score year, and ton,"
Inward light from Mm Ml borrow,
When my eyes are darkened then.
When tho thread of life shall ictir,
I will leave my Jesus, never.
IlKCllinr; In his presence holy,
When st length I tench tho place
Where with nil the saints in glory
I shall see his lovely face ;
Nothing now but blirs forccr,
I will leave my Jesus, necr
Not tho earth with all its treasure,
Coul 1 content t his ,oul of mine,
Not alone for heavenly pleasure,
Doth my thirsty spirit pine ;
Foriti Sai lour, yearning ever,
1 will leave my Jesus, never.
I'rom that Il Ing fountain drinking,
Walking nlwnys at his side,
Christ shall lead mo without sinking
Through the rlicr's rushing tide;
With the blest to sing for ever,
I will leave my Jesu., never.
Tho New "Wild-Cat" Colonel.
From tho IlarrUburg Telegraph, of the
16th ult., we copy the following interesting
sketch of tho hiitory of Col. Uiddle, who
lias recently accepted tho command of tho
regiment niado up from the "wild-cat"
counlici. It will bo read with interest :
"We havo already announced tho chaugo
at Camp Curtia by which Col, Charles J.
Biddlc, of Philadelphia, succeeds Col.
Seilcr in command. It will bo remombcrcd
by our roatlcrs that tho 'wild-cat regiment,'
recently organized, elected our gallant
friend Thomas L. Kane, Colonel, and
Major Biddlo, Lieut. Colonel. Tho for
mer, appreciating the superior military
qualifications of Major ISiddle, with a
magnanimity that did him credit, prompt
ly proposed a change of positions and in
sisted upon Major Biddlo taking commaud
of tho regiment. After repeated and ur
gent solicitation the generous proposition
was accepted, and tho arrangement heart
ily approTod by the entire regiment,which
is now one of the best officered in the
"Those of our readers who have a do
sire to inform themselves with regard to
the new and accomplished Commandant of
Camp Curlin, will do well to consult the
voiume of official reports published by
Congress relative to tho Mexican war.
Col liiildlu appears to have been par'icu
lavly ilijtiuguivhed iu tue action of Con
treraa hurulu.-co. Molino-del-l!ay Ohe
pultepec, and this taking of the ity of
Mexico. Gen. Seott's report of th etonn
ing ot Chcpuliepee names Capt. Biddlo as
'one of tho nr.-t in assault.' Gen. Cad
waladors report ol the battle of Molino-dol-Kay
mentions that 'Capl. Biddlo of
tho Volliguer Kcgimcnt left his bed when
tho firing began aud joined his company j'
and Col, Andrews, tho Colonel of the Vol.
tiguers, giving an account of the storming
of Chcpultepcc, whic'h took plaeo fivo days
later, and iu which the Voltiguers led the
attack, says: 'Capt. Biddlo was, I believe,
tho second officer who entered tho works
and acted with his accustomed bravery,
lie joined us in tho morning from a sick
bed against my wish aud orders.' An em
phatic encomium on his conduct appears
also in tho report of General Pillow, in
whose column Captain Biddlo made tho
march from Vera Cruz, and took part in
tho operations incident to it, and in tho
decisive battles of Contrcras nnd Churu-
busco. Gen. Pillow speaks of him as 'Capt.
Biddlc, as prompt, vigilant and ilarivg,'
After Chepultepco, in tho attack upon tho
city, Capt. Biddlo's company seemed to
havo been selected from the regiment to
occupy tho position furthest in advance,
and to drivo the . oncmy out of it. The
gallant services of tho Voltiguers on this
raemorablo occasion will not soon be for
gotten. Tho advance of tho regiment was
led throughout by Capt, Biddle. Ilia colcb
rity as a disciplinarian is not duo to any
severity of oharactcr. Always genial and
gentlemanly, he has never had tho refuta
tion in tho army of being a martinet Tho
habits of precision and accuracy which
have made him a man who succeeds in all
ho undertaken, win their way irresistably
with those around him, JIo is equally
famed as a tactician and student of strat
egy, Col, Biddlc'e rank of Major iu the
Army of the United Statcc 'a most in
adequato reward for hla services' in tho
opinion of Windficld Scott was given to
him 'for gallantry in tho field in 1848.'
Since the Mexican war ho has resided in
Philadelphia, and at Andulusia, tho coun
try placo of his father, tho lato Nicholas
Biddle, We feel assured that Col. Biddle
will make an efficient officer, and rapidly
win his way to popularity with the officers
and koldicrs under his cunmand,"
.coti and Wellington. A London
journal, not many weeks ago, remarked
that "Gen. Scott is proverbially a slow
commander. Ho is always unpopular du
ring his campaigns. It is only when tho
campaign is over, and ho has won as ho
always has dono that tho wisdom of his
action is understood and ho becomes pop
ular." Higher praiso could not well have
been bestowed upon any Commander, for
the paraloll is an exact one with that paid
the Duko of Wellington. He was always
.a slow coach an old fogy. Ho never
seemed to be doing anything. But ho al
ways won. In tho end ho was always
worshiped. At Terrcs Vcdras in the Pen
insular war Wellington could havo cut the
French army to pieces in a few hours, with
tho I033 cf half his own. Ho waited, man
ocuvcrcd and secured advantages for a
week, and ho obtained a much more decis
ive victory, with a loss that scarcely figured
in tho bulletin, Scott could have taken
A'cra Cruz in thrco days with tho loss of
ihrco thousand men ; he took it in three
weeks and lost but a hundred or two.
Eveuy Bpring God works countless
wonders. Out of a little bud ho brings a
branch with leaves and flowars and fruits.
From a tiny seed he envelopes a whole
plant, with its system of roots and branch
es. And more wonderful dill, wo see
spiinging into life a now generation of in
sects and birds and boasts. "In wisdom
Thou hast made them all."
A coorER, finding considerable diffi
culty in keeping ono of tho heads of a cask
ho was finishing in its place, put his son
iniido to hold the head up. After comple
ting the work much to his satisfaction, he
was astonished to find his boy insido the
cask and without a possibility of getting
out, except through the bung-hole.
QuiLr, talking of legal proceedings,
wants to know, in cases whore thcro is a
'plaiutilY in error" and a "defendant in
error," how tho deuce tho judgo can say
which is most iu error 1 and why ho don't
send the parties out of court till they have
reformed their errors! Quilp ought to
know that legal language don't mean what
it says, generally speaking.
A hold soldier boy belonging to the
thirteenth N'ew York llegimcnt, writes from
Washington to his siatcr "I havo grown
two feet in two days, prefer gunpowder to
butter on my bread, and havo made ar
rangements to sleep forever hereafter in a
"What's your name T" said an officer to
a young colored lad, who joined tho ship
at the Cape.
"Algoa Bay, sir."
"Whero were you horn?''
"Wasn't born at all, sir."
"Wasn't born at alU"
"No, sir! Was washed ashore in a
"Sai-i: Bind, Safe Find." The
Franklin Saving Fund, No. 130. South
Fourtb street below Chestnut, rccioves
special deposits at 4 per cent interest, and
repays them on demand in gold or silver.
Other deposits 5 per ccut interest.
A False-Hood. On being shown a
portrait of himself, very unliko tho origin
al, llood said tho artist had perpetrated a
A little qirl hearing it remarked
that all people had once been children,
artlessly inquired, ''Who took earc of tho
babies 1"
Inst pad of "lonesome" tho Germans,
iu their more expressive vernacular, say
thoy aro "rfjifsomo." Graphic, isn't it ?
If you think you aro too tall, inary an
extravagant woman, and you will find
yourself short enough.
Takino up notes in these days is des
cribed by ono who knows, as very heavy
Successful love takes a load off our
hearts and puts it upon our shoulders.
toy- Not less than 1,000 printers havo
voluutccud to dsfend tho claw aud itripc3(
SATURDAY, JULY 13, 1861.
President's Message.
Fcllnwtttiztns of the Senate
aud cf the House of Representative c
Having been convened on an extraordi
nary occasion, authorized by tho Constitu
tion, your attention is not called to any
ordinary subject of legislation.
At tho beginning of tho present Presi
dential term, four months ago, tho func
tions of tho Federal Government wore
found to bo generally suspended within tho
several States of South Carolina, Georgia,
Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Flor
ida, excepting those only of tho Postoffico
Within theso States all the forts, arsen
als, dockyards, custom-houses, and tho
like, including the movable and stationary
proporty in and about them, had been
seized nnd held in open hostility to this
GovcrnmontjCxccpting only Forts Pickens,
Taylor and Jefferson, on and near the
Florida coast, and Fort Sumptor, in
Charleston Harbor, South Carolina.
The forts thus seized had been put in
mproved condition, new ones had been
built, and armed forces had been organi
zed, and-were organizing, all avowedly
with tho samo hostilo purpose. Tho forts
remaining in tho possession of tho Federal
Government in and near these States were
cither besieged or menaced by warlike
preparations, and especially Fort Sumptcr
was nearly surrounded by well protected
hostilo batteries, with guns equal in qual
ity to, the best of its own, aud outnumber
ing tho latter, perhaps, two to one.
A disproportionate share of the Federal
muskets and rifles had somehow found
their way into those States, and had been
seized to bo used against tho Government.
Accumulations of tho publio revenue lying
within them has been seized for tho same
object. Tho navy was scattered in distant
seas, leaving but a small portion of it
within tho reach of tho Government. Of
ficers of the Federal army and navy had
resigned in great numbers, and of thoso
resigning a large proportion had taken up
arms against the Government.
Simultaneously, and in connection with
all this, tho purpose to sever tho Federal
Union was openly avowed. In accordance
with this purpose an ordinance had been
adopted in each of theso States, declaring
these States respectively to bo separated
from tho National Union. A formula for
instituting a combined government of these
States had been promulgated, and their
illegal organization in tho character of
Confederate States was already invoking
recognition, aid and intervention from
foreign powers.
Finding this condition of things, and
believing it to be tho imperative duty upon
the incoming Executive to prevent, if poss
ible, the consumation of such an attempt
to destroy the Federal Union, a choice of
means to that end become indispensable
This choice was niado and declared in
the Inaugural address. Tho policy chosen
looked to tho exhaustion of all peaceable
measures beforo a resort to any stronger
ones. It sought only to hold tho publio
places and property not already wrested
from the Government, and to collect tho
revenues, relying on tho rest for time, dis
cussion and tho ballot-box.
It promised a continuaneo of tho mails
at Government expenso to tho very people
who were rcsisiing the Government, and it
gave repeated pledges against any distur
bance to any of tho peoplo or any of their
rights of all that n President might con
stitutionally and justifiably do in such a
ease. Everything was forborne without
which it was deemed possible to keep tho
Government on foot.
On tho 5th of March, tho present in
cumbent's first full day in office, a lcttor
from Major Anderson, commanding at
Fort Sumptcr, written on tho 28th of Feb
ruary, and recieved at tho War Depart
ment on tho 4th of March, was by that
Department placed in his hands. This
letter proffered the professional opinion of
tho writer that reinforcements could not
bo thrown into that fort within the time for
his releaso rendered necessary by the lim
ited supply of provisions, and with a view
of holding possession of tho samo with a
forco of less than 20,000 good and well
disciplined men. This opinion was con
curred in by all the officers of his com
mand, and their memorandums on the
subject wcro made enclosures of Major
Anderson's letter.
Tho whole was immediately laid before
Lieut. Gen. Scott, who at once concurred
with Gen. Anderson in opinion, On re
flection, however, he look full time, con
Bulling with officers both of tho army and
navy, and at tho end of four days camo
rclunctantly but decidedly to the same
opinion as beforo. Ho also stated at tho
samo time that no such sufficient force was
then at tho control of tho Government, or
ceuld bo raised and brought to the ground
within tho timo in which tho provisions in
tho fort would bo exhausted.
In a purely military point of view this
reduced tho duty of tho Administration in
tho case to tho mere matter of getting tho
garrison safely out of tho fort. It was
believed, howover, that to so abandon that
position under tho circumstances would bo
utterly ruinous ; that tho necessity under
which it was dono could not bo fully un
derstood ; that by many it tvould bo con
sidered as a part of a voluntary policy ;
that at homo it would disorganize tho
friends of tho Union, embolden its adver
saries, and go far to ensuro to tho latter a
recognition abroad. That in fact it would
bo our national destruction consummated
This could not bo allowed.
Starvation was not yet upon the garrison,
and ere it would bo reached Fort Pickens
might bo reinforced.
This last would bo a clear indication of
policy, and would better enable the coun
try to accept the evacuation of Fort Sump
tcr as a military necessity. An order was
at once directed to bo tent for the landing
of troops from tho Brooklyn into Fort
Pickins. This order could not go liy land
and must take tho longer and slower route
by sea,
Tho first return news from the order wa3
received just ono week beforo tho fall of
l'ort Sumptcr. The news itself was that
tho officer commanding the Sabine, to
which vessel tho troops had been transfer
red from the Brooklyn, acting upon some
quasi-armistico of tho late Administration,
and of tho existence of which the present
Administration, up to the time at which
tho order was dispatched, had only too
vaguo and uncertain rumors to fix attention,
had refused to land the troops. To now
reinforce Fort Pickens beforo a crisis
could bo reached at Fort Sumptcr was im
possible, rendered so by tho near exhaus
tion of provisions in tho latter named
In precaution against such a conjunc
ture, the Government had a few days bo
fore commenced preparing an expedition
as well adapted as might be to relieve Fort
bumptcr, which expedition was intended
to bo ultimately used or not, according to
circumstances. Tho strongest anticipated
caso for using it was now presented, and it
was resolved to send it forward.
As had been intended in this contingen
cy, it was also resolved to inform the Gov
ernor of Soulh Carolina that he might
expect an attempt would bo made to pro
vision the fort, and that if the attempt
should not bo resisted, there would be no
effort to throw in men, arms or ammuni
tion without further notice, or in case of
an attack upon tho fort. This fort was
attacked and bombarded to it3 fall, with
out even awaiting tho arrival of the pro
visioning expedition.
It is thus seen that tho assault and re
duction of Fort Sumptcr was in no sense
a matter of self-defence on the part of the
assailants. They well knew that tho gar
rison in tho fort could by no possibility
commit aggression upon them. They
knew they were expressly notified that the
giving of broad to tho few brave and hun-
J gry men of tbo garrison was all that would
' on that occasion be attempted, unless them
selves by resisting so much should provoke
They know that this Government desired
to keep tho garrison iu the fott, not to as
sail them, but merely to maintain visible
possession, and thus to prcscrvo tho Union
from actual and immediate dissolution,
trusting, as heretofore stated, to time, dis
cussion and tho ballot-box for final adjust
ment j and they assailed and reduced the
fort for precisely the reverse object to
drivo out tho visiblo authority of the Fed.
oral Union, and thus forco it to immediate
dissolution. That this was their object
tho Executive well understood.
And having said to them in an inaugu
ral address "you can havo no conflict with
out being yourselves tho aggressors," ho
took paius not only to keep their declara
tion good, but also to keep tho caso so free
from tho power of Virginians' sophistry
as that tho world should not be able to
understand it. By tho affair at Fort
Sumptcr, with the surrounding circumstan
ces, that point was reached,
Then and thereby tho assailants of the
government began the conflict of arms,
without a gun iu eight or in expectancy to
return their fire, savo only the few in tho
fort, cent to that harbor years before for
their own protection, and still rradr in
give that protection in whatever was Jaw-
In this act, demanding all else, ihpv
havo forced upon the country tho distinct
issue immediate dissolution or blood
And this issue embraces more than tho
fate of these United States. It nrescnts
to tho whole family of man tho nueslion
whether a constitutional renuhlio nf An.
moeracy, a government of tho people by
tho samo peoplo can or cannot maintain its
territorial integrity against its own domes
tic foes. It presents the nucslion whr-tlmr
discontented' individuals, too few in num
bers to control tho administratfon accord.
ing to organic law in any case, can alwavs
upon tho pretences made in this caso, or
on otucr pretences, or arbitrarily without
any pretence, break un their crovcrnment.
and thus practically put an end to frco
government upon the earth.
It forces us to ask r Is there in all Rn.
publics this inherent and fatal weakness I
Must a Government of nccessitv bo ion
strong for the liberties of its own people,
or too wcais to maintain its own existence!
So viowinc tho issuo no choico was left but
to call out tho war power of the govern
ment, and so to resist force employed for
its destruction by forco for its preserva
tion. This call was made, and the response, of
tho country was most gratifying, surpass
ing in unanimity and spirit the most san
guine expectations. Yet nono of tho States
commonly called slave States, except Del
aware, gavo a rccimcnt through rermlar
State organization.
A few rccimcnts havo been orrranizntl
within some others of these States bv in
dividual enterprise and received into the
government service. Of course the seceded
states, so called, and to which Texas had
been joined about the time of tho inaugu
ration, gave no troops to tho cause of tho
The Border States, so called, wero not
uniform in their action some of them be
ing almost for the Union, while in others,
as A'irginia, North Carolina, Tennessee
Arkansas, tho Union sentiment was very
nearly repressed and silenced,
The course taken in Virginia was the
most remarkable, perhaps tho most impor
tant. A convention elected by tho people
of that State to consider their relative
position toward tho Federal Union was in
session at tho capital of Virginia when
Fort Sumptcr fell.
To this body the peonle had cho.ien a
large majority of professed Union men.
and almost immediately after the fall of
iort Sumptcr, many members of that
majority went over to tho origiual minori
ty, and with them adopted an ordinanco
for withdrawing tho State from the Union.
Whcthcr this change was wrought by
their great approval of the assault on Fort
Sumpter, or their crcat resentment at tho
Government's resistance to that assault is
not definitely known.
Although they submitted tho ordinanco
for ratification to a voto of tho peoplo, to
bo taken on a dav then somewhat inorr?
than a mouth distant, tho convention and
the Legislature which was also in session
at the same timo and place, with loading
men of tho Stato not members of cither,
immediatcly.commcnccd acting as if tho
Stato wero already out of the Union.
They pushed military preparations vig
orously forward all over tho State ; they
seized the United States armory at Har
per's Ferry, and tho navy yard at Gosport,
near Norfolk ; they received, perhaps in
vited into their Stato, largo bodies of
troops, with their warlike appointments,
from the so-called seceded States.
They formally entered into a treaty of
temporary allianco and co-operation with
tho so-called Confederate States, and sent
members to their Congress at Montgomery ;
and finally they permitted tho insurrec
tionary government to be transferred to
their eapitol at Uiohmoud.
The people of Virgiuia havo thus allow
ed this great insurrection to make its nest
within her borders, and tho Government
has no choice but to deal with it whero it
finds it;
And it has the less regret, as tho loyal
citizens have, in due form, claimed its pro
tection. Thoso loyal citizens this Govern
ment is bound to rccognizo and protect as
being Virginia.
In tho Border States, so called in fact.
I tho Middle States thoy are thoso who
' favor a policy which they call arraod neu-
trality, that is, the arming of thoso States
fft rrVAnf tlio ITnirtn "ntra hn.tlnn tnn
way, or tho disunion the other, over their
This would bo difunien completed.
t Figuratively jpeaking, it would be (he