Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, July 06, 1861, Image 1

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LEVI L. TATE, Editor.
, h
VOL. 15.--NO. 18.
re is,
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V'N, Jit
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4T nor llrttk RulUine. rfftJits tkt KuHngr, h ;
'-(tf tA CVurt JdKSC. "Jrmotralifi cad Quarters.
'sfftHi In I
1 a l ancc, f,-T one copy, for su mouths.
tfll.J Tt. ft.H Anl lor one copy, one ) vii.
w , ir u-hhlu thn tlrsL t hree mouths.
Jill Z lfii"l a 1I 111 n tlio lint sil month.
Zv 5U IT not i;ill within the car.
TlTJNo sub.frlptlon taken for less than si mnulhs,
Vmt no pap-'r discontinued until all arrearages shall hat
Seen paid.
?(E7T CrlinnrvArjvFRTiKMVHr8liui'rtcil,nnd JdbWohu
Vtecutcd, ut thu c.tablishctliiriLcs.
(SHuigmal Jiloctun.
jlr- .
4-1, 'vr (Ac Columbia t)rmocrat.
.A Wolcomojo tlio Birds.
tBY p. r. n.
c. l hirdd no fair, Hint whistle nttd einj.
Iiile all the nir id made to ring
iltt melody, no eft ami sweet,
ith harmony, nt onto rcplclo;
ifCumu welcome through our northern dime,
'Willi nri'ie loo, and sweetest rhimc.
ttTlie flower of ppring, pro blooming bright,
jAnd ever) thing hhuw lis delight,
wCoino seek thy glen, aweot nongnter fair
-VAnJ elng ug tin thy swcclcEtair.
JhTuc forests green, with liver) bright,
"bf parofit fheen, tliy fongi inlle, .
IHFroni hough to bough, fi
UCoinu warble now, thy i
An"j huiU thy nrsi, llioi
from 1 1 rub to limb,
Bwcftcsl hymn ,
thy nest, Ihou crt'ature pure
(l Where thou cau'at rtt from harm aecure.
4Comc w tirhl'' mo thy sweetest lay ;
AVouie let me see thy plumes so gay ;
TsSjpurc ami true, f.iir bird, oh come,
wAnd witcunie to our northern home.
iWfyf Written for the Columhtti Dcmotrat.
.Tho Tendtucy of Worldly rroM-trily.
nd Jciluron vaxtd fat and Ueltd. llicf-f.
H. '
Thorn live J n man in day nf old,
Jn f acred vcripturcsuc arc told,
And waxing fut he kicked J
Hut how or w by, w hn or w here,
Hjl6 did tliii kicked att soharo,
fHTiic crripdircs don't depict.
rAnil fo, of course, we're left to Judge,
Wh it on carthwouM be liia grudge.
iSS(, lie should then liac kicked;
Vetof hh cluai tlurc blill arc nnma,
And many more are yzl to comc
WVc venture toprcditt.
In worMly gonjp, uit(! high he rrnc,
.He wore the rirlrst, lineal rMhmi,
.fAgaiutliiCoi he kicked;
Antl highly swelled mlh worldly pride,
JBlnhis possOJaionB fur and wide.
n tit i ays 'niitc strl!.
U'ith alt hiii might and main It i k'uked
' JnHatan's ierviri'ry strict.
U Aod tellmifMlere liiskickd.
'2!Twas co lie thought in proud cnnrcit.
lie kicked ngaiuit the pricks,"
J!o thn my kicking friends, brwate-,
yor ntiw I tell, and tell you lair,
v-jJtou will reppiil thoai kicks,
Or clao rememlif r w hat I say,
Wricn atthu great last Judgment day,
.You'll find you're m u fiv.
yor the Cvhtniiia nemvtrat.
.-St nyBr.H.
' ''Ohia'reil pairoJ twilishthmir.
IVhcn jiio.l ft'ls hid Mak'-i'ii power ;
TWicn fc'cnllc irphyra nuflly play
Innutuhcr smooth, at rlo...- f day ;
' When itillry l'hahua' aeorching rayn
No tuorc liii v itliortnir pow cr di.ptiy. ;
When ll'iflu'd to bitenru i. the Karth
Our 'inindatonolile thoiu'hugui! birth.
The tMiiik'in; tar, that one by u,
Ui'pcnili'ut rilill upon tliu d'lu.
Mutt hnlc thuuiftclvcfl from inurlal view
When he .hall ipan yon nrdi vC bin,.,
Now ililne abroad with tplendid lisht,
Siiplajin; all Uicir beauty bright.
llowgraud, hawhemirirul thyarel
Yet, beauty beams in every rtar.
They dot the liruiainent fo fair.
That doth (Jod'd handiwurlc declare.
.Magiiimcctit indceilthey aro
Those stars Ihit beam their light afdr.
Tho cares, the buey cares of day.
In allthclr dread thcirdircarrny.
Now cease toprcss upon the mind ;
,U'o seek those ptcusures more rcliucd
4Vowandcr o'crthe hills and dates,
The fields, the meadows, woods ami vales;
U'e view tho mountains, ah, so grand I
AVe view the Oceau's rochy strnnd ;
With vaitaud piercing, wondering sweep
Wo view the broad and briny deep.
Our souls with naturu now commune
We love to listen to the tunc
Tlmtrnong the trees the breezes play
When twilight coincsat close of day
The soft Aohan melodies
G yonder woving forest trees,
Oh sweet, oh happy even time)
Dear emblem of our youthful prime.
t&" They get up model lovo letters at
Cleavcland, short, sweet, and spch upon
tho principle of complcto secession from
dictionary rules. Hero is one read in
court last, week : "deer thow abecut
not forgot ton tharcs a good tymo cumin
wato a littlo longer."
A young man of good standing re
ccntly proposed an honorablo marriage to
a yiung lady out West, when ho received
for answer
mawr: "Get out, you feller! Do kins, Wyoming ; Newspapers, Eli Barncr,
thlnSl'd sleep with a man ? I'll tell 1 Underwood, N. Y.j Monuments, Valodie
motEcr 1" tory Sl 1L JeDkiDS Wyoming.
Man islikp a snowball. Leavo him
lying in idleness against the sunny face of
prosperity, and all tho good that is in him
jnolts liko fresh butter in dog days . but
kick him round, and
ho gathers strength
Gnm:.svooi, Juno 21tli, 1801.
Editor of the Columhia Democrat.
Dkau Sir i I lake this opportunity of
makiug, publicly,; few comiuontson a pri
vate letter in luy possession unJcr dato of
Juno 17tli.
'I'lio gcullctuan writing alleges that are
port obtains respecting tho illegality of a
military company under drill bomu whore
in tho vicinity of llohrsburg, iu thiseouuty
and that the members of said company aro
avowed fcuceisiouUts. Ho fuithcr Mated
that some jicrsoits had contemplated rout
ing thorn and advised mo that if I were in
any way connected with tho squad I had
best report through tho press and state
our exact position, Although I deem this
counsel altogether un-oalled-for yet for tho
benefit of niri I would state that there is a
company under military instructions in
this neighborhood tho members of which
aro chiefly, and perhaps exclusively, Dcm
ocrats whose conduct in thi3 crisis is alto
trothcr unexceptionable. I am proud to
say that I am connected with tho compa
ny and one in whom I can place the ut
most confidence and that, the members
having given mo the command I think it
part of my duty, openly to denounce tho
slanderer and exculpate our soldiers from
blame. It must bo evident to every ob
server that since the commencement of tho
present national troubles, there have been
a few exceedingly officious persons who
have 7tatlr. it their business to stir up ani
mosities, and thus jeopardize our best in
tcrcsts, It is certainly surprising, that
individuals professing to be the Union men
should have the audacity to fabricate, und
circulate willful falsehoods, knowing that
such misconduct will tend to weaken the
bonds that unite tlio people of the North.
To such persons we have but little to say,
other than that wo shall nt all times defend
our charge, from tho abusive, slander of
insidious assailai ts, and knowing us we
do, that tho integrity of our company
is unimpeachable, wc shall staud by our
rights at all hazards. W c think it the
duty of Ameiican Freemen, to brand fal
bifiers, with tho fctigmathey merit. crc they
marshal to meet an open enemy. Our
credentials are open to tho inspection of any
person or persons, who ask it in the spirit
cf ltianlincs, but to fcuch lawless miscreants
who delight in disseminating falsehoods,
to injure their counti'ymcn,we have only to
say, that wo shall not bow to their scepter,
nor subnrt tamely to their abuse. Wc
claim to be true American citizens and
can offer no better guaranty of our loyal
ty, than that wo havo over been faithful to
tho trust vouchsafed us by our fore-fathers.
It is well known that men differ and havo
tho right of differing as to tho causes which
induced this melancholy stato of things,
yet whilo wc entertain different political
view we have oaruestly advooated a unity
of purpose. Tho North must bo unitcd,or
her strength is with drawn, her destiny
scaled, and a happy union can not bo se
cured and maintained, so long as unprin
cipled inqn arc allowed to diiisoiiiiuate un
truths, ail-libilMii.
l'ours, with respect, &c,
Wyoming Semi.xauy,
Kingston, Pa., Juno -0,
0, 1801. S
VAilor Columbia Drtnocrat,
The anniversary exercises of this far
famed and deservedly popular Institution
havo just concluded, and I hasten to givo
you a brief account of them. They occu
pied tho entire day, and were attended by
an inimenso concourse, estimated by many
to number at least two thousand persons,
comfortably seated uuder a mammoth tont
belonging to the Institution.
Tho oxcrcisos wero all original,
Tho following orations wero delivered
during tho day by tho young gentlemen :
Oar Coiwtrijby W. II. Abbott,of Blooms
burg; Man, J. B, Lyon, Herrick ; Un
Ub, Welsh oration, D. S. Davis, Abcrdare,
Wales ; Life, F. Asbury Dony,IIonesdalo,
H'nste oj liitcl'cct, L. G, Flory, Soranton
Enthusiasm, S. D. Jonos, Whito Mills j
Cities of the Past, T. II. B. Lyon, Herrick;
The Crisis, J. M. Johnson, Mt. Vernon,
Mich.; Mental Discipline, Amos Avery,
Cannousvillo, N. Y.; lleforc the Fall und
Now, J. O. Lcacock, Ilarvoysvillo ; Henry
IV, Bradford Barncr, Underwood, N. Y.;
Tic a Knot in your Threjd, S, H. Jen-
The following essays wero read by the
trraduating class of voung Indies : Tlie
I Thinker, by Miss Albertino Brace of Wy.
' oming ; Mary Queen of Scotts, Miss Min
J nio Evans, Tunkhannook ; The Object of
Study, Miss S. B. Edwards, Plymouth
phino Houghton, Kingston; Intel cctuui
Monuments Ettrnal. iss Carrie 51, Wood
ruff, Dinunock j The Moors of Spain,
Jliss JIary. Jl Lyon, Hrrriek ; The Crown
on tho Mountain Toi, Miss Lillio T.
Sharplcos, Fairvillo ( and The Unseen,
Miss Esther A. Pugh, riyniouth.
In exercises liko tho above, where all aro
good, comparisons soom invidious. Abun
dant ovidenco was given of closo thought,
cultivated taste, and careful preparation on
tho part of every orator and essayist.
A colloquy entitled 11 Contrast" written
by Miss E. A. Pugli, was spoken by somo
twenty or thirty of tho juvenile members
of tho school, showing tho wido difference
between society at the present and in the
olden times. Tho colloquy was well writ
ten, and the "little folks" had been so
thoroughly trained that they acted their
several parts most admirably.
Tho gentlemen's colloquy came off as
usual in tho afternoon. It was really n
fine thing. It was entitled a Court Seenc,
and was written by Messrs. B. and B. Bar
ner. One Mr. Smcncj (very green) was
sued for breach of promiso by a Miss
Batlgcr, and tho trial of tho caso in the
court room was as natural as life. Just as
tho judgo had nearly completed his charge
to tho jury, a military detachment came
in, and judge, jury, lawyers, witnesses,
and tho parties in the suit, amid great ex
citement, joined tho company and marched
away to tho tune of Yankee Doodlo. Thero
wero some forty different actors, and each
did exceedingly well.
Tho students' part of tho Anniversary
was concluded with a valedictory already
noticed an able effort, creditable alike to
tho bead and heart of the young man who
spoko it.
Then followed tho Anniversary Address
by Hon. II. B. Wright ; subject Our
Government. Ho spoke of its origin, its
-,. .,.t Us Tl. .wMrxea
, . .I., . i
throughout was most able, patriotio and
. ...
impressive. Hie lrcquent anu ncarty
cheers from tho audience evinced their high
appreciation of the address, and that their
hearts wero in sympathy with the sonti
ment and fpirit of tho speaker. It was
universally couseded to havo been one of
tho Colonel s happiest efforts. And why
should ho not speak well since he certainly
mustftel well, having just been elected to
Congress from this district as a Union can
didate, receiving a majority of about six
thousand over his opponent.
Before closing I wish to say that the ex
amination of classes in tho abovo Institu
tion, ou Friday and Monday last, fully
sustained tlio high reputation of tho school.
Tho citizens of tho valley and surround-
,UB uuu; -'""'yi""""
institution. And I may add, from what 1
learn of tho strict discipline, thorough
drilling of the students, and superior ad
vantages to bo enjoyed here, that no pa
rents need desire a better institution at
which to place their sons and daughters.
B.lNaou. Tho llov. Mr. Martin, of
Burlington, Maine, a man of decided tal
ent and worth, was somewhat noted for
his eccentricity and humor, which occasion
ally showed themselves iu his public min
istrations. In the timo of tho great land
speculations in Maine, several of his prom
inent parishioners! and church members
were carried away with tho mania of buy-
iug lumber tracts. The reverend gentle
man resisted this speculating spirit, and
more tliau once rebuked it in his sermon;.
Ono evening, at his regular weekly prayor-
nieeting, ho noticed that several of his
prominent men wore absent, and ho knew
at onco they had gono to Bangor to attend
a great land sale. After singing a hymn,
ho said :
"Brother Allen, will you lead us in
prayer !"
Some one spoko out and said, "Ho has
gono to Bangor."
The pastor, not disconoerted in tho least
called out :
''Deacon Barber, will you load u? in
prayer ?"
"Ho has gone to Bangor," another an
swercd. Again tho pastor asked :
"Squire Clark, will you pray 1"
'The Squ'tro has gono to Bangor," said
somo ono ; and the pastor being now satis
fied, looked nrouud upon the littlo assemb
ly as if tho samo reply would probably bo
given to ovcry similar request, and very
candy said ;
"Tho choir will
I sing .
Banook, aud theu
Select Biot
iiy rETEit aqatk.
It is hard to confess t but I can remem
ber when there was not a lino of railway
in tho world. Wo went bumping about in
stago coaches on long leather springs, nino
inside, and four or fivo outside, with four
or six horses, and thought ten miles an
hour something wonderful.
Yet a day's rido insido such a coach,
through a fine country, and with a pleas
ant company, was not tho worst evl of this
mortal lifo ; and I havo thought somctimo3
when lumbering along a western raiway,
fifteen miles an hour, in a close unventila-
tcd car, filled with filthy, tobacco chewing
fellow citizens, that I would cheerfully go
back to tho coach and four.
Did you ever ride on tho outside, with a
nice girl besido you, whom it was nccessa-1
ry to take good caro of, somo pleasant
morning, say up the Connecticut valley !
1 have and there aro few things in this
sublunary existence not cxhilcrating I
Wo go through tho country in these, our
fast days, with lightning trains and sleep
ing cars but do we travel 1
There is another modo of travel wc an
tediluvians used to think pleasant, it was
slow, and has become obsolete ; but what
could bo nicer than to glide all day through
a constantly changing panorama of beauti
ful scenery, on a canal packet t
The present generation knows nothing
about it.
There was tho long, slender, elegant
packet, with its row of windows on each
sido, where you could lounge, play whist,
read, walk or sleep. At tho breakfast,
dinner, or supper hours, the tables were
set, and it was wondsrful what excellent
repasts came out of thq little cupoard-like
kitchens. In fino weather wc could walk
I on tho loll"; narrow deck, or sit on tho
, . ,
trunks and cniov the scenorv. Tho nana!
, j trunks and enjoy tho scenery. Tho canal
wmus aiong mo uanKs oi small rivers, ami
through the villages which havo sprung
up besido it. There was a timo when
thousands of passengers wore convoved
from Albany to Buffalo, through tho Eric
canal, in gaily painted packet boats, each
drawn by tnrco or tour Uandsomo horses,
ur, tuo rate oi ono nunurcu anu twenty
miles in twenty four hours not very rap-
id hut pleasant and tolerably safe.
I landed ou tho dock at Buffalo, from
that loud old, high pressure steamer Con-
Btitution, Captain Applcbee ; and taking
my carpet bag in my hand, to tho disgust!
of runners, porters, and Jehus, mado my
way uuassistcd, to the old City Hotel, and
. I . 1 I 1 1 .1 T.1
mo cauai uasiu, wucru my ouo 01 t,uo iwu
Bird lino ofnaclset-s with steam up-hor-
1 ... i,np,1..i i, ,mi i,.,a ,m,t,i
ready to start at tho minuto, and mako
connections with all tho stago lines along
tho canal
As I camo near tho boat, I overtook a
lady who had the samo destination. Star-
tied, perhaps by my quick footsteps, in a
part of tho town where a lady did not liko
to walk unattended, sho struck her foot a-
gainst something on tho tow-path, stum-
bled add would havo fallen into tho canal
had I not sprung forward and caught her.
Sho was frightened, but thanked mo hear -
tily and allowed ms to assist her upon
luc uoai.
What trifles govern our lives, and even
decide tho destiny of nations. A pebble
on tho walk was my introduction to ono of
the loveliest and most brilliant of women.
Wc had been on the packet an hour beforo
I knew that she had been on a visit to
Buffalo, aud was summoned homo to Bo-
Chester by the sickness of her mother.
And it was less than that timo beforo her
dark eyes her voice of passionato music,
her form of singular graco,and her charm
ing ingcuiousncss had thrown a spell
around me, which seemed to chango tho
wholo current of my lifo. That gliding
packctboat was graudcr than all navies ;
that canal which had been profanely
called a ditch was moro than rivcrs,seas
and oceans ; diminutive besido it seemed
the Atlautics, the Pacifies, and broad In
diau seas. Hero was the centre of tho
universe, that swept around us, and all
tho rest was of littlo worth compared to
the breathing loveliness that stood besido
How I recall tho day a rich lovely
Summer day, fanned by cooling zephrys
from tho greatest lakes and Niagra. Tho
sun was half veiled by fleecy clouds. Wo
went upon tho deck, whero sho seemed a
quccu to whom my heart paid an inficito
homage, but with whom I boeamo every
moment more confused, constrained, and
incapablo of manifesting the feelings which
had sprung 60 suddenly into their iulcns-
Wo stood there on tho deck strangers.
An hour before I had never seen her, un
less in my dreams, or in some former stato
of bcing,of which wo seem at times to havo
vaguo glimpses. But it seemed to mo as
if I had known and loved her a thousand
years, But all this long acquaintanco did
not hinder mo from being as bashful and
confused as ever a lover was in tho pres
ence of his mistress. Still-1 mado a des
perato effort to keep up conversation.
"This is my day of good fortune," said
I, ''a novcr-to-be-forgotton day, when
I had tho happinoss of meeting you "
''And romanticly rescuing mo from be
ing drowned in tho raging canal," said
she, with a benevolent effort to help mo
out of my embarrassment.
"0 grand canal," I cried, gathering
courage, "finer than tho Nile, with all its
cities, pyramids, and Cleopatra's barges,
because it boars upon Us bosom a lov
lior "
Bridge," shouted the steersman. I
was not thinking of bridges, and had not
tho lady caught mo and pulled mo down
besido her, low kneeling ou the deck, that
bridge would havo interrupted at onco my
eloquenco and my lifo.
Tho boat passed under the hugo beams
of tho bridge j I proffered my assistance
to my beautiful companion, and wo stood
erect again.
''Even proud people sometimes practice
tho virtue of humility,'' said tho lady,
laughing at my narrow escape. "I hope
you find it no hardship to kneel,"
"To you or with you, never," I replied,
and so our conversation went on mine in
a strain of exaggerated gallantry,and hers
in a playful iarfi(7gc,witli which sho par
ried my attacks, and kept mo at a respect
ful distance.
But tho more wo conversed together,
walking on tho narrow deck, watching the
ever shifting scenery, or sitting on a seat I
improvised from someluggago, the moro I
admired, not only her beauty ,hcr elegance
and a certain charm that hovered around
her, orcnvcllopcd her liko an atmosphere,
but her wit, her taste, her sense and culti
vation. And I was, though entirely and deeply
respectful, frank and bold in tho express
;on of my feelings. It seemed but just that
j should express tho admiration I felt.
And when I did so, though there was a
slight flush on her cheek and brow, she
I still answered playfully :
But My dcar Mr Strangcrj do you rc.
mcmbcr Low long h it siuco you first BftW
"A few brief hours," I replied, "but
they might havo been ages. My soul has
known you always. It has b'een seeking
. ... ... ....
you turougu tuo eternities. YVuo can a
man know so well as his ideal of all that
. .,. .., j , . t.
ciso should ho bow his spirit ? So must I
bow to "
"Low bridge," shouted the 'steersman,
sharply; and it was timo. Tho bridge
wa3 very low. It was not
crouch or kneel. Wo were
throw ourselves fairly and flatly on the
jcct( whero we lay, sido by sido iu tho
gloom of the shadow, until iho light broko
upon u3 a9 wc passed beneath tho last low
Igtrjnf piece.
1 There was something ludicrous in our
prostrate condition, and in my efforts to
I .-1. .... If . !.. ,T - tef i
pill niysuu up IU UUSIU, Uliu usata,, huu it.
dy, that I did not attempt to finish the
speech which had been so unceremoniously
Tho dinner bell rang, and I placed my
self besido her at tho table. How self-
possessed, how graceful, how charming
6he was. Her conversation sparkled with
wit ; she told littlo anecdotes with an cx-
quisito humor. Her rare beauty, like a
gem, was set in a manner and style of sin
gular elegance, In my long, indeed, but
somewhat varied cxpcricnco, I had never
met so lovely a person.
"Now for a flirtation," said I at the be
ginning but it soon bocamo too sorious a
matter with me,
But tho lady tho more entangled I bo
came the moro adroit and confident was
she. How skillfully sho parried my at
tacks 1 I could find out nothing about her
besides her first volunteered joxplanations,
oven by my most dariug efforts.
"Don't you want to know mo!" said I
as wo sat in the cabin after our roally good
"Know you ! I flatter inysolf I do know
you pretty well, You must thiuk ino very
dull, to supposo mo ignorant of a gentle
man after half a day's interesting conver
sation, aud seeing him iu bo many posi
tions," "But it might bo convenient to know my
name V said I, determined to find out
Lnra. if ilio lliinrt wrri' tm"iMr
"And why, prayt Tho lawyers do very I
well with John Doo and Itichard Hoc.
Your namcj may bo Jonathan or Jeremiah
what matters ! "The rose by any other
namo would smell as sweet" and John
Smith ia as good as another. Pocahontas
though is heroic."
"You won't hear my namo nor toll nie
yours V
"Oh 1 thero it is? If I havo your name,
I must givo you mine in exchange. How
do you know that would be a fair bargain!
Mine maybe twice as pretty. It may bo
llosa Matilda, for aught you know. No
doubt you havo imagined something very
elegant and romantic. Do you think I
shall undeceivo you 1 Would you havo
mo say I was Miss or Mistress Nancy Ilig
gings J No, sir ; I respect your feelings
too much to overwhelm you with such an
avowal !"
"You aro very cruel."
'Indeed ! you aro finding out my im
perfections, then 1 How .long since you
thought mo perfect 1"
"A gentleman who would bo happy to
assort h'i3 power, must first mako sure of
"I surrender at discretion."
"Then you havo moro discretion than 1
gave you credit for," said she, enjoying
her triumph with a quiet but evident do.
Wo walked upon the deck again. I
had learned the trick of tho bridges, and
to assist my fellow voyager in our frequent
prostrations. Wo became very friendly,
and as long as 1 refrained from complaints,
or tho expression of the admiration I found
it hard to suppress, she talked with a free
dom, a gaiety, a senso of humor I have
seldom known. The afternoon wore away
rapidly, as we nearedthe end of our jour
ney. It had been my intention to spend a day
or two iu Rochester, I wished to visit tho
Falls of Genesee, and tho young and grow
ing city of flour mills. Now I had anoth
er inducement. I was determined to sco
moro of this charming lady we may say
it is enough to know a person what may
we caro for their condition or surround
ings ? It is not enough. Tho universal
question : "Who is ho !" or "Who is
she 1" requires moro for its answer than
the personal appearance beforo you.
''Look !" is not tho all sufficient answer.
As tho sun was sinking in tho West, wo
saw spires glittering in tho eastern horizon.
" There is my houso," said my friend,
pointing with her finger, and unconscious
ly (perhaps) assuming an attitude full of
beauty a living statute on the prow of
tho boat, gliding along tho willows, and
rcliovcd against tho shell like hues of tho
sunset sky.
"Your homo, that is to snatch you from
me." I exclaimed with bitterness, "aud
forever ! You amuso yourself a few hours
with a passing traveler, who will be for
gotten to-morrow."
"No, my friend, not forgotten," she
said. "Now you aro unjustt I shall be
very happy to sco you again, while you
stay in ltochcstcr, and at all times."
The warmth aud tenderness with which
I thanked her, made, I thought, a straugc
impression. A flush passed over her face
and she bit her lip, then stood a few mo
ments in silence : and then, with a sudden
drollery, said :
'Mr. Doe, or Mr. Boo, perhaps, after
all, it may be as well that I should know
the namo you arc usually called by, for
wo shall bo at the landing in a few mo
mcntJ, and I shall wish to introduce agon-
tlemau who has shown mo so many attcn-
. tions to my uusuand.
'To Youu Husband."
"Yes ; to my husband, if you havo no
objection. He will be happy to see you,
and you will liko him, I am sure,"
"Madame," said I, with all tho dignity
I could assume, "it is unnecessary. My
name is of no consequence, and I should
much prefer that whatever I havo said to
you to-day should be strictly anonymous."
"You won't stay !"
'Madam, no-"
"Dou't bear malice, said sho, holding out
her hand. "Goodbye. Say you forgivo
I know that I deserved it, coxcomb as I
was, and lady-killer as I thought myself.
It served mo right, but ray amour propre
was too deeply wounded to recover itself
in a moment. I took tho offered hand I
pressed it to my lips, but said nothing,
I hurried away as if my feelingo wero too
deep for utterance, rushed into tho cabin,
and watched her from tho cabin window,
as sho went ashore with a tall and decided
ly handsome follow.
Sho looked around, trying to catch a
and pitiful, that I was on tho point of
springing ashore to follow her. But tho
packet started, and my lastglimpsa of her
beautiful face was, when she turnd again
to look at tho receding boat, under a lamppost.
I have never. seen her since but if sho
still lives, sho may know how well I re
member, and how much happiness I wish
My Fellow Passf-noer.
How a Soldier Feels in Battle.
A young French officer thus writes of his
first cxpcricnco in battle :
"Our officer kept us back, for wo wero
not numerous enough to charge upon tho
enemy. This was most prudent, for tho
murderous firo, so fatal to tho whito coats,
did us but littlo harm. Our conical balls
penetrated their dense masses, whilst those
of tho Austrians whistled past our cars
and respected our persons. It was tho
first timo I had faced fire, nor was I tho
only ono. Well, I am satisfied with my
self. True, I dodged tho first balls, but
Henry IV. did tho samo at tho beginning
of every battle. It is in fact a physical
effect, independent of the will.
But, this tribute paid, if you could only
feel how each shot electrifies you. It is
liko a whip on a racer's legs. Tho balls
whistle past you, turn up tho earth around,
kill one, wound another, and you hardly
notice them. You grow intoxicated, the
smell of gunpowder mounts to your brain.
Tho eyes become bloodshot aud the look is
fixed upon tho enemy. There is something
of all tho passions in that terrible passion
excited in a soldier by the sight ol blood
and the tumult of battlo.
Everybody who has tried it testifies to
iho peculiar intoxication that is produced
by being in battle. There is an infatuating
influence about tho smell of powder, the
shrill whistlo of a bullet, and tho sight of
human blood, that instantly transforms
men from cowards to heroes from women
sometimes to monsters. No ono can tell
of tho nature of mystery of that influence
but thoso who havo been in tho fray them
Woman's Advantaqes. Some cf the
advantages of women over men are as fol
lows :
A woman can say what sho chooses
without being knocked down for it.
Sho can tako a snooze after dinner whilo
her husband goes to work.
She can go into the street without being
asked to treat at every saloon.
She can paint her face if it is loo pale,
aud powder if it is too red.
She can stay at home iu time of war,
and can gctmarried again if her husband is
She can wear corsets if loo thick oth
er fixius if too thin.
She can cat, drink, and be merry, with
out costing her o cent.
She can get divorced from her husband
whenever sho sees ono sho likes better.
She can get her husband in debt all
over, uutil he warns the public by adver
tisements not to trust he: on his account.
"Go to grass!" said a mother to her
"Well, then, I 'sposo I'll havo to mar
ry," ejaculated the fair damsel.
"Why sot'' inquired the astonished
"Because nil men are grass." The old
lady survived.
"Swear, not at all Abimelech ; swear
not at all."
''That's just what I does. I don't swear
at all ; I only cusses the school-master."
The last wo saw of Abimelech, ho was
going over a garden fence, closely pursued
by a rawhide.
"Mr, Smith, you said you boarded at
tho Columbia Hotel six months ; did you
foot your bill."
"No sir; but what amounted to tho
samo thiug tho landlord footed rac."
An old soaker in Boston being found in
the gutter on a rainy night, tho water
making a clear breach over him from head
to heels was asked by passer, what ho
was doing, "I agreed to meet a man
"Thrice armed is lis who has his quar
rel just." But six times armed is he who
owncs a good revolver.
Enlistments for tho navy are briskly
going on iu the maritinc cities,
Doos aro said to speak with their toil?.
Would it not be better to call a ah
very rovolutioi
I Man's Inhumanity la Man, Miss Jose
wc will tlitmis! the meeting
ii I