SlgricnUiwe, 8 If tlioso of our readers who culti vate tbo c.ilb.tgo, when thoy notice any .... :. depredation by tho worm, and place it on ii0 Do .... top, upper side down, and let it rcmaiu so o you ,vt laitr.iir. over mailt, thoy will find in tho morning Do1,,1, wan! iidsiiiuvi that near or quite all tho worms on cacli , 1)n plant have taken up their quarters on it. J 1 ? 1 Tho leaf can then bo removed ana tlio in-1 ; j.0j wnl ,,. amr,i,rl(i , no t , hrowkr'h tects given to tho chickens or otherwise JSJSSSigjlSrSVJLuDfii SSSSSSM disposed of. If any remain, let the loaf S.0K!SSlf!i53 to tried over again. K JSSMffli I DoyiiuwautGASSlMBRr.ljt To FP.KH SWINE FROM VEUMIN.-A 1 1J. yon writer in the Southern Plants says: "If your hogs aro louay, go to their l-.g:,i;If1'i?gWi bing place, or what is better, take a rough jj you want m,?usl twelve foot log to tho feeding place, ua i ViTOaoouBf' ' keep it conMint.y smenrcu nuo .a.. spaniel ever lovca water ucucr tuau u. wu sy hog loves tar, and ho applies it himself, to the most infested spots of his body, eff ectually that the lico speedily disappear. I have seen 95 out of 1)0 hogs smear themselves with tar in less than thirty minutes after thoy hud access to it and not one of thcin bail ever known its use uciorc How to I'ubu'y Rancid Lard. A correspoudctit of tho Country Gentleman writes : "We had tome forty pounds ran cid lard, which was vaiuless as it was. Knowing the antiseptic quality of chloride of soda, I procured three ounces, which was poured into about a pailful of soft wa ter, and when hot tho lard added. After boiling thoroughly together for an hour or two it was set aside to cool, and was sub sequently boiled up. Tho color was lo an alabaster white, and tho lard was as sweet ns a rose. A ClIAl'INd UNDEtt TUB COLLAR' A ceutlcman who has tried tho plan success fully for fivo years commuuicates tho an nexed method of prevcuting horses trom chaBng under the collar. He says ho gets n piece of leathor, and has what ho terms a falso collar made, which is simply a piece i . . . . . ,. . I 01 leatnor CUt in SUCH a Sliapu as HI liu mu- - Civ between tho shoulders of tho horse Olid j tho collar. This fends off all the friction, as tho collar slips and moves on tho leather, and not ou the shoulder of tho horse. Chafing is caused by friction, licnco you seo, the thing is entirely plausible. Some persons put pads or sheepskins under tho collar ; and those they say, do as mucu harm as good, for they augment tho heat. A single piece of leather like that compo sing the outside of a collar, with out lining or stuffing, is better than any thing else. Caue of Houses. The Vullty Far mcr says : "At this season, when horses aro required to do their utmost, laboring constantly fromarly morning till lato in tho evening, they should have tho kindest treatment and the best care and attention. A man who can't govern his passions, has no business with horses. It makes tho heart acho to thiuk how they are abused, whipped pounded, jerked by tho reins and otherwise maltreated, merely because thoy do not kr.o ,v what the driver wants, or because, from ill usage, they aro afraid to do what is wanted of them. They should have a comfortable placo to rest plenty of good bedding and bo well supplied with good nutritious food. They should cpecially be well fed at night, when thoy have time to cat aud digest their food. Oats is the best grain for horses, and when they aro to bo fed principally on corn, they ehould have oats at least once a day. Bran ma6h should also be given them two or three times a week to keep tho bowels in a healthy condition. Wood ashes aud bait, mixed together in equal quantities and given to horses two or three times a vck, will be fouud very beucficial to their health." JtAlSING CALVES. How 1 TniUT Tiie.m. A calf that 1 am going to raise I never let it suck the cow. It is much easier to learu it to drink without than after sucking. 1 halve had calves drink alone before they wcro twelve hours old ; and dflcr the second day have but little trouble with thcin, as thoy drink frcelv as if in cood health. liesides tho great advantago of this is, that when they arc turned with tho cows they never trou bio them, neither have I to muzzle them to prevent their sucking, as they know nothinz about it. What I Feed Them. Eor the first two weeks I k'ivo them mi'k drawn from the mother : after tho cml comes, then scald a little bran or ground oats and corn cake meal &cy This mixture I have about milk warm, feeding them three times dayi making fresh each time, as thoy do not relish stalo food. Thoy will soon cat a little hay: clover i3 best. If their grass, 1 tie them out for a short time, and in fcix weeks may uo Jctt run, auu Klon eraduallv flacked off. I conaider March the best time to start calves, as in April they can get n littlo grass, and by tho following winter thoy havo a good beginning. Simon. Uirmantown Tilcgraph. c ..r flimt. vnn SOKE ThIIOAT, . , m.iiriceYaro us follow. The editor of tbo Far.ner and Gardner n g gJ ttatCS that a garDie OI Situ nuii uitr completely cared him of a soro throat SBW AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT or 17' 7IK Or v Main and Iron Streets, 5.12,0 OWfiSBUJlR, 3? A. 1 .. ' . .11 la I ll,.ln tlltllU't'.UH S J want I.AVKI t.A W.OTII t (in to BROW H ! o ant ?il M.l.l DKLAINIW I Hot.. m ; 1),...,, am TA 111.11 COVr.HMl . o Do you want CI.OTII m'Sl HUt ( Ho to I PI Ml. 18 11 i..o ivnnt KKIII.irniS PKIKTH I Go lo BROW hit S tin OlTTTl'llV DKlUT.SUs'l'KNIlHIlSl (ioto mtowi:if8 (loin HltOU'l'.it'S (loto IIHimT.ll'3 Co to'd !o In llltim'Kll'ri lloto IlltOWIlll'tt Do to liltu.i l.ll'rt (loto'cl lia to IlllOWr.lfrt you Haul JIl -tft.isBi : i a i itiip I you wnnti'Ai.ii'oKi jo.iwnni iiANmr.iirmt;rai II 11I.H T (Into JlltOWUU'ri ' sr.u', hii awi.Wi uo to ukowiiii;! urn, ami suns i'! (lo to mioui:irs Go to s ' do to iiitowr.n s (ioloRHOWKIt'd Goto liiiowniiH Go to HIlOUT.H.rt Goto llltOUIllt.S Go to IlKOWril'S Goto IIKOWHU'S Go lo IIIIOWHR'S Go lo IIUOWKltS Go to ilKOWIIR'S Go to IIUOtVllR'S Go lo llllOlVDIt d Go to ItUOt l:ii B Goto IlltOWIWS Goto iiiiowKira Goto BltOWEIi'S Go lo HIIUIVKR'H ZiZleiiMAi l)o you want UlllM.lXoaj l)o you aal Tl KIM.SSl lln limit ant HI'.' KH'. I. All KS'S'lOnSI Do you want LADIES' O UTI'.rtKl Go to imuu i:irti Do you want KHKS OHO KRIKS I Go In BKOJVKR'H Go to llimW'KK'S DO you Want UULr.nn ..nni Ho you want I! I. BfW t KC I Do jouant II MtDW -11111 Do you want DRUGS I !...;, ,.1 l'lllli: SI'I 'F.SI Go 1 llltOlVDH'f Go to HltmVUR'fl Uo to HROWCR'H Go to imowr.ii'S Go to UROWER' Do you want CUT. IP GOODS I oouubutf, Slay in. If 1 0. 0IIEA1' IKIOT AND SnoH TIIRirabscrihcrlinlteii nltonllon to hli n n itorj " liootH and Slioo, Jiut rtcciv.-J f.o.i. 1'luU. I,iliia and coinirlinn t f IlmiH.Gaitiri, Otford Tie, Scll"UIli TK. Naiy iult- era, Slli'pero. kc ,&c FOtt LADIliS VK Mi, naitcm with anil without hvtt, Slippers iHito. BuMiis. t rench .Morrorco iiouiii-n munu iwm, v. yli'ii Misses' M -HilijRI.n's of cti'ry dcFcnnlion. nt linen much below tin- Old nan darJ. nndlfis than lh ame quality of Coodi urn ho huutlit fornt any ullwr Plore in town. Work nfall kiml made lo order of tho hot material, In IhentatCFt manner and on reapouahle term, wnrranled tocnualanv city worK anu inucu iil'hiw uo i-oi". . kmoi none hul the Ut workmen, and h.ivo heller mate- . .. ... ,...r.... ,.. tl.trf I,, fnrt. Ilm rial man was mi uvi-iu ie . . ."- - ,e,yhe,t to he had In theuly markel. D.iillille.May ai, 1Jni.-y. Nc. w waVon shop. Main strict ahtve Hit forks lintel 'plIH uudersisncd, lialnir removed frnm 1n.)lmn to 1 inoomshurt,', re letuuuy tl,.., i... lm. u,.iiied a new alien, on Main mm. Illooiiuhar!!. aboil! llli! Firka llutei, where lio .""ifflorv MAKING BUSINESS, In all iu inriouj ilei.irlmcnt, and on a more exttnulvc tcalo than li.'relolori' iiuciiiM, cprm wisoui, PuiMcn, i.iftn Wufmu. ami all kimlj of vrliiclca. mails to order, on hort iiolim and f.,, trnu. Alo- Ilopi'ta ana l arm 1VUEU.-UAHHU..., u.pAmio, of nil kindi, including llcavy Wagons promptly anil cheaply executed. JA0OI1 H. EVANS. Illi-onuhurg, April 21, 18C0-Cin. BEN Klji liiHi II. 0. HOWE It, SDItUEON DENTIST RE&WEJtCR2d Urich Building bdou Ifartman t&tort an Mbtniirtti, isiaomaurj nrpr.t:TriTI.lAjficrB Mt i-rnft'Sfion nl services to the l.iilifn tnul gfiiilcnu'ii of ItltHillitlmrg aim VUllill). nu pn-parvn tfifiitpiiiltonllllie wirious oncrntium in DcutiilrV. an-! is provilnl with Hi) latel impiovmeiitK PORfiKLAlN TKKTU w,iii. win im u-fTt,'., mi nint or com nlati to iouk tr?- Asuuerior orlitlu or Toolli Powder always on liantl. , . .unc, 17 'o7 a. II.IH liinu. Ilolti..) THIRD STREET ABOVE 11ACE HIIILADKLPIIIA. nilOADS, & SiTToit, Proprietors. Tilohhas V. Hoapi, foniurlyoftho National Hotel Ciiam-h MAH.OR, formerly ui "Siliujlkill Co. 1 a. Man h S, ISO I -Km. JOLTXE & LEE, No. 40, NOllTIl WHAltVr.S, l'luladclphia ROrK MAKI3RS AN J SHIP CHANDLERS, a,.n r,.,i,mfor Cnulkin". nones. Tuines, Tar, inch I ,.... I.. 111... Mrl OUIll .mtivr, u.. w..t., Au-ilst 4, lU-12iu. 1MIOTK0TI0X FROM LIGHTNING III', nibbcrlbcr ould Inform his frlenils, thai us is now nreuared to put up, on thorl notice, and iu a scientific manner, the bi si ,,,, ,,. rL.TitJV.1 I'UU l f.SJ I.IUI11 Jl,.,, iws'-t 101 ccntsperfoot. All work vtarranieu. U. U.UIDLCMAK. Cloomsburg, May UW. States Union $otcl 000 & (108 MAKKFT STREKT AUOVE SIXTIIO J, V. POWLB, 1'ronctor. TEttXs: SI 23 P' day. May 1-3, lPOO-Um. WILLIAM QUINN Alas mjs Jjyiy ipjiddWiiiSi S. v. Cor. Third and ,narnl Ms.. I'HIAIIEIA'IIIA. BSM'anls $1.50 per 1000.-a August 4, ISCO-Um. REMOVA L. &&g2 V, 0. SAIUsUl & (i) , Commission Merchants una ticners i Fuh. Ckeew ami Provision', i No. lUJAreh street, 2nd doorabuvc 1'ront. Phi adel. I phia, iijH.5-. ly OIGAHS "& TOBACCO. A larcn assortment of clinics I'isars, Tobacco. Pipes, Fruits, Uuufecliouery aud Nomina iicnerally.tosetli. ... ...hi. .. r.iu ui...k ..f IIATrt and CAl'H. i-ims-tiintly on hand and for salo cheap, at thu "llloonishuri Hat it Cap linporium. JOHN K. (JlllTO.V, PI oomsburs. Manh IS, 1 Gl. iKV IfLAOIvSMlrit SHU!'. TUT. undersisnrd respeclfully Informs his friends and old customers that 1.0 has opened a shop un Mai Mreet, a lew doors iil.ole ine i ora s nun.., in inoiiui. bum. ui.ero 1.3 designs contiuuiuu tt.u SMI THING HUSINKSS, In nil iu various hraacbes, at low prices, and on an cn lamed scale, and tils luu puiil.e paironnae. "MUC" """jillAa C. AbilOTT. Uloouishur:, 5Iay P, 1'J. P- UIMU IIUCM'.ANCD CLOVEIt BEEU. freeT. frnn, nnsious weeds, also. 1 illlnthl. Orcll r ord. Herd Crass. Inlmn and Cnstlsh perennial ll.u ,,. v ......I , 11116 ...IXi-U l.iivn urasa seru c., m V'''"'"" retail. raccuAiiii a.uii.nD, linnlemsms nml feed Warehouse, 11 SO Ma rk Streets. Philadelphia. March W .leCl -I'Jin ATTOltNEY AT LAW, nr.nciMsmnia. va. Office in Court Ally, formerly nccupied by Charlca iiuc.iiien. llloouisburs. Hcc. 4, 131). Flour and FecJ Delivfcl! CIIK.VriJH THAN TIIH CIIKArKST IfTilli: uudersisned lias made arranjrenients that nil I ... .!. Vlnu. nml feed. KOIt 1'ASll iboul len per cent, cheaper thai, auy hoJy elss iu uai i rcspectiuny soiu.i u ...a.o '''J,'kXukman nml niooiasburc.Jung3,iBc)-tr. BCERHAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS Till! CEtKtinATED HOLLAND 11EJIEDY 10K DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, I, IVltlt t)0?II'I,AIIVT, WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, Ami tlio tHoti alTectbns toniwiuent upon a dinordorixi STOMACH on IilVEn, Pmli IndllWftlon, Acidity of tin Stomach, Colicky rnln, llmrtluni, Loi cf Aritlte, Deipondoncy, CoHltunom, Illlnd and Bleeding Mm. la all Nenrcmn, Hhniinalle, and Neuralnie lia Innumcnius Injlmcei inoved hkhly Uneficliil, and In uthcrt cfftteil a decided euro. Thfi Is a nurely vegetaWo conawund, l'rcpnred on Btrlctly acleutlfie lirinclidn, after thehianoer of tho nelcbrate.1 Holland I'ruHiMoTi Ikrrhaie. It reputation at liouio pro. duced Us Introduction here, the demand cpmmenclnic it ra thee of tho Fatherland Mattered over the fac of Ihlj lakhty country, innny of whom la-ought with them and twSdci down tho tra.Utleo of IU value. ( ii now iptrt til Ui American fuMir, ktmcitig that ill truly tiiiicrul MalMnol tirlii'l nut be acAiioirlnloed. It 1 particularly reeoinnienden to those persons srhosa coaitltutlons miy hnte been tl jpulred hy the continuous uso of ardent spirits, or other forms of dlsnlpation. Goneiaily lnsuntaneous In plTect, It finds its way directly to the seat of life, thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up tha drooping spirit, and, In fact, Infusing new health and vigor In the sj stem. ..... . ., NOTICB. Whoever evpeets to find this bsversge wl.I be disappointed I but to the alifc, weak and low spirited. It v.111 pron a grateful aromatic cordial, wssessed of singulis remedial properties. READ CAREFULLY! The Genuine highly concentrated Iktrhave's Holland Hitters Is put up In lialfplut bottles only, and retailed at 0a IlolUK per isittle, or all botlles for 1'iri Boiutis. The ereat demand Tor this truly cclclirated Medicine has Indueed Eianj ImlUtions, whlih the pulllo should guard against P"Mle'are of Iroliosltlon. See that our tame Is ou tin label of ever bottle J ou buy. Eeld by Druggists generally. It taa bl forwarded by Express to most points. i son: rnorniETOiis. BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. MANuricitiaixo parmitttitlisls and Khmuls; PITTSBURGH, PA. ForPalehyO.M, Ilasenbuch, nruggist. llloomshurg I'n Ocl,"i ifis?. EVANS & WATSON : HAI.AMANIinit H.UT.S, III'- M tun. iriiii iloor. fur lilltlKi llllil florpi. iron nhuttert. iron tasli, all f a.rt&fg. make oflncKac'iualto any inadu 1rc Snfea in our frJ. Jill came out right; iritA ron- The H.iUUiainiwr tsaics 01 j hiiuui ijm...i uo""' EVANb VATUIN, hr.vA hnA n.n urpnt itcnifwtrntlon in thf follow inz rrr UfientP that tlu'ir in.iiiuf.ictur ( Salamandi-r tatf lia at lcnpth fully narrantcdlIiorepresent.mons n huh have f.A.... ...n.t.. n, tlin.i. n. rnmleritltf till lltllloill.ted aocllfltV tict'ii matt) of tlifiii as rendering tin undoubted security against the turnac element. ...... r Xctsr F.rans & Watson; (lenllemen It alfrrds us In- IiiKliest satisfuction to stale to you, that owing to the very i-nitertlve qualities nf two cf the t?.iljmander, , H.ifia uhicli we nurclianLMi of you some Ave inoiith since we Mved a large nortlon of Jewelry, ami all our limikf, I &c., rxpObCil t the calaininoua, fire in Kutititead place on i the morning of the 11th in ft.. When we reflect Mwt these safes were located in the ( fourth story itftlii buililhiR w occupied ami thai they, fell iub3eueiilly intoa heap of burning; ruins, where tho'! vast conci-ntrat.oii of tho heat caum'd th hin plate to melt, we r annul out regaru iiievrrsprvniion 01 imir vai- . ttaMo contents Ui most roimncing urgLf uf thu reut se curity afl'ordeil by your safes. I UV Khnll tnkc ereat nleanurelu rcruinmcndiiiz them to men uf busineim ns n mirn reliance ncui tiit fire. ulsDKUrj A. nMIU.iHU.,,il'f(t'fW. It7"T!i-y h.ivt! since purchased fix large tfafos. Aneust ICS'J. rsn ..n..nruiniie.l I. nun ettensiielv encnceil In the J Undtrtalans ttutliirii, and kecpscDliBtiuitly on hand ( nu for sale at His wurerooins, u large nssoiviueiu o, FINISHED ' OFFINS, Ily which ho is enabled to nit orders on presenlalloii ALso-Keeps a cood Horse nnd Henrso, and will at ui times bo ready to attend 1 unerils SIMON O. S1I1VE. rilonmsbtirg, January 2.1. 1H5U SAVING FUD U. S. Trust Company. Corner nf T'linl anil Chesinul S's., Phil-. 1 AKGBanil small sums received and back nn a ile.nand witl.oul notice, wun riia i"i isitn ur from tin day nf dep. sit to the day nf withdrawal. Orr.m linens From I) until S o'clock every day, aid on Movnsv Kkiimi. from 7 until 0 oiloek. President STKHIK.N II. CKAWI ORD, Treasurer Puny Fisk. Teller Jamn It. llunttr, I PI .HSCTOBS, Stephen R. Pra" ford, Ilenja.n.n V. T.nlley, Paul II. Coo lar.l, M. D. Patrick Urady, Jam -a llivtr'aux, Tho.nns T. I.ea, March id, ISi'J-ly. SPanii 1 rteldleman, (leorco Junsin, Al-i'er -'. Mart. M, P., .William M. tiodwin. H. 1'rnnhlin Jackson, ll'liny F.sK. F 0. IIHHISON, M. D. r-vrrti!l li r.f..rtfii!H' infnrn. ttic ritizertR nf l.lO'HJlf VV turir, ami iciiuiy. Unit lio i-ontiuucitlio practice of AfVHinihrr. .A ftiTimyiiY. An.l .,.1 loll si sili.irii nf ulilitic IHltrullHL'P. UrtiiK.nn Main Street, tlret Iioub below tlio Court lloufp, ltlofuiifburg. rtbrunry 3, ie55-tf. TUIUUOO it Sh-GAllS. MARSHALL HUGHES, WITH ES' & IB OV P j WIIOLUKALK IIF.ALF.ltS IN llauiiraclurt'il it l.rar Tobacco, II A V A N A C5 1- It M , N AN D D 0M13STIC , SEGARS N. E. Corner of 1'ront and Arch Streets. i.S."4oYD"-t PIIILAUBU'IIIA. March 111. WbU Urn. 'THE UNION," Jtrth Strt$t, Aboet Third, PHIA DKLIMI I A . Jl'TlTffi ' s5lf'"vsfl MOVE1I to :illl Chnlnul Xlmt, ilil'JSte'l!, ''e l'hlMtliMa, half ou rifllaal n.i.l ,i Ii,., iissortniriit of Fin! tlsJSlHir Thief nroof f..ll.inijlliler H.ifes. 41 irc.rucia TUB situation of thli Motfl renders it one of the mopt convenient for thone who are viaiting I'hitadelphia on bunlnfBSi while to thoso In nt-arch of oleai-ure, thu fonttmitly pnilng aim rf panting uny lianway ., .1 .1.,,.. 1., -I,s ni-rirlnillu iillnnl tl fllpnli it list cart, iilnnk. unt ride to all places of inturvit and ainunement in uooui iu cny. , .... I Tho proprietor svei mpurance that 'The Union'1 -GhMii ho kfnt with nu(h rhara-ter as will inert tmblic II, uimrobation, und would respectfully solint, general ronase, U1TON d NlAVCOMKlt, 1'ebruary 25. 1800-1 Jji. t'ropr it-tor. ALii 1 AI J!ilt AXjJj 1 AI Xtilt crent fctalf1hao been edumled for business hi-re with- Jnit received trom N'ew York a larue uud Pu- in the past three years, some of whom Utu tiu. Nov. 'Jl I'M I perior lot of the, above named article or the fprmj trade ployed ai Uook Keepers at salaries of,rf-tce,,. pjrrr. ..rffjjt.. S2000.00 ncr Annum. town Illooiatbuic, I'eh. i3. Ifbl. ! f0 , ADIES' UXTItA HOOP SKIRTS, h 4 Jut receivtd. riomclhlng new in thai line, Call In Ladies, and tret one Uloomsburir, l.tb. 1-01 Scroflila, or King's Evil, f a cnnstltutlonnl discrno, a corruption of tho tilooil, by which this tluttl Ictoiiim vitintcil, weak, and poor. llcinR in the lirculutlon, It pcrvntlcs the whole body, ami may bunt out in illseaso on any part of it. No orcan in fieo from Its attacks, nor la there one which It may not destroy. Tho scrofulous taint Is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy food, impure nir, tilth mul filthy hahlt, tho depressing vices, and, above all, by tlio venereal infection. What rvor lm its miuin. it is heicilitarv in tho ion- I ttitutiou, deseending "from parents to children i unto tho thiid and fourth generation " indeed, j it seems to bo the rod of Mm who fays, "I will visit tho iniquities of tho fathers upon ' their children." 1 Its effects commence by deposition from tho blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, In tho lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles j in the glands, swellings! and on tho surface, eruptions ur sores. This foul cof. ruption, which genders in tho blood, depresses tho energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only tuflcr from scrofulous com plaints, but they havo far less power to with stand the attacks of ol her diseases ', conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, aro still rendered f.ttal by this taint in tho svsinn. Mnit of the cousumiition which de cimates tho human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all tho organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people arc scrofulous ; their persons are invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To eleame It from tho system w e mu6t I enovato the blood by nn alterative medicine, mid in. vigorato it by healthy food aud excrcite. Such a medicine wo supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for tliis every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from the most active remcilials that have been discovered for tho expurgation of this foul disorder from the Ulood, and the rescue of the system from its destructive consequences. Hcnco it should ho employed fur the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions which arise from it, such as Khuptive and Skin Diseaies, Sr. Anthony's Finn, Hose, or linvsiniLAs, 1'iiiri.i.s, Fuxtolt, Ulotciids Ulains and Hon.s.TuMons.TETTEn and Salt ltur.csi, Scald, Hisowokm, ltiti.t' matism, SvriiiMTic and Merccmal Uh- KASKS, llllOt'SV, JJVSl'EI'SIA, JJHIIMH, lulu, indeed, all Complaints amuno fiiom Vitia tkd on iMi'VitE Ulood. Tho popular belief in " impurity of the blood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of tho blood. '1 ho particular purpose and virtue of this Suisopa iill.i is to purity and regenerate this vital fluid, w ithout Which found health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, arc bo composed that disease within thc.raiiRC of their action can rarciy wuusiaiiu or it ii Their penetrating propertUs seaich, and cleanse, i. n,.r,tnn nf il.o human nrrfan. , corrcctine its diseased action, and rcstotitiB v .P.... . . ' ..r.l. ...... its healthy Mtaiittro. as a cnnsciiueuto ui iai nropctties, tlio imalid wlio is Lowed doun with pain or phybical debility is astonished to lind lua hcnllli or cneipy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inuting. , Kot only do they cure the evety-day romnlaints of cery body, but n!o many furmidable and dnnecrous diseases. The agent below named la pleated to furnish (trails my American Almanac, containing ccrtltii alcs of tin lr cures and directions for their use lu the follow inn complaints: t'oidic nrsi. Ilea) tbuni, lleaduthe ai mmjjt om dtsorthral Stoitwrli, Knmctt, liuliyntion, l'am in and Morbid liuutiunof tltc iloitclt, natultueg, Lois oj Appe tite, Jaundice, and other kindrid complaints, arising from a tow state of the body or obstruction of iU functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, von nin n.vnu cuuc or Couglix, Colds, Iufliicnzn, IIonriencss, Crouii, Ilnmcliitis, Incipient Coiisumii. tion, tinil for tlm relief of Consumptive rnticnts iu advanced stuges of tho diacasc. So idc is the fkld of its ucfulne5i and so nu mcrous ore the cases of its cmcs, that nltuoat cverv section nf country abountU In persona pub licly knoun, who hate been icotoredfiuui alatmnig and cun desperate dUcascs of the lungs by iU use. AVlien omo tried, its Biipciuinty oier ecry otlu r medii ino of its kind U too apparent to escane obstrvation, and white its uitucs urc known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the dUtresMiig and dangerous iif'.octiuiH uf the pulmonary organs that are incident to our tlunnte. While many infuiior remedies thrust i.pnn the community liae failed and been dncaided, this has gained friends by cury trial, timfcrrcd brmfiti on tho aflliitcd they can ncier forget, mid pro duced cures too numerous aud too lcmarkaUc to be forgotten. VWMm m Jill. .T. C. ATEEt & CO. LOWELL, MASS. T. I' Lull, J.ll. Mni cr, fi M. Unci liliurh, lllooinniur A. Miller, Item ick, nml hy unc stnro in nery tuwn i reiiulvanln. DA GAINS t BA U G A IKS , XEW FALL AM) UlXTiCU (iOODS. vtnui n rifullv .tifiirni the citizens of I.leh W r-trett and vicinity that lll.-y have Jml receiicd n new audevten.lvc aiwriuiiaiui UllV (UH)DS AND GROCKHIKS, which they will sell cheap for cash. Tiny have iilarsc ami aeueral vari'ty, all Unit i co.iiui.uily lound III in Country btore, and are determined lu bi II cheap. 1 "the -..i......... nf ,..!. io.,.utliev lute uuid l.kt atteul.oni therefore, their mercliandiz.! w III hoar recommendation and will prove lu he 01 me nrn ua. to., ,..,. ,.mr. ror.lliillv sol c.t u libisl thare of pal' ronace. Customers would do well to call and examine their jeucral variety before purchasing .elsewhere. l.ou.i.ry prouueo iuai.ii 111 vtuu..hv ... hlshestuiarkel price. MARTZ 4. 11NT. Light Street, November. 3 1SC0. GILL fc 1'AUL, Gciitral sommisli)ii Jitrcliaulis, I tiRSl.KS IN I'lill, Frovlslona, Fluur, lluller, un. ese, ui.s, uncu Fruits, tlruin. Meeds, Ikans, Whiskti . Wool, Cnuulry Produce and Merthaudiso (enerallv. No. 31 Nokii. V.isnii.s, Fii.Litu.Li'iiu, i E7 Consisnuients nri'roilsions. Flour and Country I'miliice n.lii iH'il. un J relurna liiomully made. Cash Produce MiHutei!, uuJ return jiroinptly I auvnnceii nnvii iieairt-n. (JUIIF.IlrS for all kinds (f r..h, Provisions, Flour, Dried Flints. &.C., tilled at Ihu low est tad. Pi Ices, Ausust 4, IcW-lim. TINWARE & STOVE SHOP. TUT, undt rt-igned respectfully infuriushis old 1'riendl nml i iittioiiierfe. thai ho has nun h'lned his brothers inUrot iu tuii aooe puinuiiriiuani, unuinu lunixrii wim litrtafti-r he conduit cd by liimnHf hitf U tly. lie has just received and oiler tor ale, the larj. rtH ur.t nnd most exliiMVo nnsortment of PANCV fciTO V UlS ever introduced into this markit. T?i His stock consists of a complete assortment of the bfst Corjkin; and parlor stoves in the market, toeeth r u.itii Piuvo I'iitures of everv dtr-crintion. Oven and llox 1'tove, lladiators, Cylindar Stoics, (at Iron Air J t Tight stoves, t'annou Stoves, fitc., &c. Hloveplpe and lr Tinware constantly on hand and manufactured to order. I t AH kinds or repairing none, ns luuai, on iuri imiire, The patronajfe of old friends and nw tutoulttrs s pert fully suiiciieu. 4. m, uuri.ui. Uloouuburv. November 3d 100. tf, or J pat S35.00 Pays the entire cot for Tuition iu the umnt popular and 1 successful Uoinmiriial chooljn the country. Upward 1 oi i weive Jiunaren young men iroui iwiniy-eif-ni Imuiediatelyupon Braduatinp.whoknevv iiothin ofac "jiiowiaoii uuu'" counts when they tntcrlthti L'ollcco. rpMi; uudersUucd, hatin; opined a New Htore.ri. (O- Ministers sons half price, ftudenti enter at any J. Main Street, u fuw doors tfoulh of Iron Hired, tlme.and review when lid y pledic wilhoiit tfxiruchart'v, HIooinkbure, uud sKHked it with the bct Urjnds of all , FnrCutalosueufCUpascs.Poeciuienaofrrof.Cowtey's kinds of luytrUd lMuon, w ill be happy to supply Ilm j ilusincss and Ornamental renui.nuhip, uudalarfu l.n- trade on the muni JceoiuuiodaUii); terms uud ut unusually ace Wamps lo tlio i'riaipal ivn vnn Tnn ErEEBV Cl'i'.E OF jrcrrouiProstratloa, General Debility, Aithm, Byspepti". Scrofula, Marasmus, Paralysis, Chronic BroacWtls, Anemia, Chlorosis, and all Disorders of tho Mood Syctcrn. DO YOU KNOW IT? rovM-vimoN- is Titn wxt r.mi. fcontor. or JIAXKIX !. I has been truly f'e'dM'''" i, unr-fetf n er furvlvlnsl salt.i.l;. On; ijr iiom: i HAX (ink or A' V.Hp ?m iivViih IJIT10V or mwtf Ivi Iwl communities IUJjII m I iih lKt'l' " What a sa.1 cotr-ineatarj- on ILo beastcd '"iKr'ltlyVf rr. rhorchlll.made to tho Imoerlal Semr of Medicine, or I'aris, has prove,! an mluTTd thnw,.rl;l. 'itytbe an.l jeii'tiul rmrtM i-junl, known to I In mltlry as THE HYPOPKOSPHITES, "Tho CtlllK f COSCJIPTIOX, even In tho PeronJ und Thied Slce(at n rorloil, tliercrore, when there enn he no doutit ns to H e nntnpe or the IH.ense) Is tho HflX, .thllo IlPATH IS Till. EXCCrTIOX." "I KNOW," sajs Dr. C, "Ihol ther will prove notoolj as Slllll A II nil r.DV In COMtfJIlTIO.N ns Quinine Is In Inter, mlttent rever, hut ftt'o as eCeelunl n I'lICHKJt VAT1VC ns Voeeloatlon In Small Tos." Utno sulTerer, who valuf s health and llfj,i'elay an hour lo try luis remedy. U.mnuher lliat " pmclluii H better lliancurc." IVsraroof itlMcicptl. n,or tko Eoothir B assuraneo nf frliliJs that " It ml) a iif'e eol 1 " ratal error to myrUds ho now ll.l pi rmaiaro graves! lilve, I inlreet you, prompt nttintwn to tlio EAtlUCST 51QN5 OF CQNSUHPTIQN. Illm TIKSK (..S'S SllAtt. I VI IOW TU'Jl.'' J.irt. Tho trlit-t sj mplum of tubercular disease Is vta.t:u. It weir (ui ( iM. and It U earlier, In point or thn", than the ttcent'. 11 Is first manlfestwl In the nee nyl ;.nli. Tlio muscular tissues waslo ; lienee i.rn-uiY : thero Is n tensooreouiethine wrong aiiliMllulim Mrsl roaua Aitii uggi.vo. Tho ira-K of the miiig ruaehluc Is moio actlvo IhjalUrejwi'r." If. 1 clitxl.. "If,viUolnnj((ijrii,en( cans', or under the lullueiico or causes l hlcli Induto nnd I J.1UI sti. in h:i h as v.iiHl,yrt f, oceruH;weitt rcjnannj, child Icirinj, nuriin-i, raril givvAh, or il-ae t uvrcri ft t.m tliiuie, a iktsoii lu-glna to loso hU flesli, slnuitli, color, or nrivtltill if li suffers from slierlnrfl uf l-riuln, or tiriiemat, nnd cmierlentea n ceueral riclliiKonnu. miei-liuililiWtol.Tllir.K 13 lltttOX TO 1IAU 11...1 he it alrcul prctli-imid to the comihtint. If In tli'fo Fymptoins bo o,lleil com, huwevur 6li.l.t, particularly K It ins como on slowly, or during the lair fousui, Till: l'l'.OltAKIUrV H t.lirATUt tllLU" VhinlM. EFFECT OF THE REPilEDY. 'irf on the earliest iippeornnoc ofllice of Cuiiiimpttnnt tho pntlcnt tlulty nhitt Un Crnlno of tho 3YrOPnOSP2IITES, ho vlll iihiiiilly pco then all disappear ln,a period from a fow tvcclctl to A fsw nonthvi unj by continuing tho occii-loiml ii".c of the Jleiiietln WILL SPEED ILT HUD IIIMSZLr IK THE ENJOYMENT Off BVCll IIEALTII AS HE, rEHIIATS, HAD NKVTU i;nv' in- His hhfoiiiv "Winchester's Gcnuino Preparation" 13 THE ONLY K ELI Alt IX Torm of Ur. Churcblirn Itcmctly. Mario from tho criminal rurmula.J J lio ncti'mtf tho Jlyirni-htfti-liiM l3Tno-ioiJi!inUiPCillii ; inert annglUo iTlncIi'lenmui cx-NhTiTiTM tllHa rortF. niut tliry nro tlio it rowKitrt l i.tnon-t.t-M.ium.M ,OL.n kni.v. Tho ujNia tho HiIm rcn!ar cunitfilim 1 IMllTlH.VTi:, ail tiih CESCIIAL MMI-rimS MS.UTEMM3 YI1H A KU JIilTT V ill It 19 RKALtT M-UtVELOl S. Tlii-y Tl i'lVrt? tllO COliflt cspccturotioiii tho ftppttito, arrat tllarrliua; tho tiijht needs, chVti, ami fmr trn'o ; tho bumls Ucome i vjulart ami mu t'irbt' cai m i-bofoi m. A FAIR TtllAl IS A CERTAIN CURE! 7T- nnVAHEor llntnit remerfiis ndvertl-ed as Pr. niiirililll's.nlKlnllotlnr MVINIUJXU llKUdS torob sulferers or their laeans, lovf nrfniis li'm, nntt Iim ten a 1 4Tja bcii-lt. Write to mo tor CTlttX'I.MiS, oad ror Er. CitirchlU'3 Treatise on Consumption, wlilrh eontaln tho only oiUhattie In reparj to tills NLW TKUTSIl.Vr. Miit 1 1TB lo all Inijuirers. rslCSi In 7 and ICoz. lioulce, ?1 and F2 each. Thrco larcc, or aix small Tor SO. Ky fao.slmllc Is oa both tho LaVol and Outeldo Wrnrpcr. no otheh is oe:;uii:c to Po not conround llils P.emcily with ILo po-ealleil 11 diemlenl Food ;" andikirticularlynvoid nUpniira. lions containing iron, wl. kills a. anil tUI 'icr UI, which has mi tt iuti K rnormrv w n m nt. ol,l by tho lrost reB'etab!o liriT'iitts llironchout t'U:iiti.dMat(sniid llritl-h 1 rovii'i(s,nii.l Whohsalo Hal l'.i tall at tho Cccrol Di pet In the I niud J. WINCHESTER, SO John Street, H. Y. SlanliH. Wll. Lidit ILisrht! Light ! 1' A It A U (J N I'OAL OIL BUKNKKS AND I.UIl'S FOR BURNING coal, Ki:itn-!'.T.. ou cur.nx oils. 'plIF. best, most brilliant .... I ilieiip-i-l port.u.1 licui I now in use. No il.iuirer of ellilo.ioti und llieinn r than Huid. lard oil. fish oil ur .umpli.-ne, Wilhoiit liu cxpelisi of gas futures. 'I lie ntioie Lamps with all their l.m. y trim las) 1, seen hnimht ut tlu old 'd llrujr an.) iheiuii-.ll Mora it tin L.n.r.i .no.l. w in ll.itt. rs .iiuselt t .at Iriuu i s loll'' ex p 'rienee In the lima trade no auows now- anu him-h- i. h i), and i dtUrimneii notluhi. iindersolil by au ..ueiii lllooinsiiurir, ur snrrouiiuiiia eouiiirv, mil nnu p i new and will seletted stock of uiiuris, mi:ui.;im;s mj ciikmiuals. p.mxts VAIl.N'IMIlLs. IIYLSTUFFS. UII.S l.l.naa FIIOM 7'.l tnS4i:iri ruNPIXTIONA. HUH. I'Llll'UMCIlV NU FANCY 'JOILIPP. Alt Tlt'LLS FOR LAIlIi:-. t UL.VT.4. TO R AC CO AND CIGARS, AtrlM Itrniula. I'atctit MuiIkuiph of cf TV arlttV ill l.i 'mors, (ituri'l tor jiiciliiiiul Uhb only, 1 tuii),U.Tiiil',lLli'-' t'lirii'iji Oil, 'I'urpeniiiH ami vMcdiol. TriieB.MiouIdcr nratt'g mnt Ahiloinmiil uplOltol1 urgicnl and Dtii tal IiiKtrmiicni,Hiieli nml arnl touth Itrti In it, (-'.iini.Iii'i. i,iir.-v- iiDiiiii'tmihic ltLinfdiL'41. Cartltii. Canary, Uuik1 and Ih-inp nci'il. Tlifrinointtorii, proof rUss .'.loniCLo Until cr und FiniliuK, c. together with Hie UrguFt and mubt uriod afcortnieut of Utriuau T'jj tt and Y rt IS K r KUilU o eur brought to tins place, ull uliiih plea-c cull und tee ami nu iimt Mievu. Iluvlnu knrnud ty tad t'xitprlcncc that "lone rredtt will not kuen tilings inoiiit'," I liau dctcrmiuud (o toci'libujcri', to make it an ohjvrt to iti. io will ae the hcllLT. to deal ou tliccali prmtiplu, luoue) or nail) trade. . , , I iu inir ki fir-d a n pillar niir nt cnt-ii h at the IUiil' .itid Apniti 'liiry buiin--i( b'-ridi'i. 1iu1ii inrrifd it on lor U1W !Utl i-i;oi 'I'll j t'r, u'l my unii in', luuii-r ui).'lt tlut I am ubl 1 to do jiiriiu1 to all t-'ivtni; mo a trial. ThsiuKful totlii? public ftr pat tavoru, 1 would urk a trial on tho new pitiu-ipli', und will iruarautee to all.tlut it will niako lout' fri u U, and pay b. tt in the rnd to pay lj1i and buy at rcducjd pritcn. I'll YSlUlAiNC) rjtfci UU'l lUINO rnri'fully minpoundrd.and all onlem torrcitly answered, , ui' du-inc Kuarnnteed at recomnn'iidud, Htoro llooin on .Main Htrcei, near MniKct, next duor lo thu I'oat U I' ll Cf. Ulooinriburi,', Culumbia couuiv. I'.i. lU'HKAIM 1'. LUTZ. Aiiuufct 4, 1 1 A littlf. hut olti'ii filln the piiri, SAVING FUNDS. ,T?lt.Kl.lN BAVIXO t'UNII-N'o. 1 111 H-uth I rourth tftrui-t, ! tWLtu Clietnut and Walnut rhilailelphin, pays all depnits ou demand. 1 licponitors' iiiniH-ywcured bj limcrnment ttatu an 1 t'Hy l.u.itu (.round Kent, Mortises, ic. This Cuuipauj leciu atity btlkr thin larj;o profits, t oiiiu'iui ntly w ill run uo rirk w ith di-pn,t-tors' inula) , but haw it ut all times rtaJy to n turn with 5 per cent, interest to the owner, us they halt, c always iloue This company never sukpeuded, n i enrues. mnrrieu or eiuie, aim .iiuorn, tun tic- poiit in thtir own riiihl. and suth Uepits tan be withdrawn only by their consent. 1 t re tiianor pi'petuai. iurorp(rateii ny thcrtate of IV uns) l uaia. with authority tu ruthc money Oil ice open daily from U to 3 o'tloik, aud on Wid uesday evening until i iA lock. nuiLCiviis. Jacob 11. bhauuoii, Crus Cadwalladcr. John fcMiJtiill'jr, t:cort,ro liiisftll, lu W. Moan, Edward T. Iljatt, r.fwin Kruiiiiiiurr. lltnrvlii:lanv. N'iilllas Hillt'iihoiuo, Hmeilliy, Jui. 11. tJullicrthwail.', Kiihnain Itlandiard, JOfcCptl MltpllMOtt. JAL'Ult It. hllANNOX, rrsidvllt, CVUUd CADlVALhAUUlt, Treasurer. MurrJi 1.!, l.J-,'ni. oin- , "A llolla'r saved is twice earnid." . WIXK AND LIQUOHS. 1 iirun r r?u a p n Ar, n r?tiA rr i w" rublir t'ufjin i$ r 'p-ittfullv inlleJ, Those f.iiboriiitf V,,(,,h,.l,hu,..1 .iet.r.1 can at onco rill.v? the.n.elve. (on I 1 cl'no 1. .So Vwiatto Ufo M.dliln a D,. Mor, ptlOHO -try .1 .Moffat's Life Pills iMJ(KNIxilITTKUS. 1 ' , i.n-n i,, in ne niiU c for hnowno tr Tli"'0. W "2"; rn , h a , it llaio Invu mala. a net i "in i nar nhlaX i ilornrtor In nlmott tury Pt of Ilm JVloiiat'S Life PillSi 1 fnlln.K ' 1 lv llatl in their Mtory, ibey Had hitueil f .. iW xt-tv vcrne an unu nciy B' V. . .f. .T ! . ii.. hi uniform enjoyment or luultii, niiii; ; I mil i hiell Ifo Itsi ll is oiiii, I" i,"... , . ... ,.,ii i, i, .a.i. p.., cri ui . 1 nhlcli no "se "" ,,.,,-,,,... ir, iiHlee, lia.1 the I r in ) i ,. ",",, "Vi e fcoiu If I ,ll itoiilil!.!! principles Iiroll'llch'Hi.y'werouinlloi'inileil, 'an.l .1,101. l,ld. tluy cotiBcmeiitly net. MOFFAT'S PIKEN1X BITTER & .MoV.U's I'hnenlt miters aro sn cnlleil, hecauso they ".'B Wi..i'm Is prohahl, nn n,. ...I.I. .Urn m a . eili" ne, ll.a lulu.lous use of hl. . I. s Kvltem I .trS thl subslanc. of thu hnncs, an, IlSlilil orsu than the disease. I.iru 1'H.I.S AND 1'IIOIN'IX iin-i'Kiw. Th 1 If.- Tills ami I'huenlx Hitters linio alw 11) sheen l.i a'll successful In tills class of .l.seas.s, nml will "'S'1'11). 'r. .,1 merriirv troll. lv s), r tliai t ie .i.ustpoMeilul pr.Taratio,,, ..r sa m r.. IU. They aid nature lu iiutlnf Iron, the ;!. .. nil . . Si r. nml hi thus uurlf) i.12 the ital fluids, ,i. .v r. .lure tin' ey teiu'tn health. llw'i O i,l.ilnt.-A cll regulate.1 nnd proper . .. .... .! ,r i.ii.i .M,.,ii II... ,1.1,11.11 li is nlwals re iili'i'lJ lor the iiro.iiotio.1 of sound l.ealth-lt 1 K - 'ruiedhy the ilmlrom tlu hlood. ll.encu it , lut" li.lo.iui.H ami inteM lies, .mil res'ilates ,P.;.?!n'...J 1.11 . Thus o see when th.'ru l n il. licie licy i".'".- i'.v ',' .'.U"-"l hue ;a,V.V.'fro.i.ii'..tinu.e;f.i.r.... PI'll't r"rl1''' i"f"rmntlo .an l,e 1 " ' :. . 1. ...... ...t.-n iiroii.utes er sjvero at.acss 1 01. me si"... ". :, . .. . i .i..ii. 1 I of diseases. iiiiii(...kiii.i i....- LIF12 JUiUlUlMiS. The Life Meduiues hlioulil, if po,sil,li., lie laken in ,,. e.,rly .' ' ' . . ' V .,oV, ' ., .i'n I. illn iliolls will nosillli.ll .......I. . .......I... ..... Ill .IlKIOllllll.lil.l ii. I 'iIUi-iAs' ot' m.r co.ililieul, renders iiiiiiiiicnt iimncs.... Ire-ih ir tlrlu-'S sneak lortlieui. ', ,iVl. l'.ll-.-'I'l.o " s j of llieso Pill', f'r a ler) short t ine, will ull..t nu . ure ... f..,lt llh.-uni, .....I I f, ;.n .. ' lm iroveiiii nl in tlw " learness of 111.! sklii.- ilVit a iur. C.Vn nion Colds ami I..H lenr.. will nlw..)s nu iiireu ny . . ................ I). III.. II IUKI IllfCS. P.U.S1 V...s"-Tl.o oriaiiial.proprielnr of these Med icine, was .ureil... ...isoi . jc n b. -i ue ... illI... r i ... r ...i,,. .... known hyu ffill.u of teusi in ur pain in tlw lihl snlo about Ho r.'lMon t ''' !" " 1' " r sv. out piiiin.ii.ues nun i "i'" ' . , ' :.- hmitli, .!ryuiU4li and nation M inimi. '1 his i i sens i ma j li pro U.e d 1 ) ml ., by i iole.,1 en n Is... by fnlense sui.u.n'r !l by lung tntlu"''d f. ler or acne, und l.y i .irluus soli I io.iiril.o ia In III- sub "n V... t ..... il. ..... iir... in rniiM . t.r. plllllLC O. lllOlliei. ............ --I--- - -- ib-raiiKeiii ut of tliMliaistiiu oru.n.s. auppr s'ed sicru lions, nod inilital solii.tud... n hull ..r- very fr.-plent of oh.truitioin and diseases of III' "it. ruin iiisuiso .uo. i.i o .mi". " v,;v, ,ii' wliu li tan hj done by a lew iloa.-s .1 thu I..I; I .'I'. When onie Ihe liivr i aroused tn th perf-nimncc .r its nroli'-r piui'tio'is, little more is re-iuii-ito thai, lo.ou. tluilo a prop, r iisuof the iiiedieiii s. a s.eedj ru toiery will ensue. I Futn ss.i Alien - For this scnilrgn nl Iho Ucster...1 coi.utr, tln-se iiudirl will be found .. safe, tul) lill.l lerl.llli remeii). ,jui. i i... .......--. suliicit to a return of Un: disjasi-u luru hy lliese Med- '!l!s -Thii'iunst horrihlo inses, in win. I. the fare, hones and linili- of the l ulim li id beeu oreii il upon hv lb.' Ii.nill.iblc disease, are pruied, hy imdemaUj nf liu snll'irers llieiuselu a, to h. ne In-ili rnmplet.4y cured by Huso purely leplahb. inediiines, ntUr all ii.ul been lound more useless. ... ... Iiidieeslinu and Ilyspepiia.-lf we were called upon lu sneilfy on- disease Willi I. m"r.t than liny oilier Is the b.iue,(wii.liil i- th.'oir,prliisoriiiiln.ition)wu should iu It is u.-nen.llj uliemled, or r.illi. r i. ro.liutin-. of i. of HI-, as lle.rllmrii. l'l.ilill,ue, .. Bliawliif i... i. "I th slooi.nli wli.-n i-nipl) u pliisj of uiic"info. table wusht l. I. full, pallia i.i liu ilirunt. and mt of the st.uu;.. I tn'i u -t, li.-ss, laiifUor, utiii 1 llitigii -sstu tiiket-.lertiso.Jl.c'S UFF. Mr.l)IVl.TA M 'll'.t's I. II'.' Mediilni's are p.-i.UI iidiipted tilth; ol this i! trelil! oui'ini i n.-y ail .. poll .... ho" 4 in a iery mild, aud, at ll.i same liu.e, i.ry tll'i r. I des. ii,t..u ut manner, and 1. lie i.eler yet failed t.i Hire this Jis ' Auricuitural and lln.lirliltura! Iirii.l.-in, nt-ea-e when used a. cornine. to our d.rerl. ' Warranted Fresh and lieiiuiue Field, Harden nnd I , f. n.-rnl lie. ..Ill The lnnl eom ....... it all nml- i rrieeds. In riana.lel. AI,,,. No. I I'eriiiliu' is ol a general u'lahims m tlu wlode sys- irnuii'iit lii.aiiu. and olli.r n l'i rlili.i-rs . r .in t, in, iiii.ieci'iiip.iiiied hy any parlii iti.ordi r. or ue. .( tr),in . roH,Fnul ami fin. urn iit.n'l r-i s olid tl.. . 11. .ate s of disease. 'Ill re is a Utile llt.ll Ml- b -ry, ihoiie Lursreoli', Kiui s. ll.i. .i , ray, .1 loss of appi lite, unwillllillH'SS. und indeid iii.i- i j ,. H,,ic st a loiitinll'iine ul f. run-r I ll-loin luliiy to imdi-rin i"l rllmis. Ireipi-ut li '.ol.-o I. .s. ind. Innd, menl, Seed, and Nura.'rr'ii. s, ....-liou. ol. ...liuies s.illowii' ss nnd dryness ol th" shin. 0u appliiution. l ii limy I . f,'irisliui-BS, uul.lne.s lor mmkI). In sin rl I'AI'HAI.L Ml itilil- all those syn.pliiius ul limauor. ih-'iui.-lmle, and weak. I Afrieullilriil nnd Heed tVnn hoie, An, II. hi 1ih line in i " ' , ,' ' "', I , er- unit a low, unhealthy and ...orhlJ toiidil.i.u ! the Lifu Pills .Hid riiornix niltcrs. Th.. I.ifj PiHh ami Pli nit Hiit'rn nri. in rlnpx, thi btl rumi'dy for rtfturiiir,' ir.ntli to tho b".l ' UUHKVHVUH. art ti n ci-ntle laria.irtir. mid, by thur lyi.i-. 'pialitiL-a, ' ;rt tc yttc lirick Three Utorn Carrijc Frur ., blri'iistlicii the wliule wltin j,cale j:rjtlf, MoHTif I.tfu I'ilN. l'trittnnffiiph-t'mricliabit.wlioSrilin Mitmrriti r would r-pL-illiilly aniiounr fiaill. or irow i'mm'ch, irnm kic u n " m umu i m t-u ll. id. olioul I t tki' thi'rtf THU I'lV'pt'lill). AUVH'I. TO rr.M.M.H. IVnul -s who ;il.n tin ir lifulth tti'iiii.l nevtr bj without thu I.itc i l i ii'-r. .m iln-y purify tin blood, roiiiow ottrii(ioiu.tiiid (!ivi the kiu u b.'autiluli tkar, healthy und blooming npjii'ur anci;. To I'.Mcrtv rurfion?. Minv healthy asvd imln Mould who know the uluc nt .Mniliit' l.i I-j Mi'dkiiifd, m.iku it a rnlti to taUc linn two it lhre' tiiinn a wvik, by whkh tltcy rci.Mvo tlu inusrn that i-rndiin1 sw, pre em; their health, and kvip oil' thu iiiltriuiil.: ol' l'acta for Mother end Nnr. It in n f.irt, rstib lushed b) he blis of lunrl.ility, thai ono ,uf of Hie (hi) ircu borno art- rut otl bvUw utialniii" n tii ji-i.m a.ui Hu , ' . Mm ii'.iii'itj p tmtnd loixit in ktutu r.f thu htimut Ii and, bowtU whkh produtL'd tho (.'cut rJitiiui of woroii", .i ihu mife ri'btortr of Infuitile li?altli m thin t-UiU , the J.lfe MeHninrghuw lorn; held u ('i!iiiguuh.'d npu-; tatiou, and fur foulu?ii8of th'j etomath aud bow i In, and itJiiuUio m, although worinn may nottlnl, it i allow id to be superior to any othir. .MoflUi't. Pill and Uitl r. ICo ineiliiiufs at pr-'cent known imu don. co in-nh jroa l to m.iiikiuJ ,u tl cm-, within thu lad few jfurs; and curlaiul) noui h,ic lit'cu rt-wurded w ith !i."ru ntimtioUN and autlutitic U$ tinionlalti t tht'ir inaruulj utidrxtiMirivcrm ny mild and pi -asaut h. op, ration, l.ul will ,.owu- full) restore health-that freat. si of . arlhl) hie, sinss lu the muft tatuUfctud and di api dated toiibtitutioiis. rrt-'prtu iy Dr. WW. H. SlorKAT, :t.I. Croadw ay, New York, vnd fur Sale hy all4Uniepits npCt l'i ly. a tin Rwr..i$ AOHIUULTUHAli WAUK1I0USE, Nos, 21 i)' 23, Soitlh Sixth strut, mar tho State ll use. PIIII..MIi:i.l'III., IT.XNA, nl'A' Hours of litis spei lous buildim. er, ct X for the propriilor'slrade, ar- .lured wit .l,.ii.iits.d, nnd carduiirs. b.wv Vkias,ntn.-'I'll i tiib'iri'iera desire In ual.l.m Hit ll.un I.iibin's, L'uudra) ' nail 'I .alt, th utto.iliun, of Miry one Interested in laru.iiiL' iii..ti,r,J.r. Puii. IIlik'sOi... uud Burdiiiinij tu Hi ir will sil.iUd tloik of Asmullu- Ji"-"i.i' Suju U Aim Iron. Poiilain I'ou.'i.ii' ralTuuls, ' IIoiliAautiuliA mill r.j nips... ItarrauliJ a.irJni and Vloirtr SttJt Gratt and iV.W. , rilllD'K UIUIWV, J. 4;.lis, t'ftkeuioti rclullr iimtfy. H. K. Cor. Pill uud ClK.lioil'" Tin Auriui.turul nd.l h) ui aro luo.lly ' Allt"H, JMO liui, ... i.iulnclured at our iljuiu works, I l'.i. lluilug llttid up our o.t ildl.huiuii without re?nrd lo expense, Willi tho iiun-l eoiuplitJ liiatliieni.ry fur the manufacture of l ariuus kinds of ucri.ullurul ...ip.riueiits we aro now pr. pared to supply all uitlilesln this lluu lully, if not superior, louiijlluiiguf the kind mr hcioro oil, ml to the piihlic I.andr. Ill's wariauled llardcn Seeds l.aiu been btfore tlio pt.hlii. lor upwards of .illy jinrs, llie.r wide popularity, and Ilm iiicreu.i.iu'ikiuaiid Iroui jear to), are tho best luidenu-s of ti.iir superiority uir all vill'-lS. Country merchants can bo sumilied with seLda in O ? pers, or iu bulk, on ll.i niu.t liberal ler.ns. pur.ll,.sed ll.ewl.ere. lll.Kiinsdiile, near lirutnl, Pa., our cardni scud itrouiids, 1 ll is a.. uy mniu r to coials at a low 1" nuiuiii. Hire.! huudred und .eveutv acres, uud is tug as 11 neuernl rule, they uru just us low lii.iiJ.. laruu.t i-.tablishmenl of its kind lu wo.ld. pun Uood arlicleuli. irv low iiniuii nuiullir" v , ... c n e. IAI';VN1.)"I."1'i.', B"'1' 'lll'uilu''lty. I.owua, i uikrid I" Aes. 'il i-oi Soutklsiitk 4trcitt l'IMadiltibh, C7J Laii.liclh'a liuiul llei.ter and Aliiunae lor l-f. JIHY (WOPS, t.lwCI runialniiiK a l'arm, Harden uud (in. .1 lluu.o Calandar ! Jl.iltHIMKK. nVELXfi for elerv iiiiiulh in dm n.iar. . ..ti 1... I... . a.. ........ . ..... .i ... . ....i i . "'"- WESTUU, E30 I lifif Noa. 0, 11, 13 aud 15 Couitlanil street. 110AHI), 81 SO l'Ell DAY. ii. ii.vini;iii;bti:i!. 1'iios.o. winch ctrnn. NEW YORK. May I, I8i8 THIS WAY CHEAP BUYEHS. RI.tlOMSllI'lu; cheap cash More, u;ain re Ii ul.lied with a slo,k of bl'HIXn auoiu-vka uru now prepared lu olf. t lo the public a i ery l.und.n.ue li t of fpiinj and riiu.u!ir IJooil.ut usual low prices, loi KKADY PAY ONLY Come clou; u nh ) uui rash and produce. ,, , ,, ll. t-. 1. V 1IAIIT.MAX Maull 13, leujj. itL,tLE!i!l & ME 2s ID Da ass IMPROVED STANDARD Snpor - Vbosphiito of Liinc; - ; - f. tifiMMir-i! nttlcle, hi ton tt iint Mnt hy timitiamli of l'nrin r nml HaiiUri fur I'icc W lbr 2000 els. perl b. rJ:ilUVl.M. llw.-h.Ml illrctt from the (Ummium 'rZ!" 1 T'lVf cUcs rcw"rnlllzrr. Price 8:W per '2000 tfa. (lj ctntpvr M.1) Asn niJHT. Uutum makiHm if Pt & llrouhj llonci. ...... i.,.iu r:n, 'nrranH"l I'uro. Is linmls, A liberal dciluttlmi m."1" lu Ht.m in un nil the nl.ote nttiiles. .... . ., ,,., , . - . ... .. i it. ... ii re. II. tvo nniu n i.iruo n. o.,.. . ... i. n. ...I l.v t 10 vnr uus Jterirvttvrnl een. Ilr, Hkl.l. )uu aril re..icsteil In rail anil cva.i.i.ii.. IS rJiiutli tVlinrwa and 41 Monti. Wulir r-l, (lrt More ulitre ChtXnut,) riliLU'tll'lMl. LUW INS lJ it AMOK. mi: un: i.vwm.wi:, .ixxmry Ill Ml NU. -KHuasiM-T sntm, UAl'lT.M.lpalil lli.) mil Olltl. Charter Viriirlnat. CovtIM 1: t" iu" iwi.ii.iww "a una w the must ii nsolialiji; terms. The ti.piti.l lieinx paid i'I" nu'l lint'Flcil. tut'i tlur ni.ii n larcu nnd conl.intly ilu re.iEll.fc' resitlcil lund.olhr, u perfect re. i.l.l) l.i Ihe luM.ri il. in... rif..i.,.uioiis must he na.J 1 curly half learlv .. Ilii'Comimi.j nililnH.lM rtperioMilillylii Ih" lnu. ram i t nl life. 'I'll'' t'lllHT IHIVL't. np.ri.irliiteil In .,.. remhi f. HH. Hi" MUfUNII HUM'S In ll.ieml.i r, Ijj the Till 1111 IIUNI'tJ in Hi ei luliir, ItSl.nnil the l'OL'In II llONL'rllll llecmlii r, IM'J. CThi'si mlililiiins iir ' iisrulr- uill.nul ri'ipiif'njr any Incren-o ii. life priiniuins In h-' paid In tlm t'otit.niii). Thi. r..ll..u iiiL am t. low c.tiiif.!es from llu Iteei.t. . . .iiii.iuiii.i t. in) m.j runi noil,.- "i Insured addition sii.HI S'i j" 300 l.lo'l )(MI IU.1 ll ,'i.HHI IfT.I 11U tu he iiirri-ari'.l h) future lidil.tiolu. fi,:i-7 .-.ii i.ii.'n tin l.llnl III t..e7.i tin Policy Nu. c"J i:u 1TI an i.c. .c, tir. eVr. l'.l.lip lets, .nntainiii tahli-s nf r.iles 1111.I i-s.l.iii:i.i,in louim 111 u.iii. . TI10MAH litlim'.W'AY, l'rt,,,l,u. Jno. F. J imls, .frlsery. 1.ISVI I.. TATU, Jl-tnt. F. I'. lliRnlsos, Kminining I'hftUtan. Urloher 10, lrSi-l). Lackawaiiiu & BlDiHilsbuVf Hallioai!. ( AMI Al'i' APIIII, !M. Irtll, I'AS!-'l:GM j Tii.iixs n u. i. i;r. .if iiii.i.inijs. .11 O V 1 . U ri U U 1 II. ' reiVtr J Vitlli-niftr. pnjuni'tr I. li A. .tl, l.l.Ji .1 M T.'.'ll 1 im ! jj '.ilk. r.u IU.'i 7.M 10 -M N'UKTIl f. r-tnton, Kiiustnii Illo'iiii.liurir, llllllllh-, ".N'urt .iiiuherhnd, 31 UV1X (1 Northumberland, I'. in. ille. Hluen..biirr. Ki.igvtoi., 3.311 P. .11, I.W I, (SI A. 1 s.:nj ll.a,l ;-u3 ; Arrive l-JUU v. 1.C..1I! .I3 P. .11 Arrilo at r.Lr.ititoii, f.U3 P. .M. 1.13 A I'lise..!,'. r 'l'rair. nlsnlea.-. s Kiticston at H.15 A M for M-r niton, to roiiui . t ll illi train fur .New Vork. it. turning, lei.i.-s r-'crantoi. mi arriiat of Train from Nen York nl 4.4.1 1'. M, 'I lie k..w anna and lltooiii.burir Htiilrnad roiiiien. w itli the ll,'l.iw are. I.iirkttwan.... and est rn Kiiilr.h.i at r-rr-tutoll, lor New York and iliti rtuedi.itu poiutsis.i At Rupert it con nerts null Hie Cill.iw iss.t Ilui.roa.l.r. t jioints both l and w est. At Northuiiihi'rlund it cnunerls with the Ptulud Iplii fi Frio nnd .Vorllieru LVnlral II. It. mid Frio It li.r.r jiou.tswcst south. JOHN F. II.SI.F.Y, Sjft 3. :. Wells. HcaV 7'icAcf JIl'ii May I, Isul. A GHK ULTUKAL & SKKD WAKK- PASCHALL M011KIS, lM.SO KtMiH I i illB PHILADELPHIA A GRICVI.TU RAL .) SEED IVAREliOrsi:, From th; Xortli-F.t- '.'orii'T ol rl iciil'i an I Mirk tilroitstn his N'JA' STAXII. Vu. Il-.'ll .MAIllilPM 0FP0-rn the r.r.MEK!i' marsw inr..,s f..r jiiti". n I, ,r. 1.1 ........ I I . tireil.oji ilisilelll,. 1 uru.i r .lilirl.i.1. J.iiuur) 1.1, 1p.II. ' NKWOAKUIACJK ESTAHL1SIIMKM puhlif, that h.t roiiiiuiMii cd tlu. -in tt wauuv m.i; , n all it if tarmuii lir,inrhcii. lie in r. u i luoiiiii isny ihi iinini ni r if l.i I' lliiiidifd wurkwhiilh punhi.ri. will tint i 1 liir.ill und i .uom'1. ill Itf d..iiL in tin- oitii j riunpt mid capful and upon Urms wlilrli cmiii.t l.ul tti mr a iiiri.i VTH UVJ.KIIH.J; A U l! I lllooiiisnurir, .pril -Jc, lrZ5, ' Good Shoeing und (iup Smiilticf. fi in, unoprKiaiu'dtiniir.iiiiirorp'i'.t p.itrn.iL' ,r- , rny Imwma hU tn- iidn and thv i uMic in tat ho tUU rontiuu. tho Jiriwiiv,n iTTtw t t pcl . O JJ X 1 1 1 1 ii U XJUM T.tSh, tii't Old Maud, on tin; lull, alx'vi lh ilail l lis aiious brauihen, ut low priw , n nu ml" buijf, anu suilLUb lliuj'ublic p.itfi.n;iff. - , . ki'ia-iikn v.son How m thu rg, Juii" 5, l-5s jVRKiriv 11!N iVV AM 'flWIVelST jf T2 5 1 ft V 1 xV 1 J - J Vi ilfllJ O.!2)o d t 't'0.-7.ViVW. II0T1I Mnth and ilirstinit Slrcris. OlToaITt THU "Utl.allli lloc.t," i'illi..l.i:i mii iLr" .iMUticix, tw.wit, ,ixi nr; hit Toilet Articles. I.iibin's, Coudruy's, Itdjlej's, A.c. &.I-., i.r. P. I. rio.i,s, t-a, has, '1'o.tii Puwdi rs LVmutn. l.iu llr.'oi.ouN.:. uf the best sti stills rs. llfcSI I.MILI..1 'I'.MIIll ItltUSUIM. Of lltl hl.-U ..ll.l .III. d rprc.sly !.Mla.usicT.ilii Wisiit.ofappruved ki.i.l !l ki i .I. ;.i,.l H"t I.M.U.1I IlilK Ilm flits. i u-ias of nil Kinds, l!iiif,ilo. India Kuhber, &r . Spring and Siimnifi A, J, S,L OAN, HAS Just received, dire.t r,om Plnlad. 41 ' Vmk, 11 1 ery tluuiu ussu.tnienl of Sl'ltlXG A.0 SUMMKlt GOOI almoit i-iery new rahric wliith has been lor fprini! and tiu.i..ui r, as w ill us Iho usual a ' 1 ,,f ktapt.t! finnns: .1 1. . .. .11 1 on. 1 m mi o u . no.. ...t ...'i ut. , u.if fish, C- L'all mid s,. ..' Tl countkv I'ttimuci: wantuh- l'.loomsbiirt', April sill, lil. TRUNKS! TRUNKS! ! nrm; i.irpif ...... i i, .- 52" .L ( it and ilu'UiU'ut Uduurt till II I Of S..!., I.. n,l... u..ll.l Iliieteil '1'r... ,.11 tjailu' liouuet A. ...,. '.-..'.-I. Jki . Children's l.'nache., l'ropi. SistiraVU er. .eatli-rand l.'arpet il'nps flfeslS raikl.ij'l-ruiiW ic. ar. a ' , 'I'liOSIAH W M V T Is i'I.nn Ion Prix- Meiinl iioprnv u will, sold NaiUer Trunk mamifaaory slreii. S-mtu weii rurii, i ruuiti. and Ma.k Aumme k.57 if. AH'hlt you have read tlio " li. ..vat IIAU ' 1" Lloomsijure, 'JO, 1c .1 I'I ll.l .ir by til. n i ill nn all ce. Flu Im' a ii the mi cf . or N ami T tho Opi th.) tie pub a'ld K au tea tt n wit' alti a, ro.u .bo M tl that lar C.n srip. Hsu Ofe. N. cull . li W l'.iiil',l- ''PIU' I best moliira-i for the jivii-o in the T) ICE 1.1 :it 01 ccU. ... ll -ILUIdA 1 I, '-