Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, June 22, 1861, Image 3

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    mm DliOCllAT,
Cocal aub Special,
Jolm (J. Krcfo,
I 1 1 mil i n ii.piini ii, .,
fir To-morrow is the Fourth Sunday
after Trinity.
Saint John, tho It.intist'a
Tho bottle of Ranuockburn fought 25
Juno 13 14
uucic lol l.
King George tho IV of England died
21. ,111110 IN'JII
20 Juno 1831).
Joe Smith killed June 27, 18-1 1.
President Madison died Juno 28,1830.
Saint Peter's Day.
SSr Tho Congressional election is to
day) X :o:
kSTDont forget tho meeting in tho
Court House this evening.
BSf Tho Local Popartment of tho JIou
lour -American is Kdiled bv Wilbur O
Urowcr. Ho makes it an extremely read -
uuiu coiumu
w ......... ,, lo u uji iiiu hum
Branch tributaries on a fiiliinir cxcurion
now uenxuiiui una warm weather Wc
u. u
bespeak a mess of trout for this notice.
&4P Tho Djplicatcs aro rapidly going
into tho hand.s of tho tax collectors. 3Ir.
JIartin C. Woodward has tho Stata and
County for llloom Township.
S&r The great Keller mail robbing case
fiom tho upper end of this county, ii oii
eiiui ut 11 iitiaitisporD (IMS WCC1C. .)Ull"0
. . O
Klltinrf. I'nl 'l'oi .,,..1 11 T ...!
j..v, eUl ,iflu j-, jj, muiviniicy,
Mr.E. I!. Suider and mother, as well as j
several oiuers Horn tnis county nro in at
tendance. 0:
BSy-Hiu Atlantic Monthly for Juno is
received. It is the end of vol. VII. Ju
ly .opens a new one, and articles aro prom
isedby Mrs. Stowc, Dayord Taylor, Na
thaniel Hawthorne, Dr. llolnics,;nnd Prof.
Lowell. With such contributor!, it cannot
fajfjto bo u brilliant number.
50.1)1! 0 year 'lienor et Fields, Uoston.
. 1. :o:
'cQr Count Cavourtlio Sardinian States
matiidied on tho lith of thii month. Juno. !
agodincaily fifty to years; having been
bornJJuly 11, IH)!) in the City of Turin
Except tho Emperor Napoleon III, Count
Cavour was tho ablest Statesman of Eu
ropo, if not of tho world. Victor Emanu
el can never supply tho.plaeo of his faith
ful minuter.
1 ' C'Sf Wc have the report of the .Secreta
ry of the American Dramatic fund Asso
ciation, iucoiporated Apiil 1(1, 1819. Wo
havo looked thiough it with great intercut.
I' 'undoubtedly an Aoci.ition greatly to
bo eticouraged. Its pn tcnt inve.-tod cap
ital is S'JO DUO and it has able and honor
ed name3 among its members ; and is ties
lined we doubt not, to smooth tho paih of
thoso Actors, who, having Martcd their
brief hour upon the tagc, have not been
sufficiently fortunate to have secured an
S&lW'u were, one day this week, over
a considerable poition of three Townships
of this" County, and wo are suro wo have
uover seen tho winter cropi look as flour
ishing mid promise so abundant a yield.
A visit up the creek somo three or four
weeks ago convinced us that there could bo
no good reason to complain of the indica
tions of the turn out of tho comiuL' cron :
rt.-.r ... ,
ami our inlormation from those parts of the ;
i-i 1 . , , .
---...j w.v. .....v.. ,,u ii.eiei iiui. etavt'iuu,
confirm our hopes. In the course of a few
days the winter crops will be out of dan-
gcr from evet or weevil, and
their alien,
tion can bo fully turned to the corn, oats,
buekwhoat, potatoes i-c :
Tho apple crop will bo light although
in somo parts of tho county tho trees aro
full and searco able to hold tho fruit. In
most however tho fruit and stem fell to
gether. Tho cherries aro all gone
so nlso aro tho peaches. Berries of all
kinds seem to be abundant, and wc should
adviso thoso residing in their neighborhoods
to gather freely, of them. They will bo
ready salo to supply tho place of other
fruits which havo failed.
ffl-.Thc New Orleans rio ujuiic, fur
aisebos'tho following account of .Mrs U'ar
field, anther of tbo Household of liouvcric:
IIMr.'nV..iil,l !.. it.- .1--i. .. . ' .
.,,w.e ea me; uuuguter OI 1110
jato .uajor vvaro, of iNatchcz, formerly '
Secretary of tha nli,tti.,: 'P i
Her grandfather was Capt. Percy, of the'
UritUh Navy, and her husband, to whom -
.......,f -...,6,t,, svji. .uajor ttare)
bad butV two children, both daughters,
whosb' mother died in giving birth to tho
younger:-They wcro early removed to
1 mladelphia, where tho father, assisted bv
pnvuto.teacliers, devoted himself to their
- -
rducation. In 1843, Mrs. Leo, publisl led
77. TXiM... ni. . . ... . .. -
j, numutTj una outer I'o'ms,
The oniyjadditional event I can givo in
tho ll'fll nfofso U'n-fil.l .-..1.1 ei
. .., 15 UIU 10,e0I ,icr
sisier. uno would judirn, iu roadiii" .'on.
......... . b i'""""""o"'
Vpti tlint n...l t i . ....
i ""u Muiut-r ilati Lome ciiiiuron
and lost tlieu) and that every chord of
!er l)rt ha been tiiod to its utmost ten-
ivtuiwBisuimuu, xiic ty ijC 01 jjCOll CllUl y tt'1"1 "n'i wu Depot., by Willi li tr.iv- 1
otAerJFoims. by Two Sister.i nr,u hw . iXVSwU'M'.m - B R K X 0 II 0 T E L.
. S TV"'' . . . ' Vi ii i'invu V
am JJLAO'ii anotlicr, unucr the fcitln of 111 ""'urs. July 7, lf-co. ' i
,Tho following nro the receipts to tho ofiica
! of tho CoIjUjiiiia Dkmociiat, during
urn inuiau 01 luny, laui
Ilrnbst & n.mmn, 813 oo.Hit nicklcl Colt,
sio no
.III, HUB i.uni,
llvnn c. Jones,
Jacob 1'reasv,
t ,onsa r.vercu, 1 ij
3 Olll'tlcr M.lllcber, 1 SU
n 73 Est, or rnjio Fot, i sis
:i sijt.'lrsrd Lira Ini, Co., n tin
liuiniutcl Mill,
C'upt. Jtlm tlrotcr,
Peter Miller,
Win. n. Drake,
Fnw Icr At frctcllltff.
S III) IVtor Kliincr
I iim ii. r...... n i-l 'J
11 CD I'l.Tll.T II. lVcse.
i 00
christian Wolf, Hs.,
1 5n 1 rcdcrlck llagfim'uch,
1 .1(1 Philip. Creasy,
1 oO.lletij. VV'iiitcislccn,
U 75 i'rctl'k 1'o.t,
1 7.U. A.Jonoa.M.D.,
:i no
iiaVii' i "if;'11 8 u,t'
I i
' w
3 00
3 t!o
(wJit'ffiU.n,,. ! nnttivlihidlno,
J-iri'li llclliott, ,' J'J.VCnI.lllralillt.Klll
J.D. Harrison, 1 .WJarnb lln rly. Use
i nujitciniur mung,
2 SO
I on
1 73
."; llstati! of II. Hmctucn, 1 '
. Iln in,. .1. f , n-.."
Columbia County.
............ ,.uu, , , poena rnynrr.
1. of Henry Viilcr, 1 T.iificorgn K, Hess,
nock Fot, l!sl 1 T.slohn Kotrlilicr,
I. Si. Ill
I r.unrK rot, Hsu,.
J 113
1 7."
3 SO
2 Oil
1 Ii
J 00
3 00 onuhcy,
II. V. Creasy Jt Co.,
B. I P.ottlo,
Mart: k Flit,
1 JnhnPlu'lliomcr,
I John Heller,
3 II. Kelchner,
7 ajjllenry C. Keleliner'
1 aiMIeo-ire llnrtman,
3 i rtnin'l, W. Ilarlman
i 7:. Miis n.k.r. iiuuck.
1 7." '. (1, Harelay.
1 St Win. II. Drake,
unities ll, llictcricli,
aainia sua, iiiiiimi ii
K?ER!s, aROVi: mttitg.
iih l. iiniirrilgiieil.refpertnillylii forma lila frlenila and
L ttm public cenc;ally tlmthc h is Ju-t completed lilt
S,w1!"' "" '''"I" l lalilngcr-ck. In tlrcenwood town,
flop Columbia county, nml lining ono ol the
bint I'raclttnl Mttm In the rnunlry, la now prepared
tiicxerutcniiy l,,...a In ,. promptly and Sialic
factorlly riiohillldlnglii rt l.irja doublo firlrk Mill,
ciiiutructcd In tin mom modem tlylo nnd I'uiployn four
.ii 1 1 b. r.iiriiiiieiiii.iu u iin,, cl veil tot i hull.
1 "tni "' reB,T",cvrinn'
ryer'a Crovc, Juno, S, ISC1. Ini
te of Jatob IhncnlMh, laic tVnli-r tic;,., rfMv,
'f ,:''1'i:l,ldl'j"","tary on tiiectnto.f Jacoo Haobi.
L c,,1'co. "": "' cr.inte,i bytim iicfiter ofodum.
hl.l cnnnlv t(i Hid . i.. ...
, nml county nforeald. All prom lm IngrlnliiH ngaliut
III" crtateof the dcredciil nro rciueated toprcaent them
, for -ttleniciit, and thou, indebted to mako pajmciit mi.
llied atLlv to
mediately to
.... , JT.nil.MIAII IIArilJXP.fcil,
Centre tp., Juno IS, IcM. Kittvtor.
Eilttc of Philip Firz, riceisc.
J I.i:ri'i:i!S toctun-mnrynnllia lUtateofPiiii.u-rniTz
lj Ititu of Hiig.irloat township, in Cn'iin bl.i county tie.
ceni.-d hue h.-en granted by Hi- itcgi,terof Coluiobi.i
county to th I uui eriiiiine.l : nil ....,.., l.. .1.1....
iiS.'illifl tholNtate of Hi u ilcc-ileut, .ire reouofti?.! tcipru
sent tieni In tlio KhiciiMm, attlfir rculdi lire, in Jald
sugirlo,,rt,,hii, withnui.i, yu,i alliiersons
sls.Ltiist lis 1111L11 J...l... ..I. 1
.- "" i'jviii ...;n 1111
JOIIV rill'PZ. I
Junes, ICl.-ct.
iiartnian's Corner.
I US'! received h fresh lot of No. 1 & 2
Mackerel nnd for S.ilu nt
00 D S. II. Sugar for salo at G cents
.A perlli.nt II.VIlT.MANti,
GSperT.r..rilSf0r HVlTv1, I"'!10 ?
.trip, , , , , "AU1MA- thorityof tho Commonweal
13 iiv L!,C0 Shawl3 for "al?IlRTMVW of Pennsylvania.
-nvTi. tc e i V A.ndiikw U. Cuuti.v.
I?XTRA Syrup con'tantly on hand nnd
J f"r Sale nt .'ni u.. por gall, by 1I.VUT.MAS3
pALtCOES .t Mucins for salo as low
J at . ets. per yard at H.V11TM.VNS
rv tT'PL'V I' n , - i
yi.xAij.i , imiii3 ju-t rueciVCll a HOW.
j uu ami ior cue ill II AliTMANrf.
r'EMENT by tho llarrel or liu-the all-
VJ liMliiilliilH lt uMlrvtvJ
The on . ,? J , ,, I. ,n IlAIUMAN,-.
DlO'nin.btir;', Jim 1 1. isri.
6tiiB'i VOSJ S E.WaiAD.S Y
Imjiarlnnl Adililiois iV ir ovt uiciifs.
Au'.inin Tcnnto Commcnco August 12, li'il.
'plllrf lil-tllulliill which has been III Mieeessful opera
I t mil lor tho p i-t leu ji-.irs, is ithout undergoing a
. re im pint mi reiioi.ilioii.iu or ler lopl.tee It on a unttu
-laid! UJi Mill. in i-t i r. and pre.llit luillitles which are
not s irpass -d b ordinary Autdi nil -s ill Northern I'eiiii
svliiuiii. Among Hie liuprov emeiils will b,i a tdrj
tlnee-Horl -il biiildnig whiih wl'l gho liiuih addilioi,al
loom .tud gre.iL t co.neui. lice, for boarders, n commo
dious h ill t,,r u Irutiire room au,t public e-tereltcs, con
t nt , Lis. cifiiiis, a liblary ami reaoing ruomcontalii.
.... ...i.tiii. .inu euriosiu s, nam rooiiis.
i .in etperl oieed .in.l thoroughly pi.iliflcil this I
liistriltiioii, hul the rrini witt It l
' r , i i, i hi iiie licit! oi inu lloar.l t.r
int. e. ..... .1 .....
ih, ilati a i.ft ..irlilns. If y.ilar hi. lurVs wi Ihe d -liv'. '
I" Tl ill' ii (It HLt; n i it iinlittilirin nii.l intynm t i. ..... , .
riHn.iif iiu.n am wo....,. i...v .n .
ivii nr ieacii'-rii iir.Mt.8Mun. will n-rLivu umm i.ti t
t 'iiiiuit an 1 (uh t.nue.
Thi rinne nl iiiiirurti.m in ttm erltnol n ill do t!m
riHih anil sy-.teiii.ttii-, calcultituil In t' tin uirimH
1'Milcl fa e.lui'atn iuple pruf lsioji will
lei nii'lt fur th i Muil) uf IiibIit inatlit'iiutiM. r lL.
tlmi'lation ul rhi-ict an I (hi! .Natural tkL-iiLt-,), Uy
m:tiA cif Miitahl.) app.iratiiR, anil lur the tmly nf tho ni, llreelv, uuil (ierinan J.iii(uae,tti i-nalilu htmli-iita
ti 'i.-if i r- tti -iimcIvi's fur cDiiiiiii' and a iciititlc pur
hntt, nr ui i-ntir any ilaci .(tri-IIef,
'I'll j c'ltint ry lu'Miii'ii uf tlm d'-ittin.iry in a rt.'asant
linage, in a halthy anl il mrMunic I'fi hburhu'nl, well
known fur Hi j iluwilt-d t"ui-f it moral M-nthm-nt, ami
Mh"Tn tli" pujiiU are not surr'inii.Iu.l by th.-ae ilumoral
iini; iuil.n iic.'H, anil teiiiptulhrn-t fmiiul jn nnr ri(j,s
l.irnt'r tnu H3 and many other ItiiMlitien, uli no uitijjilu
inrtiiL-nres tu itmrt thir attcntioti frnin ln.-raturu and
th.t wurkif mental niltur prfiiaiitg attra-tinm an. I jn
diict'iui nt ( turniisiilenite pariitj i-inultiiit Fltiitents, n, (.
iIimii luiiti 1 dirriJtiiitliii'4 I.tre ti lnmg anil aradeiniL"
a 11 Literary c'ocietynlso. oiiu of th'j old
cumin, t.-.i m this .eetlon efeouutry, pn-o
!' fj.ituroand luelul autllliary, to a pra
i it i.iU'rary Micieiy aUo, uuu uf Urn ulik-M :uui u .(.t
iiIh an allrjf- ln. ...
The improvement will h un Ut llicimin"diat'finriTO
i-f uu riiiriiHit Hoard of Tr'taUin, appointi'd by th" Hi'mV
inary Uniup.iiiy, and w ill l.j i-tttjH-ttf t inlimefur tho
Autuiiui t.TiM, to cniaiiH i:
inu i mi ui Yiiyuii ii..t.
conimuame i,f .iia'la fa us aswe i, , . , I " "
huhur irrad c ami u nh r"i- ( i. ns..nt
filly colicit a careful c..iuiinatiuu into our tatilitn'ii and
T E It JI S :
Hoarding, washing, tuition, lights and incidental in
pense, foriuio 'pi.trt.-r of eletcn Weeks, will bo Thirty
II.. Mrs, one hall ;liyaild in ndtaiico-tlio oilier half
mratiou of h ' ualt ir l""","ly 01 ""' "-
Willi furnished rooinsnns , ei,mi
Tuition ill common Dugli.h branrhes "s'oil
inelii ling MatlieiiMilea and llok Keeping
by Double I'.ntry
Tuition in Latin, (,'rcek.nud tleriiiau eitral
Washing. Lights aud ili.idsntal l itieiisfs,
one .pliiter,
Those who Jesjre t.iproeiiro si bo'
.... 1 -.,, ,. ,1, u.ei.iii.noii.iieti ill
11 -i siii.icins wishing to procuru
season ible uooliiatlon.
l'or farth'-rparlieulars address. IlL'IHinpS. Prlnrinal.
. .. .Milllille, Peiina
, tuiiiih ,, esTr as, J, K. litis. )
Dr. A. P. IIli.i.ui, ' Ktis. Trustees
loiJAiiiN u, i:cs, )
inim. miy i 1. ISO I.
Ci E O R ( E
II. R O 1J E R T S ,
L-J '""' j")
XS' Vl'i 2fsN.,r' '','''r41 StrCcl. I
- - - - LI U1, '
ipllHProprietorortlils well known and centrally Iocs.
, s. leu House, ine lAUItlui: II.itll, tilllato oil ,tl,ii
Htreel. in lllooinbure.. iiniiie'illatelt- ..tM.,s,iii tlm i'.,i
bia l.'oiinty Court House, rospi etl'ully i'M'oniis hu frie'lldj
und tho public in general, that Ins Houso Is now in or
de-r foi
nr the reception iindenlerminmeiit of travelers who
may le
I disposed lo futorit ttitli llieir rusloul. Ho has
I11',"1''1 "nctpeini- in preparing ino i;tuun:, for the
.iim. Em.,., in- ui-, sii.iii lucre lie anv.
'!? u,'""!l,',"!,("" '"; '''"ll to '"''."' "' i""iii
bU'"' - UulTi'b!!s'es
-V ih ili'voleut Institution ostnl,llsh...t i... ,..... i ,...i....
nn lit for Hie r.licf of the pick uud lll.lri ssed. iilHuled
u..,di:p,do,io iluea ' J ; 1
'"' ' "' 1"'""'" "i" nm nuii organ., im;
l'1',""y.f'''".l" painnta in all pans ofllio LiuledHlatus
t 'i'f i'if!mln t'.V.V.'lilii' " I''"'" "f u' - "ilod'ril.ite.
V AI.U.V ll.n ltni'tlltTd on Hliiiriliiitrrli.Bn 1
'r',!;,7'i' ftle rVinal Organs, und un Hie NKW
1.1 Ml. Illl S omployeil, sent I,. Hi-amine, 1 in seal 1. 1
l.tti if lit clopn, riq of charge Two or tlireo Htampa
for postasu ttm bo arciptable Vddress UK J tKII.
LI Hill I.HTUN' Attinit liurgriui Hntvard An .nia
...oi No v-iootii Vinili v-trcci Philadelphia pa
. i a i'CI .
run at all tim-a bilwneu thn i:xctirnic
Sheriff's oale.
T) Y v!r
rJL mo djr
Pleas of Col
virtuo of a writ of Fieri Ficias to
i directed. Issued miril,a rim,.. r f-n... .......
lea. of LVlmnlila t'mini,. Nnn.Llfc..). ,..
posed to public sale, nt tlio Court House, In' lllnoinaliurg.
saruiujjir, run 1577 DAY OF JVKK, 1861,
At mo o'clock in tho afternoon, all that certain LOT
Of OnODND, situate In Iron Street, In Ilia town of
llloomsburg, llloom township, Columbia County, I'cnn'a,
iki lruel "foresaid ttvcnly-sovon anil ft ha fleet, bounded
altty.rtvo feet to an A Icy lllle ffrl wide. II,,.
toun.l patalnir oitr la nnp or the imlleci nml nnnur
ti'ii.nici'9 of tliln lot, thenco aloiift anM Alley twciity.
iV '". oniicn ny jacon at ncr.
1IC"C0 'n111 lot ono ImnoTcil ami Uty.thrto feet
I fOlir lnrhe. In Irnn Ut rnnt ll. hlt. t l.-i:. '
: , . -.-I ...... ....... .in j'm, w UL-Hiiiniitic, coil"
tnlnlnn l.liliteen l'crcln.', lio tlio mine moro or lean,
(anil lliu rlilil of Alley numnl aforcanlil.l Uu nljiUi In
.retted , ntAMi: IIWIII.I.IM) lioirsu! fir
tn r.imillua, nnc-liull of uliltli lion tho let to he od,
Mm oilier half belonging to the mljolnliig lot. ono lialf or
llio Hell nnd iuuii, and out building, on lot dorcribcd
Mith Mm anourlenanecH.
Hel2ed, taken in clccutloa and to to add os the uroii.
CrtV of Jo in Mllner. 1
JOHN S.VYIH'.ll, Shtriff.
Blltnirr'a nnitt-
llloomabure, May S1.1, lfCl.
ryo CO X S U M P T IVES.
Tlio aubsctlber will cheerfully acml (frco of ihargn) to
nil who ilcrlrcll, tint copy ifn MiMn.r. Itaciri; by nhlili
ho wa cured of Mint 01 rk dlicase ConMluiption.
Cnllerera Willi CostirTioi, AaritMA, llRoMiima, or
any lung nircrtlon. h'liincerely hope, ulll try Mill lie
clpe, willatlriodirtl,eyilootuey will be mre than
aalUlled with tho remit. Thankful lor III. own rouip'cto
re-tornlion, ho Is notions to place in the li.imli of every
rVr.,"'? """ of cure. Tlioso uNhiog llin r,.t,,i
wltli lull dlrcitioui, tic, will pleaio call mi or mlilrCni,
llev. W.M. rt. .I,l,i;,
Juncl. lul. N-'U John street, New Vork.
now insT, ano now nrsTiiasn.
1 1 HP Publishedtlii j sculed etui-lope, on the nature,
si treatment nnd radical cure of l-peruioturrlioon, or
Seminal VV eakiicss, Sejiul llebllity, nervousness and
I iix.liiiit.iry emissions, inducing iiupntency uud Mental
and ph) skill Inc.ipacily.
uy Hour j. eu i.vnnvvr.t i ,m. n
Autboroftlio'Mireen Hook." ie.
1 h" world p nowned author, in ilii n.i ..1 1 ... 1.1.. 1 ...
tore, elearly proves from his own experience that tho
awful cnuscuueiicusi r Kclf-atius? may bo ellectually le.
mot cd w Illioul iiiceicinentid w ithot t dangerous surgical
operations, b.iugios, instruments tings or cordials,
pointing out 11 mode of euro ul once certain and 1 lleetu.
al. by which cwry sullerer, 110 matter what his r If.
lion 11a) bo, may euro himself iheatdy, prliatelv and
raiiiciiiy. this Iccluro will prov. n boon to thousands
nnd tliotisinis
font iiiiiI't seal, In n pllin envelope, to any address,
post p ilJ, on tli" rec ipt of tlio two postage, stamps, by
iiJ.lre-sing J., iiuwery, N. Y,
up.tHol I2iii Po-ttllhro liinlSi.O
SherHPs Proclamation 1
, t,.r,S'Vu"f5SIOA,'.I:LE0,N' . .
l,V lir.lll'i'VO, Dy tliu IllWS Ot tlllS
7T ( is made 'tlo-duly of the
Fluritr of etery county to glto imtlce oftlei general and
sped il elections by publication in ono or more newspa-
pers ofth.iioiinty.ntlea.t twenty d.i)B before the eh r-
uoii, uiiii io euuuierate llierelii "tlm ollicers tn be eleit.
cd," and to ",! tho place at which tlio lection Is
!.vl''JiV,,'l,'',,'n'"rt','''r';'l'Jollv !,N'V1,;'1' "'ii11 !'"'
illofColiiuibl.icouiity.ilolierebymakekiiiwii and pn,.
i i.iiio loin, in pursiianco ot n tt nt, Issued by Amlriw
(.. Lurtiu, Governor ofttu C muiw j.ilth s.f I, ui,. I.
taaia, O'arlug date th i 'Jlli day nf. May, .V.D., t-ol, nud
Governor of the said Couimonicudlh .
Ti Mn 4ny,CT, f.-,y. S-ktrlg ef the Comity if Columbia.
WUEItr.ASu vacancy has happ.
noiiw i.hi.i.ti.m;:
neil In tlio represen
l.itiouiirilil. i in lliellouv ,,f lleprcaeiilatitea of
,,. .. . 'oMso't.ieiire ot nie dentil of
tho United Slates,
''-""' t I ut l.'Ulre cleeted le iiiember of
, ; ""i" "
I iiinnl iltitrict composed ol mo Counties of .Montour.
1 0i71W:,.V.,!V',J:';fiv.V.n.,l. u'"'"i"?- ,
. ' lnl;l!'-ll"ll-'"o""inceoftheprotis!oiis III
(.U'U,. ,,, ,y
i,i.iiiiiiiii.i. l.tizerne.unil Wyoming.
nml of uu act of the tjjueral Asscuihlvvl'tlns Mnie.n ,.
il the si mud il.iy ofJul. A. II. onu tboil-aod eight iiuii.
droit nml thirty nine, 1 ANDItlAV !i. CUIITIN, In lug
te'-tded Willi the execlllivo atltbniity of Miu rHato i I'
I'eiiuselvaiilii hut ii Issiml this writ hereby commanding
you tlu t.u 1 John. Snyder to h.,1,1 an eleetioii In tlu said
l.'ountt ol Col iiul.iHIN S.VTUIUIAY Till: TVVKNTY
tii.J'O.VO HAY OP Jt'Nri. oipj Miotisiml eight luiudred
nt,d slxt , , lor (hooting (l Hi pr, sentutlt e of Mm
Coiu.iiolnte.ilMi inlli, lln'i.n of 1'epresi nt.itlt es of the
I 'oiled t tales, to till III! tiiiMncy wlir It liashappetf-d as
nlore.ii.l , Iilldoil arj h. reby ruiuired ,uid enjoined fl
hold and eotul. let tlio .aid cleetion. and lu.iku n return
lliereof in inanucr .mil form as by law diretled and
i.lteii under my li.iu.l and tin Cnal Seal i f the H.iite,
at II im-liurg, Mm Twcuiy Hiiblh day of tiny in iiie
earofour Lord one thoiiMiinl right hundred uud ritty
oif and ofth Commonwealth tho ci.ty 1'ifth
lly Uu il of r.ior.
r.M SUl'LI.
.SrcicMry of Hie Ctmmontctallk.
',VV.'.i V iT ' 1 V 1 y ' " 'f Vs, i J ' to'wby proclaim to IV
l tiili ti"d I. let tnrd of i ulumbi.i co-iiity, that n e.uci.11
l.leel on nil b, hi 1,1 ibmoeboui -,l r.,iv
At I i ...eon im II..,.,.,. .. i.t.i.. .,. . ,.
it . i.... .t. ... . . .
W , . ' " ' l" 1 Iurmuiir oupiJ i.y
ra '.'V"". V"1".""1 v . .
rid(.reei towns n. nt lliu.Si urn lnu-i.' m-r v.m.-i
Iloroiighot Rirwick, at ttm Town lluus in llirmrk.
i;.tU..U..itnwmhip, attlu h-msu of rf.uuu.'I KusMu-biut-r,
Cattaw ie.a.
Centre luwiMilp, at tlu house nf Jeremiah IIpih,i1pcM,
'oii1i-!i:iiii townohip, atthe hmuiMit It. It. V,i-rt-r.
rinlnnij'crei'lv twp ,at th.- h.msc uf fio. U. HuUiuait.
Franklin township, at ('l.isiuii'a .Scli.ed (Iuum;.
Ii rein wood tnwiihhip, at thy liouae of Juiynl, It, Tattou
llvmlurk teniishtp, .it the Huik Hum.
Jaiksuu tuwihip, at lite linnae uf IKiel Cule.
Kuitut towiiahip, at Uu hotide nf J, tt. Hurt, Hl.ib
town Rlilil in inwiittiip. at the house of John Keth-r.
-M.tdisou twp., at th tmtm: of yaiuutl Itiiiib).
Mount rii-anaut tow p,at the lioutu uui, ou upied by J
V, Duteruh. '
.Montour township at the houc of John Itr.'iari!,now
nrrupii'd by U'ilh.ini HulllimMiead,
.Main towiMhip. at iim house ot I Yi tier.
ItuarinijrnM'k toHHship.atilu houdu form'-rlj ocrupiod
by 1$ V. I ri inii.u h.
Oranije towiibhip, at thy Iiotiio nf .l 'wndi'r Ilujluif
Tine townihip. nt the house of Albert lluntir. !
fcujarloaf towiiiIiii, all he house ot Ati-ui Cole. '
Hcetttwp.. nt tlm house, uf Cnoth llriuell, j:p .
It U lurther ilircrt.'d Ili.i pl.-rhmi r.r th.. Zn:.t
eral ilutricls all ill be opened belweiii tlm hours otH ninl
T"T' .i!1' . V."!'"'"."."!""' "'"
out inierriiptlou or aiijoumim'at, until 7 u'iluLk in tliu
uveniurr, V nun ih pniii bfiall 1 i ntfil.
Tli-i elected thu upriug to atro at thy snccial
lll'lllOII, 1
Th otiiccr bo elecUdal the time and placid afore-
A Member of Cnnrrss
It is further directod that the meetis of Ihoretiirn
J,'."'1 - ""? V", l",..1.'",M u,,ll,u "" l!l'iwVUrgl"
Tn.sday. th
nuuj , '' ui11 " 14 v n iiiii M,(nii i 1 iiti iieiiiou rc
'1'ho Congressional return Judges of the twelfth Dis-
triet, composed f Ui, counties nf l.'ol bin, l.iiterne, I
.tloiiiuiir and Wyoming, will me, tat the Court House, In ,
llloom.burg, oiiSaturd.ij.llie 51th day of June, to niullii 1
And in and by the said a'et, I am further dlrceted to
Eiiciiiilieulliatcicryp.rann, eti.pting justices ol'tho
....... . , .. .,. , .,, Ilrlj i:,r,.' or apjiiunilllelll o prnllt
01 cry member of Congress, and of the select or common
roiiiinl i.r.-iuyiity.roiniiiissinners, of any Incorporated
dutnet, is, by law, incapable of holding or exercising at
.-aiiiu uiii.-, uie- iiioee or upn.iiiiimoiit ol judge, lusiiee
tor or clerk ol any i lettiou of this roniiuoiiwealih, and
that no inspector, judge or any .'Hirer i f nny smli elec
tion shall le- eligible to any oiiitu than to bo t .led for.
I Hiten under my hand nud seal, lit my olhce in Ploouig.
, burj, ttusllr.tday of Juno. A. D.. Ictil.
niooui,burg, Juno I, lrCl
R E .
1 iriioi.r.s.v.h:
HAT iVm ip aiTQiBS.
Iha uu lerslgiied :rrpeclfillly Informs the cltticna .
Uloonisburjr, aud the public iu gcnrrul, that ho ban mim
ch.i-ed tin!' SIVHK, inthewhitofraiuobtorij
suililiugs, whero ho lias just received a splendid as
rortmeni of '
Direct from the Vaiiuliictiirk. of nil kimi... liv if- .,.
-, .Mam i-ir.-it, m-Hiiy f''j tile IlTi-Iiaiiif,
and .U.'ti. Uuvt tiiKhions, wiikh ho olU nt w holeiale and
retail, ut very low prices.
ntijv Hi'
. : ....
i iiLHe.' uuius n in be nun at vt-ry lowpricci nr
IlltiomsburS) October 27, Uf0.
'I Itn undersigned,, respectfully Informs hu fn mis
and Iho public geneinlly tint ho haso rn ul .1 house f,,r
the enleilaiiiuient of cu. turners and trutelcrs, at rll'ltl'
M). Ill Rreeilttood township. Columbia County, (abuul miles west ofVlilltlllo,) called tho 's wooue
So re no ffjji Hotel.
Whrohoisnrcnared s.,S;. ,i,i, ,.,
all iihoinay faiorhlin wiln llieir tusloin'toce lierai .at
isfaclion om.ioi,. neral .at
andcuiloinV;;"""1"""1"' -rrvw-iltiipon,!!;!,,;
, ,lar, , jo,,v '
or trust iliuhr the CoiiTtini.. i.i .,fii..i'.,it..,i ... Tl-MNViVa l...i - ti
artihipaoratundby of tl. h. Ktatc, ..rofauy uty or iurrrtmrat.d VliVir rV ' K ZZ. 7 TT1 ' .,.
II rfllKOn.ihlst iliittiiii U K'l irr ;i .-111111111 iisinno.l .,t(',... . . '.'.',. . mn luiuii nil i ! x.niiiiMi inu ir
rooms should make nate olilc-r or agent, w ho Is. or '.hall bo e, idVed ,,, . ., " now i.isiica i.c. at IIAIITMAN'S. j
t ni-iut. .r.r ine ii, JUiiirary ueparliiieut or i'.t.PllA Syrup S0IU at DUCtS.
Look to your Interests!
rpIIK fiiWrilirrn linvn Junt returned from tho City
liring nml -Siiiiiincr i)ools,
iMirciunco ne rniiaucipiiia, nt Mm lowest figure, and
w hlch they nro determined to aell on ni modcrnlo terim
nacan bo procured elsewhere In illoomsburg, Their
slock comprises
i.tutEK ;(.? tfoons,
ol choicest l)fca end latest fashion.
nur aimns, .im niittcF.itiKS,
. cpj.m nwn:, iwu.oir hmie
fto.v, AMM, uuors snow
IMS Sr OJJ''. fcr it., Ie.)
In short oterything usually kept In country stores :
to wlil.h they invltcthe puiille. generally.
I lio Highest prlre pnid for country produce.
niooinsburg, May 11,1601.
T,L,:i".V'lc"1.','."'1' ""P'flli'lly Inform Iholr friends
..Ven i! !" P!""C T"a"f' "'" lmvo 1 ntered In.
M.Tiii-iiTLiriu';,:;;" n",ne' niid ,,fi" "
jlli:rc:uitilc ISiisincss,
!i'bey,!Cl,eSl1,,;Ci,t:li!..liln?.l":b,l.,l;', Columbia en ,
.... t.l ' I'iiaiiifus di wis y
u i; .V, , s ," r r"
departments. ,t, wMl, ,ey intito an citensio o
iu puimc piironagc
fl. II Mlt.MIIt.
llloomsburg, Jlay II, lcCl.-tf.
iiikdk c. i:v,
(111 Jr.RfllVTUVV.W)
rplIF! Biihieriber would respectfuliynpprlz.' Ills
O. nod di' public geiuinllj, that In has opened
I), ra., where ho Is fully' ,;,e,?a i .0 ,e alo"
i n.ier ine auovo name, o J,, .a. ,.i, .. ..! 1.1- -
, ,. . ... ' i-'Ki-oeriii sansi.lciloii, ins t,-
III. 1. and I .VIt.aro well supplied mid will be carefully
aiiperliilendcd. And his nr.iau: is ample and well, in charge of careful it us, will always bo
property attended. '
f Ho hit ilea n share of the public cunom, and
pledges his help Iim guo.ts feel at home.
, . ..... SAAiUUI. It t .1 It V.
Jcrscjtown, .May 11, lSCl-3in.
Estate of Jacob (Jcarlmtt. ihccasul.
iotii'I' i. 1...1 .. ' - ...
i NTlCi: Isherbyguentlut
t litters of admiulftra-
.-1 ""' ' estate, ,fJ,,coh Ue.irharl, latoof .Maine
""'"I'-.o iiinlil.i county, deceas-d, h no been grnnt-
'J'1 !'!' "i'' ll,sl-'ori.rsai,l county to theuiiilirEigued.w ho
fcl";lp"1l'ato nship Coluuibi i co. Allpersons
;l"('.ilnn or dcinands against the estate of the de-
"loosieii eu presene iiiemiur Belli ent, and
indebted to make papiuent w Ithout di l.iv.
Me.j iwr r.t John Kinrim
"" J' "OL ft. Mm'r.
rpllR ritlr.ena of diirereiit counties and towns
I il . ' """'-''"'O' Dm Mate are lot ited to romp, tit,on fr
shall bo held. Propon's coot lining' Imluceni.-i'iu'.-uel 1
udv.uitaires direiteil tu Hip ,i,l....i ,..
polited by tho lit, cuilve ('niiiiii il Tlo, will lm reie'iteii
up to and Including .May 31t next, rjnnniinnic itlons
tliould b addressed loeith r of lh f.illuwiu persons
W.M (, Jit ,
JOIIV P. Ill'TlllinrOBII,
J.VCOII Minil.
joiix n. zici;i.i:i:,
: llarrislmrg. Pa.
. uyo i iv.ti i ,
N'ortuuuiberliind, Pa,.
April SO, '
Tlln T-T.ill
Way House
X J.X.111
..,!;.'?'''''""'' ontlng taken the wrll-known
imj-IUuj .,," formi rly kepi by Samuel Hiirmau,
r.'l , sllinte in Centre touiirhip, c mlii.i county, on
llieni.iin Load, ml,.w,iybilweeii.llooinsliurg mid Iter
wick, wo, itit ri.c,,..r, c, 1 1 .. i..c i.i...... -
t o pul lietbot the II,,,,.,. ha, been improved and reno.
t . ted. In good sljle, and iroiu his long etperieneo In tho
bu-iness, ho ll.iti.,r, lis..r. that he will ke-p
A Hr,ST PI e nrt ,.n. r
tt h.-re he it ill at .ill times bo happy to me, t and sails. 1
actor ly ini ,tu his numerous Iri.-nds and all it In
may fit or him with th, ir p.nroua!.. I
- Ills liar. Stahlin;, (tc., will ho well stored and'
properly attended.
, JOHN liliOVi:n. I
entra township, April 0, Iffil.
TIU. mi.lcrcinc.I, rit-iK-clfully infurm-t Hit utizetis of
lUouuisbiirj:, ninl the piS1ic pent rail y, that liu hut. a-
taMiHh"d a iimv Morcon .Main t?trctt. ritmmsljiirc. in
MrA. i.f.u i.rlr'- II.. ,1, 1.. ... I
WUiigy Ain, xt
it vi y c 1 1 r 1 1 aim u. ana iiofcriHu)ii. His . ' ' L ' " 111 J rn,lllir Hl a"t,,"lBl""8 Ion- lljinri'M l.a
Muck 1 1 Jew lr it cini'i'M", inclmliti- tfryfesW lwV wuar 'n swni nmilcij, at fi3 mr cent. !uer than
t ii.tuH, I.irrkd, lln-a-ipliin, liusLT-riiigi, f'lr.,ii:2l
...t . . . ' e'-i - y v m
"""" "incn no inutesthe public genor
f" Ptrnt attention eivmi to mnniriii" ri.n L j .-itri,.
en. and Jewelry, and all work wurrantr.l.
U'M. I!. Ult.VKH.
IIIuoiusburj;,.M.iy 1,1-0111'.
Fs ( llt-'HtDRlrUdll.
A. F. k CO.',
3? O R IK', 5T' A. 6 ;k; 2 fi. s' .
COMWMO.V Mi:iicii.ixrs ,- iiiiolks.ili:
Mtl LI1S 11
i'lsli, rht'CM', : in! Provisions,
III Vorlh W h.irtYH, abote Market ?l.
Paiklog .mil Curing House, '.uli and Heed SH.,
August I. 1-111:111..
I'lttSll.H 0TI1 di huotiii;ks.
T 0 R A (J 0 0 1) E A L E R i
A,J.103,.VOKTII Tlllltl) STKKET
five doorsbelovv R.ire-,
, ,,. ,.. PIIIL.VIir.Lflll.V
January Io.lHo.1..
J QM ii ii ,. g w' Aj b;
311 WiM.XIT iM'I!i:i'.T,
(hvloiv rouilh !t..)
i'iiii.Ai;i.pii(A, iu.
August 4, 1 -12iii.
No. 222 ValliMt-liill St., bplow Third,
I!a,ll!",l!,f';r, .''T!"' '-'onielerlcs, V'eran,'as,?tcps, Ac.
"''"" '" 'M-1'--'"!.
per cal-
and o.;b unnuuT a matk.
1st. The V.wv.k Xj:ck Tic,
(I'atmt apiilicd for.)
Ttiidl'm is iiia.lo rutin v ti n.ini r. hi inii .litr.pnf
Btylt'i.aud ia perfect iiiutatlonof sJlk and other labnc.
iThuprice is no low that a iMitleuian may wiarnttrw
fio t vcrg da-j, and yet net hu iharijejblo with cxtrna
B.inrt-, i-r one i iu can oe worn j to i uaya, ir iitctiiiary
to tToiiuiuijfC,
2ntl. Tun Jii.LiKr Tin.
Thlii iitlotibtlesj the nn .ft pcrtVct filk Tie ever in.
vuited. and In jut thu nam) implle, a pcrfert
Ifi'll. r frnin nil lnrllw.v lrs...l.l.t I.. t..t.... i..,...
I ;inl. Tiik L.vce Kdod Tik.
A'1 exrii"itcly beautiful nrtitlo it haa onlytn ho seen
lu bu adndro.l.
StllTII & nnnUVVBIl. ,clo Manufacturers. I
v n if. .,ii , ' , "o'jn slrect , i . ,
with whom they are deal inc.
T.1MQV.1 rc.v.v.
irj'P.liit'fDfrrr? in Hie I'liiladelnhm Mill Tri... n,i,.r.
rEoritiKiORf .
Boutn.aiul i;imiri Mail Train coinc N'orlh.
liuiri Mail Train going N'orlli,
f Jf.VK at the United tale. Hotel Tamaum Pa,
Mareh'J, iNil 18m. (tlarcn 12.5 !i
Till' Morgan fnuipinn Horse, V'OI'Ml WASHIM!
Hl.V, will lie stationed tlio pn k ent sea ion in this
l"K." nt Wieep's slaMe- tViislilnglout llio al VVnaiui
lie can 0.1 seeil Ul lie-Ill OV's stub e. Jersev
fi .''v,' Vn. i "i' . W"'.1''. "Jl,lp' Uerl .la.
.Norll uinberland county, during Mm season.
.VWi'W, ;e'",,rod 'innVI,
b'roM.a,;1;2::1ia';er,!r;,r,ln' rr r"""b,j
a J Ion ui
Lamjls ! Lamps! I
H if injurs tun
en.,,. kJUBNING)
W A,.'''' ' '.V Bni1 ''"""I I'lglit now In HsPi suit
11 1 a Mo (.hiirclies, Blores, or family use, no dniigci
frnin l.tploslon nnd 0110 half chonner Ulan
light, now used and
The nliovo lamps, w Itli or Ithout, oinbes or Phndc
can ooiiaunt inu
ExclimiRc RiHIiliiiK, Illoonisbiis. i'a.
here Mil, 11,1 ilei-a In nn.l 1.1 lln.....n,r..ll.. t..r ..1 -
I'.li.n I 1,1 i " 1 .r.tvt,in,j Milurill, Ills
celled Iroiu Ih. cities, a large nnd well selected stock
V. . ' 1,1 Ml" Kln" eonsisiing 01
Kni:ll AND I'UKIti: DltlJllS.
rJTUl'i', WINDOW (ll.ABd, (If
Toncco4l.:.0AR?.,!"AV,Nn mw".
op tmi! in:sr
ruitu wivnait iip.ANiiiiw for
MKIHt.'INAI, USI!, lt, At-1. CDTTtNCl.
iioi:'J(iohi)i:r,(iii.t, modi d
iNfi roil 1'Rami:h,& a(ii;i;ai'
VAiuirrv ot'i.'Aiir.oN
oil, I. AMI'S ami HiiAnnn.
1 n.inn lamps &siiArira . '
f .1 :V. "'",.P."P'' r?"t f the
I 1 ,, V,1' " """ion lamiiy ineoirnies careiully put up.
J. Ii- 1 Jit Di'llHI timrncljin I .till
1 ci.miiiueu iin.i Twtn liifli-rtcM.fn tliu lmint,
tit'l' iii.iiinfr. I
I IVflhig tli.inkfnl for pant imtrnnapi;, lio
iinpt-H a tuiiuiiu.mcu uf tliu suiii'.
j ItlnniiutniriT, May ItMtOl y.
Bioomsburg Head Quarters
.vt ....... ..
W ,V : I" ".. VL'"t ' I ? ."!'.'.
ry Ijrgo nssurtment of
Our t-Uck oi DRV (lOOI)rl comiri.ir9 tJ.u Inrccf t, ch.'np.
tt. mill li.inilBmiict-t now nitWed in tliij tuwnl Wu are
anil nil thon Wlilnir M IniV clicnn. rnn tnvi ninnati ilt.
KH hig in n cal I, Wu luvcallKinJoi Cm-ilnninl Wiircs
- ouri'-j i-ic t.nufl m uu- jit itpio, ,i largo lot ol
Ladies' Dress Goods,
, 1)1 '"V'- Ciillnrs, Hprlici rs, llanilktrcbb fs. Plouiulnes
llindsniid 'I rlmiiiiiies, Laces mid IMclug,
i.oTiiii i liiiuioiis 111 i.trce varii ty, el
tot llibluiisuud braids, Kid,
Cotlen it l.liloThreail
HI ivcs .Mohair
.tuts, &.C.
lll.ick Hilk, Ca-limere, Ihnbridilered, fclli, e. Alsoa
large as ottment i,f i;t,, Cassluicrs. tjallnets,
testings, Tweeds, leans. IlenVeT Cloths,
, . Coating, Yell it ec
and fines, for Men, Women nnd tiilldren. We hate a
Ijrg.' asuiitmeiitof Hats and Caps, of latest fash.
ions-Wo have also, Hardware, tl ns-
tv.ire, Ced.irw arc, A.c. Very Cheap
Carpi I, Carpet Ham, Ploor,
Table ami Carriage Oil
Cloths. Mats, Hugs,
Pa-kits, Ac.
Diapers, Ton lings. Drillings, Ac., In nbiind.llire. Also,
u largo assortment of Iron. Niils Cheese, a
largo .mailt ity of n.ilt.ic.
We int He our friends mid the public generally, to give
us a rail before purchasing elsewhere. Wuhnte bought
nor goo, s at the Lowest Cash Prices, and will not be
undersold by anybody, or the rest of mankind,
MiKl'.I.VY, NKAL&C.'O.
Lpiomslmrg, "November 10. ljt,o.
V iV, W
J- T7
Light Street Store.
Crcusi, Eroitcny all hands on adivc duly
WE Would inform our Iricnih and
rilstuiuers thatwehate ju-t received an mi
usually larae ni-ortineui of
u huh v(M.lUTitt h.wcr ratrn, for ready pay,
PV'',r,yl(,Mp.jiiL'.1 htireaiid will he auM chi
tl"' l-un!it."
tlian anv
cheaper than
, Wo sllfill llr tt . 1 1 nf lrt I i ,.
f.i,V,,lnru 'V,mT' i"-l'Vii,,SlhctVlldranil Uarnt.aiJ
uU- hi nvurflm inp. There are tn ha f.mml the llnr.t
CLoniri, .ML'si.iys, cuocxitins, hats, cviy,
i isoots, lioes, etc,.
st the same rate. In short, ctcrjllii-g in tho
m- ri-.i mi lo line from a needle lo an anchor.
" Our friends will do well to call before Ihey nuke
11. vv. cnn.vsv. & co.
Lights trccl.May 4, 1J01,
! 1000 Reward!!!
For Any Slciticine that will CxccI
V 0i It Si it T '8
E .A M 1 K J 3C, S A r
Tor tho quirk Hire of Hend-ichc, Tonthar he, Hhcuma
tifiii, Vetir.iUi.t, I'-uri in Hie t-ide, M.ick or aoiuach,
r.iiiittru c.iioiic. or t'ranip, i'rnntcd rcr t or i;.irc llunia
rrchh Cilia, bpraius, llruibco lii.iriha'a, and tiorc Throat
j and all n'JiiplainU.
Toothaitiu i ii rod in ten ininutus. Kar.icho cured in
llw iiiiiuiten. IleadarliP riired in ten iiiinuti'p, I'.iurii
I cured froii giiiariiiif iu two miuutex. Neuralijiei pains
i "ivu in ii v v iiuuiiKu, i-iiimii: rurcti in icm inuiutea.
, Spruns rtitieveit in ten ininutcn, Horn rtipivcd
iu t'f iiiimitch.
To the !.iU3litcr of aillittion, TheMJ Wiiux
I uu mv tpui uuu ueiorc your vyvst only bring
, 1 'U i.'asi-ii h.ic been cured bv ottf Au'ent in a itinlo
da ! J'.my buttle warr.intfd. Tr it I Try it 1 1 Try it ! ! '
1 i f A liberal dmcoinit madf to Agi'Ms, and onu wan
ico in t.vrj hj. ii) nisti ii v, coon iravLiing at'rnis.
All ordcra and touuauiin-uliotii tlnmtd bu adilrtded
u. a. L'ui.untr & co,
WAti. H!i ft. riuladetphia
niiMXTtONV rou umsq
Tor Toiitharliennidv it ocr tho f.iro ami lnnm m" ihr
tooth artfeted' iircriemi; baud upon the iaco ; repeal If
I'-l, IUHU. Ill von- LilKVtf, III I (I llOll HU I llC III
nndi-oer I ho tm-th and puiiu. Tor JUadathy, luthu tlm
templm and apply to tlu uo-iei and take from ten to
thirty tlron iiiii.tffa tuuibkr of water sivcrt,.ti..,i
or croup aim oro Tiiroai, t.iko fiomten to thirty
iin inttruallv.ou niL'ar or In swcLteneil utm unt. i
bathe thy throat Ir-'tly and bind on a flauiul. For
Headarlie, KhVuinati-iui NViiKitia, Laiim Mack or Hide
li.iinu ir,'ciy wmi liana in uncia ; ami Ctia rally lake
I l'or Hunistinit nnn p.irt H.itiu in (lilead and two ol
, water and llour.ln iniikt' a .iitt rovrr tho burn with
th'-uame. Tor ClKdlr. take Iroui tin to forty dropd in
tiotwatt-r; batho the bowetii and apply Mt HaniuN.
I lu thoabovu, tho sm.illir do-tcta for Children, and the
larzorfurailulu : v.iryaeronIiiitoaKeand ritcuimtanri't
I Colbert's Ilalai lu liikud ii hannleas, Colbert's Halm
in (iilend eiws xatijf.iclioii.
Tlnwo who hau ued lului iu Gtlrad will not bu with
out it. A-eiiW wanted. Tor ternnj, uddreHs
! C. S. COMlLItT Al rn .
X.i. 12.1 South Tourlh tftrttt, rtuladclphi.i, I'.i.
It. Orders sent by Ktpn'sit tuauv part ofthe Lm
ted riiates at tho shortest notice.
.May I, IMil.-liin.
SPRXffe JLTtftt gTfWS'TVVf'TfW
- , Jl Anv n VIIKLI'.V. tvon'ld,r,t?v ir-;.T.
)V 1 .r customers, In niooinsburg nn I ticin'itv. that
i' " V vicelfel'il'ais'ort!
Finer than ever, and more calculated (oflft
iple-uu the i.i.m of tlm mnitt faiitidionE.rU.W
Hie h.u paid ninct attention in making
her iClci liellltl of bonuetn. riintnnniitlv h u ti...
best arsoituieni, probably, eer brought to thi ptace.
She hau an assortment ot neat uud liaudtomo Hats and
Cap for littlo MiBsei, all of which kIio ran tllspoiu of
theap. tJivo her a call before elsewhere.
, cut-is in in ii phci.1, dciimv iuurnti, iionn hhii'
llloomsburg, Ap JU3t
VV hole sale and llelail Dealers in
SobbMsC! mild mmits?
&liM:mV$-f I
Willi a rnuipnto varnli tf
VV ALL, at tlio lowest Cash prices.
lihiJ filtllK'N.
F. JOVI i LEr.lI.I! V,
TubllshctUy order ofthe U, S, War "Oepattmenl
by jiU'riioRrrY,
l'0r the Instruction. P terms ntt.l in,nm,i,'tn.hril,. II
S, Infsniry, Including Infantry of the Llnc,l,iikt Infan
try, and Kirlemcn.
l-repnroil under tlio direction of the War Department,
..",, u uuoptc-u oyniuiou tonicroii, necrela-
ry of vv nr
Containing tho School oflhe Soldier, the School of tho
.,,,,,..,,, uisiriiiiioiis ior BKirmiahes.tho Uenerrl calls
thecals for Skirmishers. 1 1 is- S, lionl ,.ril... iifl,,.m....
tltn, a..C tl'.. i... '
... .......vB .. U(, lutitoiiiia ,i uieiiouary eii .unitary
Olio volume, comntetc. illustrated etltli n..n...
tt AR III ribTSIVT. tt A-lttvisn. T,.i I lel
This system ol Culled Slates Inlantry Tactic. for
Light Infantry and Pllloil t-n. uretiarcl under il,e ,!i.n.
Hon n tho War Department, hating been approved by
the Pri adopted for the instruction ot the troops
when ncting as Unlit liif.nilrv or If 1st n. .i. t.
, j ui uij, is ic.-o, ior inu onscrt-auce or the mi.
Ilti.1 when so e-mplo)cd,
Bl.tto.v u.t.MiaiON, Sfctttary of liar.
Die nbOVO StslCIOOf Illfjlllt.V Ti,rl,rs I.B...I ti.
latest imprnvciiictits In French military ctperience, and
ndnpted to the peculiar wants of our service, has been
prepared by order ofthe United Hates Oovernment.and
iS IIOW. Oiler III. lll.isr S.ltlarh, In, f nilSii,.flr ,,....
rlcney, authorized, anil adopted by tlio Secretary of War
for the imtructloii of troops.
iMiniiiry is uiiiucci inio Heavy Inrantry-nlso called
Infantry oft ho Linu and l.h,i,i r,,cn,,i.w -n.n .11,1....
tnea between Heavy and Light Infantry Istwofold 1st.
In their weapons and ciuipmiiit, the former being ami'
oil with Hie niuskit, and Hie latter with the rille, when
It limy bo had. Sd. In the order of battlejlenvy Infantrv
being i
III compact order, while Light Infantry is dispers.
cd or dcplojcd as skirmishers, the- men being .operated
...... ....w,....M.v.,v.i. , ,ie, i-ering eneir nro os snarp.
InllieSrhootorthofoinpanynnilorihe Ilatlalloe.lbo
instruction lor Heavy and Light Infantry is tliu ami.,
eterv reelineiit of liir.,i.v ...... i n
Light liifaiiuy ns a part of ilsorganlnitlon.nnd ail Huso
comiianfes belntr drilled as lr, ,.c n... i
..... r, ,,t, ., iTe-s'-uio gives a complete, rtnrse of
instruction tor lol l nf lulntilrv. In ,i... ..i ..r
"on oauaiion, anil has besplea a special
drll for Light Infantry when eiiip'n) e,l as skirmishers.
I he adtanlages claimed by this system of lactlcs over
rormer ones nrj numerous and dei Ided great celerity
n movements, forming In line from oolomii without
mining, ciiiiiignig iiiroriiou trom front to rear while
lii.inliing. iloubliiig Mm hies when inarching by a think,
tllO OmiSS Oil Of IllllleCeSS.irV r..,,ln,la nr,. ..r ...... '
minds, or mora varied formation of s'luoresngain.t cav
alry, and many others.
Ills believed that, with the same inalmrf, this system
will render a compuny or regiinent much more ellectlte
VVIlliatltw to insure uniformity In a ststem of in
structioii the merits orwhirh uro aekuuw lodged by Hie
highest ailtlioritf. it Is iiutv i,r,.u..ii...l t ,i... . ..I....
and militia called Into si it ice, us tliu aulliorized drill
ior mo i . p. iniaulry, and Hut by which liny will bo
iiisirurt'-d nnd disciplined.
VV AsiitMiios. il, o .Ma) 1, 1-(31,
Itillo and Light Infantrv Tactics. frth et.,.rl. ...i
iiiaiiieoiresol I roup, when ailing as Light Infantry or
.llleioeli. Prepared under the dinetimi of the VVnr
llepirtni'lit, llyltretet Lieiitonant L'ololieltV. J II All.
in;. U.CVV.
Vol I. HlllOOls llflbl, K,d lii.r .n.l ( ... T
lions for Vol. Il.-sjehool ot the liattollion.
. w , um. , .ftiij'teie'. g I, Oil.
lysriiutriox x nn.n artilli:rv.
rreptred by a Hoard of Artillery Officers. Ono vol.
fm $.'.50
C'ol.rl. I.'ooper, Adjt..Rjn. U.S.A. Il.iltimore. Mil.. Jan
u uy l.t, leo'.l.
'l'10 '''Sl'l Artillery Hoard assembled by Hpeclnl
Orders No. 131, nf i-3ii, ami Special Orders Ito. lid, of
u . . suuiiiii a retiseu ssietn o l, lent
..iiMieij 1.UUC- iiii'i i.egiii.tuotis recomiuenitud for that
:;. . . . ...,. ,,. .ny, e..,,,. i ir.e .triiuert
VV tl. V. IIAIlltV',i:,ipt,iin .Second Artillery.
Ilt'.VIlV J. IIU.NT. lit. M.iJ.C'iip. -J.l Artlller).
Published by order oftheWarHeiiarlmciit. l'irstl'ar
-hchnol ofthe Troooer : nflln, l'lni,.,n ,..! .,c il... j.. ..i.
roll llismoiiiited. tecoii I Part -ul tho Platoon and of tho
t5iladron mounted, 'third Part Lvulillioiis of a regi
inent. Throe vols. lcinov$:i.5.
,,ai ieiariioenirt nsiliugion, l eu, IU, 1 41.
Thcsyltem ufC.IValrv Turtles n.lni,l,.,l toll rut.,,1.
,,,,. .., ..lug,,.,,, r.niiiieius, naving oeen npproteil by
l ie I rendeiitol tiles United Mites, is now published for
'- coterumelil ol lliosa ,1 sertice.
.VrcorJine'lv. in.lrurtioii io in,, usmn ,.,tit.rt nl.-,.n nr.
,vi . ,e-iiiu inuuieii nut llierelii J mid nil additions to
.., . ).!, urus irom me eiercise ami innno-utres laid
down in this sjstcni nre posltltely forbidden.
Manuel of mn t eterclse.,.,! f... il,,. nril...
United stale-, lly OUolliin II. .MiCI.Hl.t.AN'. Uaoialn
t irst llegl t U.itnlry, I'.ri.A. Printed by order olllio
V ar Ileparlmeiit. Cue tol. p.'mo. ?l.y.",.
Ilnu.c. .tl rourod, Hecret.iry of War. Ileadounrlers
oftlio A rial . W asliliiiitoii. II. '.. n.-r,.,,,!.,.. .n. i.-.'.i
Sir llirewitli 1 Into the honor to submit a System if
:r -,, .,..,',' '';',',,,,',o iroiu ine i reiitu ny t,.ip.
-', - i' " '."it'-, i.naiuecr, u.a. Army.
I strongly reeomiii,.,,ie,l ii. i, i,. , nrltne.t rr .tuirllet
Hon m the arms i and that it he made, by regulation, a
l .-j m m in i,i-irociioii .
Tho iiuloseil e-.ttr.nts trom reports of the In-pcctor
Oeiierul.elu., sliott tho talue.
iniioiHo iionor in ik, sir, with Inch respect, our
nil st obedient hen-ant. VVlNFIHI.ll rlL'lUT.
.l'irot,o. .. ..i. LUAiiiui, of W ar. Jauu
"'.-' . P JONT.M, Adjutant 11. rnl.
.tuy of the nboto ttotks lorwarded by muil free id
toslagc, uu the reci Ipt of the published price. P.eiuit
Inures can lm made- in "old dollars and postage stamps
Address J. li, LU'l'LS'COTI &. CO.
Pablhhars, llo,ikselters,and r1! Hion, rs,
Jios. "'.'aud'.'l Xorth roorlhtlreet, Philadelphii
May '.'j, 1-1,1 ni.
New Wagon Shop.
Willow Giove, South Bioomsburg.
THE undersigned rcspcctful-
J ly inform th"ir friends, and thcC
piiuiic gi uerniiy. they Have taken J
llio Hand lately occupied by .Mr Wel.h, lu Willow
Ijroyc. foiith Idooiiishurg below lint llailrood whero
luwj ., ,t, t.'IIIIUUO lllvl
In all its vurious dcpailmeiits, in good attic and on
moderate terms.
Also-llepairmg Wagons. lliiggio.rariiaea,
&.C don,., to mil, r and on slmrl time'.
wV" Produce taken for tterk.
llloom burg. Vpnl il, lei.'.
P.O. I'OI'LK, No.3.i North ?I'.f'0'II Street, import.
Uirist I'hureh, invites Hie p attention ot .tle-r
hauls uud oth.-rs to his 1 1 ry lirge and il.' nssoit
incut of
OAP.PH'I'.-a. nil. IM.IYI'Hfl
just received from tho most celebrated manufactories of
,..,11,,.- .,i, .t r,,-.-i, n inning an inu iietvusl patterns
cttalil, which it ill Ira sold at 4 tcry small ndtanco on
tun. I all nii.1 etaniiuu tuallty, nj lo and prices before
purchasing! Iscw litre. Iteimniber,
Nn. :I5 N'orth Second lilreet. PhllaJelpliu
March '.', lefOI 3m.
rr"1: nndcrsigiicd would infottn tho citirens cf
JliH I Hlonnisliiirg and tvrinity, that ho has just re
fULll cited nud infers for sate ono of the mo-tctteiiFlva
3T- assortiiieutsi,rcoOICl.Ni:aiiit PANUV STOVl:.,
etcr Introduced Into this market. The Chrittopher Co
lllul.iis, James Unbbuud llloboaro alnong the first class
cooking I sun es.nll of whiih aro air-tigbtandga-a bulnor.
. ,- ..iiiiir ut, a aro iiaiiusoiiiu nud the assortment ta-"od-
ALill-1' nttenlion ia paid to Tin Ware
und louse Spouting, upon short indict-. Ail kinds of
repairing will bu done tt itli neatness and desputch.
Lou.ilry produce taken iu ctcliniii-e for work.
JIo.Htlfblirg.Ocl. .1, lc'fO,
No, 125, South Eleventh Street near Walnut,
Huiimeled Ulass, Fresco, Oil and Kncaustic Paiuliiig
Join in-iii. el. II. utnso.i.
January leol3ni...
HOUSE, N'o.ti Vorth Sjcoii.I etrcct, Opposite Christ Church,
o-7 C.ui.t.inllyon hand, a largo assortment of P.e,ls.
tlattresses. Paillasses. Ibi.l,iu. lti. It...e f. ,
tod all orll.lea 111 thu lino atthe Lou est Prices. '
0ljy ''"dicaar attention fatU ta rcifriatlnj .V(tt an
man hi, leul-Uin.
r u 3i i'
31 A K I N O .
rTtlli; undersigned inform tho public generally that
niej list-.- loriu.'.i a co-partnership, and will contin. 1
ue Ihu business of Pump making and repairing, In all i
...... v,..,,..v,K, i (iioouisiiurg, wnero iney
will promptly attend to all orders iu their lino of hiui
ness. whether in town or country.
Well und Ol.icrn Pinups, with Icnden 11 pp. m.Vdo iu
Ihu bi st .tilt; of workmanship, ou moderate terms, and
ou very slnirl iioiilo.
From their long riperirnrc in the busiiicas sod an
curliest de. ro to hate tln-ir un.l, ..i..,. ...I i... ic... .h..
.oon,.,.urg,.v1., ,3, , c, j " '
7 H
li) 0 1 C 1 7
(Onpamtc IttdeeititcMv Hall,) I
(ciitsiNi'l tipiini'.T nr.pvviiPN FUTiitaiviii
riilL.inr.i.niii ' "'
GlNCI.S'.YATTI, JutlO 20.
A special difpatcli (o tlio Commtrrint.
dated Grafton, saya that tlio rebels occu
pying Pcdimont, li.n 0000 stronr?. A
guard of forty Maryland troops from Cum
berland, under Capt. Ricklcy, were sta
tioned at tbo bridge tberc, with ono picco
of artillery. An tbo rebels advanced, they
poured sbot into tbem inowinrr litem ,lmrn
like grass, and continued to do so until tbo
gunners were all killed, nnd tbo bravo
littlo band cut to pieces, only two escaped.
mi; rcucis suffered Horribly.
I. EDNESD.VY NoO.W Vv trip
learn tbat six miles below Roonovillofasa
...!! 1. r. T . . .. V
.....e.a uoovo at. jjouis; Ucn. Lyons nttack
od and completely routed tbo robol State
forces, killing 300 and taking COO prison
cr3. Col. Doorstino U continually sending
fcouting parties into tbo country surroutf.
diog JeiTerson city. Ono company ba
jUit captured a number of kegs of powder
from Gov. .Jackson's secret depots in tbo
It h a-ccrtai,icd tlm! there aro about
2,1, 000 troops at Manassas junction all in
a starving condition.
Arrival of Fifty Thousand stand or
New Yon re, Juno 19,
The steamer Ravaria has nrrli-cl
from and Southampton, bringing
with her 00,000 stand of rides for tho
United Stttts Government.
31oxTiu:Ar June 18.
Prlnca Alfred arrived here unexpected
this morning, nml landing almost unob
served, was quietly driven to tho residence
of Gen. Williams.
Latost from Virginia.
Affairs at Harper's Fetry Flight of the
''-Harper's Ftrrti 1) ridge Des
troyed, Wii,r,iAMSi'OiiT, 3Id., (via Ilarpor's
Ferry,) Juno 11. Tho Shepherdstown
bridge was burnt last night by tho Secess
ionists. The smoke and flames were dis
tinctly seen from hero. The Confederate
piclfcb havo been withdrawn from all
points for a dissaneo of twenty miles abovo
aud ten miles below this joint. A rumor
reached hero this morning that tho enemy
aro throwing up earthwork at Shepherd
town, between Dam No. 4 and Shepherd
town bridge.
A gentleman who arrived hero this
morning visited Stewart's Camp at Hains
villo, four miles this side of 3Iarlinsburg,
last evening, says tho camp has been broken
up, and tho troops have moved iu tho di
rection of Martinsburg.
Farther from Ifarper; frrry-fci :- rf tl, Ten-',
eonJirmd-JJcjtruettoil ofthe internment Hurls
Shaiu'shuiig, Juno 1 1.
A reliable escaped Virginian, who has
arrived hero, reports that the Confederate
troops left Harper's Ferry to day ono
part retreating iu the direction of Winches
ter, and another into Loudon county
which movement would seem to indicate
that a retreat to 3Ianassas Junction is in
tended. Tho railroad bridco was blown
up an hour after sunrise this morning.
The remaining Government buildings were
all burned. Tho railroad bridg? rTt 3Iar
tiusburg was also burnt to day. Also tho
bridge at Shcphcrdr-town. A dark cloud
of smoke is still ascending from the burn
ing buildings at Harper's Ferry.
i no agent of tlio Associated Press has
gone to tho Ferry to obtain full particu
FiiEDEtiicK, June 1 1 Jlidnight.
The special agent of tho Associated
Press has just returned from the .Marvland
Ilcighti, overlooking Harper's Ferry,
which point ho left after 7 o'clock this eve
ning. The Confederate army has mainly
left tho place. Only about 3,000 troops
remained at that hour.
Tho route of the main body of the re
treating army was by tbo turnpike leading
to Charlcstown and Shuphcrdttown, but
their precise destination was not known,
as others wcro lost in the distance, aud no
one was in tlio vicinity sufficiently informed
to give the necessary information.
A rumor existed on both sides of tho
river that they had gone toward Winches
ter, whilst other parties tuspected that they
were going to Martinsburg to make a stand
in that vicinity.
At fivo o'clock this morning tbo great
bridgo of the Raltimoro k Ohio Railroad,
over tho Potomao, was fired, and soon
after a tremendous report was heard,
caused by tho explosion of minos under
.1 .
1110 centro span,
lu ono hour tho cntiro
structure was in ruins and fell into tho
'' "r? frcc-
I NoiMh Fourth Street.
i, iv -.-v t 111 i. r