Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, June 15, 1861, Image 1

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    MPT A
LEVI L. TATE, Editor.
ffVOL. 15-NO.
IN LLooMsnuna, Columbia county, r.i.
o l'TFTb e
' fO tltiek tittUtlngt cfpoiile the Parking?, ? 1-9
iy (AC ivuri iffUJe. "jjcmviruiis icuu t(arnr,
i$t.00 In advance, for one copy, for iix numtlif.
I" mlvanrn, for one ny, one year,
A 00 If not I within the ttrrt three monthi.
2 M If not -mid wilh In the first alx months.
2 SO If not pa lil within thoytnr.
tt?"Ni siilMcrlpttnn taken for 1pm tliin lt months,
inj no piper discontinued uutit all arrearages shall have
, 0?'CtiItnflrvADTiiTiKMESTilnsprtoJ,n!(l Jon Work
executed, at the tAMbllshediirtccii.
VpItRfmitiderof ttiii Cil brntcd Iritlt(itlnn( nUVrs the
X ntont certain, itpi'L-tly unit only reim-dy in
thfr.wuU for t'lroctafntriii 'He, r!mftiiri',H.'min:il vw.ik.
neat, Tain in the Loin-, Constitutional lHbilit, Im-m-onttf',".Uiaki.rm
of th.j ami!), AiiitJiiuin !
tha KlJiwyc, r-ilnitatlon ol tlu Heart, lili-'j'li. ,rr
voui Irritatiiliiy. Uhlmiiu of ih'( ltua.1, TIipmI. N'dfu or
tikin.oml nil tlnMu bitI-jih ami intlaiulioly HUordurb
arinlng from llu U-trurtive lnhits uf Vuuth, whiih dc.
flrpyi hoth hud)' ami iiunj. 'J'hedu w'cr.'t j.nil Military
practices, are moru fatal to llu'ir irlimntlmn the nu;z,f
tho tfyrL'in lu tli i iii.iriiifru L'lyjtscri, lilihtiiiK llu'ir inot
briHlont hopea and anticipations rui tiering in.i' ii.
. t M.IM.C,V
Marrl-nl persons, or Voiing Mm rontcmplaliii mar
rinse, l ln nw.iru nt pli ehnl ui'.iktx i. organic itrahili
ty, deformities, Ate, blioitlJ'ly coiiiiuU Iir
Juhmton, and bn ti-ton-l to purlct t luali ti.
It Why places liinuull umlur thu care ( Or, Jtiluutnn, 1
may rtlMioiidly conit lo in hit honor u n iH'iitlunun, uiid
coniidciuiy rely upon iitHfkiu tin n piiyiria:i.
uitHAMr Wi:.KM.tfd
imniediattly curftJ ami lull mor n-hlort-d.
'lliU iIl tJ-',iiL' ii Ilia pi-iialiy most Iru'incntly ;ild by
Ihoflu nliu h.tu liL'i'oine tlx victim of improper ituinldi'ii
clutti i"UHi trioiH iiru too apt to onunit i-Xcti i'hiiii
hot tK'in? avs.irc of Hut tlruadtn coii)i.-i(L-im- n..i
etuue. iav h i th it und rft.iiulx tin1 fiiliii'it u ill nrc'.
tend to deny tit it tlu pantr ul procri'tiimn lost Kduner
uy inost'iJinnyinio nnprop'jr ii.iimu iii.itin) Hi- prudent,
jtefided luiiii ilenrived iii tins tdaioire ul lii'.-ilihv nif
uprinjts, thf m-j't serious and (telrmtiu f mpiuniH to
uuui Douy a a a ininn nri e. j ne ) fit'in netonn ueran
cd; thu physical and mental powers ueaketicd, iktvmu
ilv'tiility, d) hp-pii i, palpit-ition ot thu li.-ait, inili't'rtiou,
aWttitin ot Hi j fiaioe.Cujli, )mploiiid of Cuhhtunp
tion. &f.
rx" Otlicp. So, 7 South I'm or n k Ktufu, ceii i!mr
from Ililtiniore fir- -t, K.ft t 1. tip tli i-pt, llo par
ticular in tht(riii!r thoXV.MII and 'Nl'MliKIt, or jou
will nititakt- th place
A Cure H'arreatfii, tir no Ckargt Jrfrfr, in from One to
VVtf tun .
NO MlilUJUUV Oil .VAIJMi'H'ri IRU(W i'hi;d.
Mjiiber of the t'olicjro i.f rtnrirron. nt hnndon.
(Jfalnil Ir-tiaoa it the n.i-i i.t it 11 jla . i th.
liiitlad HUtf. anl tint (rrt'at-r part of wloneli, Ins
been fpent in the ilrt IldepitiiU o London. I'.nt-t, I'lul.i-itulldii.-iand
clieil 're, hid i-ItWtjd d" th inot
tonuhln? cures that wen our known; truld"i1
with' ringing in tlitli-'.id and ear uli-n at-h--p. tnat
nt'ryouiiifn, h -uvi ul irnud at pud'lcn foiiad mid b iU
fulniM. v ith Ire-pi.-nt IthiIuii!!. att n n-d honu tj.acA ul.
doraitji'iueiit of minl, wit. rnrcd imiii'ti it Jy.
a (TiifAiN iu&i;am;.
W'liftn tlictnlsiriii !d and fmpriidt m votirv if .-niirf
find ha h lit lailitln-il tlx' M-cdn ot tin-1 iniiul uin a
too often happens tit tt an ill tim ,1 -.oil-.' nf -h.)m" or
dread of di-o.ov ry, deter a applj my lo tlioM
wh'J from I'dncatlnuan-i rop i taljihn ran aon. u -fri nd
him, delaying 1 ill the coiiatitutlonury ttj (i.ptotim ot tin
horrid dfi-aiie in ikis tli.-ir appi ar uic nalt tia nlrcrat
sore thru it, ili-if-ajed noie, iiuitnic, pan.a in iheli-an
and lliiib. (UmmHof ii?ht daaiio'iSH, nodt-n rn ih,. Pkni
b i4, an J arnn, M nra on tmr h'Hd f ip' an 1 Mri m
tiflf, proirn-jixi I'MhUi rapidity, till nt 1 t-t I'm pal tit-(
th'i nuutli a'ld leu i.t t'l- tifwi' 1 ill in mid th a i jni o
tlila dett '.isa bjoiai'i-ta horrid i-hjef tuf tomniM-ieiuiion
till 'death putrf a period tnhls dnM'iful Aiiir'rlni;. l.j m n
ti'iUliliii t' " haiirn t fiuni ncu no travel. t re
mrtii," To yiich, th irPior l)r. Juiinnton pidam him
iilf lonri'ior- th ' inat in loaldi M-crery. und trom Jm-t-itL'tiilve
praitiui to ili-i lirt-t llnpitali t f Europe and
An'rica, li i.ui tontid ntly r runiiiieml mi- and npecdy
care to the iinfiirtniiati- vulitnof tlii- h irrl I dueaM-.
TAKi: 1'AUT1CI'!AII NDnui:.
Dr. J.' a 1 Irexxea all thou who havu inj jred tlujujclvcB
by priratif ani improper induU nre.
Ihese arc oni' of the bad and nnl.iiirhnlv clHittH pro
duced by earl) habit ofjo-ith, viz. Wiuknes ot the
Hack and liliiibi IViln In thn Iliad, Ilium m of i"ht
I.otfi I'tiuer, l'ali it-iiion of 111.- Iliart, lij.
IK'psia; .Vi'rvti.iH Irnital'illiy, lieraiiccniont of luge
tive runtt ions, (i.mi ral Debility, fjinpUiiu.. uf c'oiuumu
MKNTAI.IiY The f pfilrtd upon tlu mind are
much to be dreaded, l,n-H of Miinnrv, L'onfiiitn of
Upreitiiou of thy spirit 4, ilvil 1'or -bo luiii', Aver tion
of rtociety, Tunity, .c, nn- come of the Mil produetd,
Thousand of pi-rcoun uf nil agcif tan mm judiiu what j
I thtfc.u of tli ir detlining Jo-alth. Koo-ijit tlcir
vigor, beconiin-j weak, pale and I'liiaiiat d, hivitij! t-m 1
rular abp'-nranc about thecjc. cou0'li ami fjinptoiii oi 1
,w ox's ivvicoiiativc iu:mi;uv ruu
By tliU great uiid important remedy, uiMkne uf the
organs aru fjierdily cured, und full vigor rot-tored.
Thounand of the moi-t iifrvuiia and dtbilitated, who
had lost all hip. have been Jinnifdjat'ly relieved. Ail
itiipdiai9ntst to .M.irriatre, VJijciial and .Mental IJiiuali
ncatioii.'NVrvouri Irrntability.Tn mblingjiaiid Weaklier
ur bxhauitjtioii of th? most fearful kind, kpecdih cured
by lloctor Juiin?ion.
Who hive injured thuiiielve by n fprtain prartict,
indulged In vvlu alnno :i hubit fri 'piriitly learned from
evil conipaniuiM, or at Hclmol-the i in.-it of vvliUh are
nightly Ml, tven vvlu-n asleep, and if iiotruriil n-ml ecu
Jinrriage iniixH-fild-!, and dettro) both mind and bodv,
should apply iinm"iliat ly.
What u jiilty tint young man, thf hope of hid rpitntry,
and the dailing o UU parentJ, ehmiM bo tnntilied trmu
Ul proappct an 1 1 nJomciit oflifj, by thu ioiih.-'p.' n
res of deviating from tlie path of nature, and indulging
in n lertaiu set ret habit, riuclt pmoiii belurw iuii
phould reflect lint a sound mind and bo ly arc the iiinx
tiecussary repiii(iuj to prnmotu liappiuehn
Indeed, vvltliom these thu journey through life In-tome-
a weary. pilgriiuai;e, thu proxpert Jmurly darki-nsto
the view; the mind become Fhadoued with decpairJt
tilled with thu m.-laiit'li-dy retlection tint tho happinem
of another become bliirlitd HU our own,
urnuu no. 7 houtii fju:di:kick ht., mtihnare, mj
ALU BUJttJR'AI, OrUltATlONrt I'liH I'Olt m j:n.
N, H. It no fale mo lety previut jmt, but apply
immediately rltlif r personally or bv Letter.
tiUIN lililiAriCrf til'Kl'DII.V CL KKl).
TU V7(VMt7.7t
The nnny thousand cured at thi lnvtittit jmt vsithin
th lait 13 yearn, and tint numerous important Hureical
Operation perform d by Ilr. Johiuton, vvitnecbcd by
the reporter of the paper and man) other pcroi, no
rtices of which have appeared again and again before the
tpuMic bpide hi standi nu u a gentleman of character
-uid retponsibility.H n sultuifut unaraiittc to the ulllictu j
, taki; noticj:,
V.-n. There are bo many ianoraut nnd worthietu
auarki hdverUing thprHPlve riiybiciaiiii, ruining the
health of the already nUlictcd, that Ur. Johiiftou derm
it noctiaary to nay, especially to thmo unacpiainUd
with hi reputation, tint his credential and iliplonn
ilivays hang lu hi oiiire,
Qy-TAKiiNoutii. -All htur must be pot paid, and
contain a poitojje utouip for the retdy, or no auivvcr will
be. sent.
MarchU, l3tU
7UC'uplcr4?nPi) prateful for pa-t natrnnaire, rosnett
IfjUy iuforma hUcitstiiiiieri aiiil tlirpubllcneneratly
th&thebaJut received from tho Interne title, the
largest aud muat iuleit stuck of
Thnjiaiytt been opened in Illootnsliure, lo whirh ho
invites thu allehtinu of Ins friends, and ns.lircs Ihem
iliatllicy ntu utTercd fur salo at srest bargains. Hi
Uuclc&jiii.priscs a largu assortment uf
;i.ubNTLU.Mi:N"3 wjiAnixc; apparel,
CunMslUiyol Fasuionaeie Dress Cuts, of .-very des
cription ;i Pauls, Vests, bhirls. CrtU'tiW Flocks, Cutluii
UauakerchUlj, uioi cs, Euspcndcrs, Lt.
Of every description, lino aud clicap.
N, ll.-IUniemlier " Lsircuterx't Chirp Tellurium, -n
auj ne. jvu diarso fur tiaminn unj
ra. . , , iiaviii i.uivi w:r.i
DWtnitur" Manh li'u . lu 1 jj i
lllMI ! I I . . e-
ruBLisnnn nv i. aitmitov & co.
413 awl 415 Ilroadway Kciv York.
The following vmrksaro seiittoPub'cribcrRinanypatt
ofthu country, tupi receipt of retail price,) by mail or
explOM prepaid t
Dictionary of (irneral Knowledge. Kdlted by Ufohob
HiriFTann A. iiaia. aided by n numerous rv
lect corps of writer In all branches of Ptlencies, Art and
Llteroturtf. This work i being pnbllshed in about 11
page. ui. l lo M incluiiif.nro now rendy.eaclt
contfllnlng iienrtf..'nw, original articles. An additional
larmi ULiavo TOiuno-B, racn containing 750 two rnlintt
loiimn ir n puiiuiiru once in atiout throe month
rrito.inriuth.s:); Sheep, $J 5j Half Mor., 51 Half
, The Sew Amrrican Cycloptrdia I popular w itliout we-
ing up'rhrial, katm-d but not pedanlc, coniprehrn?ive
out uairiJiui) ui'ifiuen, ireu uoin personal pi'pie nnd
partyprejudfee, fn-fh aud yet accurate. It isn complete
ptatemmt of all that is known upon rvrry important top.
ic with tho i-cope of human Jiitrlligencc. Kviry Import,
nnt nrtlflc in It Ins Iceiifpeclally written for its paawg
?y men whoara authorities npuii the topic on whirh
th-yfpeak. Th y are reouin-d to bring the subject tipto
the presdit moment to (datpJuM how it stands r,crr. All
tlufctntistlral informalion is from th iffr rt ports; the
genur iphiral arrounts keen pace with the latest exptort
lions; historical matters include tin frehoftJust iewn
thn bingraphlciil iiotaes not only Fpeuk ofthe dead, but
also of in ! i I'm. It I a librarv of itself.
AimiiKU-'UNriir tub ilmm ort'oNORrs-ti Ileingn hist -ry oftht- United States, from the orania
tinn of thf llrnt IV.icral Cmigrcrs in JTrfitto lClo. llda.
rd nnd compiled bj IIou.Tiiomai II. Ut ntoh from the Of
ficlat Heconls of L'ongrvh.
The work will be complied In 15 rnyat octivo voliimos
of 75(1 pages each 11 ofwhich arc now ready. An addi
tional volume wiltbj published onto in three mnnt.'x.
Cloth Si; Law Sh-rp, $15(1; Half Mor$l: Half
Calf $1 ."ill einh.
a wav or rUOlT.IN-d TIM. CYCI.OI'.KtHA, OK
I'orin a club of four, and remit the price of four bnokF,
an! live eoin"H wilt In fent nt the rnuittpr's t penie lor
tarriag".nr lor ten nub-rib.r eleven enpic will be tent
at our expen-cfor carnage.
N'onlhr-r tt-nrkj irill.u lilmMlly rcnanl llici rrrtiolls
rA!t'l'ti. As AntNt Wamli, i mis CitLMU
Trriua tn.i li' Mum n un nri'liriitibn lo tlio Puli'iJicra.
Nov.tli, 1-(,m.
mi you ivjt.vr musia:iis t
do rou ii-.mtji .vusr.jciu:!
no you itjucrji jituiv.icin:t
ESelli sisliasns Celebrated
Vo tic Whhkcrs awl Hair.
I "in. i,iil,rri!TH t tk-- jilon. tru in .innniimiiif. to the
'. -us l .rii" i uil'-ll CLllfS, mat llit'i liavi
, , S"1) i.t, ana urn huw tnaliluil to uit -rto
..iii' ifiinir. uic nuuc juttly alinrutcil anil
u nrl.l.rt'iuiu iK-iJ iirticle
Tlu Siinml.itinc Diisucnt li iTrparnl lij' Dr C I' Ilcll
IllSllillil. all rinhii-iit of Lnlliliin. ami is
ranted to ,ril ut a thick ml of Ulil.kclK or a Mu-fuli-
in Irmn lliri'r M .i nr. l,s Tills arllile i tin
only nn ..I tlukinil iiwlliy Ida rrencli, anil in I.nnaou
ii,i Inns itis in iniit uril nss.
it !a li niitifiil. i i'oiintnjctii, snntliina, trtRtimnlatine
rimiio,ni,l, :.i llnjr as if l,y nunc t.jx.ii the ruols, tans
inita lifantilul crowtii ft Itnutlaui liilr. IfaptilivJ t
Hi i sralp. it will uiru iMlilnrss, ami r.insi- to sprinc up
in ptac uf thu,t i.ii.u a lint- urwth of nt. hair.
Appli Ml nrronliisff tn ilin i llr,n i. it h1 tuti, r,., nr lmv
livirilark. anil r,-i.l',re pray hair tn its crimunl color,
lu.mna it toll II Ail,!,'. Tills lliiiinil" ik
an liiilisii'nsi,lih':irlikin t-trrv ui'iiliein m'stoili t, and
.ilti'rnno wi'i k's usu tlKy tvouhl liol fr any (ontitlirn.
liim li ' u itliout it
Th stili-o rlln-r' ar. Hi nnlv .k','iils for Hip article In
tli I mi, , s to u i.iiiii ntl i.r.l.TK niiixt I,,' mlilri'HSLd
, Pr" .i ll"ll irah ,-l'rs.ili ! all llruiitt. aii'l
Inl r oriilioM.l in,' "iini;,i,Mil' i.trr.tiit,',l to lu..
tlio !"irr-,li'tl -cl) ni I he i-iit tn nnv onp who ,h&iri'il
liy mill (.lir.'iu. s riircly p irk",l,.iii incipl ,.fprli.u liii.
i'U . SI li Apply lo or j,l,lr,.,
iiouAui; i.. iii:i!i:ma i:co.
lRt llitlf... ,V
51 William Hlmu, .Vow York.
I Vhrnary !1. Irtli-fin
U ailing Jen dry ;iul Sllvrr-tl'aro.
..,' uoiihl ri'p,'i trally inform nnr fro nil 4 pi
Irons nii.l lit" public ir,'ncially,llial.C'liatii no
, . . : ' ' "-"' o,i i, ,'i.iii, nt m
low, st l.l.ll prill... n .irir,. n,,.l rl,i. .,.. ..t
i utchiis, J,', iry, tilur and Platud Wart', of ctury tu
rii t s,i tt i,.,
Y.mtv ili srriplion nflliiimoml Work, nnd other Jw
L'lr) Hindu In or h r at .iorl nolici'. i. , All coiids u ir
.:V"., ,'J-as " N '--patiir,iiari,ii,.n
mti'tilo llionpairinsof WatiliL'snud J.uclry offtcry
iltfcriptiun. ' t-.ij
ffrumn A. IIARI.IIV.
March 1. m,."'.
A lln.' ..l.-i.l I'ftahli.h,.,! ,y iprriai endow .
m-lil, Mr th'- r.-liffofthi. iJirk and lliMn-asfil nlllicl, .1
lth Mriilcnt and i:pi,i,-iiuo IIimos.'s. and o,ptciall
furlh'Tur' nflilnsi-s ,f tu. H.,al Or-ans. iV
'''t'',"!';,1.";,",1:'. V,'','.!,'"'," '" "" 'mrl" "rills Lnitcil Mutes
AM' lll.l: lllil'llltTH on Sirrm it rrltu.-n alol nili.
i7,.,!n',".lf','.","fll"!.SL'1":i' "ri!."", "ml on tlio mav
Kl.lll.llll.S i niplojed sent o the nlllirli'd in I
lilleri'inili.p.s ir'i'oiiliam,'. Tnoui ihreo litniiips
I.I.N 11(111 I I I'l N. Aitiut! Burcenn, lloHuld Associa
lion. No. '. rtoiith Ninth lrei t, I'liiladtlpiiia Pa.
Mnnh i', Iflil-li'in.
mucin inuvit!!
'pilKiiiiilrisisjnnlib prepaml to mpply Uritk, of a
I B"d luality.utr.iir price, lie will Ira found at tho
llnrk nrd ol I). L, M'hinnj-, near .McKelty &. Xcal's
I urnac. PersoiN Hcirlncio piirclia.u will do well to
call , is liriik will he madu and MU.r be n-ltt.
- . II- ITMl.MA.V, .Iztnt.
" I"" "00 now on li.ind and ready lor nule
i:iooiuimrtf ivii.ii, ifiiii-y,n. j. ii. r.
JUa'Prrri ltd from the nianiif.ii lories In l.ostmi, im
artulo ol niuil oircllrnt '11111111) . I ihullenc compc.
tltloil as lo jrand frier. The under.isned Mill kiep
lordirstoiiijlcli any of lh fctjles on hand-aiid u
theonlyl,i:pfrliic,',IP,i.ntllM.tR .11 ihis Seclioii of
h'iCouiity-(.itBiny Muck an Liaminallon
lieforj I'urilriMiiu.
IX- Call at lltiperls Post Ofnre.
.. , . i J. THOn.NTO.V.
I.luouikhurs .Marcli 22J leOl ,
J. fi. BB U B JE St ,
(Pltrees.or tn J. ft. Font in.) i.y
No. a Norili 1'ifih Ft., ahoii. .M.irktt.
Also, Manufacturer and Iuiporicrof
.May U, 1-iO-liin.
200 000 1!'lliii! "rick, of excel-
' Imt iiiality, for lalo at ilia old
P.lnoinhira Ilriik Yard. Parlies iuli'inlinn o build
will do will to rail and ciaiuinc tliu maurial and cil
bargains. Api'll 10
plonm-liiit;, March 0, 1SCI -nui.
Till: suhtriber, manufucturtr of tMnrtULAs it Vakk
Hiw.inv lies the attention of uunhants to biscn'org
ed ktoreand vup.riir stotk.
.uw.rn rusHULL:
Nob Ic I. N0fth 4thfct. nill.ADCIA'lUA.
MariUS, Irol am.
Mxriui:, .uoxrovii cousrr. r.i.
linurlainuiiiit for Man and lleuii, in rood st)o
and nt luoduiati, rules.
liiiOKUi; W. I'llUi:!'., Pmpnclor.
Danville, March, s, 1?CI,
E R 0 D U G G E R.
i'llll wnuilerrul article, iost n.itet,ie,l. ia n,f.n.,nn
entirety wrir, und neer beferu otrered to ajcnts, who
are waulbd uvirywitero. Pull parluulars stut free
P1I.UV t VLARK, liiddifvrd, Maine.
March II, IrOl-ly.
10 No Mh Fourth Street.
c M'tinnrr; & son
lbi y
Tropn tors
Mar II
Select ?Hoctun
Uufurl tho Glotjous Banuor.
Unfurl the glorious Innncr,
Let It svvny ttpon the brccz',
The emblem f our country's prlJc.
On laud and on the neai
The cmbieniof our liberty,
Ilorne proudly in the var,s
I Tho hope of every frocman
The gleaming trHrlpcsand Slots.
Thi? glorious band of patriots,
Who gav e the I'lag it's birth;
Have writ with ttuel lu liMory,
Tho record of its worth ;
I'rom Hast to U'ert, from nca to sea,
i'rom puh to tropic tun,
ill e)e grow bright, and hearts thrtb high,
Attheinmeof WASlllflTOV.
Ah, proudly shmtl! we b'-arll,
And guard this iljg of nun,
Itorne bravely in its lufanty,
Amid the daikerhourst
Only the brave inny bear it,
A guardian it shall be.
Tor thni w ho will have won,
The ifuhtto boast orhbeity.
Culiiiiiliin Dnnorrai
II .vtgJtzlcvJQu.wuocM-K3:Jl
Wiittcnfor the CulumUa Demount.
.Tkusevtow.n, Pa., Juue a, 1801,
Co.'. L. L. Talc,
Duau Sin: In looking over a
copy of the 11' publican, dated :JUth of May,
I discoveicd a communication from some
individual, seeking public uotoiicty, who
signs himself "Tyro," aud purporting to
have been written at this place. Now,
who 11 Tyio" is, wo do not caro to know
nor have we deemed it necessary to take
the trouble of inquiring, but wo hope he
has succeeded iu making himself fully as
notorious as he anticipated ho would do
by writing such an article. Wo would not
have condescended to reply to the com
municatiou were it not that most of his
assertions wcro incorrect and others - oi
such a nature as to reflect personally upon
tho character of individuals residing in
thij ullage and vicinity. Wo first copy
from the flattering encomiums, ho so un
sparingly bestows upon tho HcpuUicav, in
tho tallowing quotation : "The fact that
it is rapidly gaining popularity in this and
adjoining counties is alone sufficient to
show that it is duly appreciated by the
reading portion of the community.'1 Al
though wc have no personal fault to find
with tho lit publican, yet wc are compelled
to n' rm fie,that he is laboring
under a tad delusion in this rcpect; espe
cially so far as this vicinity and neighbor
hood i, concerned, and we have no idea
that " Tyro's" professional duties or mat
ters of business are of such a nature as to
call him far from home, aud certainly not
into "distant parts of this and adjoining
counties," and consequently, his assertion
without any facilities of positively proving
his position is nothing more than a mere
assumption without evidence to support it.
Rut wo may not comprehend tho gentle
man's meaning by the phrase "reading
portion of tho community." If by this
term, ho means himself and a few other
individuals, wo will probably bo compelled
to admit tho truthfulness of his assertion.
If he wero to take tho pains to make tho
uecessary investigation, ho would fiud that
but a limited number of copies of the paper
iu question is secured in the post oflico of
this place, about 10 numbers were received
a year ago, and now only abont eight
copies, and still more, that persons who
were personally frieudly toward that jour
nal, are now giving it tho "cold shoulder,"
owing to somo of its ultra principles.
Wo must now pass on to somo other
points. It is unnecessary for us to speci
ally notice tho patiiotio ttylo iu which
, c .1 ,- i vn-
" iiru" speaks of the national difficulties
.it i ,
and cf the duty of every truo and loyal
American citizen, to rally around our iu-
suited banner and strike a blow for our
country and freedom. If jou but look at
thn c.litorinls of nnv nf nnr lnnilnm In,,.. !
nals of tho present day, you will find a I
truo and faithful copy of them, and from 1
which wo have good reason to believe ho ! amioJauco at first "wcl'0 El0,")
has taken a largo portion of his remarks spacotoo small to accommodate tho uum
verbatim. lors"
There is a passago, moreover, which wo Considering, that at tho time Iwroto,tho
must notice, aud in order do so nioro fully, most of tho men wcro raw in camp, unused
wo will mako tho following quotaticn . ' to restraint or military dieiplino, and had
"Yet there are a few in Pennsylvania who ' not been sworn in. Camp Curtin was well
warmly sympathizo with thoso who are I governed, and tho Iron Guards can bear
openly endeavoring to wrest from us tha . testimony how often I defended tho courso
prioelcs3 boon of freedom. Even in this of the couimaudiug officers in theirendeav-
immediate vicinity, I can point to exhibi
tions of this which might justly cause patri-
ot's u ai d virtue to weep. Thoso whom
we liavo been accustomed to rogard as
men of principle and couscicnco, tbc:e '
whom the world has been pleased ty tcim '
honorable men, liavo tlesccntlcd so far in
tlio scale ot Icing as to to uttcily insenst
bio to all that constitutes moral greatness,
and have forfeited that impress which gives
tho human dross its currency a priceless
reputation by openly identifying themselves
with the destroyers of our country." This
assertion, like many of his others, is en
tirely uncalled for, nnd besides it is alto
gether a misrepresentation of truth. It is
true, ivo have men hero who ,arc not so
limited in their definition of tho word
Union ns to apply it exclusively to tho
North and thu3 entirely exclude our breth
ren of the Southern States, men who em
ploy the word Union in its true and most
cxtcu.dud signification, and lovo it aa they
do their own lives, and who earnestly and
truly hoped that sonic conciliatory measure
might bo effected, granting equal lights
and privileges to all parties concerned, aud
thu prevent the gatliuiingstorm aud avoid
tlio necessity of plunging our country into
a long aud civil war, with all its coucotni-
taut horroi-3 of destruction and bloodshed.
Rut when tho day of conciliation is past,
and actual hostilities have begun, those
very mcu, instead of "openly identifying
themselves with tho destroyers of our
country," arc willing and ready, their
country demands rally around her
insulted banner, and with tho Stars and
Stripes proudly and majestically floating
o'tr them, fight for the preservation of our
glorious Union. Such men are uot asham
ed of their conduct, and arc ready at any
time lo compare notes of their actions with
t!ioc who have been long and loud iu their
cries of "save tho Union," and wo are
very confident they woutd not suffer by
comparison. arc not willing under
any "peculiar circumstances to let the
Union ulide rather than grant the south her
equal rights and piiviloges," but are will
ing to contend manfully for what is honor
able and just. Such a personal attack as
this upon citizens of this place and com
munity is entirely deftituto of any foun
dation whatever, aud "deserves only to be
mentioned that it may be despised."
I'er the Lcltiinlia Democrat,
Rr.oo.MsT.ur.a, Pa., Juno 10th 1801.
Mr. lidilor ; Iu glancing over the
columns of tlio lldmUican of May auth
lr-01, 1 noticed a communication signed
"A Soldier," tho intuition of which was
to bring discredit upon my letter to you
dated Jloy lcSUl . As the facts which
I stated wcro so notorious iu tho Camp, I
concluded not to reply to it ; aud I did
not tear the effects of such an anonymous
communication at home. Whilo on a
brief visit to tho pcoplo of this place, I ae
cidcntally found out tho author of the com
munication, and concluded that a few
words of refutation might not be amiss.
Through no fault of tho Editor of the Re
publican, I have learned that "A Soldier,"
is a member of tho "Iron Guards," though
ho represents himself differently. He
must have tho attributes of omniprescuco
and invisibility, and with these constantly
attend the person of Mr. McCauley who
(is not a Captain) or tlsa ho could uot
so confidently assert that my assertions
wero falso and unfounded. Somo of tho
expressions which he used, wcro in places
where it was imposiblo for Mr. "A
Soldier" to bo. And yet, whilo I hold
myself responsible for tho truth of ivcry
communicition I make to the public press,
I am willing aud able to prove by dozens
of witnesses from tho "Iron Guards" and
from tho Company of which McCauley
iPfli a member, tho truth of every state
ment therein made. "A Soldier" had my
opinion of his communication whilo I did
not know him, and his name will appear if
, . ..,,,,,,
ho does not stick to facts In tho future.
Tll0ro is nothing iu my letter to lead a
sinsiLle lcai,cr to tho conclusion that
"Ual"I' Curtiu is an iU' Scorned hell ;"
llor is thoro a wm ,aid in rraii0 or Ualuc
f offici!r3 'u Command. Oil the C0I1-
lrar' 1 ulslln'y stalcu "ia' our prayer
'""""S1' wlth tbc efIo or a little
ors to promoto order.
And now, a word in conclusion, as to
tho prspricl'j of my criticisms on Mr. Me
Caulcy. As a private man, I would havo
uothiu," to do with him -, aud any eiilicism
would be ml of place Rut he appeared
SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1801.
boforo tho camp as their, Prcacter, and
henco made his stylo, sentiments, nnd ev
erything connected with him public prop
erty. Every public fpeaker must bear
cri(icistn, and as I did'nt liko his stylo, I
saitl so, nnd gave my reasons, Tho sen
timents ho avows, aud tho expressions ho
uses may suit "A Soldier ;" and McCauley
may bo "just what ho wants,'' but it is
not so with mo. As to the Su'quchanua
boys, they are generous, noblo fellows and
I hope long to enjoy their company and
Yours truly,
t-'or the- ColumlU Demoern'.
.TiiRKiiYToWN, Juue '1th 1601.
Cor.. L. L. Tatk,
Dear Sir : In tho Columbia county
ll'publiutii, of May Udth, I observed an
article headed "Letter from Jcrscytown,"
and signed ''Tyro," which contained some
uttoily falso asset tions j and for tlio sake
of general information to your readers and
also of exposing the author, (no matter
who nor where from,) I desire briefly to
refer to some of said assertions. In the
first place Mr. ' Tyro" passes tome high
components on tho editor, and then goes
on by referring to tho present crisis, and
giving (pe"?IJips as lie supposes) soiac very
intelligent information concerning tho "Pa
triotic sons of tho Old Kcy-Stono "
"Yet" llf! Mrs "lliorn ovn o C.w 1,1 lnn
who svmnathiso with t!n wl,n" !
are openly endeavoring to wrest from us iBcalcd hcr lovill3 with its icy fingers,
tho priceless boon of froodom." And far- I 3o"'t you remcmljcr '0W tho great tide of,
ther, ho has the audacity and baseness to'SOriW camo su,'SinS 'cr yur S)i'"1
assert that "ovcr in this immediate vicini- Trt J lou 1IUl tho."Sht thc othcr ,
ty, I (he; can point to exhibitions of this wLo" J'ou Pickci1 u' tho Parcrs-l'at
which might justly cause patriotism and ' w ""'V of only four Ictters-which
virtue to wccii "Those whom we have
been accustomed to regard as men of prin
ciple aud cousci:ncc thoso whom tho
world has been pleased to term honorablo
men, havo decended so fir on the scale of
being aa to be utterly insensible of all that
constitutes moral greatness, aud havo for
feited that 'impress which gives this ha
man dross its currency, a priceless reputa
tion, by openly identifying themselves with
thc destroyers of our country."
Now, I with clear conscience, fearless,
free and iu defianco of contradiction, do-
clarc that such assertions arc print blank
falsehood, and havo no grounds what cv
cr. That there arc those who have hereto- ; together, aud tho printer whistles Yan
fore contended for tho equal rights of tho yooJie as if lmmalifc was below par,
South, and frequently remarked that they ' ,md 60 ;t is. Thig is tho printcr'B lifo aml
(the South) had reasons for complaint, I busiuess.
do not pretend to deny ; but, as for being A Printing Office is a great bowling al
favorablo to secession and opposed or un- Icy. The printer sets up pins tho world
loyal to the governmcut, thcro is no such keeps talley, tho editor puts tho ball in
characters nor has nut been neither in Jer- ' motion, and away it goes, carrying death
scytown nor vicinity. And as regard rep- and destruction in its front, sending a pin
utation, they aro prepared to compare with hero aud a pin there, whilo a noisy rabblo
Mr. ' Tyro" or even the Doctor, who was always stand by to cheer aud hiss down
small enough to publish such slanderous tho players Some play for money; and
outrages. j a fow a precious few do it to patronize
-r jtz -----
How Wars auf. Decided, Successful
wars aro usually decided on a given point
and in a single day. It is tho greatest cr-
ror to suppoio that a campaign extends to
every village iu a State, and is composed
of a series of littlo combats. Russia was
overwhelmed at Austcrlitz and Fricdland
bvtroons that had never scon hcr soil :
Napoleon was hurled from his throne at
Waterloo ; Austria wa3 humbled at So!
feiiuo, aud tho victory of Wolfo at Quebec
won Canada for England. In tho Crimea,
tho legious of Nicholas wcro cxhau-tcd at
Powrtt or Tun Minib Rifle. The
power of tho Miuio rifle has bceu proved
in tho collision of the troops with thc mob
at St. Louis. Tho balls iu strikiug tho
walls toro tho bricks for a spaeo of threo
or four inches iu diameter, aud, when
struck perpendicularly, penetrated to tho
depth of six inches into tho solid wall.
Ono shot fired at an anglo to tho wall,
tore away tho corner of a brick next the
door frame, penetrating through it at least
six inches, and wcut through thc door into
tho building, lodging in the opposite wall.
The Nevada Silver Mines. Tho
following is an extra from a letter dated
Silver City, Nevada Territory, April 7 :
"Tho mines are yielding very rieh sil
ver, and some fifteen to twenty quartz
mills aro now on tho way from or are build
ing in California for this vicinity. Scvoral
of them nro to bo put on the Carson river,
which u of sufficient capacity to run thc
Lowell mills."
A "OT ondorful Architect.
Do you know tho type setter is an ar
chitcctt You soo thoso bits of load and
r.iuo lying ovcr, across and against each
othcr, like the tangled braids of a mcr
maid's hair? And yet they form an ar
my moro powerful ever fought on tented
field. Yesterday they stood up "form'1'
truly, in a thousand forms you may look
upon tho littlo bits with a smiles on your
lipi but you little dream they are stronger
and wiser than you they will speak when
you arc dead and forgotten. They havo
sometimes made you smile, and sometimes
shudder. "Stocks 1" Isn't thoro some
thing in that word? Havn't you been
head and heels in them for years, and
don't your feelings riso and fall with them
alternately ? A littlo further on you come
to the "Married." Ah ! I thought that
would mako you smilo. I saw you kiss a
baby then aud that word unravels it all,
You havn't forgot the day you went cour
ting have you ? Then there was magic in
the utterance. You stood at tho alter on
tho strength of tho happiness you felt, aud
if you have sot always loved tho girl as
you ought to, thoro is no ono j-ou lovo as
well. You secretly bless the day when:
tho single word "Married" was wreathed
liko a sacred archway ovcr tho joys of you
and yours. Don't you remember littlo '
Minnie she whom you loved so well
fcho with the blue eyes and auburn curls ?
When Death's dark Angel folded her little ,
Mcato liands ovcr Ilcr su? tosom, and
ou lauS"i at as they lay dusty and dir
ty in their square homos would mako
I you weep would mako you think of her
I whom God hath taken.
I If you come to his offico to-morrow tho
piinter will show you how to distribute
knowledge. He will pull to pieces tough,
wiry arguments that yesterday defied tho
I world. Those pretty palaces which tho
poet wrought will have to come down, and i
their golden fancies become to morrow the
integuments of tho politician's proso. In '
they go thoso melalic dwarfs, scattered i
, broadcast liko cood seed. which . shalllnrine,
fortIl s- t bundrcd fold. "Siv.
ty lives lost ' and Prentice's last ioko inarch
tua boss and bless mankind. No matter
what tho balls aro made of or how thoygo
if they only hit tho mark. Tho crowd
pocket the spoils and the honors arc left to
tho proprietor, who goes behind tho scenes
and starves in his shirtsleeves. Aud such
is life.
I Whcn tho Pr!ntcr dics) luo world just
,SC'3 a gliilso of his value as his coat-tail
vanishes into glory, and then it looks very
bad rilbs itfi Lcaa a Httlo.oalls him a clcv
, cr 'ow says only fault was in being
' Poor aml thcu tho 'vorld thoves his sym.
pathy out of tight into that idiom tho hu
man heait, and on rolls tho Juggernaut as
though nothing had happened.
Somo day tho people will wake up and
find a screw loose in tho jagged machine
of human progress. If you do, don't waste
moro sympathy than possible on thoso my
thological fellows who print your books and
AYiiat he TitouauT. An Ohio stump
er, while making a speech, paused in thc
midst of it, and exclaimed: "Now, gentle
men what do you think !''
Instantly a man roso in tho assembly,
aud with one eye partially closed, modest
ly, with strong Scotch brougo, replied :
"I thiuk sir, I do indeed sir I think if
you and I wero to stump tho country to
gether, we would tell moro lies than any
othcr two men in tho country, sir aud I d
not say a word myself duriug tho whole
tiiuo !"
"Put him out !"
Puesextations aro getting common.
Tho captain of a canal boat out West has
just been presented with a scrvico of five
years in tho penitentiary, in consideration
of tho distinguished ability with which he
plundered a passcuger and kicked him
ov rbourd
Slaughter or Four Thousand Pun
sons in ArmcA. The following is among
the late foreign news : Ono of tho nativo
missionaries, who witnessed the "grand
custom ' ot the King of Dahomey, says that
moro than 2,000 nialo human beings wcro
slaughtered, and nboutas many femalci
and young children, besides enormous
numbers of deers, turkey-buzzards, and
other fowl. In a commercial point of view
it has been productive of ovil. Tho West
African Herald says: "Wo learn that
besides the terrible sacrifice of human lifo
caused by the Dahoinan 'grand euftom,it
has also bad the effect of, in great measure,
putting a stop to trade iu that part of tho
couutry. All tho principal peoplo havo
been compelled to repair to tho capital
(Aboncy) and remain there to witness this
custom. In Wydah wo understand there
were, when our informant left that inten.
fow pcoplo but women and slaves. Tho
palm-nuts wcro rotting on tho trees; com
merce and agriculture wcro lanfuithino-
Among the Kin of Dahomov'a nrm.
.1.... . . ... . '
uieru is a iroop ca led tho Amazon Guards,
Tho West Africa u Herald thus describes
them: "Tho Amazon Guards, as they
havo sometimes been styled, are tho most
extraordinary troops that wo havo over
hoard or read of, They aro 3,000 in num.
ber, all females, and display such a dogrco
of ferocious bloodthirstiness and hardihood
as to bear greater rcsemblanc to a host of
mad tigresses than to human creatures
They utterly despise death; they show no
mercy to any living being in war; they
arc mad after blood, and seem not to know
what fear means.
They aro, in fact, a troop of devils, so to
speak, whoso hideous wilducss of manner,
and tho savage madness of whose demeanor
in times of excitement is so appalling and
inhuman as to havo led many well judging
persons to opiuiou that theso dreadful
creatures aro periodically subjected to tho
influence of some species of drug, which,
has this affect. Tho dress of tho Amazons
consists of a pair of loose trousers, an up
per garment covering the breast, and a cap.
They aro armed with a gun, knives, and
daggers ; somo havo blunderbusses, others
long elephant guns, while tho remainder
carry tho ordinary musket. In their mil
itary exercises they display good discip.
line, as well as wonderful dexterity and
A DiSArroiNTED Dahkev An old
darkey whom Capt. Jim Francis know3
very well, went out ono day to oaten cat
fish. After catching two or throe small
fry, he hooked a fine pike.
Some gentlemen who wcro fishing near
him wcro about to offer their congratula
tions at his IucI:, before they could do so,
however, tho darkey had detached tho
quivering beauty from his hook, and flung
him again into tho water.
"Why, under tho Sen did you do that
for?" ho was asked.
"Why. marscr," was tho rcnlv. "I enmn
a oattin', an' when I goes cattin', I wants
catfish and not pike."
A SCHOOLMA'AM in OC0 of our dislrir-r;
schools, was examining a class in orthog-
rapuy. "spelt and define floweret," sho
"IM-o-w-c-r-e-t, a littlo flower," went
off a tow head in a purfect streak.
' W-a-v-c-l-c-t. a littlo waw wo.
, ,
the prompt rctuan.
"R-u-l-l-c-t, a littlo bull," shouted
urchin number three, who vas innnecnm
personified. Schoolma'am 'caved.
Vanity Fair's advice to volunteer
printers, if they happen to fall in with a
ij po oi tne Baltimore plug-ugly, anywhere,
uudcr any circumstances, is don't forget
to "double-led" him.
"Do.n't get above your businss," as a
lady said to the shoemaker who was meas
uring hcr ankle in order to ascertain tho
size of hcr foot.
The proprietor of a bone-mill advertise.
that thoso sending their own bones to j
grouud will be attended to with puuctuali f
and dispatch.
War is the Star Spangled Ranuer 1
the Atlautie Oojan t Deeausc it will ut
cr cease to wave.
Numerous. Juvenile fishermen. Sor
ry time on chubf.
CCrGctt'ng rather comfortatlo the
w atlrr