DEMOCRAT. COLUMBIA I mx t 1 AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. LEVI L. TATE, Editor. $2 00 PER ANNUM "TO nOLD AND TRIM THE TORCH OF TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER THE DARKENED EARTH." VOL. 15.--NO. 14. BLOOMSBURG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA-, SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1861. VOLUME 25. .COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, "-PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, HV to t LEVI L. TATE. gjJIK BLOOMSBURO, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA. Hm ofFice fli tkt no DrUk flalMtiif . oppoiite the Kujint. h) tide oIAl Court Umt. "Democratic tail tlnarllr,. , TERMS 01' SUBSCRIPTION. Ul' 60 In advance, for one copy, fir six monlh. -175 In advance, (or one copy, one yenr. . ia on irnot paid within the first three nwnllii. ,!"VM Ifnot paid within tin first six mouths. jb2 50 Knot paid within the oar. Try No subscription taken for less than nil months, InTno paper discontinued until all arrearages shall have been paid. E7" OrdlnarvADvraTlir.ii"iTslnaetted,and Job WoRt executed, at the cilnblisliedtinccs. i BALTIMORE LOOK HOSPITAL, j DU. JOHNSTON, '(TMIIl founder of this Celebrated liiFtllullim, oflVrs the ,1? most certain, speedy, mid only clleclual remedy n the w.rlil fur cITocti fr liioeU.BHicture". uak tiuali Palm In the Loins, Constitutional Debility, Iwpo. xency, Weakness of the ll.ick and Limbs, Allections "I tho Kidneys, ralpilatlon of tile Heart, llispcpsia, Ncr Vou Irritability, Discus,! of the Held, Throat. Nose or Wkln, and all those serious and meianilioly Disorders arising from the destructive habits ul until, vvhiih de. i,,l. nli ,,,1,1,1. These secret and solitary radices, are more fatal to their victims than llieM.ugof the Syrens to the mariners Ulysses, Idiehtlni! their 1101,1 brilliant hopes and anticipations, rendering marriage &.C. impossible. M.miltrp , MAUlllAt.,. 'xMarrled persons, or Young .Men contcmplallnj mar riagc, being aware of physical weakness, organic dcnbi I ty, deformities, &c, should ly consult llr Johnston, mid he restored to perrei I lieallh. IIo who places hiiinilf under the care of Hr. Jolulflon, may religiously coutlde In Ins honor as n pcnllem1.11, and conlldently rely upoulii. fkill as a physician. OIltiAMU WliAlvNlli-S Immediately cured and lull 1 Igor restored. .'.This deseasuis the penalty inot lreo.uoiitly paid by those who have become tne viciimoi iiupntpei ,umc ties. YuuliR persons are loo apt to loniniH excess Irom not being aware of the dreadful consilience that ma) ensue. Now, ulmtliat understands the subjcil will pre. tend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling Into improper habits than by the prudent Besides being deprived of Hie pleasure ul healthy ulf. tilings, the most serious and destructive symptoms to both body mid mind arise. The ) stem becomes derang ed: the physical and mental powers weakened, nervous debility, dvspopsi-i, palpitation of the heart, iudige,tiou a wasting 01 the frame, Cough, symptoms of CoiiMimp tion,"&c. , lty- oinco, No. 7 South 1'asDRtcic frnrir, seven door, from llaltlinore street, East side, up Hi;' 'I'-I'f. lb! par llcular in observing lhe.NA.Mli and M.MIILK, or uu will mistake the place. .1 Cure lI'drKAlid, or no Cnrc .Vide, in from One U Tiro Hans. no jir.itcuiiY oit naukeoiis iiituos used. r Dlt.JUIl.VSlU.V Member of the lloyal College of Surgeons, nt Londnn. Orudualo from one of the 11101 eminent Colleges of the Unltstl miles, mid lh.' grinler part of whose lite ha baen spent in the first Hospitals of London, Paris, I'hlla dclulnaaud elsewhere, has ctl'eited some or the iiiobI ns tonlshiug cures that weruever known; many troubleil with ringing in the head and ears when n-leep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden .omuls, and ba,h rulness, with frequent Idiixhiiig, attended ,01111 limes w lib derangement of mind, were cured Immediauly. " k A CERTAIN DlfEASi:. When the misguided and Imprudent l ot.iry of pleasure (lads he has imbibed the seeds of this painful di-caso, 11 too oflen happens tint an III timed sense ul shame or -....-j ..r .iij..,..L- ,1, hlni from .moiling to those who from education und respeitability can alone l 'friend .i ..1... i,. nil t ,,, (oiitftiliitioiiiirv sviontoms of tin. horrid disease nukes tin ir appearance, such as ulcerated gorolhrou, diseased nose, uoaurce, pains in theheai'. Alidlimbs, dullness of ,ight, deafness, nodes on the skin ben's, audarms, blotches on the head, face and ivtreiui ties, progressing with rapidity, III I nt last the palate of w ..r.,.,t. ,1.1.1 !.., oi'tlii! noso fall in. und the l litim ot Hiis ,!,.. .;m,- becomes a horrid object of, nmuiissrrnllon till death pulsaperiod to liisdrcadlul sull-rings, by ,111 ding him 10 "that hourio' fioui wln-nio no traveler re ...,nJ 'l'., ,ii,li. therefore. Dr. Johnston pledges htm. aelftopres'TV. the most t tu loable secrecy, und Irom hi, extensive prnitice in the lir,t llospilals of lloropo and America, tie ran toniiueouy recwii,i. ,i., p... np.-euj curetuine 1 nioriouaie vicinuut 11,. , H ... .K., MARriCIJI.AR NOT UH. . Dr. J. addrcssea all lliose who have injured themselves toy private and improper indulgences. Vhn nre sooie of lllO had Ulld melancholy CltertS Pro Sliced bv enrlihablts ofioilth, il. Wi nkness of the Jlack and Limbs, I'.iill in the Head, Dimness of Sight T.nd, I'oWlT. l'.lloitalioll of tllO Ill-art. IMS pepsin, Nervous lrratabillty, Derangement of the five Puncliuus, (ieneral Debility, s) iiituiua of Colisuuip MENTALLY. The fearful efiects upon the mind are much to be dreaded. Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas Depression of the Spirits, Kill Ton hotlines, Aversion of Society, Tlinity, &e., nre some of the elils product J, Thousands of persons of all ages can now judge what lo'the cause of tlu-ir declining health. Loosing their ,i,r l.tx-miitn'r weak, uale and euiaciated, haling ,iu gular nppearanc about the 0) es, cough and mptoma 01 tVtjsumplioii. INV.onA.r,V(. uR.irj)Y POK VJ uiiuANiu vj:.kni:ss. ln this .Trent nn, l iiooortant reinedv. weakness of the .organs are speedily cured, and lull ligor restored. Thousands of the most nervous and debilitated, who lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. All impediments to .Marriage, Physical and .Mental Disquali. Aculion, Nervous lrratabillty. Tremblings and Wtakncss orexhaustatiou of the most tearful kind, fpeedll) cured by Doctor Johnston. ' YOUNfi MEN. Who have Injurctl ihinsi lves by a certain practice, dndulged in when alone a habit fre'pienlly learned from .evil companions, or at school the etrects of which arc niihtlv lelt. even when a,leep, and if not cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys buth iiiind and body, should apply Immediately. WJiat a pitty that young mnn, the hope of his country, and the darling of his parents, should be snatched tronl all prospects ami enjniiuents of life, by tho couseipifii. .ces of deviating from the path of nature, and indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons before cuii templaung. MAnIlIA0B fkould reflect that a mmud miml ami ImJy arc the mo nvcesary n-quiaiiKS tu nromotu connubial h;i(M)in's-j ladcetl, withuut theso tlia jmiruey tlintiigli life becmiica a weary, inlrliiiag(!, the jro-iHTt hourly darkciiit to theviow; tliu mimt bocomen bh.nIovi'il with drupair Ac AUcd with the melancholy reflection that thu liutijuiiciis f another hecnine blichtud wltli our nun. Ol'FICK Nt). 7 WHITU ninnr.HIL'K ST.. Ilaltimore, ,V& "ALL SUHUIUAh OfUltATIONrt rKKrOltMIU). Lit no faUe nioilct-ty pn-vent juu, Lut apply iiiiiiicdiati-ty cithvr personally or by Lrtter. BKIN IHSKASKS Hrr.r.UlI.Y CL'UIM). 7'0 STUAXOEHS. The many thousand tured at thU institution witliin Ahe last 13 yearn, and the numeroiu inipuriant Surgical Operations perfurmod by lr. Juhiuton, witncsBed Ly itni) rpiinrtprrf of ilm tianerd and manv nther Dcraons, no. (icei of which havu appt-areit again and again before tho public, betides hU utandin us u gentleman of charucti r -UU rCUUIlblUlllI, , l a- ruiiiiu it kwui uiuvb k uisiilov N. n. TUero aro bo many icuorant and wort1ilet.ii KXuacka advertiiins themtelves l'hyiciann, ruining tho health of the already aRUcted, that Dr. Jihanton deem Itneeeiiary to bay, uupeciauy 10 iuou uii.icqu.iiuit.-u with hU repuuUou, that hi a credcutiali and diploiuti Alwai liaug In hi ollic'. K?" Take Nani AH ktteri miut he post pai l, and contain a postage stamp for thu reply, or twaokwer will e vent. Marchl7. 1(G0. FRESH ARRIVAL OF - ' 1 " TIIEuaderaiRncd, grateful fur past patronage, reipect fully iufornii hi' rutu tnera and the publicKeiierally, tbathefeaajuet received from the Ka.teruu ciiie, the larfeUand mot ntlcct ituck of SriUNO AND SUMMER CLQTfflKfi. That ba yel teen opeurd in Iiloouubur?, to which he invites thi attention of ht friends, and assure them thattbey oro oiTcrcd fur sale at great bargain. UU t, Block fompruc a lar asdortuieut of 3RT0CN'rljKMi:N"S WEAIlNG A1TAREL, Conusuugot Fakuiosble Uresa Coith, of ctery des crlption; 1'ant, Vests, Shirts, Cravats Stocks, Cotton iJaudkcrchicfs,Ulocs, Suspenders, Sic, Wgold watches A N D rPIIE PEOPLE'S COOK BOOK. itioiinitni "cookery. IN ALL ITS IIRANC1IEH. nv MISS ELIZA ACTON. CARlriLLY lit VISED BY MRS. S. S. IULS. fl TcU$ Yoh How to choose all kinds of Meats, Poultry ami Rame.wilh atl the various and most approved modes of dressing and cooking llvef and I'nrk; aUothe best and sim plest way of salting, pickling and curing the same. It Tilts I'ok All the various and most approved modes of dressing, cooking, and boning Aluttun Jjnuib, Veal, 1'ouliry and Came of all kinds, with tbe dilUrcnt Orcssings.Gra les, and HtulVlnga appropriate to each, ti Tctli How to choosn, clean, and preserve Fish of all kinds.nnd how tu swntcn it wlan tainted : also all the various mid tnoct nptiroverl modes of cookiig, with t tic dl lie rent Dressings, Sauces, and Flavor tugs appropriate to each. Tdtt i'ou All the various and in net approved modes of preparing over fifty dlltcrcnt kinds of .tieai, nrotns, and Mtcwti, with thu rcl lilms and Heaionlngs appropriate to each Ti You All thu various and must approved modes of cooking VcgclablMof every descrip tion, also how to prepare ricklcs,'atsups aiiu tjuirics ui nn kiuus, j'oiicu bleats Fifth, Game, Mushrooms, &.c. jfTt ell You All the various and most appro ed model of preparing and rooking all kinds a rtain and fancv I'astrvftPnddiiiiTfi. dm ilctte-i Fritters. Cakes Confectionary. lVsi'rvee, Jtllies, and swctl dishes f vwry dc cription. ft Tills You All the various nml most approved modes of making Ilnad, Husks, Muffins, and lliirult, the best method of prepnrlng Culfi-c, t'hocolate.Jand Tea, and how to make Syrups Cordials, and Wines of various kinds, It Tctli Yo Ilnw to set out and ornament a table, how to Cane all kinds offish, flesh or Fowl, and In to bo simplify the wholdnrt of Cooking as to bring the choicest luxuries of the table w ithiu ev er) body's reach, TIu- bork contuns II' pages, and upwards of twelve iiuiKireu iu cipes, an m w una nre ine results n actual eiperience, hating betn fully and carefully tested undt-r the personal euperfnteudente of the writers. It is priti. ten in a near anu o n i pe, is iuustratMi w ith appro priate eugnn ings.aud will be forwarded to any address, neatly bound, and postage paid, on receipt of tho price I1'U "I 1IIT.HJW, LAIIU, 1000 A YEAR5nct.,';!i,' " 1 ricf men eve rywhere, in srlting the above work, onr iuduceincntto all su h ln-iiiR , t-ry liberal. 1 or single copies m me nooic, oriorternn 10 agents, with ullur iufuruiation. apply tu or nddresn juii, ti. roriiat, nin iMicr. No, 017 fcfanioin Strett. 1'hiladLlphia, I'a. November 3, lM.U-tm Select llloctm Children's Blblo Ilymn. Book of grace and book of glryl (Jifl of (iod to age and youth ; Wondrous is thy sacred story, Bright, bright with truth. Bnok of1ocl In accents tender Ppcaklng unto such as we ; May it lead us, Lord, to lender All, all to thee. Book nf hope I the spirit, sighing, Consolation finds Inthce, As it hears the Savior crying, "Come, conic to me," Book of peace w hen nights of sorrow Fall upon us drearily, Thou wilt bring n shinning morrow, Full, full of Thee. (Diifjinal Stan), do you ivjurr mi iscms i do rou ir.i.vr iniisKrjtn t DO rou WANT A MUSTACHE I DO YOU IVA.VT A ML"tACltHI Rc'.li ngliiiiii'H Celebrated STIMULATING ONGUENT, For the Wlihkcrs and Hair. "13ut Henry, how can it bo managed without danger of detection V Oh that is easily to lo dono I Hero is some Morphia, which I havo brought with mo on purpose You can put somo of it iu your fathers coffee, and it will causo him to fall into a deep sleep, you can then secure the money and wo will immediately 'cut sticks." "But will tho Morphia leavo no injuri ous effects upon my father's health !" "Not in the least." "Then how soon do you propose wc tako our departure." "Would to-morrow night suit you?'1 " Alum t" This was tho preconcerted signal for the villain's seizure. In a moment more tho noosed rope was carefully lowered, and . slipped over his head before ho could ex- mitten for "cwimtia imrat." 1 tricatu his arms from tho maidens grasp. ffaOS EQLBSSSa K2WSMj3! Harry's powerful arm now drew him up, . so that with the tip of his toes he could ' ' barely touch the ground, The ropo was "What ! secured in tho tree, and, with both his Why Anna your very features aro contor ted with angtr. What can bo the cause V asked tho pleasant voice of Judgo Clair-mout. "There father read that, it will explain to you the causo of my indignation," ex claimed tho beautiful Anna, handing her father a litter which ho read aloud. It ran as follows : Dkarest Anna. Oil ! Anna, beautiful rosebud of this wilderness, how fervently I lovo you, pen cannot write. Do you return that love ? I fool convinced that already I hold a place in you affection. But your father will not consent to our marriage, for lie has chosen i,i3 dues V lor you that awkward boor Harry W arncr. Jjet us tneu Uy to one ot the Eastern estates rill1, subscribers take pleasure in announcing to the L'lti.ens of the United mutes, that they have ob tained tbe .e;cnry for, anil nre now i nnbletl to oirer to tbe American publit.tlio above justly ceUbrutetl ami vvorltl-renovviii'd artulo The tituul.ttiu;' Oneuent is prepared by Pr CI' Hell iiigbnm, an einiuint pli) ski.iu of London, anil is war ranted to brlbj out ,i thick Kt of WhUkeis or a Mas tacit; in from three to ,jx weeks Tills artirle Is tin only one of the kind used by the Trench, and In London and I'aris Ills in universal us". Itisa beautiful, i lonoinical, soothlnjr. vet stlmulatinr coinpoonil, tirtinir as if bv um'lc unon the roots, cans in u beautiful (trnvvm of luxuriant hair If applied to inusiaip, ii win core ojitineHs, ami cause to spring up in place of the It.iltl spots ft tine crow tli of new hair. Applied nicordine to directions, it will turn red or totvy liar dark, uud lestore cr,iv hair to Its orliiinal color. le.iv luir it soil, Hitoolli ami tl-ilile. '1 bo 'tliii:in nt" i. in liiilispens.ibleartiile In cvrry gentleman's toilet, ami atterone w eik', u-ie they tv otiltl not fer any consldiru. tion be vv itliftut it. The suhsiribcis are the only Agents for the article in the u n ten Mates, to wlioin a on ers must bent itnssetl I'rire Ona a box for sale by nil I)rugi,ts uutl uealers; era hoo tne "imeuenl" (warranted to nave the desired ell'ect) will be neiit to any one vv ho desire it, by iu.ul (direit), securely packed, on receipt of prlco anil postage, Qi.ic. svppiy 10 or utiuress HOllAUi: I,. IIKnRMAN&CO. nr.i', ic. SI William street, New Votk. reliruary S3, 1801-Cni. iValrlics Jewelry aud Silvfr-Waro. (5L Wc would respectfully Inform Bur frientla na f-iX. 'mas and llie public iri-iiernlly.lhat.wchave now liuili in Store, uud olfr Wholesale and llct.ill. nt the lowest ensh prices, a larse und very iholio st'irk of until-,, jeweiry, ouvcr ami I'luletl ware, of every va- KvirV lll-SCriotloll ofDintliOtld Work, ntt.l r.llr.r Inu- elry made to order at tbort notice, fcy All coeds war rauteti to be(nsn presented. N. 11. I' uttciition liiveuio me repairing ol wait lies and Jewelry of every RTArKHKR t HAUI.r.V. .. . . No. .Market Street, South side. March 1, lefil 3ui. ItlCICK! ItElIK!l rplll, iiiidcrsiBiieil Is prepared lo supply trick, of a .1 food .piality, at fair price. How ill bo found at llie Brick ard oi l). I., M'Kinuy, near JlcKclvy U Nenfs lunidce. I'er.oiiff desiriiigtn purchaso w ill du will to "n utivR in uu iimuu unti wiwsr or iota. J. II. l-'UKMAN, Agent. Cv loO.ono now- on hand aud ready for sale. UloouLhurgr'ib.D, Ibbl-Uui. J, H, r. WALL" PAPEluHALlTl'lR! T UST rccilvcd from the manufactories In fioston. a if article of moil excellent nualitv. I challoneu coume. us to $t)le and price. Tho undesigned will kiep borders to match any of thu ttles on hand-ami is thuonly Ilxtiericnccd l'AihR llAMi.n : tin, K..rti..n r.r the County-Oive my Lxtcu.ivc Block an examination iieit'ru i urviia.iue. ILr" Call utlluperls Tost Olllcc , V. J. TIIOItNTON. Hlooinsburg March fJd ltOI . hands grasping the ropo abovo his as to prevent his strangling, ho was com pelled to dangle there, until Harry had j descended tho trco, aud secured him by (irmly binding his hands and feet, when tho ropo was loosed, and ho was borno iu triumph to tho house. "Well," said tho Judgo, upon their en trance, "you havo succeeded in scouring tho culprit, I see.'' "Certainly, Judgo, wo did not intend to fail," responded Harry. "What inean3 do you propose that we tako to punish tho scoundrel according to and there bo married, and to render more secure our happiness, I would recommend tnat you get youiselt in possession of a lew thousand of your fathers spare dollars The utmost seercsy will bo necessary. I will meet you at tho elm tree this evening. Only consent to my proposals and I shall be ono ol tbe happiest ot men. Ailuctionately, Hen it y Miller. ''Zounds I" exclaimed tho Judge, red dening with anger, "propose to elope with my daughter, and ask her to rob her fa ther. Ths rascal bhould go through a tho rough course of law,if wo lived in one of tho States, more thickly settled, whero they have courts established a3 when I used to bo a Judge. But here, in this thinly set tled country, I scarcely know how to pun ish him as ho deserves." "Suppose I send for Harry Warner. I can then meet Miller at the elm tree, anil whilo ho is urging his propositions upon mo, Harry can slip up and seize him, and then ho can be punished as you think best," suggested Anna. "Tour plan is an excellent one, I will go and seo Harry immediately." So say ing tho old gentleman departed for the residcuco of Mr. Warner. The day soon spod by, aud the dusk of tho evening set in. 'Then Anna Clairmout put ou her bouact and shawl, and started for tho elm trco designated in Henry Mil ler's letter. Upon arriving there sho found, not Henry Miller, but Harry Warner. "Hero Harry," said she,"take this ropo and go up iu tho tree. Make haste. Mil- "I was thinking about that whilo I was sitting up in tho trco awaiting tho signal for his seizure, aud havo come to the con clusion, that it would bo an excellent idea to try him according to law. You can bo Judge, Anna can bo lawyer against the prisoner, I can bo witness. And as to his counsel, tho prisoner will of course havo to look out for himself. What say you to my plan ;" was Harry's answer. "Capital, Capital byjovol" exclaimed the Judgo. "Wo will proceed immediate ly to basinets. As tho prisoner is without counsel, wo will allow him to conduct tho case in his own defense. Anua you arc en titled to mako tho opening speech." Anua arose made a few introductory re marks, and resigned tho floor to tho pris oner. Miller looking daggers at thcm,but condescended to mako no reply. After waiting a sufficient length of time to seo whether ho would not reply the Judgo said It seems tho prisoner has nothing to say in his defense, therefore, Anna you can tako tho floor, and examine tho witness, and mako tho olosing speech.' Anna again arose and called Harry as witness. When ho had given his testimo ny, sho read the abovo quoted note, after which sho concluded by a most unmorci fully sarcastic speech, in which sho pictur cd in its most horrid light,Millor'i villiany concluding,by reccommending,with an arch sinilo, that tho villain bo instantly hung. Under this torrent of words, of tho most biting sarcasm, aud withering scorn, Hen ry Miller, villainous and black hearted as Harry wa3 glad when his turn camo, for ho pitied tho poor fellow, and thercforo ho determined to bo more mild with him than Anna had been. And yet notwithstand ing bis pity, ho, with his jolly humorous disposition, could not abstain from teasing him. "Mr. Miller," said ho jovially, and with a mock courtesy that was exceedingly taunting, "wo aro glad to learn that you aro a man of such good principles, even having such a nice sense of honor, opposed to all clandestine meetings, runaway matches, aud even having a most holy honor at tho idea of dealing. For theso exalted sentiments, wo highly laud you, but there is ono thing in which I havo al ways immagincd you were wrong. Iu the note read a few moments ago in court, you speak of mo as an "awkward boor.'1 It is with regard to my awkwardness that I am about to convinco you that you wcro mistaken. You will please pay some atttention to my logic." With this ho drew back in such a man ner, as to give him tho appearance of pre paring to ftriko a tremendous blow, but notwithstanding the threatened fierceness of his blow, which was dono merely to scaro him, he brought it down quite light ly. Whack I Whack 1 Whack ! camo tho blows in rapid succession, but they wcro so light that Miller could abstain from tho cries of pain that ho had uttered during tho timo that Anna was "handling the rod', but Harry could hear him utter threats, and curses, and as ho gavo him ths last blow, ho heard him mutter through his teeth, "the last stroko and with a horrid ibors, and if they were, kind treatment of oath, I will mi rbvEnoed. them would do her no hurt, and might Harry feared that Miller would attempt save her from personal danger, sho said, I'Wotl. sirs, xeliflt. wish von liernl" "Madam," responded tho leader, "I Harry promised, and, after imprinting a kiss upon tho rosy Hps that wcro upturn ed to his, ho departed, his destination bo ing a settlement about twenty miles distant, whither ho was going to lay in a supply of fall and winter goods, for himself and neighbors. Tho day seemed a long ono to Anna, it almost seemed as if it would never got night, yet sho determined that sho would remain at homo until Harry should return, for there Was no neighbor nearer than about two miles, and sho really felt ashamed of her foolish fears. After Harry had left, and sho did up her morning 'chores,' sho took up some sewing and set down in tho door, to view tho surrounding scenery, and watch her boy, as ho played in front of tho house, for it was a warm morning, and the little fellow was enjoying himself upon tho soft green grass about tha door-steps. felowly passed tho day, aud when, as it seemed to her, after an almost incredible length of time, thesun gained tho meridian, she prepared and ate her dinner, and after again arranging things to order, sho took her former scat; The afternoon wore away moro slowly than tho forenoon, until near sunset, when she saw coming toward tho house, three able-bodied, but evil looking men. Gra cious heavens ! it was tho robber and his minions. Tho loader saluted Anna as ho nearcd her, and, as sho returned the salutation for sho determined to treat them as well as ...n.i i. ., i, ii,. .k. j pussiuiu, OlliljU lllUJ midlife ISUIt UU luu AW J. i. lilllllilt, (Successor n 3, P. funvm.) miOU:sAl.K MMKU IX TOBACCO, SiXUFFAN) CIGARS, No. S North 1'ifih St., above Market. ruiLAniiLi'MA, Also, Manufacturer and Importer of rOBEIGN it BOMESTIC SEGARS. May IS, IfGO-lSm. BIIICK! JIEUtUK!. II KICK!! 00 000 Buying Brick, of excel. J lent quality, for rule at the Old llloouisburir Rrick Yard. Parlies intending to build will do well to call and examine the material and git bargains. svppiy iu IIIINKY S. ARTHUR. IUoomsbur;, March 9, 1501. 3m. UMBKELLAS AND PAltASOLS. TUI subscriber, maHuf.Lctnrer of Umbrellas Sl Para soij.iut iltslhe attention of mcuhatits to hiaui'artf cd store and superior stock. JOpnril FIT8SIWX; Nos. U, St i. North -Mi St. I'JilLAUtlLl'HIA. March 2, ldiil-Um. JEWELRY, Of ccery dcscrlDtlon. line and rhcan. N. (. Remember Loietnbtrg' Cheap Emporium," iiiu i;c do ciiaUKQ tor Claim ii it ijuaus. iiaviu kowKNHrn' Wootu b-iig Mil Ui li'A ilKlio'J T HE PENNSYLVANIA HOTEL, iM.vnu.iu .vo.vroun cw.wr. PA. Entertainment for Man ami lleast, in good Hylo and at modcrale rates. UKOUliUW. HIUEZU, Proprietor. DantilleManh, S, lriil. rpn E BODUGGEIl. This vvondciful article, lust patented, is somcthinz tntlrtl nric, and nev l'r biforu otlered lo agents, who aie wanted everywhere. Full patticulars vint.frcc. siuurcis SHAW t CLARK, lliddcforil, Maine. Marsha, l?61-ly. G 11 A P E V I N E S . TTOIINII VINES of twu veari. of "Miller's I' lrrun X dy," wttli beautiful routs, can be had; also, 1'eacli TteOB fiom seed of tnu iItoi:eA varieties. It tailed for soon IIL..MU CJi TI.MsLr. llhorasbur: ApiiUJ, 1,-61 lcr will soon be hero. Mako a noose in the ropo, which you can slip around his neck, while I seize and hold his hands. But do not bo too fast about securing him, we will sec how far ho will go with his proposals, and when I cough, then sccuro him. Harry climbed the tree aud had just got himself seated, till tho approach of Henry Miller was heard. "Well, Darling Anna, you havo como,I see. And do you consent to my proposals" spoko Miller as soon as ho came in sight. Anna did not reply till ho arrived un der the trco, and then in a voice apparent ly tremulous with emotion, but which tho careful listener might havo detected as a forced effort, "Oh Mr. Miller, how can I lcavo my poor papa alone." 'But Anna, your lather will not bo left alone. Ho is to bo married to tho widow Icier, soon, sho told ine so herself, in con fidence of course, and in tho enjoyment of his newly madu bride your father will soon forget his daughter." Anna knew this to be false, but she re plied. "My objections then silenced in reference to that, I can scarcely mako up my mind to tako tho money from father ; it would bo no better than stealing, would itT "Stealing 1" ejaculated Miller, in a well feigned surprise, "aro you not sole heir to your father's estate, and will it not all be yours when ho is dead? what difference then, docs it make if you do put yourself in possession of part of it before his death' j Surely there is no hsriu in that." he was, was touched to the quick and ho cowed down in shame. Upon Anna's conclusion tho Judgo arose to pronounce tho sentence. Ho found him guilty of the charges brought against him, and it now becomo his painful duty to pronouueo sentenco upon him. However ho would bo milder than his daughter. His sentence would be, that tho prisoner receive forty lashes, and the promise that if ever a like offence was committed by him, tho punishment would bo much moro severe. Both Anna and Harry, claimed tho right of being tho executioner. Anna up on the strong plea that it was sho to whom tho insult was offered, and Harry upon tho much stronger one of Millers proposals being to his injury, as thoy would had ho gained her consent, havo deprived him of what was dearer to him than life, his affi anced bride. It was finally settled that they wcro to Lo mutual executioners, each to give twen ty lashes, Harry then went out in tho forest and procured two good birch "gads," to uso a school master's phrase the execution of his threat, but he did not mention his fears to Anna and her father for he did not wish to unnecessarily alarm them. Ho would remain with Anua that night, ostensibly for tho purposo of con versing with her but really to shcild them from danger. Miller was released, anil without one word ho left tho house. As wo havo already intimated, Harry remained with Anna that night, in order to protect them should Miller attempt to wreak his vengeance npou them. Near about ton o'clock, a bright light shouo in the room in which they wcro sit' ting, and in a moment more it was com. plctcly enveloped by flames. Tho awful truth at once flashed-unon them. Miller had fired the house. Harry seized Anna, and bore her from the house. Then rushing back again, ho wakened tho Judgo and they set to work to save tho valuables, for tho building was now so far gone, that it was impossible to extinguish tho fire. By tho rapidity with which they worked, they succcdcd in 6aving everything but the house itself, and a small portion of tho poorer furniture, but the houso was laid in ashes. Two years have elapsed sinco the scenes abovo feebly described, took place. A now houso ba.3 been erected upon tho sito of tho old ono, which is occupied by Harry War ner and his wife. Mr. aud Mrs. Warner are blessed with a pretty curly headed boy, just ono year old, tho pride aud pet of his happy parents. Judgo Clairmout died soon after tho marriage of Anna and Harry, which took place just thrco weeks from tho day of Miller's punishment, he had never been heard of since that long-to-bo-remcmbcred evening. It is tho early dawn of morning, and Harry is about to tako a journey. "How long will you bo gone, Harry t" asks tho wifo, whoso beauty if not dimin ished by tho two years that havo rolled over her head sinco last wo saw her, but is oven enhanced by her look of happiness and contentment. "I shall bo back by night," replied Harry. "Though ashamed of my foolishness, yet I must confess that a deep fear creeps over mo. Hasten, return, tiearest." "I will, Anna, but do not bo afraid, you aro perfectly safo here, for it is scarcely known that there i3 such a family of War ners, or such a houso as this, hero iu the wilderness, except by our nearest neigh bors." "1 know it, and yet I cannot banish from my mind, tho stories of tho wonderful rob ber." "Do not let such thiugs as that troublo you. Tho stories wo have heard of tho of tho pistol reached their ears, they rus'a cd to tho kitchen, from whenco it proceed ed, and saw their leader lying dead upon the floor, and Anna upon tho point of de scending the cellar steps, Ono of them took his pistol, and taking deliberate aim, ho fired, but fortunately for Anna, just as tho villain fired, tho stops whereon sho was standing, broke, and tho bullet whistled over her head. Seeing her fall, both robbers deemed that the bullet had done tho work upon which it was sent, and stepped up to tho door to sec if sho was quite dead or not, when seizing her other pistol sho fired, and ono of them stretched himself out in the agonies of death. Tho remaining ono drew his pistol from his bosom and snapped, but it missed fire. Anna now crept back into tho cellar out of his sight, and ho retired from tho door, lest ho should share tho fato of hia com panions. Tho robber had tho advantage of Anna, inasmuch as ho was on tho outside, whilo sho was safely penned up. Aftor trying various devices to get her to como out of her hiding place, ho threatened to burn tho houso over her head if sho did not come out. Her condition was now truly dcplorible. Sho was at tha mcroy of a despicable rob ber, who was bent on revenging tho death of his comrades, and she resolved to pcr ish in tho flames, rather than submit her self to him, sho therefore did not reply to ins mrcai. Her babo was screaming with affright, and tho began fondling him with nil a mothers' tenderness, expecting soon to sco tho flames burst abovo their heads and that thoy should soon perish together. While thus sitting fondling hor babe, sho was startled by the report of a rifle, and the sound of something falling heavily never mince matters, so I will tell you at to the floor abovo her head, and tho next When he returned, Anna seized ono of ; wonderful robber arc perhaps idle rumors, them and began "laying it ou," in a way , or if they aro truo, thcro is very litllo that would have dono honor to tho very danger of his troubling us. Ho has not comclicst of Mrs Stowe's "Nigger drivers." been in our settlement yet." Miller bore it. as well as ho could, but the "I know it Harry, I know my fears aro violence of Anna's blows, caused him to idlo and foolish, aud I will try to vauish "screech out" crlcj of pain, and to utter them from my iniud, but please return as the moH horud oatLs soon as possible " once. Wo want yourself and your money." "What would you havo with a poor helpless woman ?" "Wo would faiu havo your company, fair lady." "Tako our money, but lcavo mo with our babe.'' "Hah! woman! cease your pleadings, thev are vain and useless. 1 will now in- docd havo my revenge." Now, for tho first time, tho truth flashed upon her. Tho leader of tho robber gang was Henry Miller, and sho was in hi3 pow er. What should she do ! At first sho gavo way to her feelings, and began to weep, but not wishing to betray her emo tion, with one great effort, she dashed away her tears, and said, in a voice so calm, it surprised even herself, so unlike her agitated feelings was it. "You are Henry Miller, aro you?" "I am Henry Miller, at your service, Mrs. Vi arncr." "Of any other person I would ask mer cy for tho sako of my husband and my child, but from such a man, nay I will not call you a man, from such a brute as you, I will not. You say you will have your revenge ; none but a miscrable,sueak- ing, cowardly wretch would seek to tako revenge of a woman who has no means of defense." "Mrs. Harry Warner, beware 1 do not add insult to the injury you and your father and Harry oneo did mo. That night I set firo to your houso, intending that you should bo consumed in tho flames But you all escaped. You then thought I had left tho plaeo never to return again, but you were sadly mistaken. I then hid my plan3 to poison you all, but succeeded only in sending your father to tho grave. I now havo you in my pow er, and some of my men have becu sent after Harry. Harry shall bo hung, your babe shall stay here aud starve, and you shall go with us a prostitute." ''God of heaven, forbid!" sho ejaculated, and, as the diabolical design of the robber forced itself upon her mind, sho ran and seized a rifle in ono hand and two pistols in the other, aud instantly retreated into the collar, bat when sho arrived thcro, she bethought herself that sho had forgotten her babe. She instantly rushed back picked him up iu her arms, and again re treated toward tho door of tho cellar, but just as sho reached it, Miller seized her roughly by tuo shoulder and attempted to drag her back, but she drew one of tho pistols from her dress pockets, where she had placcA them both beforo she camo out of tho cellar, and holding it to his heart, sho pulled trigger. Thcro was a deafen iiiK report, aud Miller fell to tho floor dead." While tho conversation between Anna and the robber, with tho incidents relative thereto, wero taking placo, tho two mm ions of Satan and Uonry Millor, wero in another room, pilfering, buU as the sound moment sho heard Harry calling hor. Ho had already returned, and heard tho threat of tho rebel, when a well-aimed bullet from his riflo sent him to his eternal homo. By somo strango intervention of Provi dence, Harry had returned from tho set tlement by a different routo from that usually taken, and had thus missed tho company which Miller had sent to capturo him. Never after that day wcro Harry and Anna disturbed by tho gang of robbers, that commonly ply our western frontier. They both lived to a good old age, nnd in pcaco descend to their graves. Their descendonts aro now very numor ous, and among the wcalthics and most in flucntial citizens of tho State of Illinois. 5J2r"Mary, where is tho frying-pan' "Jemmy '8 got it carting mud audclaia shells up tho alley with tho oat for a hors, " "The dear littlo fellow, what a geuii'3 ho will mako ; but you forget we're goin to bars company, and must fry some fish for dinner," JSy "Pacts aro stubborn thing," said a lawyer to a female witness under examina tion. Tho lady replied, " Yes, tir-C and so aro women and if you get anything out of mo, just let mc know it." "You'll bo committed for contempt." "Very well I'll suffer justly, for I fecll tho utmost con tempt for every lawyer present." TnE Locks op Wau. Our gallant volunteers aro like Sampson much of their strength lies in their looks. They havo Looks from their sweethearts on leaving for tho fields ; havo Lock3 on their mm kets, and Ilavclocks on their caps : and they will bring tho rebels to a dead Loeko as soon as ever llieij git a chance. A Bahy'b Effort. A bright littlo girl jutt beginning to talk, was very ob servant of all that was passing round her Sho saw a gentleman with a dog, enter a houso on the opposito side of street, no shut tho door, and loft tho dog without, who by various canine movements of whining and scratching, mamfested painful impa tience. Moved by its desertion and com plaining, she thrust her imall faca through ill j bars of her nursery window and cried in a clear earnest tone, "'Ing'o bell, dog gie '." ing'o bell V Virginia Dare was tho first whito child born on tho American continont. Her parents came with one of the first colonies sent from England to settlo Vir ginia, iseing icit aiono tor some momua, wl en tho vessel roturncd with supplies, tht littlo colony had disappeared, and tho ouj trace ever discovered of it was found i tho proporty of the whites dUtributov among tho eavagos. Tho ouliro cobn,. had been slaughtered, though it was after wards learned that somo of tho little chil drcn had been spared lo grow up anio' -tho Indians. Virginia Daro it is prct y certain, was among that number, and trv ditionha'i it that sh: bedanw an IndUi Piinrcsi