&gri culture. Food op Cows After Galvino -It is cnslomary with many farmers to feed cows immediately after calving, with warm slops a pail of bran or meal and warm water, well salted and a letter diet is commenced at once iti order to get as much miik na , poissiblo. This is objected to by somo as , ratrary to nature, and very likely to in- ..,. ,1,.1 o.illr ff.vf.ri n on. Hint ..v. h ...... . ...... , , - tho cow should have- rest and quiet It, is ' an error to eiipposo that tnkiug the stom ach after tho fatigue of parturition can be otherwia than hurtful. A drink of water and a little dry hay is enough for tho first day, and she thould have nothing better than tho best hay for three or four days until all inuamitory symptom arc past. Afflyinu Manuiu: to the Corn I The transaction of the Nantucket (Mass.) . V . ' I Agricultural Soctety for 1800, contains the ! result of an experiment by E W. CiartU nor, in n-gard to tho best manner of ap plying manure to corn. Thj plat without manure yielded at tho rate of 1 bushels per acre j mannro spread on top US busheli ' manure cultivated in, -15 bushels ; manure ploughed in four inches deep, G5 bushels ; and manure ploughed in eight inches deep, CO bushels per acre. Tlw experiments were on loo small a scalo(145 fectsquaro,) to bo entirely satisfactory. Tho wholo land had been manured tho year previous, with six cords of good barn cellar manure per acre. Cleaning. Cellars. As th'n is tho season when pcoplo are cleaning their col lars, yards, and sink-holes, it may not be out of place to remind them that the nox ious vapours which arise can bo destroyed by sprink ing their cellars wtth copperas water, mado by dissolving ono pound of coperas in a pail of warm water, and tho ink-hole can bo rendered innoxious by covering with pulverized charcoal. DayiNO Rhuhaiiu. lthubarb dries vary well, and when well prepared, will kesp good for an indefinite period. The stalks should bo broken off whilo they arc critp and tender and cut into pieces about an inch in length. I heso pieces should then bo Strunc On a thin tWltie, nml hunj D t ' . t tin torlrv. Rhubarb shrinks Vl'rv much ill ' 1 drjing more so than any plant I am a.o quaintcd with, and strongly rcsembliti.; pieces of soft wood. When wanted for uiu it Bhould be soaked in water over night, and the nczt day simmered over a slow tiro. Nono of its properties appear to be lost in drying, and and it is equally as good in winter as any dried fruit. Very few va rieties of rhubarb arc suitable for drying, as most of them contain too much woody fiber, Tho best variety of rhubarb for any nurnoseisAho Victoria, when crown in a .uitablo Mtuatiou. Tho jTiimtnolli in f 1 u '"ulu I Worthless owing to its fibrous nature, as ore also some other kinds. Prairie Fur. tier. No Buas in Late Sown Peas. Mr. T0l SI Smith of Wheatland, informs us iat uc sowed u acres of peas last year, ' a Crt week in June, and they were cn i rCj uniLjurod by the bug. They were t wn on corn-ground. All but ono aero as sown without being ploughed tho nd being harrowed and cultivated in tho taring, and the peas gaug-plowed in. The peas on the acre that was plowed were best '1 ho wholo crop, however, averaged 35 bushels per aero. The variety was what .s known here as tho "Canada Creeper.' Tho peas wero off early enough to allow tho land to. bo sown in wheat in good sea son. Genesee Farmer. To Cube the Bloat in Cattle. John Baker, of Baker's Corners, Lena wee county, sends us his experience in cu r'ng choksd or bloated cattlo as follows : Take a stick about tho feize of a largc-sizc'd rolling pin, or about two inches in diame i r, and after fastening a string nt each v ad, put it in tho animal's mouth, and tie i. with the strings around its head, so that 1 io stick will act like a bit, and keep the mouth open. In a very short time the I oat arising from eating too much wet c'.o. r will abate gradually ; and where tho r ilrinr. arises from thn nninlnnr ..i.-r nf O 4 w. t nip it ,ill work iuelf either up or down j iivu tuu siiuuiu is tuua ii.upi open, ilit igan Farmer. WninriNO Oxen. Thoughtless men v. 11 whip, whip, whip They do it from a nabit very bad halit ; and wo find it t Ificult to correct tho halit. Wo arc try to teach our hired men bettor manners ' mi to put on iho whip before giving an tation to tbo.tyrute animals "to go on' ' r have oxen that will tgo'1 as soon as they are Invited, without tho cu tl anient of tuo whip. Yet WO find it it . 4 K. . alt matter tO. COUtroI Iho WUln. It is iV. .in. cu. j a eavago practice to apply tho lush t a invitlug t(io ammah to niovo by . roper words. Mass Plowman, . l. S J Clean Tainted Harrem. Tho ncthotl for cleaning tainted barreh,is it one pcok of charcoal and ono tea-,, f saleratus into each, fill ihem up with ' 3 water, cover tight and let them uutil co'd NEW AND SPLRN DID ASSORTMENT or (I AT fllF. ConXhll OF ill:, in mill Iron bli'ccifl, n & o o H' s w ji r t x a . Do you want SILKS I Goto UtlOWTlt'S Do oil wnnt I.AVELLA CLOTH I Ho to IlllOWUH'tf llojouwnnti.IIALI.l UIXAINMl Co to IHIOWCll'B llo o.i a. TAUI.I COVI'.ltSt G to UllOWUIl n 1)0 you nuntl I.OTII 111 STDUtft Uo to IIIIUU'UU 3 110)011 HKtit HKl:i.i:i'ON' SK1UTBI (ioto IIUO.VllR S lioynu want int. nil r.u r. DKIUI'-at'-rCNIlKIMl Goto i:ilov Kll'a Goto IIKOWI.U a Go to IlliOWKH 3 Go to UllOU l.ll'S Uo to HUUWrK'rJ Goto llltU.Vl'K'B (10 to IIHU I.K'H Goto MKUWEll'd Goto liKUWnU'S llntu hlitlH'KK'rt Go to UliUWDR'H Uo to llKUHXIlH llotjIIIMmi.ll'S Goto mnnvmca Ilojou want Ml'rtl.lNST iiojou want CAi.n.uiai noyou nam iiAiir.iii'sl n,! y, liostuijiv t HS wane tiA",Ki:fiic,fiii:i"a r JS riBmilix wiAWi.8f jSr.SiiiV.KZ ft'illQ?' iwyoimmiiuni vn.iani UOj(m want i mm inrr miAWrw Go to iiiioivi.ii h I''')1"1 Knnl TIDY I OTTUN I On to iiluurmcd nil .nil ttini I ii.i r na Go to IHtolVLIfS go to iiitowr.irs Go to HROWEllH Goto iimnvi.irrf Go to IlltOlVt'.lt'S Go to urowku a i;o to iiuuvKR a Go to IIHOIN I JI.S Goto ltlI'lVi:il'S Go to l!K()l i:u s Goto mtowi:us Goto i:noui:iia Go to itunwLii's Go to liRUtVKR'M Go to iirovi:r'S Go to HltOWKIl'H tioto imoivi:i;'H Go to nitoivnes Goto miownra Go to l!ltOVi:R 8 Go to iiuowmca Do ou want Sl'N Nil Mll'.H f 1)0 inn Bant U.Mimr.M.AKt 1)0) oil want CWIMIilW.S! Do)ouwuntlTUSlAN I'l.MDI Do you wnnt l.l.ST.N I'llI'XKSI Do im want l'l'.tlOAI.KSl ).ni want JUANHr Do you wnnl NANK IXN'S I Do you want GINGHAMS 1 Do you want DUCAI.al Doioil want CCIITAIV Sit BMVr Do von want CDI.M) ''. MIllllCS I lio')ou want WHITE (loons Do .oil want lir.NIMr! t Do you want SILI'SIA I poyou nnt drii.i.i.vgsj Do you wntit '1 1 KINGH I poyouwnnt nr.. Ka f llovoiiwnnl LMtH.S rlitnKrtl Doy.m want ;. Minis' mti-rsi Do you want i iii;a i OIK) i;itii;a ( Go to mtouT.irs Do )ou want Ul'LTNSlVAltl'' Do you wnnt (11. .sw Mtl! r Do you want II ARDW iRI". I Do )oil wnnt IlllL'Ga I Do you want l'UIll art T.S f Doynuwant CHUM' GOODS! nlooinsburg. .May 19, l?io. Goto huowi;r'3 go t iiiiotvi.Ra go to iiRovmi'a go to imovi:ica Go to IMOWMt'P Go to BROWEIt'd CHEAP HOOT AND SHOE STOK E 'pill! subscriber in Ites nttonllon to his new stock o 1 Hoots und tJIiocs, Jut received from Ilulndtlpliia nnd cninnrisiniz ion UENTLEMttNS WEAR, Root, GaiRTH, Oxford Tics, tfchotlitdi Ticb, Xay CJnit ltb, litiperB, &,ct A.c. I'OU LADIES WE A I?, Onitcra with and without lieiU, flippers ditto, Fiukins, Trench .Uorrm-co Homics with ami without l(cla,&.c ylsn, M3tM XSD (,'lIILDaE uferwy diistriplion, at pries lunch hi low the nil Hltin ilnril, mid less itliuo tlio tt.nuo iimlity of Gooitfl can tin bought fornlanyotliertoru lu town. Vok of all Muds mmleto orilor of tlio liit matfri.il, in the iu-att!M manner Hint on reasonable U'rliu, warrnlittil toefual any city work niul much In low city irici's. 1 eep nono but tlio bil workinen, and liaiob-tter iimte rial than was fver bi'foro brouirtit to thls-in fait, the very best to La had in ttu city niarlu t. Guouon s.s.wnnits. DaiuiRe, May en, lfif.O.-y. NMV WAOON SHOP. Main strict above tin Farks Hotel 'P1IU underfipiicd, bavins removed from 1'sp) town to I Illootnbilr. rehp'-cM'ully infurtiiM Ins tnends und rust mi ts. that he has opened u neu shop, on Muin street, illooiusbarg, above tho Ftks Hotel, where ho mil conduct tho ikico v .1 iking iwsrxuss, In all its arioii8 departments, and uu a mure cxteagjvo scnlp than hf-relofor.s IhipfNtm, Hprin? Va;on, Hulkirp, Ujht Vason, and all kind of vtluclcn, made to order, on Hhort notice and f.nr tirnn. Also-Hopper and I'arm Wiiell-IIarrows, madi) to ordr. iCT" Itr i' uitia, of all kinds, including Iltavy U'agoni, nroinptly and thvauly cxccutLd. J.COD 8.KYAK& Ulooiushurg, April '-'1, 15tO-Cm. J IFB Oil BE A T JL " -i iil iunscniieri i.iKe picasuro in announcing mat they are now prepared to iniiil(fri'C)tothoo hu uiili it ft copy of an important little work, by tho iato Hr. Urampton entitled "Tie liiroUJ: Medical Confdanl," pnhli.hed forth benetlt, and n waniitiir tooilu(r iii.'.i act pernios who funer from .trrons iJtwihj Pre I ynaturt Ilrcat. &c, &'., tnipiilin; the iiieuim of e.lf cure Til ri ader is IrrcsUtibly led to campare a useful life 1 with an ignoble death. Keuder. loe lO'tu inolnciit, but send your nddrrsa for iicony ounis uuie iwitk .Miuress ine i iiuiisnerg, D.'l. JOIlif 11. tl(ll)n & CO.. CI &- (it) Johu M.. New Vork. April 27, lC(il-3in. B M T 1 & S H ' . II. 0. HOWEIl, SURGEON 1) E MIS T llE$tDHVJZ2a Uriek Dhildivp htUv tfartnan tbtort on Jihln Street, liloomxlurg Va mvjBMij RLffPCUTrUMjY filers iiis nrnfiwlon nfeCiPfy al services to the ladies and getitlt'inf-n of HJJ"YY llloomrhiiri; nnd vicinity, llv U prepared -Ll X- to tittr ml lu all the armu onLTiiliuiit in Ucntlstry, ani is provided with the, latest improvmcntP Pf MiOlnM. T V Tit' l MM! ,'IIUUII lit, iil' ill Wliicli will bo inserted on pivot or gold plate to look us well ns the natural. tj Superior artie'e or Tooth ToMdcr always on band. .line, 17 '37 nov 15, '53. (I.1TK 1U OLE IIOTLL.) THIRD STl:lCT A HOVE HACK, HIIILAUKLI'IIIA. lilin.'.DS, & hAHtill, Proprietors. Ti LOU mas V, Kama, formerly of the National Hotel i luRLni SAii-ort, lormeily of tchujlkill Co. Pa. Match 3, l;t- K.n. jolixe&Tkk"," Kn.40, XURTII WII.MlVI, 1'hiladi.lphia. HOPE MAKE3BEM ANP SHIP 01J A .iVjW L Ell .V, j i'puii Cotton for Caulklnj:, llopei. Twjnve, Tar, Pitch, i Oakum, lilockd, and Uors, eVc. Aajust 4, liOU- Utn. PltOTKCTION PJ103I LIGHTNING. ' 'pilll uhirriber would inform his friend?, that lu j X now prepared to put up, on thcrt notice, and iu a scientific manner tho heet rwmw t'oiMTi-n i.mnrxixo nous, at Wt ccutspcrfou. All work natranted. IMI-.HIULKMAN. nioomshurg. May 24, 1?C0. States Wnion iijotel 000 & 008 M MlKt T STItl KT ABOVE SIXTH. piiiijMF.i.rutj. J, W. POWHt, I'rofrUlor. Tt'iMi: ?l S3 nor day. May 13, IrW-lim. WILLIAM OUIVV !3jfjH) iiJID Jj rjTj 'J'jlJWJISlil H. W. t.'or. Third nml Mmka H... l'll)-Alll.i.'IIIA. rsy Turds $150 per iOiro. -uw August t, 1j(0-12iu. 532JSs H K 31 0 V A L. -S C S S.B Sl. C. Co., iers in Fish, Chetsf ami Prnvhions. No. 103 Arch strict, 2nJ door above l'rnnl, llil-a.U'l-plils. ag 14, 3d ly CIO AHS & TOBACCO, Alarjmnortment of choice rigars. Tnbicro. I'ipr. Truits, cuifu-toiiery mid N'otiiiii C'-nr rally, tc petti er with a full Ktorlc f HATrt and CAl'S tont-tantly on hind and for idle chvap, ut thv "Poumburff Hat &Cap Uinporium.' juiift h.. UIUTO.V, Uloon'shurj. March 16, I -0 1 . im.w ii h auks i i ru siiue I rpnc uniUrsignid re, 1 1 nlilcustouH-rsttiat Htr?it, a low doors uhove burj;. whero ha dtsieus co al I I lUNU lUSINKSil. I lrct'd scaln, and solicit. Ihe iiuhllc nutronace lrroduce, drain, tc ciiiriillv lakpii for work l MILLS O AUiIUIT Bi001alburf Miyg lfM in.mv,ASBUll, e,Mb kbuli !AvrnnHvrV ; 1 S."" '" iimoihT drch I J'u. "I''" r,iss. naijon and Bncl s I nirrnii a CJiSk . am. ii.' in ur.iss. nation and EniMlsh tier-niiialcot' Key diss Kr mucky Ulue Grass. White I'lnver SlL. line inn. il l.jwu Qrnsa seed sic.nl hnks,.l nnd I re nil I'AMMlAf.r. imitutrf. Imnlrmei Is nml Heed Warehouse, II 0 Iaike i rH'rvn I'llllndeli.l.ia March It Irilll I .'in . JXm h. 1 'X1 T, li T. T A T T () H N E Y A T LAW. I itLeiCiMsntinn. p. .Office ln Court All formerly oc-roie'd Vv Chstlei lluckalrw 'XS'thi'01'-1, UwM,r'!!:,"VAn."V!.'.'" n:."-.w.lxS.,.4:?.7.f.';i.r. 1!v,j,n.Hi,.non;flmf1ii,i i. BER HAVE'S HOLLAND BITTERS TUB CELEBRATED HOLLAND REMEDY FOR DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, MVItn UOJIPLAIST, WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND ACUE, Ami Uis TM-toTH al'ooUons eoneoqnent upon a disorder o I STOMACH OR L, II Kit, Piicli M Indlffestlon, Acidity of tlio Stomncti, Colicky Pnln", Heart bum. lws of Arpctlte, iU-nponJetiCv, CosUvpiipw, lUIml and Illfodlntc Pilrn, In n Nprrotn, Hlieninntle, juiJ Neuraljrlc Arfocilons It hw lit in 1 -urns lnt'turcn proriHl Itlnhly U'npflchl, find In otlwrfl pff.Tttl n decMoil mro. Tlih ii puri'ly vpgptiUo coiiaxjnml, jirrpaicd on utrlctty pcifittlfic vrlncipKn, aftrr tbo tiiiumiT of lie flfUIjrutiil H4Un.l l'roffsaor, IIrliare. lt reputation at Jminc iro dnciJ lti li'rolnctltHl litre, tltu dtmaiid commpnciDK "H th of tl.' ritliprlund tCBttrml ovrr the face of till niichty country) ihriiv cf Mliritii liroutjlit with tlic-m nml linn IcJ don n tlio trmiltlim of ltd i nliif. ( it now rff, rnl to th American juWfr, knoiritiff that iti truly wonderful nWiWurt 1 irtufi must I ackHnwltgid. It l rni-tlcu!rly ircoiniBftuK-l to Uioe icrMniho-o cowtltutloiis may liaie bwn linjiaJrcJ Ijy th rontinuon iha of nntctit pIrlK tr other frnis of ilkilf atlon, Ocnorilly Inctniitnicimit In effect, It findi it way directly to the lout of life, thrilling and qukkmlnit etery ncrre, ruirinR up tfw droi'lIiig FiiUt,aod, lu fict, infusing ww health and Tlgor Ln tlip ntnti-m. NOTl'cr. Wioovcr esrpcta to flndthh lrerflpo mI.1 ha dUaiiiKilnteih hut to the tick, w-pak nnd low FnlriteJ. It rwrte 11 rrtterul aromatic cordial, oobMSBcd of iliigulai remeiu.n ircprrnes. READ CAREFULLY I Tho flennlne highly concrntrnto! PirrhiTo's llollstil Hitters U put up In hjdf-pint hottlt-n only, and rehiilcd at 0R Poihb yar tattle, or tix Lotllen fop Five Dolum. Tlio fctcnt demand for thU truly celchrated Medicine has Induced many imitation, vhlch the putllo should guard against purrliAsInc. SW ITeware of Tmiwttlon. See that our name la oil tho Iahil of every hottle you buy. Sold hy Druggists generally. It can to forwarded by Express to most polcts. 80IjE PROPUIETOnS, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. MAHVF ACTA MSG glmrmacculisls ami QlhcmwlS; PITTSBURGH, PA, For Sil? hy (. M Hagenbuch, Druggist, llloomhurg I'n Uct,27leCii. KVANS& HAIiAMANDUR SATIIS, RI3 MUVJ:i) ti :iUI Chestnut Stmt, Wre third Vhllvfa'ptda, liavu on anil a mrpe upbortmciit ot i iru TIliL-f trnorS.iI.iiu.ind(r r.ifin. Z& lo, iron dnorc for hnnka and ' ri ZTZ, inrr " bihiu tb iron insii, an "vY5t'SSmakt;s tiflotk e-jual to any mado tn th' United States. h"tce Siifen in one fir). Jill came out Tight; teith rcrt fewM in L'ootl eomlition. Th 3 S.ilainaiidcr idjl'js of I'lnladclrtiia nsitiiist the wot I J. EVANS & WATSON, hae had th-j ptircft (tomoijtration in tho follow ins cer tinrnte Hint tin ir niauufiicturo cf ftilaman.lcr Puf. a has at length fully warranted tho renrcacutatimia hi(.hh.iB hren m.i le ot th'-ni n rendering an undoubted security agaimt the terrific ( lament. l'hiladclphia April 12. lffld. .tyrttrs Krani Wat torn Oeiitlemen It atlords it the highest en ti? faction to ulatf to you, that owinir to the vurv protective qualities cf two of the Salamander, P.ifes whicli we purchased of you sonic fivo month slnrc we saved n large portion f jewtlry, and all our hookx, fcc.t exposed to th calnmiuous, tire in ltamtcud place on tim mortiiiif; of the Utli inst,. n ticn we reluct Jiat thono safes were locate.) in tho fourlli story of tho building wn occupied and that they fll subsoiuoiitly Int.. a Ju nil of buriuiic ruins, where thu act concentration of Ihe heat caused llio brass idutrs to men, we-cannoi uui repara lliejirescrvation of their vnl uable contents as most com iuiuig proof of tho grcut sc. 1 curity afforded by jour safes. , We shall tcke great pleasure in rccninmendin; them tn liicu of business ns a sure reliance, ncainst tire, GUOlUiE . SIMMO.SSA. (J0., Jnrtlltrt. I Rv"Tiiev have sine purchased til tistf fates. AncuFt 21), usx 'I 1IU uh lornsiit'd la alao rstcitsitly ciiffaccd In tho j 1 Undrrtalins? lituhrt. nitd ki f i.sc'nst.iiitlv ). liaud ! ii J for Kit j ut Uia Wureruumg, u lart'i ueiuitiiu-nt of i IIv wliirli ho Is malili'd tn till orderti on lircsfiitatiiMi ' Ai.mi - KeetB ii EOdj llorse un 1 llcarbt', uuJ uill at l1 titiua 1m rt,aJy tn attend ruiiiTtld, I JSIMO.V C. 6II1VR. ( I))i)ii)8biri;i J-manrj 2. U5) SA ING FU U . U. S. Trust Company. r,rr nr 'I'hinl n,l nkmUmt Sis.. V,7 " V M'l'l'ntul .mnll rns.li.l nnd isfii.l l.nrlr s.n T AUCIl and small nuns received nnd paid bark mi xa ucuiaiiu w ituoui nonee. wiin i ive vvk rt.NT istlk lst from the day of deposit tottio day of withdrawal. OrrtrK Ilot'its Trom l until .1 o'tlocktwry day, axd an SIomiay Kummi. Irom 7 until 0 or lor k, Tr rideiit-MXl'lllIN' K, CKAWTOUD, Tr-'asurer I'unv 1'isk. TelUr Jdmea 11. Jlunttr. OIKKOTOltS. Klephen It. Cr.iIW,l, i llumi'l It. iill.'inun, li.'lij'iiiiiu t . J inR'y l'liul II. (inolaril, .M. U I'alrick Ur.i.ly, Jam -s DiVl'rfattx, TIiojus T. I.ea, .Marcll -Ju, Iri-ly. Al.'Vcr C. Il.iri, M. H William M. lioHnln. B. rrmhliu Jackson, I'liny 1'isK. F 0 IinitlSOX, 31. 1). l OI'I.Il rufiK-rtftillv Inform tho citizt iw of Illooiiis V burg, and icinlty, Uiathe continiiesthc practiceof .V IlVl.J. Jl.MJ t.Uii And srlicits n nhare of public pntronase, OmiK. on Main Street, firnt hoiuo below tho Court Hoil-e, l loom burg. I' ! runr 3. IrJA-tf. Toll V t O .V 8 1-0 AlliS. M All SHALL HUGHES, - wini K A E N & E O y s WllOIXSAl.E UEltntH IV 3Inmi factum! l. Leaf Tobacco, n.ir.oi n,. imiim (vn nriMi?0'i'in II A t 1 i r H w.in 1 uvjomo i IU, SEQARS &C, j II. E. Corner of Tront and Arch Streets. I SHlllUR HSOEf. ) . j.mes m. sid. t IMIILAriULI'lIIA. I Mnrrli lu, IMiUliiu. i THE UNION," IirA Sreel. tors TUrJ. PHI A 1)151.1' II I A ! .nlrldalonllnlacii I . Jl' )iro.nelnr Bivcs assurance that '-Tlm Union" shall be ki:iHvith such iharacli-r n. ill luefl fuldic I Oliprolialion, and Mould resiirnfulljr solicit, mncrnl pat. ronajc. UITO.V tl XE.VCO.Mnil. Jyzs.Km-na. rroP,ico,. JACOB KOVER Practical Horse and Cow Doctor, ntOM RCUMAN'V. W1I.I, iiroinplly attend lo alt cases of disease in Morses anu Cums, on application, either in lovvn orruurtry. Ueldtnc ou'liifrdBtruit, uur tliu Hat. ti'lL'liur.h, Uluomiliur:, .March 30, 1-C1-2mi. WALL PAPEK, WALL PAPER. Just received from N'ew Vork a lareo and Fu II. at prices raniini from 0, c nts . ' li i perior ioi ui me huuyi? in. q uriicie iur mu rpring iraue ii per in'-c to tJ criui mlllr! u I f I ) ii 1 sTiti nCllifd l(nfil fpti.lrd it hum i.f tlin iiirmt ' Ta O 11 I ' I ri InnrHmol . " 'Jcii iiini' iron U IU J O Cluck, UUll OH ll til ...ri..,..;., .. nn.u.,.,An 1 tr.T.r iron r- , f l "i i'n.i. Ui'OrEO illl.S. 1 . fit I ti 111UJ.MA 1 Ayer's Sarsaparilla I A compound reined)-, in winch wd have la Weil to pro Jure Wit mutt cfli'rtitnl ultct.,' vn i that can bo made. It Is n ciiiucatinlcil exiini t of'l'nra Sarsnpntilln, 60 roinblnccl with titlicr I nuMtnnccs nf ttlll gtcntcr nlterntivo power ns ' to atibril an cllcctivo nntiiloto for tlio clNgarrs Hnranpiuilla is reiulcu tu cine. It is believed tli6t suclt a remedy is v, anted by thorp who siiIUt from Strumom rimiplnint, and tlmt ono which will nieotni'lih tlicir euro must prove of lniincns!' service to tlm lalyo chirn til' our alllicted follow-citiiw. How comnlctelv this compound will do it has been proven by exper ; Imcnt cm many of tho worst crucn to hit found I oi tno following complaint : i SuKilFULt. ANll StltultUlUS CoMI'LAIKTS, Hiuii'tioss ami Knvi'rt): l)iai:.csi:, VtcKU', 1 1'iMt'i.v.s, llmrcitr', 'I'UMon, Salt Ilncirst, Scald Ukkv, Svrnan asd Svriitt.inc Av . it.ctiovs, Mr.uouuiil.DisnvsK, Ditorsv, Ni;t)- lt.U,OI OIlTlO DOC'MIUUI.UX, IlLlltUTV, 1)YS , ri:t'SIA AND INDIOE'IIOX, littVStl'I'.t.Ct, ltoso ' on tit. .Vmiiiivv's l'liir, und indeed tho whole clns of complaints arising from Imlcuity 01 utr IIlooii. I This compound will ho found n great pto motor of health, when tnKcn in tho spiin;;, to oxjiel tlio foul humnis which fetur in tho blood nr thnf fen-ion of the yenr. Ity tho time ly i pnt-in i of them many rnnKHn dotd'', are nippe 1 iu tlio hud. Multitudes ean, ty the aid of this lemedv, i-pau tli'insolves lruiii tho eml'iran. c o Jonl ti ijitnms and tiherous seies tlini't!;!! which the Mito.n ,ill strive to rid it- !f ot r nrnptbus il not nsited to do thu through tho nnturid channeli of the I tidy bv ir.i iiltciiitive medicine. Clennso out tho lti.it. d Ii! (I "hun-vcr von fmd iti impunities bni'tiii1! tliroii(;h the skill in pimplci-, eruptions, or roic-; eh anso it when you find it is ob structed and slugi h In tho reins ; cleanse it wb- ;i( vcr it is foul, und jour f elittRS will tell yon wh"ii. Even uhcrc'iio particular di-order h f.'lt, peoplu enjoy better health, and livo lonjj.'r, for ch j.isius the bloud. Keep the j blood he.ilthy, and nil is wells lilt with this pabulum of life di-orducd, there can be no 1 isting health. Sooner or later something must p) wtonir, nnd tho preat machiueiy of ' lifd is disotdeied or oveithtowu. I .Sarsaparilla has, and d.'scrves much, tho I reputation, of accomplishing these ends, lttit tho world has been cgicgiously decelvecl by prcpaiatious of it, partly because tho drug alone has not nil the irtuo that is claimed for it, but mote beeaut-o many ptcparation?, pretending to bo coiH-cntintid extracts of it, j contain but little of the virtue of Sarsopaiilla, or any thing cku. ' llmiiiS lute years tho pul lie have been mis- i led by large bottles, jm tending to f;io a quart ' of lixtiaet of san-apiuillu lor oiiotliillai' Most of these have been fi anils upon the tick, for 1 they not only contain little, if any, frarsapa lilla, but often no curative piopcities wbatev- 1 er. Hence, bitttr and paiulul disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of i Kaunpaiilla which flood the market, until tho name itself is justly ihpiml, and lias becomo t.yuonmov.s with imjKisitiou and cl'.cat. btill , wo call this compound Harsnparilla, and intend j to phi ply such 11 tenndyas shall rescue the ' name from tho load of olleiiuy which rests upon it. And wo think wo have ground for believing it has virtuis which arc irresistible by the oi dinary run cf the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In orchi to tccttic theli cctuplcto eradication from the sj stem, the lemcdy should be judiciously taken accoiding to diicctlous cu the bottle. rnnr.MtEn by Dl. 3. c. ayes: A: CO. hOWUhh, MASS. Pi ter, .01 I" r liottlc Six HottUs for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, tins nnn for itself stuli n rrrmvn for the cine of ciciy vaiicty of Tluoat anil IjiI'K Cnmplnlnt, that ' j j. cntilelv lllilie'-cssary fur us to lecount the ridcncc of'ili irtncs, v.ncrocr it luis litti cm plinc-t.. As it lias I0113 lictu iu constant tiac throughout this scct'on, c need i.ot do more tl.nn ficsuu tiie i-coiac lis quality n mh tip 10 tnc utsi it tn hid Lifii, uii-1 that 'it maj be i lu-J u to do for their relief all it h:t3 ccr fcecu found to Co Ayer's Cathartic Pills, rem Tixn cum: or Coslivmct, JaimrfitT, Dtprsitt, IiirHpntiott, Dysentery J'oul Wownri, Liyatptfaat lhadache, 3'ihs, lMcumatism, Eruptions ami Skin Diseases, Liter Complaint, Dropsy , Tetter Turnout und tialt llicum, Worms, Gout, Xcurnhjia, us a Diitiur Villi and for Purifying tlm Jilood, They arc Mif?ar-(o:,1cil, fo that the most Kcrtt tue can take them 1 1cnsnntly. at.d tl.cy mc the hctt aperient in the vuild for all the iiii.poic; of a family physic. Prico 25 ccntt per Eox; Tiyo boC3 for Sl.CO. Great t.t nibcrsof CUrirjuientrhy-sieian", Pt.itca riicn. nml cininri.t cisoiuqcs, J..uo lent thrir naiiK". to ceritf the ttr.priniHtlM uprfnlntss t,( tin c rcnicilici. hut our spaci hcic will not pcriuit the in-citiun of them. The ArcuU bilow ii.imcd fur-t-rat Is our Amlkican Ai.m.vnm. iuwhirh they tiie fheii; v.ith r.Ko full cu.v.jiptioii.- of the ubove coiuplaluu, uwl tlio treatintnt tutu t-nuuiu tc ioi- jowca tor tiuir cure. lluir cure. be i tit olf by unprincipled dcolrrs with p.irr.tior.s they u.aiiu mole prr.lit cm. AYl'li'R, nnil M'rvO no olt.cis. Tiir sick Do not be other preparation llnniriiil Avrn's. want the best aid there U for them, end they bhould l.aio it. All our ltemcilics nrc for sale by 12. 1'. I.utsf. S. it Mnyrr, (1. M. Ilatrenlinrli, ninnilHlnirp A. MilU'r. Hi n ick, mi'i Ly tno ktorc in every tuwu tu i',tMin) Irttuia. I 11 A OA IN ' li 1 1. G A INS ! ! li.V, I'll, I. AM) IVINTfUt (!: . M Aii-ra ir WOULD renptctf.illy inform the ritlrens of Ueh Strei t and teitnn that tiiy li ive jmt recent A a new nnd etkjiiH'o as si itutent of Ui UOdUd N1) GKOOUKIBS, which th'y wilt sell iti 'np for c.ih. Tluy Uavtt n tarpe i?."'"-'31"1 ".ii ull llM is c.i.,..i,.ily loiin.l I,, a uoiiuiry riore. ami nra o u-ruiiueii iu ni-ii cn.-ap loine ... i ......... f . i.. 1 . 1 . I..... 1. .1 .' BCICIIiuil ..1 Hi' tl pixels hit- not.- !. nut. .in- , tli-T- fre. their iiiorcli.iii'li.u w ill bear recomniuiiilalioii and w ill prV" t bu oi'tha lirt il.im. The pre ri torn cordially holirit a lib.-nt) thare of pat ronae. Citftumcrit would do Well to ctll und ixaimuo IhLir cone rat vnrh t In faro punltatiiu:i-Ueulicre, Coiintry produe.1 titkt.ii iu exchatiga lor good nt the hL'hett mark ft price. MART. EXT. I.iglit Street, N'n ember, 3 lHfli. GILL & rAULi (Jontral Commission iUi'rcliatifs, DKAII-Ril IS nh, I'rovUioiib. I'lour, Dutter, rhecac, Oil. Dried Truit. (iraiu, riceds, lltans, Whiitkey, Wool, Country l'roduce ul Mcicliamluo Kt-n ri-lly. No. 31 North Wiuiuts, I'ihladclmu . ' Consiannieiits of Pru ithms, riour and Country Produce n-dii itcil. und ruiarus promjitly made, Caah ii'Hiiiireil when denired. OitlD.KS for ull kinds of IVh, Provisions, I'lour, Dried fruitx, Acr., tilled ntiho lowest Cush 1'rice, August -1, ItLU-l.'m. TINWAIUS & STUVK SHOP. rpnc undercisncd resp.Tt fully infurmd hl olJ friendl and eiiftomera. that he han nurd'.med liiii broiln-rs lntrret in tho nbovc ettaMlthnient.undthe roucern vuU liereaner h condutled by Jiimseli cxrlui'ively. IIj h i ju-t rer -ivod and oifcr for ir.ilo, the hirg cut and most extensive n-n-ortaieut of l'ANCV ' -wJ a TO l, cvt.r intro.iucL'U into tins ltiariut. , iJj? Hja tl0tk consist of a omiitL-t.- abvtmciit of l lin ust t;iuKing ana panor vtoet untie marKPt, toitti- t-r with Stove Tixturvi of every description. Oven and U ritovci, Radiaters, Cylindar t'tovt-i, Cut Iron Air - Tight sto,ci, Cannon tftovea, &.c., ic. Htoepipe nnd Tinware ronstantly on hand and wiuufacturcd to order. All kinds of repairing dona, an usuat, en ihort notice. Th putronage of eld fnenJj and m w riitoiuur re - fpt-ctfully elicited. A. M. ULTKUT. jiluuii.MJurg, uvtviiiuvi I'uw.-it. Mny I THIS WAY OIIKAP 1JUYKHS. j BI.OOVSI1UIIG chejp cosh HtorK, n?ain rsienlltni with a frrsh .tock if SI'lll.W rUMU-nr am now prepare') to otf-r to tlie public a very Imnleninu lot i of ripnuj and Smuiot r Uoods- at uiuiil low prlceu, for 1 HEAUY PAY ONLY , Como along ith your cash and trn.lure. II. C 4: I. W. ll.MVni tt. I Marcll 13, 1SC1. 5lcniiicanijolcl7 (Onnoslte Inileemlenru Hall,) CllCS'l'.NUT STIICUT IIBTiVI'I'N riFTII isBIXTII, W KiH I'CVSC Slltf t sVjfli.. Z MUUK b.V.iLL&Lt.ViJit:Cj:jt'KJ). run iim.i.ruiJi w v att t. iiri'i.ivda, Mar l1 I' rrifrituri ' vi." L ' . it Ai tor ins snxdy ctrf. or irervouBrrostratlon, General Docility, Asthna. Lyspepslfl, Ccrofula, Llr.rasmca, Paralysis, Chronic Bronchitis, Anemia, Chlorosis, and all Disorders of tho Blood System. DO YOU KNOW IT? c ovrnirrtoN' n Tiir na-T tatai. froiT.nn or f.NUI.SI). It bns be n tn.Iy retarded tn xs lurRA mr.snuiiT f.'ff ever t?urvlliiC Its ntlnr!;. " VnetUth tn ths wito h -nin rarer ''i1 C""'.1.; ;I(Himi!V(.NK HA I Y OK All- AM IT T 01 1 -. VTION' 1 f mfwt Civilized rfjinmniiHI''S I EIU jll lt UIH 1 1 PA, T." Wl.at a Md rt intnctiUry t-a ILo htoetcd efficacy tfllw I .'alintf Art I Tho hrllllint Hlworcry of Tr. Chun hill, made to tlio Imperial Aautcmy of Jli'dlclno, of 1 ails.hai provod an iuM'trbooti to tho v. ;ld. Yy tho van vt this naw aad jou.xiul f mciiat ojt., known to lictnlctry as THE HYPOPHOSPH1TES, 'Tho mn of CONSVMrTIOV, even In tho Hconil mid TMr.1 Stncc(ntn period, therefore, when tlicro enn lie 110 doiiLt ni to ilte nature of tho Itt-cnoe) I- tho UVIA uhtlo 1) HAT 1 1 IS 1UU I'.XCKl'TIO.V. "X KM.UV or C, tlint they wilt prove not only a A fit I. A UKM r.IY tn CONSUMrTIOX ati Qulntno U In Inter, mtttcnt l'eur, but tttno at ctTcctuol n 1'IiDjLll VATIVI3 as Vucclnntlan In Pinal 1 1ox." Ictno rfilT'TCr, who values health and l.C', richiy an lioiir to try this rrmody. lie mi t.ihcr that " 1 ri-vo.it lm li hotter linn euro." lloware or eelf dcerplli n, or ll.o eoothii-g (tiir.inco of fi lends th.it4' if tfi only a li' k evt'll " Kataterror tunyrladi who now lilt prcmiti.ro graves 1 Ulvc, I entreat yoa, prompt attcntlou to thj EAR U EST StaKS QF GQR5UMPT10H. "Ami Tiun flUNS PiiAtt. ipuow TtiEH.'' StaiJ:. " ttrliet f ymi'tom of tubercular disease 1 wastimi. Iti,(fcIj(Aflcw(i,and H Is earlier, hi int of time, than tho itt.CTtC. It la first tnaiiifctcd 1 1 tho.irtf aw! hints. TI19 mu'culir tlBsica wn-l ; henco j.euiuty : thcro 14 a peteof snmothlug wrong vt fitting that ir MTAL T0WM13 AtiE Fl.AUGlVU. 'Jlltt IClWtl Of tllO Ihl.g tuatUiho Umoro acli.o than Its njiaiV.' lr, 1'Utctk. ' If,tfiV7iOfnnirtr'p(Trenf wvf or under the lnfinrt.ro of c.i se? which iuduco VK.VKMaiidniinrni is ; suit M vwn t, fp-i'f, ovenwt execs, I'twiney, eh tl tearing nurnnir, rajil growtht cr tUvj ictorery frim ditae, n ireuu tu-gins to loao his flc!i, Ftr.-ngth, rolrf cr (tppctlto; If ha Buffers fiom t'lorfttrra of breath, or ilirpletmess, nn etperiercia a Rcneral fcehtiftf tm fjaortaiddenreuim,1llUtJi IS IthAtOX 10 AH Hint hi is already prcdiyxticd to the cornjhzinl. If to Uufo pymptoiua ho o-ldctf coia, however slight, particularly if It lus ccmo on s'owly, or durlrc tho l.ilr so.i'-dii, rniri:OlIAUlUTyJiOnV.Tra'.fcTlLL." VhttnhUl. EFFECT OF THE .REMEDY. "If, on tho earliest nppenrnnee of thcue 'lcr of Conftumptloii, tho pollent tnlt dnllj- uliout tf-n cri'ln or the ItTPOPnOSPHITrR, he will u-.nlly mo them all l!enppcar In a jcriod varylcff from a few wocka to a few months cud hy conthtulnf- tho oeenIonarutc tf the Kcmedj 711! WILL ILT FIND IIIMSELr IK ESJOYMEMT OP 6UCII HEALTH A3 HE, PEEIfATS, 1IA1 LVlUt k.ow.n ix ins MFK iu:roi:u "Winchester Genuine Preparation" IS THU O.VI.Y UELIAIILU rorm of Pr. Churchill's Kr-medv. Mado Trom tho original r.-rmuU. Iho DrtiunoYthft JI ir-iioi ltlt s I3two rotoandEpecifio i I'licrctwinthoprintij lommii mmTK3 KEiivota roncE, end tliey nro tho vot rowKi.n-LiiU'OD-ocMniAiiMi ors hM.nsr. Tho tli'nt upon tho tuhorcular condition ia IMS1LPIATK, all tub (.K.SFRAL 6MIT03:S I'lSAMKAma T11H A lltllUTY HTUJl isttRitiTMAniEtorfi. Thfyniei-c tho coi:f;h,i?i'miA expectoration, improve tlio appetite, arnU UfariLoa; tho ntjhl sweats, chids, rud feitr cpofo ; tho UifceU Ueome regular, ai.d tub n w caim av riiorct A FAIR TRIAL IS A CEHTAtff CUHE I HEWARKof litmus rmiAiVjadvertlurd tn Yr, aiurihlirp.nndaUothir rftVINlriJN'U IiUHlli to rob Eufllrers of their menui,I(Mtf ;rtW'.Mt tlme.rtiA i ansa a 1'j.tal keei'lt. ito to mu lor 1 11XUIU'S, nnd for 3)r. ChurchiU's Trcatiso on Consumption, vr'iifhcnntniii tho enly t.ulhniia ittfonmiii lu rerird to thi3 .N'LU 'ntlLTMt2fT. Hut luzz to all Imulrirs. rziCEi In 7 and lC-oz. Uottlco, CI and C2 eneh. Ttiroo larce, or alx small for C5. Ily fcc-sijallo U On both the Lobol and Outside Wrapper. NO OTHTIt ID GENUINE. stHJ not confound thlt Remedy w Ith tho to enl'ed " t lsi-mioairooJ ;' und particisl.ii ly ni. 1 ti'l j r r nri UonscoutalnlrK ircn, vhichld ian( raoi s,ad Ctd iiur PI, whiih has ro cirati b troi ejty niUTiarn. wM by tlio most rwprc table Drurfilsts tlirorphnnt JfnUuIted f tatci and UritUh I ro tncfp, nnd Whnl s..lo wa Retail at tho (u neral Ditt in tho I uiud Ftatt s,by J. WINCHESTER, 36 John Street, 11 Y. Mnrrh it. Li&hl ILight ! Light ! iMllt lLilJi.1 1 A U iON I'OAIs OIL BlIIMCKS AXi) LA.IH'S FOI! JS Ull XI KG i:oai kukiki'.m;. ok c miiov oii.p. 'Pill; liLt, uio.i linllmiit, tuul rlica.ist iiorlablo liht L no in us,., Nn ilamr.-r of .p1ih)liii tni.l ilu,iuir tl. ju Hunt, l.ir.1 oil nli oil or iiiiuii..iiL', Without th i'j'"ns.. of ens IHttires. 'l', nln... f,-iiuip villi all tlii'ir 1 tti.y triiuiulius) cun lu s.'fi. ami liouclit at tlm ol.l i stal'IMi-'i! llruir uuJ .hiiiiii-al Morn tt thn uult'rsi!;n 'J, wlio ilattors himself that Irom his long i.v n'rinit' iu tho Dru? trails, lis l,iio s how nml lnru to li.iy, niul is ikti rniinn,! not iola iiii.ltrsilil l. an) nnn iu III .oin.lmra. tirs'.miu'i lin? country, fall ami sru Ins ivw ami wtll s 'kt.t!tl slock it' in;i:.:s. mi:ui. im:s u ciicmiuai.s. paints VARMMIIM. UVCS'i'L'l FS. Jll.d CLASS I'ltOM 7!l lo'-'HT,, CilNt'CCl'IOVA. ii i us i'i:i:riijir.uv s,u tai;y 'ion i:t. ar. rii'i.iw rem LADU'.-t.t til. NTH. TOP, A' CO AND CIGARS. Ant'd Urmnli, !'a tent M tiiiim ' of everj vnri ty in nn.1 Li'iuurn. (pur ) for mediriual us nl. l'luid.C.iinpliciie Carbon ihl. Turpentine and AhoJu t rrinieioiilder hrnccit and Abdominal Mipporturn. uigical and Den tal lu'trurieut, Hiisli nut) nnd tnotli Itru l-iiil. Camplu-u phre)'ti liotiui-patluc UunedieH, (itink-n, ( .iitary, linpe and Iteiup neede, Th 'luonuter, proof-plam Slornnu leuther nnd Hliou rinding, A.e iic, topctimr uitJi the large t and mott varied asi-ortiiii ut ofUcrinnii Toja and yank i' k notioms, oer brought to ibid place, all of which please call and goo and you mutt believe. Ila. nisr teamed by ad expi rienco that "long credit will not keep ltihipn iuo itig," 1 luuo ditcruiiiied tu tncatbii) er-i, to niuko it an object to th m tu ,tll as tlu! iLlter, to deal on tJioiaah priniij I., cither mune or riudy triide, IhiMiiB s'-rved a regular npprcnticfchip at tho tirug and Apoilietary buciuetiii, hiideH liaiiiu enrrpd it on for th.. .-iet i-ijhtjeii ear4, on my own hook, 1 Hatter uiyvlf tint 1 uui ab) j U do Juvtito to all ti-iu-I mo n trial. Th uikfiil to tho public for pat laiors, 1 would tifka trial on tlio new prinripK, nnd will puarantee to ull.tliat it will make long in mU und pay beet in the end to pay canli and buy til reduced prices, IMiYSlOlANS PKKV'JUPriONS carefully coiupoanded, an I all ordern correctiv answered. AI ro-'dicine guaranteed as n commended, Vture lUmm on Main Strert. neur IMarket, next door to the l'ot Of. fice, Jiloomsburg, Columbia county, i'a, LTtlUAlM Y. IAJTZ. Aucun 4, lero. ", little, hut often fill the piirw-. SAVfcNG FUNDS. ilHAXKMN SAVIN'O PI'Ml-N'o. no fc,,tli I l'ourlh Hrect, b. twetn rh'-finut and Walnm Plulad(lihia, pays all deposits on demand. I DsM-naltors' itioliev strured Lv fiuvernmt nr Rint and City Loans, Ground Uents, JIuitsTagc, &c. : 'Ibis Company deems nab ty bitter than larco profits, counc'iuuitly will run no ri.k with dcpo.i tors' money, but hate it at all tunc ready to n turn ( with 5 por tent, intm-n to tho owner, ns thej haie a jatwa)s don - This lonipany neer busptiulvd. i - a i ' 5 f 1 v i i-iuiiieti, marii(;i or simjle, and Sluion, tan rle- po,itinth.irown riyht.aud mrli dtpwsits can be vith I raw ii only by tlu-ir ronM-nt. Charter pppetual. in corpora ted by thuKtato t.(t Ptnusylvauia, with authority to recti vu mom.v trom trutti'L-s and r.xerutors. . IMMK bMILLtVMl JiKOJUI'KJ), Malnrl.l w . Moan, I'.dwanl T. Iljatt, ,,.. IX. i.lillilllil r, IlLl.r, .11, I..IIV. Nicholas Ititteiihuuse, Nathan Hliie.fley, Jus. II. Huthjrl!in.iit., Ihilinaiu lllanchard. Jos"plt I.Eppinrott. r. . "'" ...t,.ii.u, iriasurer, Marth 1.', 1-5H-1-Jiii, "A Dollar raved is twice earned." Nnv. sriMii ' ' . WIXE AND LIQUOHS. WHOLESALE ,'IND RETAIL Sl,lll lllldersl'iniol. tintlni. nni.,.1 n v i. ... I ... V. " core, uu j. ,mtit pn..., u I uoors coain or Iron hire, Illnoiusburit! aud.toik"d It tilth Iho bestllrauds of all kinds of ImpQitri U.uort will In happy lu supply tlio trade on Ihu moat accomutodatltij I rtns and at unusually lowpnces. ' j rublic Custom 1 1 x r -tfullv wile', 11'- in birj Ju' ii-r-i, Tliooe linboriiBff I'imIci Blekno taunt flic relieve lliiinsi llo from tin1 tlioil -i... t. th.v Mtiblo Ufa Mtditlncs of Ur. fliorriTi known an i Moffat s mtrri l-tr T k! JLilA' 111 JL iULIO nml DtffKJJTX HITTERS. Tin-so Mcrllfiac, Imio now ticcn lipforf tke ptiktle fur n mtlofl of 30 yi'rs, nml .Hiring that llmo Iwio mair,. t ii tic J a Mill ltsrt In i'l'"ot every lt of I ho Stl'ibo for tlr estranraiaary curative rropcrtl wlilrli tin1) nose s MoUat's Ltilo rills. Moffat's ls.tr J 1'ilhnro lnJcbtod for their namo tothcir miriif st und t-nMu ntl.011 In purll Hip tha pprlnejsj Si! TtiSnn"l ti th" uiidimliti'd f..a that at a very irly i..irt hi llielr lillir, ttic-y tia.l rsnic.l ;uncr from tlio vi ry vurua ! nn inn. nciy 1.', i,,, ctirlux m tlidm lint iiiiirunn cnjuyni. iit vt Iwullli, wit"; nil l Irh l.f. lis 'If Is l..it n j...rl il MosshiB. fa ; Bf-nt Imlos.l hul llulrtllluiiy lumtljlily itoiiiI, iliul II was smctty less llwu mimculmis lu tiiusn hn wen imaf qSili-il IIU tl b.'ouurul ,lill..Ui.l.l.al .rlnclvlM uiiuii nhlcli th'ywilio roiiipouuatcl, ana iijioii wliicli . llioy cotisijiinnnj' nclt nMOl FAT'S FIKFKIX B1TTEIIS. ' Mufti ti riioctilt Hitters are o called, becnusc they possess Hi-- p'mcr i.f rcstorliis tUj ciplriiift ember id ic.dtii t.ift nlottlng viKot turoiirfhout thfi cnimtitutloii, as tlia I'IiojuU Is said to bo restored to lifo lrum tho n.lis of Its own itlohitiOii. irrcuri.il IHpas Tiieri Is probably no one nrticlJ hJ n .,.,!, rti. thf liiliirniii-t usu of which has (;ui"it iurh whlt'-ppread niul terrilde ntiiiliiel 1" tlu human system uu rrory. jis mhuh iuivb . mi th systuin, peiK-tratlti thj siilwianco r the Lihim, und pro.hitlnn Rloiiit train i.f pamr.il At w ft Is Mi ll i known llialnwiiyfttlertiims it tlutlir.it t f tlu butiet, vt thf hos, und umltsudiit -ores, whuli h.ivo ul-cii at I trilmted to avnlntls. nro mi tilteii c.nmod bv tlio i'ljudi , ttiu um of m.-renry, so that the Mined) h.ia pro.ed , worse thui t!i illi.'asf, 1 i.iFK rit.LB and nur.Nix nirrnua. i Tim iftf Tills nnd Thoi-iiix Hitters l-aw always bocn i siitniilly mitci'tii-fiil in this class nt iliiasM, and w ill eradicito nil tliftcflV-it ot imrcury from tiia Kystem, I noniKT than tho most poweitnl pnpar.ilioiu f tur.i punll.i. Tluy aid imlurti in caslhijr trom th; ictiMiult noiioimiis Hintur, and bytliiM I'uriljim; ttiotltul fluids, ill r-'ftorcth- f) tern to lu-nllli. lUhoiH Coin phi its. A well rcjrulatcd nnd prcpor i tionatu tiiaiilll of Id I a upon tlio etuintul. is ulwujs ru I quidto lor tlt prouiollon of sound Ih-ulth It Btlinulati-a ' ill tl'in, and kcepH tlio Intestinal tiuiat free fiuin all I dM met ions. On the interior mrlnco nt tlio ilvirlsa pi.culi.ir bladdur in whhli tlio bile is lirt prvsarwdi Lohm t rm.'d liy tin liver from til- Mood. Tliutiro it liiCB.' intoth- ft i) n i nth nnd tiitutiiiou, un-t rcKiiIates I tlm dii'estlon. Thus w e whou th re i a di-Iicicnt) nf hilu, thobo-l) l cor.suutly costiie. On tlu other hand, nil over iihuihI.iihw of bile r.msi's frJ'ru'iit n mss on tha btomach, and ntten proi..ote ery ncera attacks I of itijuasis, wlii'haoin.-liiii n'd huh-atli LIFIJ iMJODIOINES. I The Mf-' MtdichiPs fhoul.l, If pot-siMc, ho takrit In Ith early stas-J of lulnm coinpl.iiiits ; and if p rL' I vi-n d in ttrktl atcnriiing to dirertions will pi siti.fly I i-tf-rt a cur i. Tli'ir i-itfiutva mc In tlusiompl ilnt iu f nil parti of ur colli iuunt, ri-nilcrs cnmiUL-ut iiuiillcssiI' ry tlifir irtuc! ppock for Hum. M..ll.it"n Utr-' Till-. Tlu una "f tti--p Vill, fur a ery sh'irl tium, will ntf'tt mi tatlrj tura ut Halt Ulicuni, and n stnkin' iiupriivu'iui nt In the cleaniem of tlte eMii. U.imni.m ColU an t lutt-icn.i will ninny I turvd Ly i oiu diiie.iir hy tiun en hi thu worst raves. I'n i-' IM is' t-Thi urininal pn'pri -if r of these ia.I-iciiK'-was Hired of l'lh-s ir W years staiuinig, by the us of til- !,if- Mediniu' nloii". ,ltH COMI'IAtST, nn airiiuuiui in- i.n i-f w n in Kiimuii hva f.-iline of t. ii"iin or pain ln th ; riyht si le n! ml tlu r.-siou i.f th? Ii rt, ofuu pmiffHit a- in plan rly, but BoimtiuH s d-ill 1 a ilirlU-nll in dnw ins long lr-nth; t'rv roiiirh nnd Inclination to vomit. Tlil di Bi-usj may In produced hj i nln, by l-d'-nt cxercici-, by i.itensosumm.'r licatf. by long conthiued tlhoiis f.'rr or fan , and bj various nulid ctmt rc'tioiis m thi- tub ktsincoof tin Iivit. And to tli.'n i j rodu-iin? raiiFCF.nr 1 ra-ntiui u f th 'din fetUi! t'Nuns suppr 'ued were tlous.nud ni'titat soliutu-h', whuh nr-very frj-picnt cin4 'g of ub.tru(tiout .md iiisi u-f of th- II. ur. Tills diseiim nlHMld bjarr,'t -d In the roiiini.Miecmcnt uliicli cm bo done bj u few dot. a cf Lift I'lllc. Wlu'n once th 1 liver i nronst-d to tlu- iKrf rmanrn nf ii - prop r f iiuiioiH, little in ire Ii rejuiiitJ tluiu toron-tl-iu a pr"p t u v of the medi-'ines, nnJ a ppfedy re cowry will ciixii''. I - , in ,,,. ut i li - ii niul n ,ni... s li iv I .... i ...ii' (itliTiii'iilclims Inivi. ilioifii-ui ii iinu sulij a t a riturniif the diaw-a cur. by tlu... .Mul-1 inin is pl i iii.i iivin . h- hok'l - Tlu most liorrible cam ofN'ndiihi, iti wlii' Ii the lac , bun-' and lnnb t f the vn-inu Ii i-l bi en pn jd upon by tli iinliiiblij ill sense, uro protud, by iLvlt-iiiiibl authority of iln .iirirt.rit tlKinflflvL-, to have been couiph-ti ly ciireil by tn "hi pur l) v.'i t ildu un-dKiiHs, att.-r nil otlur had bsu louiid iuoru Ui.ui In (in-sliuu and I)yspep.n If w were called upn to eperify one dis.M-e w huh nmr"' tb.ui :in otlu-i it the b:iiie,i,nluliit if tbuotlfpritirf of i lili..itiutii uu thuid nihie Dysptp-tia. It is fri'iRridly utiended. or rath-r prudiutue, of u lousr train of ilU, kui.1i h Utaitlmni, I'latiil'-iicv, n cuawliiK paiu at th - itttuuaih wIi.mi t-mpl) it ciiH.- of uu.'.Mifirtiibh-lahiwli n full, pain in tlu ttiro.it, tide and pit of th - iti mat h. rjni n , chilli it st, I uigaor. uiiwilliiisn -hsto tak.ieieuisj, &-c .Vijk7'v i.isi: .'ti:tJiCL'i:$. MuTifi Lif- Mt did m s are p -iilinrU n h rCit tothe -nr of tin-ui-tr K-itii-. Lui.ipliint JhiHt upoiMli limit I in a v ry mild ft i i,nt t!w tn netnue. -.rj tl c- tuul inati .1 r. ftini h ne ii-- r J-t failed lo tilra tilu ills un ii .1..,! auvidtn,. to ..urire:t.u..K m tiural 1) -i.ilitv.- Tlx mofT einiinum oi an r!.i- I plaint i' Unit of a g.-iH-r-il w aku.s-i o th i w Ii iU 8n- i in, nn.it ijijp,niKd I-) an) p.irtiriil ir .'inirdi r. or du ' Uu ili s niptom- of di.iho. TIiT'' id a little uiiilru 1 euy, a I us if iippt tn miw illiii:n und imtetd m.i- bitiiy tu uu u-rsto 'i rtiitii. freo, lent ji ,n!;i' Ii h, null- a t-tioii ult -nil iii-i .ill'i ni-it and ilr w - uf l!i xkiu. it n.hncy lu t- f n li.o'i"', iinlu'ii t( fur ! i ly, m bl.t rl ii) Hi1"'- j in pi i 'it (f lanyui-r '"i uit tu le, an.) ui ak t im'b lli.it nic . v ids-io- - -t ;t tiiilure in i!i. ital pow- rn and u low, unli-aiu.) and iiiuruiii Louuiti'.n oi tJiu , l-'iu. j Life Pills ;iml rii(H'iii Riltcrs. Th- I.tf; Ii lis an 1 Phoenix l'itt n are, porh-ip. tli1 b -ft reui' .l for n .storing htriti;l!i t th - buu lor, tli.-y . att a-a Rtntlc rartnititic, sind, b ttieirtouii juahti t, htreutli -li th i uhiiio pVotciu M tr.ifK Isif- 1'ilU.- 1'. rsoiis of a pW'iurlr habit, who J .ira naliji.it to til a, h-u.ia.ll', (,(.Ii:hl'm., iiiiiuut ut' riht. or drow -iiu-sH, from too mu.it a llnw nf ulou'l to i u-elm-i, sliteitl tdiio t,uu 1 ind Ir epiently. : ADVUT. TO tli MA t.l .S. iVintil n wh i ahi" lli.-ir it llieliri! Ateilii in "si (.I u ml md vi f the iv and M00mu.2m.ntar. I'.,,..., u li i ,nlii., II. .1. i lieaitit tviioiiia never uo witiiuut t hev nuriti t;i blood, ri-mov one...""" ' ",u To l.hlcrlv IVrsoiiF. Many liualihy ased intliv i.lu: I si whokuow'lho Milua id .MottatV Liu .Mediciiien. mak i it a rule to take th.'in two nr threo tuieiH u week, by i which th")' P-iiiine the caused thai prodtion iln. one, preiic-rvo tiuir lualtii, and Kinp oil" tliu iiiliruiitijn of1 Pacts for Mothers and N'nrses, It is n fjet, e.tali. I listioil liy tliu aii'iiinl bliss nf iiioifiliiy, ilr,t one Jtalf of ' uu tnn inn ooniu are nn on ii "ture ntliunlni; hiMMi enrs of axe, and tho fintl,.! sourcu of this inoitallty It toiiiid to exist in that tuul ituto tf tlu stonintli and Imwi'ls w Inch iiroilui i il l!." p, u, r iti.ni ol linrm,. As tlu saf r.-tori-r of h.faimla Innllli In this crilaal - tit th. Life .Mcttii-ini h,.u' lo-ii h. Ill a tii.ti.icui.Iud r.'j.u tati ju, an J fr foulil.i,s of llic .toiiiuch uuu howtls, mid -on ulsiolis nltlmuuli worms ma) not exist, ft is allow cd to ! Mipcnor to any otli. r. .Mid it's P.ll. un I Ihtt rs. - N'o iiiedicinea ntprt-s"nt knouii liavi done .o nrich good ti m.iukiii.l as th so, ttithin the taut Uw )ears,uuil rertaiuly uoui' hue In cu r -wardi'd with more iiumeious anil aulh ntn tes timonluls of th-'ir liivnrlnhlf tui.l pmlmi.ivo cillrarv. They rcpiiri no .Iktlnp noreontlmtu'-ut, are pu'li ctly uiilil snj pli'tisaiit iu tluir opi r.iiinn, Lut will poucr fully ri-.tor" licjllh- that eruilnst of earthly lile.tin;. -to tha mo.t exhausted and ili niiijjted toii,iltutious. 1 r.'ouriu Lv Dr. WM. II. MOrKAT, . , . 33.1 Croadway, New Vork. And for fi.ilc hy all.Drujji.ts apl3 1,1 ly. AGIUOULTUllAL WAUUIIUUSE, Nos. 21 23, .South Uixtli street, near Ilia Stale 1 1 me. rilll.AUr.U'lllA. itxna. rPi: floor of thin Ppucioutf buildintr, ernt 'd exprmy I hr the tironrit.tnr'rftr.idi nr.' RK,r...i .ti, .....i ,..,,i .in,,lem.M,l.,f!,,u.re.iro rar...t.r.',,d fk ; fmv lEA.ll,T,.tt.uFi,.-Tlia subteriber. desire lo call, III- attention, of .very ouu Interested ill farming an,' cardiniuii to th ir mil stlected .totk cf Afruultu- r..l lools. llarraulid (lardn and Hoittr Str,li draft anil Fitld o . . ' "". "'" "'w veai'y. Iln Agricultural liupL'tnenls sold by us are mostly tnaiiur.irt'Jred at our .t, am works, l!ri-to Pu. Ilminj titled up our establishment without retard to eipense, ith Mo mo.t compliln liiuchicniTy fur Ilia inanutjituru ol various kinds of inrrk-uliiiriill,,,.,!,,,,,...,.. wo nre now tirenrtr nl tn cim.ii!v .ll , . --, . '-' -..j ,.,,ti. ... i.i.s ...IC fully equal, it tint F.ipenor, to nit) thing uf iln, kind ecr J.andri in's wnrr.iiild Harden Seeds ham been before I Iho public f,r upwards oft irty y.ai,; their wide spread popularity, mid the increusinBilunand from year loiear, others'" CVl'luiuces of their superiority over ull , "V nnrrhants ran ho supplied it Ii seeds in pa. I pers, or In hulk, on tlm most lib'rul tonus I ro!'!"!""!1!"1'.' T ,11",-1"1' "ur jardeu seed uround,, I i.r." , . Vn ','J""''' si-v..in acres, anu ,.vp, . ,aus, .iv... Ul us Hlllll 111 tH3 WOrld. II. I. I Villi .".. . l. rss,. , y"; ?1 ,'5' 1 A"' Sulh slrr, I. Phthi, loretery inonili l u,e year, can ho lud1.rotis,upon " . o;i.il or pu,t paid application. ...utonptj. January 81, IsW)-). TllUNKS! TltUNKSM f 1111. Urpest, best liaiiilsoni s e.t and illeauest nssort mint of Solo Leather solid . 1. 1 t e.eii i ravi unit Trunks. Mm' lldHnil ,J. ilrcss 7V ! I'liildren's t.'.wches, l'rop.l 1 'rs Leather nnd Carpa liacs I rucking Trunk Ac. i.e., n (.lebrnteil London P,,s,, vV.,l ,'l !l,l,YMf soli. ...I i i j ,,i . .." 5" I'nP'ovi'd she.t sprinj r" . rtu'th i,fr,Z.M! .':!riry0 K,":41:3, i,,rku Ausimti 1-57- f u J ""'"'- ' '' -.,..,,,,. ...,, ' t IT.'H J j III , 1 1 A v I S till''!.1!. J-'Jl to Notlh Fuurlh Street. PHILAUULPUIA. 11KAT WORK ON THE HOUSE. Tho JJofscaiul lnsDiscass 1)Y noiir.UT JENNINflS, v.s. Professor oj Palhologi nniivpcrativc Sur. gay in the vtunnartj LWegc oi'n. a'dephittt ttc.t lie. II lit TF.Lt. rotOf the otitlcn, )iiory and slUtinrtt. . trtits of tlw vnri.ms lirccil, i,f p . " licnn, Asiatic, Attricnn nnil Aiuc'i.'; lli.ts.'s, with tin physical lori,,S! mU tho iuilarltli' or tho aniin,, nnil hoiv tn nscfrtiilil tils ngc li rt!l iiiitnliT nnJ ci'iiilltiiui or his tci'ti, tlliistrfttetl Willi tiuuicroui extlan. tv rniraiincs. ' 'the ll.rw tiwi lis Divot's Will. TlXl. 1 OlOf Uree.li. Ilrtnklntf, nhli,;8 fttj, iriuimiiiicitiu'itl tir Ilia Ijor.,.,.,',, tlie best unities of n(lniit)lsicriIle)lll f rino, nlsii, lion in ttcut Mtlng, i. Imr, K'ntliiit, sli)lne. sluiiiuuit, Intliit. Ki sIH'isiit'S'. nn,l olln ' t'l wliljli Iio Is sulijurl ; Willi inimr,' bus i'Xi,atinli'rr enstrvinss. ' The Uor.se and ins JUibcases mil IV.l.l rotVOftho ranges. paiplom, atidTr v merit of Mrnnali.' fori! hro.it. i( , leiupcr. tatarrh. Iniluctia, I rotiu,,, tKriienninnia, VU iirly.llrolceii . I l'ronict'oU2h,Uo.irins.unJ UhLtt,,. l,ampnt fnf.- lflttli MJ lr r , l)cnied TecUi, w(lh i-Uilt di-sill.l, the Mnuth find Uesplrmniy tirjittf The Horse ami his JJ.va,ts Will TJX l I'Otftlf thc a-im j iiiplomi. and jr . tiicnti-f Wnr'tu, Itols. Colic, Ktr,ltlE, lition, tony imitr tiojiH, Itupiur,, yaUi, Iiarrliu-.i, Jaundice. Il(p,iir rhiv.i, IMoody Lrinu.StiwiUfi Imlu. Kn in s and rindUr, Infhituntioti, , CtluT di-it-as f the Htuuunh, fjuu lis, Liter an 1 1 limit) Organs. The Hone und lis fhsnt&cs Will TF.ll YOY Of thi ran, ymp!nm, rn.1 treat ment of I'oiic, Htood nnd Hog, Eij,,, Iti its I tor1 pwcput', Htrnln, I rt t, tt KliiM-s, Wind (Jnlis, ruuinier, y, Iirul-o ant Crave), Oaokud lln.r Scralclics. Tankir. Thrush, nnd for i nisi), nf .W-prim. Vr!Ho, Kjil. B. binjttfirs, and oilier discuses oftr.cfi I.fjTfi and II end. The Ihr c and his Diseases Will TlXl T0 Of the causes, symptom, and Ttt-t ntof n-tula, I'olllMi, clnn.iit. Tarry, tlcarlct Yecr, nnge, Pnrpii fankeJ Jaw-, Ithruuintiiiii, f'ra Calls. Diieat.cs of tho Lyv nnd linn dc, hr.,mu how to manage t ati lion, llleediiijr, Tn phinning. 'tmt linci 1'iriu", Hernia, .mpututi.iii u , ping, and oth r surclrnl ctpciatiou 7feJlor&c aif his JJitcasts WUX TEIX YOU 01 Itnp j's Method of tnmiiifr lUnvx Jiow toiippronrh. li.i'tpr, tr ttaMi ( Colt, how to iirnistom a )itri- i ttritijrii soiuidsi nn J iptit, dii.l li tn Hit, tiaihile. Hide, and Creak Inm Harness; alrotli'i form nnd l.nv ' Wash imj. Tin wli An b-ing th suit i.f more thnn fitlcen iram' ut ftu Ij ottlielnbiif. peculinriticH.Mii itml weal,ni-ss of Ihis ncblu ami n animal. Tho lfok ron tains :ti4pajes, approplite'y ilnit-t by nearly One ltunilrt.d l.imra iiifs. It i rinti-i y rU at and open tj pi,aud w ill ha furnishcil to any ndt,r . p'Ktage p iid. on rctcipt of price, litiifbouud , 1,1 i i i Inth, extra. Sl.'-M. f;iOOO A Y BAR Knv, 11 Ini; mm crynhcrc, in s"llin5 th? nlioxc nii'l f.llier pupiibir v iifotirs. Our Imluc 'incius to ull utuli tiro ccw 1 'ill Ml. Ki.r siimli' rniips of tlio Hnolc, or fur terms tn oj xiitliutlicr inrnriiiatjon, npiily to nr iiililri'ss JOHN II. l'dlTl li, I'ul.li lur. No. nr Saiisoin Mri'tt, riillailcljilila, p. Jfov IT. lFCO-libi. AGl'.K'ULTUUAL & HKKD WAI!;- XJ-llOL'jli. PASCHALL MOHHIS. I iuwa bimoi d mi: J'lJJT.A !)F.l. PlUA A 0 11ICUL TU- HAL ) SEE!) It'AREltOVSi:, I'rom th a Xorth I.nt ''onier 1 1 H-vmiHi and v, Streett to his VU.V STAND. n. ll-'U MAKKIi'J'ai ori'c-rejTiiE rAnMEr.s' market I Oifcrs hr Fate, as h -rutofore, ut rfasonabie pii(Cji,civr I d 'Bcripiion of j lii-pnni-d Amirulturnl nnd llortii-ultural Iinplemrin. Warranted l'r'rh and (.etiuine Fid I, (Jar.h n anil I' j crHjeds iu irrrat aiicty. AUo. No. l 1'iriui.iii i, j irnmeiit Cuano. and other ri-liahk- I'erli Uor l r Ci i ! nn t Crain t ropsd'nnt and tirnameiital Tr t m and Mu , bcr), dh'tee Ktrsrti'u-, Iloxes, IJahli a. Kc i tic unlit-Its u uuttin.i nire o ri.n-r i ilt-I'ini. I m.'tit, titled, anJ Nurs.-ry lntal.u c, lumii- I on applii utii.n. l'AsCIJAI I, MOllRH pncni irni nun n t n .ir. ii m-t , UtH Mi . j M"-.t,i.iipuiiiflho lurmtr .Market, J'iary l., ldl. 1 '- m;w iJAUKI AUK KSTA i LIS!l.ML.i - iv BiooMsaujiG. In the .Vtjr UrfcK j hrtt itert Cnrrige J at fort. Irlute Jwrkit, nUK ptil.f.crih-T wivill rPfpsitdilly aim our. J public, that lu h u uimmuuTd tin (ffiffi U SLtJ MAKIMi III n all itrnanniH bramhejf. He is prepnred to c.n II order-" un 1 h.t! nn li,md . , r B.-i.t mi ;uu;i f lliiiflied wnrkwhinh purih..M rs wilt fmd t n dvai.tegi lot .ill. unl uamiiie. ju.p.imixn. ill b 1 doun iii tin- nn, tit i r imp! and rn r f'it 1:1 ' aiul upon tt riiii whuli t nniint fin I to ;-ue s.iii iu u HI'liAWIIlllDUi; A. 1 1 n liloo'iiburg, April lt5j. Gwod Miupiiisr and Mica;) Siutlluu? I I'l'"lllI,,l'iKNe1tliHiktiiilfirp,itai y. .'ft""; ' If-. d. nnd'th, Ut J,c tliI ,lu1 ... p itmiiai' , r. -j punilc ill ,rui i SMlrillNd HUSLVKSsS. At th" Old t-tau t. on tin hill, alnr llw Kail V. 1 1 Uh variotjn braurln at hiw pnei mi'lcn nn tile aeale, and 8tu its tit publn i atrmi.ijfe M'r.riU'N IvNOf'I I!looinbiirj;, June S.Ip'.I- I'JtEUK ItllOWX, .Jl! , i',llY'Mlri? 1 1 , ... s liJ-JIlsVtjIl 1 iV T)R 1 J 11 1 1 .1 f "BttTOU'Wl IIOITI. " MUli ami ihr&tuut Sirrels, oiTont: hil I'oir.AHn not-, " I'llii.Aiir.l.iMin CJ- .1MF.MCAX. FIIFCir, JtXl) KSCIUSII. c,T.waj.A ,i.vi imviii,. Toilet At-livles. Lnhlu's, Couilray's, llajlc)-., ie., kc Ac. 1'erfu Soais, Sachets, Toikl Ponders und C'osiintn. I.xu Up L'oloiim:, of the best ili.till. r.. llrsT lAt.Lisn Tuain llniMin, of all sizes aniUt) It. lii.si i:,ou.u lUm lliiosnis . 'i.u.. . .., ,. ,.. . muni ,v .subs li approved kinds. Hlsi l.M.Lt.11 Haul Ituesiiks. I'ombs ol ullkiuds, llllll'alu, India Kill, bcr, Ac, 4-c l'oAi,es ion nit: IIaui l.ubiu's, Cuudrj) 's and SI. ontt's, A.C., &c. 1'hk lltAtt's On.. PfftK Cold Hoda WATta from Tcrctaiil rouutain. UuvK ANuiSoiiA withihoice tiwiijis. i IIIID'K ISItOWN. J . Bt E- Co'' "ud L'heetl.ut n Aususl 1, IfcCO-lJm. Spring and Summer A , J, & L 0 A N vv . n ..... .... . . . H '? K'Vmy - .uici ...orVou ,, ,'r''t','1'ia ' ' v s0,1? ' 'i't i m. n.mti, OillllNU AJiU bU.U.UEIl 0001" "Imo.t every new fabric which has been maioit . for fprins and riuinmi'r, us will ns tho usual ns'' of STAPLE GOODS of superior oualities will b in inricty, and at prices us low as similar cooilt r punh iscd clscwliere, i It is nn easy luntt.'r to llnil -oorts at n low toil. n general rulo, they are Ju.t as low lu ounllK I fel n Oood urliclo at u very low price Is soun tlin s Such nn oiiuoriiiuitv. Iio,.-....'!. ..'..... , ,,nu ,n,.. .""f ....... , DHY (loans. IthliClh i llMlim-ME, n VF.F.WIM' autsiH'Mi:, run, H-1I.T. &,t.,Xe. D I 'ill I mid see. "l f'ouKTnv i'hoduw: w-asti'.d. Illooinsburir, April 21). Irt I. , W(S ' 335.00 I ays th i cutiro cost for 'I'liuiou iu the most popul sureessfuICoinini.rcialr'dioolin iho country. 1 1" crlwelra Ilunilred young men from lu cut) ' trent stale.,havo been educated for business lie's in Iho past tlir e years, some tf whom have b' 1 ' I ployed ns Hook Keepers nt sa arte, of I 83000.00 per Annum, niiuiedlatelyiipon Irailuating, w ho knew iiotlii:i" ' counts w hen they tntered tho t'ollcgo. i Jlilii.tnr. .,, L.lf n.i.n cV...in.,.trral ll"U'."ll leiew when they p,.,,se,will.out .'All'1 ' 1 or L'ata oguo olii tunes, Vnc.line usof 1'rof t """'U'rii.u.ei.ul I ip nndaU,., illliol.'oli,.r, lutloso inctiiy ilvoient. ' ! uev ritjim.s t. in,, I'.inpioni. JKNKtNt) ii SMITH. l'ittsHil,'h -ly )1CE sold ut 01 ccuts at G A 1TKH you liavo rcml tlio als 'I' J ' E -oimliMrt I'l". 53.1 SI riorrHH, lp, ll J.X. nn not fell to 1'oor b-r" -M ) I'll f M'KlUBEtl t SON 1 Ptil -