Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, June 01, 1861, Image 2

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    Columbia Icnmratl
Tha War Coinmouetd. Contraband Nogroca.
Our readers will perceive, from the ills- General Butler soema to bo equal to any
patches published itt another column, that emergency. On tho 24th inst., tho picket
soma 10 or 12,000 U.S. troops crossed guard at Fortress Monroo brought in three
tho Potomto river on Friday morning last, fogitivo slaves, tho property of Col. Mal
and took possession of Arlington Heights lory, commander of tho rebel forces in that
and tho town of Alexandria, but with tho vicinity. They represented that they were
loss of Col. Ktlsvforth, of tho New York about to bo sent South, and houco sought
Zouaves, who was killed in tho town. protection. Their owner very cooly sent
His assassin was promptly dispatched on' a mcssengor to General Butlor under tho
18 01.
Boys that's tho Ticket for Union Demo
crats. No better or safer man, than Maj.
Gen. Benjamin Franklin Butler, is
to bo found in this broad Union More
over, ho is tho noarcst living genuiuo rep
resentative of tho immortal and patriotic
tho spot. Whether any others, on cither
sidc,lost their lives tho reports do notstatc.
This movement of tho Government tho
invasion of Virginia will doubtless at onco tho General that so soon as he should visit
ring on the crisis, as tho A'irginians all the fortress, and tako a solemn oath to
along havo been threatening what they obey tho laws of the United states his
Arthur's Home Magazine, for June,
is a good number and contains a large
amount of reading matter for the small
sum of two dollars per annum.
The Ladies' llErostTonY, of Cincin
nati, Ohio, is a high toned literary Maga
nine, and wo have found none more cutor
tainiug than the number for June.
would do in tho event of their Common'
wealth being invaded by United States
troops. Their newspapers also havo been
very dcQant, and havo dared tho General
Government to the encounter on the soil
of tho Old Dominion. Wo shall soon know
therefore, what theso threats mean, and
whether they aro mere gasconade or oth
crwiac. Wc still havo ovcry confidence in jtiuio of war, the General was justiGcd
the great military tact of Gen. Scott, and , in treating them as ho did. This Virgin
ia Colonel seems to havo presumed that
because Gen. Butler returned fugitives to
their loyal owners in Maryland, that ho
We have had rain every Monday in
May. Four consccutivo rainy Mondays,
is unusual, if not a little remarkable. Be
side, this is tho coldest May known in
history, since 1821.
Dr. Jones, the Oculist ij- Aurist of
Acta York, is now practicing at tho Ex
change Hotel, in Bloomsburg, with his
usual good success. Ho remains here till
Juno Ctb.
arc satisfied that he would not have cm
barked in this enterprise without a certain
of success.
One thing is certain that tho war is now
fully inaugurated, and must bo fought
through at all hazards. Tho Administra
tion cannot, if it would, tako a single step
backward, Wo either havo a country or
wo havo none. If we would prcicrvu the
Union and crush out rebellion, blow must
follow blow in rapid succession, until tho
ttars and stripes onco moro waive in tri
umph from the Aroostuck to tho Rio Gran
de, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific
EST Col. John G. Freeze, tho Junior
Editor of this journal, is in attendance on
tho Annual Convention of tho Episcopal
Church, sow sitting in Philadelphia, a;
tho Delegate from the Episcopal Church
of Bloomsburg.
Special Congressional Election.
Wo announce elsewhere to-day theProcla
:nation for a Special Congressional EleC'
tion to bo held on tho 22d of June. Let
us have, for our nominee, a sound Union
Democrat. With such a candidate, wo
can sweep tho field and triumphantly rc
doem the Twelfth Congressional District.
Robert Surr, of Danville, was a few
days since committed to our County Jail,
for malicious mischief. On Tuesday last
he scaled the piisonwall, ho jumped down
somo twenty feet, and returned to Dan
villo. And on tho same night was captured
by Messrs. Mensch & Conner, and return
cd to tho caro of Sheriff Snyder, whore he
is provided with moro secure quarters and
stronger accommodations.
Mr. H. A. Siiuman, late a member of
our household, writes us, on lastaaturday.
from "Cnmii Curtin'' Harrisburc that
thoy aro all well, excepting Cajit. Rickctts
who was then slighily indisposed in Phil
ndelphia, and that they wcro in hopes of
being oarly marched to the thcatro of ac
tion. no reports that tho Iron Guards,
were that day inspected and the Company
passed a critical examination. We aro
glad to learn that thoy havo prayer mectingi
almost every evening in Camp and that
be and his comrads from Bloomsburg arc
regularly in attendance.
protection of a flag of truco, claiming tho
rendition of his slaves under tho Fugitive
Slavo Law. Ho was politely informed by
property would promptly he restored but
that until theso term woro complied with
tho fugitives would bo treated a3 articles
contraband of war, and bo set to work in
sido tho fortress. Col. Mallory did not
venture to comply with these conditions.
As slaves are property, and in sonic re.
spects a very useful kind of property in
would be equally magnanimoui towards
disloyal onucrs in A irginia but entirely
mistook his man. Tho army
Virginia to interfero with slavery in any
way, cither to incite senile insurrections
or to restore fugitives to masters who deny
their obligations to tho laws and to the
The Annual Election of tho Columbia
County Agricultural Society, was held on
last Saturday, in tho Court House. Pro
ceedings iu another column. Wo have
regularly atteuded those meetings for six
or seven years, and although wo have
every time had tho plcascro of voting for a
Republican President, wo have argued
that the Soeiety was not governed by polit-,
ical considerations, but now, that they
havo selected all of thrir Officers, save
onc,from the rauk of tho Republican party,
wc have nothing more to say on the sub
ject. Accidentia, last week, wo looked into
the columns of n littlo 8x10 apple-butter
thumb-papcr,published in St. Clair,Schuyl
kill county, entitled tho St. Clair Sentinel,
and purporting to bo published by one
James Atkinson. Unused to find anything
in its columns either of sense or interest,
we' wcro somewhat amused to find about
two columns of tho smutty thing, under the
head of Extreme Meanness, devoted to the
Columbia Democbat. Reading the ar
ticle with interest, wo wero surprised to
find, that like iw author, thcro was noth
ing of it. The Editor must buy his ar.
tides by their lengtli, and not for their
MERIT. It was nil ho A,
Mr. Atkinson, wc aro an old soldier,
having seen over thirty years active service
in public life, and know what wo writo and
where wc stand. If you will assert iu
stead of insinuating cowurdioe to us, you
fcball hav the opportunity of tcstiog your
valor and prowoss. Wo always faoo the
music, wkcthcr it emanates from a gentle
.man or jackass.
Democratic County Convention.
Notice is hereby given, that the 'Demo
cratic Electors in and for the several Bo
roughs and Election Districts of Columbia
County, will meet at tho respective places
of holding said Elections,
On Saturday, the Bth of June,
Between tho hours of 3 and 7 o'clock, P.
M., of said day, for the purpose of chos-
ing two Delegates from each Election Dis
trict, to meet in COUNTY CONVEN
TION, at the Court Houso, in Bloomsburg
On Monday, the 10th day of June,
At 1 o'clock P. M., of said day, for the
purposo of nominating a Democratic Can
didate for Congress, to bo supported by the
Electors of Cdumbia county at tho ensu
ing Special Election, and for tho transac
tion of other business pertaining to the
interests of the Democratic party.
Jacob Harris, ( h'r
Richard Stiles,
M. C. Woodward,
Samuel Creasy,
Peter G. Campbell
William Fritz,
Wm. T. Siiuman.
Demo. Standing Comm.
Juno 1, 1801.
The next Fourth, of July.
It is highly probable that tho next
Fourth of July will provo to be ono of tho
grandest and most imposing celebrations
ever witnessed in this or any other country
Tho patriotism of Union lovers will then
exceed all bounds. Wo hope soon to bo
able to chronicle tho fact that arrange
ments arc in progress to celcbrato the
''glorious Fourth" in Bloomsburg. Let
there bs a grand military, civic, and relig
ious demonstration let tho bolls be rang,
the cannons fired, fire-works displayed,
and a high old fashioned time generally
prevail. Tho associations clustering around
the day will, by such a demonstration at
this timo, awaken in every bosom a newer
and a stronger feeling of love and venera
tion for our glorious Uuion.
Oomooratlo Union Mooting.
In pursuano of a call, a largo number
of tho Domocratlo ciiizchsof Luzern Coun
ty, met at tho Prospect House of Joseph E.
Vanlecr, near Wi ks-Barro, on Saturday,
lSlh ult., at 3 P. M. All the Stars and
Stripes have been duly unfurled from tho
top of tho timo honored hickory, and a du
plicate Bag, surmounted by an eagle, hav
ing been raised at tho homo of Stiles Wil
liams a few rods distant, tho meeting was
callad to order in Vanlccr's large hall,
when, on motion, Geo. P. Steclo was oho
sen as Chairman j Edmund Taylor, John
Richard, Bcnj. F. Pfouts, Richard Hut
chins, Oilman Converse, JSamucl II. Putcr
baugh and Stiles Williams as Vice Presi
dents . and Caleb F. Bowman, Geo. B
Latest from the South.
Highly Important News.
i rocuodings of tho Agricultural
Pursuant to announcement a meeting of
tho Columbia county Agricultural, Horti
cultural and Mechanical Association was.
held in tho Court House, at Bloomsburg
MARCH or TRoors from Washington. I on Saturday, May 22th, at 3 o'clock p. m,,
for the purposo of electing officers for tno
ensuing year.
Tho President, Dr. J. Ramsay, being
Colonel Ellsworth Klliod.
ms jissassix ummv rvr to ve.ith.
Intense Excitement lu Washington.
absent from home, on motion ot Dr. 1 .
John, Johnson H. Ikclcr, Esq., of Green
wood twp., tho first Vice President, took
tho chair,
After tho rcadine of the minute3 of tho
I w
last annual meeting by the Secretary, and
Washington, May 21, 1801.
Orders were issued vesterday and last
evening to tho following regiments to hold their adoption, tho Association proceeded
Kulp and Vt m. H. Alexander ns feecrcta ;New'york ncgimcnt3) Col. Ellsworth's ' Ramsay, and B. F. Hartman nominated
themselves in readiness to march at com- Un tu0 election of a 1'rcsidont.
mand. viz: Tho 7th, 12th, 28th and 71st i (Jol. John G. Frcezo nominated Dr. J.
r r.l. Mnonnl,cn!tci nti,1 Hil Now ' n..ii. 1. Tt LAinrr nnilprstood that
On motion, a committee to prepare and up rc.cection)
present resolutions was appointed cons.. -, q , wn9 almMt
7s tlu A01r?!rundt? H; The 7th New York, together with Slier-L unJim0U3 vote for Mr. Bar.on, who
B. Nicholson, A. R. Brundage, Harry nf ,irlUrV. rmmled toL .n-.i.. ,w.jiWi1.
IT1,,.. U,1,min.l Tnrlnr n.1,1 Tlinodorn " " J " ' ' r . ,lflBwuiW -
" " T ' , , i ,i r it . Ar ng on Heights, whero entrenchments
Smith : who, m due time, made tho follow-, b. .. ' . . .,
. ' 1 ' wore immediately commenced, and the
Whereas, Civil war has been inaugura-
battery planted.
ted simultaneously with a Republian ad- J 110 "ouavc,3 n"u cr S'"'i ."'
ministration ; and whereas, it has ever been cceded on in tho direction of Alexandria,
the Democratic faith that abolitionism, or tho guards aloog the route flying at their
I other sectionalism, must inewtably beget approach by tho nearest route into the
woods. The United States forces stationed
: true and onlv cocscrvativo party of the Srds along the road as they advanced.
mtry, and the Democratic creed tho only Entering Alexandria, the troops there
U1IU uuw iiuu-
Appointment by the President.
Andrew F. Russell, Esq., Post Mas
ter, at Danville, vice Thomas Chalfant,
Esq., superceded.
Tho Administration, a few weeks since, ( 11011
avo out, that no further appointments
would wo made at present, except for cause
or to fill vacancies, and further, in no cases
where tho incumbent and his constituents
wero loyal to the Union. Wc incline to
tho opinion, that in this instance, their
theory has been grossly violated. Col.
Chali'Ant, is a sound Union man, having
taken an early and nctivo stand for the
"Stars and Stripes," hut off came his head,
per force of "the no-party" broad-ax.
Gen. Butler in Washington.
Gen. Benjamin F Butler, of Massachu
setts, who has been m command of the
forces at Annapolis and Baltimore, am-
cd in Washington on Thursday week, and
took apartments at the National Hotel.
llo was serenaded during tho night, and
iu response to repeated calls, addressed
tho crowd :
He remarked that he had always been a
warm friend of the South, hut that was on
ly when tho South was iu faror of perpet
uating tho Union, and ho would bo again
when thoy shall havo laid down their
arms; but while that section ot the Con
federacy held to its present rebellious atti
tudo ho would meet it onlv with cold steel.
Tho disintegration of this glonom Union
was, to his mind, a thing much more to be
regretted than the shedding of blood. It
had cost much blood ami treajurn, and so
help him God ho would never part with it
for less than it cost.
He held every man to ho his brother
who stood up in defence of that flag, but
lie who trampled upon and endeavored to
disgrace it was a traitor of tho deepest dye.
This Union must bo preserved tuougu eve
ry man this sido of the Avctio regions
should perish in tho attempt to maintain
If thirty thousand men who ara now
hero should bo killed in tho endeavor to
maintain the Union, thero wcro thirty
thousand others ready immediately to take
their places ; their places coald bo taken
by a hundred thousaud, and theirs in turn
by a quarter of a millbn ; and when there
was no louccr any men to repel tho inva.
dcrs of the Union, the ladies wou'd take up
their broom sticks and fight in defence ot
it Laughter and applause.
He would tako no ttop backward. His
faco was towards the South, and he inten-:
ded to keep it in that direction. When
the Government ordered him, le intended
to march to the Soath,and he wanted them
to follow liiui.
Gen. Butler retired amid tho most cn
thusiastio npplausc. Ihrco cheers wcro
afterwards given for a lady who had waved
a Union flag over the head of tho General
whilst ho was speaking.
A Sci'ow Loose !
Wo find tho annexed brief but signifi
cant letter in tho Harrisburg Telegraph of
Friday. Mr. Purviancc has tho reputation
of being an honorable, high-minded gen
tlemau, and we presume could no longcri
shut his eyes to tho terriblo system o
plundering and peculation which is belie
ved to be goiug on at Harrisburg. Hence
ho retires iu disgust from tho Adtuiuistr.v
is not in civil war and ruin our country, therefore,
Rcsolve i, That tho Democratic party is
embodiment of principle!! under which our were thrown into confusion
beloved country can prosper.
Ucsvhcd, That wo arc not in favor of
secession or nullification, whether the right
bo claimed by South Carolina, Massachu
setts or Pennsylvania, bclievcing that tho
only remedy lor all real or fancied inter
State grievances lies within the Constitu
ion and Union and not outside of them.
troops, each making a desperate effort to
tako care of number one.
Ilcso'ved, that wo are determined to T , r i r. .
maintain tho equality of nil tho State, in Jackson s hotel, between four and fho
all respects, under all circumstances, and o'clock, A flag floated over tho hotel,
1 which Uol. Kllswortli resolved to lemovc.
The Association then proceeded to tho
election of four Vico Presidents. Dr.
.Tnl.n nominated Mathias Hartman, of
Cattawissa ; Caleb Barton ; jr., nominated
J. II. Ikclcr, of Grecnwoon; B. F. Hart
man nominated Jos. P. Conner, of Centre;
A. Madison nominated Sylvester Pursel,of
Hemlock. Thcro being no other nomina
tions these gontlcincn were elected.
On motion of J. W. Hcudcrshot, Elins
Mendenhall, of Bloom, was unanimously
drcd and twenty cavalry and horses wcro Treasurer,
captured when attempting to escape. Thej rj10 ccct;on 0f Secretary being next iu
sentries fired a volley, and every rebel ! orjcr q0j i.'rccza nominated A. J. Sloan,
. 1 .1 il.- TT..!-.l C(.l..!. ' .... 1
mrneu nicir uiicKs 10 mu uimvu uum jrj moan iicclincu a rc-eicaioii, auu
Gen. Butler, now loading in tho oper
ations against tho rebels in Virginia, has
already made a splendid military reputa
tion. He is a man of vast and varied at
tainments, and most too keen a northern
I barbarian for tho F. F. V.'s. Many good
anecdotes aro told of tho General, but none
better illustrates tho character of tho man,
and hisshrowd professional frcaks,than the
following by a young factory girl, formerly
employed in one of the Lowoll mills. Sim
had been discharged, and tho corporaliol
refusing to pay her, she sought legal re
dress and retained Mr. Bullcr for hr
counsel. He listened to her case witi.
much interest, and afcrwards consulted
the representative of the corporation, who
still refused to pay tho girl her wages.
Butler then issued a writ, and attached tho
main water-wheel of the eftabli.hmcntiwhcn
the corporation, rather than allow their
mills to remain idle, and await tho law's
delay, paid the girl her wages, and resumed
C6rA Genteman who arrived in Wash
ington recently from tho South says that
tho repeated statements of tho Secession
leaders, that an attsct on Washington was
never intended, is entirely false, as it U
in all placis.
iHi'jlecil, l nat we aro in lavor or our
good old Constitution and flag, and are de
termined to wage perpetual war agaiuBt se
cessionists, nullitiers, Know-Nothings und
Hi solved, I hat wo will, in view of tho la
mcntablc condition into which our oppo
nents have brought the country, labor in
cessantly, until tho last rebellious flag shall
fa.l, every abolitionist and other duutiiouist
The Colonel, with tho lieutenant of Com
pany A, his secretary, the chapliu, aud
two privates, entered the hotel, and pro
ceeded up stairs to reach the Secession flag
They passed two or thrce-iueniii the hotel
as they went up, who made no attempt to
interfero with Colonel Ellsworth's move
bo huilcd from power, and ono flag, ono ' down the flag, and retiring, had proceed-
nominated A. Madison. There being no
. i . 1 1
oppotition, Mr. Madison was atciarcu
B. F. Hartman was elected Librarian,
and Wm. Neat, Dr. J. B. McKolvy and
Col. John G. Freeze were elected the ad
ditional members oftho Executive Com
mittco. Dr. John then offered tho following :
Resolved, That if the Executive Committee
decide to hold a Fair this Fall the salary
oftho Secretary shall remain the same as
!lat vcar. viz : fifty dollars; but if uo Fair
The Colonel went up and hauled -s hel(1 tll;3 Association empowers tho Ex-
constitutiou. one interest and one destiny
shall bo recognized from Canada to the
Gulf of Mexico, and from tha Atlantic to
the 1'a.cific.
Resolved, That wo will vigorously sup
port President Lincoln in all constitutional
and proper means for tho protection ofthe
American Flag, and tho preservation of
the honor and integrity of tho Government,
as is iuanifcs,tly evidenced by the largo pro
portion of democrats now in the service of
i ho United States Government.
Tho meeting was adresscd by C. F.
Bowman, Stanley Woodward, E. B.
Chase, Edmund Taylor and Harry Hakes;
and the sentiments expressed in tho reso
lutions and speoches, reoicved the most
cordial and unqualified endorsement of all
On motion, it was directed that tbo full
proceeding) of this meeting bo published iu
the Democratic papers of this congressional
district, and in the New York Dailj Ntui
aad Now York Heruld,
Signed by the officers
How the Soldiers ark Clothed.
If our Pennsylvania soldiers wero to swear
terribly, nobody could blame them, for it
is very evident that tho perrons who fur-
ntshtliem with clothing are speculators aud
swiudlcrs. Having already noticed tho
ragged condition of our troops and the
contempt with which they aro looked upon
by the well-uniformed soldiers of other
States, ws allude to the subject at this
timo merely for tho purpose of introducing
the following extract from a letter written
by a Harrisburg volunteer, now serving
as an officer in ono of tho companies at
Camp Wayne, Chester county:
"Our quarters leak badly when it rains,
but our health is good. Mine is all right
1 bad a ba . cold but got over it,
eeutivo Committee to fix his compensation
at such a figure as they shall deem juil.
I On motion, adjourned.
ed to tho foot of the stair, when Jackson,
the proprietor of tho houc, opened the
door and fired one barrel of a double-
barreled rifle. The ball entered the Col- j Persevering Soldier. The Hones
onel's left breast, breaking away two of I (iac Guards, one of the finest companies
tho ribs and mangling the heart. Colonel
Ellsworth exclaimed "My God I" aud fell
Jackson raised his gun to fire at Brown-
ell, one of the two privates who accom
panied the Colonel, but with the charac
teristic rapidity of the Zouave movement,
Brownell drew his revolver and shot Jack
son, the ball passing in above his nose on
the fcrchead and passing out at the back
ofthe head. Aficr he fired and before
Jackson had faltered or abandoned tho
effort to fire, the Zouave struck him with
his list and knocked him down putting a
in Camp Curtin. who came here substau
tially equipped ami fully armed, marched
without orders, and having no authority
from the Governor to pass over tho North
ern Central Railway, they would, liko
others, have hecu compelled to lie over nt
Sunbury. The persevering Captain, how
ever, was not to bo stopped, and planked
down tho full faro for his men, 'i" ",
out of his own pocket, and tho company
left the station cheered by the largo ciowd
of people- congregated theio at the time
If that Captain lives ho will win laurel1
during the progross of the war.
Ilarris'iurg Telegraph,
well known throughout tho South, that
when tho Federal troops wero pouring into
Washington, General Davis was making
his way to tho city by slow stages, his ar
my increasing as heprocceded and if tho
Northern troops had delayed their arrival
in Washington three more days tlie Capitol.
would have been taken by Jeff Davis, backs
cd with no less an army than 00,000 men..
JSyTlie U. S. Marshals in Philadelphia
New York and other northern ciltics, on
Monday, took possession of all the tele
graphic scut from the offices in
those cities since tho IStli .of January.
This was done by order of the U. S. Gov
ernment, to ferret out traitors and treason-
Sewell'i Point. This point, about
which considerable interest is now felt, is
situated on the south shore of Hampton
Roads, four miles from Fort Monros If
fortified, it would command the entrance ti
Elizal eth Channel, which leads to tho har
bor of Norfolk.
IIkiiii.y Imi'oi.t.vxt. The continu
ance of the war mu't cronte a great de
mand, iu various ways, for well qnalifide
young men, and as the Iron City Commer
cial College of Pitt-burg, .io extensively
known throughout tho country for the su
perior advantages it affords, continues its
sessions without interruption throughout
the year, young men would do well to pre
pare themselves at onco for business by a
course of training in this popular institu
tion. Three hundred German Turner, it
few days since, left MU-isippi aud Louisi
ana to join the Federal troops at St. Louis
Special Notices,
bayonet through him as he fell. The
pleadings only ot jacKsons witesavea ins, - - -
body from being cut to pieces by the men I Small Notes. The "good o'd times''
who stood over the fallen form of their of shiiiplastcrs currency are coming round
brave commander, to brutally assassiua- again, thanks to the late Lcgislaturo, and
ted. . the tight of a gold dollar, or even a
Never did a regiment of men show more "quarter'' will soon be as rare as straw
distressing sorrow over tho death of a ' berries at Christmas. Tho Banks arc
commander thaa tho poor iJouavcs mani-, losing no timo in availing themselves
feat to-day, for the loss of their bravo but' of the privilege of issuing small notes
fallen Colonel fallen by the base hand of the "weaker vessels'1 being first in the
treachery, which renders their grief in- field, of course. Tho Bank of Northuiu
comparably more poignant than if he had borland, and tho Mechanics' Hank of
fallen in an honorablo attack on tho bat-1 Pittsburgh, have already issued a batch of
tie field. Rapid however, was the retribu-'51 s, Si's and Us, and they are rapidly
tion awarded to his assassin. getting into circulation. Wo shall doubt-
The remains of Colonel Ellsworth were loss soon have this "better currency" near
enveloped in the national flag and brought cr home. Well the people ten Id have a
Attornev General's Office,
Harrisburg, May 21, 1801.
To Andrew G. Curtin,
Governor oj renvsyhania:
For reasons which appeal to my self-
to tho navy yard, in chargu of Brownell,
who shot Jackson, accompanied by a de
tachment of troops from tho Zouave and
other regiments. On their arrival, the
It raius almost all tho timo down here, body was placed in tho engine room, and
Our mnti are much dissatisfied with tlm n ii. (an I., il.rt ..1 .l,n d,
- . ul, tuc "uh ' J uk ') u" lu D"'l'l,l"tj
Goyernmei.tonaccountof clothes; they amUhrougbout tLo city woro lowered to
will havo to stay m their quarters urcomr. , , , , .... . .
out on drill naked! If something is not done j half ma6t- 0ur Clt! ls 1,1 a 6tato of 10'
soon iu tho way of cloths the men will get tense feeling, and bravo soldiers aro melted
i so bad that we cannot control them." ' to tears at tho suddcu and melancholy
In this connection wc
give an extract' death ot ono in whom an lelt nu especial
respect I cannot consent to continue any
Innirnr in connection with vou administra
tion, ' 1 from a letter writtn by a visitor to Camp interest, aud respected and loved as an
I therefore tender you my resignation Scott, descriptive of tho kind of shoes with ! ornament to his profession, and noble pat
oftho offico of Attornoy Geucral of tho1 which our soldiers are furnished ; I tern of loyalty and heroism.
tstate. I r ,rn In ir.v mwn i tlinn. wnrn ' Tho last act of the Colonel, before he
.Samuel A. Purviance.
Tho Spirit of Devils.
, by ono of the toldicrs tioo i. It has left tho encampment last evening, was to
! iiot a vestige of sole left upon it. 1 have ' writo to molber and tho lady to whom
Tho New York Tribune declares its in- i ,!on of tba insol fi,,n what do ho was engaged. His letters were given to uoou for the X .utsoN.-l'arson lirowi
Hions with regard to the war in these 1 you suppose it is made of? A pine slia,- a fr!cml to" mail, and before they were K of the Ivnoxyillo (Tennessee) H7ij,
Think of that !-
shoes fur- deposited iu tho offico tho annouueement
troops to servo fori We mean to conquer them not merely ,"anou me" u aro vo ugur, me names oi 0t Ins death reached tho city. These let
to defeat, but to conquer, to suihuqate our country I In somo cases tho insoles, ters were enclosed to his father with the
.. ' , i n i- .1.:. .!. . or filhufs. aro uaste. board. IIjb heels in ... ...
i.ioil "r-,;nr fipnrfrn auu wo auaii uo mia iuu .iium uicr o-i - . - , , melancholy lid i"3 of his sou's death.
utcd.Mjjorlieorgo ... , ., many cases drop off in ouo hour's wear. J '""o"" m sou i. utaiu.
county. Maior Gen-ir'y.,;. :,,: ...-.' t,i.. The man who wou d furnish sueh shoos is ihirtytix prisoners, including Unpt.
Military Appointments
Hon Andrew H. Reeder, of this State, i tentions
ha3 been appointed a Brigadier General terms
under tho new call for
three years.
Gov. Curtin his appot:
W. McCall .of Chester
nral of "the Pennsylvania troops. This , .i : .i, fii,l .,,! ninrod liko li'avns i 03 soulless as tho old sho abovo referred
trnntlnmnn is nn einerienced and able ar- imfnrn an anirv wind. It must not be fol'0-'
mv officer, who retired from tho servico a' rttitrn to ptocul Mid conti tiled luimes. There is evidently great wrong aud in
' .... i '.-.. io. nt fLfiir firtvi-I
fow years ngo, and has
on a farm.
Tli "Prffui1rnt nnnniiitpil
v i I Li X Uli II Ud UUV I , , ... .t r. i .
General Butler, of Massachusetts, to bo' remind the Pennsylvania volunteers that ; whole saw speculation anu tucu no stopped. first New York regiment
ono of the new Major Generals provided Baltimore "has always been celebrated tor J n an inversi on m maao auu mo gun-1 Sl0P1.A0K 0P TIIK Soutiieun M.ul.-
Goncral Blair prepared an or
der to-day, discontinuing tho transmission
of tho United States mails iu A'irginia,
change, last fall and thoy have got it,
But, such a change; Rca-ling Gtizttli;
Leoion of tub Union, It has been
proposed, in somo quarters, and the idea
will very probably bo adopted, to strike
off a inula1 to bo presented to every volun
teer who has entered into the service of
the Government to. defend the capitol and
to surprcss rebellion, in commemoration of
the patriotism and services of our brave
soldiers. Tho whole army would be de
nominated, under this arrangement a
"Legion of tho Union,'' and tho medal al
luded to would perpetuate this houorablo
and appropriate lithv
Good for the Parson .-Parson Ilrown-
... 1 ... . I l .1 . r .
EinCC beCU living ""'lb j.".. justitu eumun uuiu, auu iud luiviuna vt uut jn
uhu i:c ... ...v ........... w, -y gaiiaut volunteers, as wen as tuo mterssts ri
mr,lhers and tlie rass nf eluldien.'' ., n ...
Bri-adier mm. io... r.l..7.. iV ?,r,,,V. oi luE miiiomveaiui, uumanu mm mo tI
Boyle, Lieut. Grisby, aud Sergoaut Ball,
wero brought from Alexandria to tho navy
yard to-day on tho steamer Baltunme, and
arched to t'oinuiaudant Dahlgrcn s offico.
hoy wcro only saved from tho violenco of
10 crowd by tho exertions of the Seventy
Jacob Fry, of Montgomery county, has
been appointed by Governor Curtiu, to act
aior Generals provided Baltimore "has always been celebrated for; Let an investigation be made aud thoguil-1 Stopiaok of
for in tho General Order for tho increase mo oeauiy oi typun.ea p0u auu imu.aueu. rojtraastcr Gone
-r.,. rr,. .,. n-i woro evertho reward of tho bravo, ' mid buru 'lilegraph. L.. ji...
u"uu "UJ' -jv. .vv... tlat iijjjauty and D00ty was the watchword
appointed by the President is General jfew Orleans.
rnninll f .!,: UinlA I Wn l,oi., nn.Amiinl In innlrr-tirtnn cncli
uuuigu x'luuiuuuu, wi .uiu,a,b, i ,,w ..v. , hstandin tl o tq crts to the contrar-
Col. Lorenzo Thomas, has been mado a infamous paragraphs other than to remind 5 1a,nI'"s .'V01! " , 'C C,n T?r.?'
I I II nl,l liprn Ifi Ihn lift, mill &nul nf llm
our rcaucro, luaii uuiu luvsu juutimia uiu
Gen. Scott is in excellent health not-
Brigadier General.
Captain Wra. B. Ftankhn, of tbo lo
still holds out nobly. In a late number
he says : ''That all may understand in,
we take occasion to say, free from all c.
citement, that to destroy our office, or stop
our windpipe, is the ouly wayiv which wo
can bo prevented from denouncing seccs
s:on, and advocating the Union. There-
is now but thrco Union papers iu Tonnes
see, as we consider, and unless wc aro as
sassinated, or our offico is destroyed, wo
shall soouhavo tho honor of standing alone.
And thero wo shall stand neither the
gates of hell, nor tho pressure of secession
riots, being ablo lo prevail against our
conviction of right."
Hon. Wm. A. Graham, of North Car
olina, who ran for Vice President in 1852
iajjonjunction with Benjamin Haywood, lo pographical Engineers, and Captain Mont
examine into tho bids for supplying, and gomery C. Meigs, oftho Engineers, both
tho supplies which havo been furnnhed to of this state, havo been appointed (
advocates of the Abolition of Slavery upon
tho grouud of humanity, yet deliberately
urgoda war of cruelty and rapino and
wrong against women and children.
uiccnsburv Democrat.
army, and in good timo will crush secession
by a scries of woll directed blows, so that
j - . per, thirty miles south of Alexandria,
I John R. Camfiiell has been appoiutcd ready to march upou and retake Aloxau.
i Po3t Matter at Williamsport, Uria.
and other seceded States, and annulling all
A Startling Rumor.-U is reported P lickc! wi.lh C!ca- Sco.t'," oHrerin6
though not confirmed, that there are about ?BM ," ,D ,b tar' ,lteh aud turPcn'
. ' I linn Xiuin m tntr. f
131TI3 A WW I2A It.
DR. JONES, i'lmf Hi)
njf i n tl ic Sure con n Jones
I'.yi ami liar fnntUvthn, M
Wift 15th Hlreit.NVw
Vcrk City U nmv ira'tl
rinj: nt tlio llxchatnc Ilo
tel. ItlUOMSHirm, n lie
will ri'iiirfin till Juim Ith
Ur JoiRc.ltiH liatl tluml
vnntict' of n thnrnuirti itl
iinttiiin tlie bj.t .Mfdiral Coiu-gcB ami I'.vc and
InfirniaiuoH .f Ain-rirn nml KuroiH hii Piitinnias f
tho time bantx in liUittliro. Dr. Ji-noitrfinovci raUn
trniL'liicnn crnM r)f, irlt art.hftat evts to iu
iiaiiiral, and pcrroriui all kin.l of i.ji -rntiini nb-ml U
hc anil '' treaU urrprfiilly norf and wta
"..-a anu iuo?c uiinruuuivcaii
(flonj Ftitiidjiilf uliirli fun-t
ptiynin mi ln not cur, b
Jtinci iutroducfi nrtltirfil i'
tlrurni mh imprnx' Um liCRi
ing imnndlnUly uhire tho r.a
itrul drum in (u-itroyed Dr, .
operate tor liarc-Hfi. and cur
iNipcdltiicnti of FrL-cli lie nl
Keip thi imt-l improved fr'pe
tjilt- for nenr (iglttcd prraun
nnd catarnrt gUticr, and glaKt
(ot a;nl tn-rsmia.
Htti nnd ri'Hd the namci dftht
nuiiicr'xu difTiruitdifcatfCi whuti
hvhaa turt-d tir pi-rpon in nil
natti nf tlit fnnte-On lii tir
fUlfir. Hi'mf mlicr iftiti mi ! Ma tterx iroa ihf re u Hit
time tn lie lout,
liincuniiburs Juno 1, ihi1,?i4
Tbo White Hall Clothing Mora
The un-lorsijrned, lnvin purchased thu wtll-Vnown
White Hall Clothing Emporium," muate rn the Potth
Wo ft (Jrncr i f Kourlh and Slarkvl Street, riilladclphu
ropt'ft fully informs tlmpuMic and former ciutomcrti f
llit! Itousti.that ho Xeipa conrtantly for rule nnd inaVi'i
up to order, nil di-atriptlon of Gt-ut1?ivn'fl wt-ar, of or
proved tnatcrlalaud sella at (cry mod t rate pnetp, !'-
a 1 r ACTtcxi, TiiLfiR, lie guarantees good fita anI
uill-innde tJarmenti. Strict attention given tojollmf
A runtlnualionnf tbe rustom of the hosio, whitli
wi I iparii copajui tu lu' ijt, J ver rrapeclfully ir.v.
Jp'l- r. 8. LCVICK
.May I, UCt.-y
TlU (iRB4T Cl-OTUIhO llMfORICW Of Till! lM(.-
riulndelphia poaara the moit aplcndid Clothing I'.i
porjnnm in tho rountry, It iu apionpid aa fpcarda tl
ptlatial Mriiclur-; in which the iinniciirc 6uncc cf tU
vlaUlhiiuit ia roAduttod.and it U ciually pieutiidm
respect to it laulitiei and vast reaourctc. Iiutu
jta patroni ita chu f attrartiona arc. firat. tho tlcga"
U ih garments for Uciitleiiim and Vnutha. matiuti"
Hired ihurc; secondly, the beaut) and durability oi'U
iiiutenila, and the tu peri r ixccllfnre nf tin1 St.n
Inatly the moderate pncea at uliirli tlicgnud ara W
Wc refer, M tliir dtacrlpuon, to none othtr than ti
Ilrown Miuhi i;i(ihiu; Hall of Uockhill & Wilton, No
W)3 and WJ3 Un-'tnut fctrect, 1'hiladclphia.
Uniformity of Prices!-A New nature in Uuilnra
Ki'ory nne ln own faleaminl JO.NLf !. CO f tli
t'rBUil One I'rirc Clothing fttorw, No. "OMarktUtrv"
aboicHUth, rUj'ailc'jihia.
In addition iu liming the Unrest, motl aricd ar
fiuhioiubli! alock m UoiLhig in l'hiladrphla, mail1 ' 1
pn-asl) lor retail r.Wa.juvt conniiutf.I every cue In
oh n havinj; marked tn figure n each '
lhloatthc ry loHcttjuicuitraii ba told for i "
cannutpoa.ib'y my-iill muitiuy utike,
Thtigooda aro "til tponjed and prepared, nnd erf
palna taken itli the; to thai all i.inbuy withtl
toll uniranrt'of pttiiuy a guod oniric nt tha
eat nrice. AUo. a larje iot k of pice joda on hand
the Litem tijluand belt u'lalitle, whirttnill be m
ttMirdcr. in thti mofct taihionablo and heal mannr '
per cent., telu- ffUUiiricea,
Hcmcmtier the Crcau-ut, in Market, dIwc fiithFtt"
Ku.'.00. JON EH A. CO
Ov-THOMAB W MATTSON, Receded the Pie
-Mednl nt ilia World' 1'air in London ie3J. forTKtNr
OAUl'irr HAlirt, Hoots, rhw, and tiuma. Great inJu
meiuaaro mm-otlcied to purchasera ofthe above e
rlci. Thii la much the largrhl nock of trunk, t'ai
Uaea. Vahcca,i.c , in Thiladelphia very cheap f"M
No. Hi Market Htrett, one duor abovo 4th, AourA
m-i r fc"
In llipy, oo the M4 ult., by the Uqv. J. U, Siln"
Mr. J. 1. HtiMoy, of Hazeltoii, Liui-rne county, I'i-11
brother of the wliculin- cleriyman, to Mm out, Ju
let tit .ilr(-iUi brtou, of the t'nruicr pUce
'I'm; Stay Law Siqnkd. Tho
law was eiguetl by Goveruor Curliu, on "rm'MMuTii lil.T-oTumTTami tuvi '!
the yOlb UH. "I lt Wltk, .Ml; .lll.l J.m. ifiiflj. 1