Slguntlluvc, YOUNG FARMERS. Lcl us teg of you, na patriots, if you wo not called into military service, to ro member, that you can do uo greater servico to your country than by pursuing your occupation with the utmost activity, and ces as important as that of tho fighting soldier. Let us bo ready and fitted to go with all alacrity to tho battle-field, if need ed, but meanwhile to bo as useful as pos sible at home. Be careful of that unduo excitement which leads to driukiug and idleness. "Life is real, lifu is earnest," and we have no time to trille away iu fol ly, while the workshop and tho farm are neglected, perchance to bring tho greater calamity of famine in the traiu of war. Let it bo our pride to ncrre as cheerfully in tho harvest-field as in the battle field us roady to exchange tho bayonet for the hoo, the plow and the reaper, as to lay them down when needful to seize tho wea pons of tho warrior. All our hope3 rest at last in the producer tho farmer and tho mechanic Let them bo more thau Tver devoted to duty now, and howovcr prolonged tho blruggle, our country's re sources may be unimpaired. HINTS ON SOWING GARDEN SEEDS. Nature covers lightly, She scatters ruins to vced from the ripened stalk, for Wash into tho earth, or tho falling leaves to cover. The gardnor often plants too deeply. Seeds which push up a large head, as squashes or'Liinahcaus, and oth ers with a feeble stem, like onions, pars nips, etc, can not well force their way through several inches of stiff soil, pack ed down by heavy rains. A covering one alf inch deep is sufficient for most seeds less than that will answer for many. In covering, sec that lumps of dirt or tmall stones do not take tho place of fine earth. This often happens when the Eced is covered by raking the drills letigtliwisC, a better way is, to pass tho back of the rake crosswise over tho drills. The old fashion of cutting up tho garden into beds four to six feet wide, thus wasting a largo j portion of the ground in useless paths, is ' A few long rows of beels, carrots, onions, etc., across the garden, arc moro easily worked than beds of short rows. STRAWBERRY CULTURE. A writer in the American Farmer gives a few plain rulcswhich he says, if followed to the letter, will prove themselves good rules. They arc, UL Never have the beds so wide as to require the gatherer even .to lean on them. 2d. Xever use animal manure 3d. Keep the beds clear of weeds and grass. I find that any time from August to the blooming season will answer for transplanting. 'J ho first requi site is to have the beds in good order. Lay, them off five feet wide, then ppread evenly over them a good coat of well rotted woodpilo manuro or wood mould, which is to bo deeply spaded in. During a mont or rainy spell set the plant in three rows and from 12 to 2 1 inches apart in the row. I never permit tho runners to tako cutiro possession of my beds, but keep them back by pinching in the spring,and a fall weed ing. By this treatment my beds arc pret ty well covered without being matted. After tho fall weeding, the beds are sowed over with wood ashes, and during tho car ly winter, as thcro are opportunities, they arc covered over with wood-pile manuro or epent tan. During the early spring, when the beds arc covered with young green leaves, they are well dusted with plaster or shell lime, and when tho blooms show thenisclvcs,tbcy are again sowed over with ashes. Thcso sowings are always made in damp weather. This comprises tho eutiro culturo required to ensure this fruit in perfection. Cube for Uuunkkn.ness. The follow' ing ia the receipt of John Vine llnll, the fatherof the commanJcr of the Great hast , cm, which has enabled so many men to overcome tho ma'ady : Sulphate of iron, 5 i grains ; magnesia, 10 grains; peppermint t vtatcr, 11 drachms; fpirit of nutmeg, 1 drachm ; twice a day. Whitewash, If you add about one pound of dissolved glue to every ten gal lons of limo whitewash, it will adhere iu a 'superior manner to outsido buildings, and its' appearance will not be altered, but you must not expect it to adhere like paint. A littlo sweet milk added will render it more durable. Barley tor IIexs. Thcro is not one grain bo well suited as food for hens. liar. Icy when fed with oats and corn, will often bo gathered firU by the fowls, and bens fed with more or less barley, nro said to lay moro freely. yA podagoguo was about to flog a pu pil for having said ho was a fool, when tho boy cried out "Oh don't 1 I won't call you so any morel I'll never say what I think again in all tho days of my life." arFiro thousand" Unvote rifles 'for tho Government, hnvo nrriyed from Kiifr- prouuomc auunuant loon icr inu support .uoyouwnm htei.i.a r-iiAwi,si uoto niiuvrKir 1 ... ., i ., no sou want MOM Mil M1TTBI do to III'.OWKIi'S , . . , .1.1 ll . ' J,l, JUI1 lllllll . .l.l ... ,"'"'""" V''"'"" " oi mo army, me navy mm mu uuuuuj. i i,you want Hll.K uilini.r.3i (iotjiiu()vi:ii'.s i !lilo I Do you wnnt (iAUNTl.rTB I Co to mtOWEIlH Vic and you have our places to till pla- i,iml w,nt ruormiKT iiitAinsw o to iiiuiwura NEW AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT AT TIIF. COII.VKR OF v Main ami Iron streets, Uu you want fllt.KB tin to IHIOW l.K 8 toil nnnl LAVULLA CLOTH I tlo t imOWI.ll llo you want l.llAt.Ll DELAINES I (Jo to IIUOW Vli H Ilo ion auiTAIII.KL'OVKKSI Onto llllOtt Ktt'fi Doynmiantt.l.OTII lllSTIlllrtl llo to MIOU m R Do )ou lisnt HKGI.l'.rON SKIRTS 1 Uolo IlaUVM.Il S ifayRi nnm uu.i I i i i.u n BKIUT-SIIi'lT.NIPr.ltSI Do you want ML'HLINBI Do you iiaulCALH.'OEHJ Do you wnnt LAWN' I llo vu want ilAlir.dDSI Do you want mi Iir.lll:3 f Do you want IIOtMI'.UYf II,. inn III.UVI'.SI noto nnoui:n's Goto r.Kinrairi u to uhoweu's (In to llltOWEU'S noto imoWER'tt Go to IIIIOH r.ll'H , noto iikoh i:irn ' (lot.) lllMmLIfd no to iiuuivi:i(th io you want ll A.MiiiNiiunir.i n i KVSmT"!Jm IV cotton ? Go to lllimVEK'rt vou want v.y IjM r NH i (io to llUOWKlfrl (io to HKOWCll'H (io to lIltOlVKIlS coto mioUEiea cio to imoivLirs Goto nilOWERS (iolo UlIOWKil.a Co to HIIOHEK.H co to imowwa Do you want HUN UHAIinH I Do yon want UMIIltnlXAH I Do you nam CAtHIMKIli:s I Do ton want n:i!IAN l'l. MI) ? Do you want LINEN CIIE'IKBI Do you want I'ERI'ALESI Do you want JEANS! Do you want N AN KEENS I lin you want OINUIIAMU ? (JO to KKOIV EU H co to mioivEirs Do you want iiuwn i Do you want CURTAIN MIlHUNt !o to nilOWEU'S Do you want COIll CAMI1I1IIM ( Co to IIltOWKK'rt Do you want WHITE 1J00IIS I (io to IIKOU'CR'K Do on want DENIMSt co to nitoivr.R's Do you want SILESIA I Do you want IHIII.I.INCIS I Ho J oil want TICKINGS I Do you want UIIK'KSI Do io.l want LADIES' SHOES? Go to liiioivuirs Goto munvmt's Go to liROWKK'ti Co to llltOWEU'S GotollUOlVKR'S 1)0 you want LADIES' GAlTKltHi Co to llKOWKIi'S Do you want I'ltl'.SII riHOi'EIIIES I Goto I'.ROWEIl'S Do jnu want UIII'.KNSWARUI Go to IIROlVEH'rl UO )0U WMIIl Hl..ir3ll ,IIU,l Do jouwant HARDWARE! Do you want DRUGS I Do you wmt IT RK SPICES f Do GOODS) Illnouisbtirg, May I'.i. mil. Go l IlltOWKIl S (ioto llROWKIl'S Go to ItllOVVKR'S Co to KUOWDR'S Go to UROIVIIR'S CHEAP HOOT AND SHOE STORE THE sufctcrili Invttcv attention to Ills new ttacU o Hoots nd fcJhoJti, just it'ccUc) from rtiilarieliilila nnd cnmiirialng FOli GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Jlontt. ttailors. Oxford Tic, BchottUh Tics, Naty clatt ers, Slipper", &c, &.c. I'OU LADIES AVE4.Il, Hnilora u till find U'ltlinut tirwU. Pl!nnfr ilittn. linsktll. Vrenrli Mormcco Booties with and without 1ccIm.&c. VIS", MtJSKh A?.n LliatiRES 9 ofcrrry description, at jmcss much below tho ou Finn dard, mi d less than tho unmo quality of Goods can I) boticht for nt any other Ftoro in town. Work of all kind mndeto order of the Iit, in the ncatctt manner and on rraonn1il" term, warranted tociualany city work and itiucli Llow city prices. I rep none httt ttic heft workmen, nnd have liettt r mate rial tli an was over hofora brought to this In fact, the Tfryhest to be had in the city iiurki't. GEOmin S. SANDERS. Danville, May lBCO.-y. NKW WAGON SHOP. Main Street above the rorhs Hotel Till! unlpraigncd, havin? removed from Kspjtown to iUoomsburg. respectfully informs his irlcmls and customers, that he ha upeiiPtl a new uhon, on Slain titrcet, ltloomsbarg. nboe the Forks Hot:!, where he wilt conduct the IVA G'O.V MAKING 11USINESS, In all iti various departments, and on a more extensive scale than heretofore. Kujiffisd, Spring Wagons, Fulkir-s, M;ht Wagons, nnd nil kinds of vehicles, made to order, on chort notice and fair terms. Aleo-llorrKR and Farh Wiuel-C arrows, made to order. ITT" KhPimtvn, of all kinds, including Heavy Wagons, promptly and cheaply executed. JACOB S. EVAN'S. Woomgtmrg, April 21, 1800-Cm. L I F J3 0 11 D K A T II. '1 HC subscrihers take nlcasuru fn announcing that they are now prepared to mall (free) to tlio-e who wish it a copy of an iiuportnnt little work, by the late Dr. Itramptbn entitled ,lTAc Invalid t sVrrltcal Confdapt" piiblihed for the lisncht, and as a' warning to young men and persons who sufler froui Virivus Uchititii mature Deray, &.C., &e npplyij the means of srlfcure The reader is irresmtlbly led to cnipare a useful life with nn ignoble ticath. Header, logo not a moment, but send your address for a cony ofthit little work. Address the I'ubllshcrs, DH. JOHN ll. UUDUN it CO., CI U GO John St., New York. April 27, IfCl-Sin. SSS frig H. 0. HOWER, SUIHiEON DEMIST RCSIDEXCEd Brick Building bclovs llartman iStott on JUfiinincfi, uioovuburg, i a. RE3rCCTl'UI.LY oilers his nrofesion nl services to the ladies und gentlemen of uioomuur? anu viciuuy. ne is prt pares to attend to till the iinom operations in Dentistry, nui is pro ided with the latcit iiuprovmcntd rUKUKJjAlIN 1x5 Will Which will be inserted on pivot or gold plate to look as wfll a the natural, 7" Asupcrior article or Tooth Powder alwnj-B on nanu. unc, 1757 nov IS, '53, (LkTt. Exole IIoitL.) THIRD STREET ABOVE RACE, I1IIILADKLPIIIA. IUIOADS, & SAILOR, Proprietors. TiLatiHix V. Roaub, formerly of the National Hotel L'HARLrs Haiior, formerly of r3cliu)l!ill Co. Ta. Marcli2.1?til-lim. - JOLLN'E & LEK, No. -10, N011TII WIIARVW, riilluilclnhia ship ciia'njd l ers, Fpun Cotton fr Caulking, Rnpei. Twin.,, Tar, nich, Oakum. Itloilid, aud Oari. &.C. Aujutt 4, leco-l.'m. PROTKOTION FltOM LIGHTNING. rplli; subscriber would inform his friends, that hi h J now prepared to put up, on thort notice, and in a scientific manner, the upt rotXTF.D fiom, at VJ1 cents per foot. All work warranted. U.1MJIDIEMAN. Clontbtur. May Sf, ISCO. States Simon ijottl COO & 008 MAIIKET STREET MHOVG SIXTH,! 1'iuiJinr.r.pnu. J. W. POWER, Vnfricttr. TlRM $1 25 ncr day. Slay 15, UCO-lJm. WILLIAM QUINN, H. W. Cor. Third and Maika His., I'lHLAUUI.l'IlIA, && Cards $1.50 per 10U0. -a August J, leCO-lSai. II 3CM0VAL. ct c. sALi:n & to., Commission Merchants and dealers in Fish, Cheese and Provisions , Xo. 103 Arch strict, 2nJ dooraboic 2oiit, riutailcp phia, c 14,33 1 CIGARS k T0I1AGC0. Alarcaaiiurtmejit of choice f'ijr, Tobarco, Vlptu, 1'ruiti, L'onlVtiionpry nnd N'otions penerall.tCRtith cr with a full stuck ef IlATrf and t'Al'rf, conttnntl on lumi and for ialu cheap, ut thu "Bloomtlurc Hat A; Cup Kuiporium." JOHN K. GIRTON, Bloouiiburs, March 16, loCl, M'.W nJjAUKSMlril SMUl. TIIK undmicned Tcrnectfully iiiforina In friendi and tdd cuktuuneri that lie lini opened a thon on Mala htrett, a few doon above the ForK'a Ilottl, in Ulooma. burg, where he dciiztu eontinuin; the SMI I UINO HUS1NESS, In nil its various branches, at low prices, and on an cn Urged scale, und soiicitsthe public putrnajire. OITTroduce, Grain, &d generally taken for work. MILES C, AUIIOIT. Uloomiburg, Slay 8, 1S3J. IjniMi; iti.uLiiANr.ii CLUvrii buck, freo raL from noxious weeds, also, Uinolli). Orel) nra, ueru urass. fitlion anu ungllih pcreunialff1 Key Grss. Kentucky lllue Crass. White llinrer-A- line mixed Uwn Grass seed lie., nl wholesul and retail. I'AHL'HAI.I, MUKIIIH. Implements nnd Heed 0 Marke Slreets. I'hlladelpbia, March li IB01 13m. ATTORNEY AT LAW, ping tho floor of tlio liavrnolca UU flppc- it.: 1 1 m.l'.n u ATi II l'i J I Int.. II if I ilv 1 11 'hi HOLLAND BITTERS T11K CKI.KMUTHD HOLLAND JIKMEDY rOIt DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, I.IVIIR UOJIFLAIiVT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, Aru the various affections consequent upon a dfaordcrol STOIHAOII Oil IjIVER, PikIi sa Intllstlon( Aridity of tlio Stomicb, Oollcky Tains, Hrsitburn. IjOPS of Apatite, PpKpoutciic.Tt Coftlvnntw, Jlllntl and Mottling rils. In all Xcrrottfl, ItlicnniBtlP, ntil Neuralgic Afft-ctlons It )ms In numerous JnMmcen rorel Mphly lcni-flcialt anil f n others rJTwtctt a tlocMcJ cure. Thla Is a I'urcty TPgetnlilc ecru"1"!, rropared on strictly fctcutlfic vrlnclplps, Rftrr tlioTnnnner of tho nolebrntoil Ilolhnd I'roft wor, IlTrhio. Iti rrputatlon at liome j-ro-duccU it intrtvluetlon lure, tho dcmanJ commencinic with tlioao of tho Vathcilftinl scsttored over the face of llil mlirlity cnuntry, many of wliotn lirought wilh tlicm nml liamtcd down the trtvlitkm of Its Value, It It now qflrrrtl to the Jmrrican fnthlk, X-nou-ino that tU truly wonderful Mtdtcinal virtuet must U aclnomatged. It Is nnrttculnrly rccwnrnendivl to thoso pcrnwu whose ennctltutlont may lnv been Impaired hy tho continuous unn ofHrdcntPiirlts,crotbrr fonrn of diwlpitlnn. Generally InNMntimcou In effret, It finds IU sy diroctly to the sit of Uf", tin lllltiK and qukkPninff every nervo, minlrtK np tho drooping spirit, and, iu ftct, InfuBlng new health and vigor In ihr ftivm. vnTlPK. Wliftoror ntrpets to find this A bovpriuro tI.1 IwdiMippolntedi huttoths skk, Mealc and low rnen grateful aromatic cordial, voseeeEed of singula remedial nropei tics. READ CAREFULLY! Tli fionuloe lditbly conccntratM JVcrhave's Holland flitters Is pit unlii half pint bottles outy, nnd retailed at 0i lAiUAni-eTtttle,orFlslottl',sfnr Flvr.DotHIts. Tho p-eat ilptnand fiT thli truly edebrnted Mtxliclnc haa Induced many Imitations, which the pulllc should guard against pnrcbaFlnj. jenb Rtiwaie oflmpoltlon. co that our name Is on th lall of uvery bottle ;ou buy. Sold by Druggists centrally. It can be forwarded by ExprcBt to most points. soli: rnoruiETons, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. MAHL'FACttlfiINO hnnnnccttlisls and (CIiciius1j5; PITTSBURGH, PA. forPnlMiyti. si, Ilagcnliucli, DruggUt. HloomburBPa 1 Oct ilNO. EVANS & WATSON SALAMANDHR KAFKH, lti:- ! MOVi:i to :i(M Ciestnwt Strut,, Ait, havo on . uent of l'ire I itifindor Sjft'F. tor Ijiii) k mid . iron sufh, nil i iiinkcs of locks i-imilto any made tn tho United States. nrr&iftsin one Jtrf. came ovi ttffftt: icira roH tcnti in pood rondtticit. jno Bdiamanacr o.iics oi j iiuaucipniu iigunibt uiv world. EVANS & WATOW, linvo had the surest deniostration In tho following cer tificate that their mauufacturc of H.ilnmnnder Saffs'lnn nt length fully warranted the representations wimii jiao been made of thetn as rendering an undoubted security , against the terrific clement. rjiti.Kieipiii.i vipru .'. Rjii. Jlffsr Krana & IVatson: CentU'inon It nirunls us the hlghct.t satinfaction to state .to you, that uwiiidtoi tli very nri't'-cHvt1 Tualitii-fl of tiMi of the tealamandcr, I Safes which c purchased r.f jou some five month since j wr. fnet a Inr?c portion of Jewelry, mid nil our books, i &c, exposed ! the rnlnminous.finj in liatihtcad place on ine innrniiijr oi mo inu inst.. When wo reflrct (hat t ieso sares were located in the fourth sfory of tli building va occupied nnd that they uu suusequi'iuiy nuuu neiip ui uunnnji rums, "t-ri; inu vast concentration of thu htat caused tho brass plates to melt, wo cannot but repard thepreservation of their al ualde contents as most convincing proof of the great se curity nfTordod by your snfeK. Wo tdiall tcke great pleasure In recommending them tn men of bufinesi as a sure rtlimce uKaiuit lire. Ji:OK;i; U. tni3IU.H lUtti., Jnrcllcrs. G.'T'Thev have since pnrchased eix large H.ifcs. August Jf5J. Tlinumlrrsbnciliaalto cstrmlrcly cnjascil In ll" UmlcrtnLiitf Busintei, nnj keeps constantly on lianu nj for salt at his Wureruoms, u largo assortment of FINISHED eX3i COFFINS, By which lie Is enabled to nil or.lers on presentation Also Keeps a fiooil Horse and Ucarso, and will ut al times bo rtady to attend l'unertls. bimos o. smvn. Tdoomshi.rff, January 21, l?3ti. SAVING FUND U. S. Trust Company. Corner of Tiird and Chestnut Sis., Phil i, L Alien und small sums received and paid laclt on demand without notice, w itli Tivc rta cknt Inter. est fiom tiio day of to the day of withdrawal. Uttlu Hours I'ioih II until S n'cloik rery djy.uHd on .Mos-nw I'iemmi. from 7 until 1) nelock. I'residonl-Sm'ilUX 11. UKAWruliD, Treasur-'r I'unv 1'isk, Teller Jama H. Jfunttr. DIRECTORS. Stephen U. Craw ford, llcujamin W, Tiullley. l'aul 11. tlooilard, At. 1. l'atrick llrady, James llever'.mx, TIioiiuh T. I.ea, .Mjrcll 1!J. 1K5U lv- iDaniel Ilri'lleman, ii; corse J mi kin, Alex'erU Hurt. M. P., William M. (induln. It. I'rankliu Jackson, (I'hny I'iik. V. 0. IIRRISON, M. D. TT7 0UI.T) repcctfiill) inform the citizens of Wooing Vi uurg, Unit It mil) , linn nv I'lirnuMirniiiu iiiumii,! And Kdlirittt ftmrti .f nulilii; iiutrouaee. DtncK. on Main rtruet. nrti fiousc uciow ine .oiu JlOUaC, liioonuuurg. IVhruary 3. l;5o-tf. TOH A CO fc SKGARS. MARSHALL HUGHES, WITH A 6 E N &s !boIj WIIOIXSAI.i: llEAI.KKfl I.V Maniil'nclurnl hi af Tobacco, HAVANA GKRM AN AND D0MK3TIC SEGARS &C, N, E, Corner of Front and Arch Streets, ARTHUR 11 lOEN. I M. novo. 1'1111.A1)U1.1'1I1A. March IU, l.-OO-l.'in, "THE UNION," Arch Sttrttt, Abate Third. r tllA DJ3LP 11 IA . Till' situation cf this Ilottl renders it one of the most convenient for those who uro visitinir ritllndelphiu on business; wniieio tuose in scarrn 01 iieapure, ine eoiiBtantlv unssui'' and rciinsiuz Citv Hailwnv cars. nnd thosQ in tln.,e pTOsimily, alford n cheap nnd pleas- antrniQ 10 an places 01 inicieii una umusemeni in v about the city, The nronnctor cives assurance that uThe Union' shall be kept with such character ns will meet yu-c approbation, anu would resperiiuuy tioiieu. trenerai pai rornipe. UJTGN ti KKUTOMKH, Tebruary M, lSCO-Uii, Vronrieior. JACOB KOVER. Practical Hone and Cow Doctor, rno.M cnitMANV, WILL promptly attend tn nil cases of disease iu llonsi-s and Cows, on application, either In town or country, iiesiuuicu 011 jjuru cutci, iienr uiv nap ti.l Church, itlooinsburr, March 30, leOl-Dm, -TTrALL PAPEIl, WALL PAPER, I T T Jast rzecived from Wcw York a laree and Pn I rrhnr lot of tlio above named article lor the rpring Irade mciita in which a aalo by mdical process &V VrtKf'?iTi ai'ove third riiladtl V(PP?r Thief proof yala fKCArJIlL.'OS iron doors, rf3rr?-Kjiii--P store, (roil sliutter Scroftila, or King's Evil, n constitutionM disease, a corruption of tho blood, by vlilch tMi fluid bcbomcs vitiated, wenk, nnd jioor. Heine In tho circulation, it pervades tho wholo body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is frco from Its attacks, nor Is there ono which It may not destroy. Tito scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial titanic, low living, dis ordered or unhealthy fund, Impure nir, filth and filthy habits tho ilcni cuing vices, nnd, above nil, by tho venereal Infection, What ever bo its origin, it is hereditary in the con stitution, descending "from parents to children 'unto tho third nnd fourth generation ;" indeed, i it seems to bo tho lod of Him who says, " I will istt tho iniquities of tho fathers upon their children." Its effects commence by deposition from tho blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in tho lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles! in tho glands, swellings; nnd on tho surface, eruptions or sores. Tills foul cor ruption, which genders in tho blood, depresses tho energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com hlalnts. but thev have far less power to with- ttand tho attacks of other diseases s conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not tcrofulous in their nature, are still rendcied futal by this taint in tho : system. Most of tho consumption which de cimates tho human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination j and many destructive diseases of tho liver, kidneys, brain, nnd, indeed, of nil tho organs, arise from or arc aggravated by the same cause. Ono quarter of nil our people are scrofulous ; ( their persons nro invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To clcanso it from tho system wo must lenovpto tho blood by an alterative medicine, nnd in vigorate it by healthy food and exercise. I Such a medicine to supply iu ! AYER'S j Compound Extract of Sarsnparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every where prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from tho most active rcmcdials that have been discovered for the oxpurgation of tliis foul disorder from tho blood, and the rescue of tho system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should be employed for tho euro of not only scrofula, but also thoso other affec i tions which ariso from it, suth as Ent-rciVE nnd Skim Disease. St. Anthony's Fine, Hose, or EitY3in:i.As, riiri.r.3, rvsiDLts, HrxTcnrj, Hlains and Bon.", Tujions, Tetter nnd Salt IIui-vm, Scald Hfap, Hinowohm, Hhel'matism, SvntiLiTionnd MKncuniALDis ti.t, Tlnnnav. llvupi'r'siA. T)nnir.iTY. and. jmioaj, all Complaints aiming rnoM Vitia- . I ted on Impure Jilooii. lite popular ucuct in " impurity of trie Hood" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a dcgenciation of tho blood. Tho particular purpose and virtuo of tliis Snrsapa rilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIC, tire so composed that disease uithin tho ranee of their action can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetratine; properties search, nnd cleanse, and imigorato every portion of the human organ Ism, corrcctins Ui diseased action, nnd restoiing its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of thcso properties, tho invalid who ia boscd down viilh pain or phj sicnl dchilitv is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy nt once so simple and imitmg. Not only do they cure the every-day complaints of every body, but alio many formidable nnd dangerous diseases, 'lho agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their ui ticss, Jtccut 5Vmiirei. j Inaction cf the lloircls, Flatulency, Loss of Ame tit. .Tnu'inh'rr. nnd other kindred comolalnts. arising from a low state of the body or obstruction, of its functions. Ayer's Cheny Pectoral, rort Tin; iuvid cunn op Coughs, Colds, Iiifliicnzn, Honrscness, Croup, Ilroucliitis, Incipient Consmnp. tion,nud for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced tttigcs of the disease. So v.ide is the field of its usefulness and eo nu merous aro tho cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons pub licly known, vho have been restored from alarming and even desperate discarcs of the lungs by its use. When onco tried, its superiority our every other medicine of its hind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues nro Unown, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing nnd dangirous affections of tho pulmonary organs that arc incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies thrust upon tho community lwo failed and been discaidcd, tins lias gained friends by ev cry trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, and pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to lo forgotten. rpxrAIlED BY BK. .TT. C. AYEK & CO. LOWELL, MASS. K. P. Lull, J. U. Moyer. (1. SI, llnjenlmch, nioonubnrg A. Miller. Horn icl, and by one store- in every town in Ftniujliniua, JAGAlNSt BARGAINS!. NEW FA Lis A.D W1XTKR GOODS. & IS El If WOULD r ok pcci fully Inf.irm the cliutns or l.igli Stivct nti'l iciiiiivttiat ih-y luc jutt ruccivt'tl a new nml uxtoiihivu nfaortinciit v( DllY GDUDS AND (iltUUWKlwa, ttlilchthcyuiil sell clieap for cili. They have n larc c onJ ( nrioty; nil 1 hat U roniiimuly l'luml in a Cnuntry J'torc, and aru diUrmincd tu sell cheap. To the celt-Ttiun nf their goo.lsth'y havo paid etria attfiuion! tlirrt'f'irc, their mi n'h:iii.i w ill !' ar rucomiucndation Qii.l will pmvo to ba oi tim urn cjapp. 'run tiriitim mm rnrui inv stuit u u uuuiiii inn ronagc. Cuftomcr would dn well to call nnd examine their gcueral vnritty heforo purchasing rlew here. (,'imntry pro.iiirti tnKen in Ki.ciisins jur suun ui mc n.Siiefi niaiKi price. Light Street. Novcnihcr. 3 If CO. GILL k 1'AUL, Central lommission HU'rchaiUs, rr..MFK nh. l'mviirtiii.. riur, junior, riircno. Oils. Driod rruim. Grain, Hccdi, Henns. Wiiitkey, Wool, Cuuntry l'ruduce and .Mcrthanduo cr-ncrully. N'O. 34 NuRIU VUARKi, liIlLiHELniU. f7" Conpinmfnts of Pro leioii. I'lmir and Country r'hluci) Mdicited. and rt'turng promptly nude. Cash ad ancpd when diniod. OUIn:ilS for all kiiiila of Tifti. TroviKlons, riour. Dried Prints, A-c, filled attheloucet Cpli 1'ricca, Augutt 4, leiiO-Um. TINWARE k STOVE SHOP. Till! undersisncd respectfully informs hli old frienill and rn-toiiiers. that he has iurilued his brothers interest in tho above t .tahlitluiient.un I the roneeru wils licrearter bo comtuctea uy nuuscii rxcim-ivuy. lie lias jui.t recciven unit oners iur iaie, me iarc vj ett and most ixtenio nsnoriment of 1'ANCY STO VIIH tver introduced Into this market. t His tnck consists of u complelft nt.iortmeut of the hest Cookin; and (i.trlnr ktoves iu tho market, togiili er with tftovo 1'iitures of every description, Oven and llnx stoves, uauiainrs. jiiuuar rine, 1 a iron mr Tight stoves, Cannon idiom's. tc, &c. Stovepipe and Tinware constantly on hand nnd manufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, ns usual, 011 shoit notice. Th'i patronage of uld fuenls and new cutoumrs re speiifiilly soliuted. A. M. UUrUUT. IHoouitburg, N'nuiber3d lrCO. tf. Nos. 9. II, fnd 15 'Jouitlaml street,'? I(OARI), SI GO DAY. n n wiNonr.s'mi. TIIOS.H. VVlNCHKeTP.R NEVS YORK. Mav I , If-s5R THIS WAY CHEAP 1U'Y US. 1 iLOOMnt'Ittl cheap rash Htrr'- niittin n plenUlied P with u fresh fctnek of hl'lttMl UOOHS-wo nro now prepared to off r In the public n ery Lan Uome lot cf Spring and tiuuinn r tJi-ods-at iifiial low prices, for UKAIA' PAY ONLY Ciuc nlos nilli your cash in.1 rn ,MRTMArf March 13, ISIil. SUmi:icangi)olc? (Opposite Jmkcn tentc Ila'l,) CHESTNUT UTRr.r.T.IlllTWCrN rit'TII fcSIXTIl, Your ftrml vcrv respcctrul y, III I II v - and ron Tna stody trriE or lrcrvousPrcstratlon, General Debility Asthma, Dyspepsio, rcrcfula, Jlarasaus, Paralysis, Chronic Bronchltln, Anerala, Chlorosis, nnu all DiaorJors of tho Blood System. DO YOU KNOW IT? roN-ntmoN- is Tirr. mot r.mi, pcntr.r;r. cr JIANKINI). It bis been truly rcrrded as x lner' tin MAUnr few ever survlvtos lis atni Ir. " One n-rtl of He irW ani7i ra." sirs : It. Oicmmit. "and JinitlUIIAN-ONK nAU' OP All. TIIK A m T10 I I.ATIOXofmcteUlltiedconimui.ltl,'l IJ.bIIU 1IIH l'lrAsr." What a tad etmmentary cn tbo wasted fflcacy ef Ilia IleallnjJ Art 1 The brilliant lilic.ivery of Pr. (Tuirrldll, tnndo to tbo Imperial Academy orHedichio, ef I nrla, bas reeved an fn-rfimiWe 6n M tho world. ty the u-w of thla now r.ud)u!cr!''C'l'"1ltI'ownll'1'1'l'nllr5',l9 THE HYPOPHOSPHiTES, "Tlio CCnC of CONStMl'TIOV, rven In lho Second nnd Third Stoac (nt n rerlod, therefore, vihcn there enn bo no donbl ns to tbo nature of tho lllsense) l the KCLr, wbllo lir.ATlI IS 1 J1C KXt'EI'llOX." "I i:0V," snrs Dr. c "that they will prom not onlr n. 8ri!tl A HEM. r.UV III CONSKMI'TIOS n. Qulnlno 1. In Inter, riltletit Tcver, but nlso ns eneettinl n nttlslll VATIVK ns Vneclnnllon In Smutt lor.M Itno fiafforer. vi lio values health and life.i'rhynn boar to try this remedy. Hcmeinber tint " i-reveution h better than cure." Ilcwaro or self deception, or tbo southing nnaaranco cf friends that "II is Mill a Ut'li cM! " r.'iUlcnor to myriads who wmiiirotnaturo Craves I Give, I entreat you, iirumpt attention to tho CARUE5T StOKS QF CONSUMPTION. "Avn tiie-b FKIN3 RllAli. rouovr Tnr..' Jar.V. " Thoeiriil symidom cf tubercular dlseaso Is vimo. It rrccfilu:l'iec(ii0A, uud It Is tailicr, In iwlntot lime, than the iiccnc. it Is flrst manifested in lho ace ami hmls Tho muscular tissues vvasto ; hence lumtm : Ihero Is asenseof something wrong afv lim that Tim nrAT. powKits Aas rul.oi.o, Tho vaile of the llvh g rauhino Is moro actlvo than llsrepiiA" Vr. J'ollnk. ' lftietVftoiiloniicrrreii( caw,or under the inflLcnro r.f causts v litcli Indueo v, EAKttn and imut snos ; fucIi n3littfWiOicrteu',:ce., l r.nancy,cliii Uariny, nursing, roi'l gnmlh, or rl-rni rwayjrivx tUnait, n Krson begins to bso bis l!c.!i, etnngth, color, or nppctitoi if bo PufTors from thortnrtt of Vnath. cr tk'-pUstnal, mid exnerientts n pincral ficliogrrbm. yuerand ileiirorf'n.IIIMtK IS HKAtoN TO HJK thvt he is already rrcdilvtcd t tttc comaiDt. If to tin o Fymptouis bo added cmtrjh, however slitht, particularly if it has come on slowly, or during lho I nir soaFMi, TjrUrr.OBABlLH'Y ISGItUTFllliTlLL." CAiircftili. EFFECT OF THE REMEDY. "If, on iho o&rlicet oppcornncc of thtoo fizt of onumptloit, tlio tiotlcnt ltil.c tltilly itlxiut tin Crnlot or tho JITPOPnOSPXIITrC, lie Mill itMinllr co them all disappear In a period varyinc from a few weeks to a few month i and Xtj- ccnllntilnir tho ocratlannl'uhC of tho lZcmedj, 212 WILL BPiED ILT FIND HIMSELF lit XNJOTMNr OF SUCII HEALTH A3 HE. PEBirAPS, XIAI KEA'Il icnown i.v IU3 Lirx itrroi:i' "Winchester's Gcnuino Trcparallon" IS Till: ONLY ItCLIAIil.Ii Torm of Pr. durtlilira Kemcdy. fMa-Jo fiom llio criminal Tormuh. Tho union vt llyimplio.ri 1 Ho Js two-told ami epeclSc : increasing tho j-rlnctplo ram n oivTOraa LRvota ror.T, mid tlity nro tho vost l-OH-EUt'lsnLfiOH-CEMUTtNa JlGEYIS K(iry. TliQ CCort upon tho tubercular coudJtlon U JMMUUTK. jlij.ti:h t.E.NEIUt, YSirTOW3 I'I3..PrnAPP' WITH A HAIIMTVVmtl! nnEAurMAinEiora. Qlicy rrfVce lho cnngli,t?iiit?.u (xpoctor.ition, ivipiorc lho npj'iMo, cmst tl.arrl.rm ; tho i ijht tuccUtf chilltf mill jcxer tNJiso ; tho liovla Ucone rtguUr mid the elet calu u rwtp. A FAIR TRIAL IS A CtRTAIfl CURE f rrs mrAlU'.of Hocus .'ratvto advertised on Vr. GiurLhlU's, nnd all other KW'INI'IJNK HCViriH to rob c itTjrers of their moons, o'frwriwi time, nud liastcn a IMTAL hescit. Wrlto to mo lur CirxL'UUm, aad for Dr. Churchill's Treaties cn Ccn3unipiio;i, which cotitiln tlio tnly aiJfwn'ic information in rpf" rd to this M-U 'i:.EATHi;;T. t'ent ilfb to nil Inquirers. riUCEiIn 7 and lCo. Dottlcc, CI nnd" 3 cnelu Threo large, cr els email for C5. Vty fnc-Bimllo Is oa both the Labl nnd Outsldo Wrapper. :jo otiteu ia oekuihe, KS Po nnt confound thu Hcmcrir Trlth tho to-callf d " Chemical 1'cod anl pnrtlcularly aold alli-npara-tlonsconlainlngiroii, which Is jiAMiEiiorF, end Cvdhivr it, v. hich bas 2.0 c t iut e rnrixTr i.'attvkr. void by tho most roBiecLablo DruRgista thminrhnnt tftlnlUd SUtea nnd UrUMi ltovincis.and Whoktalo Rorl Kttall at tlio General Depot In tho United States, by J. WINCHESTER, 30 Jehu Street, Ih Y. March 0, leCl. LishilLidit! Liehl! 1 A H AGON ! COAL OIL BUHM:KS AM) LAMPS FOR ooaIs. KnunnxMi. (ui tauuon oiiip. Till: lifst. mubthrllliniit, und chcnist iortald lipht no' jn usi's Nn dancer uf pxidnniou mid chcajitr than fluid, InrJ oil. (U!i oil or cnmrln'iie, joM:quai, 10 UAH.-oa Wiiliout the pxjionsc cf (7.11 fivturcB. The nhove Lamps (with ull tilt i r fancy trinmiiiijifl rnn hr ocu and Louplit at tlia old (.'sU.hfh'd Hnisr ami ihriulrnl ginro nf tin iindurhigncd, who .Utters hiiiitLlf that frum lua Ion? ex peritneu in the Drue tnide. lie Knows liow uud win' re to buy, mid is determined iuitohi undersold bj any one in lllooiihur,!, or fnirroundinR cnuntry. Call und ecu hin ne nnd well selected ttuck of uitucd. Mi:i)iui.i:s nu (-MicMiUAi.s, rAixs varxihuus, uvnururrd. OII.H. Ot.ASU ritOM 7xl tny43ii. UOM'ULTION'A. Kins. I'Utll'UMCRY NU TANUY J01l P.''. Aft TlCMtt i'OR LAOIIW. tc (JLaNTH. TOBACCO AND CIGARS, AsfIM Itrandj, Patent Medicines of every variety in use Lienors, (pur 11 ) fur medicinal use only. 1 luid.Caniphenc Ciirhiiii Oil, Tnrpoiitino and Alcohol, Trusses, Shoulder Urarei nnd Abdominal f'urportort. Htirsiefil nnd Den tal IiHtnttncnts, tSiisli nail und tooth lint luid, Cnniidien phrey'n lloiiid'pathie Ilemedie", Cirden, Canary, ittipe and Hemp seeds, Tli. rmoiirtcrir. proof-plain heather nnd ihoo rinduigs, U.e uc together w itit the lurfCht nnd most varied ntaortment of (lermaii Toys and YANK' H NOTIONS, ecr hrnnght to this place, nil cf JiIlH ljae call and see nnd ymi mutt believe. Mainsle.iriied liy ad evperleneo that "long credits will not keep things moving," 1 have .feteriiuiieu to tncafhbuyiri', to nrike it nn olijict to tlini ns well ns thu filter, to deal on the cash principle, utlier money or rumy Ilavliiir eened n regular upprenticcslun nt the Druir nud Apittlu'i-ory himiuei'c, l)eiderf Ilivmik curried it 011 for tu.' last ei;liteen j ears, on my own hook, 1 tiatti inyiill I urn itblu to do jufticu to nil giving me n trial. Thankful to the nubile for him tavors. 1 would n"k trml on the new principle, und will pn.irnutee to ull, that it will mnk.) ions triciids, and pay bet 111 the cnu to pay cjuu .inn uuy ui reuuctiu prices. I'llVSKJIANrf I'RKii UUTIONS carefdlly comjiounded.nnd nil ordern correctly answered, Al 1 ifdiciiics (jiiaranteeil as reroinniendod, Htore Uoom 011 Alain Btreet, near Market, next door tu tho l'ot Of fice, Uloumsbur;', Columbia county, l'a. LT1IUAIM r. I.UTZ. August j, WHO. A little, but ufien fills the purine. SAVING FUNDS. TUAN'KMN S.Wl.N'G ITNIl-N'o. 130 Kruth rourth Street. betveen I'het-tnut mid Walnut rhilalelihi.i, pa) s all deposits on demand. H'pocitori,' money secured by (lOvernmeiit Ftatu and City Loans, (.round ltents. MortageH, i.e. This Coiiij.uuy deems satcty bitter than larpn' protUs, coiike'iueiitly will run no risk with depnal- tors' money, hut have it nt nil times read) to return V b w tin a per ci'in. iiueresi m me ow uer, as tney imc a tLlwma done. Thin loninauv neier niiitiriidfil. tVnules, mariied or eiitgle, and .Minors, can dc- 3 poKit in uieir own riant, uud sucu Uepwstts can be u iviiuiiiu.i 11 vuiy uy uiL-ir cmijieiii. Tr Charter pepctual. Incorporated Ly tlmtite tf lcuus)lvuni.i, with uuthurity to recent money .from truhtees and Kxecuiors. iJiHai: Axu kvjiu. sums iii:cF.irr.i). Otlico oiiimi duili from ll tn :i oVlULk. nnd on UVd. ncsday e eiiing until B o'clock. I nniECTons. Jucoh ll, Khannon, Crus Cndvaltadcr, John rhiudlvr, (Jeoree Uustcll, Malactu . Mtian, IMwurdT, lljatt, Lewis Krumbharr. lIem).lotany, NkIioIjs Kittenhouwe. Nathan Hiucdlev. Jot, II. uthcrtltwaite, Ulanchard, Jnh'pli Llppiucott. Ij.aiuii ii. mii..-u, rrbiiicni, OVUUfl OAI)WALLAl)i:il, Tuasurcr. March 11, lnnVin. r,TV liollfr eavcTl la twice cmiTdT" I WINK AND LIQUOIiS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rpUG under.iilneili liailng opened a New Store, nn , liming upi-nen a .lew Diore, on fsiv doors rioutli cf Iron blrerl, :kcd it with Uw bc.t llfinds of all ... .in lain street, a HleiOiiikliurn. and slocked .lraM.7.r "s . i' " !'J .h "J:H, i.'l fa Medicine, of Dr. Worr, ririn " e known MOPPAT S LlB I ILLb 1 jnd PIKKNIX I'lTlhWO. I Theft Medicine, baio ;now . V, il,,,n U'vo , ,s nlurlod or 30 yean, and during iniu i.iih l i ed 1 IgU cnaracler In almost every part of tlio i"S for tile cttraordlnary curative pruperlU'. bicl. lliey possess. I Moffat's Life Pills. ; Itukbtod for llielrnaine tot ncir rurirtf inn cm in.. ; - , tocre&i tipmi nliich tlicy u-ro lompumiucu, umi ..,.. Aii.KnUfitittV lift, MOFFAT'S I'IKENIX BITTERS. Moffat's Hioenil llilters nro so called, because llicy i,n.. tlin I'owcr c.f restorliis tlio itplrlng embers m K ' 'elouiai! v isor tl.rouBhout the constitution, iu tllS !l!h,"nl is said to b,. restored to life Iron, the riven ns n medicine, lho Injueimn use of nlilth liaj .iused such vUdo.,.rea,l and lerr, , U mis, WW ;S,u;!!,:';.";. .o thai tho remedy lias moved worso tlian tbo lilso.ue. 1 i.irr, l'U.i.s ano riiiuvix mnrxs. T, i.ife 1'ills nnd riionili Hitters bale nliisbMn sljnally succes.-l'iil in this tla of iIisimjs. nnd Bill ? St 'lill tlwttr.'lts 01 inetcury Horn Iko sjstem, I . ,,' , than tlie V" I' "'l ot sarsa ' ,,ir la. ni. y aid lutiire in cti.tinn Iron, III.- ) jte.n a 1 ,i,,, matter, and by thus ,unt)ins the lltal lUidi. iIkv r"-l"n th'i sy.teni to henllh. ... ililliius,l,luts.-A well repilated and prnpor- ' liounte .itsntiti of bilo upon tin' itoniacll l "l"J) mils, to tor t io promoiniii Ol SIOUUI m-uuu , i,. "ilnn. nnd 'keeps the intestinal canal Irco Iroiin all olUlrilitioiis. On tint Interior surface of the 'luris a pecil ar Wilder in l.icli tlio I'M I, rtr.t preseried. Ksforiiiedby the liver Iron, the blood. IfiiM pass's into Die .tomaili and Intest lies, and rep utes he digestion. Thus we see when then- h a delUi. r nt lill the body Is constantly co.tiic. tin tlio ullfr liuid, mi over uonndinco ol bilo e.iiisesHe'liient mils' s in, the stomach, nnd often promotes very senfj atlacss of utseases, uhicb son, 'times end indeiith. hi Vli MKDIOINKS. Tho I.ito .Medium's should, If possible, be tnkci, in tlu early (taies of bilious co opl.iluts : and Upirsj- I vered in strittiy nrcoruniB i-uii""""" ' "V, , ' ell'-Tt a cure. Their cmciKlvu use iu thiioinpl.,Hil In nil p.ilts of our continent, renders unnecctsa-ry-thiir virtues speak for tbeui, Moll it's l.lf IWs.-TlM! use or thse IMIs, for a lery ' short time, will nll'jit an entire cnreol f.ilt Itlieuio, and I a strlklos Improvement in the clearness or lho kln. ICiuumou Colds and lull uliza will alwos ha cured by I... i.iooii'ii hi the worst Lnsi'S. m.usl Vims 1 1 -Tlio oticlual proptielnr of tiles" Med Icln was Hired of Piles of .13 years standing, b) the use i.f Ih i Ufo .Ylediiin.! aloiu, linen Complain r. Mi all'tction of til" Idler may hj , nn.,n n,..i 1,1 .-nrniiis snlid coiimtlolls ill tho sub. stancoof llie liter. .11,0 10 lucpe iiouuii.iB deraiigelil' lit of the dicestlic orcaus, siippres'iii secre tions, anil lueulil SOI, inline, wiiiin up ,vi, n.j.ivui nl" nlistrilLtiolls and diseases ol the liter. Tills disease sh'Hdd be arretted In th 1 coiiiinciicenient whnh run be done hj 1, few doses cf the l.lfj Pills. When once me lit r is Hruunn 10 111 " 11' e 01 its proper lllliaions, unit' more is ri'uiui: in. 1 i',iu. , ttiiue u pri'I'i-r use of tho medicines, and n.peuly re j toicry will ensue. l'lltlt lor this sconrjerf Ihe Wottern rounlri, tl,ee meillelnes till' lv fuinil a mf-, speedy and ciitain rem 'd. lliln r uiedicinvs lenie the system subject to 11 return of the diseasj a cure by thesj Med hities is porinnnuit. , rl lloll-l,t.- 1 llil Ol'lFl li'Tllinr I..'.- ,', , ,, will. I, the rac bones and limb, or the tutnii had been preved 1, pun by the hunlhhle ills 'ae. are preied, by unifi.liialil,' iiulborlty ot ill- sullirets tlicna'-lt ia, to b ive been eonipl 'let cur'd by lli.'se pird vet. tilde ilhiiu-B, nilcr ull uUiua hai b,cii luundwuorJ Hun , uet'83. liiihCi-liiii nnd Pjpcptii.i If uc uuru c.illcil npini to ppwify on" liltea-Ji- whirh men' tlniiuuty nth-T U tin- liatiu,(niUtiit i thu nH'spriuf! nf ihiliMlunuo ilioufd tiatn4 lyippj)iii. It in otu'r:illy nlinitluif, or Mili-r prniluLiivu.of ii bins train cf ilia, filth aa Heartburn, i'liituleiiry, ntfiitiniiiK rai nt thu Htom.idi wlK'ii rinpty it fdlsJ ( nririniitottiibli! wriiit h n pill, l.i llie throat, side and pit ot tha stomach, riMm-iien, tnlli iitsn, laiiL'iior unwilling" nto t.iket rcist'-i-c' l.i Meilliin sure neculiarh adntited tnllw rur' of thii (listri'Hrtinc iouipljiut 'll.y aa upmi t!u , Imwi U 111 11 erv m. hi. und. at tlu same time, wr elf, c- 1 uihI iiuinner. Mid have nexer yet inild to cure this did , .,.. u 1 -ti 11 r ni-rori nc 10 onr 11 reri uns. (Ii'iieral Djbili'V, The inot toiiliuoii if nil rniu- pl.unts is Hut or .1 K"Ufral wtakneas or th) wlmle ays- i.x.1. miiu.ini.'rl , finv itiir tli ul.iT dltordt r. or tic tin tit.- a imitin.iH of iliaiTsM-. Th-TJ is a little cn- 1 erpv, niu-ffof iippttlie,miwillint'ns, and iiiducd 111 1- bility touiuUr.o ci 'riums. trepi'iit h;ad..rh'', iuJi- pestioii.iillMitimesnniowiiePsaiiuiiryni'ssoi 1110 mm. Mil th.ititt n ninlmiit. tf LuiLMior. di'iuh tilde, und weak- it(tathi.t mve fvidttifc uf a lailure in theuial pott- ers, and a low, uimea.uiy ana morula coituiuoii ui ine pvtidiii. lillii l'l S ail i' OH X IHIHTK. The Isife Tills and Phoenix Hitters are, nrh.ip.. the best remedy Mr reutoriuy btreiiRtii tn the body fur, they act 11" U genuu r.irifiiimr, iiuu, uy uilii iu.iic ',iiuiui4.B( strentll-ll me wnoiu hbuni 's Lifj 1'illrj.- I'lr-vniifl of a plethoric habit, who are subject to fits, rundach', piddlness, diiunes of tee head, Khoul I take there l'llUlre-iuently. a vii;i: tu 1 li.u.i id..". 1 e ni t?s w o vaiue uiPir hptiltli uliniil I ncvir he without the i,ne Mcduin lief nnrlfv thu blnud. remove obi-lniuions. nnd die the skin u ututitiiul, clear, Jienmiy nnu oiouuung appear To T.lilerlv rcr?nn, Many lienlthy nzed individuals wh.) know tue aine 01 aion.n s .ucijicims, make ll 11 nil li iuhi: uiriii i U ur inri-r uiin i u ii rt li, nj which tiiey rcmoe the catucs that produce dis.ase, I presenu tluir htal'h, and knp oil' tlu infirmities ol i tacts for Mothers find .Nurses. It is a fart, estab lished by t'ic annual bliss of mort.itity, one hair of tlu thil.iren borno nre rut otr hefere attaininjt heeii yours of use ; aud lho sonrco of this mortality is found to etint in that foul ttate cf thu tstn.iinth and bowels which produced the generation of worms. As thu iafj restorer of infantile health in tins critical rtate the Lib .Medicines havo ton? hi Id a iILtiugubhi'd repu tation, nnd fur foiling of tho t-toiiuHi nml Imweli", nint rnnnibionslnltlioii'li worms may notcAttt, it is allowed to bj superior to nny other. Mml'il's I'ill and Iiilt rs,-Ko medicines atnrrsent kiiown have done mi i.iur.i good to m.iukiud n th ; within tho Inn f-iw years; nnd certainly nono li.ivu I ln'tn rewurded w llh more numerous and nuthmtlc tea- timonl.tls of thtir inwuiabl" nml extensive ctlcacy. I They reonire nn dictiiifr nor confinement, am piutectly mild atuI p.ensant iu 111 i r operation, tut will power fully restore health-thai rnti Et nf rarthly btesliifs to the nmst cxhuttsted and dilapidated const. tuiious. 1'rcp.ired by Dr. WM. P. M OF PAT, ' 3J.5 llroadway, New Vork. And for Stic by nlljlruggist nplJbl ly. AGUIOULTlfKAlj WAUKIIOUSK, Nos, 21 South Sixth street, near tlio .Vale ll. use. l'liu.Auri.i'iilA. n:..vA. rylW Uoors nf lllls Sitrinus liiilljin, erulcil psprcssly J for the projiriutor's trmlc, uro slorvil witli si-l-iIs and imiiU'iiiuils nf iiiti'rcil In funiK rs' and Kunli'iiers. Mir ems r.sT.ini.Hiiiii.-'Hn sul,inlnTs ili'tirmo i call, llu atti'iitliin. nf fi'iirv nn.! liitri.i,'.i in i. r, .i I... ami earilcniiig to their well si'lectt'd rtock of Agncultu i . narntu l.arilcn anil Floiccr Seeds firms ami Futdi bieitS. Pf lilt IllOit rtlahlr runhtv. I 1!ii A ti ii . f ii r i,l I , !,,,, t.i L..I.I i... .. . ..... inunuracmrbd at our rteain uurks, ilrirtnl l'a. nn: lined mi uur i-stuliliuliiiietit ultlnini rrpnr.i eincii'i', ii ill. tin. iiio.i cutiiiiU-lo maelik'iierv fur liiaiiut'.uturn of i.irluus kinds i,fai;ii,'uUuruliiiiiii'iiients . ...... ...... j..,,, iuuii uu illllCI 'S HI I iltl. Hill' r I rrllCVU inv int ni . VnlTifs MfJ Tills an I !Tnd'cbann"i, onifi, and c'"8 "?'" ""ZVi KILL TT.U. lUtf orBrccctlnc, llreaklnc, Habllnc feed, unoaidi jor land tntluMindoubted facttbat at a very Vi.. 7 , Br0oi..imr. slio. Inf. and l,cfln. !.,!?. ,nr! in i t iclr liMiity. they Ind r'scued snpre" i , ;11!lnnermeni of the, liors.-, wilb rrnniilm verv verse of an untimely urate, inri 'cii) s- tlic best modes or Miniinmcring mm f..v i.n iiivtit,, in in ll' anil, i.iii, i ... iii.ii' iii ireni iniitii.. bi.L iittnii the pynli'iii, piMielriitinn Uw MiitJn pi inu ". - knun I, hi 11 r.elius of ten-Ion or p.nn 111 the tisht "I lu I ,t. , e V .1 I" can b- nvla about the r. elon ol tho Hi cr, otVn pnugenl ns In plea- Jfc lyjjlj i I 1J&.1$ tty ei,te,pl,. risy.hut soinitlini-sdull! 11 dilhcultyin draniuii along V-v v v " ,;8 menu breath! dry cough nnd Inilinntion touimil. 1 lilt 1.1. cryn i,rrc .in .ellinstlie aliotc and lAer popular vnrk( sees 1 may bo produced by cold, by v In it es eriiso, I.) of' 11M 0lir ,lldmmi t, t ,,.1. 1, nrj ovcteilint., Intense suiiini'T hints, by long toutin'Od bilious relir . ,.,. luny "iial, ir puiienor, to imi thing i,f lho kmdvur licfon ml Ted to tiu iulilie. l.andn til's warmitfit ilarilon Boeds liavc tiecn lieforo 1 lho imlilie for uimardnif, my years; their nldo lioiul.irity, ami Ihe inereusiiiiiiltiiiaiid Iroui jear loj ear, j nro the best evidences nf tin ir superiority mer all' t-ouiitryiuircliantscnnlio supplied w ith seeds In pa pers, nr in b-ilk. mi tho most liberal terms. Illiinuisiliil.., mar'l, l'a., our garden seed grouiuls, , .",.. inn u nun ireu nun seventy acres, and is lho ,,i.v.. lb. iuiimiiiil-iii ui its hiui in mo unriii, .. . . I.AMIKCT1I k PO.V, Mt. 31 3I RiulhSiillttlrat, nUatehkm, try Landrelh's It.i.i.., ,.,,.i ai, ,.',., ronlaiiiiiign Kami, G irden aud (ireen llouso L'alindar for every luoiilh iu tho ear, ran bo liadjra'n.uiion pel sonal or post paid application. nullum) i, icoij y. TUUNKS ! TRUNKS!! rinilarKCtit, best llandom .W1" mciit of Hole Ltathr-r vtdid AMVfik i.ivcu-ii fravclins Triinkf. JVJaiSV Chi Id i en's Couches, PrupU lers Leather nnd Carpet 1'ackinj Trunks lit,, &c. n riiriTA IV iIAlTtJON S. f' "S'f1..1" " ! M.jrkit C'i Itbratcd London Prize Medal Improvei sol 1 1 sold Leather Trunk maiiurjrtiirv. Kt ktreti tfoiitb wcl comer TumUi und.Maikct, Thilad'a. i . iinnir t vinni ,,,. ITs'l hKUHAN IS JIOTKL, L'-B- ' IC Ho r III Fourth Stroel.'l'RsoldatOl ccuts nt JMHIjADKLPHIA. r n TT B I nil C II A S.HM r KB AT WORKON THE I10RSR. The lloisc nnd liis Discass. by noBERT jENNi.vas, y. a. ryin thcVdcrimrij College of ThtL (idephia, ttc,t etc. ,.nnriS0n.lelcn,liWnrynddl,tlne ' traits nf lho various breed, of l;ut(,. nenn, Asiatic, Mini an anil American lt....n 111, Hie ii ivsienl lurinsilA and llnl pecullatilies ol llie anlinil nnd Koiv to ascertain Ills nee by tl,r inimber and .rondltlipii of Ills teeth, llntrateil itb numerous exblaimto. lyensraMiiRs., inc. reatlnii, shyms. stiiinniiuit, cnb l.itlu, riestlessui'ss, and nther Ices tniihlxhlii' Is snbjertl Willi nuniir. ous evplanalory cncrrvlnjs. ' The Horse anil his Jhbcascs mil TIVL rotOftho causes, spmptoms, nnd Treat. HILL ill's ..ftttaneles, fore Throat, n. temper. Cntalth. Influenza, I'renrhit. tl,reedmenln, I'li'iirl.y.Croken ivinj t'l.runle Cm, nil. Homing ami W lilstljai Lampas-fore .Mouth and I'lrers.anl llecoyed Tetth, w III, other disease) of the .Mouili and llesplratory Organs. The Hone awl his iJ'suuts mtl TI LL rot' UftticcnusessJ-mbtonis, anil Trsub HILL u l,iellt ( Wur mi. lints. 'ol Ic. t--ranKu. latioli, Htony roncri lions, Ilnpturri Palsy, lllanhira, Jaiiudlee. II ppat,, linen. Woody I riuo,rtonea InllieKlci. nejsand bladder, Inllaiuutlon, anj other ilN(0i s of the touiarh, iVA lis, l.iiirand Urinary O.'ganj. The Ihrsn ' fits hsenses mil 7 I'LL rtll' or ll" onuse. rymptnun, and fn,. meal of boil... lllooil ami line, Kp,i lting Itont. rJiieenle, strains, I rokea Kiius, lltnd Cnlts, Founder, Htu llrnl-ii nnd tlrnvel, Cranked Hoofs, Scratches, Canker. Thrush, and Corm also, or Merrill". Vertifu, Dpll, p.y. r'l.iepers, nnd other diseases of the ivt Legs and Head. The ItoT'C unit his Discuses MIL rrl.L YOU Of Ih' runes, pytiiptnun, and Trent. mint of l'i tula. Poll Hi it, fjiandirt, I'any, tiiarb't Ti'ier, anpc, Hurl: it Lieked Jaw, Hheiiiuatisin, tranip, Calls. l)iia"i' of the and llemi, tec. &e. and how to nninpn CaMra In, ii. l:iee.!lne. Tr, plilnuiii).', Uov, Inu; I'irim. Hernia, ,l,iiiutatli ,i.trp ping, mid other suruicul opcintiom Tic Hone ami his Diteoscs HILL 71.77. roll Of nnrr)' Method of tamlnc Itorin how to approach, Halter, or Stable s Colt, ho.v to arruitom a hfre ta stranqi' noiinds nnd iglits, and bow to Hit, fadule. Klde, and P.reak him tn Harness ; also the form and law i,f IVAMt ii rv. Tlio 'Mii'lc lit jut; tli" re. stilt of inor" than fifteen ears' carefid stil'ly of the habits, ami iiealtiicss of tills nililv a ustTul animal. The I'imV rrntalns 1 paces, approplately ll' by ueitlv One lluii.lred l:neravlni?s. Itlsprititfd inn clear anil open type.nnd willbefurnisbi'il to any nJiIr ri ,,lll1,c,Yn, t.'ij, pal l on rcceip, in puce, inu, oouni, , 31,10,1. I IiIltiiI i Tor sincle copies or lho Pnok, or for terms to neCLl tilthntlu'r iiiforiii.ttion. apply to or nddress JIIII.N l!. POTTi It. Puhll li' No. fit Sanson, btrect, Philadelphia, Pa I Nov 17. isni-l in. AGlUCULTL'llAL it SKKI) WAKi:- "IlllUi 1:. PASCHALL M011RIS, Jltl0 nt MOVED THE PlllLA DE1.P11JA A G RICUr.TU RAL .J- iEEL) IVAREIIOUSF., Frrm tit N"rth 'rn"r rf S'vrnlli nti1 MnrVs Struct tu Ins V-.V HT.M).o. IIJD MAUKCTSi crrcJrE the f rmekw m.ri;et OiTr-r for h -re to fort;, at r.'aTunu!.le priecs.cverr , dfncrlrti'in uf . Iii.nroM'd Act. cultural and lIorticuHiirnl tiiiplnnrnt, Watrttiiti'd I'rifh and lemiiiip rield, Cnrdtn and I'Iom J vT Huvl. Iu Krent nrlty. A1m. n. 1 Peruvian tu ii ruiin-nt ( mid Mlitr r li.itl IVrtiiinTe fr tiran I mid drain t,ri3.rrnil ami Ornaitif iifuTro'ii nnd thrut , K-ry, rert'eii. lUw., &c (jy- He mi1 j4itit .1 ri.ittiiiiiaticu fffrrni'T ctirttr 1. Iiuidejii'Mit. Heed, an 4 Nurs.'rv Lataluuu'.-s. I'uiiilttKil on aii)li(.atiuti. VASCIIAI.!. M0Ki:i5. Aprienli'iral nnd Pi'tinVhrfliniii'c, No. 1 1 JU Matk't rtrt'ft.ort'tfit&ilm ruruiir', J iniiary 1, I'lil. N13VCAKKIA(J12 KSTAISMJSHMli.NT .v nLOO'isnuiM Li the AVw Brick Three tarry Curiige Factory, en ,Vi Ltioio ,,;vrtri, ryiV, mlxc riber would respectfully announce to 1 A puhhr, Hut he hai comuienred the ur (JAItKl A (1 K tVi-EC 11 ,ll,UA -l.XMAU l JS-y. w' HINIVS. 1 n nu ih .nrtoue bnnches. lie h prrpared to r-wru- t ' nriKT' mill 11 us on tin ml nt iTih'-nt nn UFtdrinw ',",."'M."" c"1 rrnns rs win uiiu iu m.u iivuniagc lutaiiaiui exumiiip. I M.VJIUilxn 1 A ill he done in thr. most prompt nnd cnref-il manu'i I uiiu upun 11 una wniill rtiunot tn plc satiI.Ktloi HTKAWliKllfUK A. W11.HU.V 1 lHoQinsbuK, Anril 2-. 1.1.1. CIOU MlOf lll QUll ( llCQII S 111 It h 1 11? 'ir q'lir, uudernlsned thankfallforpT-tpatrnnii!;' . refpm I aa I fully informs his friends mid the public in ctmnft'l he I l.&t he ktill continues lie) I - vi 1 1'l'l 1 1 n TilToTVi;co ! At tho Old stand, 011 the hill, ahnxe Hip Kail Uoad. in nil I " J J- I P 1 is 1 ilUOIll I'iCO. 1 ,B rmn runciien, iu idw prices, aim on mi eiairf-N scale, und solicits the public natronae.-, Illoomfcliurp, June 3, P."a- hi ed k nov', ju., CHEMIST & DBaJSSSST, Aiiilli .iiid (Iirstiiiil Slrrcls, orroMTs the "niiiAnD iiorir, l'llll.ADEI.rillA. a- .i.vr.nicix. rnr.wir. taLiiii, VIIF.MIMI.S J1.V1) DltUUS. Toilet Articles. L'lhiu'n, Coudraj's. IIaj ley's, kc Lr.t &e., l'erfuintri' I i"-ura, . ..iiiiin, lime, m nut-1 (( nnu UOSnR'UCfs Far 1k Co!oo,if Him bfnt i!itilKrs. llfsr LuusiiToorii IIkihi-s, of nil siiesnud stjhs. UiNrjiRueslcTooru Wasiiu ofiippruvjd kinds. Uisr .(.mii lUin lint iii-', CovfllS Of all kllldi. ItlllLlhl. liulln I'l.l.l.r H r A c l'ovires ri in the Hair Lnbin's, Coudruj's and I t-mfs, Ate,, &r, l'i its. Hi-All's On I i i Rr. t.oi.n rniiiA t mntrojii 1'orclain rountainff. Hon; ANDtom uilh ilioiierJyrnp, J'HI.D'K IHtDWK. Jr.. V i Cor. t'tli aud Che.tuui bt AUgUEl 4, JMiU j Jin, S priii ami biiinmer.1 . SLOAN. HAS Just receilcd, direct from I'liilndeliihlaand r"l York, a lery ilinico assortment cf I Bl'UUNU AiNU SUMMER GOODS. - 1 a'aist every new fuliric Mliirli has been manuCicM' I i"i imii'h ti, u, ,'-., it. .veil its ini iisnai ..I""" n tjj'unft uu., uiHiii'-ri n wuii ui in) iisnai rub"''"' of STAPLE GOODS of superior mialuiea will hef'"' in variety, nnd nt prices as low an similar goods can k-l iinri-h isi il i-lsnu lii.ri.. t It is an easy matt' rto flnil Roods at a low nricr.1 I tn as a ueneral rule, tliei arc lust ns lui m mmiiti llul I il. 1 cit a Uood arlirli at a l ery low i.rlea is soinctljiiill r I ! u''cl au Tporlunlly, lioweicr, is olR're.d to any ."'.. '.' .. inty iwoiik ii.ninir.inr:, iL.ibiur.iitr, Ml.T. It R 7 l.'ull iinil oroc.t I Hill, let. COL'NTMV MIOIILt'K UAXTF.D. rtloiiinsburg, April 2tl, lelil t. ,. ,. . 535.00 l ays tni'cntirc cost for Tuition in the most popular i successful Commercial School in lho coulilry. t'p cf livelio Ilundreil from twenl) -nslit 'rent Btates.liavo been educated for business lien ' '?'''l',;il'f',' rars.ouiof nlioiu liaic, been . rlojcilns Hook Keepers nt salaries of 82000.00 per Annum, inmrillatclyuponiradiiaiiiiii. who knew nothing cfil counts w hen nicy inti reil Din Ccillece. I 1. Mill Iters sons li.iir nn, c..,Hu,a .iliir nt I I Ilini'.and ret low when ilicyiilease.uithmiirxiracii1 I ., 1 ?' -"'"log"" of CO pates, hpeciniensof rrof.l'iil I liusinessand Ornamental I'enuiansliip. and n large ! I ..u,,.,6 .., . uni-!,-,., iiiuoso llltnly.llicceius m ago btamtis tn ilm l'riiiri,lD jcniiiKa t BJimi, riltsburgn,!-1 Jan, icvi jy, IIAUT.MAXS 1 A FTHIl you liavo veal lho aliore'l , JTK not fail in rail in 4. sec i JIAHTMAr lioinst'iig jar b :w J'fel