Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, May 18, 1861, Image 4
r HEAT WORK ON THE U0RS15. StgucnUnrc ABOUT TURKEYS. Who that Las any savory rcccollcctions of last Thanksgiving Day, or Christmas, nnd who that knows what largo profits oan be wade out of theso birds, who docs not wish to try his hand at raising a brood or two this Summer t Here aro a few suggestions ou the subject : Experienced breeders insist that for raising good healthy broods, an old tur-1 key is much better than a young one A bird does not arrivo at full maturity until from two or threo years old. Audu bon, tho great American Naturalist, says: "Tho third year, tho mnlo turkey may be said to be an adult, although it increases in weight and size for several yenrs moro. Tho females at tho ago of four, arc in full beauty." It is well known that when far mers have killed off their old birds, and raised their broods successively from young goblers and pullets, tho proguey has grown smaller every year. Chicks so raised arc tenderer and moro likely to dio off from cold and exposure. Henco tho frequent romrk from sagacious brooders, that you wight as well think of improving your flock of sheep by breeding them from iambs, instead of vigorous, mature bheep As a general rule, the cock and hen should to threo years old and upward, and tho two of different breeds. Every year, the earliest hatched, most vigorous, and best formed young birds should bo selected for futuro breeders, and others killed off when wanted. During tho Fall and "Winter, turkeys need only moderate feeding, but a3 Spring opens, let the amount be iucrcascd, cspco. ially during laying time. Considerable paius should bu taken at this last period , to tame them. After thoy havo laid their first litter say fifteen or twenty-fivo eggs break up their nests, but do it without their knowledge Continue to feed and cosset them, and in a fortnight's time, they will begin to lay again. It is thought a good practice to turn tho eggs onco or twico a week. When thoy have laid thctr sec ond nest full, and show a disposition to set let them do so. Put their first lot of cgg3 under a common hen, at the same time; and when they are hatched, give the chicks to the turkey-mother, who will take caro of both broods. The turkeys should be batched by the middle of June, or first of July, at the latest, so as to havo thorn pretty strong before frosty weather sets in. Considerable pains will need to bo la ken with the young broods. At first they should be kept in a shed, or on a barn floor, whero they will bo warm and dry. For tho first few days, givo them hard boiled egg3 grated fine. Then add to tho eggs, some curd of sour milk" Then, af terward, for variety, feed a little stalo bread crumbs. When thoy aro a month old, give them Indian meal mixed with warm water. Set pans of sour milk whero thoy can get a daily sip, if they like. Until thoy arc ten days old, thoy should bo housed at night, and let out during the day. When about a fortnight old, if the weather is then warm and settled, it is an excellent plan to inako a largo pen, a rod rquaro, of boards sixteen inches wide, and keep the brood ia that until they arc able to fly overiU After that they will be ablo to tako caro of themselves. Only they should bo fed onco a day to keep them from roving too far aad too long from home. American Agriculturist THE BEST DAIRY COWS. Tor purely dairy purposes, tho Ayshirc Coir deserves the first place. Iu conse quence of her small, symmetrical, and compact body, continued with a small chest rather narrow than otherwisa, and a ca pacious stomach, there is little waste, com paratively speaking, through tho rcspirato ry system ; while at tho same time, there is a very oomplcto assimilation of tho food, and then eho converts a large proportion of her food into milk. So rcmarkaWo ia this fact, that all dairy farmers, who hayo any experience on tho point agrco in sta ting, that an Ayrshiie Cow, generally gives a larger return of milk for the foo I coniumed, titan a cow of any other breed : tho absolute quantity may not bo so great, but it is obtained at a less cent ; and this is the point upon which the profit depends. Tho Jersey Cow is remarkable for tho richness of her milk ; so much so, that two or three of this brsed kept ia large danes, very perceptibly jmprovo tho qual ity of tho butter and cheese, Short Horn Cows aro seldom good mil kers, unless tho climate and food aro both vory favorablo, and under most circum stances, they havo a greater tendency to produce fat than milk. Moeton. Vaiaje op Roots tor Feedino. One thing is pretty, certain cattle aro exesedly fond of roots of all kinds. They arc great promoters of health, and as wo treat our- solves to various kinds of dellicacies, there is no reason why their palates should not bo gratifidc. Wc estimate roots for feeding something liko this : ruta bagas 10 cents a bushel, beets IS centd, carrots 20 cents, and potatoes 25 cents. And then six cents ajbushel may be added for the gratification tit seeing with what gusto they aro eaton. Light ILight ! Light ! P A 11 A G 0 N COAL OIL DDItMvItS AM) LAMPS FOR BURNING COAL, KEROSCNE. OR CARnON Olt.B. T1IC bent, tnoet brillUnt, nnd cheapest pontile llfht nmv in uso. No danger of oiploslun and cheaper than fluid, lard oil, fish oil or camplicne, EST EQUAL TO GAM, -a Without the ep-nee of gas futures. The above Lamp (with all their fancy trimmings) ran bo seen nnd bouglit at the old established Drug and chemical Ptore of the undersigned, who Hatters himself that from hia long en. Ccrlence in the Drug trade, ho knows how nnd where to uy, and la determined not to bo undersold by any one in lllnoni'burg, orsurrounding country, Call and sec hli new and well selected stock of LWU'ia, Mi;un;ius mi '.iicmiuai.s, rflia is varnishes, uvErrurrs. oii.b. uI.ass I'llOM 73 In 24x3(1, CUNi'lXTlOVA, ri'.uru.Mi'.itv and I'AMiY -lOILKT. Alt. TH.'U:a tor LADIE3.& II IMS. TOBACCO AND C1GJ111S, AmIM t! ran 1f. Tatcut Medicines of every vnrlrty In usa Ml'inrt (pure) for medicinal uie only, Fluid, Camphoric Carbon Oil, Turpentlno ami Alcohol, Triuscs.Shouldor l.rnccs and Abdominal Suppnrtors, Hurglcal and Urn tat Instrument!, Hash nail and tooth Itru luid, Camphcn (.lirey'n Uuimvpiiliiic iieinedtes, uarticn, i "a nary, nape nnd llcinp feeds, Thermometer , proof-plans Morocco Leather nml Fhoo Findings, itc, &c, together with the largest and moit arled nsiortnicnt of Herman Tin and YANKKK NOTIONS. ever broupht to this plnee, all of which please call and ep nnd urn must tit lie ic. JlaWntt learned liy sad experience that "Ions credits v. til nut Keep tilings mot inc," i nave determined to !RSt)DfMS rPlMiESH tocaihbuvprs. in make it an object to them as well as the seller, to deal on tho catli principle, cither money or ready trade. Having served n regular apprenticeship at the Drug and Anothecarv builness. besides hating carried it on for thi tut ojjhnrn years, on my own hook, 1 flatter injit-If that I am ablj to do J u ft Ice to all giving mo n trial. Thankful to tho public fur tun favors, 1 would oka trial on tha now principle, and will guarantee to all.that it nill inaka long friends, and pay best in tho cnu to pay casn ani Duy ni reduced prices. ciriiftillv coiiii.ounded.and all orders correctlr answered, AI medicinei mi a run toed ns recommended. Store U(mi on Main street, near Market, next door to tho rout Of lice, liiooinsbuTS, Columbia county, m, LPllKAIM V. LUTZ. Annum 4, lfiO. 'A litllti. luit often fill tin ptlrsp. SAVING FUNDS. iTMlANKMN SAVING t'UND-Xo. 130 Pouth 1 1. Fourth street, latwcen Chestnut and Walnut! Philadelphia, pns all deposits on demand. I Dtpno i tors' money secured by Government Stale! laud rity Ixmiis, Ground UenU, Mortgages, A.c. tins ioinpany occms gaiety better than largo nrntlt. rnnt(iiifntlv u III run nn rink with riiimi,' tors money, but have it nt all times ready to return vnui o ivr am, iiiitriBi iu ui un hit, ns wiey uavu a alwavs done. This toinnanv never Rtimicnded. m Females, lnarrli'd nr niiiLle. and Minora, can Ac- 2 iposii in meir own rit-ni, ami sucn ucpt-siis canocu uiiiiurnwn vmy uy uieir couseni. unaricr pepciuji. incorporaieii iy mediate orM Pennsylvania, with authority to receive money .from trustees and Exfcutors. r3 IMIUK J3A"D SMSLLSUMS RECFJrFJK Ottlcu own dally from U to 3 o'cloik, and on U'ed nesday evening until b o'ctotk. DIRECTORS. Jacob It. Shannon, I'iriis Cadvvalladcr, John Hhindlor, (leorgo UuskcM, Malachl V, floan, JldwnnlT. IIatt, Lewis Krumhharr. IlcnrviOiIanv. Ntcliolns Kiilenhou'c, Nathan Bmedlry, Joi, H. H utile rtluva it c, Eplirinm Ulanchard, Joseph Llpnincott. JACOB It. tfllANNOV, Prsidctit, CYRUS CADWALIiAUIiU, Treasurer. March K, lf30 Um. ""A DTllaTaVcd is twltt 'camCfl." Nov. i Idoo. RISING SUN NURSEltlES & GAH ULN. SBEIW, I'l.ANTS.ROOTS.BimUna.TUnCSVINES.&.c. S. MAUPV Jt CO. having opened their Establishment at 730 Market Street, Philadelphia, fur the sale of their froduello i, as well a a general a-faortiucnt of nrttclcs u tho Horticultural line, would respectfully call the at tention of their customers, and the public generally, to their Warehouse, uheru uill be kept. In Uieir respective seasons, a com pie to agiortinent of Vejrttablo Uoots and Plants, Vegetable mid Flower Heeds, Uulnoits Kooti.etc. of our own and foreign productions. Catalogues Sent (i rails on Application, CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING, Orncmcnt3l Shade Trees, I Kvcrgrcen Trees and Shrub, uaruy Diiruuuery, vinetaua creepers. Plants for Hedging. Trailing Iloucybucklcs, &c. R 0 JS x s : Nolctto Pcrnctual. Bcniral and Cltina. Tea Pcenlcd. I Persian nnd other Yellow, Macrophila, H)urid Perpetual. Hourbon Musk " Climbing Dahlia Uoots, Hardy Border Plants, Bedding Plants, irari, Uauksia, MOfs, Climbing & Hanging Plants Grennhouso Plants, l.ycopodeums, Ferns, &c, V 8 V X V R K S S S Cherry, yplo. Tear, rium, l'cadi, &c, CRAV STY I8ES2 Diana, Delaware, Concord, Isabella, Catanba and Foreign Varlcilcs. Curranti, tioo&cbcrrieit. Itaiitljcrrlci, Ulackbcrrics. SiraKlii'rrictf,. etc. etc. Cy linycn ileal inc with ui will flnd that tho onirics ficy set aro l!UI.AIU.i: anil na (.'HU.U'aa tlicycanbo oltaincd from any other cttabiielimont. , B. MAUI AY it CO. No 730 Market Ftrcet, below Eighth, Philadelphia, ra. March 10, 1801 3m. BA GA INS I BAIiGA INS I . m fall am tVlXTUR GOODS. & BB3TF WOULD respectfully Inform the citizens of Llgh Htrcel and Iciuity that they have just received a new and extensive assortment of DUY GOODS AND GROCERIES. which they will sell cheap for cash. They have a largo and general variety; all that is commonly found In a Country Htore, and are determined to sell cheap. To the selection of their goods they havo naiil strict attention; therefore, their merchandize will bear recommendation and will proe to be of the first class. The proprietors cordially solicit a liberal tharc of pat ronage. Outom,rs would do well to call nnd examine their geuerni variety before purchasing elsewhere. Country produce taken in exchange for goods at the highest market price. MARTZ Ac ENT. Light Street, November, 3 lSba GILL & PAUL, General Commission Merchants, DkALEBS IH Fish, Provisions. Dour, Hotter, Cheese, Oils, Dried Fruits. Oram, Seeds, lleans. Whiskey, Wool, Country Produce and Merchandise generally. No. 34 Nor r a Wiiirves, ritiLiUELriiu. C7" Consijnmenta of Provisions, Tleur and Country Prod u co solicited, and rtturna promptly made. Cash advanced when desired. OKDEUS for all Rinds of Fish, Provisions, Flour, Driid Fruits, &r tilled at the lowest Cach Prices. August 4, iecu-13tu. PATENT MICA LAMP CHIMNEY. A Lamp Chimney that will not Brcak Tills (Treat Invention commends itself to every one using COAI OIL LAM I'd. It plvei mrrelisht, requires less cleaniiiE nnd will not break by the heatorculd. fall lug, or any ordinary usage, for tale by htortiteuert feHt'atly throughout the U, S and t Canada, and ttiolc tale by the .Vanvfaetureri and Patatetst 1IOUNING Sc. IIUMPIIRRY, No. 321 N. HECOND Street, PHILAD'A N. It. A large and superior tork of COAL OIL Ml MPS always on hand, at prices defying competition. Also, the Pvrtland Vval Oil, at Manufacturers price, Marchii, itfiO-Jm. WINK AND LIQUORS. wholes a u: and retail. Tlin undersigned, having opened a New Etore, on Main Htreet, a Uv doors tiouth of Iron rJtreet, nioomsburg, and storked it with the best Ih-ands of nil kinds of imported Liquor $, will be happy to supply the trade on the most accommodating terms and at unusually lowpriees. C Public Custom is respectfully im He J. a V. UOBBINS, Bloomsburs, July 7, ltff9. Agtut. THIS WAY CHEAP BUYERS. RLOOMsnUItQ cheap caih Blorc, acain replenished Willi a rreah itiick uf irjllAXl OOODb-ne are now prepared to ofli r to tha public a very liaudsome lot of Spring and Buiuiner Good, at uiual low pricei. fur HEADY PAY ONLY Come alonj with jrour cash and produre. March 13. 1801. iS K If f ESi ir: 0. IIOWER, SURGEON DEMIST RESIDEAVCM Britk Building iilte UirtKtn iStiri nn, meomionrg , a. ItESI'ECTFIII.I.VonVr. hi. n,.f.,.l.. mtikfmk 01 acrvlcei to tlx laditi nnd (eiitlrnuii of ujrrrv Yl uBuur, aim viciaii. ilv la prepared LJ to attend to all tho varsou, opcrationa in Dentistry, and ia provided with the latest improvuenti Which will ho iasrrtcd on Pirot er cold plata to look as nell aa thanatural. H3 Aaoperigr trtiele ci Tooth Towder aJwara on hand, TlBf JJ 'i7 iiov 1J, 'JS. BCERMAVE'3 HOLLAND BITTERS XUE CELKDRATCD HOLLAND REMEDY FOIl DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, Z.IVBI1 UOMrlAINT, WEAKNESS OP ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, Anu ttit Tarlons affections consequent upon a disordered) STOMACH Oil LIVER, Pucb as Tudljrestloo, Aridity of the Stomach, Colicky rMn HoRitburn, Lcs of Aipotlts Ipoudency, OofttlTsnoop, JUInd ami Illeedins Hlcit. In all Nemmn, lllifunintk, mid Neuralgia AfTectlons, it bfts In numerous (netanccs proved hlitlity Wneflchl, and In others effected ti dedded cure. litis Is a purely Testable cororouuil, prersred, on Ftrictly scientific principles, after tbslniuuipr of ths telebrateit llullsnd IrofoBsor, Itwrliare. Its reputation at homo pro duccU Us Introduction here, tho demaud commencing with those of the Fatherland scattered over the face of this mighty country, inanr cf whom brought with them and handed down tho tradition of IU value. It it now pflcral to the American .fnWiV, kvmeing that iti truly vxmaaful tn<dnal virtues mutt U aclnowtrJgtd. It li iwrtloularly rccrmmcndt.d. to those persons whreo constitutions may ham becu impalwl by the continuous uso of ardent spirits, or other forms of dissipation. Generally Instantaneous In effort, It finds Its way directly to the seat of lifi', thrilling and quickening every nerve, raising up the drooping spfrit, and, Iu fact, lufushig now health And vigor In the SYfctem. IfOTICJi Whoever expects to find this a beternce witl be difappolntodf but to the sick, weak and low pphlted. It will prove a grateful aromatic cordial, ooeeeAscd of singula reinodial properties. READ CAREFULLY! The Genuine highly concentrated Eoerhare's Holland Hitters Is put un In balfplut bottles only, and retailed at Oxc IhMiAR per bottle, or six botttrs for Fivx Douars. Tho prewt demand for this truly celebrated Medicine has f ndured many imitation!, nhlch the public ahouU guard against pUTcJlrMlUff. JOV liewflro of Impofltlon. See that our name la ou tho label of every bottle you buy. Sold by Druggists generally. It can to forwarded by Express to most points. SOLE ritOPKIETOIia, BENJAMIN PAGE, JR. & CO. MAUL' FACT DM SO harmncfiuiisfs ami (ffhenttabi; PITTSBURGH, PA. TorSaloliyCM, Ilagcnbuch, Druggt. lllofimiburg Va Oct,271rro. EVANS k WATSON- inirTin t7ZSZZl elon's, iron muttera iron sash, ail eafiSSSJS makes odocka tiualto any uado in the ITnlteil State.. rre f in one fir. Ml tame out right; vilh con tents in rood condition. Tho Salamander Safes of Philadelphia against the world. EVANS & WATSON, hivo had ths unrest demostration in the following rcr tiflcate that their manufacture of Salamander Pnfcs 'lias at length lully warranted tho reprenontatlons wliith have been made of them as rendering un undoubted security ugalnst Hit' terrific clement. Phlladflphia April 12. 1?5'1. vWrr. Evans $ IVattcn; Gentlemen It a (Tort's us tho lusliCBt satisfaction to state ,to you, that oujnptto tho very ttroiectivc 'malities uf of tho Palninander, tidfrs which wc purLtmsed of you sonic five month uinco wc saved a large porlitm of Jewelry, nnd all our books, &c, exposed to the culaminnus, fire in Uanstcad place on tho morning of Oh lllh init.. When we reflpct chat thes safes were located in tho fourth slory of the ImllJing wo octupicd nnd thul they fell suliscq uglily Inton heap of burn 111? ruins, where ths at concentration cf tho heat caused the brass plates to melt, we cannot but regard the preservation of their vol u.itdo contents ns most convincing proof of the great sc curity afforded by your safes. We shall loka great pleasure In recommendinj them to men of biif-iness ns a nure rrllanc ngalnft flre. OCOUCE . HIMMONS &. BItO., Jevetttrs, tT7"They have since pnrchascd six large Safes. Angust2U, 1X50. T IIC undersigned is also extensively engaged in tho Uadfrtnklnir IlutiittsM. and keens constantly on hand nd for sale at Fill Ware rooms, a largo assortment of FINISHED COFFINS, Ity which lis Is enabled to till orders on presentation Also Keeps a gontl Horse and HearBC, and will at al limes bo ready to attend TuncrUs, BIMOX C. SIIIVE. Hloomsbiug, January 23, lf59. SAVING FUND U. Trust Company. Comer of Third and Chestnut Sts., Phil it LAUGE and smalt sums received nnd paid hack on Uciuaiid without notice, with Five per cent Ihtlr. lmt from ttie dav ofdenosit to the ilav of withdrawal. Orritk- HocRs From 0 until 5 o'clock every djy, axd nn iiionday iveiinij, from uniu v ociorn Preldent-HTi;im:N U. CllAWFOUD, Treasurer 1'unv Fisk. Teller Jawifs II. Jfuntcr. DIKECTORS. Ftenhfn It. Crawford, Danld Ileldlcman, Gcorco Junkln, Alex'er C. Hart. M. D.. llotijamin V, Tinelcy, Paul U. Goodard, M. U. Put nek Urady, James Devt ream, Thomas T. Lea, March 'Jd, ic5J-ly. (William M. Godwin, H. Iranklin Juckboil, iPliny FIsk. F. 0. IlltniSON, M. D. TT70ULD resneclfullv inform the citizens of CirKtmn V V burp, and vicinity, that ho cnntliiufstlic practice of And solicits n hliare of public patronage, Ofthb. on Mam 6trct, ftrei house be law ttta Court House, ltloomburg, ii'ebruary X le25-tf. TOIJAUUO & SliQAltS. MARSHALL HUGHES, with SEA 8 EH Si St3 VS. WllOI.tSALC DKALIUtS IN Mnnufnclurtd i: l.rnr Tobacco, HAVANA GUNMAN AND DOMESTIC. SEGARS &C., II. E. Corner of Tront and Arch Streets. ARTHUR H&OCN. i J&MEB H. BOYD. March IU, lroo-lim. rillLADELrillA. "THE UNION," Jlrtk Stmt. JtLort 7'ilrd. P 11 I A D B Is P 11 I A . TUG situation of this Hotel renders It one of tho most convenient for those who are Uslting Philadelphia on business l while to tboso in search of pleasure, the constantly passing and repassing City Railway cars, and those in close proximity, atford u cheap nnd pleas ant ride to all places of interest and amusement In or iMJUi me ciiy, Tho proprietor gives assurance that 'The Union' shall bo kept with such character as will meet public approbation, and would respectfully solicit, general pat ronase, triu.i a jcvt.u.iji.ii, 1'roprietor. rcbruary 25, JACOB KOVER. Practical Horse and Cow Doctor. FItOM okhmany, WILI. promptly attend to all rasea cf disease in UoRJaa aro Cows, on application, either In town or country. lte.Ucuco on Third Btrcet, near the Man list Church, llloouisburf , March 30, ItsCl-Sm. 1'Iows I IMoM s 1 1 riows 1 ! ! IP you want a first rate artiolo of Plows, call al the KajU Foundry Woomsburr. Much . isdl-im fcf 13w?77i'Jt:t , D.iri.s, ill. fciJiisSsawWTrtflWuvr.D to nm camiubi arr, M!ij5pyS5,ai()iielir,l miairlphia, have on ft.i?-it 01,11 11 !' Mortmcnt -f I'iru 6SSaf!SSf Thief proof rSalamander Safs. I raiH6vSHiS?KjE Ijo. iron doorir. for banki and Scrofula, or King's Evil, Is a constitutional Jisewc-, a corruption of tho blood, by which Uii fluid becomes Tltmtcd, Meak, and poor. Helm; in tho circulation, It pervades tho ivholc body, and may burst out In disease on any part of It, No orcan i free from Its attacks, nor Is thcro ono which It may not destroy. Tho Bcrofulous taint is vnriously caused by mercurial disease, low living, ilis ordcred or unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, tho depressing vices, and, above nil, by tho venereal IniV.tion. What ever bo Its origin, It is hereditary In tho con- Istltution, descending 11 from parents to children unto tho third and fourth generation ;" indeed, it seems to bo ths rod of Him who says, " I will visit tho iniquities of tho fathers upon their children." Its cllccts commenco by deposition from tho blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, In the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, swellings; and on tho surface, eruptions or sores. Tills foul cor ruption, which genders in tho blood, depresses tho energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu tions not only suffer from scrofulous com plaints, but they haTO far less power to with stand tho attacks of other diseases ; conse quently, vast numbers perish by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, aro still rendered fatal by this taint in tho system. Most of tho consumption which de cimates tho human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all tho organs, ariso from or aro aggravated by tho samo cause. Ono quarter of all our people are scrofulous j their persons tiro invaded by this lurking in fection, and their health is undermined by it. To clcanso it from the system wo must icnovato tho blood by nn alterative medicine, and in vigorate It by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine we tupply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaprilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every whero prevailing and fatal malady. It is com bined from tho most octlvo remcdials that havo been discovered for tho expurgation of this foul disorder from tho blood, and the rescue of tho system from its destructive consequences. Hence it should bo employed for tho euro of not only scrofula, but also those other affec tions v,liich arlac from it, such as Ekuiiivb and Skiv Dihhases, St. Anthony's Finn, Hose, or lnrsirxMi, PiMru's, VcmuLrs, Dlotches, Hiaixs and Hon.,TuMoits,TETiEii nnd Salt Ituct'st, Scai.d Head, HisnvouM, llitixuATissti SvriiiuTioond Mi'.ncuniAL Bis kse3, Ditorav, Dvsrursu, Debility, and, indeed, all Comi-lainis aiihiso ikom Vitia ted on iMrunr. Huron. The popular belief in " impurity of the tlaort" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. Tho particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa rilla is to purify and regenerato this vital fluid, without which sound health is iinpotsiblc in contaminated constitutions. Ayer'i :'s Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY PHYSIO, are so composed that disease within the ranee of their action can rarciy uinana or evace mem Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, i and invigorato ccrj portion of ths human organ- I ism, correcting its diseased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of theso properties, tho invalid who is bowed down with rain or phjsical debility U astonished to flud his health or energy restored ty a rciriwty at once so eiinple and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-day comijlaints of every oody. but aleo many formidable and dangerous diseases. Tho agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Almanac, containing certificates of their cures and directions for their use in the following complaints : Costive nets. Heartburn, Headache arising from disordered Stomach, Kausea, Indigestion, Pam in aud Morbid Inaction cf the Uoiccts, Flatulency, Loss cfAppe tite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, von the luriu cuuc of Couclia, Colils, Inllticnz;), Ilonrscncss, Croup, llronchltls, Incipient Consunip. tion.and for the relief of Consumptive Pnllcnts iu advanced stages of tho disease. So wide is the field of its usefulness end no nu merous are the cases of its cures, thnt almost every section of country auounds in persons pub licly known, nho have been restored from alarming ana ccn desperate diseases of tho lunRS by its use. When onco tried, its superiority oter every other midkincof its kind is too apparent to csenrie observation, and where its virtues aro known, the public no longer hesitate what antidotc to employ for the distressing and dangerous alfectior.s of tho pulmonary organs that arc intident to our climate. Vli!le many inferior remedies thrust upon the community havo failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the afflicted they can never forget, nnd pro duced cures too numerous and too remarkable to be forgotten. ritErAr.ED nv DIt. C. & CO. LOWELL, MASS. T.. P.T.utr.. J. R.Moyer.O. M. Ilapenhuch. r.lonmsburB A. .Miller, l!er kk, and IjJ- one .luru iu every ton n in rcnns)lrania. NEV TvND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT or JiT lllC COliXKlt OF v .ISain and iroti StfcclN, l X: O O liS fr LS U Jl G t 3? A. Do ou want BILKS I fio t.i I'.IIOU 1. . S Do sou want I..UT.1XA CI.OTII ( tio to IlltOWWt'S llo you want CilAI.I.l DULAIKUi I flo to l.UUtVUIl't) llo ymi ant TAIII.i: t'OVhltS I Co la IlllOW tAia Uj youwaiitt.'I.UTII UUTi:il8( tiu to nttun l.u Uoyou want SKl'.I.CTO KKIia'flt tioto UKOWlUt Gu to IIROWEli a Do you w ant lilt. CIITCKirs f KlttT.SUSl'EMIUUS I llo you want .MUDLIN'M I Ho ou ant CALICOIIS ( Do J ou want LAWNS I Do )uu uant IIAIICGHBI Dojou want Di: UE(iFS) t I)0)ouuantllOHIi:i:Vl Goto UROWER'3 Go to UROWEU'S Go to IIKOWER'S Go tu lll'.OWER'S Go to llROWER'rt (.'0 lo llKOWEIt'S Colo IlltOu ER'S Goto UROWLU'S 1IO OU W Bill ll Ani'lVl.l.ill ll.i at uuiounuiiyir Uoyou want OAlll'UTHATl IIEI.S! Goto WIOWEU'S llo you wont BTELl.A HII AWI.S I Co to lillUWDIi'H llo sou nam SIOII MIt MITTS t Gn to UUOWElt S Do yuu want BILK OIRDLUS I llo 1 1 IlllOWllll'd llo you want GAlNTI.KTH I Go to IIUOWEIl'S Do ou want CltirifllKT HKAIDS I Go to llKIJtVI.It'S Do you nantliuy CU1TON I Goto lilluwuU'e) Ho you waul 1'AI.M r r tio to jiituwillt's Uoyou want HU.V HIIADESI Go to IlKUtVEIi'rt Do yon want L'.MIIlli:i.I.A( Go to IHIUWIIII'd Do you want UAti?l.MKItK.i I Go to HHUtVEK'B Do you ant I'EKHl AN I'l. A 1 1) t Cm to till) Wr.R s Do yuu want LINEN L'llECKMI Go to IIKUWEU M Do you want I'KIU.'ALCd I Go to l:i(l)W:t U Do ) ou want JEANS I Go lo llllOWEILri Do you wuut NANKEENS! Go to IMHHVEIfrf Do you want GIN'lillAMdl Go lo HlluWFit'd Do you want UU0A1.3 1 Go lo llUUWIllt'ri Do yuu want CURTAIN Ml'BMNI Go lo IIKUWEIl'd Do im waul CUL'D c.'A.MIIIUI.'d I Go lo IIIIOWEIl'M llo you want WHITE GOUUS ( Go to j;HOVJ:iftl Doou want DENIMS I Go to IIRDU'EK'H Do you want gll.ESIA I Goto EIllltVEIt'S Do you waut DRILLINGS I Goto IIIIUWI.'II'S Do you wantTIIlKINGSr Colo liROWEIl'S Do you want CIIEl'KSI Go lo riUUWEIt'H Ho you want LADIES' SHOES! (lo to IIUOWEIt'S Do vou want LADIES' GAITERS! Go to UUOiVEU'S Uoyou want 1'RESII GROI.'EllIES I Go lo IlKOWKIt'S no you want uuubnisiVAi.ur Do you want GLASSWARE? Ho you want HARDWARE I Do you want DRUGS I Do you waut l'URE H I'll; ESI Do you want CHEAP GOODS! llluuinsbure, May 111, lfl.U. (la to UUOiVUfH Co t. IlltOltXK'S (Jo to IHtOlVUlt'H co to imovi:it'd Co to UllOlVKIt'd Co to IIUOWCR'd States Xtntou oiel 000 & 008 MARKET STREET (AliOVE BIXTII.l PIIILADF.LHII.1. J. W, rOWEB, Pronrtitor. Terms; $ S3 per day. Iy 15, leCO-l.'m. WILLIAM QUINN, mm amid sm vmmm H. W. Cor. Third and Market Hts.. PHILADELPHIA. tor Cards $1.50 per IO0O.-u it. &icw&5i ATTORNKY AT LAW, itico.vsBunn, v.t. Office In Court Ally, formerly occupied, ty Clurlca ll, Purkalew Woomiliui; Use I lirt AND TOR THE SI'EETT CCEE OP Nervous Prostration, Oectrtal Debility, Asthma, DyBpcpsia, Ccrofala, Hnroimus, Paralysis, Chronic Droncliitis, Anemia, Chlorosi?,' Gni all Disorders of tho Blood Byttem. DOYOU KNOW IT? tONsmpnoM is tuk moct fatal scouncs of KANKINP. It lias liom truly rtcirtlcJ pa ax na xa ta x maudt few ever turvlvHiR iti tUUrfc. One itrtA of the vhole ftuin race." raya Pr. Oit-ROntt snd JIOKEIIIAN ONnilAIJOF All. I11K. AIW I.TJ-O VU l.ATION f moat civiMic.I ccmmiinltlcs l CTJill BY T1JI3 IIBEAfiE." What ft Hid tbo Loot tea efflucy tfttioHeftllngrt I - the brilliant L'ipcovory of Dr. C hurciilll, mfcia to tho Imperial Academy of Mol'clnot rf Tirli, hai irorod nn itwLmnl U fcwt lo tho worU. Vf tlio uw tf th.i now and fvwtrfiit nmehl agent, known lo tlicmUtry ns THE HYPOPHOSPKITES, Th CCnC of CONSVMrTIOVf otch In tho eecond rnd TLlrd lUfrc (at n period, therefor, when there con bo no doutt ar to the imtro cf tto In the II LLC, while DHATH 1H Tim EXCEPTION." "IKNOffiMMnlr.P " thcr will proTC not only an M'JIK A It KM T.DVln CONSUMPTION o Qulnlno U In Inter mtticnt I'ocrp but aim na clfvctiinl a PUCSEII VATIVi: ut Vaccination In Bmnlt Pox Let no suiToror, who valuer health and lifi, delay an Lour to try this remedy. Kemembcr that " t'icvoutloa li better tban cure," liewaroof self deccptWn.or tlio Eooihlrg 83uraneo tf friends tbat"i is tmtjf a tiitle cold I " Fatal orror to myrladi who now All lvcmnturu graves 1 ttivo, I entreat j ou, prompt nttvntion to tho Avn insss FION3 enjitt. icuow mni,"-Marl: 11 Iho carlUit rytnrtom cf tubercular diaeaso ii wjictimi. Uync&lalh6cuwjtKn It Is earlier, Iu pointof tltna, than tho I'tcnc. It Is flnt mauircitcd la tho fare and hanU. The muscular tissuL-a vaata ; lienca wnumr : there H a ecLsoof lymothiiig wrocif tk tiling lb tins virAt iowekj ari FL.10G150. Iho .caste of thollrlig machliio Is moro octlvo than itsiiixsir." Ir. 'clocfc. It, without any at fnrcnt cause, or under tho influenco Cf causes whtchladui-o wiuKNCnand rruAtinos f uch C9 Kavtftfii't ocurvxirk, exeat, rtgiancy, child leanrv, nuninj, rajid crcntth, or tkvt newer y tern tUtauc, a jforeuti begins to leso Ma flcth. etrcngth, color, or ap;tllOi Jf ha Buffers fiom thortnas of Ircath, or tlrnlfsncttttim cxperioncLS n general feeling of Iin p.ruml cfqTewiw.lIiam 13 ItKASOX TO 1 l-Att that he is alreaAy fretli'voSLd to th complaint. If to IhcBo r ymptoma bo aJdi'ifcoiA, however elight, particularly If It liaa como on B'owly, or durlrg tho fair Boacn, arm it.ouabiuty in GlttoEii bTiu churxhta. EFFECT OF THE REMEDY. 'Iff on tho earllect nitpcoroneo of thcc tlmii of Contumptlon, tho pntlcnt takes Jally about tn ertxlan r tho lt7F0PU0SFmrrB, ho Kill uiunlly tee them all disappear In a rcriod vaninj from a lew wocka to n few months nnd by continuing tho otrniaianut iko of the Ilcmcdy, JlU WILL BSEZD IL7 riND liniSLLF IK lltlZ 1NJOTMENT OV BVClt HEALTH AS HE. rEItriAP3, 1IAI JiETEJl known in iiio Lirr. itnroitu" "Winchester's Genuine Prcparnlion" IS THU ONLY It ELI A II LE rorra cf Ir. ChurchllPj Kemcdy. Mado from tho original formula. 'Jho nclion or tho Jlyprphrrphltoe Is tn o rou and Bj-cciflo : increasing tho principle t chh mTtT&j MRoia ror-cc, and they oro tho mirr rOWUIUILBLOOP OK.NERATl.a atNTSKNOWX. Tho effect upon tho luberrnlar condition 13 IMMl-l'lATK, mi tub gexeral btmitosjs mbad e iki."Q wnii a ninwTTwnica wwuaTiAiiu.or9. 7 hey nltVic tho coi'4h, tfiVtHish expectoration, improve tho aprctito, arrest llarrha; tho night sweats, chdlt, and fcrcr tioso ; tho bowvU Ucame regular, aud tuk tircr ciui i.u rKyfooD. A FAIR TRIAL IS A CERTAIN CURE I JCQ-BEWAItnof Ilogus A'mfiViadvertlPed as Ft. Cliarthlirs.andallothir fWlNDUNO DtMC'E? to rub sulTcrcrs of their man, to$epr.ciovs time, and Lailn a 1-jtal KBK'LT. Wrlto to motor ClIiCVLARS, and for Sr. Churchill's Treatise on Consumption, whlth contain tho only rulhentie inrmation la regard to this NEW TKiCATSILNT. ft-tit TRZZ to alt lcquirura. rniCStln 7 and lCoe Bottle fl and S3 each. Threo largo, or atx aciall for 55. Xly fao-iimile u en bctU the Xabol and OiitaJC Wrapjxr. 1 NO OTILEIl IS OSNUINZ. JT3 Do not confound lull Hemedy th tlio po-cal!d ' thcmlcal Food ;" and jmrtlcularly avoid all pre ira lions contaloicgi'ron, v.hicUl3 Pi?.c:ciGtP,atd CiA-liva hi. Which has 0 CCOATl B TROrEBTT V1UTETEK. old by tho most respectable DrupgUta throughout LitUnlted S-tatcs and Ilritish rrorlncc s, and WLokcalo UKutallat tho Ucneral Depot Jn tho tnlud StaUs,by J. WINCHESTER, 30 John Street, 11 Y. MjrchO, la61. JOKES & RSJEB, IRON RAILING AND ORN'AMKNTAL UtON WORKS. No. 222 Callnwhill St., below Third, piiiL.iDr.Lvni.i. Iron Rnilin; for Park", CemiU nut. Veraiu'ag, Steps, he. M'iTiW JU, JritiU vim. S35.00 Tayatliffntire cost for Tuition In the most popular nnd mcccBsftil Coiiuiicrcinl gthool in tha ruuiitry. Upwarl 'i nvriiu imnurcn jonng uaii iroiu iwciuy-rignt din- cn-ni cum-E.ii.iic upcii cuucaieu lur ousincsii nerti miii in thu paht tlirt'p years, poum tf u limit have been tin- piuyca ns uook Kcepert ttt sa'anes cf 82000.00 per Annum, immcillatf lyiipon pradunttntf.who knew nothing of ac count w hen thtv cntcr.Ml thu CnM(Cf. K7" AIinlKtcrM snug half price, f indent enter at any tlme.ond n'ievv when they .ilonsf, without ritrucharire. For Catalogue ofdlip.ij'-s, Hpfcinn-iisiif l'rof. Cohy'3 iueinvijiiiu urnmnL'niiu ruiiiunihJiip, nna a larpo i,n (.'ravins uftho College, ijicloso twenty-live cent in Post JlINKlNd fit SMITH, Pittsburgh, ra, Jan. 3, lt?0l ly. H. W MAN L T A CT U Jl 1. U A R D OP AND DEALER IN tg S T B A W J00DSt Nod. 103, IfiS andlOTNorlh Hocond Street. PlllLAHELnilA. We are now receiving our Spring Ptock, which will comprise a Urg'i and dnirabte assortment ofall kiidsof STRAW AND LACE GOODS. Also, a large assortment of Ladies' nnd Childrcns's Hats. Our block of I'lovvers and Uuchte, will bo un Ufcua'ly largo thix season , nnd wu would invite your at leuitoii to that ilcpartmcnt. t'leaso cull aud t'lamlno tlicm before making your purchases, II WARD. Nos li)J, 105 Ac 107 North S.'cond St., nbovo Arch. Manh ?Jt lfcbl-4a. &cmttanli)otcl? ( Opposite Jncleentlencc Hall.) :STNUT ctTUCUT. IIBTIVCCV FIt'TII &SIXTII, rjllL.1lKLPM.i. V VATT li linill.lXRS, rroprittors. Mar 13.1P38 TINWAU1S & STOVE SHOP. THE undersigned respectfully informs his old friends nnd (.Ufiomertf. that ho has iurch.iscd his brothers intcrcbl In thu ubovo etnblihineitt. amlthn ninr,n n in ' hereafter bo coiuluited by hiiucli' exclusively. , ,jl He has jut received and otters for safe, the larg j jTGSot mid limit extensive assortment of i-'ANUV i Jwnl ti T O V E a ever liitroJorud into this .unrb... ll)i stock consiists of a complete assortment of the bett Cooking and parlor stoves In thv marktt, togeth er with fctuve 1-iitures of every description, Oven and lloxtstovew, Radiators, Cylindar Bloves, Cast Iron Air. Tight stoves, Cannon Htoves, &c &c. Blovepipo und Tinware coitautly ou hand nnd manufactured to order. All kinds of repairing done, as usuul, en bhort notice. The natroiiase of old friends nnd new nuinmcr. . rpfiiimiy ruiiiucu, A. M. UUPEUT. Ulooinsburg, November 3d 13C0. tf. Nos. 0, 11, 13 and 15 Oourtlaml street, HOAHD, 81 60 PER DAY. D. D.WINCHESTER, TflOS.O. WINCHESTER . NEW YORK. May 1. IF53 HENRY ADOLI'II'S CAItlJVKT WAKI3KOOMS, Ko. 30 NORTH BUCONI) BTBEET, aboie market, .. One lfoor above i.'hri.t Cliurch. A General Assortment of COVIMOE r VltXITC'ltE, in riuiiAuiin'mA. Ukn, i mil III ID l ' ' i.i ....I. n m 5 12TT T Moffat's Life iillSi tnaJSix BITTERS. These Modlcinct havo now heen before Ihe public ror a per"d of 30 year, and during that lime havo main, talncd ahlah character In almost every Pt h filolc for tho extraordinary curative properllci which they poiiCBi. Moffat's Life Pills. rly pari In inc r awr , . .'-" v; i rroni ine very vrrau . " ";, ,:t. ... .m.furiii i it oniciit uf httaiiu. mill oat ivliicli UU it.elf Is but a partial iB. So I cat indeed lu.l llielrclSiary InvatlaMy ytoed, that il ai acnrccly less than miraculous to i tlioso w liu wcra unac mialnlc.! ltU tho beautiful pIiil.ijiopl.lcal Prlneiples upon nhicll they wcro imnpouuJcil, anil upon uiiicn lliey consciuently act. MOFFAT'S PUCEN1X BITTERS. MolTafi riiocnll Blltcrl are so called, beenuse Ihey posses lire power of restoring tho ojplilng cmbera vt laalth to a alolos vljor throua .out I ho cmutitu lor. ns tho Phoenix Is aalJ to bo restored to Ufa from tho n.hci of its own dissolution. "l ercnrial Diacaiea-Thcre is probably no one artklo Ivan as n iiieillclnc, tho Inlucious use of hlcli has I "used audi Kido-sprcad and tornllo nilsrhlcf to the liuman system as mercury, n. ""n, "vr , ,o sytn, pciutratlng the .ub.tonco of the bone., and producing a long train of painful diseases. It l ' ury, worse than tho disease. urn piu.s and rurr.Nix niTTnns. I The Life I'll a and nioinix umera nii' algi ally successful iu this class or Jlaeaa". nJ"'" trad'-ito all the ilfcils ol mercury Iroin the ayatcni, soon tlliu 1113 moHi poweii'i' I'li'"""'''"-" ,,ar!ila. Tiuy aid nature In casting Iron, the aj -,U : a 1 iiolioiioua maiuri anti uy mus iuiji' . .t. in hrtiillii ll.lious Coniflaints.-A well regulated nnd rropor tlonato quantity of kilo upon the stoiinrli is nlnays re- mlsltotor the promotion of sound health-it tlmuliti's . ig'.lion. and keep. Iho iiile.llual canal Irec from all o istrucllona. On the Interior suiface of Iho liver Is a .cculijr bladder in which tlio bile I, llrst presorted, being rorined by tho liver Imm tin Hood. Ih.-nco It passf's Into Iho stonmili nnd intcMines. and reirnlales iho duciio.,. wv'vjwrj'z,1!?; m i;,t2?. 01 lillC. IIIB Ullt) . j ---- hand nu over aenndanco orbilo tuasesfrequuit nausea o i tho stomach, and olten promotes icry suitrj attacss or diseases, which sometime, cud iu death. LIl-'K MEDICINES. The Life Medicines should, If possible, bo t iken In tho early stages or bilious coinpUluts ; nnd if pere terud In strictly according to directions will poittllely I'irect a cure. Their eltenstve use In this complaint iu all p iris of our continent, renders louilitent unnecessa ry -tin Ir l Irlucs fcuK ror them. MolWa Life I'ill'.-Tli.' use of these Villa, fir a cry short time, will affect an entire curool Halt Uheuin, and n striking Improtcnieiit In the cl.'amess or the sklu. Cumiiion l-'olds nnd lulljcnz.i will always be cured by one dosc.or by mo even iu the worst cases. I'llEs1 Piiull-Tlio original proprietor of these JlcJ. iciiies na, ,'urcd of 1'ilia of 3i years standing, by the uso of the Life JleJiciuo .lone. Lives Coxruivr. An nll:cllon of tho Mvcc may bo known bj n r.cling or tcmlon or pain In Iho right side uboul tho region or the liver, often pungent ns In pleu r,y, but sonullnics dull ', a dilliculty in drawing a long Lri'illi; drycougll and inclination tuvomit. Thisd,. u. ...n mi. h, tin,. tur.L'il hv culit. hv vtnbMtt etercii e. by intense summer livdtn, by long tutitiaiiod bilious fctcr or acue, nnd by anms sulid loiurciiimg in thu nub Etfiuioor the liver. And tu Uicbj produclnn caums.ara liiTungcm'-nt of the digest. -c or.ui, upprt'ssLMl secre lions, ond mental solititude, which are tery frenu.-nt tuuKcs of obatrurtions and diseases of tha Hcr. TllU tllSCaftU ftlOUI.l oenrrt-FWii mo i-J.mi.i mtmci... .. i.. ..i. i... .lens l.v ti f i da -u tf the I.lf Pi Is. Wht.n nni-ty ilia IKcr it ar ou ted to tlw lurf-'ruiancc of its proper fuiialoiik, littw nwre is renuiMiii man lucon tlnuo u proper use of the laedicincs, and a epetdy re tovery will vnsu '. country, Ihcsu mcdiciiii'H will If found untfo, fpuedy and ctrtalu rem.-dy. Dtln-r medicines leave the tyctuiii suhjuit tu u return of Hie diseaso a euro by th.-sc Med- ICiti 's is pcrmnncni, PiRoiLLi.-Tlw most horrible ra'H of ft ruMa, in which the l'.ic', bouos and limbi i f tho victim lud been preyed upon by the insatiable disease, aro proved, by imdcniabb nittharlty of ht sutlcrjrs UinuscUes, tu have Iiolii completely curod b llisse pur;l t)tetafale ineuicintB, aiur an Diners iitiu iuuiui M.wr uwu useless. . lndicstlon and Dysneniia. If wc wore called upfm di snrrffir tins- (ImcnuL' uhith mors than anV other In lllC liaue,(w fill lit i the otrnpring(iriiilidti'mUt' uliouid liailie uyspcpsia. Il It R.-iiLituiy nuriiucii, ui rauxi )roi uilHf. oi a I'liiit irutui'i mm, imu a iit.uiuKni, I'latuli'iicy, n Rnawing pain ut the stomach whon empty a eise l iinciiurortunit w-cu'lil u-ii lau.pauis in iiio, side and jut of tlm stouuuh, ui-ttveii-i,, chilli-1 uus, languor, unwil!iiii.rueB tu takt; fxtrcisc, &c I JUOFFJirS Mb' Ft JillWIClXi:S.'ii Llfii AlediiiiKB ure bcculiarlv o!u'1ed tutliu curot this ilHtresiin? rompl ilnt 'Ihtyart upon tho buweU in a very mild, and, at tlu tamu time, viry iiAc tual uitinner, aud have Utivvr yet tailed to euro this it i- tae wiu-n ueu ai-tortiing io ouruircciuuit. (Jjiieral Debility. Tlw int rouuiiou ,f nil com. plainlH is of u fc'iu-rnl Wfiikin'SH of the whde nyg. tun.. unarcnrrtiHiib'd bv nnv t'hrtkular dinorder, or .- tiihito mptuiiiit of diii'j. 'IIktb isnlittlu italcn erL'Vt a cf app tlio, unwillingness, nnd indeed in a bility to undergo f -rtion", fru tueut headjcho. inJi- ptution, oflJiitiiiiefl vatlow neB and drj ncss of thu skin, I tendency to futenshm $a, unlHutsa fur noricty, in short : all thoae fymptonu of l.mcuor, dipjlctudc, and weak ness that 1,'ite evidence of a iniluru iu the ital pow ers nna a low, unhealthy and morbid condition uf the t tlClll. Life Pills and Plioniix Rittcrs. Thi l.ifj Tills nnd 1'hocnlx Hitters are, perhnps, tha bent remedy for r-toriig i.trnij;ili to iho budy fur, Kit. y act a n gen tlu carta utic, uud, by their tonic 'jualilUs, strengthen thu wh'de hj ttem Moifit's Life Pill. IVrsons ofnplcthorichabit.whn aro subject to lit a, heudmhe, tMldlntniJ, duunuss of Mjhl, or d row si nc a", from too creatalbnv of blood to tcu head, ehouM take thete Pills frcpienliy. A11VIOI3TO nnTAlXri.-remnlca who value their health rhmild nuvtr be without the Lilo .Meiliiines. n tin y purify tlio bloud, removo obstrnctinng, and cue the skin a beautiful, clear, lualthy aud blooming appear iincu. iu l:lucrly lersons. Many healtny n?cd ittiiividutils who knuvv tho value of ."Mortal's Lile MeditinfK, make it u rule tu take them two or three times a vvtek, by which iney remove ina caused iimi prouuee (iiBtase, pre servo their health, and keep olf the infirmities of Tacts for Mothers and Nursed. It is a fact, rstab-1 lishcJ by thu annul I bliss of mortality, Hint one half of, the children borne are cut oil bt fore attaining seven years of ujtu ; and th fmifal source of this mortality is luund to exist In that ful it ate of the stommh und how its w Inch produced the generation of worms. As the H'ifii restorer of infantile health in this rritica ttatu thu Ltfo .Medicines have long htld a dlbtinguuhed repti tation, nnd fur foulness of the st'imach and bowels, and convulsions, although w onnj may not ciUt, it Is allow i J to bo superior to any other. Moffat's I'iUj uud Liters.- No medicines nt present known havo don) no much good to mankind n these, within tho lat fuvv ears; and ceriaiuly nono have bjen rewarded vv ith more numerous nnd authentic les liiiumtaW of tluir invariable and eiteiuivect'lcacy. They require mi dieting nor confinement, arc perfectly mild dud pleasant in thtir operation, but will powtr fully ros tore beultli- that grentest cf earthly blessings tuthe uioft exhauatad and dilapidated comtitutioiiy. Prepared by Dr. W.M. II. MOITAT, 333 Lruadway, New York. And for Bale by alliDruggUts. &p!3-U ly, AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE. Nos. 21 23, South Sixth street, near (vie otaic iii'use. rillLADELPllIA. Vl'.XVA. rPr.V floor, of tins specious Imlliliiiif, erectei expressly 1 J. fur tlio iironricior'a trad,., oni itorej wltli aj iiuplciiinils uf iiiliTt.l lo farmers' .ml mnliiiicru known that many anect ons oi mu iutuu. w ... H "h n ;i.e. a,ul malignaul .ores, which havo ccc.i , . tribute.! to s)phllls, are ao often caused by th e lnjud i clous uso of mercury, so that tho rciuoJy has proed ..Vi'V "B"i.fruu3iun.-llie subscnlicrs desire to1 TTAS lust rcciiicd, direct from I'hiln-Iulplila and M cal , iho attention , of every o,,e Interested in fr,ls il Vork, n very rlioice nssortu em of P j;""''" "'el. .elected stock of Abulia., SPRLG AND SUMMER GOODS, Warranted, Clardtn and Flortr Srtdt (Iran and Field a,u108' 'Very new fjtirlo nliicli lm, keen inalmfacur' -iMtdi, of the viost retails quality, i for Sprins nnd Kuimner, ns well as Hie usual askOrtnu'Bi Tlio Asrlci.lural Imiil 'iiicnls si.ld liy us aro mollv of STAPLIS GOODS of sujterlor qualities will be ton" liiouul'jctur. J al our ttemu uorks, ilri.loi i'a. i In variety, nnd 01 (jrices ns low as similar goods can ' llavinj rilled up our otaUislliiiciit nilliout retard to l"cliased vUellerc. cipensc, Mitlillie mo.t cnuipkie inacliiniery for tlie' It Is an eusy inalter to find goods at a low price d" m.iuulaeturo cf various kinds of implements n funeral rule, lliey are Just as low iniua!ity. Hu"" o are now prepared to supply all articles Iu this liuo Pet n (Joud arllclo nt a very low prlco U soiiiellung " fully e'inal, if not superior, to niivtaiujuf tlio Kind eicr tiacSi "pportuultjr, liowevcr,ls offered lo any U bclore otlered tu tlie public. j may want .uiiurcu, n warranted i.nrnen Moeds nave Item before tlio public for upwurds of silly yeara ; tl.eir wide spread rruj, , ., .ui iiicreaMiiK iieniauu irom year to year, aro tlio bel eveidencee of their uienunty over al! Country merchants can be supplied Willi seeds in na. ?rs, or in bulk, on Hi mo.t liberal terms. pen illoouikdule. near llri.tnt. In . i. nu.,... An.t ........ coutaini ihrce hundred and seventy acres, and is tho' larso.t establislinienl of its kind in the world. .v , . "' I'ANURCTII &. SOX, n- . 5"! f'.T Sl.&'Sirt Uriel, miaduha, tZr Landrcth's Ilural Itcti.ler and Aluinn.ic lor 1WK) contaliiiiii! n I arm. Garden and Ureen lluusu C'alandar fnr tiv.rxr I lu .-v. iioum v-diaima( BnnVi n t V. t 1 1 'ii ' i uu llM rwi "P011 V' Junuary 'Jl, IcbO y. TRUNKS! TRUNKS 1 1 THE larpest, best lmndsoin est and cheapest assort ment cf Bolo Leather solid Uiveted Travilina Trunks, .Wits' Bonnet i- VreiM Trunk ..uuuieu a uoucucs, kv Leather and r. rackine Trunks lc..' Uc, a Kwj&j&i f ,i , , . . , THOMAS W MATTHON'S. C, Icbralcd London Triie .Medal Improved sheet sprlnj Boliii sold lowlier Trunk manufactory. No. 4o! Market Hrcti, South ist corner fourth and .Market, PhilaiTa. AlltuHl! l.-iJ7-tf. jyUEHCHANTS' HOTEL, lG Kotth Fourth Street.! PHILADELPHIA. Professor of Pathology and operative bitr LyinthtVLtcri?iarbcou&eofmu adcphia ttct ttc. WILL TELL rotOf the orlgton, liMory nnd dlstlnctU traits of ine various breeds of Uuro f can, Asiatic, Aflrican and American torses, with the physical tonnatiou ond tho peculiarities of the nnluiat, aud how to ascertain his ace by ths uumber nnd condition of his teeth Illustrated with numerous ctblanalQ. ry engravings. Tlie Hone and his Diseases tTJLL TELL rut, freaking, stebling feel ing, grooming, shoeing, nnd tlie gen cral management of the horse, with the best modes T administering med. cine, also, how to treat biting, kick ing, rearing, ch)lng, stumbling, crib I'itiuir. Kcstleisnest, anil idher vices tnwhiohhe is subject! tUth HUintf. out explanatory cngrtv ingt. The Horse and his Diseases WILL 721LL 30 1 Of tho causes, spmptdms, and Treat' mcnt of Wrangles, tfofc Throat, IHs- temper. Catarrh, Influenza, Pronchit tis.rneumonla, PlcurUy.Urofctn Wind Chronic L'ough.ltoarlng and Whistling Iinmpns.Fnre Mouth ami Ulcers, nnd Derayeil Teeth, with other diseases of the Mouth and Kcsplratory Organs. 27(t? Horse and his Diseases KILL TELL YOU Of thcenuses symptoms, and Treat inent of Worms, Hottf, Colic, rMrangu littiou, Btoity concretions, Itupturrg, Palsy, Diarrhcca, Jaundice, Ili-pnlir rtio:a, r. I oody Urlne.Stoncs in the1 Kid neysand llladder, Jnllamation, and other diseases t'f the Stomach, Bow th, liivcinnd t'rinary Organs, The Horse and his Diseases WILL TELL YOY Of the onuses, symptom, nnd treat. Hient of Hoiif1, Blood nnd Hog, Ppavln, King Mono, Btvcenlc, ftrnlui. broken Kners, Wind (Jails, rounder, Kol lirul'W and (racl, Craoked llogfj, Prratrhet, Canker, Thrush, and Cnrnj also, of Migrfms, Vertigo, Upilcpsy, KtnggeM, and other diseases of the futt Legs nnd Head. The Hone and his Diseases WILL TELL YOU Of theainc, symptom, nml Treat mcnt of Htula, Poll Glanders, Tarcy, Hcarlct r'cv cr, ango, Hurfill Lot keJ Jaw, Uhcumatliin, Cramp, CnltssOiacnsrs of the llje nnd Heart, ice, &.C., and how to manngn CaHra tiou, Ithedlng, Trephliinfug, Kowet ling; Tiring, Hernln, Amputation, trop. ping, and I'th- r surgical cpeintiom. Tic Horse and his Du casts WILL TELL rorOHcirey'f Method of taming Ilorr cs how to approach, Halter, or f table a Cult, how to ncrustom a lirre to rtrange sound1? and ghts, and how to Hit, Saddle, Hide, and frenk him to ltnrnoss; nlso the form and liw of Wairmitt, Thpwlmle being the n suit of mon' tlnuillU-t'ii years' carefut rtuly of the habits, peculinritien.wantr nnd weakness uf this noble and useful animal. Tho look contains 3H pages, approplatcly illustrab-d by nt'urty One Hundred KmrrJv.njri. It tit printed In a rlear and open typc.and will be furnished to any nddreis purtige paid, on receipt of price, half bound , 81,1-0, riotn, etira, 1000 A Y EAR gi no ma lo cntcrpii men ev erywhere, In lulling thi above and other popular works ofours. Our inducements to all audi ure exceedingly, fib.-rat. Tor rinjle copies of the Took, or for terms to agents with uthcr Information, apply to nr address JOHN if. POTTUt, l'tibll her. No. 017 Hansom Street, Fhiladf Iphla, Pa. Nov 17, ISfO-Um. A 0HI0ULTU11AL ct.SEEU WAKK- 110 UrIJ. PASCIIALL M011RIS, IUV1NO nCMOVED HIF. PHILADELPHIA A GRICULTU RAL .J- iEi:D WAREHOUSE, From tha North Corner ot Seventh aJ Marke Btruets tu his tiUW SI AND, No. lUt) AIAHK UT T. OVVO'xXZ THE FARMERS' MARKET OflWs for salf.ashcretoforeat reasonable ptices.every descriptmn of Improved Agricultural and Horticultural Implement, Warranted I'rct-h and Octiuluc Fkl.l, Oardt ti and Flow er Heeds, In great variMy. Also, No. 1 Peruvian tJov trnmeiii Ouaiio, and oilier nliabto IVrtiMicri fur flrasi and (Jr.ihi tnmn.rruii and Uruami'iitalTret-n and tfhrub ber, choice l.vergreeiif, Hoses, lialilias, Kc Lv lie sfduits a coiitinuanco of lormt-r custom. Iinpb'tuent, 6ecd, and Nursery Catalogues, furnished Ion appluatlun. PASCIIAl.L MOIIKfM. Agricittttirnl nml Pt-ed Wan house, No. IWU Markit Ftrcet. opposite me rarmers .uarKti, January ID, li!l. NKW0AKUIAG12 KSTAUL1SUMBNT j.y ii looms nunc. It the .YV Brick Three ixory Viirrige laetury, oa rVim below mVarhet. fcubecnbi-r would respeitfully announce lo tin public, that hu ha ceinmeuccd tho uiu UA AUK (V ii all its various Lranrhes. lie is prepared tu extcuw II orders an-t has nn hand nt priseut nn nssortmi-m f fun she d work vvhicih purchaacrs will find lo UMr dvautagu to call and i-Taiuim. liUKUIUXG. Wtlt be done in th most prompt and careful mnnwi and upon Urms which caiiiuit (ail to give sail rfai lion HTitAWllUlDUE A. WILSON Uloomiburg. April 2d, Um. Good Shoeing ami Cheap Smithing. nHR undersigned thankfull for pntst patronage, icspert .1 fully inforins U friends and the public in central' hat he still continues iho SMITHING BUSINESS. ' M the Old Hand, on the hilt, above the T.ail ltoad. In nil 't various brsarhcB, at low prices, audon nn eiilarg'J w unu soucin me puoiic patronngo. BTEPUEN KNOttlb liloonibburg, June 5, It 58' FltED'K BROWN, JR., BHEMIST & S)SUG61ST, "co.VTi.vixvr.v. noTj:.." Mnlh ami (licstnut Streets, OI'POblTE THE "UlttillD IIOUE." , l'lllI.AIICI.I'lll.l E7- JiMFMir.w mrjicir, jt.w rjrausu, .ti CIIKMlaiLH JI.VU ItUVCIS. Toilet ArticlcH. Lubin's, Couilray'e, Ilayley's, &c, .c, tc, rcrfmniry Boaps, tfaebcts, Toilet l'owdcra and Cosmetics. Lau Di CoLoune, of Hie bcsl distillers. Hkst hiuusii Tooth iiai-siics, of all aizcaand clilcs. DcNTiiHUEsTouni U'aeiiej of aniiruved Kinds. IILSTUnOMIII UllR Ilai'SllES. Conns ofalUi.ids, llull'alo. India Bubbcr, tc., &c. 1'uauu ros hie lUm-Lubin's, Coudray'a and Mnuj enet's, ice, Sec. 1'i ke Heir's Oil. I'ore Cold Booi WiTEK from IVrdnin Kountains. Hulk aku BobA Willi choice gi rups. tiu;u K MOWN, J . ..s c"' lUl 0UIl Cliestnut gl Au;ust 4, 1E0O Urn. Sprin and Summer. J. SLOAN. UKl "oui; oyirjL7.r,ir UL.iiSII-.1IlE. Fish. SALT, xt., Sit. C Call and see. COUNilty I'UOnuCE WANTED. Bloomsburj, Apnl iO, liU, N E STOKE. HATT AMID A!P 31T1RS Tlio .A.ntn.t1.r Inf .nn ,f , ,s.iviuhiij iingiu IHO tllltuu l"o,uuurj. ami me puuuc in general, tnat lis nai 'With:, in thn u Info frfiniti iH'It ho ue, on Main Street, nearly cppoelte iho Kirhanl' uniJiiiKs, micro Jiu has just received a splendid rortmiut of VP'Y HATS AND CAPS, Direct from the Manufacturics.of nil kinds, sl) les. son. and sizes, latest fashions, which he offer wholesale ib retail, nt very low prices. L"Thec Goods will be told at very low prices,' Ready I'ay. JOHN K. GIBTOX. Bloonisburg, October 57, tSCO, THE FOUNTAIN HOTEL. (FOIIMKRLY THU MATIIEON 110UBE.) Second llrKI, (sticsin Market and Arih, J'AIJjii'"' W. 0. FOUNTAIN. l'Roriii' THIS llotells now open for tte reception ofisl visiloti. Illias beenieliusdand refuriilihtd.tJ llirouiboui, for the belter uccuiumodalion ol p""' nuooar-jeri, i ie inraiioii it in tne vtiy lbs busiuett I'Oitiou of the city. Loaid. 51 i i.i .','jjutti.i, it:?.