Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, May 18, 1861, Image 3
m (1MIBIA DBHOORAr. Jpocal an& Special, iolin G. Freeze, Editor. ATOIsDAY MORN1HO, MAY 18, 1861. .ties' To-morrow is Penticoat, or Whi'o Sunday, so called because, iti tlio ancient church, it was a stated day for baptism ; andTtlioao who wefc baptised were dressed InjTtbite. Christopher Columbuj died, May, 20 1500. Alcxandor Pops tho poet was born SI May : ' 108S. The first Marriage in New England was celebrated May 2 'J 1021, Th Settlement at Jamestown in Vir ginia began 23 May 1007. Queen Victoria born 21 May 1810. ,tyhn Mitchell convicted of treason in Dublin 25 May 1848. ;o: tST "The boys" will havo stationary provided for them by order of the Legisla ture. Sweot-hearts and wives will there fore be suro to bear from husbands and lovers ; and it is fair to presume that all our Volunteers belong to ono or the other ef thoso classes. Tho Ilarrisburg Patriot Union says, ''the Iron, Guards" Capt. Riekctts, attended church in tho forcnoon,(last Sun day,) and also had a street parado, They looked remarkably well." Services were held at tho camp in tho afternoon by the Episcopal Clergyman. Great good order and attention prevailed during the time. :o: ',Sy William A. Tobias has become lo cal Editor of the Usrwiek Guzetie. All right William, pitch in the more tho mer rier. We aro always glad to welcome to the ranks of tho quill tlioso who desiro that thoir country shall be better becauso they havo lived, and who seek, in their literary aspiratiom, to give ardour to virtue and confidence to truth. JSQT Lieut. Eut, of the ''Iron Guards'1 having fully recovered hU health has join ed his Company at Oamp Curtin. The Lieut, is a lawyer, and an excellent busi ness man, and will attend to the various duties of his post, both in camp and in battle, without fear, favor, or affection. Wo hope to hear of his continued good health, for the Company have great need of Lis services ; Capt. Hieketu having so ftijn, duties of a more extended nature to perforin. -Tho eighth aolutno of Dancroft's IlUtory of tho United St:itcs published sometime ago, iuahides tho period elapsing from the battle of Hunker Hill to tho final Hgning of the Declaration of Independence. Mr?j IJancroft's first volume was published twenty-five years ago. The seventh voluma published last year, it the first of a scries ... ,. . . , , . of.foUr. extending frcm tho out brtak of "Wn , . ., , tbqjilevolutionary war to the pcaco of a I'.aria in 1762. It ii iutimated in Harpers Woclcly that beyond that dato-the for- Motion of '.he Union Mr. Bancroft does not intend to nroceeil UOl lUieria 10 proceed. n- . ,0' T,mi. ' Sheriff Snvder left here on Mon day morning last, with the convicts of the I last term of Court, for the purposo of put ting them in tho caro of tho officers of the Penitentiary. Columbia County is cer tainly doing pretty well in the matter of criminals ; and it is to be hoped that tho wholesomo example set by tho juries, may bc.tbc terror of evil doers : and that fear may restrain thoso who can bo governed by no higher motive. AVo are glad juries ore doing their full duty to the community, the Effect will be beneficial to public mor alf and mauncrs, 1ST T. li. Peterson k Brother who are always ys up to time havo issued several mil itary worki, among others the "Soldiers' Guide'' for 25 cents, freo of postage. Be ing a. complete manual of instruction in drill, and the very thing for now recruits. It comes so cheap that every body ought to get one, and wc hope that all who havo friends in the army, will have a copy sent to them at onco. Moro men die by (lis ease'than the bullet even in war, and in thli'little manuol information of a very important character is given. Every eff ort should bo made by officers and men to gave life. Cleanliness, temperance, and earc of the perton aro duties within tho (plicre of every one,nnd neglect of the least precaution may bo fatal. :o: eST On Thursday morning the wind csjna up cold from tho North West, and continued so mostly throughout the day. Tha ground however is ia a pretty good sate for putting out tho summer orops,and our farmers aro pushing on their spring workivigorously. Tho prospects of crops seem to bo generally favorablo,and a good jiold is mo.t confidently cspcctcd, Cherries, peaches and other moro delicate fruiU;are killed by the frosts of spring and thofcold of winter ; in somo cases trees as. well as buds. Annies however bios sntnAj'tnn.i . ;r?..ii s . ii.. ' '""s uiaCUlUClOBllV, anil UniCSS IUU i deitructlnn ia in l,rt .1 , . UHtfUCllon 13 m thO Stem, eo M to cause u .run 10 iau, tbo crop will be lull it not '"J," we m Eontlemon talk about blc-Moming in tho dark of tho moon, 4c Wo will ece if the crop fails, an than iu. vetnrto tlie cauia. ' Special Entices, Tho Whlta Hall Olothlne Store, The undersigned, bavin purchased tho wcll-k.own "Whlt.HallClotlilnj Emporium,'1 situate on the fiouth u cit earner or Fourth and Market Streets, Philadelphia respectfully Inform he2uMic antf former cust.mers of the House, thai ho keep constantly for taleand makca up to order, all description of flentlemen. wear, of ap. proved material and sells at very moderate prlrci, Ile itis a Practical Tailor, lie guarantees good fits nnd wcll.inade Garments. Strict attention given to jobbing gentrilly. A rontltmatlbn of tha custom of tho house, which ho wllapamnopnlnitomcrlt, Is (cry respectfully lm- '; , P. S. LXVICK. i, lew, y ICr THOMAS W. MATTtJO.V, Iterehed the Prlre Medal at tin- World's 1'alr in London leal, ftirTUUNKS CARPET HAISS, Hoots, shoes nnd (lutiis, llrent indue." menis arc nuw ollercil lo purchasers t.f the nboteartl clef. This is much the itireest stock of trunks. Carpet lines. Vnliri-s. Itrr . In l'liln,1lnlii. f... , In l'hilndelpliia very cheap for cnsli No. 40J .M.itkcl Btreet, one door above 4th. South Midi Uniformity of Prices 1 A N'ew Kenturo In lluslness Every one his own .ilcsmou! JONXM ft. CO. of tho CresentOno IVieo Cluthlni; i tore, No. S00 Market street nbovoSltth, I'hl ndi'iplili. In addition to having the largest, most varied and fa-hlunable stork of Clothing in rhiliuletpliin, limdo ex. plcssly for retail sales. ,lia coiistltuteilcvery one his own salesman, by having market! in figures, on each ar ticle at tlie'ver) lowest price it can lie soul for ao they cannot pua.ib'y vary-all must buy alike. The goods are well sponged nnd prepared, nnd great pains taken with the making so that all inn buy with tho full assurance of getting a good ortldo atthu very low est price. Al-o, n largo slock of piece geods on hand. of thelateat itjlcand best qualities, which will ho made to order, In tke most fashionable and best manner, V.5 per cent., bilow credit prices. Remember tho Crcaccnt, In.Matkct.abovo EixthFtreet No.'iUO. JONLStCO. Tiu Grgat Clotkimi KstroniCM or the Unio. rhiladclphia po'scsses the most splendid Clothing Km. porloum In the country. It la tpicnpld aa regards Hie palat'al structure in which the immense business cf the establishment is conducted, and It Is equally splendid in respect to its great facilities and vast resouries. Hut to its patrons Its chief attractions arc, first tho clegnnco of the garments for (teiitlcinen and Youths, inanufne. lured there, secondly, the beauty and durability of the materials, and the superior excellence of the fit, nnd lastly the moderate prices at which the goods arn sold. Vo refer, in this description, tn nonu other than tho nrown Stone Clothing Hall of Rocuhlll Ic Wilson, Noa. C03 and COS Chesnut street, Philadelphia. A CARD TO THE LADIES Dr. Diipnuco's (Jiildm Fills for Females. Infallible in corrccttnir. rrpufattit and remorinir nil ah. $trutti9nstjrom trkatevtr tautt, and altcays ,I,H1JIH aid u lil tl llllliri The CnmMnntfori of Ingre-Jicnts (n IJr. Uujionco's Ooldcii I'i In arc pcrfitttly liariiilfus. 'Jlij lmo been Uii't, In ttif! irivnte tract ice cfnXd Dr. Diiiionco fornrr thirty yen m, and tliuitsand of ladies con t.'siify to tlicir srrat and never filling micccm in almodt rvery cnie, in torrcctinc Irropularitics. re'iuiinx' painful ami dintrci.ntT menstruation particularly nt tho th.inpe nf lift;, Frmn lic to ln pilld u HI curu that common )ii dn-adful complaint, thj Whites, Nearly everv fcinilc In ttiv land iuiT.ts from this coiupluitit. The nWo pill hm permaiicutly cured lhomiai.Ji, and will ciira you if villi Ilia Itmm. Tlioc Mniinl Innn inn nn tl.u aniil.u th.-y r:imive a I obstructioiu, rcstnre nature to Its prop- rclianiul, and Invlgorati) thauholr njHtcni. Ladisa tviM'fi- in mm iu nui I'rrinu nil increase ui i aiiuiy, will Hud tlit'BU i-ill ii Biicccssiul prccntlL. Thftx; I'illH WmuWl not Im taken iluringtlin first thrno monthi orprognaiuy, as th'y uru niiro tn Itrlng on mis carriage, hut at any oilier time they tire jf I'rlct1, SI ptr box. Hold, ulinlun.-ilp and rttnl', by O M. IlACi;.nLCII. Druezist. Ho'o a?eat fur lllooin&burg, l'a. Tfl v,ium all orders uwitl Uc m-nt. Lading ! by ncnd lug Itiui $1.00 tol!. riooiUBburtf I'uit Office, can haMi thec pills sent to anj part of the cu-intry, (confidenthl lyjand "free of I'ostaye" bv mail, Sold alio by X. I.. Uank & Co. Damillj, II, J, Fry, Tamai.ia, J. A, l'otk. Miuch t hank, and by "one Druggist lnceri Town and city In tha United States, N. It. Look out for counterfeit. Ptiy no (.'olden pilla of nnd kind, unless eery boj igned H. D. Howe. All otlieri are a base f inpositloii and unaf..-, thereforf, an you vamp jour uvea an 1 n-aitn. (to nay not hi tip or be iii? hiiiiibuneed out of your money,) buy only of ilioga Miin mmiv m- BiiTtimure 01 t, 11. nowe on cry hot, which ha recently been added, mi account of a recent counterfeit of the rill. p. n iiown. Sole 1'roi.rietor, N'ew York. U'c.S:, IPCO- ly. marriages; In rhilafirlphia, on tin ! Ut Iimt.. hy th'iiKfv. Or. Du- caclicl, (Unucc Ulll, Editor of the Carbon Jjimnert, .mum . injun, i a., 10 -HUH iSME . ,11, ULAlR, ui I'jil adtlplils. Oil the uUi inst.. ill Jouestille. Mlrln;ait, Am ilea, sou of llr. Win. 11. and KIIimi Hnwkiu, and i;rauUsou of H 111. Ki.liiin.t, of this plate, aged 'J)i.uri, 1 months and 14 days, New) 2i)uci1isniuni COLUMBIA OOUIITi' AGIUCULTUKAI, SOCIETY. fllH Annual Meitins of tho Columbia County Asti- I ciiu'iriii noci-i) luriue i.icciion oi uniccr. to serve r"r nn" J". iii bo held at the court iinU.'.in niooms- on Safirdaj theSMhitut . lit t! u'rlock, r. M. . nit. J. uavijav, rm-t. May Is !tll-f't - - - jS'otiCC tO tl)G TllX CoJleCtOl'S NOTICE Ishenhysiven to all Colloctorsof State and ih,,!?!1?' wm an,'1 M,l!lH n""- V'1'"!'8 u"e"u ,,n- ohcites for HCUn id.reiiousears.thatUiey nronrict. l requiri-d to s' ttl- :nid pay M llu Ceunlj Treasurer. on the 7th of June next.. !r ttrits for their imuTerliate collection vt ill he placed in the hands of the t-liLnir. ... . ........ .a u, ,w ciHrill. J it 1 TTOt ( Ceiiwrv WM. IjA.tlUN'. JCemmusioicrs ..uioiiiishii.n 'rs uin(.e, ninouitburt!, .May 18, ldtll An lnUtpcndftit Wrifcly NewspapBr FOIl NATIONAL ClrtCUf.ATIO.V AX D V A M 1 L V K KADI N O. rill. Is an imperial 'tuarto Journal, puUith ed in tin city of Ntriv Vork; jimiiig to h in respect to 1 all ohjeits whiifi truly belong to the provinces ofu bccu larjournal, the first newspaper in America. Not assuming or seekingtti ho n pieu'hcr of religious doctrine, hut r'coeiiizin:, in all its JuJgun'iit on the practical nlfaira of lift, thi ailthorlly and offlcaiy of v ill be found ill its columns, tu otery department of ... J . . mii.ii.iu iriiHis. ah ineniwfl JirilUCULTUK.iL iClE.VrJFlC, COMWKCM, As well as in literature, sciencn nnd art. In nil that concerns m-ntul and moral progress nn l culture, it will bl first and foremost in relleioiisanjedut-atioual topics and neus, therefore, u ill reieivu special attention, and also, all lieu publications, intentions, diatoteries and , uorksofart. The tvhmotf jt.vo domestic I OfTHK WOttLll is unequalled, not from the North alone but from tbo rlouth, Kost and West. In every Htute it has n resuUr paid corresponduut, aluays a residci-t fur cliaraiter mid position. In Creat Itriluln l France, Germany, Italy, Turkey, Sjn.i, Chliia, Japan, tioulh Alneriea, und Africa, wo hate paid rtsidtnt cor- I respondents. , In I'ulltlcs, Tlir, WORLD will be independent, hut never neutral t never leiidtn; itself tu parly service, hut helping the good and exposing the bad in all parties. ' .National, oil the side ol the Union, the Constitution, . and the laws, nnd upholding alsithe ''IWtriiH' of the ramcrs " To tlio capitalist, the .ilerrhant.fiie Mei lian- ic, tlie Fanner, no paper oiijr iiirli Inducements and) uittrei-l. l'or each department it has a special editor; ncricunurai, iitiriirnitiirui, rrtenuur, Literary, roiiti cal, ttc, etc. etc and $o rttU'it in Hit- columns tlio I lastanJbe.t results of tlie life au,l unrk nf the wurM. 10. , T iho Tanner its I'rnvinon and .Marktt Ucporis alune UIB nviiu iiiv iii,u Ui I NO i a JUT. WEEKLY EDITION, This, as well n tho BcniMWekly, will contain all the dal'y luatterof the most JmportJiicu to the country ailirpe. Special attention is paid to t'io Agricultural,' Horticultural, and Atiihanicnl denarttneiits . Its pro 1 viilon, Cattle and oilier n arkot reports! are prepared with ihagrentPut care. I'nce 42 a year. GKU.VT INUUCKMKNTH TO CLU11S. Tour copies lo nnq address. $5 tn copies do,, $10 twenty-five ccpit-s do.,9.M. An extra copy will be sent to every person foriuinir a cluli if twenty five ; and fir a club of lifty Veckl iuujcnliir. a ipy of iho daily vv ill bu snt far one year. Cltrjynien can receive tho Weekly, sinylo copy, at 91 a year Tkkh ri.K Assph bu Dollars ; two Copies Ten Dollars. Ave Copies Twenty Dollars, To Clcrgymin Tour DoIUrs per year. Address 'Tlin IVOltLD, 35 Talk Row, New Vork. NEW MILLINERY GOODS, FOIl MIS3 MAHV UARKI.r.V. w.iuld rcipectrilly lufurin , her customers, in llloonuhurc anil Mciintv. that1 she has ijusi rccclvcJ from the city an excellent assort-1 ,.v...w. I MILLINERY ROOD. Finer than ever, and more calculated to .i?si . 113 P!; tao ta.tu of the most fanidlou, tgSttL fpw-r mio nas pain uriei attention lu iiiakltta 1 hest nsi . u..v,r, nnirTi,-ni , n i. ,w i ah. ha. an a.snrtmont of neat on.l h.nj.m,,. lint. ,! Caps fur little .Misses, all nf which slio ran dispose r,f lch,pi Ci,c her ra M, purcliasinj elev.liere,- '"I'XfiiTx marv iArki.i.v li I0B bold at Bi ccuts at IIAItl'MA.NS, AFTER you havo reatl Iba nbovo do not tul to t. II in Jc n st HARTMAr,'3 HeomiVuir, Mitch, 30. It'll . . rh 3b.itoi I LIST OP DEALERS. Or Oooda.Warn and Merrlinndlio 4tr, and Distiller, P,rewcie. llntlnr llouia Keener, within th. i-nnntv of Columbia, returned and classified In accordance Willi the several acts of Atscinbly, by tho Appraiser of Mcr- J cantlto Tales r mid county follows, id wit I i J1LOOM TWP. CLASS. t) H 11 11 14 14 ' II 14 14 13 14 II II 14 14 14 14 IS 14 14 14 14 14 II 14 LISKXSR. (30 (HI 30 Oil 7 00 li m 7 110 7 00 7 (10 7 (HI 7 00 10 00 7 00 McKelvy, Ncnl ft Co., Illooinshur. Iron I'A.. I LoyldT. Bharpless, ii, t ac l, w.nartinin, Ephratm P. I.ult, Joint K, Moyer, A, J, Sloan, llcorgs M. Hagrnbuch, llnvld Stroup, Ellas .Meiiilenhull, l'hillp 8. Moyer, Stoves, Oliver A, Jacobv, 7 00 Josipli W. Ilcndcrihot, L JJJ 1 ri i ' OU llai id Lowenbere. Win. II. Drake, A. M. 11 11 pert, ILStolnmr St Co , B. II Miller. Iyer, 7 oo 7 (10 10 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 (10 7 00 7 00 7 00 Joseph Hharplcss, Foundry, All.. Ai..u,l ; 11 VV.1.1. c-iiiinii ,j, rnive, Miss Amelia II. Wtbb, J nil 11 k, (Jlrlon, Jeremiah J. Urowcr, l'niemon John, l.loyd Pnxtoil, ISEltWICK. Jaxkjon & Woodlti, 13 do do Foundry, 11 How tt On en, u ItPnbnn H. Nicely, 1 1 ALrhain Miller, 11 do ilo DniR ytore. 13 A. T. Uvans, J. M, Dtidtou ngeut H imi.UlCKKEK. 10 00 7 00 13 00 7 00 13 00 10 (HI 7 00 C. n. Peciholu, Levi Kutz, Henry MaitK. 8 Dlooni, Toundryac ftore, 14 14 II 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 UENTON, Ramucl lleaeock, l'art in .Musters, Harriet Cole, Hiram K, Lvcrctt, 14 14 II 11 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 BEAYKll. Tranktin Sliuman, CATTAWISSA. Jesse K. Hharpless. M 11. Reinard, Stoves, (leorgc Hughes, -J. Hharplcss, J. S. llrobst, C. Itahn, & Co , Jacob II, Creasy, J. P. 1'incher, C. W. y Ic Co., Leti Keller, 7 10 7 00 7 JO 10 on 111 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 CEXTItE. II. W. M. Low, Jacob Bponsler, C II, (less. St Co., Cilbert II. I'owler, I). K. hloan. Charles f. Hill, 7 00 7 00 7 00 10 00 7 00 7 00 CONYNGIIAM. Jcnnthftn II, Hngliin-I, Daniel &. AlcKit-rnan, U It 7 00 7 00 FUAXKLIX. Wu'lilnetnti Tarr. II M Kvhlir V Mutidcnliall, FISIJIXGCIIKKK. Daniel Mcllenry, H Utrnard Aiiiinttrinan, J4 MowtH & Pennington, U Solomon llisrt, 14 Kiuandaa L'nangtt U Hrotticr. 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 GllEEXWOOI). I-pppot, J f (forge Alaoterattc Hon, :i V. Wertm.ui, 14 Jacob edia) Icr, it HEMLOCK. 7 00 13 00 7 00 7 00 Jiicoh Ilartii, Al.C. & vv. II. Shoemaker, Charles N'cyhard, 14 11 11 7 00 10 00 7 DC LOCUST. S. iI.Di'imm, 1 A. liice, ! It II t 13 10 00 10 do 7 ou 7 0,, 7 00 7 (10 Mark V1ll1am1, Wasliington Vcngcr. jaiou lcugi r MAINE. J.lccI) J.uiiljon, Win. T. Hhuinati, II II JIADISOX. McCoy k Son, Mill, r St Tleriiinii, Krcaincr tt l.rolhcr, 13 n 13 10 00 HI Oil 10 00 Croay t I!rown, I. K riueptmhiicr, it-pheu Wolf, fll. ac A. Grower, 11 14 MO-VTOUn. Cittcnbeniter ieCo., MOUNT 1'LEASANT. J. F. rictcrlth. OKANGE. Lazarus, St Fuhcr, William 1'rllz, A. ll.MJMIll, A. Coleman, Isaac ,N. Kline, u 14 II II II 10 Oil 7 CO 7 00 7 00 llOAUING CHEEK. Judah Cheringlon, 11 COTT. ' Thomas W Fdenr I)aIJ WMtmy'r." Samuel A Woririan, k . , ., u i" ""'A"- I ..' " '. 1 r"e""S 13 II II 11 n ii 14 li! Ii I.' 11 10 00 7 (10 7 00 7 00 10 (10 7 00 7 00 ti e. ... i Jtcoli II. .Mc'i.L, Jlartz St hii 11 Oil 11 50 12 50 7 00 Henry M. Fuller, II. W. Creasy: llrullicr. Win. l'wa.ui k, Urug J'lore, DISTILLEliS. ( Frcas it Phair.T, IVntre, it T. Lautlntiiith, lll!lJ'crcck, I Robr tiiticnry, litntou, li Hit-hard I'lunar. Hlooni, n lljub.u Milter, Uriartrcik, y 03 00 13 00 15 (HI 15 00 00 MILLIXEHS. .Vary Ilarkley, tlooui, 7 00 7 00 7 00 r;. j. tviisou. r.llzalutli 1'itcrman, " .Misses llariuan, " I. file Creasy, Jlifflin 7 Oo 7 00 f"hiiir..r t Mr llowcll, Srott 7 (ID 7 00 7 00 .7 00 Sirs. A J. Ilrnss, llcrttick, Mrs. J. Dl.tericli. Jjii3 llerkluni, EATING HOUSES. II. SlolincrtCo., J. W lleiiilershwt, K. J Jacoby, llterett St Conner, Let l Killer,, H.iiutitl Kostenbaudvr, John (lelger, Frederick Mctly, .Mlthail FrunlE, llloom, Alontonr. Catlauissa neruick, J, M. rHeily f 'oiitiiL'liaiiK Alt nertOllS Who inav fed nffiirn eA liv thr nl.nv -Inn. slticatmii can have opprirtuniiy ofnppeallng by railing mi tlm undersigned, at hi rcudtuc, (Mmluoii llousti) ' in Jerseytown, MndisonluvMitliip,) any lime, nn or U fore tliu 12tli day of July ihdJ, or at tli s Uomntidiioiicr otiice In Uloonuhurg, ou tho Nth of Jul), alter vvliuh appeal will be heard. SAMUflL niMUV. I Mercantile 1jpraittr. May 18, lr'CI. . J E It E .N O HOT E L. TUG unJcrsicneds. resnectfullv informs bin rHrmd.. nnd the public generally, that he lias opened ;i linusc l'or the enter aiiimcnt of cutonurs and lr.iv 1 Irrs, at HC11K NO.ln (Jreeuvvood towiuhlp, (Vtnii.lna County, (about l.o miles west of.Miihiltc.) called tho Soreno Hotel. Where I10U prepared tu urcouinin.Inte tho pnldic, and all uho may fa tor In m with their ciuta u.tu'neul stt ufaction His Table and Bar. will be well supptied and can-fully cimduclsd.und his Htabhiig ian pie and well unckfd u.7" He will ulalltiiuusbsi fiappy wail upon hiilrunds and customers. JOHN LECCOTT. Sercno. March 23, leXI, MAXUOOII. now ifM-r. aso now RttfrnriED. JUST 1'ubllflitd, In a teulcd envelope, on the nature, treatment and radical euro of periiiRtorrhoe, or Kemnml Weakness, Hexual Kebility, nervousm-m and involuntary emim-ions, Inducing impotency and .Mtnlal and plij steal inciipniiiy. y ItOIlT J. CU LVrRWIU L. M. II., Authorof tlio "tirern Ilnnk," .r. Tho world renowned author, In this admirable I ec ture, clearly proves from his on n t-xperlencu that tho atu ,.iii,..,,Ciicustr Self ahusi nny be elf. ctunlly re. ,v...i u-,ti,. operations, u.iusies, instrnmeiita rlne. or ecrilials ioiiHinit out a tuoiio or cure at once certainamt elleetn. al. b whlell VI r,r, r. n,. , ,11, . l.l l,,.ri,d,. tint, m.v h. ...... i,...,..irrii,.i. ...i. n,. i.. .i radically. Tins lecturo will rrove a boon to lliousanils &u( thougunes oeiii miner seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, post paid, on the receipt of the two posttice stamps, hy addressing Ur.Cll.J KLINU, K'i Howery, N V, npJ'I'OllJni I'ostOfflce boxlS-'O SUA HP NO TICK. I'ersons indebted to DR OHO H I LL, will f,.i) heir arcouuttiutbc hauds of tho uuderiigued lor col lection Immediate attention mil save Gosli joiinc; inurze llleoin.burj, l'a- leb 3D, t.Cl It COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. rm , -rT ---- , hfi foilowintr nrn tnn mer-tnls fn nffirn flli fWintntA nrm, , .1.: w. tv Sl'J ' J ..... J. .Wl . , uuiiui: , 1 . . I i ' 1 imi . WIU I11UUIU OI .April IDUI P. M. 1'ettiniill It Co. $il 041 A. K. Fmlth, Martin a Woodward, 1 "J, Bamucl II. Oman, S 00 1 50 jamuei itisner, Jr. Kilns liardole. L. tt II. It. 11. Co. fl 00 Isaac Tvler. 50 3 93i Thomas Trench, C OU.ltcv. J. II. Blianafell, 2 OO; llcv. Win. Lutz, 1 7.T Jacob M. (Ilrlon. 4 00 1 Oil William Deloni 1 50 1 50 joun inn, isr, u ojfevi iniicilisoii, F.lijuh Vocupi. 1 ad; 11. A. rjucpenhiser, John Conner, (Rcnton) 3 75, Joy, Coy Ac Co., IMathlaa A. Mooro, 1 7.1, Orange Judd, A. M., John K. llobblns, 4 Clil Mathew and Abbott, (Ico. W. Drleshach. 1 50 I'enslce. St Co. a m S S3 is no 2 no so no 4 on Amos u. llarlman. 1 h:i 1 orcsl note .(Hcranton 1 7.1 Ilst.Plmon Haccnbuch.H So; Western Hotel N. V. 8 CI) Oeo. W. Snyder, 1 On; Evans Hook store 10 00 Thil. Mlller.(.Mt rica.l OoJj. (1. Fell, Ilsq., 4 110 l..n. ll.n.ln. .!.,. n ra T.K. H..II 1 , Aaron Hcndershot. 2 oil! John Doll. 1 00 Est. of N. 8. I'rentls, Daniel rainier, Jr. I'etcr 1". Kline, Thomas Davis, I'etcr Hess, Iknry Hess, Wm. J. Hess. Jacob M. Hess, Jos. O. Hess, lleorge Hess, I'etcr Maslellrr, (leorirR Hills. 5 50', S. Maupy St. Co., 3 00 li no,' Josenh (Ireen. Pon. A on 5 0 if tits. tl. .Morgan Urovnt5 oo 1 ! S. C. Foulk. a oo a oo 2 ois Friemtith it Co. 1 Kj Merchants Hotel, 2 (III! Jacob Cearhart, 2 Oil! Chester K, Hughes, 00 70 2 00 1 73 1 50 2 on (jO t 00 7 50 S 00 v utv. .tilnlii liciicr, 1 l.t Hniuuel Klsner, Jr. C. II. White K1 Hon. Juo. tl(Keynolds.2 (0 HosUller St Smith, 5 00 Siiolh & llroutver, . I'iereo lls-i. fttenhen Mcdowcn. Henry Pchel, Est.. 00! Itev.J. n.Diiunt, 1 00 8, liverelt, NEW BUSINESS FIRM. TMIII undcrffRnetl rciperttully Inform their friend .md the public generally, that they have entered In to to partnerships under the name, stvle nnU 11 rm uf .MILLER &. l, Lit 111 tho Icrcantitc Dummc.!, In the "Oh! Arcade," In ntooninbu rp;, Columbia to, where they intend carr ylng on the L'liinrgs cf uem? rai. MtRiiuisDimo, In nil It illviTBifiecl branches and departments, nnrlto uhiih they Invito an extension of me puunc patronage, . II ti lltlirilt, rncn'Ku, lvlr. llloomiiburg, May 11, 1SC1. tf, ilIADlSOIV MOUSE, (or JLUSEVTOWN.) fplin Buhseribr-r wmiM respettftillyapprlzc hU friondn JL and the public generally, that he has vpuned HOTEL Under tho abocnann In Jprneytown, Columbia coun ty, fa., when) he in fully prepared to entertain the irarcliui; community to (funeral satlefnclimi. Ills TA BLE nnd HAlt.nro well niipptied and will be carefully GUperintended. And ItU St'.IHLV. ample and well tloikt,d,lii tlinrge of carclul roouid, aluasbe properly attended, tl7" lie lnitcs a fshnre of tha public cue torn, and pledges his bcattflorti, to help din cue its ftcl at home. tfA.MULL 1UMUV. Jcracytown, May 11, 13Cl-3ni. ADMINTSTIlATOirS NOTICE. Estate of Jacob (Jcarhatty deceased, jyOTICL Is hereby given that letters of adminlstra 1 1 tion on the estate of J.teub (learliart, late of Elaine tow nship, Columbia county, deceased, have been grant ed by the HegiBterol said county to the iinJt'rBiKiittJ.vvho resides hiCattan ifsatow nelilp CohiKibia ro. All persons hav I ne claims or demands ngninrt the evtnte nf iho de cedent are rtfiufttcd tu present tlioni for B'Htlement, and lliorte Indebted tu make pap incut w'ithoutdelH). joun icinrnn May 4, 18Cl.-Ct. Mm'r, NOTIOH. THE citizens of the dlirjrent counties anil town throughout tlio Mate aro invited to cotnp titioti for the place at which the next ANM'AL 8 TATE FAIR shall ha lie Id. l'roposa's containing inducements and advantages dirciteii to tin underriKiiiil Uonnnittec, up pctftcd by the Iltccmive t'ommlttcc, will be rercived up to and iuclut'iiig May ,'tlnt next. Communication should bi addressed tcudthcr f tliu lollow ini; perxont : WM. CDLULK. Jr , JOHN I'. UUTIILIU'OED, JACOII Mltfll, JU1IX II. lUCI.LR, IlaniaburC. Ta. AMOS E. KAI'I', Norti.umborlnnil, Pa,. April CO, Tt Committee. liltlUGE NOTICE. '1'IIE Treotdeiit and Mamuers t'f tlio Cattnw Issa riridso 1 Cempany, have thU d.iy declared a dividend of thre1 per cent. (75 cents per clinro.joti tho capital stock of this Company frr Ihu lat nix nionllis, payubte to the tStotk hlJira or their lecal rcpK'MMitativcs.onor Hfter the ltuh of April, at. the iAVivh of tlu Treasurer, la C.ittawlKa, Ify order of the Hoard. JNO. SIIARI'LESH, 7Vffl. Cattaw las-i, April 0, lil, a t o a M x k n s ii o r i THE nnder.-isiR'd would tuforiii hm friends an 1 customers and the r st uf mankind, that hj Vth continues to pay particular nttentmn to the re- -S pairiui; of w:iu.h . , weiitht, ppring, and lever MilU clicks ; Jewelry and e erj thins belmigug tu liw line, and that it as at all times, and in all c-tscs his ilebiro to give p'Tfect (atif.irtiou. He is an "txci'llenf work man, his vikitcd ncvtral, and worked in itireu t.f tlm fir ft Cities in tha world, Xew Vork, rinlaiMphia and the great City of Pari- In l'rnnci I' attcation i puid to ro-sildni" or what is termed "plating." HUNKV ZUlTiNOER. rioomp'jurg, April 13 1S6L Look to your interests ! FRESH ARRIVAL or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, AT MILLER. & EYER'S. THE Fiihi' ribers have Jiift returned from tho City With another large nnd fclcct aiortmet of Spring nnd Summer Cnuori-, purclnsed at Philadt'Iphi.i, at the lowet tl;ure, and wlin h they are determined to g. ui as iiiimIituic terms iisiaii bo procured vUevvheri. in Itloouuburs. Their i-tmk loi.iprues -?j;lv ) it lss noons, of clndrt'si t.t)les and ldteit faxhion. dry ooui)s, jj.YD oiwvrjtirs, CMMR U'.lIiK, IlUl.LOlVlV.iUV. AaV, X.1ILS, HOOTS bUOb.X 1MVS A- CjJI'S. &e . frc. Sc.. In short evt'Dthingusu.illy kept in rountry Stores ; towhiili thej invite the public generally Tha Highest prue p till luj coi country prod tire. lllooiiishurz. May II. It CI. Mil I f "wZ!ri TIT TT Iho Half a Way House. Tim underpinned. hainir taken the wcllknown 'la!flVaj House," formerly kept by Samuel H.tnnnn, , situ.itu in tVotro tow nslup, Cotunibia county, ou the main Una J, mid-way between Utooinsliurg nnd Mcr wick, would rop'ctfully inform hi old customer und the public that thu lluiikU h;u been Improved and reno. vnted, in good st) le, and from hid long exponpnee in tho bUjiiitss, ho fhtt'.T.i liiuuvlt. that ho will keep A FIRST CLASS COUNTRY HOTEL, Whffr'1 he will at all times bs happy to meet and bHtU. f.iciorily cntortam hi nunmrnub friends and all who iti ay favor hi in with t lie J r Mtruiiase, U-v- ins 'tr. riabiiti(i, iLc will be welt stored nnd proifrly utlended. fYntro tovvnhip. April C. 1C1. joun grovi:r I NOIICK. f , OTICF, ii lipri-by given, tlmt the annual mestinir of 1 ' tli tocklioiirs uf tha Uluomsburg Iron t-'ompany will be lie Id at Ironriatu.Culuu.biatouiity, ouTliurbday the tint h day id May nevt, for the purpose of clrrtin Direi tors, and for the trunsiuti'tii ol other buineM. tipl.Ut JOr.l'H I'AVTON. l'nMdent. 1 I A 1) U I N 1 S 'J ' 1 1 A '1011 S NOTI0K. j I Estate ol &imul Roup, deceased, Ir.TTL'Kriof Administration mi tho Ktlute of 8 Musi. 4 Rol'V, late nf Lociint township, Cidumbi county df ceased.Imvu been graut'-d bj tll.i Kegidtt-'r of Cnluuibi.i tho uudirf icued. reidini; innidtown.Iiip, Allpirson luiui- cbiiuitf iuaint tho Lktutc ofthadt'iu dent are rTiet-U'd to ,r''t"nt litem in tlio Administrator vitliout delay uai all persons indebted to 111a ku pay nu'iil furtliw tth. 1 I JOHN IlOl'I', Adm'r April 0, irttil tt. NKW JKWKLKV STORK. rpIIU tinitersiv'iied, respectfully informs the citizens of l UlooiuMmrg, and the piblie unit rally, that he ha. es tablished n new trture, un Mam Street, l.tooiiuhurg. in Mrs. I.uacock's llmldiup, uhera hu oliers fur sale, ou luodiriilo terms, a lartgassiirtluelit of L LOOKS, WA TCimS i)- JEWEL R Y, Of every sort, and sire and description. His nock ol Jewelry is complete, including every variety ol t.auies anil ucniie.ien s Aiciiauons. t-'liaius. Lockets. Ilrenstnins, I'liieer-rluss. ttc.. to the exauiination of which It j invites the public gener ally. . : Ptrirt Mtetilioii eit on In retmlnlie riorks. Watch. es. amlJeuelrv. and all work warranted WM, B. DltAKE. llloomsburi;, May 1 Udl-lf. A. r. CIII!i.KDRO:OII, JHO. AbbEH. A. F. 0IIKSI2IH10UGII k CO., CO MMIHUiKY MEKCJMWS 4- WHOLESALE DEALER! IN Fish, Cheese, u ml ProTiMons, 10 North Wharf, nhove Markrt hi rarkln; and Curini Houst, tnh nd Rerd Hit rmhAUELnuA, Au-a t Uin Lamps ! Lampsl I ni!Al) (lUARTlillS ANOTHER FRESH ARRIVAL OF Ioxks 4- millmi's. iMPnore.n I'jitkmt coal vijj nuii.-vj.itsi. ijuurs run BURNING, COAL KnitOthNE.Ort tMllftuV OIL9. TAKING tho bes( and chapest Llht now In uso, suit lI able for Churches, Ptorcs, nr family use, nn danfcr from Explosion and tiro half cheaper than any other light, now used and EQUAL TO RA'JS. Tho above, lamp,, ulth or without. Clours or Fliadcs inn helniil ut the NEW AND OUKAl" DRUG STORE, Exchange liiillillng, llluoinsbiip;. I'a., Where Iho unilersleneiltvnutil llesnectfiillr Inform, his Friends and till nuhlir. in senernl. Hist ha has lust re. ceived from tlw cities, a large anil well stlettcd stock oi lioo'is, in ins Kino consisting or FitiiMii ami runiii: iiRunS. MCDIi:INI fe ClinMlt.'Al.f. uiiuuND ft wiiuLKHfiuna. 1'AINTrt OILS, VAf.MPllUst DVrl BTUFIN Wt.VlltJW (II. ASH. (II' AI.I- 3IZLM. I'AINT, &TUOT1I ; nitUtjiica. TonMicn u imgahh, 01' 1 1111 IIISHI' IIKANIISt I'LHFUMEUV, F.WOV Ftlrs. Tnusr.8 at tiiioui.niiu iia "ns. rum: winu ihiamiii:' ion MIlDICINAI. ItSIJ, n(jAPCIl'ITlNO. DO.SKTDOItllUlt. Ull.T KlOUl.t) IM1 FOIl I'HAAII.S.k AfllillAr VAKII.TV lH'CAllhON UII. i.AAIly AMI MIIADtlS. . l'l.UID.CAliriir.NUSAFCTV ri.OID l.AMI'SAtPHAUKS. AlsoAH tho most nnniilar Patent Veillilnf t.t ih. ilay.prescripllonsnnil family medicines carefully out up. N. II. The Ilentul profession Is still .--j, continued anil Tielli Inserted, In the niostft&f' 1St upproved innniipr. miS Vf1 reelliiB ttimiklul for past palronaje, he J-lUJL7 hope, a continuance nf the same. o. M, iiAnr.Nnuuii, llloomsburi;, May IS,l?Go-jr. Bloomsburg Head Quarters .llrKKMV, MJAL&I O., in the rini,u with an intiuiahuu surrLv Of WE would announce to the nulillc and our friends that we hnvejuet returned from the City wilhu very largo assortment of NEW CHEAP GOODS, Our stock cf DRV 00003 comprint the hrpet. (heap ovt.and handrfoniest now RlTered In this town I are determined to compete with tlio nnd all thoso wishing to buy cheap, can fave money by plv in? us a call. We nil kind of tiooiliiiud Warn o supply the uanu of the people. A large lut ot Ladies' Dress Goods, OV EVERY DKSCRIPION. WHITE GOOD OF A Li, JCWDS. Slccres, Collar, p"iicerii, il.indkrfhkf-i. rioijncingi., Uand dud Trliumingn, Lacea nnd Ldirnig, Ifunnei Kibbons la I a re vitriety, Vcl v et lliblhtn and hraidi. Kid, Cotlcn 4; LIIe Thread Gloves Mohair .Mlt, ttc. ALL KINDOFSUAWI HUOACIIKS, Itlack Hllk, ('nHliinere, r.mhroldrred, .'Jella, tc. Also a larpe ascortmrtitof rbth, Ciit-imerir, Batlncti, Vctin;s, Tweedi, Jcau-i. Ik-aver Clothn, Cnutlnir. Velietc, BOOTS & SWOKS OK ALU KINDS and Hifu, fur Mrn. Women and Childnn. We have u lurgp iiHMfrtmentof Hut a and Capn.of latrntfash' ion n -Wo hive aUo, Hardware, (iuft'iti ware, t.Vilnrwarf, Lc. Ver Cheap Carpet, Carpet It J flu, I'loor, Tab lo nnd Cnrn.iee Oil Cloths Mat, Hugs, im"M is, i, MUSLINS, FLANNELS, TICKINOS, DiapurK, Towlings, I)rillin?fi, tc., in abundance. MnO, a large iiHuortnient ut Iron, N.nls Cheese, a hirjii! qu.mtity of Hiilt, .c. Wo Invite our Mend and the puljlic gen" cive uh a call beliire purth.iiiii!r eNfWh.'re. n have bonjiht our roihU at tho Lowest C ith Wires, and wilt not be uu-lersidd by aulJO'Jj. ur the ret of mankind. AltKl'I.VV, MIAL Sl CO. ripouuhurc. Nov eiiiln-r ly. l-(.u. PUBLIC SAL K or Valuable Keal Estate On Saturday, tha lttt day cf Muy, ltjCl, ' At I o'clock in the afternoon. RrXM.n.V I' MlKINfiLU, tlm Liecutor f IVter M pu rer, drcensed, lute nf Lorn t tovTiiMup, in tlu county ri uonimi.ii, will hv;iu He, by puMie ven. due. on th prJiniFCb of the t,aid dcteaied, a Tratt of Land of ONn lirXDRnD ANli TWnXTY AritL'3. in-iihisx ii ll.iil,K gltuatoil In l.nciiat tow n. ship in n.iid cminty, aHloinliii; landu if como Mnn? uanu i j.i-iu, i rauericK ieiiiy, lu-nry (.able, and nther lan.N of Maul deceased. Tho said lan.l will bt fnhl hi lt lo unit purchasers, late the estate f md decpaeed, Bitnute in the township of Locust township and county aforusaid. TKIIM3 OP S.U.I. Tn per cent, on the purchase money to be pnid to the Uu'ruiiir on day of r'ad four hundred dollar iitnbf hit stimiliiiir u the anid Lnnd an a dower for the widow with intercut from d.iv or rial.-. The Interefctniust be paid annually on thu four hundred chdlarB nn.I the half ofthe remainder is to be paid on the fiM of April lt02 and the bilanco I to be pai I on lha firnt day of April 1hu3 with Intrrvst from the'llrst day of April lrfui, the Lxeeij tor resTvinjr right to collect t'cnt-five dollars out of tin four hundred dollars if the widow t-liould need any bjn Ira her interest for her support. HenU or deed will , bo aiven the hrfct day i f April I?W wh.'ii tha abeve con- i ditioiis aro cnmplu-d vith. All Die above pajmenti' must bs ticur-M by Honda and Alorignze ! KEU11CN KllKIN'Ut:R. ' J'.iecutcrt I April 27, ISG1. I GREAT AKIUVAL OH NEW GOODS,1 AT THE Light Street Store. n,..t rtmi. .)ii. . .1..... Vw p it" " ' u l tu HUUIU llliarill Oltr irieillia UUU TT customers, that lie have Just received an un. usually large assortment cf SlttfxU 'tii) SUMEMIl GOODS, WhirhvvpoiTirntlovvcr rates.for ready ay, than any pvtr licfureoptiiod lure and will be boU "cliuaiar than tin' rln-npppt." Wi pIi.iII iidt Httcnipt tornnnioratcthevarioim artlcloa tliu) nri iinumiird and tlicir iiaimviH leylun nour & riiUN ituro Rooms, including the Cellar .ind liarn t. are tilk-il tnnvertKniji. TIktu are tu ltd found the lineit Ijhrtcki. in tile country at nstoniiliinylcnv figures La-(Ik-h' wear In rtMt varictit's, at W n;r cent, lovvLr ihn tver iMton mi. n(i. -JAJl II.-, .lLDi.l.CJ, UliULtsIULsS, IIATS, LAI" Boots, Shoes, etc,. CLOTHS, .MUtSLI.vS, (IKOCIWIICtf, lLVfS, C.rff, at tlie siuie rati'. In short, almost eerlhUF lu in rcanule lino from a medic to an niulior. Our fneiuu will do vv til to call before they make tluir select i cm h. it. v. cnr.Asv. & co. Lights trcct.May 1, 13CL sfi;i000 Reward!!! AVI LI, UI! l'.MD Any illciiiciiie (lint Mill L'xctl a; o Hi ii k r t '.s For IS i & A IIKALTH AND I1APPINKSS. For Iho 'pink cure uf lUndaih. Toothache, Khcumn tmm, NeuraUta, r-1111 in the Eide. .tack or ftouiach. r.iinurs t;huiio, ori-rainp, 1 routed feci or liars. Iturus ZtfiuwiK MiQn'matt TouiiiHciiu cur-ii in ten miiiuie. i..tracne cured in tlvo uiiiiuti'H. Ile-idinhe cured in ten linnuleii. Ilnrim sure. I fr'im Miiiartini; in tun u.tuuten-, N'surulgi.i paiiid rnrcd in ihri iisiimtt'S, Chohc cured iu lei mhiinu Hprmiiri rclidvud in leu iiiniutvs. t-'uru tliruat rtlmved in fivu iniuut;a. , TJ tha tfuim and Do'iliteri of afllicilon, Thca' thingi , wo prme on tlw fcpot und bvloro )uur v., only hiing 1.11 your fjixcj. lnorasrti Inve brcn enr-'d by onn Acrtu 111 a tnnslu day' llvury bnttlo w.irrantci. Try it! Tr 11 M Try iti ' ' I rhtit: ii.ixit 50 OFDM's vui hoiti.i:. Alibfrat dNrouni made to Amttf, and one vran ted in iv rry town, aUu fow pond tr.ive Imj Affi-nti I All order and couimuuit'iitioiis Rliuiild ho aJdresuvd o. b. fumuirr a. iu, ' 12S ti. Jill tt, l'hiladvlftii-i I pinccriOiVH i on udiNo J OOLUKUT'S HALM IN GILEA1). ! Tor Tor ili.ulni apply it over Hie Taie and uuini of the. tooth otHiiiid' pri'fkini; hand upon tho taco; repuat if nut cun-d tn 1 xiremo tdc, vttt Litton with ilia h.ihn and cuv cr tliu tooth nnd gums, l'or llcaduchv, bathe Un ti'tupU-ttsHidupply to Uu nose; und taku from tyu to thirty drop inlialfa tumLU'r uf water nvvcttcnud. l'or Croup and rioru Throat, take from leu to thirty drop inUrnally.un Busar r hi twecl. ntd warm watci lut tiu the th rout freely und bind on a fiatiml, For llcaduclta, Kh-innutini Neuralcw, Lamo Hack or Side hathn fri-cly with iialui iu Citload ; and centrally Uku lutcrnall)' .,,.. l'or llurns mix one part Halm in Gileait nnd two or water and flour, to make a p.ute,covor tho burn wilt) the name, l'or Clmlic, take frin ten to forty ilropv in hotwatcr. bathu the hovrcU and apply wet iflannvli. 1 In tliouboviMhe vuialler dodo 11 for Children, und the I lamer lor adulii v.iry according to aguand rircuuutaurtj Uulborl'i lUliu in (iiltud ii harmlun, t'wIUsrt' Ualm In lilleud ftivf kuti'ljctton ThoNe wlin hav ucd Halm tnUilead will not tgvvith out it. A genu wanted. Tor Urmi, addreM C. B. UOMIKUT St CO. Vo i:3 Bouth Tourth Street, Thtladelphla, I' N.U. (trJen nent by Kxpren tuiny pan cf th bnl td tit" at iho thortekt nc ir Miv 1, UO! -m . 5uk mMmMm curf. LATST BY TBIBBRAPII CURE tevousHeadache CURE .Q By the use of these tillls the nerlndie attacks of Jie- rout or kick Ilrtiititekti may ho prevented) and if taken at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pniu mm sickiicss w in ue ooililnei, The) SI liloill fall In reinovlnif thnA'autut nnd I1..J..I. tontnrli feiualesarn so subject, nrls a' upon mo unuciu.-reuioving CVXIre For Litrrnru Men. ttu.ttni,. Indicate Females, and all persona of Sriltntnrv habttl. thv are t.lnnl.t., . r... sllrclinpri'vlnir tho rpttitt. git in; tsar nnd rteor to th" illitcttlveoreans. and restoriiistho natural elastlcltv ami str"ii?th ofllie nliote system, TheCIU'IlALII I'll.l.S are t)mraalt r.clnM I I't l.l.' jallon and carefully conrtuctedejperlmsnts hav lot been ... .,r ii.uijriri, uuiin, n u ico nine nicy Ira i c prc CI1 tciiaml Nlrevoda vnst amount or pain and suflerinc ...... , ,. ,. , in i,iC Rcrieujsys. tcm orfrom a dernnjed state ofthe nni,A, ' They arc entirely vegetable In their ronipositloii.nnd may he taken at all times with peifecl eality without malf ne- anvcllaneo of diet. il,. t...,. (jrcealielssle renders it easy (o aJml,(j((r licia cAII. UHWArtn dp rnrvTPiirriTi i The genuine have (lie signatures o'rilcnry C. Spalding "IHV!:,"?' I",.ly"1 1I "Hit Dealer. In Vedlclnes A bo.! will be sent by mall prepaid n receirt ofthe .,, , . I'lUCUSS CENTS. All orders should be addressed to!, 1 Cedar street, New Vork, THE FOM.OWI.Nd KNDOKSEME.NTS OF SPALDING'S (iEPIIAIilC PILLS, win. cokvivce att who scrrm rroM HEAD A C Ii E, THAT A SPKEDY AND SURK CUKK 1H WITHIN THKIK KKACII, .iJ (ef Tcitimeninti vtrt unsolicited by Mr Sr.lLD Mr, rAcy ajford unueititnable proof t'f tkt rjS. taty of thl$ truly ittentijie dutottry. Mmvnxitlt, Oinn., Itb J, leCI Mr Fpat-tiiig. I have tiled our Cephalic Tills, and Illkt ttm tovtll Hint I wmit jou lo H-nd tii-j tw.i dollar worth inure Part of thj-o are for thu w whom I eate a few out of Wis firittlMU 1 gut from vou. Send tlm 1'illa by mail, and oh ige Vour ob't tfc'rvnnt. JIaverferdmra., Feb, 0. tCl. .Mr. Sp.iidlng Hlr- 1 wUh ou to Kendmc one mote box nf jour Cephalic l'lllt, hate recti red agrtatdtaltf benrfit Jrvm tkttn, Vours, itupcitt-iliy .MaBY ANK STOtKHnCrjfc. Spruce Creek, Huntington Ca.Va., January is, icui. j Hir: Vou wltl plentc i-piiiI me two boxci of your Cephalic rills. Buid tlitiiu Immediately. Ueapecltuily yourg, Jm. H. PiMnxv, r.R. Ihare vttd one boz of y rttls, and Jtnd then tietllcnt. Utile t'trtLon, I'Aiff, Jan. 15. 1861. Henry C. Ppalding, Ksi. I'ltaio find inrl8"d twriity-fivefentB, fnr which end me another bos of ) our Cephalic I'llla. They ur trultt thrlitt Vtlts I huiKier ttitd, Liroa A. Btover. P. M. Relic Vernon, Wajaudot Co., O, ' Beverly, Mass., Dec. II, 16C0. II. C. Spalding, Y.t. ' 1 wihioroitia tircutan or larvte t-huw-billi, to bring jwi vtjitmic in iihtu 'uinciuariy bemrc iny CUflo- mors, li Jeuliau aiijtlilns of tlukind, jdease aeud lo One cf my custoiner, uho is subject to severe Pick Headache, (usually lastinu two dns.) kus turtd pf an a'tatk tnvne aear Ayyeer l'fs, which 1 sent her U". I). tVlLXU. Rtywldtburg , FranUin Ct.t Ohio, I Jauuarv ti. IMll. I Henry C. Spaldinir. No. 4 J (.edar !t. M. V. IharBir: Inclosed find tweiity.ftvc cuts, (Cj.) f'tr which send halt of "Cephalle Tills." Kend touddrcss of Kev. U'm. C, Killer, Ileiioldkhiir, 1'raiiklin Co., Ohio I'ear lulls tenth like a cta-te evrs Ifratl.che aner: iijleiitr, Truly yours, Wsr. C. rtiiiB. lfiaalf, A'lt. Jan, II, lfCI .Mr. Ppaldinf. Hir Not lonejsiiicel sent tn you for a hoi of Cephalic Tills fur the cure of the Nervous Headache and I ostneness, sntl reci IV cd the sume, and they liia.t so good an crtecl tl,vt I was induced to send for more. Tlease send hy retugu ninil. Direct to A. K., Vnsilanti. ilkli. I'ram'tlie toamincr, .Yorfolk. Vr, 1 . . -f"-" .t ,u uuji.v.1. iui wlllcu they vcro made, viz: Cure of l,.,.,!.. , n fill ill forma headache ia all its forms. tm t!i rxavAiitr, Alrd.'l, They hao been tcetcJ in moro than a thousand caaes, utli cntiro bucccs. From the DtmceratM. Oeuu, Minn. I If ou arc, or have been troubled Tvith I the headache, send for a box, (Cephalic I Pills,) so that you way have them in case ! of an attack. f'ro-n Ik Aditrllttr. riotiicnt. Jl. I. Tho Cephalic Tills are said to bo a re markably effective remedy for tho head ache, and one of tho very best for that very frequent complaint which has erer been diieoveretl. I From the H'cittrn 11 nClncttt, Chicago III. ' Wc heartily endorse Mr. Snaltling, and umivallcd Cephalic Pilla. yrt the Cenawha Vallty Sltr K'antteXn, fa, Wo aro buro that Dcrsona sufTcrini? with '1' liea-laeho. who try them, will bticlc to tilOJll 1 fYsst tht SaHtkrrn Path Ftnder, ,Vc ic Orleast, Zxt Try tuom I you aro afflicted, ami we aro uro that your tCEtimony cau lie added to the already numerous- list that has recoived benefits that no other nicdi cino ciu produce. iy A siiiflc bottle orsi'AI.DIVO'.S PltKPARKDCLVn Will sae ten times its coet annually.Q tU'AMllNQ't! rilUl'.MiED Ol.l'Cl SPAUUNO'el I'llErARUD CLUB I Bl'ALUING'i ritUI'Altl:0 CLUEI SAVE TmTriECfcS! UCONn.MVI lUSPATl'll .. T " A inlom Tims H.ves Niss.."l As aar, dents will happen, even in well tcgulaled fam ilies, it is 1 1 ry disirabla tohatu .ome cheap and utn e nient wu) for r -pairui! l'liruituro. Toys, Crotkcry, ic. t) l' A LI i Mid l'ltbl'AHEK (1UJH meets all such emergencies, and no household can alf ord tu b without it Itis ulwayi liady. aud uptotha sticking point. ' useful in- r.vnav HOUSE." X. n. A Crush accompanies each Uottle, Trice, rents, Addrses, IIEM!VO.SPAI,DI0, No 4ih:riiAK Street, Now York, CAUTIOtf, As certain unprincipled persons are attempting to palm off 011 the unsuspecting public, imitations of my ('UK 1'AIIEU OLl'l-l, 1 would caution all persons lo eianiino btfjte pureiiailue, and ,6e that Hut full name, O-Sl-ALtllNa-fl rHEI'AUEU OLUE, isnt th nutsiie wtipp'riall cabin at; smdliet c.nurfeits Fee -13. 1K1 A1" I U51 HI Col. Breckinridge for tho Union. col. ANDsnsou w itAnnistitrno Every friend of tho Union, included thtf revilcrs of Jon.v C. ISrf.ckiniudue, will be pleased to read the following announoa mcnt, from the Piiadcphia Jnquirtr: Ed. Col. Demo.- 3Coi,. Anderson stated to Governor Curtin, in Ilarrisburg, during a brief con yerfnfion, that I2x- ico President I5rcck iniidgo would joiu him at Cincinnati, and take command under him. This aunounceincnt has created a pro foundly gratifying sensation among all tfaisc?. -I :-- Tlio Occupation of Baltimore SEIZURE OF iriX.VSj rlKilS AXD MI.VIE MFLKI. BAI.TIM011E, May 14. Tho United States troops aro fully es tablished in their camp on Federal Hill. Scpiads of soldiers aro strolling about tha cily this morning, sight seeing. A f chSoncr was seized at tho wharf ibis morning, by tho United States officers. She had a number of tho pikes manufac tured by AVinans, and Minio Rifles on board, She was taken over to' tno south sldo of the harbor, under Federal Hill, and placed under guard. Thu schooner had cleared for Snow Hill, Kastcru Shore of Maryland. tajr The Legislature of Pennsylvania, having closed the labors of tho Extra Ses sion, adjourned on last Thursday. S3S' Gov. Hicks, of Maryland, has ordered out Four Itcciincnta to aid tho General Government. New Wagon Shop. Willow Grove, South Uloomsburg. THE undersigned respectful ly Inform their friends, and the public generally, that they have taken the itand lately occupied by Mr. Welsh, In YVillntr rirove, Voutu Hlooinshurg. below tho Kailrood uliere they uill continue the YAGOTMAKIXG BUSINESS, In all it;) vinous department!, In good style and oa motlfratp tentii. Alio-Repairing Wn?ons. niijrRiei, carriages, SuUlet, K.c . dnn. to nrder and uti thmt tiuiL'. u" rroduci! taken fgr work. pavid, WM. BOWMAN. ninoTtuliiirg", April 3, ISSO, HIGH AND ELEGANT CARPETS.. R. (' roin.K, No.M North FECONI) Slrctt, oppOFlto L'hrift Cliiirrli, invites the partlculdr mtnntion cf Aler Uantfl and othcra to iiii vt'iy larcu and cUgint ainort itiunt uf OArtlTT. OIL CLOTHS,, AC, J d$i rccciv td from tli munt rtlvlirntid manufactorie of r.iiroo und Amrfu. including nil tlm neuett pntrprn cxiant, vvhlcli wjlllitt Buld at :v very cm nil .nlvancc ru cost. Call (niJi-xiuiiiiit) quality, M 1c and prices beforo pLtrcliaiiiiRiUcvvliurc. lUinoiiiticr, An. 35 Nortli Second Btruut. Philadelphia March 2. l5U-3m. GIBSONS ni:rn.TirK Wiuni leinii.'vn No. 125, South Eleventh Street near Walnut, Knamelcd Glass, Fresco, Oil and Encaustic rain tin 3 Son rtiBio. a, II. Gibsux. January 12, lsiil-3m., S. MOKfeAtV RISOWIS lVHOl.llSALC AXD nnTAII, 11EDDLVG AND FEATHEK WARE HOUSE, N'o.ti North Second Btreet, Opposite Christ Church, riULADtiLVUIA. 07" Constantly on hand, a large assortment of Beds. M ittrrim-a, Faillansrs. Cui-liions, 1 1 air. Husk, Cattail, und all articles in thu line at tin Lowest Prices. A, h Particular attention paid to renovating Mta an OU r'cathtrt. March 1, 1?C1-12hi. miwmi HOTEL, (Late Wkito Swan.) RACE STREET, AVOVS THIRD I'liir.Anrci.i'iltA. JOIIV IIOVEK, Proptletore. CIIAS. A. STINT., Cleik. ' March 2. T U M 1' JUKI N G . 'pIIE undersigned Inrorin the public generally that I lliey have Torin.d a co-paitnersblp, and will comm. no the business of Pump making nnd repairing, in all their tariotis derarlments, in Ulooiusburg, uhere they will promptly attend lo all orders in their Hue of busi ness, tt hctlier 111 tow 11 or country Well nnd Ci.urn Pomps, wlin leaden Pipe, made la the best stjle of w orktuaiuliip, on moderate tcruia, aud on cry short notice. l'ruin their lone cipeilenrc In the business, and an catncM desire to have their work commend iisclfto the public, ihey feels com! lent thev can make it an object t. those who may jive them their custom and render tn. rai satisfaction. JOHN l.'RUTCllLEV JOHN CULP. Hleoinsbiirg, April 13, lftil, 3m IMPROVE YOUll STOCK. THE Morin r-ampson llorsc. VtlUNG WASHING 'UIV, will be stationed the pieeent season in tlm aedion. He can lie seen al Remey' stable. Jerse town ; at 8heire nable, Wnshinjtoiiville : at Was. sn ler's. I.ewiliiirj.lind ut Wolf, stable, Hewarlla t lion. Northumberland county, durini tlio season Young Washington was bred ill IVayna county', v liy Pet..rSnder,Es.., I. .evert year, old, standi, r 1, hunt's liieh, and weishs I,nOo pounds. He n sidered tho largest horse, the best blood, and ' breed ever introduced Into the county of Columbia l'or particulars so. largo bills. Pl U. W. H.N'YDBE, Tropri.l - O U H APPEAL 'I'.i Din,, u l,n l.An. , i-i.L. i, ..-utAcive. iiiueoiua on Hund or Hook Account, wo are now makln? t liienls lu bo to the City, all 1 In order thai wo -a.-ply you wiilr cheap joods It win b3 necessary ' part to pay up Iho aicouul. IllwrnstarJ, l ib 1, 13G1, FUISIIJIC'111 ct IIIlOTllKIt. WHOLESALE TOBACCO I) K A L L H t NM.lOJ.XOltTH THIKU STIliV Five doors below Race. PIULADELPaU. January 10.1335.. THE WINE STORE, 311 W.LNL'T STREET1, tbelow Fliurlh Rt..l . . PlllLAhF. Auttlltl 1 '-IS-n. 'IIA, Th. WALL PAPER, WALL Jnst received from New York a yeriet lot of the above naiai a article lor tt aium'jstanctnjftoot 6J cent j per pi a t iinlwii I Bl wnsVirj Ecb :i leci