Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, May 18, 1861, Image 2

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    CultiuiHii Demand
fiffl" Messrs. E. 13, & Howard Snider,
of Phclpsville, Lavo our siucero thanks for
a very delicious nicss of tho fresh speckled
beauties, known as yellow Trout.
Mr. 0. B. Brookway, one of our traTO
young domocratio Soldiers, now on duty
in "Oamp Curtin," Harrisburg, has, our
thanks for an interesting letter in this
Columbia Democrat
The gentleman who last week furnished
us the list of names of the Volunteers, and
the Cominittco who escorted them to Har
risburg, omitted from tho list, the names of
Messrs, A. J. a 1. U. Moan.
Creasy & Co's Store, at Light Street
attracts increasing crowds and the reason
is plain, when we discover that they activ
oily sell Goods and Groceries at almos?
City prices. We have found it so.
Fricnds call and be satisfied of this fact.
Wc last week, inadvertently christened
Capt. Kimby's Hotel, in Jerscytown, tho
".UofltoMr'instead of the ' Madison Joust.'
It is now corrected. Tho ' Madison Routs J
is certainly a more appropriate name, for
a Hotel in Madison township,than that of
Montour, and so we thought, whon read
ing the Card.
Wo aro in receipt of tho May
"Farmer Gardener." It is a neat ag
ricultural monthly, in Pamphlet form,
comprising a diversified assortment of Ed
itorial and selected reading, enriched by
the .contributions of scientific correspon
dents. Address, A. M. Spasoler, Phil
adelphia: 91 00 per annum.
Will the Editors send us the February
and MarchKosA
" Let tho Demagogues be Watched."
Dr. John has written another of his tip
top slang effusions, under the above caption.
With brazen impudence, ho admonishes
Democrats to lay aside party predictions,
atid like himself, "think of nothing but the
salvation (?) of bis (?) country (?)" and
immcdiclely a'dds, that "no padlock shall
be placed on our lips, by any one." Any
person who supposes that Dr. John cares
more for his country than his party, is
ven greener than ho is, and the Lord
knows he is green enough.
S3r Mr, David Louenberg, our worthy
Merchant Tailor in Bloomsburg, one day
last week, cut out, in some ten hours, seventy-two
pair of Pantaloons for the Light
Street Military Company,, and the" next
clay, ho cut out some fifteen more pair for
tho same Company. Besides this he mado
them a number of other garments and did
considerable repairs for tho Volunteers.
When called upon by the Financial Com
mittee, and asked for bis bill, he said he
had no bill to present.
In addition to this, Mr. L. paid 820 00
ia aid of the families of the Volunteers.
War Items. Lieut. W. II. Ent, left
Bloomsburg, on last Monday, to join his
Company tho "Jron Guard'' stationed
in Camp at Harrisburg. Capt. W. W.
Bicketts, was shortly after his arrival at
the Scat of Government, put in coromaud
of "Camp Curtin.'' The Iron Guards,
are certainly a fine-looking and well
disciplined band of Voluuteers, and w
regret that want of spaco compels us to
omit publishing tho flattering encomiums
they bare received from the Editors of the
lntelligenctr, and Democrat, Danville, and
the Harrisburg Telegraph.
Our nsighbor of tho Republican, per
verts tho truth, when he charges that, wc
aro either uneasy, or that seven-tenths of
our soldiers, now on' duty, are not Demo
crats. We can easily establish tiiofacttiiit
about that proportion of our bravo enlisted
soldiers are now and always have been
Union Democrats. We are willing to
compare notes with hiiu, at home and
abroad, if he wants comparisons, and give
tho world incontrovertible evidence of the
truth of our assertion, and when that is
accomplished, we will show from the
record, that every bold movo thus far
mado in this campaign lias been dono by
Democrats, and then, we will prove from
history, that the Democrats aro tho only
party, that ever defended the honor of the
Country from the dawn of tho Revolution.
-. 1. 1. -
General Election.
The Electors of Columbia countv. have
to fill the following offices, at the ooming
Uctober Llection. Tho nominecss must
bo good men, and moreover, they must bo
sound Union Democrats. Such, and such
only, shall wo bo willing to support : vit :
une Member ol Congress.
Two' Members of tho Legislature.
Two Associate" Judges.
Ono Sheriff, for tbreo years.
One Treasurer for two years.
One Commissioner for threo years.
And ono Auditor for three years.
The Member of Congress may bo elect
ed at a special Election. Certainly it
ought so to be if wc aro to bo represented
in Ibo Extra Session of Congress which is
to meet upon the Fourth of next July.
We think it about time that there was
some attention paid to thii extra question,
ItOlativo Frw of tho North
and South.
The r dative forces of this Government
and of tho Southern Confederacy in men
and means, fortn.just now a.vcry interest
itig quostion. Avoiding details, wo give
the general rcEullin a form.bricf and easy
to rcmombcr. Wo include Dclawaro with
tho North, and omit Maryland, Kentucky
and Missouri altogether, as at present un
decided and likely to givo littlo aid to
cither side.
Tho cash valuation of tho nineteen Frco
States, with Delaware and tho Territories,
is about 87 ,500,000,000 ; that of tho elev
en Slavo States is nearly 83,500,000,000.
But of this lattor sum nearly one-half i.
represented by come three and a half mil
lion slaves, worth from two thousand mil
lion to fire hundred million dollars, ac
cording to events. They wero worth only
two or three hundred dollars apiece somo
roars ago, and may easily again go down
to that price, or a lower one, or be worth
nothing at all. It is a variablo property
under any circumstances, and if insecure,
is valueless. Again: with their insecurity
absconsion or insurrection, tho raluc of tho
cotton, sugar and rice lauds, which they
are the ones to cultivate, would nronortion-.
ately fall. On tho other hand, a great, I0nu picnuiuuy siorcu witu.ue ucccss
incrcaso of tho negro population would arics f life- Our beds consisted of straw
beggar the owners by requiring most of a 6trcwn alotlg 1""U f l"" 'J
' I
wora-out soil for their support. Tho real
productive property of those States cannot
be rated at over $2,5000,000,000. Tho
North, on tho contrary, is eminently re
productive, has the art and tho industry to
renew its lands when impoverished, pos
sesses tho skill and the will to improve all
its advantages and derelope all its wealth, Sclinsgrove, where we wero met by tho
and, in all ways, swells its capital by a brass band. A barrel of tar was burnt to
sort of daily compound interest. show us up to the citizens. Wo proceeded
Tho white males between the ages of without further stoppages to Harrisburg.
eighteen and forty-five, in twenty Free ' Along tho whole routo wo wcro cordially
States.(Delaware included) are 3,851,000 j'weloomcd, and heartily cheered. One
in tho eleven rebellious States, 1,110,000,
and iu the three doubtful States, 514,000.
If theso last be added to tho Free States,
it will make them 4,3G8,000 ; if to tho
rebels, they will bo 1,030,000. In the first
caso, our men of tho military ago aro three-and-a-half
times those of tho rebels ; iu
tho second, four times as many, and in tho
last, two-and-thrco-cighths times as many,
Besides, our populatiox increases rateably
much faster than theirs, and, in addition
to white fugitives from Southern oppression,
wo shall have, more exclusively than ever,
tho full flow of foreign immigration.
Our vast superiority in ships, manufac
tures, inventitivencss, knowledge, enter
prise, ready monoy all that makes a
peoplo strong and wealthy is quito too
obvious to dwell upon. That such a great
preponderance of weight must in tho end
crush tho rebels, admits only to this doubt
whether we may not weary of tho cost
and labor of "putting down the screws."
No State has more nobly responded in
men and money to tho call of the govern
ment than the noblo old Koystono State.
Tho troops which she has already equipped
and furnished, and those which she propo
ses to equip, will fall littlo short of fifty
thousand. Most of theso troops aro the
very best fighting material of tho Stato.
The psoplo of Pennsylvania are both a
military and a patriotic people, and will
acquit themselves on tho field with distin
guished honor. We doubt whether any
State in tho Union will furnish uioro or
better soldiers for this war than tin "Old
Keystone State."
We cut the above from tho Chicago
Times as evidence that tho exertions of
Pennsylvania in this crisis are appreciated
by the people of other States. It is only
in trying times that tho nation learns the
great worth of tho Keys to no State. With
out dispargomeut "to our sister loyal States
which have ono and all given the most am
ple evidence of their devotion to the Union,
it may bo truthfully affirmed that Pcnusyl
vania,ths most moderate and forbearing in
time of peace and willing to go farthest to
avoid war, is correspondingly aetivo and
efficient in support of the Government
against armed rebellion,
SMajor Anderson passed through
Philadelphia, on Friday week, on his way
o Washington. Ho was enthusiastically
recieved along the route, and was most
cordially welcomed at Washington by tho
President and his Cabinet.
By tho Philadelphia papers of Saturday,
we learn that Colonel (la'o Maj.) Ander
son, retnmtd to that rllv on Vridnv rvrt.
uinglast.on bis way to Now Jersey to
v:sithisdaughters.-Uowas met at tho
Railroad Depot by a committee of the city
Councils, and escorted to his Hotel, where
' i
te was welcomed to tho city, in a
speccn uy Mr. tuylor, l'rcsiilet ot belcct
Council, and arrangements wero mado io
give him a public welcome and reception at
Independence Hall, on Saturday, From
New Jersey it is said Col. Anderson, will
proceed to Kentucky, to tako command of
the Union forces in that State.
Mrs. Lincoln, wife of President, camo
I " '"" ' aingion, on
her way to Boston to visit her son.
n1 A . .1 r. rr..i ?. ... ...
CSS-Our Farmers will jjlcaso bear in
mind, that tlio annual election of Officers
lor tno Columbia County Agricultural
society, will bo licm on baturday, tho 25th
of ilay, at the Court House. Notice in,
advertisement columns,
be well attended.
Let the meeting ;
Dr. John P. Taoqaiit, of Montours -
ville, has bcon appointed Asailant Surgeon
in the army, and detailed to Cairo. Illinois-
He started on Mondav even'm? for tho
point designated.
. . ... , '
Editoro jr. ccpL-udwHCo. 1
Camp Curtin, May Hth, 1601.
Ed. Cot.. Dem.
Dear Sir ; In accordance with a prom
iso mado to you, and in order to gratify
tho curiosity of inquiring friends,! procood
to writo you a fow words about tho ''Iron
Guards1' and Camp Curtin.
It was with a heavy heart that some of
us embarked on board tho Rolling Wave,
and gave our farewells to tho assembled
hundreds at Port Noble. It .was not re
gret for what wo had done that saddened
our thoughts, but tho reflection that some
and perhaps all of us wcro biddingsml
adieus to weeping friends, and that many
of us wcro beholding tho spires of Blooms
burg for the last time.
Wo stopped a short time at Caltawissa
bridge, where a number of citizens had
assembled. Our next (topping place was
Danville, where, notwithstanding tho rain
a largo crowd assembled. A multitude
also' greeted us at Northumberland, among
which was a largo sprinkling of tho fair sex.
Tho Collector was kind enough to pass us
frco of toll. Our excellent band played
them a fuw choice tunes after which we
lurncn our """lion to our larucr, wnicu
1-1 -?. II. . 1 . t . I
"a comionamo euougu uau mere uccn
room ; but experience snowed u. that 100
men more than filled it ; hence many slept
on deck. The noise and confusion even
thon precluded the idea of sleep, except to
the eyes of those who had been patroling the
night before. We were all roatcd up at
patriotic invidual supplied tho wholo party
with as much milk as they could drink.
Another gave a quantity of bread, pics,
etc. Wo reached Harrisburg about 3 o'
clock of tho day after wo started. Copt.
Rickotts immediately formed tho company
and marched us through the principal
streets of the City and Capitol grounds.
On tho routo tho constant inquiry was,
Whoro aro you from? As praiso after
praise fell from tho lips of tho spectators,
wc began to conceive a better opinion of
ourselves and bear ourselves as soldiers in
deed. Wo hailed in front of tho gover
nor's room, and were briefly reviewed by
him. The Governor, members of tho Leg
islature, and military meu present pro
nounced iho Company to bo tho best drill
ed and equipped that had made its appear
ance in Harrisburg. W wcr5 then
marched to Camp Curtin, about a mile to
the north of tho City Wo fouud there as
sembled somo 4000 men of different de
grees of advancement in military tactic3,
Somo three or four hundred backwoods
men presented an uniquo appearance in
their fantastic dresses, and hats ornamen
ted with a bud: tail. Our camp, was for
merly the ground of the Dauphin Co. Ag
ricultural Society and contains about 125
acres. Tho buildings are wed for tho ae
commodation of soldiers. A number of
new ones are being erected. Quite a num
ber oftents aro also scattered over tho field.
Tho quarters assigned us wero formerly
hog-pens, but wo slept souudly iu them.
The next day two regiments left, tho 1 1th
and 15th aud wo then changed our quar
tersto thoso formerly occupied bv tho
' Union Guards" of llcadhi". It was a do-
lightful change from a hog pen to a horse
slab'e. Your humble servant found him
self sufficiently small to sleep under tho
feed trough. 'Tis true that the roof is
somewhat of a sieve character, but then as
soldiers wc have become accustomed to
ur Committee generously gave us1
, , ,. i .
each five dollars for spending money be
fore they left us. Wo felt sorry to part
from them and also with tho band. Wc
did not realize our situation until they left.
Tho Friday after wo reached this placo
Capt. Rickctts had the whole camp placed
under his charge. Our whole Company
were oil guard for 24 hours, aud that, too,
during a dronching raiu. We soon estab
lished a new order of things iu this camp
and quiet and order soon took the placo
of noise aud confusion. Running in and
out of tho camp was prohibited, much to
the chagrin of many who wcro accustomed
to make nightly vuits to Harrisburg. U
feared a little trouble from tho 'buck-tails,'
I but a littl decisIoQ oa our Part tent tbcw
; 10 lullr leB"' 1 evcu "aQ luu auuacy t0
'-r.-.l- -1 rr !. -..
rclu:sC luc commanuing oiuccr aumiuaneo,
, 7 7 r . .
tton of our services is shown by tho fact
because lie uait no pass, iuo apprecia
that Col. Scilcr has requested us to guard
the camp for tho next 21 hours, assiguing
a '. .
- lint Ittial ihi.
... t. i t r i
others. It is too much for us to stand
. , .. - . , , . .
. WM ., ..w fc-v -. f.-v
as a reason, that he coi-
.IS limiro flirt firfif rt nit. nrelifA. n-
it i . ... . -l i i ill
pecially when it is considered that thero
nva nl.nul 'Iti I'riTnnntoa in -"nm. ITm
.. -4, v
, ever, honor must bo earned. Our rations
I ,' ... ... ... .,. .
j mi iar, consist ox ureuu, uuiiu , aim mcu.
with coffee onco a day. Our amusements
aro various. But as this communication
u getting to be too lengthy, I will not at -
tempt their description at present. I will
try and writo to you again.
Resrc.tfully, Your?, &e.
0, B. B It 0 OK WAY.
' Advices at the Treasury Depattmont
announco a concerted movement among
financiers in Philadelphia, New York and
Boston, to tako the 511,000,000 loan at
Tho "Cons iKUtiunul Union ' i
John Bell, the candidate of tho party
who took the' Constitution as its platform,
during the recent Presidential canvass, is
reported to have come out in favor of So-1
cession. This is "Constitution" with al
vengeance, and shows bow much sincerity
there usually is in a party which attempts
to move into power on a popular "catch."
Tho Constitution was tho very "bono of
contention," about which tho American
peoplo were wrangling; and this now
fledged partythinking tho American peo
plo were as blind as themselves, expected
that men of all political stripes would
flock to their platform, so'ecting such por
tions of tho same as happened to meet their
views to stand upon ; spurning tho rest.
By this nico arrangement they expected to
conccntrato and unito tho antipodes of
American politics. Tho wholo concern
was originally a scheme to disorganize po
litical parties, and tickle the fancy of the
people. But Mr. Bell soon found that his
party was organized upon a mistaken idea. 1
Ho found that tho great mass of the peoplo
had rather fail iu a good cause than suo
cecd in a bad one.
Of course tho end of the campaign was
tho death of bis party and ho was left high
and dry. Actuated by no principle of
love for Constitutional law, ho is prono to
go with tho party that promises the most.
Henco wo fiud this "Con.-titutional" gen
tleman repudiating the Constitution for
which ho recently profasscd so much love
and devotion, and advocating the cause of
its enemies. Indeed, "love of the Consti
tution" and "greed for offico" appear to
bo convortiblo terms when applied to him.
Tha defection of John Bell is certainly
more to bo remarked than that of any of
tho prominent men who have gone with the
South, lie was supposed to embody tho
very essence of devotion and loyalty to tho
'Coustitution and tho enforcement of the
Laws." His name was n watchword for
tho self-mado sentinels who were to guard
tho Constitution aud the laws with a jeal
ous eye. But, behold 1 he is one of the
first in his State to repudiate the Consti
tution aud tho laws, and enlist in the
Southern host who aro intent upon their
destruction. Carbon Democrat.
Surrender of tho Missouri Mil
itia to the U. S. Troops.
St. Louis, May 10. Gen. Frost's bri
gad'.' of Missouri militia, encamped nl
Camp Jackson, on tho Western out-skirts
of tho city, surrendered unconditionally
this afternoon, on the demand of Capt.iin
Lyon, commander of the U. S. forces in
this city.
Capt. Lyon marched on Camp Jackson
with Some thousand volunteers, surrounded
it, and planted eight field pieces on tho
adjoining eminences. The troops laid down
their arms and were escorted to the city as
prisoners of war.
Later Sr. Louis, May 10, Mid
night. Just before the troops started for
tho city, and while the State troops were
drawn up between two lines of U. States
voluuteers, "rocks" wero thrown at tho
volunteers, and a few p'i3tol shots fired by
excited parties in tho surrounding crowd,
which was composed of a largo number of
citizens, including many women.
Oue shot took effect in thu leg of Capt.
Blanlawsky, and as ho fell, be gave the
word to firu which was obeyed by some
two or throe companies, resulting in thu
death of upwards of twenty persons, in
eludiug two women, aud badly wounding
several others.
Tun Baltimore Stkam-Gux. A gen
tleman who has scon the steam-gun operate
at Baltimore, gives tho following descrip
tion of it i
in. :- u.. ui,. i..n.
,, , ,. , ' . ,
that of an ordinary steam Dro engine, the
cylinder being upright. There is hut ono
barrel which is of steel, on a pivot, und
otherwise is liko an ordinary musket bar
rel. It is fed or loaded through a hoppor
entering the barrel directly over tho pivot.
'I he barrel has a rotary motion, and per
forms the cireumfereiico by machinery
attached, at tho rate of about sixteen hun
dred times a minute. Tho balls are let
into the barrel through a valvo at will,
and every time tho barrel comes round to
a certain point, another valvo, self-operated
lets out a bal', which is propelled solely by
tho velocity of the barrel iu revolving. It
will dischargo a two-ounce ball three hun
dred times a minute. The rango is ac
curate up and down, but the balls arc lia
ble to hit wide of tho mark on ono side or
tho other. Tho barrel revolves inaido of
a drum, made of boiler iron, between fivo
. ' .t . . ... ' ...
ana six feot in eircumlercneo, witli an
opening whero the balls aro discharged.-
Its ranee is not over ono hundred yards at
a J
, , , a
ucst, anu ino gun can ue worseu so as io
,. . fa ,. .. , ,
dischargo m any direction, 'Iho whole
thine weighs 0,700 pounds, and
b. a. ' ' .
is about
It is tho
informant that the gun does
? , .
not warrant tho expectations of tho in
Gunkual Ticket Aoent We under-
' stand that Mr. J. C. Wells takes tho place
of tho kto Judge Pcttebono, as General
1 Ticket Acent of tho Lackawanna and
I Hloombburg Kailroad. iur. Ytolls is a
' young man of energy and capacity, and
from bis acquaintance with tho affairs of
tho Company (having for a long timo been
. a clerk in the office) we doubt not ho will
disobarco tho duties of his new .talion sat -
. ifctorily Luzirnc L'nion,
. . r. ...
TL.V. A u IA 1,I.(.ISL i i llK.
extra session.
Harrisuuro, May 11.
Tho Senato was called to order at 1 1
o'clock, by the Speaker.
Find Adjournment.
Mr. Hcistand read in placo a joint resc
iut!ou for an adioummcnt of Legislature
s(He ,,'e oa Tuosday next, tho 14th inst.
The Loan Bill.
On motion of Mr. Finney, tho Senato
proceeded, in Committeo of tho Whole, to
'tho consideration of tho bill from tho
House creating a loan of threo millions,
and providing for tho arming of tho Stato.
Several amendments wero made, which
do not, however, materially alter tho bill,
and a number of others wcro discussed and
Tho Committeo finally rose, and repor
ted tho bill to tho Senato, when the Senato
adjourned uutil-Monday at 12 o'clock.
Harrisduro, May 14.
Senatf. Mr. Smith called up the joint
resolution to purchaso ten thousand copies
of Baxter's Infantry Drill, at ten cents per
copy, for tho use of tho volunteers, which
passed finally.
Mr. Uonnell called up tno supplement
to the act incorporating tho Mahony and
Broad Top Mountain Railroad Company.
Mr. Clymer moved an amondment that
tho Minehill Railroad Company shall pay
tho sum of threo thousand dollaas yearly,
for a period of fivo years, for tho supp ort
of the families of volunteers.
'I he amendment was negatived yeas
10 nays 10; and the bill then passed final
ly yeas 22, nays 4.
Tho Governor's veto of tho bill abolish
ing the Court of Nist Prui ., was taken up,
aud the veto was sustained.
Tho Scuatc then resumed the consider
ation of tho bill creatiug tho Homo Guard
of Philadelphia, and tho bill passed final-
.Mr. Smith called up the joint resolution
directing that the State supply Col, Ein
stein's Philadofphia Artillery Regiment
with rations until mustered into tho service
which passed finally.
Mr. Parker called up tho bill to incor
porate the Resorvo Division of Philadelphia
Grays, which passed finally.
Tho joint resolution for a final adjourn
ment on Thursday next, Iho lGth inst pas
sed. Adjourned.
House. The bill from tho Senato to
repeal charter of tho Mahouey and Broad
Top Mountain Railroad, was takeu up
and passed finally.
Two vetoes by tho Governor, ono vaca
ting Frcnoh street, Philadelphia, and tho
other an alley near tho new Cathedral,
wcro taken up, and the bills passed over
tho vetoes.
Mr. Randall obtained leave to record
his vote on tho resolutions relative to tho
Philadelphia Police bill. Ho stated that
his absence was owing to being called homo
for the purpose of being mustered into tho
service of tho United States.
The House resumed the consideration of
tho Senate amendments to tho loau hill,
many of which wero non-concurred in nnd
the bill returned to tho Senate.
Mr. Sclzer offered a resolution directing
the Judicairy Cauimittee to report a bill
allowing the voluuteers the clcctivo fran
The resolution lies over.
Tho House then adjourned until threo
Massachusetts Legislature.
Boston, May 14. The Legislature met
at noon, in special session.
Gov. Andrew's message gives a detailed
statement of the action of tho Common
wealth, aud says this is no war of sections,
no war of tho North upon tho South. It
is waged to avenge no former wrongs ; but
it is a struggle of tho people to vindicate
their own rights.
Io retain and invigorate tnc Constitution
of their fathers iu tho majestie effort of a
National Government, to vindicate its pow
ers, and execute its functions, for the wel
fare and happiness of tho people. His
exhibit shows that over 307,000 liavo
been expended by tho Stato for the troops
Ho annonnces having sent a Commissioner
to Europe for the purchaso of Minnie rifles
and other arms, to tho amount of 250,000.
Tho Governor recommends the appoint
ment of a Commissiouary General, a reg
ular medical bureau, and tho establishment
of a Stato encampment for military in
struction. Also, a permanent loan, and
suggests tho issue of small scrip, in order
that small capitalists may havo the privil
ege of investing. Ho concludes as follows :
"Senators and Representatives Grave
responsibilities havo fallen upon tho Gov
cruiuent aud tho peoplo, aud they aro
welcome. They eould not have been safely
postpoued. They have not arrived too
soon. They will sift and try this people
and all who lead and all who follow. But
this trial, in giving us a heroic present to
rovivo our past, will breaths tho inspira
tion of a new life into our national char
acter, and reassure the destiny of the Ro
The first troops on tho march for th
defence of tho Capitol and Old Abo, woro
under tho charge of Gen. B. F, Butler, a
Breckcnridgo Democrat, and lato candi
date for Governor of Massachusetts, and
Governor Spraguo, of Rhode Island, who
was elected by tho Demoorats in opposition
to Lincoln's party.
JSTFour full regiments of volunteers
1 havo been mustered iuo the United States
service, in Missouri.
n.."....!... , IA LMiIsLVil llK.
Gosport Navy Yard. Mooting in the Court House.
Mr. James Courtney, of Brooklyn, fur- j On Saturday evening, May lltli, 1801,
niahes tho following particulars of tho do- a meeting of tho citizens of Bloom .biirfi,
ft-uction of tho Qoyernjicn' property and was called at tho Court House. T o;' F.
Vcels at Nor oik. Mr 0. was a clerk in Clark, Esq., President (n tho OL-ir ; L
the Navy Yard, and slates that on Satar- ,. Tote, A. Madison and Dr. P. John, as
day afternoon Com, Mel. auly of tho Nor- ting ns Secretaries. On motion of 1 JB
folk Navy Yard, recieved reliablo intelli- Ncal, Dr. P. John was called upon to make
genco that tho Virginia troops intended to a statomcnt of tho reception of our volun
bring an overwhelming force to scizo tho teers at Harrisburg. Ho described tho
Navy Yard and Government vessels. "Iron Guards," as tho finest looking and
Tho town of Norfolk was under arms, and f best disciplined Company in "Camp Cur
the secessionists had seized Fort Norfolk, tin." Ho further stated", that notwithstand-
but obtained thcro only 150 kegs of con-
domncd powder, Commodore Pendcgrast,
of the Cumberland, had his broadsides
brought to bear on Norfolk and Plymouth,
with instructions to destroy hoth tho nla-
cos if tho secessionists fired a gun upon
the Navy lard. One hundred and thirty
men, in the Yard, wcro sworn to Bupport
the Government, but ono hundred joined
tho secessionists. Gen. Tnlfa'rio, of Rich
mond, of John Brown notority, who com
manded tho Virginia troops had caused
obstuuetions to bo sunk in the channel to
prevent tho passago of tho Government
vessels. Had the frigate Cumberland ar
rived at Norfolk four hours earlier than
she did, all the Government vessels would
have been saved. Saturday afternoon the
officers aud crow of tho Cumberland
went ashoro, spiked all tho guns in the
Navy Yard, and at St Helena, opposite the
yard, and completely destroyed, aud then
threw overboard all the ordancc, munition?
cf war and every thing tbat could be of any
servico to tho rebels. Both ends of the
dry dock were blown out, and the destruc
tion of property was thorough and com
plete. All the buildings wore burned ex
cept the Commodore's quarters, which
wero unsuccessfully fired.
On board the vessels, the magazines
wero flooded, and barrels of whiskey,
turpentine and other combustibles strewn
about, when tho following vessels wero
entirely consumed : Tho line of bnttlc
ship Pennsylvania, 122 guns-, tho liner
Now York, 74 guns, on the stocks, togeth
er with the house (two other houses iu the
Yard were also burned) the liners Colum
bus, 74 guns, aud Delaware, 74 guns ; the
steam frigate Meriimac, 41 guns, whose
engines were firt broken to pieces by
sledge hammers ; the frigates Columbia,
4 1 guns, Raritan, 44 guu3, United States
41 guns; slop of war Gcrmantown, 22
guns, (which had the shears cut and the
fall broke her back before burning); tho
brig Dolphin, 8 guns and a powder boat' 2
guns. Tho frigate Cumberland, Com.
Pendcgrast and the -team sloop Pawnee,
Com. Pau!ding, being fully mauncd, hoth
escaped and put to sea.
AiBLOOEY Battle i.nBue.vos
Six Hund'cU Men Killed. Buenos
Ayrcs, March 11, 1801. Tho battle of
l I'octilos took placo on the 11th of January.
ibo Government Commissioner was backed
by 1,400 "Gauchos," and Aberastain by
tlio ban Juan forces, amounting to about
1,200, among which were a largo number
ot the most intelligent populatiou on the
province. Tho combat lasted one-half
hour, tho San Juan cavalry immediately
passing over to tlio invaders. Then com
menced ono of the most horrible butcher
ies which has ever disgraced the bloody
annals of tho Argentine Republic. Three
hours and a half of bloody slaughter fol
lowed, during which time from four to six
hundred men were lanced. It is said that
Col. Saa and his brother killed until their
lanecs dropped from their hands from puro
exhaustion. But uiue persons wore killed
on the part of tho invaders, a fact which
goes far to prove tho previous account cor
rect. Governor Aberastain was taken prison
er, and after inarching five leagues on foot
across a desert, until ho could march no
longer, was set upon a mound of earth and
shot, tho most horrible barbarities being
offered to his body. His head general
was shot and beheaded, his head bciii" af
terwards stuck upon a bayouct and car
ried towards the city of San Juan, which
city, upon the arrival of tho invaders, was
given up to tho horrors of three days' mur
der, rapine aud bloodthirsty inventions of
tho invaders. San Juan was completely
desolated, and throwu back at least a
quarter of a century from tho path of pro
gress which she was beginning to assume
Theso terrible events have stirred up
every drop of revengeful and civil war
blood in tho veins of tho Buenos Ayrcans,
and revenge is now the scutimeut of every
A Whale Captured in the Dei.a
ware. Ono day last week a bugh whalo,
measuring about twentyfivo feet in length,
mado his appearanco in the Delawaro, at
Philadelphia. Ho was first observed at
Spruce street wharf but gradually worked
his was up tho river, until opposito Ken
sington, whero ho got entangled in a lot;
raft, and while splurging around ia that
condition was killed by a ball shot from
a musket. He was hauled out on tho
marino railway, at that point, and has
siuco been on exhibition. Who can satis
factorily account for his appearanco in that
locality I
ruiKEST of A bPV. A spy, namod,
bpencer, alleged to havo beon ono of tho
loaders of tho Baltimoro Riots, was arrcs.
ted at the Relay House. Papers of im
portance were found upon bis person. He
was sent to Annapolis, and will b tried at
ing tho Governor had notified the Company
that, in pursuanco of an order from the
War Department, they could not be accep
ted except to serve for the entire wr, ft
when ho had soon the Company, and !(
nessed their efficiency and fino mtliUfy
bcaring,'ho at onco ordered tho issue of an
order for their acceptance and they woro
marched into the Camp.
On motion, L. L. Tate, P. John, W. H.
Jacoby, wcro appointed a Committeo to
corrcsppnd with Col. H. R. Kline, in rela
tion to the expenses of conveying tho
"Iron Guards," to Harrisburg, and tha'
tho same might bo reimbursed by legisk
iivo appropriation.
Reports of Committees were receive1,
somo money paid on subscriptions, at.'.'
other business attended to generally.
On motion, tho meeting adjourned sub
ject to tho call of tho President.
The Outfit of aU. S. Soldier ij a
following list of articles which are furnii
cd to those enlisted for fivo years in t
regular services of tho United States. T.. .
allowance of clothing will bo apportion' '''
among tho five years comprising tho rcl
dier's term of enlistment as follows:
iirbt tear.
1 Cap complete, 2 cotton shirts,
1 forago cap & letter, a tlannel do.
1 coat
2 pairs drawers,
1 pair Epaulettes, 4 do. boots,
1 do shoulder straps, 4 do. stockings,
1 aiguilettc, 1 leather stock,
1 wool jackctt, 1 great coat,
5 pair, wool overalls, 1 tatiguo frock,
1 cotton jacket, 1 blanket.
'i pair cotton overalls
1 wool iackct, 1 cotton jacket,
il pairs wool overalls,:) pair cotton ovcrii'.ij
i cotton starts, 4 pair boots,
1 flannel shirts, 1 pair stockin
2 pair drawers,
third year.
1 cap complete, 2 cotton shirts,
I coat, 2 flannel do.
1 pair epaulettes, 1 pair drawers,
1 do. shoulder straps 1 do. boots,
1 wool jacket, 4 do. stockings.
1 do. overall, 1 stock,
1 cotton jacket, 1 frtigue frock,
!3 pair cotton ovcrallsl blanket.
I wool jacket, 2 flannel shritf,
1 cotton jacket, pair drawcu,
2 pair wool overalls,! do. boots.
a do.cotton overalls,-! do stockings
2 cotton shirts,
fifth year,
I coat, 2 cotton shirts,,
1 pair epaulettes, 2 flannel shirtsr
1 do. shoulder strapsl pair drawers,
2 do. wool overalls, 4 do. stockings,
.1 do. cotton ovcrall.4 do, boots,
1 wool jacket,
1 blanket.
Suitari.e Materials for Army
ClothinQ. Tho following is from a grad
uate of West Poiut ono who has been iu
service ; and whoso opinion is entitlod ta
consideration :
''As many mistakes have been made in
tho selection of materials for clothin- nnr
volunteers, a few suggestions from au arri y
officer will not be amiss. The clothing'
presoribed for tho soldiers of tho regular
army, after long experience, is undoubted-
ly tho best for volunteers. Tho overcoat.
uniform coat, sack coat blouse, trowsers
and blankets, should be of wool, without
any mixing of cctton, and should conform
in cut and make, to thoso used in tho rcg
ular army. The stockings should ba
coarse wool no ootton ; flannel ahitti
wool and cotton, tho less cotton the but
drawers of cotton flannel. Clothinu is
ually issued twice a year, in quantitiei
follows i To each soldier, one hat, o
forage cap, ono uniform coat, two st
coats, two pair drawers, threo flan-
shirty four pair stockings, in one ye
two blankets, two leather stocks in
years; throe pair of trowsers tho first;
two pair the second year."
The town of Cairo, at the junelioi
tho Ohio and Mississippi riverj, h? ,
come a point of considerable impor'
in the West. Thore is a foroo of
Federal troops now stationod thcro
Gon, Swift. Strong batteries are or
on and behind tho levees which couu
both rivers, and tho difficulty of lav .
troops on tho swampy ground aroun'l
post is so great that Cairo may bo co.
cred safe from any attack by tho Sout
troops. Heretofore steamers laden
provisions wcro permitted to pass'doft'iit -Mississippi
; but wo learn from Wa.
ton that Secretary Chase has issuod o-r1 .
to all tho Western collectors to grar. .
more clearances to steamboats going 4 .
rebel Statos, and to search every vvr
going South and to scizo all munitions
war and provisions intended for any
on tlio Mississippi, csccpt Kentucky
"Safe Bind, Sate Find."-""
Franklin Saving Fund, No. 130, S-.
Fourth street below Chestnut, res'. ,
special deposits al l per cent interest, -repays
them on doinand in gold or stiver
Other deposits 5 r cent intmst,