COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT, AND BLOOMSBURG GENERAL ADVERTISER. LEVI L. TATE, Editor. "TO nOLD AND TRIM THE TOUCH OF TRUTH AND WAVE IT O'ER THE DARKENED EARTH." 82 00 PER ANNUM 0 VOL. 15.-NO. 5 COLUMBIA DEMOCRAT. l'UDLISIIi;D EVERY SATURDAY, BY LEVI L. TATE. IK BLOOMSBUntJ, COLUMBIA COUNTY, TA, OFFICE h ts mm Drltl nuUJiHg, e-pptltle the Exchange, h M terms or sunscnirTioN. 11 00 III advance, for ono copy, for ix months. 1 75 In advance, for ono cojty, ono year. 3 00 If not paid within tins tint three montlil. ', J S3 If not paid within tho first sit mouths. T 2 50 If not paid wltliln the year, Till tO" No subscription taken for Ion than ill months, rind no paper discontinued until all arrearages shall havo ' been paid, E7" OrdlnarvAoviRTticxiiirs Insetted, and Jon Worn: 'executed, at the establishcduuccs. ' DALTIMOUK LOCK HOSPITAL. DR. JOHNSTON, . mil', founder of this Celebrated lutllution,oirerthe J. most certain, speedy, and only cirecluul remedy u tho world for ctroclaf..r;ieet-i, Stricture!, Hcmlnalwcak. nnss l'niniin the I.oius, Constitutional Debility, Impo. teucv. Weakliest of tlio Uack and l.lniha, Allcctions of , the Kidneys, rnlplutlon of the Heart, Dispcpsla, Nor- Voi It liability, Disease of llio Head, Throat .. Note or r Hkln and all thuso serious and melancholy Disorders 4 KirfJomtheilestrurtko habits of Youth, which de slroyn both body and mind. These secret uml solitary practices, oro more ratal to their let . lis than the sons of the Syrens to tlio manners Ulysses, blighting! their most ' brilliant l.opct and anticipations, rendering inarri age i.c. MABttlAOK. Married persona, or Yonne Men contcmplatlnj mar , rlase, helim an are of physica l weakness, organic tlcabi I k ty, deformities, ice, should iniincdialily consult I)r Johnston, and bo restored to perfect health. Ho who places himself under tlio care of Dr. Johnston, may rcllKiousty conlldo In his honor as a Bcuucmcn, and ' confidently rely uisnn iilai itKill tits a plijrlcian. UlluAMo HLAlviiwa Immediately cured and full isor restored. . This deseaseis the penalty most frequently pa d by those Mlio have become the . ictlm of Improper induleen clcs Young persons aro loo apt to commit elcesslrom not beiliB aware of tlio dreadful consequence th it may ensue Now, who that understands the subject will pre. t and to deny that tlio pow cr of procreation is lutl sooner by those falliusJnlo improper habits than by t he prudent, liesldes helm deprived of the pleasure of healthy oil. minis, tho most serious and destructive sjinptoms to ' both body ami mind arise. The system become derails . i ed! the pliislcal and mental powers weakened, iicrw-iia ; " debility, dy spepsia, palpitation of the heart, indigestion, ; a wasting oftlm frame. Couth, (symptoms of Consuinp- L-k ''o-oincc, No. 7 Houtii rRinnicK 8iheet, set en doors from llaltimore street. Hast side, up the flfi"; I'e par in obsertintt thoNAMU and NU.MIlKit.or )ou ' will mistake the place. . vi A Cure I'orrcnliit, or no Caori'S Made, la from Out lo '' TicoDngi. v NO MCRCUUY Oil NAlMUtlUtf DUUUi L'BED. ,.i Member of the Royal ColleBe or Surgeons at Londnn- Graduate from ono of tho luoit eminent lollcgcs of the , Ki,i.,.,ni! the greater part of whose life has been spent in tho flr.t Hospitals of London, r.uis, rhila- ,.r.,etn.,t ..eroever known: many troubled M with rincias in the head and ears whi n asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at sudden sounds, and bash rulness, w tttl freiuent blushing, attended sometimes n itl. derangement of mind, were cured j Immediately. ACl.ltlAIe DISl.APl.. When tho misguided and otary of pleasure . finds 1.0 has imbibed tlio seeds of this p.ilnul diu-aac. It ' , t. often hapni na that an ill timed sense of shame or ' dread of discovery, deters him Irom applying to those who from education and respectability cau almio befriend Jinn, dclaiing till tho ronstltutionary symptoms ofihis Jf horrid diseuse mukes their appearance, inch ni ulcerated ' jjoro throat, ilisia.ed noe, nortiirce, pains In the head , . and IliilbJ, dimness of slltllt, duafness, nodes on the skin . bonis, and arms, Mulches on the head, face an I eitreum -'ales, pronresslns with rapldiiy.till at last tho palatu of .lhe iu tilth and bonea of llio noso tall in, and tho Ictim or ''IjIiib d's-ase betouiosa horrid objectof rouiiuissornllon till death puts a period tnhls dreadful sulterlnEs, by sen- dini! him lo "that bourne from w Ileum no tr.iviler re turns." To such, therefore, Dr. Johnston pledees him , aclflonresenothoiiioslcmioablo secrecy, and Iroiu his I eilensivo praitlco in the llrsl llospitilsof Ihirope and '! America, he rail conlldently reciniiieud safe nud speedy " cure lo the unfortunato iiliinofthia horrid disease, f- curolul"! .rAK1; PAUTIUULAU NOTtCli Dr. J. addresses alt thosu who hate iij'ired themselves ' liy private nnd improper indulaences. These arc some of the sad and nnlancholv cflectl pro .luced by earl) habila ofjoilth, MZ. Weakness of the Hack and Limbs, l'.iin ill the Dead, Dimiiess of h'i3ht Loss of Muscular l'ower, ralnilntiou ot the lleait. Djs- ocpsia, Nervous Irratabillty. Deranceineut of the Digca " tlve Functions, Oeneral Dcbilitj, symptoms of Consump "mESTAI.I.Y. Tlio fearful effects upon the mind nro is. much to bo dreaded, I.o.sof Ms mory, Collision of ldius J),'presionof tho Spirits, Util I'on bodinas, Aversion of Society, Tlinity, &.C nro somo of tha ctils prodjeed, 5 Thousands of persons of all ages can now judge w hat S is tha causs of their declining health. Loosing their ' isor, becoming enk, paio and cinaciated, haMiig sin gular a(lpearanc about the eyes, cough and a) niptums cl CntumptlA. IN,v,n0ATIN0 I!r,MI;ui. roR OUUANIU WllAKNI'.SH. IlytUis treataud iinportant remedy, weakness of tho organs are tpceihly cured, and full tlgor restored. Thousauds of tho most nervous and debilitated, who had lost all hope, have been immediately relieved. All Impediments to .Marriage, Physical mid Mental Disquali fication, Nervous ratability, Tremblings and Uiakness or eihaustation of tho most fearful kind, speedily cured by Doctor J"""'Vo,.-x MHN. Who have Injured thniselves by a certain practice. Indulged In when alone a habit frequently learned rrom eil couipaiilous, or at school tho eirects of which aro nightly fell, even when asleep, and if not cured readers luarriago impossible, and destroys both uiiud and body, lliould apply immediately. What a pitty that youni man, tlio hope of lilt reunify, and th darling orbit p irents, should bo snatched from oil pnupects and enJonients orhfe, by tho eonsequeu. ccs of deviating from tin path of nature, and indulging in a sertain tecret habit. Such persons before coil temnatlng. M,umIAGK ehould reflect Hint n sound mind and body arc the inos , necessary rcquisitiut to promote conunbial happiness Indeed, without these the Journey through lifo becomes f v fljwenry pilgrnunge, tha prospect hourly darkens to v the view: llio mind becomes shadowed with despair ic .f filled with tho lanrholy reflection thai the happiuesi jf another becomes bllehted with our own, ofi'ici: no. 7 south;, mj Jl ALL SUlllllCAL OIM1UATIONS I'lUU OKMKD. !al N. II. Let no ralso modesty prevent ou, but apply Immediately eitlo-r personally or bv Letter, j ' ( sKINDISliASL'SSI'EtDILYCUUUD. 'ill A HtJIA T, mnnv llinlisauda cured st this institution Within the last 15 years, and llio numerous iinportant burgicnl Operation! performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of llio papers andmauy other persona, no. (ices of which hato appeared ogain nud agaiu before tho ..Hi.!! hn.u,. l,ia ut.tiidma as n ecntleman of rlinrncter . and responsibility, is a siitlicicnt guarantee to the atllicte J, TAKB NOITCJI. K. II. There are to many Ignorant and worthlctj .hUaika advertising themselves i'hjsicians, ruining tho j , wealth of tha already aolicted, that Dr. Johnston deems t ' .-.-lecesiary lo say, especially tu thoso uuacqoainled I wth kit reputation, that his credential! and dipiomttj a. uu) hang in his olflre. I "vc irv Tiar. N'OTitE. All letters must bo nest paid, and t rantaiu u postage stamp for Ihu reply, er no answer will be sent. Marchl7, 13M. FRESH ARRIVAL -or- v " stc Mi: underilnnod. grateful for past patronage, respect 0 fully Informs hit cu. turners and the publlcgcnerally, . .Atv, l,.t..ln .u.rlun.1 emu, Ihit TUtternn rillsu .1,0 Jurcst uud most select stock of SWUNG AijD suaijjjm Slst ha yt been opened In Hloomfburn, tu which he ravites Ihti attention uf his friends, and asuures them Vi tht-y are offered for talc t-Vt great bargains. JIU tito:K cumprlscs a largtt assormen( of 3f OENTLKMUN'B AVKAUING A,lTAr,UL. Cousistinir ol FismoifApLB IIresj Coits, of fcry dps. rrirtion; rants, Vcs;s, bhlrts, Cray at Stocks, Cuoq llaudkerihlifs, Qluycs, Uuspmiders, &c, GOLD WATCHES JEWELEY, 'Of every daicrlpllon, fine and cheap. '.N U. Reinember " .olpatrt" clitep rmeiium." WU and tec, Ho charge for naming ijoods. HAVIU LOIVUNIIERU Dlstmikiri, Mitch'.', i:ei, (iucl.i-) 11 Select Jlloctrn. Tlio Empty Cradlo. In tho lonely quiet chamber There an empty cradle-lied, With a print uputt the pillow Of a baby's tinning head, 'lis a fair and dainty cradle; Downy ma tho pillows white i Hut within the blankets folded, Lies no little form to night. Once tha mother sat beside it When the day was growing dim. And her pleasant voice wo a singing Soft an 1 low-a cradle hymn Now there's no more need of singing When tho evening shadows creep, I'ot the cradle-bed Is empty And Jh baby gone tu sleep. Little head that used to nritlo In the pillows white and soft; Little hands, whoso restless fingers Folded them in dreams bo oft; Lips wo pressed with warmest kisses Eyes we praised for purest ray -Undcrncnlh the churchward daisies Tiny have hid ou all awny. Ah ( tha empty, melons cradle 1 We will put it nut of night, Lest our hearts should grieve to sorely Tor tho 'little one to-night. We will think how safe forever In the better fold above, That young lamb for w hich w c sorrow I'cstvth now in Jesus love. Aa Appenino Adventure. While stopping iu Florence, at thc"Casa del Hello," my companion and guide wai James L. Grover, an American painter of somo noto, whom I had well known in tho land of liia nativity. It was Sunday eve ning, and on the following day I was to start for Bologna. Grover and myself sat upon ono of tho balconies of our chamber, engaged in conversation over our segnrs, and after we had talked awhile of tho various things wo had been duricg tho day, ho asked me if he had ever told mo of his adventuro upon tho Appenincs. I told him I had never hoard it. "Thou. I mnst tell it to you," ho said, throwing away his sugar, and taking a sip of wiuo. "I lighted a fresh egar, and he related it to 1110 -as follows : "Four years ago thin summer, my bro ther and two sisters vititcd me here in Florence. They ipcut two weeks with ms, and then started for Venice, by tho way of Bologna, where they had friends whom thoy were anxious to sec, I should havo gouo with them had I not been en gaged upon a work which 1 had promised to havo done within a given time ; but, as it was, wo inado tho thing work very well, for my brother expected two thousand dol lars by tho hands of a friend who was shortly ospected from Borne, and it was arranged that I should tako tho money when it camo, and bring it with mo to Veuica when 1 got ready to meet them there My brother loft tho necessary document for tho obtaining of tho money, and in due time set out. "On tho very nest day I was taken ill, and was confined to my bed a week, but I got out and finished my work just as tho friend arrived from Itomo with the money. IIo delivered it into my hands upon tho production of my brother's written instruc tions, and I set tho nest Monday as tho day on which I would start. I was really not fit to undcrtako such a joarnoy, but I could not mis3 seeing my sisters once nioro before they returned homo. I could havo sent tho money easily enough, but I had promised myself too much pleasuro with my dear relatives in Vcnico to miss it now. "Monday mornitig came, and I could not ariso from my bed without assistance. A sort of ncuralgio affection had seized on my nerves, and I was forced to stay in doors, and to resort to hot baths and med icine. But on tho following morning I felt able to start, and did so. Upon reaching Pistojo, I learned that there was no dili gence to lcavo beforo tho nest day. I oould not stand this. I was already be hind my time, and if tho thing could bo accomplished, I must go on, There was a diligenco under the shed, but no ono to drive it. "But can't wo havo somo ono I" I asked. "If Signor will pay," was tho laconio reply. Of course I would pay ; and thought tho sum charged was a pretty round ono, yet I did not hesitate. Tho lumbering vchiclo was dragged out) four miscrablo looking horses were attached, and theu a yoko of stout oxen hitched on ahead of them, Two rough looking fel lows wero provided, one as a vctturino, (postilion,)and tho other to drivo tho oxen. Thus provided, 1 took iny teat, and the diligence started. "Wo w cro to cross the Appenlnes by tho Pass of La Collina, and just began to as cend tho rugged mountain path when I heard a loud hallooing behind, and in a moment the diligence stopped. BLOOMSBU RG, COLUMBIA COUNTY, PA-, "What's tho matter!" I asked, poking my head out through tho .opening by my sido. "Two men want to ride," returned tho vctturino. "But I havo hired tha diligenco, and am in a hurry; so drivo on. If thoy wish to rido they must wait uutil to morrow." "But the drivers wero not to bo govern ed thus. "It won t make a bit of difference," tlioysaiu. "Wo 11 just go as last; and besides, they 11 pay us something." "By this timo the cause of all tha trouble mado its appcaranco in tho shape of two dark visaged, blaok-beardcd,poworful men who looked ugly enough for tho incarna tion of murder, I recognized ono of them as a fellow whom I had seen hanging about tho hotel at Florence, and tho other I wa confident I had caught a glimpse of just as tho diligcnoo left tho yard at Pis toja. "I was upon tho point of speaking when tho thought occurred to mo that I had bet ter keep my knowledge of the Italian lan guago to myself. I might find out tho character of tho fellows thus. I know very well that further remonstrance would bo useless, for tho drivers wero stupidly hoggish, and the now applicants were clearly not men to bo argued with. The door was oponod, and the follows entered. I occupied tho back seat, and thoy took tho scat at tho other end, fixing themselves so as to face mo, Thoy looked at mo out of wicked eyes, and as thoy threw back their short cloaks I saw they wero well armed. "Hope wo don't trouble you?" said ono of them, in course Italian, aa tho diligenco started on. I gazed inquiringly into his face, but mado no reply. "IIo repeated tho remark. "jS'o comprehend, Signor," I said, sha king my head. "Ah Englisc?" hbEUsgeste"a,- with a shrug of his shoulders. "No Irish," I told him. "Ugh !" ho grunted, with another shrug of tho broad, massive shoulders, and an awful scowl of tho face. "Wo had now began to ascend the moun tain in good earnest, and our pace was slow and lumbering. The fellow who drove tho oxen mado noiso enough for an army, while tho blows upon both oxen and horses Ml hard and thick, but without accom plishing anything. Had I been alono, I might have enjoyed tho scenery which un folded itself below us as wo crept up tho Collina; but as it was I could not think of anything save tho two men who had forced themselves upon me. Pretty soon one of them spoko, and though I appeared not to notico them, yet I could sco that they wero watching mo closely, "Death and destruetiou !" ho uttered in his own tongue, "wo shall bo over the pre cipice if that drunken driver is not care ful r 'I read the fellow's purpose in a mo ment and not a movement betrayed my understanding of what ho had said. My eyes wero half closed, and to all appear ance I was, unconscious of their presence. "He's right. IIo don't understand us," said one of them. "All safe," returned the other. "After this thoy convorsed together quito freely, and 1 was not long in having my worst fears realiz cd. But not a change could thoy detect iu ray countenance. I I kept my knowlcdgo as secret as tho very grave, and all my feeling was within mo. After awhilo they became satisfiod that 1 know nothing of their language, and they became more bold in their speech, and talked their plan all over ; and from thorn I learned tho following highly interesting particulars : "The one whom I had scon in Florence had by somo means learned that I was to carry quite a large sum of monoy with mo across the mountains, and ho had come on to Pisjota, where his confederato was, to await my arrival,intcnding to rob mo there, if possible. But when they found that I was to go alono in tho diligenco, thoy had a better plan. They would rob mo on tho mountain. Th two drivers wero friends of theirs, and wero to bo paid liberally for allowing themselves to bo overcome. Tho villains talked about cutting my throat, shooting me through the head, or plung ing a knife to my heart, and thou throw ing mo over the precipice, as coolly aa though they had been planning tho death of a fowl for dinner I Tho placo whero they were to murder mo was about a milo distant, whero tho road wound round a high crag, with an almost perpendicular wall of rock upon ono hand, and a deep chasm on tho ether. "This was an interesting position, suro enough, I was weak weak at best but doubly weak now with my illness and tho only weapon I had was a single pistol. Hither of tho brigands could havo thrown mo over his head with case, and as for fighting with them that was out of tho question. What could Idol Both tho drivers woro in league with them. If I leaped from tho diligenco, I should die on tho spot where I landed. If I shot ono of tho bandits, tho other would annihilate mo in a moment. I had the gold in a small traveling bag under my feet, and as the heavy carriago jolted over tho stones, tho yellow pieces jingled sharply, and I could sco tho eyes of tho villains sparkle liko stars. "At length tho high craggy peak was in sight, and I could sco where tho road wound abruptly round it. Thus far I had been torturing my brains to invent somo way of escape, but without effect. I was as thoroughly hodged in as though bound by iron chains. And in a few minutes, all would bo over 1 Still' 1 felt for my pis tol, and had it ready. "Presently the diligenco stopped at tho foot of an abrupt rise, and tho follow who drovo tho oxen camo and told tho bandits they must get Out and walk up. They stepped out at onccj and in a moment I heard a slight scufile. I lookod out just in timo to -see both tho drivers lashed together by tho arms, back to back. They must hav, been placed ready for tho operation, for the thing had been dono with incredi ble quickness. I drew my pistol and awaited tho result. My heart was in my mouth, but the intense excitement render ed mo strong for tho while. "In a few sccouds ono of tho villains came and poked tho muzzle of a huge pis tol into my face. ''Gold! GV7 ho said. Givo me gold or die. "It was but tho work of a second to knock hii weapon distvn with my loft hand while with my right I brought up my own pistol and fired. Tho ball entered be tween his eyes, and ho reeled back and fell. Then I leaped after him ; for I saw his companion coming up upon tho other f-ide. I hoped to gain the doad man's pis tol, but ere I could do so, tho heavy hand of tho living bandit was upon my shoulder and his pistol aimel at my head. With an energy which tho presence of death can alono beget, 1 knocked his weapon down, and grappled with him. lie hurled mo to tho ground as though I had been a child; but before ho could follow up his advantage tho postillion cried out : "Hold, Marco! A vcttura is coming I "Tho robber turned, and in a moment move a heavy vcttura, with four horses at tached, camo round tho comer full upon us, I started to my feet, and saw my brother looking from the window. "Help! Bobbers! I shouted with all my might. "Tho bandit had taken aim at tho vct turino of tho ucw team, but ho was too late. My brother had comprehended the whole truth in a moment, and with a suro aim and a quick ono too, ho shot the vil- througlt tho heart. "Wo sccur'cd my two drivers, and then matters were quickly explained. I told my brother all that had happened, and ho then told mo ho had hoard of my illness, and was coming back to sco mo. Ono of iny sisters had been ill at Bologna, so that thoy had not yet gouo to Venice, but were waiting until I should be ablo to join them. You can imagino how deep our gratitude was and how fervently wo blessed God for this fortunato interposition. My joy seem ed to lift mo up from tho paiu 1 had suff ered, and I felt better than I had beforo felt for weeks. "And now what should wo do next ? Should wo let the two rascally drivers go and turn about for Bologna ? "No, said my brother. Our sisters won't expeot us for thrco days ; to we'll carry theso villains back aud givo them up and to-morrow we'll go over in ray vcttura. "Wo tumbled tho two dead bodies into the diligenco, and then bound the two dri vers hand aud foot, and tumbled them in after. Tho oxen were cast adrift, and my brother's vctturino mounted and started tho hoavy team back, whilo we assumed the control of tho vcttura ourselves. "The drivo down tho mountain was quickly performed, and tho city ofPistoja was reached without mishap. Tha two dead inon wero recognized as old offen ders at once, and my testimony very qui etly settled tho business for tho drirers. On tho nest night wo were in Bologna, where my sisters rccicvcd wo with open arms, and two days afterwards we wero all 5b Venice. "So much for my trip across the Appc-uiuci." SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1861. Frightful Explosion of an Oil Woll. Wo havo already mado mention of tho explosion of an oil well in Warren county, Pennsylvania. Wo extract tho following particulars : A well which had been drilled two hun dred feet by ilawloy & Merrick, had struck oil, but tho yield being less than expected, tho pumping was abandoned and drilling commenced. Over ono hundred feet further wero drilled, when at half past flvo on Wednesday evening a sudden rush of oil through tho fivo and a half inch tubing throw out tho drills and gushed up forty feet above tho surface of tho ground. At tho least computation it was throwing from seventy to one hundred barrels per hour, Abovo this mass of oil, tho gas of benzine roso in a cloud for fifty or sixty feet. As soon as the oil commenced gush ing forth, all tho fires of engines in the neighborhood wero immediately extin guished. At about half past cloven, as a largo number of men and boys wero about the well engaged in saving tho oil, tho gas from tho woll which had spread in every direc tion, took firo from tho engine of a woll over four hundred rods distant, when in a second tho whole air was in a flamo, with a crash and roar liko discharges from a park of artillery. As soon as tho gas took firo, the head of tho jet of oil was in a furious blazo, and falling liko water from a fountain over a space ono hundred feet in diameter, each drop camo down a blaz ing globo of boiling oil. Instantly the ground was a flamo, constantly increased and augmented by tho falling oil. At once a sccno of indescribable horror took placo. Scores wero thrown flat, and for a distance of SO feet, and numbers hor ribly burned rushed blazing from tho hell of misfortune, shrieking and screaming in their anguish. Just within tho circlo of the flamo could be seen four bodies boiling in tho seething oil, and one man, who had boon digging a ditch to convoy away tho oil to a lower part of the ground, was killed as ho dug, and could bo seen as ho fell over tho han dle of his spado, roasting in tho fierce clement. IV. r. H. It. Houso, of tho firm of Rouse, Mitchell & Brown, of the village of Enterprise, Warren couuty, a gentle man largely interested iu wells iu this locality, aud whoso income from them amounted to 51,000 a day, was standing near the pit and was blown twenty feet by the explosion. IIo got up aud ran about ton or fifteen feet further, and was dragged out by two men, and conveyed to a shanty somo distance from tho well. When ho arrived not a vistago of clothing was left upon except his stockings and boots. His hair was burned off, as well as his finger nails, his cars and his eyelids, whilo tho balls of his eyes wero crisped up to noth ingness. Iu this condition ho lived nine hours mado his will, leaving 81 00,000 to tho poor of Warren county, and $500 a year to his father, his only living relation, for lifo. Ho died, however, without sign ing tho will. Tho bodies of fivo other men wero re covered and recognized. In addition thero arc skeletons of five others visible within tho circlo of flame, and many aro missing strangers who came to witness tho oper ations of tho wells. It is supposed that a uumber of others havo boon burnt to pow der closo by the mouth of tho well. Somo thirty-four wero wounded. At tho timo of tho cxplosiou everything in tho neighborhood sixty or seventy rods took firo, and shanties, derricks, cngino houses and dwellings woro at once involved in flames. The boiler of Dobbs' well, eighty rods from tho original well, blew up with a tremendous explosion, kill ing instantly the engineer Wcsloy Skinner, adding another intensity to the evening's horrors. At this timo tho whole air was on firo. Tho jet of oil rushing up forty fect was almost a pillar of livid flame, whilo tho gas abovo it, to the distance of a hundred fect was flashing, exploding, dashing toward tho heavens, and appa aently licking tho clouds with its furious tongues of heat. Wheeling Union, Oun Aiimv and Navy. The Govern ment has mado official proclamation for additional troops to crush out tho rebell ion. Tho amount and conditions of the Government forces aro as follows: Volunteers by proclamation 75,000 Volunteers tor a years servico .... -l'J.ouo Regulars for 0 years' servico .... 25,000 Seamen ' 1S,U00 Total 100,000 That is, seventy-flvo thousand week be fore last and cihty-fivo thousand now. Each of the Stato has enrolled more than douolo the number of rcgiuicuU asked of I thctu. A Privato Room. One particular dark, damp, dull, driz ztlj, and disagrecablo day in tho latter part of November, a tall, gaunt, queer looking customer, dressed in a blue coat with brass buttons, with yellow striped pantaloons, and calfskin terminations, sat solitary and alono in ahttlo room, situated in a certain littlo restaurant in the city, beforo him was a littlo round tablo on whoso marble top was "not a littlo pitcher of smoking punch, "sarccohing hot," and a wino glass. Tho solitary individual was York nothing else and that was his second pitcher nigh his second empty. One minuto after and you couldn't fact, you sco havo squeezed out of cither pitch er or glass by a hydraulic press. York rang tho bell. Tho waiter popped his head in at tho door. "ring, sa V "Of course I did. Is it clearing off?" 'No sa damp, sa fog so thiok ycu could ladlo it with a spoon, sa. Havo anything sa?" 'More punch and stroag. "Yes, sa immediately." Tho waiter withdrew, and in a few sec onds returned with tho third pitcher of punch aud York was beginning to feel glo rious, when, on raising his eyes, he saw his own figure in a pier glass opposito. He rubbed his eyes again. "By thunder !" said ho, "hero's somo follow sitting right beforo me. I'll swear thero's impudenco for you. This is a pri vato room, sir, for my solo accomodation.' IIo waited a minute,cxpcctingan answer swer; but his reflection only stared at him and held its peace. "I was saying sir, that this is my pri vato room mino, sir 1" cried York, fetoh ing his voico an octave higher than it was before. No answer, and ho rang furiously. Tho waiter mado his nppearanco ugain. "King, sa !" "Yes, I did rinc Dou't I ask for privato room?" " It is? Why thero's a fellow setting right opposito mo now, on the other sido of tho table Hot his impudtneo. "Tablo, sa fellow sa?" "Yes, thero is. Well, just never mind Bring in somo more punch and a coup le of glasses." In a very short time, tho fourth pitcher with two glasses, mado thoir appearance. York filled ono of the glasses, and then shoved it over to the other sido of the ta ble. "Will jou drink ?'' said ho, addressing tho figure in tho glass. "Oh, you won't, eh?" "Well, I-I will." And so he did. "Better drink, old follow," continued York ; "your liquor is getting cold, and you look as if you was fond of tho thing." No answer being roturncd, York rang tho bell again. In popped tko waiter. "Ring, sa ?" "To bo suro I did. Binn't you hoar tho bb bell?" "Didn't"' I order a p-p privato room. Eh?" "Yes, sa; this is a private room, sa." "A pretty privato room this, with a fel low setting right opposito, that won't tako a glass of punch with you when its offered aud a red noso man at that. Oh, well never mind ; bring nioro tumblers and moro punch. I'll try him again." Pitoher number fivo was accordingly brought in, with duo stato. "B b better try some, old boy," said he, coaxingly, to his double. The reflex merely looked good natured, but said nothing. "Well 'continued York, with a sigh, "if this isn't most infamous. Never mind, I'll drin; tho punch 1 ' And so ho did, every bit of it. About fivo minutes sufficed to end tho pitcher York rang the boll suporfluously. Waiter camo. "Riug, sa?" "Certainly. Why shouldcn't I?" Whcro's tho man who keeps the placo ?'' "Boss, sa? I'll sco him, sa." Shortly after, the host, a quiet little man with a mottled, calico pattern faco and a shinning bald head, mado his appcaranco. "W-w whats to pay ?" demanded York rising and assuming an air of dignity. "Firo punches fivo levies, Bir." "There's tho monoy, sir," said York, forkinir over tho coin. "And now I want to know why, when I c o-called for a pri vato room, you put mo in here with some body elsol" "Thero's nobody here but you and 1." 1 "Nobody ! Do you think I can't see. VOLUME 25. D'yo think I'm drunk!" Thero look thero ! Two of ,em, by jingo." "Well sir, I must confess, I can't sea but U9 two." "You can't, oh?" and York dragged tho landlord to tho table. "Look there, then; thero's the rascal On of 'om is enough like bo your brotho cr and the other is tho most God-forsa ken, mean looking whito man that ever I saw?" A nusDAND A Convenient Thing. I asked a pleasant Iookinir German woman in market, one cold morning, if it was not naru worK to como every morning and miad her stall. ''Oh, yes," was her renlv. ,'lsh nrettir cold, but I must do somcthinff. I did not uso to tend market." I asked her how it hanDoned that lipr circumstances had so channed. In Iter brokon English sho told mo tho following story : "Mo and my iiusband ooino from Ger many, and on the sea ho die, and when no. cot to St. Louis mo havo nd monish. anrl four, five childrcd; sol wash, I iron, I do every thing I can do, nnd I only get bread ; den I gets sick ; washin' and iron in' too hard for mo. So I said I will go in tho country and work carden : so I sells my irons and everything, and works somo more, and gets twenty dollars, and then I rents of a German man one aero of ground, and I spado him, and work him all mjrself my boy only soven years old then and l raiso lettuce, and beets, and cabbage, and onions, and corn.anil nvrrr. thing,and Iniako monish. Thenin two years I rent two acres, and then mv bovs and girls help somo, and I mako lots of monish; men l uuiius me a iioot homo, and two years ago I gets mo a husband." "llow Uo you get along now?" I asked." "Oh, very well," sho answered, and with a merry twinklo in her oye, sho add- cu, -no is uc most convenient thing about do house, but my new cooking stovo. no Epaacs my ground, and helps mo to get ready for market, and nurse my baby while I come, for I know better how to soil, I been koin' so long." JfST WHAT HE WAD WuEN A DOT. A fow evenings since, whilo slonly making my exit from a crowded lecture room- whero an appreciative audience had been listening with absorbed interest to the glow; ing pictures of India, presented by a pop ular and gifted lecturer, and earnest voico by my side exclaimed : "Just what ho was when ho was a boy. I heard him offer his first prayer in public and I shall never forget my feelings. Ho was just as earnest then as now. Yon could scarcely breatho for listening." 'But, said a lady in reply, "can you bcliovo all he has said ?" "Yes," was tho instant reply. "That boy could never say what was not exactly truo. I bcliovo him just as much as I be lieve tho Bible." I mused upon tho words, "Just what ha was when ho was a boy." Tho same quick thoughts, glowing with poolio imaeory tho samo fervid oloquence, seemed to lift the hearer to somo lofty standpoint,whcnc tho far-famed luxurianco of Eastern climos stretches out a sea of vcrduro beforo his admiring gazo, or amid this oriental gran deur of scenery scos tho vast crowds held in thraldom of debasing errors, till his heart glows to stretch forth his hand to those perishing millions, and pluck them as "brands from tho burning." un that tneso oarolcwly uttorrod words might havo fallen upon tho heart of overy boy in our land, making each realize that oven now he is weaving tho mantlo of his futuro manhood, tracing his character in dim outline, to which future yoars Bhall only add tho shading ? How wise, then, in youth, to follow noblo ambitions, to do those things which aro right ! JSlollitri Journal A CoKuurr Institution. A pious old deacon used to inspiro us with so much awo by tho sanctity of his manner, that wo dare not say that onrsoul was our own while iu church. Deacon F, camo to Cal ifornia, and was tempted after small gaim. A friend and member of tho same church found him one night "bucking tho montc." With holy horror ho nudged tho the ab sorded player into a knowlcdgo of his prosenec. "Deacon, do I find you gam bling?" With ready wit to release him from embarrassment, he chuckled, "No, no, friend S , not gambling 1 You sco this is a corrupt institution, txnd I'm ibing my lest to brepk it uo!" "My namo is Summerset. I am a mis erable old bachelor. I cannot marry, for how could I hope to provail on any young lady, possessed of tho slightett delicacy, to turn a Summit iCtt "