Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, May 11, 1861, Image 2

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    Culumlmt DiMimrrnt
Mn. Edward B. Snider, of PLolpivillo,
Sullivan county, lias our thankg for lato
files of Qulignani's (ram) Misscngtr.
TirE American Agrictdturist for May,
by Mr. Judd, of Now York, is increasing
ly interesting and specially attractive.
SfijVMctars. Klino, Ostorhout,and Hound,
our Members and Master W. Q. Brower,
at Ilirrisbnrg, have our thanks for public
The May Genesee Farmer, is before us,
and on a hasty examination of its contents,
no have found it to contain a vast amount
of useful and interesting reading.
"Peace and order, have assumed their
eway in Bloomsburg. Previous to tho do-
partursof the Voluntors,our town was tho
moving emblem of a Military Camp.
"Quiet now reigns all around.
XtS" Andrew MoGinly, now in tho jail
xjf Montour county under sentcnoo of death
for tho murder of Thomas Shevland, and
who was to bo executed on 3d Inst., has
boon again respited for GO days.
BSJ A brief and sensible Agricultural
Communication, will be found on tho fourth
page of our Columbia Democrat. A sim
ilar article, graced tho same pago last
.week, signed V. AVintorsteen. Wo appro
eiat all such efforts on tho part of our
-farmer friends, for the promotion of ag
ricultural Ecioneo and invito general co
operation. BSy Capt. Samuel Rihby, of Jersey
!town, Mercantile Appraiser of Columbia
county, for 1801, has entered upon the
active duties of his official station. Capt.
K., is an active business man, and we have
no doubt, will tnako an efficient and cor
rect officer. Ho ha3 also just obtained
License and opened a New Hotel in Jer
soytown entitled tho "Montour House,''
to which he invites attention, as per Card
In this "Columbia Democrat."
"TnE Iron Guards," on last Saturday,
paid a social visit to our neighboring vil
lage of Buck Horn. The farmers and
citizens very generally carried the Compa
ny over and back in wagons. Rower's
Cornet Band accompanied tho Soldiers,
discoursing for thorn martial musio, and
combined they made a grand display. Mr.
Geo. L. Shoemaker, got them up an ex
cellent dinner at tho Buck Horn Hotel,
and with other suitable accompaniments ,
they had a good time of it goncrally.
J5- Lieut. Col. W. H. Ent, an officer
in tho Iron Guards, is confined to his room
by indisposition, at tho Exchange Hotel,
in Bloomsburg. He is now convalescing,
and we are bappy to bclievo, that he will
on Monday re join his oomrada in arms at
Harritbnrg. Capt. Rioketts, has a fine
lookisg Company of ablo-hodied young
men, well-trained and handsomely equip
ped and will bo an ornament and honor to
'Camp Curtin."
P. S. Since tho foregoing was in typo,
we received a letter from a valued citizen
formerly of our county, from which wo
tako tho following extract :
Harrisburci. May 0, 1SG1.
Dear Col. Tatt,
Dear Sir : Capt. Eicketts' Company
of Volunteers is a noblo set of fine young
men. They aro certainly creditable to
tho county of Columbia. I felt proud of
thcin yesterday as tuoy appeared before
the Executive Chamber.
BSr" Our neighbor of tho Democrats
unnecessarily sensitive. It would require
but a little effort to show from tho filo of
his own paper that he does not stand where
ho did a few months ago ; but as ho is now
right and doing good service iu behalf of
what ho now acknowledges to bo "a just
war," we have no deposition to make him
fecl uncomfortablo by pointing to tho past.
Ho is now on tho truo platfocm, and we
trust he never will get oft again."
Columbia Co. Republican.
Our neighbor of tho Republican, has
again most egrogiously misrepresented our
position, in the foregoing paragraph. He
cannot show, that wo do not now stand
just where wo did months ago ; or, that
we ever "acknowledged this to bo a just
-war." Our reply last week, to a similar
bravado in tho Republican, which wo hold
to be truthfully appropo, and should have
put a quietus upon Dr. John's systematic
misrepresentations, is hero re printed and
will, by all honorable men, bo regarded
as a fair expssition of our own course and a
triumphant vindication of tho Democratic
We then said and now repeat, what Dr.
John never dare say, with truth. Wo nro
precisely whero wo havo beon for over
thirty years, square upon the Democralio
platform, and always in support of every
just war in which our country has been
engaged. And, without stopping to en
quire into tho cause which superinduced
this war, we are with our truo and trusty
friends in defenco of the National Flag.
soven-tentbs of whom aro of our politioal
Tamily and will patriotically vindicate the
lonor of tho "Stars and Stripes," (o an
iouominlom death or gltrious victory,
Tho Extra Session of tho Leg
This body, at the call of tho Governor,
met in extra session, at Harrisburg, on tho
30th tilt, A quorum being present in both
branches, they , at onco proceeded to busi-1
ness, arnPtbe dovernor scntiu his message, j
lho Governor refers to tho stirring events
of tho past fivo months, culminating in tho
assault upon Port Sumter and the inassacro
of national troops in tho streets of BaltU
moro while hastening to the dofenco of the
scat of tho National Government. Ho
says, that whether Maryland professes to
bo neutral or o'horwise, there can bo per
mitted no hostilo soil no obstructed thor
oughfare, between tho States that undoubt
edly aro loyal and tho sea? of tho General
Government. As to what had been done
to meet tho requisition of tho President,
ho states that tho sixteen regiments called
for were promptly ourolled and dispatched
at tho earliest moment where ordered ; but
that believing that moro troops would bo
required, ho had accepted of twenty-three
regiments, all of which had been mustered
into tho service of tho United States,
Just at tin timo of communicating his
message, tho Governor had been telegrapL
cdl'rom tho President to call out twenty
fivo additional regiments, aud ho elates
that moro than enough separate companies
wero at once offered to fill this additional
number. This dispatch, however, proved
to bo a mistake, and twenty-fUo regiments
in all were intended, being only two more
than wero already in the Cold,
The Governor recommends a thorough
reorganization of tho militia of tho Com
monwealth ; that authority shall bo given
to the Executive to pledgo tho faith of the
Commouwcalth for such sums of money as
tho Lcgislaturo may deem necessary for
extraordinary requirements i and, that at
least fifteen regiments, exclusivo of thoso
called into tho service of tho United States,
shall be immediately organized, disciplined
and armed, for tho defence, of the State;
that a judicious stay law be adopted, ka,
Resolutions were at once adopted in both
houses, restricting tho business of tho ses
sion to tho special objects indicated by tho
Governor, or suggested by tho emergency
of tho times. Tho proceeding? therefore
up to tho present tirao havo reference to a
war appropriation, aud other measures
either recommended by tho Governor, or
sonnccted with the crisia into which tho
country is precipitated by tho Southern
Gov. Biqler addressed a meeting iu
Harrisburg last week, advocating in tho
strongest terms tho support of tho Gov
ernment in its present war. Like all Dem
ocrats, ho took tho ground that while we
had no lot nor part in bringing on the war,
tho contest was forced upon the country
by men who had taken up arras against
the constituted authorities and henco it
was the duty of all to link past differences
in tho great cause of upholding the Gov
ernment. This is tho true doctrine, and
this is just what democrats always do.
Prices at Charleston-. Wo. arc in
formed that a captain put into the port of
Charleston, S. 0., last week, and having
soruo provissions on his vessel, sold them
at a great profiit, so groat was the demand
for them. Flour, for which ho paid 3 50
per barrel, ho sold at 10 50. Other artio
les, with their price3, aro given as follow :
Indian corn 80 cents per bushel ; pork $50
per barrel ; butter 50 cents per pound,
and poor at that ; hams 20 cent per pouud;
fresh beef 50 cents per pouud.
ESTMr. John Koolcr, of Davidson town
ship Sullivan County, aged sixty years
was found dead by the road side near his
homo on Sunday evening week. Ho had
fallen from his wagon aud tho wheels pass
ing over his neck dislocated it,
Egy-Tho Repass Brass Band, of Wil-
liamsport, has becu chosen Regimental
Band on the 11th Regiment, Pennsylvania
Voluuteor3. They joiued tho Regiment at
Haniiburf, last week.
TnE Rt. Hcv. Benjamin Trcadwell On-
dcrdonk, Bishop of tho Dioces of New
York, whose name has figured prominently
in tho newspapers for many years, died in
Now York on Tuesday last, iu tho 70th
year of his age.
Archbishop Huohes has ordered a
continuance in tho custom observed al
ways in tho Catholio Church here, viz : the
non-allusion in the pulpit to political af
fairs. Tho Archbishop is a very sensible man.
Would wo had more sueh men at tho head
of our churches.
The two Kentucky Regiments, under
Colonels Terrell and Gutbrio, have been
accepted by tho Government, and tho
people of tho State have tendered the com
mand to Major Anderson of n Brigade, of
which these Regiments will bo a part.
"Safe Bind, Safe Find." The
Franklin Saving Fund, No. 130. South
Fourth street below Chestnut, recieves
special deposits at 4 per cent interest, and
repays them on demand in gold or silver,
Other deposits 5 percent interest.
Flora Temple anp Princess Match
ed. These famous marcs arc matched to
trot again on tho third Tuesday in May.
Tho raco is to bo mile-heats, to wagons,
best three in five, for a stako of S250 a
sido. It has not yet been decided ovor
what course the old competitors will join
A Union fugitive From Texas.
A gentleman, a nativo of Ilarlcm, who
has resided for about twelvo years at La
Grange, Texas, has just anived in Now
York, having been compelled to lcavo Tex
as, or to tako up arms for tho southern
confederacy. Ho left'tLa Grango about
threo weeks ago, leaving about 81,000
worth of property behind him. lie says
thoro arc many pcoplo in Texas secretly
for tho '.Union, but who daro not express
their sentiments. Near tho latter cud of
Maroh ho saw two men hung together on
ouo limb of u tree, a short distance from
La Grange, beoauso they avowed them
selves for tho Uniou, aud would not join
tho secession army, Our informant was
called on, and invited to join tho rebel
ranks. Ho said that his grandfather and
father had fought under tho United States
flag, aud ho intended to stand up for the
Union. Ifthcy wanted to hang him for
that, thoy might do it as soon as they
pleosed. They told him to lcavo tho plaeo
in fifteen minutes, or abido the consequen
ces, Ho did loavo. A gentlomnu who
owed him sixty dollars, having, followed
him and paid him tho money. He travel
ed first to New Orleans, thence via Mont
gomery and Columbia to Norfolk, from
which place, missing a boat, ho went to
Petersburg, through Richmond to Fred
ericksburg, and cross tho Potomac from
Alexandria to Washington. Tho whole
distauco from Fredericksburg, Virginia, to
New Brunswick, N. J., was walked. A
large portion of tho first part of tho jour
ney was also accompleshcd on foot, travel
ing ut night, aud sleeping in the open air.
By exceeding caution he was saved from
any serious trouble on tho way.
Theso outragos, he says, are mostly con
ducted by rowdies and lawless characters,
though somo responsible people join in them
or at least countenance them.
The Northern Democracy.
At the Prcsidcntal election last fall a
million and a half of tho Northern democ
racy voted against Mr. Lincoln. Yot four
fifths of the military forces now moving to
tho South, to sustain his government in
the prosent emergency, arc democrats.
As for tho Wido Awakes, with their cu
rious costumo and their flaming torches,
with which they paraded our streets in
noctural procession, they have totally dis
appeared. When tho timo for a different
sort of laarchimg has arrived, thoy aro
nowhere. The fighting loaders of tho re
publican party, who threatond such great
thing, havo gone on foreign missions; and
the irrepressible conflict is left exclusively
to the domocraey. Both tho officers and
tho rank and file belong mostly to that
party. Even the Massachusetts regiments
are demoeratio, one of them being com
manded by Colonel Butler, who was tho
Breckinridge caudidato for Governor last
This shows tho sagacious instincts of tho
domocraey. Thej cling to tho constitution
and the Union, mid thoy will triumpih on
this broad principle. Union Argus.
A Worthy Example. Fletcher Web
ster, Esq., son of Daniel Webster, has just
been removed by Mr. Linoolu from tho
offico of Surveyor of tho Port of Boston.
On Saturday, upon hearing of tho deplo
rable ecencs at Baltimore, he issucb a eall
for a meeting to raise a Regsment of Vol
unteers for immediate service' Hero wo
have an exhibition of truo patriotism a
forgetfulncs3 of party worthy of all praiso.
Mr. Lincoln exhibited his idoa of duty in
this respect, by removing Mr. Webster
from office, and Mr. Wobster at once vol
unteers to raiso a regiment to aid in pre
venting Mr. Lincoln from being ignomin-
ously driven out of Washington. And in
such a crisis, whero aro tho sneaking and
craven demagogues who aro constantly
accusing Democrats of want of fidelity to
the country ? They aro running about the
streets threatening violence upon all who
aro not willing to imitate their cheap pa-'
triotism, and laboring to sccurofor thorn
selves offices by tho proscription of Demo
crats. We havo yet to hear of tho first
ofiico-holdcr in this State or tho first prom
inent "wido awake" hero in Concord, who
has cither volunteered or contributed a
dollar to aid in tho prosecution of the war,
Theso brawling cowards aro anxious to
"serve their country1' in tho Boston Cnstora
House, by tho displacement of Democrats,
but they have ready excuses for not expo
sing their wortcluss carcassos to tho dan
gers of tho battle field; thoy aro full of cheap
patriotism which exhausts itself in words
and iu threats of violenco or disparaging
charges against Democrats, but furthor
than that their patriotism will not go. If
the country is saved from anarchy, it will
be done mainly by Democrats, who havo
over been its mam reliance it times of
NINQ.-Durlng tho thundor-storm on Thurs
day afternoon of last week tho lightning
struck an ash shade) tree by tho office of
D, Yarington, Esq., near Ilollenbaok'a
steam mill, about G feet from the ground,
and pcrforatod it horizontally, passing
thoneo to the ground, which is perforated
in several places. Tho chargo seemed to
havo been passing nearly parallel to tho
ground and about 0 feet from it certainly
an unusual manifestation. Carbondale
a - . :,. Tt , ... n.
has offered to give all tho grain he has on
hand, and one hundred head of cattle, to
f ed tho Keystone State troops
Tho "Iron Guards."
This noble Company left our peacoful
villago on Tuesday morning for Harris-
burg thcro to bo mustered into tho service,
Capt. Coleman took them down in a ca -
nal boat. Tho following names, compriso
me company i
Capt. W. W. Ricketts,
1st Lt. W. II. Ent,
2d I. II. Scesholtz,
d Alfred Eok,
1 Serg't Samuel W alters
2d B. R. Hayhurst
yd " O. B. Brockway,
lth " G. R. Gcusol,
Samuel ICnorr,
A. B. Jamison,
D. M. Patterson,
H. U. Bowman,
Jos S. Hayman,
II. J. Conner,
R. W. Bowman,
G. S. Coleman,
Ohas. Aehenbach,
Win. S Margorum
Frank Getkin,
Wm. McNcol,
Geo. Wators,
Jos. P. Hauso,
Samuel G. Gottshalt,
Flomin Jaooby,
Hiram Lewis,
Amos Gensel,
Julias Cramsr,
David Metz,
Wm. II. Palmer,
Jeremiah Getkin,
Henry Linn,
Geo. Ilido
Henry Gottshall,
Alonzo Jaooby.
Samuel 0. Walter,
Wm. II. Prico,
Geo. Whitcsides
W. W. Hollingshoad
Reuben H. Dreaher,
M. B. Hughes,
James Stanley
G. M. Demorost,
Isaiah McBrido
John A. Crossloy
D. S. Ross,
II. P. Slater,
Jeremiah Berger,
Petor S. Hamlin,
Jeremiah S. Young,
Augustus Willard,
John Coleman,
Goo. W. Trimblo
Benj. F. Lunger
Petor B. Smith
Phil. C. Whitenight,
Leonard Stincman,
II. A. Sliumau,
Thos. Griffu,
L. 'ciuingcr,
H, C. narnian,
Joseph P. Bowman,
M. W. Maaon,
Aaron Fox,
Alex. Zeigler,
Moses Kerns,
Jos. R. Hess,
F. J. Quinby .
D. II. Magarglo
Light Street.
Limo Ridge.
Mt. Pleasant,
John Brown,
John Clark,
l'rauk btrauser,
John Betz,
. W. j)lann,
C. F. Schwardercr
Emanuel KurU
St. Clair
A. W. Smith
Wm Roun. Locust.
Henry Mayhew (waiter) orderly to officer,
Officers and privates furnished by tho
citizens of Columbia county with 2 flannel
Shirts, 2 pr. Drawer3, 1 pr. Pants, Cap
and Bolt and 1 pr. Hose.
accompanieu tuo oiuntcers to u arris-
The following names comprise tho
John Hower,
B, Rup3rt,
Geo. Rupert,
Peter Barman,
Frank Rehr,
John h. I unci,
Daniel Leacock,
Daniel Walter,
Thoa. Barton,
Sol. Smith,
0. II. P. Pursel
Chas. Rupert,
Jas. Jamison,
Jas. M. Thornton,
Win. Gilmoro,
Benj. Ilagcnbuch,
Petor Billmyer,
I. W. MoKclvy,
David Loweuberg,
Geo. Hughes,
Samuel L, Bottle,
Light Street,
10. U. Uir-kctts,
Col. Frank,
TnE Seat of hostilities. Tho fol
lowing is a tablo of distances from Balti
more and Washington to various points
where important military movements may
tako placo :
1. Philadelphia, Wilmington aud Bal-
timoro Railroad : Philadelphia to Balti-
moro 08
2, Northern Central Railroad : Harris
burg to Baltimore 80
3. Baltimore and Ohio Railroad : Har-
perr's Ferry to Baltimoro 81 '
Parkersburg to Baltimore !)33
Wheelling to Baltimore 370
1. Washington Branch Railroad : Bal
timoro to Washington 33
Annapolis to Washington 30
0, Alexandria, London and Hampshiro
Railroad: Alexandria to Leesburg. . 37
0, Orange aud Alexandria Railroad .
Alexandria to Lynchburg 170
7. Richmond, Frederick and Potomac
Ttnilroad: Richmond and Petersburg :
T. 1, S171- . -.11
rctorsDurg nauroau ; ivasttingionto i' roc
Washington to Richmond . .
' .
1 n'2
Washington to Petersburg. .
Washington to Weldon, N. 0 210'
Washington to Wilmington, N. C. . . . 378
Washington to Charleston, S. 0 CSol
S.Norfolk and Petersburg Railroad
iv oriole to retersburg bu
One company arrived in our city yes
terday ,undor command of Captain F. Stow
art and Lieut. A. B, Tato,from Berwick,
Columbia county. They wont into camp
Curtin under tho action of a joint resolu
tion which passod the Senate on Monday,
Captain Card of tho Sullivan Rifle Guard,
t"ck coinjuand of the oomjany.
ratutt rj' Union,
War Terms.
j Tho Columbiad orPaixhan(pronouncod
pay-zau) is a largo gun, designed prine'i'
pally for firing shells it being far moro
j accurate than tho ordinary shot mortar.
1 A mortar is a very short cannon with a
larro bore, somo of them thirteen inches in
diatmtcr, for firing shells, 'ihoso in uso
in our army aro set at an anglo of forty
fivo degrees, and tho range of tho shell is
varied by altering tho ohargo of powder.
Tho shell is caused to cxploda at just about
tho time that it strikes, by moans of a
fuse, tho length of which is adjusted to tho
timo of flight to bo occupid6 by tho ball,
which, of courso, corresponds with the
range M ho accuracy with which tho timo
of tho- burning of a fuso can bo adjusted
! by varying its length U surprising ; good
artillerists generally succeeding in having
their shells explode almost at tho exact
stant ot striking, in loading a mortar,
o a 1
tho sholl is carefully r?hcn lho niece is dis-
oharged, tho shell is completely enveloped
with flame, that tho lu.o is nearly always
. , . . . , , .... "1
firml. T hn fuse is lnado bvlillinc n, wood.
,. , ... i ., ,. i
cn cylinder wiiu iuso powuer, me cynmiee
beinf of sufficient lonnth for tho lonccst!
, , . , , . ,
range, to bo CUt down Shorter for Shorter
ranges as required.
i n i i .
A IJahlcren cun is an ordinarv cannon.
.,. ,,. (I :1, 4 it
excont that it is made vcrv thick at tho
breech for some thrco or four foot, when it
.1. ..,).. 1. il. il. ...,. I
.unuouuil.ujT iu mo iuiu tun uauui
Size. This form Was adopted in COIISO-
quence of tho experiments of Captain
Dahlgren, of tho United States Navy,
havine shown that when a rmn hursts it
usually givc3 way at the breech. Tho
a - o
ISingara H armed With these CUUS, and at
, ..... , .
tuo iJrooklm .Navy lard, there are sixty,
... , . . ' , ,
Weighing about lline thousand pounds each,
, . e l.i i t ...
anU tlx Ot twelvo thousand pounds WCIgut
. ., a ..... ii r
uiu lurmuT oi wntcn aro canauie oi
carrying a nine-inch, and the latter a Un
inch shell a distance of two or thrco miles;
and there is ouo gun of this pattern w hich
IVeitfhs fifteen thotiannd nine, lmnilrod mil
vtLigua uuu.n tuousanu nine nunurea auu
Hxtocti pounds, aud is warranted to send
an olevcn-iuch shell four miles.
A casemate is a stone roof to a fort
made sufficiently thick to rosist the force
of cannon balls, and a casemate gun is ouo
which is placed uudera casemate,
A barbctto gun is one which is placed
on tho top of tho fortification,
An embrasure is tho holo or opening
through whioh guns aro fired from fortifi
cation. Loop-holes aro openings in walls to firo
musketry through. Scientific American.
Daiunci Buiiolahy. On Wednesday
morning of latt week, a burglar opened
ill's front door of tho dwelling of E. S.
Loop, cashier of tho Wyoming Batik, on
Main Street, opened tho bod room door,
aud began to cretp across tho room. It
Hamburg. was about half after one o'clock, but for
Mainvillo. ' tunately the quick car of Mrs. L. caiucht
the sound of the opening door and of the
soa'tuy movement over the floor, aud she
instantly lighted the gas and aroused Mr,
Loop. Before he could ecize his revolver
and roach the door tho scamp had escaped.
The object is supposed to havo beon to
secure the keys of the bank, as nothing
was missed. Tho key of tho door was
turned from tho outsido by "nippers?
! which must belong to somo practised bur-
gCr, Record of the lxmcs.
Husky Pettebone, Esq., General Tick
et A cent of tho Lackawana and Blooms-
j,arg Kal!roaa Company, died suddenly in
. a , , , . r , .
unS3ton) on Saturday last. Wo saw him
( a' his desk in the company office on Thurs-
day, apparently in usual health. Deceased
Was formerly Prothonotary and Clerk of
tho Court3 of L.,zcrrjB count.. nn(1 also
'Associate Judge of the county, and for
many years a prominent merchant of this
1 lie call was very sudden. llecord oj
the Tiims, May 8. '
numDcrjg yorj menj from (ua counties of
Cameron, Elk and M'Keau, arrived hero
on the SOth ult., on their way to Harris
burg. They wore Deer tails iu their hats
for feathers, and red shirts
trimmed with
' white and bluo for their uniform, aud were
I armed with rifles. They wore under the
C0Inmand of CoL Kano.-Zocfc Havtn
Licenses Granted.
The following aro tho Licenses granted
at the last term of Court:
Wm. it. Kouns,
John Leacocs;.
Robert flagenbuch,
Oliver A. Jacoby,
Frederick Nicoly,
Lewis Knke,
Hiram Smellier,
1. J. Stiles.
Hsinucl McIIenry,
(?. F. Neile,
F. L. Hhuman,
Juhn Grover,
Reuben waiser,
I !!?! .94"'1
V. ti.woni forth,
I '
C. L. Shoemaker.
John L. Hunt,
loshua Womer.
Isaac lihoades,
Jsnac Fabringer,
J.ifnl, Vraer.
I ft ' Washington Yeager,
H IIb.,.1 llolnhrdd.
Daniel lleinbold,
Hamuel Remby,
A. K. finiltl,
John Keller,
i ' JXi'n'uh!''
Wllilleiibcnder tan Willlte ,
J.F.Dciteiieh, "
Alex. Hughes, "
Jacob Good, M
Mdmue! Everett, "
tl.W. Hoffman, "
Daniel McIIenry. "
D. Iu Everhart. "
1'cter tihug, "
Win. Long, "
Enoch Howe!!, "
A, J, Evans, f tore,
11.11. Menagh, "
Daniel Mcrternan,
J.K.Jones. "
Wm. L. Kline, "
J, S.Urobst. "
Jacob Ketttler. "
Ssm'4tl Kcitcnealcr, "
Kmnmiel Conner.
Ml rieastnl
Dion tn
Special Noticco,
Tho White Bell Ololhln; Store
The undersigned, hiving purchased tho vrelt-known
"White Hall Clothln; Emporium," situate on the South
West Csmer of Fourth and Market Hlrrcti, Philadelphia
respectfully Informs tliepubtie and former customers of
tho House, lhat he keeps constantly for saleand makes
up to order, all dcsctlptlon of Gentlemen's wear, of hp
proved material and sella at very moderate prices, lie
ins n FiucTicAt. Tailor, he guarantee good fits and
well-made Garments. Strict attention given to Jobbing
A continuation of tho custom of the house, v.hlch he
nil spare no pains to merit, Is tery respectfully invl
ted. r. S. LLVICK.
May 1, lS6l.-y
E7- THOMAS IV, MATTSOX, Received the rrlre
Medal at tho World's Fair in London 1531, for TRUNKS
CAIlrUT 1IAU3, Hoots, snoes nnu uuius. ureal muuee
mom arc now offered to nurchasers of lho above artli
clci. This Is much lho lament slock of trunks, Carpet
Hags, Valices, Ate. in l'liuaocipnia very cneapiorcasn
No. 402 Market ytrect, one door above 4th, South itdt
Uniformity of Prleei l-A New feature In nuilnoii
Kvery one hie own Salesman! JOM1H & CO of the
ift,,, RKSfth?.1 t"-mu"MtUM
I f JJX.tKcK
' JK'&Siffi
tido at tne'very lowciinrmi .con ue .omior so i
. ,,., r.,la.lh v v.irvnll luuat bllV al ku.
The good are well sponged and prepared, and treat
I pains taken with the making so mat an can buy v. mime
.full ncBuranre of getting a good article nttho vcrybw.
mo jatrnt tjtc and tiet quaiitiea, which win be made
to order, in tke nioit fashionable aod best manner, 2j
' ,.r cent., below rrcditnriees.
I, Iii.Markct.abovo Pitth Flrcet
No.soo. josbr
t.i r.nvkT cituinii Kmporicm or tub Unio.-
I'hllailclphla pniiemcn tho most iplendld (Jlct liiim Dm-
porloum In the country. It Ii iplenpid as regard, the
palatial structure 111 which the Immense linemen cf the
,itaMIhment U conducted, and It lii equally splendid In
respect to its creat racinuea and ait resources, in
,.',..,,. ii.,h,rr .ttmctir . are. first the cieca
of lho eirnieuts for Gentlemen and Youths, mamifac-
,.,..,.i ,i;,0. .r,nv.iii ,,i durahiutr orthe
''moVcra't'e0''.; :,!;!1c?g0ofo1i,rer,l',oi'd').
Wo refer, In this description, to none other than the
nrow Slml, Clothlm llall of Itockhill &. VV Hson, Nos
COS and 005 Chc.nut street, Philadelphia.
1 Dr.'s (ioldrn Pills for Females,
htMM.' " : "'"""f "r?'"'
ttrucllOHI.J rom Knmtitr causr. anu uiitu.a
$urctsij'ul es ajireifnttcf.
Golden ri Is arc perfectly liarmlc-n. Th:y ha b.-en
used Inthc private practice Lf old I)r. Iluponco former
tinny years, and thousands of ladies can unify to
their greit and nver failing success in almost every
case, m correcting Irregularities, relleln painful and
distressing menstruation particularly al the changa of
nr,,. rrum m-o to ten pills Kill cure that common yrt
dreadful complaint, till Whiles. Nearly every female
f.n.l,l.ia,ln,t ..r lin.'lfi!a lii tl. tliMinnrn'a
iu Hie land suiltrs from this comiilalnt. The olmvo
in the land sutlers from this complaint. The ahuve pill
has permuiieully cjred thousands, and will cure you if
yu.iusethem. They cnmml harm jou. on the contrary
they remove n 1 obstructions restore nature to its prop
trchinnel, and Invigorate IhewhoU system. Ladlsa
whose health will not permit an Iucreaso of Family,
will find these pills r successful preventive.
I These 1'ilia .hou'd lut bo takendurlugthe first three
! 10ti (,r pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on mis
carnacc; but at any other time they are safe.
Trice, $t per box. 8old. wholesale and retail, by
tl M. IUGIS.Ni.UCII. Jruffilt.
Solo agent f,.r liluomsluig, I'a,
To whom nil orders ni'ist be sent. Ladles 1 by a."nJ.
lug 1 1 i til Sl.O-1 to th- tloumsburg Post-Office, can have
l leso tin s sent to any uart ot tue country, (connueui ai
lyland "free of Foilage" by mall. Sold also by N. I..
Mauch Cltaiik, and by -'ouo Druggist 111 every Town and
citvilitho United Plates.
icaiiK k 1.0. uauviii-t. c.. j rry- l atna-ma. J. a, roiK
of and kind, unless every box is signed B. 1). Howe. All
N. ti. look out for counterfeits, liuv no Golden fills
others aro a base imposition and unsafe, therrfore
you value your lives aui health, (to say nothing of be
lug humhuireed out of your mont-v.l buv only of
who show the signature of i. D. llowe on every box.
counterfeit of the l'llls,
eentiy uien
s. n liown.
Sola Proprietor, New York
Dec. 22. ISCO-Iy.
In Mil tun, March .U. by Rev. Mr. I.aimlv. Mr. A. VV
HtiTU.of Hervklcrt, to Mini hun Claim Kit. ufDttuvllu
Montour un., m.
In DiinviUo Montour r o.. nn the lii. in it , by Rev. R N.
Mclittier. Mr. Ilcvnv Kntr and Mini Av.ia Alh xun.huiti
mi i no tuovij UCW.
D E A. T H S.
On ttm 11th cf Ayrtl., nt illille, OxkLiY
son of OliVL'r and Harah J. Wright, aged 4 year. 11
muiiinF. anu i aat.
Tim nnderilined rcspTtlully inform their frlenJs
ana the public generally, that they have entered In.
to co partnership, under lUj name, style and firm of
..i.i,L.f.u a. tne
Mercantile &uine8t,
In tha "Old Arcadt."fn nioomnbiirp. roi.imh; n
where tliey intend carr vine on the bni
nil. McRCll.NDtZll.a. in all its lllversllie,! hr.n.l... n'nrf
departments, and to nhidi they luWte an extension cf
I'.loomsbure, May II, 16tl.-tf.
IiIIC Biihsctihcr would respertfuliynrrritehia friends
. andihe public scnei all, that he has opsnad
Un ler the aboto name, in Jerseyton'n, Columbia coun
ty, ra., wher he Is fully prepared to entertain the
iiu.ri.uK d'liiiiniiiiiy rjgencrai sattsinction. ilia TA
r.Ll! and l:.l!,iro mil supplied and will be carcfjlly
u,.b.........vM. ,...u.,,9 is ample ana well
slock. d, in iharfc of cnrtrul grooms, will always be
properly attended.
(L-He iniites a share of the public custom, and
pledges his beeulTortMo help his guests ftil at home
.. a.mui;l kimuy.
Jorscytown, May 11, SCl-3m.
Look to your Interests !
riniueuosetieere navo Just reliirncil from lho City
X With another large and select aasortiuu of
SpriiiS and Suinim:i Woods,
ourciiasco at riiiiaoeipnia, at tin lowest flsura, and
which they arc determined to sell on ns moderate terms
as can be procured elsewhere in llloomsburg. Their
stock comprises
L.SUWS- vitkis noons,
ofchoic. st stylfH and latest fashion.
our ooods, akd okovkiues.
ii inun-Mtr. qur.RXitr.tHt:.
1ROX. .VAILS, HOOTS S.- suut.S
HATS l1l'S, Ac , .-, tt?.
In shoit everllhini usually kept in country Stores i
to they inite the publie gentrally.
i ne uiguesi price pan tor country pro iucc.
Bloomsburg, May II, 16C1.
Lii It i.
Estate of Jacob Geartart, dcciascd,
TVjrJTlCU is hereby given that letters of administra.
1 Hon on the estate of Jacob (ieorhart, Ijteof .Maine
townbbio. Cotumbis CCllinll'. dpp,.na..l lit,. I.... .
td by the Register of .aid county tn the uiiilersiened.w ho
resides in liittawlssa town. hir,iv,n,L.,i.i. , iti:
having claims or demands against the estate of the de-
vv... .i iin.u i)rtcui iiicuiior seltleiiicnt, and
May i. .ECI.-C,.. )WK K11Sr,
Callawlssa Kali Itoai!.
miiaaeipnia at n. v. .Mail n o A. M.
S"." I"" A. M
reigiu ,, jj
rK ' Kit :
May 4.11!. B. GOODWW. H
J. v. nvitEit,
(Successor to J. 8. Sonne..)
No. 8 North Fifth St., above Market.
Also, Manufacturer end Importer of
Msy i?, ieco i:
The Vhliadclpblt Dally Evening Journal Is eckn0.
edged to be conducted on truly National principles. It
Is emphatically a Union papers It therefore hai m
and nelcome circulation In the North, Beuih, East, and
West. It bss shown Itself to be tborooihly Indepead.
ent of all party Influences, and fearless In Its eiposuru
of Corruption In l'ubllc Men,
This paper Is truly the earnest Champion of ropuli,
Rights, and the advocate of the great Inttrests out
Mercantile, Manufacturing, Mechanical, and Laborlh
' The Journal Is distinguished for Its publication of tho
As well as all the Hotel arrivals up to the time of golc,
to frees, ctcryday.
Its correspondence Is of the most Interesting ctaru.
ter, and comes Irom all sections of tho United Blaise
and some parte of Europe. It Is Ihe friend and defend,
of oil who stand by tho Unlonof out Thirty-Four Btelti'
wtthont any decrease In point of numbers, for any put.
pose or on any prctcit whatever. It pays esperlai it.
tention to the best measures to develop and protect tb
vast resources of rvnneylvanta. Its best exertions it&
energies are employed in surgcstlng and urging mess,
ures which will still more causa Philadelphia to txrt.
garded as tho most desirable City in the United dlstti
The literary mailer is of tho chelcoil character, id
renders the Journal
The Journal will bo delivered to Subscribers fis
riffle cents ptr vetk. payable weekly to the Carriers ter
for any period from on to twelve months, at the rats ef
Mix Dollars A Year, payable In advance al the onice.
1 8quare(E(!incs),tlmo Sflrl 8quar6(8llncsjl mnth S Co
3 " 7.'.!
S 7 to
3 " la to .
3 " I 00
lweekl 75
e 17 ii
S -3 ST:
1 year go
YEARLY ADVERTISUM entitled to Tntinu oVy
with the prlviiego of renewing, including tbs r-aptr,
810. Display Advertisements will bo charged foi sr
tra. according to the style In which they are ordered to
be Inserted. .
CARR k ELLIOTT, Publishers.
N. V. cor. Third and Chestnut HI, Philadelphia.
etplOOO Reward!!!
will to: taid
For Any Medicine that will Exctl
C O Ii It E It T ' S
Fiir the nuickcuro of Iieadatlio. Toothache. Hhiufi,.
tUra, Neuralfia, rln in the Hide. 3tk vt itoinatli,
uinters i.ituiic, or uramp, rrotueu r eci or tati, Uatat
i2h Uuta. noraiiiit. ItruiseB Diarrlitra. aotl rioraTiar.-..
and all nimllar cuiu plain la.
Tuutt acha cured in Un minutiji. I'arachc cured lu
live minutes. Headachei cured in ten minutci, Burm
urcd fruiA iiniriii.2 in two minutft. Ncur&lela rina
cured in five iniimtm, Clmlic cured In ten minuui
Sj. rami relieved la ten minutei. fc'oru throat tcliJViJ
in nc luiiiuics.
Tuthe iJimaanri Ihiughtrn of affliction, Thfie
we prove on tliu eput and hefere your eyct, obly tm&f
un uur canes,
lytf t'aaei rune been cured by ono Agon t In a mogW
day I Fery byttle worraute. Try Itl Try lt tl Try till i
rniCE zsjixii so cE.vrs per bottle.
7" Alibfril dlicount made to Arcntt. and one win.
ted in every town, alio few food traveling Agenw.
All order! ana commuuuauoni anouio be aadren)j
m a 4th at. i'hitadelpbla
For Tooth&ehf sddIv it over the fact and iiitni tf the
tooth aflicted prcning hand upon the face; repeat if
ni cureo. in exirume casri, wei ccnun wtin ice olio,
and cover the tooth and gums. Por Headache, bathe th
temptee and apply to the note; and take from ten tv
thirty crops in nan a wriiDier oi waier swecteooii.
For Cruup and flare Throat, take from ten to thirty
drnpa Internally, on sugar or in wed find warm nati,
bathe the threat Iretly and bind on a llauncl. Vex
IteadaclK. Rbeumatum Neuralgia. Lame HacJc or fiidi
bathe frerly uith tlalm in Oilead ; and generally tak
roruurnamix one pari uaim tn liiieai at) a twooi
water and flour, to mako a naite, cover the burn wlib
the same. For Chulic. take frim ten to forty drop la
hnt nater, balho the bovroln and apply wtt ,flannl,
n the above, ths smaller dose la far Children, and tha
larKer fur adults ; ary according to a ge and circuniRtanci i
i-Diucri a iiBiui in uurau n narmieiB. fitotiri iiuta
in (Jilead gives satirfaitloa.
TtiOie who have used UalmlnOiload nil) not b wita
out lt. Agents vi anted. For terms, addren
N. 1S3 Snuth Fourth f trett, rtiiladolphiit, ha.
N.B. Orders sent by Eiprcn tuanv part ofthd Uil
ted States at the shortest notice.
May 4, ifcCl.-Cci.
Lackatvaunii & Bloomsburg KailroarJ,
OV AXIl Arrfll APRIL 52. 13ll. r.B8BXQES
rreltfAl 4
4aiitrftr. ramrgrr
o Ii A. M. 10.(5
i o r. m
0 09
e 10
M O V 1 N li
tl K Til
3 50 t, M.
4 30
" llloom.hurg.
" Klngstcn,
Arrive at Bcianlon,
t jo
Arrive )C11
,v Leu.e it.15 P. JI
e.C5 P. M. 4 0i
A rassenger Train alsoleavea Kingston at 8.13 A. 51
for r-cranlon, to connect with tram for New York. H
tarnlng, leaies Be r anion on ami al of Train from Nsw
Vork al41'J P. M.
The Lackawanna and llloomsbiirg Railroad connecti
with the Uelawnre, Uckananna and Ivesiern KallroaJ
ut fcranton, for New York and inurmediate poiute eait
At Rupert It connects with the Cattav, issa Rti.rold.fer
points both east and west.
At Northumberland it connrcts rvilh the Philadelphia
at Erie and Northern Central R. R. and Kris Lt. R. f.r
points west and south.
II. Pettebone, Osa'l Telrl Atjt.t
Light Street Store.
Creasy, Brother falliands on active duty
WE Would inform our Iricnda and
customers, that we havo Just received anus,
usually large assortment of
Which we oirer at lower rates, for ready nay, than any
ever before opened here and will be sold "cueaper thee
the cheapest."
We shall uotattemot toenumcratethevnrin,,. artM.a
--they are immense and their namoia Isgion-asourspa
V.. . r v ""U,,,,B. .wviuomg me v-snar and uarrel, ars
nilcd to oversowing. There are to be found the finest
fabricks, l.t the country at astonishing low figure-La-ols
wear in great varieties, at 25 per cent, lower thaa
ever before ottVred.
Sionts, Shoes, etc,.
at the same rate, In shoit, almost everything ia lbs
mcrcanulc line from a nccdic to an anchor.
Cy- Our frieuds will do well to call befere they make
Lights trcet.May 4, 13CI.
II. W. CREA3Y, & CO.
rllR undersigned, respectfully Inforaie the rilljen, cf
A "'"".'"sburg, and the pul.lie generally, that he has es
tabllshcd a new Store, ui Main Street, Lloomsburg, la
.Mrs. Leacock's Building, where he effers for sale, oo.
moderate terms, alargifassortmenl of
CLOCKS, 1VA 'i CUES .J- J Elf 'EL R Y,
uicvcrvsort, nn-i nzo ond description. His,
stock of Jewelry is complete, Including every I
variety nf Ladles and Gentle .ten's Medallons'j
Chains, Lockets, Hrcnitnins. Plnier.rlnia. ir .i
to the examination of which ho lutttesthe ouhlle eener.
ty- Strict attention tivon to rcpainhg Clocks. Watea,
cs, and Jew dry, aud all work warranted.
Bloomsburg, May 4, l8Cllf. W1, DRAK8'
Tiir, subscribers take pleasure in announrlnc that
they are now prepared to mall (free) to Ihosa who wish
It a copy of an important little otk, by the lata lr.
Ilralilnloii entitled "TJtt r.r.i. . , t..,..-, ..I. -
published for the benefit, and as a wornmg to young
men and persons who sutler from AVrisas CsWui Frt
maturt fiitoy, etc., A.C.. aopplyiug the means of self cure
...b.uuL, i. iirtstsiiuiy
led to compare a useful life
Reader, lose nou moment, but send your address for
acopy of this little work. Address the Publisher.:
uu tgiiuuie neain.
PH. JOHN II. OGDE.Y t i:o..
April S7, lMI-3m,
os at oo jonu St., New Yotk.
. . Just received from New York a lane and la-
potior jot ot tne above named article tor the ferine trade 04 cents per tteoa to7acnL.
1 ner i,tf
Dtoomeburg, Ecb. 23. I6l!
five doorsbelow Race J
January iO.IMi.. PIULAOELrillA.
(below Fourth Ht.A
AugUM I 1 - I3m