Columbia Democrat and Bloomsburg general advertiser. (Bloomsburg, Pa.) 1850-1866, May 04, 1861, Image 2

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ED1T11D B" LtVI L. TATE, 1'KorRlETOIt.
Tub proceedings of tho Cattawissa war 1
meeting, wero unavoidably omitted, last !
week on account of the absence of the
Mr. Lloyd T. Sham-less, has just
received new Spring and Summer Goods,
at his Store in Bloomsburg, and wa advise
all of our readers, to give htm a call when
they see his Card in tbo "Columbia Dem
ocrat." The Philadelphia Inquirer, is an
excellent City Daily. It is published by
Wm. W. Harding, Esq., at 90 00 per
annum, in advance, Attention is directed
to its Prospectus in this Columbia Demo
crat. Sherivf Miller, has just returned
from tho City, with a now supply of Spring
Goods. Tho "Old Arcade," is always up
to time and keeps pace with the latest fash
ions. Ladies, you now know where to
find tho centre of attraction.
Wkiiave tho Ladio's (Ohio) Kcpository,
for May. It is a superb number, replete
witb useful and entertaining reading mat
tcr. Each number contains two fine en
gravings, and aro of tho brightest order
of execution.
Plcaso send us tho -Ipril work.
Hon. Peter Ent, of Light Street, Col
umbia county, Las four ions, and
THREE of them have enlisted in their
country's service. They are all bravo
patriotic young men, and like their Father
and Fathcr's-Fathcr, never betrayed their
trust or dishonored their country. Com
mcndablo patriotism coupled with great
sacrifice of pecuniary and personal com
Men for Defense Tho offico of tho
11 Columbia Democrat,'' has furnished its
full quota of men for the defense of the
Country. Mr. C. F. Schwadereu and Mr
Harrison A. Siiuman, have volunteered
in Capt. V. W.llieketts' Company, having
for that purpose dropped the composing
stick and rule. Mr. Owen M. Fowler,
a graduate of this office, who has since
last fall been discharging the duties of a
"Journeyman Printer," iu Philadelphia
has also volunteered lor tho war and is
now on duty in Washington City, baring
Lis head-quarters in the National House
of Representatives. All honor to the pa
triotic and bravo Printers.
ISyOur neighbor of the Dcmocr U made
n capital speech at tho meeting in the Court
House on Friday evening last. Col. Tate
is now with us and declares that he will
ttand by the Government iu this hour of
national danger.
Columbia Co. Republican,
Dr. John, in the abve paragraph, (-peaks
a strange language "Col. Tate is now
with us." Wo aro precisely whero wo have
been for over thirty years, squaro upon
the Democratic platform, and always in
support of every just war in which our
country has been engaged. And, without
stopping to enquire into the causes which
superinduced this war, wo arc with our
true and trusty friends in defeneo of the
National Flag seven-tenths of whom are
of our political family and wo will patri
otisally vindicate the honor of tho "Stars
and Stripes," to an- ignominous death or
glorious victory.
Bloomsburo has worn a war-like ap
pearance, for tho last ten days, and may
be compared to a Military Camp, A. ar
tial music of the fife and drum and the
sturdy tramp' oi the soldiers' feet, almosl
constantly salute our cars and rc-animate
the inherent spirit of patriotism and mil
itary prowess. Every indication ii for
War, and wo aro reminded of "the Peril
ous Times," foretold by tho Apostles and
Our patriotic young men of Columbia
county, arc raising two Companies of Vol
unteers, and expect soon to bo called to
service by tho Governor. Capt. AV. W.
lllOKETTS, commands the "Iron Guards,"
and Capt. J. D. Meliok, tho "Columbia
Artillerists." Lieut. Col. W. H. Ent, of
Mojr Gen. Dana's Staff, is also on active
duty. They aro a lino looking company
of noble young men, and we fondly trust, j
thould they bo called hto tho battle-field, ,
, , .
will prove themselves worthy tho proud I
prove themselves worthy
appallation of "Sons of Columbia."
Last Sabbath our Soldiers attended
Church twice in Uloomsburg. I n the morn
isg Hower's Cornet Band escorted them to
,iiw i.fMbUiu, ,'uwivu, nu,,, u ,vij uj, ,
propriato discourse was delivered by tho
Lcv.Mr.IlussELL. At a o clock, thoy
attended the Iirst Presbyterian Church.'
and were eloquently addressed by tho Rev.
Mr, Waller, Overwhelming congrega
tions attended both Churches.
Daniel Webster oneo said, there aro no
Sundays in Revolutionary times. Such
was much tho case horo last Sabbath. 1
The solemnity of tho day was enveloped
in martial music, and yielded to all tho j
psinjonl c.:"um tsnra of g'-rioi'J war
'Ilio War Mossago. I
I 'Iho Mcisaco of Governor Curtin lo tlio I
Stato Legislature, whicL assembled at ,'
.u. .v.,,,,.. i.a.u ucgun 10 sweep iiico n lornnuo over lue ""6 -
strong ground in favor of Pennsylvania Nortb, is tbu thorough fusion of all parties of all tho Krco States have rushed for
oponlng a Voutc from tho North to Wash- in tbo general movement for tho defence of vrA to su'laln the aoverntuent, is proud
' ingtou as a nocesity of trado and transit.
Ho entirely accords with the positions as-
sumed by tho Tresidcut in hia l'roclama
I matiou, and declares that rebellion must
11 1 . 1 . 1 . . .
uu (.iuauuu uub uuu uiu tunuu ruaiuruu iu
its entirety. He rccouiiucudu an
priatiou of 83,000,000 for military purpo
ses, and advises tho establishment of a
reserve camp of 10,000 men, subject to
tho call of tho General Government. Tho
Govcruur also recommends a stay law.
Kay An old soldier, writing to tho Now
. . . , ,
lork kvtning Post, gives tho fol owing
uniciy hints to tlio volunteers who arc now
. , ,
hastening to the defence of the country :
1. Kcuiber that in a campaign mora
men die from sickness than by tho bullet.
2. l.ino your blanket with one thickness
of brown drillinjr. This add
but four
ounces in weight, and doubles tho warmth.
3. Duy a small India rubber blanket
(only 51 CO) to lay on the ground or to
throw over your shoulders when on guard
duty during a rain storm. Most of tho
Eastern troops are provided with thc&e.
Straw to lie on is not always to be had.
the brain, lou can lastcu it up
tincntal in fair weather, or turn
it down
when it is wet or very sunny.
5. Let your beard grow, no as to pro
tcct the throat and lungs.
0. Keep the entire person clean; this
prevents fevers and bowel complaints iu
warm climn. s. Wash your body each
,i -e mi'. 4 .m.. .r i
' 1 1 I
ml . 11 iivaaiuic, lvuiu iiiuu uuuuu uuu
oily meats. Gen. Scott said that the ,00
free use of these (toircthcr with neirlect iu
keeping the skin clean) cost many a. sol
dier his life iu Mexico.
7, A sudden check of perspiration by
chilly or night air often causes fever and
death. When exposed do not forget your
Gen. Scott True as Steel. A dis
patch to tho IV. 1'. Tribune, of Wednes
day, says : "Gen. Scott was thoroughly
, ,i, . ii, c.nfi,
concerning his resignation, and took oeea-
sion to say to a group of gentlemen, scv
cral of whom were officers, and who bad
pointed out to him the report: ''Sirs, I
havo fcrved half a century under that
beautiful flag, and though I have the fir
mcst commence in you all, nnd in your
patriotism, I can moro easily believe that
you would trample that flag in tho dust
than that I should over bo suspected of
resignation at this hour of trial. No,
Sirs; please God, I will fight for many
years yet for this Union, and that, too,
under the protecting folds of the star
spangled banner."
Death at Camp Curtin. Patrick
M Call, aged about 30 years, died yester
day at Camp Curtin, from tho effects of
exposure and irregular habits. Tho de
ceased arrived here about a week ago as
a private in the Danville Itiflcs, comman
ded by Capt. M Clurc, but was not mus
tered into the service of the United States,
being ono of several detached from the
company in consequence of its excess over
the numbor required by law. He leaves
.1 wife and threo small children to mourn
his los$.-Hcirrisbit'g Tilcgraph, ApiilHO
Six-ry Thousand Men Offered in
Pennsylvania, It is stated that four
times tho numbor of voluuteers which
Pennsylvania was required to furnish for
tho war, havo been offered to tho Gover
nor. There is no doubt but that Pennsyl
vania herself could do moro than furnish
the whole 75,000 rcquirod. Well done,
old Keystone 1
Our Job Offlco.
Wo have just received a variety of now
style Fancy Job Tvpe, Colored Cards,
and assorted Fancy Paper, and arc well
prepared to execute all kinds of Job Work
with neatness and despatch. We print the nnrl ntiPHimst. liill in tlii nnnntv.
n,n . iv. .re.. f .!, uf-, , n,.,l
- - '
"The Home Monthly," of Uo?ton, is '
here for May, It is an excellent publiea-1
tion acd we take pleasure iu recoinmci ding 1
it to the patronage of the litcrcry coin-
munity. S2 00 per anuum, Stone, High-
ARDS & Co., 11 Cornhill, lloston, Mass. I (!bp,ibv X- f'r, nri.!nl,)Si,..i
Lave Lad awthet . j of Q
TIlo r .. . ,,,, : . , ,
hoy otter their customers increased bar-
, ,,-. f ,
, o m v ,u vuwiw ui mu iuvusi siyio oi
Spring Goods. I ho Messra. Creasy are
worthy gentlemen and keop au excellent
Tup. Kf.v. .Tnn v T)nnn i vrv
been tho faithful pastor of tho Presbyterian
Church in AVilkesbarro, for .quarter of.
century, died' at his residence last week,
.,.., uau
His remains wero interred in the Holloa-
back Cemetery on Saturday afternoon fol-
lowedby a largo concouise of mourners,
Mr. William B,
Ktio Jexcilry Store.
Dkake, has opeued a splendid Clock,
Watch and Jewelry Store, in Bloomsburg,
to which ho invites atteaticn through the
C""lnuiv Pimj?V "
4. Tho best military hat in use is the Vv .
I,, .,, ,, , i sympathy of tho former with tho South is triotio lutrepn
'b " " " "6 ...... i... t i ren iu tin- or his.
cicntly high to allow epaco tor air over ' .i do nothing to d
wliatftver there vn of nl.iimhilif.r in thn ... . .
Patriotism above tarty.
Tho most trratifvine circnmsi.m
played by tho aroused filing vbich lias
ti,0 common country. Mr. Lincoln's
election was as hotly contorted by his op.
ponents in tho Northern section of the
C0UI1trv us iu tho Southern : and there
wero verr manifest indications, after the
inauguration, that his no'iev. In drc'h.W
to mako allT spc,jj0 recommendations to
Concrcss. the adjournment o'1 that body
without meetitiR tho difficulties of the time
nllIi ,1,,. .,rr,!Ct Df tl, .li.trilmtinn of croon
tivo patronage, might lend to some disintc
cration of the party which had placed him
i iiu, iuv u iria.iuii ut mini; vau
. , , , . , , , .
,,... i:i ii, : f .i.. ..
. . " ....
tho moro momentous issuo? which have
, , , ,
who have violently opposed Mr. Lincoln
and the Republican party and platform,
aro uow '"oum' nmonK the foremost in do-
icnec ot iho uovemment ot winch he is ttia
constitutional head. They regard the cg
igeney of tho times as paramount to parti
san distinctions. Hence our Djinocratio
fellow citizeus are rallying enthusiastically
to the support of the Stars and Stripes
lircckinridcors and DouqlaMtcs vie with
u"""ul;,u' u JUUIU' ,10' '""
orimi lating iu'tiCcation of its hostile as
.1 -e a.. .it. .i ...i
saults upon tho integrity of the Union.
Our national history shows that tho Dem-
oera-ie party ha ever been a warpaity.-
' I J
Y. , .1..- 1 1
"""" "- " v -prang
to the ranks when battles were to be fousht
and wm It was so in the war of 1913.
If wa, so in the war with Mexico. Indeed,
their supposed beligerent propensity lmve
vuw, a. ..uiva i.iuiu a .nu i.u
tion to placid and respectable elderly gen-
tlcmen and ancient women. Thuv would
now belie all th-ir antecedents and their
, ., , , , . .,
olden fame if thev wero backward in the
guueru' uiviuiiii-uu. uii mi! cumrurj, u
find them true to their traditional impul-
ses, and enrolling themselves by the bun-
dred among our volunteers In the Leg-
islaturo, although tho Democratic rcpre-
i i. n ii .
soni.iuves maao ono raise step at the start,
....... . . . 1 . . . I 1 .
they promptly tracked back, and subse
, "ithout an exception, joined in
' al1 tho mPawes hieh wo proposed for
ii.- c 1r ? il I ,.. .
fia fi nnn. I ' i, liriilirt fi ri( I
iue purpusu oi prociaimiui; ino loyamy 01 t,-"'' vuunj, uuu uuuu uup-
Pennsylvania, and for responding prompt- tied in its beat blood, bball be sustained
ly and efficiently to the call of tho Federal a"i' COst a"d at any sacrifice. t his is
Executive j aud tho declarations of fealty an inspiration deeper thau paity feeling
which wero, upon the i-pur of the moment, uveu 'hun an,) personal prejudicu or parti
so extensively circulated in the community a"'J' ana a" "at conflicts wth it is un
recoived tho signatures of tho great body worthy the honest patriot, the true Ameri
f n i:. i.... ti i!f..! i- can
find that whatever may hare recently been
the internal condition of tho Northern De
mocracy, they ara, nevertheless in the hour
of trial, sound at heart on tho great ques
tion of the main'onanci- of tho Union and
strong of arm in Its dofeno
Philadelphia Inquirer.
State Consrituttoa A.inendmonts
On Friday last, the Senate of Penn
sylvania adopted tho following amend
ments to the Constitution, which aro of
vast importance to the pcoplo of thi3 Com
mon wealth :
kesolved. Bi the Senate and Housr
i'l licprtseiitalivcs oj the Lommoiueilth of
Pciinslcauia in General Assembly met,
That tho following amendments are pro
posed to tho Constitution of the Common
wealth in accordance with the provisions
of the tenth article thereof;
There shall be an additional" article to
said constitution to bo designated as ar
ticle thirteen, as follows ;
Ses. 1. That tho IugUlaturc shall pass
no special act conferring corporate powers.
ate. 2. That corporations be foimcd
under general laws, but all such laws
may from time to timo be altered or re-
pealed with a due regard to the corpora-
torsi ricviuea, inat corporations created
under general laws may be extended as to
the limitation of time by special enact
Sect. 3. That tho Legislature shall
provide for muticipal corporations by gen
eral laws, aud restrict their power of taxa
tion assessment, borrrwing money, con
trading debts, and loaning their credit, so
as ' Parent the abuse ot such power.
o.T 1, that the Jjt'gulaturo shall haw
no power to pas any act extending any
special charter for banking purposes, but
corporations or associations may be form
ed for such purposes under general laws,
Tluro shall also bo an additional section
to the first articlo of tho Constitution to be
numbered and designated as follows:
-EOT. 27. hat no hill shall horoafter
ueeonio a law unless it shall recievu upon
its final passage tho votei of the luoioritv
of the members of tho House of Kepreseu
tativcs, aud tho yeas and nays shall be
wi-nnloil mmnilisfiini ni.i,, e ,.,.
Jorrt upon tue hual pa-sago ot every
Diiiiucacu urancu oi me laegisiaiure
Section one, two, threo, and four, were
proposed by Mr. Finny, Senator from
Crawford. Section 27, Providing Mat the
yeas unci nays shall be called upon the fi.
. . .... .
nai wastage cj every out and reautiin? a
majorij intich lrmh ofthe Lvis'at.J
to P , n bil, wa, offered ; and advocated'
by Mr. Welsh, tho Senator fro.n York'
The last section was adopted by
a voto of 2 1 yeas to 0 nays
South Fourth street, below 'Chestnut, ro-
cieves special deposits at per cent. iLtcr-
est, aud repavs them on demand in cold
and silver. Other deposits five per coot
Tlu D auy
rrmutk. nt uuPoij.j
The prompt Rn,l univcral manner iu
ovidenco ot their pntriotism of tho eupro-
may f their lovo of Constitutional Law
hovo everything che in oivil and military
ftctiou In dollJS tlli3 'W G'0 their hands
nim llcarM 10 a causc wmo" "a3 lway8
commanded whatever of power they could
wiotl1 t0 uPllolJ that g'or'ous banner that
hai been the sign of our strength and pros-
Pity ever Miice it was borne upon the air
of aeavea. lliusmay it bo upheld as long
a! wo bavo a ,aud wo cau ca" our countr?'
In opting this course wo look not back to
tho causo of tho necessity we do not con
sidcr tho popular strength it may add to
thoo whoe policy wo havu opposed and
whoso accession to offico wo endeavored
to defeat nor do wo abate ono jot of our
principles or opinions but wo seo the im
pending calamity, and should be lets than
men if wo did not unite in good faith and
true brotherly feeling with every fellow
citizen who endeavors to avert it by all tho
moans, mental and physical, at his com
mand. Tho Boston Journal duly appreciates
tho position of tho Democracy at thii time,
and does justice to it3 motives. It says
"Wo are proud to acknowledge tho pa-
lity ot our Democratic broth-
, and we shal conbciously
imiuish or discourago i.
..... ...v.. mxj
are for thu country, for tho Union, and
therefore for the dovcrunu-nt and in all
practical duties they aro with us and of m
J.iut when tho time rcnows the opportunity
f" '.'"Igc-' '- P"ty eouilieK, they
Wilt sttlil hn lntiiAprrtu nnH t mi
' . t " w" Irli tt v
arena tliey should take up tho broken link
o." controversy, it would be all right. Wo
--hould oxpuct tlio llupublicaus to beheld
. . ,wlni il .1:, . .1 ..
Z tZ
nr in tlir. lit... .....1 il....,.1 I
thjrC0Qi 1Ut UQt nowtho waiv.Jr is om
piUlU Oil 311 BIUCS. VJUO all-prC VSItlllg
spirit mako us a unit iu the defence of iho
Uovoriiment and the di-conifituro of its
"''""; Tho latter now behold what
perhaps they did not anticipate, eighteen
;..t.t:.... Z. t. ... fc. .
Ulidions of neonln ri.-iin- iti tlmir mi,.vtv
. o - -j- -j '
witiioul a tliought oi party, and with tbo
only thought of their country."
Thl! 'joeatiou has been narrowed to this
I'o!ut: Which flag shall we ve over us r
The Stars and Siaiws or tho Palmetto ?
' hrt Arn nnAnln .r ll.. ..-! 1
j jvu4jiu ui iuu uauuu uuvu uut
one throat in giving answcr-Livo or
or swim the banner that has
commanded the respect of tho world, the
mrn nf th.o , .......... 1. 1
The Cheshire Republican a decided
Democratic paper printod at Kecne, N. II.
speaks tho sentiments of its associates in
t'ae Granite State in tho following words :
"Still wo have a country ,aud
it must be tho effort of every patriot to
save it if po.-.-ibie. Mr. Laieolu and his
frauds havo control of the Government,
and however wo uia diaagrco with their
past policy, wo can also see that it is only
in conjunction with tho power of the Gov
ernment that order cau be brought out of
cbao-i that credit can be sustained, and
universal anarchy avoided. Hence it is
that party so far as this quc.tiou of Couu
try is concerned, should be left out, and
all proper tfforts of our Govcrnim-nt tn
au-taiu itself be upheld by the people. '
Amen amen, say we to this, and the
echo will resound through ah New Etig
.aul. Tho attack upon Fort Sumter, the
seizuro of navy yard, fortifications, Gov
ernment treasures and other property,
together with the letter of marquo Procla
mition of President Davis to lcgalizj
piracy, tho taunt and deBanco bandied be
tween sections, seem as though madness
ruled tho hour, nnd that nothing but a
conflict of arms dreadful as the remedy
is could restore reason to its throne.
That this issue may be avoided that God,
iu his infinite mercy, will open before us
eomo other way for reconciliation, wo pray
with all our heart but this contingency is
pending with dreadful significance '; so
imminent that it would seem as though the
miraculous interposition of Divine Provi
dence alone could savo us from tho shock.
But if our fato depend upon tho cast of
battle, to its bloody arbitration must we
submit with heroic fortitude, willing to
give life, property all that wo hold dear
for our couutry. .
What is a Uecument T As this
question is often asked by men uot very
familiar with tho "pomp and circuui
stance of war'' wo give tho following or
ganization of a regiment, as furnished by
a military friend :
A rcgimeut consists of 10 companies I
"olonel, 1 l.ieutuuaut Colonel, 1 Major, 1
Surgeon, 1 Adjutant, rank of Lieutenant,
10 Captains, 10 1st Lieutenants, 10 2d
Lieutenants. All commissioned officers.
A company contains 77 men including
officers: 1 Captain, 1 1st and 2 Licutcn
ant. -1 Scargcauts, -1 Corporals. 1 Drum, 1 ,
l-l 0 , ,
' 1
mates. ,
Oiticeks. The following gen-
tinmen wero elected officers of tho 8th Lu-
zuruo llcitnent, at Harrisburg
Col. A. II. Einclv : - iout. Col. Knimi.
c, Baffman . Major VV. F. Phillips, and
Surgeou, B. II. roop.
J be lUv. T. 1'. Hunt has proffered his
services as chaplain of tho regiment, but
w have not learned what disposition hai
bctcade of his effyr,
P oolaraatiou 1 .ho Prosldont.
pouts iMvinaiNiA and north Carolina
Washington, April 20.
It A t.nn:.t mtnlnA tlmf rl inittvv liful
"u,m" """o -
bceu thrown up by tho irginia troops at
.1. .1 ..II..1 Htl.'i- T TaA Vnr
no p.aee ,,., ,
Washington, on tbo l'atouiao river, nu ac-1 Tho lneetng wM orgallizC(1 by appont. ork ad t at ,clist fifly a0nnri for
tua! examination was made yesterday of j Col. JOSEPH PAXTON, President, difforont medicines, but found no pormn
tho ground thoro and for a mile or two all . j s MljIf 1NC Secretary. nent roliof. Three weeks ago, one of iny
round, aim uotuitig oi mo kiiiu wa. u..y
i i: i.i.
l.ltGlli ItlSVU.UIUU.Vl
t he caurlcton .i,rcurV carnesiiy pro-
tpsts against the advice of certain bouthoin John amrplcsS) (i(;orge Scott,
journals which urge an immediate assault ( s.jlouioo, John Iv. ltobbins,
on Washington und its occupation as the Stephen liuldy, S. 15. Dicnicr,
Capitol of the Confederate States. I & Former.
I'hc Alexandria ilazetk says that Gen. The meeting was addressed by Hot.
Leo has ordered the release of Gen- liar- John Lloyd and Mr, D. P. Fortnor, when
ney, who was Mopped at Harper's Ferry tho Committee reported the following Hos
on his way to Washington, and mentioned olutions. which wero unanimously adopted :
a rumor that Jefferson Davis is to conic to Whereas, The President of tho United
. , , . , at c i i ., States has by Proclamation informed tho
Richmond this week. Mr. Stephens has J MmQ of thfl Satos of tMi
returned to Montgomery. Confedcraey are in a stato of insurrection,
The I'rcident has issued the following and that tho Forts and other property of
proclamation : tho Government have bccn,taken, and
i By the President of tho United States threats have been made by the insurgents
of America. Whereas, For tho reasons
nssieued in my proclamation of the 10th,
ii i i r . r .L is. , ,o ,,
ablockado of ports of tho States of South
r. r. . . , ., , t .
revenue obstructed, and duly commissioned
officers of the United States, while en
gaged id executing tho orders of their
superiors, havo been arrested and held in
custody as prisonors, or havo been imped
ed iu tbo discharge of their official duties
without duo legal process, by persons
claiming to act under authorities of tbo
(States of Virginia and Nortb Caro'ina, an
j cfticieut blockade of the ports of theso
1 States will also bo established. In witness
! whereof I hereunto set my hand and caused
,tho seal of the United States to be affixed,
j Auhaham Lincoln,
j Majoii Genuhal v, oor. s Views,
Gen, John E. Wool has his Head (juar
t ters at the St. Nicholas Hotel, Now York.
1 He is pushing forward troops as rappidly
as possible. The Tribune says "that he
has represented by special couriers lo the
, Government at Washiuton tho necessity
, for tho most energetic measures on the sea
and land. In his judgement the ltcbcl
' ports should bo vigorously blockaded ; not
I less than one hundred and fifty thousand
men should be brought into the the field
' at the earliest possible day ; tho route
turougti r&ammorc sijouiu no opened aim
kept open. He would also bring into tho
field within sixty days forces sufficient to
disperse the Rebels from llichmoud, hold
thai city aud possess New Orleans and tho
mouth of the Mississippi. These points
indicate Gcu. Wool's views as to tho man
ner of treatiug the Kebellion. We believe
he is uot an inch in advance of public
The Pay of U. S. Army Officers.
The following is the rate of pay, allow
cd iu th
uarouna, ueorgia, norma, Atauama.iiou- tho fo6url.ection. Thereforo
isiana, Jliisissippi and Texas, was ordered j est,M() xbat we, citizens of Catta
to be established, and, ll'iertas, Sinco I w;S3!i and vichiity, will stand by the Gov
that date publio property of tho United I eminent in its endeavors to sustain the
States has been seized .the collection of tho Constitution and laws of the country.
he army ofthe United States, andi'P'- Jolm Sechy, both highly pat
h tho volunteers aro entitled : I Tuu '"tcting as composed of both p:
to which
t'olouel, per month,
Lieutenant Colonel, per mouth,
M.ij jr, per m nth,
Capt tin, per mo ih,
R-'IR mi
101 00
173 00
103 Oil
i'lr.-t Lieutenant, per month,
Brevet Second Luut., per mouth, 103 00
First. ir Orderly Serceaut per uiouth,30 OU
uuier ourgvums, per moum, m
Corporals, per month,, 22
Musicians, per month, 2i
I'.inn.Ai, I,. ....nil. lift IWI
AVo beliavo this pay does not iucludo
oucthird must be made.
Prseuvation op the Hair. Somo
attention paid to this item of propriety i pertinent remarks, denouncing the courso
would avoid much of tho Baldness so prcv-1 of tho South and justifying tho movements
alent in this country. Dr. Bclliughaui, of i of tho loyal States to sustain the Govern
London, has immortalized his name as the! lucnt.
inventor of a ''Stimuluti-ig Onguent,' On behalf of tho Coiniuittco on Sub-
which could bo as appropriate in proven
ting a3 in curing baldness To cause a
luxuiiaut growth of beard or whiskers, it
is equally certain, Messrs. ll. L. Hcg
man & Co. now havo tho entire Ameiicau
market. Hence we look lor a large in -
crease in hirsute appendages among our
young men.
Seo our advertising col-
A clebk in tho War Office, who was a
week iu Virginia, and passed through Har
risburg ou Tuesday, ou his way to Boston,
states that tho story circulated by the Se
cessionists, that there wero but scvontccu
votes in tho A'irginia Convention against
tho Ordiuance of Secession, is untrue, Tho
fact is, that between fifty and sixty votos
wero oast in the negativo.
Any of our readers .afflicted with Scnor
ula or Scrofulous complaints, will do well
to read the remarks iu our advertising col
umns respecting it. But little of tho na
ture of this disordor has been known by
tho people, and tho clear exposition of it
thero given, will prove acceptable and use
Wo havo long admired tho searching
aud ablo manner in which Dlt. A yeu treats
every subject he touohest whatever has his
attcntiou at all, lias n groat deal of it; he
masters what ho undertakes, and no one
who has a particle of feeling for his afflicted
fellow man, can look with indiffeieuco up-
on his labors for tho siok. Head what ho
says of Sorofula., and seo in how few words
and bow clearly ho tells us moro than wo
all have known of this insidious and' fatal
Kuu, Philadelphia, Pa.
MeotfnK at UattawlHsa.
, ..... .. .i
A lauok and enthusiast meeting of the
citizens f Cattawiisa and vicinity, was
. i ..i . j rm. .......
hold at tho Aoademv BuiUinc. on Thurs-
lay evening, April 18th, 1801, to adopt
nroDer measures to meet tho call df Our
proper measures
, nf
nent for aid" in sustaining the Con.
.titutiou and tho Union.
Af .. bi , of th mesiv-
. . . '
I .1 - II :.1-1 M.i..l...l II... Ia KH-in
n,n,;.te(. ,, licaolutlonsi
iuu . .vo.vU. ..j.,- - .... b a
to march Hpou the Capitol ot tins country,
nnd the President has also by Proclama-
tion called upon the loyal States to furnish
' . .r" ... ,, snr,nr,
tlWWUJ -w . I I'l
Resolved, That we will endeavor to fur
nlsh all needful upplies to the families of
any of the citizens of Cattawissa and vi
cinity, that may volunteer in defence of
the rights of their country and tho StarJ
and Stripes so dear to every true American
Thirteen camo forward and signed the
enlistment roll, ond a fund of about two
hundred dollars was subscribed, adjourned
to meet on tho 20th.
On Saturday evering tho Committee re
ported about three hundred dollars, for
the benefit of the families of the volunteers.
Tho enlistment roll numbering about
forty aud constantly increasing. After
several pa riotic addresses the meeting ad
journcd amid prolonged cheers for tho
Constitution and Union.
A Mooting it Sugarloaf.
A call for the freemen of Sugarloaf
township, was issued on Monday, April
'i'ii, to meet at iV. Cole's School House,
to show their devotion for tho Union. In
response to this call, a largo number of
citizens assembled ouWcduesday the 21th
ult., at o'clock P. M. Tho meeting was
orgauiicd by appointing tho following of-
, fjc(;r:
PresUenl On:.N Park.
Vice Peti'tcuta :
Jacob Harriu"tou,
Jesse Ilaitman,
Washington Sutliff.
Jo.-iah Fritz.
ltcdmau Bctterly,
Secret ij-
On motion of T. Q. A. Stevens, the pro
ceedings oi the meeting held at Blooms
burg, on the lflth u't., wero road, and the
resolutions with Col. L. L. Tate's lettrr,
were unanimously adopted. Tho meeting
- , was addressed hy Uren Vark,liq., and
wiiu sironj; union sentimcnis.
. ..i , ...
loaf right on tho I'niou.
! On motion of T. Q. A. Stevens, that a
CW ' 1110 lwnut" 1,0 fur"':'hd to each
01 luc couwi I'1!11-'") "nu a request that
'hoy be published at She earliest convenient
00 1 -- -..-.
on Tho Mooting on Friday Evening
Pursuant to adjournment another meet
ing was held in the Court House, on Fri-
I TovomuG Iho VtesliieDt being absent
Col. Levi L. Tate, was called to the chair
On taking the chair ho mado a few very
scription, Mr. Neal reported SI 032.00
subscribed, about 8717.00 of which had
been paid in
Further subscriptions were then taken.
Addresses wero made by George Martz,
i'm Neal, C. B. Brockway and Col, John
. b rceze. After singing tho "Star Span
gled Banner" by Mr. Dichl, tho meeting
adjourned to Saturday evening.
The meeting on Saturday evening was
pretty well attonded. The President, Mr.
Clark, having just returuod from Harris
burg, made a statement of tho result of
his interview with tho Govarnor, in behalf j
of tho volunteers of this county, which
was to tho efl'cct that they would bo accep
ted so soon as a new requisition was mado
for moro troops from this Commonwealth.
But little other business was transacted.
Adjourned subject to the call of the Pres
ident. Tuoora in Washington'. Tho Wash
ington correspondent of Forney's Press
says there arc now 25,000 troops in that
A diver, of Kingston, Jamaica, re
cently rccorcrcd a thousand dollars worth
of ivory from a ship sunk in tho harhor of
that city oyer one hundred years tgo.
fiay Ei'Picsidcnt Buchanan has aub-
ecrihed frOUOO for the war.
Tiie best adhenaivo laid you can put '
upon luggage is lo stick yourself to it.
A case cf L'tgut
Moulin' Stwding cured by Hecrhuv;
Ma,l( Wim,M,0IIAEf, Keli.v N ,
n7 gOYOntl,, near Grant Street, say
.., . - ,' ... .
iiT.nat.Tnlv. whilo runnina on tho r
on a cotton-boat plying uotweon riir
and Now Orloans, I was takon with V
JJAfi or long 4
l, mrtat this time I was unable to
'"" upoujr ..'
no ami utters, saving mat -" "s
. . ' -
fter taking it for ono week,
I must stato, I was a sound man. i navo
been at work now for two weeks, nnd havo
had no return of tho Chills and Fever
Whatever." (
I certify that the above stateinont is (run
Dianlond House, oY at 11. Cluster's
Gothic Hall.
Special Notices.,
Tho Whit ft Halt Clothing Store
The undersigned, Jul-lnj purchased tho wrll Vnowu
WhlWlIatl Clothhifr Urtiporliim," fltnato on the SoatL
West Crncr of t'ourlh ami 51arkt titrcct. rhlladclph
respectfully Inform IhopuMlc nnil funner cmtincr i
the IIouic,tiint ho kcrps constantly fur eale ahd inaK
tip to order, all dcscrlptrtn of Oentlcmen' wear, uf
proved material and iqiis m tiy modomto prlc
,ine a rcTiciL Tiao, tic gaarintcoi good m
wtllmado Unrmenti. Blrict attenllon given tojo
lit, ate
A mnltmtation of ttie custom of llic houie, which h
win '1'arJ noialn to merit. Ii very respectfully int,
ted. r. a. L.KVICK
ilia) I, IrGI.-y
R-J-THOMAS V. M ATTM)N IlcrfWe.! tit. I'r
MnlM nl Iho Wortd'n Fair In Lnmlnn fnrTUL
CARl'CT HA(IS, llontg, ulinfn nnd (limn. (Iri'iit inane
mcnta arc now onurori in jmrcn.isprft m iiio nuovi irtt
ctes. Thi ii much tlic lirprst stuck nf iruiiL. Curpii
llaes, V'nlices. A.C., in riulndotpltta mry rlienp for ib
No. 4UJ .Market atrct'l, nne Ouor noovc 4tli, 8otk Uv
I)n Diipouco's Golden Tills for Pcmalr
litfalhblt in terrrttinft rfgulnUng and removing ai
$ltuCliOn,jrom vnairver cor, ana uivagt
wtc fitful as a prtcenttvf.
Tho CnmMiinllnri tf initretllcnti in Dr. Dupm -n
(iiildeii Fills hit iiaficlly li.irmIo. Tliey imi I
uied intli'.' Fri vatu practice nf old Dr. Dupoiicn forth
tliirty )cars, and tlniiisaiuls uf Indies cau U-Mif
their crt-at iiikI never fitlfnc rnccnsi in almost (.
fa, in tnrfectiti? irfognlaritlt'S, rdioinir painful ,
disIrci'Hiiiji incimtruitti'in. particularly at tin; rhaitc.
life. Frtiin five to tni pilli u ill euro tliat comtnou .'
dreadful umiplnint, tlu White. Icnrly ecry fu
In tlic l.tmi niiU-rrt from tins complaint. The. above
liun perinanuRtly cur d tlnmsaHit, and will cur'
jmi use the in. They cannot liiirin you, on tlwt contr
thsy reiiwu'o 1 olHtrnctiuu, restore nature, toite in
vrclntiiiul. nnd iiivl(jiniio the whole )loni Lki
w hose hrnlih will not permit an incnano ofi'ut.i
will find thene pills a urccsftlt preenllve.
Thvsu Fills tlimiid not he taken during th first tii
ninntliH nf prejinniicy, ns thfy are sure to tiring ou i.
CArrianc; Imt tit any other time thy are safe.
l'rice, .$1 per but. to!J. ulioleoale and retail, tv
0 M. IIAtiiiNKUCU, Hrugzut
Hole anon t for Illunmpburic. 1
To whom aM orders louft tm cent. Indies I by n
i ni; Hun SI.UO tn th ItlooiiuImrK Fost OtTice, run h
Htfce piii sent louny yart oi in conuiry, (conna i
ly)nnd "tree of FMtiuf ly mail. Sold also ky
(lank &. Vo. Danvilli 3. Fry, Tamn-pia, J. A. '
Mnnch t'hnnk, and b5mc llruggjlit ia cvcryTuwt
city In the United'4.
N It. Jiok out for counterfeit. HtfyrhGoMe
of anil kiinl, unless pic! ton is tfigncd X D. 1 1 owe
nilxirs aiu a has' nitsitii urnt UrTc, then for
you t atue )nur lif nnd health. (lt.y fiothhf
iiiKhutiiMiKvcd out of jnur nioiity',) buy only of
wh'i show the eU'imture of H, D, Down u mt
which has rm-iitly bjfn aIdt.d, on account of a
cuuutirfeitofthc Will!,
8. D HOWE.
Sole I'roprutor, New .
V c.2:, 1-G0-1J'
tJnlformlry of Tricos t A Vvw Frnttmin Uu
Krcjy nne hb own tfalesmaii JOM'.H fc CO
Crenuit One Fn ra Clothing Stortf, No. SJU Murk
alnne dith. l'hi mleilna.
In ndilitioii to Jwvtni; ttui lardot, most ut
fjihinable stork o. ClojWim in PJulnilu pl-n. . ,
pr'puly for retail i)lestAc fonjtrinViit , t
itwix s-ih'hunii,hy hariiiK nvirketl ni tfaurc.
tide at thcVery lnfst vrire.-t ran In art'1
caiiiiiit pos-ib y vary -nil mut tiy nhk .
'j tie shIh iin; well njmtujcd and prt'
pains taken with th nt.ikiug s that all rait' -full
insurance of fitting u L'ood uiiitlo ut th .
i t (irice. A I a la rite stock of pn-ce gmnt
tlu Intent fyn anil hen! fiialith, w hie 6 wih j
to order. In Iks iiio.t fanliionablo and i
per cent., below credit prices.
Iteitiembi'i the IVecuit, iii.Maikct,aloe Fjj
.Vo..'U0. JOXtb .
Tits fiHrT t'LoiiriHn llMiTmint or is
l'liilaJclpliiii puieasi'ti tlie most splendid Ch
poriouiu in the country. It is spienpid un r e -pulatiitl
vlructiire in which the immense busir
t'ktahlUhliXMit Is conducted, and it it eiunlly s
rtipert to its ereat facilities and ml reurti
its p-itrons its cUm f attr.K lions ure, first th
of the carni-nts for Gentlemen and Youths, ar
tured tlitire , ttecAiidIy,the beauty nnd tlurnMlir
materia U, and the superior iiCLllrnro if th
l.istlj the moderate prices at which the (rood
We nfer. in thin iiesiripiimi, in none gther ' :
Ilrown Stotu CJothiujr Hall "f Ilifkhill Sl VIU "
(()3 aud ti)."tCheiiut tucl, 1'hiludi.lphiii.
mIYriagesT" "
HytlieKcv John Huiton, April H, la YW, ,
twpv, Columbia roJiuty.Mvntu IK ArruyN.
tul co. to Mii lAtv ii Tiuu-.uf Falnnouut. j.
Iu Uiiigtown.ychujlkillroiinty, on luejl, , . .
Kev i U.ilil, Mr Jmob lUnnbit, to .Mi art S...
SruntR, both tfthc former place.
In Mull in tounahip, Columbia ronnty, on t
by tbfl am. M. HatL lUssV, of Nescopeik, ' .
county, todies Lwu CtiKtsf, of thu former p'
In llerwick, nt Ii. Knkc's hotel, on tho UIs.
tie same, Mr WfLt.ioioi KitavUK, tu Mis r
Loa, both of llloomsburs.
Iu the e .in io place, on tlic lUtlinst by tho
fttnLoN Ficiiii u f Northaintoucuiiuty, lo M . .
UuLja.hoLu ofllcrnick.
In Maine township, Columbia co., nn Iho .
.Mr. J ai ou (jLAKiiiKT, aged about 4(1 j far a.
At his residence, in Huntington, coun
luh niit.,Ue. btiTiMis Uto,v( m t;t,j.
Nctu SVDucrJisuiui
xijwIeweluy sto :.e.
qMIE undcriigneJ. ruicctfully inform, l '
X Ulooiiubujs, J Itic public genctillr, .'
taMl.lisil a new SMro, cu .Maiu glrml. I,.. ,
Mr,. Lcacuck'. Hiuidiiig, uhcru liodler. :
inodcrati! ttnin, alarsiliiiortnicnt if-
CLUUKU, WA'lcilKSiyjF, ' '
Of evcrjr oft. and tizc and dtacrh'tio-,
utoikol Jcuili i. rumiilclc. inclumnj
lariclyorudlu. uX licnllcieu'. Mi .
C'liaina. LorkeU. Uruastpina. tiDvr-riu. .
lo Uiu tiaraiualion uf tiicli hu invites II. i l.
ally. 1
u- eirict attcuiion tivou lo rci.airiliv l
un I Jeuclry. aud all wotk nuiauu
Hloomiburs, Miy 4. 18M if.
W.M h.
I I F E Olt 1) K A T it
IT I K subscribers take pleasuro in a' nn"n"
they are now prepared t mall (fnel it
Uu copy of an important lilllo woik, c I
llraiupton entitled "'Ac Iiivalidt .Vf - V-
publiihcd for tua heueiit, and t a v-.n t.g
men und pursuits who sutler froai ,rrui t
Maturt Uttaif, tVc, &.c supplying tlic i
The reader is irresistibly lid to cuipuc fa
with anitrnubW diath, r, loss not a moment, but dii -
acopy of thii Imlg work. Address 1 :
VK. JulIN" It. O . "
. , . 6i &.00 John; , law i
April 57, leei-Dm.
Edate of Jacob Gear ha
TVOT1CE is hereby given that Uf -XI
tion on tho csutuof Jacob Gtb . L
lQvnhip, Columbia county, decuas '
idbytheRosisterurtaidtoutityio jj ,
resides in Cattawissa tow nshipCuI jii -c .n
hd(ug cluluis or demands agdisi . .
cedeiitorere'iuenedtuprchciit tlu .i . i L a.
thoee-iadtbud to make paptuiui w.v., t
May 4, Hil Ct. J ' . t
t'ailaivlisa Kail ho .
PASS UUI'EUT BI ." ' ti.
riulidtlibu i N. y. Mail . j , 1 ,
" " Kipreiii ' ,
" " rmKiit is
Noirmv.uiD uou.2s tkasu
lilmlta Mail
NlagT4 Cprci , i
Ml). t, 1Jr,
II t UvUu '
Ii'evkii and Aoue.'